• Male jealousy: how to deal with it. How to deal with jealousy advice from a psychologist


    Every woman sooner or later encounters manifestations of male jealousy. In principle, this is completely normal. Any representative of the stronger sex has an possessive instinct that does not allow him to give his beloved to someone else. But what to do in cases where a partner simply does not allow a woman to live in peace and, as they say, “is jealous of every pillar?” This behavior leads to constant tension in relationships, quarrels and mistrust.

    It’s even worse if a man doesn’t control himself and allows himself to raise his hand against a woman or a possible rival. This already threatens not just his marriage, but also the people around him, as well as the jealous person himself.

    Causes of male jealousy

    A person can be jealous for a variety of reasons. The most common of them are:

    • questionable behavior of a woman;
    • her success with the opposite sex;
    • strong;
    • not strengthened relationships;
    • fear of losing a partner;
    • excessive authority;
    • suspiciousness;
    • diffidence;
    • feeling of unattractiveness;
    • frequent absence of either spouse from home;
    • own tendency to cheat;
    • father's example;
    • lack of intimacy in relationships;
    • aggressiveness towards people of the same sex;
    • psychopathic personality type, etc.

    Therefore, it is very important to understand what causes jealousy. It could be strong love and fear of losing a woman. Or maybe - imperiousness and unreasonable demands. If it is provoked by internal male problems, then, most likely, the man does not feel much love for his partner, but the problem lies in his inflated egoism.

    He is indifferent to the spiritual comfort of a woman and worries only about his own problems, often not directly related to her.

    If people do not know how to negotiate, and even worse, they begin to compete with each other and get drawn into the cycle of jealousy, then we can say in advance that such relationships will be doomed.

    Types of male jealousy

    There is no point in trying to fight it. Every person experiences it. It’s just that someone succumbs to it, while others reason sensibly and weigh all their suspicions.

    In addition, its presence sends a signal to the other partner that he is loved and needed. In small doses, it is even useful for giving feelings a special warmth.

    But this feeling can manifest itself in different ways. Some men increase control over a woman, others strive to accompany her everywhere, and still others create a scandal, relying only on guesses and suspicions.

    It is very important to be able to recognize your partner’s jealousy when he does not demonstrate it too clearly or even hides it. It’s better to find out everything at once than to deal with a volcano of accumulated rage later.

    In this case, it should be alarming if a woman notices that a man is secretly searching her pockets, checking her email, or even examining her pages in in social networks.

    He asks excessively detailed questions about his colleagues and acquaintances, and perhaps he himself tries to get to know them in order to strengthen control.

    He shows distrust or simply refuses to believe when a woman says that her relationships with people are purely professional or good neighborly in nature.

    He gets nervous and gets into fights over being late, spending time with family, or even just lackadaisical conversation.

    If scandals often break out in a family for no particular reason, you need to think about whether jealousy is to blame.

    Powerful and aggressive men may experience this feeling simply because the woman is tired, does not want to go somewhere together, or spends a long time on the Internet. They begin to suspect that if his wife's full attention is not given to him, then she has someone else.

    There is a category of men who have already lost interest in their wife, but do not even think that she might respond in kind. They do not devote enough time to her, but at the same time they carefully monitor that their spouse does not find someone else.

    A person who has a mistress or regularly cheats unwittingly transfers this pattern of behavior to other people. He thinks that he cannot trust anyone, and, first of all, his wife.

    It also happens that a man initially does not love a woman, but has already “introduced” her to his collection of victories and is afraid of losing his victim. He needs to constantly have living confirmation of his irresistibility, and the fact that his girlfriend is carried away by someone else deals a strong blow to his self-esteem and reputation as Don Juan.

    There are men whose relationships are in complete order. The woman loves them and proves it in every possible way. But deep self-doubt, fear of loneliness, and, perhaps, previous betrayal, make him extremely vulnerable. Such a person can cause a scandal for his partner, even if she just had a warm conversation on the street with a classmate she accidentally met.

    The impact of jealousy on relationships

    Jealousy can be especially strong at the beginning and end of a relationship.

    At first, the man is not sure of the woman’s feelings, he is afraid of his rivals and does not know how events will unfold. Usually, when everything is settled and proof of love is received, he calms down.

    At the end of the relationship, the partner has already cooled significantly towards the man and, perhaps, is already showing signs of attention to other representatives of the opposite sex. But the owner’s instinct speaks in the partner; it is not easy for him to accustom himself to the idea that he will have to let the woman go.

    Therefore, if the relationship is still in the process of inception, it is better to immediately assess the consequences of living with a jealous person, as well as the degree of your patience and sympathy for him. If a woman can daily reassure, persuade and, perhaps, endure scandals out of nowhere, then, provided she has a strong attraction to her partner, she will be able to overcome his jealousy.

    A relationship with such a man will require a lot of responsibility from her. There must be a willingness to treat him with compassion, daily, eradicating jealousy and establishing trust. Otherwise, there is no need to enter into a difficult relationship from the very beginning, and also to drag a person into it who, perhaps, is already quite psychologically uncomfortable.

    How to deal with male jealousy

    Before fighting with her husband, a woman needs to take a closer look at herself. As a rule, jealousy does not arise out of nowhere. And only if she knows for sure that she has nothing to reproach herself with should she start fighting with her partner.

    There are various methods to eradicate jealousy. The first and main thing is to reassure the man, to make him understand that there is no one else and that the woman loves only him. It is better to learn to create in him the feeling that he is the best and that his beloved will not exchange him for anyone else. Then the person quickly calms down.

    In any case, dialogue is necessary. You need to talk to a man again and again in order to completely clarify the relationship. And only if it is clear that the problem has finally reached a dead end, it is worth using extreme measures.

    In cases where jealousy is not justified, and living next to a person experiencing it is increasingly difficult, we can advise:

    1. Don't give the man any reason.
    2. Try to introduce him to every representative of the opposite sex with whom a woman constantly has to communicate. Invite your partner with you to meetings where other men are present. If this is not possible, then tell him in detail about them and their families.
    3. Do not hide your own jealousy, so that a man understands the absurdity of this feeling and, on the other hand, knows exactly what is loved and desired for his woman
    4. Allow your partner to control the woman within reasonable limits. He will quickly become convinced that there are no rivals and calm down. If this does not happen, then he will not be able to create scandals without reason.
    5. Do not tell him about your previous and current victories.

    Jealousy is a very destructive feeling. It can destroy the strongest and most ardent relationships. She kills love. The fear and tension that a partner constantly experiences sooner or later become unbearable and the instinct of self-preservation or, in critical cases, destruction comes to life in a person.

    Therefore, it is better not to let this feeling flare up, treating your man with care and understanding how bad he feels at this moment. The man will be grateful for the weight removed from his shoulders and will love his woman even more. The resulting feeling of trust will only strengthen their closeness.

    The most dangerous thing is to stir up jealousy in your partner in the hope of binding him stronger. At first this will be the case, but then the girlfriend will quickly lose his respect, trust, and then his love. And who knows, whether this might prompt a desire for revenge in a similar way?

    In cases where jealousy is caused by character flaws, mental characteristics or alcohol abuse, a review of all obligations towards this person is required. It is worth understanding that there is no longer a full-fledged relationship.

    If love is still strong, then you need to fight to protect your feelings by contacting a psychologist or narcologist. If they are no longer there, then it is better to part with the jealous person.

    If you found the article “Male Jealousy: How to Deal with It” useful and interesting, share it with your friends and leave comments. See you again!

    Today I'll tell you how to get rid of jealousy in relation to your husband, wife, parents, children or friends. Why are people jealous of their husbands and their girlfriends? Their wives to strangers? Your parents to other children? Where does jealousy come from?

    Reasons for jealousy:

    • First, jealousy comes from fear. Fear of losing what you love.
    • Secondly, it grows out of lack of confidence in oneself, in one’s own (other, child, anyone). Uncertainty that your partner loves you and will not choose you over another person who will be better than you.
    • Thirdly, jealousy is a consequence of a possessive attitude towards your partner. The desire to have a monopoly on his personal life, to interfere in all his affairs.
    • Fourthly, this quality can grow from any other complexes and fears.

    What did we not see in the list of reasons causing jealousy? Love! Jealousy does not stem from love, its basis is fear. Constant outbursts of jealousy only interfere with love and turn relationships into a series of suffering and mistrust.

    How to overcome jealousy? How to eliminate the causes of this feeling?

    1. Get rid of everything that doesn't serve your love.

    During attacks of jealousy, many people play spy games. They constantly check outgoing calls on their spouse’s phone, try to catch the smell of perfume from his jacket, call him every hour to make sure that he has met with his friends and is not visiting his mistress, forbid him to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, etc. .d. In short, they keep their partner on a short leash. At the same time, they don’t even think about where this feeling leads them.

    Subconsciously, people may feel that they are solving some problem that serves the interests of a healthy relationship. After all, spouses should love each other and should not cheat with other women and men, they think. And therefore, they need to constantly be confident in the fidelity of their partner and do everything to fuel this confidence, even if this causes a wave of mistrust, negative emotions and quarrels over empty reasons. Thus, jealousy gets the green light.

    People are accustomed to the fact that love and jealousy go hand in hand, and many of them have learned to come to terms with the fact that jealousy has become a full participant in their relationships.

    But in fact, paranoia, which appears on the basis of jealousy, does not at all serve the goals of love and harmonious life together, but only poisons love. Jealousy, as well as actions caused by jealousy, do not solve problems, but create them.

    Think about what your endless outbursts of jealousy will lead to? You are so afraid of lies, but you yourself shroud your relationships in an atmosphere of mistrust. You are so scared of losing your partner, but at the same time, you are trying to control his every move, blaming him, creating prohibitions, swearing, screaming, suspecting...

    Does this create the basis for loved ones, trusting, healthy and long relationship? The irony of jealousy (and indeed many other feelings based on fear) is that, because of your fear, you only bring closer what you are so afraid of! Mistrust and paranoia ultimately make the relationship more fragile and distance you from your partner.

    The next time you feel jealous and want to yell at your husband or check his phone, ask yourself how these actions can help your relationship? How will this help your love? How can this prevent the occurrence of those things (loss of a partner, breakup of a relationship) that you are so afraid of?

    If your answer to all three questions is “No way” or “It will only get in the way,” then give your jealousy the color red.

    This alone will certainly not help you completely get rid of this feeling. But the first step on the path to getting rid of negative emotions is to realize that you don’t need these emotions, that they only bother you.

    Rid your relationship of what does not serve the interests of love!

    2. Eliminate your fears

    Naturally, we don’t want to think about what we are afraid of. For example: “What if I lose my job? I don’t even want to think about it! As strange as it may sound, our fears have power over us precisely because we do not want to think about what will happen when the fear comes true.

    Of course, you will not agree with me and object: “No matter what! I constantly think about what I'm afraid of. I imagine how bad it will be for me when my loved one leaves me, and what terrible feelings I will experience.”

    But you don't think about what happens next. You only think about negative emotions when your fear occurs. Try to mentally move beyond this limit, even if you yourself do not want to think about the future.

    Think: “What will happen a year after we break up? What will happen in five years? The first few months must be tough for me. But then I’ll start to come to my senses a little. After some time, I will have a new relationship, maybe it will be even better than this one.”

    (This is by no means the most best scenario! Perhaps your relationship will live even after betrayal! I will talk about this in the last paragraph of this article.)

    Not as scary as you thought at the beginning, right? Be realistic! Try to scroll through these pictures in your mind. Think about how you will get out of this situation, how you will move on with your life, and not about how bad you will feel when your fear comes true!

    You shouldn't get too attached to what you have. At the moment, you may feel that your relationship with this person is the most important thing in your life. But this is partly an illusion and deception. It is difficult for people to think in terms of their entire life and they sometimes greatly overestimate the role of what they have now.

    This idea may not be entirely intuitive. You ask me: “how is it not worth getting too attached to something? I am attached to what I love: my children, my family, my work, my purpose. This forms the basis of my existence! Are you suggesting that I become indifferent to the things that I love?”

    No, I only suggest that you stop experiencing painful attachment, which brings nothing but suffering and fear.

    If you love your husband very much, but constantly live in fear that your relationship may end, are you happy? Do you get satisfaction from such relationships? Don't think. The fear of losing this relationship in the future makes you unhappy. But the fact that you have them in the present does not make you happy, because you are constantly afraid and only think about the future!

    Strong attachments give rise to fear of loss. And fear of loss prevents you from enjoying the present moment.

    Not feeling strong affection does not mean not loving. Not experiencing strong attachment means being more relaxed about the fact that nothing lasts forever, being realistic. Be prepared for anything. And be able to enjoy what you have now.

    3. Stop comparing

    “What if he finds a more worthy woman than me, more intelligent, more beautiful!”

    “There are so many men around her, more beautiful and successful than me, there is no chance that our relationship can survive.”

    These disturbing thoughts are familiar to many. You begin to compare yourself to others of the same sex and become fearful of competition. But men and women are not some kind of goods on the love market!

    Relations between people are not always similar to commodity-money relations, within which preferences are formed solely on the basis of the properties of the “product”: attractiveness, success, intelligence, etc. Rather, it is more like the attitude of the owner of capital, in fact, to capital. This is also not the most successful analogy, but it is closer.

    I want to say that your relationship now is not the same as it was when it first began. Maybe when you first met your partner, you were bound by mutual attraction.

    But, as the relationship develops, a certain “capital” is formed, something more than just attraction and passion, enhanced by external attractiveness and success. This capital is accumulated over the years, as both subjects of the relationship understand each other more and more deeply, as they jointly find solutions to their problems and draw conclusions from their mistakes, as they overcome the next difficulty that stands in their way...

    And this capital is too valuable. It cannot be so easily exchanged for something else. In short, your partner loves you not only for your qualities, but for everything that you had with him. Or maybe he loves you for something else that you yourself are not aware of. And this is what allows you to be preferred to more successful and attractive people.

    “Okay,” you say. “What if our relationship is not like “building up joint moral capital.” They just collapse. It seems to me that nothing connects us both anymore.”

    Then move on to the next point.

    4. Improve your relationships

    Spend more time with your partner. Find out his wishes. Show him care and trust. Try to work together to decide family problems. Talk about your difficulties. Become more attractive to each other. Add variety. And develop your relationship without stopping there!

    I'm not going to give it here detailed instructions to improve relationships. This will be the topic of a separate article. What I want to say here is that the fidelity of spouses to each other is not a derivative of surveillance, suspicion and mistrust. This is the result of a strong, reliable, satisfying relationship.

    If during your surveillance of your husband you do not find any evidence of infidelity, then this will not help eliminate your jealousy; after some time it will flare up again. But when you become more confident in your relationship, when you and your partner surround each other with trust, only then will you have fewer reasons to be jealous.

    In order to eliminate the very feeling of jealousy, as well as the reasons for its occurrence (betrayal), you need to strive to develop relationships, and not turn them into a spy novel and soap opera simultaneously!

    Recently I was thinking about why total state control is present, as a rule, in underdeveloped countries. It seems to me that this happens for the reason that countries with great economic problems have only one way to instill patriotism and keep their residents within the country. This method is to lie, organize surveillance and create bans, including a ban on leaving the country. The love and devotion of the inhabitants of this country to the state is based on fear and deception.

    But states with good economies and social conditions do not need to resort to dictatorship. A person will not flee this country if given the opportunity. Because he loves his state for what it provides to its residents good conditions for life and takes care of them. Nobody forces him to “love”. Therefore, this feeling arises sincerely.

    You can easily apply this analogy to your relationships. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of love and trust in your family, to acquire joint “love capital” and thereby reduce the risk of “emigration of your spouse” to another family. This is better than achieving this through bans and surveillance.

    5. Curb your imagination

    Your husband is late at work. And now pictures come to your mind in which he is having fun with other women. But don’t rush to let your imagination run wild. If you continue to imagine this, it will be difficult for you to disentangle yourself from these thoughts and listen to reasonable arguments when they come to your mind.

    These fantasies deprive you of the ability to soberly assess the situation. Therefore, if you have noticed attacks of paranoia due to your partner’s betrayal, then take it as a rule: “ the first thought is the wrong thought, until she proves otherwise."

    This, one might say, presumption of guilt impulsive thoughts. This principle really helps me cope with many emotions and see the situation as it is, and not as my momentary feelings are trying to present it.

    Therefore, throw all these fantasies out of your head for a while. You will pay attention to them later. To start, . All the same, as long as you are overwhelmed with worry and anxiety, nothing worthwhile will come to your mind.

    So turn your attention to something else. Don't let him get caught up in these fantasies. Start thinking about the problem only when you realize that you have calmed down and your anxiety does not attract all your thoughts to their “negative pole”. Then you will be able to assess the situation soberly. Maybe you will realize that your fears were in vain. But perhaps they will be confirmed. But before you think about it, you should calmly analyze the situation in reality, and not get carried away by your fantasies.

    6. Stop living only your partner's life.

    Often the reason for jealousy is the obsession of one of the partners with the life of the other. It happens that this happens because one of the partners does not have his own personal interests and his own personal life. And he has no choice but to live the life of another.

    This applies not only to jealousy, but also to excessive control on the part of parents (usually mothers) over children. Understand that your control, your anxiety, your endless interference in someone's life will not make either you or the person in whose life you are interfering happier!

    To avoid this, add some variety to your life. and your passion. This should never be a reason for you to ignore your partner or child because of your new hobbies. Not at all! Let this be a reason for you to realize that there is more to life than your husband or your children.

    At the same time, allow your partner (or son, daughter) to live some other life besides family life. Leave him room to communicate with friends, colleagues and even people of the opposite sex! Show your partner that you trust him, give him some freedom, don't try to explore every inch of his life and don't squeeze it in a vise of control.

    It will also help you become less attached to your relationship because you will have something else to do! Therefore, you will be less afraid of loss and suffer less!

    7. Do the opposite

    Do the opposite of what jealousy pushes you to do. If you see your wife talking to a man you don't know at a party, instead of leering angrily at this man and then making a scandal with your wife, go up and politely introduce yourself to this man! Maybe you will find out that this is just a work colleague whom your wife met and whom she simply could not pass by for reasons of tact. And you will understand how absurd your jealousy was.

    8. Be candid! Don't play games

    Stop all these spy games and hidden doubts! If something is bothering you, ask your partner directly! Just don't do it in the form of a scandal! Calmly tell him about all your suspicions and see what he answers.

    But before talking about this with your partner, it would not hurt you to evaluate for yourself how justified your suspicions are.

    After all, many people play a “hidden game” and act on the sly only because they subconsciously understand that all their doubts are absurd and ridiculous and it would be ridiculous to tell someone else about their paranoia.

    Therefore, preparing for such a conversation will help you not only be clear about your concerns and gain a new level of trust (if you understand that the conversation needs to happen), but also check whether your fears are real or just the result of unbridled imagination.

    9. Trust your partner

    I have already spoken about trust more than once in this article, but I think this issue is quite important, so I raise it as a separate paragraph. Trust is a prerequisite for healthy and strong relationships. Think about it, do you have a reason not to trust your partner?

    I'm not saying that no one has such a reason. But it often happens that we begin to suspect our partner, not because he did not justify our trust, but only because we ourselves experience fear and self-doubt. Jealousy, in this case, is not based on anything in reality, but stems only from our personal feelings.

    Why not try to trust your partner then? Stop seeing deception in his every word and cast aside your endless suspicions. Of course, suspicions will not always be unfounded. But try to trust your soulmate and not suspect him of something bad for at least a month, no matter how he behaves and no matter what he does.

    If your concerns remain with you, then something probably needs to change in your relationship. But it is quite possible that you will understand how ridiculous your fears were and will see how faith in your partner transforms your relationship and makes you happier. And you will want to stay with this trust forever...

    10. Be willing to forgive

    I don't want people to take some of my advice as a way to come to terms with obvious problems in the family and get rid of jealousy for which there is a reason. Maybe things really aren’t going so smoothly for you and your partner is systematically cheating on you. And this is told to you not by your paranoia and fear, but by established facts. (It's hard to deny this when your husband is constantly disappearing somewhere, coming home late at night and smelling of perfume.)

    In this case, it is better not to deny obvious things, not to suppress attacks of jealousy, and try to do something about your relationship. I've always been a proponent of trying to fix what happened, forgive the person, and start over before taking drastic action. This is what I advise you too.

    Cheating is not always an indicator of your spouse's lack of love for you. Sometimes people cheat, simply because they are not restrained in sex, but continue to love you. Sometimes they do this because their ego craves new victories on the love front, but at the same time they continue to love you. Sometimes this happens because a person succumbs to passion, but continues to love you. Sometimes this is a consequence of a person’s momentary weakness, his mistake, for which he can be forgiven.

    Betrayal is not as terrible as your imagination and your feelings make it seem to you. But if this happens, be prepared to experience it together and move on. This is not the end of life.

    If you know that you are able to forgive a person. That they are able to start trusting him again, after all his actions. That cheating will not be the end of your relationship. That you can change and improve your life together together, preventing such cases from reoccurring in the future. Then you won't be so afraid of it. Then you will have much less reason to be jealous!

    But this requires the trust of both spouses. And their desire to develop relationships!

    Many girls are familiar with jealousy firsthand. They become jealous of their lovers, spouses, children and even good friends of other people if it begins to seem that they have become less attentive to us. That is why the question of how to get rid of jealousy is often heard during consultations with a psychologist or in everyday communication with friends.

    It should be understood that jealousy is difficult to classify as positive feelings. On the contrary, such experiences corrode a person from the inside, like acid, and worsen relationships with a partner. But you can still cope with them if you make every effort and exert your willpower.

    This feeling occurs when a person experiences a lack of affection, attention from significant people In addition, it begins to seem that all these emotions are being received by a completely different person. If a girl is jealous all the time, and completely different persons, then we can talk about a character trait - jealousy.

    A jealous person is a person in love, this is what is commonly believed in society. Moreover, many are convinced that love and jealousy are closely interconnected and one is impossible without the other. However, such an opinion is clearly a misconception.

    The roots of jealousy and envy do not lie in love; on the contrary, negative emotion in every way prevents the strengthening of affection and the progress of relationships.

    The sources of jealousy are several factors. Let's take a closer look at them.

    • Low self-esteem. Perhaps this personality trait is the most common cause of jealousy. For example, a girl on a subconscious level thinks that she is not attractive or smart enough for her chosen one.
    • Fear of losing a loved one. A jealous person is afraid of losing a loved one or not getting what he needs. This factor is interconnected with self-doubt, when a person who doubts his own merits is afraid to part with his partner, including because of the fear of finding a new object for passion.
    • Selfishness. We are all selfish to some extent, but jealous people consider their loved ones their property and do not even dare to think that they can have relationships with other people. As a result, victims are deprived of jealousy own desires, needs and rights.
    • Negative past experience. Previous relationships in which there were betrayals and deceptions often become the reason that a girl or guy begins to be jealous of her new partner and suspect him of a tendency to betray.

    “Everyone thinks to the extent of his own depravity” - famous folk wisdom V in this case very appropriate. Jealous people often judge their lovers by themselves, that is, they attribute to them the same inclinations and habits.

    With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that a jealous young man or girl themselves cheats on their partners, but does not want to be treated in the same way.

    Is it always this emotion is negative? Figuratively speaking, jealousy is a seasoning. If you dose it, then living together can become more “tasty” and exciting. However, if this spice is consumed excessively, no one will eat the dish.

    In addition, jealousy can play a positive role when a person realizes his shortcoming, reconsiders his own behavior and changes his view of the relationship with his partner. But for this you need to realize negative consequences jealousy.

    Negative aspects include a number of factors.

    • A jealous person feels constant mental discomfort, since his entire existence is poisoned by mistrust and fears. The occurrence of stress and even somatic diseases is possible.
    • The consequence of jealousy is envy. At the same time, a jealous girl or young man envy everyone with whom he has loved one fold up a good relationship. Envy is an extremely unproductive and destructive emotion that pushes you to undesirable actions.
    • A jealous person always depends on a partner (close person). Any insult is multiplied tens of times, and every compliment and pleasant words act like a drug. As a result, a painful, destructive relationship is formed.
    • A jealous person often destroys relationships. Few people want to be controlled, bullied, or suspected of non-existent sins. As a result, marriages break up, friendships collapse, and parent-child relationships deteriorate.

    Thus, we can draw a brief conclusion: jealousy is justified only if it increases the lovers’ passion for each other or stimulates a person to work on himself. But it is important that it is temporary.

    In all other situations this feeling only poisons the human soul, leads to numerous problems with the psyche and physical health, destroys love and friendly relations. Therefore, it is better to get rid of it.

    "Symptoms" of jealous behavior

    Manifestations of jealousy depend on the characteristics of the person himself, his character and temperament. For example, there may be causeless outbursts of rage, quarrels, and control over communication with third parties. A jealous person often asks about leisure time spent outside the home, waits for them to return from work or school, and studies their phone, email and SMS.

    Another option is the desire to attract the attention of an adored object. In this case, jealous people can even change their appearance in accordance with the ideal of their partner. Eg, plump girls lose weight, become blonde or brunette, etc.

    At the same time, it is possible to highlight differences in the manifestations of jealousy among women and representatives of the stronger sex. Nice ladies often delve into themselves and experience anxiety, but in some situations they throw up scenes of jealousy and show their partners hysterical attacks.

    Young people try to control their lovers, perhaps even using physical strength(up to assault). Some men become more strict and cold when dealing with objects of passion.

    And yet, we can identify general “symptoms” of jealousy:

    • increased attachment to the object of passion;
    • the desire to control his actions, limit his circle of contacts;
    • relationship anxiety;
    • the desire to be close to a loved one;
    • negative towards those people who communicate and interact with the object of jealousy.

    There are often situations when jealous people hide their own negative emotions, either ashamed of it or afraid that the object of passion will break off the relationship. It’s good if you can cope with jealousy with simple willpower, but most often a deep study of this condition is required.

    So, you have decided to exclude such an unpleasant feeling as jealousy from your relationship with your lover, child, parents or friend. Let’s say right away that this process is not quick, but the recommendations of psychologists will tell you how to speed it up.

    Preliminary stage

    • Admit to yourself that you are “sick” with jealousy. This is the most important condition for working through any negative feeling. Once you realize and accept your uniqueness, you can make plans to overcome this condition.
    • Try to establish the true background of jealousy towards a loved one. Maybe you are pathologically afraid of losing your loved one? Does low self-esteem prevent you from taking a worthy place next to him? Have you been betrayed by your lover before? Understanding the cause will allow you to intensify your work to overcome complexes.
    • Try to analyze your feelings experienced in a fit of jealousy. A jealous person is capable of feeling fear, anger, envy, disgust, anxiety, etc. Having understood the emotional spectrum, you can more easily manage your feelings during the next outbreak of excessive suspicion.
    • Confess your emotions to the object of your jealousy. At the same time, it is not necessary to talk about yourself derogatoryly (“I’m bad, I’m evil”), it’s enough to talk about how you feel when your lover is delayed without hysterics and accusations. For example: “I get upset when you don’t come home on time” or “I get offended if you flirt with other women.”

    Thus, you need to understand that you have a problem and it needs to be solved. Only in this case will it be possible to outline a plan for further work on yourself and relationships. You should not brush aside the existing negative “symptoms” of jealousy.

    Work on yourself

    • Treat yourself better. As already noted, low self-esteem is the most common reason jealousy. To get rid of causeless jealousy, you need to change your attitude towards yourself, learn to appreciate and respect your own personality, advantages and strengths. Of course, for this you will have to work hard: give up any habits, change your hairstyle, sign up for fitness. That is, do something that will increase the value of your personality in your own eyes.
    • “Attract” positive emotions. Psychologists advise thinking more often about what attracts your lover to you. Surely you can find many strong qualities and features that your loved one (boyfriend, spouse) likes. Having understood the list of advantages, you need to demonstrate them to your partner more often.
    • Keep yourself busy. Distraction from obsessive thoughts is a great idea. You can do your favorite activities (reading, drawing, etc.), choose a hobby. In addition to the fact that you will notice a certain effect in the form of performance results, you will also be able to forget about the desire to control your loved one.
    • Choose a method to safely vent negative feelings. Alternatively, communicate with an understanding friend, keep a diary, correspond with people who have encountered the same problem on thematic forums, exercise in the gym (punching bags, as an example). It is important to choose the most appropriate way to get rid of anger and anger.

    If you realize that you cannot deal with your feelings on your own, and jealousy really interferes with your life, you should think about contacting a psychologist. An experienced specialist will help you find points of support and correct the situation in your favor.

    Working on relationships

    • Learn to trust. If your partner does not give real reasons for mistrust, try not to “create evidence” yourself. This is difficult because it is necessary to discard previous experiences, innate suspicion, etc. But if you manage to give freedom to a loved one, he will begin to treat you better, as a result of which your fears and anxieties will recede.
    • Change the wording. If control and the desire to know as much as possible about the life of a lover or loved one do not disappear from the behavioral repertoire, try to at least formulate questions and desires differently. For example, instead of categorically demanding that your spouse explain where he was after work, you can ask a softer question: “Did your day go well?” or “Is something bothering you?”
    • Don't keep the person near you, and organize joint leisure time. There is no need to force your loved one to always be there. It is much better to organize time together, but, of course, you need to do this in a way that does not seem intrusive. You can visit cinemas together, go to the gym, go fishing, in the end.
    • “Generate” positive emotions. Rudeness, anger, envy and other negativity only widens the gap between people. This is why psychologists recommend “turning on the generator” of positive emotions as soon as you feel the desire to control the object of jealousy. It is no secret that a person on a subconscious level is drawn to someone who is full of energy, positivity and goodwill. Go for it!

    The ability to express positive emotions can and should be trained. Try not to make a sour face in front of the mirror or when communicating with relatives, but, on the contrary, smile, say nice things and give compliments. All this will very soon become a habit and become a part of your life.

    Isolated cases of jealous behavior

    Girls and women are jealous not only of their real partner. An unpleasant feeling can be caused by the gentleman's ex-girlfriends and his children from a previous marriage. In addition, some even manage to be jealous of their ex-husband or boyfriend, although they have long separated and entered into another relationship. Let's look at some situations in more detail.

    Jealousy of ex-spouse

    Not all women let go with peace of mind ex-lover into "free floating". Some continue to suffer even after separation, tormented by jealousy. This is easily explained by selfishness and reluctance to part with one’s property, which the ex-spouse falls into. What to do?

    • Accept the very fact of the final break and admit that the former gentleman has the right to arrange his personal life.
    • Abstract yourself from former relationship, turn them into memories.
    • Thank your failed life partner for all the good things, for the pleasant minutes or years of your life.
    • If a person has been unfaithful to you, forgive him. If you offended, again show generosity.

    All these actions will not only help you cope with jealousy towards your former life partner, but will also prepare you for a new relationship, which will probably be more successful.

    Jealousy of a lover's ex-girlfriends

    Quite often, new relationships go poorly because we are jealous of our lover’s past. The main reason for negative emotions is the fear of comparison with former passions and the fear that he may return to them at some point.

    What to do in this situation? It is necessary, again, to understand that if he preferred you, it means that you are better than those other women. Therefore, your task is not to torment him with attacks of jealousy, but to convince him in every possible way (in a reasonable dosage) of the correctness of the choice made.

    Jealousy of spouse's children

    A similar feeling often arises in those women who date or marry a man who already has experience of marriage and, accordingly, children. At the same time, you should understand that in fact you are jealous not of the child, but of ex-wife your partner. A few tips will help correct the situation.

    • Give up prohibitions and restrictions on meeting and communicating with children. Otherwise, he will begin to choose between you and the offspring, and there is a high probability that he will give preference to the latter.
    • Organize meetings on your premises. At the same time, if communication with your child is unpleasant for you or you cannot force yourself to “beam with happiness,” just go to your mother or friend for this time.
    • Ideally, it is best to make friends with children. Warm relations with a child will allow you to get closer to your spouse, and you will also gain a good ally in your relationship with your lover.

    Never speak negatively about your spouse's children, even in conversations with friends. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that your words will not reach unwanted recipients. As a result, indiscretion can even lead to a break in the relationship.


    Jealousy is a complex feeling, even more of a tangle of emotions that are so closely intertwined that it is extremely difficult to find the leader and unwind the tangle of threads. It is important to understand that being jealous is not synonymous with “loving”, so you should fight against excessive mistrust and suspicion.

    Competent and constant work on yourself will not only reduce the intensity of unwanted passions, but will also strengthen love, mutual understanding, and increase respect for each other. As a result, you will have fewer reasons to perceive the world around you negatively.

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

    Contents of the article:

    What is jealousy?

    Jealousy causes enormous suffering to the person who is subject to it, and if he does not correct himself, it will ultimately inevitably destroy the relationship. In such cases, psychological help is necessary.

    What is the difference between pathological jealousy?

    Jealousy is a feeling that manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent in all couples and arises from the fear of losing the person we love. It is normal and arises as a result of love.

    However, when jealousy is strong, appears periodically or unreasonably, we talk about pathological jealousy. This type of jealousy has more to do with the need for control and mistrust than with love.

    Pathological jealousy has more to do with the need for control and mistrust than with love.

    Obsessive jealousy creates a destructive spiral in a couple's relationship, leading to the deterioration of the relationship and in many cases ending in breakup. The problem is that a jealous person sees reality distortedly, which is why he sometimes exhibits inappropriate behavior. He devotes most of his effort and time to searching for evidence of possible deception, rejecting any rational arguments. Thus, the behavior of a jealous person leads to what he fears: loss of a loved one.

    How do you know if you are jealous?

    Friedrich Hebbel, the German poet, said: " For everything a person has, he must pay dearly, even if it is only the fear of loss" This means that when we maintain valued relationships, we always experience some concern about the possible loss of a loved one. Sometimes this fear develops into jealousy. However, it is healthy jealousy because it involves an acceptable and rational problem with the loss.

    Healthy jealousy is that worry or fear of losing a loved one that does not cause us to lose our ability to reason. We may experience some anxiety, but this does not cloud our minds or lead us to irrational conclusions or make us imagine situations that do not exist. A person who feels healthy jealousy wants their partner to stay close to them, but will not try to control them. Moreover, such jealousy does not cause much discomfort or affect the relationship.

    Healthy jealousy is that worry or fear of losing a loved one that does not cause us to lose our ability to reason.

    However, pathological jealousy goes much further. This type of jealousy is unreasonable and can make a person obsessed, and the feeling from which he suffers can become the center around which his world revolves. As a result, she has Negative influence on human behavior, generating hostility, self-pity and deep insecurity.

    Why is it important to deal with jealousy?

    The person who experiences intense jealousy, demands that his partner not have emotional contact with anyone, sometimes even with his friends. To prevent this from happening, he devotes himself to monitoring his every move, sometimes even imposing absurd rules. This constant pressure becomes a time bomb because his partner feels trapped.

    Symptoms of unhealthy jealousy

    A jealous person does not always realize his problem, thinking that his jealousy is normal. However, the first step to overcoming jealousy is recognizing its existence. Therefore, it is important that you carefully read the following behaviors that are characteristic of pathological jealousy and analyze which of them you have:

    • You have an excessive fear of losing your partner, which often makes you feel bad.
    • You often think that your partner is cheating on you while being with another person.
    • You carefully analyze your partner's behavior, looking for signs that indicate possible infidelity.
    • Spy on your partner or violate their privacy, for example by looking at their mobile messages or emails.
    • Control your partner's life day by day.
    • You hate your partner's friends and colleagues because he can spend time with them.
    • Your jealousy has no basis in reality, but is based on imaginary situations or conclusions drawn from analyzing small details.
    • Jealousy affects your life to the point that you get little sleep or suffer when your partner is not with you. Obsession possible infidelity or a breakup is preventing you from living a happy life.
    • You demand that your partner tell you everything he did during the day, looking for clues that will indicate possible deception.
    • You often call your partner to find out what he is doing. When he doesn't answer, you feel like he's cheating on you.
    • You constantly compare yourself to the people your partner is associated with on a daily basis because you are afraid of being inferior.
    • You worry when your partner arrives later than usual, and immediately you decide that you are unfaithful and he has lost interest in your relationship.

    What are the causes of jealousy?

    The causes of morbid jealousy vary from one person to another, although it is usually based on low self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. A jealous person does not believe that he is worthy of love, so any detail, look or delay is enough to ignite the fuse of jealousy.

    A jealous person does not believe that he is worthy of love, so any detail, look or delay is enough to ignite the fuse of jealousy.

    In many cases, this fear can stem from childhood, usually due to parents who were emotionally absent and did not meet the child's needs for protection and affection. In other cases, the lack of trust may be caused by a traumatic experience or humiliation that occurred in a previous relationship.

    However, it has also been recognized that certain personality characteristics lie behind morbid jealousy, such as a lust for power and a tendency to exaggerate. These are people who tend to create a storm in a teacup. They also tend to have few social skills, so they think that if their partner leaves them, they won't be able to be happy or find someone else to love them. In fact, jealousy usually masks emotional dependence.

    The destructive effects of jealousy

    When jealousy is irrational, it becomes pathological. A person lives haunted by his fears, insecurities and suspicions. The thought that his partner might cheat or leave him puts him in a state of hypervigilance, looking for signs that confirm his worst fears. Obviously, a person living this way cannot be happy.

    Why do you need to get rid of jealousy?

    Some time passes and a point comes when this obsessive control becomes unbearable for the other person, so jealousy ends up causing irreparable damage to the relationship. The feeling of being watched and controlled sooner or later forces the partner to change his behavior, retreating first emotionally and then physically. Lack of confidence destroys any possibility of dialogue and stifles the other person.

    At this moment, the torment and unhappiness that the jealous person experiences is so great that it destabilizes him emotionally. He can commit desperate acts: from physical aggression towards his partner to suicide. In fact, many of the cases of gender-based violence that appear in the news are motivated by morbid jealousy.

    Read also:

    Orthodox calendar

    Monday, February 25, 2019(February 12, old style)
    Week of the Prodigal Son
    Iveron Icon of the Mother of God (IX)
    St. Alexia, Metropolitan Moscow and all Russia, miracle worker (1378)
    St. Meletia, Archbishop Antioch (381)
    Saints' Day:
    St. Meletia, Archbishop Kharkovsky (1840). St. Mary, called Marin, and her father Eugene (VI). St. Anthony, Patriarch of Constantinople (895). St. Meletius of Ipsenia (XIX).
    Readings of the day
    Gospel and Apostle:
    In lit.: -Ap.: 1 John 2:18-3:10 Ev.: Mark 11:1-11
    In the morning: - Ps.24-31; Ps.32-36; Ps.37-45 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

    “Jealousy - how to deal with it?” - this question interests everyone who has encountered this dark and dangerous feeling at least once in their life.

    Defining feelings is difficult. This is too personal, too individual. But when talking about love, many use the formulation “this is the desire to make the chosen one happy.”

    It is assumed that this feeling allows you to accept a person as he is, with all his shortcomings. After all, everyone has heard at least once the common phrase: “They love not for something, but in spite of it.”

    How, then, does jealousy fit into this definition? After all, this is a manifestation of distrust of a loved one, a desire to keep a partner, and without regard to his feelings. This is irritation, anger, disappointment in a loved one. What does love have to do with it?

    The trouble is that when philosophers talk about love, they mean an ideal feeling in its highest manifestation. And people, with rare exceptions, are far from perfect. People tend to be afraid, strive for their own comfort, and care primarily about own feelings. This is forgivable and normal. After all, recognizing one’s own imperfections is the first step towards progress.

    Jealousy is a complex feeling. Here there is resentment, and distrust, and anger, and self-doubt, and wounded pride, and the righteous indignation of the owner, whose “property” is being encroached upon by the enemy.

    Many are afraid of losing their usual, comfortable life - because the departure of a loved one will destroy it. There may even be envy of your partner's success. It is very difficult to cope with such an explosive cocktail of emotions.


    In a mentally healthy person, emotions do not arise on their own; they are always a reaction to external factors, and jealousy is no exception. By dividing it into justified and unfounded, people lose sight of this. There are always reasons for jealousy. It’s just that sometimes they do not lie in the plane of the partner’s relationships and behavior.

    Justified jealousy can be caused by:

    • previous cheating partner;
    • his excessively free behavior, flirting with representatives of the opposite sex;
    • the presence of a loved one’s admirers or admirers (even if their feelings are not mutual);
    • own betrayals, projected onto a partner.

    All these reasons can indeed cause feelings of jealousy in most men and women. The advantage of the situation is that if there is a real problem, it cannot but have a real solution. It is enough to change the situation in the right direction - and peace will reign in the relationship.

    Unreasonable jealousy actually also has its reasons, they are just not so obvious:

    • the negative experience of the jealous person, his memory of past relationships;
    • psychological trauma received in childhood, in relationships with parents;
    • self-doubt, inferiority complex;
    • obsession with excessive control, the makings of a domestic tyrant;
    • excessive dependence on a loved one, loss of oneself in a relationship;
    • fear of change, fear of loneliness.

    Coping with seemingly causeless jealousy is much more difficult, because it requires intense, painstaking work on oneself.


    Sometimes those who are jealous are ashamed of this feeling and do not talk about the problem directly. How can you tell if your partner is feeling uncomfortable in the relationship? There are some signs that will indicate a problem:

    • your partner begins to show increased attention to your life: he asks in detail how your day went, with whom and what the conversation was on the phone, why your mood changed;
    • in conversations with mutual friends, unobtrusively cross-checks you;
    • tries to keep company even in those events and entertainments that he clearly does not like;
    • often calls to find out how things are going, and at the same time tries to catch inconsistencies between the story and the background noise on the phone;
    • obviously upset by even the most innocent delays, he listens with doubt to stories about an emergency at work or a colleague’s birthday.

    These and similar nuances of behavior indicate that the partner suspects infidelity and is quietly trying to understand how well-founded such doubts are.

    Jealousy - how to deal with it

    Jealousy is a dark and destructive feeling, and it is necessary to fight it.

    Up to 70% of couples break up precisely because one of the partners is excessively suspicious. Suspicion, not betrayal. And what’s even worse is that more than 60% of domestic murders occur due to uncontrollable jealousy.

    Therefore, learning to cope with such emotions is simply necessary. Jealousy is unlikely to save a relationship, but it can easily destroy it. But it’s very, very difficult to cope with this feeling.


    Women's jealousy can, oddly enough, be relatively constructive. The weaker sex, suspecting their partner’s infidelity, often blames themselves, not him.

    On the one hand, there is nothing good in this - taking responsibility for other people's actions is unreasonable. With another - female jealousy can serve as an excellent incentive for self-improvement.

    Psychologists can tell you many cases where a girl, trying to keep her partner, worked on herself and achieved truly impressive results - she lost weight, received a higher education, and found a job. And then she broke up with her cheater and met a man who was able to appreciate her.

    To the guy

    A girl, jealous of a guy, is afraid, first of all, of a break in the relationship, which is still very fragile. She understands that the only thing that connects her with her partner is mutual feelings.

    There is no common life, no mutual obligations. It is very easy to break such a connection. It's enough to just stop answering calls.

    In addition, many girls have firmly learned from literature, films and advice from “wise” women that men are constantly preoccupied with thoughts about sex. This means that as soon as a seductive young lady entices the poor guy, he will follow her as if hypnotized.

    1. To overcome jealousy, a girl needs to understand that the young man is also a person. Just like her. He is not at all a sexual maniac ready to rush at any woman. Men also have feelings and also have principles. Most guys, faced with outright provocation, will simply be scared and confused, but will not be happy. In addition, young men also value permanent and stable relationships. And they don’t want to disappoint those they love.
    2. We need to make it clear young man that you trust him, appreciate his sincerity and honesty. Such words will help much better than constant quarrels or surveillance. Feeling that the girl completely relies on him, the young man will certainly try to justify his trust.
    3. And if it turns out that the reason for jealousy is real– is it worth worrying about? After all, the sooner such qualities of a person appear, the better. If this had happened after marriage or after the birth of a child, it would have been much harder.

    To my husband

    A wife, jealous of her husband, is usually not so much afraid of the betrayal itself - many women are ready to forgive a one-time relationship. The possibility of divorce, the collapse of the usual life is frightening.

    After all, if a man decides to leave for his rival, what will happen to his family? What about the child? With jointly acquired property and housing, in the end? It sounds mercantile, but this is really very important.

    Such questions are especially frightening for women who are unemployed. Housewives are too dependent on men, and the awareness of their own powerlessness often results in jealousy.

    Yes, the fact of betrayal is also important. Feeling betrayed by a loved one is terrible. But the statistics are inexorable: women who are not independent, those who are “behind their husbands like behind a stone wall,” are more often jealous. They are afraid that the fortress will collapse and bury them under the rubble.

    Wives who cannot overcome jealousy need to find something to do. Own, not connected in any way with family or husband. Of course, a housewife also has a lot of work, but such a solution has a number of advantages for which it is worth breaking the usual way of life.

    1. A new job or a new hobby always means new people and new connections. The trouble with housewives is that they are locked into their own small world. You need to decide to come out of your shell.
    2. A job, even a low-paying one, means financial independence. Maybe not very reliable, but still. It's better to sail in a fragile boat than to drown. Understanding that you have your own small income will reduce fear. This means that the jealousy caused by it will recede.
    3. A new activity means a lot of new impressions. Housework is usually extremely physical. Your hands are busy and your head is free. So thoughts about cheating creep into her mind. If a woman is absorbed in ideas and plans related to a new business, there is simply no time to be jealous.

    For men

    Men need to be especially careful with jealousy. After all, if women are usually offended and upset, then the stronger sex becomes furious.

    Male jealousy is directly related to violence. Moreover, rage is most often directed not at a rival, real or imaginary, but at a woman.

    The main task of a man prone to jealousy is to keep this feeling under control, because the consequences can be truly frightening.

    To a girl

    Often a guy's jealousy towards a girl is caused by the peculiarities of her behavior. If your beloved is bright, sociable, flirtatious and cheerful, then you may get the feeling that she is deliberately flirting with all the men who come into view.

    1. In such a situation, you need to remember– wasn’t it this sociability and flirtatiousness that attracted people to the girl? Yes, now a relationship has arisen, but the person does not change. A cheerful and cheerful girl will remain the same as she was - even after a week of dating, even after a year. It's just a character trait.
    2. Girls love to please men, this is absolutely natural. And it does not at all speak of promiscuity or carelessness in relationships. Between light flirting and betrayal - an abyss.
    3. You can talk to the girl, explain what exactly causes concern and hurts. Surely she will try to change her behavior so as not to hurt a loved one.
    4. Another common, typically male jealousy is about the past.. A man may be offended by the idea that his chosen one has already had men. Maybe she loved them more? Or even still loves someone? You can't treat the past that way. If a girl broke up with someone, it means she considered it true. This means that those relationships are over, they have exhausted themselves. The past is just the past; it differs from the present in that it no longer exists. You can't let ghosts ruin relationships that are dear and important.

    To my wife

    Jealousy of a wife is usually closely related to either a sense of ownership or an inferiority complex. A powerful man strives to control his wife in everything; over time, he begins to perceive her as his own, having no right to feelings and desires. Of course, he is worried that someone might steal his favorite toy.

    1. For men of this type it is very important to remember all the time that there is a living person next to him. A person with his own dreams, fears, fantasies - and this should be appreciated. This is the main thing in a relationship. The wife is not a purse and not mobile phone, which can be stolen by a clever thief, it’s worth a little gape. A woman decides for herself whether she should have an affair or not. If she loves, she will never think about such a thing. But consumerism and constant nagging can easily kill the feeling.
    2. Insecure men constantly doubt themselves, and whether the woman will find someone better for herself. More beautiful, more successful, sexier. But once upon a time this woman loved so much that she agreed to get married and start a family. Will she one day decide that it was a mistake? Yes, no one is perfect. But if a woman lives with a man, if she cooks for him and does his laundry, gives birth to his children, it means she loves him. And he will easily forgive all minor shortcomings. What other evidence is needed? The best remedy from such jealousy - just look around.

    How to overcome other people's mistrust

    1. You can't make someone stop being jealous. If he could, he would have done it anyway. Demanding this is as pointless as demanding that a blind man immediately receive his sight. But you can slowly, step by step, help cope with the disease.
    2. The simplest and most obvious thing is to create an atmosphere of warmth in the relationship. and trust. The unknown is scary. Talk more, share your thoughts and feelings. Spend more time together, introduce yourself to your friends.
    3. If your partner is really offended by some actions and behavioral characteristics - perhaps it’s better not to do this? Unless, of course, these are fundamental points. And if the partner is expensive enough. But common sense is important here. It’s one thing to take into account the reasonable demands of a loved one, and quite another to break yourself for the sake of someone else’s suspiciousness and aggression.
    4. You need to praise your partner. But do it sincerely, celebrate truly existing virtues. Then a person will understand that he is valued, valued - and it is precisely doubt in one’s own importance that provokes jealousy.
    1. If your partner is a sensible person, you can use this. When he begins to make claims of alleged infidelity, you need to calmly ask: “What are you doing? Do you understand that you are offending me? Usually this approach immediately switches the conversation in a different direction, and the scandal dies without being born. But this technique is only effective if you really are not to blame for anything.
    2. Jealousy can be turned into a mandatory procedure. Every evening, from 19.00 to 19.30 we sort things out. Without fail, without absenteeism or shirking. With detailed arguments and detailed discussion of each argument. Such conversations get boring very quickly - just like jealousy itself.
    3. You can make a list of everything that makes you jealous. Sit on the sofa, turn on calm music, relax - and imagine. Imagining the worst, in detail, point by point. At first it is very painful and difficult. But soon the understanding comes that all this is just a fantasy. As soon as one situation has ceased to bother you and cause panic, you can move on to the next one.
    4. You can always contact family psychologist . A specialist will help solve problems that cannot be dealt with on your own.

    Video: How to deal with jealousy

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