• How to get rid of an annoying admirer. How to get rid of an annoying guy? Best ways


    In this article:

    The attention of the opposite sex is pleasant for both men and women. But sometimes this attention may be unwanted, especially if it is intrusive and goes beyond all boundaries. If you are tired of an impudent boyfriend who does not allow you to live in peace and build relationships with others, we recommend that you make a lapel to get rid of the guy who will forget about you, and you about his existence. Everyone will win. This means that the use of a lapel is justified on all counts.

    A correctly done love spell has no serious consequences. As soon as the magic begins to work, the guy will become uncomfortable in your company, he will be restless, inattentive, and absent-minded. He will have a desire to go somewhere or do something.

    True, sometimes there are attacks of causeless rage. Don't be alarmed. Rage is a signal that the love spell is working and its power is becoming greater and more effective. After a week or two, the young man himself will be surprised that he paid so much attention to you.

    However, do not try to remain friends with the guy, as the love spell will make him turn to you negative emotions, and they cannot become the basis of friendship or friendly relations.

    If you decide to turn away a guy who is boring you, we will tell you how to do it so that none of the participants in the ritual are harmed in any way. Here are some tips and tricks to achieve maximum results and minimal consequences:

    • wait for the waning moon, which contributes to the process of waning love, which also occurs with the celestial body itself;
    • do not do the lapel on Thursday and Sunday, as Thursday is the day of family love
    • magic, and Sunday is a very weak day energetically;
    • take the ritual seriously, concentrate all your attention on the desired result;
    • Do not do the lapel jokingly - love magic does not like jokes and takes revenge on everyone who neglects it and uses it for other purposes.

    Turn on a sour apple

    The simplest twist is made on a sour apple, over which a spell is pronounced:

    “Just as this apple tears up your mouth with acid, so I would never be with you, I would be unwanted, disgusting, and not a joy to you. Let the other become sweeter for you. So that your mouth curls in front of me, as if you were drunk on acid. Avoid me, I will never be with you."

    Take a bite of the apple and throw it as far away from your home as possible.

    Safety pin lapel

    The pin lapel is considered one of the most effective. There are several options for performing the ritual, all of them are simple and effective.

    Fasten the pin so that it is invisible to prying eyes

    Safety pin pinned to clothing young man, after which a conspiracy is pronounced.

    The guy should not be unaware of this, much less see or hear you perform the ritual.

    “Let him stab, wound and poison.
    It gets rid of you forever.
    Let the heat of the slave (name) cool down forever,
    Love for me will flow away from my heart.
    As soon as he removes the pin from his clothes,
    Let him cool down towards me forever!”

    In this ritual important point is to remove the pin. This should be done by the person for whom you made the lapel. In another case, the lapel may have a very weak effect.

    The second version of the pin spell, perform the same actions:

    “Let him tear, let him wound,
    He'll get rid of you.
    Sweep away like dirty laundry,
    Don't know me anymore.
    As soon as you remove the pin,
    You’ll be cold to me forever!”

    When making a lapel, remember that it, like any other magical effect, can have Negative consequences, which can affect both the object and the author. Therefore, we recommend not to take risks and seek help from a professional. However, do not contact the first person you meet, best recommendation A good magician is word of mouth, not advertising in newspapers, radio and television.

    Girls sometimes find themselves in situations where they cannot explain to a guy that his advances are not needed. It seems like you don’t want to offend, but you also need to protect yourself somehow. Then he gets up hot topic: how to get rid of an annoying fan if he doesn’t understand?

    1. The truthful way

    Your annoying admirer is first and foremost a person. Yes, he doesn’t understand that he’s annoying you with his advances. This happens, especially when feelings are overwhelming. But each of us deserves to be treated with respect.

    So talk to him for cleanliness:

    1. Take courage and explain the situation: honestly, as it is. Just choose your words so that they do not offend him.
    2. Speak calmly, but confidently and assertively.
    3. If there is already another man nearby, say so. He needs to understand that he is ruining your relationship with his behavior.

    Your honesty is needed, first of all, by you. This way your conscience will be clear and there can be no questions in this case.

    2. Ignore him

    If he does not understand your efforts, you will have to behave more harshly. What does it mean? Turn on ignore mode:

    • Don't pick up the phone.
    • Add to all sorts of blacklists.
    • And don't even say hello when you meet.

    Do not feel sorry for him and do not make any compromises. Be decisive. If you give even the slightest slack, you will never get rid of this problem.

    3. Refuse attention.

    Don't accept gifts. Yes, it's certainly nice. But by doing so, you give him a reason to think that he can count on something. And refuse any help. It doesn't matter, even the little things.

    For example, don't give in to offers to walk your dog or anything like that. This will oblige you to return the favor, and therefore enter into communication with him.

    4. Don’t react to provocations

    He claims that he cannot live without you and puts pressure on you. Don't react However, not a single real suicide has ever warned anyone in advance about his intention to take his own life.

    But if you see that a person’s nerves are on edge, tell his parents or relatives or friends. This will relieve you of responsibility.

    5. Take him shopping

    Say that you are going to the store and you are bored alone. He will, of course, offer his company. Start acting on the spot. Say whatever you want, that you forgot the money, and you need this expensive dress. Buy all sorts of trinkets. Spend money, and definitely only him. If he doesn't offer to pay, give him a hint. In general, produce the worst and most uneconomical behavior.

    Most likely, many of our tips will seem stupid, but sometimes they work great in equally stupid situations.

    6. Use prohibited techniques

    If you don't understand the truth, lie:

    • Put it on your finger wedding ring, let him see. Even if he is not there yet, pretend that you are not alone.
    • Walk in front of him with another gentleman. Ask a friend for help, let him play along with you.

    Or offer him friendship. This is very offensive, he will understand that as a sexual object he is not interested in you at all. These things are a big blow to one’s pride, but sometimes there is no other way.

    7. You are doing well

    Show the guy that you're doing great without him. This will probably offend him a little, hurt him. Most likely, it will cause him mental suffering. But if there is no other choice: smile and have fun in front of him.

    Spread information about your new boyfriend through mutual friends. If a man really loves you, he will be happy for you and will not interfere. Maybe after such an act you will even change your mind.

    And if this is just his selfishness, then it’s not scary to teach him a lesson and make him understand that he cannot put his own interests above the interests of others.

    8. Behave inappropriately

    Can't you just tell him to leave you alone? Get started behave inappropriately:

    1. Throw tantrums at every occasion.
    2. Talk incessantly.
    3. Be capricious, stomp your feet.
    4. Criticize more. Everything: clothes, actions, opinions.
    5. Become jealous to the extreme.

    You know better, you probably know what exactly irritates him.

    What if this fate. There are many known stories that girls share on the Internet when they dared guys and then married them. And this marriage became truly happy. Perhaps this will be the case in your case too.

    10.Use magic

    When you give up and you don't know what to do, try reading lapel conspiracies. There are many of them, for example:

    1. Put a pinch of salt in his pocket and say: “ I annoyed you so that you wouldn’t think about me. Once you find her there, you will completely forget about me».
    2. Take his photo, set it on fire: " Just as I burn your photograph (name), I free you from love. Forget me, I'm not yours, you will have another family!»

    Well, maybe it will help.

    What not to do

    The most important - don't give in vain hopes. It often happens that ladies themselves are to blame in such situations. They enjoy their protective position and drive the man who falls in love to madness.

    On the same day they go to the movies and restaurants with him, accept gifts and attentions, smile and flirt. The next time, they are indignant. This behavior is very ugly, and rather characterizes the girl as an inadequate person than that same annoying fan.

    How to get rid of an obsessive fan?

    So, let's summarize. How to behave better?

    • Be persistent and decisive, calm and cool-headed.
    • Ignore calls, refuse attentions and gifts.
    • Sometimes you can cheat.

    What should you not do?

    • Don't be rude, don't humiliate.
    • Don't react to provocative conversations.
    • Don't allow yourself to take advantage of a person's feelings or your position.

    Always better cut right off and say that you don’t want to have Serious relationships . So as not to waste his time or yours. It may be hard now, but then everything will get better. This is better than dragging his feet and tormenting him with the unknown. And then it’s really unclear how it will all end. This will be an honest and responsible act. Perhaps that guy will thank you for him later.

    We have tried to consider this pressing issue from all sides. Now you need to not only think about how to get rid of an annoying fan, but also identify the reasons: why you found yourself in such a situation. This is necessary to ensure that it does not happen again.

    Video: how to “send off” a guy

    In this video, psychologist Ekaterina Solovyova will tell you a few interesting tips, with the help of which you can “send off” a guy once and for all:

    It happens that you start dating a guy just out of pity, or because of that? that he is very persistent, or in the process you understand that you are not a couple. There comes a time when the guy is annoying- no strength!

    Some guys in love don't understand the obvious, even if you repeated 200 times that you have nothing for him. And okay those annoying fans, with whom you met for a week or two... There are also those who, after five minutes of acquaintance, can no longer imagine life without you!

    Radical method: I'm dating someone else!

    Tell your annoying fan that met another: smart, handsome, with an apartment, a car and a bunch of advantages that he cannot see like his own ears. Tell him that he is asking you to get married.

    What not to do: Don't tell him you cheated on him. Cheating is a dirty thing... let him have the purest memories of you!

    Sadistic method: give him a hell of a life

    Make life miserable for your annoying fan. For this:

    • Be jealous him to everyone, suspect him as soon as possible
    • Showcase the most disgusting facets of your character.
    • Find fault to him, criticize his actions, clothes, parents and so on.
    • Demand from him impossible O. Let's say, if he is unsociable, drag him around to parties and companies, and if he is a party animal, make him sit at home with you.
    • Demand every second declarations of love.
    • Call him "music", "pussy" or come up with something more disgusting.
    • Remember often your gorgeous exes.

    Wedding method: honey, let's get married... tomorrow!

    As soon as you realize that you are very tired of this fan, start frankly tell him. Say that:

    • All your girlfriends have been married for a long time, and you are eager to get married
    • The fortune teller told you to go out getting married this year(very effective!)
    • Carry it around wedding salons
    • Let your parents they will hint him about the wedding
    • Say you can't wait become a mother– talk about dirty diapers, strollers and screaming babies.
    • Tell your annoying fan what you want have 3 children.
    • Tell me that you will definitely have triplets, and most likely this year - the fortune teller guessed(after this it will be great to depict a delay in menstruation).

    Even if the admirer really wanted to marry you, such hints can greatly frighten him, and he will immediately disappear from your life.

    The simplest method: ignore it

    Turn off your phones, don’t answer e-mails, don’t go to ICQ, don’t pay attention to him when you meet him, in a word, ignore him. Do all this for as long as possible until the annoying fan stops attacking you.

    Magic method: make a lapel plot

    Is it possible to turn away a boring fan? Yes, there are several popularly spells-lapels that can help you. I present here the simplest of them.

    Lapel with a broom
    For such a lapel you will need an ordinary broom. Before the guy arrives, sweep the dirty linen out of the apartment, repeating:

    "IN the house will enter fiery, from home - icy.
    In the house - affectionate, out of the house - angry.
    How dust is swept over the threshold with a broom
    So (boyfriend’s name) let him leave - don’t come back.”

    After this, you need to pull out one twig from the broom and put it under the threshold.
    After the annoying guy leaves, break the twig in half, burn one half, and throw the other out the window.

    Lapel when shaking hands
    The spell is pronounced silently when shaking hands or any other hug, while trying to look the person in the eyes: “ Like needles will burn your hand, your heart will prick, you will turn away from me».

    Interesting ways kick off the annoying guy

    There are other ways to get rid of an annoying fan. These methods are unusual, non-standard, but risky. A hot-tempered and jealous guy can behave very inappropriately... Be careful, girls!

    In bed
    During or immediately after sex, you calling him by someone else's name. If anything happens, you make excuses: “Oh, sorry, I met him before you. He had such a mmm..."
    Let him think that your ex’s “mmm” is much better than his own :)

    On a date
    Come on a date with a friend, or even better - with mom or dad. The guy will try desperately to please your parents. Naturally, the date will not work.

    Meeting his parents
    Here you need to show all the caustic character and say a couple of sophisticated nasty things, so much so that later his parents will shy away from you like hell from incense.

    Let’s say you say to his mother: “Oh, what a cute dress!!! My mother gave exactly the same thing to a second-hand store last year, she had a stain there from a cherry... and what did you use to wash it off?”
    Or like this: “Oh, what wonderful mushrooms, did you make them yourself? Yes? How lovely! My grandmother tried to poison my grandfather with exactly the same ones, as I remember now! Does your husband like to go for walks too?”

    In the boutique
    The two of you have been invited to a wedding, a birthday celebration, or some other event. Motivating that you don't have festive dress, drag him in to a more expensive boutique... let's say Christian Dior. You should like the most expensive dress - ask to buy it for you!

    In response to his answer that he can’t afford such a dress, looking into his eyes, say: “Darling, if you can’t afford me, then go to Napoleon Hill’s lectures, he’s just giving training for losers".

    Good luck and a wonderful sense of humor!

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    Surely every girl at least once in her life has encountered annoying admirer, which literally attacks her everywhere. Constant courtship, calls, meaningless conversations - all this unsettles and irritates. Only in rare cases does such an outcome of events end mutual love. In reality, the guy is suffering from unrequited feelings, and the lady is racking her brains on how to get rid of her arrogant boyfriend. There are effective ways to “liquidate” such gentlemen, let’s consider important aspects in order.

    Method No. 1. New hobby

    Get rid of attention annoying boyfriend a friend or acquaintance who has long dreamed of a prince on a white horse will help. Don’t tell your friend about the details of your communication with your boyfriend, let her form her own opinion. The recommendation is especially relevant in cases where a “worthy match” is courting you, but for certain reasons the man is not suitable for you.

    Organizing an acquaintance will not be difficult, the main thing is that the situation does not look feigned. Arrange with a friend to meet in a cafe, invite a fan to join you. Think over topics for conversation in advance; if possible, choose a friend whose interests are most similar to the guy’s hobbies. Such a move will bring closer soul mates, and you can step back into the background.

    Method number 2. Rejection of life values

    The method is extremely effective in cases where it is not possible to avoid the fan everywhere. For example, a colleague suddenly burst into flames with unbridled passion. Don’t change your job because of this, be smarter. The effective “separator” of a woman and a man is considered to be a complete misunderstanding in everything, that is, rejection of the interests of the companion, his life principles, morality, etc.

    Play the main one. Is this not the first time you have noticed that a fan treats his mother with trepidation? Bring this fact into public view by stating that excessive attachment of an adult to parents is a consequence of immaturity. Does a man constantly say that he should be the head of the family? Tell an interesting story about how you crushed your ex-husband under your thumb, and then lived happily, ... but not for long.

    Method No. 3. Whims

    If a man is not madly in love with you, but only pursues you out of incomprehensible sympathy, become a capricious lady. Constantly show your gentleman that he is not doing anything for you. Ask to take your lady to the sea; if possible, choose the most expensive resorts. If your wishes are not fulfilled right away, throw an even bigger tantrum, cry, be unbearable.

    If a man does not have enough money for glamorous branded clothes, expensive perfume or tourist packages, reproach him with this. Tell him that he is untenable and does not suit your status. Cruel but effective. In such a situation, the guy will feel weak, which in itself will push him away.

    Method number 4. Constant failures

    Constant refusals for one reason or another will help to ward off an unwanted admirer. You don’t need to be kind and flexible, learn to say “No!” and at the same time feel comfortable. From time immemorial, a well-mannered girl has been in great demand among men, but, as a rule, they take advantage of her kindness.

    From the first time you meet, let your man understand that he doesn’t mean anything to you, don’t hide under the guise of politeness. At the same time, it is not necessary to be rude or rude; it is enough to correctly explain that you are not interested in such courtship. If the admirer represents a person who is dear to you, tone down painful expressions.


    More effective methods, for example, the registry office, will help you get rid of unnecessary attention. During your next hangout, tell your partner that you cannot live without him. Tell them that you want to have two or three children and arrange grand wedding. Make it clear that you want to get married immediately.

    Convince your boyfriend that you have a good friend who is also an employee of the registry office. Tell her that she will sign you up in the next 3-5 days, after which you will become a full-fledged married couple. You should not exclude the option of agreeing to your imaginary wedding. Think about the option of refusal in advance in case he “gives the go-ahead”.

    Method number 6. Legend

    Invent a legend that will be an excellent help in getting rid of an unwanted admirer. Tell your boyfriend that you have a fiance who lives in another city or is away on a business trip. Let them know that the wedding will take place soon, make it clear that you have already found boundless happiness. It would be useful to talk about a joint future that was planned many years ago.

    The main thing is to be sincere. If the situation happens at work, share with other employees delicious recipes, which your “mother-in-law” gave you. Make sure that such happy speeches reach the ears of the annoying gentleman. Talk about the wonderful vacation you recently went on with your “lover”, give yourself bouquets to create the illusion of having a life partner.

    Method No. 7. Criticism

    Criticize your companion, hurt everyone's pride possible ways. Has he announced a promotion? Smirk and make it clear that this is a small achievement. Does a fan start bragging about having a great time at a fancy restaurant or with friends? Report your more successful vacation, which will take place almost every weekend.

    At this stage, it is important to show that the fan's opinion means nothing to you. Neglect it, be capricious, argue even over insignificant matters. When you become unbearable, he will leave on his own. However, in such situations you should be afraid of gossip.

    Method No. 8. Bad habits

    If a fan sees you as a good-natured princess, develop positive impressions. Become your boyfriend's friend with bad habits. Swear, drink beer or smoke in front of him (if you have such a habit). Constantly tell funny, but at the same time vulgar, typically male stories.

    Don't be shy about being a "brother" to your fan, don't act like a girl. No man would want to tie the knot with such a girl. Believe me, the gentleman will quickly retreat if you make every effort.

    Method number 9. Excessive emotions

    Men love well-mannered women who speak quietly, do not squeal, and do not overuse squeaky notes in conversation. Become the complete opposite of the female standard, express emotions in full blast. Laugh out loud at in public places, throw tantrums for any reason, discuss his friends too emotionally.

    Disgusting weather or a bad hairstyle is a great reason to fray the nerves of an unwanted admirer. Do not deny yourself anything, men are afraid of overly emotional ladies.

    It is not difficult to get rid of the attention of an unwanted gentleman if you have sufficient knowledge regarding effective ways. Act like a capricious lady, express your emotions loudly and openly, criticize your companion. Get into bad habits for a while, take your fan to the registry office, come up with a legend.

    Video: how to get rid of an obsessive stalker

    Detailed description from several sources: “prayer from an annoying boyfriend” - in our non-profit weekly religious magazine.

    Got an unwanted admirer?

    • In order to wean off an unwanted admirer, you need to do the following. On the waning moon, sew a bag of black fabric and embroider a cross on it with threads. Then put 3 crushed bay leaves, a tablespoon of salt and 7 black peppercorns into it and say the spell out loud 7 times:

    “You, (name of the unwanted gentleman), leave me alone. Don't follow me, don't follow me, don't look at me! I excommunicate you, I deliver your heart from love. Let it be so! Amen."

    • Always carry the enchanted bag with you. After the gentleman leaves you alone, burn the bag in a deserted place.

    © Orthodox prayers, special conspiracies, magical rituals and rituals, signs and Orthodox icons

    What you will learn from the article:

    How to get rid of an annoying admirer

    Albina didn't like Alexey. She thought for a long time how to get rid of an annoying fan, and once and for all. The fact is that, to the best of her gentle nature, over her 27 years she has never learned to say “no” and tell people directly if something does not suit her.

    Alexey was simply going crazy - he no longer knew what else he could come up with to win the girl’s favor. But Albina, on the contrary, the further it went, the more she wanted to send him to hell. That evening they walked together for the tenth time, this time in the park. Albina walked without listening to her interlocutor. Only one thing was spinning in my head - I’d rather go home. But this only inflamed the guy’s feelings even more, already on a subconscious level. It just needed to be cooled down.

    And then Albina came up with an idea that seemed strange at first glance, but it never left her until the end of the evening. Having finally arrived home, Alya took a piece of paper, wrote the name of the annoying admirer on it and sent the piece of paper to the freezer. To be honest, at that moment she considered herself a little crazy. But... The next day Alexey did not call her - for the first time in the entire time they met.

    The girl finally breathed a sigh of relief. But later it turned out that Alyoshenka had a bad cold, despite the fact that it was the end of summer, warm and cozy like pre-autumn.

    Albina, having learned what happened to the guy, got scared, took out a piece of paper from the refrigerator and thought about it. After some time, she worked on the mistakes and came up with a wonderful recipe,

    How to get rid of an annoying admirer

    1. we cannot and do not have the right to try to influence the will of other people, so we need to formulate what we want only in relation to ourselves

    2. if there are other participants in the situation - in the case of Albina this is Alexey - you need to clarify the wording with words and thoughts “for the common good”

    3. it is necessary to be as clear as possible: Albina actually wanted to cool not Lesha, but his feelings for herself

    So, what did the girl do in the end to get rid of an annoying admirer:

    *mentally thanked him for everything and asked for forgiveness

    *on a piece of paper she wrote: “Alexey’s feelings for me cool down and stop disturbing me, if this is the will of higher powers and for the common good. May it be so!"

    *put the leaf in the refrigerator to cool

    As a result of such manipulations, Alexey found himself another girl literally within a month, and they remained friends with Albina - and everyone is happy and satisfied: Albina got rid of an annoying admirer and got a friend, and Alexey, in addition to his friend, also received a girl who loves him mutually. Everyone wins, for everyone's benefit :_).

    This is where the problem lies: fear of offending good man. Like, let's remain friends. But for another person it may not be very easy...

    What if we do everything as you said, but just burn all the feelings?

    It’s just that feelings are kindled by fire... I don’t even know - passions have flared up, they say... but if you don’t have this in your association, then try it and share your experience with us!

    Pauline! I have a question, is it possible to have your own own feelings try to freeze a person this way?

    Elena, hello! Experiment using the essence of the method. True, I don’t quite understand how you will symbolically represent this. Simply freezing your name - it will be unclear why, the purpose is unclear

    Hello! How long should I keep this leaf in the refrigerator?

    Leila, unfortunately, noticed that if you pull out the leaf, the situation returns again. So hold on while you can

    Hello. How long should you keep the leaf there? And won't everything go back to normal when you pull it out? And then what should you do with it? Just throw it away?

    Allah, you know, can return... This happened in my practice. It's just that some people quickly break up and enter into new relationships. And some are more drawn into affection

    Should we take into account the phase of the moon? Thank you

    Well, to be sure, try on a decreasing one. But not at all

    I met a man, he tried his best to please every desire, controlled me from start to finish... I tried not to accept any help from him, but he filmed our date and recorded all our conversations. I wanted to break up with him, but he begins to blackmail, threatening to show the video to all my family and friends. Forces intimacy. He says that he was in the war and nothing is scary in this life anymore... Judging by the stories of his neighbors (I was an accidental witness to their conversation), he is hit all over the head. It feels like there is no way out.

    Julia, maybe we need to let it go. To say - show what you want and to whomever you want. And warn your relatives, if your relationship with them allows it, of course. And perform the “freezing” as written.

    Yes, great advice. Fields, what if you write the name and put it, say, in the oven?

    Bayas, the passion will flare up more than ever)))))

    How to get rid of an annoying admirer

    From our article you will learn how to get rid of an annoying admirer if he overwhelms you. Surely every woman has faced this problem. Here you will find a couple of conspiracies with which you can ward off your hated gentleman.

    Why do men like it when a woman turns them off?

    • Surely each of us has noticed that the more often we say “no” to a man, the more persistent his advances become.
    • Most men are hunters by nature and they do not accept refusals. They're used to it achieve your goal and they will not retreat until they have conquered a woman.
    • But when a woman turns out to be available to a man, she becomes uninteresting to him.

    Rules of conduct for a woman with an annoying admirer

    The first magical way to get rid of unnecessary courtship

    • Magic will help you get rid of suitors and their attention.
    • To eliminate an annoying gentleman using the first magical ritual, you will need: a sewing needle, a photo of this boyfriend, red thread, and also chewing gum.
    • At night, exactly at midnight, light a candle and turn off the light.
    • Place a photo of your fan in front of you and pierce it in the heart area with a needle. A red thread should be inserted into the needle.
    • Make a few stitches on the heart of the admirer and say: “I sew love for me into the heart of God’s servant (name). Let her never wake up from now on.”
    • Then chew gum and cover the fan’s eyes in the photo, and at the same time say this: “Let the eyes of my admirer (name) stop noticing me and from now on let them not see all my beauty.”
    • Then put the photo in a secret place and wait for the result, which will occur in 40 days.

    The second magical way to ward off an annoying suitor

    Now you know how to get rid of an annoying admirer once and for all using simple spells.


    Poppy lapel

    Three ties

    This will certainly turn away the hateful person forever. True, it is only suitable if he has three ties already tied, and these ties came to you.

    And you do this three times.


    Now you have a piece of the ancient gypsy secret in your hands. Use it with caution - remember that you may harm yourself first. Old Zambila told me: “Tell your people, girl, not to go to the gypsies, don’t ask questions, don’t find out anything from us. How do Gypsies treat Goyans? As for the Goyans - for us they are not people. For any of us, cheating people out of money and fooling their heads is a familiar, common thing. We are not helpers to the Goyans, and they are like milk cows for us. Got it, right? Not a single gypsy woman will reveal any wisdom to a Goyan woman. If you want to teach your own, teach yourself. And don’t let them bother us.”

    Attention! After each appeal to gypsy magic, you need to wash yourself and read a cleansing spell:

    Good luck and happiness to you! I hope that now you can get rid of many problems and find what you really need. You have at your service methods that have lived for centuries. With their help, a wide variety of issues have been and continue to be resolved. And they are solved as they should be by those who solve them.

    I repeat once again what you need to manage people:

    ♦ First, clearly formulate your goal - understand what you need from a particular person.

    ♦ Look and listen carefully to understand what kind of person is in front of you and what methods of influencing him will be optimal.

    ♦ Influence the person using methods that allow you to deal with people of exactly his type.

    ♦ Keep your feminine charm on at all times, no matter who you interact with, men or women.

    ♦ Constantly monitor the development of the situation, do not let it go until you get what you are looking for.

    ♦ Take an active position, manage people and situations, do not expect that everything will go by itself, do so that everything turns out your way.

    I hope this book has made you look at the world in a new way. Of course, you found a lot of spells and practical advice in order to carry out your local, typical plans (to bewitch a loved one, to ward off a hateful person, how to charm a potential buyer’s teeth, etc.). But the main thing is still not this. The main thing is to understand that you are the owner of your life, and not her stepdaughter, that you have an unlimited source of strength to achieve everything you need. That you will achieve everything.

    But first you need to learn to understand what you yourself need. And then soberly assess who and what of what you need can give you. And then work with those people who should give you what you are looking for.

    You can, if it’s more convenient for you, call it an active life position. Who cares? It is important that you understand that your success is in your hands. It requires constant work on the situation, constant targeted interaction with people. The results will not keep you waiting. Change your attitude towards life right now, and then change life itself, make it the way you want.

    Prayer from an annoying boyfriend

    I noticed that after communicating with a client, gypsies always dust off their hands and clothes. “We do this for this reason,” Zambila explained to me, “to break the connection with the one with whom we ourselves started it.” We Gypsies are a free people, we cannot become attached to the Goyans. If the gypsy charmed the Goyan, then not only he became attached to her, but she also became attached to him, and what freedom then! Yes, just dusting off your hands is not enough. Before you leave, you read the spells and when you return, be sure to read them.

    Old Zambila taught me the spells and rituals that need to be performed after contact with a person is completed. These spells and rituals are as necessary as those that preceded contact. Without them, you can find yourself in completely unnecessary dependence on your recent interlocutor.

    They are also effective when you need to get rid of an obsessive admirer, an annoying acquaintance, etc.

    Attention! Any impact on a person implies his charm, that is, it contains elements love magic. Therefore, after you have communicated with someone in order to achieve something from him and used gypsy techniques, be sure, among others, to perform a ritual that will protect you from unrequited love! Love can break out not necessarily for this particular person, it’s just that your heart is open and therefore defenseless.

    Every time I returned after “working” with the gypsies, I, on Zambila’s instructions, recited the following spell:

    I will stand in the light of the silver Gaena, its light is with me, its strength is with my free will. I, the servant of God (my name), will go out into an open Turkish field. In the open Turkish field there are three, two, and one: the demon Gasa, the demon Zakobun, the demon Kartachigun. Demons Gasa, Zakobun, Kartachigun, as you served King Solomon, and so serve me, the servant of God (your name), go through the cities and villages, and through the provinces, and through the districts, collect sadness and melancholy from animals and birds , and from fish, and from all kinds of people, and take that sadness and melancholy into the deep sea, into the bright, bright waters, into the black depths, into the clear sky, into the scarlet flame, into the quicksand swamp, into the black earth, into one hundred and thirty one hole so that sadness and melancholy could neither exist nor live either on a bright day according to the sun, or on a dark night according to the month. Just as a baby cannot live without sweet milk, so sadness and melancholy would not be able to sleep or breathe; just as a person cannot live without air, neither at night, nor during the day, nor at any time. There is a Kiev apple tree in an open Turkish field and under that Kyiv apple tree there are thirty-three youths, from under that Kyiv apple tree a gypsy shuvani emerges and lights up thirty-three fathoms of apple tree branches, and how hot and how brightly thirty fathoms of apple tree branches flared up, and burned so hotly would be sadness and melancholy. Let my free will roam in an open Turkish field and eat fresh milk, and rise into the sky like a white swan. There is no melancholy-sadness free of my will, no flammable sadness.

    How to close the generosity lock

    If you charmed a person and achieved his generosity, then you yourself, without knowing it, found yourself dependent on this person. It is necessary to get rid of this connection based on the circumstances under which the connection was established.

    If you opened the lock of generosity at the first meeting, as is usually the case with gypsies, you need to take the previously tied Men's Tie. Now untie your tie while saying: “Are you mountains, rocky mountains, are you rivers, bottomless rivers, are you forests, black forests, are you dogs, lying dogs. So it would be firmly, so far away, so the servant of God (his name) would lie to the servant of God (his name) forever and ever, and he would not be able to help him with all the shuvani, with the servant of God (his name) and would not be able to reconcile and not to get married today, and not tomorrow, and not the day after tomorrow, and never. Amen". If this meeting took place with a woman, then instead A tie will do silk ribbon tied in a bow. Of course, you have to insert her name and call her servant of God, but not slave

    Scheduled business meeting

    If you have achieved a good result in business negotiations and this result is clearly in your favor and not in favor of your partners, after the negotiations say:

    Just as the blue sky and the black earth will never be tied together in a knot, so the free will of the servant of God (her name) will never be unconnected.

    If you have acquired a profitable client, but are afraid of becoming dependent on him, read the spell every time after meeting him:

    Three horses are carrying my vardo. Three horses, white, red and black, are carrying my vardo through an open Turkish field, through a light pine forest, across the blue salty ocean to a dashing land, untrodden by either beast or man. In that dashing land, Gaena shines, the river flows, the sand is white and free-flowing, and the wind blows and blows, the water in the river is muddied, the sand moves. There stands a red tower with thirty-three towers, and thirty-three blue sisters sit in it, yearning for the red sun, for good people, a sweet piece. The wind does not hear their melancholy, does not know, does not know, walks freely, plays with water. So the servant of God (client’s name) would have yearned for me, from all thirty-three nun sisters the wind would have carried a fierce melancholy, and he, the servant of God (client’s name), would not have seen the white light. I, the servant of God (my name) of him, the servant of God (name of the client), would not have heard the anguish, I would not have known, I would not have known. My word is stronger than a heroic dream.

    Zambila told me:

    - The worst thing, girl, is love's melancholy. If you fell in love with someone, but he didn’t love you, then that’s it, the bird’s wings are tied, it won’t fly into the sky, won’t catch the free wind, won’t drink the spring water, won’t sing songs to it.

    – What if it’s happy love? “I was seriously scared that gypsy freedom and love are not compatible at all.

    - And if it’s happy, then together people are always free, and their will is greater than that of one, because two have more strength, and strong man always free. But there will be no happy love if the unfortunate one has already tied her wings. After all, many live like this, with their wings tied. Take care of yourself, girl! You simply cast a spell so that the person’s heart opens towards you. It may not open yet, but your heart is already open, and then evil love will take possession of it.

    Getting rid of unrequited love

    Rituals for getting rid of unhappy love not only save you from a fruitless and dangerous feeling, but also protect you from it. Try to do them periodically, even if you don’t have any unhappy love at the moment.

    “Untying” unrequited love

    If you do not have the strength to forget your former love, if it prevents you from surrendering to a new feeling, if you want to break with the past, then lilac will help you.

    Break three branches of blooming lilac at night and bring it to a room facing east. Place or hang a mirror in front of the window.

    Take a white (not nylon or gauze) rope or braid and tie lilac branches with it.

    Place the lilac in water in front of a mirror. Look in the mirror through the lilac branches.

    After the ritual, place the lilac at the head of the bed. Let it stand until it dries, then take it to its native bush at night, first untying the rope. Bury the rope next to the bush.

    Soon, all that will remain in your memory from your unhappy love are sweet memories and gratitude to the person who awakened it, and your heart will open to new love.

    “Breaking” unrequited love

    For this ritual you will need black and white threads (the length of each thread is 15–20 centimeters), as well as a pectoral, slingshot-like, chicken bone.

    The ritual is performed at night on flawed moon. Light a candle (any color, preferably white or church). Soak both strings with a mixture of infusions of St. John's wort and calendula, which are sold at any pharmacy.

    Wrap one of the arcs of the slingshot with white thread, and the other with black thread. Take the bone by both ends: with your right hand, by the part around which the black thread is wrapped, and with your left hand, by the end of the bone with the black thread.

    Hold the bone so that its middle is above the candle flame; the burning of the candle should be deposited on the bone. Now say:

    I conjure with Black Gaena, I command with a dead bone: leave me, everything alien and hostile, everything black and false! Disappear from me, all your worries and sufferings, come back to me, all your hopes and desires.

    Now break the bone in half, then say:

    Just as this dead bone will never come to life and grow together, so I, the servant of God (his name), will never get along with the servant of God (his name).

    Now notice how the bone is broken. If the upper part of the bone goes to a bow with a black thread, it means that you were actually affected by a witchcraft influence, which you just got rid of.

    If the part of the bone with a white thread turns out to be larger than the other, it means that the witchcraft influence had no effect on you or did not exist at all, and your unhappy love arose by itself.

    Then (in any case) you must bury the bone fragments in different places as far apart as possible, and then say:

    Just as these bones, white and black, are far from each other and will never grow together, so we are far from each other and will never come together.

    In order to stop suffering for a man who doesn’t care about you, you need to tie a knot from a black cord on the waning moon. Fold the lace in half and tie it with a knot. Three such nodes need to be made.

    While tying knots, repeat in a whisper:

    I will rise on the dying moon, I will wash myself in spring water, I will go out into an open Turkish field, into green water meadows, to a chilly river. The river runs quickly, does not yearn for its banks, does not cry, does not grieve. So I, the servant of God (my name), would not yearn, cry, or grieve for the servant of God (name of the man), from this day and forever. Amen.

    Then lower the knot downstream of the river or stream.

    Getting rid of obsessive fans

    Unrequited love is, of course, a disaster, but sometimes it happens that an obsessive admirer does not give life. There is certainly no freedom here - it hangs, walks with its tail, demands an account at every step, torments with advice... Getting rid of this is a holy necessity.

    Zambila Lachchaevna’s rituals will help you not only ward off an obsessive boyfriend, but also a disgusted friend who bothers you with his problems, but also generally get rid of all unwanted contacts, for example, from overly sociable fellow travelers on the train, annoying colleagues, etc.

    In order to ward off an overly obsessive admirer, sew a bag of black fabric and thread a white braid along its top so that the bag can be tightened.

    Place poppy seeds in a bag.

    At midnight on a debilitated moon, walk three times around the house of the person you want to ward off. Gradually scatter the poppy seeds on the ground, saying:

    Empty love, sleep, go to sleep, and don’t wake up again. Sick heart, close yourself and don’t open up anymore. Just as this poppy can’t all get together, so I and the servant of God (his name) will never be together. As the poppy woke up, so love died, and as love died, the road from heart to heart, from soul to soul, from you, the servant of God (his name), to me, the servant of God (his name), became overgrown.

    Spruce knot from an annoying suitor

    If you are finally tormented by an annoying admirer, try to get spruce branch from the grave. To do this, you just need to go to an active cemetery, and you will probably find it.

    Then tie each branch of the Christmas tree with black thread, saying each time:

    Just as the dead man crossed this tree for the last time, so the servant of God (name of the suitor) will cross the threshold of this house for the last time. Let him live and prosper, gain goodness and joy, and let him no longer come through these doors.

    This needs to be done on the waning moon, preferably before the arrival of an uninvited guest.

    If he bothers you after that, repeat the ritual after nine days, and then after forty. When your obsessive friend finally leaves you behind, go to the grave of the one from whom you took the fir branch and remember him by leaving a bottle of red wine and white bread on the grave.

    If you are bothered ex-husband or lover, then try this old gypsy method.

    Take the scissors, open them slightly and tie them with black thread so that the ends are slightly apart and do not close themselves.

    Before your friend comes to you, hang these scissors with the ends down over the front door of your house or apartment.

    When he takes off his shoes, you must quietly throw one pinch of salt into each of his shoes.

    And when he leaves, remove the scissors, unwind the thread and cut it into small pieces with these scissors. Throw the pieces away where no one can get them (for example, you can flush them down the toilet).

    How to remove your own love spell

    If you foolishly bewitch someone, you will have to get a handful of earth from a fresh grave and a leaf from a funeral wreath, but first sew a bag of black silk fabric.

    Place a rusty metal ring (any kind, such as a key ring), three rusty nails, photographs of you and his in the bag.

    Then pour soil and a leaf from the wreath onto it.

    Wrap this pouch seven times with black cord and seal the ends of the cord with red sealing wax or red wax.

    At midnight, go around the house of someone you don't like. At the same time, hold the bag with photographs in your left hand behind your back, and right hand press it to your heart. While making this round, say:

    Gray hare in the black forest

    There is a fiery fox in the black forest.

    The fox smells the hare, the hare smells the fox.

    Like a hare running from a fox,

    So should you (his name)

    He ran away from me (his name).

    The ritual must be done on a flawed moon. After this, your pursuer will leave you behind.

    Take a piece of paper and write on it the name of the person who is bothering you. Now burn this paper, imagining how your obsessive friend is running away from you at breakneck speed (for example, on a train this is easy to do in the smoking vestibule. I tested it myself - it works great. An overly talkative and disgustingly drunk fellow passenger immediately fell asleep and did not wake up for the rest of the journey ).

    Then go out onto the balcony (in rural conditions, a hillside, river cliff, field, etc. is quite suitable). Pour out the ashes, saying:

    Come to me four winds: the west wind, the east wind, the south wind, the north wind. Take, winds, passion (his name), carry away, winds, his passion to the one that awaits her. She doesn’t see the day, doesn’t sleep at night, waiting for his love. Let him be free in his desires. Let him love the one who is waiting for him.

    This will certainly turn away the hateful person forever. True, it is only suitable if he has three already tied ties, and these ties came to you

    You need to perform the lapel three times at night on a debilitated moon.

    Take a tie, say the name of the one who is bothering you, then untie the knot with the words:

    This is your pain. I unleash your pain. Now you are free, run away from me.

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