• Federal Law “Early old-age pension. Early retirement pension


    Last updated February 2019

    Started in June 2018 pension reform(On June 16, 2018, a bill on raising the retirement age was submitted to the State Duma).

    The main idea of ​​the reform was to increase:

    • standard retirement age (65 years for men, 63 years for women);
    • age limit of disabled people (70 – men, 68 – women),
    • age level of certain categories (medical workers, teachers, theater workers, workers of the Far North, etc.).

    The law is currently undergoing parliamentary proofreading, and an assessment is also being made. public opinion and collecting wishes and suggestions from the population. What was happening received great resonance. Some amendments have already been made to the bill.

    On August 29, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation contributed to the reformation aimed at softening the provisions of the draft.

    The main points are:

    • in general retirement age for women it will be 60 years;
    • women with children will be given the right to early exit retirement (3 children 3 years earlier due date, 4 children 4 years earlier, 5 or more children will allow you to retire at 50 years old);
    • the reform will not affect benefits for indigenous peoples of the North, victims of the Chernobyl accident, certain benefit categories (chemical and hot shops, miners, etc.);
    • the length of service required for early retirement will be reduced (37 years for women and 42 for men, instead of the current 40 and 45, respectively);
    • those who are currently on the eve of retirement are given the right to retire six months earlier than expected, that is, for men at 59.5 years old, and for women at 54.5 years old.

    But these are just sketches for now. Time will tell whether the deputies will accept the law and in what version. And now the situation is the same as before.

    Currently, in order to receive a paid old-age pension and receive certain benefits, the following facts are required:

    • retirement age (for men at age 60, for women at age 55);
    • having a minimum 6 year old insurance period;
    • the value of the individual coefficient is from 6.6.

    The required insurance period will gradually increase: from 6 years in 2015. up to 15 years by 2024 And individual pension coefficient will grow by 2.4 points annually until reaching 30.

    Early retirement

    The legislation of our country guarantees a citizen the right to a paid old-age pension and to receive certain benefits. The grounds for the general pension are regulated by Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400.

    But, there are a number of federal regulations that clearly regulate the grounds for early assignment of labor pensions.

    Early retirement at 50 years of age and earlier: list of persons and conditions for appointment

    Articles 30,31 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400

    Articles 30,31 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400 provide guaranteed appointment labor pension citizens whose seniority includes the following periods:

    • Work in special territorial conditions;
    • Activities associated with special working conditions;

    The list of bases is individual and quite extensive (). For example, it includes:

    • women who have raised more than 5 children, parents and guardians of disabled people from childhood.
    • the right to early retirement belongs to disabled people: due to military injury, with pituitary dwarfism, and having the first group of vision.
    • citizens permanently residing or working in the Far North and equivalent regions, persons employed in underground and mining industries, doctors in rural areas, etc.

    Professions that allow early retirement due to harmfulness are indicated by lists 1 and 2, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR on January 26, 1991.

    Procedure for assigning early pension

      • When can I contact the PF? The pension is assigned from the date of application, but not earlier in the day the emergence of the right to it. Before contacting the territorial branch of the Pension Fund, it is advisable to consult with its specialists or the HR department about necessary list documents.
      • How to provide documents? An application for early assignment of a pension and the necessary certificates can be submitted by a citizen in person or sent by mail. The day of receipt of documents or the date on the postmark will be considered the day of application. They are confirmed by a receipt issued by hand or sent by mail.
      • What if the list of documents is incomplete? A person has the right, based on an explanation from a PF employee, to provide the missing documents. If the 3-month period from the date of receipt of the clarification is observed, the date of application for a pension remains the day the application was received.
      • How long does the Pension Fund take to consider an application? The pension fund is obliged to consider the application and make a decision on the appointment within 10 days.
      • Can they refuse? In case of refusal, the citizen must be notified within 5 days. The notice must indicate the reasons and procedure for the appeal.

    Early retirement due to liquidation of an enterprise or staff reduction

    Young people are welcome everywhere, but an employee of pre-retirement age who has lost his job for the above reasons often experiences difficulties finding employment. There is also a way out of this situation - to formalize your retirement ahead of schedule.

    The most significant condition for assigning premature support is the age of the reduced person. The period remaining until retirement due to old age cannot exceed 2 years. That is, in the absence of other conditions, early retirement:

    • for women it is available only at 53 years old,
    • early retirement for men - at 58 years old.

    The following conditions must also be met:

    • Dismissal only due to staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise. Other reasons, such as personal desire or medical indications, are not provided for by law.
    • Having 25 years of insurance experience for males, 20 years for females. The length of service may be less than established if the conditions specified above in Articles 30, 31, and 32 of the Federal Law are present.
    • The citizen must be recognized as unemployed and registered with the Employment Authorities.
    • There should be no vacancies on the exchange that correspond to the education, vacancy and qualifications of the person who has been laid off.

    Citizens who have committed offenses that resulted in the termination of the appointment are deprived of the right to early assignment of a pension. social payments(reducing its size), or 2 times refusing employment for suitable vacancies.

    Rules for registration and assignment of early pension

    For a working citizen after dismissal
    • The employer is obliged to pay the employee severance pay within a 2-month period.
    • If during this time it was not possible to find a new place, payments from former job terminate, the citizen receives unemployed status and the right to receive benefits (if he independently registers with the Employment Center). The period for its payment is also limited in time and is no more than 12 months.
    For unemployed people of pre-retirement age

    For unemployed people of pre-retirement age who have an insurance record of more than 20 years for women and 25 years for men, the payment of this subsidy can be extended. Each year worked beyond the length of service extends state provision for 2 week.

    If service employees have difficulty finding vacancies, they will offer the unemployed in writing to exercise the right to early retirement. With this direction, the person must contact the ROPF. This must be done within a month, otherwise the application will become invalid. The only valid reason for extending the period is illness confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work. If the response from the pension fund is positive, the unemployed status is canceled and a pension payment is assigned. Early retirement paid until retirement age begins, then transition occurs insurance pension by old age.

    Pension payments are compensated by the Pension Fund from the budget of the employment center. Therefore, when quotas are exceeded, referrals are often refused. If a future pensioner is faced with an unreasonable refusal in his opinion, he can file a complaint with the Ministry of Labor or can challenge the decision in court.

    If a citizen gets a job or opens a business

    Then the payment of the early pension stops and is resumed only after the dismissal or closure of the individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance on the choice (pension or salary) that gives the greatest income. A citizen must independently notify Pension Fund branches about all changes (including the age required for receiving an old-age insurance pension).

    A package of documents for submission to the regional branch of the Pension Fund

    Employees Pension Fund may require the following additional documents confirming:

    • Change of personal data (full name);
    • Presence in the family disabled members and dependents (birth certificates, documents confirming their full-time education);
    • Work experience in the Far North, in particularly difficult and hazardous enterprises;
    • Designation of disability, etc.

    Calculation of pension payments

    The amount of early pension is calculated similarly to the method for determining old-age pension and depends on:

    • From the amount of payments to the Pension Fund;
    • From wages.

    Early pensions are also subject to government indexations and recalculations. In parallel, the citizen is given the right to receive payments for length of service.

    If you have questions about the topic of the article, please do not hesitate to ask them in the comments. We will definitely answer all your questions within a few days. However, carefully read all the questions and answers to the article; if there is a detailed answer to such a question, then your question will not be published.


    Early old age pension is an opportunity to retire earlier than the established period. The legislation provides the opportunity for men to leave work upon reaching 60 years of age; women must turn 55 years of age. From this moment on, the state begins to accrue and pay them cash support. The right to early retirement arises for citizens working in certain positions for a specified period of time, as well as for persons employed in the Far North, mothers of many children and disabled people.

    The usual concept of “early assignment of old-age labor pension” is no longer used in legislation. Instead, insurance coverage has been introduced. The regulatory act, which guarantees the right to early assignment of a labor pension, is now applied only in terms of calculating the amount of payments.

    For Russian citizens, the right to a well-deserved rest now arises on other grounds. In contrast to the legislation regulating the procedure for providing early retirement pensions, the regulations in force today require special individual points that allow employees working in certain jobs to receive cash support. The legislation on insurance pensions establishes that all employees going on vacation must have collected at least 30 points. Their number will grow every year; in 2019, it is enough to score 11.4 points to retire.

    Who is eligible for early retirement?

    The list of specialties and the number of years of experience required for early retirement are established by regulatory act No. 400-FZ, adopted in 2013.

    Number of years of experience in these jobsGeneral insurance experienceNumber of years to retireNumber of years of experience in the specialtyGeneral insurance experience
    Miners50 10 20 45 7,5
    Workers of locomotive crews, truck drivers in mines, other professions with difficult working conditions55 12,5 25 50 10
    Tractor drivers 50 15
    Textile industry workers (at increased labor intensity) 50 20
    Field reconnaissance, logging and crew workers, machine operators, pilots55 12,5 25 50 10
    Miners 25 25
    Lead miners 20 20
    Fishing industry vessel workers 25 20
    Civil aviation flight personnel 25;

    20 years – those who passed away due to health reasons

    20; 15 years – those who passed away due to health reasons
    Air transport service personnel55 20 25 50 15
    Rescuers and liquidators40 15 40 15
    Employees of the criminal correctional system (CPS)55 15 25 50 10
    Firefighters50 25 50 25
    Teachers 25 25
    Doctors 25 – in villages, 30 – in cities 25 – in villages, 30 – in cities
    Actors 50-55 – depending on activity15-30 – depending on activity

    Early pension provision old age is also provided for preferential categories of citizens, which include:

    • women who have given birth to 5 or more children when the children reach the age of eight;
    • visually impaired people assigned to group 1;
    • parents or guardians of disabled children who raised them up to the age of eight;
    • women with two or more children working in the Far North;
    • citizens who became disabled after receiving a military injury;
    • midgets;
    • hunters, fishermen, reindeer herders working in the Far North.

    It should be clarified in Art. how many years you need to work to retire. 32 of Law No. 400-FZ. Citizens working in the northern regions can see whether their region falls into the preferential category in the list of Council of Ministers Resolution No. 12, adopted in 1983.

    Procedure for leaving work early

    If a citizen has complied with all legal requirements regarding reaching the required age for retirement, there is required experience, and there are other grounds for assigning a pension, he needs to contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Multifunctional Center.

    Documents required to assign cash support for old age:

    • application in the prescribed form;
    • identification document;
    • documentary confirmation total experience(SNILS);
    • confirmation of years worked in a specific position (work book).

    In case it is impossible to confirm the data or is missing Required documents, government agencies have the right to refuse a citizen’s request.

    How payments are calculated

    The size of the payment that a citizen will receive before reaching the age established for retirement depends on the funded and insurance parts (currently the security received by older people consists only of the latter). The calculation procedure is given in the legislation regulating the assignment of labor pensions. Today the following formula is used:

    number of accumulated odds × odds value × boosting index + base payout × boosting index.

    Important! Payment accrual begins on the day the data is submitted to the Pension Fund. When a citizen reaches general retirement age, there is no need to submit a new application or other documentation to government agencies - an automatic transfer to insurance coverage occurs.

    Providing early pensions to the unemployed

    Legislation allows early retirement not only for citizens who have worked hard throughout their lives and have the necessary length of service, but also for persons who were fired shortly before receiving a well-deserved pension. Persons who are eligible to claim pension payments before reaching a specified age must meet a number of criteria:

    • there are less than two years left before the age at which you can leave work, that is, a woman must be at least 53 years old, a man must be at least 58 years old;
    • the citizen was fired due to a reduction in the number of staff positions or liquidation of the employer’s organization;
    • a person is considered unemployed based on his recognition as such by the employment center;
    • there is no opportunity for official employment;
    • the person did not refuse the job previously offered by the employment center;
    • there must be sufficient insurance experience: twenty years for women, twenty-five for men.

    Early assignment of a pension is subject to full compliance with the listed requirements. To obtain the right to payments, you should contact the Employment Center, which records unemployed citizens at the applicant’s place of registration. If civil servants consider the requirement legitimate, they issue a written proposal to send the unemployed person to a pension until he reaches the right age. The Employment Center provides this document to the applicant in two copies. A certificate is also issued about the periods of insurance experience necessary to calculate payments.

    With these documents, received against signature, the citizen should go to the Pension Fund, where a decision is made on assigning monetary support to the person who applied. The Pension Fund has the right to make a reasoned refusal to provide payments - in this case, the Employment Center is obliged to continue to look for a job for the applicant. If the refusal does not meet legal requirements, the decision is subject to appeal to a higher authority or court.

    The early old age insurance pension stops accruing if the person receiving it finds work. After employment, the citizen is obliged to report this fact to the Pension Fund. Payments received after returning to work will need to be returned.

    Russian legislation provides for the rights of citizens to receive early maintenance benefits, which is regulated from December 19, 2013.

    Some citizens Russian Federation have the right to early retirement. This category includes workers in enterprises associated with toxic substances, hazardous fumes, underground and fire protection work. Also, the list of workers is supplemented by teachers and medical workers.


    Reasons for early retirement may be:

    • lack of a workplace, position;
    • availability of work experience required to receive an insurance pension;
    • retirement age;
    • consent to early retirement.

    To apply for this type of pension, you must contact the local Pension Fund with applications. Indicate the reasons and attach the necessary documents, if required. Federal budget authorities are required to review the application and provide a decision to the employment organization. In case of disagreement, the decision is reviewed by the regional authority and the court. All appropriate costs for processing early maintenance benefits are allocated from the federal budget. The amount of the early pension salary is equal to the insurance salary. If there is a significant difference, a request for recalculation is submitted at the time of disability.

    List of professions

    If an enterprise is downsized or liquidated, employees close to retirement age may receive early benefits (Article No. 30 of Federal Law 400).

    Article No. 32 of Federal Law 400 describes the rights to receive an early pension for mothers with many children. The conditions say that a woman’s age should be close to retirement age, that is, at least 50 years old, giving birth to 2-5 children and raising them until at least 8 years of age. The mother's work experience must be 15 years.

    For the category of people who need proper care and constant supervision, these are disabled people of the first and second groups. Parents of special children have rights to early benefits. Women can apply for an insurance pension at the age of 50, and men at 55 years old. The only condition provided for such a right is the possibility of early benefits only for 1 parent or guardian, taking into account a work experience of 15 to 29 years.

    Pilots and employees in civil aviation may qualify for early maintenance benefits based on hard work and conditions hazardous to health. Women retire at age 50, having worked for 15 years, and men at age 55, having worked for 20 years, respectively.

    Military personnel who are injured and subsequently classified as disabled have the right to early benefits if their work experience is at least 15 years. The required age for men is 50, for women 40 years.

    Workers in shipbuilding and industrial processing of marine products are given the opportunity to receive an early pension. Seafarers are also included in this list.

    People with visual impairments of the first group have the right to receive early insurance compensation if they have worked for 15 years and the employee’s age is close to retirement.

    • mining workers;
    • workers whose work involves contact with complex chemicals (metal, oil, mercury);
    • doctors;
    • drivers and repairmen;

    Printing workers and other similar professions are among them.

    Right toearly retirement — a government measure to support citizens working in difficult working conditions and socially vulnerable categories of Russians. At the same time, the opportunityearly retirement should be assessed taking into account changes in pension legislation that have occurred up to this point.

    How to retire early, what are the grounds for this?

    For objective reasons, the retirement age in Russia will only increase in the coming decades; a decision on its increase is expected to be made before 2020. Therefore, the issue of benefits in the field of pension provision, including preferential calculation of length of service or the opportunity to retire earlier than the generally accepted retirement age, is especially relevant.

    Effective January 1, 2015 new law on pension provision, which establishes a new procedure for calculating pensions and makes other changes to the pension schemes of Russians. An innovation is the mandatory linking of the possibility of early assignment of a pension to the presence of an individual pension coefficient for the insured person in the amount specified by law.

    To better plan their education and future careers, future generations should know who is entitled to early retirement. List of persons entitled according to pension legislation early retirement, is very wide, and the conditions under which this benefit can be obtained vary. List of persons entitled early retirement, given in Art. 30, 31, 32 of the Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

    In most cases for early retirement preferential categories of citizens must not only develop a certain length of service, but also reach a certain age - 45, 50 or 55 years. There are professions (for example, teachers, doctors) for which it is possible to retire early only based on length of service, that is, after accumulating a certain length of service.

    Early old age pension - who is entitled to it?

    In total, the law provides for about 30 categories of citizens who are entitled early retirement. In general, the opportunity to receive this benefit arises for persons whose working conditions, due to certain circumstances, are more difficult than those of the majority of working Russians (locomotive workers, drivers public transport, doctors, teachers and so on). The work of these citizens is associated with constant stress, which leads to early loss professional qualities. Circumstances that give the right to a benefit also include working conditions: heavy production, work in the Far North, underground work.

    But the law also provides guarantees for persons who are socially less protected than the majority of our citizens: mothers of many children, the unemployed, as well as disabled people and those raising disabled people - for them, early retirement may become unplanned. We will talk about these categories of citizens in more detail later.

    Early registration of a pension in case of layoff (early pension for the unemployed)

    The legislation provides for guaranteed state support for those individuals who have lost their jobs as a result of staff reductions and liquidation of an organization. Citizen's right to early old age pension in this case, Art. 32 of the Law “On Employment” dated April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1.

    Citizens officially recognized as unemployed, early old age pension may be prescribed if the following conditions are met:

    • the remaining period until retirement (including early retirement) due to old age at the time the pension is assigned is less than 2 years;
    • a citizen who retires has completed work experience (its amount depends on working conditions);
    • Employment service employees apply for early retirement due to lack of suitable work.

    Important! When determining the possibility early retirement when reducing staff, you need to focus on the retirement age and length of service that corresponds to the working conditions of the citizen.

    For recognition of a citizen as needing an appointment early old age pension he must contact the employment service himself. If the issue is resolved positively, the employment service agency will issue the unemployed a certificate with which he month period must apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application for early retirement.

    How can a mother of many children retire early?

    A mother of many children, when she gives birth to 5 or more children, whom she raises for more than 8 years, subject to the development of insurance experience (at least 15 years), has the right to early retirement upon reaching the age of 50 years. An indispensable condition under which it is possible early retirement, is that a mother with many children has an individual pension coefficient of at least 30.

    It is worth noting that women who have worked for at least 12 years in the Far North, with at least 20 years of experience early retirement at the age of 50 is possible if they have 2 or more children. At the same time, when assigning a pension, both natural and adopted children are indicated, in whose birth certificate the applicant is indicated in the “Mother” column.

    Your right early retirement mother of many children can transfer it to her husband (he has this right from the age of 55) by submitting an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Guarantees for disabled people and persons supporting them

    For a number of persons with disabilities acquired as a result of war trauma, visually impaired people, as well as midgets and disproportionate dwarfs, old-age pensions are granted early upon reaching a certain age and subject to their working experience.

    An early pension is also assigned to one of the parents or guardians of disabled people since childhood, who raised them until the age of 8 years. At the same time, parents of disabled people are granted a pension from the age of 55 (for men) or 50 (for women). For guardians of disabled people, the age at which it is possible for them to early retirement, is calculated with a reduction of 1.6 years for 1 year of guardianship (but not more than 5 years).

    To receive this type of early pension, citizens entitled to receive it should contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application, a package of documents confirming family relations between the applicant and a disabled child, the child’s disability and the fact that the pension is assigned for the first time, that is, it is not accrued to another family member.

    Working all their lives, people hope to receive a decent salary in old age. According to Russian law, all citizens have the right to pension payments from the state. Since everyone’s working conditions are different, the size of the pension varies depending on the profession and length of service. Some specialties additionally provide the opportunity for early retirement, and you can take advantage of this opportunity for a number of reasons.

    What is early retirement?

    Russians acquire the right to take a well-deserved rest for various reasons, including at their own request. Some categories of citizens, due to their professional activities and social factors according to the law, have the right to go on vacation earlier than legally established general terms:

    • at the age of 60 – for men;
    • upon reaching the 55th birthday - for women.

    Preferential (early) pension is a monetary allowance that can be paid to a person who has not reached the generally established retirement age, but who has a legally designated work experience in a specific specialty or a certain social status. To assign payments, certain requirements must be met:

    • Professional activity. A person has the right to early retirement if he works in dangerous or difficult conditions and his work may pose a particular danger to health and life.
    • Special territorial conditions. Citizens who work in the Far North or other territories that are traditionally equated with them will retire ahead of schedule.
    • Social. The right to early pension provision under the law is granted to people who have a certain social status. These include mothers with many children, residents of the Far North, leading a traditional lifestyle, disabled people, and dwarfs.

    Legal regulation

    Russian pension legislation is constantly being transformed in order to become more perfect and, if possible, take into account the needs of all groups of the population, regardless of gender and age. At the federal and regional levels, various regulatory and legal acts are adopted, the action of which is aimed at improving the lives and increasing the well-being of people who have retired, and the rules for indexing allowances. Among the main documents it is worth highlighting:

    • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    • the federal law No. 400-FZ.
    • Federal Law No. 166-FZ.
    • Law 1032-1.
    • Federal Law No. 173-FZ.
    • Federal Law No. 167-FZ.

    The above list is not exhaustive, since preferential retirement is associated with various circumstances that must be taken into account when granting a person the right to a benefit. Additionally, it is necessary to take into account recommendations and instructions issued by ministries and departments, as well as regulations that provide privileges to pensioners of a certain constituent entity of Russia.

    General requirements for the purpose of payment

    Early retirement requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

    • Age. Russian legislation in contrast to the practice used in other countries, a differentiated retirement age has been established for men (60 years) and women (55 years). Representatives of certain professions and categories of citizens have the right to receive pensions of previously specified values.
    • Insurance experience. A certain number of years, established by law, during which insurance premiums were to be deducted from the employee’s earnings by the employer. According to the latest changes, the value will increase in one-year increments until it reaches 15 by 2024. In 2018, the minimum insurance period is 9 years.
    • Labor. The time during which a person worked under an employment or civil contract. This takes into account the time spent in military service, being on sick leave, the period of being registered with the Employment Service, and parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.
    • Special - based on length of service in certain professions and positions, which is necessary for granting early retirement in 2018.
    • Individual pension coefficient. A value that directly affects the size of the payment received. When transferring contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the amount of money is converted into points using a special formula, which, when going on vacation, are summed up and then multiplied by the cost of the IPC (the value is indexed annually).

    According to the reform pension legislation in 2018, the age for retirement will not change - previously adopted standards will remain unchanged. Other indicators that affect the amount of allowance will undergo changes:

    Requirement for insurance experience

    Minimum IPC amount

    Maximum annual score

    When forming an insurance pension

    When forming an insurance and funded pension

    Who is entitled to early retirement?

    Back in 1932, the age was determined according to which a person had the right to leave work and retire. Since that time, nothing has changed, if you do not take into account the methodology for calculating payments to older people. Simultaneously Special attention is given to people who work in difficult conditions or are exposed to excessive physical stress. Some work involves contact with harmful or dangerous substances. In addition to the additional payment for harmfulness to their salary, they have the right to go on vacation earlier.

    Social categories of citizens

    Today, the groups of the population that have the right to retire early in 2018 are legally defined, and in in this case It is not their work experience that is taken into account, but their social position in society:

    • mothers of many children;
    • guardians or one of the parents of disabled children or people with disabilities since childhood;
    • some categories of unemployed;
    • representatives of small indigenous peoples of the Far North engaged in subsistence farming;
    • midgets;
    • disproportionate dwarfs;
    • visually impaired people assigned group 1;
    • persons who became disabled after receiving a military injury;
    • mothers of 2 or more children who worked in the Far North.

    In case of staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise

    Citizens of pre-retirement age who have been laid off have the right to claim benefits earlier. An important aspect In this case, the age of the citizen is considered. He must have less than 2 years left before the date of his right to retire. Women are allowed to retire at 53, while men are allowed to retire on their 58th birthday.

    In addition to age restrictions, other requirements must be met:

    • The reason for dismissal must be a reduction in the number of personnel at the enterprise or its complete liquidation.
    • Availability of 20 years of work experience for women and 25 years of work experience for men (for some categories of citizens there may be other preferential conditions).
    • A person who has been laid off must be listed as unemployed, registered with the Employment Service, and there should be no vacancies on the exchange itself that would suit the person in accordance with his specialty or qualifications.

    You may lose the right to assign early payment if the employee:

    • Twice he refused employment in the professions that suited him.
    • Has offenses that caused the termination or reduction of payments.

    Workers of preferential professions

    The list of preferential specialties is an approved list of professions that are entitled to certain preferences. The basis for their compilation is the level of impact on the body. harmful factors that arise during the production process. List No. 1 and List No. 2 are distinguished. They were approved in 1991 by Resolution No. 10 of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers to determine the professions of people who have the right to go on vacation early.

    The procedure for applying the Lists to modern stage is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 (07/16/2014), in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of Law No. 400-FZ. According to Labor Code Russian Federation citizens whose work activity falls under these conditions have the right to additional leave, shortened working hours and other privileges. For the average citizen, it is difficult to understand what the difference is between them, since the professions in them are repeated. The difference lies in the degree of harmful influence of production factors on the human body:

    • List No. 1 – especially dangerous and difficult conditions;
    • List No. 2 – harmful and difficult conditions (less hazardous to health compared to List No. 1).

    In short, both lists give a citizen the right to preferential social and pension benefits. Among the professions and positions, the following should be highlighted:

    • nuclear energy workers;
    • chemical industry workers;
    • geological prospectors, search engines;
    • miners;
    • persons working in underground structures;
    • flight crews and civil aviation workers;
    • persons employed in road transport;
    • military personnel;
    • workers with radioactive substances;
    • women who worked at high intensity or operated heavy machinery;
    • persons who worked in workshops with elevated temperatures;
    • doctors and other medical personnel;
    • metallurgical workers;
    • railway transport workers;
    • teachers;
    • persons with particularly difficult working conditions;
    • aviation industry workers;
    • public transport drivers;
    • workers of sea and river vessels;
    • correctional officers;
    • reindeer herders;
    • emergency services workers;
    • creative and theatrical figures.

    Early retirement in 2018

    Some categories of citizens who do not belong to the Lists with dangerous and harmful working conditions can also receive early old-age payments in 2018. It is important to distinguish between early retirement and the opportunity to receive social benefits. If for the first it is mandatory to have a certain insurance and work experience, then a social pension can be assigned even when a person has never worked. At the same time, social benefits have an amount approved by the government, while the amount of payments depends on the length of service.

    For mothers of many children

    For those women who have raised five or more children under the age of 8, the state offers the opportunity to retire earlier than expected. To do this, you must reach 50 years of age and have 15 years of work experience at your official place of work. Those women who do not meet the above criteria are only awarded a social pension.

    The only exceptions are representatives of the fair sex who gave birth to two or more children, but worked in the North. To retire, they must reach their 50th birthday. Their total work experience employment contract must be equal to at least 20 years, and 12 of them they had to work in the regions of the Far North or 17 in areas equivalent to such territories.

    Disabled people and their guardians

    The government is trying its best to help people with disabilities, but does not forget about those citizens who are watching over them. If a family has a disabled child or has been disabled since childhood, one of the parents has the right to early retirement in 2018, but subject to two conditions:

    • reaching 55 years of age and having 20 years of service for men;
    • reaching 50 years of age and 15 years of service for women.

    Citizens who are guardians of a disabled child under 8 years old also have preferences on an equal basis with legal parents. Every 18 months of inspection for an incapacitated child gives them the right to go on vacation one year earlier than the due date. There are restrictions so guardians cannot leave earlier than five years before the due date. An additional condition is that they must be officially employed, and the minimum insurance period for men is limited to 20 years, and for women 15.

    Unemployed after dismissal

    During the first two months after dismissal, a person receives an average monthly salary according to his last place of employment. If he does not find a job, he has the right to register with the employment center and receive unemployment benefits. When a man has reached 58 years of age and a woman has reached 53 years of age, representatives of the labor exchange can send an offer to apply for old-age benefits if the person has the necessary work experience. Registration of early pension in 2018 occurs only with the consent of the unemployed and is compensated from budget money.

    For health

    When assigned 1, 2 or 3 groups of disability or health problems, a person has the right to receive pension payments. When registering benefits, the time of onset of disability and its causes are not taken into account. It does not take into account whether the disabled person is currently working or not. The only condition that is necessary for the assignment of a labor pension is the presence of an insurance period, and its duration does not matter. This means that even one working day will be enough for a person with disabilities if a deduction was made from the salary to the Pension Fund.

    In addition to the early disability pension in 2018, a monthly fixed supplement is due, the amount of which depends on the category of disability and the regional coefficient (the indicator is determined in each subject of the Russian Federation separately). When submitting an application for registration of benefits, it is necessary to provide a conclusion from a medical and social examination, and the next re-examination should be carried out annually for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 and once every 2 years for disabled people of the first category.

    Tables of preferential length of service

    Provided that a person’s work activity is associated with dangerous, harmful or difficult working conditions that belong to List 1 and List 2, he may qualify for early retirement. He needs to work at least half the time required to retire according to these lists. In order to take advantage of this prerogative, you must additionally have the required amount of pension points and a certain insurance period. The generally established retirement age is reduced in proportion to the length of service available.

    Retirement age for persons who worked in hazardous conditions

    Payments in 2018 according to List No. 1 may be assigned before the age required by law. Reducing the retirement age for men working in particularly hazardous conditions is determined according to the table below:

    For women:

    Calculation for employees according to List 2

    According to official information provided on the Pension Fund of Russia website, people working in hazardous and difficult working conditions, which belong to List No. 2, also have the right to premature retirement. Early pension in 2018 for men will be accrued according to List 2:

    For women:

    Reducing the retirement age for workers in the Far North and equivalent areas

    In 2018, citizens who worked in the Far North or areas that are legally equivalent to them have the right to retire early. The duration of the required working period depends on natural and climatic conditions. For those who worked in the most extreme regions of the north, it is required less years employment than for citizens who worked in an area equated to RKS.

    To obtain the so-called " northern pension"Some conditions must be met:

    Early payment can be made with a reduction in the retirement age in proportion to the length of service, but this requires working for at least 7 and a half years in the Far North. For every 12 months of employment in the RKS, the retirement age is reduced by 4 months:

    Experience, years

    Age, number of years and months

    15 or more

    How to retire early

    There are no plans to increase the retirement age in 2018, although discussions about this arise from time to time. This should be expected in the near future, especially since the increase in the age for retirement has already affected civil servants and every year they get another six months. An additional catalyst is the economic crisis, the consequences of which have not yet been eliminated.

    Early pension in 2018 is assigned only in rubles to any person, regardless of gender, age and period labor activity. In this way, the state provides support to citizens who, for whatever reason, cannot continue to work. To receive an insurance pension benefit, you need to fulfill many conditions, which have already been mentioned above.

    When and where to contact

    In order for the allowance in 2018 to be assigned on time, the procedure should be taken up in advance, especially since the initiative must come from the citizen himself. To do this, you need to contact one of the authorities:

    • local branch of the Pension Fund;
    • Multifunctional Center;
    • HR department at the last place of work.

    At the initial stage, you should contact a specialist from the chosen body for advice. He will tell you what documents need to be prepared. It is recommended to do this six months before going on vacation to avoid delays in the assignment of pension payments. The application itself must be submitted at least a month before the right to receive benefits.


    Russian legislation establishes an official application form for the assignment of pension benefits. It can be downloaded from the official website of the Pension Fund or obtained from the Pension Fund branch itself or the MFC. Only the future pensioner himself has the right to fill out the application. This can also be done by a legal representative, but he must have a valid notarized power of attorney. If desired, you can submit an application through the user’s personal account on the Internet portal of the Pension Fund.

    Corrections and crossing outs are not allowed when filling out - this may become a reason for refusing to accept the documents. Since the application form has a prescribed form, you will need to indicate:

    • Name of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund.
    • Last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the person who applies for benefits.
    • SNILS.
    • Citizenship. If a person is a national of another state, it is necessary to indicate “ Foreign citizen».
    • Place of residence, registration and contact telephone number.
    • The name of the identity document, its number, series, by whom and when it was issued.
    • If the application is submitted by a legal representative, indicate all similar information about him.
    • Indicate whether the person is currently employed or not.
    • If there are dependents, indicate their number.
    • Indicate the type of pension benefit that the citizen is counting on.
    • If a person previously received pension payments, this fact must be indicated.
    • List the documents that are attached to the application.
    • Put the date, signature and its explanation.

    List of general documents

    In addition to a correctly completed application, in order to be considered for receiving pension payments, you must provide documents confirming your eligibility. The main ones you will need are:

    • passport (for citizens of the Russian Federation);
    • Residence permit (for foreigners);
    • SNILS;
    • documents confirming the presence of the required experience;
    • certificate of monthly wages for any consecutive 60-month period preceding January 1, 2002. Information on average monthly wages for 2000–2001, which were submitted by former employers or from the Pension Fund information systems, may be considered.

    The above list is not exhaustive, since each application is considered individually. For this reason, it may be necessary to provide evidence of additional circumstances that have arisen. A citizen can submit the collected package of documents in several ways:

    • In person when visiting a PFR branch in the region or MFC.
    • Via postal service. For this purpose, the papers are sent by registered mail with a list of available attachments.
    • Through a legal representative. In this case, a notarized power of attorney is required.

    List of documents for confirmation of benefits

    Early pension in 2018 is granted only upon presentation of documents confirming the right to receive it:

    • pensioner's ID;
    • certificate of presence of dependents;
    • address certificate;
    • children's birth certificates;
    • confirmation of guardianship (adoption);
    • certificate of family composition;
    • documentary evidence of work according to List 1 or 2 or labor activity in the RKS or equivalent territories (work book, certificates, personal cards from the personnel department, extracts, etc.).

    Deadlines for consideration and appointment of early payment

    The legislation allows 10 days to consider the application and make a decision. The countdown starts from the moment the documents are submitted. In case of refusal, Pension Fund employees are obliged to notify the citizen about this within five days. If for some reason a person was unable to provide all the necessary papers, he is given three months to correct this situation. Provided that during this period the documentation was submitted, the assignment of pension benefits is counted from the day the documents were submitted or according to the postmark on the envelope if the papers were sent by mail.


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