• How to decorate a table for a birthday. Classic and original table setting for the anniversary. Choosing a holiday theme


    When it comes time for our own birthday, we plunge into these pleasant preparatory chores ... In our article, we will offer you 33 original ideas for decorating the festive table.

    We all love to visit the holidays to enjoy the reigning atmosphere of solemnity and fun. Part of this mood undoubtedly creates the interior of the room and itself festive table.

    Do you have a birthday ahead of you? Then it's time to get to know our original ideas to surprise and delight guests, as well as yourself.

    So how can you decorate a table for a birthday?

    The starting point should be the choice of a tablecloth, it will be, as it were, the basis of our “delicious picture”. Tablecloths of warm saturated rich shades will help us in creating a festive atmosphere - these are golden, terracotta, orange and reddish tones. A rich blue, bright red or dark green tablecloth will also look very elegant. The main thing is to correctly build the entire color scheme of the festive table composition when using saturated shades. You can put covers on the chairs by tying them with a ribbon.

    How to decorate a table for a birthday: dishes and napkins

    A good choice for a birthday would be dishes with edging. Snow-white and gold will be perfectly combined with the warm color of the tablecloth. If you opted for a saturated bright color, then use colored dishes, choosing a good contrast.

    Napkins will also become an important element of table setting. They should be combined with a tablecloth and, in addition, they can be given the most intricate shape, which is sure to attract the attention of guests and immediately set them up for a festive mood. There are many options for folding napkins. One of the most uncomplicated, but elegant - just roll it up and tie it with a thin satin ribbon. You can give it the appearance of a turret and install it vertically, or, after a little manipulation, making a few kinks, give it the shape of a fan and secure it with tape from one edge of the fold. Here you can safely experiment and come up with something of your own, unique and completely new.

    How to decorate a birthday table with flowers

    As for the presence of flowers on the table, of course, this will decorate and emphasize the festive atmosphere. Just note that you need to avoid strongly scented flowers. Their smell should not distract from the culinary delights and should not cause any disturbance to the guests. Not a large number of flower petals can be unobtrusively sprinkled on the table between dishes.

    Flower vases should be low, almost flat, and flower stems short enough. Floral arrangements should not block the view of guests, they serve only as an addition to the table decoration. You can use a multi-component flower arrangement - place a large bouquet in a flat vase in the center of the table, and miniature flowers near each device. flower arrangements in the same style.

    At decorate the birthday table unusually

    Do not be afraid to use some unusual design items, add your own unexpected details. It can be anything. For example, decorative vases, unusually shaped hodgepodges made of glass. They can be placed at each device or along the edges of the table.

    And in no case do not forget about the candles, they will decorate any festive table. Candles can play the role of a central element within a flower arrangement or be an independent element on the table. In the second case, you can focus on a beautiful candlestick. The candlestick can be tall, elegant and the candles in it are thin and generally towering above the table. And, perhaps, you will like the option with a flat bowl, where small colored candles and flower petals will float.

    You can celebrate your birthday in the form of a costume themed party. But, even without using costumes, you can create some special holiday style. For example, let this evening be held in Japanese style. Red, black and White color in serving. Dishes with a black edging and a red flower will emphasize the Japanese flavor, the tablecloth, perhaps, will be of a soft pink hue - all this will create the sophistication and mystery of the East.

    If the table is already stylishly decorated with a tablecloth and dishes, there are flowers or candles on it, it is worth moving on to the dishes. If you just put a dish on a plate, the design will not look original. Try to decorate them exquisitely with imagination. When planning the menu, keep in mind that guests will be of different age categories and with their own tastes. Let there be few dishes on the table, but all of them will be decorated with soul and taste.

    The arrangement of dishes deserves special attention. Put multi-colored canapes on skewers, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band tartlets. Decorate bottles with drinks with ribbons, paper and flowers. Everything should be in tune with the main serving.

    How can I decorate the table for a child's birthday?

    First of all, you need to think over the style of decorating the holiday, and based on this, choose a color scheme for dishes, tablecloths, decor items.

    Above the table you need to hang ceiling decorations in the form of balls, garlands, paper decorations.

    A tablecloth can be easily made by hand from taffeta, organza, mesh or wrapping film. In order to fix the drapery, you can use tape or, for example, a stapler.

    Dishes on children's holiday should be useful and easy. Decorate them in the form of your favorite children's characters, dolls, cars. Create a whole fairy tale from dishes!

    Be guided by your preferences and good mood when decorating the festive table, and your guests will appreciate your efforts!

    In anticipation of the holiday, every hospitable hostess wants to impress guests not only with her culinary masterpieces, but also original design holiday table. How to decorate a table for receiving guests in order to create a warm festive atmosphere, a few tips from experienced housewives and designers will help.

    Choosing a tablecloth

    The choice of tablecloth should correspond to the nature of the upcoming holiday. For special occasions, it is recommended to lay a heavy and shiny tablecloth on the table. For festive dinners and friendly gatherings at home the best option there may be a linen or linen tablecloth in white or solid color, possibly with a pattern along the edge.

    The choice of the color of the tablecloth largely depends on the nature of the feast, the color of the dishes, which table is served and the interior of the room. Ideally, the tablecloth should be in harmony with the curtains and furniture upholstery, be clean and ironed.

    Table decoration options with napkins

    Napkins, being an indispensable attribute of the festive table, can perfectly serve as its decoration. Both paper and cloth napkins are suitable for this. If patterned napkins look elegant, you can use them without additional decorations by placing them in vases. With a little imagination, you can use plain napkins, folding them in an original way.

    The easiest option is to put decorative rings on them. They can be purchased in stores or you can make your own by gluing them from thick cardboard. Then this ring is decorated with gift ribbons of various colors and textures or with a beautiful fabric. After that, it is decorated with beads, sequins, beads or artificial stones.

    Another way to use napkins to decorate the table with your own hands is to make various figures, flowers, envelopes for cutlery out of them. Napkins resembling a lily flower, a fan, a boat, a sea urchin look very impressive on the festive table.

    The easiest option for decorating a table with your own hands with a napkin is to fold it with an “accordion” and stick it between the cloves of a fork. Napkin models are constantly being improved and methods for making them are quite easy to find on the Internet.

    Table decoration with candles

    The burning of candles gives the holiday a special warm and romantic atmosphere. When decorating a table with candles, you need to think about the shape of the candlestick and candle. For creating romantic setting high openwork candlesticks are desirable.

    Coziness and warmth are provided by candles in low candlesticks in the form of lanterns or transparent colored glasses. Arranging candles on the table is recommended so that they do not cover the dishes. It is best to put them in the center if the guests are not sitting opposite each other.

    We decorate the table with flowers and original compositions

    The decoration of the table is always fresh flowers. The composition with a figured folded napkin and a vase of flowers looks beautiful, or a figured napkin next to decorative candle in the original candlestick. You can limit yourself to small vases with small bouquets of flowers or flower arrangements placed along the middle line of the table.

    Flowers should be chosen without a strong aroma, so as not to accidentally cause allergies in guests.

    The design of an individual place for each guest will look exquisite if you place decorations near each plate. It may look like this: next to a beautifully folded napkin, put a vase with a flower or a candle and put a personalized greeting card or a small souvenir on the holiday theme next to them. Try to decorate the festive table in the theme of the celebration.

    When celebrating Christmas, put on the table a beautiful composition created from spruce or pine branches and cones decorated with tinsel. If you are celebrating a wedding, it would be appropriate to put figurines of newlyweds, white doves and flower arrangements with rings or hearts on the table.

    For a children's birthday, the table decoration can be colored latex and mylar balloons: flowers made from balloons of various sizes and configurations. Such compositions can be placed in the center of the table, and small figures of cartoon characters can be placed near each device.

    Decoration with vegetables and fruits. Carving

    IN last years it has become very popular for housewives to decorate the festive table with vegetables and fruits. Here is a real expanse for both culinary and artistic creativity.

    The easiest way is to decorate the table with cut fruits of different colors. They can be laid out in the form of a rainbow, a pattern, or in the theme of a celebration.

    A mirror plate will look gorgeous on the table. A washed mirror in the shape of a large dish is decorated with cuts of various fruits. The bright colors of fruits, the light from candles and chandeliers, reflected in the mirror, make the table decoration simply fantastic.

    The most fashionable way of decorating with vegetables and fruits, without which not a single solid event can do now, is carving. This is the name of cutting out various figures from fruits and vegetables with special knives.

    Simple examples of table decorations are cucumber and orange peel roses, onion chrysanthemums, tomato lilies.

    Pineapple can be cut lengthwise without touching the leaves, remove the pulp from it and put salad, rice or ice cream in its place. From papaya, removing the pulp, cut out boats for salads or fruits, as well as various shapes of flowers, leaves and various figures. From a melon, an original basket for fruit or salad is obtained.

    New Year's table decoration

    On the eve of the New Year, it's time to prepare for decorating the room and New Year's table. For such a case, you need to choose a color scheme that matches this holiday.

    Traditionally, red and green colors are used here, but silver and gold will not be superfluous in New Year's compositions. Combinations of red with gold, white with blue and look great.

    Christmas balls will look wonderful in glass vases, cones can be decorated with golden ribbons and placed near plates, decorate glasses with tinsel. Candlesticks made of tangerines in composition with spruce branches look like New Year's.

    The composition of spruce branches, in the middle of which red apples are laid out and fixed. Before New Year's compositions it is good to add candles floating in water or candles in tall candlesticks.

    Dishes can also be arranged in the form of a symbol of the year, a Christmas tree, balls, bows and other New Year's attributes. If many guests are expected to each place, it is good to put cards in the form of a Christmas tree or a star.

    There are a lot of options for decorating the festive table. In an effort to surprise everyone with beauty and originality, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    It so happened historically that it is customary to celebrate a birthday. Funny, big company, in some specially prepared place, or modestly, at home - everyone decides on their own. In any case, decorating a table for a birthday at home is an important moment, and numerous photos of such events then become an occasion to remember pleasant moments of life (or not very pleasant ones - as it turns out).

    If you prefer the first option, choose the venue of the birthday party, its theme and style in advance, order invitations from the printing house, change the color of tablecloths, napkins and dishes many times, arrange a casting for the best toastmaster and animators for children, then this article will not be very special for you. interesting. It can be more useful to those who are themselves a cook, and a confectioner, and a stylist, and a waiter, and an entertainer for guests (if they have enough strength).

    • Decide on the number of guests and the menu.
    • Arrange an audit in the cupboard and in the back drawers of the pantries. It is important to understand whether the available crockery and cutlery is enough for you, or whether you will need to buy or rent from neighbors/acquaintances.
    • Do the same among the soft kitchen, this time "ceremonial" inventory. Decide on the availability and condition of a suitable tablecloth and cloth napkins.
    • Make sure there is enough space for everyone at the table and chairs (or other “seats”).

    We set the table on the day of the celebration

    Here we will not delve into the intricacies of the menu. In this case, it is important to decorate the birthday table at home. Take a closer look at the photo: the table is covered with an ironed, wrinkle-free tablecloth, dishes, even the simplest ones, are arranged symmetrically.

    It would be nice if there was a wide flat plate in front of each guest (as they say, a "dummy" plate). Cutlery nearby. At home, this is most often a fork, spoon, knife. According to the rules, the fork is laid out on the left side of the plate, cloves up. The knife is located with right side, the cutting edge should look towards the plate. On the right side are containers for drinks.

    Cloth napkins of bright colors, beautifully folded on a front plate, can become not just kitchen utensils, but a real table decoration. If you add some flowers in low vases (so as not to obscure the faces of those present), bright candles and / or some other decorative elements, depending on the season, then the table will become truly festive. How to choose.

    Decoration of salads, cold appetizers, sliced ​​​​cheese and meat

    These dishes are usually present on the festive table. It is enough for someone to decorate them with various greens, just chopping them finely, and someone from vegetables will be able to cut flowers or figures to decorate the festive table with them.

    Fresh, pickled and pickled vegetables look advantageous, located on the same plate. You can decorate vegetables with olives and black olives, which, in addition to the decoration function, are also suitable as a snack. Serving meat and cheese cuts can also be done different ways. Photo and video tutorials on holiday decoration various kinds cuts will definitely help you in this important matter.

    Advice: cheese slices are tasty and beautiful when served with nuts, honey and berries.

    Serving hot meals

    On a birthday, first courses are usually not served. Although a beautiful soup bowl with a lid, which contains only your signature soup, is unlikely to go unnoticed by guests. Second courses for serving on the birthday table can be prepared in portions (in pots, cocotte makers, etc., depending on the menu), or put on a plate by the hostess for each guest.

    Serve fruits and desserts

    To serve fruits, they can be cut and served on flat dishes, they can be placed on special multi-tiered fruit vases, etc. It is advisable to serve a festive cake on a beautiful flat dish, showing the guests beforehand, even before cutting, so that they can appreciate your confectionery skills. For a fruit plate you need to know.

    Important! Fresh, beautiful fruits are served at the table, cut, without signs of wilting or spoilage. It is advisable to do this immediately before serving to prevent browning. To prevent this from happening, chopped fruits can be sprinkled with lemon juice.

    Someone will say, why waste time decorating a table for a birthday at home, because after a couple of minutes only memories remain on the table from beauty, and only photos will help you remember it? This is not entirely true. Indeed, even dishes of amazing taste, served on a crumpled tablecloth and in defective dishes, can easily spoil the whole impression of the holiday!

    Unfortunately, the birthday is only once a year. This is how the famous crocodile Gena sang in his children's song. And this is not sad, because one more year of life is behind us, but because the chores in preparing a birthday are always pleasant. Well, let's get started. And we will start with the design of the festive table. The fulcrum can be called, perhaps, the choice of tablecloths. Several options are possible.

    • Plain tablecloth without a pattern or with a barely visible pattern. Usually tablecloths this type use, rather, as a background, rather than an accent for the festive table.
    • A bright tablecloth is used mainly if the birthday is given a theme. Usually, the additions can be plates, glasses, the dishes themselves, and so on.

    • Tablecloth with edging or fringe. Used on special occasions (anniversaries or weddings, for example).

    Background decoration.

    Background decoration is very difficult topic. It (design) depends on the nature of the birthday person, style and theme. You can have a birthday party in the backyard garden among beautiful flower beds with fragrant flowers. Or to start a birthday with an immersion in childhood, for example. Here are some tips to help you decorate any holiday.

    1. Pay attention to the little things. Flowers, candles, small souvenirs can create coziness on your holiday
    2. The freshness of the room and nice smell premises are important
    3. Take care of the accommodation of guests in advance. The table should be positioned so that all guests can easily approach it.

    Dishes and napkins

    Dishes are one of the most important attributes of the festive table. There should not be too much dishes on the roofing sheet, but there should not be a lack of it either. The choice of festive dishes must be approached especially carefully. For example, most often in such cases, dishes are used to match the color of the main design, as, for example, we see in the picture below.

    How to decorate the holiday with flowers

    If you wish, you can put a large beautiful vase with your favorite flowers (roses, orchids, lilies, chrysanthemums and others)

    or install small baskets along the entire length of the table. If your table is not designed for a large number of guests, then you can simply arrange small flowers on plates or nearby.

    How to decorate a table for a child's birthday

    On the birthday of your baby, you want to especially please him. You can decorate the table with soft toys or other interesting things, beautifully arrange fruits and salads, for example, it will be interesting for boys to “absorb” a robot or a giraffe, and for a girl - a colorful butterfly or a cute teddy bear, etc.

    In addition to various goodies, as a rule, snacks and other similar dishes inherent in an adult holiday table should be on the table.

    In addition, it is better to choose a tablecloth in bright colors or with cartoon characters.

    Table decoration with napkins

    Beautifully folded napkins can truly surprise and delight your guests who come to congratulate you on this bright day. Below are a few schemes for beautifully folding napkins.


    1. Napkin folded diagonally (bottom fold)
    2. Align 2 side corners with the top corner
    3. Fold the napkin so that the bottom corner remains a couple of centimeters below the top
    4. Bend top corner
    5. Bend the sides back and insert one into the other to form a circle


    1. Fold diagonally
    2. Fold the triangle like an accordion, leaving a small triangle on top
    3. Secure the top with an accordion
    4. Fold in half
    5. Secure with a ring or other decorative elements.


    1. Lay the napkin face down
    2. Bend all the corners in turn
    3. flip
    4. Re-fold all corners
    5. Holding the corners in the center, pull out the corners from below so that they form petals.

    Sweet table decoration

    Usually, a sweet table means a small table, away from the main one, with various goodies and sweets. Usually these happen at children's parties. I think it will be very pleasant for kids to watch funny pictures of sweets not only on the main table, but also on the sweet one.

    On the sweet table may also be present Stuffed Toys, helium balloons can be attached. For a birthday girl, it will be interesting to study and try a sweet flower basket

    Anniversary table setting

    An anniversary is always a very exciting and significant event in the life of any person. Therefore, the decoration of this holiday should be special. You can decorate salads, make a number out of balls indicating the date of the hero of the day, beautifully arrange cuts, etc.

    In order for a birthday to turn from an ordinary date into a joyful event, you need to try hard and organize a magnificent holiday. These are invitations for guests and gifts, and competitions, and, of course, decoration of the room.

    Particular attention should be paid to the design of the festive table, without which no event can do.

    Decoration base

    Before you start decorating the place of the festive dinner, you need to think about the color scheme in which you will build the whole composition.

    Looks great for a birthday party bright colors: red, blue, green, yellow and purple. You can combine them with each other or choose jewelry of the same color in different colors - from dark saturated to delicate light.

    After choosing the color of the holiday, think about the main things on which the decor elements will hang, stand and lie:

    1. Tablecloth. The tablecloth can be the brightest spot in the composition if you want to make the rest of the decorations more subdued. But it's better to choose a canvas light shades so that it does not distract attention from the overall festive composition.
    2. Chairs. The decor of the table for a birthday implies the decoration of the pieces of furniture adjacent to it - chairs. A win-win: dress the chairs in loose covers made of the same fabric as the tablecloth and tie at the beginning of the back with a wide bright ribbon with a bow. can be sewn by hand.

    Think about how the color scheme of your composition is combined with the decor in the room. A bright red table would look ridiculous in a green room. Consider this factor when decorating a festive feast.

    Tableware according to the rules of etiquette

    Table setting for a birthday plays a paramount role in decorating. The dishes in which the dishes will be waiting for the guests will tell not only about the thematic focus of the holiday, but also about the character of the owners of the host house.

    When choosing the right service, you need to take into account the age of the birthday man and invited guests.

    For guests of an adult audience, choose pastel-colored sets in delicate pink or blue tones with golden edging or an unobtrusive pattern on the sides.

    If we are talking about a themed costume party that young people love so much, the birthday table decoration should look appropriate: if pirate Party- artificially aged glasses and cups, if a vampire party - glasses in the form of skulls.

    And do not forget about the rules of etiquette: spoons should lie to the right of the plate, forks and knives to the left. Glasses and glasses are placed in the upper right corner of the service for each guest.

    Napkin Secrets

    In order not to think for a long time how to decorate the table for a birthday, remember the main attributes of this holiday - napkins! With the help of napkins, you will finish half the decorating job. Remember what ceremonial figures can be folded out of them and left to show off on plates:


    This is the easiest way to ennoble ordinary slips of paper for hands. Fold the napkin in the shape of an accordion approximately to the middle.

    After that, fold it in half and bend the corner of the unassembled edge inward towards the accordion. You will get a fan that will stand with the help of its own stand.


    Fold the napkin in half and start twisting it into a snail, straightening the outer edge and slightly squeezing the inner one. After that, tie the inner edge with a thread or an elastic band - you will get a fresh rose bud.

    Such napkins can be put in a vase in the middle of the table in the form of a bouquet, which will be an original solution to the problem of lack of space for each person.


    Here you will need a little skill to complement the birthday table decor with beautiful birds. Lay the napkin in front of you with the free edges down and fold it in half. Unfold and fold both of its edges to the fold line. After that, turn it on the other side and bend the edges again to the fold line.

    Now bend the upper end about one third back - this is the neck of a swan. Bend the small tip again - the future head of the bird. Now bend them along the fold line and gently pull the bird's neck forward so that the figure gains stability. Fluff out your tail.

    Table decor

    In addition to napkins, there are many holiday items in your arsenal that you can use to decorate your birthday table with your own hands. You don't even have to run to the carnival store - just remember what creative items you have in your drawers?

    1. Balloons. To add lightness to the party, tie a guest to each chair hot air balloon with helium. And put a whole bunch of balls in the center of the table, tying them to a weight that will not allow them to fly away and knock the dishes off the table. This option looks even more interesting: tie several balls into a tight bouquet, decorate them with ribbons, confetti and lace, and hang the whole bunch from the ceiling above the center of the table or the birthday man's seat.
    2. Flowers. Flowers have long been a classic for decorating a festive birthday feast. In order not to waste precious space, instead of one big bouquet place small boutonnieres around the perimeter. And with the help of buds that have not yet blossomed, you can decorate the service and chairs of guests.
    3. Ribbons, beads and toys. With the help of these decor elements, you can create a real miracle on the table. From small toys, brooches and beads, make bouquets suitable for the party in color and theme and tie them to forks and spoons, the legs of glasses, the backs of chairs. These "boutonnieres" can also be made from sweets - you will get cute bonbonnieres.

    Birthday table decoration will give a festive mood to the birthday man, enthusiastic looks to guests and good mood to you.

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