• GCD on healthy lifestyle "Where is health hiding?" senior group. Summary of nodes in the senior group on the topic of healthy lifestyle


    Galina Mukhina
    Summary of GCD in senior group"Healthy lifestyle"

    Organization of direct educational activities in the senior mixed age group.

    SUBJECT: « Healthy lifestyle»

    EDUCATIONAL AREAS: physical development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development.

    TARGET: To form in preschoolers ideas about healthy lifestyle, about value health and the need to preserve and strengthen it.


    Introduce the concept « health» And « Healthy lifestyle» .

    To consolidate knowledge about the need for hygiene procedures, the name and purpose of personal hygiene products.

    Repeat nursery rhyme “Tap, open! Nose, wash your face!”

    Give an idea that microbes are pathogens.

    Help children understand that maintaining a daily routine is the most important condition for maintaining health.

    Foster the need to adhere to a diet and eat healthy foods.

    Teach children to look after their own health, know the simplest techniques of self- health improvement(physical education, exercises to strengthen the foot, outdoor games).

    Develop children's activity in various games.

    Develop curiosity, reasoning skills, and establish simple cause-and-effect relationships.


    Wooden puzzle - clock "Daily regime", ball, "Wonderful bag" with personal hygiene items, flannelgraph and printed didactic game “What is good for the tooth, what is bad for the tooth”

    ICT and TCO

    Laptop, screen, projector, multimedia presentation "Microbes"

    Educator: Guys, today we will talk about health. Health is happiness! This is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you, when nothing hurts. Health Everyone needs it - children, adults, and even animals. What do you need to do to be healthy? You need to be willing and able to take care of health, lead healthy lifestyle. What do you think it means to lead? healthy lifestyle? (children's answers)

    Right. This is, firstly, following a daily routine. Secondly, you need to keep your body clean. Thirdly, engage in physical education and hardening. Fourth, eat right.

    So, let's talk about the daily routine.

    (the teacher shows the children the watch "Daily regime", discusses with the children the sequence of actions, their necessity, explains why the daily routine is structured this way)

    For example “When do we brush our teeth?” and throws the ball to the child, who answers the question and returns the ball to the teacher.)

    Educator: (reads a poem) I need to wash my face

    In the mornings and evenings.

    And to unclean chimney sweeps -

    Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

    Who owns these words? (children's answers) That's right, Moidodyr said it. He came to see us this morning, but didn’t find you and left this wonderful little bag. Let's see what's in it.

    The game is being played "Wonderful bag"(children take turns taking an object out of the bag, naming it, talking about its purpose. The bag contains soap, a toothbrush, a handkerchief, a comb, toothpaste)

    What necessary items did Moidodyr give us?

    Educator: (reads a poem) A microbe is a terribly harmful animal.

    Insidious and most importantly ticklish.

    Such an animal in the stomach

    He climbs in and lives there peacefully

    The scoundrel will climb in wherever he wants

    Walks around the patient and tickles him.

    He is proud that so much comes from him hassle:

    And a runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

    Did you kids wash your hands before dinner?

    Oh my brother, you look

    with a cold.

    Wait a minute your forehead is hot

    There must be a microbe inside you!

    (during the reading of the poem a multimedia presentation is shown "Microbes")

    Educator: These are the little monsters found everywhere: in the air, in the water, in the ground, on our body... When they enter the human body, they multiply, releasing poisons, and the person gets sick. But these monsters are not scary if you follow simple rules:

    Do not eat or drink on the street;

    Wash your hands with soap before eating, after walking and visiting the toilet;

    Eat only washed vegetables and fruits;

    Drink boiled water;

    Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.

    Tell me, how many times a day do we wash our hands in the garden? (children's answers)

    Nose, wash your face! - palms "my" nose

    Wash both eyes at once - "my" eyes

    Wash your cheeks. – "my" cheeks

    Wash yourself, neck. – "my" neck

    Wash your neck thoroughly.

    Wash, wash, wash! – "my" face

    Dirt, wash away! Dirt, wash away! - shaking movements with hands.

    Educator: Among the people They say: “Physical training, gain health It's right. Physical education strengthens our body and improves health. Therefore, you need to do exercises every morning, play outdoor games, and also strengthen your organism: walk more, wash your feet with cool water, gargle. The simplest hardening procedure is walking barefoot, let's take off our shoes and play.

    Exercises to strengthen the foot “Sheep were walking along the road”

    Sheep were walking along the road - Walking on toes.

    Got your feet wet in a puddle - Walking on your heels.

    Once. Two, three, four, five, - Rise on your toes for a count.

    They began to wipe their feet - with the middle part of the right (soles) slide

    Someone with a handkerchief - on the inside. side of the left leg from the foot to the knee

    Who is a rag, i]and back, the foot seems to clasp the shin.

    Who has a holey mitten. - Same with the left foot. 6-8 times

    Educator: (puts it on the flannelgraph Images happy and sad tooth) Guys, what's here depicted? (children's answers) Why does one tooth laugh and the other cry? (children's answers) Why can our teeth get sick? (children's answers) That's right, teeth hurt from not proper nutrition and harmful products

    (during the conversation, children come to the conclusion which foods are harmful to teeth - sweets, ice cream, seeds, nuts, and which are healthy - vegetables, fruits, dairy products.)

    Children take turns placing cards with healthy products opposite healthy tooth, harmful - opposite the patient.

    Educator: Vegetables, fruits, dairy products are good not only for teeth, but also for the entire body as a whole. Proper nutrition is the key health, so you need to eat healthy food.

    Educator: Guys, what did you learn about today? (children's answers)

    What do you need to do to stay healthy? (children's answers)

    Did you like our lesson? (children's answers)

    I see that you liked it, because there is a smile on your faces. And a smile is the key to a good mood. Smiling, we give each other health and joy. Will a gloomy person bring joy? (children's answers) So let's give each other smiles and good mood. Good luck to you health!

    Publications on the topic:

    Preliminary work: selection of participating families; familiarizing parents with the stages of competitions; learning skits and games “At the Giraffe” with children.

    All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong, strong, and to succeed in everything in life. But for him to become like this, he needs to be taught.

    Summary of continuous educational activities on physical development “For a healthy lifestyle” Program content: Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination, desire to take care of your health. Formation.

    Volkova Elena Valentinovna, preschool teacher No. 21, Almetyevsk, RT

    Program content:

    Strengthen children's knowledge about balanced nutrition.

    Ensure children's compliance with nutritional rules

    Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition; food should not only be tasty, but also healthy.

    Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”, their designation and benefits for the human body.


    Mugs of red and Green colour according to the number of children, easel, pictures of products, letters indicating vitamins; letter, magnets.

    Progress of the lesson

    I. Organizational moment.

    Guys, today I invited Piggy from the program “Good night, kids” to class. (the teacher comes to the window and on the windowsill instead of Piggy there is a note: “Guys, please excuse me. I can’t appear with you, my stomach hurts.”

    Why do you think such trouble happened to him? (children's answers).

    Of course, it also seems to me that this is due to poor nutrition. Do you know what I suggest? We will talk about proper nutrition. I will record everything on a tape recorder, and we will send this recording to Piggy so that he knows what food is healthy.

    II. Conversation about vitamins and healthy foods.

    What do you like to eat most? (children's answers)

    Why do we eat? (man eats to live). Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity, but also a material for growth and development.

    What is the difference between tasty and healthy food? (children's answers)

    The products contain vitamins, which are very important for human health.

    What are they needed for? (children's answers)

    I want to tell you a little about vitamins. Vitamins are designated by letters A, B, C, D. (I place the letters on the easel). But they are read in Latin. When you go to school, you will learn to read these letters.

    Vitamin A– very important for vision and growth, and it is found in carrots, butter, tomatoes, eggs, parsley (I post pictures of products).

    Vitamin IN- helps our heart work. It can be found in milk, meat, bread.

    Vitamin WITH– strengthens the entire body, protects against colds. It is found in oranges, lemons, berries, cabbage, and onions.

    Vitamin D- makes our arms and legs strong. There is a lot of it in milk and eggs.

    III. Physical education minute.

    IV. Game "Danet"

    In order for food to be digested well, you need to follow the nutritional rules. I will now read the rules to you, and if you agree with me, then raise the green circle. If not, red.

    1. You should always wash your hands with soap before eating.
    2. You need to eat at any time, even at night.
    3. You need to eat foods that are good for your health.
    4. You need to eat quickly.
      You need to eat slowly.
      But as?
    5. Food should be swallowed without chewing.
    6. Rinsing your mouth after eating is harmful.

    We have repeated the rules of nutrition.

    What are they needed for? (so that food is well digested and beneficial).

    V. Conversation about harmful products

    Please tell me, are all products healthy? (children's answers)

    Why is cake harmful? Lemonade? Yes, you are right, some foods are better not to eat. And if you really want it, then eat it in very small quantities.

    I prepared pictures of harmful foods for you, but I accidentally mixed them up. Please help me collect them.

    VI. Game "Collect the image."

    Product images are cut into several parts. You need to collect them, name what happened and tell them why they are harmful.

    VI. Game "Who can fill the basket faster"

    Now I want to send you to the store to do some shopping. We will split into 3 teams. One team will buy healthy products, the second will buy healthy products, but which are not eaten every day, and the third team will buy unhealthy products.

    Summarize the game.

    VII. Summing up the lesson.

    What did we learn about food today? What makes food healthy? To useful material Have you learned what needs to be followed?

    We will send our tape to Piggy and wish him a speedy recovery.

    Summary of educational activities in the senior group on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children “We will save your health!”

    Recommendation. The material will be of interest to educators.
    Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Social-communicative”, “Speech”, “Physical”.
    Age group: senior group
    Target: To instill in preschoolers a caring attitude towards their health and the health of others.
    To form children’s idea of ​​health as one of the main values human life.
    Instill the need for a healthy lifestyle, respect for physical exercise and sports.
    To form in children an idea of ​​healthy foods that contain vitamins.
    Reinforce the basic concepts: daily routine, personal hygiene, vitamins, healthy foods, healthy lifestyle.
    Develop the ability to identify the components of human health and establish their relationship.
    Develop attention logical thinking, memory, curiosity.
    To develop in children the skills and need for a healthy lifestyle.
    Cultivate a desire to take care of your health. Educator. Children, I invite you into the circle of joy. Let's greet each other! Repeat after me:
    Hello World! (children raise their hands up)
    Hello, Light! (hands to the side)
    Hello, a kind person! (children extend their hands forward)
    Yes, guys, when meeting other people, a person says a wonderful word - “Hello!” So he wishes health and peace to his family, friends and strangers, Mother Nature.
    We didn’t just say hello, but wished each other health.

    Educator:- Children, I received an email today, come closer and let's read it. (Opens the laptop, a photo of Matroskin’s cat appears.) You recognized him.

    Educator. Cat Matroskin writes: “Uncle Fyodor fell ill in Prostokvashino. He has a sore throat and headache and a fever. Please help us! Sharik and I don’t know what to do.”
    Educator:- “Guys, let’s help Matroskin and Sharik? Tell our friends what to do if someone gets sick?
    (Children's answers.)
    Educator:- That's right, if someone is sick, you need to stay home and call a doctor from the clinic. And if it’s really bad, very heat, then call ambulance by phone "03". What do you think should be done to avoid getting sick? (Children's answers.)
    Educator:- “Yes, children, you need to take care of your health. What is health? Health is when Good morning, good day, cheerful mood. It is necessary for all living beings: adults, children, animals and birds. You need to be able and want to take care of your health. It's so easy to lose him.
    I invite you to go on a journey to the land of Health, where we can tell our friends what to do in order not to lose health. To do this, we need to stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes and say the magic words “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”
    Educator:- Let’s open our eyes, children, and you and I have found ourselves in the city of “Vitaminny”. Look what the houses are like. You know, vitamins live here.

    - Guys, what are vitamins for? ( To strengthen our body, to have good health).
    Educator: That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, making it easier for the body to fight diseases. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.
    Vitamin A is very important for vision. Look at the pictures and tell us which foods contain vitamin A. (Children's answers).

    Educator. That's right - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Vitamin A is very important for vision.
    Vitamin B helps the heart work well and gives energy to our body. Look at the pictures and name foods that contain vitamin B. (Children's answers).
    Educator: That's right - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas.
    Vitamin C strengthens the entire body and protects against colds. If you still have a cold, then with its help you can recover faster. Look at the pictures. Name foods that contain vitamin C. (Children's answers).
    Educator: That's right, citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants.
    Educator: Vitamin D strengthens our bones. Name foods that contain vitamin D. (Children's answers).
    Educator: That's right, sun, fish oil, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, fish.
    [Educator: Now you understand how useful these products are. Then let's test your knowledge. I suggest you play game “Exactly true!” I read quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, you all say together: “Right, right, absolutely right!” And if you talk about something that is harmful to health, you remain silent.
    1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,
    And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.
    2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets
    Eat candy, chew toffee, be slim, become like a cypress.
    3. To eat right, you will remember the advice:
    Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.
    4. No healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits.
    Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins.
    5. Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat.
    He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door.
    6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,
    Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases.
    Educator: - Well done guys, you did a wonderful job, and now it’s time for us to continue our journey. The next street awaits us, but we can get to it by crossing the bridge. (Children walk along the gymnastic bench with a side step.)

    - We are in the city of “Fizkulturny”
    Exercise can replace many medications, but not a single medicine in the world can replace physical exercise. Let's think about the benefits of physical exercise?
    They strengthen muscles, harden the body, give us a cheerful, good mood, and drive away fatigue.
    Educator: What physical exercises do you do? (Children's answers)
    Educator:- Proper morning exercises, outdoor games, attend karate classes, sports section, dance club.
    And now we will do it to the music self-massage “Look at your hands.”

    - It's time for us to continue our journey. But to get to the next city, which is called the city of Purity, we need to crawl through a tunnel. (Children crawl through a sports pipe).

    Educator. Well, here we are in the city of Purity. In order to be healthy, you need to do more than just eat right and exercise. You also need to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
    Educator:- What hygiene rules do you follow? Why do you need to do this? (Children's answers.)
    Educator:- One of the most important rules To maintain personal hygiene, especially when someone is sick, use a handkerchief. Do you know how a scarf protects our body from germs? Let's do an experiment."
    Handkerchief experiment.
    Each child takes a napkin from the table and places it on his palm. The teacher splashes water on the napkin. The napkin absorbed the water, and the hand remained dry.
    The children remove the napkin from their hand and the teacher sprays again. My hand got wet. Drops of water are microbes, and a napkin is a handkerchief.

    Together with the children, the teacher concludes: “In order to maintain and strengthen your health, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene: when you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, wash your hands with soap, eat clean and fresh foods, do not forget to brush your teeth and wash your face.” , do exercises in the morning.”
    Educator: Children, it's time for us to go back. We learned a lot of interesting and useful things. But we haven’t visited all the streets, so we will still travel around this wonderful country. I think that the cat Matroskin and Sharik understood what they need to do in order not to get sick, and they will no longer have to go to the pharmacy for pills.
    We close our eyes, hold hands, close our eyes and say the words: “The sun, air and water are our best friends!”
    Well, here we are back, did you enjoy our trip? And I suggest you draw pictures at home about what you remember most in the country of “Health”.

    Tatyana Artemyeva
    Summary of GCD for formation healthy image life with children of the senior group “Country of Health”

    Target: form children's performances preschool age O health as one of the main human values life; develop the ability to isolate components health person and establish their relationship; consolidate the main concepts: "schedule", "personal hygiene", "vitamins", "healthy foods", « healthy lifestyle» ; develop children's skills and needs healthy lifestyle.

    Previous work: view illustrations on the topic« Country of Health» , book reading "Moidodyr" K. Chukovsky, reading and lesson according to G. Oster « Bad habits» , conversations "What's happened health» .

    Progress of the lesson

    Educator: Guys, today, when I was going to work, I met the Kid. He ran to the pharmacy. It turns out Carlson is sick. Let's tell the Kid what to do to avoid getting sick. Today we will take you on a journey to country of health.

    Educator: Guys, do you know what it is? health? Children's answers.

    Health– this is when you are cheerful and everything works out for you. Health Everyone needs it - children, adults, and even animals. What do you have to do to be healthy? You need to be willing and able to take care of health. If you don't take care of your health, you can lose it.

    Only you answer me:

    The path to the mysterious country,

    Where does he live? your health,

    Does everyone know? Let's say together...

    Children answer "Yes".

    To get into country of health, you need to hold hands, close your eyes and say magic password: “Sun, air and water are our best friends! "

    And here is our route. Let's look at the map of our journey. Look how many different cities there are. (Look at the map)

    Vitamin City.

    Educator: Guys, here we are in the city of Vitamin.

    Baby, the guys and I will tell you how to eat in order to be healthy. To be healthy, necessary balanced diet, i.e. you need to know which foods you can eat and which are harmful to you health. (Children's answers) Fresh fruits and you can eat as many vegetables as you want, they will replace the best pills from the pharmacy.

    Educator: Children, what vitamins do you know? (Children's answers.)

    Guys, what are vitamins for? (In order for our body to be strengthened, there was strong health) .

    Educator: That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, making it easier for the body to fight diseases. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.

    The teacher tells the children that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D. Explains what other products they contain and what they are needed for.

    Educator: Vitamin A – carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.

    Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for heart).

    Vitamin C – citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for a cold) .

    Vitamin D – sun, fish oil (for seeds) .

    Remember the simple truth -

    Only the one who sees better

    Who chews raw carrots

    Or drinks blueberry juice.

    Early morning is very important

    Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

    Black bread is good for us

    And not just in the morning.

    For colds and sore throats

    Oranges help

    Well, it's better to eat lemon

    Although it is very sour.

    Educator: A game “Exactly!”

    The teacher reads out quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, the children are all together They say: “Right, right, absolutely right!” And if about what for harmful to health, the children are silent.

    1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,

    And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.

    2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets

    Eat candy, chew toffee, be slim, become like a cypress.

    3. To eat right, you will remember advice:

    Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.

    4. There are no healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits.

    Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins.

    5. Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat.

    He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door.

    6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,

    Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases.

    Educator: Well done, you all completed the task.

    Let's continue our journey and go to another city called Sportlandia.

    Let's divide into teams and for each correct answer you will receive chips.

    If a person plays sports, he will live longer. It is necessary to do morning exercises. It is useful to gargle, dry yourself with a towel, and play outdoor games more often.

    Do exercises in the morning

    You will be strong

    You will be brave.

    I'll chase away the remnants of sleep

    Blanket to the side

    I need gymnastics

    Helps Great.

    So that we don't get sick

    And don't catch a cold

    We're charging with you

    Let's study.

    Guys, what sports do you know? (Children's answers)

    – You guys and I have been sitting too long. Let's play!

    Physical education minute "Zverobika"

    Educator: Children, do you know to be healthy, you need not only to eat vitamins and be strong! You also need to know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. And the next street that awaits us is the city of Purity.

    – What hygiene rules do you guys follow at home and in kindergarten? (We wash our faces in the mornings and evenings, brush our teeth, etc.)

    – Why do you need to do this? (To be clean, okay to look like so that it is pleasant and the skin is healthy to be hardened to wash away germs.)

    – How do microbes enter the body? (when sneezing, coughing without covering your mouth; if you do not wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet; do not wash vegetables and fruits.)

    – What should you do to protect yourself from them? (Children's answers)

    Educator: guys, so that we can successfully fight germs, we need helpers. I will tell riddles about them.

    Slipping away like something alive

    But I won't let him go

    Foams with white foam,

    I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.


    Here's a funny incident:

    A cloud settled in the bathroom.

    Rain pours from the ceiling

    On my back and sides.

    How nice this is!

    Warm heated rain,

    There are no visible puddles on the floor.

    All the guys love...


    Lay down in his pocket and keep watch

    Roaring, crying and dirty,

    They will wipe away streams of tears,

    He won’t forget about his nose.


    Together with children the teacher draws a conclusion that the children should do well learn: do not eat or drink on the street; always wash your hands with soap after returning from the street, before eating, after using the toilet, eat only washed vegetables and fruits; when you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue; eat only from clean dishes.

    Educator: Well done! Tired? It turns out that this is the difficult path you and I overcame to get to country« Health» . We learned a lot of interesting and useful things. But we haven’t visited all the streets, so we will still travel along this wonderful country. I think the Kid has understood what he needs to do to avoid getting sick, and he won’t have to go to the pharmacy for pills anymore.

    Distributes vitamins.

    Lesson summary on the topic: “The child and his health” in the senior group of kindergarten

    TARGET: make children want to take care of their health.
    1. Teach children to distinguish vitamin-containing foods.
    2. Explain to children how vitamins affect the human body.
    3. Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition - food should not only be tasty but also healthy.
    4. Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, active and passive vocabulary.
    5. Review possessive adjectives.
    6. Instill in children a desire to take care of their health.
    Tables, subject pictures, individual tables, pencils.
    PRELIMINARY WORK Talking with children about your health, learning poems, finger gymnastics, physical minutes, didactic games drawing with stencils.
    INTEGRATING EDUCATIONAL AREAS Cognition, communication, reading fiction, Physical Culture, socialization, health.

    Progress of educational activities:

    Educator: Children name your favorite dishes.
    (children call)
    Your favorite dishes consist of various foods: potatoes, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits. The difference between tasty and healthy answers. Adults often force children to eat soup, porridge, meat, and milk that are not tasty. If adults, all children loved only; candy, ice cream, cake and other sweets, then all people would eat only tasty things. What would happen then; my teeth hurt, my stomach hurt, I got fat. I'll read a poem now.

    Constantly need to eat
    important for health
    Cottage cheese, curdled milk.



    Have you brushed your teeth?
    and go to sleep.
    grab a bun
    sweets to bed.

    Is this the right advice?

    Educator: This means that in order to be healthy and strong, you need to eat right, eat a variety of foods and, of course, you shouldn’t completely give up sweets. The food contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, and water.
    PROTEINS come in animal and plant origin. A growing organism especially needs them. The guys walk, run, jump, work, in a word, they spend a lot of energy. And, of course, the body needs to replenish it, and CARBOHYDRATES and FATS help with this. A person also needs MINERAL SALT and WATER. And also our food should contain VITAMINS. Without vitamins, the normal functioning of our body is impossible. They influence human growth and development. The absence of even one vitamin disrupts the functioning of the body and leads to serious illnesses. Vitamins are found in food products of plant and animal origin. They are designated by the letters of the Latin alphabet A B C D K R, etc. But the most important vitamins are A, B, C, D.
    I never lose heart
    And a smile on your face
    because I accept
    Vitamins A, B, C, D.


    We chop and chop cabbage,
    We three or three carrots,
    We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
    We press and press cabbage.

    Educator: What did we get? Salad - what kind (tasty, healthy, vegetable, vitamin rich).
    I love apples
    carrots and cabbage too,
    Because vitamins
    Found in vegetables and fruits.

    Educator: Vitamin A is essential for body growth and improved vision (see table). What foods contain this vitamin?

    Educator: Vitamin B affects the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems (see table). What foods contain this vitamin?

    Educator: Vitamin C strengthens bones and increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases(see table) what foods contain this vitamin.

    Educator: Vitamin D is formed under the influence of sunlight. Its absence in young children leads to rickets (see table). What foods contain this vitamin?

    Educator: Now we are in the winter, cold period, when we often get sick. To avoid getting sick, we eat a lot of onions and garlic.
    I am green, bitter onion
    To all the guys true friend.
    I'm very helpful
    I will save you from illness.

    Let's go to the garden
    We'll reap the harvest.
    We'll drag carrots
    And we'll dig up some potatoes,
    We will cut a head of cabbage -
    Large, juicy, very tasty.
    Let's pick a little sorrel
    And we'll go back along the path.

    Educator: What happens to people when they eat unripe vegetables and fruits? (get sick).

    The boy goes to the doctor
    I have a stomach ache.
    - What did you eat?
    -I ate a peach.
    It is green and not ripe.
    The doctor gave eye drops
    Do it ten times a day.
    Maybe you can understand better
    What do you put in your mouth?

    Educator: What do we do with vegetables and fruits so that we can eat them all winter? (canned, salted, fermented).
    Snow flies outside the window,
    There are no berries in the empty garden.
    Snow is no problem for berries
    We'll ask them here.
    In good jars behind glass
    The berries breathe warmth.
    They are for children in winter
    Save summer.
    And they keep everything for us -
    Vitamin family.

    What kind of berry came
    How round is a pea?
    Yes, completely - completely round
    And is black so small?
    Black currant!
    Vitamin juice
    All of them are healthier and tastier.

    Educator: WE ALSO DRY BERRIES.
    On a branch - swinging
    It sways and sways.
    It's called juice.
    In the meantime, the raspberries are ripening
    You need to dry the berries.
    After all, she will be able to
    Treat you for a cold.


    Drawing a table.
    Surprise moment- apples.
    RESULT. What did we talk about, what are vitamins for?

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