• Apartment design with decorative stone in the hallway. Stages of decorating a hallway with decorative stone. Artificial stone in the interior of the hallway


    Decorating the hallway with decorative stone very popular now . It is relatively easy to process , it looks modern, fits into almost any design, and, unlike natural stone, has less weight and lower prices. You can decorate the hallway with artificial stone yourself, using it as the main type of covering, or as an original small accent in a certain area.

    Types of finishing (decorative) stone

    For the production of artificial decorative stone Most often, concrete or gypsum is used. Externally, the finished surface made of gypsum or concrete differs little from each other, and both stones can have any texture and color, depending on the chosen style.

    1. Concrete based stone very durable, can have a wide variety of colors, since all kinds of dyes and other substances are added to concrete during production. Concrete stone is moisture resistant, fireproof, very durable and easy to clean.
    2. Plaster stone You can easily make it yourself, but it is less durable than concrete, and without special treatment it is not moisture resistant. But such a stone is easy to process.

    When choosing a decorative stone, first of all you need to take into account your capabilities, taking into account that you will do all the work yourself. To process gypsum stone, you don’t need a grinder and a diamond disc, and if you buy a concrete stone, you can’t do without them.

    WITH decorative stone finishing It will be much easier to work from gypsum: it is easy to file, sand, putty, paint, in a word, you can create a stone interior in any style. In addition, mechanical damage can be easily removed from the plaster if it occurs during the work process. Gypsum stones weigh approximately two times lighter than concrete ones. This point is important mainly if you decide to glue the material to drywall.

    If the repairs are being done for many years, then it is better to prefer concrete, since it is not afraid of moisture and is fireproof; sometimes it is even used to decorate fireplaces.

    1.Preparation for finishing

    First of all, you should calculate the total amount of materials. If the stones cover the entire walls in the hallway from floor to ceiling, then when calculating, you need to exclude the area of ​​​​all openings, and then add about ten percent. Before work, you need to have a complete understanding of exactly how the artificial stone will be installed, where the fitting of the joining parts will be made.

    When stone decor is located around doors, various niches, and fragmentarily on walls, then an exact sketch of the upcoming treatment is first drawn, and after that all zones are measured. After measurements, you should add up the area, not forgetting to add 10 or 15 percent for trimming. The more carefully the sketch is thought out, the more you can save in the process of cutting stones. When calculating the required material, you should also take into account that the total number of stones of angular shapes will be calculated in linear meters.

    You also need to prepare all the tools for work. First of all, these are grinders, especially if decorative concrete stone is used. If the material chosen is gypsum, you can prepare a regular hacksaw. In addition, you will need:

    • regular and wide spatula (notched);
    • a longer ruler and a simple pencil;
    • building level;
    • Rubber hammer for tapping already glued stones;
    • a file and several brushes of different sizes;
    • container for diluting glue;
    • stone glue, varnish and acrylic primer;
    • a construction gun or a thick bag for sealing joints;
    • a syringe for applying grout and a cloth to remove residual adhesive.

    In addition to the above, you need to take into account that the stone is laid both with jointing (for example, if a texture in the form of bricks is chosen) and without it. For example, a stone is laid “under slate” without jointing. If jointing is required, you need to select a dye in accordance with the tone of your decorative stone or prefer the “contrast” option. After purchasing materials, you can begin to prepare the surface.

    2. Dismantling the coating

    Preparing the walls for usually begins with complete removal from the surface of old coatings. Outdated wallpaper, peeling paint, and even more so, old tiles must be completely removed. The plaster can be left only if it adheres perfectly to the wall along the entire perimeter. If it crumbles, at least in several places, it is better to get rid of it by stripping the walls down to bare brickwork, wooden beams, or concrete surfaces.

    If the project involves only partial application of stones, then the previous coating can be removed only where decoration is provided for in the sketch, making an allowance of about two centimeters. When finishing is carried out in individual areas, the old coating should be removed with the utmost care. First, you need to mark the edges of the treatment on the wallpaper with a pencil. To avoid damaging the wallpaper, it is carefully cut out using a stationery knife. The edge of the plaster or other hard layer can be trimmed with a grinder. If there is any glue left from old wallpaper, it needs to be soaked with water and then removed with a spatula. At the end of the cleaning, the walls are thoroughly washed several times.

    3. Alignment of walls

    First of all, it should be noted that finishing with decorative stone can only be carried out if the wall is perfectly flat. IN otherwise the wall will be fragile, and it will be very difficult to work on a curved surface. If the difference is more than five millimeters, then using putty you need to correct all the errors that the builders left as a “legacy.” After this, small cracks and small depressions should be carefully rubbed. Close attention should be paid to arches and door openings; cement mortar can be used to seal cracks.

    In addition to the wet method of leveling walls (using plaster), there is also a less labor-intensive dry method using plasterboard panels. By the way, you can also hide various communications behind them, and if the corridor is cold, then lay some insulating materials. However, drywall is only compatible with decorative gypsum stone; concrete material requires leveling the wall with plaster, since the partitions will not be able to withstand significant weight.

    4.Primer of walls

    When the putty has dried completely and completely, you can prime the surface. Before this, minor roughness on the walls should be eliminated by treating the surface with fine sandpaper. After all the dust has been removed from the corridor, you can coat the walls with two layers of primer. It is better to purchase an acrylic primer.

    In the event that only fragmentary cladding is being done, then the allowance left on the wallpaper should also be primed. This work must be done properly; if the wall is poorly primed, the stones may subsequently fall off.

    At this point, the pre-preparation process ends, and you can begin laying the facing material directly.

    5.Stone laying

    Remember that laying stone does not like fuss and haste, it is a creative process. Before starting work, you need to consider the following:

    • Decorative stone is usually sold in the form of tiles of various sizes, all of which have uneven edges. Experts giving advice how to decorate a wall with stone, It is strongly recommended to do the styling so that more or less identical fragments necessarily alternate with smaller or larger ones.
    • You should try to lay the stone so that the seams do not coincide both vertically and horizontally.

    Laying decorative stone is done in stages. First of all, you need to lay out the tiles on the floor, while forming a composition of stones of different sizes. In this case, your stone wall will look natural and organic. Professional craftsmen sometimes don’t do this; they “feel” the stone live, but beginners need to first visually see the intended composition as a whole.

    6.Glue preparation

    Pour clean water into a prepared container, gradually add dry powder, kneading thoroughly until smooth. The proportions of water and powder are usually indicated on the packaging. For a uniform consistency and to avoid the formation of lumps, it is better to use a special construction mixer.

    When diluting glue, you should not rely on “maybe”; you need to follow the correct ratio of powder and water, which is offered by manufacturers. As a rule, violation of these proportions affects the quality of the entire installation. If the mixture is too liquid, this will reduce the strength of the entire joint; it is difficult to work with a thick composition, and there may simply not be enough glue.

    7.Laying the first row

    You need to start laying the stone from the corner. You can choose any angle and move in any direction. In order for the masonry to have support, work is carried out from the bottom up. In the event that it is intended to cover only part of the wall, the area around the arch or door, and not its entire surface, work must begin from any corner of the arch or door. If, based on the sketch, markings are first made on the wall surface, then the work will be much easier. So, installation should begin in the following sequence:

    • take a notched trowel and apply a 5 mm layer of adhesive to the first tile;
    • place the stone on the wall according to preliminary markings;
    • press very tightly and carefully remove excess glue (later it will be extremely difficult to do this);
    • fix the second tile nearby;
    • If the stone is not laid tightly, but with joints, then you need to carefully observe the required distance.

    The entire above process should be repeated until the logical completion of the work. In the case when the entire cladding will consist of stones of different sizes, you need to monitor the sequence of alternation. But if you have previously laid out the rows on the floor, as recommended earlier, then there should be no problems.

    8. Laying out the remaining rows

    After the first layer has dried, you can begin laying the next row. It is worth noting that some brands of glue dry very quickly, and sometimes work can be continued almost immediately. As you work, do not forget to carefully form all seams horizontally.

    Carefully ensure that the entire masonry does not fall to one side or is not in the form of waves. After the next row has been laid, you need to check the strict horizontality of your upper boundaries using a building level. Do not forget to properly remove excess glue, which will inevitably fall on the face of the masonry.

    When using a seamless installation method, you must also carefully ensure that the glue fills all the joints at the ends with a thin and even layer. If the stones are quite thick, over 10 millimeters, then there is no need to rush to finish the work quickly and lay out more than four rows of masonry at once. Otherwise, everything may slide due to significant weight. This rule especially applies to concrete stones. You should wait until all the glue has set properly, and only then begin laying the next four rows.

    9.Corner lining

    It must be said that corners, both external and internal, usually receive various mechanical damage the most. For this reason, very often in the hallway the corners are laid out in fragments with decorative stone. This will not only thoroughly protect your walls, but will also be an original decoration of the entire interior. Large details decorative finishing It is better to place it only to the middle of the wall, otherwise there will be a visual “pressing” effect.

    Before you start finishing with decorative stone, you need to purchase corner tiles, among other materials. Although they, as a rule, are somewhat more expensive, their presence will significantly simplify the entire process of further cladding. If for one reason or another this is not possible, then the tiles can be given the required shape using a hacksaw if the stone is gypsum, or a grinder if the stone is concrete. There are two generally accepted methods for laying corners:

    1. The laying fragments are simply installed overlapping. To ensure that the ends are not noticeable at the outer corners, they can be slightly filed with a file and carefully tinted. For an internal corner, as a rule, such processing is not necessary.
    2. All edges of decorative stones are ground at an angle (45°). This option is typically used for gypsum products that are simply processed.

    It is necessary to closely monitor the normal alignment of all joints. Glue is applied to the previously prepared stones, then they are placed on both sides of the corner and pressed very tightly against the wall surface. After completing the formation of the corner, you can then continue laying the horizontal rows of the entire cladding according to plan.

    10.Design of masonry edges

    It must be said that the thoroughness of this work is very important, since the entire appearance finished masonry. Stones for the edges of masonry around arches and door openings must be selected more than carefully. The ideal option is to achieve the most minimal stone processing and trimming.

    All edges sawn off with a hacksaw or grinder should be sanded with sandpaper and, if necessary, tinted, they should look beautiful and natural. All seams and small chips that have formed on the stones must be carefully repaired and disguised.

    11.Sealing joints

    The joints that have formed between decorative stones are sealed either with putty or a special compound. To seal joints, it is best to use a construction gun, but, in extreme cases, a thick bag will do. It is necessary to fill with gypsum putty all the existing gaps that have formed between the fragments of the finished masonry. Excess should be removed quickly before this mixture dries.

    Since hardened putty usually has a different color from decorative stone, you need to finish sealing the joints by carefully painting them over with paint. The shades of pigments need to be selected as carefully as possible.


    The final touch in the work of covering the surface of the hallway walls with stone is the finishing of the stones with a special varnish. As a rule, high-quality acrylic-based varnishes look ideal. In those places where the coating is usually subject to constant contact, three layers of varnish must be applied. Walls that are varnished usually last much longer and look better. To apply varnish, you can take an airbrush or spray gun.

    In addition to the traditional steps listed above, you can also finishing the hallway with decorative stone use additional decoration of the masonry. Usually, it is not always possible to match the intended color scheme of different finishing materials used in the same room. To achieve harmony, the stone can be tinted on top, or the texture can be emphasized with gold or silver paint, if this suits the style. With the help of proper use of dyes, it is easy to achieve a very original three-dimensional effect.

    The finishing touch is also to process the masonry at an angle using an airbrush. This is done with a mixture of pigment, water and regular acrylic varnish. This way you can not only give the desired color scheme to the masonry, but also repair unsightly seams. For strong spraying, you should prefer a shade darker than the color of the stone.

    In order for your masonry to look beautiful and impressive, you need to correctly arrange local lighting sources. As a rule, decorative stone looks good in dim lighting. Several small sconces with yellow light will give the entire room warmth and comfort, cold white light will add fundamentality and rigor - in principle, it all depends on the chosen style.

    Decorating the hallway with decorative stone goes well with the most various materials: it can be not only wood, but also glass and even steel. That is why designers are increasingly using this material in high-tech, or in the style modern minimalism. It should be noted that if you decide to clad the walls with dark-colored stone, it is better to make the other finishing lighter, otherwise the corridor will seem gloomy.

    Decorative stone finishing- this is perhaps the best, most practical and effective option for renovation in any hallway. With the help of decorative stone you can give a certain mood to the room, make the entire interior not just cozy and representative, but also truly luxurious. Decorative stone can be combined with plaster and wallpaper, as well as with simply painted walls. Therefore, when starting work, do not forget the old and tired, but true truth: a house begins with a hallway, like a theater with a coat rack.

    Decorating the hallway with decorative stone - video

    The hallway is the first to greet guests and serves as the main and only characteristic of the house for “casual visitors”: only it is seen by the postman or the person checking the electricity meters; it is the hallway through the barely open door that the neighbor walking up the stairs notices... Let them too be confident in the impeccable taste of the owners!

    "Viewability" - not the only feature this room. We must not forget about its high cross-country ability and (most unpleasantly) the dirt brought in from the street. How to make this space beautiful, functional, “wear-resistant” and preserve the result for a long time? One way to solve this problem is to decorate the hallway with decorative stone.

    We are talking about material that will always be relevant! No one will doubt its strength, reliability and beauty. Another concern is: is finishing the hallway with stone of natural or non-natural origin preferable? Attention! No matter how tempting the word “natural” may sound, do not give in to emotions and stereotypes. Opt for artificial stone. IN in this case its advantages are obvious:

    - lightweight and not as fragile as natural (attaches to any base, does not crumble during processing);
    - resistant to temperature changes (can cover a fireplace wall without the risk of cracks);
    - has a specially processed back surface, facilitating the installation process;
    - does not fade in direct sunlight;

    - warm to the touch;
    — has high thermal insulation properties;
    - easy to clean;
    — available in almost any colors, shapes and textures;
    - thanks to strict dimensions and a wide range of parts, it is easy to install and ideal for cladding curved surfaces;

    - possessing high strength, it protects the planes from damage for a long time, and you from further repairs;
    — environmentally friendly and durable (prevents the formation of mold and fungi);
    - much cheaper than natural.
    So, one issue can be considered resolved: from now on, decorating the hallway with artificial stone is being discussed. What's next?

    Where and how to apply?

    The stone creates an atmosphere of security, reliability and tranquility. If we are talking about the floor surface, the conclusion is obvious: we decorate the entire area or areas that need a durable coating. But finishing the walls with stone in the hallway requires a delicate approach. When there are not so many square meters, the main thing is not to overdo it with monumentality!

    Massive stone walls are good for a cellar, fortress or dungeon. In our case, it is more logical to use fragmentary cladding motifs. With their help you can highlight:

    - door or window openings (arched or rectangular);
    — one or more viewing angles;
    - a small wall or part of it;

    — a place for a certain piece of furniture or decor (cabinet, mirror, picture, lamp...);
    - areas above the baseboard;
    - protruding wall elements (pilasters, pillars) and free-standing columns;
    - niches and depressions;
    — “contact areas” (hanger, rack, place for shoes, shelf for bags, etc.)

    Partially finishing the walls with stone in a small hallway is a win-win option. There are practically no restrictions when choosing materials to combine. The stone harmonizes perfectly with wood, bamboo, plaster, wallpaper (photo wallpaper), ceramic tiles, plaster stucco and even glass. It will serve as a wonderful backdrop for living green plants and metal products. The main thing is not to make a mistake in the color and structure of the surface.

    What and how to choose from?

    Decorating a hallway with decorative stone involves a huge number of design techniques. It can easily “age” a room or, conversely, make it ultra-modern. Will support design in the style of Country, Provence, Chalet, Minimalism, Modern, complement Classic and Ethnic styles. Don't forget about the role of lighting. A well-directed light flux onto a varnished stone surface will give the interior an atmosphere of fabulousness and mystery. Decorating the hallway with light-colored stone will visually expand the space, while contrasting color changes and a combination of different reliefs will draw attention to individual elements. The range of choice is huge.

    According to the design of the front side, it is customary to distinguish:

    — crushed stone (imitation of “knocked down”, unprocessed rock: limestone, marble, quartz, granite);
    — sawn (analogous to parts of a sawn block with clear geometric edges and an unpolished surface: sandstone, limestone);
    — rubble (decorative boulders and pebbles);

    — brick (brickwork options);
    - fantasy (complex composite versions of stones that do not exist in nature);
    - natural finishing (tiles imitating polished natural material: marble, granite);
    - mosaic decor.
    Don’t get carried away by the variety of “breeds” within one interior. Of course, when it comes to decorating both walls and floors, the presence of diverse options for stone cladding is quite acceptable. If you are considering exclusively finishing the walls with stone in the hallway, let there be one material (if desired, use samples of similar or harmoniously combined shades). Stone is like fur: in one product - no more than two types and always with great care!

    What to consider when purchasing?

    Take your time going to the store. Postpone it until the moment when finishing the hallway with decorative stone in the sketch version has been decided and finally approved. In other words, you should definitely know:

    total finishing area;
    the nature and shape of the surface to be decorated (plane, corner, arch, vault...);
    base material for cladding (wood, brick, concrete, plasterboard...);
    laying options (with jointing or solid solid).

    This will help with the choice of the material itself, methods of fastening (mixtures, compositions, devices, tools), and will make it easier to count the number of decorative parts for the design of roundness and corners.

    Don't forget to purchase a small supply (approximately 10% of the total quantity). Decorating a hallway with artificial stone is impossible without correcting the shapes and sizes of individual slabs. Despite the fact that artificial stone is more manageable in processing than natural stone, loss and damage, alas, are inevitable. Of course, you can buy what’s missing later, but keep in mind: samples with the same markings from different batches tend to be very different from each other. It is better to anticipate possible troubles in advance.

    It's not the gods who burn the pots!

    Decorating the hallway with decorative stone is also quite possible for mere mortals, because... The technology is not much different from laying tiles. The facing elements are attached to a cement mortar or adhesive composition either seamlessly (creating an imitation of a solid surface) or with jointing (at a distance of about 1.5-2 cm from each other).

    The second option will save time and material, but is not suitable for all design solutions. At the same time, regardless of the chosen method, if desired and following the necessary recommendations, everything can be done with your own hands. Let's look at the whole process step by step. Finishing a hallway with stone of any configuration and relief consists of the following steps:

    -Preparing the surface

    The scheme is familiar: carefully remove the previous coating (if any), thoroughly seal the cracks and cracks, level and prime the surfaces with water-based acrylic impregnation.

    Surface preparation depends on the material:

    a concrete wall needs nothing but cleaning;
    brick - requires alignment of protruding parts, installation of metal mesh and plastering;
    plasterboard - must be well fixed and primed.

    -Create a layout

    We lay out the elements on the floor as they will be located on the wall. Try to make the texture and color of the stone look most advantageous. Avoid color spots, distribute the relief evenly and alternate long, short, small and large parts.

    Make sure that the decoration of the hallway with decorative stone looks as natural as possible.

    -Customize the shape and size

    Some fragments will definitely need to be corrected. Carry out decorative chips, the necessary contour or reduction in size using simple available tools.

    Outline the main outlines with a knife, break off the excess with pliers. Grind the sharp edges with a file or emery, and the part is ready for use.

    -Wall marking

    The floor and ceiling in our houses, alas, are not always horizontal. If finishing the hallway with stone will be carried out with gaps, a fixed thickness of all seams and precise laying of the slabs along the horizon line is necessary. It is important to strictly observe the right angle when crossing seams. To do this, use a regular building level to create reference marks. Lay out the first row of cladding along them, which will serve as a guide for further work.

    - Installation

    For fastening we use liquid nails, adhesive-sealant or cement mortar. Starting work from below or from above is not a matter of principle. The main thing is from the corner.

    Finishing a hallway with stone is a process that requires care and patience (especially when making corner joints). With the right amount of diligence, you can lay out the outer corners without using decorative elements, working “overlapping” or hemming the edge at 45°.

    - The final stage

    For seamless installation, this is the elimination of minor defects (scuffs, color inconsistencies or trims). Water, acrylic varnish, tint paste and an airbrush will solve all problems in seconds. It’s great if you have enough strength for finishing spraying. It may contain bronze or gold pigments, which give the stone (in direct light) a slight shine. This will revive the surface and bring it closer to natural.

    Be sure to take into account the “age” of the building. Remember, you cannot clad walls with stone if less than six months have passed since their construction.
    During the finishing process, moisten the material and base. This required condition with seamless installation.
    When choosing an adhesive composition, give preference to the one recommended by the manufacturer of the facing material.

    And as a final note: decorating the hallway with artificial stone does not at all imply that this material must necessarily dominate. Think of it as an expressive artistic medium.

    We bring to your attention a step-by-step training video on how to lay decorative stone in the hallway.

    Comfort to your home!

    The place in the house, looking at which guests draw conclusions about its owner, is the hallway. It is not only clearly visible, but is also the room into which street dirt is primarily carried. Therefore, when arranging it, the smallest details are taken into account, including interior decoration.

    Hallway interior with stone
    Stone in the hallway
    Hallway interior with stone

    One of the oldest finishing materials is stone. Its elements can create an atmosphere of comfort and security, and designers, in turn, offer many options on this topic. Having decided to use this material in the interior of the hallway, the question becomes reasonable: which stone to choose, natural or artificial?

    By caring for his loved ones, a person pays tribute to nature. However, this approach has its drawbacks.

    1. Price. Like everything organic, natural finishing material is relevant only for people with high incomes.
    2. Natural stone is susceptible to external influences.
    3. This is an excellent option for flooring.

    Hallway decor with stone
    Stone in the hallway

    Advantages of decorative stone

    In the era of the development of high-precision technologies, people have learned to create stunning imitations of natural materials. Decorative stone is an excellent alternative to natural stone. Manufacturing technology gives it a variety of textures, shapes and even colors. Such a stone will help create a retro style in the interior or, conversely, make it trendy, for example, in a loft style.

    Artificial analogs have a number of advantages.

    Different stone in the hallway
    White stone in the hallway room

    Types of decorative stone

    Manufacturers of such decor offer a wide range of products. Therefore, before you go to the store to buy something, you need to at least understand its varieties.

    Decorative stone is distinguished by its base:

    • cement base;
    • gypsum base;
    • agglomerate;

    Decorative stone on gypsum has the lowest cost. Due to its low weight, it is ideal for installation on drywall. However, this material is also the most fragile, and also has increased hygroscopicity, which leads to deformation when exposed to moisture. And this, although insignificant, is a drawback, since the hallway needs constant wet cleaning. This nuance can be corrected by additionally treating its surface with special protective impregnations or acrylic varnish.

    White stone in the hallway decor
    Hallway design with stone

    Cement-based decorative stone is the most durable material with a long service life. It is not afraid of the most aggressive cleaning agents, and even metal brushes. Therefore, it is used for finishing not only the interior, but also the exterior. Such a surface can be easily restored with regular painting.

    Cement-based material also has a number of disadvantages. Compared to a gypsum specimen, it is heavy and difficult to process. To cut it, you need a grinder with a diamond blade.

    To produce high-quality material, high-grade cement is used. And to obtain durable material, you need to keep the product for at least a month. Cement brand, plus conditions and shelf life finished products affect its final cost.

    Hallway design with stone
    Beautiful stone addition to hallway decor

    Natural rocks are used for the agglomerate base. Quartz, marble, granite, and other similar rocks are crushed into fine chips, after which polymer resins and cement are added to them. To achieve a particular shade, coloring pigments are added to the resulting composition.

    In addition, there are four additional subspecies, differing in their basis. Ceramics have a clay base that is fired in kilns. Stone made of sandstone is elastic. Composite tiles are a product consisting of thin layers of marble, granite or onyx.

    Decorating a hallway with stone
    Stone decoration

    Decorative stone is divided into varieties according to the method of its production:

    • brick tiles give the appearance of similar masonry;
    • to create a specific composition, mosaic elements are used, which are selected by size and color;
    • sawn samples differ in their geometric shapes and untreated front surface;
    • the tiles replicate polished stonework;
    • rubble stones look like pebbles, and even whole boulders;
    • chipped products will help give the walls the structure of untreated rocks;
    • The most popular are fantasy specimens that only superficially resemble stones, but are impossible to find in nature.

    Within a small hallway, designers do not recommend using several types of stones at once. It is not for nothing that this material is compared with natural fur, which in one finished product there should be no more than two types.

    Stone decoration in the hallway

    What are they decorating?

    Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway looks advantageous and respectable. However, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed to avoid an overabundance of decorative elements.

    In the interior of a small hallway, only its individual parts are distinguished. Decorating the walls entirely is advisable if the front door has expanded dimensions. Otherwise, decorative stone should not be used as a dominant element. They decorate only part of one wall.

    Highlighted corners, window openings, and the door itself look ideal. The material can be used if there are niches and depressions in the room. In terms of design and practicality, it is recommended to use stone trim around the baseboards.

    Beautiful stone in the hallway

    If there is a mirror in the front door, it must be highlighted. This will help visually increase the parameters of the room. Furniture items are also emphasized.

    To make the cladding look natural and relaxed, the stone is laid out in a random direction. An important aspect is the choice of colors. For a small hallway, preference is given to light colors. A difference of 1-2 tones with the main color of the walls is acceptable.

    Decorative stone and central lighting in the hallway are practically incompatible. The finish looks great under focused, directional light. Additionally, original sconces, floor lamps, elements of scattering light, everything that gives a play of shadows are used. The light is directly directed onto the stone surface.

    Decorative stone can be combined with any material, be it wood, metal, glass or paper, and the resulting design will be enhanced by greenery. Properly selected and arranged plants look especially good. If you have artistic inclinations, then the stonework can be framed with drawings. In the absence of imagination and experience in decorative arts, you can always use the services of a designer.

    Beautiful design stone in the hallway
    Stone in the hallway

    What to consider when purchasing and installation rules

    Before you go to the store, you need to have a general idea of ​​the final appearance of the hallway - a sketch of the project. Take accurate measurements and determine the total area of ​​the surface to be covered. Its shape is taken into account, as well as certain characteristics, be it a corner, a flat wall or a niche. The surface structure can be plasterboard, concrete, brick, wood. The installation method is also taken into account. The material is taken based on how much is needed, plus 10 percent of the total amount, since damage to elements is inevitable during operation. You need to purchase decorative stone immediately. If you have to buy more, there is a chance that you will come across products in other shades.

    The installation process itself is identical to tiling. The stone is attached to the surface using glue or cement. To create a seamless coating, a seamless method is used, but laying with a seam is not suitable for all rooms, but it has the advantage of saving material.

    Gray stone in the hallway
    Black stone in the hallway

    Advice. Slate or sandstone elements are ideal for seamless masonry. For finishing with a seam, rubble stone or fragments of brickwork are suitable.

    Leveling the surface is the first stage of the process. It needs to be prepared for better bonding with the decorative material. For a concrete wall, only grout is necessary, and in brickwork You will have to remove the unevenness using plaster. For gypsum surfaces, the main condition is their fixation and priming. If the walls are covered with wallpaper, the finishing areas are carefully cut out using a stencil with a small margin. For maximum naturalness, decorative fragments should be laid in a chaotic manner.

    To adjust individual elements to fit them required sizes and forms, use tools:

    • emery;
    • pliers;
    • file.

    Marks are made with a pencil on the surface to be finished. The outer corners are decorated with an overlap, the edge angle is approximately 45 degrees.

    Stone decoration in the hallway
    Stone in the hallway

    For seamless masonry at the end of the work, it will be enough to correct minor defects using a solution consisting of water, acrylic-based varnish and color. In order for the masonry to “sparkle” with reflections when illuminated, you can apply a glitter coating.

    The final stage of finishing with a seam is grouting, which is done no earlier than 24 hours. During this time, the adhesive or cement base will dry completely.

    Small tricks

    When deciding to use decorative stone for decoration, you need to take into account the age of the room. The older, the better. After construction, such finishing work is carried out no earlier than 6 months later.

    Photos of stone in the interior in the hallway will help you choose ideas for decor.

    During the work process, the surface and decorative fragments are periodically moistened. This fact is especially important for the seamless method.

    Video: Decorating the hallway with stones from egg trays

    50 photos of hallway design ideas with stones:

    Stone decoration of the hallway sets accents in any interior, becomes the highlight of the design and highlights the details. The size, color and texture of the stonework are selected based on the dimensions of the hallway and the stylistic direction.

    Hallway design with decorative stone

    Natural materials are successfully used to create design in all directions. Constant improvement of building materials and the emergence of new products simplifies work, helps save money and create interesting projects. Decorating the hallway with stone practical solution, because this finish is durable, it can easily withstand mechanical damage and is easy to care for.

    Torn stone in the hallway

    For partial finishing of corners, doorways or small sections of the wall, fragments of masonry with uneven, chaotic edges will be a good solution. They look elegant and go well with any type of finish from plaster to wallpaper.

    Wild stone in the interior of the hallway

    The highlight of the masonry wild stone is that you can work with shades and different breeds, create spectacular transitions and highlight pieces of furniture. The finish has its own character, it looks old and reliable.

    Flexible stone in the interior of the hallway

    If the angularity and roughness of natural wild stone would be appropriate in rustic, classic or eco styles, then elegant modern classic or minimalism will require fine lines and regular shapes.

    Imitation of stone in the interior of the hallway

    The high cost of natural stone often becomes the starting point in the search for an alternative that could combine the advantages of decorating a hallway with stone and an affordable price.

    Stone in hallway interior design

    The size of the finishing elements, their color and texture dictate the way of decorating the hallway. The chosen design style of the apartment, the degree of natural light and the size of the corridor are also taken into account. Sometimes just a few areas are enough to complement the design, and sometimes finishing the hallway with stone becomes the central element in the interior. When deciding how to lay decorative stone in the hallway, it is difficult to resist the temptation to recreate the stone corridor in the castle.

    Stone in the hallway on the walls

    Decorating a wall with stone entirely is rare in small, dark hallways, but in the bright hallway of a private house, stonework becomes an excellent backdrop for furniture and hanging decor.

    Corners in the hallway in decorative stone

    External and internal corners always receive more mechanical damage. Stone or its imitation will protect these parts of the wall and at the same time become an interior decoration.

    Arches in the hallway made of stone

    An impressively designed round vault becomes the highlight of the design, the room and becomes a smooth transition from the corridor to the living room.

    Mirror in stone in the hallway

    With wood, natural textiles and leather elements, a hallway with elements of stone looks expensive and warm; in a modern interior, against the background of plastic and glass, stylish original solutions are obtained.

    How to decorate a hallway with decorative stone?

    Decorating a corridor with your own hands is reminiscent of laying ordinary tiles. All work can be divided into several main stages.

    Decorative stone has a presentable appearance and fits perfectly into modern interior styles, which is why this finishing method has become very popular recently. Stone decoration can give any room a stylish and original look.


    It is very simple to name the reasons why decorating with stone in the hallway is becoming popular. Here are just a few of them:

    • Stone trim is a great addition to any modern entryway.
    • Goes well with other decorative elements.
    • To decorate, you do not need to level the surface of the wall.
    • It is not afraid of moisture, is resistant to wear, does not deform or crumble.
    • Has antibacterial and dirt-repellent properties.

    • Creates a feeling of calm and reliability.
    • Will not lose its relevance when decorating the interior.
    • Any detergent can be used as cleaning products.
    • Artificial decorative stone has light weight, so there is no need to further strengthen the walls during repairs. For natural stone, it is necessary to increase adhesion rates.

    • Durability - the surface is not deformed or damaged. Service life at proper care will be about 15 years. If desired, during this time you can change the color of the walls and stone several times.
    • Protects the surface of walls from the formation of mold and mildew.
    • It has fire-resistant properties, does not burn or melt.
    • Fast and not labor-intensive installation.

    The disadvantages of this type of decoration include the high price of materials, but still the total cost is affected by the type of stones and installation options.

    Types of stones

    When decorating an apartment or a house, you want to use natural materials, but this is not always justified, especially when it comes to decorative stone finishing. Of course, the words “natural” or “natural” sound more pleasant and tempting than “artificial”. However, you should not succumb to outdated stereotypes that are not relevant today. modern stage production development. Wild natural stone It is very expensive, and registration using it requires high qualifications and experience.

    During the production process, artificial stone can take on any shape, thickness, structure and color, but at first glance it is not so easy to distinguish natural stone from artificial stone. The main advantages of artificial stone are as follows:

    • Light weight;
    • A wide range of operating temperatures allows the use of artificial finishing material when decorating fireplaces;
    • Does not fade in the sun, which allows it to be used for exterior decoration of a building;
    • Unpretentious in care and cleaning;
    • Sturdy and durable when installed correctly and quality care will last about 15 years.


    No matter how strange it may sound, artificial decorative stone is produced on the basis natural ingredients. The main materials in production are the following:

    • cement;
    • gypsum;
    • granite, quartzite and marble;
    • sandstone;
    • clay.

    Cement stone has high strength and is not afraid of moisture. It can be washed with either a stiff brush or liquid means. Such tiles can be used not only in the hallway and other living spaces (living room, bathroom or kitchen), but also for exterior decoration of the house. Cement tiles are also heavy. Compared to other types, it is more than 2 times heavier, so to decorate a room with such stone it is necessary to additionally strengthen the walls.

    In addition, finishing materials made of cement are difficult to cut; for this you need to have a grinder and have some working skills. the high price of cement tiles is compensated by their long service life and reliability. With proper care, such stones will retain their original appearance for a long time.

    The agglomerate is based on natural crushed stones: granite, quartzite and marble. The rock, crushed to a state of fine crumbs, is combined with cement and polymer resins. Some types of decorative tiles are additionally painted using a coloring pigment. This tile has inclusions of natural fragments and a smooth glossy surface.

    Flexible decorative stone is produced from sandstone. The hard rock is cut as thin as possible and ground to a smooth surface. After this, the sandstone section is glued to the textile. Due to this production method, the natural pattern, texture and unique flexible design are preserved.

    Using clay, clinker tiles are obtained, which are very similar to bricks. It is produced using the same technology: the clay is fired in a kiln and glazed. The thickness of clinker tiles is no more than 3 cm. This material is often used to create interiors in the loft or high-tech style.

    Gypsum stone has similar characteristics: affordable price, light weight and the ability to be mounted on a plasterboard wall. But these types of decorative materials are afraid of moisture and can collapse when wet. Therefore, after installing gypsum or clinker tiles, it is necessary to cover the surface with acrylic varnish or protective impregnation.


    Decorative artificial stone can have different colors. During the production process, a coloring pigment is used, which is added to the solution, causing the tiles to have an even, uniform color over the entire surface. The next stage of production is painting the front surface in the same color range using tinting agents, thus achieving a stone color similar to the natural one. With this two-stage coloring method, even if the stone is damaged or chipped, the colors will not differ.

    In the second method of painting, paint is applied only to the outside of the stone. In this case, the inner and outer parts of the tile have different colors.

    • Decorative white The stone can be painted yourself during the renovation process. So, any tile can have a natural light shade or be treated with special construction paint. Also White color looks great in any room.
    • Black stone looks mysterious and attractive. It can be used with contrasting or solid dark colors.
    • Rich red The stone goes well with dark and bright elements in the corridor.
    • Beige and brown– shades similar to nature are suitable for almost any style.

    Mosaic stone is great for decorative decoration in the hallway. In this case, elements of different colors and shapes are used.


    Decorative stones are no different in shape from natural ones:

    • Brick. Most popular, imitate various ways laying ordinary bricks;
    • Rubble. Have natural color and are similar in shape to pebbles or boulders;
    • Tiled. They have a clear square or rectangular shape with chips and scratches on the outer polished surface, similar in appearance to natural marble or granite;
    • Stabbed. They have an even color and resemble untreated rock;

    • Mosaic. Such tiles are adjusted to a certain shade or shape; after completion of installation work with such material, the wall looks very unusual;
    • Sawn. It has a clear rectangular shape, the front part of the stone does not undergo additional processing and has a rough surface;
    • Fantasy. They have a complex shape and structure, the colors are not similar to natural shades, and are used for unusual wall decoration.

    Types of premises

    The designers say that the hallway plays a special role in the apartment, because it is the first room that seems to welcome guests. Due to its properties, stone is most suitable for finishing the corridor, because it is in the entrance part of the apartment that the most dirt and dust accumulates, and it is the hallway that requires careful and frequent cleaning. It can be given stylish look or create the effect of an aged room.

    Stone decoration can go well with decorative plaster, wood, regular wallpaper, tiles, stucco or glass. It is considered an excellent backdrop for living plants and metal products.

    When decorating a small hallway, it is important to know when to stop and not to overdo it with finishing materials. For decorating with stone, it is better to avoid the combination different types materials, but opt ​​for one option, otherwise you risk making the design too colorful and overloading the room. For one hallway, a combination of two types of decorative fragments is considered optimal. In this case, materials may have the same color, but differ in texture.

    Fake diamond has excellent thermal insulation properties and can be mounted on a “cold” wall. You can also make an unobtrusive transition from the hallway to the kitchen. The style combination will make the overall interior of the apartment softer and more holistic.

    Design options

    To decorate a hallway, it is not necessary to cover all the walls with stone. This type of finishing can be a waste of money. More rational decision there will be creation and placement of accents on individual sections of the corridor. Fragmentary wall decoration near a door, mirror or furniture looks very beautiful. Partial cladding has a stylish look; it can be used to decorate the following interior elements:

    • Openings near doors and windows. For this, it is better to use large-shaped stones;
    • Arched openings. In this case, a flexible stone is perfect;
    • Contact zones and areas that are used for storing upper clothing and shoes;
    • Depressions and niches;

    • Lots on corners. You can smooth out the sharpness of the corners using a flexible stone;
    • Mirrors;
    • Pieces of furniture or a fireplace decorated with stone look very appropriate and laconic in any interior. With all this, the frame can have clear lines and geometric figures With color transitions or give all your best randomly.

    The stone can be used to decorate many modern styles: loft, hi-tech, eco or minimalism. For a natural eco style, it is important to be able to combine natural elements with living plants. you can place pots with green plants on the floor along the stone wall; this will add lightness and airiness to the interior.

    It is worth noting that the stone can also be used in a classic style, and you will feel like you are in a castle. The main thing that is needed with this design is a large space. If your hallway is spacious enough, you can safely choose light brick tiles as decoration for an entire wall. In any case, a large mirror in a stone frame looks very aristocratic and stylish. In addition, decorating walls with decorative stone is possible not only inside the apartment, but also in the entrance near the front door.

    How to choose material?

    When choosing tiles for interior decoration, you must consider texture, color, size and shape. To repair a small corridor, it is better to choose artificial stone, which has a minimum thickness. This way you can lay the tiles in a thin layer, and there will be no need to carry out additional work to strengthen the wall. You can also use relief wall panels with a natural stone pattern as decoration. This finishing material is installed much faster and does not require a smooth, leveled wall.

    Typically used in the corridor artificial methods lighting - spotlights and light bulbs, so for a narrow dark hallway it is better to choose light stone which will visually expand the space. Calm shades of stone do not weigh down the space and do not “pressure”. At the same time, the color scheme of the tiles should be harmoniously combined with other decorative elements.

    Before purchasing a stone, decide on the design option and the amount of material. Estimate the approximate location of decorative elements on the wall and calculate how many “squares” of finishing material are needed. Add about 10-15% reserve for trimming and possible changes during installation. This way you can calculate required amount decorative stone for the hallway. As reviews show, decorating a hallway with stone is a very popular trend in modern design, but you must remember that working with artificial stone requires special care.

    How to install?

    Post decorative tiles You can do it yourself, but a lot depends on the material of the stone. For wall decoration artificial material You need to stock up on cement and glue, and to lay out the tiles perfectly evenly, you will also need a regular or laser level. For some materials, such as cement-based stone, you will need a grinder with a diamond blade. The front part of the stone is rough, similar to natural stone structure, and the second side is similar to ordinary tiles or bricks, so you can make repairs in the corridor quickly and without special skills.

    Having a plan drawn up in advance will make the installation process easier. To do this, you can use special design programs, but if you do not have work experience, then you can get by with a checkered sheet. Before starting work, you can place the stone on the floor to determine the fragments, proportions and their installation. As a rule, many people try to “improvise on the spot” and immediately begin installation work, skipping the planning stage, but it is important to remember that construction adhesive dries very quickly, and it can be quite difficult to change anything during the work.

    Before starting work, it is imperative to prepare the surface - this step cannot be skipped. Without preliminary preparation, the decorative stone will not stick to the wall. The surface is cleaned of old wallpaper and peeling plaster. After this, the priming process takes place, the type of material is selected based on the stone: cement, gypsum, agglomerate, sandstone or clay. If the walls are uneven, then they need to be leveled.

    The wooden wall is covered with waterproofing impregnation and then with a primer. After all preparatory work You can proceed to installation, the stone is attached to a bare wall with plaster, while there should be no dirt on the surface of the walls, this can reduce the quality of adhesion of the finishing material to the base. Decorative elements can only be glued to the wallpaper in fragments, but you cannot be sure that the paper wallpaper will withstand the stone and will not tear over time.

    The stone must be mounted strictly horizontally, so mark the wall with a pencil using a level. It is more convenient to start work from the bottom of the corner. When partially decorating the wall, the back part decorative element cleaned with a brush from dust and plaque, then moistened with water, and an even layer of special glue is applied with a spatula. The tiles are pressed tightly against the wall with mandatory level control. For better adhesion, you can tap the surface of the stone with a rubber hammer.

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