• Face masks in winter are the best winter masks. A running mask in winter is a necessary accessory or a fashion statement.


    IN winter time year, the skin of the face and body requires special attention and care on our part. Bitter frost, cold wind, indoor heating and lack of sunlight are a serious test for the beauty and youth of our skin.

    It usually gets worse at this time of year. various problems– redness, irritation, skin appear, even related to fat type, begins to peel off, and a feeling of discomfort arises.

    So how to take care of your face and body skin in winter?

    First of all, it is necessary, as in any matter, to carefully listen to yourself, your body and study your own problems. We are all individual and what suits one person is categorically not acceptable for another, so there is no universal recipe.

    But there are basic rules that will help you find your own care option and protect your beauty from the harmful effects of the environment. At the same time, we must remember that, like us, our skin is constantly changing, depending not only on the time of year, but also on skin type, age, lifestyle, and nutrition, hormonal levels and even mood at a given moment in time.

    There is a strong opinion that in winter the skin only needs nutrition, and in summer it needs hydration; this is far from true. In winter, moisturizing masks, creams and other procedures are sometimes needed even more than nourishing ones, because... The cold takes away a lot of moisture from the body. It is also recommended to drink more water.

    The main thing to remember is that any procedures must be done long before going outside. The skin should absorb the cream and be completely calm after applying masks or performing a massage. For example, you need to apply nourishing cream an hour before going out into the cold, and make masks at least 3 hours before.

    In addition to moisturizing treatments, nourishing masks and creams, the skin needs regular exfoliation using scrubs. In this case, it is necessary to use gentle products and apply them no more than once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the condition of the skin.

    You should know that not all decorative cosmetics adapted for use in extreme seasons. So, excess water in the composition can lead to skin damage, and a lack of fat can lead to dryness and flaking. You need to be especially careful when choosing foundations and lipstick.

    Among homemade beauty recipes to protect the skin of your face and hands, you can try using lard - it protects well from the effects of wind, helps to avoid frostbite and loss of moisture.

    The skin of the body also needs additional hydration and protection; it is a good idea to carry out a general five-minute health massage for the whole body. When using scrubs and peels, gentle products are also used, and after the procedure it is important to restore and support the skin, for example, apply a moisturizing mask and nourishing cream.

    Nutrition plays an important role in the overall health, and therefore the beauty of the skin. Try to eat foods containing vitamins A (carrots, dried apricots, liver, dairy products), E (sprouted wheat, vegetable oil, bran, green vegetables, spinach) and especially vitamin D (herring, animal liver, butter, egg yolks), the lack of which is especially acute in winter. To replenish energy, you need to consume more proteins and carbohydrates.

    So, the basic rules for skin care during the cold season:

    • Carry out all procedures at least 1-3 hours before going outside;
    • Thoroughly moisturize the skin, use moisturizing masks and creams;
    • Nourish the skin, saturate it with vitamins, at least the basic ones - A, E and D (sun vitamin);
    • Use protective creams and mixtures immediately before going out into the cold;
    • Use gentle scrubs and peels no more than once a week;
    • Carefully monitor the composition of decorative cosmetics;
    • Try to eat healthy foods rich in all the vitamins necessary for beauty.
    • Drink more water.

    Effective face masks in winter

    For oily skin The winter period is not as dangerous as the dry period. Those with oily skin should pay attention Special attention to remove the fat that accumulates on the face, and before going out, lubricate your face with a non-greasy cream and powder. The powder absorbs oily secretions well and protects the skin from wind and low temperatures.

    Dry skin requires special care in winter. Wash your face once a day in the evenings with boiled water, and instead of soap it is useful to use bran. Mix 1 tablespoon of bran with a small amount hot water until a paste forms. Cool and apply to your face, and after 5-8 minutes, rinse with warm water. At night, use rich nourishing creams based on vegetable oils.

    To reduce the harmful effects of strong winds and temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to increase skin nutrition. Nourishing masks will have a good effect. It is important to remember that any skin, even the thinnest, needs cleansing, and at any time of the year. The main thing is that it is delicate. Cleansing with a scrub 2 times a week will remove a layer of dead cells, thereby helping the beneficial substances from vitamin masks easily penetrate the skin and help restore the skin's structure. If your skin is irritated or inflamed, do not use scrubs temporarily. It is better to use a cleansing foam.

    Due to heating, indoor air is dry, which negatively affects the condition of our skin. Don't forget about moisturizing face masks, they will give your skin the missing moisture. It should be remembered that in winter you cannot apply moisturizing masks and creams before going outside.

    By the way, in winter the skin dries and flakes indoors. Take advantage of the simple and effective means: Every time you get out of the shower, additionally moisturize your skin, for example with olive oil. To do this, pour the oil into a spray bottle and spray onto the skin of the body. After this, rub the body, distributing the oil evenly. You'll also get a little massage.

    So, we bring to your attention several recipes for face masks.

    Recipe 1 – Winter face mask - oatmeal + milk.

    Grind 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Mix oatmeal with warm milk until you get a paste. Apply the mixture in circular motions and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm boiled water, then apply moisturizer.

    Recipe 2 – Vitamin winter mask for facial skin – persimmon + egg white.

    Persimmon is rich in antioxidants, tones the skin, and slows down the aging process. The mask is recommended for oily skin with enlarged pores for a course of 15-20 procedures.

    Mash the pulp of one ripe or overripe persimmon with a fork. Beat 1 egg white and mix with persimmon pulp. Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Recipe 3 – Winter face mask – cucumber + cream

    Gives your face a healthy color.

    Mix 1 teaspoon cream and 1 teaspoon fresh cucumber juice. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, then wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

    Recipe 4 – Face mask in winter – gelatin + milk + butter.

    Perfectly nourishes dry skin in winter. Very easy to prepare but effective home remedy in winter.

    Dilute 1 teaspoon of gelatin powder in 5-8 teaspoons of milk, let it swell and place in a water bath. While stirring the gelatin mass, add 1 teaspoon of butter. Remove the mixture from the heat, mix thoroughly, cool and apply warm to the face for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with warm boiled water and apply nourishing cream.

    How to prepare your skin for winter?

    In winter, the skin of the face begins to peel off, becomes defenseless, and its sensitivity sharply worsens. To prevent premature aging skin, you need to prepare it for winter. In the pre-winter period, it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition, moisturizing and protecting the skin. It is important to know that in winter any skin, even the healthiest, can be called “vulnerable”.

    Steaming the skin is most effective in the pre-winter period. A steam bath cleanses skin pores well of accumulated oil and impurities. Baths improve blood circulation, increase sweating and secretion of the sebaceous glands. The skin becomes moisturized and softens, becomes more elastic, and wrinkles become less noticeable. Steam facial baths promote healing and rejuvenation of facial skin. Steam baths are especially useful for those with oily skin prone to acne. After steaming, the skin absorbs creams, masks and nourishing oils better.

    To prepare your facial skin for the upcoming cold weather, it is very useful to make masks. For normal skin A yolk mask is perfect (mix the yolk with a tablespoon of honey and apply to your face for 15 minutes). For dry skin, it is recommended to use vegetable oils, honey, egg yolk, and yeast. For oily skin, it is good to use kefir, cottage cheese, yeast, apples, lemon, and table salt.

    Facial skin care in the pre-winter period includes morning and evening exercise. In the morning, be sure to wash your face with cleansing foam (a contrast wash is useful), then wipe your face with a moisturizing toner and apply a nourishing day cream. In the evening you can do steam bath with herbs or essential aromatic oils recommended for your face type, then use a gentle scrub and apply a nourishing night cream.

    Winter face masks recipes

    Masks are effective helpers to survive the difficult period of real cold for the skin. Wind, rain and snow, constant transitions from a warm room to the cold irritate the skin, it becomes chapped, rough and flaky. And I really want to feel comfortable and cozy in winter: to have a glowing and well-groomed face, without peeling, redness and signs of chapping. Therefore we need special care to maintain beauty and youth. Let's talk about “winter” masks that can solve many facial skin problems:

    • sensitive skin will not be able to do without a mask, since it is this type of skin that is most traumatic to temperature changes;
    • dry skin begins to dry out even more and lose moisture under the influence of severe frosts and winds, begins to peel and even crack;
    • oily skin in winter is deficient in vitamins and nutrition, and is often dehydrated;
    • problematic skin suffering from pimples and acne may become even more inflamed;
    • Fading and aging skin can acquire even more wrinkles, as strong impulses We tend to wrinkle in the wind and precipitation - masks will help smooth out these facial wrinkles.

    Little trick: the most best time for masks and the day in general cosmetic care at home - from 21 to 23 hours. It has been proven that it is at this time that our skin has the highest potential for absorbing substances applied to it.

    In cold weather, you need to pay more attention to nutritious and fortified masks.

    Recipe 1 – Moisturizing winter face mask – banana + cream.
    Recommended for dry skin. This mask can be applied every evening half an hour before bedtime.
    Mash a ripe banana and add 2 tablespoons of cream. Apply the mixture to your face and neck for 5-10 minutes, then wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in milk.
    Recipe 2 – Face mask in winter - walnuts + butter + honey.
    Softens facial skin stressed by cold weather. Small wrinkles will be smoothed out and your face will feel fresher. Use this mask every other day for a week.
    Grind 5 walnut kernels in a coffee grinder. Grind nut flour with 1 teaspoon butter and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply the mixture to clean skin face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
    Eating almonds in winter is very beneficial for the skin. It is literally packed with vitamin E, which protects our skin from the harmful effects of cold weather.

    Recipe 3 – Nourishing face mask in winter – avocado + olive (linseed) oil.

    Mix the crushed pulp of 1 ripe avocado with 1 teaspoon of olive or flaxseed oil. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water. Pat your skin dry with a napkin and apply a rich cream.

    Useful face masks in winter

    The mandatory procedure for removing cosmetics from the face, and along with it daytime dust, sweat and exfoliated horn cells, is carried out every evening 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime. After a thorough evening cleansing, in the morning it is enough to limit yourself to wiping your face with a decoction of medicinal herbs or mineral water.

    Important! In winter, you should wash your face more than 30-60 minutes before going outside.

    There is no doubt that the simplest means of maintaining cleanliness is water. But is it always good for the skin?

    Water can be both friend and enemy at the same time. Especially tap water, which is replete with salts of various minerals harmful to the skin. And in winter, with constant temperature changes, the use of such water makes even oily skin dry and flabby. What can we say about dry and sensitive skin? You can protect it from such an irritating effect by using boiled water to wash your face. Hard tap water can be softened by adding 0.25 teaspoon to 1 liter of water. baking soda or 0.5 teaspoon of boric acid.

    For very dry and irritated skin, it is useful to wash your face with water diluted with milk - half a glass of milk for 1 liter of water.

    But it is better to avoid washing with soap and water, especially if you have dry skin. When caring for your facial skin in winter, it is better to avoid scrubs. They, like soap, additionally dry and injure the skin. Here's the peeling fruit acids will be very useful. In addition to removing the dead layer, it helps to rejuvenate the skin.

    What about the temperature of the water when washing? Do not use hot water. Yes, it’s very tempting to jump into a hot shower after returning home from a cold street. However, this causes expansion of the superficial vessels of the skin and weakening of their walls. Which leads to loss of skin elasticity and sagging skin.

    Constant use of cold water in winter is also harmful to the skin. This impairs blood supply, causes narrowing of blood vessels and disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, dry skin, loss of elasticity and premature aging.

    So the most suitable water for washing is room temperature - from 18 to 20°C.

    Well, that's it traditional remedy for cleansing the face, like a lotion. In winter, do not use lotions containing alcohol. It is harmful for both dry and oily skin.

    Nourishes facial skin in winter.

    The next necessary step in caring for your skin in winter is its nutrition. Oil-based night creams rich in vitamins A and E will help compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin and balance the secretion of subcutaneous fat. It would be better if they contain extracts of lemon, aloe, and sage. These components help retain moisture in the skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce irritation.

    What about day cream? Because the daylight hours are short in winter, it would be a mistake to refuse sunscreen. Harmful effect ultraviolet rays present all year round and in any weather. Therefore, 30–40 minutes before going outside, be sure to apply sunscreen.

    Face masks in winter.

    Masks will complement skin nutrition. In winter, these will be nutritious, vitamin and softening masks. A banana mask nourishes, moisturizes and protects any type of skin in winter. Do it at night. Apply half a banana puree on your face in a thin layer and wash off after 15 minutes.

    If your skin is very flaky in winter, a massage with a few drops will help soften and nourish it with life-giving moisture. vegetable oil. Olive or cedar oil, flax seed oil, jojoba or wheat germ oil are suitable for this purpose. Do it every evening after applying the nourishing cream.

    Winter face mask with yeast

    For oily and problem skin. Vitamin B perfectly relieves inflammation and copes with acne.

    Mix yeast with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the paste to your face for 10 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.

    Winter face mask – essential oil + milk

    For inflamed dry skin.

    Mix 1 drop of tea tree essential oil with half a glass of milk. Apply the resulting liquid with a cotton swab to your face, and after 10 minutes, rinse with warm boiled water and apply moisturizer.

    Video: Face masks in winter

    Hello, dear readers. Today we are talking about homemade masks that your facial skin needs in winter.

    You already know, it's time to pay attention to your facial skin.

    During the winter months, the skin on your face is very susceptible to negative impact environment. Winter means frost and wind.

    The skin produces less subcutaneous fat; due to dry air in heated rooms, the hydrolipid balance of the skin is disrupted, and its protection is reduced.

    Peeling, redness, and discomfort are manifestations of dehydration. This is why taking care of your skin is so important.

    And the care program must include winter masks, which can be purchased at the store, or can be prepared at home.

    Self-made various compositions from natural ingredients are a wonderful opportunity to protect the skin from any winter harmful factors, restore and nourish it with the substances it requires.

    Winter face masks at home will heal all layers of the skin and restore youth and beauty to your face.

    You just need to apply them regularly, and also follow fairly simple universal rules.

    Then you can nourish and protect sensitive skin, provide the necessary moisture to dry skin, and provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to oily skin.

    Performance general rules care gives results for any skin. So, for dry skin you need a cream that will nourish.

    Once every seven to ten days you can resort to gentle peeling. Before going to bed, wash your face with milk and make masks every two to three days.

    To prevent oily skin from becoming shiny, you can use a moisturizer, since the skin will try to compensate for the moisture deficiency by increasing the secretion of sebum.

    The base of the cream should not be oily, then unwanted shine will not appear on the face.

    Special masks will be provided necessary vitamins, will have a mattifying effect. Combination skin needs universal creams that moisturize and nourish.

    It is better not to wash your face (both with water and the highest quality soap), but to cleanse your face with milk or a delicate toner. This good protection from frost, snow, wind, dry air.

    Cosmetic milk contains natural vegetable oils, thanks to which the skin will be protected from dryness. Tonics themselves are not aggressive.

    Be careful with moisturizers: the moisture in a moisturizer freezes in the cold, which damages your skin.

    In addition, in the dry air of a heated apartment or office, certain moisturizing components of creams begin to draw moisture from the deep layers of the skin, which increases their dryness.

    You can use moisturizers in the evening, after a shower, applying them to skin that is not yet dry after a bath or shower.

    Use nutrients. They are richer than day creams; they contain many oils, minerals, and vitamin complexes.

    However, for oily skin, it is better to purchase a light cream that is enriched with unsaturated fatty acids.

    For aging skin, oils and plant extracts are highly recommended as nutrition. The skin will no longer be dull and gray, but will become smooth and radiant.

    Drink more than usual and mineral water, green tea: it helps skin cells in their work.

    Buy a humidifier.

    Avoid hot showers; the water should be at a comfortable temperature.

    You should not rub your face with a towel; you need to blot it slightly.

    Peeling in the winter months is indicated no more than one procedure every seven to ten days. More frequent use of the procedure contributes to dry skin. Peeling should be soft and gentle.

    Vitamin E, fish oil, linseed oil(taken orally) will moisturize the skin from the inside. It is also advisable to introduce foods with omega-3 into your diet: fish, green vegetables, fruits, nuts.

    If you have oily skin, you should use products in winter that women with normal skin use in other seasons. Dry and aging skin types need moisturizers.

    Don’t be lazy to make masks every other day or two throughout winter seasons, better shortly before bedtime.

    If your skin is dry, you should choose masks with fats; if your skin is oily, masks should contain ingredients that prevent inflammation.

    Natural oils that penetrate to great depths rejuvenate cells. Essential oils need to be mixed with base oils.

    Basic oils can be jojoba, corn, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame, olive, grape or apricot seed oils.

    For dry skin, a mixture of sesame oils (30 grams), geranium, neroli, lemon (all three) is perfect essential oils take 5 drops).

    A composition of 30 grams will help aging, dull skin almond oil, pink and sandalwood (10 drops each).

    Finally, for oily skin, a mixture of sunflower oil with essential oils is recommended: lavender, bergamot and sage (take ten drops of lavender and five drops each of sage and bergamot).

    Secrets of the effectiveness of masks used in winter

    Properly chosen during the winter period will give maximum efficiency if you use the rules listed above.

    The mechanism of action of the mask depends on its components. It is advisable that any herbal be used in the composition natural oil. This is real protection in winter.

    • Mashed banana has remarkable hydrating properties. If vitamin A is added to a banana mask, it also provides excellent skin nutrition. Compositions containing lemon perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin.
    • Mixtures with gelatin will rejuvenate the face, tighten aging skin, make it elastic, and smooth out wrinkles.
    • Carrots tone up.
    • Chamomile relieves inflammation.

    Masks should be prepared immediately before use. In order to wash off the applied composition, take water at a comfortable temperature.

    Then suitable nutrients are used.

    For excessive dryness

    A winter mask for dry skin usually includes nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

    • Honey-yolk. Mix honey (15 grams) and yolk. You can add a little wheat flour or oatmeal (crushed). The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.
    • Fruity. You will need a banana or persimmon, egg yolk, olive oil. The procedure lasts half an hour.
    • Milk-yeast. Yeast is added to the milk (it should be warm), the mixture is brought to a slurry substance, and left for half an hour.
    • Beans, olive oil, lemon. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and three times less to white cooked mashed beans. olive oil. Apply for half an hour.
    • Cottage cheese, shea butter, bergamot oil. Dairy products effective not only for dry skin. They are suitable for everyone.
    • Herbs. Chamomile flowers, plantain grass and mint are taken in the same quantity (5 grams), an infusion is made, to which starch is added (5 grams).
    • Cottage cheese and apple. Cottage cheese (20 grams) is mixed with apple juice (5 grams), half an egg yolk, camphor oil (5 grams).

    What you need for aging skin

    Face masks at home in winter will help rejuvenate aging skin.

    • Oatmeal, cream, carrots, honey. Oatmeal (twenty grams) is added to the cream (20 grams fat), then fifteen grams of carrots and honey (a teaspoon) are poured in. The duration of the process is a quarter of an hour.
    • Cottage cheese, green tea, lemon, almond oil. Twenty grams of cottage cheese are mixed with five grams of green tea, five grams of almond oil, and the zest of half a lemon. Apply the mixture for twenty minutes. In general, oils in winter are highly recommended for this skin type: in addition to almond oil, you can use olive, apricot, shea, and avocado oils. They can separately nourish the skin of the face.
    • Tomatoes, starch, olive oil. The tomato (it needs to be grated) is mixed with starch (10 grams) and olive oil (5 grams). Apply for a third of an hour.
    • Japanese mask. Take flour and honey, pour in milk, stir thoroughly. Apply the composition for half an hour.

    For excessive fat content

    Homemade face masks in winter, which are suitable for excessively oily skin, are not difficult to prepare.

    • Protein, lemon, bran. You need to beat the egg white, pour in a teaspoon of lemon juice, throw in a little lemon zest, ground to a powder. Wheat bran is added to make the mask thicker. Can be applied for half an hour.
    • Gelatin, glycerin, zinc. Dry gelatin (ten grams) is poured with water, wait for it to swell, add forty grams of glycerin, ten grams of zinc oxide. The composition is applied to gauze. Gauze with the mixture is applied for half an hour.
    • Honey mask with vodka. You need to take 50 grams of water and good vodka, mix with honey (one hundred grams) and use for twenty minutes.
    • Milk-apple composition. Throw the chopped apple into milk and cook until it turns into a paste. Apply the composition for half an hour.
    • Fruit blends are suitable for everyone. This is at the same time a way to protect against winter factors, get rid of peeling, and normalize processes at the cellular level. For example, you can mix mashed apple and avocado, add fifteen grams of wheat oil. Apply to a steamed face for half an hour.

    A moisturizing or nourishing face mask in winter, prepared independently at home from natural ingredients, will perfectly protect your face.

    Such masks have no contraindications and solve many problems that threaten the skin with the arrival of winter cold.

    If you do not moisturize and nourish your face with masks during the winter months, skin problems will worsen and its withering will intensify.

    But it’s easy to avoid this: do natural masks and be beautiful both in winter and in summer!

    It is necessary to maintain your facial skin in winter to look young and beautiful for as long as possible. The simplest and least tedious option for healthy skin and facial beauty is the regular use of a variety of masks. Products prepared from natural products, cleanse, moisturize, nourish the skin and increase its elasticity. In this article we will look at the most popular winter face masks. What properties do they have?

    Why do you need to make face masks in winter?

    The skin of the face becomes especially sensitive in winter, because constant temperature changes and cold, which tightens and dries out the skin, greatly affect its condition. That is why it is necessary to take more careful care of your face in winter and protect it from wind, snow and cold. Winter masks against the cold will become the best way out when searching for the simplest and fast way achieve facial protection in winter. It is during this period of time that these products will help the skin to be nourished with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and get necessary nutrition in the fight against flaking and dry skin.

    By using winter masks on your face 2-3 times a week, you will achieve smooth and silky skin. However, be sure to monitor the skin reaction and at the slightest itching or burning, wash off the product immediately. You may have a hidden allergy to one of the ingredients, so before using it on your face, it is advisable to do an allergy test on your wrist by applying a little mask and waiting 10-13 minutes. If there is no redness or burning, you can safely apply the mask to your face and wait positive result from its use.

    For dry skin

    Winter masks made from cottage cheese and olive oil, as well as sour cream with egg yolk or egg yolk with vitamins are suitable for dry skin. They will fill the skin with vitamins and moisturize it, and also protect it from further exposure to cold and wind.

    To prepare a mask of cottage cheese and butter, you need to take 2 teaspoons of soft, medium-fat cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon of low-fat milk or low-fat cream, 1 teaspoon of coconut or olive oil and a pinch of salt. Everything must be mixed and applied to the face for 10-13 minutes. Next, remove the mixture from your face with a spatula and wash your face with cold green tea using a moistened cotton pad.

    To prepare nourishing mask winter from sour cream and yolk, you need to mix a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream with yolk and apply it to your face for 15-18 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad with boiled cool water.

    For a vitamin mask you need to grind the yolk and about 2 teaspoons nourishing cream for face. After this, add about 15-18 drops of vitamin A, 8 to 10 drops of vitamin D and a little salt. Apply the mixture for 10-13 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad with cold green tea.

    Masks for normal skin

    To nourish normal, unproblematic facial skin during winter, you can use a banana mask. You need to take half a small banana, mash it into pulp, add a little fresh juice lemon and half a teaspoon of low-fat milk. Mix all the ingredients together and apply to the face for 15-18 minutes, then rinse with a cotton pad with boiled water.

    For oily skin

    To cleanse oily facial skin, a winter mask made from rose hips and sage leaves, yeast and protein, or protein and potatoes is perfect. They will help cleanse the skin of impurities, as well as increase its elasticity and tighten pores.

    To prepare a mask of rose hips and sage, you need to grind a full teaspoon of dry rose hips, 2 teaspoons of sage leaves, add a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place. Next, moisten the skin with the strained solution, cover the face with gauze and apply the infusion cake over it, then cover with a towel. After 16-18 minutes have passed, remove the mask from your face and wipe it with broth or warm water. This mask works like a winter hat-mask for the face; it disinfects the skin and protects it.

    A protein and yeast mask is prepared from 50 grams of ground live yeast with milk until smooth. Then you need to add the protein and apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash the mixture off your face with warm water using a cotton pad or sponge.

    For a protein-potato mask, which perfectly refreshes oily skin, you need to grate a potato on a fine grater, add almost a full tablespoon of sifted flour, 15-18 drops of fresh lemon juice and protein, mix thoroughly and apply to the entire face for 15-18 minutes, then rinse with a soft towel soaked in warm water.

    Winter masks for all face types. Diversity

    Most popular masks winter ones for the face consist of honey, bananas and persimmons. They are all easy to prepare, easy to use and give a simply magical effect! After using such masks, you need to wipe your face with a warm decoction of chamomile, calendula or, for example, mint.

    For a mask of honey and oatmeal, you need to take an yolk, half a teaspoon of liquid honey, 5 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil, as well as oatmeal crushed into flour, which should be added to the mixture until the consistency of sour cream is formed. Mix the mask, slightly heat it in a water bath to a tolerable temperature and apply for 15-18 minutes.

    To prepare a banana mask, you need a quarter of an overripe banana, 1 teaspoon of nourishing cream and 5 drops of fresh lemon juice and flaxseed or purified olive oil. This mixture should be applied to the face for 10-13 minutes and then rinsed off with a facial sponge with cool water.

    For a persimmon mask, you need to mix a tablespoon of the pulp of a fairly ripe persimmon with half a teaspoon of linseed or olive oil, then apply to the face for 18-19 minutes. Then wash off the mask with a facial sponge.

    Masks for problem skin

    To prepare a mask with lemon and egg white you need to beat the egg white into a foam and add the juice of almost half a lemon, mix everything thoroughly and apply with a cotton pad on your face in 3 layers, each time allowing each layer to dry a little. After leaving the mask on your face for 20 minutes, wash it off with a sponge and warm water.

    To add moisture to skin irritated by wind and cold, you need to make a mask from sprouted wheat. To do this, wheat grains need to be poured with warm water and allowed to germinate for several days. After the sprouts appear, grind the grains in a blender, add the yolk and a tablespoon of coconut, flaxseed or olive oil. Next, mix the contents thoroughly and apply to the face for 25-31 minutes, then carefully rinse with a cotton pad with warm broth or water.

    Be sure to wipe your face with an antibacterial toner or a decoction of herbs, such as sage, calendula, chamomile, mint or rosehip. After the mask has already been removed from the face, it is advisable to use a moisturizing face cream, apply it in an even layer, warming it in your palms, and then go to bed, no earlier than 20-30 minutes later. Be sure to let the cream absorb, otherwise all your efforts will go down the drain.

    We are always glad to see the beauty of winter - the magic of snow-covered streets, the silence of a frosty morning, the mystical howl of a blizzard. Tangerines and decorated Christmas tree. And also suffering skin from frost and piercing winds. Even if the winter turns out to be warm, the dermis in any case becomes paler, dry and flaky. In winter, you need to be especially careful when taking care of your face.

    Benefits of winter care

    It is a winter face mask that will help prevent epidermis unnecessary stress from exposure low temperatures and protect him from negative influence weather.

    • Sensitive skin will regain strength and receive the necessary protection and nutrition. Properly selected products will help her easily endure winter, the most difficult period for her.
    • The dried out epidermis says goodbye to excessive dryness and flaking. A winter face mask for very dry skin will give it the moisture it needs. Now, instead of cracks and inflammation, your face will glow with a gentle and healthy glow.
    • Oily and problematic dermis will replenish the deficiency of vitamins and prepare for the no less difficult “vitamin deficiency” spring period.

    Little secrets for maximum effect

    Natural ingredients have always brought a lot of benefits to our face. These products are time-tested, they are much more accessible and optimal for epidermal cells. A properly selected winter face mask at home will not provoke allergic reactions. It will bring great results if you follow some simple rules.

    1. Do not use creams and masks before leaving the house - your face may become hypothermic. For outdoor use, use products with protective functions. When you return, the protective cream must be immediately removed from the skin surface.
    2. Use cleansers regularly (the best for winter are those with a gel base and an increased pH level). Lotions on alcohol based Use in winter is not recommended.
    3. The more vegetables and fruits in the diet, the better the dermis feels.
    4. Carry out nursing sessions every 3 days.
    5. Avoid drying out the air in living spaces.

    If the skin has increased greasiness and fat content, use products intended for the care of normal skin types in winter. For others, a moisturizing winter face mask would be ideal.

    Life-giving recipes for winter masks

    Before you begin studying and conducting winter beauty sessions, remember: the skin of your face must receive healing mixtures in a pure state. Soft and peelings will help with this.

    Health of dry epidermis

    • Honey

    Mix liquid honey (12 g) and yolk. To thicken the mixture, you can add a little wheat flour or chopped oatmeal. The session lasts for a quarter of an hour.

    Dry skin should not be wiped after washing in winter! Just blot it a little with a cotton towel.

    • Fruity

    Mix avocado pulp with two yolks and olive oil (16 ml). Session time is 15-20 minutes. Instead of avocado, you can use persimmon or banana.

    • Dairy

    Carefully add live yeast into heated milk (16 ml), bringing the mass to a paste. Mask time is 20-25 minutes.

    Helping aging skin

    • Oatmeal

    First we need to soak oatmeal flakes (15 g) in warm heavy cream (18 ml). As soon as the flakes swell, mix into the mixture carrot juice(16 ml) and melted honey (6 ml). The procedure time is 10-15 minutes.

    In winter, dull skin will benefit greatly from regular use of oils: olive, avocado, apricot, almond. Lubricate your face with it every evening before procedures.

    • Curd

    Mix fresh cottage cheese (20 g) with green tea brew (5 ml). Mix in the mixture (5 ml) and the zest of half a lemon. Session time is about 20 minutes.

    • Tomato

    Grate one medium-sized tomato, add starch (10 g) and olive oil (5 drops). Apply the mixture in a thick layer and leave for 20 minutes.

    Protecting oily dermis

    • Protein

    Add lemon juice (5 ml) and powdered lemon zest (12 g) to the whipped egg white. To thicken, carefully stir in wheat bran into the mixture. Keep the mixture for 20-25 minutes.

    Do not get carried away with cleansing procedures in winter sebaceous skin. Active peeling can lead to loss of the lipid layer.

    • Gelatinous

    Pour dry gelatin (10 g) with water and wait an hour for it to swell. Then add glycerin (40 g) and zinc oxide (10 g) into the mixture. The mass needs to be warmed up a little. Soak gauze in the warm mixture and apply to the face.

    More recipes gelatin masks.

    • Honey

    Mix honey (100 g) with good vodka (25 ml) and water (25 ml). This mass can be stored at room temperature. It acts on the skin for 20-25 minutes.

    In January and February, due to low temperatures and frosty winds, the skin of the face is subject to additional stress. Temperature vagaries dry out our skin, cause irritation and inflammation. In order to avoid this, you need to take special care of your skin in winter. For example, face masks at home in winter need to be done much more often than at any other time of the year. Sensitive skin suffers the most in winter, so you need to stock up on special products to protect it and learn a few simple rules: do not forget about moisturizing, this applies not only to the use of moisturizers, but also to ensuring that the air in the rooms where you spend the most time is not dry; drink as much water as possible per day. To take care of your skin in winter, do not forget to cleanse your face daily with special means With high level PH, eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible to saturate your body useful substances and vitamins, consult a dermatologist if skin problems still arise. Try to prepare your skin for winter before it starts.

    Face masks in winter - which ones are best to use in the winter season? Masks soothe the skin, promote cell regeneration, smooth out wrinkles and improve tone, but face masks in winter, among other things beneficial properties, also have a protective effect.

    Face masks in winter

    1. For all skin types
    2. For oily skin

    For all skin types

    All skin types can use a banana face mask in winter. To prepare such a mask, you will need to grind a banana into a puree and dilute it with a spoonful of daytime moisturizer. For the best effect, add lemon juice and a couple of drops of vegetable oil to the mixture. This mask can be used for both the face and hands. Good effect also has a curd mask. The cottage cheese should be diluted with tea and applied to the face for a short time.

    For oily skin

    For oily skin, an egg white mask with lemon juice and zest. Dry skin responds better to masks based on vegetables and fruits. So, the best solution for dry skin would be a face mask in winter based on herbs (plantain, mint and chamomile) and apple.

    How to care for your skin in winter?

    Frost is not a problem for us. In winter, the skin on the face can peel and turn red, which is not surprising, because wind and frost are serious irritants for the skin. What to do to reduce the influence of irritating factors? It is necessary to follow the main rules of skin care in winter:
    Cleaning. Using special cosmetic milk. Never use soap to clean your face.

    Hydration. Choose the best face cream and lubricate your skin with it every day before going to bed. It is not advisable to moisturize your skin in the morning before going out, since under the influence of frost it receives additional stress.
    Protection and nutrition. Facial skin care in winter involves the use of various masks and nourishing creams that renew the supply of missing vitamins.

    Caring attitude. Applying various cosmetical tools- take care of your skin. When rubbing creams, make gentle massage movements, do not injure the skin of the face, so as not to cause cracks and wrinkles to appear later.

    Face masks in winter

    Remember, any product used must be suitable for your skin type. Be careful when using scrubs. The scrub should not be harsh enough to cause irritation. Choose only those scrubs that are recommended for skin care during the winter period.

    What masks are suitable for facial skin care in winter?

    One or two masks will not do here. To deeply nourish your facial skin in winter, you need to take a whole course of masks. The most effective in our opinion are:

    Carrot-sour cream mask. Grate the carrots, mix it with sour cream, add a few tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil and apply the mixture to your face. Wait a quarter of an hour and rinse with cold water. This mask nourishes the skin, returns it velvety and pleasant color.

    Frozen berry mask. Berries in winter are a source of vitamins for the whole body, including the skin. Thaw the berries and apply them to your face.

    A yeast mask has a good effect nutritional effect. Pour the yeast with milk and wait 10 minutes. Mix until it becomes a paste and apply to the face until completely dry. Then wash off with warm water.

    When caring for your skin in winter, try to choose high-quality cosmetics. You may need to spend a little more time on your face in winter, but in spring

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