• It means seeing hair in a dream. Dream about hair


    We can see anything in a dream, some pictures of our real life, familiar people, negatively colored or, conversely, happy events. We can experience different emotions and feelings. What can a dream tell about hair?

    Dreams about hair often have a clear association. Hair is a symbol of a person’s energy potential, experience, power and lifeline. Such dreams can warn of illness, failures in personal and business spheres, upcoming trips, everyday problems and much more.

    Why do you dream of long, short, curly, straight hair?

    Long hair dream about an unplanned trip. This could be a business trip or travel. You can determine how long the journey will take by their length. This dream talks about good health, devotion and loyalty of close friends, about receiving good news, about personal spiritual growth and acquiring some new knowledge that will be useful. In any case, this dream will be favorable and some good event will follow.

    Long silky and Thick hair in a dream that cause admiration - the right direction of thoughts, strong energy that helps to influence others and control the course of events, strong energy protection.

    If in a dream you saw your hair short, this may be a sign that some kind of material deprivation will befall you, and the best advice in this case is not to waste money in vain. Small and frivolous purchases that can wait are best postponed until the most favorable period. This interpretation is especially true if in fact you or the person you saw has long hair.

    Had a dream curly hair is a symbol of power, influence over other people, excellent health and financial well-being. Such a dream indicates a person’s ability to use his charm in order to achieve what he wants at any cost.

    If a man saw curls on his head in a dream, he will charm or deceive too gullible ladies. If a woman, some temptation will lie in wait for her, which she must resist with all her might.

    Curly black hair can be a prediction of flirting, love play, or even the beginning of a sensual, deep romance.

    Straight hair seen in a dream can be interpreted in completely different ways. For a girl, such a dream may be evidence that she is practically not trying to establish love relationship, and may be missing a very important opportunity. Most likely she will commit an act that she will soon regret.

    If a man dreams about straight hair, perhaps he will be cruelly deceived by the lady of his heart.

    Why do you dream of hair on your head, arms, legs, chest, body, face, mouth?

    Hair on the head seen in a dream symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, thoughtful actions and the right line behavior. You set only realistic goals for yourself, do not build castles in the air and do not dream from scratch. You always know what methods you need to use to implement your plans and choose the most correct path.

    Dreaming about hair on your arms should not be scary in any way because it is a symbol of wealth. Hairy hands speak of achieving the intended goal, material profit, and a successful financial investment. Therefore, if you decide to invest your capital in some enterprise, feel free to carry out your plans, and you will definitely succeed. The most interesting thing is that along the way you will not encounter any obstacles or intruders who would try to prevent you from realizing your plans, everything will be carried out easily and a good result will not be long in coming.

    I dreamed of hair on my legs - a long trip awaits. Perhaps it will be tedious and boring, but you will meet useful people, with whom new interesting relationships will begin.

    If the vegetation is unusually long, you will most likely experience certain difficulties on the road and encounter force majeure circumstances that will frustrate and unsettle you.

    Seeing a hairy chest in a dream means that your physical state and financial well-being are secure. No serious illnesses threaten you yet. Excellent health and good spirits will allow you to achieve serious achievements.

    For a man, this dream is a confirmation of his masculinity, strength, as well as the ability to accept important right decisions clearly and quickly.

    Hair on the body is a sign of happy events, but if it is thick and black, this may be an unkind sign that you will be overcome by doubts, heart tossing and anxiety. Probably, at this time you are succumbing to your base impulses.

    Hair covering female body may indicate a desire to control the people and events around them. You want to control everything that comes into your field of vision.

    Why do you dream about facial hair? Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. If a man sees him, it means he will be a leader among his competitors, and good luck and success await him in the field of work. Perhaps moving up the career ladder and opening new horizons.

    For a woman, such a dream indicates that she is showing excessive power and even aggression towards her loved ones.

    Did you dream about hair in your mouth? Such a strange and unpleasant dream can be a kind of hint and warn of any difficulties. You need to be more careful than ever and under no circumstances give in to your emotions. You should not show short-sightedness, or give a negative assessment to someone without first fully understanding the situation.

    If you pull hairs out of your mouth in a dream, then somewhere deep down in your soul you know that you can be compromised and tested for strength, so be alert and avoid communicating with people who are negatively disposed towards you. Another scenario is also possible - you will get rid of remorse and resolve an issue that has been tormenting you for a long time.

    Why do you dream of cutting your hair?

    If dreams about long hair are almost always interpreted in a positive way, then here the opposite is true. Perhaps you will experience an unsuccessful trip, disruption of plans, betrayal of friends, discord in the family, health problems, or even loss of authority in society.

    If someone cuts your hair, it means you will lose something very valuable.

    For a poor person, cutting his hair in a dream means acquiring material values ​​and improving his financial situation.

    Hair fall out

    Hair loss seen in a dream does not promise anything good. This dream warns of future losses and all sorts of troubles. However, there is no need to be upset, because all adversity will be temporary.

    If lost hair appears on your palm, this is a great sign. You will say goodbye to problems and find the right decision, and this will bring great relief.

    In the event that there are only a few hairs that fall out, you will finally get rid of what has been weighing you down for a long time.

    Cutting hair in a dream

    Dreaming of cutting your hair means experiencing great shame or disgrace. If a young man sees cut off hair on his wife’s head, it means that in the very near future he will learn about her infidelity.

    Cutting your own hair in a dream means experiencing difficulties in interpersonal or cordial relationships, experiencing quarrels and scandals that will occur through your own fault. In order to correct the situation, you will have to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.

    To dye hair

    Dyeing your hair in a dream reveals a person’s desire to make changes in his life, as well as to change his appearance. This dream is like a hint - don’t be afraid to be original and try something new. All changes will be positive and life will actually change for the better.

    Cut off hair

    A dream about cutting off your hair with scissors indicates that you have talents that you yourself are not aware of, so take a closer look at yourself and listen to your inner voice. If the scissors suddenly break while cutting your hair, you need to stop doing rash actions, otherwise your loved ones may turn away from you.

    You dreamed that a person you know was cutting off your hair, be careful with him! Perhaps he gives deliberately false advice or deceives.

    Combing hair

    Why dream of combing your hair - rethinking something for yourself. Perhaps you will think about your behavior. Seeing yourself in this position in front of the mirror - you really want to understand difficult situation which they got into.

    Combing someone else's hair in a dream means you need to show leniency towards others. Perhaps you lack gentleness and good nature, which really turns people off.

    Dying your hair in a dream

    If you change your usual color, you have to make a life decision on which something important will depend.

    If you dreamed about having your hair dyed forcibly, you are being treated extremely unfairly, and you feel deeply offended because of this.

    To braid hair

    This is a very good sign. If you interpret this dream literally, you will make and strengthen new connections, surround yourself with acquaintances who can become close friends. If you are expecting a transfer to another job, you don’t have to worry about how you will be received new team You will quickly get used to it and will not feel out of place at all.

    Wash hair

    Washing your hair in a dream means that you are highly respected and have an impeccable reputation both at work and among friends. You are clean in every sense of the word and cannot stand immorality.

    Preparing to wash your hair in a dream and seeing soap or shampoo at the same time means you are tired of gray everyday life and want to bring bright colors into your life. Perhaps you should change your surroundings and clear your thoughts.

    Dreaming of washing your hair in a bathhouse predicts a serious illness.

    Why do you dream about hair color?

    Very often people dream not only about the condition of their hair or any actions performed with it. Many people are concerned and even frightened by the plot in which the hair changes its color.

    Grey hair

    Dreaming of gray hair indicates fear of death. Gray hair prophesies troubles and worries. However, if you see your gray-haired reflection in the mirror, this means that you will come to harmony and mental balance. Calmness will help you achieve what you want.

    Seeing a familiar person turning gray in a dream means that unexpected and global changes will soon occur in his life.

    If in a dream you found just one gray hair in your head, perhaps a happy addition awaits you.

    Black hair

    You can only talk about whether such a dream has a bad or good meaning based on what color your hair actually is. If this is a natural shade, then there is nothing to fear. If on the contrary, then black hair in a dream has meaning and warns of serious deception, fraudulent actions aimed at you, illness or even death.

    White hair in a dream

    This dream suggests that some circumstances will turn out very well for you. It also indicates a pleasant and interesting journey, meeting someone, new discoveries. Perhaps an unexpected meeting with a good old friend awaits you.

    Red hair

    If you dreamed that your life partner became a redhead, your love relationship is under threat and will undergo a serious transformation.

    Blonde hair

    Blonde hair in a dream symbolizes friendship. Your relationships with the people around you are simply wonderful, you are respected, valued and taken into account. Perhaps you will learn news that can reassure you.

    Dark hair

    If you dreamed of dark hair, then you are obsessed with something or you have a lack love passion. You probably really lack sensual sensations and romantic emotions.

    You need to be extremely careful with others, and if you doubt someone’s sincerity, this is quite justified, so you should reconsider your interaction with this unreliable person.

    Dreamed of red hair

    This is a wonderful dream that suggests that the negative streak has finally ended and a new era is dawning. Now luck and luck will follow you relentlessly and any undertaking will be a success. This is a great time to fulfill your most cherished dream and turn all your plans into reality.

    Different hair color

    It’s very good to see yourself in a new image in a dream. You have chosen the right direction and will be able to achieve your plans. If the change in hair color caused negative emotions or even fear, and the shade was bright and saturated, this is a signal of some kind of disease, so it is better to get examined by a doctor as soon as possible.

    Why do you dream of insects in your hair?

    Most dream books characterize such a plot as life's adversities and problems that overcome a person from all sides. Troubles, illnesses, anxieties, fear - this is what a dream about insects in hair can mean.

    Miller's Dream Book - hair

    For a man, thinning hair means loss of money due to senseless waste and short-sightedness.
    Golden hair is the wisdom and courage of a life partner.
    Beautifully styled hair on your head is a wonderful coincidence.
    Hair dark and light color together - doubts, worries about future events.
    Tangled or unkempt hair is a problem.
    Gray-haired people around - the appearance of a respectable, influential rival, the fight for your love.
    Stroking someone's hair is permission difficult questions, meeting with a sage, a helper.
    Flowers in hair are troubles that can throw you off track and interfere with your plans.

    Hair - Vanga's Dream Book

    In a dream, hair is cut - in real life the dreamer will get confused and commit rash actions, for which he will then reproach himself.
    Long hair - spiritual growth, insight, personal changes.
    Braiding a braid is a long journey that will open new truths for a person. Perhaps the dreamer will learn some mysteries and gain faith in God.
    Tangled hair - a person has chosen the wrong path for himself and follows it without turning.
    We need to overcome pride and listen to important tips close people, only in this way can you find the right path.

    Freud's Dream Book - hair in a dream

    A man combs his hair - he dreams of meeting new women and erotic pleasures.
    The girl scratches her curls - she feels regret because she missed many good opportunities.
    Long hair means self-doubt and excessive shyness, which sometimes gets in the way.
    Short hair is the opposite meaning.
    Strange original hairstyle- a symbol of internal complexes and fear of being misunderstood.

    Medieval dream book about hair

    To be gray means money, profit.
    Pulling out your hair means losing something.
    Seeing yourself covered with vegetation means increasing wealth.
    Your own regrown hair means power, wisdom.
    A long-haired woman is a bad temptation that will lead to losses.

    Noble dream book - dreamed about hair

    Hiding your face in your long hair is ashamed of yourself.
    Getting your hair tangled in tree branches or thorny bushes means confusion in relationships with others or with your chosen one.
    Hair standing on end - being involved in occult sciences, dealing with magic.
    Tangled hair is a shame and reproach.
    Neatly smoothed hairstyle - a good relationship with people, mutual understanding.
    Khokholok - go on the road.
    Sparse brittle bad hair - inactivity, poverty, loss, illness.
    Shaving your head means getting involved in an adventure.
    To be bald means to be afraid of reality, to be inactive, to receive an inheritance or, conversely, to lose money.
    Cutting your hair means learning about deception, infidelity, fraud.
    Cutting your hair means slander, gossip, intrigues behind your back, sadness, sadness, bad news.
    Cutting someone's hair is happiness, good luck.
    A woman's hair is cut off - a disease for children.
    A lot of cut strands is a black streak in life.
    Curls - meeting with a good man, happy event.
    Braiding a braid means changes, difficulties.
    Combing your hair means coming out victorious from a difficult situation, freeing yourself from shackles, purifying your thoughts, having a sober look at things.
    Pulling out your hair means losing something valuable.
    Scratching your head means being held in high esteem.
    Oiling your hair means ambition, recognition.
    Gray hair at the temples - honors.
    Looking for gray hair in front of the mirror means finding peace of mind and joy.
    Stroking a young girl’s hair means hoping for a miracle, dreaming of pleasure.
    Stroking an old woman’s hair means leaving for a long time in foreign places.

    French dream book - hair

    Black curly hair - sadness and failure.
    Well-combed hair means friendship, the end of a series of bad events.
    Tangled hair that you can’t comb is anxiety, trouble, a huge waste of energy.
    Unusually long hair - increase in finances, respect from others.
    Grey hair- useless waste.
    A bald woman means illness, poverty, ruin.
    A bald man is the opposite meaning.
    A body completely covered with hair means cowardice, inability to stand up for oneself, unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s life and actions.
    A comb breaks in your hair - problems, frustration of plans.

    Why does someone, someone’s hair dream?

    • Why does a woman dream about hair? This question is very difficult to answer, because everything depends on the details of the dream itself. We can only say that for a woman, hair represents everything that surrounds her in real life, her motives and desires.
    • A man dreamed of hair. To a young man a dream about hair can tell about his masculine strength, wisdom and honor. It is very important what emotions the hair evoked and what appearance it had.
    • Why do bald people dream of hair? If a bald man in a dream saw himself again with hair on his head, this may indicate that he will soon acquire something valuable. These can be material or spiritual benefits. Another meaning of the dream is regret about something lost in the past.
    • Why do you dream about a child's hair? A woman who has a very strong energetic connection to her child dreams of her own child’s hair. This is a fateful sign, which indicates that the mother is a guardian angel for her baby, who protects him and protects him from harm.
    • Why do you dream about your wife's hair? Such a dream reveals the husband’s fears for his wife’s fidelity, as well as his fear of scandals. Perhaps this man is now going through a difficult period in family relationships.
    • Why do you dream about your husband’s hair? A woman sees her husband’s hair in a dream, striving to show as much care and affection towards him as possible. This dream indicates concern about the affairs and health of your spouse.
    • Why do you dream about another person’s hair? This dream can be explained by the person trying too hard to be involved in someone else's life and sometimes becoming very intrusive. You need to live your life exclusively, and not sacrifice yourself, especially if no one asks for it.
    • Why do you dream about the hair of a dead person? The hair of a deceased person prophesies enormous difficulties and hardships to the dreamer. Solving problems can take a lot of effort and time. It can also represent apprehensions, fears and oppressive expectations.
    • Why do you dream about a tuft of hair? This disturbing dream speaks of troubles in all areas of life and procrastination, which does not allow you to implement your plans as quickly as you would like. It can also warn that a person will find himself in a difficult situation and it will not be easy for him to get out of it.
    • Why do you dream of lost hair? Hair loss in a dream is a sign of severe depression and mental burnout. Your energy potential very weakened, this can ultimately lead to a terrible illness.
      If we consider another more favorable meaning of the dream, we can say that you are parting with something completely unnecessary.
    • Why do you dream about a strand of hair? Curls can represent love feelings and fantasies. Cutting your lock of hair in a dream means being faithful to your loved one. Seeing your strands in a dream means satisfying pride, gaining recognition and taking advantage of a good chance.
    • Why do you dream of thick hair? Thick hair is a sign of strength, power, and strong-willed character. All these qualities will help a person decide difficult situations. This dream also promises real boundless happiness.
    • Why do you dream beautiful hair? In a dream, as in life, beautiful hair is a mirror of health, so if you have such a dream, you don’t have to worry, no problems will affect you in the near future. Now there is a favorable period in your life, you need to appreciate this time!
    • Why do you dream about a bun of hair? A disheveled bun of hair is not a good symbol. Perhaps you will experience delays in business and disruption of important plans. Be prepared for the financial losses that await you soon.
    • Why do you dream about wet hair? A very strange dream about wet hair has several meanings. If your hair is wet from washing, then you will easily achieve your goal. If your hair gets wet in the rain, all the good events that happen to you are a sign that fate itself is leading you forward. Be prepared, you may soon fall passionately in love.
    • Why do you dream about dirty hair? Such a dream may occur to a person who is wasting his money in vain. vital energy and time for things that don't really benefit him. Best advice V in this case- reconsider your life and find application for your talents and abilities.
    • Why do you dream of burning hair? Such a dream about hair should not cause you any worries or fears, because nothing bad will happen to you; on the contrary, it promises unexpected profits, as well as success in the professional field.

    Why else do you dream about hair?

    Hair in food is a very unusual and unpleasant dream, which clearly indicates that a person is too tired of routine and everyday life, and sincerely wants to change something in his life. You shouldn’t wait for better times, you need to start changing tomorrow.

    Hair accessories (elastic band, hoop, hairpin, clip). These objects are dreamed of for a reason. People around you consider you to be too secretive a person, a person who does not want to reveal his secrets to others. You should also be on your guard, because ill-wishers are gossiping about you behind your back. The rumors that these people spread about you can even somewhat damage your reputation. Be careful, exercise restraint and keep your mouth shut.

    Pulling a person by the hair in a dream means being afraid and worrying too much about your loved one. All these groundless worries can lead to serious disputes and even scandals, so be reasonable and do not quibble over small things.

    Dandruff in hair. This dream foreshadows worries and some troubles, which may even be very pleasant. Most likely, you will be able to find positive aspects for yourself in this, and besides, after the difficulties you have endured, you will definitely receive a reward. The second version of such a dream speaks of enormous fatigue from Everyday life and communicating with many people. You want to hide from the whole world and be alone with yourself. Make this wish come true! You just need it!

    Long hair in a person’s life symbolizes excellent health, happy life. It is known that hair is the first to react to various stresses and troubles, so seeing long hair in your dream is a positive sign that everything is going well in your life. Long hair is interpreted differently by different dream books. Some say that hair is the path of life, others believe that curls symbolize the road.

    In any case, if you see healthy and shiny strands in a dream, then this good sign. Everything you have in mind will come true, there will be no obstacles on the way to achieving your goals. But all good omens relate only to the dreams that the girl had. If a man suddenly saw in his dream long hair or a girl with luxurious locks, then he should beware of deception on the part of the fair sex.

    It often happens that a girl dreams that she has long hair, but in reality she has short haircut. Don't worry, it's sure sign ambulance financial assistance and raises.

    Women's dream book: long shiny hair in a dream

    Combing long and thick hair is a sign of frivolous actions. If your hair falls out, then you will soon repent of your mistakes and regret what you have done.

    If you saw long hair in a dream, admired it and stroked it, then this is a strong sign of changes with positive dynamics on the personal front.

    Long hair in a beautiful high hairstyle in a dream symbolize the successful course of affairs. Soft and delicate, but very long hair that fluffs up in a dream is a sign of a happy and kind life. Such a dream is rare; if you had it, you should not tell anyone about it.

    Long but gray hair in a dream warns us that in real life we ​​should expect unpleasant news.

    Long hair - dream book, interpretation from gypsies

    If the hair in a dream is waist-length, beautiful and curly, then this is a good sign, a harbinger of an imminent trip or trip, but not for business, but for relaxation, that is, the trip will be of an entertaining nature.

    Combed long hair in a dream means that in reality you have a friend whom you can trust, he will not let you down. If your hair is not combed, with split ends, then you cannot avoid a quarrel with a close friend, maybe you will even quarrel with him forever.

    For a man to have long hair in a dream means to be cowardly in life or to be deceived, to be timid when communicating with the female sex.

    Seeing in a dream that long hairs fall out of your head, hair falling out one by one in a dream is bad. Expect financial losses and failures associated with exhaustion.

    Grey hair long length mean impending illness.

    Seeing long hair in a dream - Aesop's dream book

    Long, beautiful hair falling from the shoulders is a strong symbol that cannot be ignored if you saw it in a dream.

    If you dreamed about straight hair, it means good news. Curly hair and wavy strands do not bring anything good and are interpreted by the writer as a violent manifestation of energy.

    If in a dream a girl came with her hair growing and this can be seen with the naked eye, then, unfortunately, the dreams and goals that you have planned for yourself cannot come true. Perhaps you should dream of something more affordable.

    It’s not for nothing that the little girl who gets her hair braided came into your dream. This is a symbol of your care for children; most likely, at this stage of life, you are making long-term plans.

    If you dreamed of long hair: dream book of psychologist Meneghetti

    Beautiful and long hair symbolizes greatness, grace and attractiveness. But if in a dream you see dirty hair, dandruff or lice, then you should get rid of negative thoughts and let stagnant energy come out. The psychologist also called such dreams a sign of empty eroticism.

    Losing long hair in a dream is a sure sign that your health is gradually leaving you.

    I dreamed of long hair on my head: Tsvetkov’s dream book

    Tsvetkov interprets long hair as a long journey; if it is gray, then troubles will arise during the journey; if it turns gray right before your eyes, then the dream will not come true soon. An itchy head because the hair is growing means changes in life. Tsvetkova’s dream book interprets the loss of long hairs as the loss of friends.

    Why do you dream about long hair on yourself: Miller’s dream book

    Long hair on the body and head is a sign that the one who was offended by you before will be able to find strength and forgive you. A hairy body, long hair under the arms and in the groin, which a woman sees in her dream, became a sign that she would lead an inappropriate lifestyle.

    Golden hair– your loved one will be able to protect your honor and dignity. Red hair means changes in your personal life. Brown hair - there will be changes in your career.

    Flowers in long hair are a sign of upcoming troubles, but the dreamer will be able to bear them calmly. If a boy or girl sees their parents with long hair, this is a sign for long years and have a happy life.

    Long hair in a dream: video dream book

    Dream theme: ,

    Hair appears in dreams as a sign for a person that he needs to rethink his concepts and views, and also determine whether he is moving in the right direction in life. Beautiful thick hair is a symbol of the dreamer’s wisdom, intelligence and strength. Why men and women dream about hair is described below.

    Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about hair?

    In Miller’s dream book, hair demonstrates the sleeper’s attitude towards his life. If a girl carefully combs her tangled mop of hair, it means she is too frivolous and frivolous. The young lady was used to doing everything very quickly, without having time to think about her actions and decisions. Because of this, troubles often arise in a girl’s life. If a man sees himself completely overgrown with hair, there is no need to be afraid of such a plot. It only suggests that the person who is offended by the dreamer will stop being angry. There will be a chance to make peace. The sleeper himself will need to take the first step.

    Vanga considers hair a very important symbol. If in a dream a person (regardless of gender) braids his hair, in reality a long journey awaits him, which can radically change his life. For example, lead to a change of religion. The sleeper will return home renewed and a completely different person. Lumps of dirt in tangled hair- a hint that the dreamer is making the wrong decision, which is leading him down the wrong path in life.

    In Freud's dream book, hair symbolizes sexual desire of people. If a man or girl combs them, it means that the person has unrealized erotic fantasies. This is precisely what prevents him from fully enjoying intimate caresses. Very long hair indicates the sleeper’s complexes and his constant fear of not satisfying his partner. Typically, such stories are seen by men who are unsure of their sexual attractiveness.

    Cutting, dyeing, washing, styling hair in a dream

    Did a stranger start cutting the hair of a sleeping man? This is a negative sign. Someone outside will lead him astray from the right path in life. Having left the road, the dreamer will wander for a long time in confusion, having lost his previous goal. We will have to work hard to correct the situation. You may even have to seek help from a psychologist. Does the hairdresser cut some length? This is a prediction of minor unpleasant troubles in reality.

    If a sleeper cuts someone's hair, it means that his words or actions will create conflict situation between relatives. Did you have to cut your other half's hair? Her behavior will cause dissatisfaction in the dreamer.

    It happens that a sleeping person dreams of dyeing his hair.

    The exact interpretation of such a plot depends on the color of the paint:

    • Golden suggests that a person is in complete control of his life and regulates both good and bad events.
    • Green indicates that the dreamer very much hopes for the help of other people. Hopes may not be justified.
    • Blue promises entertainment and joy in reality.
    • Ginger warns of troubles in love. Possibly about treason.
    • Light- a sign of good changes in reality. They can touch any area of ​​life.
    • Black symbolizes the complete collapse of any recently started business.

    1. Hair- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
    To scratch - a good income to cut - a death in the family to see how they grow - prudence in business falling out - loss of property to sell - misfortune red - falsehood white - peace of mind combed - affection on the chest - health disheveled - family troubles beautiful black - you love to weave - you you start a relationship paint - emptiness and delusion are long - they respect you and love to scratch others - constantly bother someone on the hand - think about the future scorch - avoid troubles loose - anxiety to wash - anxiety light - complaisance and kindness
    2. Hair- (Modern dream book)
    If a woman dreams that she is combing her beautiful hair, then she is too frivolous about her personal life and will not achieve what she wants by denying obvious things. If a man dreams that his hair is thinning, then in real life he will become poor because of his generosity, and mental unrest can lead him to illness. Seeing your hair turning gray in a dream is a sign of death or illness in the family of a relative or friend. Seeing yourself excessively hairy in a dream means indulging in vices to such an extent that society will turn away from you. If a woman has such a dream, then she will strive to live for her own pleasure, regardless of the moral principles of society. If a man dreams that he has black curly hair, then he will deceive people using his charm. Most likely, these will be women who trust him. If a woman has such a dream, then she may become a victim of temptation. Seeing a golden-haired woman in a dream means that you will become a brave, gallant lover. To dream that your beloved has red hair means that your beloved woman will accuse you of infidelity. Red hair color usually indicates instability. Seeing brown hair in a dream is a sign of a bad career choice. Well-groomed, neatly combed hair is a harbinger of good luck awaiting you. Seeing yourself with a very short haircut in a dream means that you will be generous to the point of extravagance towards your friends. Having seen such a dream, be more thrifty. Seeing soft and lush hair means happiness and prosperity. If a woman compares hair of different colors that appeared on her head in a dream, then she will probably hesitate before the choice that fate offers her, and if she is not careful enough, then instead of a happy life she will doom herself to losses and misfortunes . Seeing tangled, uncombed hair in a dream means that life will become a heavy burden for you. Things will go wrong, and the marriage will turn into a heavy yoke. If a woman fails to comb her hair in a dream, then she will lose the respect of men due to unnecessary whims. If a girl sees women with gray hair in a dream, then such a dream predicts the appearance of rivals or the cooling of her lover towards her. If you dream that you are getting your hair cut, then this is a sign of serious disappointment. If a woman dreams that her hair is falling out, then she will have to earn a living herself, since fate will turn away from her. If you dreamed that your hair was snowy white, then you will be grateful to fate for a happy life. For a man to dream that he is caressing women's hair, says that he will rejoice in the love and trust of a worthy woman who will believe him, despite universal condemnation. A dream in which you see flowers in your hair predicts the approach of misfortunes, which later, upon closer examination, will turn out to be less terrible than you expected. If in a dream a strand of hair turns gray and falls out, then this is a sign of trouble and disappointment. The disease will leave a mark of despondency on your rosy expectations. See in a dream, young face framed by gray hair - predicts an unexpected disaster and great grief. For a young woman, such a dream means the loss of her lover due to illness or accident. This will probably happen partly through her fault. She should be more careful with her friends.
    3. Hair- (Miller's Dream Book)
    If a woman combs her magnificent hair in a dream, this promises her frivolity in her actions, which she will later repent of. For a man who sees his thinning hair in a dream, in reality unjustified generosity will lead to failure and poverty. Your own hair turning gray is a sad sign. Seeing yourself covered with hair promises you forgiveness and mercy. If a woman sees such a dream, she will shift all her attention to her person and, perhaps, begin to indulge her whims to the detriment of morality. If you dream that you have black curly hair, then this promises you a seductive love trap. Golden hair is a sign of the dignity and courage of your chosen one. Seeing your beloved as a redhead portends changes in your relationship. Brown hair portends professional failures for its owner. Pretty haircut in a dream - a sign of a successful turn in your affairs, but if your hair is cut too short - this is a warning: not to be wasteful in order to avoid misfortunes. Lush hairstyle for fluffy ones soft hair- to boundless happiness. If a woman sees on her head both dark and blonde hair- this means great doubts about the upcoming choice and the need to be careful. Tangled, unkempt hair is a sign of failure. Seeing gray-haired people in a dream is also a sign of unpleasant changes; for lovers, this means the appearance of rivals. Also unfavorable is a dream about hair loss. At the same time, hair white as snow promises its owners comforting news, trips and meetings. Stroking someone's hair in a dream means a good turn in your affairs of the heart, towards a worthy lover. Flowers in your hair are a sign of approaching troubles, which, however, will not unbalance you or frighten you. If a woman sees that her entire hairstyle is covered with white flowers, in reality she needs to strengthen her will and prepare her spirit for various difficult trials, which, however, will not last long. The gray hair and youthful face of the dreamer promise him trouble, losses and illnesses are possible if he is not careful.
    4. Hair- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
    Long - long road; gray - troubles; scratching - a change in life or loss; fall out - loss of a friend; braid - anxiety, worries; cutting your hair - to treason, betrayal; curling is deception. Also see Beard, Curls, Braid (hairstyle), Haircut.
    5. Hair- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
    The hair itself in a dream is a symbol of hair on the genitals, most often female, but all the actions that are associated with it: cutting, washing or putting hair in a hairstyle are a symbol of sexual intercourse. Long hair symbolizes your lack of self-confidence during sexual encounters. On the contrary, short-cropped hair or a shaved head symbolizes your self-confidence. A complex or elaborate hairstyle symbolizes your inferiority complex and failure in the sexual sphere. If a woman combs her hair, then she regrets missed opportunities. If a man combs his hair, then he is preparing for a new sexual contact.
    6. Hair- (Esoteric dream book)
    Long - to the illness of the one whose hair. Combing and combing your hair means the person whose hair is healing. Gray hair - to grief, loss of loved ones; if you care for strangers, you will have to care for the sick. Wash - everything will work out. Cutting off means quarreling forever.

    Combing your magnificent hair in a dream is a sign of frivolity. Perhaps in the coming days you will take a rash action that you will regret. Baldness or hair loss indicates excessive wastefulness - the dream warns that you need to think about saving. Gray hair is a bad sign, foreshadowing trouble; golden curls are evidence of the fidelity of your chosen one; a beautiful, fluffy hairstyle promises pleasant turns of fate - fortune is clearly favorable to you. Flowers decorating the hairstyle symbolize an obstacle course; to overcome it you must use all your strength, will and perseverance.

    Why do you dream about hair - according to Vanga’s dream book

    Hair in dreams symbolizes spiritual harmony and peace. A short haircut or the process of cutting your hair portends a loss of direction in public space, perhaps you will go astray from the true path. Long curls– a symbol of spiritual growth, tangled hair indicates that it’s time for you to learn to trust people. Braiding a braid in a dream is a sign of the future long journey, sweeping the cut hairs means seeing the light, learning the secret, the truth.

    Why do you dream about hair - according to Freud's dream book

    All manipulations with hair in a dream are in one way or another connected with the genitals or sex life person. Long curls indicate an insecure nature; a short haircut or lack of hair, on the contrary, indicates a lack of complexes and complete liberation in the sexual sphere. An elaborate hairstyle indicates an inferiority complex; combing your hair means regretting missed opportunities.

    Why do you dream about hair - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

    In general, dreaming of hair is a good omen, but if it is tangled or has an unhealthy, faded appearance, then expect failures and quarrels. Neatly combed is a symbol of true friendship, long hair is a sign of profit. Increased body hair indicates good health, material well-being. Breaking a comb in a dream while combing means trouble. Hair loss can predict imminent financial loss - be careful, you may be robbed.

    Why do you dream about hair - according to Loff’s dream book

    Seeing gray hair on your head is a sign of wisdom and prudence. Long hair is evidence of impending health problems; styling, combing promises speedy recovery; a dream in which you take care of your hair signals that you are not paying enough attention to your family and are too fixated on yourself or work. Trimming your gorgeous hair and at the same time experiencing an unpleasant aftertaste means a serious quarrel.

    Why do you dream about hair - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    - Long, flowing hair - a quick trip, a long journey;
    - Gray hair - troubles;
    - Combing - changes in life, possibly loss of things;
    — Losing hair means betrayal, betrayal, loss of a friend;
    - Braiding a braid - overcoming obstacles;
    — Seeing curlers on yourself is a sign of deception.

    Why do you dream about hair - according to Hasse’s dream book

    In a dream, hair loss indicates an imminent loss of property, cutting your hair means hearing about death, braiding strands - you will start a new relationship, don’t miss your chance. Loose hair fluttering in the wind is a sign of carelessness, be careful, you should not let everyone in on your affairs - there is a possibility that your imaginary friend will try to use you for his own personal interests.

    Why do you dream about hair - according to Meneghetti's dream book

    Why do you dream about hair - according to Longo’s dream book

    Thick, healthy, shining hair in a dream in any variation is a good sign, while tangled hair means suffering and troubles; if you try to unravel them, but cannot do this, you will face litigation, long, painstaking work, or conflicts with your superiors. Cutting your hair means possible dismissal in the near future, try not to anger your boss and fulfill your duties conscientiously. Picking your hair means a quarrel with colleagues.

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