• A gift for the first family anniversary - chintz for diapers. Wedding anniversaries and their names by year


    1 year of marriage after marriage. Sometimes this date is also called a gauze wedding.

    The symbol of the holiday is chintz. It shows the fragility and at the same time the brightness of the first year family life.

    The first year is the period of family formation. It is believed that during this time feelings do not lose their colors. In this case, the relationship remains delicate and can be easily torn, just like calico fabric. There is another explanation for the name of the holiday. People say that in the first year of a happy family life, spouses turn chintz bed linen into gauze.

    The celebration of the first wedding anniversary was carried out in different ways at different times. Previously, preparations began long before this day. The wife had to embroider a tablecloth for the festive feast, sew a chintz outfit (sundress and shirt) for herself and her husband and embroider it. Now this tradition has been greatly simplified. It is enough that there is a chintz tablecloth on the table, and at least one chintz item (for example, a scarf) is present in the clothes of the spouses.

    This anniversary is usually celebrated outdoors. The spouses invite parents, witnesses, and best friends to the celebration. According to tradition, on this day the husband and wife must tie knots on different edges of a calico scarf. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “Just as the knots we tie are strong, so are our words.” These knots seal the promises made a year ago for life. On this day, the first of two bottles of champagne left on the wedding day is opened (the second is left until the birthday of the first child).

    Gifts for the first wedding anniversary

    Traditionally on chintz wedding give items made of chintz or similar material.

    As a gift you can present:

    • textiles: bed linen, bedspread, towels, tablecloth, blanket, curtains, kitchen potholders;
    • clothes: pajamas, bathrobes, T-shirts with interesting inscriptions or wishes;
    • household items made of macrame: flowerpots, wall decorations, bookshelves, napkins.

    Gift for husband/wife

    On this day, spouses traditionally give each other cotton handkerchiefs. You don’t have to adhere to the rituals too strictly and present each other with any clothes. Perhaps the wife has been wanting a new dress for a long time, and it’s time for the husband to update his shirt. If you want to show originality, then you can give your wife beautiful underwear as a gift. Your husband will definitely like a scarf knitted by his other half.

    Gift from guests to spouses

    The first wedding anniversary is an opportunity to show your imagination. The family will be happy with the unexpected and original gifts. Alternatively, you can present wedding photo in the form of a painting on canvas, an unusually shaped pillow or with custom embroidery.

    There is always a use for practical gifts too. Perhaps the family needs household appliances. You can give a coffee maker, toaster, blender, iron. If the family is expecting a new addition, then a small blanket, an air ionizer, or a clothes dryer would be a good gift. The tradition of giving calico diapers for the first-born is no longer used.

    Congratulations, toasts

    For the feast, you can prepare several options for original congratulations in advance:

    Dear spouses!
    Today is your first wedding anniversary. The beginning of a long and happy life it's supposed to. We hope that this year has been as colorful and simple for you as chintz. We wish this brightness and lightness to accompany your relationship in the future. I wish you health, patience and a speedy addition to your family!
    Dear spouses!
    The first year is an examination of your family life. If we are all gathered here today, it means you survived it. We wish you the same ease in navigating the ship of your marriage in the future. May your life be filled with mutual understanding and love! Take care of each other!


    Without entertainment program celebrating the first anniversary of marriage will turn into an ordinary feast. Therefore, it is important to prepare several competitions.

    Competition program options:

    1. "Quiz"
    The couple are preparing tricky questions about their wedding last year (how many guests were there, what colors were the decorations in? festive hall whether the girl who caught the bouquet got married this year, what was the ransom for the stolen bride, etc.), they suggest finding your spouse in group photographs from kindergarten. For correct answers, guests are awarded symbolic “forfeits” - chintz embroidered hearts.

    2. Handkerchief game
    A scarf is tied around the neck of one of the guests. He becomes the center of the circle formed by the other guests. Everyone starts dancing. During the dance, the guest with the scarf chooses a “victim,” ties the scarf to her and kisses her. The next wearer of the scarf comes to the center and dances further. This can continue until a specially appointed person in charge stops the music. At this moment, the person standing in the center of the circle should jump up and loudly sing “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

    3. Competition for spouses “Measuring the table”
    To the applause of the guests and the music, the spouses begin to measure the table with their palms, placing them in turn. The one who reaches the end of the table last is declared the “master of the family.” In fact, the competition also reveals the most dexterous (who was the first to put his hand on the table) and the smartest (if one of the spouses guessed to run to the other end of the table and put his palm there).

    The evening can be diversified by launching sky lanterns. This will be the highlight of the holiday.

    A wedding is a special event in the life of every person. You can be indifferent to celebrating even your own birthday, but your wedding day will forever remain in your memory, because the moment when two different people became one cannot be forgotten. And this is worth a lot.

    In most parts of our planet, it is customary to celebrate wedding anniversaries. This custom is ancient and, remarkably, was originally common to both Western and Eastern cultures.

    Each wedding anniversary has its own unique name. As a rule, when celebrating, it is customary to take it into account when choosing gifts for spouses. What wedding anniversaries are called and what they mean will be discussed in this article.

    What's behind the names?

    In a modern, extremely practical and materialistic society, the names wedding anniversaries immediately associated with the choice of gifts. Well, it’s very convenient. I looked at the corresponding calendar and already know what to give to friends or parents for their wedding anniversary.

    However, the traditions of these names originated in the Middle Ages, when people were not yet so mercantile. Different fabrics, metals and precious stones with which each such date was associated, they allegorically tried to describe the relationship between the spouses. Durable materials invariably replaced fragile ones from year to year, and simple metals were eventually replaced by noble ones. By the 60th anniversary, family relationships were already compared to a diamond. It was believed that only death could destroy such a marriage.

    The beginning of all beginnings

    Just twenty years ago, few people knew what kind of weddings there were, except for gold and silver. But today interest in ancient rituals and customs is experiencing a new round of popularity. Therefore, we will try to cover all significant aspects of this issue. And let's start, perhaps, from the very day of the wedding.

    Yes, the first wedding is green - this is the day of marriage itself. According to traditions, newlyweds had to be given something in green colors. The bride's wedding crown had to include fresh leaves of the myrtle tree. They symbolized freshness, youth and the beginning of a new family.

    Today, as a rule, it is customary to give money to newlyweds. Such a gift will help in the newly formed family structure, and at the same time it will relieve the giver from the headache of choosing a suitable gift. As for maintaining traditions, some currencies are still issued today mainly in green tones.

    If you want to follow the ancient ritual exactly, then simply present the young people with a myrtle tree, fresh flowers or some green thing as a symbolic addition.

    Extra Bonus

    Young couples will be pleased to know that a green wedding is celebrated every month during the first year of marriage. True, it is customary to celebrate it in private. Fresh flowers are a must. Just like on the wedding day itself, they are a symbol of a fresh start to family life.

    At the same time wise people They also noted another connection - no matter how beautiful and fragrant fresh flowers are, if you don’t take care of them, they will quickly fade. Likewise, newlyweds must remember that, no matter how beautiful and happy their union may be, in order for it to become truly strong, considerable efforts must be made.

    One year later

    The 1st wedding anniversary is called calico. This was motivated by the fact that the relationship between the spouses is bright, like a light fabric with a cute pattern, but is not yet completely strong.

    Our ancestors celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary on a grand scale. The couple invited all their relatives and prepared a rich meal. The wife wore a bright chintz dress, and the husband wore an embroidered light shirt. The owners set the table with a beautiful, hand-embroidered tablecloth.

    Guests came with gifts. The chintz dress from my mother-in-law was especially desirable. It was supposed to symbolize light and bright future life young family. Other invitees also tried to bring something made of chintz or cotton. These could be items of clothing or bedding.

    And the young spouses gave each other a cotton scarf with a knot tied on it, symbolizing their growing connection. In ancient times, a special spell was even cast over these scarves and hidden in a secluded place. But over time, this tribute to paganism was abolished.

    Sometimes people also called a chintz wedding a gauze wedding. And they explained this with the directness and youthful enthusiasm characteristic of ordinary people. It’s just that, due to the active use of the marital bed, during the first year the cotton bed linen wore out greatly, sometimes to the point of gauze. And it would be nice to update it.

    Paper and glass

    The 2nd wedding anniversary is officially called paper, but just like the first, it has a second nickname - glass. Traditions may vary depending on the area. Therefore, try not to argue in vain over what wedding anniversaries are called.

    What unites these two, at first glance, so different material? Their fragility. Paper is easy to tear and glass is easy to break. Likewise, family relationships are still at a stage where they are not so difficult to destroy.

    It is generally accepted that the 2nd wedding anniversary should be celebrated outdoors. The place is being decorated paper decorations, and guests are often asked to write down their wishes on small cards placed in advance next to the cutlery.

    This is probably one of the few anniversaries in connection with which you don’t have to be particularly sophisticated when thinking about what to give. For a paper wedding, it is appropriate to present a book (and this already opens up enormous scope for imagination), a beautiful notebook and even a bouquet of artificial flowers will be appropriate. Spouses can make origami crafts for each other.

    Closer to the body

    Leather - this is the name of the 3rd wedding anniversary. Over the past years, the couple have managed to get to know each other well. Now everyone is able to understand the other at a glance, as if feeling his mood with his skin. In addition, as the material leather is significantly stronger than paper. But she also needs special care and cannot tolerate excessive stress.

    Over three years of family life, I managed to accumulate good experience in relationships. But not only positive. Therefore, on the eve of the next stage, it would be good to get rid of the unpleasant touch of misunderstanding or minor quarrels. It is also worth establishing relationships with other relatives so that on the anniversary day everyone can gather together, sincerely wishing this family further prosperity.

    On this day, spouses give each other something made of leather as a gift. It could be a pair of shoes, a handbag, a belt, a jacket. It is no secret that such products are not from the cheap segment of the market. And this should once again emphasize how much the husband and wife value their relationship and how much they value their soulmate.

    Guests, when deciding what to give for their wedding anniversary, should also give preference leather goods. Fortunately, the market is now replete with all kinds of offers. It could be a wallet, purse, diary, leather rug, slippers, even a painting made from pieces of leather or just a beautiful keychain.

    Linen wedding

    The fourth anniversary of family life is called linen, or rope. This name speaks for itself. The years lived together tied the spouses together like a strong linen rope. Breaking this relationship will now be very difficult.

    As a rule, only close relatives and selected friends were invited to this event. The hosts had to demonstrate the ability to receive their dear guests with dignity. After all, these are no longer newlyweds who are just beginning to get used to their new role.

    It was customary that at this holiday the owner would treat him to wine prepared with his own hands, and the hostess would prepare her own signature dishes. In the old days, for the fourth anniversary, the wife had to sew bed linen from linen (which at that time was quite an expensive material). After all, by this time the young family should already be firmly on its feet and be able to buy such things. In addition, within four years, the bedding donated for the wedding had already become unusable, and it was time to replace it.

    On this day they gave gifts mainly of things that would be useful in the household. And, of course, these items had to be made from flax. Mostly tablecloths, towels, curtains and bed linen were presented. It was also considered appropriate to give a painting painted on canvas.

    First solid material on the list

    Considering what wedding anniversaries are called, you couldn’t help but notice that quite fragile materials are first on the list. But by the fifth year this situation changes. The 5th wedding anniversary is called wooden.

    In this regard, we recall several areas in which wood is used - as a building material, as fuel, and also as fruit-bearing garden trees. All this was symbolically invested by the people in the celebration of the family’s five-year anniversary.

    By this time, the couple had already built a fairly strong relationship with each other. In addition, as a rule, the family has already acquired its own home, where love and mutual respect serve as the fuel that helps maintain warmth in strengthened family feelings. Well, it was believed that by this time it would be time to have children. After all, by the fifth year, fruit trees should already bear fruit.

    An acceptable gift for this anniversary could be wooden jewelry, wooden dishes or figurines. And if you want to present something more significant, you can opt for some piece of furniture, such as a table or cabinet.

    Taking it to the next level

    The next year of marriage, according to popular observations, opens the era of metals in relationships. The 6th wedding anniversary is called cast iron.

    Cast iron is not a noble metal. In addition, it is very fragile and is afraid of temperature changes. But at the same time, since ancient times, good housewives had cast-iron kitchen utensils that were polished to a shine and were not inferior in appearance to copper utensils.

    These characteristics indicate that although by the sixth year of marriage the relationship is already significant and established, it is not time to rest on your laurels. We must continue to work to improve them.

    On this anniversary, it is customary to give cast iron cookware as gifts. But, with some creativity, you can easily choose a stylish lamp or garden decoration made from the mentioned material.

    Strong as metal and warm as wool

    The 7th wedding anniversary has two names: copper and wool. And although in real life These materials have nothing in common; in a symbolic sense, they complement each other perfectly. People noticed that the relationship between the spouses during their life together had by this point acquired the strength and flexibility characteristic of copper. At the same time, they are warm, soft and cozy, like your favorite wool sweater.

    The number 7 has been considered lucky since ancient times. Therefore, although copper wedding and is not a round date, it was celebrated with pomp. Very often, as a symbol of happiness, spouses were given a copper horseshoe (history is silent about where they put so many horseshoes). Copper samovars and candlesticks were also held in high esteem.

    Nowadays, choosing a gift for this anniversary is also not difficult. It can be copper dishes, interior items, souvenirs or any woolen items.

    Tin - modest but necessary

    IN modern society the word “tin” itself acquired a negative connotation. However, this was not always the case. 8th wedding anniversary - tin.

    In the old days, not a single household could do without items made of tin. Buckets, mugs, ladles, etc. were always present in the kitchen. Sheets of tin protected the roof, and they were used to construct drainage systems and fences.

    By this time, the spouses should have learned to solve everyday issues in such a way that it would unite them and not separate them. In addition, tin is a strong material, and this serves as a symbol that the relationship in such a marriage will be able to withstand many adversities with dignity.

    Faience wedding

    Nine years of marriage are already behind us. It is customary to celebrate this date in a narrow circle of family and friends. This wedding is called earthenware due to the fact that this material used to be an integral part Everyday life. And this name was supposed to symbolize the fact that everyday life had long been debugged, and the life of the family had entered into a reliably laid path of constancy.

    If the time of year allows, it is best to celebrate this anniversary in nature. After all, its second name is a chamomile wedding. But still, all the main traditions of the celebration are associated with faience. And the funniest ones involve breaking dishes.

    Everyone breaks dishes on this day - both hosts and guests. The only restriction is that under no circumstances should guests bring gifts. It was believed that by breaking old dishes, you would get rid of the grievances and misunderstandings that had accumulated over nine years.

    And pay attention to folk wisdom: it was necessary not just to throw out something old, but to break it. Any modern psychologist will confirm that this ritual provided an outlet for accumulated stress. And in order to amuse your friends, organize several fun competitions, including breaking dishes.

    First official anniversary

    10th wedding anniversary - tin. This metal indicates very flexible and strong family bonds. But, since tin is quite inconspicuous, modern tradition allows you to celebrate the anniversary, focusing on another symbol - the rose, which personifies unfading love.

    It is customary to celebrate the tenth anniversary on a grand scale. All relatives and friends are invited, and a rich table is laid. It will be good to maintain a design style in pink tones. A pink tablecloth is laid on the table, decorations are also chosen in this range. The main dish is either meat with pink sauce or red fish. And it is appropriate to use rose wine as the main drink.

    Since a bouquet of roses provides necessary tribute tradition, this year the choice of gift is entirely up to you. But it is worth remembering that on the first anniversary it is traditional to give expensive gifts. And spouses, as a rule, present each other with jewelry on this day.

    A decade and a half of family life

    After the tenth year of marriage, according to tradition, only round and semicircular dates are celebrated (15, 20, 25, etc.). Of course, you can find out what wedding anniversaries are called in other years, and congratulate close friends or your significant other. But these days, as a rule, there are no feasts.

    It is customary to celebrate fifteen years of marriage at a table set with crystal. After all, it is called crystal. If we trace the sequence of materials with which our ancestors associated each year of family life, then the appearance of crystal seems illegitimate. After all, reliability and strength should increase every year. And crystal, although beautiful, is extremely fragile.

    But this is only an apparent contradiction. Think about what breaks more often - glass glasses or crystal glasses? That's right - glasses. And why? Yes, because we treat crystal products much more carefully. It’s the same in the family - relationships are kept pure and beautiful due to the fact that each spouse values ​​them.

    Second anniversary

    The 20th wedding anniversary is called porcelain. It is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. Relatives and friends are invited, and the tables are always set with new china. In the old days it was considered a good sign to break old dishes. But since many guests were invited, and on this day only porcelain sets were given as gifts, the family bins did not suffer at all from this.

    Interestingly, the number 20 is associated with romance and daydreaming. And it is right. After all, to porcelain wedding in most cases, children have already grown up and become independent. Gone are the days when parents had to think about their children first. It's time to freshen up your relationship.

    A small romantic trip where they can be alone can be a wonderful gift for spouses. And if they don’t think of it themselves, children and close friends can organize such a vacation for them.

    Well, if you still sacredly honor traditions, but at the same time you are not alien to some originality, then on this day you can present a beautiful porcelain doll or figurine as a gift.

    silver wedding

    Twenty-five years of marriage are marked by a silver wedding. This noble metal perfectly emphasizes the indestructible bonds that bind husband and wife.

    A very beautiful custom is the exchange silver rings on this day. The spouses will wear these rings along with their wedding rings, only on the middle finger. They symbolize the stability and durability of their union.

    Another one interesting tradition instructs to start the anniversary day with washing silver water. To do this, in the old days, water was poured into a silver basin or jug. But if, by a strange coincidence, there is no silver basin among your utensils, it is enough to put a spoon made of this metal into the vessel.

    If circumstances permit, it would be good to celebrate the wedding anniversary in the same place where the wedding celebration took place. Tradition dictates that everyone who attended the wedding a quarter of a century ago be invited. And, of course, the welcome guests will be those friends whom the spouses have made during this not at all short period of time.

    Just recently you noted an important event- birth of a family. A year of marriage flew by like the wind. An equally significant event has arrived - the first anniversary. Since ancient times, this event has been called -.

    It was not for nothing that our ancestors identified this anniversary with the not very durable natural material. After all, the newlyweds, in essence, have not yet understood all the delights and problems of living together. The newlyweds' relationship, although vibrant, can be damaged at any moment. Therefore they must be thoroughly protected.

    "Chintz of Relationships"- this is how the beginning of the life journey of married couples is sometimes called. With the correct course of the family and the chosen path, the “chintz of relationships” changes to “paper”, then “leather”, “wood”, “glass”, “silver”, “pearls” and “gold”. The couple, having lived together for 60 years, celebrate their diamond wedding.

    Fleeting years strengthen relationships or destroy them. Therefore, it is important to treat each family anniversary carefully, with honor and respect. A correctly marked first year of life is the key to a correctly chosen movement of a married couple along the path of life.

    We propose to understand in detail the traditions, rules and rules that exist among the people about the calico anniversary. Well, the couple’s upcoming wedding anniversary will be “excellent”!

    Let's talk about wedding symbols

    As noted above, the result of the first year of life is called a calico wedding. In some literary sources you can find the concept of a gauze or cotton anniversary. Indeed, in the symbolism lies some ambiguity of concepts.

    On the one hand, chintz is considered as a light cotton material that symbolizes the fragile and fragile relationship of spouses. On the other hand, a different meaning is considered. There is a popular belief that the first year of life is marked by extremely active actions of newlyweds in bed. This leads to the wear and tear of cotton linen to the point of gauze.

    And of course, chintz is identified with the brightness, richness, airiness and activity of young couples who have lived through their first carefree family milestone.

    On this day, the couple drinks champagne left on their wedding day as a symbol of their wedding anniversary. You can prepare and designate a new bottle, putting it aside until the next anniversary.

    Desired gifts for the chintz anniversary

    The main gift for each other will be cotton handkerchiefs. These can be nasal, neck and head. A cultural ritual action will be tying knots on the corners.

    There are special lamentations that accompany this magical action.

    Example 1. Just as the knots we tied today are strong, so are our words and actions. Our relationship will remain just as strong.

    Example 2. Just as the wind wakes up a reveler in a field, so happiness and joy will be with us forever!
    The clergy advise young couples to go to church on this day and light a candle for each other “for good health”, order a magpie and a prayer service. A good day for a wedding. It is believed that in this way the couple binds their relationship forever.

    From wife to husband

    1. The most classic gift on this day calico (satin) family panties will become available. It will be great if the young wife sews them herself. Let's add a small element - a pocket for money. Choose material with hearts or angels.

    2. A good and suitable gift from your wife is a light shirt (you don’t even need a cotton shirt).

    3. T-shirt with the inscription: “He’s mine!”, “To my beloved from my beloved,” “I’m always there!”

    4. House robe and slippers.
    5. Bath set: Skirt, hat, mitten, etc.
    6. Cool gifts type: medal, pennant, figurine, talisman, certificate, diploma, badge, badge.

    The inscriptions can be very diverse:

    • “To the best husband!”;
    • “In gratitude for a great year of marriage”;
    • “I want our love to be eternal!”;
    • “You are the best”;
    • “Oh God, what a man, I want a son from you”;
    • “May the nights with you remain as hot!”….

    7. creative gift: recording a song for your loved one in your performance. To do this, you need to contact the nearest sound recording and arrange a surprise. You can give a disc with a written wish.

    8. If you have talents in writing poetry or stories, we write a thematic surprise just for your husband. You can decorate your gift at any printing studio.

    9. Gift for husband's interests. If a fisherman - a fishing rod and tackle, if a collector - some kind of collectible item. Athlete - sportswear, shoes, equipment.

    10. Gift yourself. One of the desired gifts for men remains a gift with erotic content.

    You can fantasize about this topic.

    Option #1. Long before the event, you visit a choreography class or studio and learn pole dancing, oriental dance or something like that. Cooking matching suit. In the morning, give it in the form of a certificate, which indicates what time and where the surprise can be seen or received. Giving a gift in private is sure to end in a hot night!

    Option #2. You give a romantic night. Prepare candles, rose petals, champagne, fruits. Tie yourself with a red satin ribbon and give yourself in the full sense of the word. Let everything be unusual and extraordinary this evening: costumes, words, actions...

    From husband to wife

    1. Flowers. Flowers and more flowers!
    2. A nightgown made of cambric or other lightweight material. You can give pajamas.
    3. A set of expensive linen will be a welcome and useful gift.
    4. You can give jewelry from semi-precious stones. On this anniversary jewelry from silver, cupronickel, etc. will be very useful. The husband can give a jewelry box and put his first gift inside.
    5. A light dress or other item of clothing.
    6. One of the most desired gifts will be a trip to some kind of trip.
    7. A certificate for a certain amount to the desired store.
    8. Favorite perfume.

    9. A creative gift in the form of a souvenir, made with your own hands or in personal presence. For example: a wrought iron rose, a wooden figurine, a wicker item, a portrait of a loved one, etc.

    10. Cool gifts. For example: A pillow with the inscription “Can’t sleep without me!”, a T-shirt “She’s mine!”, a medal “ To the best wife"(When handing over, be sure to specify its validity period. Perhaps 12 months until the next anniversary), etc.

    From friends and family

    1. The most popular gifts for this anniversary- bed linen, blankets, bedspreads, pillows, blankets, curtains, curtains, tablecloths.

    It is believed that over the course of a year, with the active pastel mode, the family has “used up” all its reserves, so they need to be replenished with new ones. And we didn’t have time to stock up on household little things during the fleeting year of family life.

    2. Household appliances have always been a welcome guest in the house. These are both vacuum cleaners and washing machines(from family and friends), TVs, fans, microwave ovens, electric kettles, steamers, freezers, etc.
    3. Bathrobes for two.
    4. Sushi sets.
    5. Sets of dishes and cutlery.
    6. Tea and coffee sets.
    7. A gift from young people to visit the Bali salon. Present a paid invitation to a massage and relaxation for two.
    8. Coffee grinder, coffee maker and coffee.
    9. Set of various teas, tea pair.
    10. Books (gift editions) on the topic “Family”, “Relationships”, “Holidays”, “Aphorisms”, etc.
    11. A portrait drawn by an artist, or a portrait made in a photo studio. A collage of photographs will also be a wonderful gift for a chintz anniversary.
    12. A good gift there will be from friends filmed video With cool congratulations. A film, video, slide show will always lift your spirits and will be appreciated by the newlyweds.
    13. Gift certificate for manicure and pedicure for both spouses.

    14. Comic gifts type:

    • aprons for men and women, T-shirts with inscriptions:“When we are together, no one is cooler!”, “Two halves of the same destiny”, “We feel good together”, “We are connected by heaven!”, “Family”, “King and Queen. The princes are in the plans!”, “The chintz wedding has passed... the course for gold!”
    • You can also give a cup for first place. When giving gifts, emphasize that you should strive to receive a cup with the number “50”.
    • Diplomas and certificates, medals “For courage and bravery”, “For swan fidelity”, “For heroism shown in decision-making”, etc. When presenting these awards, we make an amendment that the validity of the gift extends only for one year. Subsequently, such awards must be earned again.

    15. Kozin with fruit, and in it are elite bottles of alcohol. You can organize a collection basket with flowers, fruits, and alcohol.

    16. Gifts - certificates. This area of ​​surprises can be aimed at joint visits to fitness, swimming pool, billiards, bowling, bathhouse, horse riding, etc. Tickets to the theater, concert, or cinema would be an excellent gift.

    17. DIY gifts. An excellent themed gift would be a panel made from pieces of chintz, sewn potholders, or teapot warmers. The family's amulets in the form of dolls - herbalists, dolls - bag holders will surprise and delight.
    A photo album decorated with chintz (possibly with attached photos) would also be appropriate surprises.

    18. Parents give rompers if there are no children in the family yet. In this case, soft toys are not given.

    What to wear to celebrate your anniversary

    Traditionally, on this day, newlyweds wear light outfits: a cotton shirt for the husband, a dress or sundress for the wife. Guests (especially young people) dress up in colorful summer dresses and shirts.

    You can take care in advance and “cover” all guests with handkerchiefs. Everyone decides for himself where he will place it: on the arm, on the head, on the neck... Depending on the scenario for the special event, you need to choose the appropriate outfit.

    For example:

    1. It has become popular to celebrate a chintz wedding in “country” style. The outfit will be selected according to the stated theme. The husband is dressed as a cowboy, the wife is dressed as a farmer ( long skirt, jacket, apron).

    On the eve of the holiday, guests are informed of the thematic direction of the chintz wedding. Everyone prepares their own outfit. With this approach, at the moment of celebration, it is necessary to award awards for costumes and efforts.

    2. Russian-folk theme. Everything is clear here. The husband is a prince, the wife is a princess. Royal outfits. You can leave the peasant version.

    He wears a wide shirt, harem pants, and a woven belt. For her - an embroidered shirt, a sundress, an apron, a belt. There is a scarf on the head. He has a cap with a flower.

    A wedding for newlyweds is one of the happiest days in life. The ceremony is remembered by the couple for a long time, and every year the lovers celebrate it with friends and relatives. Each wedding anniversary has its own name, by which one can judge the marriage itself, its honor and success. The earliest time of marriage (before the first anniversary) is called “green”.

    First anniversaries:

    • 1 year – Calico wedding. The name is associated with the simplicity and ease in the newlyweds' relationship. Light matter symbolizes the insufficient strength of the union.
    • 2 years – Paper. Comparison with an easily torn material that can burn and dent if handled improperly.
    • 3 years – Leather. Symbolizes flexibility in relationships. The lovers were able to withstand the first difficulties and establish family life.
    • 4 years – Linen. Relationships are no longer as fragile as they used to be. The material symbolizes durability, reliability and strength.
    • 5 years – Wooden wedding. Celebrating this anniversary means being in harmony with each other. The couple has already managed to build a relationship, have children, and arrange a home. This material, symbolizing good furniture and a durable home, gives comfort, tranquility and homeliness.
    • 6 years – Cast iron. It is considered the first durable anniversary, since the material is classified as metal. However, it is he who is the most fragile of all, and may well be damaged by a sharp blow.
    • 7 years – Wool or Copper wedding. In the first case, the material symbolizes warmth and comfort, but at the same time it can prick. In the second, it reminds that the relationship is no longer rough “cast iron”, but more valuable.
    • 8 years – Tin. The relationship between the spouses is not as bright and intense as before, which makes it comparable to nondescript metal. However, everyday problems no longer divide lovers so much, but on the contrary, they make them closer and stronger.
    • 9 years old – Earthenware. According to one version, a critical moment arises in the family at this time; relationships are very vulnerable and fragile. According to another, the union only becomes stronger, like a hot drink poured into earthenware cups.
    • 10 years – Tin or Pink wedding. This date is truly significant for the spouses. The metal is flexible and high degree strength. Roses and pink color- symbols of sincerity and tenderness. Starting from this period, lovers become even closer; there are fewer secrets and omissions in their lives.

    The next decade of marriage is characterized by a strong bond between spouses, tolerance, the ability to find a way out difficult situation with common effort.

    The flourishing of marriages:

    • 11 years – Steel wedding. This name fully reveals the essence of the relationship. During this period of marriage, the spouses began to hold on to each other more tightly. The family, like metal, when processed, becomes elastic, beautiful and mirror-like.
    • 12 years old – Nickel. This material is a symbol of power, exclusivity and nobility. It remains strong even after exposure to negative factors, having passed the test of time.
    • 13 years old - Lace or Lily of the valley. Both names symbolize a reverent image, a tender relationship. Beautiful lace requires a lot of time to make, accuracy and incredible patience.
    • 14 years old – Agate. This is the first date when its name contains gem. Based folk traditions, from that time on, the family deserved to have a high status.
    • 15 years – Glass (Crystal) wedding. This anniversary gives spouses clarity and purity in their relationships. Between experienced husband and an understanding wife, honesty, openness, and mutual trust prevail. The main thing is not to break or damage such a sensitive material, to ensure its cleanliness and shine.
    • 16 years old – Topazovaya. The stone of spirituality and beauty in combination with the number 16 creates a very strong amulet, promising material benefits.
    • 17 years - Pink or Pewter. Repeats the 10th anniversary.
    • 18 years old – Turquoise. Symbolizes lightness, weightlessness and freshness, like a clear summer sky. In most cases, older children grow up and go to school, which means that the difficulties associated with their upbringing end.
    • 19 years old – Garnet or Krypton. Symbolizes love, unification into one whole, the ability of spouses to illuminate each other’s life path.
    • 20 years – Porcelain wedding. After so many years of marriage, the couple seems as harmonious, chic and sophisticated as elite porcelain. The material is a symbol of well-being, a good family atmosphere and prosperity. Not every family has porcelain in their home, and in their relationships, not everyone is able to celebrate such a bright anniversary.

    In the next period, the union is strengthened as much as possible, the spouses' children grow up, grandchildren appear, but, despite their responsibilities, they do not lose sight of their solemn wedding dates.

    Family Wisdom Anniversaries:

    • 21 years old – Opal. Symbolizes fidelity, strengthening tenderness and love. There is another version: the gemstone brings hostility, but during such a period in marriage, the spouses must be able to maintain a hearth and warmth in their feelings.
    • 22 years old - Bronze wedding. To earn such an award as bronze, the spouses needed a lot of strength and patience. And now their date is a real symbol of nobility, determination and luxury.
    • 23 years old - Beryl. The metal itself is not expensive or rare, but certain varieties of it are a real find. Family life, like this metal, having gone through adversity and hardship, is distinguished by success and strength.
    • 24 years old – Satin. This material is a symbol of strength, silkiness and incredible smoothness. The relationship between spouses becomes the same after so many years: it is difficult to separate them from each other or seriously quarrel.
    • 25 years - Silver wedding. This date is very significant for all spouses. An incredibly noble, refined and expensive metal brings these same qualities to relationships, giving the union even greater strength and reliability. The love of husband and wife, tempered over the years, can withstand any difficulties.
    • 26 years old – Jade. The material is characterized by high strength and resistance to mechanical stress. A family, like this stone, having lived together for many years, is able to survive all hardships, save the marriage and only become closer.
    • 27 years old – Mahogany. All the characteristics of this material are inherent in a couple who have lived together for so many years. This is wisdom, nobility, elegance, strength and strong roots.
    • 28 years old - Nickel. It is not customary to note that it is at this age of marriage that a couple undergoes serious tests. It's time to turn to face each other.
    • 29 years old – Velvet. This exquisite material is a symbol of tenderness and softness. Spouses must remember that without this it is very difficult to achieve harmony in marriage, even after so many years of living together.
    • 30 years - Pearl wedding. A small, expensive pearl takes years to form in the shell and become stronger. This anniversary for lovers symbolizes the same process - long-term maturation, accumulation of experience. As a result, the pearl becomes extremely expensive and highly valued.

    The anniversary period from 31 to 45 is the ideal time to understand how important family is, and also to give to a loved one maximum care and tenderness.

    Honorable Events:

    • 31 years old – dark-skinned. This name suggests that faded and even “green” relationships have become more beautiful and tanned. Despite all the difficulties and obstacles, the marriage became more presentable, arousing the admiration of others.
    • 32 years old – Copper. Not everyone notes, however, that relationships at this age, like copper, are difficult to break and can only be melted down.
    • 33 years - Stone or Strawberry wedding. It is not considered a significant date, but some couples celebrate it. Symbolizes the strength of marriage and the playfulness of relationships.
    • 34 years old – Amber. This stone is amazing and valuable. Over the course of many years, the precious composition is formed from ordinary viscous resin, as a result giving everyone around its beauty and originality. The relationship between spouses who have come a long way together also becomes valuable and chic on this anniversary.
    • 35 years – Linen or Coral wedding. Sea corals symbolize a long, happy married life without illness or loss. Dense material speaks of home comfort, well-being and peaceful relationships.
    • 36 years old – Bone china. According to Russian traditions, this date is not celebrated.
    • 37 years old – Muslin. In order for a craftsman to be able to produce muslin of extraordinary strength and fineness, he will need a considerable amount of patience and accuracy. Family relationships also require the investment of titanic forces on the part of both spouses. The main thing is that the result is not coarse matter, but light as a feather.
    • 38 years old - Mercury. This metal differs from all others in its structure. Spouses are given the opportunity to transform their marriage, giving it each time new uniform. This may not necessarily relate to relationships; a big trip or move together will help to refresh your feelings.
    • 39 years old – Crepe. Features of crepe fabric are elasticity and tightly interwoven threads in the structure of the material. This should characterize the relationship between spouses. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the material retains its original attractive appearance longer if it is treated with care.
    • 40 years - Ruby wedding. So long strong relationships spouses should truly cherish and be proud. An unusually beautiful gemstone is a symbol of strong and strong love. The husband and wife have come a long way together, and their reward is a truly luxurious anniversary.
    • 41 years old – Zemlyannaya. It is not celebrated, but symbolizes the strong and reliable foundation of the family for procreation.
    • 42 years - Mother of pearl. Relationships are as bright and varied as the shades of mother-of-pearl that bring happiness to the home.
    • 43 years - Flannel. Warmth, comfort and tenderness reign in the family, there is no room for quarrels and misunderstandings.
    • 44 years old – Topazovaya. The main characteristics of a magnificently beautiful stone are radiant shine and crystal purity. It is very expensive and prestigious. These are the qualities possessed by the union of spouses who have walked hand in hand for so many years.
    • 45 years – Sapphire wedding. This gemstone is a reminder to husband and wife of the importance of living together, mutual understanding and trust. Deep Blue colour symbolizes value to society, sophistication, special charm and royalty. The family to achieve this anniversary is truly unbreakable and solid .

    After 40 years, anniversaries are not celebrated as often as before. There is a version that this is due to folk signs, but in most cases, spouses at this age have more worries (raising grandchildren, caring for a plot of land, housekeeping, etc.), and they devote less time to their problems.

    Each subsequent anniversary is highly valued and has a corresponding “dear” name. This is due to the fact that not all spouses are able to go such a long way together, so relationships are compared to a precious metal or stone.

    Significant dates for husband and wife:

    • 50 years - Golden wedding. This anniversary is not only significant, it is considered the pinnacle of perfection in a relationship. The couple who celebrated this anniversary can be proud of the years spent together. The anniversary is compared to a pedestal, with husband and wife occupying the top step. After 50 years, anniversaries in most cases are celebrated only on round dates.
    • 55 years old - Emerald. The stone symbolizing this anniversary is rare and incredibly attractive. Beauty, uniqueness, rich green color- its distinctive features. It symbolizes honesty, trust and loyalty. Family relationships become just as prestigious, noble and deep.
    • 60 years - Diamond wedding . This multifaceted and beautiful stone– a symbol of true strength and luxury. Noble material, like long term relationship married, pleases everyone around her with her sophistication and moderate chic. Diamond is considered the most expensive stone in the world. This is how close people should be to each other, after so many years of living together. The couple deserves the admiration of others.
    • 100 years – Platinum or Red. Only spouses from Azerbaijan were able to earn the title of “platinum couple”. Husband and wife whose age exceeded 116 years ( young man at the time of marriage she was 26, the girl was only 16), went down in history by celebrating this anniversary. The name of the anniversary symbolizes incredibly strong love, because red is the color of passion and vivid feelings. The metal shows the strength of the union over a whole century.

    Other memorable dates, which should not be forgotten and should be celebrated among loved ones - Iron Jubilee (65), Blagodatnaya (70) And Crown (75) weddings Oak (80) And Granite (90) anniversary.

    The names of anniversaries have ancient origins. Then people treated marriage more carefully, valued their chosen one, valued family hearth and loved nature, comparing everything good with it. That's why the names special dates so warm and “natural”.

    Liana Raimanova

    After how many years of marriage does a calico wedding occur? The calico anniversary is when 1 year of marriage has passed, i.e. It is celebrated 12 months after the wedding. During this time, the newlyweds have time to learn the main shortcomings of their partner and see their partner’s behavior in everyday conditions.

    Why is the first wedding anniversary called calico? This means that some couples manage to get used to each other during this time, while for others the family boat sinks in the abyss of everyday life. In the first year of marriage, relationships are considered the most fragile, which is why the anniversary is called a calico or gauze wedding. Both materials are thin and tear easily. There's an analogy, right? After about a year of regular use, cotton linen becomes shabby and begins to tear. To prevent a similar fate from befalling a young family, the first anniversary is celebrated according to special traditions.

    Traditions for a chintz wedding

    There are many signs and superstitions associated with the 1st wedding anniversary. People believe that this day can be decisive for a young family. A chintz wedding is also called a gauze or cotton wedding, by analogy with the fragility of relationships and the listed materials.

    It is believed that a young family is more susceptible than ever to bad influence on this day, so the 1st anniversary is celebrated among only close people

    Newlyweds are not allowed to invite strangers into their home. An unfamiliar woman will become a harbinger of her husband’s infidelity; a man will awaken a tendency to cheat in his young wife.

    There are other signs for the first wedding anniversary:

    • the spouses woke up at the same time on the day of the holiday - they would soon have a child;
    • if a male guest enters the house first, this promises money; if a female guest, it promises a new addition to the family;
    • wrinkled or undried clothes on young spouses are a harbinger of many problems in their family; neat clothes, on the contrary, promise well-being;
    • The couple's behavior is used to judge their future. If it is calm and peaceful, then further life will pass in agreement, if a husband and wife quarrel a lot on the anniversary day, then they will often quarrel after it.

    According to tradition, newlyweds should give each other an item of clothing for the holiday. The best gift for your husband, according to signs, will be a shirt that symbolizes mutual loyalty. It is not advisable to give socks or trousers as a gift; they foreshadow a separation.

    The festive table should be covered with a white chintz tablecloth, decorated with embroidery or designs in the form of flowers.

    The same decorative design should be used. It is customary to decorate a festive room in the same style: chintz scarves, ribbons, hearts, flowers.

    In Germany and some other Western European countries, the first anniversary is called a paper anniversary. You can take advantage of the traditions of your neighbors and decorate the hall or studio for a photo shoot with flags made of colored paper.

    The most important custom of a chintz wedding is exchange of handkerchiefs. Newlyweds buy or make their own handkerchiefs for a chintz wedding. Before handing them over, knots are made. In the process of tying them, the spouses promise that their love will remain strong and will not fade away until the end of their lives. Handkerchiefs should not be thrown away; they should be kept until the death of one of the spouses. Our ancestors believed that this small piece of fabric served powerful amulet, which is able to protect a young family from adultery, broken hearts and other adversities.

    The Orthodox Church does not share this position; it has a different position on this matter. Christian canons tell people to get married on the first anniversary after marriage in order to experience a happy and prosperous family life.

    Which bottle of champagne should you open on your first wedding anniversary?

    On the wedding day, the newlyweds are given two bottles of champagne: one for the groom, the other for the bride. Both bottles are saved for special occasions. The “Bride” is opened on the birthday of the first child, although the young mother herself does not participate in drinking. The groom's bottle is uncorked for the chintz wedding. At the same time, it is important that the wife drinks the first glass, and then everyone else.

    Recently appeared new tradition– snack on champagne with ripe strawberries. Moreover, the wife must “feed” strawberries to her husband, and the husband, accordingly, feeds the sweet berry to his wife. Immediately after drinking champagne, they begin handing out handkerchiefs.

    Status about chintz wedding (one year of marriage)

    A calico wedding symbolizes the end of the marriage between spouses. It is believed that in one year of family life, newlyweds manage to become relatives. They already know almost everything about each other, they have fully realized what their future will be like. living together. But the feelings between the spouses are still strong. The first year of family life should remind them of love and fidelity when their relationship loses its former brightness after for long years marriage.

    Witnesses and parents must be present at the first anniversary, but traditions do not prohibit inviting other people. It is advisable that these include only close relatives and friends.

    If you plan to have home gatherings in family circle, then invitations may not be needed at all - it’s easier to call a few guests

    If a restaurant or banquet hall is chosen as the place to celebrate the anniversary, then invitations will still be needed. A chintz wedding is considered a modest holiday, so instead of traditional official invitations, you can send out “reminders” with a message about the upcoming celebration and a request not to plan anything on the specified date. It indicates only the subject of the celebration and its date; the location is specified closer to the event itself. For spouses who did not have time to decide on the premises in advance, this option is optimal.

    If the newlyweds decide to approach the organization of the holiday with all seriousness, then they should find or create an invitation template for the 1st anniversary celebration married life. You can order it on the Internet, there are many options with completely ready-made design and text. All that remains is to print and add the names of the recipients by hand. Computer programs They make experimenting with graphics much easier, so even a beginner can now create a masterpiece.

    The design of the cards can be unique and inimitable, but the traditional attributes of a chintz wedding should not be thrown out of it

    These include flowers, handkerchiefs, threads and needles, buttons, handicraft toys and trinkets. The text of the invitation also does not have to be banal; you can come up with something original and funny, for example, a comic poem.

    All invitation cards should look the same, except for the personal information of the recipients. Therefore, you shouldn’t be too clever with the text and design, because what friends find cool may seem unacceptable to the older generation.

    About how to celebrate the calico anniversary.

    Photo shoot ideas for a chintz wedding: 1 year from the date of marriage

    A chintz wedding should serve as a reminder of the brightness of feelings, so many newlyweds want to immortalize it with photographs. So that the pictures turn out successful, you need to find a good photographer, a suitable location, costumes, props, scenery. If finances allow, you can also order the services of a makeup artist.

    If the newlyweds are lucky enough to meet a professional photographer, everything else will not be difficult. The specialist organizes everything himself, having previously familiarized himself with the wishes of the clients. But it wouldn’t hurt for the newlyweds themselves to dream up their imagination, what if their idea turns out to be more fresh and creative?

    Many couples prefer a studio to a place with which they have pleasant memories: a cafe where they met, a park where they kissed for the first time, etc. A worthy alternative could be a photo shoot in nature: in the forest, in the mountains, on the seashore.

    To make your photos more varied, you can start during the day and finish in the evening at romantic setting with sky lanterns and candles

    A photo shoot in nature is not only suitable for warm seasons. In autumn, a suitable background would be a yellow-brown forest with a carpet of fallen leaves, in winter - snow-covered expanses. If the weather is not pleasant with a beautiful landscape, you can move for a photo shoot to another city, where the snow-white winter has already settled. This will make it even more exotic, and the chosen locality will begin to be associated with festivity and romance. In a few years it will be possible to visit this city again, celebrating a larger anniversary there.

    Sep 3, 2018 at 7:57 am PDT

    In cold seasons, photo sessions are often held in the studio. There are other alternatives: cafes with beautiful interior, cozy country house. Regardless of the chosen background, there should be festive decorations: knots, cake, various handicraft items. Couple T-shirts look beautiful for a chintz wedding. They appeared recently, but have already become a traditional attribute.

    The interior should be bright and romantic, just like the atmosphere at the photo shoot itself. If one spouse doesn't like the location or the photographer, it's best to look for other options. As holiday paraphernalia You can use gifts received for your anniversary. Many people prefer to give traditional things: chintz bed linen sets, large cakes with original decorative design, sets of sweets and other items that would be appropriate for a photo shoot.

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