• Is the guy right for you? How to find out if this is your man


    You always feel in your heart that you have found your man © flickr.com

    When starting a new relationship, we always think about whether this is what we were really looking for. We try to evaluate our new lover, weigh the pros and cons in order to understand whether it is worth continuing to develop this relationship.

    Understanding what we are really looking for is difficult. Sometimes we want a strong and confident man, and the next day we just want to be alone. Due to the fact that you still haven’t formed a certain type of loved one in your head, you can’t understand yourself and understand what kind of man you need.

    But then a young man appears next to you who completely suits you. How can you tell if this is the one you were looking for? We decided to collect the main reasons that can definitely answer the question: “Is he right for me?”

    1. There are no understatements in your conversation. When you are close to this person, you drop all masks. You find the strength to tell about your most secret things. You're lining up trusting relationship. When you are honest in a relationship, it means only one thing - it has a future. Because even if you have problems, you can talk about it honestly and resolve the issue accurately.

    2. You really evaluate all the shortcomings. There are no absolutely perfect people. And if you take off your rose-colored glasses and notice the flaws, there will be nothing wrong with that. Sooner or later you will come across his behavior, and you will definitely not like something. But if you are ready to put up with his shortcomings and accept him for who he is, then this is definitely your man.

    3. A man is ready to put up with your “cockroaches”. But you shouldn’t also forget that you also have your own “cockroaches”. If a man, just like you, is ready to compromise and give in on something, then you can certainly be sure that he is the one you need.

    4. Even at the most difficult periods relationship, you still forgive the man. He may be a million times wrong, but you will still forgive him. Why is this happening? Yes, simply because you love him. Only for yourself to a loved one we can forgive everything.

    5. You have common topics of conversation. As is known from folk wisdom“They greet you by their clothes, but they see you off by their intelligence.” Even if you liked each other through visual contact, you must have common topics of conversation. Study, work, one hobby for two or memories from a joint trip. If all this is there, then he is your man.

    6. You feel happy. Perhaps the most important factor, which allows you to determine whether this is your man - it’s you. If you glow with happiness and feel comfortable next to this person, then this relationship is really worth working on.

    In fact, you can understand whether a man is right for you or not only with the passage of time. As you go through certain stages in a relationship, you get closer to full awareness of your man. You know all the shortcomings, the weight of his character. Therefore, when asked about the advisability of continuing the relationship, you will find out over time.

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    Natalya Kaptsova

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    A A

    A huge number of girls dream of finding their “prince” and building a prosperous family life. However, everything does not always work out well, since the girl is not sure that the guy is right for her. There are certain ways to test compatibility with your partner. If at least half of the signs from our list can be seen in your relationship, then you can be sure that you are an ideal couple.

    • Synchronization of movements
      Try an experiment. Reach for a drink, straighten your hair, scratch your wrist. You thus provoke your partner to repeat your movements. If a person is very attractive to another person, then he will be completely or partially repeat his movements. If you notice that your boyfriend actually repeats some of your actions, then rest assured that the relationship can last a long time.
    • Relatives
      Acquaintances and friends say that You are very similar, and the parents are trying to find out if they also had a son? Then we can say for sure that you are suitable for each other. Nature itself seems to hint that you are an ideal couple. On a subconscious level, people choose as partners those in whom they see familiar traits, as this means that the offspring will be healthy.
    • We
      This pronoun is very important in the relationship between a man and a woman. If you communicate with family, acquaintances or friends, you use “we”, “we”, etc.., then this may indicate that you have enough strong relationships and such a union may end in marriage.
    • Voice change
      If you notice that your voice young man changes when he talks to you, you can be sure that you suit each other. A person seems to adjust his voice to his partner. The guy tries to make his voice softer and higher, and all the rudeness disappears. It seems as if your partner even has a gentle voice. This indicates his sympathy for you.
    • Same speech
      Have you often met people who use the same figures of speech as you? If your boyfriend is one of these people, then you can be sure that your union will be sufficient long. It is also worth noting that if a person likes you, he soon begins to unconsciously repeat your words and phrases.
    • "Yawn with me"
      As practice shows, people in couples are very feel each other subtly. If you yawn and your boyfriend does not yawn after you, then there is a very high probability that there is nothing serious between you. If your partner yawned with you, then you can safely conclude that there is a close connection between you.
    • Same tastes
      And now we won’t talk about the love of cheese sandwiches or cocoa on a winter evening. It's about what you I like the same people character traits, their appearance. Very often you start talking about the same person who passed by. He interested you in the same way that you became interested in each other. This indicates your compatibility with the guy.
    • Guess by fingers
      Pay attention to your partner's hands. If he has short fingers, then you can know for sure that such a person tends to finish his business as quickly as possible, and is not very patient. If your partner long fingers, then you should know that he is more patient and is able to do work for a long time, which has a large number of details.
    • Gait
      If you think that your man has lost interest in you and that he is not suitable for you, then invite him for a walk. If a person is comfortable with you and is really in love with you, then he will not be in a hurry. He will try to stretch out the moments of happiness with his loved one, and his gait will be quite slow. If a young man goes with a girl who is indifferent to him, then, most likely, he will constantly rush somewhere and slightly overtake his companion.
    • Last step
      If you look at your boyfriend, you will immediately understand whether he is right for you or not. Look at his face. You can tell a lot about a person by facial features. For example, the sharpness of facial features, acuity - always indicate about difficult character, stubbornness and even some malice.

    If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, share with us! It is very important for us to know your opinion!

    The beginning of a new relationship can drive both sexes into panic. But if young people are relatively calm about such romantic changes in life, then girls often plunge into deep thought. It seems to them that the person they like will turn out to be not at all a prince on a white horse, and not even simple nice guy. They are tormented main question: “how do you know that a man is right for you?” There is no need to go into heavy thoughts once again, you just need to read this article and decide for yourself whether this is the right person, or is it worth searching a little more.

    Psychological ways to understand that a man is right for you

    Knowledge psychological aspects the difference between a man and a woman will give ease in relationships and the ability to “not bother”

    The similarity of the way of thinking of a man and a woman, some character traits of the chosen one and the girl’s attitude towards them - all this determines the psychological side of the issue of understanding a “suitable partner”. At the same time, to assess compatibility, you do not need to have special knowledge in the field of scientific psychology; it is enough to take a closer look at some of the details of his behavior and the girl’s reaction to them.

    Conversations together

    It happens that after meeting someone somewhere on the Internet, people agree to meet, but the man cannot say a word, does not carry on any conversation. At this moment, you should not draw conclusions; they will most likely turn out to be erroneous. If a person was cheerful in electronic correspondence, then sooner or later he will become the same in live communication. He's just shy, a little confused!

    People live in society, therefore, by a person’s ability to communicate, one can determine the degree of his socialization

    But if over time the situation does not change, and the conversation does not go well, then life with such a man will be difficult and boring, you need to run away from him. The reasons for this situation lie in:

    • lack of common interests;
    • a man's isolation;
    • a young man’s desire to hide something (this happens very rarely).

    If you really like a man, you should try to get him to straight Talk about the reasons ongoing care from the conversation, but it’s unlikely to lead to anything: it’s one thing if he’s simply embarrassed to talk, and another thing is the lack of common interests.


    Sometimes in the presence of a person, a woman feels completely safe, under the cover of protection and guardianship, surrounded by tenderness. That's what it is highest degree so-called comfort. This also includes a feeling of protection from himself. Yes, on first dates a timid girl may be afraid of a new man, which is quite rare, but if the feeling of anxiety does not go away for a long time (after 3-4 dates), then this man is definitely not suitable.

    If there is a strong feeling that something is going wrong at the beginning of living together, then it is better to leave

    The young man may not pose a real danger to the girl, she just doesn’t relax with him. A man can be 1000 times good, handsome and smart, but if there is such a flaw, then you can safely forget about a relationship with him, it will not lead to anything good. By the way, there is a direct connection here with general topics for the conversations mentioned above - if there are none, then there will be no comfort.

    A chance to spend time in silence

    Finding the ideal is a long and difficult process

    Okay, if we are talking about the “candy-bouquet” period, constant communication is not only inevitable, it will only be a joy for both! But with the onset of joint family life the situation is changing a little - in the evenings I want to sit in silence, and no one has yet canceled working at home. It is necessary to assess whether the man is able to maintain distance, that is, not to violate personal space for some time.

    If a young man constantly shows signs of attention, needs constant communication, and this stresses you out, forget about him. It’s not his fault, it’s just that your need for communication and attention does not coincide.


    Economic efficiency is a parameter by which a future partner should be assessed at the beginning of family life

    Another thing is helping a woman with her chores, for example, cooking, cleaning, washing. Refuses to help? No question, but let him earn enough to be enough for normal life, and to facilitate the performance of typically female functions, for example, in the form of buying a good dishwasher. If you can’t, then let him help. Sharing responsibilities is the right way for a successful couple. It is clear to say about typically female prerogatives in everyday life in modern world stupid. The one who has the time and skills does the cooking or cleaning. This path will greatly facilitate mutual understanding and allow the couple to spend more time with each other.

    We are talking specifically about the ability to save money, and not about outright greed. This implies proper budget allocation. This is especially noticeable if the man does not manage millions, or is even poor - he earns little, but lives well. This means that the young man is able to direct his money to the right direction, you can trust him. And the career prospects of such men are much more pleasant than those of spenders.

    The ability to save money and allocate a budget is an excellent quality for a potential partner

    It's important to remember - some guys try to show off on the first date. They take you to an expensive restaurant and give you an expensive bouquet. At the same time, money for the event was saved for about a week; after the end of the meeting, the man will remain “empty.” It is impossible to calculate this right away, but after two or three dates everything will fall into place. And here the main thing is not to make a mistake - it’s a show-off or a desire to do something nice. If the latter, then the person is most likely good, but not economical, and you need to run away from the first.


    Well, what is a relationship without intimacy? But it is important to understand the young man's intentions. From the first hours or even minutes of meeting you, does he start talking about sex or hinting at it? Then this is clearly not the case, although if a woman is not against such connections, then you can take a risk. But when aiming at serious relationship such a rush should be alarming. Probably, this man only needs a girl for sex, and it’s good, if not one-time. Another option is that the young man is simply preoccupied, this can even be dangerous!

    Own feelings, sympathy, skills - the selection criteria for most girls

    And here it is - the first romantic evening. There is only one criterion here - whether it is good with this person or not. Just by feeling. But you can’t do without emotional sympathy; if it’s not there, then you’ll hardly be able to get pleasure from the connection. But at first you can’t pay attention to a man’s skill in bed; perhaps he’s simply inexperienced. Difficulties with an erection on the first intimate date can also be forgiven; the man is worried, and this is even good - it means he is serious. But if this continues constantly, then problems may arise over time. Talk to the man, find out if this has happened before and make a decision. Treatment may be required, but most likely you will just need to get to know each other and get used to it.

    Astrological signs of compatibility

    Synastry is a kind of “science” that can determine the compatibility of a man and a woman based on the date of birth, zodiac sign and some other astrological indicators. It is simply impossible to talk about all the criteria in one article, but in general terms the information is quite clear.

    Compatibility of people according to the location of stars is a subjective sign, but many believe in it

    • Date of Birth. This indicator determines compatibility in terms of prospects for the development of relations. It's about the desire for change and a new start in life. If a woman, according to this astrological criterion, does not want intimacy, but craves frivolous connections, then the opposite man will not be able to do anything about it.
    • Zodiac sign. This is the most common and important criterion. It determines compatibility in communication, in everyday life, in bed, and even in joint recreation. It must be said that in the last few years, zodiac signs have ceased to play such a serious role in determining a person’s personality - modern living conditions force one to adapt to almost everything.

    It is not recommended to create compatibility horoscopes on your own. An inexperienced “user” can make a bunch of mistakes in the natal chart, which will invariably affect the correctness of decision-making when choosing a man.

    It is better to seek help from professional astrologers, of whom there are a lot now. There are a lot of scammers among them, so before you give money to a “stargazer”, read the reviews about his work. There are also online horoscopes that check the compatibility of a man and a woman. Their accuracy is minimal, and they require a lot of money. You should not draw conclusions based on such tests!

    Signs that destroy the future

    Above we discussed the main criteria that determine the compatibility of a man and a woman. But there are still a few additional signs that, although they hardly appear on early stage relationships may become a serious problem in the future.

    Each person has their own list of “compatibility” criteria - no need to sacrifice principles for the sake of passion

    1. The man loves to drink. If a potential chosen one cannot imagine relaxing without a glass of vodka or a glass of beer, then in the future there is a risk of developing alcoholism.
    2. The man is quick-tempered and easily goes into conflict. A balanced, calm partner solves all problems peacefully, using force only as a last resort, and never resorts to shouting. If now he is “dusty” due to minor conflicts, then with the beginning of family life, especially after the “crisis of six months,” he may begin to give up.
    3. The young man is trying to show his importance by constantly showing off. This is what he will do, instead of growing above himself and pushing his family forward. In addition, such an approach to life will quickly ruin the relationship of a potential soulmate with the girl’s relatives and friends.
    4. A man has no goal in life, no hobby. ANDThe woman will be extinguished throughout her entire life together with him. In addition, such men like to drink “because they have nothing to do”, this has already been mentioned above.
    5. The man doesn't like children. If the girl herself does not plan to give birth to a child, then there is nothing wrong with that; on the contrary, she will not constantly pester you with talk about the “heir”. IN otherwise the future will not work. Even if the baby is born, discord will only be a matter of time. However, after the birth of their first child, some men dramatically change their attitude towards children.

    You can come to terms with one of these signs, since over time it is possible to cope with such a deficiency. But if two or more are combined, then, unfortunately, it’s not worth starting a relationship.

    A girl should not take building a relationship and choosing the man of her dreams lightly. Least attention should be paid to astrological criteria; in some cases they simply do not work - “star” traits disappear under certain living conditions. But psychological aspects should become the basis of choice. If a woman is not comfortable with a man, he does not give her personal space and does not want to put up with the cockroaches in her head, then the best solution would be to look for another life partner!

    The next stage that I want to talk to you about in this article is the beginning of a relationship!

    By meeting and getting to know men, you gradually choose the one with whom you will seriously continue your relationship. At this final stage, you also have to take three important steps.

    The first step is to determine your type of man...
    and look at its opposite

    If you start to remember what type of man you like, attracts your attention, arouses sympathy, attracts you - often this type repeats the images of a previous relationship or the image of a father.

    Moreover, it happens that we have developed, say, a childish stereotype that a man is cold, distant, and we look for the same men, we like it when they are so cold and mysterious. But in fact, one is not drawn to him, but to an image that was emotionally ingrained in childhood, and it is completely unrelated to building family relationships, but is simply associated with a child’s image of a father or another man.

    You've probably noticed that you like about the same type of men. Think about what attracts you to this type? It often happens that this type does not have suitable qualities for a long-term relationship.

    Or he could be a very active and sexually attractive, energetic, lively man, and you like that he is so sociable and active. But this may also remind you of some image from school, when you liked this boy leader, but he did not pay attention to you, and you are still trying to complete this subconsciously.

    Therefore, specifically start to recognize and pay attention to the type of men who have not attracted you before. Don’t rush to say “no”, go a little further, get to know this man a little better.

    Let me give you an illustrative example. One of my clients said: “One guy invited me to a restaurant, I sat and talked with him, and I became so bored, I didn’t even know what to tell him, but he asked me, was interested, looked.

    And suddenly it dawned on me that at that moment I was thinking about a man who was not paying attention to me, but I wanted to turn him towards me and conquer him. But right now there is a man sitting opposite me who gives me attention, care, is interested in me, and treats me with great respect.

    And this is exactly what I need.”

    We sometimes unconsciously choose the type of men who repeat our old story, and we don’t see that there is a man in our environment who can give everything that is important to us. He just doesn't fit into the mold that we've been trying to conquer until now. Therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, it is important to begin to be interested in men of a different type. ?

    Step two: listen to the man

    Indeed, at the stage of dating and the beginning of a relationship, it is important to learn to be sincerely interested in men and listen to them in order to see a man, and not your own cliché. Because often we immediately form some templates, draw conclusions, but we cannot discern the living, real man behind these templates.

    It is at this stage that you will need sincere respect and vision of the merits in every man. Learn to recognize a man, ask questions, listen carefully. Be as interested and curious as possible.

    Really be surprised that such a unique person is in front of you, and let this interest be joyful and not like an exam, let it be learning something new. Behind every person there is a whole Universe; you can get to know a person endlessly.

    He, too, changes every day, and the men you begin to meet can reveal a completely different side in three days. The most important thing is to avoid templates and do not make sudden conclusions. Give yourself time to get to know a man, but don't get involved sexual relations until you get to know him more.

    Communicate more, avoid virtual communication. It happens that communication via the Internet or SMS takes a very long time - if this continues for too long, close this relationship or encourage the man to meet, and in a personal meeting on neutral territory, always in public place(in a cafe, on the street, but not at home).

    Get to know a man, question him, ask any questions, be sincerely interested, realizing that he is the whole Universe. He has gone through a whole life path, he has some understanding of life, some goal, he also wants something in a relationship.

    Be very careful about his inner world and at the same time curious. Show respect and interest, be attentive to him, but remember and accept that he has strengths and weaknesses.

    Sometimes you can take the initiative and invite him somewhere. This is great because you want to understand him more. If he asks: “Why do you need this?” – you can talk about it directly: “I’m interested in understanding you. I'm really interested in you as a man. I really want to understand what is important and interesting for you.”

    It’s really interesting to understand both a man and any other person.

    To be continued...

    Irina Petrova(www.irinapetrova.ru)

    Leading trainer of GRC-Relationship Centers. For more than 15 years she has been conducting trainings on creating personal relationships and leadership.

    Compatibility by date of birth will allow you to find out the future in a couple. Sometimes, especially in the initial stages of a relationship, it can be difficult to understand whether the right person is nearby, how future life will turn out, and what to expect in marriage. All these questions can be answered using simple calculations.

    First, take your date of birth and add up all the numbers that make it up. Bring the resulting number again by adding its components to a single digit. Example: 09.25.1979 = 2+5+0+9+1+9+7+9 = 35 = 3+5 = 7. The number 7 is the birth code in the example given. When you calculate your birth code, you need to use the same method to find out the birth number of your other half. As a result, you will get two numbers: his and yours. You can find out compatibility by date of birth using the transcript below. In the list of pairs of numbers, you will need to find the numbers of your pair and find out what is destined.

    1 and 1 - you are two leaders, one of you will have to give up the palm in the relationship, otherwise there will be constant conflicts in the couple.

    1 and 2 - your partner will fight for his dominant position in the couple. Give in to him - everything will be fine.

    1 and 3 - in this case, friendly compatibility is more successful than love compatibility.

    1 and 4 - the union is unsuccessful for love relationship, it is more suitable for business cooperation.

    1 and 5 - the relationship will be full of feelings and passion, but in the future you will live as if on a powder keg. Unstable connection.

    1 and 6 - successful love compatibility. There will be feelings, understanding, and trust.

    1 and 7 - almost 100% compatibility. You have common goals and views on life.

    1 and 8 - a completely harmonious union, but you should not demand more from each other than you can give.

    1 and 9 are a very successful pair. You are like kindred spirits.

    2 and 2 - the union is unsuccessful for love, only for friendship.

    2 and 3 - harmonious relationships. The union is very successful for marriage, establishing a common life and having children.

    2 and 4 - a good future awaits the couple if lovers learn to find compromises.

    2 and 5 - in this pair people are connected by sexual attraction and passion. This correlation of characters is not suitable for marriage and family.

    2 and 6 - stability, love, loyalty and mutual understanding. An ideal union.

    2 and 7 - friendship - yes, love - no.

    2 and 8 - a strong union in which both will stand strong for each other.

    2 and 9 - unsuccessful love compatibility. In this couple, only friendly communication is possible, nothing more.

    3 and 3 - “husband and wife are one Satan” - refers specifically to this couple. They are always together, they never get tired of each other's company. Over time they become very similar to each other.

    3 and 4 are opposite characters. Despite different views on life, people with such numerology will still be able to create a strong and happy union.

    3 and 5 - in this pair, lovers feel good together. They will strive for a common goal and walk hand in hand throughout their lives.

    3 and 6 - harmonious and happy couple. Compatibility in love is very successful.

    3 and 7 - poor compatibility. Both love to dream and fantasize, but when it comes to actions, no one wants to take responsibility.

    3 and 8 are a difficult pair. One will strive for freedom, while the other will demand submission and put pressure on his partner.

    3 and 9 - excellent compatibility! Common goals and principles can become the key to a strong and happy life.

    4 and 4 - stable relationships, but compatibility is not entirely successful. There will be a lack of feelings in this couple.

    4 and 5 - people in this pair are incompatible. One strives for constant movement and change, while the other wants stability and a measured life.

    4 and 6 - happiness and harmony in a couple are guaranteed.

    4 and 7 - compatibility is quite good, both will complement each other.

    4 and 8 - the union will be successful only if there is no struggle for leadership.

    4 and 9 - the first stage of the relationship is very difficult for this couple. But if the lovers survive it and stay together, a long and happy life awaits them.

    5 and 5 - unsuccessful compatibility. The relationship will not be long lasting.

    5 and 6 - union is quite possible, but in order to achieve harmony, effort will be required.

    5 and 7 - common interests unite this couple. Quite successful compatibility in love.

    5 and 8 - incompatibility in characters will not allow you to create strong relationships.

    5 and 9 - spiritually this couple is compatible, but as far as everyday life and living together are concerned, there is little chance.

    6 and 6 are too much similar friend people on each other. This will cause disagreements and quarrels.

    6 and 7 are a union of heart and mind. Compatibility is unlikely.

    6 and 8 - people in this pair have different life priorities. One values ​​everything material, while the other values ​​everything spiritual.

    6 and 9 - compatibility of such a pair is 50%. Everything will depend on their efforts and desire to be with each other.

    7 and 7 - in this union there will be a lack of frankness and trust in each other, but otherwise everything is fine.

    7 and 8 - a short-lived union. One thinks about career and money, the other about family and children.

    7 and 9 - this pair can only be destroyed by one thing - everyday life.

    8 and 8 - compatibility is quite successful, but problems still cannot be avoided.

    8 and 9 - an unsuccessful union. People in this couple will have different views on life and goals.

    9 and 9 are a perfect union. Happiness, harmony and love on long years secured.

    This love compatibility calculation will help you find out whether you are suitable for each other and how successful your union is. If the couple turns out to be incompatible, don’t despair either! The main thing is mutual love, support and respect. And everything else will come with time. And so that the feelings in your couple never fade away, click on or

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