• Minerals: Marble. Properties and characteristics of natural marble in comparison with artificial





    Ease of production

    Environmental friendliness

    final grade

    Marble is a rock type of stone that has a crystalline structure. in developed quarries or in deep mines. Nowadays artificial marble has become popular, which looks like a natural stone, and in its characteristics even exceeds it.

    The marble contains carbonate conglomerates and breccias, and dolomites of high density. It also contains organic matter in its structure.

    Technical properties of natural marble:

    1. Density - 2600-2900 kg/m3
    2. Water absorption – 0.15 - 0.5%
    3. Compression resistance – 500-2500 kgf/cm2
    4. Porosity - 0.6-3.5%
    5. Abrasion – from 0.40 to 3.20 g/sq.cm

    The following indicators are typical for cast marble:

    1. Density is 18000-2200 kg/m3
    2. Water absorption – 0.15 - 0.7%
    3. Abrasion – 0.45

    Difference in colors

    The color depends on the impurities it contains. Most of the stones are variegated. Due to its high cost fake diamond gradually begins to displace natural marble. It is highly decorative and has a huge variety of appearance.



    There are several varieties of marble. Fine-grained marble, due to its fine-crystalline structure with toothed grain adhesion, has excellent polishing properties. There is coarse-grained marble, in which the cleavage of the grains is clearly visible.

    Artificial marble has a homogeneous composition, it is thinner, more durable, and easy to process.


    Marble is the only natural stone that has a huge variety of colors and subtle shades. Its texture is unique and often differs even within the same slab. It can be layered and massive. On polished sections of marble you can see a unique pattern with various combinations of colors. Its color depends on the admixture of metals present in the sedimentary rock.

    Conventionally, marble is divided into two groups:

    1. white;
    2. color.

    Colored marble has many veins.

    Artificial marble is similar in texture to natural marble.

    Photo of natural stone - red marble


    The density of marble depends on the color, since the impurities and organic compounds it contains change not only the color and decorative qualities, but also its density.

    Artificial marble always has a high density.

    Chemical formula

    Marble consists mainly of the minerals calcite - CaCO3 or dolomite - CaMg(CO3)2. This mineral does not have a special formula.

    Specific gravity

    The specific gravity of marble ranges from 2.6 to 2.8.

    The specific gravity of artificial marble is almost two times lower than the weight of natural marble. This is due to light fillers.

    Environmental friendliness

    Since it was created by nature itself, it is very environmentally friendly, and artificial stone is not inferior to it in terms of environmental friendliness, since it is made from materials of natural origin.

    This natural material has high porosity, it breathes. Therefore, rooms decorated with it always have a favorable microclimate. Due to its plasticity and viscosity, marble does not immediately crack upon impact, so various products can be carved from it.

    Unlike ordinary stone, artificial stone has no porosity at all.


    Marble is mainly composed of calcite, which has a category three on the hardness scale, so it can be easily scratched with a sharp knife. Fine-grained varieties of marble are the most durable, which is why they are assigned the second category on the strength scale.

    Artificial marble is easily restored in case of mechanical damage and is designed to withstand heavy loads.

    Comparison of impact resistance of natural and artificial marble

    Water absorption

    Marble is a type of limestone, so it can be soft, absorbing water, and sometimes hard, preventing water from passing through. Mold will never appear in houses with marble finishing.

    The water absorption of artificial stone is within the limits of natural stone. To reduce this indicator, lined surfaces can be coated with water repellents.

    Frost resistance and heat resistance

    This mineral is frost-resistant, it almost does not absorb moisture and can withstand almost thirty freeze-thaw cycles. At the same time, microcracks do not appear. Therefore, marble is ideal for cladding facades.
    Marble is also not afraid of impact high temperatures, so they often decorate fireplaces.

    Artificial stone is in no way inferior to, and sometimes even superior to, natural stone in these properties.

    Acid resistance

    Marble reacts negatively to acids and begins to deteriorate in an oxidizing environment. When exposed to just a few drops of hydrochloric acid, the marble reacts with it, hissing and releasing carbon monoxide. It is also susceptible to food acids. Therefore, marble kitchen countertops are not practical.

    Artificial marble slabs have increased acid resistance; after exposure to acid, they still shine and do not lose color.

    The effect of hydrochloric acid on natural marble:


    Marble belongs to the third group of abrasion, microcrystalline - to the second. Marble is not suitable for high traffic areas. Because over time, the slabs form depressions in which dirt can collect. If you make a marble staircase in an apartment, it will last more than five hundred years, since it will “lose” only up to 0.02 mm of coating per year.

    The surface of artificial marble is covered with a thin layer of liquid glass, which makes it resistant to abrasion.

    Life time

    Very durable. But their service life depends on the deposit and type of stone. But in any case, the first signs of aging in white marble may appear only after a hundred years, and in colored marble - after 150.

    The use of marble for monumental sculptures, tombstones, as a facing building material is a win-win, because they will last for centuries.

    Artificial stone is also durable, easy to use, does not weather or crumble. It not only decorates the walls, but also additionally protects them.

    Comparative table of various contaminants and their effects on marble

    Types of pollution Cast marble Natural marble
    Lipstick no noticeable effect Faint Spot
    Red wine no noticeable effect Faint Spot
    Ketchup no noticeable effect Etching
    Vinegar no noticeable effect Excessive etching
    Tea no noticeable effect Faint Spot
    Lemon juice Very faint spot Excessive etching
    Milk no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Food colorings Very faint spot Gets dirty
    Liquid shoe polish no noticeable effect Very faint spot
    Beet juice no noticeable effect Very faint spot
    Liquid deodorant White ring Etching
    Coffee no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Chrome mercury Very faint spot Gets dirty
    Phosphate trisode no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Ethyl alcohol 95% no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Ink no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Chlorine bleach no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Blue no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Wax colored chalk no noticeable effect no noticeable effect
    Oil no noticeable effect no noticeable effect

    What is harder: steel or marble?

    Steel is much harder than marble, since if you run a steel knife across it, scratches will remain on the surface.

    Cultured marble can be stronger than steel.

    Difference between marble and granite, which is better?

    Marble is often compared to granite. The strength of marble is slightly lower than that of granite, which is why its service life is not 600 years, but only 200.

    But compared to granite, marble wins in some respects. It is softer, so it is easier to handle. But it is very resistant to impacts and is not subject to splitting or cracking. Marble feels very warm and pleasant to the touch.

    Marble is very beautiful material, therefore, most people believe that marble is beyond competition and its aristocratic translucency cannot be replaced by any artificial material, even the most high-tech.

    Almost everyone knows what marble is. This is a stone that is used in decorating rooms and creating countertops and floors in houses. It is known that it is formed during the crystallization of certain minerals: limestone and dolomite rock. Let's take a deeper look at what marble is, what types of it exist, and whether it has unique properties.


    It seems that this stone has been known all along, but it is generally accepted that marble originates in ancient times. It was originally found in Ancient Greece, and even then people admired this material: it was durable, easy to process, and beautiful. They began to build houses from this stone, and during excavations these facts are confirmed. After processing the material, the walls of palaces, temples and chambers were decorated, and this was done on both sides - outside and inside.

    Physical properties

    This stone has become popular partly due to its ease of processing. It is easy to cut and polish, making it used in a variety of industries including architectural, art and construction. In particular, in stores you can often find marble tiles that are placed on the floor or walls. But such products are usually used for flooring in buildings, and not in apartments. However, it still became most widespread in the field of creating monuments. In this case, special cast marble is used.

    Place of Birth

    Eat different groups these stones, which are divided according to the place of extraction of minerals:

    1. Carrara. Located in the Alps. The place where the mining is done is called Carrara, hence the name of marble. Michelangelo's famous works were made from Carrara stone.
    2. Sayan. This material is mined in the Sayan mountain range. This stone is usually used to make small canvases in pink, white and cream colors.
    3. Jurassic. Located in the Altmühltal park (Bavaria), Jurassic marble limestone is more durable than other types. And although it has a unique pattern, and its characteristics do not quite correspond to a typical marble stone, it is still classified in this category. Higher strength of the material is achieved due to the presence of fossilized biological fossils in its composition: remains of algae, coral, etc.
    4. Ufaleysky - mines in the Urals. The stones of the Ural deposit have a striped pattern, made in a characteristic gray-blue color. This breed is often used to create facing materials or decorative items.

    The most common is white marble. The volumes of this stone are enormous, and there are large deposits in the USA, Africa, France, Cuba, Greece, and Norway. To date, not all places of deposits have been discovered, so it is impossible to say at the moment that all the patterns and structures of the stone are known. Unique stones found in Crimea, Uzbekistan, Donbass and Transcarpathia of Ukraine.

    Medicinal properties

    Speaking about what marble is, it is necessary to fully disclose this issue. Lithotherapy reveals the great potential of this stone in the field of medicine. It is believed to have medicinal properties and help restore the functioning of the respiratory organs, stomach, and of cardio-vascular system. Although scientifically similar properties of this stone have not been proven.

    For use medicinal properties Its stone is worn as beads or a pendant. It is believed that this mineral improves the psyche, strengthens the nerves and makes a person resistant to stress. Marble also calms a person and relieves excessive excitability. Some salons even conduct special massage sessions using these stones. There they are used in the form of marble balls, which help relieve tension from the back, cure radiculitis, joints, and insomnia.


    This stone includes mineral formations and even organic elements. It is divided into groups depending on its color. The palette of products depends on the impurities that make up a given breed.


    White marble has this color due to the absence of any impurities in it. Most often, sculptural figures and figurines are made from it. Such material is easy to process, which allows the sculptor to easily perform even difficult work. Note that pure white marble is an exceptional rarity. Most often it has thin colored veins.


    A very rare stone that is a volcanic formation. This product contains impurities - graphite and bitumen. Stones with gold inclusions are considered very valuable examples of black marble. This product is very expensive and can be used for finishing rooms or any elements. Black marble and granite are similar friend on each other, although in fact these are slightly different rocks. Marble is a sedimentary rock, while granite is a volcanic rock.


    This is a common stone that contains iron. This is what gives this shade. Also, green samples may have white or brown veins - they cut through the entire surface of the stone in the form of waves, which creates an original pattern.


    Marble of this color is also not rare. It gets its color due to the presence of iron oxide in its composition. It has been used since ancient times - its craftsmen used it to decorate walls and columns. Red marble is still used to decorate ceremonial premises.


    This is a very common color, which differs from other stones in its high strength. Because of this, it is often used to create floor coverings. This type of stone can have different shades, which go from white to light brown, it is not afraid of mechanical stress and retains its density for centuries.


    The stone acquires this color due to the presence of rocks with a pink tone in its composition. May have green veins creating a unique pattern. It is a very elegant solution when decorating the interior of a room.

    Blue or cyan

    These colors can only be created from diopside impurities in the product. Depending on the volume of impurities, the color can be light blue or dark and almost purple tones. Such stones are quite rare, and the richness of their palette is very attractive.


    It is bright, has patterns of golden lines and beige stains. Most often, finishing tiles are made from yellow marble, which can be used to decorate countertops and window sills. This breed is ideal for creating designer interior items and decorative elements.


    Artificial marble

    Artificial stone is a cheaper analogue of mineral stone. It is used to decorate bathrooms, stairs, make countertops and window sills. It looks identical to the real thing, completely repeats the drawing.

    Eat different types artificial marble:

    1. Oselkovy - created by coloring the gypsum mass. He can imitate different breeds. It is quite durable and beautiful. Marble tiles are often created using artificial stone.
    2. Ground - created by grinding white marble. It is later used to make components used in the manufacture of cleaning products and plastics.
    3. Liquid - relatively the new kind artificial stone, which forms a flexible canvas. They can be used to cover walls, resulting in a smooth and seamless surface. This surface looks much more impressive compared, for example, with marble-effect tiles, also created using artificial stone.

    Artificial stone has a number of advantages:

    1. Durability.
    2. Chemical resistance.
    3. Repulsion of liquids.
    4. Surface uniformity in pattern, color and pattern. This is how artificial marble differs from natural marble. The latter may have a non-uniform pattern and pattern.


    Now you know what marble is. However, in order for it to maintain its appearance for a long time, it must be looked after. The main thing is not to use harsh cleansers. Using a cloth and soft products, the marble surface can be easily cleaned. Shows itself well suede leather, which effectively polishes the stone. To protect marble products, use a special polish, which is sold in hardware stores. It repels dust and creates an invisible protective layer on the surface. The stone needs to be cleaned regularly.

    If marble forms grease stain, then it must be cleaned using White Spirit, but the liquid must be applied carefully and in no case should a discolored halo form around the stain. Please note that if marble is used outdoors, mold may form on it. It is cleaned with a chlorine solution. Acids and abrasive cleaning agents must not be used to clean stone. It is even more foolish to use metal sponges and products to try to remove stuck dirt.


    Now you know what this natural material is that has become so widespread. At the moment, there are many active quarries in the world where this stone is mined, and new deposits are being developed. Note that there is another material that is similar in properties to marble - granite. It is the result of the solidification of volcanic magma. Unlike marble, it has a fine grain pattern and this the only feature, allowing you to externally distinguish these two rocks.

    By the way, granite also has its own artificial version - porcelain stoneware - a finishing material obtained by pressing powder at high pressure and subsequent firing at a temperature of 1200-1300 degrees. Porcelain tiles and marble (including artificial stone) - popular elements decor, which today are actively used in the renovation of premises and even building facades.

    Marble is a rock that is formed from calcite or dolomite as a result of metamorphism. Ordinary limestone, consisting of calcium carbonate (the same calcite), ordinary carbonate (a compound of calcium and magnesium with CO3) or both minerals, changes its crystal lattice after exposure to high temperatures and pressure. This is how marble is made.

    The source material may contain impurities - for example, quartz, chalcedony, pyrite, kaolin. These impurities affect the quality of marble and determine its color.

    Characteristics and types of marble

    There are a huge number of types of marble in nature. They are classified by color, by structural features, by adhesion between grains, and by place of extraction.

    By color: conventionally dividing the rock into pure white marble and colored marble. The color depends on what impurities are contained in the source material. So, iron oxide colors marble red (or rusty), yellow is obtained due to the presence of limonite or manganese carbonate in the composition. Iron sulfite colors marble blue-black. And impurities of graphite or bitumen color marble in all shades of gray, blue and black.

    Based on the size of the grains, fine-grained marble, marble with medium and large grains are distinguished. Fine-grained grain is the easiest to process, which is why it is valued above its “brothers.”

    The distinction between types of marble depending on the place of extraction is purely arbitrary. It is difficult to say which marble is better - Turkish, Italian or, for example, Greek. It all depends on the quality of processing, on the price, on the mining method and even on the direction of cutting the rock. It is the cut that helps reveal the pattern of the marble, and the color appears after polishing.

    Marble is valued because it is easy to polish, as marble is flexible. After sanding, a wonderful gloss appears, which is valued in construction and interior decoration.

    Marble is also very durable and resistant to wear. And its high heat resistance makes marble an indispensable material in the construction, for example, of fireplaces.

    Marble deposits and mining

    Marble is mined in all countries. The open method is most often used. Although the closed extraction method is often used.

    In Russia, marble from Karelia was the first to be used. It is a delicate fawn color with a unique pattern. Karelian marble adorns the walls of the Winter Palace, Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals in St. Petersburg.

    More than 20 deposits have been developed in the Urals. The most famous are the Oktyabrskoye, Pochinskoye, Pershenskoye, Koelginskoye fields.

    More than 50 deposits are known in Siberia and Altai, but only three are actively developed: Pushtulimskoye (white marble with beautiful red-green veins is mined here), Gramatushinskoye (blue-pink marble) and Petenevskoye (gray-pink and cream stone).

    Italian marble mined in Carrara is especially valued abroad. Deposits in Greece have been known since ancient times: Pandelikon and Paros deposits.

    The republics of Central Asia are rich in marble. In the United States, most of the marble deposits are located in the Appalachian Mountains. In Africa - in the northern and eastern regions.

    Application of marble

    Marble has long been used in construction: for cladding buildings, fireplaces, creating countertops, cladding floors and walls, creating mosaic compositions and decorative ornaments interior

    Another long-standing tradition is to use marble to decorate gardens and parks. This stone is used to cover fountains, staircase railings, and gazebos.

    Marble boards are widely used in electrical engineering - they are used to create instrument panels. Marble flour is used in agriculture.

    One of the most beautiful representatives of rocks. To extract this stone, quarries are developed, as well as mines that have great depth. The peculiarity of the structure of marble is that it is characterized by a crystalline structure, which is formed by recrystallization of carbonate compounds over time. This process can continue for several billion years, after which the stone gradually acquires appearance, which we know. If we go into detail about what chemical structure has marble, its formula consists of several substances on which its density, mass, volume, hardness and other characteristics depend.

    Chemical characteristics of marble

    To be more precise, the chemical formula of marble does not have an established, special designation, thanks to which this stone would be recognizable based on the language of the periodic table.

    What is marble made of? Its composition is quite simple: basically it is dolomite and calcite , products of the transformation of calcium and magnesium. Calcite and dolomite types of stone come from the names of these minerals. Their names directly depend on what percentage of a particular element is present in the composition.

    Calcite is designated as CaCO3, and dolomite is designated as MgCO3. If the calcite content in the rock is 90 percent or more, it is calcite marble, and if it contains a mixture of dolomite and silica in a ratio of 50% calcite, the stone is considered dolomite.

    What causes the different colors of the stone and its patterns?

    The beauty and diversity of marble is also “dictated” by its chemical composition. If iron oxide is present in the rock, the stone will be red or pink different shades. If the stone contains iron sulfide, it will have a bluish-black color, and if it contains chloride compounds and epidote, it will become. Compounds of iron hydroxides and limonite will provide a yellow palette of colors, the shades of which can vary from grayish to brown. Impurities of graphite and bitumen can give blue, and gray colors stone

    As for its bizarre patterns (spots, veins, stains) - this is the result of the uneven formation and distribution of mineral impurities in the rock.

    Technical and physical characteristics:

    • marble density per 1m³ - 2600-2900 kg(depending on what colors the marble is painted in, its density may vary within these figures);
    • compression resistance level - from 500 to 2500 kg/cm² ;
    • porosity level - from 0.6 to 3.5%;
    • abrasion - 0.40 to 3.20 g/cm²;
    • hardness - 2,5-3 according to the Mohs scale;
    • percentage of water absorption - from 0.15 to 0.5;
    • specific gravity of marble - 2,6- 2,8 .

    The physical properties of this stone are also determined by such indicators as the strength of marble and its structure. The fine-grained type is easily polished, while the coarse-grained type has clearly visible grain cleavage. Thanks to high level Due to its porosity, it “breathes” and creates an atmosphere of freshness and lightness in the room.

    Marble, the formula of which includes a large number of calcite is quite durable, but scratches may remain on it as a result of accidental mechanical impact. The strongest types are fine-grained, having the second category on the generally accepted Mohs strength scale.

    By the way, there is also artificial marble, the chemical formula of which is fundamentally different from the natural “chemistry” of a stone of natural origin.

    Due to the lack of porosity due to the use of polyester and acrylic resins in its manufacture, it has high strength. Artificial samples consist of approximately 20 percent of these resins, and the remaining 80 are represented by marble chips. In other words, the “man-made” stone contains real marble chips.

    As you can see, the chemical composition of artificial marble is fundamentally different from natural rock. This is precisely what gives craftsmen a wide opportunity to choose materials - depending on the purposes of their use and the requirements for the height of certain indicators.

    When lovers natural stones begin to become interested in this topic, many immediately have a question: marble is a mineral, gem(what if?) or a mineral? None of these answers are correct because marble is a rock that forms over many centuries.

    How is marble formed and what does it consist of?

    The origin of marble as a result of metamorphism has long been proven by scientists. Metamorphism itself is a transformation within layers of the earth's crust of rocks of sedimentary and igneous origin. At the same time, the solid state of the substance is preserved, and its water resistance becomes very high. The resulting stone is usually a substance that has a very high degree hardness Therefore, many products made from it have survived from antiquity to the present day, becoming for people an indisputable evidence of the splendor of ancient empires and civilizations.

    How is marble formed? As a result of complex chemical processes that begin under pressure and different temperatures inside the earth's crust. Its formation occurs gradually: limestone and dolomite recrystallize, and over time, an amazing rock called marble appears, in which its unique crystalline structure will be very clearly visible to the naked eye.

    When we talk about marble, it is important to understand that minerals are substances that are found in rocks , and not vice versa. Natural marble contains minerals such as chalcedony, feldspar, hematite, and quartz, which are formed in different proportions to each other. The characteristics of marble directly depend on the amount of such impurities it contains: appearance, hardness, structural features and scope of application.

    Marble, the origin of which is associated primarily with the formation of the mineral calcite in its composition, is called calcite, and if the rock contains a greater degree of dolomite, it is customary to talk about dolomite the form of a stone. As for the very origin of the word “marble”, its brilliance and beauty once amazed the Greeks so much that they called it that: μάρμαρος - “brilliant stone”.

    Physical characteristics of marble

    The physical properties of marble depend on what impurities it contains more - in other words, what this or that type consists of. It comes in coarse, medium and fine grain types.

    The main properties of the stone look like this (average values ​​are presented):

    • density from 1900 to 2900 kg/m³;
    • porosity marble - maximum 1%;
    • hardness level according to Mohs - from 3 to 4;
    • water absorption - 0,15-0,6%;
    • fault resistance index - 10-3 mPa;
    • compression- from 100 to 250 mPa;
    • specific gravity 2.7 g/cm³.

    If marble has properties such as a serrated bond between grains combined with a fine-crystalline grain structure, its strength characteristic will be much higher. This stone is very good, acquiring an expressive shine. If you influence it by applying hydrochloric acid in a dilute state, it will boil violently - this is the nature of this stone.

    Natural marble is very similar to jasper or quartzite; it does not leave any scratches on glass and always looks great. Especially if it is by people who know everything about marble and are in awe of this delightful natural material.

    Pros and cons of marble stone

    Marble is a rock that has its pros and cons if used in different areas of human activity:

    • This natural stone, along with its durability, is very plastic:easy to handle , it does not crumble or break into pieces.
    • The marble structure inside is reliable and durable : It is also not damaged if it is polished, drilled or cut. It is this property that ensures the creation of absolutely incredible bas-reliefs, special figurines and frescoes.
    • Natural stone resistant to cold and frost due to the low level of water absorption.
    • Natural marble has amazing durability and seems impervious to the passage of time: if you care for it correctly, it will not turn yellow and will not change its original appearance.
    • He does not absorb radiation , absolutely environmentally safe and even when heated, it does not release any harmful chemicals into the air.
    • Perfect for finishing with it places from increased level humidity .
    • Its porous structure provides everything beneficial features this stone. Natural marble has constant air circulation inside, without accumulating harmful microorganisms. The indoor air will always be clean and fresh, and the microclimate will be excellent for human health.

    However, despite the obvious advantages, natural marble also has disadvantages. To be more precise, these are not disadvantages, but features that should be taken into account if you plan to use marble stone in the design of a particular room:

    • It is immediately worth noting that It is not recommended to use this material where traffic is very high : the surface will quickly trample and have an unsightly appearance.
    • Where marble is used, there should be no acids of any kind nearby .
    • Its color is very heterogeneous, and if you plan to treat large areas, It will be difficult to choose the same shade .

    Scope of application

    The presence of calcium carbonate in the composition of this rock provides both flexibility and strength, which is why it is widely used in construction, in the manufacture of tombstones and monuments. Marble is used to make sculptures, bathtubs, vases of various sizes, souvenirs and other products that will never go out of fashion and will last for a very long time.

    It is amazing beautiful stone, which comes in different colors and has a unique pattern texture. The use of marble in creating unique masterpieces of classical art is due to this trait. The great Michelangelo used marble for cladding, decoration and sculptures.

    The unique transparency of marble, which professionals often call relative, allows for bizarre plays of light and shadow to be visible on the treated surface of sculptures: sometimes it seems that a petrified masterpiece can come to life at any time. This stone has no equal in the art of sculpture. The high wear resistance for which marble is famous is invaluable for people who have the good fortune to contemplate real masterpieces for many centuries.

    The use of marble in the construction industry is not limited to tiling and creating stunning staircases, walls and garden structures. It is actively used in the ferrous metallurgical industry when open-hearth furnaces are made. used in glass making and even as agricultural fertilizer.

    Color range: kaleidoscope of unique colors

    Depending on where the marble was mined, its varieties can come in a variety of colors and shades. The magic of this varied palette is truly unique.


    The color is truly unique. It is this variety that is the main material for creating majestic sculptures and fancy figurines. Among the white stones you can find specimens with thin multi-colored veins, which give it a special charm and uniqueness.


    An extremely rare variety that was formed as a result of volcanic activity. It often contains an admixture of graphite or bitumen. This colored type of stone is found with golden flecks or veins, making it especially valuable.


    The color of marble occurs when it contains iron silicates. They are the ones who give it its richness dark color, and inclusions and veins are found both brown and white. The design itself can be in the form of branches or waves.


    Red stone is very expensive and very unusual, and its color is due to the presence of iron oxide in its composition. The use of red marble in construction is closely related to the construction of ancient temples and palace buildings. On modern stage It has long been in the status of a very expensive finishing material and is used to cladding rooms intended for large public celebrations.


    Gray marble can have a coarse-grained structure, or, conversely, a fine-grained structure. The shades of its flowers are very diverse, with sparse or frequent veins: dark yellow, pinkish and white. There is also dark gray marble, which is especially resistant to harmful substances. All gray types of this stone are very easy to handle at any stage of processing.


    “Warm” beige types of marble can be cream, coffee and deep dark in color. The patterns or inclusions on their surface have a particularly bizarre shape, which arises due to the appearance of limonite and manganese impurities. The strength of this material is very high, and therefore beige stone is often used for flooring. , made from it, is unpretentious in mechanical stress and can serve for decades.


    If you come across a stone Pink colour, know that this type of marble, like its red varieties, has iron-containing impurities. They give it a soft pinkish tint, interspersed with dark green veins, giving it a special beauty.


    Blue varieties of marble are presented mixed with gray and white colors. The blue color itself arises from diopside, and what color this type of marble will be depends on the amount of diopside in the composition. If there is a lot of it, the shade will be thick and even dark blue.


    Sun-colored marble is, of course, all shades of yellow, which are also present in the natural palette of stone. Shades of golden and beige, in addition to the main color, create amazing stains. Window sills, tables and countertops, as well as decorative elements are made from yellow stone.

    Where is marble mined?

    As for locations, stones of various colors and varieties can be found all over the world, fortunately there are a large number of deposits left. White stone quarried in Tuscany, Italian lands, remains valuable to this day, and Tuscan marble products are sought after by collectors. Parian yellow stone is mined in Greece, and in Bianshi there is a very rare type of material called black jade.

    Marble stones are also mined in the USA and Cuba. There is marble in Russia, detailed description which is not yet possible, since many of its developments have not yet been practically mastered by specialists. As for the former Soviet Union countries, pink, cream and brown stones are mined in abundance in Armenia, Uzbekistan and Georgia. Ukraine is also rich in deposits of this rock.

    From time immemorial, marble, the types of which are found in abundance in different parts of our planet, has been the most beautiful and sought-after material for creating real masterpieces of construction and sculptural art. The description of the history of marble, as well as specific products made from it, can be done endlessly, and it will always be interesting and educational for both professionals and amateurs who are interested in valuable and ornamental materials. The brilliance and unfading beauty of marble products will always remain in demand among humanity due to the fact that we are dealing with a strong, durable stone and incredibly diverse in terms of its beauty.

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