• What food is suitable for a 3 month old baby. Artificial feeding of a baby in the third month of life. Adviсe


    At three months old, the child has already grown noticeably and gained weight. How much should a 3 month old baby eat to continue to grow well? What to do if a child eats less than normal and constantly hangs on the chest? Read on for answers to these questions. The main thing is not to rush to implement all the advice at once. It is necessary to carefully analyze them and follow the most rational “way” of feeding the child.

    Nutritional norms for a three-month-old baby

    Children at this age should receive one of two types of nutrition: natural mother's milk or adapted milk formula. The use of cow, goat or mare's milk is not welcomed by pediatricians in our country. How much a baby should eat at 3 months depends on what he is fed.


    By the age of three months, an individual diet has already been developed.

    Feeding norm for a 3-month-old baby: 6-7 meals a day and consumption of 850-900 ml of mother's milk per day.

    It is worth considering the peculiarities of feeding in the morning. At night, mom sleeps, which means she doesn’t eat. Therefore, breast milk in the morning does not have high energy value. And when mommy has breakfast, she will have nourishing milk by lunchtime.

    During the night period, the baby should not take long breaks between meals, since the hormone prolactin is produced at night, which is responsible for high-quality lactation.

    At three months, children drink about 180 ml of the mixture at a time. During the day you need to switch to five meals a day.

    There is a simple way to calculate the required volume of formula for a child who is 3 months old. on artificial feeding. You need to multiply its weight by 1/7, and you get the daily volume of the mixture. Divide by the number of feedings and get a single dose. For example, a child’s weight is 5,460*1/7=780 ml, this is the amount of food for a day; further: 780/5=156 ml.

    But in practice, preparing 156 ml of the mixture is extremely difficult, since it is prepared immediately before eating. If 150 ml of formula was enough for a child during the day, then in the evening, after active games, he may get hungry and the usual amount of food will not be enough for him. In this case, the addition of 25 ml will not exceed the daily norm.

    There are exceptions, this applies to children born with high birth weight. For them, it is worth making a calculation based on calorie needs per kilogram of weight. At the age of three months, a child spends 115 kcal per 1 kg of weight.

    First, we calculate the baby’s daily kcal requirement based on his weight. Then we calculate the volume of the mixture per day, based on its calorie content using the following formula: calorie requirement per day * 1000 ml, divide the result by the energy value of the mixture (it is indicated on the package).

    For example, a child's weight is 6000 grams. The energy value of the mixture is 650 kcal/l. This means 115 * 6 = 690 kcal. Next (690*1000)/650=1062 ml of mixture per day. We divide this volume into 5 feedings: 1062/5 = 212 ml needed for one feeding.

    Mixed feeding

    First, the baby is always offered the breast, preferably both, so that while he is hungry he actively eats healthier food. If you see that he is not full, then feed him from a bottle.

    The volume of the mixture can be different: from 25 ml to 120. Children on mixed feeding do not last long. This is because mother’s milk is difficult to obtain, but formula flows from the bottle almost unhindered. The baby increasingly prefers food from a bottle and soon switches to artificial feeding.

    How can you tell if your baby is full?

    How often should a 3 month old baby eat? How long should feeding last?

    With any type of feeding, if the baby receives enough food, he most often falls asleep. But not only sleep is an indicator of satiety. When the baby drinks all the liquid from the bottle or sucks the milk from the breast without a trace and does not sleep, but smiles, gurgles and wants to play, this means that he is full and happy.

    The duration of feeding can vary between 15-35 minutes. The intervals between meals directly depend on the energy value of mother's milk or formula.

    How to determine if a baby has enough milk? If, when feeding on one breast, the baby is not satisfied, then he begins to cry and does not stop sucking. Also, the mother should make sure that there is no more milk in the breast she was feeding and offer another. Is the baby still hungry? Then you need to bottle feed him.

    Babies who receive enough milk gain weight. When there is not enough food, the increase will be insignificant. The average statistical increase for the third month is reflected in this table.

    Deviations from the norm during breastfeeding

    All children are individual from birth. In case of prematurity, pediatricians do not react at all to many deviations from the norm. And the norms for babies born with high birth weight differ significantly from those accepted for average children.

    What to do if a child eats less than normal?

    The main thing is not to panic! Poor appetite can provoke anything.

    1. Disease, for example, ARVI, stomatitis.
    2. Changes in the environment, such as moving, staying away for a long time, lack of sleep.
    3. Climate change, especially a sharp increase in temperature to high levels in the summer.
    4. Change of diet, transition to a new mixture. Or maybe the mother ate something inappropriate and the baby doesn’t like the taste of the milk.

    All these factors have a short-term effect on changes in appetite. But if the baby does not eat well for two days, then you need to consult a doctor.

    A periodic decrease in lactation for natural reasons occurs 2 times a month, during hormonal surges - this is the period of menstruation and ovulation.

    A decrease in lactation due to cyclical changes in a woman’s body is not critical and recovers on its own within a couple of days. But there are several tips that you can follow to improve your lactation process.

    Change your diet

    Increase the calorie content of your food intake. For example, increase the volume of dishes containing large amounts of carbohydrates, primarily cereals.

    Analyze your water load

    The amount of liquid you drink should be at least 2-2.5 liters. What can you use? Only natural products: tea, natural juices, plain water.

    Drink tea for lactation

    Don't forget about teas to improve lactation, which can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy.

    Put your baby to your breast more often at night

    The more he sucks, the more prolactin is produced by your body and the better your lactation will be the next day.

    The baby is constantly “hanging” on the chest

    Very often, a baby likes to sleep under the breast: he is already asleep, but his mother does not let go. Usually, this is not a sign of low milk supply. The baby just really likes to be close to his mother. But there are also more complex cases.

    Ekaterina, 25 years old, mother of five-month-old Egor: “At about 3 months I encountered a problem: morning feeding was so long that it turned into an afternoon snack, and then lunch. It seems like he’s full, but he doesn’t let me go, he smacks me once or twice for 5 minutes, swallows a little milk and goes back to sleep. You put him in his crib, and he cries again, looking for me.”


    This behavior in children breastfeeding can begin at any age. But most often this is observed at 1 and 3 months. This is due to the lactation crisis.

    There is a decrease in the level of lactation against the backdrop of the child’s constantly growing need for milk. Not having eaten his fill, he continues to suck and little by little gets the food he needs.

    It is necessary to understand that children must satisfy their sucking needs completely. Therefore, you should not use radical pedagogical techniques, for example, to show who is boss in the house by putting the baby in the crib to cry alone. There will be no positive result from such actions.

    What to do?

    The way out of this situation is simple: give little man what he wants. Let him suck as much as he needs. To free up your mother's hands for household chores, buy a sling: your hands are free and your baby is busy.

    You can arrange to sleep together throughout the day and night. In this case, the mother will have the opportunity to rest and recuperate. And then energy will appear to improve lactation. And it’s worth involving relatives in household chores, who love to give advice.

    Karina, 22 years old, mother of a 4-month-old girl: “I’ve heard a lot about slings, about their incredible convenience and benefits. But I was skeptical about them until we started having “hanging” on our chests. I wasn’t in a hurry to buy it for myself personally; I took it from a friend to try. And literally the next day I ran to buy it. I, like a kangaroo, did everything with her on my chest: I cooked food, cleaned, started the washing machine, and even danced.”


    When is the best time to feed a 3 month old baby? There is only one answer: it is strictly individual, especially for breastfed children. Some babies, thanks to their mother’s high-calorie milk, can withstand 6-7 hour intervals (especially at night), while others want to eat again after 4 hours.

    Diet of a 3 month old baby during the day

    Children at 3 months already sleep less. They spend their waking hours during the day learning about the world around them and communicating with loved ones, but eating most often occurs according to an individual schedule. The following table shows an approximate feeding regimen for children three months of age.

    Feeding hours may vary depending on various reasons: late rise, high calorie food and so on.

    Diet at night

    A 3-month-old baby's nightly meals should be three times a day. Approximate feeding times: 22:00, 1:30 and 3:30. These are average figures and cannot be considered as a strict rule.

    It often happens that a child skips meals at night. It is not recommended to wake him up, hunger will make itself felt and the baby will wake up on his own, only later.

    Fluid requirement


    Parents often think about what their child’s fluid needs are. Modern pediatrics does not recommend giving water to infants under 6 months. The only exception is the hot season, when the volume of liquid per day for supplementary feeding of a 3-month-old child on average reaches 200 ml. But regular breastfeeding will easily replace this volume of “risky” liquid.

    After conducting research, it was revealed that water washes away the protective mucus that the gastrointestinal tract produces throughout its entire length. Along with water, foreign microflora enters the intestines, since it is impossible to provide absolutely clean water at home.

    The baby receives food from the mother from the mother’s clean breast directly into her little body, and the risk of unwanted microorganisms entering is minimal.

    Artificially fed

    For bottle-fed and mixed-fed babies, clean water is necessary. How to calculate the daily fluid intake? This can be done at the rate of 50 ml per 1 kg of weight. For example, a child weighing 5300 should receive 250 ml of clean water. This figure does not include liquid for preparing the mixture.

    To be “complementary feeding” or not to be?

    The Union of Pediatricians of Russia, together with the National Association of Dietitians, State Universities of Child Health and Nutrition RAMP, in 2009 developed the “National Program for Optimizing the Feeding of Children 1 Year of Life in the Russian Federation.”

    It clearly states that you can start introducing complementary foods no earlier than 4 months. Until this time, the children's intestines will not be able to break down “adult” food. The small intestine absorbs everything: both useful and harmful.

    At 3 months, the child’s gastrointestinal tract does not produce all enzymes, and intestinal immunity is not formed. The baby has a very pronounced reflex of pushing out the spoon.

    The only reason for expanding the diet can be an urgent need for minerals, vitamins and an urgent increase in the energy value of its nutrition.

    In practice, such cases are rare, so the diet of children at three months remains almost the same. Only the mode and amount of food consumed changes. If your baby is healthy, then all purees are postponed for at least a month.


    Breastfed children at 3 months eat 6-7 times a day and consume about 900 ml of mother's milk. It is important to maintain breastfeeding during a lactation crisis. It is not recommended to supplement infants with water.

    Formula-fed babies receive 180 ml of formula at a time. It is recommended to switch to 5 feedings a day. The recommended daily amount of water is 250 ml, excluding liquid for preparing the mixture.

    A child’s body at the age of three months is not physiologically ready for the introduction of complementary foods. Children should remain breastfed or bottle-fed.


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    The basis of a child's nutrition at 3 months is mother's milk or a high-quality adapted formula. You can hear the opinion that at this age it is time to introduce the baby to cereals, purees and juices, especially if he is bottle-fed. However, there is another view: until the baby is six months old, he does not need to be fed adult foods. Let's try to figure out which point of view is correct.

    Breast milk is the best food for a baby, containing everything necessary for the growth of the child. Natural feeding

    Breast milk is the best food for a baby. It contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and immune factors. All these substances are necessary for the baby to grow fully, as well as for the development of the immune, digestive and other body systems.

    If you managed to establish natural feeding, then after 3 months it is imperative to continue it. It is worth transferring your son or daughter to an adapted formula only in cases of extreme necessity, when it is not possible to maintain lactation.

    As a rule, a 3-month-old baby already has a certain daily routine, including 6-7 meals. The total amount of breast milk per day that a baby drinks is 850-900 ml. So that the child brings food greatest benefit, and lactation has not subsided, several important points should be taken into account:

    1. The hormone prolactin, responsible for milk production, is synthesized at night. The main stimulus is breastfeeding. You shouldn’t take long breaks between feedings at night, much less refuse them.
    2. Since a woman does not consume food at night, morning milk is characterized by low energy value. This means that soon after an early snack the baby may ask for the breast again. It is important that the mother has time to have breakfast, so that closer to noon her milk becomes more satisfying.

    Artificial feeding When artificial feeding, it is important to choose a high-quality formula. Choosing a formula.

    Modern adapted formulas can provide the child with all the necessary nutrients. However, it is necessary to select the right product. Basic recommendations:

    • If the child has diseases, special formulas are required. If you have an allergy to milk - hypoallergenic or dairy-free (soy-based), lactose intolerance - low-lactose, severe weight deficiency - high protein, and so on.
    • It is advisable that the mixture contains probiotics. These include various beneficial bacteria that settle on the intestinal mucosa and help digest food. As a result, problems such as constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and others are prevented. In addition, probiotics help strengthen overall immunity.
    • It is imperative that the formula of the artificial substitute includes minerals and vitamins. They are necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby.

    Quantity calculation

    How much formula can a three-month-old baby be given? The average amount is 180 ml per meal. The optimal regimen is 5 meals a day. You can accurately calculate the quantity using the following algorithm:

    1. Divide the baby's weight 7. The resulting figure is the daily volume of the formula.
    2. Divide the total amount by the number of feedings. This way you can understand how much food your baby should consume at one time.

    For example, a child weighs 5.7 kg: 5700÷7= 814 ml, 814÷5=163 ml. Of course, in practice it is difficult to prepare exactly 163 ml of the mixture. You should do this: give 160 ml during the day, and add the “leftovers” to the last meal before bed. The child will eat well and sleep all night.

    The main indicator when calculating the formula is the child’s weight

    If the baby was born with a lot of weight and is actively gaining it, the daily volume of the diet should be calculated differently. Calorie needs must be taken into account. At 3 months, 115 kcal is needed per 1 kg of body weight. Calculation scheme:

    1. Multiply the child's weight by 115. The result will be daily caloric intake.
    2. Carry out calculations using the formula - (total calorie content × 1000 ml) ÷ calorie content of 1 liter of mixture. This way you can find out the daily volume of the mixture.
    3. Divide the resulting figure by the number of feedings. The result will be a one-time amount of food for a high-weight child.

    For example, the baby's weight is 6.7 kg. Calorie content of 1 liter of mixture is 650 kcal. Calculations: 115×6.7=771 kcal, (771×1000)÷650=1186 ml, 1186÷5=237 ml.

    Mixed feeding

    With a mixed diet, when breastfeeding and formula feeding are practiced, it is important to choose the right artificial milk substitute. It is worth giving preference to a product with a reduced iron content. An excess of this element can lead to the binding of lactoferin, a protein in breast milk that protects children from infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

    The rate of formula supplementation for mixed nutrition is not easy to determine. It can range from 25 to 120 ml per meal. Usually they follow this regimen: they offer the baby one breast, then the other, and after that, if he still shows anxiety, give him formula. As soon as the baby turns away from the bottle, feeding is stopped.

    Unfortunately, in most cases, mixed feeding gradually leads to breast abandonment. It is easier to get food from a bottle than from a mother's nipple. As a result, the baby chooses the easier path.

    Water requirement: From three months, the baby can already be given water to drink.

    At 3 months, the baby should be supplemented with boiled water or baby tea. Sugar should not be added to drinks. In the future, this may lead to endocrine disruption ( diabetes mellitus) and hypertension. It is worth using purified bottled water for baby food. Before each use it must be boiled and cooled.

    How much should a baby drink? The total fluid requirement at this age is about 100 ml per 1 kg of weight. However, it is worth considering that breast milk and formula contain liquid. It is recommended to give your child 1-2 teaspoons of water in between meals, as well as during night awakenings. There is no need to give your baby something to drink immediately before feeding, as this can lead to a decrease in appetite.

    It is worth introducing liquid (water, tea) with 1-2 drops per day. It is recommended to increase the volume by 2 times every day. It is advisable to give water in a small silicone or soft plastic spoon. It will be more comfortable for a child to drink from it than from a metal one.

    The need for supplementary feeding

    When the baby turns 3 months old, many parents think that it’s time to introduce cereals, juices or purees into his menu. This is due to two things. Firstly, in Soviet time This kind of early complementary feeding was practiced, and most grandmothers advise following traditions. Secondly, manufacturers of specialized baby food write on the packaging: “the product is approved from 3 months.”

    Supplemental feeding at three months is not necessary and is prescribed only in exceptional cases, for example, in case of underweight or anemia

    However, modern pediatricians insist that it is necessary to start feeding the baby adult foods from 6 months. Introducing complementary foods earlier may have a negative impact on his health.

    However, there are exceptions to the rule. Introducing complementary foods from 4-5 months is allowed if the child is diagnosed with underweight, rickets or anemia. The decision to change the menu should be made by the pediatrician based on an assessment of the baby’s condition. He will recommend what foods you can eat and also give the norms for their consumption. Some tips:

    • porridges for first feeding should be boiled in water and be gluten-free, possible options– rice, buckwheat, corn grits;
    • first courses must be prepared from low-allergenic vegetables - pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli.

    The harm of early complementary feeding

    What happens if you start feeding your baby cereals, purees and juices too early? A systemic failure in the functioning of the body may occur, which will manifest itself immediately or after several years. It should be understood that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to digest a variety of solid foods, since it does not contain required quantity enzymes.

    Early complementary feeding can cause allergies in a child

    Possible consequences:

    1. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, regurgitation, restless behavior. Often in functioning digestive system The breakdown occurs so severely that one has to undergo a long course of treatment in a hospital.
    2. Allergy. Possible manifestations are an itchy rash, reddened areas, peeling skin. At older ages, symptoms of atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma may occur. Often, negative reactions are caused not only by highly allergenic but also low-allergenic foods, since the immune system is disrupted.
    3. Chronic diseases. Introducing complementary foods too early leads to increased stress on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver. IN school age this usually “results” in chronic inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach (colitis, gastroduodenitis), as well as attacks of vomiting, abdominal pain, and so on.
    4. End of breastfeeding. Due to the fact that the baby will consume other foods, lactation will inevitably decrease. Ultimately, this can lead to its complete extinction. The baby will be deprived of valuable nutrients found only in breast milk.

    » Baby 3 months old

    Nutrition chart for a child up to one year old

    The whole life and proper development of a person is predetermined at a very early age. Especially in the first years of life, a child requires special care and attention. This is why it is so important to choose proper diet nutrition. Special attention require the first 12 months of children’s lives, since during this period the tiny organism is only adapting to the environment and new unusual products. Therefore, nutrition for children under one year of age is one of the most discussed topics among young parents.

    Nutrition table by month: calculation for the first year of life of children

    Below are products that are recommended for consumption by children under 1 year of age. Table proper nutrition will help you find out what standards for feeding children exist and calculate the feeding of your child individually by month.

    Age in months

    How to determine when it's time to introduce complementary foods

    The development of each baby up to one year is an individual process, so it is impossible to determine a single age for introducing complementary foods. What to focus on? The presence of at least half of the signs listed below indicates that it is time to try to diversify your diet:

    • He opens his mouth when a spoon with food is brought to his mouth;
    • Holds head;
    • During feeding, she can sit in a special high chair on her own;
    • Closes the mouth when a spoon with food is in the mouth;
    • Swallows food himself;
    • Shows that he is not hungry (turns away).

    How to properly introduce a new product

    During the first year of a child’s life, you should not immediately give a large portion of something new. Feeding should begin with small quantity, increasing it over time and bringing it to normal if the child responds well to the product. That is why it is important to conduct such “experiments” in the first half of the day, then you will be able to understand whether this food is suitable for the baby and calculate further feeding. For the same reason, if a child is not feeling well, you should not give him anything new.

    The first complementary foods for children, which are usually juices or purees, and then cereals, are administered separately, that is, there is no need to immediately give a multi-component dish. It is better to start feeding with a teaspoon of carrot, apple or other juice and see if the child has allergies. Up to 7-8 months, food needs to be crushed, for example, using a blender. However, from six months you can try relatively solid foods (banana, boiled carrots) for feeding.

    What can you eat before 6 months?

    Up to 6 months, the basis of the diet of newborn babies is breast milk or a special milk formula. Vegetable or fruit puree can be tried from 3-4 months. Don't forget that you need to cook such food from one ingredient. For starters, the following are suitable: pumpkin, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, peach, apricot, plum, apple. The consistency should be quite liquid. We dilute the juices with water.

    You should add it to homemade puree vegetable oil(calculation 5 ml per 150 g of product). For this, it is better to use cold-pressed olive oil. When purchasing ready-made products, you should carefully study the composition; if there is no oil there, it can be added in the same proportion.

    After feeding a new product the next day, be sure to monitor the child’s condition (his skin condition and stool character). If there are no changes, then from the second day you can give 30-40 grams of vegetable puree or increase the volume of juice.

    Only one type of vegetable should be given for the entire week. After this period, if all indicators are within normal limits, then you should take on another product, introducing it into feeding as gradually as in the first week.

    Menu for 7-8 months

    At this age, mashed or twisted puree, which is a little thicker than could be given at an earlier age, is suitable for feeding.

    By seven months of age you should start introducing meat puree from low-fat varieties (chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal) according to the table. You also need to give a quarter of an egg, but not more than 2 times a week. Complementary feeding at this age should be done 3 times a day, starting with one teaspoon and then increasing to 60-100 grams.

    By the age of eight months, a child’s diet should include fermented milk products, cottage cheese, and cheese. The introduction of such food must be approached with extreme caution. Feeding should begin with very small portions, gradually increasing them.

    Nutrition at 9-12 months

    By this point, the child should be familiar with all the products recommended in the table (porridge, fruits, vegetables, fermented milk, meat, bakery products). The nutrition of children under one year old still has its own characteristics:

    • Cooking is done only by boiling or steaming. Fried and baked foods are not recommended for children under one year of age; it is best to give them only from 3 years of age;
    • The use of spices, starch or other additives is prohibited;
    • Shredded food should still take place;
    • You may need to wait before introducing some foods to your baby. These include citrus fruits, nuts, exotic fruits, and so on, since there is a high probability of developing allergies. Sweets are also contraindicated until one year of age;
    • During the first year of life, meals must be five times a day.

    Feeding a child up to one year is something that must be approached with great responsibility. You should always remember that every child develops differently, so it is impossible to develop universal standards that must be strictly followed. Here is a table that contains only recommendations, but not an exact calculation. After introducing any new product, you should carefully monitor the body’s reaction, because something may not be at all suitable for an individual child.

    Diet for a 3 month old baby

    Considering the baby’s menu, the 3rd month is characterized by the fact that the baby should remain exclusively breastfed. At this age, breast milk fully satisfies the baby’s needs for all vitamins and nutrients.

    In the diet of formula-fed children, the main type of food is formula. But usually, starting from this month, the pediatrician recommends introducing complementary foods such as fruit juice. As a rule, the first juice is apple juice.

    You can prepare it yourself from fresh apples of green or yellow varieties, or you can buy ready-made ones, designed specifically for children of this age. Fruit juice for a child should be given after feeding or between feedings, starting with just 2-3 drops and gradually increasing to 2-3 teaspoons over the course of a month.

    Juices It is also allowed to serve with pulp. Due to the fact that such juices contain fiber and pectin, this helps stimulate motor activity intestines, which means it helps digestion.

    A little later, at 3.5 months, you can try to introduce fruit puree. which should be given in the same volume and according to the same scheme as juice. To begin with, it is recommended to give your baby a grated apple. Next, fruit purees from other fruits are gradually introduced: pears, plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, bananas. You can also prepare baby purees yourself, or use ready-made canned food.

    The daily volume of food by the end of the third month is approximately 1 liter, which includes juice and fruit puree.

    The diet of a 3 month old baby includes 6 meals.

    An approximate diet for a 3 month old baby is as follows:

    first meal - breast milk or infant formula (170 ml);

    2nd meal breast milk or formula (170 ml), fruit juice (15 ml);

    3rd dose breast milk or formula (170 ml);

    4 breast milk (formula) 170 ml and fruit puree (30 g);

    5 breast milk or formula (170 ml), fruit juice (15 ml);

    6th meal breast milk or infant formula (170 ml).

    Characterizing the child’s diet, the 4th month is distinguished by the introduction of other products, i.e. in addition to fruit juices and purees, the child tries vegetable puree, egg yolk, and cottage cheese.

    Date of publication: Sun, 08/08/2010 - 08:11

    Mother and baby are a single organism. What a woman eats immediately enters the child’s body, and therefore she must treat food more than critically. How to properly organize your diet by month? When to introduce new foods into your diet?

    Most breastfeeding mothers make the same mistake - eating too much or too often. Remember, even if you are breastfeeding, you do not need a lot of food. IN otherwise the opposite effect occurs, in which your baby receives all the toxins and impurities.

    In addition, it takes not so many calories to produce milk - no more than 500, everything else will smoothly settle on your hips.

    Menu for nursing mothers: first month

    There is nothing complicated about properly organizing your diet. See for yourself:

    1. Drink up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Almost all the water will go to lactation. There is no need to exceed this norm, it will only reduce milk production.

    2. Give preference to a raw food diet.

    3. Eat fresh berries, vegetables and fruits (300 - 350 grams per day). They will help you recover faster after childbirth. But don’t forget about one condition - we eat only what grows in our area. Exotic delights are out of the question for now.

    4. The basis of your diet should be the following products:

    • Stewed or boiled meat (not fatty). Ideally, it should be veal or rabbit;
    • Milk and dairy products – little by little and not often. Cottage cheese (up to 200 grams 3 times a week) and sour cream 15% fat are very useful;
    • Fish (hake, pike perch, cod) – 1-2 times a week;
    • Eggs – 1 pc. in two or three days;
    • Bread – rye, from wholemeal flour;
    • Pasta – from durum wheat;
    • Porridge – millet, buckwheat, oats;
    • Oil (sunflower, corn, olive) – 15 grams per day;
    • Butter – 30 grams per day;
    • Compotes of prunes, dried apricots, raisins;
    • Vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, beets) – 450 grams per day, boiled or fresh. You can also steam vegetables. As for potatoes, you shouldn’t overuse them;
    • Almonds - a small handful, sometimes;
    • Marshmallows, marshmallows made from natural ingredients - 1-2 times a week, a little at a time.

    5. And this is a list of prohibited products. It applies to the first three months of the baby's life. Take note:

    • Canned food – fish, meat, dairy;
    • Vegetable marinades;
    • Homemade pickles;
    • Ketchups;
    • Semi-finished products;
    • Cow's milk (whole);
    • Mayonnaise;
    • Hot sauces, except soy;
    • Legumes;
    • Strong tea;
    • Juices;
    • Coffee;
    • Alcohol;
    • Dried fruits;
    • White cabbage;
    • Grape;
    • Nuts;
    • Chocolate;
    • Cheese – processed, with mold;
    • Sausages.

    6. Be sure to keep a food diary and record in it the date of introduction of the new product and the baby’s reaction. Don't binge on food, especially if you have people in your family with allergies. Introduce foods gradually and carefully monitor your child’s well-being.

    This diary might look like this:

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    A properly established daily routine for the baby will help the mother rest and gain strength. For a child, order is also necessary for the normal development of the nervous system and all internal organs generally.

    Is a regime necessary?

    The daily routine consists of sequential actions and depends on the time of day.

    • There will be a certain time for walking, sleeping, feeding. Mom will know exactly when to start cooking or when she can take some time to herself.
    • Proponents of establishing a daily routine feed the child according to a certain schedule. There are also advantages here. Work is not overloaded digestive organs, thereby reducing the risk of developing allergies and excess weight. When a mother feeds her baby on demand, the risk of overfeeding increases.
    • The regime has a beneficial effect on the comfort and coziness of the family. The mother manages to pay attention not only to the child, but also to her husband and other family members.

    Comparative table of the daily routine of children under one year of age.

    Child's age, months. 0-3 3-6 6-10
    Schedule Approximate time interval, hour
    First feeding 6 6 7
    Washing, massage, gymnastics, game 6-7 6-7.30 7-9
    Dream 7-9 8-10 9-11
    Second feeding 9 10 11
    Walk, chat, play 9-10.50 10-11 11-13
    Dream 11-13 11-13 13-15
    Third feeding 13 13 15
    Walk, play, chat 13.40-14.40 13.20-14.30 15-17
    Dream 14.50-16.50 14.30-16.30 17-19.30
    Fourth feeding 17 16.30 19.30
    Communication, game 16.30-17.30 16.30-18 19.30-21
    Dream 17.40-19.30 18-19.30
    Bathing 20 20 21
    Fifth feeding 20.40 20.40
    Communication, reading books, listening to music 20.50-21.40 20.50-21.50
    Night sleep 21.40-6 22-6 21-7
    Night feeding 1 1

    The table clearly shows that as the child grows up, more time needs to be devoted to spending leisure time together. The routine of basic activities at 10 months becomes close to that of adult children.

    Approximate daytime schedule

    The child should sleep most of the time throughout the first month (about 20 hours a day). In this way, the body adapts better to new conditions. Wakefulness is associated with feeding. The diet should include only breast milk.

    It should be taken into account that it is difficult to teach children in the first days of life to eat according to a schedule. They can hardly maintain an hour interval, especially those who are breastfed.

    If the baby is formula-fed, the interval can be up to 3 hours. The mixture takes longer to digest in the stomach and can be measured accurately. During the first month, the baby needs about 90 ml of milk per feeding.

    Walking not only promotes healthy sleep and appetite. The sun's rays hitting the baby's skin promotes the production of vitamin D, which is so necessary for normal development.

    The daily routine of a three-month-old baby looks something like this.

    1. Sleep - at least four times, lasting about 2 hours. Towards the end of the month, night sleep should reach 6 hours.
    2. The interval between feedings should be about 3 hours. At night, no more than 6 hours. The diet should still consist of breast milk. Mom should not get carried away with new foods, so as not to cause an undesirable reaction from the baby’s digestive tract.
    3. You definitely need to be outside. Weather conditions must also be taken into account, but on average spend at least 2 hours a day.

    At the age of three months, the mother develops a lactation crisis. You should not feed a three-month-old baby formulas or other complementary foods. You just need to wait a little while, and your nutrition will improve again. It will not be possible to get used to the regime during this period.

    By the fourth month, the child is already accustomed to the established rules.

    Night sleep can already last about 10 hours. The baby sleeps 3 times a day for 2 hours. It should be taken into account that at this time the first teeth begin to erupt, the child may feel physical discomfort, he becomes capricious, sleep and appetite are disturbed. The regime will be disrupted at this time. You shouldn’t be too strict with him at this time; you can adapt a little to his rhythms.

    If the child is breastfed, then early introduction of complementary foods to the menu is not allowed.

    The baby receives all nutrients from mother's milk. If the baby is fed formula, it is allowed to introduce a drop of juice into the diet.

    The table will clearly show the approximate daily routine hourly in the first months of a baby’s life.

    Time Routine
    6.00 First breakfast, sleep
    8.30-9.00 Washing. Using a cotton swab or soft towel, wipe your face with warm water and clean your nose. You can instill a saline solution if it is hot at home and there is a crust in the nasal cavity. Washing your genitals in the morning is also important.
    9.30 Second breakfast, most often sleep again. At this time, mom will put herself in order and get ready to go out on her own.
    10.30 Walk. If it’s hot outside, you shouldn’t walk during the period of active sun (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.). In this case, you will need to get ready to go out a little earlier. The first walk should not last more than 15 minutes. In winter, you should not go out with your child in the first month of his life at temperatures below -5 degrees. Every day the walking time should increase.
    12.30-13.00 Lunch, sleep. At this time, mom is minding her own business.
    16.00-16.30 Feeding, walk again.
    20.00 Feeding, communication, massage.
    22.00 Bathing has a beneficial effect on healthy sleep, so this procedure is carried out in the evening.
    22.30 Feeding and bedtime.

    It is recommended to put the baby to bed later than usual during the first month. This way you can ensure a long sleep at night. If you put the baby to bed early, for example, at 21.00, the baby will wake up for night feeding at 2 o'clock. This time is characterized by a phase of shallow sleep, and the child may not fall asleep for a long time. If all family members go to bed at the same time, then by the first night feeding everyone will have time to gain strength.

    Formula-fed children at the age of five months are allowed to introduce pureed vegetables and fruits into their diet. After their administration, you need to carefully monitor the child’s condition.

    Menu six month old baby becomes diverse. By this time, the digestive system has become quite strong and the enzymes necessary to digest complex foods are produced. The diet includes porridge, pureed vegetables and fruits, and cottage cheese. Each new product should be fed no earlier than after 10 days.

    The baby's diet at five to six months will help you see the graph clearly.

    1. First breakfast – kefir, breast milk, formula.
    2. Second breakfast – porridge, cottage cheese, natural juice.
    3. Lunch – pureed vegetables.
    4. Dinner - kefir.
    5. The second dinner is mother's milk or formula.

    At 6 months, milk comes first on the menu, and complementary foods come second. Therefore, after each complementary feeding it is worth giving formula or milk. The diet of a seven-month-old baby continues to expand. You can introduce fermented milk products, try feeding them pureed meat.

    At 8-9 months, the child still sleeps three times a day, but during the waking period he is actively exploring his surroundings. The intervals between feedings become longer and reach up to 5 hours.

    At 9 months, the baby’s diet is supplemented with fish dishes. At this time, you need to teach the child to hold a spoon independently. Breast milk is no longer the main food on a baby’s menu.

    At 10 months, a table of an approximate daily routine may look like this.

    Rules for establishing a regime

    In order to develop a daily routine when breastfeeding, the mother herself needs to learn discipline and teach other family members to do it.

    Schedule for accustoming your baby to the established routine.

    1. Getting up after a night's sleep should be at the same time. Even if the night turned out to be sleepless, the baby could not fall asleep for a long time after feeding, he needs to be woken up for hygiene procedures.
    2. You need to independently set a convenient time for feeding, sleeping, walking, bathing, and repeat daily. Within a few days, the baby will get used to this schedule, and the mother will feel relief.
    3. You need to stop feeding on a free schedule. If your baby has eaten recently and is moving his mouth to the breast again, he may just be thirsty. In this case, you can offer some water.
    4. Rituals will help the child get used to the routine faster. For example, before going to bed you can sing songs or read poems, before bathing you can walk around the room and look at objects or listen to music.

    Throughout the entire time of getting used to the routine, the mother will need to be patient and not get angry or nervous if the child cannot get used to the routine.

    On average, it takes 10-14 days to establish a daily routine.

    What should a mother do if her child confuses day with night, and how to teach him to sleep continuously throughout the night?

    • A similar problem can arise due to poor health of the child (teething, colic, cold). You need to see a doctor so that he can give recommendations for treatment.
    • Dry, hot air in the room. The air temperature in the room where the child sleeps should be 20-22 degrees, humidity - no more than 70%. Before going to bed, the room should be ventilated for at least 30 minutes.
    • The day needs to be filled with active activities. Play more, communicate with the child, do massage, gymnastics. Before going to bed, you can bathe him in a large bathtub, where he will have the opportunity to actively move.
    • The feeding ration must be set correctly. Breast milk or formula should be included in the menu no earlier than 22:00; if complementary foods are introduced, then porridge can be offered for dinner.

    After the birth of a child, the family’s usual way of life changes. It is important not only to feed and put the baby to bed on time, but also to maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere in the family.

    All parents are concerned about the issue of first complementary feeding for their child. If the baby is breastfed and is gaining weight well, then introduction to adult food should be postponed until six months. Artificial babies or infants who are not gaining weight well are recommended to introduce the first complementary foods at 3 months. Where exactly to start depends on the wishes of the parents and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

    Introduction to adult food

    If the doctor said: “We introduce complementary foods at 3 months!”, then there are good reasons for this. You should not resist and argue with a specialist.

    Doctors usually give such recommendations to those children who are small in weight or height, despite regular feeding with milk or formula. There is a certain norm according to which you need to start feeding children from 3 months. Your pediatrician has a food quantity table. Ask your doctor to give it to you and read it carefully.

    Start of complementary feeding at 3 months

    So, you have decided to introduce your baby to adult food. Where to begin? There are several options: porridge, vegetable and fruit purees or juice. Depending on why your baby is recommended to start early complementary feeding, the method of introducing the baby to food is chosen.

    Juice introduction

    Complementary feeding with juice from 3 months is recommended for children who develop normally, gain weight and grow well. Nowadays, on store shelves you can find many products made specifically for baby food. You can purchase juice that does not cause allergies and is recommended for consumption from the age of three months.

    Also alternative option It can be a great idea to make your own delicious liquid. If you have a juicer, then feeding your 3-month-old baby with homemade juice will not be difficult.

    How to properly introduce a new drink?

    It's better to start with an apple or pear. Store-bought products are already ready for use. If you squeeze the juice yourself, then it must be diluted with drinking water in an amount of one to one.

    If you have never given juice to your baby before, then you need to gradually start feeding your children complementary foods from 3 months. The proper nutrition table suggests that you can give your child a few drops of juice on the first day. After this, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.

    Introducing fruit or vegetable puree

    If a baby (3 months) has too much weight gain, complementary feeding can be started with vegetables or fruits. A prerequisite for this is the absence of allergies during breastfeeding.

    If you decide to introduce vegetables, then you should start with zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. Never introduce two vegetables at the same time. For the first fruit feeding, you should give preference to apples or pears. Exotic fruits (pineapples, kiwi and others) should be completely postponed until the child turns one year old.

    You can buy jars of fruit and vegetable food at the store or prepare your own food. Store-bought products are already ready for use. Carefully look at the expiration date and read the ingredients of the dish.

    At home cooking You need to boil the vegetables. After this, you need to grind the product in a blender or using a meat grinder. To make the dish more liquid, you need to add a little drinking water to it. It is not recommended to add salt to your first meal or add sugar. Fruit puree can also be prepared using a blender or a special food processor.

    How and in what quantity to give puree?

    On the first day, offer the baby puree on the tip of a teaspoon. See how your body reacts to new food. On the second day, you can slightly increase the amount of complementary feeding for children from 3 months. The table indicates that after two weeks the baby can consume up to 50 grams of puree. A prerequisite is the absence of an allergic reaction.

    Introduction of porridge

    In this case, you should give preference to buckwheat or rice groats cooked in water. You can buy this porridge in the store. It is enough to dilute it with hot water. You can also boil the cereal yourself and grind it thoroughly until pureed. Milk porridge can be prepared for those children who eat artificial milk formula. They are already quite familiar with this product and should not react negatively to it. This dish will be more satisfying and nutritious.

    How much and how to give your baby the first porridge?

    The table recommends starting complementary feeding for children at 3 months as follows. On the first day, you can offer your baby one quarter teaspoon of the product. In the absence of a negative reaction, the portion on the second day can be half a teaspoon.

    After just two to three weeks, the baby can safely consume up to 50 ml of a cereal product.

    3 months old baby: development, complementary feeding and possible problems

    Difficulties may not arise immediately. Perhaps you can easily introduce porridge and juice, but an allergic reaction will occur to vegetable puree. That is why it is necessary to gradually introduce each product. The baby is given from two weeks to one month to become familiar with one dish. During this time, it is necessary to gradually increase the dose of the food consumed daily.

    In addition to allergies, the child may have problems with bowel movements. If the consistency of your stool changes or you experience abdominal pain and increased gas formation, then you should cancel the product and contact your pediatrician to prescribe treatment.

    Menu for a three month old baby

    If you want to start introducing your child closely to adult food, then you need to draw up correct menu. For breakfast, you can offer your baby a portion of porridge, which he will wash down with breast milk or formula.

    The next meal occurs between breakfast and lunch. During this feeding, you need to give the baby his usual milk nutrition.

    During lunch, the baby can taste vegetable puree, which must also be supplemented with milk. A child may refuse his usual dairy food in favor of a new dish. There's nothing wrong with that.

    The next feeding consists of breast milk or formula. Offer your child a regular portion of food.

    In the evening (before bedtime) it is recommended to feed the baby breast milk or formula. This type of food will help him relax, feel full and fall asleep. Also, regular food is not heavy. It will not create discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

    Remember that when the child turns 3 months old, development, complementary feeding and regimen must correspond to this age. All products during this period must be introduced gradually. Take your time, otherwise your baby may have health problems.

    Feed your baby tasty and healthy!

    All parents are concerned about the issue of first complementary feeding for their child. If the baby is breastfed and is gaining weight well, then introduction to adult food should be postponed until six months. Artificial babies or infants who are not gaining weight well are recommended to introduce the first one. Where exactly to start depends on the wishes of the parents and the recommendations of the pediatrician.

    Introduction to adult food

    If the doctor said: “We introduce complementary foods at 3 months!”, then there are good reasons for this. You should not resist and argue with a specialist.

    Doctors usually give such recommendations to those children who are small in weight or height, despite regular feeding with milk or formula. There is a certain norm according to which you need to start feeding children from 3 months. Your pediatrician has a food quantity table. Ask your doctor to give it to you and read it carefully.

    Start of complementary feeding at 3 months

    So, you have decided to introduce your baby to adult food. Where to begin? There are several options: porridge, vegetable and fruit purees or juice. Depending on why your baby is recommended to start early complementary feeding, the method of introducing the baby to food is chosen.

    Number of days / product

    Quarter teaspoon

    Half a teaspoon

    2/3 teaspoon

    1 teaspoon

    Half a teaspoon

    One teaspoon

    Three teaspoons

    On the tip of a teaspoon

    Quarter teaspoon

    Half a teaspoon

    2/3 teaspoon

    Juice introduction

    Complementary feeding with juice from 3 months is recommended for children who develop normally, gain weight and grow well. Nowadays, on store shelves you can find many products made specifically for baby food. You can purchase juice that does not cause allergies and is recommended for consumption from the age of three months.

    Another alternative would be to make your own tasty liquid. If you have a juicer, then feeding your 3-month-old baby with homemade juice will not be difficult.

    How to properly introduce a new drink?

    It’s better to start with Store-bought products that are already ready for use. If you squeeze the juice yourself, then it must be diluted with drinking water in an amount of one to one.

    If you have never given juice to your baby before, then you need to gradually start feeding your children complementary foods from 3 months. suggests that on the first day you can give the child a few drops of juice. After this, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.

    Introducing fruit or vegetable puree

    If a baby (3 months) has too much weight gain, complementary feeding can be started with vegetables or fruits. A prerequisite for this is the absence of allergies during breastfeeding.

    If you decide to introduce vegetables, then you should start with zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. Never introduce two vegetables at the same time. For the first fruit feeding, you should give preference to apples or pears. Exotic fruits (pineapples, kiwi and others) should be completely postponed until the child turns one year old.

    You can buy jars of fruit and vegetable food at the store or prepare your own food. Store-bought products are already ready for use. Carefully look at the expiration date and read the ingredients of the dish.

    When cooking at home, you need to boil the vegetables. After this, you need to grind the product in a blender or using a meat grinder. To make the dish more liquid, you need to add a little drinking water to it. It is not recommended to add salt to your first meal or add sugar. Fruit puree can also be prepared using a blender or a special food processor.

    How and in what quantity to give puree?

    On the first day, offer the baby puree on the tip of a teaspoon. See how your body reacts to new food. On the second day, you can slightly increase the amount of complementary feeding for children from 3 months. The table indicates that after two weeks the baby can consume up to 50 grams of puree. A prerequisite is the absence of an allergic reaction.

    Introduction of porridge

    In this case, you should give preference to buckwheat or rice groats cooked in water. You can buy this porridge in the store. It is enough to dilute it with hot water. You can also boil the cereal yourself and grind it thoroughly until pureed. can be prepared for those children who eat artificial milk formula. They are already quite familiar with this product and should not react negatively to it. This dish will be more satisfying and nutritious.

    How much and how to give your baby the first porridge?

    The table recommends starting complementary feeding for children at 3 months as follows. On the first day, you can offer your baby one quarter teaspoon of the product. In the absence of a negative reaction, the portion on the second day can be half a teaspoon.

    Already after this he can safely consume up to 50 ml of a cereal product.

    3 months old baby: development, complementary feeding and possible problems

    Difficulties may not arise immediately. Perhaps you can easily introduce porridge and juice, but an allergic reaction will occur to vegetable puree. That is why it is necessary to gradually introduce each product. The baby is given from two weeks to one month to become familiar with one dish. During this time, it is necessary to gradually increase the dose of the food consumed daily.

    In addition to allergies, the child may have problems with bowel movements. If the consistency of stool changes or abdominal pain and increased gas formation occur, you should discontinue the product and contact your pediatrician to prescribe treatment.

    Menu for a three month old baby

    If you want to start introducing your child to adult food, you need to create the right menu. For breakfast, you can offer your baby a portion of porridge, which he will wash down with breast milk or formula.

    The next meal occurs between breakfast and lunch. During this feeding, you need to give the baby his usual milk nutrition.

    During lunch, the baby can taste vegetable puree, which must also be supplemented with milk. A child may refuse his usual dairy food in favor of a new dish. There's nothing wrong with that.

    The next feeding consists of breast milk or formula. Offer your child a regular portion of food.

    In the evening (before bedtime) it is recommended to feed the baby breast milk or formula. This type of food will help him relax, feel full and fall asleep. Also, regular food is not heavy. It will not create discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

    Remember that when the child turns 3 months old, development, complementary feeding and regimen must correspond to this age. All products during this period must be introduced gradually. Take your time, otherwise your baby may have health problems.

    Feed your baby tasty and healthy!

    The issue of complementary feeding probably worries all parents. So the question arises: what can you give a child at 3 months? On the one hand, you want to introduce the baby to new food, on the other hand, it is important not to harm it. Therefore, you need to study all the pros and cons and only then feed the baby with so-called adult food.

    Consequences of early complementary feeding

    To begin with, parents should decide when to start feeding their child. Today there are two opposing opinions. Many pediatricians, as well as the World Health Organization, recommend giving complementary foods to children no earlier than 5 months, or even six months if they are breastfed. Adapted formula or mother's milk is the only food that a three-month-old baby needs, just like a month-old baby, for example. Moreover, this is the main food for toddlers up to a year old. They provide the baby with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, so that he grows and develops well. And any other products are not just unnecessary - they can do harm.

    This point of view is explained by the immaturity of the digestive tract. At this age, gastric juice has just begun to be produced, and the number of enzymes has increased to cope with the required volumes of milk. But the body is not yet ready for other foods, so the likelihood of an allergy is quite high. In addition, the balance of the gastric microflora is not yet ideal, so immunity is practically absent.

    As a result of feeding a child at 3 months, you can face serious consequences.

    • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby will have a tummy ache, bowel movements will be disrupted, the child may spit up frequently, and in some cases vomiting is possible. This cannot be ruled out serious disorder digestive system, which can only be corrected in a hospital.
    • Allergy. The peculiarity of the structure of the baby's intestines, an insufficient amount of enzymes that are needed for normal absorption of food, weak immunity - all this leads to the development of allergies. It manifests itself in the form of a rash, itchy red spots, and peeling on the skin. If contact with the allergen continues, then more severe consequences are possible - bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis. As the baby gets older, he will often get sick due to a weakened immune system.
    • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. The kidneys, liver, pancreas and other organs of the digestive system receive too much stress. Even in adulthood, this can manifest itself in the form of gastritis.
    • Even with the presence of complementary foods, the baby's main diet at 3 months is breast milk or formula. And because of new products, especially sweet ones fruit purees, the baby may feel full and not eat the right amount of food. As a result, he does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals, which slows down his development.

    How is early complementary feeding introduced?

    There is another position according to which complementary feeding is recommended from 3 months. Mothers and grandmothers talk about their successful experience of raising children according to this scheme. Of course, all children develop at their own pace. It is quite possible that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract will accept the new product without consequences, since it is already quite ready for it. And in general, if the baby is healthy and strong, then a drop of juice is unlikely to really harm him. In the worst case, there will be minor negative manifestations, such as an allergic rash, which will quickly disappear after discontinuing the product. Therefore, if parents are determined to give complementary foods at an early age, then they have this right. But you still need to know all possible reactions in order to make the right decision and react quickly if they occur. It is also advisable to consult a pediatrician.

    The reasons why complementary foods are introduced at 3 months may vary. For example, parents want to introduce their baby to new tastes and diversify his menu. In some cases, this is a pediatrician’s recommendation for certain diseases, such as rickets or anemia. Or if during the autumn-winter period a nursing mother herself does not have enough vitamins, the resulting milk is not nutritious enough.

    The main thing that adults should remember when introducing complementary foods is that you need to start with a very small amount. If it is juice, then literally a couple of drops; if it is porridge, then on the tip of a teaspoon. The goal is not to feed the baby, but to prepare him for new food. Different foods should be introduced gradually. First give one type, not earlier than a week later - another. And the food must be in liquid form, no pieces. At the age of three months, the child will not be able to chew them or spit them out.

    We must remember that if the child is 3 months old, the likelihood of a negative reaction is higher than in a six-month-old baby. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor his condition. The appearance of a rash is a signal that it is better to postpone complementary feeding for a while. Diathesis is not as harmless as it might seem. And, of course, there is no need to force a baby to eat if he is choking, vomiting, or has bowel movements. You need to take a break, in a week or two you can try something else.

    Where to start complementary feeding?

    If parents are interested in feeding their child from 3 months, the table will tell you what to feed. First of all, these are juices. They are quite easy to digest and at the same time useful. In addition, it is comfortable for babies to try them because of their liquid form. It is recommended to give them at the end of feeding. If you do this earlier, you can kill your appetite. In addition, after a sweet drink, the little one may refuse the formula and even the breast.

    A child's nutrition at 3 months can include both store-bought juices and juices squeezed independently. But if you make drinks at home, it is difficult to monitor their quality. Bacteria may enter them during the cooking process. In addition, products must be from environmentally friendly areas; in unfavorable places there is a risk of various toxins. Baby food manufacturers offer purified drinks made from quality fruits and vegetables.

    Which fruits are suitable and which ones should you avoid?

    The question arises, which juices are suitable for children from 3 months? You can start with apple. This fruit is considered hypoallergenic, so there is less chance of a negative reaction. It is only desirable that the apples are green and not red. It is better to avoid brightly colored fruits. The juice should not contain sugar; carbohydrates are still poorly absorbed. They can cause fermentation in the intestines and cause colic. If the drink seems sour, then you should dilute it with water the first day of the week. Later it will be possible to give it in its pure form.

    You need to start complementary feeding at 3 months with just a few drops. If the child accepts this addition to regular food normally, then the portion should be increased slightly every day. Maximum amount per day - 30 ml, less is allowed, but not more. We must remember that juice does not replace water. The child still needs to be fed, especially if he is bottle-fed.

    When the little one gets used to apple juice, you can start giving another one. It is worth considering that some of them have a laxative effect, while others, on the contrary, have a strengthening effect. The first include beetroot, cabbage, plum, the second - cherry, pomegranate, blackcurrant. So you need to remember about the characteristics of your child. If he already suffers from constipation, then cherry juice can make the situation worse. You can pay attention to carrot juice, as it is rich in carotene. Only it should not be given too often, better every other day, since skin may turn yellow. Juices can also be replaced with liquid fruit purees.

    What fruits it is best to avoid for now are any citrus fruits. They often provoke allergies. Also, don't rush with grape juice. It contains a lot of fructose and glucose, which cause increased gas formation and stomach pain.

    When and what complementary foods can be given to a child, only parents decide. Although it is worth listening to the pediatrician’s recommendations. The main thing is to take all precautions and monitor the baby’s condition. You also need to remember that for now the main food is mother's milk or formula. The third month is no different from the earlier age. And all the new menu items are just additives for introducing new tastes. And then development will occur at a normal pace.

    In the first year, the baby develops rapidly, delighting parents with new skills every month. A three-month-old toddler is changing externally and emotionally. Let's find out exactly what new skills a baby acquires at this age and how parents can help the little one develop.

    It becomes more and more interesting with the child, he consciously reacts to your actions

    Physiological changes

    • Subcutaneous adipose tissue the child develops, therefore, by the age of three months, the baby appears chubby cheeks, as well as folds on the arms and legs.
    • The muscular system of the toddler develops from top to bottom. The baby has already mastered holding his head and began to control his arms. Hypertonicity of the hands has already completely passed, which allows the baby to more actively explore his body and toys, touching everything with his hands.
    • Many newborn reflexes are already fading. For example, a three-month-old child should not have a search reflex (turning the head when stroking the corner of the mouth), a proboscis reflex (stretching the lips when touching them), or a Babkin reflex (opening the mouth when pressing on the palm). The same reflexes as crawling, sucking or Moro are still very pronounced at 3 months.
    • The baby's digestive system is developing. The stomach increases its capacity and can accommodate more milk, but the child is not yet ready to accept other nutrition other than breast milk or an adapted formula. The only addition to a child's diet may be extra vitamin D, which is often prescribed to 3-month-old children as a preventative against rickets.
    • A three-month-old baby's stool is more uniform and regular. For a toddler who receives only breast milk, the frequency of bowel movements ranges from once every 2-5 days to 5 times a day. If a exclusively breastfed child has not had stool for several days, and the child behaves normally, and the stool is soft after such a long pause, no additional stimulation is required for the child to defecate.

    To learn how you can play with a three-month-old baby, watch the following video with an expert on intellectual development O. N. Teplyakova.

    Physical development

    On average, during the third month of life, a baby increases its weight by 750-800 grams, and its height becomes 2.5 centimeters more than it was at 2 months. The head circumference increases by approximately 1 cm, and the chest circumference by 1-1.5 cm (by the age of four months, these two parameters become the same).

    Height, body weight and other indicators physical development The child's life is determined by many factors - heredity, the presence of diseases, type of feeding and others.

    To be sure of normal development child, monitor his dynamics

    Doctors have determined the average indicators, as well as the normal limits, by which parents can determine whether their three-month-old child is developing normally physically. They are presented in the table:

    What can the baby do?

    • Lying on his stomach and being in an upright position, the baby has already learned to hold his head. If you support the baby in an upright position under the arms and place it on a solid surface, the baby will support himself with his legs. In addition, lying on his back, the baby has already learned to turn on his side.
    • The baby's vision is actively developing. Baby long time examines objects around, paying attention to both stationary and fast moving objects. To better see everything when lying on the tummy, the baby rises on his forearms.
    • The sounds made by a three-month-old baby have become more diverse. Consonants are added to vowels. Staying in good mood, the baby walks for a long time.
    • A 3 month old baby is very emotional. The baby greatly rejoices at the appearance of his mother and communication with her. An animation complex also occurs when an adult sings, the sounds of musical instruments, and the sight of toys. If the baby is unhappy with something, you will hear loud crying. Negative emotions occur in a 3-month-old child when communication with the mother stops, a toy suddenly disappears, the ambient temperature changes sharply, movement restrictions or pain appear.
    • By three months, the baby begins to more actively taste the world, sucking on everything he could take with his hands. First of all, the baby sucks his fists or fingers.

    Promote your baby's development through a variety of games that both you and your baby will enjoy

    Development activities

    Now the baby is awake longer than in the first two months of life, and the time when the baby is ready to perceive new information and communicate must be used thoughtfully.

    • In the morning, do a little exercise with your baby. Gently bend and straighten the legs and arms to improve the condition of the ligaments. You can also practice with your baby on a fitball - lay the child on the ball on his tummy or on his back, hold the child by the legs and gently roll.
    • Massage your baby's whole body regularly, as it will stimulate the baby's muscles and other organs, as well as improve the baby's well-being. Start by stroking your back and neck, and at the end of the massage, lightly knead the joints of your knees and elbows.
    • To the daily gymnastics that the mother performs with the baby, at 3 months of age it is worth adding exercises that will prepare the baby for rollovers. Right leg Turn the baby lying on his back to the left so that it is thrown over the body. It is this movement that is most difficult for babies and it is this that gives the impetus for the revolution.
    • To stimulate the ability to raise the head and shoulders in a prone position (when the baby rests on his forearms), place the baby on his stomach more often while simultaneously laying out bright toys around the baby. For this purpose, special developmental mats are also often used.
    • Place rattles in your child's hands so that the baby learns to hold toys on his own and explores them. Also hang soft toys above the baby's crib so that the baby can reach them with his hands. It will be great if there are bells inside such toys and after hitting them the little one will hear ringing sounds.
    • Sing songs to your baby, and also talk to your baby more often. At the same time, it is worth making short pauses in the conversation, giving the little one the opportunity to “answer” you with his humming. Call the baby by name more often, and also accompany any of your actions with explanations.
    • Show your child his reflection in the mirror. It is also worth introducing your child to images of animals and various objects.
    • For stimulation tactile sensitivity let your baby feel objects with different textures, for example, a ball twisted from threads, oven mitt, teddy bear, soft cube with a bell inside.
    • Play music for your child different styles. When the baby is awake, turn on something rhythmic and cheerful, and before bed you should listen to some calm melodies with the baby. While listening to rhythmic music with your baby, clap your hands to the beat.
    • If you have a pet, watch it with your baby. Also show your baby animals while walking.
    • While swimming, throw a few brightly colored balls or rubber toys into the water. Let the baby try to catch them in the water.

    Nursery rhymes will make the massage more fun.

    Watch the following exercise by Tatyana Lazareva, you can do it in any free time.


    Start your baby's morning with hygiene procedures, wiping the baby's face and eyes, and, if necessary, his nose and ears. After defecation and several urinations, wash your baby under running water. If everything is fine with the baby’s skin, you should not overuse children’s cosmetics.

    Baby's nails should be checked daily, and it is best to cut them off after bathing, when the nail plates are softer. If the baby protests against such a procedure, you can trim the nails of a sleeping child. Use special scissors for babies for this purpose and be sure to check the nails after cutting (run your finger over them) to make sure there are no sharp edges.

    It should be noted that the temperament of different children is different, so all recommendations regarding the regime are only approximate.

    Parents, first of all, should take into account the characteristics of their child and adjust the schemes proposed by the pediatrician to the needs of the baby, that is, follow a regimen that will be adapted to the biorhythms of a particular child.

    Developmental recommendations are guidelines only and should only be followed if your child and you enjoy them

    1. Common problems Normally, a breastfed baby gains 500-2000 grams per month. If the increase is less, the question arises about supplementary feeding with an adapted formula. Many mothers suspect a low amount of milk due to the baby’s more restless behavior at the breast and decreased feelings of milk flow, but these signs do not at all indicate hypogalactia. 3 month old babies are actually more likely to be distracted during feeding due to their desire to constantly explore the world, and the feeling of a rush of milk may disappear due to the fact that lactation has already been established and milk comes during feeding in the amount the baby needs. Objective reasons for supplementing a child's feeding are low weight gain over 2 weeks and a reduced number of urinations per day.
    2. Restless daytime sleep. The nervous system of many three-month-old babies is not yet stable enough and gets tired quite quickly. This causes poor sleep, which daytime lasts 20-30 minutes or even less. Helps improve the functioning of the baby’s nervous system proper organization daily routine - sleep and wakefulness. Parents should make sure that the baby is not awake for more than 1.5-2 hours, but has the opportunity to sleep.
    3. Adverse reactions to vaccinations. At 3 months of age, the child is given the first DTP vaccine, which often provides side effect on children's body. In every fourth baby, on the first day after administration of this vaccine, the temperature rises and local changes are observed (redness, swelling, soreness, induration). 10% of babies may have side effects such as loss of appetite, diarrhea, drowsiness, vomiting and others. At elevated temperature the child is given an antipyretic drug, and changes at the site of vaccine administration do not require any treatment. If the child’s condition has deteriorated significantly, the local reaction is very pronounced, or other alarming symptoms appear, the baby should be immediately shown to a doctor.

    What you need to pay attention to at 3 months, watch Larisa Sviridova’s video. If you notice these problems in your child, tell your doctor.

    Calculate your complementary feeding table

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