• How to remove wrinkles around the mouth from your face. Modern methods for correcting wrinkles above the upper lip and around the mouth. The best cream to remove wrinkles near the lips


    Wrinkles around the mouth tend to become noticeable around age 40. This is not only due to biological age and associated changes in the skin. There are several other factors that should be taken into account so that folds on the skin of the lips appear not earlier, but later than the average period.

      Active facial expressions

      This is one of the main reasons early appearance in any area of ​​muscle activity. Some women try their best to control their facial expressions, but it is impossible not to smile (and not necessary), it is better to invest in good anti-aging care.

      Sleeping with your face in your pillow

      This is a very bad habit for the beauty of your skin. Just remember how wrinkled your face looks after a night hug with a pillow, and you will understand how your skin suffered all night from compression and deterioration of microcirculation.

    Make it a rule to sleep on your back and buy a special orthopedic pillow. And yes, let the pillowcase on it be silk - it’s good for the skin.

    Types of wrinkles around the mouth

    Before you begin a full-fledged fight against wrinkles around the mouth, you need to find out what type they are. Skin care in this area will largely depend on this.

      Purse-string wrinkles(also called smoker's wrinkles) are vertical folds above upper lip, which are finally formed, as a rule, closer to 50 years.

      Nasolabial folds- longitudinal wrinkles running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

      Puppet wrinkles got their name because they resemble the design of the faces of the dolls of the same name. These are two furrows running from the corners of the lips to the chin.

    How to remove wrinkles around the mouth

    Let us say right away: it is impossible to completely eliminate the formed wrinkles with cosmetic products alone. However, you can reduce their depth and sharpness, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones.

    Massage and self-massage

    An effective anti-aging tool is massage and self-massage, which you can learn on your own to carry out the procedure at home. By relaxing the facial muscles, self-massage on a regular basis will improve the quality of the skin, increase its elasticity and improve complexion. But there are some things to consider here.

      The best time for a massage is in the evening; it is at this time of day that the skin is primed for renewal.

      The procedure can last 5-15 minutes - as long as the oil is absorbed.

    © iStock

    Anti-aging cosmetics for lips

    Choosing the right anti-wrinkle treatment around the mouth is not a difficult task. Of course, if you pay attention to the composition.

    1. 1

      Acids (glycolic, lactic) and retinol can significantly speed up the process of cell regeneration due to the effective exfoliation of dead skin cells. Formulas with these components help reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, as well as give the face a fresh and rested look.

    2. 2

      Collagen and hyaluronic acid saturate the skin with moisture, restoring its elasticity.

    3. 3

      Plant oils prevent moisture from evaporating, which will be especially useful for dry skin.

    4. 4

      Sugars and glycopeptides accelerate the production of your own collagen, the reserves of which become thinner with age.

    5. 5

      Proxilan molecule- another component beloved by cosmetic technologists, which, with regular use, can significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles.

    Cosmetology procedures

    Cosmetology offers a whole range of procedures to correct wrinkles in the area around the mouth.

      Botox injections reduce the activity of the orbicularis oris muscle, thereby smoothing the skin and preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

      Hyaluronic acid injections and lipofilling fill wrinkles, literally erasing them from the face.

      Median chemical peeling due to its effect on the deep layers of the skin, it reduces the depth and number of wrinkles, but has by-effect- acids increase the photosensitivity of the skin. Therefore, the procedure is carried out in the autumn-winter period under the cover of photoprotective agents.

    Massage works well against wrinkles around the mouth © iStock

    Perhaps the most serious factors of skin aging are bad habits and stress. And if the first ones can be dealt with by showing willpower, then we are practically powerless in the face of stress. Not everyone is able to change a job they don’t like, move from a metropolis to the countryside, or rid themselves of the daily background noise and the society of not the most nice people. However, these stressors can be compensated for by:

      regularly rest and restore the body’s resources on vacation and on weekends;

      add sports to your life;

      adjust your diet - eat more vegetables and fruits high in vitamins and minerals;

      ensure yourself healthy, full sleep; This luxury, if desired, can be afforded if you refuse to spend many hours stuck in the smartphone screen.

    A couple more “little things” that prolong the youth of the skin are mandatory makeup removal before bed and application of moisturizer. These manipulations will take no more than 10 minutes and will make a significant contribution to the prevention of wrinkles.

    Cosmetics review

    As preventive measures, you will have to develop a whole lip skin care ritual, including several products:

      moisturizing creams and serums with vitamins;

      exfoliants (after 30 years, chemical ones are better);

      sunscreens and lip balms with protective factor; for a city in the warm season, SPF 15-25 is suitable, for a seaside or ski resort - SPF 50; Use it after peelings at any time of the year.

    Name Application Active components
    Lip cream Collagenist Re-Plump, Helena Rubinstein Apply daily to lips over the entire surface, going beyond the contours. The proxilan molecule stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin. Collagen microspheres instantly smooth out fine wrinkles and add visual volume to the lips.
    Deep action regenerating serum “Revitalift Laser x3”, L"Oréal Paris Use on “problem areas” - nasolabial folds, area around the mouth, on the bridge of the nose.

    The proxilan molecule stimulates the production of key components of the cellular matrix. Hyaluronic acid maintains optimal moisture levels in the skin.

    Strengthening care against signs of aging at different stages of formation Slow Age, Vichy Apply to cleansed skin around the lips morning and evening.

    The antioxidant baicalin prevents the oxidation of skin cells. Probiotic Bifidus reduces skin sensitivity and strengthens the protective barrier.

    Retexturing Activator, SkinCeuticals Apply 3-4 drops before cream, preferably in combination with sunscreen.

    A complex of hydroxyethyl urea and aminosulfonic acid stimulates cell regeneration. Hyaluronic acid saturates skin cells with moisture. Kombucha evens out the complexion and charges the skin with radiance.

    Expression wrinkles on the face cause discomfort to women even at 25-30 years old, and after 40 they become a real problem. Most often, young ladies are concerned about the appearance of defects in the eye area.

    However, you often have to worry about the problem of wrinkles around the lips, which are also difficult to get rid of at home. But with due effort and the use of the necessary drugs, natural recipes, you can get good results.

    Causes of expression wrinkles

    No person can protect themselves from the formation of facial wrinkles around the eyes and lips, since these parts of the face are particularly mobile. Smile, tension, anger, laughter, passion for work, tears - all this is reflected on a woman’s and man’s face. Every year, wrinkles become deeper and multiply.

    But there are factors that significantly increase the intensity of the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, which become difficult to get rid of at home:

    • Constant movement of the area around the lips - due to long conversations, frequent smiles. In this area of ​​the face there is very little subcutaneous fat, and the epidermis is very thin.
    • Time is a factor that no one can handle. As we age, collagen production decreases.
    • Incorrect position of the head in sleep - on its side or directly facing the pillow.
    • Losing weight too quickly, as well as smoking, are habits that stimulate tension in the muscles of the oral area.
    • The sun and other unpleasant factors of nature - wind, frost, heat - negatively affect the condition of the skin.
    • Lack or improper care.
    • Tooth extraction – the absence of front and molar teeth leads to sagging skin.
    • Genetic predisposition and chronic diseases.
    • Poor tone of the epidermis.
    • Too active facial expressions.
    • Restructuring of hormonal levels.

    To remove wrinkles around the mouth at home in short term, you need to provide maximum support to your body. And for this you need to follow some rules:

    The choice of cream for everyday facial skin care should also be based on basic principles.

    Proper facial cosmetics

    It is impossible to get rid of annoying wrinkles around the lips at home without the use of high-quality medications. A high-quality cream should contain peptides, antioxidants and vitamins. Together they fight the signs of aging, remove harmful substances, smooth out wrinkles and moisturize the skin.

    It is important to use a good lip balm if you want to get rid of wrinkles around your mouth.

    You need to apply it slightly beyond the boundaries, touching deep wrinkles. The product will be absorbed by itself and should not be washed off.

    Special preparations for wrinkles

    They will help you quickly remove wrinkles in the corners of your lips at home. special means:

    • Estier Lauder produces a special corrector for expression lines, Perfectionist CP+R. It is sold in a tube with a convenient applicator, which allows you to apply it precisely to problem areas. The innovative composition perfectly corrects wrinkles around the lips.
    • FromVanessa Liqiuskin is another great product that relaxes muscles and helps get rid of wrinkles around the lips at home.
    • TriumphTechnologies has created a product for correcting facial wrinkles with black caviar extract “Kavar Moisturizing”.

    There are other manufacturers who create good preparations for eliminating wrinkles around the lips. You should choose as much as possible high-quality composition without mineral oils, chemicals, PEG and other harmful additives.

    The importance of toning procedures

    It is possible to qualitatively remove facial wrinkles around the mouth at home only within the framework of an integrated approach. And it must include tonic procedures:

    Comprehensive care for the skin around the mouth to get rid of wrinkles at home and without proper gymnastics is not enough.

    Effective exercises for wrinkles

    Special gymnastics will help you quickly remove wrinkles around the lips at home.

    Already in 2-3 weeks, pleasant results will be noticeable if you do the exercises every day and are not lazy.

    Additionally, the presented complex tightens the chin, removes the cheeks and fights the most difficult wrinkles above the upper lip - purse-string wrinkles. You should prepare for the fact that the maximum result from gymnastics occurs only after 3-5 months of use:

    • Retract your lips as if you were saying “y”; you need to press your fingers to your lips. Now try to overcome the pressure with your mouth using the muscles of the nasolabial part. Exhale through your mouth without changing position. Repeat the exercise at least 8 times.
    • Now you need to stretch the corners of your mouth without revealing your teeth. The lower lip is lowered without the use of hands so that the gum is exposed. You can feel how well the muscles of the jaw under the chin tense.
    • Now you need to stretch your upper lip without moving your jaw. The muscles of the upper part, but not the lower part, become tense during exercise. Repeat 10 times.

    The use of folk remedies

    Various scrubs and masks made from natural ingredients will help remove wrinkles around the lips at home. The most effective of them are strawberries, honey, aloe and cucumber. These products perfectly tighten and moisturize the epidermis, protect against the appearance of new wrinkles above the outer lip:

    • A mask of honey, milk, oatmeal and peas. About 2 tsp. flakes are crushed together with 1 tsp. ground peas, add 1 tsp. powdered milk and the same amount of honey. Apply around the mouth and leave until dry. You need to remove it with a damp sponge.
    • Honey and aloe juice. Aloe leaves are ground in a blender and combined with 1 part of honey. Apply for 10 minutes from the corners to the upper lip, rinse with cool water.

    • Clay, eggs and essential oil. Mix 1 beaten egg with 2 tbsp. l. blue clay, add 5 drops essential oil grapefruit, lubricate the area around the lips.
    • Olive oil in pure form will help fight wrinkles. Simply apply it with a swab around your mouth. No need to rinse off.
    • Use a mask of sea buckthorn oil and liquid vitamin E. Apply for half an hour 2 times a week.
    • Take the egg white, beat it and apply it neat around your mouth.
    • A good crushed ripe tomato can be applied around the mouth and washed off after 30 minutes.
    • From 1 tbsp. l. yeast, 1 tsp. use sour cream to prepare a mask. When the yeast begins to foam, apply around the lips. Keep for 15 minutes.

    • Fat sour cream, carrot juice and grapefruit pulp in equal parts are mixed and applied to the face, washed off after 20 minutes.
    • Mix 1 part honey, yolk and full-fat sour cream. Keep for 30 minutes on the skin around the mouth.

    You can also cook great homemade cream to get rid of deep wrinkles around the lips. For it you need to take: 2 tsp. gelatin, ¼ tsp. alum, lanolin, gasoline tincture and camphor, they can be bought at the pharmacy. You will also need 5 drops of neroli ether and 1 spoon of glycerin.

    In 2 tbsp. l. Alum is melted in water, gelatin and oil are added. When the gelatin swells, add glycerin and begin to heat, avoiding boiling. When the gelatin has dissolved, add the remaining products and stir until thickened, removing from the stove. If the mixture does not become thick enough, beat with a special egg beater. Store in the refrigerator and use every day.

    Pure anti-wrinkle oils

    Pure oil will also help get rid of wrinkles around the lips at home. In addition to olive fat, you can use other varieties:

    • Camphor oil eliminates not only wrinkles, but also scars, pimples, enlarged pores;
    • Flaxseed oil stimulates healing, relieves inflammation and removes harmful substances;
    • Wheat germ oil is very rich in vitamin E and slows down the aging process of the epidermis.

    If you want the fight against wrinkles around the lips at home to be as effective as possible, and the results to last forever, remember the important rules:

    1. The first wrinkles are not a reason for strong worries. It's just a natural process. But stress from nervous tension can worsen the situation and provoke the development of more severe wrinkles!
    2. If you eat poorly, lead a poor lifestyle and abuse smoking and alcohol, then no methods of combating wrinkles will be effective.
    3. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant facial wrinkles around the mouth, you need to use protective equipment. During the hot season, use balm and cream with an SPF filter.
    4. Only daily use of cosmetics, regular use of masks and other products to combat wrinkles will give the desired effect.
    5. For prevention, take simple fish oil capsules. Don't focus on expensive Omega-3 fatty acid supplements. They are rarely more effective than regular fat.

    Also, you should not strain your facial muscles too much and constantly laugh or, conversely, cry. Constantly pouting lips only accelerates the formation of wrinkles around them. The same goes for popular selfie poses with duck lips.

    A person’s age and external attractiveness are primarily determined by the condition of their facial skin. The wrinkles and folds that inevitably appear here and there add a year or two to some of us, and sometimes even a dozen extra years to others at once.

    Wrinkles around the mouth (near the lips) not only visually age the face, but, in addition, give it a sad, tired and dissatisfied expression. It turns out that by removing these shortcomings, we regain both youth and beauty “in one bottle.”

    But how to do this? And is it possible to do without serious invasive procedures? the site goes into more detail, shares its quite optimistic conclusions and asks for recommendations from expert cosmetologists from famous metropolitan aesthetic clinics:

    Why do wrinkles appear around the lips and what are they like?

    The main reason for the formation of annoying folds in the perioral area is the regular and very significant load on the orbicularis oris muscle. It works almost non-stop - while talking, eating, expressing emotions... And since its bundles are attached directly to the dermis, and not to the bones, like other muscles, each time it contracts, it stretches the skin in different directions.

    In addition, in the area around the lips there is practically no fat layer and very few sebaceous glands. As a result, we have thin, poorly hydrated (even with proper care) skin, which is also constantly exposed to any external influences - from ultraviolet radiation to city gas exhausts. Add to this the natural age-related decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, and it becomes clear why many people already have noticeable wrinkles and folds in the mouth area by the age of 20-30. Additional “risk factors” are:

    • sudden weight loss, which further thins the fat layer in the perioral area;
    • some professions associated with additional activity of the orbicularis muscle (opera singing, playing wind instruments, etc.);
    • hereditary factors: features of the bite and structure of the skull, genetically determined condition of the skin around the lips and facial skin in general, etc.

    It is worth mentioning separately such a well-known condition as "smoker's skin". Adherence to this bad habit causes significant damage not only to our health, but also to our appearance:

    • first of all, in the process of smoking, the perioral muscles become excessively tense, which lays the “base” for the appearance of wrinkles;
    • in addition, nicotine destroys elastin and collagen fibers, making the skin less firm and elastic, causing wrinkling with any facial activity;
    • and chronic oxygen starvation, which results from tobacco smoke abuse, reduces the production of new collagen and slows down the regeneration processes of skin cells.

    The wrinkles around the lips themselves can be divided into several groups, which have different basic mechanisms of manifestation:

    • Purse-string wrinkles– vertical folds above the upper and under the lower lip. They come in various depths and lengths. Their appearance is caused by: thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer, deterioration of skin tone and condition, age-related changes, smoking, professional activity associated with increased articulation.
    • Nasolabial folds– wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, leading from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. It is believed that they are the ones who age us visually to the greatest extent. “Nasolabia” begin to form in early youth, but at first they are smoothed out due to the tone and freshness of the skin. By about 30-35 years, these wrinkles become noticeable even at rest. The degree of their expression largely depends on the anatomical features of the face and the activity of facial expressions and articulation of a person (for more details, see the article “”).
    • Puppet wrinkles- they are also called “marionette lines” or “sorrow folds” - labiomental folds directed vertically down from the corners of the mouth, visually separating the lower lip and chin from the rest of the face, like in marionette dolls (which is why they got their name). They give the face a dissatisfied or sad expression. The main reasons for their appearance are a general deterioration in the quality of the skin and the tone of the muscles responsible for the corners of the mouth.

    How to remove wrinkles around lips

    The process of smoothing the skin comes down to solving several problems that have long been known to cosmetologists and plastic surgeons: it is necessary to tighten what is sagging and add volume where it has become lacking. For this, both active external influence and mobilization of the body’s internal resources are used:

    • Injection procedures– in most cases we are talking about filler preparations, with the help of which hollow subcutaneous areas are filled and, as a result, small and medium-depth wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, “” is also carried out for therapeutic purposes - for moisturizing and general rejuvenation of the skin.
    • Hardware procedures– with their help, work is carried out on the quality of the skin: its tone and elasticity increase, the internal processes of collagen and elastin production are launched.
    • Plastic surgery– allow you to get rid of the deepest wrinkles caused by stretched and sagging skin. Usually carried out at an older age, when cosmetology alone no longer gives the desired result.

    As is the case with most other anti-aging techniques, the optimal course is selected individually by a cosmetologist or surgeon, based on the current condition and characteristics of the patient’s body. Usually it consists of several diverse procedures that complement and enhance each other, but fillers are almost always one of the mandatory elements of the program.

    Injection techniques

    The “gold standard” in the fight against wrinkles not only around the mouth, but also on any other areas of the face. Allows you to get quick and pronounced results. But, unfortunately, it is not eternal: the procedures must be repeated every six months or a year.

    What's the point?
    Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid of various densities can solve the problem of insufficient volume in the skin fold. The duration of the result depends on the type of filler used, on average it is about 6 months.
    Neurotoxins allow you to relieve muscle spasms, due to which you can smooth out “puppets” and, sometimes, “nasolabial lips”, however, in the latter case, fillers will almost always be more effective. The average duration of the effect is 6-8 months.
    , Injections of hyaluronic acid and various bioactive substances that provide the skin with the necessary hydration, trigger regeneration processes in it, increase elasticity and tone. These procedures are not able to remove deep folds, but they help get rid of purse-string wrinkles for up to 1 year.
    Injection of high-density hyaluronic acid using special techniques to create a fibrous framework that holds the skin in the desired position and prevents gravitational ptosis of soft tissues.
    Usually performed as an auxiliary procedure to eliminate any types of wrinkles. It is an injection of the patient’s own platelet-enriched blood plasma, which triggers the processes of skin rejuvenation and regeneration. The effect and its duration largely depend on the characteristics of the individual organism.
    Filling skin folds with the patient's own purified fat taken from other areas of the body (usually the abdomen or thighs). Some experts consider the effectiveness of the method to be insufficient, since over a short period of time the body absorbs from 30 to 50% of the injected fat suspension, that is, wrinkles become noticeable again.
    Photo 1 – correction of vertical wrinkles above the upper and under the lower lip with Juvederm Ultra filler:

    Photo 2 – smoothing marionette lines and nasolabial folds with Radiesse filler:

    Hardware techniques

    As a stand-alone procedure, they are not as effective as injections. But, unlike the latter, they have a more prolonged effect, allowing not only to smooth the skin, but also improve its tone, which is a good preventive measure against the appearance of new wrinkles and the deepening of existing ones.

    What's the point?
    Treatment with laser beams, after which the top layer of skin is completely renewed. As a result, wrinkles become less pronounced, the skin is rejuvenated and toned. Enough effective method, providing results for up to several years.
    Exposure of the skin to electromagnetic waves, which stimulate the production of collagen and thereby provide a tightening and wrinkle reduction effect. This procedure must be completed in courses of several sessions; as a result, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and nasolabial and labio-mental folds are significantly reduced.
    Myostimulation The target area of ​​this procedure is the subcutaneous muscles, the effect is carried out with a pulsed current, which returns them to tone, relieves spasms and tightens the skin, improves blood and lymph circulation.
    Iontophoresis, electrophoresis, etc. Methods borrowed from physiotherapy to saturate the skin of the perioral zone with nourishing, moisturizing and tightening substances.
    Various types of hardware peelings (gas-liquid, mechanical, microdermabrasion, etc.) Their main purpose is to improve blood and lymph circulation, launch regeneration processes, stimulate the sebaceous glands, activate fibroblasts that produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

    Surgical techniques

    The heaviest "artillery" that is used to work with deep age-related folds and pronounced gravitational ptosis of the face.

    What's the point?
    Lifting of skin and soft tissues with biodegradable threads, which, among other things, solves the problem of deep nasolabial folds and marionette wrinkles.
    Special products are applied to the skin of the perioral zone to exfoliate dead and dead cells, triggering regeneration processes (like after a burn). A rather painful procedure, carried out in an operating room, under general anesthesia, and involving full rehabilitation period. Provides an effect lasting several years. Sometimes, as an alternative, several sessions of a less traumatic medium peel are possible.
    To work with the perioral area alone, it is not advisable to carry out such a serious intervention, but in general, during any lifting operation affecting the lower 2/3 of the face, all types of wrinkles around the mouth are also eliminated.

    Prevention of perioral wrinkles

    It is impossible to completely avoid or stop the formation of skin folds around the lips, but by adjusting your lifestyle and adding special care products, you can slow down this process for a long time. The main recommendations of cosmetologists are as follows:

    • Mandatory cessation of smoking and chewing gum
    • Daily self-massage of the muscles and skin around the mouth
    • Regular use of moisturizing and regenerating creams, nourishing masks and other products whose action is aimed at improving skin condition. They should contain: vitamins A, E, C, retinoids, coenzymes, antioxidants, peptides, fixed oils, collagen, keratin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, glycol, etc.
    • Ultraviolet protection - regular use of products with SPF filters when going outside, while taking sunbathing or visits to the solarium
    • It is advisable to learn to control your negative experiences that cause muscle contractions in the perioral area. Do you purse your lips in anger or curl them in dissatisfaction? Thereby accelerating the appearance of wrinkles. To be fair, sometimes positive emotions are also reflected on our faces (take, for example, laughter, which accelerates the appearance of “nasolabials”), but it would not be entirely reasonable to refuse them.

    Experts' opinions

    “We mostly use injection techniques, which, in my opinion, are the most effective for correcting the area around the mouth. A surgical facelift cannot always cope with wrinkles, because its main task is to eliminate excess skin, not retractions. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which “fill” these areas from the inside, can help with this.

    Also, laser skin resurfacing helps us in the fight against expression wrinkles; the ideal is a combination of two methods - laser ablation and injections. Patients who undergo a course of 2 procedures laser resurfacing and 1-3 injection procedures (depending on the need) see the most obvious results. "

    cosmetologist, plastic surgeon, Arbat Aesthetic:

    “To eliminate purse-string wrinkles, we prefer to combine several methods at once: as a rule, an injection of 5 units of Botox and the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the lip contour gives a good result; if necessary, laser correction of the remaining small wrinkles can be carried out in the future. Hyaluronic acid is also used to lift the corners of the lips and straighten the nasolabial folds. Methods of administration can be varied: both using a needle and using an atraumatic cannula. Basically, to solve such problems, high-density preparations are used, which give good long-term results.”

    Wrinkles in the perioral area appear early for the reason that the lower third of the face is practically devoid of sebaceous glands, the secretion of which protects it from adverse environmental factors, and many facial muscles are located in this area.

    It is difficult to get rid of wrinkles around the lips using homemade cosmetics, so at the first signs of their appearance you need to seek qualified help from specialists in beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers.

    Types of wrinkles

    Depending on the mechanism and causes of development, scientists distinguish three types of perioral wrinkles:

    • purse string – vertical skin folds located in the area of ​​the upper and lower lips, which arise against the background of age-related changes in the skin and thinning of the subcutaneous fatty tissue;
    • nasolabial wrinkles – located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle (originating from the wings of the nose and leading to the corners of the mouth), arising due to decreased tone and elasticity skin and excessive activity of facial muscles;
    • marionette wrinkles are vertical labiomental skin folds, the formation of which is caused by gravitational ptosis (sagging of the soft tissues of the face under the influence of gravity).

    purse string wrinkles nasolabial wrinkles puppet wrinkles

    How to remove wrinkles around lips? Basic correction methods

    Cosmetologists offer patients injection, hardware and surgical methods for correcting perioral skin folds. The most effective cosmetological techniques aimed at solving this problem are described below.

    Contour plastic

    A rejuvenating procedure based on intradermal filling of perioral skin folds with sterile gel preparations of dense consistency - fillers. The gel fills wrinkles, which helps to instantly smooth out the skin texture and forms a supporting “framework”, which biodegrades over time and is completely removed from the body. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately. The method is suitable for correcting all types of perioral wrinkles. For contouring, preparations based on hyaluronic acid (Juvederm, Surgiderm, Hyaluform) are most often used; gels containing polycaprolanctone and calcium hydroxyapatite (Ellanse, Radiesse) are less commonly used.


    An injection method for correcting wrinkles above the upper lip and around the mouth, based on saturating the dermis with a complex of nutrients that activate the formation process and improve the division of epidermal cells, protect the skin from dehydration and the harmful effects of environmental factors. The composition of mesotherapy preparations (cocktails) includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phospholipid compounds and trace elements. The effect after mesotherapy becomes noticeable after 2-3 procedures and increases over time.


    A technique for hardware rejuvenation of the skin of the lower third of the face, which is based on stimulation of the orbicularis oris muscle with low-frequency electric current. Electrical impulses cause contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue, which increases the tone of the skin and provides a lifting effect, accelerates metabolic processes in the deep layers of the dermis and stimulates blood circulation. The effect of myostimulation is assessed after a course of procedures.


    A method of injection rejuvenation of the skin, which is based on the injection of a purified solution of the patient’s plasma into the deep layers and dermis. Plasma is collected immediately before the procedure. The doctor takes blood from the patient’s vein, purifies it by centrifugation and injects it into the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle in accordance with the technique of mesotherapy injections (the solution is injected into the depth of the mesoderm). Plasma, which consists of platelets, improves the functioning of all structural elements of the epidermis and dermis, activates the synthesis of new skin fibers, which leads to a gradual smoothing of the skin texture. The effect of plasma lifting becomes noticeable 2-3 weeks after the procedure.

    Chemical peeling

    A controlled chemical burn of the skin, which activates the processes of the internal epidermis and dermis. During the procedure, the doctor treats the patient’s skin with a peeling mixture, which causes the process of exfoliation of cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and stimulates the production of new structural elements of the skin, due to which the skin relief is leveled and wrinkles are smoothed out. There are superficial, middle and deep peelings. The method is suitable for combating vertical wrinkles above the upper lip and smoothing nasolabial folds. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately.


    An injection technique for skin rejuvenation, which is based on filling perioral wrinkles with the patient’s own fat. Before the procedure, the specialist takes small quantity adipose tissue in the thighs or abdomen, cleans it of impurities and injects it into pre-designated areas. The effect of lipofilling is noticeable immediately. The method is most often used to fill nasolabial folds and correct marionette lines.

    Botulinum therapy

    Injections of Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Lantox are a procedure aimed at correcting perioral wrinkles, during which the doctor uses an intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin type A to cause temporary paralysis of the orbicularis oris muscle. The lack of motor activity of the facial muscles contributes to the gradual smoothing of perioral skin folds. It is impossible to completely remove wrinkles around the lips with Botox, because botulinum toxin smoothes out only superficial (facial) skin folds, therefore, to obtain a more pronounced effect, cosmetologists advise combining botulinum therapy with contouring, lipofilling and chemical peels.

    Laser skin resurfacing

    A procedure for hardware rejuvenation of the skin, based on the ability of laser beams to stimulate the process of exfoliation of the epidermis and activate the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers. Laser radiation easily penetrates the deep layers of the skin, heats the tissue and causes water to evaporate, which leads to smoothing out wrinkles and provides the effect. The result after laser resurfacing is noticeable immediately after the end of the rehabilitation period - 10-12 days.

    Vector lifting (bio-reinforcement)

    A method of non-surgical skin tightening, which is based on the creation of a gel-like “thread” frame in the deep layers of the dermis. During the procedure, the doctor uses special vectors to introduce dense gels of polylactic or hyaluronic acid (Belotero, Perfectha Derm, Radiesse) into the patient’s skin, which form a frame network. The frame creates artificial tension in soft tissues, which provides a lifting effect, helps smooth out wrinkles and prevents sagging of the skin of the lower third of the face under the influence of gravity. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately.

    RF lifting

    A non-invasive skin tightening method based on intensive heating of the skin with radiofrequency electrical energy. Deep heating of the soft tissues of the face improves the turgor and elasticity of collagen and elastin fibers, which provides a lifting effect and helps smooth out wrinkles. The result of RF lifting is noticeable immediately.

    Thread lifting (thread lifting)

    A minimally invasive method for correcting wrinkles, which is based on the creation of a framework of absorbable or non-absorbable threads in the deep layers of the skin. The thread frame prevents sagging of the soft tissues of the lower third of the face, provides a lifting effect and helps smooth out perioral skin folds. To carry out the procedure, absorbable suture material (mesothreads consisting of polydioxanone) is most often used; Aptos threads (consisting of caproic acid and polypropylene) are less commonly used. The effect of thread lifting is noticeable immediately.

    Required number of procedures, duration of effect and estimated prices

    Procedure name Number of sessions required Duration of effect (months) Estimated cost of the procedure (USD)
    Contour plastic 1 8-16 80-100
    Mesotherapy 3-7 6-12 40-80
    Myostimulation 5-8 4-6 30
    Plasmolifting 2-6 12-36 40-50
    Chemical peeling 1-8 6-18 30-80
    Lipofilling 1 12-36 300-400
    Botulinum therapy 1 5-10 50-70
    Laser resurfacing 1 12-36 130-150
    Vector lifting 2-4 24-36 100-120
    RF lifting 1 18-36 100
    Thread lifting 1 24 200-230

    In order to obtain a more pronounced result, cosmetologists often combine injection, surgical and hardware methods for correcting wrinkles above the upper lip and around the mouth, but without additional home care– the use of anti-aging creams, moisturizing and

    At some point in life, wrinkles around the mouth begin to reveal a woman's age. And if the moment to prevent them was missed, it is necessary to look for possible means to solve the age problem that has arisen. How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth, how to remove the first signs of aging? Let's look at the problem and ways to solve it.

    The first thing to remember is that completely removing wrinkles around the mouth and stopping aging is beyond anyone’s control. But the right lifestyle, care and timely procedures will help make nasolabial folds less noticeable, tighten the skin and slow down aging. Below are the main methods that will help you learn how to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth

    Getting rid of bad habits

    There are two main enemies:

    Smoking itself causes the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, which become deeper over the years and “imprinted” into our face. What can we say about the fact that due to this bad habit, complexion deteriorates and overall skin tone is lost.

    The second enemy is the sun. The skin of the face is exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation every day, which is why it begins to lose elasticity and acquire wrinkles. Don't forget to use creams with UV protection to prevent premature aging.

    Creams and masks for wrinkles around the mouth

    So how to remove facial wrinkles around the mouth? Caring for the delicate skin in this area plays an important role. Do not forget to thoroughly clean this area with lotions, exfoliate regularly, nourish and moisturize with special creams. When choosing caring cosmetics, look at the anti-aging components it contains. Vitamins, glycerin, hyaluronic acid are far from full list ingredients that will help retain moisture in the intercellular space, preserve youth, and make the skin smooth and elastic. Antioxidants slow down the aging process. Retinoids stimulate collagen production. Keratin is involved in cell regeneration. Be sure to choose cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type and age, otherwise you will not get rid of wrinkles, but will only add new ones.

    There are many on sale now special masks for the skin around the lips, designed specifically to combat wrinkles around the mouth. But you can make masks yourself, which have already been tested by women for more than one generation. No one is happy with the first appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, how to get rid of them using folk remedies?

    1. Honey masks have already stood the test of time. Mix honey, sour cream and cottage cheese in equal proportions, distribute evenly on the lips and the area around them (it would not be superfluous to make a mask for the whole face), wash off after 10-15 minutes.
    2. An effective mixture of honey olive oil and cream, taken in equal parts. Helps even with deep nasolabial folds and pronounced wrinkles.
    3. Avocado has a good moisturizing effect. Mix honey and avocado pulp (1 teaspoon each) with the yolk of one egg. Apply the resulting mass to the nasolabial folds for 5-10 minutes.
    4. Compresses made from a mixture of olive and vegetable oils. Simply soak a napkin or cotton swab in the oil and place it on your lips and the area around it, leave the compress for about 20 minutes. Then remove the remaining oil with a clean napkin. Some people use it successfully for such compresses. sea ​​buckthorn oil or grape seed oil.
    5. Grate ¼ cucumber, add a teaspoon of almond oil and egg yolk. Mix it all. Apply the resulting mass to the area around the mouth and leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse off.
    6. You can make a mask from pure egg white. Apply it to your lips and the area around it. We wait for a feeling of tightness to appear and apply more. Repeat 3 times. After 10-15 minutes, wash off.
    7. ½ tsp. mix fish oil with 1 tsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. starch. The mixture is applied to the nasolabial folds for 20 minutes. This mask is very beneficial because of the fatty acids it contains.

    Such masks against wrinkles around the mouth are made 2-3 times a week. Sometimes such masks are more effective than factory ones thanks to 100% natural composition and the absence of preservatives.

    Using gymnastics

    How to remove wrinkles around the mouth with gymnastics? No one is happy with the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, how can you remove them without resorting to the help of a cosmetologist? Moisturizing your skin is not enough. It is necessary to restore tone to the muscles around the mouth so that the skin is tightened and wrinkles are reduced.

    Several times a day it is worth doing simple gymnastics for the face:

    1. Alternately pronounce the sounds “a”, “i”, “u”, “s”;
    2. We inflate our cheeks and roll the air inside left and right, up and down;
    3. We inhale, puff out our cheeks and exhale sharply through slightly parted lips;
    4. Inhale through the nose and exhale through pursed lips;
    5. We take turns raising the left and then the right corners of the mouth;
    6. We purse our lips, draw them in, and relax.

    Each exercise is done 5-10 times. For better results, the set of exercises should be changed. A little self-massage will complement facial gymnastics, improving blood flow to problem areas. It is recommended to apply creams and masks after gymnastics - their effect will increase on warm skin. This simple workout allows you to look 5-7 years younger and will replace expensive salon procedures in early signs of age.

    Salon treatments

    A cosmetologist will tell you how to get rid of facial wrinkles around the mouth. All of the above remedies are good when wrinkles have just begun to appear and are still shallow. But, when age-related changes are already visible to the naked eye, a trip to a cosmetologist is inevitable to preserve the youth of the skin around the mouth. Mature skin creams and masks do not help well, because they are no longer able to fully compensate for the lack of fat and moisture in the area around the lips. Only a professional will tell you how to remove wrinkles around the mouth; he will select the most suitable method in each individual case.

    Chemical peeling

    One of the safe procedures is chemical peeling. It activates collagen production by renewing the top layer of skin. This is why laser therapy works on the same principle.


    Botox injections and other “beauty injections” are very popular now. They act differently. Some temporarily block muscle contractions. Others fill wrinkles from the inside thanks to their composition.

    Plastic surgery

    The last step is a facelift through plastic surgery. With its help, the oval of the face is corrected and signs of aging are removed.

    These cosmetic procedures They give a long-lasting effect, but it is still temporary. How often you will have to visit a cosmetologist depends on the correct care of your facial skin after the procedure.

    Removing wrinkles around the mouth with proper nutrition

    Getting rid of bad habits, it’s worth purchasing useful ones. You need food rich in vitamins A, C and E, microelements, amino acids and proteins. The following foods should appear in the diet: cottage cheese, kefir, nuts and legumes, spinach and various fruits and vegetables. Famous natural antioxidantgreen tea, called the elixir of longevity in the East, improves appearance skin and general condition of the body.

    But the most important thing is water. This simple element, which we so often forget, can work wonders. Water saturates cells with the necessary moisture, improves metabolic processes, and increases overall skin tone. You need to consume 8-10 glasses of water per day.

    Remember that only ongoing care and skin care. To avoid wondering how to remove new wrinkles, at the first sign of wrinkles around the mouth, take comprehensive measures that will eventually become a habit. The formation of new wrinkles is easier to prevent than to remove existing ones. Now you know how to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth.

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