• What to read to children aged 3 years old. What should a child read at three years old? Kiss on the palm


    A review of literary works for children 3-4 years old will help parents when choosing books for children. And the list of educational books given in the article will guide mothers and fathers when purchasing educational aids for children 3-4 years old.

    Books for children 3-4 years old: the best works of fiction

    Poems by Agnia Barto

    Cycle of poems “Younger Brother”

    The collection includes 18 poems dedicated to the little boy Andryusha, his two older sisters Marina and Sveta, as well as their parents. Barto shows how the world has changed with the advent of little Andrei, talks about the reverent attitude of his sisters towards him. All poems are imbued with love, kindness and care, but are not without a humorous touch.

    Cycle of poems “Vovka is a kind soul”

    In this collection of poems main character- “fair-haired boy” Vovka. For many parents and other children, he is a role model. From the very morning, he greets passers-by from the window, making them smile, comes to the aid of a girl who does not have an older brother, babysits the kids that their grandmothers cannot handle. Poems about right and wrong actions, kindness, politeness, mutual assistance.

    Thanks to these poems by Barto, the child gets an idea of ​​right and wrong, and from childhood he begins to form a clear position in life.

    Sergei Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa"

    Many parents remember and love this book from childhood, so they read it with pleasure to their children. Uncle Styopa is a real hero, a wonderful example to follow, a person always ready to help, he teaches children kindness, love for the Motherland, and mutual assistance between people.

    Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" (translation by Boris Zakhoder)

    Many children are familiar with the cheerful, cheerful bear Winnie the Pooh, who loves to eat, from Soviet cartoons by Fyodor Khitruk. A good book for spending an evening with your child reading your favorite fairy tales.

    The English writer introduces parents and young readers to amazing world his son Christopher Robin and his plush friends. It’s nice and cozy in this imaginary fairy-tale forest. The book teaches the ability to make friends and value your friends at any age. Gives joy and good mood. As you get older, you can discover new aspects in this book.

    Works by G. Tsyferov for children 3-4 years old

    "Locomotive from Romashkovo"

    The engine was late because on the way he admired the first lilies of the valley, listened to the nightingale singing, and watched the sunrise. At first, all the passengers did not understand the cute little engine, because the most important thing for them was not to be late for the station, but then they realized that it was more important not to be late for the rest of their lives.

    "Little Bear's Diary"

    The story tells about one bear cub, who was very small and became acquainted with many things for the first time and was surprised at everything. He even learned that he was a bear cub only recently. This bear cub often gets into funny stories, so he writes them down in a diary, because when he grows up, only big and serious stories will happen to him, but he will open his diary and re-read his entries, remember his childhood and laugh at those funny stories.

    "About the eccentric frog"

    The main character of this book becomes a favorite of children from the first pages, although he is an eccentric, he is kind and sympathetic.

    Lillian Moore "Little Raccoon and the One in the Pond"

    The book is about the need to be kinder to others, to meet with a smile, and not with a stick and hostility, then in response to kindness there will be only goodness.

    Alexey Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”

    A big book with stories about the naughty wooden boy Pinocchio and his adventures. It is difficult for a 3-4 year old child to listen to the entire book in one day or evening. It is better to read it in parts, several stories a day. They will not leave the child indifferent. Cheerful Pinocchio, sad Pierrot, moralizing Malvina and the brave dog Artemon “fight” against the doll oppressor Karabas-Barabas and his henchmen. And although Pinocchio is a rare prankster, he has a big heart. He has kindness, love and friendship on his side. Well, of course, the main result of the entire book is that good always triumphs over evil.

    Works by V. Suteev for children 3-4 years old

    Vladimir Suteev is a real children's wizard. His stories will not leave anyone indifferent. They are bright, cheerful, but at the same time instructive. All fairy tales are written in simple and accessible language, so that even a child can understand the moral of what they read. In addition, Vladimir Suteev is also an illustrator for his works.


    Two friends Hedgehog and Hare are going home. The Hedgehog overcomes all the obstacles he encounters along the way with the help of a magic wand, thanks to which he manages to pull the Hare out of the swamp, save the chick, drive away the evil wolf and help the Hare get home. But, as it turns out, there are many such sticks in the world, but everyone should have a lifesaver, ingenuity in their heads.

    "Skillful hands"

    The story is about a Needle, a Pencil, a Pen and a Ball, who argued among themselves which of them is better. It turned out that every item is good, but only in skillful hands, if you use them wisely and correctly.

    "Christmas tree"

    A fairy tale about the brave Postman Snowman and Bobik the dog. They went to the forest to Santa Claus to bring a beautiful New Year tree and give a gift to the children. Snowman and Bobik are helped by squirrels, hares, and a bear to cope with the fox and wolf and come to Santa Claus. Good triumphs over evil and cunning.

    “About a hippo who was afraid of vaccinations”

    Using the example of a hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations, hid from the doctor and ran away home, as a result of which he fell ill with jaundice, children learn not to be afraid of doctors, in particular, not to be afraid of vaccinations.

    Works by V. Chizhikov for children 3-4 years old

    Many parents know children's writer Victor Chizhikov since childhood. In addition, he is a famous illustrator who designed not only his own books, but also the books of his colleagues.

    “Ours for you with a brush”

    In the book, funny characters (dogs, mice, cats) and funny illustrations make kids laugh and give them a great mood.

    "Petya and Potap"

    The book includes three fairy tales. The first is a retelling of the Russian folk tale "Tops and Roots" about how a smart man outwitted a bear twice. The other two are a continuation, invented by Chizhikov, about the friendship of the bear cub Potap and the boy Petya.

    Grigory Oster "Fairy tales"

    A book about the friendship of four friends Monkey, Elephant, Parrot and Boa. The stories are based on a paradox that friends resolve in an unusual way. The book will teach children to be friends, despite the difference in character, to give in to each other, teach them to do good deeds and do something nice for their friends.

    Mikhail Prishvin “Falling Leaves”, “Woodpecker”

    Short stories, notes from a naturalist writer, a singer of Russian nature teach us to notice even the most insignificant changes in nature and see its beauty.

    Hans Christian Anderson "The Ugly Duckling"

    None of the inhabitants of the poultry yard sees the inner beauty of the Ugly Duckling. Everyone looks at him and despises him only for his external ugliness. They treat him cruelly, constantly offending and laughing at him.

    A truly stunning ending, when the Ugly Duckling becomes the beautiful Swan, beautiful not only on the outside, but also beautiful on the inside. He has a kind, sympathetic heart, which is free from various manifestations of pride, selfishness, and selfishness. This fairy tale teaches a child kindness, to choose not a beautiful outer shell, but one with a dark soul, and a kind, loving heart, even if not always with bright external manifestations.

    Eduard Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends"

    A good tale about friendship. Crocodile Gena did not even suspect that there are so many lonely people and animals in the world who, like him, need friendship. The book teaches goodness, teaches you to make a choice between right and wrong, bad and good.

    Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail”

    This interesting tale is part of a series of stories about animals written by the author for his daughter. The main characters, of course, are the Hare and the gray robber Wolf. The author shows children one of the worst qualities - boasting. Shows that because of him you can find yourself in a stupid position.

    Samuel Marshak "Cat's House"

    An instructive work about how friends are known not only in joy, satiety and contentment, but also in trouble. And those who promised to be friends for centuries may not help in Hard time. And those who were repelled by the main character, on the contrary, came to the rescue. This book is also educational. She introduces the child to fire, shows how dangerous it can be and what it can lead to. An undoubted advantage is that the poetic lines are easy to remember, which will help the child develop memory.

    Folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf"

    One cannot ignore Russian folk tales; they contain all the wisdom of the Russian people, accumulated over several generations. Everyone knows the fairy tale about how the cunning Fox deceived his grandfather and stole all his fish, then deceived his godfather the Wolf and got away with it. A fairy tale teaches a child to see good and bad deeds. Seeing that there can often be danger hidden behind flattering speeches. It also shows that achieving what you want through deception is not always the right way. You have to try to go dear good, despite the fact that this path is much more difficult.

    Educational books for children 3-4 years old: list and brief overview

    Set of books “School of the Seven Dwarfs” from three to four years

    The set includes 12 books aimed at the comprehensive development of the child: literacy and development phonemic hearing, for the development of logic and thinking, teaching counting, time and spatial concepts. The child also gets to know various types transport, professions, studies his native nature.

    Each book has a page for parents, which provides brief recommendations for organizing activities, and also presents games that you can play with your child on a specific topic. There is a tab for creative assignment or consolidation of the material covered in game form. There is a set of stickers that are given to the child after completing the task.

    Workbooks for the program “From birth to school” (from the School of the Seven Dwarfs)

    The set includes four workbooks. Each notebook contains several topics with tasks that the child needs to complete.

    Series of books “Wonderful stickers” from the publishing house Mosaic Synthesis

    It can be difficult for a 3-4 year old child to complete tasks in the traditional form, which is why the “Wonderful Stickers” series has been developed. In a fun playful way, completing tasks with the help of reusable stickers, the child will become familiar with the alphabet, learn to count, and complete tasks aimed at comprehensive development.

    Primer by Nadezhda Sergeevna Zhukova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, speech therapist with more than 30 years of experience.

    The primer combines traditional and original speech therapy methods for teaching a child to read.

    And a review of books for children 4-5 years old on our website will help parents of children of the appropriate age when choosing children's books. literary works for reading.

    The book can be read to kids dozens of times in a row, and they will listen to it with pleasure. But even the most beloved of them sometimes just get boring. And then parents ask the question: “What books should children of 3-4 years old read?” Of course, all babies are different. Some of them prefer books about animals, while others, already at that age, enjoy reading children's encyclopedias. There are children who prefer to just look at pictures. However, there is a list of books for children 3-4 years old, which contains works that are loved by everyone without any exception.

    How do kids perceive reading?

    What the list of books for children 3-4 years old will be depends on the following:

    How often does the baby spend time with mom and dad?
    - how useful it is for the child joint activities with parents;
    - to what extent mothers and fathers were able to instill in their child a love of reading and books.

    The situations are very different. The degree to which a child is ready to read together may also vary. It is important for parents not to draw analogies between their children and other children. After all, for example, a neighbor’s boy of the same age may already enjoy listening to “Pinocchio,” but their child may not even be interested in “Turnip.” It is always worth remembering that children develop at different rates, and there is nothing to worry about.

    However, this does not mean that mothers and fathers should simply wait for their child to want to listen to books. It is necessary to engage with the baby, starting with funny fairy tales and short poems. The main goal should not be to impose a certain volume of works. The child needs to instill an interest in reading.

    Do babies need books?

    Today, in the age of rapid development of technology, many parents ask the question: “Why read to a child?” Of course, in almost every modern family There is a TV and a computer that “display” educational programs. However, all this simply cannot be compared with a book read by parents.

    And there are several reasons for this:

    1. Educational. When reading a book, parents focus the child’s attention on those moments that are important for the upbringing of their child.

    2.Communication with loved ones. While reading, an attitude is formed little man to the surrounding world. In addition, at the same time he learns to communicate with other people.

    3. Formation of the emotional sphere. During the reading process, the baby has a certain reaction to the intonations appearing in the parent’s voice. This helps to develop a sense of empathy and nobility in the child. He begins to perceive the world at a higher sensory level.

    4. Development of competent speech, imagination, as well as broadening one’s horizons.

    What list of books can be compiled for children 3-4 years old? Experts say that every child is individual. That is why all children perceive books differently. However, psychologists give parents several useful tips, allowing you to make shared reading more productive and enjoyable:

    1. When reading books, it is important to pay attention Special attention gestures, facial expressions and intonations. After all, at this age, children do not need stories written by authors so much as they need the experiences and actions of the characters. At the same time, children learn to react correctly to emerging life situations.

    2. Clearly identify positive and negative characters in the fairy tale, as well as the good and bad deeds they commit. Children of this age divide the whole world into black and white. Reading fairy tales by parents will allow the child to learn how to behave correctly and understand life.

    3. An important element of the developmental process is poetry. They contribute to the development of speech and expansion of children's vocabulary.

    How can a list of books be compiled for children 3-4 years old? Parents should keep in mind that not all literature on store shelves is suitable for their child. When choosing a book, you should pay attention to whether it carries a moral message and whether it has instructive overtones. But it is best to opt for products that have already been tested over the years and have proven themselves remarkably well. Let's consider the rating of books for children 3-4 years old, it will include the following:

      "Lived once…".

      "7 best fairy tales kids" by K. Chukovsky.

      “A Kitten Named Woof and Other Tales”, M. Plyatskovsky, G. Oster.

      “Alyonushka’s Tales” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak and some other works.

    “Once upon a time...” - a collection that includes Russian folk tales

    The list for children 3-4 years old starts with this. This is a colorful, wonderful book that children will definitely enjoy. In the collection, in addition to the fifteen most beloved by children folk tales, includes nursery rhymes and folk riddles, tongue twisters and songs.

    Thanks to reading this book, the child will learn faster the world. The relationships between fairy-tale heroes of Russian folklore help him in this. At the same time, the baby’s world becomes more colorful and clearer, fairer and kinder.

    “Tales for Kids” by V. Bianchi

    Often best books for children 3-4 years old - these are those that talk about animals. That is why many children like the fairy tales and stories of V. Bianchi. They are not only interesting, but also very educational. When reading this book, a child gains a lot interesting information about animals and nature. He begins to call lake, field and forest inhabitants by name. In addition, fairy tales written by Bianchi teach children kindness, as well as making friends and coming to the rescue in difficult situation. After listening to them, kids begin to treat animals and plants more carefully and carefully.

    Book of fairy tales by V. Suteev

    It is hardly possible to find a person who would not be familiar with this unique selection. The entire volume of the book is divided into 3 sections:

    1. V. Suteev as an artist and author. This includes his fairy tales and picture tales written and also illustrated by him.
    2. Based on scripts written by V. Suteev.
    3. Illustrations by V. Suteev to the fairy tales of M. Plyatskovsky, K. Chukovsky and I. Kipnis.

    Those who aim to purchase books for the development of children 3-4 years old should definitely include the works of Vladimir Suteev in their list of literature. His stories are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. They are fun, bright and at the same time very instructive. The fairy tales of this real children's wizard are written in accessible and simple language. Even kids understand the moral embedded in the works.

    “7 best fairy tales for kids” by K. Chukovsky

    The author's name alone speaks volumes. After all, many of his books are very suitable for reading to children 3-4 years old. This edition contains the most famous fairy tales, written by an author whose works have been read by more than one younger generation. The book has a large format. It is colorful and well decorated. It contains entertaining and colorful illustrations. Little readers will definitely enjoy the book by Korney Chukovsky.

    “A Kitten Named Woof and Other Tales”, M. Plyatskovsky, G. Oster

    What books for 3-4 year olds will be especially interesting to them? Those whose main characters are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. For example, a kitten whose name is Woof. Many kids love this cartoon and will enjoy hearing about it.

    The book combines fairy tales from two authors. The first of them is about a little kitten whose name is Woof, written by G. Oster. The second fairy tale is by M. Plyatskovsky with illustrations by V. Suteev. The drawings in the book are not similar to the images created in the cartoon. However, children really love this selection of fairy tales.

    “Alenushka’s Tales” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak

    This book for little ones will not only be interesting, but also instructive for kids. IN fairy tales D. Mamin-Sibiryak toys, animals and plants begin to cheerfully communicate with each other. Children love such funny characters as Ersh Ershovich, Shaggy Misha, Komar Komarovich, Vorobey Vorobeich and many others.

    These fantastic characters captivate kids in their wonderful world, while teaching them such good human qualities as justice and hard work, friendly relations and virtue. In addition, the characters of “Alyonushka’s Tales” help children gain information about nature, as well as observe events happening in life.

    “Locomotive from Romashkovo”, G. Tsyferov

    This fairy tale is considered a classic of children's literature. In it, the guys get acquainted with the little Engine, who took his passengers to the Romashkovo station. He was unusual because he was always late for everything, giving his boss his word every time that it was the last time. On the way between stations, the Engine could stop to admire the foal, listen to the nightingale singing, enjoy the smell of the grove, or watch the sunset. Passengers, who were at first outraged by the delay in travel, also began to admire nature. As a result, the Engine brought them to Romashkovo 3 days later. But no one scolded him. The adult uncles and aunts thanked us for the trip. At the same time, they said that if it weren’t for the Little Engine, they could have been late for the whole spring, summer, and even for the rest of their lives.

    The author shows with his fairy tale that many people are constantly in a hurry. They run to work and then home, not paying any attention to the beauty that surrounds them. Kids begin to understand that they need to enjoy life, in which they can find a lot of good things even in bad weather.

    In addition to this fairy tale, you can find other works of the writer in the book. These are short but very kind stories that contain many instructive moments. Listening to them can lead kids to some thoughts, and will also help in mastering such a still unfamiliar, but interesting world for them.

    The fairy tales included in this well-designed and colorful book will teach children to be kind and also to believe that they themselves can create a miracle. Kids begin to understand that they need to think before doing something, make friends and relax with benefit.

    The letters in this book are large, but the stories are short. That is why “The Little Engine from Romashkovo” will be useful for children to read independently.

    "School of the Seven Dwarfs"

    Parents also strive to purchase educational books for children 3-4 years old. Their necessity for children has been confirmed by many teachers. They believe that children need to be engaged from a very early age, which will contribute to their development. That is why various educational toys and, of course, books are very popular today. On store shelves, parents can find a lot of literature in this area. However, it is not so easy to choose good educational books for children 3-4 years old.

    The Seven Dwarfs series of books is very popular among parents and teachers. It consists of 7 sets, each of which is intended for one year of a preschooler’s life. When developing the series, modern education standards were taken into account, which allows children to receive comprehensive knowledge appropriate to their age. The manual contains many color illustrations, inserts with stickers and cards, tasks for kids, as well as recommendations for adults.

    Books “School of the Seven Dwarfs” for children three and four years old are devoted to various topics. But at the same time, each of them is aimed at developing a specific skill and ability, as well as personal quality child. Studying the material presented in the manual allows preschoolers to increase their vocabulary, reveal the creative potential of the individual and become better acquainted with the world around them.

    "Wonderful stickers"

    This whole series of books, published by the Mosaic Synthesis publishing house, helps three- and four-year-old children complete tasks in a playful way. After all, it can be very difficult for young children to answer the questions posed in the way that is customary at school.

    “Wonderful Stickers” are wonderful educational books for children 3-4 years old. They contain fun illustrations and come with reusable stickers. Decorating the proposed drawings becomes not only an interesting, but also useful activity for the child. The child becomes familiar with letters and learns to read. In addition, he develops imagination, fine motor skills of his fingers, as well as coordination of movements. These books help the child to quickly understand the world around him, have a positive effect on the intellectual and speech development, teach you to find solutions and make them.

    “Primer” by N. S. Zhukova

    This is another educational book that deserves the attention of parents and teachers. After all, adults understand that the time is not far off when the baby will grow up and go to school. Already at three or four years old, he needs to gradually begin to prepare him for such an important stage of his life. And the Primer, written by a candidate of pedagogical sciences, a speech therapist with more than thirty years of experience, Nadezhda Sergeevna Zhukova, will help with this.

    This is a well-known and popular textbook, familiar to several generations of children. When writing it, the author perfectly combined her methodology with measures to prevent children from making mistakes when writing.
    The book does not contain game details. There is nothing in it that distracts children's attention from their studies. The manual is designed not only for learning letters, but also for quickly teaching preschool children to read. At the bottom of the pages for parents and teachers are given guidelines, allowing you to make the lesson more effective.

    Good afternoon, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents. How to teach a child to read at 3 years old and why is it necessary? Is not it too early? Parents and specialists in the field of child psychology and development have been divided into 2 camps for several decades.

    The first argue that early childhood development and learning to read before the age of 5 is good and beneficial for little boys and girls. The latter say that childhood is created for unbridled fun and there is no place for heavy workloads. Both are right, but let's look at the situation from both sides.

    Is it bad that a toddler will be able to read, count and perform some other completely natural actions before he goes to preparatory class or school? Of course not! And second, is it really necessary to “deprive a child of childhood” in order to teach a child to read at 3 years old? After all, you can organize everything in a playful, accessible and fun way!

    We have already written about, we have experience, there are such kids!

    So let's look at why teach small child reading and how to do it so that everyone has fun and easy. Read this, which will make your task much easier.

    Everyone knows that from an early age, children’s brains develop very actively. A particularly important period is the age of up to three years. This does not mean that after three years old The baby learns less well, but this means that you can use the most favorable period when the baby grasps everything literally on the fly.

    Let's look at a number of benefits that early reading gives a child.

    1. Learning to read in early age– a good basis for all subsequent development. This is an investment in intellectual potential that will serve little man throughout his subsequent life. Children who actively strained their brains during the period of its growth and development are distinguished by flexible and lively minds in mature age and no one can take that away from them.
    2. Early learning to read is an opportunity to spend quality time with parents in a fun and rewarding way.
    3. For a child, learning the alphabet and reading at an early age is a real discovery. Children are very curious and enjoy discovering new facets of this world. Therefore, the learning process itself will bring the baby many interesting moments and satisfy the need for knowledge.
    4. Children who learn to read and count early grow more independent and self-confident, as they can keep themselves busy. Confidence is achieved due to the fact that the toddler realizes his potential and is successful in the learning process, without putting much effort into it.
    5. At an early age, kids remember better - as mentioned above, they grasp all the information on the fly, so learning to read is faster and easier.
    6. In addition, early reading develops imagination, forming the right basis for creative potential, which will continue to develop at an active pace.

    How to teach a child to read at 3 years old?

    There are many methods for teaching early reading, but not all of them are universal, because an individual approach must be found for each little one. We will not consider any step by step instructions, but we’ll just give universal tips, isolated from the recommendations of psychologists and teachers who know the features child development under the age of three.

    So, let's look at 10 tips that will help you teach your child to read at 3 years old easily and without tears.

    1. Use the first half of the day - scientists have proven that during this period of time the child's mind is more open to receiving new information. Plan a few simple activities in the morning, prepare everything for this in advance and select the right materials.
    2. You should not force your daughter or son to do anything - if the baby is not interested in the activity, there is no point in doing it. The child simply will not concentrate on what is not interesting to him. Fortunately, today parents have everything to interest their child - a huge range of attractive educational materials are on sale. There are a great many master classes on the Internet on how to make with your own hands what you need to learn to read. Use everything that is available to you, and you can interest your baby.
    3. Since children under three years of age receive most of the information through their hands, it is necessary to prepare appropriate materials. There are many options - these can be hand-sewn soft felt letters, purchased alphabet on magnets, a fan alphabet, cubes with pictures. You can read a detailed article about this.
    4. Unleash creativity in your learning process. Let your child not only learn letters, but also create them with his own hands. For example, draws with pencils and felt-tip pens, or using finger paints. You can take plasticine or prepare soft, colored play dough and create learned numbers from these materials.
    5. Do not overload your child - if you see that he is tired, distracted or capricious, stop the lesson and reschedule the training for the next day. Everything that is done should be done with pleasure - this is the only way success will be guaranteed.
    6. Warm up your child's interest in knowledge. The easiest way to do this is to keep educational materials, books and everything that is used for classes in a place inaccessible to the dumb and only taken out during classes. This will activate curiosity and interest. If the child always has the materials at hand, it will be difficult to interest him during class.
    7. How to teach a child to read at 3 years old? It is not at all necessary to learn the letters in the order in which they are presented in the alphabet. Instead, learn those letters from which you can make simple and understandable words for your baby, which he uses in his Everyday life. For example, having learned the letters “M” and “A”, you will be able to compose and write the word “mother”, and then consolidate this knowledge in everyday life. Leave for later those letters that the baby is not yet able to pronounce - “r”, “l”, or others.
    8. Encourage your daughter or son for every smallest success - this will be additional motivation for your daughter or son and can fuel his interest and thirst for knowledge. Praise for a child is a driving force and a charge of energy. But, praise for real achievements, and not just for the sake of it. A foolish person must understand in which situations he is successful, and in which he still needs to make an effort. Unreasonable praise creates unhealthy self-esteem and dependence in children.
    9. Learn short songs and rhymes about each letter to reinforce what you have learned. Children love to memorize and repeat rhyming works, and this further develops their memory.
    10. Use available video materials so that in your free time from studying, your child can consolidate their knowledge without particularly straining their brain. Despite the fact that many conservative experts are against the use of video in the learning process, its effectiveness cannot be denied. Considering the fact that The current generation of child prodigies lives in a completely different era, even in schools early development Today this method of presenting information is used.

    Let's conclude

    As you can see, early education does not always “deprive a child of childhood.” Learning to read while studying with your parents is much more fun than it might seem at first glance. In addition, early learning is a good investment in the future and will help him realize his mental and creative potential to the fullest!

    Happiness to everyone and good luck!

    As the baby grows and matures, he develops new skills and abilities; he is already free to form sentences in speech, distinguishes and names colors, and understands a little about letters and numbers. But how to teach a child to read at home? What is the best approach to this issue?

    If you start learning at age 3, then by age 4 your child will be able to read fluently.

    The right age to learn to read

    Now parents have access to numerous teaching methods: Doman’s unique method, Maria Montessori’s velvet letters, Zaitsev’s original cubes. The list of such methods could be quite long. The entire methodology is designed for teaching a child at home; there are also special clubs where a child can be taught to read with a group of children.

    But how can you determine if your child is fully ready to learn?

    Previously, parents were not bothered by this point; children learned to read at the age of 6-7. Now the situation is completely different, many parents teach their children to read at 3 years old.

    By the beginning of training, the child should be able to speak freely

    To accurately determine a child’s readiness for learning, you need to pay attention to the following important factors:

    • good command of speech, the child’s ability to compose whole sentences, his understanding of the meaning of individual simple words;
    • the child should not have any deviations in hearing and pronunciation, otherwise an experienced speech therapist may be required, and you can forget about reading;
    • the baby must know the basic directions: left/right, up/down.

    Many children begin to show interest in the book world as early as 3 years old; it is important to instruct them correctly at this age, to explain how it should be done.

    Doman card method

    First stage: learning individual words

    To conduct the first developmental lesson using the Doman method, you need to make several cardboard cards. It is necessary to teach a child to read from simple, familiar words and expressions.

    For successful learning to read, a calm environment is important; no foreign objects should distract the child’s attention. The baby must be healthy, in a good mood, and be ready to accept new things.

    The Doman technique is suitable for children from 3 years of age

    The first word you need to teach a baby to read at the age of 3 is “MOM”. You need to show him the card and say: “This means mom.” We stop on this card for 1 second; there is no need to say anything additional to the child. After that, we immediately proceed to the next card. When all 5 cards are shown, you can hug and kiss your child, what a great guy he is for studying everything carefully with his mother.

    On the first day, you need to demonstrate the cards to the baby 3 more times, taking a break between training for 30 minutes.

    On the second day, reading training continues. On this day, the mother also shows the child 5 cards from yesterday 3 consecutive times, after which 5 new bright cards are added to the old ones, they will also need to be shown 3 times, resulting in 6 short lessons to teach the baby to read at 3 years old.

    Cards with letters and pictures

    On the third day, 5 more new cards are added to the 10 cards, resulting in 15 pieces and 9 small lessons.

    Day four: 20 cards and 12 short lessons.

    Day five: 25 homemade cards and 15 activities.

    First words on cards

    Starting from the 6th day, you need to act a little differently, removing one word from each small set of cards, adding a new one in its place. You need to do this every day; to avoid confusion, you need to record the date the word was first shown on back side cards. The main thing in Doman’s method is to act according to the system; this is the only way they can bring tangible results.

    According to Doman's method, all sets of cards are subordinated to certain topics: basic household items, personal belongings, important parts of the body, pets, necessary food products.

    At first, work is done only with nouns, and when the number of subjects studied reaches 50, the most important verbs are added to them.

    The second stage - we study phrases

    The child has already developed a specific vocabulary, at this moment he is ready to connect words. The second step of the Doman technique involves the introduction of new cards with the names of colors. After the baby has learned the names of colors, you can teach him to read phrases. To do this, you need to prepare cards yourself using colors.

    Doman's cards with names of groups of objects

    After systematic exercises, it will be clear when the baby is ready for the next stage.

    The use of this technique is suitable for teaching reading at 3 years old. Next you need to make small cards with antonyms, for example, “BIG TABLE”, “SMALL TABLE”.

    Third step - make small sentences

    After mastering phrases, you can move on to simple sentences. For this stage, you need to independently make cards with simple sentences, for example, “THE ELEPHANT EATS.”

    The size of the letters should be reduced at this stage to 5 centimeters. This stage is important because here parents need to make a special book. This book should contain 5 small sentences and a small illustration for each. Standard size homemade manual – 20*45 cm, it is advisable to use red font color.

    Homemade book using the Doman method

    If you have a digital camera at home, you can illustrate this book with your own photographs. Many children are simply delighted with such diaries.

    Stage four – common suggestions

    At this stage, the baby is shown cards with complicated sentences consisting of 3 or more words. IN in this case the height of the letters will be 4 cm. Gradually, the number of words in the sentence should be increased, and the font size should be reduced to 2.5 cm, and then to 1 cm. The font color should be gradually replaced with black.

    Stage five – exciting book reading

    Now we can say with confidence that the child is ripe for reading real books. You can achieve this level at 3 years old if you teach him to read a little earlier. You can get the book you need for your first reading in a store or make it yourself. Kinga must meet the following parameters:

    • She should have a general vocabulary - from 50 to 100 words that are completely familiar to the baby;
    • no more than 1 sentence should be printed on a brightly designed page;
    • the permissible height of letters should not be less than 1 cm;
    • interesting text should be printed in front of the pictures or placed separately from them.

    The first books for independent reading

    The baby should read the book slowly, 2-3 times daily for several days. After finishing classes, the book should be placed on the shelf, and the child should be allowed to read it on demand. One illustrated book will not be enough for a 3-year-old child, because this is such an inquisitive age. There is a good way out of the situation - you can independently rewrite famous books in large font, inventing your own illustrations. Little by little, the baby will accumulate a whole personal library.

    Advantages of this technique

    The following are worth highlighting as positive points:

    • It is advisable to use the technique directly from the birth of the baby;
    • Parents are able to organize all classes without the involvement of additional specialists;
    • all didactic material you can easily do it yourself;
    • The child receives the necessary comprehensive development, because the cards are subject to various topics.

    Teachers highlight the following disadvantages of this modern methodology:

    • the child is in a passive position during the learning process;
    • the child does not learn to read independently, but simply analyzes and remembers the given material;
    • Children older than 3 years old do not perceive this technique well.

    Golden Rules for Learning to Read

    We offer parents the following simple rules that will help teach a child to read at 3 years old:

    • no coercion. You should not force your child to read, so as not to develop a negative attitude towards books. It is advisable to interest him by laying out various bright books around the house, reading to the baby interesting stories. All kids strive to be like their parents in everything; they will be interested in how their mother reads;
    • study syllables and words, not letters. At 3 years old, the baby learns syllables more easily and simple words than just letters;
    • don't forget about repetition. Always reinforce the material you have covered so that the information is better cemented in your little one’s memory. Remember that there is no need to check and test his knowledge at 3 years old, children do not like this. Any repetition should take place in a playful way;
    • We proceed from simple to complex. It is advisable to teach your child the correct pronunciation of sounds at the age of 3, then teach him to read simple words consisting of 2 syllables;
    • teach on simple rules. Learn basic words with repeating letters, then learn simple phrases and sentences;
    • study everywhere. Even on a walk, you can invite your child to read large store signs;

    Reading signs while walking is a way to learn
    • always play. You can come up with games where you need to read words, for example, making words from cubes. In this way, children's memory and attentiveness develop;
    • keep everyone interested. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is impossible to live in society without reading, show personal notes, bright cards from relatives, etc.;
    • Reading aloud is a great way to teach your little one to read. You can do a short timed reading aloud activity. We calculate how many words the baby read in a minute. You can make a reader's home diary, where parents will record all the successes of their child, and for each achievement you can reward him with a small present;
    • A fun read with a bookmark. Develop a child's skill quick reading You can use a simple exercise - reading with a colorful bookmark. Only you need to cover not the bottom line with it, but the read word, so the child will definitely not get confused and will concentrate on the new word;
    • systematic training. Remember that any result is a daily painstaking work. Spend 5 minutes of precious time teaching your child, even if he has learned everything, because a poorly practiced skill is easily forgotten.

    Teaching a child to read at an early age is, of course, wonderful, but what is it for? Don't they teach this at school? Such questions concern many parents today.

    Young children are very receptive to learning

    Goals of early reading instruction

    Many experts advise starting reading learning early for the following reasons:

    • intensive development of the child’s memory, logic and thinking;
    • a significant expansion of the baby’s horizons;
    • no problems with enrollment in school.

    Parents need to understand that in the first grade he will read not only the simplest words, but also the terms of a math problem; it will not be easy for an unprepared child to read and understand its terms. Therefore, preparation is half the battle in this case. Make your child's life easier by teaching him how to form syllables well. preschool age without shifting these responsibilities to the school and teachers. Don't turn reading into a routine process, make it an enjoyable, exciting game.

    Toy letters make learning fun

    Average, maximum terms It takes 6 months for a baby to learn to read. During this time, it is possible to learn to read syllables well; at an early age this is absolutely possible.

    Zaitsev's method - correct reading at an early age

    In addition to the method described above, you can use Zaitsev’s technique, which has been successfully functioning for 20 years. Static cubes are used here. This didactic set contains 20 groups. Cubes can be made of wood, iron, or painted gold. In a light playful way, children learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants. The early learning set contains not only Zaitsev’s static cubes, but also special bright tables that need to be placed slightly higher than the baby’s height.

    In this technique, “singing” is widely used, that is, parents do not pronounce words, but sing.

    Zaitsev's cubes - effective method teaching kids

    Special tables contribute to more active memorization. The speed of learning the material depends on the child’s current age, abilities and motivation. It is necessary to conduct classes using this method systematically, twice a week. The duration of one lesson is 15-30 minutes.

    Teachers understand that this technique is far from perfect. Like any innovation, Zaitsev’s technique has its own advantageous advantages and disadvantages. As positive aspects They highlight the following qualities of such training:

    • the child masters common letter combinations in a playful way, he does not need to think about how to read this or that letter;
    • Zaitsev's cubes contain the correct letter combinations, which allows the child to master correct spelling in the future;
    • there are no age limits in Zaitsev’s education system;
    • bright cubes have an impact on the development of sensory organs and necessary fine motor skills child.

    Zaitsev's technique is suitable for children from 2 years old

    The following qualities should be highlighted as negative points:

    • a child who has learned to read using this method may often swallow endings; it is very difficult for him to understand the composition of a word, since he has only studied words all the time;
    • in the first grade, such children may have difficulties with phonemic analysis of words, because in Zaitsev’s method sounds are marked in different colors;
    • inconsistency of the methodology;
    • expensive benefits and long preparation before starting classes.

    The classic way to teach reading - everyone's favorite primer

    This manual contains bright pictures and images of your favorite characters. The essence of this technique is that the child learns to combine individual sounds into whole syllables, and the resulting sounds into words. At the same time, the child’s attention is invited to master special sentences for combining vowels with consonants and vice versa. At the same time, it is very important that the purchased primer does not contain all the letters of the alphabet, but then provides detailed information about how they are connected to each other.

    Primer for the little ones

    It is worth noting that many young parents, having tried modern techniques that end in failure, return again to traditional teaching methods.

    This is how our grandparents taught their children. It must be admitted that this technique is not as simple as other proposed methods. Learning with a primer provides the child with the opportunity to independently analyze the information received, read the first words in his life, and then phrases and sentences.

    Whichever of the proposed methods you choose, the main thing is not to overload the baby with information. Explain the material clearly and concisely so that he can understand. When teaching, parents should pay attention to the individual qualities of their child, and under no circumstances rush to teach him to read if he is not yet ready for it. How parents correctly teach a child to read directly determines whether he or she will grow up to be a literate reader.

    The love of reading and books begins with parents, so they must lead by example.

    Read with children from the first year of life

    Under no circumstances should you compare your baby’s successes with the results of other children. Everything here is individual, depends on the personal qualities and systematic actions of the parents. There is no need to invent magical ways of teaching reading, to rush things, everything has its time, if the baby is not yet ready to learn, it is better to wait a while.

    It must be remembered that learning to read is a long-term process when the child develops his own pace of mastering the science of reading.

    The main thing you need here is to be patient and understand that your baby is an individual who cannot be compared with anyone. Teaching a child to read at an early age is possible; it all depends on the wishes of the parents and the child’s readiness to learn.

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