• Magic to make a husband obey only his wife. Spell on linen. The best sexy suckers


    For every woman, harmony in her family is very important. And the desire to receive the help of a husband, to please his wife is not only a woman’s whims, but also a guarantee happy marriage because compromise is an integral part family life. But husbands are all different, and not everyone strives to find a compromise and make concessions to their wife. Some of them are not only intractable, but also cannot resist outside influences, for example, they obey their mother in everything. In white magic, there are certain rituals that can help make a husband accommodating and flexible for his wife. Conspiracies for your husband to love and obey should be read independently, secretly from everyone, strictly following all the instructions in the instructions.

    Don't tolerate quarrels, but solve them

    If there is a need, a conspiracy to obedience your husband can be an excellent helper in order to establish heated tensions. family relationships. It is important to remember that each magical action has its own rules and nuances that must be followed to achieve positive result. The key rule is to make decisions thoughtfully and be confident that such actions are correct. A strong conspiracy to subjugate a husband also requires following simple recommendations:

    1. The decision to attract magic should not be hasty.
    2. If you decide to manipulate your husband with the help of white witchcraft, it is better not to use otherworldly forces.
    3. You yourself must make concessions and find compromises. There is no need to rely only on magic; it is important to make efforts on your part in order to make the marriage happy.

    The conspiracy to obedience the husband has certain subtleties. It influences the information field of both spouses, changing them. With the help of ritual, mutual understanding, passion and love can be achieved, since both partners will listen to each other and take into account other people's opinions. A conspiracy to make a husband listen to his wife has the following nuances:

    Reach mutual understanding with your significant other

    • carried out during the waxing moon;
    • the ritual requires the use of a photograph of a loved one or his personal item;
    • magical actions are performed in private, no one should see or hear the secret of the ritual;
    • You should prepare the room in advance for performing magical actions; to do this, you need to wash everything and remove unnecessary items.

    There are also situations in which the help of magic is needed. The conspiracy only works well if the wife is ready to give in and compromise. If a woman is driven by anger or resentment because a man does not fulfill her whims and whims, there will be no visible results; on the contrary, the relationship may worsen.

    • if the spouse is tired of constant conflicts over trifles, for no particular reason;
    • if you really want to re-educate an intractable husband, if a happy marriage directly depends on this;
    • Such conspiracies can also be carried out by a mother for her daughter, but the desire to help must be sincere and positive;
    • if it is necessary to resolve an important controversial issue, but the spouse does not make concessions;
    • if present negative impact on the loved one from the outside, including the influence of the mother-in-law.

    It is precisely such situations that require the involvement of magical powers so that the loved one is obedient in everything and takes into account the opinion of his wife.

    Effective rituals

    Husband's photo

    You can use photography to make your husband obey

    For a husband to listen only to his significant other, there is a very strong conspiracy to subordinate her husband. Such help will be especially useful if the husband has addictions and cannot cope with them on his own (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction). In order for everything to work out, for the husband to obey his wife, the following ritual is performed at home.

    The magical action is performed on Wednesday, you will need a photo of your loved one. He should be the only one in the picture. Read the following words in the photo three times:

    “I ask the moon and stars, the sun and the sky for help. Become my faithful helpers, may all the words be strong, come true, and be consolidated. Let all my requests and pleas not remain unheard or misunderstood. Help me in my work, may my betrothed be obedient and submissive, may he not listen to others, may he fulfill their will and obey their wishes.”

    Wrap the photograph in a handkerchief, tie it with black thread, and hide it under the mattress. After three days, burn it.

    For a drink

    Brew a drink from charmed water

    In order for a husband to love his wife and always listen to her words and requests, you can also perform a simple water ritual. A drink is prepared from this spoken water, which will then need to be given to the beloved. Magical activities take place on Friday after sunset. Read a spell on the water for a man to achieve complete harmony in the family:

    “Like there is a stone at the bottom of the sea or river, it is always silent and does not object. So let you be captivated by my words, will and speeches. If you submit to me, you will not get out of my power. Crystal water will help you achieve power; you will never listen to strangers. Only for me will you be a faithful life partner.”

    Repeat the words 12 times. Then the next day prepare a drink for your spouse. He must drink it all. White magic promises that the first results will be visible within a day.

    For sweet pie

    Favorite pie will make your husband listen only to you

    Since ancient times, the most known effective conspiracies for baking. They will help if the loved one is strongly dependent on the opinion of the mother, so that the husband does not listen to his mother, so that the husband does not always listen to his sister or brother, but listens to his wife. To carry out the ceremony, you need to bake a pie, cake or pies with your own hands. The spouse must love this dish, because then he must eat it all.

    When the baked goods are ready, when removing them from the oven, read the following words directly above the dish:

    “The pie is hot, give us the strength to create harmony in the family. May happiness come to us as we eat you. So that the faithful idolizes me, deeply respects me, and listens to my words more than ever. He could not say anything against me, but my word was a decree for him. Let unity settle in our family from now on. Amen!"

    Your loved one should eat as much as possible. After a few days he will begin to obey, he will help loving wife create strong relationships and achieve harmony in the family.

    To the moon

    To ensure that your lover always listens only to your wife, read the following words to the moon on Monday or Thursday:

    The influence of the moon is stronger on Monday or Thursday

    “Let my speech be strong and my deeds sculpted. Like a horse, subdued by a collar, it stands, does not bite or kick, does not run. The reins will guide him, show him where to go. So I, God’s servant (name), will manage, guide, and advise my husband. I'll put my clamp on it. Now only my will, you are under my power. Accept it and don't resist it. Forever, forever, I will close my words with a strong lock, I will hide it securely, no one can open it. Amen"

    After reading these words, go to bed silently. Already in the morning you will be surprised how your spouse has changed. He will stop arguing, contradicting, reproaching.

    Other ritual options

    An effective spell is one that is read about the dirty things of the beloved. With such rituals you can bind his will to yourself, force him to obey and agree in everything. Read the following words over dirty panties, socks or a T-shirt:

    Your husband's dirty panties will help bind his will to you

    “I wash away your dirt, I command you. I am in front of you, you are behind me. And whoever speaks against me, your legs will not walk. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Then wash things and dry them. Repeat the ritual every week until the first results appear.

    So that the husband stops obeying his mother in everything, read the following words under the open moonlight:

    “Just as the sky is empty without the moon, so my darling is sad without me. So that you don’t contradict your loving wife, but obey her in everything. He was a support and helper for his beloved, and his own obedience was a joy to him. Become obedient and faithful to my beloved. If the moon itself is my mentor.”

    Sorry, dear men, but I will not write the article “How to make your wife obey” for reasons of female solidarity. Will you forgive me?

    So, first we think, then we decide that we still need it, we get married, go through crises of family life and get tired of it all. Have the thoughts ever crossed your mind that it might have been easier with another husband? If yes, then don’t worry - you just need to learn to behave like this, you. And the point here is not at all in training, but in the ability to find an approach and adapt. After all, one and the same conversation can be conducted in different directions, and the result will also be different. Well, shall we try?

    For your husband to obey, you need to:

    • Never start a conversation when your husband is tired or hungry, when he is in a bad mood. Any person in such a situation can start arguing just like that. Have dinner together, chat, make sure the mood is back, and you can start...
    • Try not to be a “saw” so that your husband can adequately respond to your requests.
    • Before asking for something, fulfill a similar request on his part. For example, it is not at all good if you ask to help you around the house, but consider it beneath your dignity to give your husband a screwdriver.
    • Speak in a calm, soft tone with pleading intonations, because you, too, most likely do not like commands.
    • Say that you really need your husband’s help, that you can’t cope on your own, because you’re not as strong as him, not as resilient, in general, you can’t do without a man’s help.
    • Praise when your husband helps you or fulfills your request. It is better to encourage with praise than to discourage the desire to communicate with you with endless discontent. For example: “Only you can make such delicious scrambled eggs. It’s not for nothing that they say that men cook better.”
    • Interest your loved one, show him what he will have. For example, dear, please go to see your son at school Parent meeting. And at this time I will bake a pie (or “ classroom teacher really respects dads who come to parent-teacher meetings”).
    • Show how much you like his help and how much he likes him at the moment of help. For example: “When you hammer a nail, the muscles in your arms play like that!”
    • Use the “A...” method when you don’t get the point across, while getting the person interested. “And there’s something I can’t do here without you. Can you help me?" “Can you do something for me?” “And I have such a request for you, please help!”
    • Always pay attention when your husband did something for you without your request, tell him how you liked it.
    • You can offer a playful barter: you-to-me, I-to-you. Sometimes it works, but I don’t recommend playing these games.

    Attention: importantchip!

    This method is used by many wise women. Its essence is to unobtrusively push a man to a certain solution to the issue. It's not difficult, but it requires resourcefulness. For example, you want your husband to renovate the bathroom or allocate money for this. But you think that your husband won’t approve of this; he’s fine with it anyway. Gradually unobtrusively show all the shortcomings of your bathroom. Pay attention to bathroom renovations on TV programs or on the Internet, tell us what a beautiful bathroom your friend’s husband made, etc. Don’t push, it’s important to wait for the moment when the husband himself offers to do the repairs.

    This article contains: prayer for the husband to obey his wife in everything - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

    In order for the family to be strong, and for the spouses to live in harmony and not have quarrels, it is necessary to resolve all family and other issues together, consult with each other, and support. Only then can you avoid disagreements and live in harmony. But unfortunately, as practice shows modern men

    too self-confident, therefore they rarely or completely refuse to take into account the opinion of their wife. It is under such circumstances and hopelessness that wives have to resort to the most unusual influences on their spouses. Such an influence is divination.

    There are a lot of simple rituals that allow you to influence a disobedient husband. The main rule of any ritual is consistency and strict adherence to any little details, such as time or place. Only a special conspiracy, carried out in accordance with the specified wishes and recommendations, can make sure that there is happiness, prosperity and mutual understanding in the life of the spouses, so that the husband listens to his wife and there are no “I”s, but only “we”.

    Conspiracies of consent are very popular. Such rituals are very effective; they allow you to influence a husband so that he will listen only to his wife, and not to his parents and friends. The ritual of consent in the family is quite simple. To complete it you will need to bake a cake or your spouse’s favorite pie. When the cooking process takes place, it is necessary to read the plot. The conspiracy can be of any content, you can write it yourself or find something on the Internet, be sure to say “Amen” at the end of reading. You need to read it 3 times. After preparing it, you need to eat it with your spouse, and do not offer or give it to any of your friends or relatives, otherwise everything will be in vain. A good example


    “Pie-pie, give my husband and I consent to comprehend. Please make sure that after we eat you, my husband will always listen to me, love and honor me. So that my opinion, my word is the law in the family. Give us consent. Amen!"

    It is not recommended to carry out such divination more than twice.

    Universal conspiracies to make a husband obey his wife There are universal rituals that allow a spouse to convince the right decision , in the one that the wife accepted. This may concern any type of controversial issue.

    Let's look at a few spells:

    Using river stones Very early in the morning, while my husband is sleeping, go to the closest river from home. Pick up a handful river stones

    and take them home. During the journey, don’t say anything, just walk silently, even when you meet friends you can’t say hello. When you arrive home, put the stones on a sieve, take the drink that your husband drinks in the morning and pour it onto the stones while saying:

    “The bottom stones lie there and say nothing. So the Servant of God (full name of your spouse) will not say anything against me. Words to the lock, lock to the chest, chest to Buyan Island"

    Then serve the charmed drink to your husband so that he drinks it to the bottom.

    To ensure that the husband does not listen to anyone except his wife, the conspiracy is also good for food. Buy a large fish from the store. While peeling and cutting it, saying:

    “Teach, silent fish, my husband (husband’s name) when to open his mouth and when to keep it closed. Let him eat from my hands and only listen to me. And whoever wants to interrupt my will will get thorns in his eyelashes, a tangle in his hair, a pip on his tongue. Amen!"

    You need to cook fish with hot seasonings, but only so that your husband can eat it.

    In addition to these conspiracies, there are many more different spells, both in complexity and in the nature of spells. If there is harmony and harmony in the family, then you should not resort to these measures as reinsurance. Otherwise, you can simply do harm.

    Should I do it specifically for the pyron? Is it possible to make it on Khychin?

    • List item
    December 20, 2017 3rd lunar day - New Moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

    Conspiracies to make your husband obey

    Every woman wants her man to fulfill her every whim. And in family life, you especially need to be able to find a compromise. But husbands are different, very capricious and intractable. Fighting with direct methods will not always be effective here, because the husband may go into even greater resistance. But it will be useful to try to change the situation with the help of magic. To do this, you can use a conspiracy to obedience your husband.

    Conspiracy to obedience your husband

    How does the conspiracy work?

    How is it possible that with the help of magic you can make people listen to you more? dear husband. A conspiracy to subjugate a husband works in such a way that the information field in a married couple changes. There is more understanding and love in the family, both spouses become softer and more loyal.

    In general, to be honest, the plot to make your husband obey is best carried out after the wife herself is ready to surrender to obedience to her husband. Then this one magic ritual will be the last brick on the path to family harmony. If a woman carries out this conspiracy of obedience out of anger, so that the man always obeys her and under any circumstances, then this will still not be a harmonious relationship. Yes, the conspiracy will make it so that the man will be completely in the power of his wife, but at the same time his will will be greatly suppressed. The fact is that the woman herself may get tired of such obedience after a while. After all, if we talk about harmonious happy relationship, then you want to have an equal partner next to you.

    When can such a conspiracy be used?

    Here are a few situations where you can use a spell of obedience for your own spouse:

    1. A conspiracy to obedience your husband can be safely used at home if you are tired of useless arguments with your husband. There are men who really like to argue. Wives of such men often want him to be obedient and not argue pointlessly. It is useful to perform a ritual, because after it a person will find an area for self-realization and, as a result, will not argue so often and uselessly.
    2. You want obedience from a man even when a woman wants to receive something pleasant from him. For example, he is not accustomed to giving gifts, and this can be offensive. If this is so, then God himself ordered the conspiracy. After this, it will become easier to convey to him the importance of gifts. You can also make him give gifts without a reminder.
    3. The daughter's mother can also do this ritual so that her son-in-law will obey her daughter more. Here you don’t even need a strong magical text, the simplest one will do, because here the power of mother’s love will launch the magic.
    4. You can read the plot to make your husband obey even when the family is in a difficult situation. When you need to make an important decision, you especially need to unite as a family and gain the loyalty of each family member. Here the magic word can also help a lot.

    Water spell

    The easiest way is to create a conspiracy so that the spouse obeys the water. Early in the morning, the wife needs to get up, drink a glass of water herself, and then prepare the charmed water for her beloved. On a glass of water you need to very confidently read the following magical text:

    “My husband, do you hear my divine conspiracy. I want to make you obedient for myself, for this I turn my love into this water. If you want to contradict everyone around you, listen to me, you were mine and become mine for the soul. I need your obedience for harmony, not for evil. Just as the water in a glass is clean, not cloudy, as it stands calmly, so may my dear one listen to me with love. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way. Amen".

    After this, the charmed water should be offered to your loved one as soon as he gets out of bed. It is important to make sure that he drinks this water to the bottom. When he drinks, it is good for his wife to say the following words to herself:

    “I conjure you to love and obedience, beloved.”

    Of course, a woman also needs to behave in a certain way so as not to provoke her sweetheart into an unnecessary argument. To do this, you need not to get emotionally involved in disputes, not to answer them, then your husband will simply stop being interested in arguing with you. But this does not mean that you need to swallow grievances, this is also wrong, you should not get involved in empty and meaningless disputes. It is possible that over time, your sweetheart will begin to spend the energy that he spent arguing on taking care of you.

    Conspiracy on his panties

    As you know, sexual energy is a strong thing. And since men are polygamous creatures, it rages in them in a special way. And by the way, perhaps due to an overabundance sexual energy your husband may waste energy arguing. You can make a conspiracy to make him obey his underpants. It is better to do this on the men's day of the week. It could be Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. And there must also be a waxing moon, because with the help of a magical ritual you attract something into your life. Take your darling's underpants, go out into the direct moonlight and say this magical text:

    “So that he doesn’t argue, but the servant of God (his name) loves me more. When you see my face, you don’t want to argue, but you just want to obey me and listen to me. You see your love in me, you don’t want to argue with me at all. You take care of me, that’s where the energy goes. Just as a tender flower blooms in the spring, so your love after a conspiracy towards me blooms and blooms in magnificent colors, you fulfill all my whims.”

    This conspiracy is a bit of a love spell. The wife needs to make sure that the next day her husband wears the charmed panties, then the family will definitely reach a new level harmonious relations. By the way, this magical ritual is also perfect if your loved one begins to actively pay attention to other women.

    A conspiracy to subjugate the will of the husband.

    A conspiracy to subjugate the will of the husband.

    A spell for a sweet pie - so that the husband will obey.

    Every wife wants to control her husband, so

    Moon conspiracy

    You can also make a magical request for your husband’s obedience directly to the moon. Go out to the growing moon, into its direct light, and you need to read the following text:

    “Just as the sky cannot live without the moon, so may my dear one cannot live without me as a wife. So that he understands this and obeys me always and in everything. For his wife, whom he loves, let him do everything she needs, everything she wants, and let it bring him pleasure too. To be obedient to him with me, to be devoted to him. The moon itself is my support.”

    You can cast the same magical spell for his obedience on your spouse while he is sleeping. But we must not allow the husband to wake up. If you speak such a text sincerely, then within a few days you will notice the first results from the conspiracy. Such rituals work no worse than the magic of the famous Siberian healer.

    Conspiracy for the love of a husband for his wife. A conspiracy to make a husband love, obey and respect his wife

    This powerful plot on the love of a husband for his wife should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life, listens to her advice and respects his wife more than his mother. The spell is made for a glass of drinking water, and you need to give your husband a drink with the charmed water. After the wife reads a plot to make a husband love, respect and obey his wife , the beloved man who drinks the charmed water will “take hold of his head”, will stop drinking and going out with friends, but will always rush to his wife, will stop listening to the opinions of friends and relatives (mother-in-law and father-in-law) and will begin to seek advice from his wife and respect her opinion more than others . The consequences of this love affair love spell for love and obedience by a husband to his wife expressed in the following, the husband will be very much drawn home to his family and every day his love for his wife will become stronger and stronger. You will notice a change in your husband’s behavior instantly as soon as he drinks the charmed water. Want to using magic to make the husband obey his wife, read the plot to subjugate the husband to the will of his wife . For the ritual, pour drinking water into a glass and say over it :

    words of conspiracy for the love and respect of a husband

    Just as the sun and moon dry water, fast winds dry it all twenty-four hours.

    So this water would dry my husband, God’s servant (name).

    Drink it in sips, drink it, don’t forget me, the servant of God (name).

    Just as nature cannot exist without water, just as people and livestock cannot live without water,

    So that the servant of God (name) also cannot stand on his feet, rise,

    In work and service, manage, sit, walk, stand, hold your head

    Without me, God's servant (name).

    There is a feocleaf in an open field, but everything has dried up, everything has died out

    During the day in the sun, at night under the moon.

    So for me, God’s servant (name), let him dry out and miss,

    He sighs and suffers for his wife, loves and respects her.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    To return the husband’s love, the wife must read the plot, and only she, having read the plot, will be able to return the husband’s love to his wife and thereby become the most beloved and desired for him, and the husband, after reading the love spell on him, will begin to listen to his wife and respect her opinion in all matters.

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    Conspiracy for the love of a husband for his wife. A conspiracy to make a husband love, obey and respect his wife REVIEWS WHO DID:

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    Spells, love spells and prayers for all occasions

    Effective magic spells to bring back the family idyll

    Almost every family quite often faces a situation where the stubbornness and intractability of one of the spouses disrupts the idyll. And this is not surprising, because there are no ideal people. Especially when it comes to sympathy and love. But what to do if your partner’s habits interfere with unity, and his preferences run counter to yours? Helps in such situations love magic. And today's article will be useful topics women who want to improve family relationships and achieve unity, using spells to subjugate their lover. In it we will describe several magical techniques that will help make sure that the husband always listens to, loves and wants his wife.

    If living together is overshadowed by the inability to give in to each other, and family happiness seems so far away due to constant showdowns, perform a special ritual for unity. After reading a conspiracy to obedience and love your husband during it, your family will begin to prosper.

    Ritual for returning to a family of harmony

    One of the most popular magical love rituals is considered to be a conspiracy of consent. Ladies use it when they notice that their husband has stopped listening to them. And if you had to face a similar situation, perform the following ritual. At the same time, this ritual can help turn a loved one away from the advice of friends.

    Bake a pie (or your husband’s other favorite treat). During the cooking process, before placing the product in the oven, read the prayer three times:

    “As sweet as this pie is, so may our family life be sweet. May we live happily as soon as we taste a piece of this pie. So that my husband always listens to me, loves me and respects me. So that he would go to bed with me willingly, and my word would be law for him. From now on, peace, love and harmony will settle in our house. Amen".

    After waiting for the pie to bake, invite your husband to taste it. And eat a piece yourself. As a rule, this conspiracy lasts for six to seven months. It will be possible to repeat the ritual only after six months. Such conspiracies are quite strong, so their frequent use is not recommended.

    Ritual for improving intimate life

    It happens that after several years of being together married life the wife begins to worry about the wilting sexual desire husband This plot will help in such situations. After reading a special magical text, you will return your spouse’s desire again.

    To make your husband want you passionately again, prepare romantic dinner. For this event, purchase your loved one's favorite wine. When filling a glass with a drink, speak to it. To do this, say the following words:

    “I’m reading a secret conspiracy for intoxicating drinking. To listen, to love, to want only me, the servant of God (husband’s name). To go to bed thinking about me, burning with young passion. As this wine flows through the body, so let its desire awaken. Amen".

    After the lover drinks the glass, the conspiracy will begin to take effect. If the result does not satisfy you much, try repeating the ritual after a while. However, remember that the higher the degree of intoxicating drink, the lower the effect of magic will be.

    Ritual for the submission of a spouse

    If your loved one has stopped showing respect and patience, began to argue and often contradict, pay attention to this plot. It is used when a partner specifically does not want to listen to you and shows his temper in everything. This spell helps to restore the submissiveness of the spouse and harmony in the family.

    To perform a ceremony for your husband’s submission you will need:

    Late at night, before you go to bed, light a candle. Say the magic words to her flame three times in a row:

    “As the sun conspires with the Moon, as water penetrates the earth, so I conspire with my husband, the servant of God (his name). Just as people serve the Lord God obediently, so let my husband be submissive to me. So that he listens to (name) his wife unquestioningly, and only fulfills my will. Amen".

    After the words have been spoken, continue to look at the flame, but silently. If you want your husband to act not as he wants, but to listen to you, let the candle burn out. After this, the cinder should be hidden in the most secluded place in the house. The plot should take effect within the first weeks.

    Ritual for the return of the family idyll

    This conspiracy is also intended to return idyll to the family and obedience to the husband. In order for a husband to love his wife, always listen and want passionately, it is necessary to read the magic words before washing.

    Taking your lover’s dirty clothes, say the words over them:

    “As I wash away your dirt, so I will command you. I will stand in front of you, and you will stand behind me. If someone says a bad word towards me, you will not go to him again. Let it be so. Amen".

    After reading the prayer, start doing laundry. It is advisable to wash your spouse’s dirty clothes with my own hands. This way you will increase the effectiveness of the spell and extend its duration.

    Any woman craves for all her whims and desires to be fulfilled. But not everyone is lucky with husbands who are ready to do anything for their beloved wife. If a family has already been created, then it is simply necessary to look for compromises so that things do not come to a divorce. If the husband is not always ready to compromise and constantly worries the woman, then it is simply necessary to look for methods to solve such a problem. Agree that conventional psychological methods are ineffective in such cases. But, if you want to quickly and effectively achieve your goal, then help will come a strong conspiracy to obedience her husband. You can make a man obedient in ordinary home conditions.

    The principle of operation of such rituals

    There are several very important nuances to the conspiracy to obedience your husband. Its essence lies in the fact that it is aimed at changing the information field between spouses. With its help, such an option is achieved that mutual respect, passion and love will reign in the family. As a result, both husband and wife will begin to listen to each other more and fulfill their partner’s wishes.

    Experts recommend carrying out a strong conspiracy to obedience the husband only in those moments when the wife herself is ready to make concessions, because the ritual works not for one person, but for the entire married couple. At such moments, a magical ritual will become the last stone in building a wall of well-being. If you perform a magical ritual because anger is seething in your soul at your husband for not fulfilling your whim, then nothing good will come of it. Thus, it is impossible to achieve harmony in the family.

    If you read a special strong conspiracy to subjugate your husband, you can simply deprive the man of his own opinion. And literally in a few months, the wife herself will not be happy with such obedience from her man, because he will become spineless.

    In what situations is this ritual used?

    Such rituals are usually used in certain situations.

    1. A wife can carry out obedience conspiracies at those moments when she simply no longer wants to constantly quarrel with her husband. Especially if the quarrel does not arise over important reason, but just like that.
    2. Obedience to a man will help create harmony in the house and receive small gifts from him. Such rituals will help teach a spouse to give gifts to his woman and help her with household chores. It was for such situations that our ancestors created a universal method of raising a man.
    3. Sometimes conspiracies to make the husband obey can be carried out by mothers-in-law. If they really want their daughter to be successfully married and never quarrel with her husband, then conduct such magical methods simply necessary.
    4. Sometimes magical prayers for raising a husband are necessary in situations where the situation in the family becomes tense. That is, we urgently need to talk about something very important and the opinion of every person present is required. To ensure that the outcome of the situation is what the woman needs, she reads special words.

    Ritual with water

    The easiest way to make your husband obey is to read a curse on water. It can be found from the Siberian healer Stepanova. First of all, the wife must wake up. She should have a drink a small amount of water, and then use special words and prayers to conjure a drink for your husband.

    The words of the prayer are as follows:

    “I, the servant of God (name), want to raise my husband and make him obedient. Firstly, it will be calmer. And secondly, my life will improve a lot. I'm tired of constantly quarreling and trying to sort things out. As soon as the words of my prayer reach heaven, God will do everything to make our married couple much better. My husband is very good man, but a strong conspiracy to his submission will never be superfluous. I read these words as a wife. He must become obedient and obey only me. Amen".

    The charmed water must be given to the spouse so that he drinks it completely. If the water is not drained to the bottom, then no result will be achieved. Remember to behave normally. You should not provoke a man into quarrels and misunderstandings. You just have to be a little patient and everything will work out soon. Be sure that after some time, your spouse will become a completely different person and will take care of you.

    How to speak men's underpants correctly

    Sexual energy always has a much greater influence on a person than any other energy. If we consider the fact that the male sex is quite polygamous, then their sexual energy manifests itself much more than that of women. Some experts are confident that it is an excess of sexual energy that can influence the development of scandals in the family.

    In some cases, it is appropriate to perform the ritual on the husband’s underpants. A woman should remember that it is best to read a strong conspiracy on a man’s day. The ideal option is Monday. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the process of growth of the moon must occur. Due to the fact that you call new emotions into your life, the moon will contribute to this much better. Take underwear loved one and go outside with them. Stand so that the moonlight illuminates them.

    “Let my husband stop provoking me, God’s servant (name) to constant quarrels. As soon as we see each other, he will begin to glow with the most sincere feelings of love for me. There will never be any anger or hatred in our family again. Let him listen to me with his mouth slightly open. He must accept my words as something sacred. But he must remove scandals from our lives. I was so tired of constantly participating in conflicts that I had to use the services of magic. I wish that he always obeys his wife. May my husband forever forget all the sorrows and troubles and begin to honor my every word. Everyone wants us to be happy. Amen".

    How to perform a ritual using moonlight

    If you really want to tame your spouse, you can immediately ask the night luminary for help. The moon has very high energy and will be able to guide your spouse in the right direction.

    As soon as you see the waxing moon in the sky, you should immediately read the following words of prayer:

    “The sky did not live a single day without the presence of the moon. So let my husband not imagine his life without his legal wife. Only with me can he be happy and understanding. Let him listen to me and always listen to my words. I want him to do everything I ask him to do. This is the only way we can live our whole lives together and grow old. If we constantly have conflicts, we will soon get divorced. And no one wants to get a divorce. May the Mother of God help us. Amen".

    There is a conspiracy of obedience that helps women a lot. A wife reads such a conspiracy against her husband so that he listens to his wife and follows her advice. Men are exposed to a lot of stress at work and in life. They often make impulsive, rash decisions. They are passionate. For family life, some of these manifestations can be dangerous and wasteful. But the husband brushes off his wife and doesn’t want to listen to advice. In this case, the conspiracy will help. Your man is now always attentive to your words, does what you advise him, and does not argue. This can help a woman establish peace in the family, and the children will receive a good example of mutual understanding.

    Why do you need a conspiracy to obey?

    You should not use it just like that, for entertainment or to manipulate men. For a husband to always obey his wife, magic is not needed, only mutual understanding, good relationships and love are needed. And the wife should not be a hysterical, narrow-minded woman. Then each of her advice will be taken as needed and discussed. If you see that your husband is in difficult situation, but doesn’t see a way out, then help him.

    Sometimes you really need to obey your wife, there’s nothing wrong with that. For example:

    • the family is in a difficult situation, and the husband is too proud to ask for help;
    • a man makes many wrong decisions, succumbs to the influence of others;
    • The husband's parents influence him and slander his wife.

    These are all unpleasant situations when you have to take extreme measures. The conspiracy will help in this case. It won’t harm your husband, and your children will thank you later for saving the family.

    In these cases, you simply need to take full responsibility on yourself and help your husband. Unforeseen difficulties and troubles happen in the life of every family, but there is no need to panic. One head is good, but two are very good.

    Family magic to guard your happiness

    Family magic is a special section of magic that helps those who decide to start a family. She protects the wife, husband and children from all adversities. Women who know the rules for handling family magic rituals are always happy. They know how to win the husband over to their side and come to an agreement with the mother-in-law. The house is orderly, clean and calm. This is the kind of house you want to come to more often.

    Simple conspiracies so that the husband does not contradict, but obeys

    They are all simple. Any woman can cope with this ritual. The main thing is to believe. That everything will work out, and the husband will obey. Otherwise nothing will work out. You don’t need to pay money or go to sorcerers; you have the power to make such a conspiracy strong and effective on your own.

    Sweet pie spell

    So that your husband only listens to you and does not listen to the advice of others, you need to make a plot for a sweet pie. Bake it yourself with your man’s favorite filling. As soon as you take it out of the oven, still hot, say:

    “Pie-pie, help us in the family to gain agreement. Make sure that we both taste you and live happily. So that my husband listens to me, loves me, honors me and respects me. So that my word would be law for him. Let peace and harmony settle in our family. Amen!"

    Let your husband eat as much as he wants. A sweet pie will bring quick peace to the family, because your husband is now attentive to your every word and will not go against your will.

    Baking spells have been used since ancient times.

    Water spell

    Water is spoken with which the drink will then be prepared. Tea or coffee, compote. On Friday evening you need to speak about water 12 times:

    “The bottom stone is silent, says nothing.
    He is submissive to my will,
    From now on he will live in captivity.
    So my husband would submit to me, a slave,
    I didn’t break out from under my will.
    I am food for him, me and water.
    May my will be done in everything forever.
    And who will interrupt my conspiracy?
    So there are thorns in the eyelashes,
    The pip will go on your tongue.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen.

    The drink is prepared on Saturday morning. My husband needs to drink three cups of this water. Then after 3-4 days you will see that your husband cannot say “no” to you. Always agrees, defends you and your opinion. A very useful and simple ritual, but it must be performed completely.

    Submit your husband's will

    With this plot, the husband will obey you. It is useful when he himself loses the ability to think sensibly. As a result of alcoholism. drug addiction, addiction. Here you need to act seriously and submit your will - The best way. Works flawlessly.

    For everything to work out, it is done on Wednesday in the husband’s photo. The husband should be alone, without glasses.

    Say three times:

    The moon conspired, the star conspired,
    The sun conspired.
    Everyone will talk to each other,
    And all my words will be confirmed,
    They will be fulfilled and consolidated.
    All my decrees
    Be there for (name) orders.
    Obedient child, I am obedient to the Gods,
    Be obedient to me, my slave (Name).
    In the name of Mars, in the name of my Will! Let it be so!

    In this ritual, do not forget to leave gifts at the cemetery

    Wrap this photo in three handkerchiefs and tie it with black thread. It should be placed under the mattress of your bed so that it stays for three nights. After that, take the photo to the cemetery and place it on the grave with the same name as your spouse. Leave without looking back.

    Conspiracy of submission

    In order for a husband to be submissive and his wife to obey in everything, you need to say to the moon every Thursday:

    “Be strong in my words, be strong in my deeds.
    The horse stands subdued by the collar,
    Doesn't kick, doesn't bite, doesn't run,
    The reins guide him,
    They tell you where to go.
    So am I, God’s servant (name),
    I throw my collar on him,
    Who is dear to my heart.
    From now on, be my will in everything,
    Your share is in my royal power.
    Put up with the collar, come to terms with it,
    As a slave, submit to the master's will.
    For all days, for all centuries,
    For all God's times.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen.

    Tell me and go to bed. In the morning, not a trace of his reproaches and disagreement will remain. You will be surprised how quickly and effectively simple village conspiracies work. This is how our grandmothers not only made their husbands obedient, but also tied them to themselves. Be sure to repeat every week, otherwise the effect will disappear. So many people live in harmony and peace for years.

    Bind to your word

    It is made with three black threads. The threads should be lubricated with your menstrual blood on the third day of your period. Tie the still wet threads into three knots and say each time:

    “My thread, don’t break,
    And you, servant of God (name), submit to me.
    My lips are copper
    My teeth are a way of life.
    What can I say, everything will be like this.
    Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
    Amen. Amen. Amen".

    This thread needs to be sewn into the collar of your husband’s dark shirt, then he will be attached to your words and will obey. Very useful and strong ritual, because it contains your blood. This is the strongest biological material.

    This method requires regular forgery

    Conspiracy for husband's dirty things

    The conspiracy is made for dirty things. To prevent your husband from suspecting anything, collect his underwear, nose, and T-shirt in a separate bag. Everything that is close to the body. Over things say:

    “I wash away your dirt, I command you.
    I am in front of you, you are behind me.
    And who will speak against me,
    Besides, your legs won't walk.
    My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.
    Key, lock, tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Wash them and dry them. Let your husband wear one thing at a time so that he has the charmed clothes all the time. Repeat every week.

    Family magic does not harm, but helps

    If you are ashamed to use such a conspiracy, you are afraid of harming your husband, then discard all prejudices. A conspiracy that brings obedience cannot harm anyone. The husband will not find out about this and will not feel any coercion. To take control of the situation, you may need special help and support. The conspiracy gives it. Your words take on great weight in the family.

    It is advisable that the husband does not know anything about the conspiracy, otherwise he may blame his wife for everything. The main thing is that it is used for its intended purpose, only in the most serious moments, when a clear head and a different perspective on problems are needed. If a wife wants to manipulate a man, to turn him against friends, relatives and colleagues, then Conduct will severely punish her, maybe even take her spouse away from the family.

    Family magic conspiracies are designed to protect peace in any way. Children, parents, family will be grateful to you, because you are the keeper of the home.

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