• What determines the condition of facial skin? Skin types and skin conditions. What is it and how to choose care. For newbies


    Beautiful and well-groomed skin– an indicator of health and age-related changes. Everything that happens to the body affects the quality of the epidermis. But even if a person is absolutely healthy, the skin needs to be given special attention. The epidermis is restored on its own only in children - you need to take care of your face from adolescence.

    Women especially often think about the problem of how to improve the condition of their facial skin. For them cosmetic defects may cause an unstable emotional state.

    What is the reason for the deterioration in the quality of the skin surface?

    The state of the epidermis is influenced by external and internal factors:

    • change in diet, lack of it, diet depleted in nutrients;
    • Irrational daily routine, lack of sleep;
    • operating mode at maximum capacity;
    • lack of oxygen supply to the body;
    • bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol;
    • lack of fluid, disturbance of water-salt balance;
    • exacerbation chronic diseases;
    • acute painful conditions;
    • stress;
    • metabolic disorders;
    • Negative influence external factors: excess ultraviolet radiation, windy weather, cold and heat;
    • few active image life.

    If a person leads an active lifestyle and their face becomes flaky or their pores begin to produce excess sebum, they should consult a doctor. Deterioration in the condition of the epidermis may indicate the development of internal diseases.

    How to look more attractive?

    How to improve your skin condition with regular care using your loved ones cosmetics not enough? Run to a cosmetologist to have in-office procedures done: laser correction, anti-aging injections, chemical peeling And so on?

    Not everyone has enough money and time for such expensive personal care. If the problem is related to a health condition, the effect of the most expensive procedures will last only for a short time.

    You can make your skin healthier only through a set of measures:

    • First you need to determine why it got worse appearance. If you have health problems, you should start with them;
    • It is necessary to balance the work and rest regime - you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
    • Without fresh air It is impossible to look or be healthy. During walks, the condition of the body and face will improve;
    • A normal drinking regime will help cleanse the body, remove toxins and waste from it. You will need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Have a beneficial effect on the general condition: water, green tea, unsweetened vitamin drinks, drainage cocktails. Strong tea and coffee spoil the color of the skin and negatively affect its condition. They will have to be abandoned for a while;
    • A balanced diet to improve the condition of the skin and body will have a positive effect on the aesthetic appearance. If it is impossible to refuse a reduced diet - not only acne and an unhealthy appearance of the surface of the epidermis interfere with life - vitamins must be taken separately, in a special complex;
    • Should be abandoned bad habits. Smokers are immediately visible by their yellowish complexion. Alcohol causes vasodilation.

    It is impossible to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body if hygiene procedures and special care are neglected.

    Body care products at home

    There are many procedures that can be done at home. Even dry skin needs to be helped to recover, remove old epidermal scales from its surface, and cleanse pores. Oily skin will look unkempt without appropriate measures.

    Scrub products are selected depending on the quality of the skin: the oilier and denser it is, the rougher they are. Thick skin is cleansed using scrubs based on sea ​​salt, coffee grounds; for tender and dry - it is rational to use ground rolled oats flour or starch.

    The elasticity of the body and face is best restored with the help of wraps. During them, products containing vitamins and minerals that improve the condition of the skin and are able to penetrate into its deeper layers are applied to the body. Deep penetration is facilitated by preliminary massage and the addition of dimexide to home cosmetics.

    Basic procedures that improve the appearance and restore skin elasticity can be as follows:

    • shower or wash with alternating water temperature;
    • ice or hot massage;
    • masks;
    • the use of cosmetics that nourish and moisturize the skin.

    All these measures help prevent the occurrence of early facial wrinkles.

    Express facial products

    It is necessary to take care of yourself constantly and carefully. Only then will you always be able to look “100%.” But how to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body when you are about to go out, but your appearance leaves much to be desired?

    If there are no chronic kidney diseases or dermatological diseases, the body will quickly get in order with a contrast shower, after which you should definitely apply a moisturizer to the skin.

    The mesh under the eyes is removed with ice cubes, which you should always have in the freezer. Chamomile or mint ice effectively removes signs of fatigue. There are no ice cubes - you can use regular black tea bags. Brew it, squeeze it out and make a lotion on the eyelid area.

    Fading skin will quickly be refreshed by a mask made according to the following recipe. Required ingredients:

    • beaten egg white;
    • kefir;
    • regular potato starch.

    Everything is mixed, applied to the face and décolleté along massage lines with a brush, in several layers. Wash off with cool water after 15-20 minutes.

    A gelatin mask works in a similar way. To create an express treatment, add a teaspoon of edible gelatin to 5 tablespoons of warm water - if the skin is oily, milk or cream - if it is dry or normal.

    As soon as the mixture swells, it must be heated in a water bath until it becomes liquid. After cooling, apply it to the face, and after 20 minutes remove it with a cotton pad.

    During the tightening course, masks are done for a month, 2-3 times a week. Gelatin masks can be made with infusions medicinal herbs, beneficial effects on the skin.

    Express moisturizing mask recipe

    Mix the pulp of half an avocado, a few drops lemon juice and crushed mint leaves. Apply the product to the face for 20 minutes, rinse with mint infusion.

    Competent care is impossible without knowing your skin type and adequately assessing its condition. The condition of the skin is influenced by many factors: health, climate and season, age, heredity, profession, physiological conditions of the body ( hormonal disorders, lactation, pregnancy, menopause), diet and drinking regimen, care measures.

    Many skin problems arise precisely because we incorrectly determine its type and choose care that is not suitable for us. How often, for example, do we confuse liquid seborrhea with dehydration on oily skin, begin to furiously lose fat and only worsen the situation. As a result, we find ourselves in a vicious circle, the problem is not solved, and new ones are only added to it.

    Competently determining the type and condition of the skin is a whole system of steps, which is much more complex and interesting simple test with a napkin after washing.

    A good cosmetologist, on his first visit, always draws up a client card, asks a lot of questions and conducts tests. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a competent specialist, do not despair. Our series of posts on diagnosis and skin types will help you cope with this task yourself. So, let's begin.

    10 steps of competent diagnosis

    These steps will help you correctly determine your skin type and condition at home without complex equipment or the help of a cosmetologist.

    And in the next few posts we will talk in detail about all four skin types and their characteristic properties. After them, you will be fully armed and, after reading the entire series, you will be able to finally accurately determine your skin type and choose the right effective care.

    1. Leather thickness

    Determine the thickness of the skin by eye. It can be thick, medium thickness and thin. Thick skin is dense and often rough and oily. Thin skin is revealed by translucent vessels. Thin skin is usually aged and dry.

    2. Skin color

    The skin can be very light, light, darkish, dark. With a golden, olive, pinkish or white-blue tint.

    3. Pore size

    As a rule, large and medium pores are the friends of oily and oily-prone skin. Small and unnoticeable - normal and dry.

    Pore ​​size is often determined by genetics and is inherited.

    At the same time, large pores also occur with dry skin types. Such pores are typical for people living in hot climates - Arabs, Asians, and tropical residents. For them, large pores are a climatic necessity; heat exchange occurs through them.

    In addition, large pores can be found on dry aging skin. This skin was oily when I was young. With age, the sebaceous glands stopped working and atrophied, but the pores remained.

    4. Degree of pore contamination, presence of comedones

    Comedo- this is a plug in the sebaceous gland. It consists of rancid sebum, dead horny scales and surface contaminants (dust, dirt). Most often, comedones unpack their suitcases in different subtypes oily skin.

    There are two types of comedones.

      Open. They are called blackheads. Sebaceous plug in open pore oxidizes under the influence of oxygen and darkens. Open comedones are usually shallow and live on the nose.

      Closed. They are also called subcutaneous. These are closed, dense tubercles or nodules under the skin.

    5. The beginning of sebum secretion after washing

    Pay attention to how long after washing and applying skin care products your skin begins to become oily.

    • Up to 12 - increased sebum secretion (oily seborrhea, adolescents, young skin up to 27 years).
    • From 12 to 15 - sebum secretion is normal ( normal skin).
    • From 15.00 until the evening or the skin does not become oily at all during the day - sebum secretion is reduced (aging and dry skin).

    6. Water balance of the epidermis

    The skin is either hydrated or dehydrated. To determine your water balance, perform a test.

    • On the cheeks, move the skin against massage lines ring finger or little finger. On the forehead - index. On the nose - with a pinch.
    • If a fine network of wrinkles is visible as a result, the skin is dehydrated. If there are no wrinkles, it is moisturized.

    Dehydration can affect any skin type. More about this in future posts.

    7. Elasticity

    Crow's feet around the eyes, pronounced nasolabial folds, vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, changes in the oval of the face, folds near the ear, flaccid earlobes - all these are signs of reduced elasticity.

    If there are no obvious signs of decreased elasticity, perform a test.

    Use a pinch to pinch the crease in your neck for a couple of seconds. Let go and evaluate the result. If the fold has straightened:

    • in less than 10 seconds and did not leave marks or dents - the elasticity is normal;
    • in 30 seconds - elasticity is slightly reduced;
    • in one minute - elasticity is significantly reduced.

    If the fold does not straighten at all, there is practically no elasticity, and the skin is highly susceptible to deformation.

    8. Blood circulation

    To determine the speed of blood circulation, perform a test.

    Press down thumb in the area of ​​the zygomatic arch (bone near the ear, under the temple). The pressing force should be significant. Evaluate the result after 30 seconds. If after pressing:

    • there are no traces or stains left - the blood circulation rate is reduced;
    • a pale pink spot remains - blood circulation is normal;
    • a red spot remains - the blood circulation rate has increased.

    9. Dermographism

    Dermographism is the reaction of blood vessels to mechanical stress. This test is needed to understand which procedures can be performed on your skin and which cannot.

    Draw a diagonal line with a spatula, glass rod or side of the nail thumb on the forehead, neck, cheekbone or collarbone. Evaluate the result. If left:

    • a white stripe that does not rise above the skin - negative dermographism, any procedures can be performed;
    • pink stripe without swelling - moderate dermographism - invasive procedures can be carried out, but in a gentle manner, monitor the skin reaction;
    • red swollen stripe - positive dermographism - invasive procedures cannot be performed, eliminate mechanical impact, say goodbye to scrubs.

    10. Allergic reactions and sensitivity

    If your skin is sensitive, hypersensitive, reactive and prone to allergic reactions, be sure to conduct an allergy test before applying (or better yet, purchasing) a new product. Apply a small amount of on the inside of the forearm and evaluate the result after 24 hours.


    To assess the condition of your skin and navigate by type, perform 10 tests: evaluate the thickness and color of the skin, the size of the pores, the degree of their contamination and the presence of comedones, when the skin begins to become oily, water balance and elasticity, blood circulation rate, dermographism and sensitivity.

    And in the next post of the series we will talk in detail about all types and subtypes of oily skin. Stay tuned.

    Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

    Improve your cosmetic literacy, stay with us and be beautiful.

    See you again on LaraBarBlog. ♫

    Women are concerned about a burning question: what causes skin to age faster and what affects the skin negatively? Sooner or later, all women, without exception, ask themselves this, because losing the beauty and youth of the skin is a horrible dream for any of us. It seems that the years have passed and beauty will never return...

    Of course, we know that most women after 35-40 years old experience signs of natural skin aging. Its elasticity is lost, wrinkles become visible, the moisture content is sharply reduced, expression lines appear, etc. The most basic thing a woman can do for herself (not taking into account the help of miraculous creams, the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, which is very expensive and not always safe) - this is to delay the aging process as much as possible naturally for more late date. But this work cannot be called easy.

    How to protect your skin

    Of course, you know that taking care of your skin begins not when you see the first signs of fading in the mirror, but much earlier. And the main thing here is to know what affects the skin in the best possible way, how this influence can be reduced or eliminated and how to properly care for yourself in order to prolong youth.

    Firstly, the condition of our skin is directly affected by nutrition. Proper nutrition V in this case- not just an empty phrase. For example, it has been proven that hamburgers, fatty foods, and smoked foods negatively affect the functioning of the entire body as a whole, but the skin is the main indicator of this condition.

    Lack of vitamins, imbalance in the diet, huge “deposits” of accumulated toxins - all this negatively affects complexion and skin condition. However, it is not only fatty foods that cause problems with our appearance. Diets are another newfangled disaster for our health. After all, during frequent and long-term diets, we deprive ourselves important vitamins and microelements, and they must enter our body daily.

    An example of another negative factor that accelerates the aging process is management wrong image life or improperly organized daily routine. You go to bed too late, get up early, don’t get enough sleep, are forced to snack on the go, sit in an office all the time, work more than expected and sometimes completely forget about rest... If all this is about you, then urgently start changing something. Even one of the above factors already negatively affects the condition of the skin, and what can we say if you have several such factors. Rest assured: age-related changes and other problems will knock on your door much sooner than you think.

    Improper skin care

    Yes, yes, it is improper care (even worse than lack thereof) that contributes to the development of the aging process. Are you too lazy to use a moisturizer, scrub or mask again? Do you use cosmetics that are not at all suitable for your skin type? Do you forget to remove your makeup before going to bed? Do you ignore sunscreen when going to the beach? Do you care exclusively for your facial skin, while forgetting about your neck and décolleté? If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, then it’s time to seriously think about changing the situation somehow.

    Bad habits

    Alcohol and nicotine are very dangerous factors that inevitably affect the condition of the skin. The complexion becomes sallow, the skin dries out, and early wrinkles. And these are not all the consequences of these negative habits. We already live in a time of environmental problems (which, by the way, is also an important reason for skin aging), so we shouldn’t add unnecessary negativity to ourselves.


    It is true that all diseases are caused by nerves. Depressive conditions, stress, fear, anxiety - these are what you need to avoid so that your skin's youth lasts longer.

    And these are just a few of the main factors that provoke skin problems and negatively affect the skin. It is clear that it is almost impossible to exclude all of them. But by removing at least one, you get positive result, as they say, in person.

    Good afternoon

    In this article we will look at skin types, their conditions, and I will also tell you how to choose the right care for your skin. There will be a little theory, but I will try to tell everything briefly and clearly.

    So, the skin is a unique human organ, and the largest in size.

    The surface layer is the epidermis, it protects the body from radiation rays, microorganisms, negative impact environment. The epidermis is constantly renewed; the lifespan of epidermal cells is about 28 days. The appearance and color of the skin depends on the condition of this layer.

    The middle layer is the dermis, which contains water reserves. The dermis gives the skin elasticity and support.

    The deep layer of the hypodermis, these are the body's energy reserves, consists of adipocyte fat cells, which, bad as they are, can increase up to 27 times!

    The main effect of creams occurs at the level of the epidermis; the active substances simply do not penetrate deeper and get stuck in this powerful natural barrier. There are some ingredients that can penetrate deeper into the skin, e.g. hyaluronic acid, and anti-aging products may contain transdermal substances that help the cream components penetrate directly into the dermis.


    Our skin type is determined by the activity of the sebaceous glands, the number of which is genetically determined in us and is inherited and does not change with age.

    There are 4 skin types: normal, oily, dry, combination.

    Normal skin is very rare. Major experts generally do not consider this type of skin, because they believe that normal skin occurs only in children before puberty. Therefore, we will not dwell on this wonderful type, for whom any care is suitable.

    Let's go straight to oily skin, which is more common. How to determine it? Appears quickly on the skin greasy shine. The leather is quite dense to the touch. You can see the pores on the skin. The skin can be uneven and lumpy. These are all signs of oily skin. To care for oily skin, light textures are chosen - gels and cream-gels, fluids, emulsions. Mattifying products and pore-tightening products are well suited. It is recommended to cleanse your face with water using special products; in addition, you can make masks that cleanse, soothe, mattify, and tighten pores. You can use scrubs once a week.

    Next skin type - dry type The skin is thin to the touch. The pores are practically invisible. Peeling and a feeling of tightness often appear. A network of small wrinkles appears early. It is better to choose creams for dry skin with a dense texture - rich cream, rich cream, cream. For this type of skin, it is not recommended to wash your face with water, but if you cannot do without it, choose products for sensitive skin. You cannot use mechanical scrubs, only light peelings based on fruit acids. It is better to choose masks that are soothing, moisturizing, and nourishing.

    Combination skin- the most common skin type. It has different areas - normal, dry, oily. There are T-shaped (when fatty areas are the forehead, nose, chin) and U-shaped (fatty areas in the cheeks and chin). That is, at combination skin enlarged pores and blackheads are present locally. For basic care, it is better to prefer light creamy textures. Cleansing with mousse, foam, milk. Masks cleansing, moisturizing, for radiance of the face.

    That's all about skin types. There is nothing more to say. But it's not that simple. Our skin also comes in different states.

    Skin condition is a temporary phenomenon that depends on lifestyle, nutrition, bad habits, area of ​​residence, stressful situations, and diseases. Any skin condition can be improved with carefully selected skin care products. Any skin type can be in any condition. You can think of a lot of skin conditions, but in this topic we will look at the main skin conditions:

    Sensitive skin Dehydrated skin Stressed skin Problem skin Aging skin Pigmented skin

    Sensitive skin

    This skin is characterized by redness and peeling. Temporary skin sensitivity can occur due to incorrectly selected care products, the use of alcohol-containing products, exposure to external irritants (cold, heat, wind), stress, diets, and smoking. Constantly sensitive skin occurs in people with thin skin, weakened immunity and a superficial capillary network of blood vessels.

    If your skin is constantly sensitive, this means you need to constantly apply lines for care. special cosmetics, use creams with a minimum amount of ingredients, without dyes and fragrances, use SPF products. For temporarily sensitive skin, it is necessary to exclude the irritating factor and apply a course of cosmetics for sensitive skin.

    Cleansing - gentle products for sensitive skin.

    Toning - soothing tonic, lotion.

    Basic care - a cream with a calming effect that relieves irritation.

    Special products - soothing mask, creams with SPF.

    Dehydrated skin

    Dehydrated skin is the scourge of our time. Cosmetologists say that literally any person, on any skin, can find traces of dehydration. Dehydrated skin can be oily, dry, or combination. Symptoms: a feeling of tightness, peeling, loss of elasticity and firmness, a network of early wrinkles. Very similar to the description of a dry face type, isn't it? This is what makes us confused in choosing a care product. When a girl with oily, dehydrated skin decides that her skin is dry and she needs a thicker cream, then a real disaster happens for her skin. After using such a cream, her skin becomes dirty, the pores become clogged, the peeling becomes even worse and the girl then tells her at every step what a terrible cream and what a terrible brand of cream she came across. Common situation? Don't fall into it!

    Every skin needs hydration! If your skin is dehydrated, stop using soap to wash your face and throw away all alcohol-containing products. We try to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity at home and in the office (in the office you can simply place a pot with a moisture-loving plant next to it). We actively use moisturizing masks and drink plenty of water. And we include a product with hyaluronic acid in our daily care.

    Cleansing - without alcohol and without soap. Soft foams, mousses, gels.

    Basic care - moisturizer with a texture for your skin type.

    Special products - moisturizing serums, masks.

    Stressed skin

    Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, overwork and unbalanced nutrition, our skin loses its color, becomes dull and pale. Appear dark circles under the eyes.

    The main thing for stressed skin is to restore brightness and radiance and this is done with vitamins A, C, E and with fruit acids included in creams for gently exfoliating the top layer of skin.

    There are entire lines of fortified products for such skin. Sometimes they are called For city dwellers or For radiant skin, or Eclat Series.

    Cleansing - exfoliating foams, mousses, gels.

    Toning - vitaminized tonic, lotion.

    Basic care - nourishing or moisturizing cream with vitamins or fruit acids.

    Special products - cleansing, exfoliating serums, masks.

    Problem skin

    Any skin can be problematic - oily, dry, combination. Inflammations are visible on the skin, there are unhealed traces of past inflammations, the skin has an uneven texture and a reddish color.

    There can be a lot of reasons, ranging from incorrectly selected care products, unbalanced nutrition to medications, gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine system, failure immune system. Therefore, it is believed that when problem skin The first thing you need to do is go to the doctor. But the external, aesthetic side of the problem can be corrected in the following ways: do not use soap and alcohol-containing products for washing. Mechanical scrubs cannot be used, but enzyme scrubs are highly recommended 2 times a week to even out the top layer of the skin. It is good to use anti-inflammatory and astringent agents that are applied locally. Be sure to cleanse your skin in the evening with special products. Minimize stress, overwork, sweets and fats, alcohol.

    Cleansing - without alcohol and without soap. Foams, mousses, gels for deep cleansing por.

    Toning - sebum-regulating, antibacterial, mattifying tonic, lotion

    Basic care - light creams with tea tree oil, anti-inflammatory or sebum-regulating effects.

    Special products - exfoliating serums, masks. Enzyme peelings.

    Fading skin

    Sooner or later, we all experience signs of skin aging. The skin's lipid production is disrupted, skin tone decreases, and complexion becomes dull and uneven. Appear dark spots, wrinkles become sharply defined, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. The reason is age. But everyone has their own age, it all depends on heredity and lifestyle. In any case, it will help to keep your skin young balanced diet, proper sleep, minimizing stress, taking multivitamins and special means with a smoothing effect.

    Cosmetologists distinguish several stages of skin aging.

    The first signs are wrinkles appearing around the eyes, which become noticeable when a person squints or laughs.

    The first wrinkles - wrinkles around the eyes are always noticeable, the nasolabial fold stands out.

    Loss of elasticity - the skin begins to slide down, as if jowls and drooping eyelids appear.

    Hormonal aging - the body stops producing sex hormones, the skin rapidly loses tone, deep wrinkles cover the entire face.

    There are now a lot of products available to care for aging skin. Some brands indicate on the jars the appropriate age for using the product, some describe the problem that the cream is struggling with. Choose what is simpler and clearer to you. Creams with collagen and elastin are often offered. Here you can remember that collagen, like springs in a mattress, maintains the volume of the skin, and elastin holds the skin like reinforcement, preventing it from stretching down.

    Cleansing - smoothing, vitamin-rich cleansers with or without water.

    Toning - smoothing, moisturizing tonic, lotion

    Basic care - restoring, tightening, lifting cream suitable for your skin type.

    Special products - strengthening, restoring, cleansing, exfoliating serums, masks.

    Pigmented skin

    Again, pigmented skin can be either oily or dry. Pigmentation may appear due to genetic predisposition, taking certain medications, hormonal changes, or excess ultraviolet radiation.

    When pigmentation occurs, it is important to protect yourself from UV rays. Creams with SPF have a denser texture than regular ones, due to the presence of special sun filters in their composition. And the higher the SPF, the denser the texture of the cream will be. SPF ranges from 4 to 50. A cosmetologist can tell you what kind of protection you need.

    Cleansing is any cleansing.

    Toning - moisturizing tonic, lotion

    Basic care - whitening creams, creams with SPF

    Special products - whitening, normalizing melanin production, evening out complexion, serums and masks.



    First of all, we determine your skin type in order to choose the right cream texture. For oily skin, light textures are suitable, for dry skin, denser ones; for combination skin, it is better to use light products.

    Next, we determine the skin condition that worries you most at the moment and select suitable care Moreover, it is recommended to use a moisturizer as a daytime product, and choose night cream, serums and masks depending on the condition of the skin.

    That's all, healthy skin and happy summer!

    The condition, beauty and health of our skin very much depend on both internal and external factors. And if these factors are not taken into account, then any, even super-professional, cosmetics will be simply useless.

    Internal factors include all diseases of our body. The fact is that skin is a kind of indicator of our health. Acne, wen, and skin rashes indicate metabolic disorders. Ulcers, small cracks, dryness and flaking, as well as pigmentation disorders are often symptoms of vitamin and mineral deficiency. Rash, pimples, age spots and other dermatological problems can indicate diseases of the internal organs.

    However, if you notice a pimple or hives on your face, you should not immediately panic. Quite often, dermatological problems arise due to improper care behind the skin and can be caused by an allergic reaction to an unsuitable cream or an incorrectly selected cleanser. Therefore, if, in addition to skin problems, you do not have other symptoms, try first to think about what mistakes you might have made in facial care and eliminate them. Change cosmetic products, treat your skin with masks and lotions, and adjust your diet. If after two weeks your skin problems have not disappeared, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

    Internal factors that influence the condition of the skin include stress. Severe and prolonged nervous tension sometimes leads to the appearance of spots, allergic rashes, pimples, circles and puffiness under the eyes, and wrinkles on the skin. Of course, it is better to avoid stressful situations. However, the frantic pace of modern life does not often provide such an opportunity. Study, work, and often personal life are associated with nervous experiences, so you just need to learn to relax. Everyone has their own cure for stress: some prefer active sports, some prefer aromatherapy, and for others there is nothing better than the evening spent alone with a book in hand.

    External factors can be natural or chemical. The latter include products household chemicals, artificial substances contained in food, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and medicines.

    Decorative and medical cosmetics, soaps, shampoos, cleansers and detergents constantly affect our skin, and their influence is by no means always beneficial. The components that make up cosmetics can cause allergies. Caustic substances contained in cleaning products and detergents injure the skin, dry it out and irritate it. Of course, the skin on your hands often suffers from household chemicals, but your face is not immune from the harmful effects of these products. For example, microparticles of washing and cleaning powders settle on the face and can cause an allergic reaction.

    However, a much greater risk to facial skin is associated with the use of cosmetics. The modern cosmetics industry strives to make its products based on hypoallergenic components. Of course, this does not apply to manufacturers of counterfeits. Sometimes young girls save on cosmetics, preferring quantity over quality. After all, relatively speaking, for the same amount you can buy either 1 lipstick from a reputable cosmetic company, or 5 lipsticks, the origin of which raises serious doubts.

    Apparent benefits are deceptive. Manufacturers of counterfeits are unlikely to care about the health of their future buyers. They strive to reduce the cost of producing their products, which means they choose cheap, low-quality, and often hazardous to health components. It’s not without reason that they say: the miser pays twice. Having saved on the purchase of cosmetics, a lover of cheapness risks spending more more money for treatment.

    It is very good if the consequences of using low-quality cosmetics can be eliminated completely. Scars, acne, lifelong allergies - this is not a complete list of those “gifts” that can remain on the face after using such cosmetics.

    Dermatological problems often arise due to flavorings, preservatives, and dyes contained in food products. The harm that artificial additives cause to our body does not always manifest itself quickly and clearly. To do this you need to have a predisposition to allergic reaction for dyes.

    However, even if you do not suffer from such allergies, this does not mean that artificial additives are not harmful to you. As they accumulate, they gradually worsen your health, which can subsequently cause serious problems, so if possible, you should exclude foods with such ingredients from your diet. If you have a choice between chips and a fresh apple, give it your preference.

    Medicines can also cause skin problems. Even doctors do not deny: any medicine has side effects. Individual sensitivity to drug components also plays an important role. Of course, you should never stop taking medications just because of the risk of acne or hives. However, we must keep in mind the possibility of such consequences. If you experience dermatological problems during the course of treatment or shortly after it, consult your doctor as soon as possible!

    It is impossible to completely abandon the use of household chemicals and cosmetics, it is very difficult not to eat foods with artificial additives at all, and it is unthinkable to do without medications. However, there is another group of chemical factors whose harmful effects are very easy to avoid. We are, of course, talking about caffeine, tobacco and alcohol.

    Many girls are unable to imagine their life without a cup of coffee. It’s like a life-giving elixir that helps you wake up, feel cheerful, and get involved in work. An exam session or a rush job at work inevitably involves literally consuming liters of coffee.

    You don't have to give up coffee completely. However, it should be remembered that too much caffeine is not only harmful to health, but also life-threatening. The cardiovascular system is the first to be affected. Against this background, the deterioration of the condition of the facial skin is simply an accompanying nuisance. A young body is hardy, so perhaps you will feel the harm from “coffee addiction” only after a few years. Think about the future: refrain from consuming too much large quantity caffeine

    Recently, conversations about the dangers of alcohol and smoking have been heard more and more often. However, the phrase “The Ministry of Health warns” is still not taken seriously by many. In the twenty-first century, a girl with a cigarette and a glass of beer is no longer surprising. Young people, both women and men, see nothing wrong with smoking a few cigarettes during the day or having a few drinks with friends after work, but the fact remains that alcohol and tobacco are harmful to health. Among other things, these toxic substances have a detrimental effect on the skin. Smoking narrows the capillaries, making normal blood circulation and, consequently, oxygen circulation difficult. The skin of the face suffers from a lack of nutrients, becomes sluggish, pale, and wrinkled.

    Alcohol leads to dehydration of the body and rapid fading of the facial skin. Smoking and alcohol can literally age even a young girl by several years. Obviously, all these problems can be avoided by giving up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

    Natural factors imply the influence of the environment: snow, rain, sun, wind, dust, humidity, heat, cold, etc. Let's talk about each in more detail.

    Sun. Sunlight is essential for healthy skin. Without them, our body, for example, is unable to absorb vitamin D, the deficiency of which causes a number of diseases, including rickets. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, melanin begins to be produced more intensively, due to which the skin becomes beautiful and tanned. Sunbathing have a beneficial effect on the condition of oily skin, reduce the number of acne, so it is a big mistake to perceive the sun as an evil enemy of beauty and health. However, spending too much time in the sun is really dangerous. The sun's rays dry out the skin, causing early wrinkles, and ultraviolet radiation penetrating into the deep layers of the skin destroys collagen and elastic fibers, which also has the most unpleasant effect on young skin. Finally long lasting tan can cause the development of skin cancer.

    Humidity. At low humidity, the skin suffers from dehydration, and high humidity causes the sweat glands to work more actively, why skin becomes fat. Therefore, no matter what the level of humidity in the surrounding air, the skin needs regular cleansing and moisturizing.

    Low and high temperatures. At low temperatures, the exchange of nutrients and moisture in the skin slows down, so prolonged exposure low temperatures adversely affects the skin. During the cold season, it is recommended to use a special protective cream before going outside. If there is no such product, you can apply regular nutritious cream, the main thing is that it is not moisturizing. The fact is that under the influence of low temperatures, the moisturizing substances contained in such a cream freeze, and ice crystals injure the skin from the inside. In the evening, after returning from the cold, a moisturizer will come in handy.

    High temperatures also harm the skin: the heat dries it out, promoting rapid aging. In hot weather, do not forget to apply moisturizer at least once a day.

    Wind. The wind dehydrates the skin, redness often appears on it, and the weathered face peels off. In addition, on a windy day, dust rises, which sticks to the face and clogs the pores of the skin, which leads to the appearance of pimples and blackheads. The situation is aggravated by the fact that strong winds are often accompanied by low humidity and too high or too low air temperatures.

    Nourishing and moisturizing products will help protect your face from the wind.

    Natural factors affecting facial skin vary depending on the time of year, so skin care should be adjusted according to the season.

    And one last thing. Learn to sleep correctly! The condition of the skin is affected not only by the duration of sleep, but also by the position of the head during rest. Train yourself to sleep on your back and give up regular high pillows in favor of orthopedic ones.

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