• A conspiracy so that the man doesn’t have a hard time. Conspiracies against cheating husband or boyfriend - so as not to stand on your mistress


    Conspiracy magic helps to improve family relationships. To prevent a man from going to another woman, a ritual is used that binds the partner only to his wife. A conspiracy so that a man does not have a relationship with other women will help restore relationships that have deteriorated due to constant betrayal. With the help of magic, it will be possible to strengthen the family, calm the unfaithful partner and return peace to the house.

    Spell magic to strengthen relationships

    A conspiracy is a safe way to improve relations between spouses. No man or woman suffers from such magic. Legal spouse directs energy to the right direction: This is a forced measure, without which it will not be possible to save the family. A spell on the potency and desire of the husband allows you to return passion to the relationship. If a man has a craving for his own wife, he is not interested in another woman.

    The hex works gradually. Neither the man nor his mistress has any suspicions. Day after day, the husband overestimates the existing relationship. He is no longer drawn to adventure or search for passion, he wants to be close to his wife, spend time with her. A woman who reads a spell for certain attributes - things that enhance the work of the ritual - becomes desirable.

    How it works

    A man and a woman have their own energy - this is the force that controls a person. When a wife ceases to be an object of desire, her source of strength disappears: she no longer fills her husband, and the husband begins to look for the source on the side. In such cases, magic is the impetus for restoring the right relationship.

    After reading the plot, the energy flows in the spouses’ home change: the man seems to re-evaluate the woman, revealing her sexuality and attractiveness.

    Magic does not change the order of things, but affects the perception of what spouses have long been accustomed to. Physiologically, a man wants only his wife and cannot get enough of her. This effect of conspiracies helps to preserve and strengthen the family.

    Slanders on husband's fidelity

    Boner spells are used only in some situations. This strong magic, which is best used in case of emergency. Reasons for turning to such magic:

    • spouse's infidelity;
    • lack of sex life between spouses - both partners have lost their former fervor;
    • age-related changes - it is difficult for a husband to get aroused and fulfill his marital duty.

    When a husband is attracted to other women, he begins to lie. Betrayal based on infidelity destroys a family. To keep your partner away from other women is to save the relationship.

    Rituals are carried out without the participation of the husband - this is an important condition that ensures the safety of both the victim of attachment and the conspirator herself.

    Types of impact

    The ritual is selected according to the purpose of the conspirator. If she can forgive her unfaithful spouse, then after untethering from the homewrecker, she needs to bond with her spouse. If the wife’s goal is revenge, she performs a simple ritual of untying so that the traitor’s penis does not become erect. You need to use rituals carefully: if you influence your spouse’s potency, it will be difficult to correct the situation in the future. Used to punish a spouse and restore family relations rituals of black and white magic. The following days are suitable for fidelity rituals:

    • Full Moon;
    • men's;
    • eve of major Orthodox holidays.

    If black magic is aimed at destroying relationships (a man lives with other women), a favorable period for conducting a secret ritual is the waning moon. The heavenly body will destroy everything that burdens the conspirator, torments and torments her.

    If the spouse needs to be returned to the family without serious consequences, the rituals are performed on the waxing moon (the celestial body will help strengthen the union and contribute to all new beginnings). Effective rituals include binding the causal place, binding for fidelity, ritual for the “bone-on” and untying from the mistress.

    Binding the causal place

    Binding the causal place makes it so that the man's penis stands only on his wife. There is a ritual in reverse side: A man will not have an erection for his mistress. For the ritual, any underwear of the spouse is used, or better yet, underwear that he often wears. The thing is prepared because it is a universal conductor that stores the energy of the conspiracy. To ensure that your loved one's penis is erect, the ritual is performed at night.

    Until the sun sets, secret magical actions are not carried out. For additional protection, the conspirator prepares an amulet and charms it on the eve of the main ritual:

    “Let my husband stand on another one, it will be useful to me. To protect me I call for strength, for another I call for weakness. I'm like water off a duck's back, nothing will happen to me. Amen".

    An amulet can be a gift from a husband or favorite decoration: it is not removed until the charmed person returns to his wife.

    Preparation for the ceremony

    Preparation for the ritual begins a few days before the reading of the plot. It is necessary to prepare all the magical attributes without haste, choose the man’s underwear and hide it so that the owner does not find out anything. Additional magical attributes:

    • church candles (three are brought from the morning service);
    • 2 red candles bought in a magic shop;
    • a metal container in which the candle wax will be heated;
    • photograph of a man (it is better to choose a group photo of the spouses);
    • a piece of red woolen thread;
    • sewing needles;
    • regular envelope.

    Candles are selected from pure wax without fragrances. Containers are needed without decorations or additional elements. The envelope must be large, without stamps or other markings. You can make it yourself to simplify the process of preparing magical attributes.

    An hour before midnight, the conspirator takes a bath - she needs to cleanse herself and calm her disturbing thoughts. For the ritual, light-colored clothing below the knee is worn. Magical attributes are laid out on the table: candles are set on fire, and a photo of a man is left in the center. You need to make one large roller from church candles, which should outwardly resemble the male genital organ (the candles are pre-softened).

    Reading the plot

    The conspirator takes a photo of her husband in her hands, holds a wax attribute in the other and pronounces the words of the conspiracy:

    “As your mother gave birth, as your grandmother midwifed, as your umbilical cord kept you tied to your womb, so let all your strength come to me. They flow to my bosom. And if another woman was lying next to her, so that nothing would move!”

    The slander is repeated three times. After the ritual, you need to make a binding to your wife. To do this, the enchanted photo of a man is combined with a photo of a woman, and the wax craft is tied with red thread.

    The conspirator pronounces a new conspiracy:

    “This is how I close your mind, your body, your flesh. Don't wander around, all your strength, your husband's strength is on me, in me, and only for me! Amen!".

    Using needles, the photos are pinned to each other, placed in an envelope, and sealed with wax. Such a craft is kept in a secluded place so that no one will find it. While the envelope is hidden, the man will only be drawn to the conspirator.

    Suspension of spouse's fidelity

    A powerful ritual that helps bind a husband for at least a year is performed using his shirt. The wearable item stores the energy of the spouse who left the family of his own free will. Strong rite it's better to spend it under big Orthodox holiday, then it will work faster.

    Such a ritual helps restore even those relationships that ended in divorce. The ritual is carried out without witnesses: what less people knows about it, the faster it will work. To strengthen the conspiracy, the wearable item must be returned to the spouse as quickly as possible so that he does not notice the loss.

    Preparation for the ceremony

    A woman must wash her underwear by hand, in the process she needs to think about intimacy with her husband, after this the shirt is dried over an open fire, the wet item can be supported over a candle, after which it is taken outside, where it is completely dried. No one should see her, so the conspirator hangs the shirt in a secluded place.

    Carrying out

    A spell is read for a drying shirt. The woman waits until the sun sets and then says the following text:

    “I, the servant of God (name), stood under the crown with my husband, holding the Holy crown on my head. Now stick with him and don’t leave, don’t wander around without me, don’t know life. From now on and forever, for all bright times. Amen".

    As soon as the shirt dries, the conspirator wears it for at least a day. You cannot wear underwear under such a thing. After this, the shirt is returned to the husband. As soon as the spouse puts on the enchanted item, he will be drawn to the conspirator. He will be eager to meet, no other woman will be interesting to him.

    Ritual for the “standing”

    To ensure that a man has a permanent boner, special spells are used. This magic is suitable for couples in which passion has long faded away, and the man has started to have problems with potency. Conspiracies to make your husband's penis stand:

    • on a dirty T-shirt;
    • for food;
    • for proximity.

    Each of the rituals will help return the husband to the family. A ritual is used to prevent betrayal - the hard-on will be long and strong, but the husband will not try to leave (ritual for food). To be sure, a ritual is used with a shirt that cannot be washed.

    With a dirty t-shirt

    To make the husband have a hard-on, but only for his beloved wife, a dirty thing is used. This could be a regular shirt or T-shirt. The dirtiest item is chosen. Having waited until nightfall, the wife hangs it out so that the moonlight falls on it. The shirt should hang all night. The next morning the conspirator begins to read the words of the conspiracy:

    “Just as Peter and Fevronya lived peacefully, looked at each other with love and didn’t look around, so I wash my husband’s shirt and send him home. Amen".

    The ritual is repeated three nights in a row and the slander is repeated every morning. On the fourth day, the item is removed and washed (the conspirator does this manually). The ritual is used no more than three times a year.

    For food

    The food spell is one of the most popular. To make your husband stand, you need to mention your spouse’s favorite dish. The conspirator prepares the entire dinner on her own: while the food is being prepared, she thinks about her man, imagines their intimacy in the smallest detail. When your favorite dish is ready, the magic words are said:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (husband's name) gorge himself on my food, drink my water, so let homesickness consume him. And when he walks the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s yards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

    This spell can be used to charge salt or seasonings that are used for cooking. You need to read it by heart, without changing the order of words.

    Rituals during intimacy

    “The green berry sets your mouth on edge. There is no joy for the body or soul. Let the servant of God (spouse’s name) not bypass me, but bypass everything that is foreign and hateful to me. The key is locked in a lock, thrown into the sea, into the ocean. Amen!".

    The plot is repeated three times, after which the woman needs to fall asleep and not talk to anyone until the morning. The ritual takes effect instantly, with next day a man shows more attention to a woman, their sex life.

    Turning away from other women

    To ensure a long hard-on, but only with your wife, a red ribbon spell is used. Such a ritual cuts off a man’s path to his mistresses. The length of the segment must match the length of the penis of the man on whom the ritual is performed.

    The piece is placed under the pillow before going to bed (it is better to place the tape after intimacy with your partner). The next morning, the conspirator takes out the attribute and ties seven knots on it. The ritual is carried out without haste and without witnesses.

    Magic words

    You need to read the plot before dawn. Tying the knots, the conspirator says:

    “As long as my word is with you, peace will only be with me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

    The ribbon is kept until the woman needs a relationship with this man. To break, she will have to untie all the knots. The ribbon is hidden in a secluded place (it needs to be taken out once every three months and spoken again). It cannot be used: it should not catch the eye of a man. To make the boner caused by magic disappear, the ribbon is burned at the stake. This way a woman can take revenge on her mistress who took a man away from the family.


    Love magic comprehensively helps in building harmonious relations. If a man is unable to fulfill his marital duty or does not want to be faithful, a simple conspiracy is used to increase or decrease potency. For the ritual to work, a suitable day and attributes are selected that will strengthen the conspiracy. To get away from another woman, the underwear of an unfaithful spouse is useful, and to return former passion between partners you will need a candle and a photograph of your lover. To ensure that the ritual does not have negative consequences, a protective amulet is prepared in advance.

    At first, the sex life of newlyweds is filled with passion, but time can cool the burning desire. What needs to be done to make a husband want his beloved wife, what conspiracies help with this? Household magic offers many effective rituals. The best of them are presented to your attention.

    Love spells always help to get a man back into bed, but you must believe in a successful outcome. Seek help from the forces of light to avoid a rollback. Do not confuse the words and strictly follow the conditions of the ritual, try to maintain secrecy.

    For centuries, rural residents have been using conspiracies aimed at making a husband want his wife. If married guy lost interest in bed pleasures, feel free to take his linen and other personal belongings. There is no need to warn the faithful about the conspiracy - everything is carried out in the strictest secrecy.

    There are factors that influence the effectiveness of the spell cast. A woman who resorts to the help of otherworldly forces must remain faithful to her betrothed. Don’t forget to go to church - then the conspiracy will work quickly.

    Red Ribbon Ritual

    One of the most powerful spells to make a husband want a wife involves the use of a red silk ribbon. This item must be hidden in the marital bed under the sheet. Here is the further procedure:

    1. You wake up at dawn.
    2. Quietly remove the tape from under the sheet.
    3. Pass these objects over the lips of your sleeping spouse.
    4. Go out into another room and begin the main ritual.

    Once in the next room, weave the ribbon into your hair. Read the plot, take the ribbon out of your hair and hide it in a secluded corner. The text of the plot to make a man want you again looks like this:

    “In the morning I’ll wake up, go to an open field and look for my betrothed there. I’ll look in four directions and I won’t see anyone there. Spiritual wind, you are walking in the expanse of the steppe, help me find my hubby. When I return home again, my betrothed is lying there. Hubby was yearning, sad, and deeply missed without God’s Servant (name). I will hug you, accept you and caress you - everything will be so. Amen".

    Spell on linen

    To prevent your spouse from running away to his mistress and always satisfying you, use his underwear. Long johns or briefs will do (the main thing is that the spouse puts them on soon). The ritual is performed at dawn near the window - so that the first rays fall on men's underwear. Text of the spell (pronounced three times):

    “The deep water behind the dense forests is not from the earth, but from the woman. The island rises in the middle of the water, on that island a solid stone pillar is erected - it does not bend or break, it rises to the heavens. The sun came out and heated the pillar red hot. That is not a pillar, but a living pillar of my betrothed (the name is called). Let the pillar always look at me, but the man wants a sugar body. Under the key words, for the dead man that key is in the coffin.”

    Powerful sexual connection

    If you want to discourage a man from having fun with other women and attract him to you, use a sexual spell. First, prepare a dish with spicy meat for your husband. Stealthily cast a spell on the food:

    “The house is buried under the gravestone, the old devil fell asleep under that house. I will not be afraid of the unclean, I will turn to him with a bow and a request. I burn with heat, I passionately desire my husband. Let the male root not be afraid of me; let it rise up and strengthen itself before my flesh. My speeches are as strong as a falcon’s claws.”

    This connection is made only in extreme cases, since the recipient of the conspiracy is devilry. To avoid backsliding, pray fervently for three days after the ritual. Ask God for intercession in the face of otherworldly darkness.

    Ritual in a country house

    If you have a dacha or country house, this ritual will be very effective. To conduct it, always take a large needle into nature. Procedure:

    1. As you approach the dark area, draw a needle around it (in a clockwise direction).
    2. Do the second circle in the opposite direction.
    3. Insert the needle into the center of the wet circle.
    4. Read the plot.

    If you have been looking for a long time for what to do to make your husband want a wife, this plot will be perfect. But remember: the needle must be inserted with the eye down (after magical actions, the needle is not removed from the ground). Say the spell text three times:

    “My beloved girlfriends, let your husband turn to you with a golden ring, and to me (the name is called) with his hard end.”

    The best sexy suckers

    The section of household magic aimed at maintaining the husband’s fading interest in his wife is called sexual attraction. Do you suffer from a lack of sex life, do you suspect your husband of cheating? Then speak the marriage bed. Here's the procedure:

    1. Take off your clothes.
    2. Climb into bed.
    3. Spread in different sides hands.
    4. Make three claps and say a spell.

    This set of magical actions will lead to your beloved completely forgetting about his rival. It is better to read the plot for the growing month, and do not wash the clothes you were originally wearing. Spell text:

    “Let the legs of God’s servant (name be called) tremble, his lips dry, and his nature be drawn only to his beloved wife (name). My word is strong. Amen".

    Drinking with wine

    Sexual attraction increases many times over if a woman performs a ritual with wine. Arrange for your betrothed romantic dinner, but before that, say an alcoholic drink. You need to read the prayer in a secluded place before the meal. You will have to wait at least 4-5 days for the result, after which your spouse will be inflamed with sudden passion for you. The text of the prayer is:

    “I enchant the intoxicating wine and seal it with a strong spell. As soon as my beloved (name is called) takes a sip, he will immediately jump on me. From now on, my betrothed will not imagine life without (state your name). Days and nights his thoughts are only about me. My flesh loves my wife, I will always awaken passion. Amen".

    Rituals using underwear, sheets or wine are particularly powerful. Please note: it is best to carry them out during the waxing moon, at sunrise. Practicing magicians prohibit drying for women who are menstruating during the ritual. Follow our instructions strictly, and your spouse will constantly delight you with his attention.

    Knowing that you have to share your loved one with someone else is an unbearable torment. Unfortunately, girls and women often face betrayal by their chosen ones.

    What to do when it’s impossible to hush up the pain, but you don’t want to break up because you love someone or you have a family?

    How to discourage your loved one from walking “to the left”? When all conventional methods have been tried help will come love magic– conspiracies against cheating husband or boyfriend.

    Features of love conspiracies

    Love magic can have a very strong influence on a person, so resort to it only if nothing else helps, and don’t break up the best way out in your situation.

    Beginning serious relationship, your chosen one did not plan to cheat, at least this happens most often, so the magical effect will not come into conflict with his personality. Perhaps the betrayal happened by chance or there was a purposeful homewrecker next to him. In such a situation, there should be no negative consequences from the use of magic.

    If you have always noticed longing glances at other girls behind your husband or boyfriend and have repeatedly accused him of cheating, then the conspiracy here will most likely come into conflict with the personality of the person being conspired and Negative consequences can appear. Therefore, carefully weigh the pros and cons.

    Rules for reading conspiracies against cheating on a husband or boyfriend:

    Simple conspiracies against treason

    If your husband or boyfriend is constantly looking to the side, then you can resort to simple rituals that will keep your loved one from cheating.

    So, to prevent your fiancé from cheating, take his worn shirt or T-shirt and do not wash it. You need to hang your clothes so that the moon shines on them at night.

    Let it hang for three nights in a row, then take it off and wash it on your hands, saying the words of the conspiracy:

    “How Peter and Fevronya lived peacefully, looked at each other with love and did not look around. So I wash my husband’s shirt, take him home, wash away his lustful nonsense. My words are strong, my deeds are faithful. Amen".

    There are even more easy way keep your loved one from cheating - talk the tape. Buy a red ribbon and cut it so that the length is approximately the same as the length of your husband's or young man's penis.

    Place a piece of tape under the pillow, it should lie there during your sexual intimacy. In the morning, tie seven knots on the ribbon - they will be the key to your loved one’s fidelity.

    If you want to end the relationship, you need to untie the knots and straighten the ribbon - the effect of the ritual should disappear.

    You can use daily simple conspiracies for loyalty to a loved one, for example, when preparing dinner, whisper the words over the food:

    Let the servant of God (name) eat - he is full, he drinks - he gets drunk, and when he has eaten, let homesickness consume him and not let him leave the threshold, let his family yearn for his family, let his lawful wife (name) have mercy. And when he walks the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s yards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. So that homesickness would torment him both during the day, noon, and at night, midnight. From now on and forever and ever.

    You can also, after sexual intimacy at night, cross your loved one and mentally say:

    “The green berry sets your mouth on edge. There is no joy for the body or soul. Let every woman be displeased with my beloved and desired, God's servant (name). The key is locked in a lock, thrown into the sea - into the ocean. Amen!".

    Spell on clothes

    A very simple ritual that will protect your loved one from betrayal. Wash his things in your hands and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “I, the servant of God (name), born of Mother,

    In church she was baptized by her godfather and her godfather.

    Standing under the crown with (such and such)

    She held a Holy crown on her head.

    Hold, Mother of God, my hubby,

    (So ​​and so) a baptized servant of God.

    Hold him and don't let him go

    Don't let us walk around with fools.

    From now on and forever,

    For all the bright times.

    Hang your clothes to dry outside so that the wind blows on them.

    As soon as your loved one puts on these things, when escorting him out of the house, whisper after him:

    “As long as my word is with you, your peace will always be with me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Water spell

    A simple water spell will help you make your loved one come to their senses and spend more time with you and your family. Take a glass of water and say the words of the conspiracy into it:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    The water boils, the water stands still, the water dries.

    Like the sun and moon drying water,

    How the fast winds dry it

    All twenty-four hours

    All day per diem,

    So this water would dry

    My husband, God's servant (name).

    Take sips of it, drink it,

    Don’t forget me, God’s servant (name).

    Just as nature cannot exist without water,

    Just as people and livestock cannot live without water,

    So that the servant of God (name) too

    I couldn’t get to my feet, get up,

    To be managed in work and service,

    Sit, walk, stand, hold your head

    Without me, servant of God (name).

    There is a feocleaf in an open field,

    Yes, everything has dried up, everything has died out

    During the day in the sun, at night under the moon.

    So it is for me, God’s servant (name),

    Let him dry and be bored,

    The servant of God (name) sighs and suffers.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

    After this, under the usual pretext, give water to your husband or your young man. Enchanted water can also set the chosen one on the right path, discourage him from unnecessary gatherings with friends, and return him to the house.

    Ritual for underwear

    Very strong conspiracy against betrayal of a loved one, it is suitable both in cases where the fact of betrayal has already been proven, as well as “for prevention” in case of a long separation, for example, a business trip. Whether you are husband and wife or loving couple– there is a connection between you, including on a sexual level.

    If you want your betrothed to have such a connection only with you, you can perform a ceremony using his underwear.

    You will need:

    • Your chosen one’s panties, no matter what, choose those that he can put on in the morning;
    • One candle.

    Stay home alone and turn off the lights, nothing and no one should distract you. Light a candle and focus on the flame for a while, this is necessary for the appropriate mood. Clear your head, nothing should worry you, not even betrayal, think about your beloved husband or boyfriend, oh happy relationship and a bright future together. Once you feel that you are in the mood, you can start. Pick up your underwear and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “From now on, the servant of God (husband’s name), no matter who you desire, and all your desires will return to the servant of God (your name). All other women will fight off these desires and they will all return to me. You won’t have a mistress, you won’t fall in love with your mistress, you’ll spend all your libido on me. Our love will become stronger when you release all your passion on me, our love will become better when you turn all your attention to me. You should only be with me, you will love only me passionately. I can’t force it, but I can easily start talking. My strong words penetrate the soul, my well-aimed words hit like an arrow. You don’t feel desire for any girl except me. You will not turn out to be a traitor, only a faithful and honest husband. Our relationship is pure, our relationship is passionate, all your thoughts are at home, with me. My words are strong, my words penetrate your soul.”

    After this, hold the enchanted object in your hands for a couple of minutes. It is necessary for your chosen one to wear this particular piece of underwear the next morning. In the evening, to consolidate the effect, make love.

    This ritual is very effective, use it only if you want to be with a person for a very long time, or better yet, always, because it is difficult to reverse the magical effect of this ritual.

    Ritual against cheating husband

    This ritual is suitable for both a married couple and those living together in a civil marriage. It should be carried out if the husband has constant mistress. Perform all actions secretly.

    To carry out the ritual, prepare in advance an armful of grass - sedge, from which you need to make a broom. You need to speak to the broom, and then sweep the house with it twice a day for seven days.

    To complete it in one week, start on Monday. After you have swept the whole house, fill a bucket or basin with water, add it and wash the floor.

    After seven days have passed, burn the broom.

    Conspiracy words:

    “Just as sedge broom does not stand, so let it not stand on the servant of God (name): neither on the old, nor on the young, nor on widows and nor on girls. Not for those who are overweight, (name) in business, nor for those who are thin, nor for those who are cheerful, nor for those who are sad, nor for those who are dark, nor for those who are fair-haired, nor for those who are gray-haired, and in the whole world for none. Besides me, his wife, God’s servant (name).”

    Conspiracy with the icon of the Virgin Mary

    A very strong conspiracy will only help the couple who got married in the church. If in family life discord has arisen due to the sinful actions of the spouse, you need to ask the Saints for help. Go to church seven times, take the icon of the Mother of God with you and pray.

    After this, at night, no later than three o’clock, alone, pronounce the words of the spell three times on the icon:

    “How I, the servant of God (name), was baptized in church with my dear mother, and with my godmother, and with the Mother of the Lord. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, for the sake of baptism, grant me forgiveness. Please help me, bring my husband back to me.”

    Place the icon in your shared bedroom, it will protect your husband from sin, and if you have a permanent mistress, she will soon leave your life.

    Ring spell

    Wedding rings are a symbol of love and fidelity; a ritual using them will help you find and maintain family happiness for many years.

    Take two wedding rings and tie them with red thread. Immerse them in a glass of holy water for three days. You need to say the words of the conspiracy into the glass:

    “Just as these rings are together, so the servant of God (or the husband’s name) and the servant of God (name) will be together. Let neither insults, nor quarrels, nor crooked conversations, nor illnesses, nor evil people, nor the damned demon separate us. As she said, so it will be for many years and forever. Amen".

    After three days, take out the rings and put them on a church candle, light it. While the candle is burning, you need to pray for family well-being until the candle burns out completely.

    Conspiracy for “male power”

    It's very strong magic ritual which has a long lasting effect. If you are not a legal wife, do not resort to him - you will bring trouble on yourself and harm the man’s health.

    After carrying out such a ritual, your husband will not “stand” on other women. To perform the ceremony you will need wax; it can be melted from church candles.

    Wait until sunset and mold an erect penis out of wax, then whisper the words of the spell onto it:

    “From now on, you are called to be a member of my husband, the servant of God (husband’s name). Amen".

    Place it under the marital bed and make love to your husband at night so that your partner remains satisfied.

    In the morning, take the wax penis out from under the bed and go to the nearest park or forest, dig a hole and put the plot object in it with the words:

    “I dug a hole so that my husband, God’s servant (husband’s name), would not stand on others. Just as I fill a hole with earth, my husband will only stand up for me, the servant of God (my name). And let it be so, from now on and as long as we live with him. Amen".

    Say the text of the plot three times, and then cover the wax figurine with earth. The ritual is completed, now your husband will have sexual intimacy only with you.

    Remember that any magical effect on a person can lead to possible negative consequences. Make sure you comply with everything feminine tricks to maintain your loved one’s interest in you:

    • You are always well-groomed and tidy;
    • You always support your loved one and are ready to help;
    • There is no place for negativity and swearing in your home;
    • You are emotionally attuned to love and well-being, radiating tenderness and goodness.

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    If you are approached with a request to take your husband away from your rival, ask for proof that we are talking about this woman’s husband, so as not to bring trouble to someone’s home.

    Tell your wife to change three rubles into small change and let her give alms in three places to different people. After this, take the shirt of the lascivious husband and leave it in your house for three days.

    These three days your wife should not come to you. Hang a shirt turned inside out on a nail, and go up to it every night and say:

    Your house, your threshold, your bed, your wife. Amen.

    When returning the shirt to your wife, order her to find an opportunity to let her husband put on this shirt right away.

    So that the husband misses his wife

    Talk about some gift or thing that he will have later. The slander is this:

    You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, you wouldn’t have peace and urine without your slave (name of your wife). Amen.

    If your husband was planning to leave you for someone else

    If you had a conversation with your husband that he will soon leave you, or you yourself know this, do not be upset, give him the spoken water or food.

    For bread, for water
    Neither on a clear day nor in bad weather.
    So that the slave (name) does not find a place for himself
    on the road, on the way.
    So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry,
    Dreams called home to slave (name) back.
    The word is firm and will last forever.

    If your husband left you

    If your husband has already left you, but there are still his things in the house, you need to do this: take his thing, cross yourself, put it under the mattress where he used to sleep with you, and after 12 at night read the hex at the bedside:

    She took the thing from her body, removed it from her eyes for 7 days, put it under the mat, and asked the sorceress to help. Matitsa, turn over, slave (name), return home. Amen.

    Do not touch the item for seven days and read the hex for seven days. If the husband returns before 7 days, the item cannot be taken out until the end of the week - until Monday.

    So that your husband cannot sleep with anyone but you

    If your husband likes to party, you can make sure that nothing works out for him with anyone.

    To do this, you need to take a hair from the gelding's mane and thread it, along with an elastic band, into his underpants, while reading the hex.

    A gelding has no bones equal to any mare, neither black nor bay.
    From a nimble sorcerer, from a damask knife, so that the slave (name) does not have a stiff vein, a white body. Not for any slave except me:
    Not on the dark
    Not for the light
    Not even smart
    Not a patchwork one,
    Not on a windy day,
    Not to the oncoming one,
    Not on the transverse
    From now on forever. Forever and ever.

    So that nothing happens between the husband and the other woman in bed

    Just as a brownie cannot cheat on his house, his floor, his wall, so with not a single slave, nor with a beauty, nor with a pockmarked woman, my dear will not cheat on me. Amen.

    They read to themselves during love affairs.

    So that the husband does not walk

    Take a hair from the gelding's mane, slander the hair, then burn it, put the ashes in the pocket of the husband who is walking away from his wife. Read after sunset:

    They brought the young stallion (name) out into the field, and when they returned him, they turned him into a gelding. That gelding does not run, the gelding's vein is not worth a single mare, and the slave (name) is not worth a single young woman, neither light nor dark, neither sad nor cheerful, from now on and forever. Amen.

    For the husband's return to the house

    If your husband left you, buy a candle and light it while reading.

    How I, the servant of God (name), was baptized in church with my dear mother, and with my godmother, and with the Mother of the Lord. Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, for the sake of baptism, grant me forgiveness. Please help me, bring my husband back to me. Amen.

    So that the husband does not walk

    They collect cobwebs in the forest on aspen trees. They collect by going into the forest three times, for three days in a row.

    There are trees in the forest, an aspen grows there, a spider lives on it, it weaves a web. The spider wove traps for the servant of God (name).
    Boil, web, boil, turn yourself into a net, so that my husband does not walk with girls, with women, neither in the morning, nor in the afternoon, nor in the evening, nor from midnight until the morning.
    Just like a spider sits in its web, so the slave (name) would sit in my house, would not leave me anywhere, would still admire me.

    Whisper in the back

    Little devil brothers, stand behind the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Footprint after footstep, step by step, don’t lag behind and don’t leave behind, remind me of me. So that he knows and remembers my name and never forgets. Amen.

    Whispers on the threshold

    Go where you went, you will still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen.

    Whispers in bed

    You are a Leo, I am your Lioness, you are my Dove, I am your Dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything else. Amen.

    To quarrel between the husband and the homewrecker to return to the family

    I will take the heart of God’s servant (name), and carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state.
    So that the slave (name) does not love the slave (name), cools his heart, does not carry her in his heart.
    In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove. The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice.

    So the servant of God (name) would fight and pinch, get angry and curse with the servant of God (name), he wouldn’t think twice, he wouldn’t give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen.

    Spell for husband's love (for salt)

    They read for salt so that they can add salt to food for their husband.

    Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so that my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, a minute passes, he would still follow me and admire me. Amen.

    Spell on the castle

    Buy a new lock, lock it with the key, while saying a spell, throw away the key.

    Just as no one will open this lock without a key, no one will separate you and me. Amen.

    If your husband is under a love spell

    If you find in the forest a young tree of any tree that reaches your waist in height, break it at the root and say:

    As I break this tree, all the affairs of the slave (name of his mistress) are broken. Just as this tree doesn’t bloom this year, her business won’t go well. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The husband is steaming in the bathhouse, wiping the sweat from his face with a handkerchief. After 3 days, he wipes his wife’s face with this handkerchief, saying a slander to himself.

    Just as I, the servant of God, sweat boils and burns, my heart beats for the servant (name), so would the servant of God (name), my wife, have a heart that boiled and burned for me days and nights, hours and minutes, months and years as long as I live. Amen.

    So that the husband loves and does not walk away from his wife

    Add salt to your husband's food with this curse. He will love you and will never take sides.

    The salt of the earth was given by God, I was told from the betrayal of God's servant (name), so that my husband would love me more than life itself and never leave me. Key, lock, salt on the threshold. Amen.

    So that you don’t eat or drink from other people’s women

    With this slander, discourage him once and for all from the desire to eat and drink around women. Even if he is hungry, food will not go down his throat. Hex:

    33 birds flew in and ate grains. They ate and drank and said: “Don’t eat, slave (name), in someone else’s garden, at someone else’s table from the hands of white people, not within your own walls. Neither a young woman, nor an old woman, nor a black one, nor a white one, nor a red one, nor anyone else, but eat and drink with me alone, with your wife, God’s servant (name). Amen.

    So as not to feed

    Everyone knows that they cast love spells on food. To place a talisman, they do the following: they read it on the meat, which is boiling, skimming off the foam, put it in a plate, and then feed it to the dogs.

    How this flesh boils and seethes
    and how can she not live alive,
    so does my husband (name)
    can’t feed anyone: neither raw nor cooked,
    neither sweet nor salty.
    You can’t ruin it with a whisper, you can’t drink it with a spoon, or with a mug,
    You can't feed from a plate. Boil, flesh, boil away, and you, dog, eat up the trouble.
    Until the dog sings like a nightingale, until then my
    no one will interrupt the word. Neither the witch nor the witch,
    neither the king, the word, the queen.

    To prevent my husband from cheating

    Oh, mother of the first star, high in the sky, from me
    far away, see the slave (name), meet him on the road,
    in someone else's garden, on a changeable threshold, in a house, in a field,
    on land and at sea. Make him sad
    so that he doesn’t sit with other people’s girls, bread and salt from other people’s hands
    didn’t take him, didn’t fall asleep in someone else’s bed, about me,
    I never forgot my wife (name) for an hour.
    Take him, star, under the bridle, bring him here,
    to me, God's servant (name).
    Ako the bird flies to its nest,
    cattle to their meadow,
    horse before foaling, sheep before lambing,
    mother to her child.
    So that the servant of God (name) runs
    before me, before the servant of God (name),
    to my black eyebrows,
    to my clear eyes, to my scarlet lips, to white face,
    to the zealous heart, to my home,
    to the marital threshold.

    So that my darling can go anywhere without passing the threshold

    They read while drinking, eating, on even days, during the full moon.

    Like a snake it wriggles, its back bends, it crawls through the dust. So dear (name), no matter where he goes, where he sews his head, he will come to me. Amine


    Often desperate wives wonder how to make their husband impotent. There can be a huge number of reasons for this, because our world is completely imperfect. You won’t surprise anyone with stories about a cheating spouse. Society practically does not condemn such men. From childhood, the patriarchal system implants a simple attitude in the minds of boys: the more women you sleep with, the more of a man you are. One could list for a long time all the terrible words that this same society will use to call a walking woman. In such conditions, it is not at all surprising that many people have the idea of ​​somehow restoring justice and taking revenge on the unfaithful, and discouraging him from seeking love pleasures on the side. If you're already sick of hearing just the phrase "marital duty," your boyfriend is too rough in bed, and... intimacy

    I don’t want to deal with him anymore; reducing his potency will help partly solve the problem. Our regular reader got rid of problems with potency effective method . He tested it on himself - the result was 100% - complete relief from problems. This natural remedy

    based on herbs. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast. EFFECTIVE METHOD.

    How to make a man impotent

    • If you are confident in your desire to reduce your husband’s potency, there are several types of influence that will help achieve your goal:
    • indulging in his bad habits;
    • psychological impact;
    • medical supplies; facilities.

    traditional medicine

    Indulging in bad habits

    If you have enough time and are afraid to resort to pills, etc., you can try to reduce your husband’s potency by carefully making adjustments to his usual diet or daily routine. Be prepared that the effect will not come quickly.

    Smoking and alcohol Nicotine and alcoholic drinks are harmful to the body as a whole; it is not surprising that their regular consumption negatively affects the condition of the male reproductive system. No wonder they said in ancient times: “Wine awakens desire, but takes away the opportunity to satisfy it.” Beer is especially destructive for male potency, since this intoxicating drink contains a large number of

    Stop forbidding your husband to drink and indulge himself with cigarettes. On the contrary, periodically buy him a pack or two, a bottle of beer or wine. You will slowly move towards your goal, and your spouse will also say “thank you” for this.

    Let him be lazy

    A sedentary lifestyle is far from the best way affects potency. When a man spends a lot of time in sitting position, blood begins to stagnate in the prostate gland, preventing the normal functioning of the genital organs. You can take advantage of this and play on your husband's weaknesses. Does he spend the whole day sitting in the office or driving a car? Give him the opportunity to do this after work too!

    Give him a video game that will keep him occupied free time, start watching a long series with him. The more he remains in a sitting position, the less he will sexual desire.

    Special diet

    We are what we eat. If a person eats incorrectly, then his body will not work in the best way, including the genitals. By changing your man's diet, you can significantly reduce his potency. Completely eliminate products containing zinc, as this element is especially important for men's health. Avoid seafood, bananas, parsley, sour cream and milk. It is also better to remove nuts and honey. When preparing dishes, give preference to fatty meats, potatoes, pasta, white bread, various smoked meats and sausage. Allow your man to eat more sweets and starchy foods. Serve dishes with peas and beans more often, because legumes stimulate the production of female hormones that suppress male testosterone. It will be even better if you allow yourself a break from the daily need to stand at the stove and, together with your spouse, start eating such tasty but harmful fast food. Pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and chips, if eaten every day, can significantly reduce libido.

    Tight underwear

    Another effective remedy– tight underwear. Gradually replace all of your husband's swimming trunks with ones that are one size smaller. Tight clothing will put pressure on the genitals, which will help temporarily impair potency.

    Psychological pressure is enough effective method make a man impotent. IN in this case Everything is individual; for some, methods of psychological pressure can have an effect quickly and for a long time, while for others it will take more time or will not have an effect at all. If your husband is hot-tempered and capable of behaving inappropriately in a stressful situation, it is better not to resort to these methods so as not to accidentally become a victim of his aggression.

    Low self-esteem

    If a man's self-esteem drops, potency often decreases along with it. Take advantage of this and start criticizing your husband, especially his skills as a lover. You can allow yourself to make jokes on this topic in front of your friends, big company– public ridicule greatly affects self-esteem.

    Stop praising your husband, and instead start reminding him of all the mistakes he has made since you met. Understate his achievements and focus on his shortcomings. Your spouse's self-esteem will drop especially quickly if you compare him with other men. Explain to him why others are better than him, in what areas they succeeded. For example, start comparing his salary with the earnings of more successful people you know. Accept money from him with disdain, making you feel that what he earns is pitiful pennies. All this sounds quite cruel, but such methods will quickly take away your husband’s sexual desire.

    Domination over a man

    Try to have more control over his life. Track every step and action, make him report where he is and what he is doing. To do this, you can start meeting him from work, do not hesitate to demonstratively check his phone and look into his correspondence. Such methods will make anyone feel submissive.

    Interrupted act of masturbation

    Try to catch your spouse masturbating. Nothing can hit your self-esteem more than being caught doing something like this.


    You can quickly make a man impotent with the help of pills. However, before resorting to medications, weigh the pros and cons. Most drugs have a lot side effects, which, in addition to reducing sexual arousal, can cause significant harm to health.

    Medicines that help reduce potency are divided into three categories:

    • antiandrogens (drugs that block the consumption of testosterone by prostate cells);
    • antidepressants;
    • blood pressure lowering agents.


    Among antiandrogens, Androcur is considered the most effective in the fight against potency. Typically, this drug is prescribed to women suffering from hormonal imbalances. The medicine blocks the production of testosterone in the body, changing it hormonal background. This is the remedy the best way Suitable for depriving a man of potency.

    Such drugs that help reduce male libido include the following tablets: Cimetidine and Ranitidine.


    Most antidepressants have a negative effect on male sexual function. These medications affect the amount of serotonin in the brain. When the level of this substance fluctuates, sexual desire decreases significantly. These drugs include: Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline, Haloperidol, Thiotixene, Perphenazine.

    Means for reducing blood pressure

    Blood pressure lowering drugs suppress male desire quite effectively. With their help, results can be achieved with long-term use of medications. Low blood pressure causes blood vessels to dilate, constant fatigue and lethargy. There will simply not be enough blood flowing to the penis. Most often, Metroprolol, Methyldop, Clonidine and Atenolol are used to worsen erection.

    Use of traditional medicine

    You can try to reduce your husband’s desire with folk remedies. It just so happens that among traditional medicine you can find thousands of recipes that improve male potency, but very little is written about how to reduce it, on the contrary. There are practically no such remedies that directly affect the reduction of male desire, however, there is a list of herbs that have a strong calming effect. Such plants include: mint, lemon balm, valerian, coriander and St. John's wort.

    St. John's wort infusion

    This remedy is easy to prepare at home. All you need is dry St. John's wort. One spoon of herb is poured into 200 ml of hot water. The infusion should be allowed to brew for fifteen minutes. For getting desired result You need to give your husband this infusion twice a day for several weeks.

    Mint against potency

    Mint tea helps to quickly reduce male libido. The only downside of this method is that you need to drink a lot of it - at least a liter a day. To do this, the plant must be brewed in boiling water and drunk as simple tea, several mugs a day. The remedy also does not work immediately - the effect can be expected only after 2-3 months.

    Licorice and oregano

    This method is considered one of the most gentle. Infusions of these herbs, when consumed regularly, help reduce testosterone and also have a calming effect. To prepare the product, you need to brew one tablespoon of dry herbs in boiling water (about 2 cups of hot water).

    Dear ladies, before resorting to one of the methods suggested above, think carefully: is it really necessary to spend your precious time and energy on such a man? Is it worth continuing? life together with a person who doesn’t appreciate or listen to you at all? And are you ready to take responsibility for a significant deterioration in the health of another person?

    Do you have serious problems with potency?

    Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

    • sluggish erection;
    • lack of desire;
    • sexual dysfunction.

    The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

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