• Internal hemorrhoids and pregnancy. What are the dangers of hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Pregnancy and hemorrhoids


    More and more people today suffer from diseases such as hemorrhoids. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a man or a woman. After all, hemorrhoids during pregnancy are also not uncommon. It is not for nothing that it is often used in the lexicon to denote an extremely unpleasant problem that constantly appears.

    What are hemorrhoids?

    Hemorrhoids are a problem for office workers and professional drivers. Restricted movement and poor nutrition inevitably lead to inflammation hemorrhoids large intestine. This disease is unpleasant precisely because when the nodes become inflamed, going to the toilet turns into hellish pain and a heroic act.

    The disease does not manifest itself suddenly, but gradually. This may include frequent constipation, discomfort in the anus, itching, tingling. Also, all symptoms can intensify after physical activity, spicy and salty foods, and sometimes alcohol.

    Very often the disease is accompanied by bleeding when going to the toilet. This occurs because stool does not pass freely, and excessive strain leads to rupture of the small intestinal tissue. It must be said that symptoms such as burning and itching also occur due to microcracks that arise as a result of tension. Feces get into them, thereby causing irritation and discomfort.

    Hemorrhoids can occur regardless of age. There are several factors that directly influence the increased risk of the disease.

    1. Sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. It turns out that due to the lack of physical activity, the muscles and walls of blood vessels become sluggish and inelastic.
    2. Poor nutrition. This factor greatly influences both the risk of the disease and treatment, especially its speed.
    3. An infection that can cause vein thrombosis.
    4. Pregnancy. During this period, women experience a weak outflow of blood in the pelvic area, this is due to fetal pressure. Therefore, hemorrhoids occur in pregnant women in approximately 40% of cases.

    Causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Separately, it is worth taking the period of pregnancy to consider the disease of hemorrhoids. It is most often caused by fetal pressure. But there are other reasons.

    1. Chronic constipation. Due to hormonal changes, peristalsis during this period may work completely differently. Which may well cause constipation, even in chronic form. The result will be inflammation of the large intestine and the appearance of hemorrhoids.
    2. Just as in the usual case, a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, due to the increasing severity, a pregnant woman is more susceptible. Therefore, doctors recommend walking more so that the blood continues to circulate naturally.

    As for the pregnancy itself, everything is simple. The uterus is located in the pelvic area. During the stage of active fetal development, the uterus quickly and greatly increases, thereby putting pressure on the large intestine. This reduces blood flow through the veins and leads to their inflammation.

    The worst thing is that during pregnancy traditional ways treatments are generally prohibited, and the body's reaction to drugs can be unpredictable. Most often, all healing processes proceed slowly and in order to relieve symptoms, their intensity must be increased.

    The onset of the disease most often occurs in the third trimester, when the uterus reaches its maximum size. Sometimes the disease can also appear after childbirth. But this is purely individual, just like the manifestation on early stages pregnancy.

    Types of disease and its forms

    Hemorrhoids are divided into several types with their own characteristics. Depending on this, treatment or prevention of recurrence is also prescribed.

    • Acute hemorrhoids are accompanied by pain during bowel movements, the release of blood into the stool, and, less commonly, mucus particles. There is a feeling foreign body in the anus, less often - burning.
    • It is possible that hemorrhoids may fall out during defecation, which creates additional pain and discomfort.

    • Chronic. This type is the most common, since the disease of hemorrhoids is rather a pathology of the veins of the large intestine. Various medications help relieve inflammation and improve stool, but they cannot cure or completely get rid of the disease. With certain types of actions, hemorrhoids will recur.

    Therefore, it is very important to prevent the disease. Namely, to harden your body, and also to lead active image life, which will accompany greater elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, respectively, proper blood circulation, preventing its stagnation. In the case of hemorrhoids, remissions and exacerbations cannot be ruled out, so in home medicine cabinet, especially during pregnancy, there should be means that can have a quick effect, reducing unpleasant symptoms.

    Forms of manifestation of hemorrhoids:

    • Interior. This is the most common form of hemorrhoids. With internal manifestations, hemorrhoids are located at the anus from the inside. There is a feeling of heaviness in the anus, which may be accompanied by constipation. But internal hemorrhoids are less painful.
    • External. This form of hemorrhoids is not only unpleasant, but is also accompanied by severe pain that constantly accompanies a person. When externally manifested, hemorrhoids are so inflamed that they cannot be retracted inward, and are constantly on the outside. In this case, due to the very thin tissue covering the nodes, cracks often appear, causing constant itching and unpleasant pain. Because when feces get into these cracks, severe irritation appears.

    Why is it important to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, hemorrhoids should be treated without hoping that they will go away on their own. This disease is often accompanied by the development of inflammation, bleeding, and constipation. Delayed bowel movements cause the accumulation of toxins in the blood, which negatively affects the health of a pregnant woman. Therefore, to prevent the development of hemorrhoids, nutrition should be normalized. Smoked, spicy and fatty foods should be excluded. You need to consume more foods that contain plant fiber. In this case, it is better to replace sweets with dried fruits, and butter with vegetable oil.

    Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Hemorrhoids often develop gradually. On initial stages Patients may experience discomfort, heaviness in the anal area, and itching. Such sensations may appear after eating spicy food or alcohol, or overexertion. Over time, the disease may manifest itself in the form of bleeding that occurs during bowel movements. Bleeding may appear as traces of blood in the stool or in the form of scarlet blood spatters that appear when straining.

    Another sign of hemorrhoids is dark-colored blood clots. This is possible if the bleeding continued after the last bowel movement, some of the blood remained in the rectum.

    Bleeding is the first important symptom, after which prolapse of hemorrhoids may begin. At first they can be reduced independently, but then manual reduction is required. As a result, thrombosis of external nodes and necrosis may develop, which can already be a threat to the life of the pregnant woman. There are cases when the first symptom is prolapse of the node, and bleeding is not noticed.

    It is especially important to identify hemorrhoids at the initial stage during pregnancy in order to prevent the development of the disease in time, since during childbirth there can be a significant deterioration in the condition as a result of the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

    How dangerous is the disease during pregnancy?

    Prolonged compression of the node can lead to tissue death, which as a result is an excellent breeding ground for various microorganisms. As a result, an infectious inflammatory process is observed, which can cause a deterioration in the well-being of the pregnant woman. Therefore, symptoms may include increased temperature and swelling in the perineal area. Then the ambulance health care needed as soon as possible.

    Many pregnant women who suffer from this disease wonder whether the disease is dangerous during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are not life-threatening, but can have adverse consequences not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child.

    If bleeding occurs frequently, anemia may occur. With a lack of hemoglobin, oxygen starvation of the mother and fetus is possible, which can affect its development.

    If the node becomes infected, purulent-inflammatory processes appear, accompanied by toxic substances and microorganisms. They are absorbed into the blood and reach the fetus. This can cause intrauterine infection, so the baby may be born with signs of infection. Therefore, treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is mandatory.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Considering that hemorrhoids often occur in pregnant women, they need to be treated effectively. But the problem is that very often this disease long time may not show itself at all. A pregnant woman may not feel any discomfort until she consults a doctor for scheduled inspection. If the first signs of hemorrhoids (itching in the anus and painful bowel movements) were not detected during pregnancy, then very often the disease manifests itself during childbirth (in 50% of women). The fact is that when a child passes through the pelvis, the woman’s tissues and organs are compressed, so the venous plexus suffers.

    The expectant mother must improve her bowel function. To do this, you need to eat foods rich in fiber, take dairy products, vegetables and fruits. The enemies will be alcoholic drinks, pickled foods, peppered, spicy, hot and salty.

    To combat hemorrhoids you need to do exercises. Lying on your back with your pelvis elevated will be helpful. You can use a pillow for this. The procedure is repeated up to three times a day and lasts about 15 minutes.

    Hypothermia should not be allowed, so you should not sit on cold surfaces. Long periods of sitting or standing should be avoided.

    You need to wash yourself with cool water after each bowel movement. You can carry out small procedures, lasting up to a minute, by turning the shower jets upside down, directing them to the anal area.

    If a complication occurs, the doctor may prescribe topical medications that can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Such drugs can not only relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, but also soften the contents of the intestines.

    Suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids for pregnant women

    Before choosing ointment or suppositories, you should consult your doctor. Here's a list the best means, which have proven themselves for use during pregnancy:

    1. Heparin ointment. Used to treat diseases of the rectum in pregnant women. Perfectly relieves all inflammatory processes, promotes the separation of formed hematomas. It can also be used after childbirth - during lactation. After all, it does not penetrate the blood, so it cannot harm the newborn.
    2. Vishnevskaya ointment. Relieves inflammatory processes. However, this ointment should be used correctly. To begin with, you should use baths with the addition of potassium permanganate for three days. And after this you can lubricate the anus with Vishnevsky ointment.
    3. Homeopathic ointments. The most famous remedy is Fleming's ointment. It is based on plant components: oil of millennium, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn and others.
    4. Posterized. This ointment has regenerating properties. Therefore, using this remedy, you can speed up the healing process of cracks and wounds in the anus, increasing immunity.

    There are also many folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids, but the use of any of them requires consultation with a doctor.

    As for suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women, they are designed to save a woman from pain, constant itching, discomfort in the anal area. In addition, they can soften stool and have a healing effect.

    These candles consist of natural ingredients. Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids are the most popular because they are the safest for the health of a pregnant woman. Preparations based on seaweed. Suppositories are used only after the intestines have been completely emptied. A great option is to do this in the evening to leave the candle until the morning.

    Hemorrhoids after pregnancy

    After childbirth, hemorrhoids are often combined with anal fissures. This is manifested by the presence of blood in the stool. Cracks are treated with healing rosehip or sea buckthorn oils. It is very important to carry out proper hygiene anus. It is recommended to use damp toilet paper and wash with cool water so that the blood vessels contract. But we must not forget that the condition should be maintained constantly. You also need to monitor the condition of the veins of the extremities. Pronounced hemorrhoids can be surgically treated. But you should not be afraid of the operation, since it is not traumatic and is carried out quickly.

    Folk remedies for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Folk remedies can also be used to treat hemorrhoids: suppositories made from potatoes, carrots or various ointments.

    Can be used during pregnancy vegetable oil and garlic. To do this, pour sunflower oil over a head of unpeeled garlic and put it on fire. You need to boil the mixture until the garlic is charred. After this, the resulting mixture should be crushed. This will be the most effective remedy.

    You can also use honey and cinnamon. Take one tablespoon of honey and the same amount of laundry soap. Before use, wash with laundry soap. Use before bedtime. You can wash it off in the morning. The procedure can be repeated until the hemorrhoids recede.

    Another folk remedy for hemorrhoids is an infusion of St. John's wort with celandine and chamomile flowers. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with one tablespoon of boiling water. Let it sit for an hour and then strain. In the morning, you can make lotions from this solution and apply ointment to the anus.

    Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Of course, it is better not to wait until the disease appears, but to start preventing it from the moment you learn about a new addition to the family. After all, some factors that lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids can be controlled.

    1. After each bowel movement, you can wash yourself with cool water. Instead of water, you can use a decoction of calendula or chamomile, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.
    2. It is necessary to control the stool and normalize it. Therefore, every day your diet should include fruits and vegetables, vegetable oil and dairy products. You should also remove salty, pickled foods, smoked foods and spices from your diet. You can eat wholemeal bread and rolled oats or buckwheat porridge.
    3. Activity. Yes, movement for a pregnant woman is the prevention of hemorrhoids. It's better to start every day with exercise. Regular walking will also help.

    If you have any of the symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.

    Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a disease that manifests itself varicose veins hemorrhoidal veins located in the anus. This leads to the formation of hemorrhoids, which can become inflamed, bleed, thrombose, fall out of the anal canal and become strangulated. Hemorrhoids are the most common cause of rectal bleeding and are also one of the most common proctological diseases.

    According to various sources, hemorrhoids occur in 25–50% of pregnant women

    Hemorrhoidal plexuses are located in the submucosal layer of the wall of the anal canal; their structure is similar to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Due to their anatomical features, hemorrhoidal veins are susceptible to the development of blood stagnation in them, which, under certain conditions, contributes to the formation of hemorrhoids.

    Both men and women are equally susceptible to hemorrhoids, and in women, hemorrhoids often develop during pregnancy. According to various sources, hemorrhoids occur in 25–50% of pregnant women, and in 50–80% of women during childbirth. Sometimes pregnancy aggravates or reveals existing hemorrhoids, which were previously latent. In addition, hemorrhoids can complicate the postpartum period.

    Causes and risk factors

    Ultrasound examination makes it possible to diagnose or exclude accompanying illnesses gastrointestinal tract. In order to determine the source of bleeding, in some cases a contrast X-ray examination of blood vessels (angiography) is performed.

    Physical and instrumental examination is complemented by laboratory diagnostics:

    • general blood test - confirms the presence of signs of an inflammatory process (an increase in the level of leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is observed);
    • coagulogram - performed if thrombosis of hemorrhoids is suspected.
    According to various sources, hemorrhoids occur in 25–50% of pregnant women, and in 50–80% of women during childbirth.

    Differential diagnosis is necessary with malignant neoplasms of the rectum, secondary syphilis, anal fibrous polyps, anal fissures, fistulas. It should be taken into account that anal itching can also be observed with diabetes mellitus, helminthiasis and fungal infections, however, with these pathologies there are no tumor-like formations in the anus.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    At the initial stages, as well as during the period of exacerbation of the chronic process, conservative treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is used.

    In some cases, there is a need for general therapy. Medicines are prescribed that help increase the tone of the veins (phlebotonics), and drugs that improve blood microcirculation. If necessary, medications are prescribed to improve intestinal motility. In case of joining bacterial infection antibiotics are used.

    Hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be complicated by such serious conditions as thrombosis, strangulation and necrosis of hemorrhoids, as well as purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the anal canal. The addition of a bacterial infection is fraught with intrauterine infection of the fetus.

    Constant bleeding from hemorrhoids causes anemia, which, in turn, negatively affects the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus.


    Forecast at timely diagnosis and the correct treatment is favorable. Hemorrhoids are completely curable.

    Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    In order to prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as well as to avoid relapses and exacerbations, it is recommended:

    • timely treatment of diarrhea and constipation, as well as other disorders of the digestive tract;
    • a balanced, balanced diet (including a sufficient amount of fiber-rich foods in the diet, plenty of drinking regime);
    • correction of overweight and obesity;
    • avoiding hypothermia;
    • thorough toilet of the anal area after defecation (if necessary, replace the use toilet paper washing the anal area with soap and water);
    • avoiding excessive physical activity;
    • daily exercises for pregnant women (after consultation with a doctor managing the pregnancy and under the supervision of a physical therapy specialist);
    • daily walks;
    • refusal to wear tight belts and bandages during pregnancy;
    • wearing underwear made from natural materials.

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    Pregnancy is a kind of test of the female body's strength. During pregnancy, expectant mothers often have to face problems that they had never even thought about before. Hemorrhoids in one form or another occur in every fifth pregnant woman. This is an unpleasant and inconvenient problem that many are embarrassed to discuss. How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy effectively and safely?

    Hemorrhoids are a common disease, symptoms of which can be found in every third person. Most often, the first episode of the disease in women or an exacerbation of the symptoms of chronic hemorrhoids occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth. This is due to the special lifestyle of the expectant/current mother, hormonal and functional changes in the body. And treatment during this period should not only be comprehensive and effective, but also safe for the woman and her unborn baby.

    What are hemorrhoids

    Just a few years ago, it was believed that hemorrhoids were a vascular problem associated with varicose veins of the rectum. However, today the disease has been studied in more detail, and the main mechanisms of its development have been identified.

    • Vascular factor. The rectum has a rich blood supply. This is necessary for the retention and formation of feces, as well as for a sufficient immune response in the border area with the environment. The venous plexuses are especially well pronounced, which form peculiar cavernous sinuses - the main location of the veins. With increased blood flow to the rectum and impaired outflow, the venous sinuses are constantly overfilled, resulting in blood stagnation. This entails overstretching of the veins and other structural changes in blood vessels, which are irreversible in the later stages. As a result, “bumps” appear, which are easily identified outside the rectum. It's nothing more than varicose veins rectum.
    • Mechanical factor. It occurs as a result of a violation of the structure and functioning of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the rectum. Normally, the veins on the side of the rectal lumen are additionally covered with a longitudinal muscle, which keeps them from excessive overstretching and deformation. Also in the anus there is a ligament of Parks, which protects the rectal mucosa from prolapse. With its dystrophy (failure to perform its function), the venous plexuses descend beyond the boundaries of the anus, forming hemorrhoidal plexuses.

    Thus, hemorrhoids are not only varicose changes in the vessels of the rectum. A significant role in the development of symptoms of the disease is played by weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the rectum, which cannot hold the pathological vessels.

    Why does it develop during pregnancy?

    Acute hemorrhoids in pregnant women are quite common, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. This is due to a number of factors.

    • Hormonal changes. Progesterone makes a special contribution to the development and progression of the disease during pregnancy. Starting from the 1st trimester, it acts on smooth muscles, including those located in the walls of the veins. This leads to increased extensibility and the formation of varicose nodes.
    • Physical inactivity.
    • While “waiting for a miracle,” many women do not lead as active a lifestyle as usual. Physical inactivity leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis and in the veins of the rectum.
    • Constipation. Such disturbances in bowel movements are typical for pregnant women. The effect of progesterone also extends to the smooth muscles of the intestines, helping to slow down the evacuation of feces. Some medications may also cause constipation (for example, iron medications to treat anemia). Constant straining leads to blood retention in the veins of the rectum, as well as to stretching and traumatization of the pelvic floor muscles and Pates' ligament. This contributes to the formation of hemorrhoids and the progression of the disease. Increased intra-abdominal pressure. Due to an increase in body weight and the deposition of part of the fat reserves, the pressure inside increases
    • abdominal cavity. This is also facilitated by the growing uterus, which literally presses all organs against the diaphragm. Compression of the pelvic vessels. pregnancy.
    • With each week of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size and takes up more and more space in the pelvis. At the same time, it compresses all nearby organs, including blood vessels. The venous outflow of blood is hampered, which leads to its accumulation in the plexuses around the organs. This contributes to the development of severe hemorrhoids on The hereditary factor plays an important role. Some women have special properties connective tissue. As a result, the ligaments and partly the walls of blood vessels are more stretched and recover less well. Typically, such girls also have varicose veins of the lower extremities, a tendency to sprains, they have long bones and good plasticity.

    In order to avoid the onset of the disease or not to aggravate its course, one should prevent the disease even before pregnancy and try to eliminate provoking factors.

    How does the disease manifest itself?

    IN clinical picture The disease has several stages. How quickly and effectively you can cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy largely depends on the severity of the disease.

    At this stage of the development of the disease, the nodes are already constantly protruding and can be easily detected around the anus. Episodes of exacerbation of hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe

    pain syndrome

    • , swelling, bleeding.
    • Pain. Appears mainly during bowel movements, appears at the time of exacerbation and disappears after the start of treatment. Similar unpleasant sensations can be caused by both nodes and anal fissures, which often accompany hemorrhoids. The discomfort can be so pronounced that you have to constantly stand or lie down, as the pain intensifies when sitting.
    • Itching.
    • This condition is a consequence of untreated hemorrhoids and the formation of an anal fissure against its background. Itching may occur during the day or at night. Constant scratching leads to infection of the rectal mucosa and the development of other complications.
    • Edema. When thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins occurs, the nodes may swell, sometimes significantly increasing in size. They become painful and dark purple. In most cases, thrombosis develops with external hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

    Slime. Due to the activation of the rectal glands with constant irritation of the mucous membrane, mucus production increases. In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, this is hardly noticeable. The mucus additionally irritates the walls of the rectum, causing itching.

    Attention! During pregnancy, it is always necessary to clearly distinguish between bleeding from the vagina and from the rectum.

    Possible complications

    • The earlier a woman’s symptoms of the disease appeared, the higher the likelihood of complications developing. If hemorrhoids appear in the early stages of pregnancy, then by the 2nd trimester the following unpleasant situations may develop:
    • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
    • formation of anal fissure;
    • the formation of anemia with frequent and constant bleeding;

    inflammation of the tissue around the rectum (paraproctitis).

    It is necessary to start adequate therapy on time, and not to independently treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home. Only a specialist, after examination and the necessary diagnostic procedures, can prescribe medications that are effective and safe for mother and baby. Hemorrhoids that are not treated during pregnancy increase the risk of all kinds of rectal injuries during childbirth.


    • It is not difficult to identify external hemorrhoids even on your own. Knots, pain, streaks of blood - all this is easy to notice. But signs of internal hemorrhoids in pregnant women can only be detected when examined by a specialist. The following basic diagnostic procedures are used.
    • General inspection. During pregnancy, they are performed only if absolutely necessary, for example, if bowel cancer is suspected or in case of heavy bleeding. Anoscopy is most often used. It involves examining the rectal mucosa using a special instrument. Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are rarely performed; they allow visualization of not only the rectum, but the sigmoid colon and the rest of the large intestine. They can technically be performed up to 18-20 weeks, after which such manipulations are fraught with complications.

    Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: treatment at home and in the hospital

    In order to get rid of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to minimize all the factors that provoke it. But this cannot be done during pregnancy, so treatment is aimed at preventing complications and minimizing episodes of exacerbation of the disease. Surgical intervention - removal of nodes - is used in extreme cases.

    Local preparations

    The main emphasis in the treatment of hemorrhoids is on local therapy. As a rule, these are all kinds of ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids approved during pregnancy, which a woman uses at home as prescribed by a doctor. But before using them, you should make sure that the composition of the drugs will not cause an allergic reaction.

    • Based on sea buckthorn. They are the most popular and highly effective. In addition to the plant extract, an anesthetic substance (lidocaine, benzocaine) can be added to them. Example of candles: “Olestesin”, candles with sea ​​buckthorn oil. They have a bactericidal and wound-healing effect. Reviews about the drug indicate that after placing candles on the linen, light yellow marks may remain, so you should use it in advance panty liners and wear dark underpants.
    • Based on propolis. Having a multifaceted effect, this beekeeping product helps get rid of inflammation in the rectum. Propolis heals and improves blood circulation. Example of candles: “Proposan”.
    • Based on calendula. Suppositories with an extract of this plant are used for complicated hemorrhoids, when the nodes become inflamed, swollen, or blood clots form in them.
    • Series "Relief".
    • These candles are made on the basis of shark liver oil. They have wound-healing, antipruritic, anti-edematous effects, and relieve inflammation. Relief Advance additionally contains phenylephrine. These suppositories can be used in case of severe bleeding, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. But “Relief Ultra” cannot be used during pregnancy.
    • "Neo-Anuzol".
    • These suppositories are recommended for use in the presence of inflammation and oozing. Zinc and bismuth compounds in suppositories dry out the nodes and promote the healing of hemorrhoids.“Posterized.”
    • The drug contains components of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This leads to increased local immunity, which plays an important role in the healing of microcracks in hemorrhoids."Hepatrombin G".
    • Contains heparin and a hormonal component. The drug relieves itching, inflammation, helps with thrombosis of nodes and their swelling. A similar effect can be obtained by simply using Heparin Ointment, Troxevasin Gel or Lyoton 1000."Procto-glivenol."
    • Suppositories contain a healing component (tribenoside) and an anesthetic (lidocaine)."Fleming's ointment."

    This is a homeopathic remedy based on witch hazel, mint, calendula and horse chestnut with the addition of zinc. It is suitable for the treatment and prevention of exacerbations.

    Candles "Natalsid".

    They are an extract from seaweed. They have an analgesic, wound-healing effect, and improve blood circulation in the veins of the rectum.

    In case of complicated hemorrhoids, thrombosis, severe inflammation, ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol in the form of compresses or rectal tampons can be used as prescribed by a doctor. For additional pain relief, you can use papaverine in tablets or suppositories.

    With concomitant varicose veins of the legs or labia, it is recommended to take additional medications that prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. For example, tablets "Phlebodia", "Detralex".

    • Operation
    • Surgeries for hemorrhoids are often used, but during pregnancy it is better to refrain from this type of treatment and use it only when absolutely necessary.
    • The types of surgical intervention are as follows:
    • cauterization of nodes with electric current;
    • sclerosis with infrared radiation;
    • removal with liquid nitrogen;

    sclerotherapy (administration of a drug to “glue” veins);

    Folk remedies include all kinds of ointments, solutions from plants and other products. They vary in effectiveness, but are safe during pregnancy.

    • Ice. Prepared cubes can be used to relieve itching, pain, and swelling. You can prepare them from clean water, but it is better from herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, aloe.
    • Potato. Should be finely grated raw potatoes and apply to the nodes. For external hemorrhoids, such lotions help relieve inflammation and pain.
    • Calendula. The berries must be ground and then applied to the nodes.
    • Sitz baths. For prevention and during periods of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is useful to carry out sitz baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs. For example, pour a glass of hot water over calendula and chamomile flowers and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then add to a sitz bath.

    How to prevent illness

    Prevention of the disease includes the following recommendations.

    • Normalization of stool. This question is relevant during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids and during the attenuation of the main symptoms. Stools should be soft and regular (every two to three days). It is better to correct it with special dietary habits: drink enough clean water, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables (contain coarse fiber), minimize bakery products. If necessary, you can additionally use drugs with lactulose (Duphalac), glycerin suppositories (but not during exacerbation). They are safe and help relieve constipation and thus avoid hemorrhoids.
    • Maintaining hygiene. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the perineum with external nodes, so as not to cause an exacerbation of the disease. After each visit to the toilet, it is advisable to wash yourself with warm water, being careful not to injure the nodes. You can regularly perform sitz baths with solutions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula).
    • Physical activity. Pregnancy does not impose restrictions on all types of activity. Walking, swimming, and exercises to train the pelvic floor muscles are good for preventing hemorrhoids.
    • Body weight control. During 9 months of pregnancy, a woman is allowed to gain up to 12-15 kg. But every extra kilogram during pregnancy and subsequently will play a role in the development and progression of hemorrhoids.

    Thus, hemorrhoids are a serious and common problem, including during pregnancy. Therefore, you should not be afraid or embarrassed to visit a proctologist, who will give effective recommendations for the treatment of pathology in each specific case. And remember, regular bowel movements are half the success in such a difficult matter as preventing hemorrhoids during pregnancy.


    Hemorrhoids are not uncommon in pregnant women. It affects less than 8% of non-pregnant women, more than 25% of pregnant women and almost 50% of those who have just given birth. At the same time, popular rumor believes that hemorrhoids are almost a normal condition for a pregnant woman, and therefore many women are in no hurry to tell the doctor about their problem. However, an advanced disease can cause a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin (anemia), diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as arthritis, chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. How is hemorrhoids treated during pregnancy?

    The severity of the disease depends on its degree and progression only complicates treatment. So, if the first asymptomatic symptoms in pregnant women can be cured only by correcting the diet, regular exercise and a hygienic regime, then in the later stages a combined combination is necessary. drug treatment, minimally invasive procedures, or even real surgery.

    Even if a woman has been diagnosed with the initial stage of development of the disease, she does not yet need it. On early stage the same methods as for prevention will be effective: using proper nutrition and anal hygiene.

    This treatment is carried out at home and gives excellent results. In addition, a pregnant woman, especially one already in maternity leave, you shouldn’t lie or sit a lot. A moderately active lifestyle is required: walking, gymnastics.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at the 2nd stage

    You cannot do without medications that are used comprehensively, that is, both externally and internally.

    Externally, suppositories, ointments, gels, and creams are most often used, which have anti-inflammatory, laxative, vasoconstrictor and analgesic properties. They cannot be used independently, especially by a pregnant woman, therefore consultation and prescription of a doctor is required.

    Pregnant women are primarily treated with topical medications because they do not adversely affect the fetus, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.

    Made with cocoa butter or lanolin. Local anesthetics (novocaine, benzocaine, anesthesin) are also added to their composition for quick pain relief.

    To relieve inflammation, glucocorticoid hormones - prednisolone - are used topically, which also reduces burning sensation and itching. However, such drugs are contraindicated if there are fungal, viral and other infectious lesions of the rectum.

    Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum after bowel movements. The suppository is inserted warm, lying on your side, holding it in the anal canal for a couple of minutes so that it dissolves. The ointment is applied after a hygienic shower in a thin layer 3-4 times a day.

    Local agents containing heparin are widely used. They are especially preferred, but are contraindicated in cases of blood coagulation disorders.

    For spasm of the anal sphincter, suppositories with diphenhydramine are used, and to speed up healing, preparations of shark liver, vitamin A, and sea buckthorn oil are used.

    In many medications, basic therapeutic agents are combined. Thus, ultraproct, anestezol, procto-glivenol contain astringent and anti-inflammatory components and an anesthetic. Hepatrombin G contains prednisolone, anesthetic and heparin. Relief Advance contains shark liver oil and the anesthetic benzocaine.

    During pregnancy, some local remedies are still contraindicated. These are anuzole and bellatamine suppositories, which contain belladonna extract. Their use can provoke termination of pregnancy.

    Systemic drugs are prescribed in the form of capsules and tablets. More often these are so-called vetotonics - drugs that increase tone and strengthen the vein wall. They are used in courses of 2-3 weeks. Detralex is considered the most effective.

    Hemorrhoids are also treated with drugs from other pharmaceutical groups:

    • troxerutin (troxevasin),
    • ginkor-forte,
    • chime,
    • pentoxifylline and even aspirin.

    All of these drugs are approved for use during pregnancy. To facilitate bowel movements and reduce straining, laxatives are used:

    • forlax,
    • prelax,
    • regulax,
    • duphalac.

    During pregnancy, the use of such laxatives as drugs is contraindicated:

    1. buckthorns,
    2. senna,
    3. bisacodyl,
    4. phenolphthalein

    These medications can cause an increase in uterine tone.

    Late stage

    Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at the last stage of the disease is already carried out. However, for a pregnant woman, the operation will be postponed until childbirth, or rather, after another couple of months. Before that, medications will be prescribed that will temporarily help reduce the manifestation of the disease and relieve pain symptoms.

    Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is prescribed only in cases where a woman has already experienced prolapse of hemorrhoids that can no longer be reduced into the lumen of the rectum. Surgery is also necessary in the presence of acute complications: strangulation, acute inflammation.

    Emergency hospitalization is necessary for necrosis and strangulation of prolapsed hemorrhoids, excessive bleeding. Such patients undergo (bloodless) surgery or hemorrhoidectomy (excision of nodes).

    The cost of such an operation in a paid clinic reaches 30 thousand rubles. It includes hospitalization for several days, the cost of disposable TGD instruments, anesthesia, standard examinations before surgery, medications, and the operation itself. More gentle procedures are:

    • sclerosing injections,
    • ligation
    • and infrared photocoagulation.

    Folk remedies for treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    There are cases when medications do not help or it is not possible to see a doctor on time. Then you can try treatment at home using traditional methods.

    You can put a candle by cutting it out of a raw potato. This candle is kept on all night. Also, aspen leaves are applied to it for a couple of hours.

    Tampons soaked in celandine juice, which are placed in the anus and kept for 30 minutes to an hour, are also popular. One of the most popular medicines for hemorrhoids is sea buckthorn oil. You can buy it or make it yourself.

    For treatment, compresses made from gauze soaked in oil are used, changing them 3-4 times a day and leaving them overnight. You can also enhance the effect by taking the oil internally. Take a tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.

    Prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

    This disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. And since all pregnant women are at risk for hemorrhoids, they need to take preventive measures throughout pregnancy, without waiting for symptoms of the disease to appear.

    The first preventative measure is to normalize stool. Pregnant women almost universally suffer from constipation, which leads to the development of hemorrhoids. Therefore, eliminating constipation gives an almost 100% guarantee that a woman will not get hemorrhoids.

    Constipation must be combated with proper nutrition. The diet should contain a lot of foods containing coarse plant fiber (cereals, fruits, vegetables, cereals, prunes). Fermented milk products also have a beneficial effect on the digestion process:

    • kefir,
    • curdled milk,
    • cottage cheese.

    The development of constipation is caused by foods rich in protein, primarily meat, as well as excess fat, flour, spicy seasonings, and coffee. It is also necessary to drink up to 1.5 liters of raw water per day.

    Second important factor prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is timely hygiene care. The anus and perineum area must be washed after each bowel movement. In addition, once a day, sitz baths with antiseptics (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile infusion, and others) will be useful. It is important for a pregnant woman not to strain during bowel movements and to avoid prolonged work in a sitting or standing position, and if this is not possible, she needs to take breaks more often and change her body position.

    Exercises for prevention

    There is also a special physiotherapy, which is aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall and anal area, improving the function of the large intestine, and reducing congestion in the veins of the pelvis. Two, or preferably three times a day for 5-7 minutes, you need to do the following exercises (of course, taking into account your health condition):

    • swing movements alternately left and right foot back, forward, sideways;
    • walking with high legs bent at the knees;
    • bending to the sides;
    • squats on toes with knees wide apart;
    • tension in the buttocks, in which it is necessary to retract the anus (this position must be held for up to 10 seconds).

    Aggravated hemorrhoids during pregnancy are considered to be a fairly common complication; what should be done in such cases to eliminate symptoms that can be quite painful? As a rule, the development of the pathological process occurs in the second half of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the uterus, which has increased in size, begins to put pressure on nearby organs and on the hemorrhoidal venous plexus, causing stagnation in the veins and their expansion.

    The development of hemorrhoids is facilitated by stagnation of blood in the veins, caused by a sedentary lifestyle and changes in a woman’s body that occur during pregnancy. Not least important in the development of the disease is weight gain and hereditary predisposition.

    Hemorrhoids that first appeared in women during pregnancy belong to the primary group; according to data, almost a third of them first appeared while they were pregnant. A woman in this position is at increased risk of developing hemorrhoids, and many are even confident that such changes in the body are a normal physiological phenomenon.

    The most common causes of this condition are:

    1. Changes in habitual diet. During pregnancy, women begin to overeat and exceed the permissible weight gain limits, which puts increased pressure on the vessels of the pelvic area.
    2. The appearance of gastrointestinal disorders and constipation due to displacement of the rectum by the growing fetus. Constipation can be caused decreased tone intestines, which is observed in pregnant women.
    3. Limitation of the pregnant woman’s physical activity, since in this position she is not able to live her former active life.
    4. Poor circulation in the lower part of the body, the growing fetus compresses the inferior vena cava, resulting in blood stagnation and the formation of hemorrhoids.

    Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease, but after pregnancy such changes in the rectal area are most common.

    What to do if hemorrhoids appear during pregnancy

    When symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and get rid of constipation. To do this, it is best to change your usual diet, increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits in it. Products in the form of pickles, smoked meats, canned food, hot seasonings, as well as alcohol increase blood flow to the veins located in the pelvic floor, so it is better to avoid them.

    Fatty foods take longer to digest and move slowly through the intestines, thereby causing constipation, so it is also better to limit such foods. Porridge made from pearl barley, oats, dried apricots, honey, prunes, carrots, beets - can be consumed in any quantity.

    Improves the functioning of the large intestine, increases muscle tone in the anus, and also eliminates congestion in the veins - increased physical activity, exercise physical therapy and morning exercises. It is necessary to prevent hypothermia of the lower parts of the body, avoid long walks and not sit or stand for a long time. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to wash after each bowel movement, and it is better if it is with cold water.

    How to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women

    Prescriptions for the treatment of hemorrhoids for pregnant women should only be made by a doctor, since some methods can harm the fetus.

    At an appointment with a specialist, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out, which includes the following steps:

    Based on the results obtained and the stage at which the disease is currently located, the doctor makes prescriptions. Most often, therapeutic drugs or traditional methods to eliminate painful symptoms. More radical ones using minimally invasive or surgical interventions are postponed until after the birth of the child.

    When treating hemorrhoids, topical agents are used that do not have a harmful effect on the course of pregnancy. One of these drugs that can be used without fear by pregnant women is Heparin ointment, which eliminates lesions
    inflammation and relieves pain.

    Some folk methods of getting rid of hemorrhoids in pregnant women are also used, including herbal remedies and.

    Folk remedies for hemorrhoids

    Application folk ways Treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women also requires special treatment, since some of the components included in their composition can harm the unborn baby. There are a great variety of ways, most likely
    relieving the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

    These can be decoctions for internal use from lungwort herbs and chamomile, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve digestion. To reduce the manifestations of discomfort from exacerbation of the disease, cold lotions and rinsing with cold water with an infusion of the same medicinal plants are used: clover, chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle or viburnum inflorescences.

    Hemorrhoids after childbirth: how to treat them

    Under the influence of physiological processes characteristic of pregnancy, women can develop hemorrhoids, which do not always disappear without a trace after the birth of the child. During pregnancy, the manifestations of the disease may not be expressed with sufficient brightness, however, a gradual increase in symptoms, and then the birth itself, lead to the appearance of hemorrhoids.

    At this time, the development of hemorrhoids can also be caused by constipation, which arises from the redistribution of the intestines in the resulting voids in the abdominal space after the birth of the child. Changing the position of the intestine does not immediately allow it to function fully, since recovery takes some time, so atony often develops on this basis.

    When treating hemorrhoids that occur after childbirth, the period of breastfeeding is taken into account. If a woman does not breastfeed, treatment is carried out according to general principles depending on the severity of symptoms.

    Particular care should be taken in the case of a nursing mother. In this case, only drugs that are safe for the baby can be used for treatment.

    As a remedy that eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids and is safe for children breastfeeding, apply:

    In cases of complicated hemorrhoids, when conservative treatment methods do not bring the expected results, it is necessary to resort to surgical interventions, which are carried out as late as possible. To do this, in most cases, they resort to minimally invasive methods, which are less traumatic and more easily tolerated by the patient.

    Prevention of disease

    To save yourself from the need to take medications for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is best to prevent their development. One of important points in the prevention of hemorrhoids is the elimination of constipation and restoration of normal bowel function.

    For this purpose, dietary nutrition with a certain set of products is used. Increase the activity of intestinal motility and can prevent physical activity, walks on fresh air and a favorable emotional environment with no stress.

    Pregnant women should carefully monitor their weight and prevent extra pounds. Such conditions increase the pressure on internal organs, which causes dilation of the veins and stagnation of blood in them. Normal weight, corresponding to the duration of pregnancy, not only serves to prevent the development of hemorrhoids in late pregnancy, but will also facilitate the very course of labor.

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