• What is spiritual development? The spiritual path of human development


    There are many interpretations of what spiritual self-development is. This article provides a definition of this term, as well as ways of spiritual development of a person. It will be difficult for someone who considers himself an atheist to take the path of self-awareness and build correct connections with higher powers. This is a personal choice, if you are ready to start, read the article to the end.

    What is spiritual development

    Spiritual self-development in the everyday sense is too broad a concept that needs to be specified first. Many people confuse the development of such a plan with other terms - cultural or moral. People mistakenly believe that visiting museums, theaters and exhibitions, as well as reading literature helps spiritual development. But it's cultural aesthetic development. As a result of such mass delusion, people long time does what he believes will help him progress spiritually. In fact, spiritual development is various actions aimed at comprehending spiritual laws, the universe, and God.

    To do this, they visit temples, read the Holy Scriptures, go on pilgrimages and perform other actions. If these aspects are absent in a person’s life, it means that he is not developing spiritually. Culturally, morally, aesthetically - maybe, but not spiritually. Usually, a person comes to the path of spiritual self-improvement after difficulties or difficult moments occur in his life. Lack of money, quarrels and separations with loved ones, problems in work life, struggle with a serious illness - all this pushes a person to think and begin to lead a conscious life and self-development.

    The main goal of spiritual self-development

    Respectively, the main goal of spiritual self-development is a person’s awareness of his spiritual nature, establishing a previously lost relationship with higher powers (most often with God). This is a long process that requires a person to set a main goal that carries deep meaning.

    A person who decides to take this path will need:

    • Engage in spiritual practice - prayers, mantras, meditation.
    • Carefully study and comprehend the Holy Scriptures.
    • Communicate with enlightened people on deep spiritual topics.

    All this should help a person understand exactly how to build a relationship with God and what needs to be done for this.

    It is believed that all religious traditions should lead to one, One God. One religion cannot be superior to another. Everyone has a common goal - to know God, establish the right connections and relationships with him. This is precisely the main incentive for spiritual progress. All material goods are given to man according to the will of God. If a person pursues selfish and selfish goals and turns to higher powers for the sake of expanding his material Wealth, then the Lord does not like this, and he hides from the appeals of such people.

    Therefore, you should not engage in spiritual development for the purpose of obtaining material benefits. As a result, a person will get confused in material needs and leave the spiritual path. In order for a person to successfully establish a connection with God, he must first cleanse his heart and soul from selfishness and sins. It is spiritual practice that helps a person change his character, overcome negative qualities and cultivate positive ones, plus - cleanse the mind and feelings from the dominance of material desires. This is the main goal of self-development, which allows you to progress spiritually.

    What happens as a result of this development

    By engaging in spiritual self-development, a person gradually loses illusions about material values. At the same time, he does not abandon cultural, aesthetic and moral development, and continues to pursue his labor activity. It’s just that the main focus shifts precisely to establishing connections with God and self-awareness, and a gradual reassessment of values ​​occurs. The human mind is in search of how to properly build a relationship with the Lord, and the person’s character is being rebuilt.

    Where to start spiritual development

    A person who sincerely decides to engage in spiritual self-development must act in several directions:

    1. To begin with, he must choose the religion that is close and understandable to him. This is his free choice - otherwise the person will not be sincere in his actions or intentions. Usually, this is the religious tradition to which he is already culturally involved, which dominates his environment.
    2. Having chosen a religion, you need to establish contact with exalted people - those who are knowledgeable in this religious tradition. It is necessary to regularly communicate with them on spiritual topics and ask for clarification on issues of interest.
    3. From the very first day, a person must engage in spiritual practice, that is, pray, study relevant literature. Special attention should be devoted to the study of the Holy Scriptures operating in a given religion.

    In the first few years, it is enough for a person to follow these recommendations. All these actions need to be regularly reproduced in life. Later, he will come to other things that are necessary for further spiritual enrichment.

    So, a person has decided to join some religious tradition. People are different, and therefore a certain religion may appeal to one person, but not to another. But this should not lead to rivalry between people - these are the actions of fanatics that do not lead to anything good.

    Being an adult and independent, a person can change his spiritual tradition. When choosing a religion, you need to focus on the following criteria:

    1. Religious tradition must lead to the One God.
    2. Its provisions must be based on the ancient scriptures. Within a given religion there must be many individuals recognized as Saints. Usually these are those who during their lifetime behaved according to the tenets of religion and performed godly deeds.
    3. This tradition must have many followers who were able to achieve important results and change spiritually. For example, a person gives up bad habits, overcomes debauchery and immorality, a craving for violence, and the like.
    4. The chosen religion must have spiritual practices that its followers engage in. We are talking, first of all, about prayers and calls to higher powers.
    5. A person should be comfortable within the framework of a given religious tradition. Must not be discomfort, doubts. It is desirable that at the initial stage the customs and rules of this religion suit him. Later they will become much closer to him.

    These are just the basic criteria to consider when choosing a spiritual tradition at the very beginning. If a person is neither ready nor willing to develop spiritually within the framework of a religion, he can do this without joining any of them. Since all religious movements stem from one principle (that is, faith in the One God and the rules of interaction with him), a person is not obliged to become attached to one religion. The main thing is to join God.

    Sincere followers of any religion do not claim the truth of the movement to which they are attached, and do not reject other movements. At the forefront is the idea that in everything there is a manifestation of God; everyone can come to the Almighty along their own path, making a choice in favor of a certain religious tradition.

    It is love for God and all living things, sincere and selfless, that should be the highest value pursued by man. This is what religion is, the rest is just an addition. Any true flow is based on four provisions:

    • Purity. Concerns appearance, thoughts and speech, as well as actions performed by a person.
    • Asceticism. A person is not required to be a hermit - he just needs to live simply, not take more than he needs. This is reasonable healthy image life, excluding bad habits and excess.
    • Mercy for all living things. We are talking about non-violence against living beings.
    • The pursuit of truth. First of all, you need to truthfully admit to yourself what sins you have committed and sincerely repent of these actions. A person should not engage in self-deception and justify wrong actions. You cannot justify such actions by internal weakness - on the contrary, you need to overcome such manifestations.

    If a person independently develops in all four directions, then he will progress spiritually. Religion, in essence, is only a tool that helps a person come to God. Regular spiritual practice is important.

    Within each religion, a certain narrow path is given, a number of recommendations that help a person comprehend the Absolute Truth. They also have many prejudices and restrictions.

    All currents have their own paths. God is above religion - they appeared thanks to him, which means that every tradition also belongs to him. Consequently, the relationship between the human soul and the Almighty cannot be limited to the provisions of one paradigm. To begin with, a person needs to properly configure his subconscious. It is necessary to confess daily love for God and living beings. This can be done by simply writing down the main goals in life and gratitude to the Almighty in a notebook every day.

    In addition, you need to selflessly serve God and all living things., without demanding in return any reward, no glory, no gratitude and praise. You cannot tell anyone about such actions - this is bragging, a manifestation of self-interest.

    It is difficult for a person to immediately become unselfish; this is a skill that develops gradually. This can only be done by serving someone. Over time, the heart will become purer, true selflessness will come.

    It is also impossible to judge and criticize people for their beliefs. Manifestations of condemnation, contempt and hatred towards the followers and attitudes of other religions also set a person back, preventing him from developing spiritually. Everyone should live the way they want.

    However, a person still needs to communicate with religious people, regardless of his or her affiliation with any religion. They also try to come to God, therefore they are like-minded people. The main thing is that these people are adequate, not fanatics, and have a peaceful attitude towards other religions and their representatives. The person himself must also follow his own path, but not judge the choices of others. Plus - don’t be too categorical about your life - everything tends to change, and no one knows exactly how his path will change over time.

    Ways of spiritual development

    Below are several ways to stimulate spiritual growth.


    It's about learning about yourself. A person must give himself an account of his character, behavior, needs, reaction to certain situations. Including the negative aspects of your character. You need to be honest and open with yourself, perceive yourself as a multifaceted person, with your own strengths and weaknesses. This is the first step towards treating other people non-judgmentally, not expecting more from them than they can actually do.

    All this will help achieve inner harmony, balance and freedom. A person begins to perceive reality as it really is. Without unnecessary illusions, fantasies and expectations. He understands that all people and the world are not perfect. The realization comes to him of what he must do. The ability to predict and explain one’s own reaction to a particular event or phenomenon appears, since a person already knows his own worldview.

    Literature Study

    We are talking, first of all, about studying the Holy Scriptures that exist within each religion. First of all, this:

    • Torah.
    • Koran.
    • Bhagavad Gita and others.

    They contain wisdom and spiritual knowledge accumulated in each current. They definitely need to be studied in order to progress spiritually. It is useful to look to other sources. If a person was able to understand at least part of the thoughts contained in the Holy Scriptures, then he becomes richer spiritually. It is necessary to communicate with adherents of your faith. You need to find places where they gather together and regularly discuss spiritual and moral themes. Each of them has their own knowledge and experience, so each has their own point of view on various problems. By listening to everyone's arguments and positions, a person becomes spiritually enriched.

    You can listen to lectures and recordings of famous lecturers and representatives of any religion. They carry a certain message, help a person to gain a different understanding, to look at familiar phenomena in a different way. All this also helps spiritual progress. It would be better to attend such an event live - it is much more effective method communication and assimilation of information.

    Prayers and Meditation

    Prayer practice is prerequisite spiritual progress. The peoples of the world have their own prayers.

    It is important that the chosen practice is closest to the person. This is a need that must be satisfied for further spiritual development.

    If in a religion there is no need to engage in prayer practice, and a person only needs to be a follower in order to develop spiritually, this is a false tradition.

    It is useful to meditate regularly. This helps you concentrate on what’s important, focus on the right state and positive attitude, and determine your feelings at the moment.


    An important requirement necessary for a person's spiritual progress. His environment should, at a minimum, not criticize or condemn him for his views. It’s even better that they have a similar look. This will give additional strength and motivation for self-improvement. In difficult moments, such an environment will help a person cope with problems and continue his development.

    It is better to find a spiritual mentor - a person who is on more high level spiritual wealth. He will help a person, point out his mistakes, give useful recommendations on self-development.

    A mentor can be anyone you are willing to listen to and treat with humility. Instruct on Right way There may also be a situation from which a person can learn certain lessons. But a true mentor is one who can give good advice and help the person. To do this, he himself must long years lead an exalted lifestyle.

    Starting from childhood, each person, consciously or not, develops. And this happens not only to the body. Scientists cannot explain the concept of a “human soul,” but all people, from the earliest moment of self-awareness, know that they have a soul.

    What does the concept of spiritual development mean? Some say it is the development of man through a variety of cultural programs that abound in theatres, art exhibitions or concerts. Some argue that for spiritual development it is necessary to read books of occult content and maintain the aura with the help of yoga and meditation. Some associate this concept with reading sacred books and going to temples and places of pilgrimage.

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    Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the spiritual development of a person is his learning and taking all kinds of actions to maintain his life in a positive and creative direction. For a psychologist, the human soul implies an abstract concept that includes the joint work of a person’s consciousness and subconscious. Therefore, experts in the field of psychology have come to the conclusion that spiritual development includes:

    1. Human self-improvement;
    2. Maintaining a person’s physical body in good condition;
    3. Giving thoughts and emotions a positive nature;
    4. Performing actions that help a person enter into harmony with himself and the world around him, be it or listening to music.

    Today, problems of spiritual development are considered more occult than psychological or even philosophical.


    Believe it or not?

    People who have achieved some heights in this area often pass on their experience through books or audio recordings to other people. Why so many different methods and options for spiritual development? In fact, the answer to this question is simple: there is a different path for each person, and others may not be suitable. For more simple comparison You can use the example of taste or musical perception.

    After all, even those people who eat the same prepared dish or listen to the same song they like perceive it differently. Therefore, a technique that helped one person may not have an effect or even have the opposite effect on another. It depends on the perception, and on the state, and on the mood, and even on the character of the individual.

    Loss and gain of mental energy

    Which development path to choose?

    As mentioned above, development paths should be chosen individually. Look through the descriptions of the works of the authors of books on this topic, decide what is closer to you, and familiarize yourself with all the possible options. Some people create their own path of spiritual development by collecting and combining several techniques.

    There are people who just need to go out into nature to find harmony, and there are people who need company certain people. Therefore, always strive for what helps you achieve “balance.” But don’t blindly trust even the chosen method; always listen to yourself and analyze the result.

    What about the world around us?

    If a person is closer to the path of spiritual development, which implies unity with nature, this person still should not isolate himself. It’s enough just to devote some time to be in your own “path,” going out of town after work, for example. Man is a social creature, and, one way or another, will not feel good in complete solitude. If the people around you are annoying, the easiest way is to find like-minded people in free time pay attention to them and your inner world. But don't distance yourself from others!

    If everything in life is bad and you can’t find positive aspects, you can, for the purpose of self-development, organize a trip to orphanages or where the homeless live. Of course, everyone has enough problems, and each person thinks that his problems are more serious than others. Therefore, force yourself to look around “soberly” and understand that there are always those who are worse off. Yes, there are those who feel better, but this is another reason to strive for something!

    Where to start Spiritual Development - Elina Matveeva

    When should you start spiritual development?

    It is best to start it at the moment of realizing that it is necessary. Each person comes to this conclusion at one time. How to implement it depends on the person himself. In fact, people develop spiritually from the moment of their awareness. This is facilitated by both family and kindergarten, and school... Much in a person’s life is carried out unconsciously. Conscious development is possible only after the individual realizes this need.

    What can hinder a person’s spiritual development?

    Certainly, modern man subject to the “tendency of the transience of time”, it is difficult to keep up with everything, and at the same time pay attention to your inner world. However, the real obstacle is the person himself: his constant haste, unwillingness to pay attention to the “little things” or use all his capabilities. Everyone can find time for themselves. It’s just that not everyone uses this time profitably.

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    What can lead to degradation?

    Psychologists answer this question even more clearly than the question of the path of spiritual development. According to the advice of experts, you should:

    1. avoid unnecessary stress and stressful situations;
    2. do not allow yourself to fall into apathy;
    3. do not allow daily household problems to occupy yourself all day;
    4. remove evil emotional states as much as possible;
    5. devote time to yourself every day, pay attention to intuition and feelings of the subconscious “I”.

    Is it possible to stop in spiritual development?

    In fact, spiritual development can be compared to the development of the body. If a person stops developing physically, he either begins to age rapidly or degrades. “Frozenness” in one position of spiritual development can also be equated to degradation. In addition, the subconscious, being in a non-apathetic state, is itself subject to changes in connection with changes in the world around a person, and a person’s consciousness can easily control the perception and consequences of such changes. Therefore, a person thinks about his spiritual development. And precisely because of the predominant work of the unconscious in the area of ​​such development, it is difficult for a person to develop the correct methodology for himself.

    Annaya. Spirituality - what is it? How not to go left

    Spiritual Development is a mandatory goal for everyone, for everyone worthy person! But, Spiritual Development people are understood very differently and the misconceptions in this area are through the roof. And start understanding this issue better just with adequate understanding – .

    Development is a change in oneself, a person’s ability to become better: to purposefully reveal in oneself the necessary talents, strength, abilities, to form the necessary qualities and eliminate shortcomings, vices and any negativity that makes a person unhappy, angry and weak.

    And before we consider in detail what Spiritual Development is, let’s consider the main misconceptions, illusions, that is, what spiritual development is not!

    Spiritual Development or the Illusion of Perfection?

    The bottom line is this: true spiritual development is always confirmed by a person’s life, his condition, the growth of pure and high joy in the heart, achievements and positive results, ideally in all areas of life.

    If a person truly develops spiritually, truly grows in soul, this will inevitably lead to changes throughout his life: positive changes in him will be noticed by close people, his work and career will go up, the problems of such a person are solved quickly, the effectiveness of everything increases and he achieves more and more, enjoying life, his power of influence on people grows, some new talents and abilities appear that he had not noticed in himself before, he improves material well-being and many more etc. Of course, this does not mean that everything is rosy and there will be no trials and difficulties in life, but in general we can say that the whole Universe begins to help such a person.

    And if a person supposedly develops spiritually, and at the same time his life not only does not change for the better, but becomes even worse (joy, energy - no) - this is not spiritual development, but delirium, illusions that will inevitably lead him to disappointment and to collapse.

    What is not Spiritual Development?

    1. Simply, reading literature, accumulating intellectual knowledge “on this topic”. If Knowledge (information) does not turn into experience, into feelings, qualities, skills - this is not Development, but best case scenario Cognition. Development and Cognition are completely different things; I’ll quote from the magnificent book “Two Lives”:

    “You can answer me that you know and understand all this, but I will tell you that you know and understand nothing. Because in the language of wisdom, To know means to be able to, and To understand means to act. Anyone who says that he knows and understands, but does not know how to act with inspiration in his work day, actually knows nothing. In its activity, it is no different from circus dogs and horses, which have simply acquired a number of habitual associations, perceived in one order or another.”

    2. Sitting for many hours in meditation and numerous spiritual practices, without realizing the corresponding knowledge in one’s own destiny, are also worth little. What is the use of owning energy techniques, knowing many prayers and mantras, if you have not used all this to improve the lives of yourself and other people, if you yourself, as an individual, have not changed at all in your beliefs, goals in life, in the scale of your personality. This is not spiritual development, at most it is feeding your always hungry ego.

    3. Separation from people and society, withdrawal into oneself, increased closeness, arrogance, etc. Spiritual development– must always be subordinated to the High Goal of Service to the World. If a person does not have such a Goal, to make the world a better place, to love people and help them, all his development will result in Pride-Himalayas, in an illusory elevation above others and will lead, sooner or later, to an inevitable fall and collapse.

    4. Various kinds of extremes! A) Often a person who begins to engage in spiritual development (as he believes) forgets about his responsibilities, his Duty to his Family (leaves it, leaves his children, etc.), to Society (quits his job) - this is a big mistake! Spiritual Development, on the contrary, should lead to a more effective and worthy fulfillment of one’s duties to those who are given to a person by Fate, who ceases to appreciate this and, as a result, quickly loses (is left with nothing).

    IN) Refusal of material things! Spiritual development does not imply poverty and renunciation of material values; on the contrary, the more spiritual strength a person has, the greater financial potential he is able to manage and do this for the benefit of the entire Society. Grudzhiev (Spiritual Teacher) says about this: - “Only a person who is able to feed 10 of his own kind can engage in spiritual development.”. To a weak person who cannot even feed himself, is too early to engage in spiritual development, and has not even developed responsibility for his own life.

    From an esoteric point of view, Spiritual Development is the desire and opening of a chakra, and for this, a person must have more or less opened and developed the previous two chakras ( and ).

    There are other illusions about spiritual development that need to be debunked.

    Spirituality – one of the most complex concepts on Earth. A lot has been written and said about it, but no one has yet given an exhaustive, convincing definition and it is not clear enough why a person practically needs it, which significantly reduces the possibilities of its development. Many stereotypes and contradictions do not allow us to form a coherent understanding of spirituality, so we will consider the primary issues of spirituality: its concept, meaning, development and main mistakes.

    Understanding spirituality. Spirituality - this is the knowledge realized in a person about God, Good and Evil, about our society, one’s destiny and about everything that concerns a person’s interaction with higher powers, himself and the world around him. This knowledge determines most of the basic manifestations of a person (thinking, psycho-emotional sphere, behavior, lifestyle), his individual characteristics, the attitude of other people towards him, the ability or inability to achieve any significant achievements, and much more.

    The most important goals of spiritual development: achieving perfection (inner strength, positivity), knowledge and realization of one’s destiny. Truly spiritual knowledge makes a person’s life joyful and happy, allows him to gain power over himself and his destiny, and brings him closer to God. Pseudo-spirituality and various delusions make a person weak and evil, lead to suffering and unhappiness, and oppose him to the will of higher powers.

    Inner strength – the ability to achieve any significant goals and overcome life’s obstacles. It is characteristic of a few, they are born with it or form themselves, receiving the appropriate upbringing, they clearly know what they want, have a great desire for the goal, unshakable confidence in themselves and their abilities. They do not rely on chance and are convinced that everything in this world must be earned through their professionalism, development and activity; they actively act and achieve goals, respect and recognition from others. “Nothing can stop me” is their motto.

    Weakness – aimless existence, lack of dignity, respect from others and any significant achievements, endless doubts, uncertainty, vulnerability, etc. Such people are the majority, obstacles stop them, failures break them, and they only make excuses: “What can I do?”

    In esotericism, internal power has many clearly defined levels (stages of development), which describe the logic and sequence of changes in all the main components of a person: from his beliefs to external manifestations. Understanding these levels is extremely necessary for people, as it allows them to determine the direction of human evolution, the stages of his spiritual development, evaluate oneself, one’s strengths and find one’s place in the general hierarchy of beings in order to set more complex but realistic goals and objectives, and answer many others. questions. The acquisition of power is subject to universal laws, but it can be light or dark, which is determined by the goals and methods being implemented.

    Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today I want to consider the question of what human spiritual development consists of. After all, there is still no clear answer, and this concept includes not only a person’s religiosity. This is his morality, ethics, understanding of purpose, achieving a sense of internal balance, harmony and a set of qualities with which it is possible to achieve all this. But what is clear quite accurately is that everyone determines their own spiritual path and follows it. He moves with the speed and ability to overcome difficulties that he can cope with. In this article I will try to touch on areas that are related to spiritual development.

    What is spiritual development?

    Spiritual development is actually a process during which a person understands himself, his reactions, sensations, his purpose and needs. When does the search for answers to questions about who I am, where I come from and why I came to the fore come to the fore? There are levels of consciousness in society, with the help of which it is possible to find the necessary answers, these are: moral, aesthetic, political, religious, legal and scientific.

    The need to develop is not built into a person from birth, but is manifested and activated in the process of socialization and knowledge of oneself as an individual. There are no limits to spiritual knowledge; everyone determines the boundaries and resources for further searches.

    A person can consider himself spiritual if he consciously knows how to accept others as they are. Something like a parent's unconditional love, has achieved peace of mind and peace, and also has faith in something good in his heart. Let's look at each component in more detail:


    In fact, this is a very courageous decision when a person stops deceiving himself and decides to get rid of illusions and fantasies, preferring to still notice reality, no matter how terrible and destructive it may be. Then the ability to accept the imperfections of this world, other people and oneself appears. In return there is freedom. A person understands what and why he is doing. He can predict and explain his reactions to any events because he is aware of the sensations that arise. This is a rare, but justified courage when you allow yourself to be sincere not only with others, but above all with yourself.

    2.Unconditional love

    Usually it occurs among parents in relation to their children, when they love them not for anything, but only because they exist in this world. If we slightly modify this type of love, we can reformulate it like this:

    Morally developed personality capable of not only noticing this world with all its shortcomings, but also loving it at the same time, and not for something, but in spite of it.

    Then the ability to empathize, that is, empathy, sympathy and compassion, develops greatly.


    We have already talked in the article about how to achieve the necessary results, the most important thing is our faith that everything will work out. Do you remember about the effect of affirmations? If you tune your subconscious and devote all your energy to exactly what you have planned, it will definitely happen, and then a person will be able to reveal his full potential, knowing that there is outside support and something magical that you can rely on.

    4.Feeling of inner balance

    This state is probably called nirvana. When there is no anxiety, worry, feelings of irritation and helplessness, guilt, sadness and shame. A person seems to be filled from exhaustion with warmth, which gives a feeling of satisfaction, calmness and confidence. When there is no urgent need to satisfy any need, but on the contrary, a process of assimilation occurs, that is, assimilation of the experience gained. This state cannot be acquired once and for all, because life is different, with different situations, which can sometimes pull the rug out from under one’s feet, but still, during spiritual development, by combining the previous components, a person strives to gain a sense of balance.

    What happens as a result of this development?


    A person who strives to develop his morality improves his health, compared to others, he is less susceptible to diseases and lives longer. Because balance inner world affects physical condition. Have you heard of such a concept as psychosomatics? This is a direction in psychotherapy and psychology that studies the connection between a person’s feelings and his health. That is, all our ailments and diagnoses arise as a result of retained feelings, stress that we could not cope with.

    For example, a person who reacts to many situations with resentment, which he constantly keeps within himself. Most likely, as a result, he will have a stomach ulcer, because he directs energy deep into himself, preferring to unconsciously destroy his body for various reasons. Therefore, a person who strives to achieve balance is deprived of such a feature as retaining negative feelings, which helps to improve her health.

    2. There is a more effective process of socialization and personal growth

    Due to the fact that a person is balanced and aware, he knows how to build relationships with other people. Understands their intentions and the purpose of their actions. Therefore, he does a much better job. Wins success and quickly resolves complex and conflict situations. He knows how to cooperate and, most importantly, understands that an inextricable process takes place in this world, that when we receive something, we must give it back. If even one part stalls, it will be impossible to achieve harmony.

    Have you ever noticed people who only want to receive, but give nothing in return? Or vice versa, when everything is for others, but they don’t care about themselves? Can they be called happy? I really doubt. Such one-sided views on life will not lead to success, much less help you advance in your development.

    3. Becomes happier

    As a result of the fact that a person becomes more conscious, takes care of his health and quality of life, over time he gains not only a sense of internal balance, but also a feeling of happiness. He is practically not subject to stress, because the style of responding to various situations changes, which becomes less destructive and more creative and productive.

    4. The meaning of life appears

    I have already written about the fact that a spiritual person asks questions about his existence and purpose. She understands that she is capable of influencing something in this world and carries a special value and task. Everyone’s searches happen differently; I outlined the main methods in the article. This is very an important part reflections for everyone, because it brings motivation for life, so that you have the strength to get up every time after the blows of fate and continue your path further.

    5. Coming to terms with death

    No matter how much we sometimes want to avoid this topic, spiritual development still helps a person come to terms with death, realize his finitude and the impossibility of influencing how to live forever. And it doesn’t matter which area will help a person realize this: psychology, religion, philosophy, physics, etc., the main thing is that he finds a satisfying, calming answer about the process of dying and the presence or absence of life after death.

    6. Self-realization occurs

    After all, in finding your purpose, the most important thing is to discover your true nature. And after this discovery, take actions aimed at realizing your plans and goals, and not just actions, but successful ones, which bring not only success and the intended result, but also pleasure from the process.

    The best ways to do this

    The very first and main method is self-awareness

    Study yourself, explore reactions and even dark sides of your character. Be honest and open, first of all, with yourself, and then over time you will learn to accept yourself as different, with different manifestations and shortcomings, and this will contribute to a non-judgmental attitude towards others, and then there will be less expectations from them, as a result of which we are usually disappointed. Which will significantly affect the achievement of internal harmony.

    read books

    Not necessarily some kind of religious literature, anything with the help of which you can develop and find answers to any questions. Let it be classics or books on business, the important thing is that you do not stand still and have an interest in life and searching for information. In addition, reading has a very beneficial effect on health, and has many beneficial consequences, which you can read about on my blog “What does reading books develop and why is it a direct path to success?”

    Meditate or pray

    Depending on the presence or absence of faith, the main thing is that at this moment you can turn deep within yourself, relax and switch your attention. These methods have a healing effect not only on our mental, emotional condition, but also on physical health. A lot in our body, and in life in general, depends on the ability to concentrate on what is important, with the right internal message. If you don’t know how to meditate correctly, you can familiarize yourself with techniques for beginners in the article “”. And your heart and intuition will tell you how to pray.


    If you read the article, you noticed that almost all influential people who have achieved colossal results are engaged in charity. Because I know that in order to receive energy, you first need to give it away. Help your loved ones, those in need, donate to what you believe in, and then you will feel satisfied that you are useful in this world and can make life easier for someone, even if you yourself are experiencing difficulties.


    Communicate with people who, in your opinion, have reached a certain level in understanding existence and their true self. After all, those around us greatly influence our value system and perception of the world; by adopting their experience, we will be able to rely on it and appropriate our successes and conclusions. By expanding your boundaries in communication, you will become more open to this world.


    That's all, dear reader! I hope you were able to find the answer to the question of what spiritual development is and how to achieve it. Harmony to you, so that your thinking becomes clearer and more collected, then you will find inner balance, health and deep relationships, which will contribute to the realization of your plans and desires, and will also improve the lives of those around you. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

    Some people live by increasing material wealth, while others believe that the main wealth is spiritual. As one of my friends says, assuming that a person has several lives: “You cannot take material trash with you into another life, but spiritual wealth will always remain with you, be it in this life or in another.” Maybe she's right. In any case, a person who has developed spirituality in himself will never be stymied by difficulties under any circumstances. Does this mean that we need to develop spiritually? Undoubtedly, because it is easier for a spiritually rich person to adapt to life without losing his moral character.

    What does it mean to develop spiritually?

    Any development involves moving forward in the direction that makes a person better. Spirit is a natural part of a person’s personality and it also requires development. The development of spirituality is a person’s desire for perfection and the discovery of inherent abilities.
    Thoughts and actions aimed at creation also constitute the path to the development of spiritual qualities. Learn to perceive people as they are, without getting irritated by the weaknesses of their essence and without judging them. One of the main points in development is to learn to observe yourself from the outside. And it is not so important to correct the negative aspects of your personality as it is to realize that they are such. Awareness is a huge job in the development of a person’s inner state.
    The first stage on the path of spiritual development was and will be the acquisition of information. It comes precisely at the moment when a person is ready for a new stage in his life, but does not yet know how to develop spiritually. A randomly seen book about spirituality on a shelf at a friend’s house; watched a film that makes you think about the meaning of your existence; meeting people, a conversation with whom gives a tangible impetus to learn something more - all this is not without reason. These are clues that you are ready and you need to develop spiritually. Often this development occurs intuitively.

    How to develop spiritually

    Working on yourself throughout your life, sometimes consciously and sometimes not, you develop spiritually. If you have already learned to think positively, then we can congratulate you - with such thinking it is easier to move up the steps towards spiritual perfection. Positive rejects negative emotions, slowing down your forward movement. And the question no longer arises before you - how to develop spiritually.
    Getting rid of wrong concepts about life, from illusions; awareness of one's true essence; the desire to become more patient and tolerant; rising above the circumstances that influence your mood and mind - all these are stages in the development of your spirituality. As it grows, your inner strength increases.
    Of course, there are situations when you do not have the strength to deal with problems that hinder your growth with dignity. This is precisely why there are mantras for specific occasions and meditation. By using them, you will not lose control of yourself.
    It is never too late to learn to develop spiritual qualities in yourself - each person has his own period for this.

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