• 6 weeks of pregnancy after conception. Now the baby is the size. How the baby develops


    The gestational age of 6 weeks (eighth obstetric) is a critical period in the life of the embryo. Many mothers know that every four weeks of pregnancy (that is, 4, 8, 12 obstetrics) are dangerous in terms of its termination. The child is especially sensitive to various influences and grows very quickly. These seven days are counted starting from the first day of the last menstrual cycle, that is, the obstetric period.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, in the sixth week after conception and in the tenth, miscarriages very often occur. Usually before this the embryo stops developing. Well, the cause of his death could be his mother’s common cold. Remember what happens to the fetus at six weeks of gestation, how actively the body develops during this period, and how organs are formed. And if you get sick at the “inopportune” moment, the formation of tooth buds may be disrupted, for example, or a heart defect may appear. This is all very, very serious.

    In addition to the mother’s illnesses, the following have a dangerous effect on the child’s body:

    • ultraviolet and ionizing radiation;
    • alcohol;
    • pesticides and toxins;
    • some medications;
    • food and other chemicals, etc.

    It is also necessary to take into account that the formation of the placenta, a temporary organ through which oxygen and nutrients will be delivered to the baby in utero, will also depend on the state of health, nutrition, and lifestyle of the expectant mother; it also produces some enzymes and hormones that are very important for the regulation of pregnancy . If something is disrupted at the stage of its formation, the placenta may “age” ahead of time, and this threatens the child with a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) and developmental delays.

    New signs at 6 gestational weeks of pregnancy

    In addition to toxicosis, which is already in full swing in many expectant mothers at this stage, some taste “perversions” appear. For example, a mother suddenly wants to eat strawberries, and immediately after that the “herring under a fur coat” salad. Moreover, various products that are incompatible with each other are absorbed quite normally by her and do not cause a feeling of nausea. It happens. Also, some particularly capricious expectant mothers may send their husbands to the store at night to buy something unusual, for example, a coconut. This feature is not expressed in all women, naturally. A craving for unusual foods in the diet may appear even more late dates pregnancy, but then she often talks about a lack of some vitamins in the body.

    The main signs of pregnancy at 6 weeks look like this:

    • morning sickness;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • frequent urination;
    • enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands;
    • mild cramps in the lower abdomen;
    • thirst for one food and aversion to another;
    • shortness of breath;
    • increased vaginal discharge;
    • flatulence and bloating;
    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • anemia.

    Feelings and sensations of a woman in the sixth week

    The expectant mother watches her body very carefully and notices that her tight jeans or trousers have become not very comfortable to wear. Of course, the tummy is still very small, but in mothers with many children it is already beginning to show. And if a woman does not yet experience the pangs of toxicosis and eats well, then fat begins to be deposited on her stomach, which also leads to the fact that clothes become small.

    But whatever the reason, you can already buy maternity clothes. Usually these are low-rise jeans with a special soft insert for the tummy or overalls. You can also find maternity skirts and high-waisted dresses that emphasize or, on the contrary, hide an interesting position. The expectant mother should look good and take care of herself. You shouldn’t dress up in just anything, in “oversized” things, when special clothing so many in stores at affordable prices.

    The uterus has grown and begins to put pressure on bladder. The expectant mother is forced to visit the toilet more often. Of course, frequent urination is generally characteristic of pregnancy, including its earliest stages, but then the cause of the phenomenon lies elsewhere - the action of the hormone progesterone. Now the effect on the bladder is mechanical.

    Some mothers claim that at six weeks of pregnancy there are already sensations of the baby moving. But this is impossible. The baby is still very small, weighing only a few grams. Usually fermentation processes in the intestines are mistaken for a child.

    The main danger is the threat of miscarriage

    As we already wrote at the beginning of this article, this week is critical. It is during this period that miscarriages very often occur. Most of them occur due to chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. About 90% of pregnancies in the first trimester end for this reason. But some miscarriages are associated with insufficient progesterone production.

    How to understand that there is not enough progesterone and there is a risk of pregnancy loss? There is no need to be tested for this hormone. During pregnancy, it is not informative. But if you have unpleasant sensations in the uterine area - spasms, heaviness, a stomach like stone. Moreover, this happened more than once or twice; perhaps it makes sense to prevent miscarriage with the help of progesterone. Duphaston tablets are prescribed internally. The dosage depends on the severity of the symptoms. And the drug “Utrozhestan” is suitable for vaginal use. Some women are forced to take progesterone almost until the end of pregnancy, so as not to give birth prematurely. If there is no serious threat, then from the second trimester the dosage of progesterone decreases, and by 16-20 weeks the woman stops taking it. But only if nothing worries you: there is no pain, bleeding and the length of the cervix is ​​normal (isthmic-cervical insufficiency is excluded).

    I would like to note that in hospitals neither the first nor the second drug is given out. You will most likely have to buy them yourself.

    What happens to the fetus 6 weeks after conception?

    By the end of this week, the growth of the embryo is already about 20 mm. This is the size of a bean or raspberry. The baby is growing approximately 1 mm per day. And it weighs 3-5 grams. And they say that the child is already responding to touch. The speed of children's development amazes even scientists. About 90% of the anatomical systems of the body have been formed. And also, the baby begins to move. But for now these are spontaneous movements. And it is precisely the 6th week after conception that is the final one, when the baby is called an embryo; when the 7th week of pregnancy arrives, it will already be a fetus.

    The small heart becomes more complex and becomes four-chambered, like in humans and all mammals. Its connection with the main vessels becomes better. A baby's heart beats at a very high speed - 150-170 beats per minute, which is about 2 times faster than that of an adult.

    Fingers and toes appear. The arms can already bend at the joints. Actively developing skeletal system. The brain has different hemispheres and convolutions. The kidneys and bladder are fully formed.

    The intestine grows in length and forms a physiological hernia in the area of ​​the umbilical cord. The stomach ends up in abdominal cavity, nerve endings appear in it. The salivary glands are being formed.

    The face of the embryo changes. Facial features are already more clearly visible. The ears, tip of the nose and upper lip emerge. Very soon the eyelids will be visible on the tiny face.

    Boys develop genitals and testicles. But the gender of the baby is not yet visible on an ultrasound. The amount of amniotic fluid increases.

    Be careful - smoking and alcoholic drinks

    Your body is the house in which your child grows. In the future you are destined to become two separate people, but now you are one organism. And all the substances that enter your bloodstream are delivered to the tiny embryo. Most mothers-to-be expose their baby to toxins, either consciously or unconsciously, from time to time.

    We have already talked about the potential harm of caffeine in the article about the fifth week of pregnancy. And here we will describe the harm of tobacco and alcohol for a child. Awareness will allow you to easily refuse these bad habits.

    Smoking cigarettes

    Extensive research into the effects of tobacco on the fetus has clearly shown that it has adverse effects and may interfere with fetal development. Women who smoke often give birth to low birth weight babies due to intrauterine retention their development. Smoking increases the risk of stillbirths and birth defects.

    Babies born to women who smoke have a higher risk of abnormalities physical development and mental abilities, vision problems and susceptibility to chronic lung diseases. In addition, toxins in the blood of a smoking woman reduce the oxygen supply to the baby.

    Smoking during pregnancy can cause shortness of breath and tachycardia in a woman. Since smoking is known to affect the immune system, you will be more susceptible to infections.

    6 week, side effects pregnancy (video):

    6th week of pregnancy

    Week 6, pregnancy side effects



    Alcohol is bad for your health at any stage of life, but especially during pregnancy. Its use during the first trimester is highly detrimental to health and has serious consequences for the growing fetus. A pregnant woman who drinks alcohol suffers from a lack of folic acid and thiamine in the body, which in turn affects the baby. Women who drink often experience falls or accidents after drinking alcohol, resulting in miscarriage or serious injury to the abdomen and uterus. The likelihood of liver disease, bone marrow disease and pneumonia is also higher among them.

    Alcohol enters the baby's body through the placenta and can cause irreparable damage. The baby will be born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). These children have a higher risk of developing mental retardation, problems with the central nervous system, deformed facial features, and kidney and heart pathologies.

    Many women believe that small doses of alcohol will not harm the child. But there are no studies that would confirm this point of view. And it is not known how much alcohol will lead to the development of FAS in a child. Therefore, it is better to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy. Current advice for expectant mothers

    There are two problems that almost all expectant mothers are at risk of encountering. This headache and constipation. Both of these problems are almost always provoked either by medications taken or by hormonal conditions. We will talk about how to defeat both one and the other pathology.

    There are several types of headaches. And in order to choose the right tactics of action, you need to understand why you have a headache.

    1. Osteochondrosis, injuries of the cervical spine. During pregnancy, you will not solve this problem. So far the recommendations are sufficient physical activity and correct posture. After childbirth - consultation and examination by a neurologist. If the pain is severe, take a painkiller. Expectant mothers can take Paracetamol at a dosage of 15 mg per 1 kg of weight.

    2. High or low blood pressure. If the pressure rises, it is very dangerous. It is necessary to take drugs that reduce it on a regular basis. They will become a cure for headaches. Physical activity and a cup of coffee will help with low blood pressure.

    3. Pain from suboptimal sleep duration. It can also occur in non-pregnant women if they go to bed too early or too late. And also, it can provoke a “heavy head” nap. The problem can be solved by normalizing the duration and frequency of rest.

    4. Migraine. This is the most painful form of headache. It is distinguished by its localization in one part of the head. Migraines are often triggered by foods: chocolate, cheese, sausage, various sauces, citrus fruits, pineapples, bananas, etc. Doctors recommend keeping a special diary in which you write down every day what you ate and when you got a headache. This helps to find the dependence of pain on the foods eaten. Normalizing the menu saves the situation.

    Often headaches occur due to a small amount of fluid consumed, especially in hot weather. This is simply a symptom of dehydration. Just drink more and your headache will stop.

    Constipation in expectant mothers is caused by certain drugs that reduce the tone of the uterus, as well as by the hormone progesterone directly produced by the body. It weakens intestinal motility. To normalize its functioning, you need to eat less foods that cause constipation. You should mainly limit flour. But it is recommended to eat more fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits. And be sure to drink enough fluids. Bran is good for constipation. You can use them together with kefir.

    If you can’t normalize your stool simply with food, lactulose syrup remains. A very mild and safe laxative. It works when you can choose the right dosage. Often, for regular bowel movements, you need to drink more syrup than indicated in the instructions. It's absolutely safe. Well, the first aid means are glycerin suppositories and Microlax microenemas.

    The most active formation of the unborn child occurs in the first trimester. At this time, the foundations are laid that will influence his entire future life. The sixth week of pregnancy is a very important milestone in embryo development. During this period, the embryo becomes large enough to be seen, the uterus enlarges, and significant changes occur in the woman’s abdomen, which become noticeable on ultrasound examinations. Technically, the sixth week of pregnancy is actually the fourth week of fetal development, but it is counted from the first day of your last period before pregnancy. This period is called obstetric.

    Sixth obstetric week Pregnancy is a period of growth and development of the unborn child. It is at this time that the main vital organs and parts of the body begin to develop, so it is imperative to start paying close attention to the woman’s health and emotional peace from such a short time. At this time, the fetus is still very small and vulnerable, so the pregnant woman is advised not to overexert herself and eat right so as not to provoke possible negative consequences.

    Signs of pregnancy at 6 weeks

    Already at this early During pregnancy, a woman begins to notice changes occurring in her body. They are due to the fact that the body begins to actively prepare for bearing a child and produces a large amount of hormones that rebuild all processes in a woman’s body.

    Already at this time it appears severe toxicosis characterized by a feeling of nausea, vomiting, changes in reaction to smells and food, and increased salivation.

    Also, due to the influence of a large amount of progesterone, which is necessary to strengthen the uterus and its increased blood supply, digestive disorders may occur, which also affects the manifestation of toxicosis.
    Doctors in this condition advise pregnant women to drink more water to cope with the feeling of nausea. A large amount of fluid helps remove salts from the body and helps cope with unpleasant symptoms. Also, to unload the digestive system, which cannot cope with the food entering it, it is recommended to switch to frequent meals in small portions. This can also reduce the feeling of nausea and help cope with discomfort and vomiting.
    Also, under the influence of hormones, pregnant women become irritable, they experience a loss of strength and even dizziness.
    There may also be noticeable flaccidity in the muscles, affecting all movements of the woman. At the same time, severe stress and emotional unrest negatively affect the unborn child, so it is extremely important during this period of time to try to avoid mental stress and excessive worry.
    In some cases, abdominal pain may begin in the sixth week of pregnancy. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor in a timely manner so that he can conduct a full diagnosis and eliminate possible risks for the mother and child. In most cases, abdominal pain is a direct signal that something is going wrong in a woman’s body, so you should not ignore these sensations.

    Another obvious sign indicating pregnancy is breast enlargement and a change in its sensitivity. Quite often there is pain and tingling in the nipples, darkening halos and hypertrophied tactile perception. For most pregnant women, even minor touches of the breast become too painful and unpleasant. Many women also note a feeling of heaviness in their breasts that appears with the onset of pregnancy.

    In addition to these main manifestations, there may also be a decrease in blood pressure, skin problems, constipation, heartburn and other symptoms.
    However, for some women, pregnancy may actually not manifest itself at all and even pass without the toxicosis that is familiar to many. This largely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and how it reacts to pregnancy and excess hormones. The only symptom that is present in almost everyone is frequent urination. This phenomenon is due to the fact that it is caused by physiological characteristics woman's body, not her hormonal background. Already from the sixth week of pregnancy, pressure from the uterus on the bladder may occur, which leads to frequent urge to go to the toilet. Despite the fact that at this stage this reproductive organ is still quite small and does not exceed the size of a plum, due to its location it affects all organs in the abdomen, including the urinary system.

    Determination of pregnancy in the sixth week

    Despite the fact that the life span of the embryo is still quite short, an experienced gynecologist can confidently determine whether there is a pregnancy or not.

    At this time, a large number of tests are prescribed that check hormonal levels and measure all indicators.
    This is necessary in order to promptly identify abnormalities that appear during pregnancy and may affect the health of the unborn child and his mother.

    In this case, much attention is paid to the level of the hormone progesterone, which is a very important substance for preserving and maintaining pregnancy, as it keeps the uterus in good shape and helps protect the embryo.

    If the amount of this hormone is insufficient, the gynecologist prescribes drug therapy to help correct this abnormality and maintain pregnancy.

    During this period, the first ultrasound examination is carried out to determine exactly how many embryos the pregnant woman is carrying and whether they are developing in the right place. In the sixth week you can clearly see what type multiple pregnancy is present and how many placentas are determined. Ultrasound examination makes it possible to timely diagnose the presence of an ectopic pregnancy with greater accuracy.

    Fetal changes at 6 weeks

    During this period of time, significant changes begin to occur in the embryo. In such a short period of time, the fetus grows quickly, and every day you can notice new changes.

    It is at this stage of pregnancy that, with the help of ultrasound, it becomes possible to determine the beating of the still small two-chamber heart of the embryo.
    It is very small, like a tube-shaped vessel, and beats twice as fast as his mother's heart - about 150 beats per minute.

    The embryo itself now measures only 1 cm and weighs approximately 4 grams. But it is at this stage of development that such an important organ as the brain is formed. From it comes the central nervous system, which allows you to maintain life throughout the body. Thanks to this, already at such an early stage, the small organism begins to gradually show a reaction to stimuli coming from outside. Only now this is not yet noticeable to the mother - the fetus is too small, and its movements are not felt at all.

    The sixth week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of limbs. Now the ultrasound shows very small arms and legs. At this time, they have not yet fully grown and do not look like ordinary human hands, but they can already be noticed. The embryo develops a head and still has a small tail, which disappears later.

    A nose, mouth, ears appear on the head, small eyeballs appear, and gradually develop.

    In the sixth week, the active growth of cartilage tissue begins, which subsequently provides the basis for the entire skeleton of the child and helps to form tendons and muscle tissue.

    The rudiments of the digestive tract appear, expressed by the intestinal tube and the developing liver and stomach, the excretory system is created, blood vessels appear, bronchi, trachea and lungs are formed.

    Already at this stage of development of the embryo, its immune system is formed, so the expectant mother needs to start following a special diet now, not get sick and give up bad habits in advance so as not to harm the health of the unborn baby.

    At 6 weeks, not only the fetus develops, but also its placenta and umbilical cord. After the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus, the endometrium lining the uterine surface is destroyed, which subsequently, together with the membrane of the fertilized egg, becomes an important material for the structure of the placenta. At this stage of pregnancy, the placenta is growing and is already able to provide the baby with all the nutrients, beneficial microelements and oxygen necessary for proper development. Until this point, the embryo fed on the reserves of all substances contained in the yolk sac, which dissolves over time.

    What symptoms should you consult a doctor for?

    • Abdominal pain. This is the most obvious and most terrible sign that not everything is in order in a woman’s body. In this case, it is very important to contact a gynecologist in time, who can check if everything is in order. Even if the pain is not actually constant, but appears only at certain times of the day or after a slight exertion, consultation with a specialist is still necessary. He will be able to correctly determine the nature of the pain and its causes and prescribe additional tests for this. To understand exactly what is happening to the body now. This must be done if after discomfort discharge with blood appeared in the stomach. Such a symptom may mean a high risk of miscarriage, and only timely medical care can prevent this. It is worth remembering that pain in the lumbar spine in most cases does not entail any negative consequences, but are only a consequence of the influence of hormones and the resulting load;
    • Another signal that something is not right with a pregnant woman’s body is a change in discharge. The appearance of blood, additional inclusions, changes in color, smell and consistency indicate that treatment is necessary. Most often, such symptoms indicate that an infection is beginning to develop in a woman’s body. This is the most likely and very common reason, which is caused by the weakening of the female body’s immunity due to pregnancy. Another reason may be a change in microflora due to hormonal imbalance, which leads to thrush. At the same time, it is extremely important not to self-medicate or take medications on your own, but to use only drug treatment, which will be prescribed by the doctor, since most medications are contraindicated at this stage of pregnancy.

    If you have any problems, you should immediately contact your doctor, who will prescribe the correct medications. Any independent treatment can lead to a large number of undesirable consequences. Since the majority medications not intended for pregnant women and can only aggravate the situation; a competent gynecologist will be able to correctly select medications and their dosage that will not provide Negative influence on a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

    It should be remembered that in any case, it is extremely important not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication and contact your gynecologist in a timely manner. Only he will be able to prescribe and conduct all the necessary tests and examinations, which will allow timely diagnosis possible deviations from the norm during pregnancy and will contribute to the prompt elimination of the problem. This will significantly reduce the risk of complications that can arise if you wait too long to see a doctor.

    During pregnancy, a slight increase in temperature may occur. This may not always mean the development of any disease. In a large number of cases, a slight increase in temperature is actually a sign of the hormonal system. At the same time, separate the slight increase in temperature due to natural processes in the body and the fever caused by the disease. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is extremely undesirable to get sick and take regular cold and antiviral medications, as this can affect the embryo. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect yourself from contact with sick people, take vitamins to boost your immunity and try not to get too cold.

    Diet in the sixth week

    Proper nutrition is extremely important for a woman who is expecting a baby. It affects not only how the pregnancy itself proceeds, but also the development of the embryo itself. During this period of time, it is extremely undesirable to drink coffee, strong tea and eat spicy and smoked foods. It is best to focus on boiled lean dishes and plenty of vegetables and fruits. They will saturate the mother’s body with useful microelements, which will subsequently participate in the formation of the child’s tissues and organs, which is especially important in the sixth week of pregnancy.

    Also, a pregnant woman's diet should include dairy products, nuts, lean meat and fish. All this together will provide the unborn child with all the substances that will be used during growth and development.

    In addition to food, many pregnant women also require additional vitamins, which the doctor prescribes separately. This is due to the fact that the growing organism inside a woman uses the mother’s resources for its formation. Therefore, in order for a woman’s body not to be depleted, she needs an additional supply of easily digestible microelements.

    Lena Lena

    A month has passed since the divorce through the courts. Such confusion in my soul... How to build a relationship with the father of your children so as not to “lose face and cave in.” Meetings with children on our territory (apartment in half).
    I am 38. Two children: a 13-year-old son, a 1-year-old and 7-month-old daughter. Currently on maternity leave. I have always worked (except for the first maternity leave for 2.5 years and now), I am preparing to start a part-time job: 2 full days in the office, the rest at home (I am a narrow specialist - Ph.D.). My children and I are fully supported: 20,000 rubles per month for three of us for all expenses, including rent (in winter - 5,000, in summer - about 3,000). They paid about 7,000 for up to 1.5 years. Married for 13 years. Everything is banal: we didn’t get along in character, or rather, I couldn’t tolerate my husband’s lifestyle. Work for him is his life: business trips, night trips, constant telephone conversations, late returns from work. And the family, yes, there is, everyone is shod, dressed, constant calls on the phone to see how we are there. Yes, he loves (loved?), he didn’t give reasons for jealousy, well, sometimes a beer after work... But live communication, such as holding a hand, being together without beer and calls, knocking with a gavel (and I’m happy next to you), cook together - no, that never happened. Only work. I'm stressed out...
    Share your experience.



    Girls, have you heard about this method of contraception?))))
    Just imagine the situation: you have children in your family and neither you nor your husband want any more, or you just understand that you can’t afford it financially anymore. Which method would you choose to protect yourself safely? Condoms, hormonal pills or rings, IUDs, tubal ligation or male sterilization? There is no need to ask our men, they will not agree to the latter) although the male process does not change in any way, this is not castration
    Temka think so
    Why am I interested? Out of interest. I first heard about this a few years ago.



    My parents are going on vacation. They want to take their granddaughter with them, she will be 2.
    They get along well, can feed, put to bed and entertain. They understand that the holiday will not be a holiday with a child.
    But for some reason I'm so scared...
    Who let their children go with their grandparents at that age? How was it?


    Isolda (Russia) Stavropol

    There are no parents who would not want their child to grow up healthy, resilient and physically developed. But should he be sent to big sports for this purpose or should he confine himself to the regional section?
    My daughter is a multiple champion in taekwondo. Now she is 18. She left professional sports, trained as a tattoo artist (international class) and opened her own salon. Also successful.
    We support, but... It's difficult to understand.


    At 6 weeks, the expectant mother will have to visit an antenatal clinic to confirm pregnancy. The embryo develops and grows, and the body of the uterus noticeably increases in size. During this period, active production of the hormone progesterone begins. Its intense “burst” in the body affects the woman’s well-being, and she begins to experience the first signs early toxicosis.

    6 weeks of pregnancy: what happens during this period

    The 6th obstetric week is the actual 4 weeks of embryo development from the moment of conception. By this time, the woman has already guessed about her interesting position by delayed menstruation and a positive pregnancy test result. A pregnant woman's body is actively reorganizing under the influence of hormones, letting her know her new status through ailments - mood swings, nausea, drowsiness.

    A woman’s feelings at this time are individual. Depending on the characteristics of the body and health in general, the expectant mother may recognize the following signs of pregnancy:

    • the emergence of sensitivity to familiar odors;
    • attacks of nausea, vomiting, motion sickness in transport;
    • breast pain and swelling;
    • appearance taste preferences etc.

    Right now comes the moment when a pregnant woman needs special treatment from others. For a successful pregnancy, she needs to avoid stress, unpleasant situations and increased fatigue.

    Baby development at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Along with the sixth week of pregnancy, the second embryonic period of the baby's intrauterine development begins. The development of the fetus occurs in waves, according to a certain chronology of events laid down by nature itself.

    The baby’s body already contains the main organs and tissues - the bones of the axial skeleton, the rudiments of the kidneys and liver, the primary intestine and the thyroid gland. The structure of individual systems – the heart, neural tube, and brain – becomes more complex.

    How does the embryo develop at 6 weeks?

    The size of the fetus at this time does not exceed 6 mm. Externally, the embryo looks like a curved tiny tadpole with a tail, comfortably located in the mother’s belly. Despite small size, he is actively developing and very soon he will look like a miniature man. The eyes, chin, mouth and nose are outlined on the face. The head of the embryo is still equal in size to the body. At the site of the future upper and lower limbs there are bulges.

    What happens to the fetus:

    • lymph nodes and elements associated with immune system body;
    • the buds acquire their usual rounded shape and structure;
    • the rudiments of the parathyroid glands appear;
    • cells that carry endocrine function are formed in the pancreas;
    • the primary brain vesicles are transformed into sections of the brain;
    • the volume of developing bone marrow increases;
    • hematopoiesis begins in the liver;
    • the rudiments of the lower extremities appear, eyelids and fingers are formed;
    • the formation of the interventricular septum of the heart occurs.

    At the sixth week, the placenta is just beginning to form. It exchanges blood with the baby’s vessels through the umbilical cord rudiment, and at this stage looks like a slight thickening on the side adjacent to the uterus.

    Changes in the body of the expectant mother at 6 weeks

    The sixth week can be characterized as the true beginning of pregnancy and the appearance of the first signs of toxicosis.

    Progesterone at the peak of its development causes a hormonal “wave” in the mother’s body, as a result of which the woman’s mood and well-being can worsen. But for the pregnancy itself high level progesterone has only benefits - it reduces uterine tone and ensures calm childbearing without threats.

    What does the belly look like at 6 weeks

    Growing with the baby, the uterus is now the size of egg. At this time, it is in the small pelvis, not reaching the womb. Therefore, outwardly, pregnancy is not yet noticeable either to the woman herself or to others.

    However, this period will not last long, so you can record it and capture a photo of the belly for the family archive. Take note of the famous photo shoot of pregnant Carolee Beckham - she took a photo of her belly with fruits and vegetables that matched the current size of her growing baby inside.

    How does a woman feel during this period of bearing a child?

    Fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, increased sense of smell

    Such sensations are symptoms of early toxicosis. The deterioration in health can be either moderate or significant - in this case, the pregnant woman is advised to rest and go to bed. If a woman is bothered by vomiting more than 6-8 times a day, or losing weight, this threatens with a serious complication - dehydration. In this case, you should definitely contact your local doctor or call " ambulance».

    On a note! A sudden attack of lightheadedness expectant mother You can relieve this by eating an apple or cracker, and drinking a glass of cool water with lemon.

    Increased discharge

    The nature and amount of vaginal discharge changes by this week - it becomes more intense and acquires an astringent structure. Normally, the discharge has a light milky tint without the presence of unpleasant odor. If a woman notices changes in the form of blood streaks, darkening of color, or the appearance sour smell, this is a reason to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Breast pain

    Pain when touching the breast, as well as tension, fullness or tingling in it is the absolute norm for this stage of pregnancy. The mammary glands, under the influence of hormonal levels, begin to rebuild, preparing for future breastfeeding.

    Nagging pain in the lower abdomen

    Pain and tension in the lower abdomen this week may indicate increased tone of the uterus. Even if the discomfort is slight and the sensations are very tolerable, you should not postpone a visit to your obstetrician-gynecologist. Pain that feels reminiscent of the first days of menstruation most often signals a threat of miscarriage. In this case, only a personal examination by a doctor and an ultrasound examination can recognize the cause of the pain and answer the question of whether more serious medical intervention is required.

    Doctor visits and tests at 6 weeks

    According to obstetric calculations, weeks 6-7 is the time when it is worth visiting an antenatal clinic to begin monitoring your pregnancy.

    At the first visit, the obstetrician-gynecologist will keep a special card, where at each appointment he will note the current weight, pressure and abdominal circumference. The doctor will also register the pregnant woman, prescribing a mandatory list of tests and examinations:

    • general urine analysis;
    • blood chemistry;
    • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
    • blood test for syphilis;
    • test for HIV infection and AIDS;
    • vaginal smear for sexually transmitted diseases;
    • ultrasound examination (if indicated).

    An ultrasound at the 6th week is performed using a sensor placed in the vagina. The procedure is absolutely safe for the unborn baby and lasts no more than 10 minutes. On early stage pregnancy, the doctor will distinguish the cardiac activity of the embryo (or several embryos), determine exact date gestation from the moment of conception, will indicate the development of pregnancy and confirm the presence/absence of malformations in the child in the womb.

    Termination of pregnancy at 6 weeks

    Unfortunately, not all pregnancies end successfully in the birth process. Some of them are interrupted spontaneously (or at the request of the woman herself) in the first trimester, in the earliest stages.

    Spontaneous miscarriage

    Doctors use this wording to describe a pathological termination of pregnancy that occurs spontaneously. In most cases, this happens for two reasons: the presence of any pathologies in a pregnant woman, or due to an intrauterine disorder in the development of the embryo.

    Symptoms of miscarriage:

    1. brown discharge, bleeding;
    2. cramping pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling that the stomach is “pulling”, pain in the back and stomach;
    3. general malaise of the body, nausea, urge to have frequent bowel movements (if other symptoms are present).

    Medical care for miscarriage

    If any of the above-described signs of miscarriage appear, a pregnant woman should call an ambulance. Under no circumstances should you hide symptoms from doctors. At the hospital, the expectant mother will be examined, tests taken and sent for an ultrasound examination. If the fertilized egg has not been expelled from the uterus, treatment will begin immediately. In what form it will be presented depends on the cause of the threat of miscarriage. Remember that on time Taken measures can save the baby from death.

    Induced abortion

    This medical intervention is possible either by medical indications(if continuation of pregnancy poses a threat to the life of the mother), and according to the patient’s personal decision-making. Pregnancy can be terminated up to 6 weeks inclusive by medication– by introducing a large dose of hormones, or by surgical – mechanical removal of the fertilized egg from the uterus. The latter method is carried out only under anesthesia and in a hospital setting.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Another situation when it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester is an ectopic pregnancy. This is a relatively rare complication (but with a great threat to the woman’s life!), in which a fertilized egg attaches and develops outside the uterine cavity. The causes of this pathology may be previous illnesses (inflammation of the appendages) or a history of ovarian surgery.

    Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy:

    1. pronounced pain syndrome in the stomach and lower back;
    2. weakness, trembling, loss of consciousness, fainting;
    3. scanty bleeding.

    Medical care for ectopic pregnancy

    If the symptoms listed above are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance and take the pregnant woman to the emergency room. After a medical examination and identification of the fertilized egg in fallopian tube, an operation will be performed to remove a section of the pipe, if possible preserving part of it. If the damage turns out to be not critical, then the woman will subsequently have no problems with a new conception and pregnancy.

    Important! In many cases, the loss of a child is overshadowed by difficult psychological experiences, which are very difficult to overcome on your own. If this happens, the woman should visit a psychologist and not refuse the support and help of loved ones.

    Diet of a pregnant woman at 6 weeks

    During the first visit to the doctor, almost every pregnant woman is interested in what she needs to eat for the proper development of the unborn baby.

    In fact, there is absolutely no need to give up your favorite foods or start following a special diet. The expectant mother will only need to slightly adjust her usual diet.

    • often meets with new sensations in the form of manifestations of toxicosis. A sharp reaction to smells, irritability and nausea fill the space and reduce appetite. This is not scary - the baby in the womb is still very small, and it is enough for him useful substances, which are in the mother’s body.
    • More fresh fruits and vegetables, less heat treatment of foods and don’t forget about liquids - by adhering to this plan, the expectant mother is guaranteed good mood and well-being. Small portions will not allow toxicosis to “wake up” during lunch; and fruit drinks, herbal teas and drinking water will improve digestion and replenish the lack of fluid in the body.
    • What definitely won’t do you any good in the first trimester is “fast” food, salads with a lot of mayonnaise, sweets with chemical additives and preservatives. Junk food can easily cause stomach upset in a pregnant woman. Thanks to a hormonal explosion in the body digestive system Now I am especially sensitive to what a woman eats during the day.

    Here's what a sample menu might look like in the sixth week of pregnancy:

    Do you need vitamins?

    With good health indicators and absence chronic diseases The expectant mother is not prescribed special vitamin complexes during this period. For a pregnant woman, hypervitaminosis is much more dangerous than vitamin deficiency - it is fraught with intoxication of the body. That is why there is no need to rush into taking synthetic vitamins. It is much more important to form a correct and varied diet, including meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, seasonal vegetables and fruits.

    Woman's lifestyle

    With the onset of pregnancy, everything changes - the health of the mother and the unborn child is a priority, which means that many “liberties” in lifestyle will be left behind.


    Starting from the moment of conception, the expectant mother needs to reconsider her daily routine, if possible adding 1-2 hours of daily rest to it. By the sixth week, the symptoms of toxicosis adversely affect your well-being; constant drowsiness can literally “knock you off your feet.” This is a temporary phenomenon; the influence of hormones will decrease after the first trimester and will no longer constantly make you sleepy. In the meantime, there is only one way to cope with the desire to sleep - get more sleep at night. When getting up at 7 am, a pregnant woman needs to get ready for bed no later than 9 pm.

    On a note! If you can’t rest during your lunch break, you can fight sleepiness during the day with movement—a five-minute walk to get a glass of water or get some fresh air outside will help you concentrate at work.


    Inflow fresh air has a good effect on well-being and negates dizziness and lightheadedness - frequent companions of the first trimester. A pregnant woman needs to take more walks in parks and squares where there are many trees. It is better to do this in the first half of the day, when there is still little smog and car exhaust.

    If a morning walk is not possible, in the evening you can walk and breathe air in places near water bodies. Increased humidity reduces the concentration of pollution in the air, minimizing negative impact on the body of the mother and her child.


    At this stage, it is difficult for the expectant mother to force herself to be at least a little active - she doesn’t want anything, the rooms are stuffy, walks quickly tire. But a sedentary lifestyle can lead to physical inactivity, which can impair body functions.

    To maintain normal muscle activity, no special loads are required; morning exercises are enough. Leisurely stretching the muscles of the legs and back (bending), working on the small joints of the hands and feet are useful. You only need to avoid stress on the abs and pelvic diaphragm.

    Being in a position, a woman needs to learn to get the maximum benefit with a minimum of harm from everything that surrounds her. By following simple but important tips, you can reduce all harmful influences to zero and give birth to a strong and healthy baby on time.

    The 6th week of pregnancy is the second obstetric month of pregnancy. 36-42 days have passed since conception, according to. The 6th week of pregnancy from conception corresponds to four weeks of embryonic development of the fetus. Before this period, many expectant mothers may not even be aware of their “interesting” situation due to the absence of any signs. From the sixth week, intensive production of the hormone progesterone begins, against the background of which significant changes occur in the pregnant woman’s body and the first symptoms of malaise appear. The 6th week of pregnancy is no less important for the development of the fetus, since it is at this stage that the amniotic sac begins to form, which will subsequently protect the baby from any external mechanical influences.

    Signs and symptoms at 6 weeks pregnant

    At the 6th week, the manifestations of pregnancy are already quite obvious and it is impossible not to notice them. The main symptoms include the following:

    • delayed menstruation;
    • nausea not only in the morning or during the day, but also as a reaction to an irritating odor;
    • increased sense of smell;
    • producing large amounts of saliva;
    • weakness, severe drowsiness, apathy, dizziness;
    • frequent mood changes.

    All these symptoms of pregnancy at 6 weeks are a consequence of hormonal changes in the woman’s body, and, as a rule, there is no trace of them left by the end of the first trimester, that is, by the end of the twelfth week.

    Ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    To confirm pregnancy, you can use the following methods: buying a test at a pharmacy, visiting a doctor and undergoing an ultrasound. According to statistics, most expectant mothers first go to the pharmacy for a test, and if there is a positive answer, they are sent to medical institution for ultrasound diagnostics. This procedure allows not only to establish the exact date of conception, but also to exclude the possibility of an empty fertilized egg, and to detect the first signs of a threatened miscarriage.

    The 6th week of pregnancy is the period when using an ultrasound machine you can only see ovum in the uterus and a tiny tadpole - the size of the fetus at the 6th week of pregnancy is no more than 5 mm inside it. At this stage of pregnancy, the embryo has only two main parts: the head and a small body in comparison with it, while the limbs are in their infancy.

    In addition, it is at the 6th week of pregnancy, if you have a good ultrasound machine, that you can see the first contractile movements of the heart muscle of the embryo, which at this stage is only a pulsation, presumably in the area of ​​the heart, while the organ itself is not yet visible.

    Photo of the fetus - ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    Development of the embryo (fetus) at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    What does the fetus look like at 6 weeks of pregnancy? Despite the fact that the fetus (embryo) is very tiny at 6 weeks, it has already begun its external transformation into a real person. Already now the face is taking shape, on which two small depressions are visible like black peas - future eyes, as well as a mouth and small growths on the sides - the rudiments of ears.

    The 6th week of pregnancy is a very significant stage in the development of the embryo, since right now the rudiments of vital and important organs (bronchi, pancreas, lungs, stomach, intestinal tube, liver) and the baby’s systems (digestive, respiratory, excretory, immune, nervous) are formed ).

    In addition, at week 6 there is an active tightening of the neural tube of the embryo, which has a very important for further development of the baby's brain.

    It should also be noted that at 5-7 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop arms, legs and a small tail, which will later form the human tailbone.

    What happens to mom at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The 6th week of pregnancy is a period when expectant mothers change not only psychologically and emotionally, but also externally. The breasts swell and enlarge slightly, around the nipples and the nipples themselves begin to darken and become noticeably sensitive. There is no belly yet, and there cannot be one, but the waist may have increased a little.

    In addition, many mothers who are 6 weeks pregnant may notice a significant deterioration in their facial skin. This is manifested by the appearance of pimples, blackheads, large pores, and in general the general condition and color of the skin leaves much to be desired. It is important to understand that this is a temporary phenomenon, and the expectant mother’s body thus undergoes hormonal restructuring. There is no need to spend additional skin care products, since at this stage any, even the most effective, product will not have any effect.

    Photos of bellies. Belly at 6 weeks pregnant

    6th week of pregnancy - sensations. How does the expectant mother feel?

    What a woman feels at this stage can be attributed to contradictory and unusual sensations, very different from those that were present before pregnancy.

    Many mothers note that the sensations at the 6th week of pregnancy have changed dramatically, even in the perception of the temperature regime of the environment. So, for example, if previously at a certain temperature a woman felt cold, now she begins to experience hot flashes, and vice versa. This is especially noticeable in the evening.

    This phenomenon is explained by hormone fluctuations and can accompany the pregnant woman throughout her entire pregnancy, but it manifests itself most strongly in the first trimester, starting from the 6th week of pregnancy.

    Uncharacteristic sensations during the 6th week of pregnancy, which can also be noted: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, regardless of the time of day, loss of strength and lack of air. When such sensations occur, it is recommended to try to alleviate your condition as much as possible, since it will not be possible to completely remove all the symptoms; they will go away on their own as soon as the hormonal levels return to normal.

    So, for example, if there is a lack of air, you should walk outdoors as often as possible and ventilate the room at least once a day, and preferably twice: during the day and before bedtime. The desire to sleep can only be satisfied by sleep, but absent-mindedness will have to be endured.

    Why does the lower back hurt at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

    A slight nagging pain in the lower back at 6 weeks of pregnancy is normal. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which has a strong relaxing effect on the muscles and ligaments of the back. However, there is a very fine line between normality and pathology regarding lumbar pain. If the pain is not severe, then there is nothing to worry about. If it does not go away after rest, has an increasing character, and even more so is accompanied by atypical discharge, then this may indicate a threat of miscarriage and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

    Why does the lower abdomen hurt or pull at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

    Like pain in the lumbar region, small, pulling, cramping pains in the lower and sides of the abdomen are also normal. This is due to the growth of the uterus and stretching of its ligaments. Abnormal pain is considered to be long-lasting and aching in nature, as well as pain that appears after physical activity and is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract. IN in this case It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since such pain and discharge can indicate only 2 abnormalities during pregnancy: the threat of miscarriage and fetal fading.

    If a miscarriage can be stopped by promptly seeking qualified help, then the frozen fetus must be removed from the uterus as soon as possible, since after freezing the embryo begins to decompose and poison the organs of the woman’s reproductive system, the consequences can be disastrous. In addition, it is important to remember that according to statistics, in the first trimester, starting from the 6th week and up to the 10th, miscarriages and fetal death are most often reported.

    Cold at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The 6th week of pregnancy is a period when you need to monitor your health very carefully. The expectant mother's immunity decreases, and the body can no longer resist various forms infectious and viral diseases in full. It is important to know that a high temperature (more than 38 degrees) at this stage is practically equal to the death of the embryo, since the placenta has just begun its formation and the fetus is more vulnerable than ever to infections.

    When the first signs are detected colds It is recommended to immediately seek medical help. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited, since many medications at this stage are contraindicated during pregnancy and only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

    6th week of pregnancy - Discharge: norm and pathology

    At the 6th week of pregnancy, a slightly increased secretion from the genitals of a transparent, slightly whitish color and without a sharp purulent odor is considered normal.

    As a rule, the 6th week of pregnancy is a period when many mothers complain of the appearance of flaky discharge, accompanied by itching and irritation of the external genitalia. This is thrush, which is very common among pregnant women and develops as a result of hormonal changes in the body.

    It does not have any harmful effects on the fetus itself, but causes severe discomfort in women. This disease is easy to treat and you can get rid of this scourge very quickly. The necessary treatment can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist, since many medications, even if they were effective when used before pregnancy, can now have a detrimental effect on the fetus, thereby causing pathologies in its development.

    Another reason to visit a doctor is the appearance of discharge of atypical consistency and color, in particular green, yellow and purulent mucous. Such discharge indicates the presence of an infection, the type of which can only be determined by taking a smear and further examining it.

    Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy

    The sudden appearance of profuse bloody or brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy indicates that pregnancy has begun. In this case, minutes count and the result depends on how quickly medical assistance was provided. In some cases, with a quick response, you can save the embryo, but when large blood clots appear, we are talking about a miscarriage, which there is no way to stop.

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