• Favorable age for the birth of your first child. When is the best time to give birth?


    In fact, it is quite difficult to name the exact age at which it is time for a person to start a family and have children. It should be borne in mind that all people different tempers, different hobbies and views on life, as well as different attitudes towards family values. Some people, even at the age of thirty, do not want and are not psychologically ready to start a family, and some of the guys, even at the age of twenty, become a faithful spouse and a worthy father, and some girls become a thrifty wife and a loving mother.

    In general, there are various factors, which can be used to determine how ready a person is to start a family, in particular, to have children. Factors of such readiness are classified into physiological and psychological.

    Physiological factors of a woman’s readiness to give birth to a child

    Physically, a girl is able to bear a child only after she reaches 18 years of age. Of course, there are exceptions, because a girl can become pregnant as soon as her first menstruation begins. But, as a rule, until the age of 18, a girl is still developing, and her body is not yet adapted to bear and give birth to a healthy baby, without any pathologies. Early pregnancy is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for expectant mother.

    Firstly, there is a possibility that the girl is early age will not be able to give birth on her own, and this is already a certain harm for both her and the baby. Secondly, a girl’s body at this age is too weak for such physical exertion as carrying a child for nine months, and early pregnancy can end very badly - with a miscarriage or the birth of a sick child, as well as deterioration in the mother’s health - problems with the heart, kidneys, and reproductive organs may arise. organs. Even if the birth is successful, there is a high probability that the newborn baby will have too little weight and will remain under the care of doctors for a long time. Thus, the most favorable age women for childbirth begins at 18-19 years of age.

    As for the maximum age for successful childbirth, it is 30-31 years. Of course, theoretically, a woman is able to give birth as long as she has menstruation. But first of all, what younger woman, the easier it is for her to conceive a baby (with age, conceiving a child is much more difficult), and secondly, in order to bear a baby, a lot of effort is required, and just like with too early a pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage.

    As for the process of childbirth itself, a young woman’s ligaments are more elastic, making it easier for her to give birth and reducing the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth. In addition, a young woman’s body recovers much faster after childbirth. Therefore, before the age of 30, a woman is still recommended to give birth to her first child. In any case, early and late pregnancy should be under the close supervision of qualified doctors.

    As a rule, girls who give birth at the age of 18-20 do not fully realize how much responsibility they have. As a result, they may have an incorrect attitude towards their health and abuse bad habits. From this point of view, early pregnancy negatively affects not only the health of the mother, but also the health of the baby. In addition, often a young mother, instead of taking care of her baby, still wants to go for a walk and chat with her friends. And raising the child falls on the shoulders of the grandparents due to the mother’s reluctance to give the baby due attention, as well as due to the inexperience of the too-young mother.

    But caring for a child is a huge responsibility; we are talking about the health and life of a tiny person. A child must be desired, only then will he be surrounded by love. Parents who really want to give birth to a healthy baby begin to undergo all the necessary examinations in advance. All these measures must be taken consciously.

    On average, a girl is mentally ready to have a child no earlier than 24-26 years old. By this age, a woman has already received an education, got a permanent (possibly favorite) job, has some financial stability and is thinking about starting a family. Concerning age limit for childbirth - this also has its own nuances. Doctors recommend having a second child before age 35. Of course, you can give birth to a child at 50 years old, but some factors should be taken into account:

    • Firstly, after 30 years, the reproductive function in women begins to weaken every year.
    • Secondly, you need to not only give birth to a child, but also give him proper upbringing and education, and help him financially. And you shouldn't expect much support from older parents.
    • Well, and thirdly, a child who is too late can grow up too spoiled, because he will be very long-awaited, and a lot will be forgiven him.

    But in the case of a second pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that at least three years must pass after the first pregnancy for the woman’s body to fully recover. Thus, the most suitable age for a woman to give birth is from 22 to 35 years.

    Physiological factors of a man’s readiness to have a child

    As for the physiological factors of men's readiness to become a father, the quality of sperm plays a major role here. Therefore, upon reaching adulthood, a guy is already capable of becoming a father. The reproductive function in men lasts much longer than in women. Men who lead a healthy lifestyle are able to conceive a child in sufficient time. mature age(45-50 years old). Thus, physiologically, the age of a man capable of becoming a father ranges from 18 to 50 years.

    Psychological factors of a man’s readiness to have a child

    Unfortunately, most young men are very frightened by the news that their girlfriend (wife, lover) is pregnant. Psychologically, the most favorable age for fatherhood is 27-30 years. As a rule, at this age, men have already had a good time, changed more than one partner, decided on their choice of spouse and are thinking about starting a family without fear. These factors play an important role. After all, if a man himself wants to start a family, then in most percent of cases, he turns out to be an exemplary family man - loving and caring husband and father.

    And if a man is forced into marriage, then, most likely, this will ultimately lead to infidelity and betrayal, which in turn will negatively affect the upbringing of children. A man must be ready for the birth of a baby. But a man is truly ready for the birth of a child only if he is not afraid family relations. If he himself really wants a child and realizes what responsibility will fall on his shoulders. After all, the baby will need not only his father’s attention and upbringing, but also material support.

    And a man’s material support also plays an important role. It is important that the man has a stable, highly paid job or another source of constant income. After all, he will have to provide for both the baby and his wife, who will be in maternity leave. It is advisable that the family that is expecting the baby have their own home - there is nowhere worse than wandering around rented apartments with a little baby in his arms.

    Thus, it is best to give birth to a baby when a certain level of family well-being has already been achieved. As for physiological factors, you should listen to the recommendations of doctors. But life is very unpredictable and if, after all, a woman’s pregnancy occurs too early or too late, then she should make every effort and carefully monitor her health so that the baby is born healthy!

    Age and pregnancy (video)

    Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the important periods in the life of every woman. When considering a thoughtful approach to childbearing, the question arises as to what is the best age for pregnancy. It is not so easy to give a definite answer, since each woman’s body is individual. Many obstetricians and psychologists are still arguing about the best age to give birth to a child, and the opinion of each of them has a right to exist.

    The best age for pregnancy of the first child is the age of 21-26 years in physiological terms. However, this does not mean at all that at the age of 30 the expectant mother will necessarily have any problems. Medical practice shows that with age, the risk of various complications increases.

    There are situations when pregnancy occurs at the age of 13-16 years and, most often, this happens unplanned. The young mother is still a child herself, and the father does not have the necessary material goods to support the family.

    All this negatively affects the state of the nervous system of the mother in labor, and stress can negatively affect developing fetus. On the medical side, the girl’s body is still developing, and the reproductive system is not yet fully formed. Young girls do not yet have stable hormonal levels and hormones such as progesterone and estrogen may be produced in insufficient quantities. This may cause deviations in the formation of the placenta.

    Doctors say that pregnancy at an early age, although possible, is still undesirable. In addition, at 13-16 years of age there is a high risk of bleeding and various complications during labor activity.

    Childbirth after 35 years is increasingly common among modern women. Despite the fact that medicine is doing impossible things today, pregnancy at this age is still considered a serious risk. Problems can appear both during pregnancy and during childbirth. There is a high risk of developing complications such as lack of contractions, placental abruption, ruptures of the soft birth canal and bleeding.

    Often, women’s desire to have a child is so strong that they are not even stopped by age after 35 and older. In most patients, after 40-45 years of age, infertility is detected, and the risk of miscarriage increases several times. During pregnancy, it is possible to develop diseases such as placental abruption, gestational diabetes and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    In fact, age after 40-45 years is considered dangerous period for pregnancy, therefore, if you want to become parents, you must undergo a thorough medical examination. Each woman’s body is individual, so it is quite difficult to predict how pregnancy will proceed. At the same time, doctors note that when the first child is born after 40-45 years, menopause occurs much later and the risk of malignant tumors of the genital organs is reduced.

    Experts say that, theoretically, a woman can give birth provided that she has menstruation and there are no contraindications. At the same time, do not forget about common sense.

    Gynecologists agree that optimal age The age for the birth of a child is considered to be 18-26 years. The fact is that it is during this period that the female reproductive system and the entire body are in their prime. By this age, the process of formation of the organs of the genitourinary system has already been completed and the ovaries are working at full capacity. This allows you to maintain normal level hormones in the body, which is considered one of the important conditions for a successful pregnancy. By the age of 18-26, the muscles of the vagina and pelvic area are already well extensible and elastic.

    It must be remembered that at this age the pelvic bones are quite mobile, which significantly facilitates the process of labor as the head passes through the pelvis.

    The condition of the abdominal muscles also plays an important role, and at the age of 18-26 they are sufficiently trained, which helps to quickly push out the fetus during pushing. In addition, at this age, a woman still does not have chronic pathologies that can affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

    From the age of 25, the aging process begins in a woman’s body. Such a moment can be delayed with the help proper nutrition, healthy lifestyle and rational alternation of sleep and rest. However, there is no escape from nature, and already at the age of 30, many patients experience a lack of progesterone in the body.

    Accordingly, testosterone levels begin to increase, which can interfere with normal pregnancy. All this leads to the conclusion that the most suitable age for having a child is considered to be 18-26 years old, and 18-35 years old is considered relatively safe.

    Psychologists: the best age

    Psychologists have their own point of view about the best age to give birth to a child, and it is opposite to the statements of obstetricians and gynecologists. Some of them say that it is best to give birth to a child between the ages of 20 and 35, but most European women do it after 35 years. They view late pregnancy as satisfying their ambitions after achieving the desired financial well-being.

    Some psychologists say that the best age for pregnancy is after 35 years. By this point, a woman already has a wealth of life experience, has built her career and is prepared for motherhood. In addition, psychologists say that it is by this time that maternal feelings fully awaken in the patient’s soul.

    Many gynecologists refute this opinion and testify that many mature women said that they did not feel anything for their child.

    The psychological unpreparedness of future parents for the birth of a child is associated with physiological age only indirectly, and to a greater extent determined by social experience. Today there are many tests that can be used to determine psychological readiness to become parents.

    Psychologists say that it is best to have a child at an age when you can feed him, buy everything he needs and take care of him. Future parents will begin to feel much more confident if, by the time their first child is born, they have an education, a specialty, and their experience will be in demand by society.

    There are many persistent misconceptions about the optimal time for conception, which, unfortunately, are often the focus of couples thinking about replenishing their family. We will talk about the most common of them.

    Myth No. 1. You need to give birth before age 25

    This myth about when is the best time to give birth almost sounds like a slogan. Despite the complete lack of scientific basis, it remains very common. The history of the appearance of this myth goes back to the middle of the last century, when in Soviet obstetrics women giving birth to their first child after 30 years (and not after 25, as the authors of the myth claim!) were called “old-born.” The term sounds, frankly, unflattering: what woman, and what’s more, an expectant mother, would want to be called old! In the time of our grandmothers, people got married and gave birth to their first child much earlier than now - on average from 20 to 25 years. Against this background, women giving birth to their first child after 30 years of age involuntarily stood out from the general row of patients and attracted closer attention from doctors. In Soviet obstetrics, it was indeed believed that one should give birth before the age of 25, because at this age, in most cases, there are fewer chronic diseases, and the hormonal background, on which the course of pregnancy and childbirth largely depends, is in the most favorable state.

    However, it is obvious that there is no magic in the number “25”: no violations or dramatic changes in the sexual sphere of a woman at this age does not occur. It is perfectly possible to carry a normal pregnancy and safely give birth to a baby at 25 or 30 years old, and even much later - for this it is important to take care of your health, lead a correct lifestyle and follow the recommendations of doctors. Today, doctors are forced to explain to their patients, who are worried that they “didn’t have time” to give birth before the age of 25, that after this age no fundamental changes have occurred in their body, they are still young, healthy and capable of giving birth to healthy children. So don’t try at all costs to give birth before the age of 25 - there are much more important criteria that should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy!

    Myth No. 2. The earlier you give birth, the better.

    This misconception is more radical: the authors of the myth are convinced that one should give birth in one’s youth, since a very young and healthy mother certainly cannot have problems with pregnancy and childbirth. So at what age should you give birth? In fact, this is not at all true: it is fraught with no less, and sometimes even more, dangers than “age”. There are many reasons for this: this is the unsettled hormonal background of a young girl, and the nervous system, which is not mature enough to regulate such complex processes as gestation and birth of a fetus, and too active metabolism, and the unfinished formation of the body as a whole. The first menstruation appears on average from 12 to 15 years, but this transformation of a girl into a girl does not mean that she is ready for motherhood. In fact, at this age the girl is still a child, a teenager, whose body is gradually undergoing changes associated with growing up. As you know, change is the least favorable time for testing, and pregnancy at puberty, unfortunately, is no exception to this rule.

    According to statistics, during pregnancy occurring at the age of 16–17 years, greatest number complications. The main percentage is due to the threat of termination of pregnancy; this is due to insufficient production of progesterone at a young age, the main hormone necessary for pregnancy. At a young age, pregnancy much more often ends in premature (before 37 weeks) birth. This is due to the pathologically high tone of the uterus due to the immaturity of the nervous system and hormonal levels young-bearing Other organs and systems of a mother who is too young are more difficult to bear the load associated with pregnancy: early pregnancies are more often complicated by gestosis and hepatosis - toxicosis with impaired renal and liver function. In early pregnancy it was recorded greatest number fetal malnutrition. This term refers to the insufficient weight of a newborn (less than 2500 g) due to impaired placental blood flow during pregnancy. The reason for the insufficient blood supply to the fetus is again associated with an excessive load on the fetus for a young age. cardiovascular system, and a significant role in this is played by the large metabolic costs for the continued growth of the mother’s own body. So you shouldn’t rush too much when planning a pregnancy - everything should be done in a timely manner!

    Myth No. 3. After 30 years, pregnancy always occurs with complications.

    This common belief is actually also a misconception - there is no direct relationship between the age of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy. It cannot be denied that with age, the risk of developing infertility, genetic disorders during conception, and the formation of chronic diseases in the mother increases. All these factors can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that “age-related” pathologies of pregnancy are not associated with the passport age itself, but only with the health status of the expectant mother.

    At what age is it better to give birth? Currently, in megacities there is a significant increase in the age of first-time mothers: average age of a woman giving birth to her first child has shifted to 28–33 years. This is due to changes in the social way of life, which cannot but affect the biological age of a woman’s growing up. Modern young girls study longer, later than their mothers and grandmothers, they begin an independent life, build a career and get married. Reducing physical activity against the backdrop of increasing living comfort has brought unexpected results in physiology modern woman: along with an increase in life expectancy to XXI century The age at which a first child is born has also changed significantly. At the same time, the percentage of complications during pregnancy has not increased compared to statistics 20–30 years ago, when the first birth more often occurred at the age of 20–25 years. To date, the results of clinical and statistical studies in the field of demography have shown: the successful course and outcome of pregnancy depend on the health and lifestyle of future parents, the level of medical care and the environment. Passport age in this matter is in the very last place.

    Myth No. 4. First career - then children

    Today, many girls, passionate about building their own careers, are in no hurry to change the status of a successful businesswoman to the status of a future mother, believing that this issue can be pushed into the background. The most common justification for this position is a look at Western Europe and America, where the victory of careerism over motherhood took place back in the 70s of the last century. “Look, in the West everyone gives birth after 40 years, and nothing!” - say the adherents of this idea... and they are very mistaken.

    If we talk about the possibility of childbirth in principle, then, of course, with the modern level of development of reproductive medicine, this is feasible at 40, 45, and sometimes even 50 years old. But if you look into the details, for example, assess the ability of an elderly body to withstand the stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth, a decrease in metabolic rate, and the decline of hormonal levels, the picture will no longer seem so rosy. Especially if you think about the moral and physical costs that many years of painstakingly building a successful career sometimes costs - such stress, with which the life of a successful woman is inextricably linked, cannot but affect health, and this is precisely this factor that is so important for the possibility of successful motherhood. So don’t put off important questions about having children for too long, so that they don’t become the most difficult!

    Myth No. 5. The main thing in family planning is material well-being

    Many people believe that the most important thing in the matter of pregnancy planning is material well-being: separate apartment, good salary and so on. Of course, growing a family is inextricably linked with rising costs, so, at first glance, the position “first wealth, then child” may seem quite logical and justified. Future parents will have to invest in setting up a nursery, buying a dowry for the baby: clothes, furniture, strollers, etc. Concerned about the health of the unborn child, many men and women think about additional expenses for medical care - concluding a contract for pregnancy, childbirth and monitoring for a newborn, and this also requires significant financial investments. There are also such far-sighted parents who, even before the birth of the child, plan the costs of his education in groups early development, school and even university.

    You can go even further in this matter: for example, plan a pregnancy only after you have saved up money for additional education, a prestigious internship, a first car, an apartment, a child’s wedding... The only problem is that most potential mothers and fathers will have to spend long years, strength, and most importantly – health. But the health of future parents is the main and most important “dowry” for a child, a guarantee of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. And, as you know, health cannot be bought for any amount of money!

    Myth No. 6. After 40 years, it’s too late to give birth

    The most common explanation for this idea is that pregnancy and childbirth place a significant burden on a woman’s body, and after 40 years of age, the risk of developing serious diseases already increases. That is, giving birth after 40 years is dangerous for the expectant mother herself. Another reason for such a categorical statement is the increase (primarily of Down syndrome - the presence of an additional 21st chromosome in the fetus) in “aged” pregnant women. This explanation is based on fear for the child's health. Finally, there is another, “complex” fear regarding planning a pregnancy after 40 years of age – an increased risk of developing complications during pregnancy and childbirth. It is difficult to argue with all of the above arguments - they are all justified to one degree or another. Indeed, with age, the risks of all kinds of complications associated with additional stress on a woman’s body increase.

    However, this does not mean at all that pregnancy after 40 years will certainly be complicated, the woman’s well-being will certainly worsen, and the child will not be able to be born healthy. Reminding a woman of her age and advising her not to put off motherhood “for later,” doctors point to optimal time to plan a pregnancy, but this does not mean that after the optimal period, the issue of childbearing must be closed. Medicine knows hundreds and thousands of cases of a favorable course, successful delivery and the birth of healthy children from parents whose age significantly exceeded the fatal mark of “40”. Of course, when planning a pregnancy at the “Balzac age”, you need to be thoroughly examined and soberly assess your health - as, in fact, at any other age. It is wrong to say that it is too late to give birth after 40 years - we are talking about an increase in risks, but not about the imminent threat of developing pathology in both the expectant mother and the fetus.

    Myth 7. You need to get pregnant according to the lunar calendar

    A very common “pseudo-scientific” version of pregnancy planning. The reasons for the “seasonal” approach to this important issue are explained in various ways: from the availability fresh vegetables and fruits, air temperature and number of sunny days to the influence of zodiac signs and lunar calendar. Some authors focus on the importance of the season (or month, or decade) of conception, others emphasize the importance of choosing the “right” time for the birth of a child. It seems quite difficult to reasonably prove (or dispute) the influence of the horoscope and the lunar calendar on pregnancy planning, but as for the direct influence of “seasonality” on the course of pregnancy and fetal development from a health point of view... Of course, sun rays, warm air and fresh vitamins from natural vegetables and fruits. But pregnancy lasts 9 months, or three seasons, - therefore, regardless of the season of conception, there is enough sun and vitamins for everyone!

    Such children are called the same age. Before the first child had time to grow up, the mother was already expecting the second. This difference has its pros and cons.


    The small difference in the children's ages allows them to be treated almost like twins, without specifying the older and younger ones. They are still too young to understand their seniority.

    As children grow, almost all of their play and development takes place together. Between such a pregnancy - the first and the second - there is usually no access to work; the mother does not need to abandon her older child after leaving maternity leave - it immediately continues because the youngest was born. In addition, the mother can receive payment during pregnancy and childbirth and assistance after the birth of the child with a short break, which will allow her to accumulate a good amount.

    In Ukraine, since January 2012, a mother receives 30 subsistence minimum wages for her first child until the child turns 6 years old. The assistance for the second child is twice as much. One-time assistance for the first child for the mother will be equal to 8930 UAH, and for the second - the same. But the amount of payments for the second child is greater than for the first - it is equal to 53,580 UAH.


    Children of the same age demand a lot of attention and energy. After all, the mother will have to care for two children of approximately the same age. Both of them are small, both require maternal affection, love and lack of sleep at night. Physically it is very difficult. Moreover, not much time has passed since the first birth, and the mother may be exhausted.

    It’s good if dad and grandmothers are actively involved in raising children and help mom. Then mom's burden is not so heavy.

    The difference between babies is 3-4 years

    This good difference between children. It is considered by physiologists and psychologists to be the golden mean


    After childbirth, not much time passes, so the mother’s body has time to recover and prepare for the next birth. In addition, mom appears very good experience for child care. She does not have time to forget what diapers and undershirts are, and at the same time, the older baby is already growing up enough for the mother to devote more time to the younger one - after all, she will again have to stay up at night, breastfeed the baby, and watch her diet.

    The difference between the kids is not yet so big that the older child develops jealousy and the realization that his beloved mother is being taken away from him. When children grow up a little, they can play with common toys, they will have common interests, they will also study at school with slight differences, and the older one can help the younger one with his homework. Due to the slight age difference, children will understand each other better. Besides. The development of the younger one can be accelerated because he will see how the older one learns to speak and walk, and how he will go to school for the first time. The daily routine of such children can also be adjusted: getting up and going to bed can take place at the same time.


    If the older child was spoiled and doted on as their first-born, the parents may face persistent rejection of another child in the family. Youngest child at 3-4 years old he experiences the same crisis that teenagers experience. At this time, his personality is actively being formed, and the child can be stubborn, capricious, and get sick a lot and often so that his parents pay attention only to him. Therefore, the older child needs to be given as much affection and attention as possible so that he feels protected.

    The difference between children 4-8 years old

    This is also a very good age to have a second child. Psychologists call it the optimal age not only for both children, but also for the whole family.


    Until the second child is born, mom and dad have time to give maximum attention and love to the eldest child and devote all their time to him. Therefore, the older child should not feel deprived of the attention of his parents, unless he is jealous. In addition, a 5-year-old child spends the day in preparatory group kindergarten, so mother can not be torn during the day between the youngest and the eldest, and in the evening she can pay attention to both. And a child already attends school from the age of 6-7, so the mother has free time during the day for the youngest child. And a child aged 5-6 will already be able to help around the house and in raising a younger brother or sister.


    A child at this age may be jealous of mom and dad, so he needs to be given maximum attention. Regardless of whether the mother is tired or not, whether she wants to sleep or not, it is advisable to follow the habits of the older child. For example, going to bed, reading your favorite books at night, walking and going to the circus.

    The difference between children 10-15 years old

    This is very a big difference. As a rule, such a difference arises either because of the illness of the parents, when doctors did not allow them to have children, or because of remarriage, or because of an unplanned pregnancy. Be that as it may, the big difference between the first and second child has its pros and cons.


    The older child can quite consciously be the first child’s nanny and help his mother around the house. This is a fully formed personality who needs to be explained that he will have a brother or sister and prepared for their birth so that the child does not have stress.

    The second child is more defenseless and too small; compared to him, the older one may feel more responsible and independent. If the difference between children is too great, then the eldest may become younger friend and a mentor - children can share secrets that you can’t tell their parents.


    The child, despite his age, may feel that all attention has now switched to the younger one. If he now receives almost no parental attention, he may become angry and depressed.

    No matter what age the mother gives birth and no matter what the difference between the children, the second child should receive the maximum parental love and warmth - he is still a child. The birth of a second child should unite the family even more, not separate it.

    The birth of a child, especially the firstborn, is an event that completely changes the life of a young couple. It’s great when a man and woman prepare in advance for conceiving a baby, taking into account the state of their own health and external factors affecting the well-being of a family with a child. And if our grandmothers gave birth “as God willing,” now much has changed: invented various ways contraception, women began to get married later, and the desire to acquire an heir often arises after a certain level of well-being has been achieved. In this article we will find out what is the best age for the first pregnancy and the birth of a child, whether you should rush to give birth before the age of 25 or 30, and whether it is dangerous to postpone motherhood indefinitely.

    Age 16-20: is it too early?

    The main advantage of early motherhood is, first of all, the health of the young woman. The ovaries function “at full capacity”, and the general condition of the body makes it easy to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby naturally. In youth, the risk of infertility and miscarriage is low, and recovery after childbirth is faster.

    Gynecologists use such a concept as gynecological age - it is counted from the beginning of the first menstruation. To be fully prepared for pregnancy and childbirth, the gynecological age must be at least 4 years. That is, for a girl whose period began at age 12, her body will theoretically be ready for childbirth by age 16.

    The disadvantage of early motherhood is the psychological immaturity of the young mother. In the vast majority of cases, the birth of children at this age is unplanned, and young girls do not realize all the responsibility imposed on them by their new status as a mother. They often want to go for another walk, and the baby is perceived, if not as a hindrance, then, in any case, as a limiter of freedom. A young mother can take important issues related to the baby’s health lightly, ignore doctors’ recommendations and unwittingly allow her baby to suffer injuries and stress.

    However, in psychologically there are also advantages to having a child in very at a young age: the mother does not treat pregnancy and childbirth too anxiously, and subsequently becomes a friend for her son or daughter, close in spirit, capable of understanding him better, unlike a more mature woman.

    A significant disadvantage of having a child before the age of 20 is the financial instability of young families and their dependence on their own parents. The lack of higher education, your own home and a stable job can cause conflicts and misunderstandings between a young mother and father.

    Age 20-25 years: ideal from a physiological point of view

    Our mothers also most often gave birth to their first child during this period, and obstetricians called women in labor over 25 the offensive word “old-born.” Now this can be said about the majority of maternity hospital patients, so this term has gone into oblivion. And yet you cannot deceive the body - it is best to give birth when nature provides for it. By the age of 25, a woman’s reproductive system reaches the peak of its development. Some difficulties associated with accumulated chronic diseases and the consequences of bad habits are possible, but they will not be as significant as in older age.

    Typically, at the age of 21-22, young people receive a diploma of higher education, after which they get a job and develop in their chosen field of activity. By the age of 23-25, a young girl is already conscious enough to feel the responsibility that comes with the birth of a child. She has a certain base, including a financial one, and has a place to “go on maternity leave,” which is also important. Therefore, those who were lucky enough to find their soulmate before 25 can safely be advised: give birth to a child!

    25-30 years: optimal combination of health + psychological maturity

    Modern women most often give birth to their first child at the age of 25, and there is a noticeable tendency towards an increase in this age. There are many reasons for this: you cannot meet your loved one; there is a man, but you first want to make a career or achieve a certain social and financial status; I don’t want children at all (and then this attitude changes), etc.

    Gynecologists advise giving birth to your first child before the age of 30, and for good reason. We only have one youth, and by postponing the first pregnancy until later, we not only jeopardize the health of the unborn baby, but also, for obvious reasons, risk remaining the parents of an only child.

    By the age of 25-30, a woman has already realized herself in her profession, has life experience and takes motherhood seriously and without “rose-colored glasses”. She can devote herself fully to her home and child, without feeling that life is passing her by (as often happens with young mothers). And this is a huge advantage of motherhood for 25-30 year olds.

    30-35 years: a conscious approach to motherhood

    From a physiological point of view, after 30 years of age it becomes much more difficult to get pregnant, as estrogen levels begin to decline and ovulation occurs less and less often. Estrogen affects not only the reproductive system, but also the entire female body: the circulatory system, kidneys, and liver. Reduces the degree of elasticity of tissues, ruptures are more likely during childbirth.

    The birth of your first child at 30 or a little older is definitely favorable psychologically: a 30-year-old woman is balanced and conscientious. She is responsible for her lifestyle, nutrition and doctors’ recommendations. All this the best way affects the course of pregnancy and subsequently the health of the baby.

    At 30 years old, a woman is already successful professionally, she has established herself as a specialist, and has found herself in her favorite pastime. Now, with the same zeal, she will take care of her child, knowing that her career will not run away from her.

    35-40 years old: a long-awaited child, but there are a number of risks

    Doctors strongly recommend giving birth before the age of 35, not only for your first child, but for all children in general. Why such strictness? After 35, the reproductive system gradually fades away, getting pregnant becomes increasingly difficult, and health problems in other organs can complicate the course of a pregnancy that does take place.

    However, happy examples of families in which a woman became a mother for the first time at 35 or later indicate that there is no need to be afraid! Pay attention to your body during pregnancy, qualified supervision good specialist– and the wait for a small miracle will go perfectly. And if you are upset that the baby will most likely be the first and last in your family, we will hasten to reassure you: it happens that at the age of 35-38 they give birth to twins or the same age at once, catching up and surpassing other families.

    The advantage of giving birth at this age is also the psychological maturity of the woman. Surely she will treat the child she is carrying with the utmost care, watching her own diet and forgetting about everyone bad habits. And after the birth of a baby, a mature woman will not strive for “important” matters, leaving the baby to the grandmothers, because the most important thing for her will be the child.

    Financial stability and the availability of housing are a huge plus for a family with a small child, often achievable only in adulthood.

    40 years and older: high probability of pathologies

    We've all heard about increased risk chromosomal abnormalities(for example, Down syndrome) at the birth of a child to mothers over 35 and especially 40 years old. At 40-44 years old, the percentage of infertile women is high (according to some studies, it is 64%). In addition, when late pregnancy there is a high probability of various complications of its course and miscarriage.

    It is important to consider health-related factors when planning a pregnancy and, if possible, not to postpone this event for too long. But if life turns out in such a way that a woman gives birth to her first child at the age of 40, this absolutely does not mean that he will have any health problems. In addition, many scientists believe that having a child at a late age “rejuvenates” the female body, using its hidden reserves.

    From a psychological point of view, the first child born to a 40-year-old mother runs the risk of growing up very spoiled and childish, since he becomes a real “light in the window.” His parents are not too demanding of him, forgive a lot and are often overprotective.

    The best age to have your first child: does it exist?

    According to doctors, the ideal age for conception, pregnancy and the birth of the first child is 20-30 years. Indeed, it is easier for a young woman to become a mother and give birth to a healthy baby when the “reserve” of chronic diseases has not yet accumulated, the ovaries are working at full capacity, and physical strength enough to take care of the baby. That’s how it is, but even with all the desire, it is not always possible to fulfill the program laid down by nature, and the first child appears to a mother who has crossed the 30-year-old, or even 35-year-old mark. Is this a risk factor? Yes, definitely. But this does not mean that you should be afraid to get pregnant if your age is no longer “ideal”. Healthy image life, following the recommendations of your doctor and a positive attitude will help you become the most wonderful mother of a beautiful baby.

    To those girls who are in a hurry to give birth before the optimal age, according to experts, we can only wish success in such a laudable endeavor. Children are always wonderful. The main thing is that the child is born into a family where he is welcomed and loved. Of course, ideally, it would be nice for young parents to have financial independence, their own living space and education. But don’t think that a child will become an obstacle to achieving all of the above. Many women, having given birth at the age of 18-19, get an education with a baby in their arms, find something they love and do not regret their early motherhood one bit.

    No matter what age you decide to become a mother, it will be the best for you and your child. Listen to the opinions of experts, but don’t rely solely on them. We wish you an easy conception and pregnancy, and may your motherhood be the happiest!

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