• Chalcedony: a mystery for gemologists. Elegant chalcedony stone


    Blue and gray, light yellow and bluish-black, smoky and brown - chalcedony stone has many color shades. Once upon a time, on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara, Chalcedon was located, an ancient city with a rich market for ornamental and jewelry stones. It was there that they first began to mine this mineral. Ancient Greek stone miners were amazed at the richness of chalcedony flowers, and jewelry craftsmen made from it beautiful jewelry and products for religious institutions. It is believed that this mineral was named after this city.

    Chalcedony is not just a stone, it is a whole group of minerals belonging to the quartz group. Gems with a special color or pattern are considered semi-precious. Chalcedony has its own name according to its color variety. For example, heliotropes are stones interspersed with bright red spots, and chrysoprase are emerald-colored minerals. Chalcedony is a stone of pale tones: light blue, yellowish, greenish with a blue tint.

    Application of chalcedony

    Transparent (fully or semi-transparent) varieties of light-colored chalcedony are semi-precious stones.

    They are used to make inserts for jewelry. And opaque stones with a banded structure are classified as ornamental. Souvenirs and beautiful jewelry are made from such minerals.

    Sky blue stones are especially prized among jewelers. They are inserted into a frame made of white and yellow gold and silver. Jewelry is also produced without frames in the form of various beads, bracelets of all shapes, and pendants.

    The price range of this stone is very wide, and their beauty is amazing. A woman of any income and taste can easily choose jewelry for herself.

    When choosing jewelry, you should listen to the advice of stylists. They believe that blondes can successfully wear blue and white stones, while brunettes and red-haired beauties can wear bright green or red stones.

    These minerals also found their place in room decor. Some varieties of chalcedony are successfully used in the form of facing tiles for rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, baths). Mirror frames, stained glass windows, lampshades and other home furnishings are made from it.

    Chalcedony is also used in technology. It is used in the instrument-making industry: precision instruments need reliable supports, which are made from certain types of chalcedony. Laboratory glassware is produced for the chemical industry. And in pharmaceuticals, mortars are used for grinding.

    Products from this beautiful stone have been famous for a long time. Some examples of ancient works of art can be seen in museums in many countries around the world, including Russia. A significant collection of cameos from blue chalcedony is in the Hermitage. And the Historical Museum and the Armory Chamber own agates (this mineral also belongs to chalcedony). The largest agate product (a dish 75 centimeters in diameter, made from a single mineral) is located in the Vienna Museum of Art History.

    The magic of chalcedony

    According to ancient legends, chalcedony has many magical properties:

    1. Chalcedony is a stone that brings love. It is believed that the stone has special property: A woman wearing it attracts men.
    2. Outbursts of anger, bad mood, melancholy will not approach the person who owns this stone.
    3. Black and yellow stones will help their owner win any case in court. Therefore it is good for lawyers.
    4. Manual healers should acquire frosty chalcedony. It is good to use in the form of devices for massage and applications.
    5. Dark chalcedony will protect against animal bites. He is able to reconcile those who have quarreled and bring good luck in any matter.
    6. The stone helps maintain strength and courage and will help defeat any enemy. One condition is that the stone must be worn around the neck.
    7. Chalcedony absorbs negative energy. This is an excellent protector from all unnecessary outside influences.

    The mineral is also used as talismans. He has always been a talisman for sailors. Even an uncut stone is suitable for those wishing to find marital happiness. It should be placed anywhere in the bedroom, and to achieve harmony - under the mattress of the family bed.

    Chalcedony has feminine. This means that he has the essence of giving life, but at the same time being very contradictory. Mongolian nomads called these minerals stones of joy because they believed that they drive away boredom and promote a cheerful mood. Indian magicians attributed pure consciousness to chalcedony.

    Modern magicians use these stones to prepare amulets against evil spirits and ghosts. They can save a person from night fears. And in Europe, to this day, chalcedony amulets are prepared for those connected with the sea.

    Amulets are also produced for children. Chalcedony children's jewelry prevents children from getting injured.

    Chalcedony and treatment

    Chalcedony has not only magical properties. He also has healing abilities.

    Avicenna and other ancient healers especially valued this amazing mineral as a remedy used in curing various ailments.

    According to the healers of those times, some varieties of chalcedony were able to improve the health of the oral cavity (gums and teeth), relieve dysentery, and put an end to fever. The mineral was also indispensable in the fight against snake bites and poisonous insects. And in general it was used against various poisons.

    Chalcedony of blue tones has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person. A restful sleep is guaranteed to those who keep any stone object in the bedroom. The cardiovascular system can also be put in order by possessing any chalcedony. It also helps to reduce blood pressure in case of hypertension or increase it in case of hypotension.

    These minerals improve memory. This is what healers of all times think. Nervous exhaustion can also be cured with chalcedony.

    But you should not abuse chalcedony medicinal properties. Lithotherapists believe that constant wearing blue stones has a depressing effect on a person. Improper blood circulation begins, fears appear. Therefore, sometimes it is worth taking a “rest” from chalcedony.

    Stones of different colors are used to treat different organs. So, White stone improves vision, heals bones and spleen. Powder from the yellow mineral will prevent mental illness, lethargy and epileptic seizures. Fiery chalcedony will heal the bladder.

    Stone mining has been carried out since biblical times. It was first mentioned in the New Testament, where it is said that one of the walls of the ruler's temple in Jerusalem was made of onyx, which is a type of chalcedony.

    Chalcedony is mined in many countries around the world. The USA and Canada have the largest developments. In Russia, it is mostly mined in the regions of Siberia.

    There are many myths and legends associated with chalcedony. It was believed that the cup in which the blood of Jesus Christ was collected was made of chalcedony. And the deputy of Allah (Prophet Mohammed) loved to wear a carnelian ring (and this is also chalcedony).

    In Russia, chalcedony was considered the progenitor of crystal, since crystal crystals were found in its deposits.

    The world's largest collection of chalcedony works of world art is collected in the Russian Museum (Hermitage).

    Chalcedony is a symbol of the Silver Age poets. Osip Mandelstam, Marina Tsvetaeva, Nikolai Gumilyov loved him.

    Such famous historical figures as Pushkin, Napoleon, Byron also came under the influence of this stone. They wore Jewelry from chalcedony.

    Blue chalcedony- this is the view quartz. It has a structure of thin fibers. The mineral got its name from ancient times after the town of Chalcedon. It was there that they first began to mine it. Since ancient times it has been used as a talisman and decoration. Previously, stone was used in a prosaic way: as flint for axes and knives, as flint. He also found himself in jewelry.

    There are deposits of the mineral in the USA and Kazakhstan, Russia and Uruguay, India, Poland and other countries. Chalcedony The stone itself is not very expensive, however, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the pattern of the beads. They should not be the same, and if this is present, then it is a fake.

    Blue chalcedony - formula

    Chemical formula chalcedony: SiO2

    Blue chalcedony - planets

    Saturn, Neptune

    Products made from blue chalcedony

    Since it can be easily processed, brooches and buckles, beads and gems, and seals are made from it. Artists use them as mosaic pieces for still lifes and paintings.

    Rings should be removed when doing housework to avoid exposure to chemicals. It should be stored in a box separately from other stones to avoid scratching.

    Other names for blue chalcedony

    Other names blue chalcedony: Moonstone prismatic, canary. There are also names: Californian, Mecca, stone from St. Stephen, Chalcedon.

    Application of the mineral blue chalcedony

    Jewelry, paintings, magic talisman.

    Varieties of blue chalcedony

    Chalcedony- this is the general name of the stone; it is distinguished by type.

    Classification of stone according to crystal color:

    • agate– this is striped chalcedony;
    • onyx also similar to agate, but with more pronounced stripes;
    • cornelian- this is pink chalcedony, orange and reddish-yellow;
    • sarder- the stone is brown, brown, sometimes striped;
    • sapphire quartz blue color with gray stripes;
    • ceragate has yellow stripes that alternate;
    • stephanik (other names of the stone: point agate, oriental jasper, heliotrope, bloodstone). It is white, gray with red or brown spots;
    • chrysoprase is a stone of green, blue, emerald color;
    • enhydros – unusual stone having cavities in crystals filled inside with water;
    • apophyllite is pink chalcedony;
    • Sphalerite or chalcopyrite is yellow with shades of gold.

    Medicinal properties of blue chalcedony

    In ancient times, the powder was used for fever and diarrhea, and the stone was also used as a treatment for the skin. Chalcedony fights insomnia, depression, headaches, nerve disorders, treats hypertension.

    The magical properties of blue chalcedony

    Chalcedony considered a talisman for scientists and those at sea. Previously, it was a talisman against evil forces and witchcraft. The stone helps against the evil eye, damage, various curses, gossip, and provides powerful protection. Brings success to travelers in their wanderings.

    Enhances a woman's charm and helps her find love. If you put it under your pillow, it will give you dreams that come true and drive away nightmares. Maintains peace and tranquility in the family, increases libido. With the help of a stone you can get rid of bad character traits. It reduces anger, gives wisdom, improves memory. Helps solve all problems in life. In magic it is considered a symbol of love.

    Blue chalcedony Effect on chakras

    Chalcedony affects different chakras, depending on its color.

    Blue Chalcedony – Energy

    Absorbs energy. Refers to receptive Yin.

    Connection with names

    Elena, Oksana, Lyubov, Ksenia, Irina, Arthur

    Blue Chalcedony – Element

    Air, Ether

    Zodiac blue chalcedony

    Each stone suits a specific zodiac sign, so the purchase must be made strictly according to the recommendation.

    So how are u chalcedony There are many varieties, then you need to purchase it in accordance with your zodiac sign. For example, Heliotrope Suitable for Cancers and Sagittarius. This is the stone of alchemists. It should not be worn by Leos, Scorpios and Taurus.

    Plasma not suitable for Aquarius, but is indicated for Taurus, especially grumpy women.

    Chrysoprase protects from dangers, suitable for Aquarius, cannot be worn by Cancers and Leos.

    Chalcedony is a stone that can mislead even a specialist. This name hides many varieties of minerals and their colors, each of which has unique properties. How to recognize a crystal and for what purposes it is best to use it - read below.

    Description and characteristics

    From the point of view of mineralogy, the name “chalcedony” is common to a whole group of minerals related to quartz and silicium: chrysoprase, carnelian, onyx, agate. At the same time, gemologists call this pale translucent and opaque mineral – cryptocrystalline fine-crystalline silicon dioxide.

    Chalcedony can have all sorts of shades of blue, yellow, milky, gray, caused by impurities of ferric iron and aluminum. Heat treatment changes the color to red or orange.

    The nature of origin of the mineral is volcanic, and its extraction is often carried out in the same deposits as the extraction of amethysts and calcites. The largest deposits of chalcedony are located in Brazil, Uruguay, India, Scotland, and Madagascar. In Russia, it is mined in the Primorsky Territory, Transcaucasia and the Urals.

    The first crystals were discovered long before our era on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara, near the city of Chalcedon, which gave the name to the mineral. In the Roman Empire, the gem was highly valued; it was used to make jewelry and religious items. After the fall of the empire, it was forgotten until the 17th century. It was at this time that interest in chalcedony was renewed, and soon every noble family had collections with many varieties of the mineral.

    The gem was a talisman of such outstanding people as Pushkin, Byron, Napoleon, and later it became one of the symbols of the Silver Age in Russian poetry.

    Chalcedony is used as a jewelry and ornamental stone. More expensive specimens are used as inserts in jewelry, and large pieces of inexpensive species are used to make ashtrays, vases, and decorative items. You can often find inlays and mosaics.

    Other names

    Chalcedony is one of the few minerals that has a huge number of varieties and names. The reason for this was the variety of colors and patterns of stone.

    As for chalcedony itself, that is, a milky crystal with pastel shades, it also has more than one name. Among the most famous are Chalcedon, California and blue moonstone, Mecca stone, and St. Stephen's stone.

    Types of crystals

    The main classification is based on the color of the stones. Carnelian (aka carnelian) has a pink or blood-red color, sardonyx is orange-red or brown-red, sapphirine is gray-blue, chrysoprase is emerald green or apple color, ceraghat is light yellow, stephanic is white or light -gray with reddish splashes, myrikite - gray with red dots and spots.

    Depending on the texture, chalcedony is divided into agates, which have concentric stripes, and onyxes, with straight or curved stripes. There are also Uruguayan agates, which are distinguished by a combination of concentric and horizontal stripes.

    • Mossy agate (moss variety of agate) is a translucent crystal with green inclusions of chlorite or actinolite.
    • Dendragate has inclusions of manganese and iron in its structure.
    • One of the most interesting varieties of chalcedony is enhydros, inside the crystals of which there are cavities filled with water.

    Medicinal properties

    The main power of the gem is aimed at maintaining the normal human nervous system. It helps cure long-term depression, nervous breakdowns, insomnia and nightmares.

    In case of nervous exhaustion, an amulet with a mineral should be worn constantly. At the same time, blue chalcedony can be dangerous: if used frequently, they cause disturbances in the circulatory system, increase blood pressure, and cause sudden attacks of fear.

    Magic properties

    In the countries of the Ancient East, amulets made of chalcedony drove out evil spirits and brought joy and peace to the owner. Today, the stone is successfully used by magicians to obtain additional strength and energy from the earth.

    The mineral can make a person balanced and reasonable, eliminating attacks of melancholy and sudden outbursts of rage.

    It contains particles of ether and air, therefore it has a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional background.

    An amulet or jewelry with chalcedony is necessary for easily excited and overly active people. An unprocessed piece of the mineral, stored near the head of the bed, protects peace and happiness in family life. If you hide it under the mattress, it will help increase the spouses’ attraction to each other and bring fidelity. Put on middle finger a ring with chalcedony will be the key to wealth and a successful career, and a women's bracelet will give family warmth and will help you find harmony in your relationships.

    Which zodiac signs are suitable for chalcedony?

    Despite the apparent good nature, the mineral is difficult to find mutual language with people. Of all the zodiac signs, Chalcedony chose Sagittarius. It is to him that he gives his strength and confidence, helps to cope with emotions.

    Virgo will benefit from green and yellow stones, while Taurus and Libra will benefit from white, blue and pink stones. All other signs can use the energy of chalcedony for their own purposes, but it will not be as effective.


    More valuable specimens of chalcedony are found in jewelry. As a rule, they are processed into smooth cabochons, which are then inserted into rings, rings, pendants or earrings.

    It is better to look for jewelry in which chalcedony is used without a frame in special stone stores. And here jewelry with precious metals it is better to purchase in trusted salons.

    You can wear them at any time of the day and with almost any clothing. The uniqueness of the stone lies in the fact that it goes perfectly with both everyday and evening wear.


    A ring with a large stone can cost 10 or 30 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the mineral and its properties.


    Inexpensive stones are used to make beads and bracelets. Such jewelry costs from 5 thousand rubles.



    Chalcedony has attracted the attention of jewelers, artisans and magicians since ancient times. Today, jewelry with it is highly valued by lovers of simple, but at the same time attractive and mysterious things.

    This mineral is one of the most favorite ornamental stones. The reason for this can be called not only the affordable cost of the stone, but also widest choice shades and colors. Today we will talk about the mineral chalcedony (photo) - properties, meaning, who is this stone suitable for.

    This stone was first discovered and mined in Ancient Greece. There, near the city of Chalcedon on the coast of the Sea of ​​Marmara, a large deposit of stones was discovered. They were all different shades, but their composition was identical. Therefore, it was decided to unite them under the common name chalcedony.

    The stones have a fairly diverse palette of colors. Most often you can find yellow or white chalcedony. In my own way chemical structure the mineral is more like quartz. Traditionally, chalcedony includes quartz stones of blue, light gray, soft lilac and milky blue. But in reality there are other shades of chalcedony.

    Chalcedony has a very strong feminine element. Amulets are traditionally made from this stone to protect against the evil eye and bad word. It is also believed that chalcedony is able to drive away evil spirits. For this purpose, chalcedony is used as an amulet. oriental women. They believe that such an amulet will protect the home from an evil spirit. The effect of chalcedony is best seen if you carry it in your pocket or around your neck.

    Stone is widely used in lithotherapy. Moreover, the shade of the stone directly affects its healing abilities. Green or blue chalcedony is beneficial for the nervous system. They can positively influence sleep and relieve depression. To get rid of nightmares in a dream, specially made amulets made from this stone are used. In European countries, amulets are common that help sailors on dangerous journeys.

    But at the same time, it must be taken into account that people with heart disease cannot wear it all the time. Chalcedony has a bad effect on the heart in particular and the entire circulatory system in general.

    Chalcedony, according to astrologers, is suitable for almost all signs of the Zodiac circle. It is only important to choose the right color of the mineral. For example, white chalcedony or Pink colour Perfect for Virgo and Libra. Black minerals will patronize Scorpio; for Sagittarius, a bright red stone will be an excellent choice. But for Aquarius, any variety of this mineral is suitable.

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    Chalcedony is a stone very diverse in color and structure. This name includes many varieties of silica that have a cryptocrystalline structure.

    When researching under electron microscope Scientists were able to see that quartz crystals in chalcedony have the form of thin fibers.

    Depending on the grouping of quartz threads, minerals related to chalcedony can be layered, translucent, concentrically zonal.

    The many faces of chalcedony

    When quartz crystallized under natural conditions, the solutions also contained metal salts that could color the transparent substance in a variety of colors. The presence of iron salts gave a rich range of red and orange shades, chromium and nickel salts made the stone green.

    Dying substances fell between the crystalline threads after the formation of the mineral, creating amazingly beautiful patterns in dendroagates, or forming a zonal ornament.

    In some cases, the porous mineral was impregnated with manganese oxides, organic substances and compounds. This gave stone connoisseurs some types of chalcedony with a bluish and dark striped color.

    It is precisely these stones that began to be found in Ancient Greece on the Chalkidiki peninsula. Wavy pattern in blue tones it so amazingly resembled the sea surrounding the peninsula that chalcedony was immediately considered the patron saint of sailors and they began to make amulets from it. The layered structure made it possible to cut out a gem from one piece with the image of a figurine of a deity or animal against a contrasting background.

    Types of chalcedony depending on color

    Currently, cryptocrystalline quartz minerals - varieties of chalcedony - are considered ornamental and jewelry raw materials.

    Their value varies and depends on their natural beauty and rarity. Translucent chalcedony is considered a raw material for jewelry and is valued depending on the intensity of its color.

    Jewelry with sapphirine and chrysoprase inserts can be quite expensive, but a lot depends on the material of the frame.

    Chrysoprase suitable for those who loves mysteriously shimmering stones

    Depending on the color, the severity of the striped color, and the arrangement of the layers, jewelers and scientists divide minerals into varieties of chalcedony:

    1. Green translucent chrysoprase - semi-precious jewelry stone. Its color can resemble emerald and peridot with their rich shades of green - from dark to bright light green. Unlike these completely transparent crystals, chrysoprase always retains a mysterious, misty glow.
    2. The same feature distinguishes blue chalcedony, or sapphirine, from aquamarines, topazes, sapphires and other transparent blue crystals. Its mysterious soft light is due to the structure of the stone and does not depend on the inclusion of coloring substances. The sun's rays are scattered, refracted in many thin crystals. The mineral looks opaque, but as if illuminated from within.
    3. Inclusions of iron oxides color chalcedony in all shades of ocher: from blood red to yellow. Brown and brownish tones allow you to separate sardonyx and cornelian from the brighter, red or yellow carnelian. But at present these names are accepted only among stone cutters. In official mineralogy there are different varieties of reddish and yellow stones are combined under the general name “carnelian”.
    4. Milky white or almost porcelain, opaque chalcedony cacholong is used to create crafts. Figurines and decorative stone vessels resemble products made from light varieties of opal, but are much cheaper. Often, the structure of white stones reveals tree-like patterns of dark oxides of manganese and iron, penetrating into cracks and pores. This makes cacholong more decorative and increases its value as an ornamental raw material.
    5. Heliotrope is also beautiful - an opaque mineral, a type of chalcedony with blood-red veins or spots against a background of a different color. Among the first Christians there was a legend that the blood of Jesus remained on the stones, although heliotropes were known before.
    6. IN jewelry Pink chalcedony is also widely used. According to its properties and appearance it resembles chrysoprase: the same translucent, smoky and leaving the impression of glowing from within. The only difference is the color. This type of chalcedony is also often set in gold and silver and used to create jewelry. Delicate shades and shimmers of light are very suitable for young girls. For more information about the properties of heliotrope, watch this video:

    The most beautiful variety of chalcedony is agate. These stones are characterized by a pattern of concentric stripes.

    The alternation of colors can be very contrasting and bright, which makes such ornamental raw materials highly valued.

    Striped stones are used to make jewelry for both men and women. Agate suits everyone, and it is not difficult to choose a range of shades: modern jewelers have learned to artificially tint unimpressive fragments.

    The magic of multi-colored chalcedony

    In addition to the obvious beauty of minerals—varieties of chalcedony—magical properties have also been attributed to them since ancient times.

    In ancient times, amulets made of agates or heliotropes were in great demand.

    Agate formations, or geodes, while outwardly inexpressive, have an amazing feature: in the cavity inside the nondescript stone you can find a scattering of amethyst or rock crystal crystals.

    White agate will become an amulet for a special person

    This mysterious feature made it possible to consider these stones magical. It was believed that a geode found or donated by someone could fulfill the deepest desire or protect its owner from any danger.

    In later centuries, they began to make geodes with crystals inside beautiful souvenirs— grottoes.

    Complementing the sparkling grains of amethysts inside and the polished striped sections of agate walls with other ornamental stones, masters created magical slides with caves. Such crafts were often given to children. It was believed that they could ward off nightmares and calm the child.

    The structure of the geode resembles the structure of the human kidneys. Due to this similarity, medieval healers recommended carrying the geode with them or taking powder from its pieces to those who had kidney disease. The resemblance to another human organ - the uterus - has given rise to beliefs that the unusual stone can heal women's diseases and help with infertility.

    Geode jewelry looks very unusual and attracts attention.

    Modern magicians often recommend having an agate geode in the home for those who want to achieve prosperity. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, such a souvenir should be installed in the zone of wealth, defining it personally for each person. It is believed that this is a very powerful amulet that can change the life of its owner.

    Among other chalcedony, the magical properties of which are associated with color, heliotrope stands out. Bloody spots and veins made it possible for ancient healers to consider it a remedy for high blood pressure and headaches. The stone was also used to stop bleeding.

    Modern lithotherapists attribute to it the ability to increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. It is believed that wearing heliotrope can prevent stroke and increases mental activity. It has also been noted to have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. To do this, a pendant with a stone is worn so that it is at chest level. Learn more about the properties of carnelian in this video:

    While studying the effect of carnelian on the human body, lithotherapists noticed that red and yellowish stones with stripes tone and revitalize. This ability was attributed to the weak radioactivity of carnelians.

    The research of Professor E. Badigina led to the fact that even in official medicine this stone was used to accelerate the healing of wounds during World War II.

    The owner of a carnelian jewelry or souvenir is not afraid of wrinkles: even in Ancient Greece, women massaged their faces with two small stones. It was believed that this procedure tones and rejuvenates the skin.

    Who is chalcedony stone suitable for?

    The magical properties of chalcedony can be enhanced if it is worn by a person corresponding to the energy of the stone according to the sign of the Zodiac. Striped minerals belong to the elements of the Earth, so they will help a calm and persistent person.

    The zodiac constellations patronized by this element are Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn.

    Such people often choose activities related to the creation of material wealth. Wearing cufflinks, jewelry with chalcedony, and using accessories for the office desk will enhance their inherent prudence and economy, and the ability to persistently follow their decisions. Achieving the goal will become easier and more joyful for them.

    Chalcedony can become Virgo's favorite amulet

    But chalcedony, whose properties can also enhance the negative manifestations of the signs of the Earth trine, expressed in greed, stinginess, lack of a sense of proportion, should not subordinate their lives too much. The number of these stones should be small, according to their strength. You should not collect chalcedony products for the purpose of purchasing positive traits, which they can give to their owner.

    The properties of a stone from the chalcedony family will give solidity to the moving trigons of Air and Water and balance their inconstancy.

    Those born under these signs are rarely capable of hard work, but with the help of striped agate or sardonyx they can become more diligent. Soften their inconstancy and frivolity in love relationships carnelians of different shades will be able to. It’s not for nothing that they were called stones of love: by toning the body and warming the soul, red and orange minerals give stability to relationships and give romantic feelings to lovers.

    Those born under the sign of the air element will gain constancy and perseverance under the auspices of sardonyx.

    Fire signs of the Zodiac, when wearing stones with the opposite potential, will be able to get rid of their inherent tendency to unbridled imagination. Instead, they will be able to gain the ability to soberly calculate in difficult situations. And persistent pursuit of your goal will always help you achieve success.

    Chalcedony, as a mineral that has both the characteristics of a crystal and a non-crystalline substance, combines contradictory properties.

    It can caress the eye with a mysterious misty glow or enchant with a pattern of many stripes, but it never allows one to get carried away by fantasies. Those who want to truly make friends with this beautiful mineral should not tear themselves away from solid ground and soar in the clouds.

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