• Alignment of the nail plate with gel polish. Ways to align the nail plates


    In pursuit of a perfect and incredibly attractive appearance, do not forget about a neat and elegant manicure. To create it, girls use a variety of varnishes and techniques. For example, an incredibly popular way is to create a nail design using gel polish. In order for it to lie down correctly and hold on for a long time, you must first put your nails in order. This means that you need to get rid of unwanted burrs, cuticles, and it is also necessary to align the nails.

    Not every woman by nature has smooth and strong nails. Sometimes due to proper care behind the hands they are deformed, various irregularities and cracks appear. Nail care should not be limited to home methods, some procedures can only be done with professional help. But the alignment of the nail plate is now available to everyone. There are a huge number of different means and methods for performing this procedure.

    Alignment of the nail plate with a base for gel polish

    Most often, the alignment of the nail plate is done with a gel polish base. After application to the nail, it forms a film that evens out the surface of the nail, fills cracks and helps even with nail deformation. This method is ideal if the nails exfoliate or crumble. The base saturates the nail with vitamins and makes it much stronger and healthier.

    First you need to sand the nail and use a primer. A colored varnish is applied on top of the dried base. It looks much better and neater, the color is more saturated, and it will last up to a month. Even if you do not want to use a bright varnish for your manicure, you can use only the base, and your nails will already look well-groomed and attractive.

    Alignment of the nail plate with biogel

    Another in an efficient way Alignment of the nail plate is a biogel alignment. For the first time, it was used as a strengthening agent for nails back in 1980. Biogel has become widespread and universally recognized due to the fact that it is completely safe means, with which you can not only increase and align nail plate, but also enrich the nail with vitamins, quickly and easily give it a healthy and neat look.

    This tool differs from others in that it contains a large number of protein and nourishes the nail more than others. Despite the fact that the biogel is incredibly plastic and easy to use, after being applied to the nail and hardening, it becomes incredibly hard and strong, which allows you to grow a nail of any length without any problems and not be afraid that it will break or begin to crumble. This tool is suitable even for people with allergies, as it does not contain any toxic harmful substances.

    To properly cover the nail plate with biogel, you must first degrease the nail and polish it. Then you need to use a primer. After that, using any convenient brush, the gel itself is applied, always evenly and accurately.

    Then you need to use an ultraviolet lamp to adhere the target to the nail. Due to the protein content, a film is created that does not penetrate into the microcracks of the nail and does not injure it in the future. This operation should be repeated 2-3 times with each new layer of biogel. The whole procedure will not take much time, you will need a maximum of 30 minutes for your nails to become incredibly elegant and elegant. appearance.

    To remove the biogel from the nail, you must use special fluid, which softens it without causing any harm natural nail. The removal procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes.

    Nail care at home

    But it is important to remember that no expensive and well-known remedy can replace the elementary, but necessary home care behind the nails. In various training videos, you can easily find tips for leveling the nail plate using a variety of baths and oils. For example, using special massage with the use of lemon and strengthening oils, it is possible to heal and even out any nail plate. It is also necessary to carry out moisturizing procedures using various creams at least once a week. The main thing is to make the necessary efforts, then your nails will always look well-groomed and neat.

    If you follow the advice of this article, you can easily and fairly quickly achieve a magnificent appearance of nails even at home, having figured out how the alignment of the nail plate is done using the latest tools.

    Video on the topic of the article

    Manicure can often become calling card women, especially if during the day they often pay attention to him. When the nails exfoliate and form a wave, make nice manicure does not seem possible. To begin with, you need to consult a doctor, since prolonged deformation of the nail plate indicates internal diseases: problems of the immune and digestive system, vitamin deficiency, general weakening of the body, hormonal diseases or skin diseases. Of course, symptomatic and simply aesthetic elimination of the problem is not prohibited, this will help restore the nail to its former shape. However, don't forget about true reason ailment - consult a doctor.

    How to straighten nails at home

    There are several effective methods:

    • Silk alignment.
    • Resin nail treatment.
    • Saturation with vitamins.

    The first two points are best used with a strong deformation of the plate, and choose the method with vitamins as a basis. So you resort to drastic measures at the very last moment.

    How to align the nail plate with resin

    For this you will need:

    • A special resin that can be purchased at cosmetic stores.
    • Fine grain polishing file.
    • Dry cloth or paper.
    • Small strips of foil.
    • Biogel optional.

    First, grind with special nail files. Gently remove all irregularities with light movements, follow the evenness of the nails, looking at them from the side.

    Wipe the dust off the nail with a cloth or paper. Apply a layer of healing resin, wait a few minutes for it to dry. If desired, make a new layer of biogel, then again resin. If you have special fixers in your arsenal, then use them at this stage. Wrap each finger in foil for five minutes. After this time, remove the foil.

    Repeat the procedure as the new nail grows.

    How to align the nail plate with a silk plaster

    You will need:

    • Special silk for nails.
    • Nail glue, which you can find at a nail supply store.
    • Files for polishing with small grain.
    • Orange stick.
    • Makeup remover.

    The first step will also be grinding, as in the case of resin. Take a fine-grained nail file and level the nail plate, as soon as it loses its shine, stop.

    In places where you have bumps or the nail is very thin, drop a drop of glue. Immediately cut off a small piece of silk fabric and attach it with an orange stick to the nail. Wait a couple of seconds for the glue to take.

    Apply a clear top coat of lacquer on top.

    Use colored varnish with grains or sparkles to hide some irregularities after repairing the nail.

    How to align the nail plate with vitamins

    It's simple but very effective method. Drizzle olive oil, almond oil, and peach oil into a bowl of water. It is possible to use special formulations for nail baths. Keep your hands in the water for about ten minutes. Then rub the cuticles with oil and wait until it is absorbed. Apply a layer of gel and refrain from colored polishes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a week.

    Beautiful hands, fingers and wrists, unusual shape of nails and chic manicure is the dream of every girl and woman. But not everyone is naturally given to have perfect hands and nails. Many face the problem bumpy nails. Irregularities can go up and down along the entire length of the nail. And then the question arises of how to level the nail plate at home so that it has a smooth surface.

    Causes of bumps on the nails

    Irregularities are the result of various reasons:

    • fungal infections of the nail plate;
    • deformation of the nail plate under the influence of pathogenic microbes;
    • improper care behind the hands;
    • inaccurate removal of the cuticle;
    • serious problems with the body.

    Alignment of the nail plate should not be limited cosmetic procedures at home. First of all, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the defect, undergo the necessary examination and pass the appropriate tests.

    What determines the beauty of nails?

    If a person does not suffer chronic diseases, and his body fights back against fungal
    infections, bacteria and viruses, which means that he is endowed with strong immunity, internal organs do not fail and work smoothly.

    In order to preserve the beauty of nails and hair for a long time, so that the skin of the face is always healthy and fresh, first of all, it is necessary to eat properly and fully, sleep soundly, systematically actively rest and regularly walk in the fresh air.

    The importance of proper nutrition

    To begin with, it is necessary to eat properly and in a balanced way so that the prescribed amount of vitamins and microelements is consistently supplied to the body. From food it is necessary to eat vegetables, fruits, which contain all the useful substances.

    Calcium, iodine, silicon, iron, sulfur, as well as vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins are simply necessary for the hardness, elasticity, strengthening and growth of the nail plate.

    To get the necessary dose of these vitamins and microelements, you need to eat meat and liver, fish and seafood, eggs, milk and dairy products, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, legumes, fruits and berries, seeds and nuts.

    Alignment methods

    If the cause of the defect lies in the negligence of self-manicure, then it can be easily eliminated. This requires a little effort and a fair amount of time. Microtraumas, cuts, bruises, damage can provoke crumbling, lamination and deformation.

    Damage to the root of the nail is the result of careless removal of the cuticle, tearing off and biting the burr, which, in turn, can lead to damage to the skin around the nails by all kinds of bacteria. To avoid such unpleasant moments at home, you need to do an unedged manicure.

    The best way to enrich the skin and nails with minerals is a warm bath with the addition of sea ​​salt and subsequent hydration olive oil with calendula, as well as a light massage of fingers and nails.

    Effectively moisturize and strengthen nails various oils used for baths. Depending on the concentration, they are used as a means for massaging the nail plates.

    It is advisable to use a gel-like base coat before applying
    decorative varnish. It will serve as a leveling agent, protect nails from the harmful effects of varnish and will serve as a protective film for a long time. You can replace the base gel polish with the same composition.

    The basis of such developments should remain the basic principles of proper care, especially after building. So, you need:

    • constantly strengthen nails with nourishing massage;
    • after warm baths, soften the fingers with moisturizers;
    • Do a manicure once every ten days;
    • remove the cuticle by special means;
    • sometimes rub lemon juice, black and red currants into the nails;
    • use nail polish remover without acetone;
    • polishing once a month;
    • apply medical varnishes and gels.

    How to align the nail plate?

      Because the this problem poignant and insanely relevant to me (and to many other girls and women, I guess). So I decided to give the answer myself.

      So. First, you need to find out the cause of the uneven nails. There may be four:

      • Injury. Most common cause. This, I think, can include not only mechanical injury to the nail, but also chemical, namely from poor-quality nail polish - the constant use of this without prior base coat can do such a nasty thing to your nails! For myself, I determined this reason. How to deal with it? There are several steps that need to be repeated. regularly! Do not think that 2-3 sessions of taking care of your pens will fix the situation! It is important not to stop the procedures and do them constantly and without interruption. so, let's begin:

      a) Now we will never remove nail polish with acetone! Injures the nail and does him no good. Only oil-based products with calcium and protein content!

      b) Since trouble does not come alone, then along with the unevenness of the nail plate, we usually also suffer from them fragility. To fix this problem, too, you need to add foods high in calcium to your usual diet, as well as use nail products that restore water balance nail (this can be a moisturizer, oil or varnish).

      in) Daily you need to do a cuticle massage with a softening cream.

      d) All these techniques contribute to nail restoration. but since the nail grows and recovers slowly, and the need for a flat surface already exists, you can use the so-called. polishing file. However, you should not abuse it, because it makes the nail thinner, which can add even more problems. It is best to use it every 2 weeks.

      • Diseases. everything is quite simple here - the merit of a bad type of nails can be various diseases. AT this case it is useless to treat nails - treat the disease, eliminate its cause and the nails will recover by themselves.

        Fungus is the most unpleasant thing! It can appear not only on the legs, but also on the hands. special remedies for fungal diseases will help here: specialized ointments from a pharmacy and even varnish.

        Heredity. It is very difficult to fight her. here you can recommend drinking calcium and using other strengthening agents.

      I hope that this information will be useful to me and other people who need it!

      The curvature of the nail plate can occur for various reasons: different kinds nail fungus, a consequence of many diseases, even after anesthesia during surgery, after improper care, for some it happens after childbirth, removing extended nails, using various chemicals (different detergents), etc. First, you need to find out the reason why it started, and only then take action. If it is a fungus, you need appropriate treatment with special means, if it is due to some kind of illness, then first treat the disease, and then the nails will straighten themselves.

    There are things that you can look at forever: fire, water and perfect highlights on the nails. Girls often face the problem of brittle and uneven nails on which colored gel polish unevenly lies. Alignment of the nail plate is a necessary procedure for such problems.

    What is it for

    Each of us different nails by its structure. Lucky for those girls who have it perfectly even and smooth. But some young ladies have an ultra-sensitive plate (irregularities, detachments, tubercles). In addition to everything, during manicure, nails are often subjected to various treatments: sawdust, polishing, removal of gel polish with a machine, etc., which also has a bad effect on the condition of the nails.

    Alignment and strengthening is necessary in order to give the nail the correct architecture. It will also get rid of varnish leaks, waves at the end, various bumps and dents. The first layer is a primer, it hides all the bumps. The second layer is evenly distributed over the nail, smoothly disappears in the area of ​​the lateral ridges and cuticles, forming an ideal surface.

    This procedure is simply necessary and has a number of advantages:

    • Alignment gives strength to the nails, and the coating lasts for several weeks before correction.
    • The ability to create the correct architecture of the nail. When adjusted, the nail will grow in the right direction.
    • Simplicity and accessibility. There is no need to buy additional funds to make the fortification. A simple procedure takes about 10 minutes.
    • It is important to do alignment when removing the coating with the apparatus, so that when sawing off, a base layer remains. A thin layer of the product will cover and protect the nail from mechanical influences.
    • Static and beauty. The smooth surface gives beautiful and even highlights from different light sources.

    Why Do Irregularities Appear?

    Ribbed, wavy and thin nails are always a problem. With such nails, any manicure does not look very neat. Most often, we do not think about the true cause of the deplorable state.

    Worth considering this issue Special attention because nails are an indicator of our health. For example, if your nails are covered with a groove near the cuticle, then you should drink a course of vitamins to saturate your body with useful trace elements. Ribbed plates appear as a result of microtrauma, and are also the cause of fungus, psoriasis or other problems in the body.

    What to dub

    Aligning the nail plate is a simple matter. Here it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the material. To strengthen the nail fit:

    • base for gel polish;
    • biogel;
    • extension gels.

    It is important to remember that any tool that will form the basis of a manicure should be very thick. Liquid bases or gels will not work. They will just flow off the nail, not form it.

    Alignment of the nail plate with a base

    The base should be thick, it is advisable to choose rubber. The thicker it is, the easier it will be to strengthen the nail. More liquid products quickly run away to the side rollers. It is necessary to follow this.

    What bases are suitable:

    • Kodi
    • Komilfo;
    • Lovely base;
    • NeoNail;
    • Adore Professional.

    Strengthening technique:

    1. Prepare nails for work.
    2. It is good to scoop up a drop with a brush right size and apply a thin layer of base.
    3. Put a drop in the apex area (almost near the cuticle). Pull it to the cuticle and stretch in 3 movements. The first is in the center, the second is on the right side, the third is on the left side. Don't be afraid to mess things up. The base brush is very soft, it will not be able to push through the drop, so the movements can be bold.
    4. Form the architecture of the nail with the corner of the brush.
    5. Turn the nail over, seal the end and dry well.

    Video Tutorial: Base Leveling Technique

    Alignment of the nail plate with biogel

    The choice of most girls is biogel. It has a thick consistency and dissolves well. Many manufacturers produce special biogels for thin nails. This is a real salvation for problem nails that suffer from detachments. The brush must be chosen soft with a rounded shape and a long pile. It should practically not touch the nail. The tool should stretch only due to surface tension.

    What biogels are suitable:

    • Bio Stretch Gel (BSG);
    • AticaTM;
    • creator;
    • Yoko;
    • El Corazon.

    Remember that for alignment with biogel, it is also necessary to apply a base.

    Strengthening technique:

    • Apply a primer thin layer of base biogel on prepared, fat-free and slightly buffed nails with a brush.
    • It is good to rub the base, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe side rollers, under the cuticle and seal the butt.
    • Dry the layer. In time, the biogel dries like a regular gel polish: 30 seconds in an LED lamp and 2 minutes in a regular UV lamp.
    • The second leveling coat must be applied on a well-dried primer coat. Saturate the brush with gel for the material and scoop a drop on the tip right size.
    • Put in the center of the nail about a millimeter from the cuticle.
    • Push the brush forward a little towards the cuticle.
    • When the drop lies along the cuticle, stretch the material down to the tip. Without pressure, distribute the biogel over the nail, not reaching the end of the free edge, so as not to touch the dispersion layer and not violate its integrity. So the material is distributed more evenly.
    • It is necessary to work out the side zones. It is necessary to stretch the material from the droplet to the tip closer to the rollers.
    • Turning the nail sideways, form a longitudinal line. With the corner of the brush, lightly cling to the biogel layer and pull down along the nail with long straight lines.
    • Near the side ridges, the gel thickness should be minimal.
    • The result will be a small volume along the center line of the nail from the cuticle to the tip with the highest point somewhere between the center and the cuticle by about 1/3.
    • Flip your finger over and seal the butt.
    • Dry the layer in the lamp.

    Before applying the color layer, regardless of whether it will be necessary to cover the nails with colored gel polish or gel, it is necessary to remove the sticky layer. This is necessary so that the color layer lays down well and evenly.

    C-curve of the nail

    Care must be taken to ensure that the transverse bend has a beautiful rounded shape without excess material on the sides. This is especially true when working with liquid materials. To avoid such an error and eliminate all irregularities, you need to turn your finger with your fingernail down.

    Alignment of the nail plate with manicure gel

    An ideal option for those who, when growing the length of the free edge, begin to curl their nails unevenly. With the help of the gel, you can strengthen and correct the nail plate.

    What gels are suitable:

    • Cosmoprofi;
    • Kodi
    • Iris.

    If you are leveling the nail with extension gel, it is important to remember that it does not dissolve. It only needs to be cut down.

    Strengthening technique:

    • Disinfect hands and file the surface with a buff.
    • Coat feet with acid-free primer for better grip.
    • Use a flat brush to rub a thin layer of the gel base.
    • Send the layer to dry in the lamp for a few minutes.
    • Take a drop of nail gel with a brush and put it on the middle of the nail.
    • Push it closer to the cuticle, to the side rollers and gently smooth it out.
    • If most often deformations occur on the free edge, then it is necessary to pay attention to it and carefully level the gel there.
    • Dry the layer in the lamp.
    • With a file of medium hardness, carefully file all the irregularities of the nail: side ridges, near the cuticle and the free edge. And also it is necessary to trim the butt.

    Now the nails are perfectly even, and the color coating will fall on them flawlessly!

    Life hack: how to make perfect highlights

    After we learned how to do the alignment of the nail plate, we should learn one more secret. A perfect glare will not work without a round lamp. Its appearance directly depends on the light source. With an ordinary lamp, it will be anything: square, angular or oblong. But a beautiful round glare can only be obtained from a round lamp. In its absence, it will be very problematic to form it.

    In order to get it, an ordinary round table lamp is suitable. After applying the strengthening, the nails can be held under a regular lamp for 20-30 seconds, and then sent to polymerize.

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