• Parents' meeting in a preschool educational institution. Analysis of parents' meeting

    Educator: Dear parents! This little performance opens our meeting, the theme of which is “Development of creative abilities in children up to school age" Let's now return together to Lesovich, Arina and Maxim and discuss which of them showed Creative skills, how this manifested itself and whether, with such guidance of children’s activities, it will be possible to preserve and develop their creative abilities. musical pause There are questions in our balloons. If you get a ball with a question, but you don’t like the question or you can’t answer it, you can pass it further around the circle.(Parents express their opinions, share their impressions, ask questions). What's happened children's creativity? How can it manifest itself? Preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because in preschool age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn the world . And parents, by encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in various activities, contribute to the expansion childhood experience . And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for the future creative activity . Therefore, our task is to fully support and stimulate the development of creativity in children. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than the thinking of older children. In children's lives, creativity can come in handy in a wide variety of ways. life situations . Imagination enriches children's lives, makes it brighter and more interesting. Children's creativity differs from adult creativity. The child acts subconsciously; he does not set goals for himself. Children are driven by the satisfaction of their needs for creativity, which gives rise to positive emotions. childhood, imagine that we are preschoolers again. A master class “Dipping our hands in paint” is being held. She invited parents to draw a portrait of their child using unconventional technology – finger painting. At the end of the work, I designed an exhibition of drawings by parents, “Children are Sweets.” Educator: It is known that children are unusually emotional and impressionable. They subtly feel and react to new things, striving to express their impressions in drawings and crafts. They are delighted by the spectacle of a puppet theater; they easily transform into characters from books and plays they have read. It is in artistic activity that the child’s taste, his aesthetic experiences are revealed and creative abilities, independence are developed, and his horizons are expanded. And so that visual activity was of a creative nature, it is necessary to diversify the materials and techniques for creating the image. For example: Autumn forest you can draw with gouache, watercolor, crayons, or you can use natural material , pieces of matter or from different types

    The presence of preparatory work and its effectiveness during the meeting. The topic of the parent meeting and its purpose. Compliance with the requirements for holding parent meetings. The activity of parents in the issues discussed, the results of the meeting.

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    • Introduction
      • 5. Summary of the meeting
      • Conclusion
      • Bibliography


    Family like social institution Education occupies one of the most important places in the process of formation and development of personality. Under the guidance of parents, the child acquires his first life experience, basic knowledge about the surrounding reality, skills and abilities of living in society. The goals and objectives solved by teachers in the process of joint activities with parents determine the characteristics of the organization, the content of the forms and methods of its implementation.

    In difficult modern conditions, families require systematic and qualified assistance from the school. The process of interaction between family and school is aimed at the active inclusion of parents in the educational process, in extracurricular leisure activities, and cooperation with children and teachers.

    The parent meeting is the main form of communication between school and family. The task of carrying out parent meetings is to educate parents on certain, most current topics teaching and raising children. They must have a specific theme. A parent meeting is usually preceded by preparatory work, including study and analysis of the problem that the class meeting will be devoted to.

    I attended a parent meeting, which was held on February 12, 2010 at school No. 13 in Tobolsk by class teacher E.S. Mitrofanova. in 5 "B" class.

    The purpose of the test is to analyze the attended parent meeting held by the class teacher.

    1. Availability of preparatory work and its effectiveness during the meeting

    When preparing a parent meeting, I believe special attention should be paid to preparatory stage, informing parents and children in advance of the topic, purpose, tasks, necessarily involving the parent committee in carrying out certain work on the chosen topic in order to interest parents in its direct participation and thereby increase the attendance of parents at the meeting. This is one of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of the event.

    The class teacher of grade 5 "B" developed the following structure for preparing a parent meeting

    Determine the purpose of the meeting.

    Study scientific and methodological literature.

    Conduct micro-research.

    Determine the type, form and stages of the meeting, methods and methods of work of its participants.

    Come up with a form for inviting parents.

    Prepare reports (photos, videos) covering the extracurricular life of children;

    Prepare letters of gratitude in advance for those parents whose children were active in various events.

    Equip and decorate the meeting room.

    The preparatory work was built on this structure.

    The class teacher determined the purpose of the meeting in accordance with its topic.

    The topic of the meeting was “Difficulties in a child’s adaptation to learning in the 5th grade.” Purpose of the meeting:

    Draw the attention of parents to the seriousness of the problem of adaptation;

    Draw the attention of parents to important situations and problems of everyday life that arise when communicating with children.

    To prepare for the meeting, the teacher studied the relevant scientific and methodological literature on the topic of the meeting, and consultations took place with a school psychologist. It should be noted that

    The problem of the parent invitation form was resolved as follows. Individual invitations were issued to fathers and mothers to participate in the parent meeting. Design - computer version. The main thing about such invitations to parent-teacher meetings was that parents received them in advance, a week before the meeting. The invitation included the full name and patronymic of both parents, the day and hour of the meeting, its topic, a contact phone number to call if parents for some reason cannot take part in the meeting, as well as the program of the meeting. I believe that this approach to organizing the system when working with parents helps to build respect for professional activity teacher, emphasizes the significance of parent-teacher meetings, stimulates their interest in school and the culture of parental interaction with each other and with the school. Parent turnout was 90%.

    The final stage of preparation for the parent meeting was the design of the classroom in which it was held. Parents were greeted by an elegant, friendly teacher in a ventilated, clean classroom. I believe that this moment changes the mood of parents for the better.

    2. Subject of the parent meeting and its purpose

    The choice of the type and form of the parent meeting depends on its topic and goals. Among the types can be identified: organizational (dedicated, for example, to the upcoming long excursion of children or preparation for a multi-day hike), meetings on the plan of psychological and pedagogical education (for example, a lecture with the participation of a psychologist about the conditions successful communication with teenagers), thematic, debate meetings on current issues of the educational process, final (quarter), etc. The topics of parent meetings are usually determined by teachers and can be discussed at the parent committee.

    Parent meetings can also be divided into school-wide, parallel and class meetings. School-wide parent meetings are usually held less frequently than classroom meetings, once or twice a year, and then only if necessary. Fathers and mothers are introduced to the new statutory documents of the school, regulations in the field of education, the main directions, tasks and results of the work of the educational institution. A meeting of parents of a certain parallel can be held if it is necessary to discuss a major problem, an issue that concerns only students of these classes (for example, a meeting of parents of graduating classes, fathers and mothers of first-graders). Classroom parent meetings are organized several times a year, usually at the end of a quarter, trimester, or half-term. They discuss the most important tasks of educational educational work in this class, planning of educational work is carried out, ways and methods of effective cooperation between family and school are determined, and the results of the work performed are summed up.

    The analyzed parent meeting in its form is a class meeting organized in the middle of the third quarter.

    The topic of the meeting - "Difficulties in a child's adaptation to learning in the 5th grade" - was determined by the class teacher independently. It should be noted that similar topics were already discussed in meetings held in this class at the beginning of the school year. The purpose of this meeting is to once again remind about the problem of adaptation.

    Next, the form of the meeting and its content were determined and a short summary was drawn up outlining the information that should be brought to the attention of parents.

    The class teacher drew the content for the meeting from psychological and pedagogical books, newspapers and magazines, communication with subject teachers, a school psychologist, children, parents, and school administration.

    There was an agreement in advance with the school psychologist to help conduct the meeting.

    3. Compliance with the requirements for holding parent meetings

    Without claiming originality, it should be noted that the scenario of the parent meeting is the subject of the teacher’s creativity. However, it makes sense for it to include five mandatory components (which is what was done in the parent-teacher meeting):

    Analysis of the educational achievements of class students.

    In this part of the parent meeting, the class teacher introduced parents to the general results educational activities class. At the very beginning, the teacher warned parents that they would receive answers to private questions about their child’s academic performance only during a personal meeting. In introducing the participants in the parent meeting to the opinions of subject teachers, the class teacher remembered the increased anxiety of parents and, while conveying certain judgments, wisely refused subjective interpretations.

    Familiarizing parents with the state of the emotional climate in the classroom.

    Classroom teacher shared observations about the behavior of children in situations that are significant to them (in lessons, during breaks, in the cafeteria, on excursions, etc.). The topic of conversation was also relationships, speech, appearance of students, and others current issues related to children's behavior. Parents, as well as teachers, must understand the mission of the school as an institution of socialization, in which the child gains valuable experience interacting with other people. This mission is no less important than teaching the sum of scientific knowledge. The class teacher was extremely tactful and avoided making negative assessments about a particular student, much less a parent. This part of the meeting was not a listing of the “sins of schoolchildren,” as sometimes happens

    Psychological and pedagogical education.

    This component of the parent meeting was naturally included in the structure of its other components, since it was decisive in the analyzed parent meeting.

    The class teacher spoke about the problems children face when moving from primary to secondary school. This period coincides with the end of childhood. Most children experience this event as an important step in their lives. The emergence of new teachers with different requirements, different characters, communication style is for children a visible indicator of their maturation. A sharp change in learning conditions, a variety of complications, demands placed on the student by different teachers, and even a change in the position of the “senior” in primary school to the “smallest” to the middle one - all this is a rather serious test for the psyche of a schoolchild. The class teacher spoke in detail about the difficulties children have when adapting.

    To highlight certain issues, an educational psychologist from this school was invited to the meeting, who gave a short lecture on the topic of the meeting and gave specific recommendations for the adaptation of fifth-graders. For example,

    Encourage your child to talk about his school activities, do not limit your interest to the usual question like “How was your day?”;

    Talk regularly with your child's teachers about his progress, behavior, and relationships with other children;

    Don't link performance grades to your system of rewards and punishments;

    Know the program and features of the school where your child is studying;

    Help your child feel interested in what is happening at school;

    Make special efforts to maintain a calm atmosphere in the home when changes occur in your child's school life.

    All these recommendations were clearly explained. The educational psychologist also answered questions that parents had.

    It is important for the class teacher to remember that the task of increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents is one of his most important tasks. The class teacher offered parents information about the latest pedagogical literature, interesting exhibitions, films that they can visit with their child.

    Discussion of organizational issues (excursions, class evenings, purchase of teaching aids, etc.)

    This stage consisted of information about upcoming matters. An excursion to the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve and a hike in the forest were offered, and the question of what to do with children during the holidays was also decided. It should be noted that financial problems (regarding the excursion to the museum) were discussed in advance with the parents' committee and only after that were brought to the parents' meeting.

    Personal conversations with parents.

    At this stage, parents of children with learning and development problems became a special object of attention. The difficulty was that very often such parents, fearing criticism, avoid parent-teacher meetings, and the class teacher should strive to provide them with a sense of security, to make it clear that they are not being judged here, but are trying to help. This parent meeting was attended by mothers of three children with learning and development problems. The class teacher used, in my opinion, a very effective tactic of joining, which began with the words: “I understand you!”, “I agree with you!”

    However, the parents of other children were also not deprived of attention. The class teacher knew what to say to each of them. Letters of gratitude were issued in advance to those parents whose children were active in various events that took place in the quarter.

    So, we can conclude that the requirements for holding a parent meeting were met to the maximum extent possible.

    4. Parental activity in the issues discussed

    Often, parent-teacher meetings are reduced to a monologue by the teacher, but parents should be actively involved in discussing educational and organizational problems.

    Analyzing this parent meeting, we can say that the traditional form of holding parent meetings was used - a speech by the class teacher (and a speech by a teacher-psychologist) followed by his answers to questions from parents.

    The activity of parents in discussing issues can be assessed as average.

    5. Summary of the meeting

    Summing up the results of the meeting began at the meeting itself, as it was necessary to draw conclusions, formulate the necessary decisions, and provide information on preparations for the next meeting. It was also important to find out the parents’ attitude towards the meeting; for this purpose, the necessary questionnaires were prepared in advance to record their assessments and wishes. All this subsequently became the subject of reflection for the class teacher. The subject of analysis should also be:

    attendance of parents, reasons for absence;

    the personal composition of parents who remained for a personal conversation;

    questions from parents during the meeting, their participation in the discussion of issues.

    The class teacher, in her final speech, once again spoke about the importance of the problem being discussed, and that the discussion of the topic of adaptation is not yet over, because there is a school year ahead. The class teacher suggested that parents seek help from her, from subject teachers, and from a school psychologist.

    In turn, the class teacher turned to the parents for help in organizing an excursion to the museum and a trip to the forest. Those responsible were selected and dates for the events were set.

    Information about the results of the parent meeting was communicated to the school administration and fellow teachers.


    Completing the work, we can come to the following main conclusion - combining the efforts of the class teacher and parents is a prerequisite for successfully solving educational problems.

    The relationship between the class teacher and the families of students should be carried out through the study of the family, its educational capabilities, and the atmosphere of family education.

    Based on common mutual moral positions, common pedagogical requirements for students are developed, which are implemented in various forms of joint activities.

    As for the analysis of the parent meeting, I believe that it was effective. The class teacher began her speech to the parents with positive points and this, as well as her appearance and the cleanliness of the room contributed to the formation of a positive attitude among parents. The intonation of the meeting was at the level of “we consult, we think together.” Such qualities of teachers as tact and delicacy were present. I believe that they were built trusting relationship with the students' parents. An indicator of success in this case will be the ability of the class teacher to make the parents of their students allies of pedagogical intentions.

    However, in the future we should focus on other important aspects of cooperation with parents, for example, building interaction with certain groups of families (parents of children at risk, parents of gifted children, parents of disabled children).

    And thus, the interaction of the class teacher with parents is a multidimensional pedagogical problem, to solve which it is necessary to combine the efforts of both the teacher and parents.


    1. To help the class teacher. - Mn.: LLC "Classico-print", 2003.

    2. To the class teacher. Educational and methodological manual. /Ed. M.I. Rozhkova. - M.: VLADOS, 2001.

    3. Sergeeva V.P. Class teacher in modern school. Practical guide. - M.: TsGL, 2002.

    4. Stepanov E.N. To the teacher about the educational system of school and class: Educational and methodological manual. - M.: Creative Center "Sphere", 2004.

    5. Friedman L.M. Psychology of education. A book for everyone who loves children. - M., 2000.

    6. Tsabybin S.A. Interaction between school and family (pedagogical universal education). - Volgograd: Teacher, 2004.

    7. Shchurkova N.E. New education. - M., 2001.

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    Minutes of parent meeting

    Subject:“Aesthetic education of a child in the family - a school for a highly cultured person”

    Present: 9 people

    Meeting agenda:

    Listened to 1 question:

    The speaker was A.A. Yankovskaya, class teacher.

    Dear fathers and mothers! The topic of our parent-teacher meeting is important and relevant. Everyone who came to us today will join us in expressing words of love and gratitude to our native nature - the sun, which generously gives us its warmth, the blue sky, into the boundless heights of which we look with bated breath, the flowers that make our lives bright and festive . We say words of gratitude and ask you to forgive us for the torn blade of grass, broken bush, crippled tree.

    The teacher conducted a survey of parents and their children on the issue of aesthetic education in the family. Parents learned about existing problems in this area.


    Parents will outline plans for joint action to provide assistance to those parents whose children are least active in ongoing aesthetic activities.

    Listened to question 2:

    Baimuratova M.S., who recalled that the forms of recreation and health improvement for children and adolescents in the city of Omsk in 2017 are:

    Evening sports grounds on the territory of educational institutions, physical education and sports institutions;

    Leisure and wellness programs in municipal educational institutions additional education children for children.


    If possible, organize children's holidays taking into account their wishes.

    Listened to question 3:

    Yankovskaya A.A.., who recalled the responsibility of parents for the consequences of offenses by their children on the road. The teacher held a conversation: “Young pedestrian.”

    We often ask the question: why do children get into traffic accidents? It would seem that the answer is simple: if a child, through his own negligence, is injured in a traffic accident, then it is the child’s fault. But the concept of “child’s guilt” does not exist. A road accident with him only means that we, adults, overlooked something, did not teach something, or showed by personal example that it is possible to break the “law of the road.” And often behind cases of children’s injuries on roads is the indifference of adults to the offenses committed by children.

    For a child, the ability to behave on the road depends not only on his desire or reluctance to do so. The child is the most vulnerable participant traffic, and in many ways, children’s behavior on the road is determined by their perception of the road situation. That is why the safety of children on the road can be ensured first of all by us, adults: parents, teachers, educators, passers-by and, mainly, vehicle drivers.

    Where does child safety on the road begin? Of course, with timely training in the ability to navigate a traffic situation, nurturing the need to be disciplined on the street, prudent and cautious. Personal example is the most intelligible form of teaching for a child. Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same!


    Have a conversation at home with your children about the rules of behavior on the road. Be more attentive and vigilant while walking. Strengthen control over your children during the holidays.

    Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region

    budgetary professional educational institution of the Omsk region

    "Omsk Pedagogical College No. 1"

    Analysis of parents' meeting

    Completed by: Baimuratova Madina Seilievna

    student of the 33rd CP group

    Specialty: 050715 Corrective pedagogy in primary education

    Parent meeting agenda:

    1. Lecture: “Aesthetic education of a child in the family - a school for a highly cultured person.”

    2. Leisure and health improvement for children during spring break.

    3. Responsibility of parents for the consequences of offenses by their children on the road.

    The meeting agenda was appropriate because... Issues related to the upbringing of students in the family were discussed.

    The class teacher's analysis of the class's work was positive.

    Parents willingly exchanged opinions, thanked the parent committee and the class teacher for their work, took part in the discussion of issues on the meeting agenda, and made their proposals.


    1. Have a conversation at home with your children about the rules of behavior on the road. Be more attentive and vigilant while walking. Strengthen control over your children during the holiday period. If possible, organize children's vacations taking into account their wishes. Parents will outline plans for joint action to help those parents whose children are least active in aesthetic activities.

    Measures include offering conversations with the child in the presence of the parent committee, involving the parent committee in attending lessons in literary reading, the natural world, music, visual arts and technology, observing children’s participation in classroom and extracurricular activities, etc.

    The task of parents is to analyze their approaches to aesthetic education, look at yourself when starting to raise your own child.

    2. If possible, organize children’s holidays taking into account their wishes.

    3. Have a conversation at home with your children about the rules of behavior on the road. Be more attentive and vigilant while walking. Strengthen control over your children during the holiday period.

    The atmosphere was friendly, the class teacher thanked the parent committee.

    Parents were offered reminders on family education. The analysis of the class teacher in the work of the class occupied the main place. The causes of shortcomings were identified and tasks were set. An exchange of views between parents was organized. A correct, real decision was made on the issues discussed. The class teacher was tactful towards parents. Before the parent meeting, the room was decorated with children’s drawings depicting their favorite flowers, and an exhibition was set up with essays “About Our Little Brothers” written by the children. There were 9 parents present, including 3 fathers.

    1. Greetings.
    Educator:“Hello, dear parents! I am glad to see you all at our meeting. Today we will talk about raising children: we will find out what parenting styles exist, and we will determine which of these styles you adhere to.”
    2. Introductory part.
    The main institution of education is the family. Family is small social group, whose members are related by marriage or family relations, as well as a commonality of life. The family performs a number of functions:
    1) Social status– providing family members with a certain position in society.
    2) Economic function– providing for the family’s economic needs: buying groceries and cooking; cleaning and repair; keeping clothes and other household items in order.
    3) Leisure organization– restoration and maintenance of health, satisfaction of various spiritual needs. Family leisure should have a developmental impact on all family members: increase their educational and general cultural level, and unite them by common interests.
    4) Reproductive– reproduction and preservation of offspring, continuation of the human race.
    5) Educational function– education and development of children.
    For small child family is a whole world in which he lives, develops, makes discoveries, learns to love, rejoice and sympathize. The foundations of a child’s personality are laid in the family. It is there that he gains his first life experience, makes his first observations and learns how to behave in various situations. What a child acquires in the family during childhood is preserved throughout his entire subsequent life. The importance of the family is due to the fact that the child stays in it for a significant part of his life, and in terms of the duration of its impact on the individual, not a single educational institution can compare with the family.

    In the eyes of a child, parents play several roles:
    as a source of emotional warmth and support, without which the child feels defenseless and helpless;
    as power, dispenser of benefits, punishments and rewards,
    as a model, an example to follow, the embodiment of wisdom and personal human qualities;
    as an older friend and advisor you can trust.

    Within the family, parents create a certain educational environment for their children. Upbringing - this is cooperation, interaction, mutual influence, mutual enrichment of children and adults. Moreover, each family has greater or lesser educational capabilities, that is, different educational potential. The results of education depend on this potential.
    In connection with the special educational role of the family, the question arises of how to maximize the positive and minimize the negative influences of the family on the upbringing of the child. To do this, it is necessary to accurately determine intrafamily socio-psychological factors that have educational significance.
    For the full development of the child’s personality, in the family should favorable parent-child relationships develop . Children growing up in an atmosphere of love and understanding have fewer health problems and learning difficulties, grow up friendly, sociable, and open, and disruption of parent-child relationships leads to the formation of various psychological problems and complexes.
    Each family develops a certain system of education, which represents targeted educational influences carried out by parents with the aim of developing certain qualities and skills in children. The totality of ways of communicating with a child, methods and techniques of education, the severity of parental control and the availability of emotional support determine style family education . Each family can use different styles education, depending on situations and circumstances, but many years of practice forms an individual style that is relatively stable. There are 3 main parenting styles: authoritarian, democratic and liberal. They influence the formation and development of a child’s personality in different ways.

    3. Testing parents
    Educator:“Before I read out the main characteristics of each parenting style, I invite you to take a test to evaluate your own parenting strategy and find out which parenting style you use. To do this, you need to choose one of the proposed answer options for each question. There will be 10 questions in total. (Annex 1)". “Now listen to what each parenting style is.”

    4. Characteristics of the main parenting styles
    With an authoritarian style, parents demand from the child unquestioning submission to their will and authority, and are demanding that orders be strictly followed. They control all areas of the child’s life, limiting his independence and making all decisions for him. At the same time, the dominant educational methods are demand, order and coercion, accompanied by strict control, severe prohibitions and physical punishment. Such parents treat their child emotionally coldly, devote little time to him and very rarely praise him.
    This style of parenting gives rise to hostility, aggressiveness and irritability in some children, while in others it produces suspicion, self-doubt, indecisiveness, passivity and timidity. Children in such families usually withdraw into themselves, their communication with their parents is disrupted, alienation from their parents occurs, and a feeling of insignificance and unwantedness in the family arises. Children from such families rarely treat people with trust, have difficulty communicating and are often cruel themselves.
    Supporters democratic parenting style encourage responsibility and independence of their children, take into account their interests and desires, and trust their child. The leading type of relationship is cooperation; parents communicate with children as equals and see their task as coordinating their actions and providing assistance. They do not order, but ask for instructions to be carried out without infringing on the rights of the child. Control based on reasonable care helps children listen to their parents' explanations and requests. Thanks to this, the family develops warm and friendly relations.
    This style of parenting promotes the development of goodwill, independence, activity, initiative, determination and responsibility in children. Compared to other children, they are more balanced, open, sociable, friendly, kind, self-confident, creative, capable of sympathy and empathy. These children develop high self-esteem and do much better at school than children raised by parents with other parenting styles.
    With a liberal parenting style the child is left to his own devices. He practically knows no prohibitions and restrictions from his parents, since they devote little time to him, do not interfere in his affairs, are not interested in his problems, and provide him with a lot of independence. Such parents are characterized by low demands and weak control. They do not know how or do not want to raise children; their concern is of a formal nature. In the family there is a lack of emotional connections, alienation, indifference to the affairs and feelings of others.
    Children in such families grow up selfish, conflict-ridden, aggressive, disobedient, weak-willed, unconfident, impulsive, and feel abandoned and unnecessary. They are not able to install durable emotional connections, take into account the interests of other people, are not ready for restrictions and responsibility, are poorly socialized in society.

    5. Discussion of parenting styles and test results
    1. “Which of the described parenting styles do you think is the most effective?
    2. Are there anyone among you who adheres to this parenting style?
    3. What new things have you learned about raising a child?” (Parents' answers)

    Indeed, the most optimal is a democratic style of education, in which the child’s independence is valued and trust and respect are shown to him. But the weakening of parental control, as well as its hypertrophy, contributes to the formation of a passive and insecure personality, and also disrupts the process of socialization of the child in society. In order to correct the current situation, it is necessary for parents to realize their mistakes and strive to adjust their parenting style.

    6. Recommendations for parents
    Recommendations for parents using an authoritarian parenting style:
    refuse orders, threats and physical punishment;
    do not make excessive demands on your child;
    replace orders and demands with requests and suggestions;
    take into account the interests and desires of the child;
    be a little more accommodating towards the child;
    do not limit the child’s independence;
    Maintain a warm and trusting relationship with your child.

    Recommendations for parents using a liberal parenting style:
    pay more attention to raising your children;
    take an interest in their problems and successes;
    help your child overcome difficulties and solve problems;
    Monitor your child’s behavior more often;
    create an atmosphere of love, warmth and trust in the family.

    The consistency of parental views on education is of great importance. In two-parent families, parents sometimes have different parenting styles. For example, a father may be quite authoritarian, while a mother may be caring and permissive. Or one grandmother says one thing, another another, and the parents adhere to a third parenting tactic, demanding mutually exclusive forms of behavior from the child. In this case, the child does not understand what is actually right and what is wrong; he cannot be sure of anything, which means he does not feel safe. Due to such contradictory upbringing, the child lives in a state of psychological stress, he may develop neuroses or various behavioral disorders. That's why it is necessary to develop a unified parenting style and adhere to one tactic of behavior so that the child does not see contradictions in the positions of the parents. It is important that there be communication between parents harmonious relationships. Then it will be much easier to come to an agreement on issues of education.

    7. Summing up
    World practice psychological assistance shows children and their parents that even complex parenting problems are completely solvable if it is possible to establish a favorable style of communication and education in the family. As a rule, children learn the patterns of behavior of their parents and acquire confidence in their effectiveness, therefore the style of parental education is involuntarily imprinted in the child’s psyche and in the future can be used to educate their own children. Thus, social inheritance of parenting style occurs from generation to generation. Hence, modern parents are responsible for raising not only their children, but also subsequent generations.

    8. Farewell
    Educator:“Our meeting is coming to an end. In conclusion, I want to give you reminders called “10 Commandments effective education"(Appendix 2). I hope that they will help you in raising your children.
    Thank you for your attention. I hope that our meeting today was useful for you. See you soon".

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