• How to get your natural hair color back after dyeing. Gray hair restorer


    Constant coloring leads to split ends, brittle and dull hair, hair loss healthy looking hair. Many ladies think about returning their original color after dyeing, but this is not so easy to do. Experts have developed recommendations that will help you in all your endeavors, but you need to be patient. Let's consider effective methods in details.


    This method is suitable for those who have natural curls that are lighter than dyed ones. Professional cosmetics are sold in all specialized stores for hairdressers. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of bleaching; you apply the emulsion and leave it on for the time specified in the instructions. The product is soft and easy to use; you can do the wash yourself without turning to a professional for help. The composition of the rinsing agents penetrates the hair structure and neutralizes persistent pigments, returning the hair to its original color.

    Before starting the procedure, read reviews about products from various companies, and then choose for yourself suitable remedy. Read the instructions carefully, then purchase everything necessary tools(brush or sponge for application, mixing container, hair clips). As practice shows, the paint is not washed off after the first use; it is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-4 times with an interval of 14-21 days. Please note that all this time you will be walking around with, to put it mildly, an ugly shade (yellow, marsh, orange).

    Also, do not forget about the roots, if they are grown, the emulsion is applied to them in smaller quantities and washed off faster than the rest of the hair. IN otherwise, you risk becoming the owner of “transparent” roots, as a result of which your head will appear bald. If, as a result of washing, everything did not go according to plan, contact a specialist, he will correct the mistakes made, even out the color and suggest optimal care.

    Haircut and hairstyle

    The most harmless option is to cut off the ends by about 5-6 cm every month, more if the length allows. Hair will begin to grow faster if you get rid of unnecessary “ballast”, try to get it cut as often as possible. If you want to not only return to your original color, but also maintain the length, be prepared for the process to be long and painstaking.

    In cases where you are not ready to wait and want to get rid of dyed hair in short time, change your hairstyle radically. Those with long and medium hair are advised to choose a short haircut. This option is not suitable for everyone, it may not suit you short hairstyles, look at the circumstances.

    Regular washing

    It is known that the dye will wash off faster if you wash your hair more often. Hairdressers recommend using hot water; it has a better effect on the pigment and removes it, but the procedure has a bad effect on the general condition of the hair and scalp. Visit a specialty store and buy professional shampoo for removing paint.

    Coloring and bleaching

    This method involves dyeing to return the natural color. It all depends on original shade hair, and also on what tone you want to achieve.

    Harsh effect on hair

    Natural blondes dyed dark color, you'll have to try hard. In case the hair long time have been dyed, the pigment has already been ingrained into the hair, so it will be difficult to remove it. It is known that persistent cream dyes have a cumulative effect, due to which the pigment stays in the hair for a long time. It is for these reasons that it is not recommended to use lightening paints; they will only worsen the situation. Blonde hair very thin, exposure to lightening components will make them fragile, and you risk losing most of your natural strands.

    However, you still need to resort to bleaching, but not on your own, but with the help of a qualified professional. A skilled hairdresser will select the optimal composition, after application of which it will not appear on your hair. unwanted shades(green, red, red). This method is not considered harmless; your hair will be damaged in any case, so be prepared to regularly use all kinds of masks and balms.

    Gradual return to natural color

    If your hair is, for example, dark brown, and you are dyed chestnut, there is an option to switch to a natural shade gradually. Previously, you probably dyed your hair along the entire length, now start dyeing only the roots. The pigment will be washed out from the length of the hair, as a result of which the need to color the root zone will soon disappear.

    An important point: when choosing a paint tone, give preference to products that are 2-3 shades lighter than the overall color of the dyed curls.

    Transition from blonde to brunette

    If you have natural color If your hair is dark, but you have previously bleached it or dyed it light, it is easiest for you to return to your original shade. Do not wear makeup for 1 month at all, wait until the roots are clearly visible. Next, purchase dye or visit a salon to dye your bleached hair a color similar to the shade of your roots. It is important to understand that the pigment will quickly be washed off from blond hair, so the procedure must be repeated regularly. Gradually, the curls will grow back, so you won’t have to apply makeup at all.

    Transition from brunette to blonde

    If you want to become a blonde again after being dyed a brunette, use the highlighting procedure. Visit a hairdresser every month to have him dye individual strands, this way you can easily achieve your color transition without harming your hair.

    Gray hair restoration

    The most difficult procedure is considered to be the transition of dyed hair to natural hair with gray hair. Due to prolonged dyeing, the curls acquired a yellowish tint with a grayish undertone, so clean ash color not visible. Use a mixture of vinegar and water (1:1 ratio) or freshly squeezed lemon juice, which must be left on your hair for at least 25 minutes. The products are exclusively natural, the procedure is harmless without the use of chemicals.

    Folk remedies

    Citrus fruit blend

    • lemon juice - 120 ml.
    • orange juice - 80 ml.
    • grapefruit juice - 100 ml.
    • pomelo juice - 70 ml.

    Mix the ingredients and apply to the hair that has been dyed. Keep the mask on your hair for 40-50 minutes. The composition is suitable for lightening hair, when the return to natural color should be insignificant. The recommended course duration and frequency of use is 3 times a day for 18-20 days.

    Kefir-based mask

    • kefir or yogurt - 150 ml.
    • lemon juice - 50 ml.
    • burdock oil - 70 ml.

    Combine the ingredients and cover your hair with the mixture. Wrap your head in a bag or put on a shower cap, then cover with a towel. Duration of use: 1 time every 2 days for a month.

    Tea decoction

    • tea with lemon balm - 40 gr.
    • tea with lemon / juice of 1 lemon - 30 g / 40 ml.
    • rosemary essential oil - 6 drops

    Make a strong brew of tea, add some oil, and rinse your hair with the mixture daily. It is advisable to repeat the procedure for two months.

    Onion based decoction

    • onions - 5 pcs.
    • lemon juice - 200 ml.

    Pour boiling water over the bulbs and leave for 5 hours. Add lemon juice, apply the mixture to your hair during bath procedures, wait 45 minutes and rinse with water. Don't worry about the smell from the onions, the lemon will neutralize it. Frequency of use: 5 times a week.

    Herbal mask

    • calendula - 35 gr.
    • chamomile - 35 gr.
    • sage - 50 gr.
    • glycerin - 20 gr.
    • sour cream with fat content from 20% - 120 gr.
    • honey - 35 gr.
    • corn oil - 50 ml.

    Brew the herbs and let the broth sit for 6 hours. Heat it and add glycerin, wait until it swells completely, then mix with honey, sour cream and butter. Warm the mixture thoroughly in the microwave and cover your hair, wrap your head plastic bag or cling film. Go to rest for 4 hours. Please note that the mixture may flow onto your neck, back and décolleté, so cover these areas with a towel or cloth in advance.

    Can't go back to your natural hair color? Do a wash if you want to quickly get rid of dyed curls, but keep in mind that the procedure damages the hair follicles. If you have the patience and time to wait, visit the hairdresser every month and have your hair cut. Make all kinds of masks and rinse your hair with the decoction. Be irresistible!

    Video: how to restore natural hair color

    Hair color depends on the pigment melanin, which is synthesized less and less every year. However, this happens differently for each person. Many become completely gray at 35, others before old age have natural color. Therefore, restoration gray hair sometimes it is simply absolutely necessary. After all, in people, especially young people, the appearance of the first bleached hair causes many complexes.

    IMPORTANT! Some people, when they see a couple of gray hairs on themselves, pull them out, hoping that something other than gray will grow in their place. This won't happen. In their place will appear the same gray hair, but more coarse hair, so they will begin to stand out even more.

    Methods for solving the problem of gray hair

    Without melanin, hair becomes colorless and coarse. There are several ways to restore gray hair color, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The easiest way is to start taking vitamins, as well as nicotinic, folic acids, methionine and riboflavin. ()

    With their help you can stop graying. However, if gray hairs do appear and they spoil appearance, then you should think about restoring the natural color.

    This will help:

    1. Cosmetical tools

    Professional dyes will hide gray hair, but do not forget that they all contain chemicals that weaken and damage the hair structure. You will have to touch up your hair every two weeks, as the roots become visible. Is it possible to do highlights on gray hair? Of course, but first you should try to restore your hair color using more gentle methods.

    If there is not a lot of gray hair yet, then you can use tint balm or shampoo, the color of which should completely match the natural shade of the hair.

    Among cosmetics can be distinguished:

    • shampoos and toners to give natural hair color,
    • conditioners - toners that enhance the effect of shampoo,
    • creams - toners that continuously restore gray hair from tips to roots, as they penetrate the hair structure, protecting it from damage,
    • Spray toners for gray hair almost immediately give visible results, transforming even weak and thinning hair. The pigments evenly color the hair along the entire length, giving graying strands a rich and bright color, feeding them.
    1. Diet

    Trichologists (specialists in the treatment of hair and scalp), both domestic and foreign, believe that the body of a graying person lacks B vitamins (B6, B2, B1, B12), zinc, chromium, selenium, copper, iodine, pantothenic and para-aminobenzoic acid. acids. Some of these substances are flushed out of the body when exposed to large doses of caffeine or when taking medications with a diuretic effect.

    What to do? At the moment, scientists have found that for full health a person needs to receive 600 nutrients. Many don't even get a fifth. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify your diet as much as possible.

    The table presents the necessary elements that will prevent graying and the foods that need to be included in the diet.

    The most useful products
    Required Items Products
    Manganese Oats, soybeans and soy products, cranberries, rose hips, chestnuts, wheat bread. BUT! A high content of this element interferes with the absorption of copper and iron.
    Copper seafood, fish, cattle liver, rose hips, hawthorn, wholemeal flour, legumes, black currants, pumpkin, zucchini.
    Zinc wheat grains and wheat bran, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, fish and cattle liver. To a lesser extent it is found in squid, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, nuts, onions, garlic, beans, and peas.
    Cobalt , tea, milk, beef kidneys, liver, rose hips, beets, black currants, eggs.
    Tyrosine liver, cereals, bread, poultry, sesame, seeds.
    Para-aminobenzoic acid Yeast, kidneys and liver of animals, as well as birds. Smaller amounts are found in milk and practically none in vegetables.
    1. Folk remedies will help

    Restoring hair color from gray hair is possible using natural dyes. A decoction of acorns is good for brunettes and brunettes. The decoction will give a reddish tint onion peel. Its concentration should depend on what shade you want to get. Nettle gives chestnut color, and golden hue obtained from a decoction of chamomile.

    Many people argue whether henna covers gray hair or not, about this in ours with real recipes, reviews and a survey.

    You can stop the graying that has begun. An infusion of dill seeds and burdock roots is suitable for this. You need to mix two tablespoons of ingredients, pour a liter of boiling water over them and close the lid. Let it brew for three hours, then strain.

    Rub the resulting infusion into the hair roots daily, massaging the scalp lightly. It is better to do this in the morning and evening for two months. If desired, the course can be continued longer. This product will help stop graying temporarily and make your hair shiny and strong.

    You can use a ginseng decoction. It is necessary to grind the ginseng root, pour a glass of boiling water over it and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. The broth is cooled, filtered and regularly rubbed into the scalp.

    The following mask will help remove the yellow tint. tablespoon coconut oil combine with half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This mask should be rubbed into the hair roots with massaging movements every other day. You can rub cabbage, raspberry or apricot juice into your scalp. ( And complete guide about ““, it is currently being updated and supplemented.)

    Gray hair, especially early gray hair, is a signal that something needs to be changed in life. Review your diet and habits. Once hair turns gray, it is very difficult to return it to its original color. It's much easier to take care of your hair at an earlier stage.

    Often we put on makeup, but in the end we don’t get what we wanted. Or the shade is right, but it doesn’t suit us at all. Therefore, we want to look at how to restore your hair color at home after dyeing, lightening and highlighting.

    Return from dark shades

    The hardest thing is for fair girls who decide to return to their natural hair color. You need to be prepared for the following troubles:

    • light roots from a distance will look like bald patches;
    • you cannot use chemical lighteners, blondes have very thin curls, they can simply deteriorate after bleaching;
    • This is a rather lengthy procedure.

    First you need to wait a few weeks from the moment of dyeing, at least two, this is a mandatory requirement. Afterwards, we make an appointment with the hairdresser and he, based on the type of curls, their condition and general color, will draw conclusions and prescribe a procedure. Most often, it consists of a simple procedure in several stages, between which there is also a break of a week.

    We can advise you to wet your hair with lemon juice diluted with water at home and dry it with a hairdryer. The dye from the oxidizing agent will wash off a little, and the strands will lighten.

    Become a brunette again

    No less often, brunettes decide to radically change their image and become blondes. This, of course, is much simpler, because you can also buy paint at home that best matches the color of your curls and tint it with it.

    You can also return your natural hair color from blonde using simple henna, but be prepared for the fact that it has very unpredictable reactions to perhydrol colors. You can turn brown or red, or green.

    A mask made from cognac and black tea perfectly darkens hair. Mix the ingredients in half and rinse your hair with it, leave for an hour under a towel. You can repeat the procedure every other day.

    We fight gray hair

    Very difficult after unsuccessful coloring restore gray strands. Every day there are women on the streets whose hair has become yellowish-gray rather than ashy due to prolonged coloring. Vinegar will help here (although our grandmothers believed that it also imparts yellowness).

    We can also recommend using lemon juice, it is completely without any chemicals.

    Also suitable for gray-haired women honey mask, it is done every other day for 40 minutes, and the effect will be noticeable after the third or fourth session, everything depends directly on the dye pigment that has become embedded in the hair.

    Home remedies to restore color

    We looked at the toughest options, but fortunately, not all girls decide to take such a drastic step, and first they check their color type with different tint products. If you have tinted yourself with henna or any other tint paint, then you can use the following to restore options:

    • kefir;
    • lemon;
    • orange juice;
    • chamomile decoction.

    The principle of action is simple: wash your hair, then apply, for example, lemon juice, wait 20 minutes, wash your hair again and dry your hair. Let's see the effect. If necessary, we need to repeat it; a maximum of 5 such procedures can be carried out at a time, each of which will help us become half a tone lighter; you must agree, the effect is not bad.

    Photo – Two hair colors

    WITH kefir we do the same thing, but it can only be used once a day, it somewhat irritates the sebaceous glands, and as a result, you can get rid of the hated hair color and get oily roots.

    We highly recommend good recipe if the hair has turned yellow or darkened after repeated highlighting. Mix honey, lemon juice and green tea infusion, heat it up, use a very thick comb to spread the solution over the strands, leave it under a towel for half an hour, rinse with chamomile infusion or the same green tea.

    Good folk remedies have been created based burdock oil And lemon juice , This good mask not only for lightening, but also to give shine and strength to the strands. Mix two tablespoons of ether and one of chamomile, heat it up, apply a thin film to your curls and leave for 40 minutes, you can do it every day.

    It is easiest to deal with the consequences of such unsuccessful experiments in the summer, since the sun itself quickly washes out coloring pigments, and if you also live near the sea, then salt water will greatly contribute to this. Of course, you won’t go back from black to white in three days, but in about two weeks you will become much lighter without harming your curls.
    Video: how to use Estel remover Color Off for removing hair dye

    Professional products

    Photo – Applying hair remover

    Home remedies are not suitable for everyone because they take some time to prepare, and the results will not appear immediately. How to return your natural hair color using commercial products? Very we recommend a remover from Londa, is a leading paint manufacturing company that sells special means to restore color.

    For example, if you need to quickly return your hair to its previous color after bleaching, then simply run a sponge with lightening dye over the lightened or, conversely, darkened hairs. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

    Often after washing, you should not use a hairdryer or straightener for some time; also try to avoid re-dying for two weeks after the procedure. Advantages of this method:

    • after rinsing, the strands smell very good and are absolutely not tangled;
    • their structure is restored to some extent;
    • The only note is that do not use henna after, it may cause another unsuccessful attempt at transformation.
    • This is one of the few ways you can quickly return white shade from dark.

    The easiest way is to return your hair to its true red color and dark brown, the fact is that red-haired beasts have a special pigment in their strands, which practically cannot be washed out and cannot be completely lightened. And after coloring, you just need to wash your hair three or four times in a row, it’s been tested - it works!

    If from all that is offered you find best option How to get your hair color back, be sure to try it, but first we recommend reading reviews on the Internet and looking at photos of the effect. We wish you successful transformations!

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    A comment

    One of sure signs The aging of the body is the appearance of gray hair. Faced with such a problem, many people have a question: “Is it possible to return color to gray hair?” We hasten to please you: yes, it is possible. We will tell you about ways to return the color to gray hair in our article today.

    Causes of gray hair

    Gray hair can appear not only in old age, but also in adulthood (and younger age). The causes of early gray hair are given below:

    1. Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency.
    2. Shock and depressive states of the body.
    3. Hereditary factor.
    4. A protracted illness that causes an increase in temperature and leads to disruption of the endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
    5. Sleep disturbance.
    6. Taking medications.
    7. Lack of iron, iodine, sulfur, zinc, copper in the body.

    Perhaps the appearance of gray hair is due to one of the listed reasons. Try to reduce the impact of the negative factor on the body, and only then begin active steps to return your natural hair color.

    Ways to return color to gray hair

    Today, there are many ways to return hair to its natural color. We will talk about them below.

    • Taking vitamins. To return your curls to their natural color, it is recommended to take vitamin C, A, E, group B, methionine, etc.
    • Diet. The appearance of gray hair is caused by insufficient production of melanin. When the required amount of nutrients enters the body, all “frozen” processes are restored, including the production of pigment. In order to stop graying, add to your diet foods rich in manganese, cobalt, copper, tyrosine, para-aminobenzoic acid, zinc, iron, selenium, etc.
    • Carrying out cosmetic procedures. In the beauty salon you can go different kinds hair therapy that will help improve the health of your curls and return them to their natural shade. Such procedures include physiotherapy, mesotherapy and ozone therapy.

    The shelves of modern cosmetic stores and pharmacies are densely lined with various miracle products that help restore hair to its natural shade. Paints, toners, tinted shampoos, sprays, conditioners and creams allow you to cover gray hair and return your hair to a color that is as close as possible to its natural shade. You can also use medicated shampoos that do not color your hair, but promote the production of melanin (TianDe “Master Herb”, “Antisilverin”, etc.).

    • Usage folk remedies . Perhaps the safest way to return your hair to its natural color is to use folk remedies.
    1. Decoctions of dill and burdock for rubbing into hair roots. Pour 40 g of dried dill and burdock roots into 1 liter of boiling water. After 3 hours, rub the strained infusion into the scalp. We carry out the described manipulations daily for 2 months.
    2. Butter. Twice a week for 3 months, rub melted butter into the roots of your hair.
    3. Rosehip decoction. Pour 0.1 kg of dried rose hips into a saucepan with 2 liters of boiling water. Boil the contents of the container for 5 minutes. After cooling, rub the broth into the scalp. We carry out these manipulations three times a week. The product is also useful for internal use– ½ glass twice a week.
    4. Mustard-sour cream mask. Stir 40 g of mustard powder into 40 g of homemade sour cream. Apply a homogeneous composition to the roots and hair. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes. We use the product twice a week for 2.5 months.
    5. Oil-cognac mask with honey and yolk. In a bowl with 30 ml of burdock oil, add 35 g of honey, 30 g of cognac and chicken yolk. Apply a homogeneous mixture to the scalp and strands. Let the mixture stand for 40 minutes. We use the product twice a week for 3 months.

    The appearance of gray hair is not a reason for frustration. Using the products listed above will help return your hair to its natural color and protect it from graying in the future.


    Marina Nikitina

    The fair sex and some men like to experiment with hair color. After dyeing, the color is bright and rich. As the pigment of the dye is washed out, the color fades, and at the same time, the roots of the hair's natural color grow back.

    The question arises about choosing further actions: continue to dye your hair or just paint over the growing roots or return to your natural hair color.

    There are several options for how to grow your color. Some of them are harmless, while others can significantly damage the hair structure and worsen its appearance.

    Nature rewards every person with a genetically predetermined hair color. Natural hair color is a combination of two types of melanin (a natural coloring pigment produced by the body) in the hair structure.

    Eumelanin causes brown and black shades of hair, and pheomelanin causes yellow hair. The combination of two types of melanin gives rise to one of six possible natural hair shades.

    Natural hair colors:

    Brunette, almost black hair color. Shades of color from brown to blue-black.
    Brown-haired. Shades from dark brown to chestnut. The most saturated, iridescent color.
    Ginger. Hair of orange and fiery shades.
    Light brown. The color at the intersection of brown-haired and blond. Shades from light brown to dark brown. Natural light brown color cannot be recreated using coloring. This is the natural hair color of Eastern European people, it is common and is considered “gray” or “regular”. But the fashion for this unique natural color is returning.
    Blonde, fair hair. This hair is white, gray, yellow.
    Gray-haired. The color of hair in which there is no coloring pigment left. Shades from yellowish-white to silver.

    Hair has always been dyed using natural dyes, and with the invention of a way to change hair color using chemicals, it became fashionable to do this. You can dye your hair any color of the rainbow, but growing hair after that is difficult.

    Hair coloring is attempted in several cases:

    want to change their image;
    want to look brighter and more attractive;
    I no longer like the natural color;
    follow fashion;
    want to hide gray hair or other imperfections in appearance.

    Return to natural color when:

    You no longer like the artificial hair color;
    come to the realization that natural color is the most suitable and beautiful;
    it is necessary to improve hair health, since regular dyeing is harmful to health;
    regular hair coloring becomes a problematic and costly task;
    By medical indications You cannot continue to use hair dye.

    Some women, wanting to grow natural hair, are guided by the knowledge that most men like natural, natural beauty.

    A haircut is the safest way to return your natural hair color.

    For fast hair growth, it is useful to cut it. There will be no harm from a haircut.

    When they maintain length, they tend to accumulate more chemical dye pigment than the main part of the hair. and break, especially in blondes and fair-haired girls. By cutting them, they accelerate hair growth due to the redistribution of nutrients in the hair structure. They are wasted on lifeless ends.

    The downside of this method is that it will take a long time to grow your hair. Depending on the length and type of hair, you need to grow it for at least three to four months. If the curls are long and grow slowly, you will have to wait a year or more.

    The visual problem is growing roots. If the natural color is not very different from the artificial one, and the color transition from roots to ends is smooth, the hairstyle looks like fashionable ombre. If the roots are radically different from the painted part, it looks ugly.

    An alternative to cutting your hair gradually is short haircut. Such option will do only for those girls who don’t mind cutting their length and those who already have a short haircut.

    In addition to cutting your hair, it helps to grow your hair:

    Frequently wash your hair with hot water. Hot water opens the scales of the hair cuticle of each hair, and the paint pigment is washed out of them.
    Professional, pigment-removing artificial dye lotions and shampoos for hair.
    Use of homemade and healthy hair.
    Usage natural rinses containing acid.
    For fatty and normal hair suitable method for use as a detergent. After washing your hair with laundry soap, apply balm to your hair. It removes the alkaline smell of soap and... The method is not suitable for those with dry hair.

    If you have a question about how to quickly grow your hair and return its natural color, it is better to contact a specialist. In addition to a haircut, the beauty salon will offer several other options for solving the problem.

    How do brunettes and blondes grow their hair?

    If natural brunette turns to a beauty salon with a question about how to grow out your color, the master recommends dyeing your hair again, but in a color close to natural, doing coloring or ombre.

    If you dye your hair as close to its natural color as possible, the growing roots will be almost invisible. Those girls for whom this method is suitable are able to quickly grow their hair after dyeing, especially if they cut it periodically. The complexity of this method is that it is difficult to choose a color close to natural. Chemical pigments will not replace natural melanin.

    In the case of coloring and ombre, the difference between the growing roots and the colored length is hidden by transitions between shades and colors.

    Coloring is a technique of dyeing hair in small or large strands in different colors (one or several). Ombre is a type of hair coloring that involves a smooth transition from one color to another, gradient coloring.

    For brunettes, methods of re-dying hair in a color close to natural, coloring and ombre are suitable.

    It is more difficult for a natural blonde to grow blonde locks if they are painted over with dark dye. The same applies to brown hair. Blonde hair is by nature more fragile, brittle and weak. If you paint them with persistent dark paint, it is difficult to return the natural color. In such difficult cases, beauty salons carry out cosmetic procedure, called a chemical remover. Unlike hair coloring, it is strictly not recommended to do it yourself at home.

    The dye-washing emulsion applied to the strands neutralizes the pigment of the chemical dye and bleaches the hair. After the emulsion has been left on the head for some time, it is washed off with water. One procedure is not enough; repeat up to three times. Then they paint it in a tone close to natural light brown or golden.

    Unlike the bleaching procedure, chemical stripping does not involve the use of aggressive substances. An aggressive bleaching emulsion can greatly harm hair already weakened by chemicals, but in some cases, experienced hairdressers use this procedure.

    A less radical, but no less harmful way to return to natural light color– coloring of hair roots. The method requires endurance, patience and the ability to choose the right paint tone. Coloring the roots more and more each time light tone, and without dyeing the rest of the hair, they come to a natural color. The artificial color will sooner or later be washed off from the hair, and by this time the roots will be painted in a color identical to the natural one. This complex method is combined with periodic haircuts.

    Another way to return to natural color for blondes is highlighting. is a coloring method that involves lightening individual strands. This is a more gentle coloring option, in which the transition from light roots to dark hair less noticeable.

    The following methods are suitable for blondes: hair bleaching, chemical removal, root dyeing, highlighting.

    For rapid hair growth during and after procedures to restore natural color, use moisturizing balms, make nourishing masks and carry out other procedures that restore hair structure. It is recommended to limit the use of hair dryers, electrical devices for curling or straightening hair, and it is better not to use aggressive cosmetics.

    Home remedies to restore natural color

    How to grow hair quickly if none of the methods work? You can try homemade natural masks and hair rinses.

    In order to remove artificial dye, products containing acid are used:

    lemon, orange (citric, galacturonic acids),
    kefir (lactic acid),
    (ascorbic acid),
    pharmaceutical chamomile (salicylic, nicotinic, ascorbic acids),
    honey ( a large number of organic and inorganic acids).

    The acid neutralizes the artificial pigment and makes the hair a tone lighter.

    Natural lemon and orange juice are squeezed from fruits and applied to hair. Leave for half an hour and wash off with water. You won't be able to lighten your hair this way right away. The more often you apply the juice (but no more than five times a day), the sooner your hair will become lighter.

    Kefir is distributed along the length of the hair, but, unlike a fruit mask, it is kept under a bag and a towel for three hours. It is necessary to repeat the procedure four times. Kefir is an excellent remedy for unruly, often tangled and difficult to comb hair, and is also good for the scalp, helping to get rid of dryness and dandruff.

    Chamomile rinse is easy to make. Take three tablespoons, pour two glasses of water, boil for fifteen minutes, cool, filter and rinse your hair with it.

    A rinse is made from onion peels: one hundred grams of onion peels are poured into a liter of water, boiled for half an hour, cooled and filtered. The downside of this lightening rinse is the smell of onion on the hair, which is not always eliminated after using the balm.

    - this is applied to wet hair liquid natural honey. It is recommended to make this mask at night and wash it off in the morning with water and shampoo. You will need to repeat the procedure approximately six times.

    To make bleached hair darker, rinse it regularly with strong black tea, without subsequent rinsing with running water.

    When striving for a natural hair color, you should be careful and remember that beautiful hair– this is healthy hair.

    April 20, 2014
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