• Congratulations on the start of school. Congratulations on the beginning of the school year


    A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

    Congratulations to students on September 1 from everyone

    There is not much time left until the last hot summer days end. Many of you will have to accompany your sons and daughters, grandchildren, and nephews to the school ceremony dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. It's time to slowly start preparing for the holiday. And it’s not just about dresses and bouquets. An important place is also given to speeches addressed to schoolchildren, which will be heard on this day at the assembly line, in the classroom or at home.

    In noble prose

    What could be simpler than congratulations in your own words? Try to bring back from the depths of your memory those enthusiastic feelings that you yourself experienced in your distant childhood at school and share them with others. Well, if the appropriate words do not want to form into a speech appropriate for the occasion, take one of the following examples into service.

    I am glad to welcome you guys on this wonderful autumn day! My congratulations are intended for both kids and high school students. School is the best place, where you will not only absorb a lot of new, useful and interesting things. Here our teachers will help you to know yourself, reveal all your talents, and realize your abilities. Studying will definitely be useful to you more than once. Never forget about this, even when it seems to you that this burden is unbearable and difficult.

    I see how worried and worried your parents are. This day is no less important for them than for each of you. So don’t let them down, study diligently so that they can rightfully be proud of being so educated and worthy people, how are you. My little friends! Let this holiday remain in your hearts forever, and let the memories of it warm you in difficult moments. May the angel protect you!

    I am happy to congratulate you, my young schoolboy, on the main holiday of all students - the first of September! This is the best day, because today there are no grades, no homework, no lessons. But you can once again rejoice in meeting your favorite teachers, meet your best classmates and gain positivity for the year ahead. I wish you to quickly master the new program and crack all the problems like nuts! Let your diary shine with brilliant grades, and let only praise be heard from your teachers.

    There is always a place for humor in life. If you like jokes, then you can resort to the help of such an ironic appeal.

    My school friend! Even though this day is rather sad for you (after all, the holidays are over), I will still congratulate you! Early morning rises, homework, rules and paragraphs... But look at it differently. You can skip classes, cheat on your homework, and make fun of the teacher. I don’t advise you to do any of this, but you can dream a lot! I hope my words will cheer you up and give you strength to wait for the next holidays.

    In encouraging verses

    Wishes expressed in poetic and literary form are most appropriate for the occasion and sound harmoniously both in a solemn atmosphere in front of the public and in the case of personal congratulations. It is not necessary to read a long ode; it will be enough to recite a few lyrical stanzas.

    Beautiful people gathered here,

    Naive and sweet.


    At our school party.

    From the bottom of my heart

    I want to congratulate you.

    Welcome soon

    To a wonderful first grade.

    We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday, the first of September!

    Let everything go well for you and the days don’t fly in vain.

    Let the A's multiply in everyone's diaries,

    And good luck and success accompanies everyone!”

    Today the call is quite unusual,

    You have moved to your last class.

    May every day be great for you,

    Make us happy with your accomplishments.

    May your graduation year be cool and bright,

    And the school will be remembered as a father’s home.

    And let it become a must-have gift

    First a certificate, and then a diploma.

    The bell rang and you were at your desk,

    Mature, rested, mischievous.

    We wish you, schoolboy, a great life,

    May you enjoy your studying time.

    We wish you to become the first in school.

    Success awaits you, so go for it!

    Be persistent, obedient and cheerful,

    And you only get “excellent” grades.

    Short and succinct SMS

    The SMS message format is very convenient for quickly and easily congratulating a schoolchild on the holiday. A couple of cheerful lines from a classmate will easily cheer you up, and a quatrain filled with care and warmth from relatives, for example, will support you before the upcoming school days.

    More A's, more interesting lessons,

    Cool teacher, true friends -

    I wish you a little bit of everything,

    And most importantly - happiness in your studies!

    Today is the holiday of bows and books,

    Briefcases, first call, flowers and light!

    Gnaw the granite of science, student!

    You are the best, we know that for sure!

    We congratulate schoolchildren on Knowledge Day,

    May any of your dreams come true.

    A lot of happiness and victories await you in life!

    Give us a vow to complete school successfully.

    Hello Friend! Rise and shine!

    One more year - and graduation!

    You, friend, are a student.

    A year flies by and so does the graduate.

    I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,

    Merry school days Wish!

    Congratulations from the teacher

    For a teacher or class teacher, September 1 is an excellent occasion to greet your students after a long holiday, and to give parting words to those who are crossing the school threshold for the first time. Congratulations on Knowledge Day are eagerly awaited by both junior and senior schoolchildren. So don’t miss the opportunity to once again establish invisible contact with children by heartily congratulating them on the start of the school season.

    Hello, our beloved students! How long have we not seen each other! Only 3 months of vacation have passed, but it seems like an eternity has passed. Congratulations on your start school year! I would like to wish our little students to join new school subjects with the same enthusiasm and interest. For children in grade 5 and older, I wish you only get straight A's and be patient in order to properly master the program. I wish the students of grades 11 and 9, who will soon leave us to enter either a university or vocational college, to devote all their efforts to preparing for exams in order to receive the coveted certificate and continue their studies in their favorite specialty. I would like to wish you strength, success in your studies, inspiration and diligence from our teaching staff. Happy Knowledge Day, guys!

    Our dear schoolchildren! Once again our large school family was brought together by Knowledge Day. Today we are celebrating, but starting tomorrow you will all have to get up early again, do homework, read books and cram homework. This is not easy work - both to learn yourself and to teach others. But we, teachers, try to put our souls into our favorite work. I am sure that thanks to the skills that you will acquire within the school walls, all roads will be wide open for you in the near future. Please accept our congratulations on the holiday of September 1, and may the melody of the first school bell always sound to you like a hymn to education!

    From beloved parents

    It is extremely important for all children to feel not only parental love, but also the pride for their descendants that overwhelms all mothers and fathers on this day. A heartfelt congratulation from relatives will help convey the whole gamut of feelings that overwhelm fathers’ and mothers’ hearts.

    Dear son! We adults remember with pleasure our school days, when the most difficult task was a test, and the biggest punishment was a call to the school principal. On Knowledge Day, we wish you to rush to school faster than the wind in order to quickly begin studying new subjects; love science and don’t forget, then one day you will grow up and all this experience will help you realize your dreams!

    On this day, schools, colleges and lyceums open their hospitable doors, and teachers look forward to passing on a wealth of new knowledge to their students. Let me hug you tightly, my beloved little schoolboy, and congratulate you on the holiday - the first of September. Study only with excellence and luck will definitely smile on you every day!

    Dear schoolchildren! I want to congratulate you on the holiday - both the 1st grade students, their older peers, and future graduates. September 1st has arrived again. I hope you have gained strength before studying and you will enjoy it throughout the coming school year. Don’t give up in the face of difficult tasks, respect your teachers and don’t forget that we, your parents, are always ready to lend our shoulders in Hard time. Let the days filled with lessons and homework fly by quickly, like birds! We wish you to grow up and become smarter, and please us, your family and friends.

    The school year begins with a bright celebration - the Day of Knowledge, filled with the beauty of the first autumn days of the golden season. We wish you, dear guys, that your mood will be just as bright and joyful! We, your parents, envy you a little, because in our hearts, each of us would like to sit at a desk again, listen to the words of the teacher, and play pranks with classmates at recess. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to spend this time interestingly and usefully! We congratulate you and wish you a smooth road on your way to the land of discoveries and accomplishments. Happy holiday!

    I hope I have made it at least a little easier for you in the difficult task of choosing congratulatory words for the children on the Day of Knowledge, and with their help you will definitely charge every student with positivity and inspire them to continue their studies throughout the year.

    And now I say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog, because there are many more interesting things waiting for you! Share posts with friends and on social networks. Good luck to everyone and see you soon!

    Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

    [in prose]

    On the first autumn day, nature pleases not only with golden leaves, but also with the first bell, because it is from this day that the fascinating, albeit long and sometimes difficult, road to the land of knowledge begins. A wonderful, amazing journey lies ahead for you too, so be patient. Gaining knowledge is only interesting when you really want it. I won’t wish you excellent grades, because the essence is not reflected in them, but in that. How well will you understand and remember what you are taught. The most difficult exams await you not in school, but in life, so just enjoy your studies during this carefree time!

    When summer gives way to autumn, we all celebrate a wonderful holiday - the Day of Knowledge. Since school, we have all become accustomed to the fact that this is a special day. And even as adults, we still celebrate it as one of the most important holidays of the year. Only today the whole country is watching festively dressed schoolchildren and students who have missed each other over the summer. And today I want to congratulate you on this wonderful Day. May September 1st bring you new hopes and dreams, help you gain new knowledge and successfully navigate another academic year. Let the ringing of school bells inspire you to new achievements.

    This day always bursts into life noisily, loudly, unexpectedly. Although everyone is always waiting for him. He is special: clear, like the autumn sky, kind, like the first teacher, and solemn, like any an important event In human life. Congratulations on September 1st! Starting school is actually starting life. New, mysterious, unknown. So let's write it together without any blots from scratch!
    Health to teachers, good luck to students and great patience to parents! Yes, you can't do without surprises. There will be a lot of them, and let them become pleasant, bright, and unforgettable for everyone! In the meantime, let the first September bell ring loudly! He calls not only to classes, but also to order, discipline, and attentiveness. Happy holiday everyone!

    Summer has flown by in one bright moment, today is already September, ahead are autumn, winter, spring, school... I would like to wish that the entire upcoming school year will not be a boring list of pages from a diary, but will be scattered towards each of us with a thousand bright moments: calls, lessons, change, school events, interesting communication… Let our common path to knowledge this year begin with the Day of Knowledge. And it will be interesting, fascinating, a little mysterious, and in some ways a little difficult, because through overcoming difficulties we prepare for life. And, as you know, life does not forgive mistakes. But the school helps to warn them.
    From September 1st! Let's learn to learn without mistakes!

    The first of September is the Day of Knowledge! It’s so good that there is such a day of the year. And this is not only children's party all students and professional holiday all teachers. I would like to wish that we all learn and develop throughout our lives, become better and wiser. After all, it is precisely in such a movement, in the spiritual and spiritual development, and that’s what life consists of. And development without knowledge is impossible. Therefore, I wish that every person could celebrate this holiday for themselves. Let the first of September annually mark your successes, according to which, like milestones, your life will go uphill. Let your achievements be celebrated, and on the second of September you will rush to new knowledge, to new heights that you will conquer again, so that on the Day of Knowledge in next year you could celebrate it with pride!

    Dear Guys! The hot summer has ended, and the coming autumn has already organized for you new meeting in the land of knowledge. On this day, which traditionally gathers everyone in the schoolyard, I want to congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year. May your efforts be crowned with excellent grades, and may the acquired skills and abilities be useful to you in life. I wish those who came to their last First Bell to realize their wildest dreams, and to the kids who crossed the school threshold for the first time - patience, perseverance and a thirst for learning. Let your teachers be pleased with you, and you, in turn, never cease to please them with your successes! Happy holiday to you! The Day of Knowledge!

    I congratulate you on September 1st, the holiday of all scientists and non-scientists, those who have ever studied and those who will study. Happy holiday to all schools and institutes, with new knowledge, and “repetition is the mother of learning” doesn’t hurt either! I congratulate you on the first day of autumn, and may it be golden for you, I wish you a poetic mood, be cheerful, cheerful and not depressed! I wish you to become an active participant in entertainment events, extravaganzas, various varieties and varied varieties! Be the highlight of the program, and let your heartbeat increase and your pulse quicken with the joy of victories in new competitions and Olympiads. This is good, because adrenaline helps you move on, be the first in everything and always!

    Spinning in the last dance, yellow Maple Leaf quietly sank to the ground. Autumn. And who said she's almost finishing the year? Autumn is the beginning. The beginning of new plans, new meetings, new knowledge. Temples of science hospitably opened their doors. And now the chalk is briskly knocking on the blackboard, notes are hastily spreading across notebooks, the corridors are filled with ringing discord. The new school year has begun. Only the most interesting and exciting things are ahead. So what could be better - youth, vibrant life, knowledge of the unknown. We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you successful studies and creative victories. May your everyday life never be dull, may your lessons be rich, and may your exams be easy. Happy holiday!

    Dear pupils and students, teachers and parents! Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year!

    On this day, our first-graders will see their first teacher, new friends, with whom they will go a long way to the land of knowledge.

    The responsibility for the comprehensive education and upbringing of our children lies with teachers. The authorities, the teaching community and the public of our region will have to continue to solve the problems of increasing the prestige of the teaching profession, improving the working conditions of teachers, and developing their creative and professional potential.

    I would like to wish all teachers of the Amur region success in difficult and very responsible work, love and respect from their students. The school year is a special time for parents too. Support your children, control them, and the results will not take long to arrive.

    I wish health and prosperity to your families, and to all schoolchildren - perseverance and success in their studies, excellent grades, loyal friends, an interesting and eventful school life. It is very important for everyone who studies and teaches to never lose interest in new things, to successfully overcome any difficulties and to remember that the main strength at all times has been and remains knowledge.

    Governor of the Amur Region Alexander Kozlov

    Dear young residents of the region! Dear teachers and parents!

    Congratulations on Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new 2017 - 2018 academic year! Many exciting events, incredible discoveries and victories at various festivals, Olympiads and competitions await you ahead.

    17 educational institutions begin the new academic year in the Tyndinsky district, of which: 14 educational institutions with 5 branches (total number of students 1665); 3 preschool educational institutions(236 children), 24 full-day groups with secondary schools(345 children), one group short stay children (8 people). The total number of pupils is 589 children. A significant part of the district budget expenditures goes to the development of the education system and upbringing of young residents of the district. We will continue to support this important area, because... There are still a lot of problems and tasks to be solved.

    Thanks to the School Milk program, in the new school year 227 students in grades 1-11 from low-income families. 290 children from large families. 45 students from disabilities health will be provided with free food.

    IN preschool institutions meals are provided at the expense of parental fees, which amount to 139.47 rubles per day for children under 3 years of age and 188.56 rubles per day for children aged 3 to 7 years.

    Transportation for 122 children by school buses was organized in 4 settlements: the village. Solovyovsk, s. Pervomaiskoe, village Urkan, village Mogot. IN summer period Cosmetic repairs of the interiors of all institutions and landscaping of the territories were carried out.

    All schools and kindergartens are ready to welcome children. May the sun, hopes and joy of the holiday warm you throughout the school year. We sincerely wish all teachers and their students a successful academic year, self-confidence, new achievements, the implementation of bold plans and bright discoveries!

    Tamara Lysakova, head of the Tyndinsky district

    Lyudmila Kovalenko, acting chairman of the district council

    Dear teachers, students and parents! We cordially congratulate you on a special holiday - Knowledge Day!

    This day will be especially unforgettable for first-graders who will see their first teacher, their first friends. We wish all students curiosity, perseverance and a happy school life. Let your school memories warm you with their warmth for many, many years to come.

    Congratulations on the beginning of the school year to all educators - thanks to your professionalism, responsibility, and patience, the younger generation of Tyndino residents not only acquires knowledge, but comprehends life, learns friendship and love. You and your parents share the concerns and concerns of schoolchildren and develop their talents and abilities. We wish you to always be proud of the successes of your students.
    Happiness to you all, good health and prosperity! And good luck to the land of knowledge!

    Mayor of Tynda Evgeny Cherenkov

    Chairman of the Tyndinsk City Duma Lyubov Shestak

    I cordially congratulate you on the holiday that the whole country celebrates on September 1 - Knowledge Day. This holiday is one of the most solemn and exciting of the year. Today, schools will open their doors to welcome students - those behind whom lies the future of the city. First of all, I would like to congratulate the first-graders, for whom the upcoming school year will be the most important stage in a new, busy life, and school everyday life prepares many responsible and serious tests. For pupils and students - September 1 - the beginning of the next stage on the path to new heights and personal growth.

    I wish all the guys excellent grades. May your learning be easy and interesting, may your successes become a source of pride for your parents and teachers. And for teachers - optimism, energy, new professional victories and fruitful work.
    Happy holiday! The Day of Knowledge!

    Today we congratulate first-graders on their entry into school life! Happy Knowledge Day, little students! This is your first step on a long path to success! We congratulate you all on this solemn event and wish good mood to you, your parents and your first teachers! You gain a huge family that will teach you knowledge! And this knowledge will be very useful to you throughout your life! Live up to the hopes of your moms and dads, be diligent students! You are our future and we would like our future to show only bright hopes! Good luck to you in primary education, attention, patience, perseverance, interest and desire to explore this world with different sides! The school provides you with a great opportunity to improve and prosper! Don't miss this chance! Good luck, support and clear thoughts on your path to perfection!

    Congratulations on the holiday of students and teachers - Knowledge Day! Today, on the first day of autumn, the great path to success begins! We wish you that the entire school year will be as festive, bright and interesting as today’s celebration! Let the world of knowledge captivate you and help you overcome another new step! Let every lesson be beneficial, every word of the teacher be important for you, and every day be filled with inspiration and the desire to learn more and more new things! Dear students! Appreciate the work of teachers, respect the word of your elders and meet the expectations of your parents! Dear teachers! Show more patience with the younger generation! We wish you mutual understanding, which will certainly lead you to success! School is not only about school lessons, but also about acquiring life skills! We wish you successful learning in the new year and understanding on both sides!

    The Day of Knowledge remains a warm, especially exciting holiday for each of us. You, beautiful and elegant, smiling and curious, have gathered here to gain new knowledge. You have bouquets in your hands, and new satchels behind your backs. But the most important thing is what's in your heart. And this is a slight excitement and desire to know everything about it amazing world. More than anything, we want each of you to become not only a worthy, educated person, but also a true professional in your chosen field. Happy Knowledge Day!

    School time is a wonderful opportunity to express yourself academically, to feel the taste of first love, first victories, achievements, and, of course, failures. After all, this is how life experience comes about. Therefore, dear students, do not allow the world to fail to recognize you, and prove that you deserve better life. Be responsible in everything you do. Do not lose your optimism in life, under any circumstances. Bright thoughts for doing worthy deeds to you. The Day of Knowledge!

    The first of September is the Day of Knowledge! It’s so good that there is such a day of the year. And this is not only a children's holiday for all students and a professional holiday for all teachers. I would like to wish that we all learn and develop throughout our lives, become better and wiser. After all, it is precisely in such movement, in mental and spiritual development, that life consists. And development without knowledge is impossible. Therefore, I wish that every person could celebrate this holiday for themselves. Let the first of September annually mark your successes, according to which, like milestones, your life will go uphill. Let your achievements be celebrated, and on the second of September you will rush to new knowledge, to new heights that you will conquer again, so that on Knowledge Day next year you can celebrate this with pride!

    Greetings to all students, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you again on the school playground on Knowledge Day! Today is a holiday that invariably happens at this time, which opens the school season! Everyone had a rest and missed a fresh breath of knowledge! Welcome to the Temple of Science! We wish you to experience genuine interest in new program and find a passion for your soul! Let your study time not be a burden to you, let it bring you joy and benefit! We wish you to gain a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year! We wish you to make the most of this academic season, not miss anything and bring your capabilities to perfection! Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because those who don't make mistakes don't learn! And whoever doesn’t study will achieve nothing in this life! Dare, try, try, strive! Good luck in your studies!

    Knowledge Day persistently encourages us to take the path of success! And start today! The first day of autumn inspires us to great deeds and deeds! The beginning of learning something new, the beginning of an exciting journey to the unknown, the beginning of beginnings! History will tell us an interesting journey into the past, geography will take us around the world, biology will tell us about the animal world! Sports activities, literary discussions, conversations about great creators! Hundreds of opportunities to plunge into the past and experience the magic of yesteryear! How many wonderful things await us ahead! The desire to learn knows no bounds, and we absorb knowledge with great pleasure! May your school years never end! May the source of knowledge never dry up! We wish everyone great desire and inspiration for learning and development! Congratulations on Knowledge Day and wish you success!

    Knowledge Day is always a warm, especially exciting holiday for everyone who comes to study and gain new knowledge. We all once came to the school doors as first-graders with new backpacks on our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chests! How endless the school road seemed to us, and now, having finished school, we ourselves became teachers and now we meet you guys, so that we can pass on all our knowledge to you, so that you become worthy people, get an education, and choose a profession to your liking. Learn, guys, master and comprehend new sciences! You are our future! From September 1st!

    Today, students and teachers traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge - September 1st! The first school bell rings across the country, announcing the start of the new school year! In any educational institution, a new academic year begins on this day - a special, solemn, wise holiday. Knowledge is power! Learning is one of the greatest human needs. Learn, enrich our country with knowledge! The Day of Knowledge!

    September 1 is a long-awaited holiday for first-graders, their parents, teachers, as well as all schoolchildren and students! In this article you can find original congratulations on Knowledge Day for everyone, both in prose and in poetry.

    Expressing emotions and wishing everyone a successful school year is the main goal of any line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge. After all, this is an exciting holiday for everyone - schoolchildren who have matured a year, teachers, parents, kids who will sit at school desks for the first time, and graduates who have only one year of carefree childhood left.

    To make the holiday memorable and touch your soul, you need to prepare solemn parting words in advance. First we will present you with several options congratulations on September 1 in prose.

    Congratulations to 1st grade on September 1

    First-graders are the main heroes of the occasion on Knowledge Day. The doors of the school where they will spend 10 years of their lives open before the excited kids. Here they will meet their first love, get their first grades, learn letters, multiplication tables and much more! This is why it is so important to find the right words on this day to support new students and wish them success in their studies.

    In this article we will present several specific examples congratulatory texts.

    1. Congratulations from parents to first-graders on September 1

    “Today all words of congratulations will be addressed to the youngest schoolchildren - our first-graders! Guys, how the school uniform suits you! In it you look very big and seem so bold and fearless on the threshold of new knowledge! Your eyes are sparkling, and the smile never leaves your face, because today you are celebrating one of the most important holidays!

    You will walk into school hand in hand with those who will become part of your life! You will follow the person who will become your second mother! We sincerely wish you to be kind, patient and obedient! Study well, don’t let your parents, your teachers and your country down, because you are its future and our hope! Be happy and healthy! Wonderful and unforgettable to you school years

    “Dear first-graders, perhaps everything that adults are telling you now seems so incomprehensible to you! But we are sure that the main thing that you hear today will remain in your hearts for a long time. We wish with all our hearts that throughout your school years your angels will carefully protect you from harm.

    We want you to learn to be friends, appreciate each other and love. Let the school, whose threshold you cross today, become a second home for you, where you will rush with pleasure every morning! Don't be upset by little things, be cheerful and cheerful! Learn with interest and pleasure! Believe that everyone school subject will definitely come in handy in your life! Happy holiday to you, kids!”

    “The first call is the most tender and warm holiday! Guys, from this day on in your life everything will happen for the first time. Today you will enter your first class, your first teacher will speak to you, you will open your first school notebook and fill out your first diary. In a few years, you will fall in love for the first time, for the first time you will experience the joy of victories and the bitterness of disappointments!

    And we, your parents, will always share all these moments with you, because we love you and want your life to be happy! On the Day of Knowledge, we wish you not to rush to grow up, to remain as sincere and spontaneous! Rejoice, learn, discover new talents in yourself - go for it! We will always support you in everything! Happy holiday!”

    1. Congratulations to first-graders on September 1 from the teacher

    “My dear first-graders! I am sincerely glad to open the doors of our school for you today! I really want each of our days to begin with the same joyful eyes and shining smiles with which you illuminate this holiday today.

    We have a lot to go through and experience together. But the main thing we must learn is to be friends, to love, to believe, to understand! I believe that each of you will grow a good man who will achieve great success in life, build a wonderful family and fulfill his cherished dream! And we will lay the foundation for such a happy future today! I invite you to your first lesson in your first grade!”

    1. Congratulations to 11th grade first graders on September 1

    “10 years ago, just like you today, we stood with white bows and bouquets of gladioli in our hands on the threshold of this school. It was so exciting and interesting, but at the same time a little scary, because everything was so unknown, unfamiliar and unusual! But we want to tell you that an unforgettable life awaits you, filled with joy and a sea of ​​positivity.

    Just don’t be afraid of anything, study your lessons, don’t be lazy, answer, get grades and don’t give up if something doesn’t work out! We are always ready to help you at any moment! Good luck, dear first-graders! We are sure that you will best students our school!

    Congratulations from first-graders on September 1

    First-graders at the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge also always have something to say to their parents, teachers and future classmates. It is so interesting to listen to their fiery speeches, when almost none of the newly minted students can pronounce many words correctly.

    However, we have presented some congratulatory texts that can be assigned to first-graders to learn as an example below:

    1. Congratulations on September 1 to teachers

    “On Knowledge Day, on behalf of all first-graders, I want to congratulate all our teachers on the holiday! Although we are still complete strangers, we hope that you are not very strict, but kind and affectionate, because we are still kids and it is so important for us to see love and support in your eyes!

    We promise you that we will always be obedient and diligent students! We will teach you all the lessons and will never let you down! We really want you to be remembered and liked! We hope that everything will work out together with you! Just don’t get sick, be patient and strong! It may be a little difficult with us, but it will be unforgettable! Congratulations on the holiday of September 1!”

    1. Congratulations to parents of first-graders on September 1

    “Our dear parents! Today is a very important day for you and us. You are releasing us into adult school life, in which we will learn to make decisions on our own and gnaw on the granite of science. We wish you to walk this difficult path with us, withstand our whims and gain strength to do your homework with us! We promise you that we will not let you down! You will be proud of your children!”

    1. Congratulations to 11th grade on September 1

    “Dear graduates! You are already quite big! Today your last academic year at school begins! We hope that you will have time to teach us everything, because we want to be a good replacement for you! We wish you to successfully graduate and receive an excellent certificate! Happy September 1st! The Day of Knowledge!"

    Congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose

    Teachers are the main people in school. Therefore, congratulations on the beginning of the school year should always come first of all not only from students and their parents, but also from the school administration. Here is an example text congratulations on September 1 to colleagues from the school director:

    "Dear Colleagues! Today is a special day for each of us - we meet first-graders, our grown-up students and begin a new school year! I wish you all inspiration, strength, health, good mood and talented students! May each of you experience a sense of pride in your work and students this school year! We wish you well-being and family happiness!”

    Official congratulations on September 1

    Every year, each school receives an official congratulations from the head of the city or district on September 1. This letter is a solemn greeting on behalf of the administration of the locality. It contains congratulatory words addressed to teachers, students and their parents.

    “Dear fellow countrymen! Today we celebrate the wonderful, bright Day of Knowledge - September 1st! It concerns everyone - after all, we all once crossed the school threshold for the first time, sat down at a desk and proudly called ourselves first-graders. Then it seemed to us that mathematics problems were very difficult, but they taught us how to cope with complex life problems. From school we realized that we would study all our lives, even after we graduated from school. And we, first of all, must express our gratitude to the teachers for this!

    Dear teachers! We honor your invaluable work! We wish that all your successes and achievements only multiply! Be healthy!

    Dear pupils and students! Congratulations on the start of the school year! After you sit down at your desk today, you must realize that your entire school journey depends entirely on your own efforts. Listen to your teachers, they will help you discover your self!

    We convey our warmest congratulations to the first-graders and their parents! You have a difficult but very interesting period of life ahead of you! We wish you to easily overcome all difficulties, reach great heights and achieve your goals!”

    Video: Cool congratulations on September 1

    Congratulations on Knowledge Day in verse

    Preparing for the Day of Knowledge, we are always looking for beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verse to fit them into holiday cards for teachers or first graders.

    We have prepared for you small selection good poems that may be useful to you.

    Congratulations on September 1 to parents

    "Knowledge Day for Parents"

    Always very exciting

    After all, daughters and sons,

    They carry books in their briefcases,

    Markers, notebooks,

    Not chocolates.

    The time for training awaits them,

    Tasks, instructions.

    Therefore, parents

    We sincerely wish

    Positive emotions

    And live without knowing troubles.

    Let your first graders

    They grow up to be good people

    And let them be in everything

    They will look like you!”

    Congratulations on September 1 to students

    “Today is a big holiday in schools -

    Day of Knowledge, First Bell!

    Both graduate and first grader

    They carry notebooks in backpacks!

    We wish them with all our hearts

    Study well and not get sick,

    Good luck in gaining knowledge

    Be brave and don’t be timid!”

    Congratulations to graduates on September 1

    "Knowledge Day for graduates

    This is no reason to have fun

    After all, in the status of a student

    We'll have to do a lot in a year:

    Pass exams, hand over books,

    Decide on a profession

    Study without the slightest break

    And strive for everything new!

    Good luck in this difficult task

    We sincerely wish you!

    Love, achieve goals,

    And follow your dreams!”

    Congratulations to students on September 1

    “Happy Knowledge Day, dear students!

    From now on you will all have no time to sleep!

    Large monographs are waiting for you

    And a whole mountain of notes!

    Study fruitfully, relax

    Try to keep up with everything in the world,

    And never be discouraged -

    Dejection prevents you from achieving your goals!”

    Congratulations to first-graders from graduates on September 1

    “Just yesterday they called you kids

    You are now full-fledged students!

    You are unrecognizable - you are all with flowers,

    Backpacks in hands with pencils!

    You have a difficult learning path ahead of you.

    We managed to overcome it!

    We wish you strength, patience,

    Grow big – don’t get sick!”

    Congratulations to teachers on September 1 in verse

    “You lead us to knowledge,

    You give your warmth,

    You give us your soul

    And you surround yourself with goodness.

    Let there be joy in your heart,

    In the houses - comfort, love, prosperity.

    May pain and obstacles pass you by,

    Live long and richly!”

    Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1

    “Knowledge Day is a meeting with the class,

    With friends, school and teacher!

    We all especially miss you

    Behind our class teacher!

    We wish him great strength,

    Health, joy, goodness!

    After all, we can cope

    It’s not as easy as it seems!”

    Video: Congratulations on September 1st! Musical Card!

    This video shows several original postcards and songs with which you can organize congratulations, if you don’t already know How to congratulate your child on September 1st.

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