• What can you do to cheer up a girl? How to cheer up a girl quickly and easily


    When a woman is not in the mood, a man subconsciously wants to cheer up his beloved, lift her spirits and relieve her of the blues. The reasons for this state of a girl can be different: problems at work, in the family, at school, instability hormonal levels, disappointment in something or someone. But you can always help a girl cope with depression and cheer her up, either in person or with a simple pleasant message. This is not an easy task, but it is quite doable.

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    Why is the girl in a bad mood?

    There are many different reasons for sadness. Some of them may seem strange to a guy, but in such situations it is very important to support your loved one and provide her with help if she needs it. And to do this, he needs to understand the source of his bad mood:

    Quarrel with a loved one Some girls are capable of overreacting to conflict situations and take everything to heart, especially if it concerns people dear to her. If she wants, she will share her problem, but there is no need to force the reason out of her interlocutor
    Problems related to work or school The girl is not doing well at work or is unable to complete her school assignment. The reason that a girl is not in the mood may not be entirely friendly relations with colleagues or classmates. The best way to cheer her up is with funny sayings and phrases.
    Overwork Fatigue, both physically and emotionally (need for support, emotional oversaturation and exhaustion). In such cases, there is no need to put pressure on the girl and try to forcefully cheer her up, she simply does not have the strength to do this. We need to provide her good vacation, comfort, care and tranquility
    Thoughts about the past Not only bad thoughts make you sad, but also good ones - from the realization that they will not happen again. She could just think about situations from the past. Another reason is ex-boyfriend: often girls remember past failed relationships
    Change of plans The girl planned to spend her day or evening in a completely different way, but in reality it turned out differently
    Health problems She's being inconvenienced headache, aching teeth, feeling unwell due to a cold, or even much more serious health problems
    Excitement and anxiety More vulnerable girls often have to worry, even if it’s about a small thing. She has to take an exam or is waiting important meeting. She may worry about people close to her if there is a reason for it
    Low self-esteem Often this is what causes the blues. A woman considers herself not attractive enough or smart enough. The best way is to convince her: make a sincere compliment about her appearance or intelligence. You just need to not just talk about it at any time, but start from a specific situation
    Guy's behavior The girl expected different behavior from him: the jokes were inappropriate and rude, the conversation was uninteresting, and the evening spent with the guy turned out to be not as exciting as we would like. In this case, it will be difficult to find out the reason yourself if the girl does not directly say so or gives a hint.
    Causeless sadness Many girls are capable of this, and sometimes they themselves do not understand what made them sad or cry. This may include any little things that caused the girl to become overly sentimental: watching a melodrama or reading a book. She even suddenly becomes sad if she sees a homeless puppy or kitten

    How to cheer up your loved one by correspondence

    If communication takes place over the phone in the form of correspondence, then a simple sweet message will help to cheer up the girl.

    The main thing is not to insist on an answer and not to ask why she didn’t answer.

    Before you send a message to your beloved, you need to tune in to tenderness, love and good mood. After all, a piece of these emotions will help your beloved cope with sadness.

    An example would be the simple but meaningful phrase “I love you.” You can send a message asking to smile and reinforce the effect with the words “I’m with you.” You can come up with the text yourself or turn to search engines for help. The main thing is that the message is unobtrusive, light and saturated with love for your soulmate.

    A good way is to try to make a girl laugh with a funny life story. If you can’t remember anything like that, then they will come to the rescue funny pictures or ordinary jokes. On social networks you can send gifts with an attached text.

    The original way is to write and send the presentletter. From such a sign of attention the girl will be in seventh heaven. You just need to put all your romantic feelings on paper. If the guy is an offender or the cause of a bad mood, and the girl began to ignore him everywhere, then the letter is good method sincere apology. Surely this will melt the heart of your beloved.

    How to please a girl if she's nearby

    When a girl looks depressed or irritated upon meeting you, the first thing you need to do is carefully inquire about the reason for her behavior. If she has sufficient trust in her interlocutor, she will definitely share her experiences. If it turns out that the cause of irritation was the behavior of her companion, then it is best to apologize and try to correct your behavior and the situation as a whole.

    If the reason has absolutely nothing to do with relationships, then you need to distract her from sad thoughts, cheer her up, or give her the opportunity to have a pleasant rest. At the same time, it is necessary to listen to the situation without interrupting the interlocutor and without giving advice until she herself asks for it. You need to calmly listen to her with attention and respect, let the person speak out.

    It is important to know that you do not need to insist on something, you should act carefully, unobtrusively and almost imperceptibly move the conversation in a more pleasant direction. So that the girl does not realize that she is being purposefully distracted, then she will be able to relax and forget about her troubles.

    You can please her with a nice gift or sweet words. Asking for help can distract a girl from her thoughts, help her switch to other people’s problems and forget about her troubles for a while.

    Effective ways to improve a woman's mental state

    Exist various ways to please and amuse the woman you love:

    1. 1. Give compliments. In this way, the guy makes it clear that he is not indifferent to the girl and notices almost everything in her. You can say something like, “Your eyes drive me crazy” or “Your sweet laugh is so contagious.” We need to talk about something that is unique to her and no one else.
    2. 2. Simple, but effective way- make the girl laugh. It doesn't matter if it's funny stories or cool video from the Internet. You need to make her not just smile sweetly, but laugh sincerely. This will not only improve your mood, but will bring the relationship between a guy and a girl closer.
    3. 3. At home you can give a massage and let them relax or, conversely, have a fun pillow fight. More conservative ways: turn on music and dance in pairs or watch a movie.
    4. 4. Prepare a delicious dinner. It’s doubly nice to know that your loved one is making special efforts just for you.
    5. 5. If the reason is routine work around the house, then outside help will be a good sign of care and love. You need to take on some of the household chores yourself for a while.
    6. 6. You can arrange a meeting with her friends and girlfriends. Go somewhere or organize a party right at home.
    7. 7. If a girl likes to go shopping, then you can offer her this and please her with new clothes.
    8. 8. Have a heart-to-heart talk. Support, listen and become a vest in which you can cry. Hugs and tender words will help console the girl.

    You can cheer up a girl with an extreme date. Organize a jump from a bridge or with a parachute, climb to a height (in the mountains or on a tall building), take you to a rock climbing section or to an amusement park, where you can scream to your heart’s content. You need to give it a chance to vent negative emotions and replace them with vivid impressions to the point of dizziness. If the girl may not like this method, you can invite her to romantic date and give her a small but funny little thing.

    Girls - very sensitive and gentle creatures.

    What to do if a girl is not in the mood?

    We need to tune in to the fact that a bad mood can affect the girl’s attitude towards others.

    Perhaps an upset lady will respond rudely, burst into tears, try to close herself off from everyone, or blame others for her problems.

    In this case it's important to stay calm and remember that close person does all this not out of malice, but under the influence of a number of complex emotions.

    General tips:

    1. Don't judge her for (don't complain about the situation). If you point out that you don't like her attitude, the girl will become irritated. After all, she is also a person!

      She has every right to have bad emotions and wants to count on support and understanding during difficult periods.

    2. Don't react to provocations. Some people relieve negativity by quarreling, screaming and lashing out. But after such a “discharge” negative emotions accumulates even more, because resentment towards the partner appears. Try to let the barbs fall on deaf ears. When your chosen one calms down, she will feel ashamed of her behavior and will be grateful to you for your patience.
    3. Listen. It is important for an upset person to speak out, remove this burden from his soul and find a like-minded person. Therefore, the guy should become a “vest” and a grateful listener. Perhaps the girl will play “martyr” and send the guy out the door, while really needing support. In this case, you should gently ask her to talk about what happened several times. But if a representative of the fair sex really does not want to talk and openly declares this, it will be unnecessary to insist.
    4. Until the girl calms down, you should not point out her mistakes or contradict her.

      Even if the cause of her bad mood was a situation for which she herself was to blame.

      In a state of nervous excitement, the girl will not be able to perceive logical arguments and will become even more angry.

    5. If a girl wants to be alone, give her that opportunity. You can gently ask about the reasons for the bad mood and offer your help/company. But when showing your participation, do not be too persistent. Maybe your lady needs time to rethink the situation. Or mentioning what happened causes her pain. Or she, knowing the peculiarities of her personality, wants to calm down a little before talking with you.

      There can be a lot of reasons. And if the girl asked to be left alone for a while, you should leave.

    6. You can't talk about your problems. If an upset girl talks about her problems, you should not interrupt her and list your troubles. Firstly, this will only increase the feeling of hopelessness, because girls are very worried about their loved ones. Secondly, the lady will immediately feel that her problems and feelings have been relegated to the background, since the guy has “pulled the blanket over himself.”
    7. Not a word about PMS! More than anything else, women don’t like being portrayed as unbalanced and inadequate individuals. And connect it into one story critical days and a nervous breakdown has long been a bad form.
    8. Always pay attention on girls. Most problems can be avoided by reacting in time to changes in a woman’s mood. If your significant other is upset or slightly irritated, show concern and concern by asking leading or direct questions about the mood. As a result, the girl will speak out immediately and will not beat herself up.
    9. Tactile contact. Hug and kiss the girl, show tenderness. Touches can distract you from bad thoughts and set you up for positive mood and charge with positive energy.

    What lifts your spirits?

    If the girl has no serious reasons for worry, and her mood has deteriorated as a result of a series of unpleasant little things, you can return the lady to a good mood with the help little surprises.


    A cute card with a heartfelt signature will lift your spirits. But an unexpected surprise will work even more effectively.

    Instead of handing the card over, you can push it in the crack under the door.

    Or ask a friend to do the work "courier" and delivered a modest gift in the girl’s name. And if a girl actively uses diary, you can hide the present between the sheets.

    To do this, you will need to hide sweets or a gift in the apartment.

    Then you need to draw a schematic representation of the rooms inside the postcard and mark the location of the treasure.


    You can cheer up with joint photos, which capture memorable events or exciting moments.

    You can bring a photo album and look at the pictures together, discussing this or that photograph in a positive way.

    Meeting with friends

    No one will understand a girl better than her friends. Take the initiative and arrange a meeting with your beloved friends. Invite them home or book a table at a cafe.

    In most cases, couples do not like their girlfriends' friends and prevent frequent meetings. But representatives of the fairer sex can openly discuss some problems only with their girlfriends.

    Provide your loved one with rest

    If your significant other works, studies and does household chores, she might just be tired.

    And if you add everyday troubles to this, you can get a full-fledged one.

    Send the girl to bed or watch her favorite TV series, and then go grocery shopping, cook dinner, do some spring cleaning, or rewrite your notes yourself so that make life easier for the girl.

    After she regains her strength, her mood will certainly lift.

    Help her take her mind off

    To recharge yourself with positivity, just a change of scenery. Walk on fresh air, a trip to a museum or a movie will distract a girl from sad thoughts. You can involve your loved one in playing with pets, tell her funny story etc.

    The most important thing is to capture her attention and be positive.

    How to cheer up a girl who is sad or sick?

    Sometimes it is impossible to get an upset girl to frank conversation, A intrusive questions only make the situation worse.

    In this case, you need to abstract yourself from the problem and act in “workarounds”.

    Sweets and compliments - this is a universal set that will cheer up any girl. It is very important that compliments are not feigned or forced.

    Speak sincerely and from the heart. Well, if a girl is on a diet or proper nutrition, sweets can be replaced with fruits, or any other goodies that may make her happy.

    A sick person needs support. Make your loved one some hot soup, go get her medicine, and make sure she can relax.

    If she agrees, you can call her boss and friends yourself to cancel planned activities and meetings referring to the girl’s poor health.

    And, of course, show that you love your other half, regardless of her appearance and condition. After all, women always worry about how they look during illness. A kiss and nice words will strengthen her belief that she is always irresistible to you.

    What should I write to her?

    If it is not possible to be with a girl or she wants to be left alone, this does not mean that you can let the situation take its course. Support her through correspondence.

    Short encouraging messages are enough:

    If a funny or amusing story happened to you, you can describe it and send it to the girl in the form of a short story.

    You can cheer up with short SMS that do not involve dialogue or response:

    I'm texting the greatest happiness on Earth,
    and so beautiful
    that it was me who got you.
    In dreams and in reality
    I only see you.
    You light up my life
    My love!

    This SMS was sent to the princess,
    And it revealed itself in all its glory,
    Soon you and I will be together
    After all, fate managed to bring us together.

    A dear angel told me
    That you are my ideal
    I thank heaven
    Because I love you!

    You can give pleasant emotions with the help of poems:

    What happened baby, why are you sad?
    Where is your smile? I do not see her!
    My dear, dear, gentle baby -
    Share with me, I won’t offend you!

    Cheer up a little, lift your eyes,
    Look at the sky - birds are flying in it!
    Throw your sorrows far back
    Let joy bloom in your heart!

    I am endlessly bewitched by you,
    You are the meaning of life, an angel in the flesh,
    I'm constantly fascinated by you,
    And if something is wrong, please forgive me!

    You inspire every day
    I always need you nearby,
    And I will do everything you dream of,
    If only it was always mine!


    Let your mood today
    Like a bird soaring into the sky.
    Throw away all the burdens, doubts,
    Let miracles swirl.

    May there be peace and joy in your soul
    Like scarlet orchids blooming.
    Don't let fatigue bother you,
    But only happiness, tenderness and comfort.

    What should I tell her?

    How to cheer up your girlfriend with words?

    Young woman will be glad to hear compliments no matter what state of mind she is in.

    But in order to “hit the target”, you will have to be observant.

    Don't use general phrases. Better focus on the little things. Celebrate in a positive way a new hairstyle, manicure or outfit.

    Compliment those little things that really attract you to your girlfriend (eyes, gait, manner of speech, etc.). Work great and situational compliments- examples:

    • “You are very feminine today!”
    • “I noticed your new lipstick a long time ago. It suits you very well."
    • “I love your perfume!”

    The girl will also be pleased to know that you need her. Say that you missed her, want to know her opinion on an important issue, or cannot make any decision without her.

    Any person feels a surge of strength when he becomes important and necessary.

    If you have an extraordinary sense of humor, you can try to make a girl laugh with a witty phrase or do a mini-stand-up. But the main thing to remember is that jokes should not:

    • make fun of a girl;
    • make fun of the unpleasant situation in which the girl found herself;
    • make fun of her friends or close people.

    How to cheer up your best friend?

    If best friend got depressed, maybe try to get her to talk and listen carefully.

    Don't want to discuss an unpleasant topic? Try take her out for a walk or to a friendly get-together at her favorite establishment.

    And in order to cheer her up, you can have a bachelorette party with cosmetics, trying on outfits and styling. Sweets or pizza will not be superfluous in this situation.

    The most important thing is to treat the girl with understanding. Every person has moments of despondency. And under no circumstances should you add fuel to the fire. It’s also not worth getting offended and “getting into your soul.”

    IN otherwise bad aftertaste will remain even when the girl returns to good spirits. After all, in a difficult moment, she needed support, not reproach.

    How to cheer up a girl? Find out about it in the video:

    Every person's mood rises and falls. Those around you have a natural desire to help the person cheer up. Especially topical issue becomes when you need to cheer up a potential partner.

    There can be many reasons for a decline in mood, ranging from ordinary boredom to serious problems. It doesn’t matter here what reason prompted the girl to lose heart. The guy has an urgent need to cheer up and make his partner laugh, so that he feels great at the same time.

    The online magazine site understands how important this need is becoming. Sometimes guys just don't know what to do to solve the situation.

    How to cheer up a girl?

    To cheer up a girl, you need to start by finding out the reasons for her decline. Usually girls talk openly about what happened to them. Based on this, you can understand what needs to be done. Eg:

    1. The girl is just bored. Invite her to go to the cinema or some interesting event together.
    2. The girl says she has problems. Offer your help in resolving the issue.
    3. The girl is offended by you. This is the most common option why a girl can be sad and even cry. If a guy has offended or upset her in some way, then to raise her spirits, you need to eliminate the cause.

    Many people are surprised when partners who once loved them leave them. They say that perhaps it was not love, but a fleeting feeling. But if you ask them if they had any quarrels, they will answer: “Yes!” If we remember that scandals do not arise out of the blue, then we should understand that it was the failure to eliminate these reasons that led to the lovers breaking up.

    There can be many reasons for quarrels. One of the categories of probable clashes between partners is that one offends the other through his actions or words.

    What kind of grievances can we talk about? No one, for example, likes to be physically beaten or verbally abused. There are some actions and other expressions of one’s emotions that are unpleasant for absolutely any person. There are also individual factors that are not acceptable specific person. For example, someone doesn’t like being bitten even in a fit of passion. Others may not like being called “bunny.” The third one gets annoyed when his partner wears red underwear. Every person has factors that, for some reason, unbalance them and cause anger.

    When entering into love affairs, men and women usually talk about what they like and don't like. This is exactly what is important to remember if you intend to build harmonious relationships. There’s probably no need to explain what to do with the list called “He (She) Likes.” You simply do what pleases your partner, what you bring. But sometimes people forget that with the “He (She) doesn’t like” column you need to do the exact opposite. Quite often, men and women, knowing that their partners do not like them, still do things that can lead to grief.

    Why are you doing something that offends your loved one? After all, if you act badly, they will not smile back at you. It’s one thing if you act in a way that your partner doesn’t like, without fear that he will leave you. You do not intend to build serious and long relationship with the one you see, so don't worry about what he likes and doesn't like. But if you strive to create a long and lasting relationship, then why don’t you listen to the requests of your loved one?

    Quarrels arise because you do not want to hear what your partner does not like and act in the desired way. Why are you surprised that people stop loving you, moreover, abandon you? You yourself have disrespected your partner's wishes. So, for what reason should he continue to respect you?

    If you know what your loved one doesn't like, then just don't do it. You don't have to play psychologist and find out and then force your loved ones to change in order to like what they don't like. You don’t like something or you’re afraid of something, and your partner says: “Yes, never mind that. This is so cool! And for some reason you’re nervous.” How would you feel? They treated you with disrespect, did not try to accept the fact that you don’t like something, and even asked you to love something that rejects you. Do you believe that your partner loves you?

    Don't do this. You shouldn't have to worry about why your loved one doesn't like something. The main thing for you is what exactly frightens and does not satisfy your partner. If you don’t want unnecessary quarrels and reasons for further problems, then simply accept that your man or woman doesn’t like something, and don’t do it, even if you think that there is nothing wrong with your action. Be respectful of your partner’s wishes, then he will begin to respect your wishes and preferences!

    The recipe is quite simple: just do or tell the girl what she wants! Guys should not neglect the desires of girls. If they urgently need something, even begin to get offended, sad and cry, then you need to listen to their desires and do what they want. This will definitely lift your spirits.

    How to cheer up your girlfriend?

    Guys quite often get stunned when their girlfriends start to feel sad, cry, or get offended by them. However, stupor has not yet helped anyone in resolving the issue. If you want to cheer up your girlfriend, then use the following tips:

    1. Talk to the girl. Find out what happened that caused her mood to drop. Usually guys don’t listen to their girls at first, which is why they lead the situation to a quarrel or conflict. If the girl is really upset, now you should listen to her calmly and adequately.
    2. When you find out the reasons for her bad mood, be sure to solve the problem. Either agree on something or promise. Sometimes it’s enough just to bring negative experiences to the point of absurdity. Tell the girl that she has nothing to be upset about because everything is fine with you.
    3. If a girl doesn’t want to talk about the reasons for her bad mood, then don’t insist. Let her want to tell you everything herself, and you let her know that you will wait for this moment.
    4. Have a good time together. Depending on where your girlfriend likes to spend time, you can go for a walk, do something extreme, have a romantic dinner, etc.
    5. If you are not near the girl, then you can cheer her up by calling. Call her, chat, tell her a lot of pleasant and kind words.
    6. Don't forget about gifts that can be made even remotely. Order a bouquet of flowers or some gift that will be delivered to the girl’s house by courier.
    7. Write nice message via phone or social networks. You can send her some nice or relaxing video, beautiful picture or just a smiley face.

    In other words, to cheer up a girl, start paying attention to her. The main thing is to do nice deeds and say good things good words. And everything else will become unimportant.

    How to quickly cheer up a girl?

    Psychologists advise influencing a girl in several ways at once, which will help her quickly cheer up. How can I do that?

    • Give her something tasty. Girls feel better when they eat something sweet.
    • Give compliments. Just don't overdo it and keep it to the point.
    • Give her new emotions. So that she does not get hung up on her experiences, it is better to give her new impressions. They arise when spending time together, for example, on a walk, when going to some establishment, etc.
    • Invite the girl to go shopping. You may not realize it, but every girl's mood lifts when she shops.
    • Give nice touches. We are not talking about sex, although we cannot exclude it. Hug a girl, touch her, press her to your chest - all this gives pleasure.
    • Watch a movie together. Depending on the situation, choose a movie that will distract your girlfriend from sad thoughts.

    But sometimes a guy can't cheer up a girl. This is also normal, because there are many reasons for discouragement. A guy shouldn't try to be all-powerful and influence a girl. If you try different methods and they don’t help, then the reason for your bad mood may lie in something else. Sometimes you can’t do without the help of a psychologist if a girl becomes depressed.

    How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

    Modern technologies help lovers or just friends maintain contact at any distance. If you are not near a girl, but want to cheer her up, then various methods on social networks allow you to do this by correspondence:

    1. Write some long and interesting letter to the girl in a positive way.
    2. Send her a gift that the social network allows you to give.
    3. Send the girl various jokes, anecdotes, pleasant or funny pictures.

    If you write something to a girl to cheer her up, then be sure to write literary words in full form. Abbreviations, obscenities and slang can be perceived negatively by a girl, as disrespect for her.

    You don't have to expect the girl to respond to your message. Understand that in a bad mood she may not communicate with anyone. She read your letter - this is the most important thing. You tried to help her, now a lot depends on her.

    Bottom line

    You won't always be able to influence a girl's mood. And this is understandable, because her mood depends only on her. Only she can ruin her own mood, and no one else. If it seems to her that other people constantly do bad things to her, offend her, irritate her, then she is mistaken. In fact, she does all this by observing what is happening around her.

    If someone spoils a girl’s mood, she does not need to succumb to provocations. The fact is that a person’s mood completely depends on his decisions that he makes at one time or another. There are two factors at play here:

    1. Does the girl consider something pleasant or unpleasant for herself?
    2. Does the girl think something is right or wrong.

    In the first case, what she sees at one time or another is assessed by her as “like” and “dislike.” If she likes something, then she is happy; if he doesn’t like it, he gets sad, cries, gets irritated, gets angry. But the fact is that only she determines for herself what she likes and doesn’t like. For example, a yellow T-shirt may not be liked because of its color, but a girl may change her mind about the item if it suddenly turns out that it is very practical and wearable.

    In the second case, the rightness and wrongness of what is happening is indicated by stereotypes, misconceptions, principles, and views on the world that the girl has learned since childhood. Her parents raised her in a certain direction, and now everything that they put into her, as right, will make her happy, and as wrong, it will upset her. But things, people, events themselves cannot be right or wrong. They simply are the way they are. And right and wrong are grades, like in school “5” and “2”. But if the girl had been raised differently, then her concepts of right and wrong would have been different.

    Do you see how much a girl’s mood depends on her? In fact, only she is responsible for what mood she is in. No one else can ruin her mood unless she herself agrees to have someone ruin it.

    What to do if the girl you love is in a bad mood? This can be done quickly and easily, different ways which we will certainly share with the reader. In our article we will give examples of how to cheer up a beauty and how to evoke positive emotions in her.

    How to cheer up a girl - if you don't know the answer to this question, we'll tell you seven the best ways how to do it.

    Top 7 ways to improve your chosen one’s mood.

    1 — By correspondence

    You can quickly evoke positive emotions in your loved one. Here is an example of several mood-lifting phrases:

    — I’m writing a message, who do you think it’s for? Yes, you guessed it! For you, the sweetest and most beloved creature on the entire planet. I am incredibly happy that I got such a girl.

    “I fall asleep and wake up thinking about you.” You make my life full, illuminate my path and give me happiness.

    “It’s raining on the street now, but my soul is warm because I’m thinking about you.” All pleasant words are only for you. You are my ray of sunshine, gentle and affectionate.

    We can say with confidence that with such words you will be able to cheer up your chosen one and make her smile.

    2 - Raises the mood on VK

    You have a VKontakte profile, then there is nothing easier to cheer up a girl. In the world of modern opportunities, you don't need to make a phone call to get cheers.

    - IN social network There is an opportunity to make paid and free gifts. In order to pay for a souvenir, just top up your account using your phone or bank card, also, if possible, receive votes or make a payment from a virtual wallet. Choose the most romantic gift and send it to your girl.

    — There is no way to pay for the gift. Send several pleasant phrases by correspondence on VKontakte or visit one of the free applications. There are a lot of sweet souvenirs, original quotes, postcards. You can also add a video, clip, or photo to a girl’s wall. What to send? Declaration of love, record yourself on camera, ready-made clip, footage of animals, a bouquet of flowers.

    3 - Writing a letter

    You think it's gone out of fashion. Absolutely not true. Correspondence is very romantic. Beautiful letter can lift the spirits and cheer up a charming woman if she is bored. Believe me, the letter is impressive and fresh. We'll give you some recommendations on what to write.

    - If you know the exact address of your chosen one, then buy a large envelope and put a small surprise in it. On a white sheet of paper you can write beautiful poem write words of prose about love, about your feelings and experiences.

    Place the letter in the mailbox or stick it in the door after ringing the doorbell. We are sure that the girl will certainly appreciate the efforts, and her mood will improve.

    - If you already live together and think that writing letters is a stupid idea, then we offer another way. Before leaving for work, write a note, put it in an envelope and leave it in a visible place. This will certainly cheer her up in the morning and bring a sweet smile.

    Or even play with her, draw a map and let her look for the letter prepared for her. What to write? Just a few simple phrases are enough. For example:

          • I love you very very very much.
          • Have a wonderful day, my dear, beloved.
          • Smile, remember I will always be there for you the best woman in the world.

    - If your chosen one does not work, then take a large sheet of paper, stock up on colored markers, pens and pencils and create a bright, unforgettable letter.

    Paint the leaf with flowers funny pictures, show a sense of humor. You can stick something on the message. When everything is ready, stick the letter on the refrigerator and a mirror or other place. The woman you love will be happy and will be in high spirits for a long time, realizing that she is loved and appreciated.

    As you can see, there are many options, the main thing is to show imagination and ingenuity, Creative skills.

    “Are you sure that the only way to the heart of the stronger sex is through the stomach?” This statement is absolutely wrong. Many ladies love to eat delicious food, and your chosen one is probably no exception.

    Prepare for romantic dinner what she loves most. If you do not have culinary talents, order pizza, delicious desserts, rolls.

    Now it's not difficult at all. For a certain amount, special companies will deliver any delicacy to your home. Don't forget to set the table beautifully, turn on the music and light the candles. A bouquet of flowers will also not be a hindrance.

    Compliments. Don't forget that all women love with their ears. Beautiful, gentle, affectionate words that go straight to the heart will melt even the worst mood. It is important that compliments be original, do not use cliches or hackneyed phrases. Even a sparkling joke, sweet and kind, understandable only to you two, wouldn’t hurt.

    — If your chosen one loves something new, loves adrenaline and experimenting, then make her an extreme date.

    Go on an excursion in it, have dinner on a skyscraper, jump with a parachute, go with tents into the forest. Nowadays there are even companies that are ready to provide the service by preparing an original and unusual date. Use your imagination.

    Party with friends. If you spend a lot of time together or the girl is simply bored, call her friends, book a table at a club or disco and send your chosen one to take a little break from everyday life. She will be incredibly grateful to you.

    Massage. Especially erotic, relaxing. Well, what girl would refuse. Buy aromatic oil in advance, make the room dim, turn on relaxing music and explore every point female body. Gently touch your legs, buttocks, and move to your neck. It's simple and effective. The bad mood will go away and instead there will be a desire to be a little naughty.

    Make her laugh. Come up with some original prank, remember a funny story, turn on her favorite comedy. Any hot temper and aggression will disappear under the catchy and loud laughter. By the way, you can tickle your chosen one a little.

    Perhaps she will tell you everything and she will feel better, her mood will lift itself. It also doesn’t hurt to give your chosen one the right, practical advice, or offer a helping hand. Lend a reliable shoulder.

    Take a day off. Quite often, ladies can suffer from depression, she gets tired of monotony, boredom, the world seems gray and joyless. Take care of the housework yourself for one day, and let the girl chat with pen pals, go to the store for new clothes, take a walk, just read her favorite book or hang out.

    Table in a restaurant. Tired of sitting at home, book a table in a chic restaurant or your favorite cafe and take your sweetheart for dinner. Here she will forget about her problems for a while and just relax.

    Present. What could be better! Especially when she is sick and not feeling well. Women love to be taken care of. Buy her delicious fruits, sweets, perhaps she will like a new bottle of perfume or a subscription to a beauty salon. You yourself probably know what she likes, what will arouse her interest. The main thing is to let it be a surprise.

    5 – Cheer up the girl you live with

    Here you can’t get by with a banal SMS to lift your spirits. It is necessary to try to bring the lady of your heart out of a state of depression. We will help you solve the problem and give some tips to make your loved one smile and be happy.

    • Leave alone. Yes, sometimes this is also necessary. Sometimes a woman just wants to be alone, think, make herself beautiful, relax and lie in the bathroom so that no one touches or disturbs her. But do this only when your loved one asks you about it.
    • Draw a bath, put on large scented candles and let in some delicious-smelling foam. Let your other half pamper yourself a little, and if she wants, then you can easily keep her company.

    - Almost another one a win-win lift your sweetheart's spirits. Just give her money. Let her go shopping, update her wardrobe, buy something that can bring her joy.

    In such simple ways, you will surely cheer up the girl, she will stop being sad, and a long-awaited smile will appear on her lips.

    6 - Original ways to cheer up

    You are still puzzling over how to cheer up Nesmeyana, we suggest expanding your horizons of search and paying attention to the proposed methods to quickly establish peace of mind and balance:

    • Go to the zoo, go to a butterfly exhibition, visit exotic animals.
    • Buy a ticket to the dolphinarium if there is one in your city.
    • Go on a picnic. Choose a landing; perhaps there is a forest or field nearby. Buy something tasty, stock up on a bottle of wine and go.
    • Just go to the cinema, to an exhibition, to a fashion or art museum.
    • Walk around the city at night, find a beautiful place and just admire it.

    7 - Pet

    Your girlfriend is not allergic to wool, then buy her a cute puppy or kitten, or maybe your chosen one likes a hamster, iguana or chinchilla.

    Try to find out which animal she likes best and give her such a cute gift. She will be delighted and the cute little bundle will always make her smile, tenderness and joy.

    Now you know how to cheer up a girl in different ways. We are sure one of them will definitely fit. But remember, in order for your other half’s mood not to deteriorate, show concern for her more often and say warm and kind words, for no reason, just like that.

    Girls- very gentle, charming and capricious creatures, so they sometimes have a bad mood. Sometimes a bad mood can be caused after reading a sad book, watching a sad movie, or even due to a series of failures in life.

    How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

    1) Please the girl with a compliment

    Some nice words, will never be superfluous. You can also come up with your own original compliment and it is very unusual to present it to a girl. The main thing in this matter is sincerity. Also, don’t overdo it, otherwise it may come out too fake.

    2) Feed the girl

    Girls, like guys, love to eat. Most of the fair sex will be incredibly happy with such treats:

    • Yummy ice-cream;
    • Set of rolls;
    • Chocolate;
    • Pizza;
    • Cake;
    • Your personal dish.

    3) Love note

    A love note or letter is sure to lift any girl's spirits. In it you can write about your strong love to her, about the desired future, etc. Great chance that the girl will keep this note among her most valuable things.

    4) Pleasant massage

    A girl’s bad mood can be helped by a massage from her loved one. This can be a massage of the legs, back, neck. A transition to erotic massage is also possible.

    5) Talk to her and feel sorry for her

    Perhaps a series of minor failures greatly spoiled the girl’s mood. Try to have a sincere conversation with her. Listen to her and calm her down, tell her a lot of nice things, kind words and pat him on the head.

    6) Romantic date

    Perhaps your girlfriend just needs a little romance? Plan something special for her. As an option:

    • Romantic picnic;
    • Chic bouquet;
    • Cafe or restaurant;
    • Dinner on the coast;
    • Dinner by candlelight at home.

    How to cheer up a girl via SMS

    Before writing this SMS, you need to feel all your love for the girl. After reading this SMS, the girl will feel very happy and her bad mood will no longer bother her.

    Possible SMS options:

    Adore. I'm dreaming. Wish. Want.
    I fall in love with you.
    I'm coming. I'll come. I'll come rushing. I'll fly.
    And I can easily guess your desire...

    Once again I want to confess my love,
    Once again I want to hug you,
    I want to smile only at you,
    I want to kiss you alone!

    To hell with emotions, to hell with doubts, you are the best - that’s my opinion!

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