• Large families: the pros and cons of a large family in the modern world. Pros and cons of family life


    “I want a family” - this desire sooner or later arises in the minds of almost all people. But is family life really that good or is it better to remain single? If you do start a family, how to prepare for this serious step? The publication will answer these questions.

    Single or married life?

    For some, single life is real bliss and freedom, for others it is only melancholy and shackles. Some people dream of finding peace and family comfort as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, strive to avoid tying the knot for a longer time. In most cases, single life attracts men, both young and mature. They can truly enjoy a free life until they feel the need to find a family.

    Women, by their nature, tend to create comfort and homeliness. They perceive the absence of family in a negative way, especially if it has been absent for a long time. Therefore, it is quite normal if thoughts like “will I get married” arise in a girl’s head. It’s a rare woman who will be sincerely happy about her bachelor life. Typically, these include those who already have experience of marriage, and not the most successful one. Therefore, they do not want to live together with the opposite sex or try to postpone this moment as long as possible.

    That is, everyone chooses for themselves how to live: freely or married. Single life has its pros and cons. We will talk about them further.

    Pros of single life

    The basis of a bachelor's life is freedom in all its forms and manifestations. Non-family people very fiercely protect her from the attacks of the opposite sex. Being able to do whatever you want in your single life is a major positive. The remaining advantages only follow from the concept of freedom.

    • This is a lot of free time, which you can use only at your own discretion.
    • The ability to manage your finances as you want.
    • Free choice of friends, which does not depend on the sympathies of the chosen one.
    • Gastronomic preferences are not controlled by anyone.
    • A varied sex life due to constant changes of sexual partners.
    • You can furnish your home however you like, based only on your vision of the interior.
    • You choose how and when to clean.
    • There is no need to adapt to someone, try to come to an agreement and look for compromises.
    • A bachelor has low responsibility: you feed, provide for and are responsible only for your loved one.
    • More opportunities to build a successful career that will bring high income.
    • Less stress. No matter how good the relationship, family life is a constant test of nerves. Nobody bothers the boby to rest, get enough sleep, and doesn’t drip on his brain.

    The positives are quite impressive. It’s understandable why bachelors say: “I don’t want a family.” But there is a significant nuance here. All the delights of a carefree life can be fully experienced only from the age of 25-28. As a rule, by this age both women and men live separately from their parents, become financially independent and are sufficiently prepared for independent decision everyday issues.

    Disadvantages of single life

    Usually awareness negative aspects Single life comes at those moments when a person is oversaturated with personal freedom. Then he begins to understand: “I want a family and children.” Moreover, single life has its downsides.

    • Lack of psychological and physical support. A bachelor can rely only on his own strength in everything. This negative aspect is especially acute when assistance is required for health reasons.
    • Independent housekeeping. This is the fulfillment of traditionally female and male responsibilities. Cleaning the apartment, cooking, carrying heavy and large items, fixing plumbing, electrical, and so on.
    • Fickle sexual relations. Single people regularly have to look for a new partner, which can have a bad effect on libido. If the connections are random and unprotected, then there is a high probability of health problems.
    • Low social activity. Most bachelors don't aspire to anything. The exception is self-care. It doesn't compare to the way he acts married man or married woman. They help their large family, start a garden or dacha, go with their children to various interesting places, where they communicate with new people. This makes you purposeful and very developing.

    Of course, one cannot categorically state that family life is a panacea for everyone, and bachelor life is selfish and immoral. A person should listen only to his feelings and act in accordance with them. It’s stupid to start a family just because it’s age-appropriate or because everyone you know has already gotten married. The decision to end single life must be conscious and sincere. Only in this case will it be comfortable in marriage.

    Why can't you start a family?

    What problems might you encounter? It happens that a person comes to the conclusion: “I want to get married,” but for some reason cannot achieve this goal. Why is this happening? This can be explained by the following facts.

    The most important reason is the creation ideal image partner. Moreover, a person may not even realize that it is not true. Everyone wants to be paired with someone who is smart, beautiful, rich, caring, and so on. This is an abstract person with a certain set of traits and qualities, which simply may not exist in reality. You need to come down from heaven and not wait for a prince or princess.

    The second most popular reason is lack of motivation and true desire. Yes, a person can say: “I want a family,” but in reality this is not so. It is simply based on the norms of society and the fact that he sees many married couples around. Therefore, it would seem that he also wants to become like this, although in fact there is no real desire. This situation often happens to women. Seeing how friends start families, they begin to complain: “Will I ever get married?”

    A bachelor may be slowed down by his past. For example, there was already love in his life, but it ended in separation, although the feelings remained. Since then, other applicants are not recognized at all and are not considered for the role of life partner.

    Very often, some unfinished business or career prevents you from starting a family. There is so much to do in life! Earn enough money, buy a car, an apartment, have time to travel. And this, of course, requires funds and free time. Once these goals are achieved, it will be possible to start a family and children. Many people think this way and risk not making it in time.

    Some people are prevented from creating a serious relationship by complexes, self-doubt, weak character and vulnerability. These subconscious qualities program for an unsuccessful life in which there is no family happiness. In accordance with this, a person builds his behavior.

    Sooner or later you start to think about how to start a family and what you need to do to get there. This will be discussed further.

    Ask yourself questions

    First of all, you should ask yourself why you have not yet been able to start a family. You need to be completely honest with yourself and answer the question honestly. For clarity, the reasons can be written down on a piece of paper. For example, these could be fears, complexes or problems in searching.

    It is also worth thinking about why you want to start a family. That is, you need to understand what exactly you expect from a marriage relationship. All the options that come to mind can be written down on a piece of paper. Answers in the style of “because relatives are pressing” or “it’s time due to age” are an indicator of unpreparedness for serious relationship. It's just a desire to fit in public opinion. If your intentions are sincere, then you need to try to eliminate the reasons why you cannot start a family. What's the next step?

    Love yourself

    Some say: “I want to get married,” but at the same time they don’t like themselves. Who will love a person who does not love himself? If there are any complexes that prevent you from starting a family, then you definitely need to work with them. If you have problems communicating with the opposite sex, then you need to visit psychological trainings. The figure can be corrected through sports and diets. Lack of repair or cooking skills will be corrected by appropriate courses. That is, any problem can be solved.

    Some people are embarrassed by their appearance, although this complex is often far-fetched. But even if there are some problems with this, then it’s worth taking a closer look at happy married couples. Not all of them have ideal appearance. So that's not the point. A family is created with a person whose qualities correspond to one’s own expectations and values.

    Reconsider the value system

    Of course, I want one desire good family"It won't be enough. These are just emotions. You must be ready to get married. And this is the maturity of the individual. To create a family, you need to have a certain value system. If it is different, then it will have to be reconsidered for the relationship to be successful. What to pay attention to before

    • Be able to express your feelings. This can be done not only with words, but with touch and glance. It is also important to confirm your love in action, and not just talk about it. The partner must feel that he is loved and important to his chosen one.
    • The ability to empathize emotionally with a partner. It is important to be an empathic person in marriage. After all, who, if not your spouse, will provide support. You need to not only listen about problems, but also listen to them.
    • Consider the opinion of another person. In general, spouses have equal rights. Everyone has their own desires and responsibilities. This must be taken into account when planning family life. A woman does not have to be a housekeeper, and a man does not have to be a “wallet.” All roles are distributed according to mutual consent. You should discuss everyday issues in advance and make a decision together.
    • Be responsible. Starting a family means at least taking care of one more person. Therefore, you need to learn to be responsible not only for yourself, but also for him. You will also have to think differently about money. Will need to plan family budget, keep track of your earnings and expenses, deny yourself something so that you have enough money for more important things. It is very important that both spouses share responsibility, and not just someone pulling the burden.

    Decide on the criteria for the chosen one

    It is important to understand what kind of person you want to see next to you for the rest of your days. To do this, you can make a list of preferred qualities. Appearance doesn't matter. It is necessary to indicate age, character traits, interests, skills and other characteristics. Something without which it is impossible to build long-term relationships.

    There is no need to hope that there will be a person who fully meets all the criteria. It is better to rank the list and when choosing, rely only on the most significant qualities. For example, for some it is very important that a partner loves children, while others value similar hobbies. Everyone has their own preferences. Of course, the other half should also want to live in marriage. Otherwise, the statement “I want a family, to get married” will simply be meaningless.

    Finding your chosen one

    You can’t dream of starting a family and not leave the house. Your spouse will not fall from the ceiling. If there are only singles in your social circle, then you will have to make new acquaintances. You can visit restaurants, interest clubs, sport sections, theaters, city events and so on. But you don’t need to “go hunting” and hope every time that you will meet the one. It is important to keep a sober mind and just enjoy life. For some, the solution will be special dating sites. They can significantly reduce the time it takes to find your chosen one. But this method has its drawbacks. On the Internet, people often embellish their virtues and behave differently than in real life.

    Don't rush things

    When the search is completed, there is no need to rush and immediately stun the chosen one: “I want a family, let’s go to the registry office as soon as possible!” This will only scare you away, even if the person is not against marriage. Let the relationship develop gradually. Moreover, during this time you can get to know more closely all the advantages and disadvantages of a potential spouse. You can only think about getting married if you are absolutely sure that there is love, respect and compatibility. These are the basics of family life, without which you can’t live.

    Discuss family life

    When the proposal is made, it is important to discuss with your partner all the nuances that are associated with living together. In the future, this will help avoid misunderstandings and major quarrels. It is worth deciding who will perform what responsibilities, how finances will be distributed, how to raise children, what family traditions must be observed and so on. You can discuss everything down to the smallest detail, whatever comes to mind.

    Preparing for family life is not a wedding celebration, dresses, a restaurant and a beautiful photo shoot. You need to learn to get along together, be responsible for others and respect your partner. Only in this case can a strong and happy family be created.

    Essay writing is an integral part of the unified state exam in English and represents the most difficult stage of the exam, which demonstrates real mastery of all aspects of the English language: the variety of vocabulary, the complexity and correctness of grammatical models, the ability to formulate one’s point of view and support it with substantial arguments.

    This publication is a step-by-step tutorial on how to write a quality essay on English language.

    We will start our mini-tutorial on writing essays in English by remembering what an essay is. In order not to get bogged down with complex definitions, let's say that an essay is an ordinary composition on a given topic, built according to clear rules. Over the entire history of your studies at school, you have written a lot of essays. So, in other words, you wrote a lot of essays. Therefore, you should form a clear association between the word “essay” and the phrase “regular essay”.

    To be able to write an essay in English at all, its topic must contain a problem. A problem is a question that has several possible solutions. Your task is to highlight the essence of the issue, outline possible solutions, determine your point of view, give arguments and draw a conclusion. Maybe all this sounds scary and incomprehensible, but after reading this article, the fear will disappear and you will understand that writing an essay is almost a thrill.

    As already mentioned, the topic of the essay should contain a problem. Let's take the simple topic “Family” and see how it can be formulated sample topic corresponding essay. So, imagine that you came to an English language exam, sat down at the table, opened your individual assignment packets and in the essay writing part you read:

    • Some people prefer to have big families, but the others come to nothing more than only one child.

    Since we are still learning to write essays in English, we will translate everything into Russian. The suggested topic is: “Some people prefer large families, but others limit themselves to just one child.” Have you sensed the very problem that needs to be highlighted? Large families, small families... The advantages and disadvantages of large families and the advantages and disadvantages of small families...

    So, let's start writing an essay in English. The first thing you should do is make an introduction and approach the problem. What does it mean? Without thinking twice, reformulate the topic, i.e. say the same thing that you read in the topic, but in different words and not in one, but in three sentences. Remember the first step is to restate the topic in three sentences to approach the topic. For example, like this:

    • Family is a basic constituent of any nation. The well-being of the nation depends on the well-being of each family. A lot of factors make a family happy, and children are among them. But how many children does a family need to be perfectly happy?

    Translation: Family is the basic element of a nation. The well-being of the nation depends on the well-being of each family. Many factors make a family happy, and children are one of them. But how many children does a family need to be completely happy?

    So, re-read the first step of your essay in English and Russian again and make sure that it is a three-sentence introduction where you just approach the topic. There is practically no specificity here, but there are many general words.

    It is best to immediately proceed to expressing your own opinion. Just start like this: In my opinion, … .

    Let's say you're a follower big family, then you would write:

    • In my opinion, parents should have three children. I consider it to be the optimum number of children.

    Translation: “In my opinion, parents should have three children. I think this is the optimal number of children.”

    What is the next logical step after speaking your mind? Of course, his argumentation, i.e. you must say why you think so. Give two or three clear arguments to support your point of view, and no more is needed. The following introductory words will help you do this: Firstly, ... (Firstly, ...), Secondly, ... (Secondly, ...), Thirdly, ... (Thirdly, ...). Here's what it might look like:

    • Firstly, in this case parents contribute to population growth in the country. The demographic depression is really the case of many countries. Secondly, the children grown not all alone are more sociable and less egoistic. Thirdly, a child from a big family has a better chance to succeed in life because his siblings are willing to help.

    Translation: “Firstly, in this case, parents contribute to improving the demographic situation of the country. Deterioration of demographics is occurring in many countries. Secondly, children who did not grow up alone are more sociable and less selfish. Thirdly, a child from a large family has a better chance of succeeding in life because his brothers and sisters will always be ready to help him.”

    As you can see, we have given three clear arguments in favor of the fact that the family should be large. However, any phenomenon always has a downside, and there will always be a person who takes the opposite point of view. Therefore, when writing an essay in English, after stating your position, you should also touch on the opposite one. You must show that you truly recognize the right of the opposing point of view to exist, and do this also with reason. In our case, you must show that everything is not so ideal in large families, and explain why this might be. For example:

    • There is no doubt that big families have their disadvantages as well.

    Translation: “Undoubtedly, large families also have their disadvantages.”

    And the argument:

    • In the first place, it is worth mentioning that big families are noisy. It's pretty hard to find peace and quiet. In this respect, small families receive a benefit. In addition to it, the more children you have, the more conflicts you get. Your children may have vastly different interests. For example, some want to read a book and others switch on the television at the same time.

    Translation: “First of all, it is worth noting that large families are very noisy. It is quite difficult to find a secluded place. In this regard small families have an advantage. Moreover, the more children you have, the more conflicts occur. Children can have completely different interests. For example, some will want to read a book, while others will want to watch TV at the same time.”

    So, in your essay you acknowledged that the opposite opinion has the right to exist, and even explained why. But personally, you are still in a different position, so after highlighting the opposite point of view, find and give another argument that will prove you are right. For example, you could write:

    • However that may be, loneliness is much worse than conflicts of interests. If parents learn their children how to get along with each other critical moments will be avoided.

    Translation: “Be that as it may, loneliness is much worse than a conflict of interest. If parents teach children to find each other mutual language, then critical moments can be avoided.”

    In general, you have already written the main part of the essay in English. All that remains is to add a conclusion and draw a conclusion. Start the final part with the words: To sum it up, ... (In conclusion, I would like to say that ...). Let our essay have the following conclusion:

    • To sum it up, it goes without saying that a big family is good. But, you must regard things in a sober light. It would be sensible to assess the suitability for having children first. If you have enough time, patience, wisdom, and money, don’t hesitate to give birth to children.

    Translation: “In conclusion, I would like to say that, undoubtedly, a large family is good. But you must look at things soberly. It is worth, first of all, assessing your readiness to have many children. If you have enough time, patience, wisdom and money, don’t hesitate and have children.”

    As you can see, in the conclusion of your essay you summarize all your arguments, in which your topic and your own position should be revisited in a reasonable way.

    Now let's put our essay in English together and see what we have in general.

    The beginning of the story

    One fine day I woke up and realized that I was completely in no mood. It was raining outside, and the apartment became boring. I decided to do some spring cleaning. I turned on the music (it always makes me happy while cleaning the house) and went about my business. I suddenly wanted change. Namely - repairs!

    We planned everything for the arrival of our daughter: we made cosmetic repairs in the room, bought a crib, a bedside table, and a night light. But the child is growing, which means his needs are also growing. I decided that we needed to clean up and change some things in the nursery.

    Even though we were recently renovating, I noticed that the corners of the wallpaper were peeling off, cracks appeared on the ceiling, and I was tired of the chandelier. In addition, the baby will soon need a table at which she could draw, sculpt, and make something with her little hands. After consulting with my husband, we started renovations. We had some savings, and they were enough to clean up the apartment.

    But it's not that simple. Repairs aren't easy when there's a crawling around the house. Small child. During the renovation, we decided to move in with my husband’s parents. They live in the private sector, in a beautiful house, in my opinion. There will definitely be a place for us there.

    How it was

    We started living in my husband's room. A small room, a single bed, on which the three of us slept. But it was cozy there, I liked it. I was afraid to disturb my husband’s parents, because with our spontaneous move we could embarrass and cause inconvenience.

    But, as it turned out, we were welcome. They love our daughter, even though they already have two grandchildren. Besides us, my husband’s sister and her family came to stay with our parents for the summer. I thought that we wouldn’t be bored, that’s for sure.

    As for the repairs, we hired workers and explained what we wanted and how. It was possible to do the repairs yourself: re-paste the wallpaper, move the furniture, I don’t argue. But we just don’t have time for this. And experienced people will do everything much faster and efficiently, which is very important to me.

    Communication with parents

    It was cozy in someone else's house, but not comfortable. To be honest, I was afraid that I was interfering, I felt it. Another thing is my husband. This is their own son, they are always happy to see him. And here I am, with my habits. Besides, my daughter plays around all the time. She likes flowers in the garden and pets.

    I followed her and controlled her. But she still managed to pick the flower, break the cup and spill the paint. We were not scolded, but it was clear that there was nothing to be happy about here.

    I tried to help my mother-in-law in the kitchen, but I felt superfluous there. She did everything herself, and I just washed the dishes. And that’s not the way she would like. One morning I woke up early to make breakfast for my husband. We bought food in advance so that we would have something to eat. But they were not there.

    I didn't understand at first. And then it turned out that our sausage, cheese and butter were used for sandwiches. Yes, my husband took a couple of sandwiches to work. Where are the others?

    I'm not a greedy person. Besides, they cooked for us, which means our products can also be used. When it comes to food, I'm not hard to please. But I didn't like some of my mother-in-law's dishes. I didn’t refuse to eat, but I ate with little desire.

    My mother-in-law was even offended. Although I explained that my stomach does not accept some dishes. They offered me to cook something myself and gave me a place in the kitchen. Probably everyone was expecting some kind of culinary masterpiece from me, but I prepared borscht. The kind my husband and I love. Besides, I had to cook something for my daughter. I cooked semolina porridge.

    My mother-in-law didn't like my borscht. But my husband’s sister praised him very much. In general, we became very friendly with her. We have common interests and many topics for conversation. She often protected me and helped me in some ways. We started going for walks together.

    With the children we went to the park and to the market to buy groceries. I liked talking to her. While she was looking after my daughter, I managed to clean the room, cook something and wash the dishes.

    Disadvantages of cohabitation

    I admit honestly: even temporarily living in someone else’s house depresses me. The only exception is rental housing for holidays by the sea. We rent a house, pay for it, which means we are the owners. Here it’s the other way around: the hosts are my husband’s parents, and we are guests.

    I was afraid to create inconvenience, and I created it. Many people lived in the house: fathers-in-law, sister and husband and 2 children and our family. It turns out there are only 8 people. Feed big family difficult. Even though we each prepared our own dish, the next day we had to fiddle around with the stove again. At home I cook so that we have enough for at least 2 days.

    And everything also tired me. I wanted to quickly get to bed and fall asleep. The husband wanted attention. But what is it? When do I know that his parents are sleeping behind the wall and they can hear everything? We even had a fight over this.

    You can afford a lot at home, you will agree. The bathroom and toilet are at my disposal. And the fathers-in-law have all the amenities on the street. In addition, the toilet, sorry for the details, was often occupied. I don’t know how other people live in large families and don’t complain. This is something out of fantasy!

    There is one more nuance. At home I can walk around half naked in the summer, but you can’t afford that when visiting. I already wanted to return home as soon as possible and forget all the unpleasant moments.

    Our repairs were completed and we returned to our nest! Thanks, of course, to my fathers-in-law for taking us in for a while. But it’s better to live separately!

    It’s good when visiting, but at home it’s 100 times better. I was convinced of this! Do you agree with this phrase? Did you live in a large family? What can you tell me?

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    Contrary to the statistical tables of demographers, there are more and more large families in our country. Children are born - it's wonderful. But do they get everything they need when there are three or more kids in the house?

    Traditionally in Rus' big family has always been a normal phenomenon. There were “seven on the benches” both in the huts of poor peasants and in the mansions of wealthy people. All children, young and old, were part of a single whole. Everyone had their own duties around the house. The older ones worked in the fields and in the garden, the middle ones looked after the kids and herded livestock, everyone was busy. Everyone also celebrated holidays together.

    Oddly enough, in our age of electronics and total lack of time, the institution of large families is being revived. Three or more successors to the family line are no longer a rarity, but rather the norm. Maybe it’s the state’s policy that encourages a demographic explosion (payment of parental capital, travel benefits for public transport, assistance from municipalities, partially paid trips to children's health camps, etc.)? What do psychologists say?

    Pros of a large family:

    1. There are many of us, we have to reckon with other children, which means small man learn to take care of the younger ones, listen to the elders, share. It is unlikely that he will grow up to be selfish.
    2. There is always work, responsibility and hard work are brought up.
    3. If children are raised in a healthy atmosphere, then, as adults, they continue to help each other and take care of their parents.
    4. "Seven on the shops"this means that parents will never feel lonely. First children, and then grandchildren - all of them will be able to brighten up old age for an elderly couple.
    5. Where there are a lot of guys, it's never boring. There's always something to do.
    6. Many kids mean many helpers; to some extent it is easier for parents, especially if big family lives outside the city.

    Disadvantages of a large family:

    1. Even in a large family you can raise egoists.
    2. The need for work, sometimes hard work, can turn your child away from work.
    3. The problem of square meters. The apartments are cramped, often the child does not have the opportunity to be alone and have his own space.
    4. Due to the extreme workload of parents, adults do not have enough time to educate. Especially if the mother and father work.
    5. The younger ones have to “wear it to term”for the elders clothes, toys, furniture. This is offensive and can cause a growing person to become jealous or aggressive towards elders and parents.
    6. In dysfunctional large families, all children are in cramped living circumstances, go hungry, study poorly, need help from a psychologist, teacher, doctor, etc.
    7. Unfortunately, in Russia a family with many children is considered to be one where the eldest successor to the family has not yet reached 18 years of age. And then the number of children does not decrease, and the benefits disappear.
    8. To support a large family, you need to earn very well, because now the trend is that another family member is a luxury, everything is very expensive. What if there are a lot of kids?

    A big family is great! But only if parents live peacefully and raise their children in an atmosphere of mutual respect, caring for each other, responsibility, hard work and love.

    Love your children, no matter how many there are!

    Currently, there is a contradictory attitude towards large families. Some people claim that big family- this is joy, consolation, help and support in old age, while others are of the opinion that large family created exclusively by irresponsible parents. So are there any advantages to a large family and why is there such an ambivalent attitude towards it in Russia?

    Benefits of a large family

    Contrary to popular belief, the large family has many advantages and advantages. In families with several or more children, the connection with each other is much stronger and the cohesion between family members is stronger. Research conducted in different countries, revealed very interesting facts. It turned out that people who grew up in large families are more responsive and caring towards family, friends and relatives than those who were in the family only child. Also, relationships in the future with the opposite sex for children from a large family develop more successfully. A marriage with such a person is stronger.

    It is much easier for children from large families to achieve success in life. They are, as a rule, sociable, know how to find a common language, compromise, approach people with the most different characters. Another the dignity of a large family– the opportunity to receive support and help at the right time from several people at once. It is also generally accepted that a large family means extra expenses, expenses and financial instability. In fact, with a properly organized budget and distribution of responsibilities, a large family makes it possible to constantly have financial stability. For example, if one of the family members lost his job, he will be supported not only morally, but also financially. In a large family, household chores do not fall on the shoulders of one person; each relative can be responsible for one or another work in the house. For example, one person does the washing of the dishes, a second does the ironing and laundry, and a third does the grocery shopping. In a large family, it is easier to care for, monitor, and organize vacations. If necessary, there will always be someone with whom you can leave the children and take care of urgent matters. In a large family, relatives have the opportunity to share life experiences with each other and make life easier.

    The older generation helps advice to the younger one, tricks, and the younger ones make modern life comfortable, which often causes bewilderment among grandparents, and sometimes parents.

    Disadvantages of a large family

    A large family also requires a large space, which is often not enough. Problems often arise on this basis. Next minus a large family The fact is that food in it is associated with considerable costs. Products are running out quickly, as growing children require varied, fresh, high-quality food. The expenses in such a family are much higher than in an ordinary family consisting of 1 or 2 children.

    More money is spent on education, treatment, recreation and entertainment. If there are more than 2 children in a family, each of whom has his own character, habits and tastes, then disagreements and conflicts often arise that have to be resolved. The lack of time is especially acute in large families. Parents often complain about chronic fatigue, constant lack of sleep, lack of time to spend on yourself. In a large family you need to pay attention to everyone to a loved one, help, talk, caress, support, etc.

    Each family is a separate state with its own laws and rules. All problems will be resolved and shortcomings will become insignificant if respect and condescension towards each other reign in the family.

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