• 11 years of marriage, what a wedding, congratulations. Congratulations on your steel wedding


    The wedding day, after 11 years spent together by the married couple, is an important date for them. Over the years, their union grew stronger, their relationship became stronger, and the couple became a family. It's not for nothing that they call it the 11th wedding anniversary. Likewise, the relationship between spouses after so many years of marriage should become strong and smooth, like this alloy. Therefore, congratulations should be approached seriously and creatively. To make your congratulations special and memorable for the spouses, you should prepare it in advance. It is better to learn speeches and toasts so that your words come from the bottom of your heart.

    Options and examples.

    In order for your spouses to have a wonderful day, you should not limit your imagination.

    You can refer to the symbolism of this date and find<<стальные подарки>>: be it steel souvenirs, cutlery, statues. You can also give something in the amount of 11 pieces, symbolizing the number of years the couple spent together. Or you can give the heroes of the occasion tickets to unexpected, dangerous, mystical places, concerts or events that will dilute their family life with adrenaline.

    You can also congratulate the spouses in your own words by writing an equally touching speech. You can compose a poem or write just beautiful words.

    For example, congratulations on your wedding day could be like this:

    • Exactly 11 years ago, on this day, two wonderful, wonderful people cemented their relationship. For these long years you have become family and close people. I am so glad to be here today and share this joyful event with you. With all my heart I congratulate you on this happy day!

    There is an endless number of congratulations. The main thing is to approach the choice of them with soul.

    Wishes and toasts

    In order for wishes and toasts to make an impression and not go unnoticed, they should not be drawn out and monotonous. Let your speech be short but vivid. Take as a basis your wishes what you like most about this couple, what you value and love them for. Highlight their highlights in your toast or Interesting Facts and events that connect you.

    • Today I raise a glass to beautiful couple, which with its brilliance can outshine the light of diamonds. You have walked a road that is 11 years long, during which you have experienced many adventures. Guys, may your relationship continue to remain as sparkling and transparent as this champagne. For you!
    • It's a beautiful day. 11 years ago, on this day, two loving hearts united. And I am happy to see that to this day they are full of love, and there is also a sparkle in their eyes. I wish you the same in the future strong love, and fire. And let it be bitter only from champagne. Bitterly!

    In verse:

    This holiday, gentle, bright,

    You celebrate for the eleventh time,

    And he is also excitingly solemn,

    And your union is only stronger now.

    And, as a participant, unpretentiously,

    I want to wish you at this hour

    And wish you, a little shyly,

    Love is stronger than a diamond!

    In this article, we tried to help you as much as possible in finding congratulations on special date weddings Now you know how to choose a toast or wish for a married couple.

    Eleven years is not a light burden,
    But your union is strong as steel.
    Corrosion to the feelings of the family is not scary,
    A steel wall will appear in front of her.
    Eleven years and you are still together,
    And criticism of feelings is completely inappropriate.
    You love, you value your family,
    To help your family when you are in a hurry.
    The wife is like a support; behind her are the children, the house,
    Man defending with a steel fist.
    We wish you happiness and a lot of goodness,
    Let life try on the passions of color.

    Steel wedding,
    11 years old, and you are a young family.
    The husband and wife became more serious,
    They built a house and had children.
    You are our dear, dear friends,
    Your family is always an example.
    Live happily, do not know troubles,
    Solemnly celebrate the steel wedding.

    Congratulations on your anniversary, you are 11 years old,
    The date is forged in the forge and no further words are needed.
    And for us, a steel wedding, an unconquered frontier,
    A man must have a huge backbone to hold out.
    And the wife, like an anvil, preserves her husband’s time,
    The husband saved the family from metal corrosion.
    Children are like one huge Scandinavian mechanism,
    And the family is like a rebellious and healthy organism.
    Let your holiday be remembered, teach others a lesson,
    How to protect your family from bad weather and worries.

    From hatred and sadness, they kept their feelings,
    The marriage, of course, is daring, the anniversary is already steel.
    Maybe you are a little tired, your feelings have only become stronger.
    You haven’t stopped loving, your relationship has become stronger.
    Despite all the sorrows, you forged your love,
    And they trusted in God, they experienced happiness and joy.
    Let, over the years of tenderness, towards the ideal of striving,
    The heavens will open and miracles will appear.
    And after going through all the years, the family is consolidated.

    For 11 whole years you have been tormented by torment,
    That this date might not exist someday.
    Life seems like this to you, sometimes, like a punishment,
    Well, guys, this is a gift of fate.
    Your colloquial vocabulary has been replenished with words,
    And a discharge is given for throwing plates.
    May your life be filled with bright moments,
    May you laugh at them at fifty!

    We have tolerated each other for 11 years.
    I want to hear an honest answer from you here:
    Where do socks always go after washing?
    Who always washes my boots after a hunt?
    I don’t understand where the food comes from,
    You spend days in the kitchen, tell me why?
    I don’t know how I’ve tolerated you all these years.
    Yes, it’s very simple - I endure it because I love it!

    A steel wedding sounds good!
    Eleven year life span
    Today we celebrate. Speaks
    He is for himself. But the roads of life
    There's still a lot to go through
    I wish you not to go astray,
    Always protect each other
    Love, and, of course, respect!

    What could be stronger than steel?
    Questions are asked again and again.
    You guys proved to us:
    Only love is stronger than steel!
    Treasure your family duty,
    Share your warmth generously!
    Live happily ever after
    Golden until the wedding!

    11 years old - you are still children.
    So enjoy every minute in the world!
    11 years is not so much,
    You can choose any road.
    11 years is the age to be happy.
    Let bad weather bypass you.
    I want to drink some new wine
    For the couple who are still so in love.

    We congratulate you on your steel wedding,
    We wish you good luck, joy,
    May your family life be like steel
    It's getting stronger! Let sadness pass by
    So that you never experience sadness,
    Let trouble pass by,
    I only wish to strive for the best,
    Let any goal come true!

    I have a rich family life experience,
    How long have you been married?
    Reliable enamel,
    Your marriage has strengthened like steel!
    Congratulations on a beautiful date,
    We wish you warmth at home!
    Solve problems together
    Multiply the family budget!

    Eleven years of living together are not tired,
    So that means we are giving you a gift made of steel,
    This date is called the steel anniversary,
    We wish you happiness, may you be rich,
    May your children always bring you joy,
    So that your future path in life is bright.

    By the eleventh anniversary, the husband and wife are already sure that their relationship is strong, like the steel after which this date is named. Steel, although a “black” material, after some processing can shine like a jewel. So relationships, having passed many tests, begin to play with new colors and “sparkle” in their own way.

    According to astrology, the number “11” symbolizes accuracy, attentiveness and the ability to adapt to any conditions. In the life of the spouses, the main difficulties have already been overcome and a calmer and more measured life begins. If a couple has managed to maintain their relationship for so many years, then it is just as difficult to destroy as steel.


    In ancient times, on their anniversary, spouses performed a ritual with water in the morning. In the summer, the husband and wife swam in the river, and in cold weather, they doused themselves in the bathhouse. Then they put on white clothes, symbolizing purity. In addition, the spouses exchanged valuables as a sign mutual love and devotion. Later they began to give each other objects made of steel as an additional reminder of the strength and durability of their union.

    On the eve of the holiday, the house was put in order, freed from unnecessary and old things. It was believed that this attracted good luck and positive events into the life of the family.

    How to celebrate a steel wedding

    The date of 11 years is not an anniversary, so the celebration, as a rule, takes place calmly. Relatives, close friends and wedding witnesses are invited to the celebration. The presence of a couple who have lived longer than 11 years at the celebration is considered a good omen.

    Depending on the format of the holiday, the “young people” plan their day. If you decide to celebrate together, you can start with the morning ritual of ablution. This is unusual and quite intimate, which means it will bring husband and wife even closer together. There is absolutely no need to go to the pond. You can come up with something original even in an ordinary bathroom.

    During the day, you can go to the place of acquaintance or first date. It’s logical to end the evening in a restaurant or cafe. Each couple decides whether to invite guests to dinner or not based on their financial situation and desires.

    Gift options for a family's 11th birthday

    Since the date has a specific name - “Steel Wedding”, gifts are selected in accordance with this. Any items with a shiny chrome-plated surface, or made entirely of metal, will do.

    Spouses give each other:

    • jewelry made of steel, white gold or silver (rings, chains, pendants, sets, etc.);
    • accessories made of steel or silver (watches, cufflinks, cases, hairpins, etc.);
    • mirror in chrome frame;
    • boxes and amulets;
    • gadgets in a steel case;
    • kitchen appliances and utensils made of metal or with a chrome surface.

    If a husband or wife has a hobby, it is much easier for a partner to choose a gift. You can give the photographer a lens or other accessories. For the pastry chef - baking molds or metal utensils. For a gardener - flower pots, convenient tools or a stylish chrome watering can.

    It is also appropriate to exchange steel rings. Now you can choose an interesting ready-made design, or order unique jewelry from a jeweler. The inside of the rings is often engraved, which makes the ritual even more symbolic.

    Relatives give:

    • steel horseshoe;
    • a mini-film about the life of spouses or the whole family;
    • certificate for a joint adventure (flight on hot-air balloon, horseback riding, etc.);
    • glasses made of steel or silver;
    • an excursion to the blacksmith, where the heroes of the occasion will forge their own horseshoe, and therefore their own happiness;
    • professional photo session for two spouses or for the whole family;
    • a steel safe is a symbolic and original surprise.

    Friends can give:

    • barbecue;
    • picnic or barbecue set;
    • candlestick;
    • gadgets (scales, flash drive, computer mouse, etc.);
    • glasses and decanter;
    • chess;
    • sporting goods;
    • tray;
    • service, etc.

    Of course, it is impossible to imagine a celebration without flowers. For a Steel wedding it is appropriate to give various bouquets and floral compositions. But there is also a special tradition - to present a bouquet of 11 flowers. At the same time, plants are selected that can stand in a vase for at least 11 days - this is a good omen that promises peace in the house. Also, fresh flowers can be used to decorate the table or room where the celebration is taking place.

    Examples of congratulations

    Any gift will be appropriate if it is chosen and given with soul. But, in any congratulation, in addition to the material part, there are also words. Congratulatory speech may be in prose or poetry. It is important that the words come from the heart and are thought out in advance. Excitement and jitters can play a cruel joke on an unprepared improviser.

    Poem example:

    “Wedding of steel - 11 years!

    You live together: with love, without troubles.

    Today we want to wish you

    Be energetic and don't get tired.

    Do not accumulate grievances and quarrels in your soul,

    Always see only the positive in life.

    Go towards your goals, never give up,

    Love your spouse, smile every day!”

    Prose from the parents of the husband or wife:

    “Our beloved children! 11 years ago you left your parents' nest and created your own personal family nest. So let love and happiness, prosperity and mutual respect be present in it every day! Let the little chicks always be healthy and obedient! Happy Steel Anniversary, our dears!”


    Along with the eleventh anniversary, in family life a new decade begins. Regardless of whether the spouses celebrate this date magnificently or just the two of them, it is important to congratulate your loved one. A steel wedding is a great occasion to remind you of your feelings, talk about the most important things and give it to your loved one. to a loved one a gift chosen with soul.

    11 wedding years - very interesting date. The family is already more than ten years old. During this time, the couple established a life, built a house or acquired another home, raised a child or children, and pursued a career.

    Traditions and customs for 11th wedding anniversary

    This non-round date is called a steel date. The marriage has already become strong, like this metal. But this material is not natural; it is created from a mixture of iron and carbon. So by this time the spouses were already able to turn their relationship into a strong and lasting one. But we must continue to work tirelessly on them.

    Here's what folk beliefs observed in the old days and it is advisable to use them now:

    1. On the 11th wedding anniversary, it is customary to renovate your home. You can make major or at least cosmetic repairs, buy furniture and household items. If you are limited in funds, then you need to at least rearrange the house.
    2. Plan free time so that a few days before the event, do some general cleaning.
    3. By this date, the spouses must do something together. For example, hang a lamp, a horseshoe. In this case, the husband will install these things, and the wife will provide the tools.
    4. Before celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary, the couple must take a steam bath or swim in the river. After all, it is generally accepted that water washes away negativity and troubles that could have existed in the family for 11 years joint wedding. After this, you need to put on clean clothes. If it is not possible to go to the bathhouse or swim in the river, then you can take a bath.
    5. A pleasant tradition concerns the need to give gifts for the 11th wedding anniversary. The spouses will exchange them. They should sit opposite and, saying pleasant words, wishes, give gifts and thank your soulmate for the gift of happiness.
    6. You need to prepare the blade, rope, and dough in advance. One of the friends or relatives should invite the spouses to choose one of these things. If they took the blade, it meant the inviolability of their marriage. If you preferred to take the rope, then your feelings still have to stand the test of time. If the spouses chose dough, this meant the instability of their relationship.
    7. It is customary to celebrate 11 wedding years cheerfully and noisily, with dancing, songs, delicious dishes, inviting many guests. The husband will give his wife 11 flowers. There is an interesting custom regarding this.

    If the flowers given by your spouse last 11 days without wilting, it means next years life together peace and harmony await the family.

    But in general, you shouldn’t take such beliefs too seriously. The husband and wife have lived together for 11 years, and this says a lot, and this figure itself is very interesting in this interpretation, since there are numbers 1 and 1, this means that the loved ones have become equal partners and a real couple.

    11th wedding anniversary - what do they give?

    Gifts can be practical or something that will make you smile and laugh. But you can present them in such a way as to please the heroes of the occasion and those gathered, with jokes and jokes.

    Practical gifts would be:

    • coffee maker;
    • set of dishes;
    • kettle;
    • a set of kitchen items;
    • expensive watches;
    • telephone;
    • household appliances, for example, multicooker, toaster, blender;
    • safe;
    • if a couple plays sports, then you can give them an exercise machine or a bicycle;
    • barbecue;
    • fondue set.

    Here's what a husband can give his wife:

    • metal box;
    • costume jewelry made of jewelry steel;
    • a beautiful mirror in a shiny frame;
    • telephone;
    • laptop.

    For the 11th wedding anniversary, a wife can give her husband:

    • hookah;
    • expensive cufflinks;
    • metal flask with engraving;
    • set of steel glasses;
    • set of tools;
    • watch.

    It's fun to create gifts with your own hands. They can be presented along with purchased gifts.

    How to make a gift with your own hands for a steel wedding?

    To make such a present for your 11th wedding anniversary, take:

    • wire;
    • scissors;
    • foil.

    First you need to weave a base from wire. If you can’t make it so voluminous, just make a blank for the stem and leaves. And if you want to make a three-dimensional one, then take a piece of the bottle, its upper part, and tie this part with wire to make a vase.

    And to make a rose, you need to take a rectangle of foil 50 cm long, bend it at the top and bottom.

    Now twist this piece clockwise or counterclockwise so that you get a bud on top and a stem on the bottom. You will select it if you press here with your hands.

    If you want to put candlesticks on the tables, then foil will also come in handy.

    To make such a gift for your 11th wedding anniversary, take:

    • a strip of foil measuring 11 by 200 cm;
    • ruler;
    • white cardboard;
    • pencil;
    • scissors.

    Cut a strip of cardboard measuring 3 by 21 cm. This will be the template on which you will cut the strips.

    But first, cut 6 strips measuring 9 by 21 cm. And then chop the rest of the foil with scissors according to this pattern.

    When cutting the foil, act carefully so as not to tear it and maintain the integrity of the material. Now these strips need to be twisted to form such flagella. Roll them from thin and wider strips of foil.

    First take a thick flagellum, step back 6 cm from its edge, make a bend at a right angle. In the same way, make another flagellum and connect both together. After that, make another similar rectangle.

    Cut each remaining thick flagellum in half and fasten the rectangles with these parts. The frame is ready. Now it needs to be decorated. Take thin flagella and roll each into a spiral, the diameter of which is 3 cm. To then fasten these spirals to the base, you need to cut two flagella into six parts.

    Place the first curl on the bottom of the future candlestick and secure it with an additional detail. In the same way, attach three more spirals. Then decorate the remaining sides of the lantern with such curls, leaving only one free. Attach the flagellum as a handle to the lantern and you can install a candle inside.

    You can give a gift for your 11th wedding anniversary, which will be an antique photo frame. Not everyone will immediately guess that foil also helped create this antique effect.


    • foil;
    • art brushes;
    • glue stick;
    • acrylic paints: bronze, brown, black, green;
    • a jar for water;
    • 2 sheets of A4 paper;
    • scissors.

    Attach the paper to the foil, cut the foil so that the resulting rectangle is slightly larger than the sheet.

    Roll the foil into a ball, and then straighten it, but do not smooth it so that it remains wrinkled. Coat a sheet of paper with glue and attach the foil to it, straightening it slightly. This should leave folds. Apply a thin layer of bronze paint to the foil, dry it with a hairdryer or just air dry.

    You can use this entire sheet or cut a section the right size. Now take a second piece of paper and apply all four colors on it a little at a time. Mix them with a brush, but only slightly combining the shades so that a clear transition of colors is visible. Paint the foil with this solution.

    Dry the workpiece. To achieve relief, squeeze out just a little bronze-colored paint onto your fingertips. Run them over the already decorated foil. Then the depressions will remain black, and the bulges will acquire a beautiful bronze color.

    Tint the entire surface of this material in this way, and then use it by wrapping the frame.

    If you make a background from foil, then you can stick a photo of the heroes of the occasion in the center and give them such a gift. To make a similar blank, take:

    • foil;
    • acrylic primer;
    • thick cardboard;
    • glue;
    • foam sponge for dishes.

    Spread glue onto the cardboard and glue a pre-crumpled rectangle of foil onto it. Attach it to the cardboard, helping yourself with a dish sponge. Fold the edges of the foil over the cardboard, coat the underside of the cardboard rectangle with glue, smooth out the foil and glue it here.

    Apply acrylic primer to a sponge and tint the surface of the foil on the face with it. Let the soil dry a little, then apply the second layer with blotting movements, without rubbing the mixture.

    Delight your newlyweds by decorating your 11th wedding anniversary celebration venue with silver butterflies that look like steel ones. Take:

    • foil;
    • cardboard;
    • butterfly wings template;
    • acrylic paints.

    Cut out two butterfly wings from cardboard and prime one half. Glue the crumpled and straightened foil here. Then cut it along the contours of the workpiece.

    Decorate the other half of the wings in the same way. You can leave the wings as is, connecting them with thread, passing it through the holes made with a hole punch.

    Or you can paint a butterfly, then stick family photos here and decorate the place where you will celebrate your 11th wedding anniversary with such cute little things.

    See how you can congratulate the heroes of the occasion on this day.

    When a couple exchanges their second joint ten, it is worthy of respect. Years together smooth out rough moments, like water rolling over pebbles. Over a period of more than ten years, we can get to know each other thoroughly. Marriage is no longer just sealed mutual feelings and interests, there are much more common points: as a rule, by this time they have acquired their own housing, made a career, a child is growing up, and perhaps more than one. And most importantly, common memories accumulate in the arsenal, which, like a needle, “sew” people to each other.

    In order to include as many pleasant ones as possible among these memories, we should not forget about wedding anniversaries– this is not such a small reason to show love and attention.

    Steel wedding – what could be stronger?

    Popular rumor awarded the 11-year-old wedding anniversary epithet "steel". The first thing that comes to mind is that the marriage has become strong, like this alloy. The strength of steel is inherent in relationships that have confidently stepped over and taken the next step; it is difficult to argue with this. Nevertheless, steel melts, albeit at very high temperature, and it happens that it breaks, the impact for this must also be strong. So there is no need to relax completely, because steel also needs care so that it does not fade or become dull. In a family, you cannot stop working on relationships.

    Steel is not a natural metal, it is an alloy of iron and carbon, a man-made material. The family at this stage has become what has been invested in it over the past 11 years. The couple created their own world, and subsequent years will show how high-quality the steel turned out to be.

    Good steel has long served good purposes, because good man will pick up a weapon or surgical instrument only for the purpose of protecting or helping. If in a family both spouses do not think only about their rights and comfort, but care primarily about each other, they can get much more than they demand what is rightfully due.

    Steel protects the owner from evil entities, energy vampires, increases vitality. Family is the force that can resist any negative trends and increases positive returns a hundredfold.

    And everything bad must be cut off calmly and confidently, like a steel scalpel, bringing both pain and healing.

    These thoughts related to steel determined the name of this anniversary.

    Now let’s think about how to please the heroes of the occasion without losing the “steel” component of the gift, as well as its relevance and originality?

    We offer you many ideas, from classic to extraordinary, below.

    Put steel in the man's hand. What to give your husband for his eleventh birthday

    The word “steel” for men is primarily associated with edged weapons. So why not give a souvenir blade? Dagger, saber, machete, katana, epee, sword - the choice is great. And if you make a personalized engraving on the handle, the gift will become exclusive. Many men love guns, but what if your wife is a pacifist?

    Here are many more interesting “steel” ideas related to other areas of life:

    A gift that is not necessarily made of steel, but has a steely sheen, would be appropriate. If you are not inspired by the above options or your gift has already been prepared, pack it in silver foil and the holiday style will be respected.

    There was a sparkle in the eyes of my beloved. Choosing a gift for my wife

    Let him not be harsh, but admiring! And this will happen if you please with the gift and especially with the attention shown! If for a man steel is, first of all, a weapon, then a gift for a steel wedding anniversary for a woman is jewelry.

    Jewelry steel has firmly conquered the market because it enjoys constant popularity. Products made from it are not only safe for health, but also beautiful and varied! Jewelry stores and Internet sites will provide to a loving man There are many gift options for a steel wedding: rings, bracelets, pendants, pendants and various types of earrings.

    You can give your beloved steel gifts for her 11th wedding anniversary, which are also associated with other women’s joys:

    We are sure that the wife will be grateful to her husband for the housework related to steel. It will be pleasant to do both the banal “hang a picture” and “nail a shelf” (the nails are steel!), as well as more large-scale alterations associated with repairs. For example, suggest that your spouse replace the kitchen sink with a new stainless steel one, change the faucet taps, the shower head, or buy a shiny new hob as a gift.

    We know “how steel was tempered.” Gifts from friends to steel anniversaries

    Close people and friends who remember such a significant date are undoubtedly aware of the preferences and tastes of the married couple. Therefore, when choosing a gift, focus not only on its usefulness or monetary equivalent, but also on its relevance for the particular family.

    The most common family gift for a “steel wedding” is dishes. Steel dinner sets, sets of glasses and glasses, cutlery (knives, forks, cake spatulas, etc.) - all this is very diverse today and is perfect as a gift for a family holiday.

    But this approach may seem somewhat banal to some; it happens that the couple immediately warns the donors: “Not the dishes!” If that option is out of the question, well, there are plenty of others!

    Here are just a few options family gifts of steel:

    • souvenirs - steel horseshoe, medallion, engraved memorial plaque;
    • a lock with a key made especially for the couple (many people like the tradition of locking it on some memorable place, for example, a bridge, and throwing away the key);
    • any paired jewelry;
    • champagne bucket;
    • Frame;
    • family photo album with steel corners or silver binding;
    • support for flowers;
    • wall mirror with steel decor;
    • an umbrella for each family member or a pair “for two” - each of them has steel knitting needles;
    • picture in frame with steel elements;
    • handcuff toy (as a sign that the husband and wife are “chained” to each other);
    • home safe (size depends on home);
    • you can present a safe disguised as a book;
    • barbecue with a set of skewers (today you can choose a wide variety of designs, these are real works of art);
    • barbecue grill (there is also a “mini” option for location on the balcony);
    • fondue set with original steel skewers;
    • hanging stainless steel shelf for the bathroom;
    • if a couple lives in a private house, they will be glad to receive any garden tool as a gift;
    • Bicycles for the whole family would be an excellent gift; if it is difficult to cope with financially, then at least for a child, parents will be very pleased;
    • engraved steel medallion that can be attached to any gift.

    By agreement with the spouses, you can give them a birdcage, of course, not an empty one: suddenly the time has come to fulfill your dream and get budgies or a canary. Cages for decorative rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters and guinea pigs They're also made of steel!

    If this is relevant for the family, you can offer to pay for the installation of new steel doors, which the spouses will choose. Your home needs to be protected and protected!

    A certificate for a master class or an excursion to a forge can be an original and memorable gift. Having fun together will bring spouses even closer together and guarantee special memories.

    Whatever the gift for a steel wedding, spouses should rejoice, first of all, in each other’s smile. In order for these smiles to be sincere and feelings to be bright, strive not to receive a more expensive and better gift, but first of all to give loved one. After all, only by caring for each other can you be truly happy in your family, and this can be confirmed to you by any couple who have been married for 11 years and are striving for new joyful anniversaries.

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