• How fun it is to celebrate the New Year as a family with children. How to celebrate New Year with young children


    When December gives way to November, the mood of almost every person subtly changes. During this month, the holiday atmosphere fills the hearts: a decorated house, a Christmas tree, gifts, a family celebration.

    But along with this come questions: where and how to meet New Year? For free people who are not tied to anyone, it is very easy to solve this problem. But parents of small children cannot answer the question about their child right away.

    The holiday that is to be celebrated with the baby has to be planned in advance. It is necessary to think through not only the dishes, but also the entire atmosphere.

    The holiday comes to us…

    For many people, family celebrations remain one of the most vivid childhood memories. Birthdays, etc. But, undoubtedly, the New Year is a separate chapter in everyone’s life.

    The smell of pine and tangerines, Olivier and the president’s congratulations. However Christmas mood comes not only the thirty-first of December. It all starts with decorating the house and the Christmas tree. Buying and wrapping gifts is another item on the list.

    Therefore, it is important for every parent to take care of the issue of having children with them in advance. The atmosphere of celebration and magic should be remembered even by the little ones.

    Getting ready for the New Year in advance

    Many people know that New Year is a favorite holiday not only for adults, but also for children. Often many people gather at the stalls with New Year's tinsel and toys, but most of them are far from children.

    Setting up and decorating a Christmas tree is a tradition that is observed year after year. Some people get their artificial Christmas tree back in November, some at the beginning of December, and some only on the thirty-first. Some people don’t even remove their holiday paraphernalia at all.

    However, from the turmoil last days parents have to refuse. When you have to prepare the holiday table, clean up and look after the child at the same time, it’s not always possible to find time to go shopping for New Year’s accessories.

    The solution to the problem is simple: you can buy tinsel, lights and garland in November. If you buy everything you need in advance, there will be nothing to worry about on the day of decorating the tree and your home.

    Distribution of duties

    Doctors and psychologists advise avoiding noisy celebrations and trips abroad in the first years of a child’s life. This may make the child feel uncomfortable. It is better for the baby to celebrate the New Year in a warm and cozy atmosphere among family members or in the company of friends of the parents.

    When the question of having children is left behind, then it’s time to start preparing for the holiday. And the first step is to keep everyone busy: from grandparents to little children.

    Although children cannot make important decisions in the early years, it is still worth treating them as equals: discussing the menu together, decorating the house and Christmas tree, cleaning the apartment, wrapping gifts and signing holiday cards.

    This way the child will be under constant supervision and will not feel abandoned during the pre-holiday period.

    Let's decorate the house together

    Another important point in preparing for the holiday is decorating the house and Christmas tree. Where to celebrate the New Year with children does not matter in this case.

    It all starts with preparations: tinsel, lights and Christmas decorations can be purchased in advance. But if the child is already old enough, then going for holiday paraphernalia will be a great adventure for both parents and the baby.

    If an artificial Christmas tree is decorated for the holiday, it is better to shape it yourself, and only then call your child for help. But it doesn’t matter what the New Year’s tree will be like, the leading role in decorating it must be given to the baby. And to make the tree look beautiful, you can gently push the child to one decision or another.

    The windows of the house can be decorated with snowflakes, and a fireplace can be built from ownerless boxes. By adding red tinsel and lights inside, you can create a feeling of fire.

    Santa Claus comes to every home

    It doesn’t matter where to celebrate the New Year as a family with children, the only thing that matters is how the holiday will go for the little ones.

    Santa Claus is not just a fairy-tale character who gives gifts to children in cartoons. Many kids believe in good grandfather and that he will definitely come for the New Year.

    It's very easy to arrange. You can buy a Santa Claus costume or sew it yourself. Then dad, grandpa, uncle or close friend will have to play a role in New Year's Eve.

    Of course, if the budget allows, then you can invite professional animators.

    Where to celebrate the New Year with children of different ages?

    Parents whose child has not yet reached the one-year mark will not have to wonder where to celebrate the New Year with their children. In the first year of life, the baby’s rhythm is unstable: he may wake up and begin to be capricious at night, and perhaps the mother will not even be able to sit at festive table. Therefore, in such cases, the New Year should be celebrated at home. You can invite family and friends over.

    It’s a little easier with a child aged one to two years. You can already take it with you and go on a holiday. But it is worth noting that at this age children are especially active, so taking a holiday photo will be a little problematic. However, this is more than compensated for by the baby’s curiosity. With it you can already sculpt a snowman, decorate a Christmas tree and in every possible way prepare for the holiday. But at the same time, it is better to postpone trips to resorts for now and choose only quiet places where you can celebrate the New Year with children.

    When the child is already three years old, it is still better to refuse resorts and trips: the baby is unsteady on his legs and is not responsible for his actions. But during this period, a child can become an excellent assistant in preparations for the New Year. The child is already able to decorate the Christmas tree and the house, help a little with cleaning and preparing the holiday menu. Moms and dads should not limit the activities of their children, but at the same time they must closely monitor the fidgets.

    Veliky Ustyug and Kostroma

    When the child is already old enough, it is easier to choose the best places to celebrate the New Year with children. You can give your child a fairy tale by visiting Veliky Ustyug. Since the end of the last century, this place has been one of the most popular New Year's family entertainment. The house of Father Frost has absorbed all the fairy tales of childhood: a festive atmosphere, a Russian oven, etc. In Veliky Ustyug you can also visit museums of nature, art and New Year's toys. The baby will be happy about this trip.

    But with a small child, besides Veliky Ustyug? In Kostroma. Kostroma Terem is native home Snow Maidens. All visitors will be treated to sweets and given unusual gifts.

    Resorts and recreation outside the city

    Besides fabulous travels, you can celebrate the New Year with children at ski resorts. Endless mountains covered with snow will bring a lot of joy to the child. However, parents will have to closely monitor their son or daughter.

    You can also create a festive atmosphere in a simple house far from the noisy city. A cottage or a rented cottage is perfect. By decorating one of the Christmas trees outside the house and setting off festive fireworks, parents will immerse their child in a fairy tale.

    As the holidays approach, the New Year's atmosphere permeates every home. Flashing lights, cozy atmosphere and gifts. Family members get together to celebrate old year and meet a new one together, making wishes as the chimes strike.

    But it is important that not only adults feel the holiday. Parents will have to try and believe in miracles.

    A child in a family changes everything. This applies not only to the daily routine, but also to holiday traditions, and especially the new year. Nightclubs, noisy parties, walks with fireworks - all this is a thing of the past. Now young parents need to know how to celebrate the New Year with their children. Don’t be discouraged, it’s even more fun with kids, they believe in miracles and a real winter fairy tale.

    If the child is still an infant, it is better to refrain from visiting guests and inviting friends to your home. Experts recommend celebrating the New Year with your family. This is explained by the fact that a one-year-old baby is not yet completely accustomed to the people around him. Any noise can scare him.

    The same goes for a night walk. During the New Year holidays, people like to shoot firecrackers, light firecrackers, and lights. All this can scare the baby. It is better to celebrate the New Year with an infant at home, in a quiet and peaceful environment.

    For older people, guests will no longer be a problem. Parents should make sure their child has fun. You can invite peers. Children will play while adults are busy with their own business. It is recommended to postpone entertainment to the evening. First, you can celebrate the New Year with your children, and then put them to rest and continue celebrating with friends.

    If you wish, you can go outside, but make sure it is not too late. IN otherwise the children will get tired, they will be capricious, the holiday will be ruined. At home, turn on New Year's cartoons or play your favorite home video.

    At the age of 4-5 years, kids are very curious and active. They need to know everything, any new year traditions. They are looking forward to the magical night. Parents can invite their friends with children. Organize New Year's table for them. You can use the services of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The kids will happily read their favorite poems and sing songs for the New Year.

    At this age, they have a hard time going to bed because they want to feel all the magic of this New Year's Eve. Experts recommend not forcing your child to sleep if he doesn’t want to. And if sleep comes on its own, there is no need to wake up the baby. He will be capricious, it is better for adults to move to another room.

    For schoolchildren, parents can organize a New Year's table with their favorite and delicious dishes in a separate room. The children will feel freedom, despite their parents vacationing nearby.

    New Year among the younger generation

    Older children prefer to spend holidays with their friends. The only thing that worries parents is the presence of alcoholic beverages at their party.

    In such situations, qualified specialists recommend holding a preventive conversation with the child. Warn him about negative impact alcohol on a teenager's body. If necessary, find out where it will take place new Year party. Discuss the holiday with the parents of the child whose children will be left alone at home.

    It happens that adults do not like the company in which their child walks. In order not to make trouble with a teenager, you can suggest alternative solution. Spend the New Year's holiday at home, give the children a separate room. He will go to his friends for a while so that the youth will feel freedom.

    Preparatory activities

    Many people are starting to think about the New Year holidays in advance. You can tell your child about all sorts of traditions to arouse his interest, and take part in preparatory activities.

    Room decoration

    To create an original interior, you can use tinsel or Christmas tree branches. Decorate the room with electric garlands. Cut out snowflakes from colored paper, connect them with thread and hang them around the apartment. It will be interesting for your child to decorate the room with his own hands.

    Artificial Christmas trees are installed a couple of weeks before New Year's holidays. Natural trees are loved more for their naturalness and smell. But it is better to put up such Christmas trees a couple of days before the celebration. The result will be an original and unusual New Year's Eve.

    Letter to Santa Claus

    Little children most of all love to write to the main hero of the occasion. They tell Grandfather Frost about their desires and ask for gifts. And on New Year's Eve, kids receive not only toys and candy, but also a reply letter from their grandfather.

    Period fairy tale It passes quickly, children grow up and stop believing in miracles. Parents should ensure that they fully enjoy the New Year holiday.


    The baby can take part in this activity too. How nice it is to prepare gifts for loved ones with your child. Draw postcards, make various crafts, applications. There are a huge number of ideas on how to do New Year's toys for the Christmas tree or decorate already purchased items.

    You must not forget to learn with your child rhymes for the New Year or songs that will definitely be read or sung on New Year's holidays.

    Children's table

    To make the celebration fun, you need to think about every detail and little thing. Celebrating the New Year 2018 with children is not just about letters to Santa Claus, decorations and a Christmas tree. It is important to think about the children's table menu. First of all, it should be beautifully decorated. Many mothers choose a beautiful and bright tablecloth, colored dishes with images of fairy-tale characters or cartoons.

    In cooking there are enough dishes that are prepared in the form of various animals, houses or flowers. When decorating a room, table or dishes, children should be involved in the work. For serving you will need fruits, vegetables, paper napkins, New Year's tinsel. Can also be used fir branches, cones. Decorate the dishes and table with sparkles and New Year-themed napkins.

    You can add an unusual addition to a children's New Year's table using bright garlands. It is better to avoid candles, they can be dangerous for babies. Any toys and decorations must be made of unbreakable material.

    Entertainment for the New Year

    A variety of ideas will help you spend the holidays in a fun and original way. It's better to think about it in advance New Year's program entertainment. Prepare firecrackers, streamers, sparklers. Games can be very different, it is especially interesting if all family members take part in them.

    1. You can create artificial snow and organize competitions. Who can make a snowman or other fairy-tale characters faster and better? The children will help while cleaning, you can even play snowballs.
    2. You can make several identical Christmas tree applications. During the holiday, distribute the images to all guests and family members. The competition is to decorate the Christmas tree with your own ideas. Whoever does it better deserves a small prize.

    The game of forfeits can turn into fun entertainment New Year's Eve. Write simple wishes on pieces of paper, what needs to be done. Let the tasks be New Year's and easy. Place all the pieces of paper in a bag and the guests will take turns taking out the pieces of paper.

    New Year is a magical time when you want a real fairy tale, a holiday. It doesn’t matter whether you celebrate it with a one-year-old child or among friends, it will always be fun if everything is well thought out to the smallest detail.

    How to celebrate the New Year with children?

    December... The month that we have all been waiting for so long and which, by and large, we are a little afraid of. After all, this is an endless, often ineffective search for gifts, selection of outfits, drawing up a New Year's menu and much more. Such troubles unsettle, and the thought “how and where to celebrate the holiday?” from early morning until late evening, it spins in the minds of even the busiest people.

    If you want to feel unusual THIS year, again plunging into childhood memories, give your child a real fairy tale, but you don’t want to leave your home and invite theater artists to it, you need to organize this holiday in this way. so that it will be remembered for the whole year. Here are a few simple tips that will help create a good mood in the house:

    1. Start all your preparations in advance: buy, or better yet, make cards and gifts with your child, invitations for guests, think over a festive outfit, learn poems with your child. And please don’t try to surprise anyone with your creative, culinary skills or expensive gifts. Remember that holidays are for relaxation, not work. Even children dream about this! Be sure to include your little helper in the festive fuss - he will be happy about it. Sign together New Year cards for loved ones, wrap gifts in elegant wrapping paper, decorate it with sparkles or your own drawings, come up with festive outfits, learn new poems with your child. To begin with, we will hang garlands, snowflakes and tinsel throughout the apartment, set up and decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the mirrors and windows. Let your child help you too. after all, how fun it is to decorate a Christmas tree, hang colorful lights, and then light them together with mom and dad.
    2. Involve everyone in the pre-holiday chores: let someone do the cleaning, someone go to the store for groceries, and holiday menu It’s better to think about it together: compiled “according to requests”, it will delight all your loved ones and guests.

    Be sure to talk to the parents of your little guests first and try to find out what foods or drinks should be avoided. In this case, you can fully satisfy the tastes of children without exposing them to the danger of once again becoming covered with an allergic rash.

    Well, your child will be happy to help you bake cookies or prepare sandwiches. Don’t forget: they should remind kids of a fairy tale, fairy-tale characters or favorite cartoon characters. The holiday should not only be tasty and healthy, but also beautiful!!! And one more thing: when children gather at the table, it is very important to set the table in advance so as not to be distracted later.

    3. Think about holiday decorations for your home. The simplest and most effective option
    - turn your home into the Estate of Santa Claus. To do this, just turn an ordinary chair into a throne using a sheet or bedspread and decorate it with sparkles, tinsel, and garlands. Any congratulations and poems sound so solemnly near him! Your dining room can become a winter guest's refectory, just cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth with New Year's decor and put candles on it, New Year's compositions made from spruce or pine branches and dishes that remind children of Santa Claus's friends. Even chairs for children can be turned into funny little animals - this will help solve the problem of seating children - you just need to know their carnival costumes in advance. Let your Christmas tree sparkle with bright lights, and there will be figurines of fairy-tale characters on the walls, bright garlands will be hung everywhere - so youYou can cheer up the most inveterate skeptics. Although this is very rare among children! By the way: here too it would be good to use the help of children: let them themselves (or with the help of adults) make Christmas tree decorations, invitations for guests, decorations for gifts and surprises. Their invention and imagination can amaze the imagination!

    4. Give a fairy tale to children: arrange a special holiday for them - show them
    a performance that ends with a search for gifts under the tree, organize a masquerade, go outside with them and play snowball, build a snow fort, build a snowman.

    And, of course, don’t forget about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! These characters are a must have children's party. However, consider the age of your kids! For the little ones - children under 2-3 years old, it will be better if dad and mom turn into these heroes for a while. Moreover, I recommend showing the costumes of the grandfather and his granddaughter to the kids in advance and telling them what kind of heroes they are and why they come to them. You can even touch the clothes and try them on the kids. And it’s better to change clothes in front of children and they won’t be afraid, but will happily play games with the characters and wait for their gifts.

    For older children, invite them to act out fairy-tale characters themselves - Santa Claus' assistants. The kids will happily turn into fairies, elves, and gnomes. Just don’t forget to prepare costumes for them in advance! Don't be scared - it's not difficult: just a little imagination and invention is enough. The main thing here is not authenticity, but the opportunity to be at least a little like your favorite hero! Just pick a few attributes. These can be magic wands, wide-brimmed hats, staves, multi-colored capes. What to do next - your directorial talent and the children themselves will tell you - they are so creative!

    However, on New Year's Eve itself, do not forget to follow the regime: let the children celebrate the New Year with you, and an hour later send them to bed, promising to tell a wonderful fairy tale the next morning. A holiday is a holiday, but you should always think about health!

    5. Remember: New Year is a holiday, and on a holiday it is customary to have fun. Therefore, think about what games you can play, how fun and unusual it is to congratulate everyone and give them gifts. Take your children's attention away from the TV by announcing holiday program. It’s good if there are musical instruments or karaoke in the house. Then you can impersonate famous artists, compete in knowledge New Year's songs, compose them yourself. One of the guests can become a “fortune teller” and predict everyone’s fate for the next year. Another option: “get new year wishes from a hat": the names of the guests are thrown into one hat, wishes for them into the other next year. Then names and wishes are pulled at random from a hat.
    For example: for a mother - to study only for “A” grades, and for a daughter - to “grow up in the ranks”.

    So, our recipe for a successful New Year is this: take a little imagination, a little common sense, more Have a good mood, add fairy tales there, mix everything, put it on a large New Year's dish and offer it all to family or friends. If you approach the preparation of such a “dish” creatively and carefully think through the recipe for its preparation, the result will not disappoint!

    Take a family photo to make the holiday memorable.

    Most couples with children, especially preschool age, forced to celebrate the New Year at home in family circle. But even in such conditions, this holiday can be made fun and unforgettable.

    Creating a festive mood

    To make New Year's Eve with your children as fun as possible, you should create the right atmosphere and festive mood. The best way to help with this is to prepare for the new year, in which all family members should definitely be involved.

    However, a festive, beautifully set table does not please all children; most of them still want a real holiday and fun. Therefore, you definitely need to come up with some entertainment for children for the New Year.

    New Year's entertainment

    To make the New Year as fun as possible with your family, it is advisable to think in advance about how exactly you will spend it and what you will do. Make a detailed program, you may want to organize a themed party, for example, in the style of pirates, Venice carnival, pajama party, etc. Don't forget to prepare everything you need for competitions, games and entertainment. Be sure to stock up on firecrackers, streamers, sparklers, etc.

    On the eve of the New Year, when everyone is actively buying gifts and Christmas tree decorations, preparing a holiday menu and planning entertainment events for ten days in advance, families with a baby find themselves at a loss: they also want joy and a holiday, but, unfortunately, there is no opportunity to celebrate on a grand scale. So is a happy and memorable New Year with a small child really a myth? In fact, everything is not so sad!

    Firstly, this is a great opportunity to feel real closeness with your closest people, to feel their love, warmth and care. Secondly, the need to adhere to the usual daily routine and moderation in libations will help maintain excellent health and vigor throughout the holidays.

    And thirdly, New Year’s Eve for a baby is a time of fairy tales and magic, and giving a child a real miracle, seeing how his eyes light up with delight is incomparable happiness. Yes, this New Year will be a little different from previous ones - but undoubtedly for the better.

    Holiday with a baby

    Happy parents who have had a new addition to their family in the fall or in December have no time to think about large-scale entertainment, and there is no need: the baby’s weak immune system precludes any visits or outings, worries about the baby occupy everything free time, and there is neither desire nor strength left to celebrate. Well, it's time to make this evening unforgettable for your family.

    First of all, you should take into account that it is not at all necessary to make New Year’s Eve a holiday for the belly. If you don’t have enough inspiration for culinary feats, you don’t need to force yourself, especially since celebrating the New Year with three people (four, five or more - depending on the number of children) is not conducive to gluttony. A couple of easy to prepare and delicious dishes it is quite possible to build, and high-quality semi-finished products are not in short supply today. But you will have to work on creating a festive atmosphere. Is a Christmas tree necessary? Of course! Beautiful table setting and candles? Necessarily! Stunning (or at least irresistible) outfit, hairstyle and makeup? Without a doubt!

    The secret is that if the baby lives according to the regime, there is no point in breaking it: when the baby is snoring sweetly in the crib at 9-10 o’clock in the evening, it’s time for two. A light, pleasant conversation over a glass of champagne, an exchange of gifts and declarations of love, gratitude to each other for a small, quietly sleeping miracle - such an evening will be remembered more than once, despite the absence of fireworks and extreme sports.

    If New Year's baby can be carried out very decorously, then with a grown-up toddler older than six months this number will not work: not a single little thing will escape his close attention, especially if he already knows how to crawl. In this case, the holiday promises to be more emotional, and in order for these emotions to be exclusively positive, it is important to take into account the following nuances.

    1. It is better to put off a chic, luxuriously decorated Christmas tree from floor to ceiling for a couple of years: the baby, of course, will admire this fabulous spectacle - and then take all measures to bring the tree into a horizontal position. Natural research interest in this case may threaten dangerous consequences, so it’s better to limit yourself to a small, elegant Christmas tree, placing it at a height inaccessible to the baby.
    2. Even if you decorate the whole house with tinsel and “rain” - perennial family tradition, this year it is better not to observe it: children under 12–15 months learn about the world exclusively through their mouths, and it is not easy to keep track of a nimble little one. The consequences of eating tinsel can be very dire, so it doesn’t hurt to play it safe.
    3. The first year of life is not yet the time for carnival costumes. Even if the baby looks charming in it, most likely he will experience discomfort: as a rule, such suits are too warm, and the hats tend to slip off. If you don’t want to spoil the mood of your baby and those around you, it’s better to hold off on fabulous outfits.
    4. Children are very susceptible, and the child will probably be excited by everything that happens: a mother fussing around in the kitchen, shimmering lights on the Christmas tree, music constantly playing on TV can lead him into a state of increased excitability. So that the baby does not experience problems with sleep and well-being, It is very important not to stray from your usual routine , therefore, timely walks, feedings and the usual lullaby before bed are mandatory.

    And most importantly, if guests are still planned, it is necessary to vigilantly ensure that the child does not suffer from excess communication: all attempts to stir up the baby and pass him from hand to hand should be abruptly stopped. Even if the baby is friendly at first, the excess of impressions can overtire him so much that he will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

    From one year to 3 years

    Early childhood is a wonderful time for babies. Every day promises new discoveries and wonderful surprises. In addition, a child’s ability to communicate develops by leaps and bounds, so they are able to understand many things. Obviously, a holiday with a little explorer who is just beginning to understand the world is very different from the New Year with a newborn. The parent faces an important task - to introduce the child to wonderful traditions.

    Many parents wonder: does it make sense to prepare a carnival costume for their child? Should we invite Father Frost and Snow Maiden? Can the child stay at the table a little longer or go with the adults to set off fireworks? The only thing that will help you find the answer to this question is taking care of the baby’s condition.

    Early childhood- before three years- is notable for the fact that every month is of great importance in the development of the baby, and there is a huge difference between a one-year-old and a three-year-old child. And you should plan your New Year celebration based on the age of your beloved child.

    Celebratory evening with a child who turned a year and a half , should not be too different from ordinary days: adherence to the regime and a calm environment is all he needs now. Decorating the Christmas tree and giving gifts, of course, will delight him, but he is not yet able to understand the meaning of New Year's rituals, and therefore interest in the events will be instantly lost.

    Child aged two to three years – a much more conscious person with a certain area of ​​interest and his own views on life. Many boys and girls at this age go to kindergarten, and their socialization process goes even faster. This is the time when the New Year begins to have special meaning for the baby.

    The first thing that the baby will probably like is decorating the Christmas tree together. By the age of three, a child is already able to understand that it is impossible to pull, drop or touch, so installing a lush evergreen beauty is quite possible. If at first the baby usually watches in fascination at the swaying of shiny tinsel and the mysterious flickering of toys, then later they try their best to help. Under no circumstances should you disturb your child: it’s better to come up with something for everyone Christmas tree decoration funny story, thanks to which the baby will begin to treat them more carefully.

    Another important point– reading New Year's poems and fairy tales. This will not only significantly expand the baby’s horizons, but also improve his memory: at this age, children are already able to learn short poems and learn small New Year’s songs. For such fascinating creative activities the festive mood will arise by itself.

    Concerning New Year's costumes– this should be left to the baby. In kindergartens, as a rule, they do not insist on the mandatory presence of carnival clothing, and in many preschool institutions They try not to hold matinees for children under 4 years old. Here's the outfit for New Year's Eve– this is a matter between mother and child. If your son really wants to turn into a fairy-tale bear cub, and your daughter into a fairy princess, you shouldn’t object. This New Year will be remembered by the baby for a long time, and the funny photos will remain forever.

    It is also important to consider that in early age Children can react extremely painfully to strangers who are unfamiliar to them. Therefore, you should still refrain from visiting Father Frost and Snow Maiden (or dressing up as them): the child’s reaction in this case may be unpredictable. With communication with fairy-tale characters

    The routine at this age still remains very important, but if the child is too excited, on New Year’s Day you can slightly adjust the daily routine: when the baby asks to play more or expresses a desire to wait for the holiday fireworks, you should not contradict him. Many children, as a rule, fall asleep before 11 o'clock - this is enough to get into the New Year's atmosphere and begin to gradually realize all the charm of this holiday.

    Visiting with a child

    Especially active and sociable parents often cannot fully come to terms with a secluded lifestyle. It is these energetic mothers and fathers who believe that it is quite possible to celebrate the New Year with a child aged 1–3 years at a party. In fact, why not? However, you should be especially conscious here: in order for the holiday visit to go smoothly, the following nuances must be taken into account.

    1. sit in a one-year-old child You won’t be able to visit someone before the chimes: the baby, tense due to the unfamiliar environment and lost from the daily rhythm, will probably react with whims and crying. You should go home as soon as the child shows signs of fatigue.
    2. If you plan to spend the night at a party, you should devote some time to getting ready for your baby. Special attention: at least three replacement sets of clothes, a warm blouse and a favorite toy will allow the child to feel more comfortable and calm. If necessary, it is recommended to take with you everything you might need in the slightest degree: bottles, wet wipes and other usual things.
    3. You should also take care of the baby’s nutrition: he is still too young for unfamiliar food. Therefore, you need to take his favorite dishes with you, and feed him properly before going out.
    4. It is advisable that the guests be children of approximately the same age as the child: in this case, it will be easier for him to get used to the new environment, and the parents may feel more free.
    5. Drinking alcohol in company is strictly not recommended for both parents! When all the adults around are having fun and do not deny themselves anything, control over the baby should be especially close.
    6. When going to visit, you should carefully examine the child. The slightest hint of poor health - moodiness, lethargy, loss of appetite, shiny eyes and even a slight increase in temperature and a slight runny nose - is a good reason to stay home.

    Celebrating the New Year with your beloved baby is always associated with the most touching moments in life. Right organized holiday will allow both adults and children to enjoy the magic of the evening. Parents should show a little patience and care - in this case, their holiday will be pleasant and fulfilling, and the child’s introduction to New Year’s miracles will go smoothly.

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