• How to give birth to twins naturally. Twins or twins? Interesting Facts


    Having twins is a revelation. amazing world double adventures, double joys... and double worries. However, all the parents’ worries will pay off handsomely when proper education each twin, skillfully supporting his self-esteem and affection. Our goal is to be patient, develop flexibility of thinking and optimism.

    Identical or dizygotic?

    There are 2 types of twins. Fraternal twins are children developed from two different eggs. They can be of different sexes, have a different set of genes and external differences. Identical twins occur when an egg splits into two parts after fertilization. Identical twins will always be the same sex, they will have an identical set of genes and even similar fingerprints. Externally, they will also not be different.

    You and I - we are so similar, similar in appearance and soul...

    From birth, twins develop a special bond that is different from the normal relationship between siblings. You can notice how twins look out for each other's emotions: if one laughs, the other will laugh too. And if one cries, the other will show attention and care to him.

    As they grow older, twins spend more and more time in joint activities. This is beneficial for the mother, as it allows her to take care of the house and take some time for herself. Twins develop a sense of confidence and security earlier than other children. They have empathy and a competitive spirit better than other children. However, due to constant communication only with their own kind, they are also distinguished by cognitive delays and insufficient development of social skills.

    Each child is individual

    Parents often treat the twin pair as one child. They are fed from the same bottle, dressed the same, put to sleep in the same crib and always kept together. Thus, they complicate the process of developing individuality and personal identification in children. Treat children as individuals with their own needs and desires. Provide them with personal space whenever possible. Toys, dishes, clothes: each twin should have their own.

    The desire for similarities and differences in twins will change with age. As children, twins often repeat after each other, play with the same toys and willingly wear the same clothes. IN adolescence there is a sharp denial of one’s similarity, a change in the structure of relationships occurs, and the desire for difference begins to prevail.

    Rivalries and quarrels

    Quarrels between twins are inevitable when they are growing up. This is absolutely normal, be patient and give them the opportunity to resolve the conflict themselves. It is believed that in a pair of twins, one always takes on the role of leader, and the second becomes a follower. This dominance sometimes takes on a situational and sequential nature, and yet you should not provoke them into competition.

    Twins also tend to reinforce each other's behavior. That is, if one twin suddenly wants to climb on the table, talk with his mouth full or sing loudly, the other will try to shout down or copy him. This behavior literally drives the elders crazy. What can parents do in such cases?

    The best thing is to separate the twins into rooms. Use the rule for the timing of punishments: 1 year of child = 1 minute apart.

    You, me, and you and I - together to school and home...

    Should I send twins to the same class? It is best to consult with the children themselves. If you identify twins in different classes, they will have less competition and will be able to make their own friends, which is very important in establishing their individuality. The same applies to additional circles. Different experiences will help them become closer and discuss each other's interests.

    I wanted to have a brother, and twins were born...

    The eldest child finds himself in a difficult situation when two children are born. Previously accustomed to being the only one, the older child may feel forgotten and abandoned. How can I help him?

    Ask your loved ones for help. Set aside a day that you can completely devote to your eldest, while the grandmothers can sit with the twins. Go to the cinema, to the zoo, to the museum - spend time so that younger children cannot distract you.

    Choose different sounding names for your twins. When choosing similar names, it can be difficult for twins to separate their own individuality.

    Get your children used to the same schedule. Sleep and eat at the same time. Involve the father and other family members in the process of caring for the twins.

    Don't buy identical toys for twins if you don't want them to quarrel all the time. Based on everyone's individual tastes and interests.

    Teach children to distinguish their own from someone else's. If children are twins, this does not mean that they should constantly share something. Every child wants to have something personal: his own bicycle, his own bed, his own toy, etc.

    Avoid rivalry between twins. Teach them to wait their turn and listen calmly to everyone.

    Take time to spend time with each twin alone.

    Emphasize and encourage differences between children. Praise them more often, but for different actions.

    Tell them how great it is to be twins! Watch films together about the mutual help of twins, come up with a fairy tale about what exciting adventures await twins in our world.

    Elnara Agayeva, family psychologist

    What do royal twins mean - a mystery of nature, or a gift of fate for chosen parents? Or maybe a serious test? Of course, two outwardly similar, but at the same time different-sex toddlers - a daughter and a son - are real happiness. But at the same time, it is a great responsibility, and if you add the risk of various gene abnormalities, it may be good that such couples occur one in a thousand.

    According to statistics, twin children, a boy and a girl, are so rare that learning about multiple pregnancy, many mothers and fathers, and even doctors, do not even imagine that babies of different sexes can be born, most often the result of fertilization of two eggs, that is, twins, but not twins. Nevertheless, history knows of cases when a brother and sister were born at the same time, similar to each other as two peas in a pod.

    So are they twins, or are they twins, born a boy and a girl with an almost identical gene set? Let's try to figure it out.

    It is impossible to deny the fact, and even science mysterious birth Some light has already been shed on opposite-sex twins. Yes, this can happen, although it is extremely rare.

    We all know from anatomy lessons that twins arise from the same zygote and have the same chromosome set. But there are a number of factors and inexplicable processes by which twins are born: a boy and a girl. Let's look at when this is possible:

    boy and girl?

    The process of formation of monozygotic opposite-sex twins is very complex and not fully understood. Therefore, no matter how much parents would like to give birth to twins, a boy and a girl, it is almost impossible to predict or influence this process in advance. Although science does not stand still, and together with the mass introduction of IVF, expectant mothers and fathers have the prospect of pre-ordering the gender of their babies and their identity in the future.

    Many couples dream of becoming parents of twins. Everyone has their own reasons for this: some dream of forgetting about childbirth forever, giving the world and their beloved husband two babies at once, while others believe that the more children in the family, the better.

    Unfortunately, the likelihood of having twins depends not only on the endless desire of the parents. According to statistics, for every eighty pregnancies there is only one twin. However, over time, this number continues to increase. Experts find an explanation in the fact that women are already in early age start using hormonal drugs that affect conception.

    Twins are fraternal children that are the result of two sperm fertilizing different eggs. Each fetus is formed in a separate placenta. Twins are not always like two peas in a pod. On the contrary, babies can be completely different. Children of different sexes are often born.

    Scientists involved in genetic research say that the predisposition to conceive identical children is passed on to a woman from her mother.

    If we compare the number of cases of birth of twins with the birth of twins, we get the following picture: fraternal babies are born three times more often. In addition, one cannot help but notice the fact that the likelihood of such a pregnancy in adult women is higher than in young girls. In the period from 20 to 30 years, the probability of conceiving twins is approximately three percent, while in 30-40 years it increases to six.

    The chance of having two babies also depends on the number of previous pregnancies. After all, the more children a mother has, the higher the likelihood that twins will be next. This is due to the fact that during the gestation process the mother gains excess weight, which is a favorable factor for conceiving fraternal babies.

    Features of conception

    Experts believe that the typical female body is designed to bear one fetus. Pregnancy with two or three babies at the same time is classified by medicine as an anomaly.

    The fact is that the process of conception involves the participation of one sperm and one egg. There are rare cases where one egg is fertilized, but it divides in half. As a result of such a pregnancy, identical twins are born. The reasons have not yet been established.

    Artificial conception

    There are several effective methods give birth to twins, which are divided into two main groups:

    • artificial;
    • natural.

    The first type of conceiving fraternal children involves seeking medical help. The birth of twins is facilitated by the IVF method, which allows the eggs to be fertilized for transplantation into the expectant mother. In such a situation, the probability of the desired outcome is very high.

    Natural conception

    Many women, for various reasons, refuse IVF, but still continue to dream of twins. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to contact a geneticist, since it is this doctor who is engaged in turning such desires into reality.

    Before going to the hospital, you need to collect an anamnesis, that is, the most detailed and thorough information about your relatives, their ailments and predispositions. It is mandatory to provide a medical history of a married couple wishing to become parents of twins.

    It is very important to create your menu from those foods that trigger the release of several eggs during the ovulation process. Plus, before conception, it is necessary to stimulate the functioning of the ovaries. Walnuts help with this chicken eggs and cereals.

    If a woman wants to become a happy mother of two charming girls, then she, first of all, should pay attention to the position in which conception occurs. Achieve desired result best in the missionary position.

    Not less important proper nutrition future mother. To conceive girls, you should create a menu that includes:

    • sugar;
    • spices;
    • jam;
    • any type of honey;
    • fragrant herbs.

    How to give birth to identical boys

    For the birth of twin boys, the position in which fertilization occurs is also important. IN in this case positions characteristic of deep penetration make it easier for sperm to access the uterus.

    Experts say that the likelihood of Y sperm penetration increases after orgasm, since the process releases special components that increase the lifespan of sperm. As a result, they will have more time to reach the egg.

    A diet that promotes the conception of boys consists of foods such as:

    It is very important to exclude bread, waffles, raw cabbage, caviar, seafood, nuts, and beans from your diet. To conceive twin boys, it is recommended to heavily salt food and eat more canned foods.

    It would be a mistake to believe that all these means will lead to the conception of twins one hundred percent, but they increase this likelihood.

    There are several other factors on which the birth of twins depends.

    Stopping taking contraceptivesThe essence of contraceptives is that they block the functioning of the ovaries. The moment a woman stops taking drugs that prevent conception, the ovaries produce a large number of eggs. This greatly increases the likelihood of getting pregnant and having twins.
    AbstinenceIt is widely believed that prolonged abstinence from sex promotes conception, since in such a situation the activity of sperm increases. At the moment, there is no scientific proof of this theory.
    HeightIt is known that tall women are much more likely to give birth to non-identical children.
    Drinking milkDairy products help increase insulin levels in the blood, which affects egg production.
    OriginA man with African roots is predisposed to conceiving twins.
    SeasonIn spring, the sun helps the body produce a hormone called gonadotropin. It is very important when conceiving twins.
    ClimateSurprisingly, the likelihood of conceiving twins is influenced even by such parameters as humidity, daylight hours, and the level of natural radioactive background. It has been reliably proven that there are areas in which fraternal children are regularly born and this cannot be explained by anything other than a geographical factor.
    Structure of the uterusMost often, the abnormal structure of the uterus provokes multiple pregnancies.
    Menstrual cycleIt is believed that women whose cycle length is exactly three weeks, with more likely can give birth to twins.

    If happy parents managed to conceive twins, this does not mean that the most difficult thing is left behind. In such a situation, the expectant mother has a lot of worries. Firstly, during pregnancy with twins, morning and evening nausea will torment a woman longer than during a normal pregnancy. Secondly, when carrying two babies, the likelihood of varicose veins greatly increases. It is necessary to purchase special underwear that is designed to reduce stress and make breathing easier.

    Two babies are a significant weight for the body, which sometimes ends premature birth. A woman must be ready for this. It is recommended to go to the hospital several times ahead of schedule, to labor activity didn't take mommy by surprise. In the last months you should completely abandon physical exercise, as they can provoke contractions.

    Around the middle of pregnancy, a woman's appetite often decreases. There is nothing wrong with this, since the cause is the natural enlargement of the uterus. The organ puts pressure on the stomach, which disrupts its functioning. Despite this, the body still needs to receive a lot of calories. Future mom should eat in small portions, but very often.

    Among the mandatory actions, folic acid intake is emphasized. This vitamin helps suppress any congenital disorders and alleviate defects related to the nervous system. Folic acid should be taken throughout the entire period.

    Video - How to conceive twins

    I realized that I would have a child exactly on the day when we were going to ski. (As a result, I had to put skiing on hold: I was afraid early miscarriage.) I was 27 years old. Pregnancy is the first. And suddenly it turned out that we were expecting twins. None of the known relatives had twins, no hormonal pills(including contraceptives) I have never used since birth. Doctors joked: you have to start with someone...

    At the beginning of pregnancy I had toxicosis, I felt very sick. The only thing that saved me was food. I didn’t feel like eating; but as soon as I chewed something, the nausea stopped. Doing an ultrasound at 6 weeks seemed stupid, and the doctor at the antenatal clinic told me: “Why do you need this, the fact that you have a uterine pregnancy is obvious.” At the beginning of the third month, toxicosis stopped and the golden period began. The belly has not yet grown, but the nausea has stopped.

    At 14 weeks I went for an ultrasound at the antenatal clinic, where I was glad that I had two. I must say, I was in shock and cried all evening. Mishka took everything much calmer and reacted philosophically to the news of twins. Then everything became even more fun. They immediately explained to me that I had no chance of giving birth on my own, and a cesarean section was guaranteed. Vision minus seven, narrow pelvis, and besides, twins... And so on. I read everything I could find about twins and twins, about twin births and caring for babies, and after every article I read, it became even more scary.

    Walking around the most beautiful city, washed in the spring and illuminated by the spring sun, cheered me up very much. Moreover, on the train, for the first time, I felt my babies kicking in their belly. Returning home, I decided to behave as I had planned before pregnancy - to swim in the pool as little as possible.

    During pregnancy I gained 13 kg. This is probably not very much, but I got the impression that all these kilograms were concentrated exclusively in my belly, so in the end it was hard. Moreover, before pregnancy I weighed 47 kg and my height was 1 m 60 cm. So I looked very comical: thin arms and legs and a huge belly, like an airship.

    I started taking courses when I was five months old. A cozy and homely environment, a sea of ​​interesting and useful information on pregnancy and childbirth, communication with other pregnant women - all this greatly contributed to the formation of a positive attitude towards future childbirth.

    Exercises in the pool also helped me a lot. In general, exercises for pregnant women in the pool and in the gym after aerobics, which I did Last year, seemed simply frivolous.

    The pregnancy was quite easy, I led quite active image life - I worked until the end of the 7th month, walked in the Bitsevsky forest park not far from the house where my parents live.

    From the 8th month I went to maternity leave and went to Tarusa to the dacha to visit friends of my parents. By this time, my belly had reached such a size that I could no longer fit into all the clothes I had and switched to my husband’s clothes. I couldn’t sleep on my belly for a long time, but now it became difficult to sleep on my back.

    There was about a month and a half left before the due date. I felt good, but my belly was really bothering me, right side Asuka kicked violently, and slight swelling appeared on her legs. The house was being renovated, the courses were over, and I succumbed to the doctor’s persuasion and went to the pathology department of the maternity hospital I had chosen for an examination.

    There I finally saw two more mothers pregnant with twins - otherwise I felt a little uneasy because I was the only one so special and the most potbellied.

    Within a week my swelling went down and I lost one kilogram. Both of my children turned upside down, during the ultrasound they told me that they weighed 2500 and 2900, they once again confirmed that they were a boy and a girl, and assured me that I would give birth myself. I was almost 36 weeks along, and they were going to send me home for another two weeks. But it was not there...

    The day before I was discharged, before going to bed, I went to the toilet, and then it started pouring out of me! I think about a glass of water leaked out. The nurse who came up called the doctor on duty, who confirmed that it was water that had leaked, said that she was three fingers dilated and that labor had begun.

    I called my doctor on my mobile phone, she reassured me that everything would be okay. Then I told my husband and mother that I was leaving to give birth, took a hairpin, glasses and a mobile phone with me and rode the elevator up to the maternity ward. Time was 1 hour 40 minutes.

    All the way in the elevator I was terribly worried about why there were no contractions.

    However, I was worried in vain: contractions began as soon as I was taken to the birthing unit, listened to the children’s hearts and left alone. They offered to give me pain relief, but I was very afraid of harming the children and refused.

    I lay down on the couch, hoping to get some sleep, but that was completely unrealistic. Immediately contractions began - and very painful ones. They walked every three minutes, and I couldn’t lie down for a second. As a result, I rushed back and forth around the maternity block, massaged my lower back, and periodically ran to the toilet to pour water on myself from the shower. It was very painful, I didn’t even expect it to be SO painful. I tried my best to breathe correctly, as taught in the courses, but it didn’t help much. Then I noticed that during the most painful contractions I was breathing correctly, even without controlling myself. In the intervals between contractions, I talked with the girl-sister on duty, looked out of my birth block, and walked along the corridor. It was night, it was quiet and deserted, it seemed like there was no one around.

    At about seven or eight o'clock I was completely exhausted, I vomited some kind of bile, I screamed and thought that was all. It hurt me so much that I already agreed to any pain relief, but it was too late, the dilation was already almost complete. But then the contractions stopped.

    I enjoyed myself for an hour, lying on the couch. After another half hour, the pushing began. Many people told me, and I read, that during pushing it no longer hurts. I don’t know, I felt no less pain than during contractions. The feeling that you are being pressed and broken from all sides.

    The doctor came and told me to move to a chair. Most of all, I was afraid that I would have to give birth lying down, but they put a pillow under my back and it turned out to be a semi-sitting position. And then the attempts stopped. I thought with horror that I had to get off the chair and go downstairs, and then it all started again.

    The doctor who was guiding me told me when to push, when to rest, and for some reason even once tickled my kicking belly. During the most intense attempts, I tried to breathe correctly and pushed as hard as I could.

    At some point I felt that I had torn, but I no longer felt pain. I realized that the baby’s head was somewhere close, and in the next push I felt incredible relief and heard someone scream. I saw a red, little, very angry, screaming girl in the doctor’s arms, who was immediately placed on my chest, but the baby, not understanding what was what, refused to suckle: she licked a couple of drops of colostrum - that’s all. She was very tiny, wrinkled, with swollen eyelids, looking like an old woman. Then they did something with her, I found out that she had the first blood type, weight 2740 g, height 46 cm. I happily thought that they would do without a hospital for premature babies, since I heard that people are sent to hospitals with a weight less than 2500 kg. After asking the doctor about how reflexes work, I found out that we received 9/9 on the Apgar scale. It was 10:40 am.

    Then I lay and rested, the second baby quieted down in my belly. About 20 minutes passed. “Well, shall we get out?” - the doctor asked and pressed slightly on the stomach. The attempts began again. Everything was the same again - I pushed, tried to breathe and push the baby out of me, and again a wonderful feeling of relief and a screaming baby dangling from the umbilical cord. I saw that it was a boy.

    At the same moment my mobile phone rang. It was my husband who called, who had not slept all night and was worried about me. I made him happy that he had just had a son, and before that a daughter. She reassured me that, apparently, everything was fine with them, and promised to call later. Then I saw my Yurka up close and personal. He looked bigger than his sister, he was just as red and wrinkled, but he opened his eyes and looked at me angrily, and also refused to suckle and did not understand what was happening at all.

    The doctors took him away. Blood type 3 (like Mishka and I), weight 3070 kg (it was even more than I expected), height 48 cm. 9/9 on the Apgar scale.

    This is how our children were born. Thank God, everything is fine with them, although we were recorded as premature. They were taken to the children's department. And I remained lying there.

    I thought with horror that I still had to give birth to a placenta. I pushed, and something large of an incomprehensible color with two protruding umbilical cord tubes came out of me. “The placenta is fused and normal,” the doctor said.

    The children were placed in an incubator for two days - as I was told, to wait until the 36th week. Yurka lay and slept peacefully, and Aska groaned and kicked her brother in the diaper. On the third day I was able to pick them up and put them to my chest. Due to the fact that they were not immediately put to the breast, there were difficulties with feeding in the first two weeks. But now both suck well, and both are completely on breastfeeding. We were kept in the maternity hospital for a week, as they took all kinds of tests from the children and examined them from all sides. After making sure that everything was okay with us, we were finally discharged home.

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