• DIY paper star garland. How to make a star out of paper (24 crafts). Homemade garland from candy wrappers


    On New Year A paper garland is used to decorate a holiday tree and as an independent decor. It is easy to make it from scrap materials with your own hands. There are several options for creating such decoration.

    Garland of paper lanterns

    New Year's lantern garland can be used as a night light

    The finished decoration can be placed on top of electric lanterns. Only before this is it carefully inspected, checking the wires for integrity.

    To create lanterns you will need the following materials:

    • scissors;
    • colored paper;
    • a simple pencil;
    • ruler;
    • needle;
    • glue;
    • thread.

    Making a garland takes place in several stages:

    1. Cut a strip 7–8 cm wide from a sheet of colored paper.
    2. Mark a piece of paper using a pencil along a ruler. You should get vertical strips of equal size.
    3. Repeat the procedure, but use a needle instead of a pencil. Then it is easier to bend the parts in places where the lines outlined in pencil are pressed with a needle.
    4. In the middle of the workpiece - perpendicular to the lines on it - mark a zigzag with a pencil and push it with a needle.
    5. Assemble the resulting workpiece into an accordion. It is important to pay attention to the oblique areas in the middle of the workpiece.
    6. Using glue or thread and a needle, assemble the accordion into a lantern.
    7. String several lanterns on a thread.

    The diagram shows the sequence of actions when making a flashlight

    A garland of paper lanterns is perfect not only for the New Year, but also for usual time for interior decoration, shop windows, etc.

    Decor made of three-dimensional stars for the New Year

    If you make stars from white material, then you can color them with paints or felt-tip pens

    To create decoration use ordinary white paper, color or packaging. You can take paper intended for scrapbooking.

    Materials for making stars:

    • paper;
    • scissors;
    • eraser;
    • protractor;
    • compass or saucer;
    • ruler;
    • simple pencil.

    The work is performed in a certain order:

    1. Turn the paper over to the reverse side. Using a compass, draw a circle on it - the diameter of the star. Instead of a compass, you can use a saucer - attach it to the paper and trace it with a pencil. Draw a straight line from the edge to the center.
    2. Using a protractor, measure an angle of 72°. Draw a straight line. Repeat the procedure along the entire diameter. The result should be 5 lines with the same distance between them.
    3. In the middle between the straight lines, draw additional ones - you can use a dotted line. Connect the resulting lines into a star shape. Erase the circle and other extra lines with an eraser. WITH right side Mark a connecting strip from each edge of the star.

      To make a garland, it is good to use elements of different colors and sizes.

    4. Cut the resulting workpiece and bend along the guide lines. If the paper is thick, the folds are creased with scissors or a ruler to give them maximum expressiveness. Then the workpiece should be bent.
    5. Using the same principle, make the second half of the star. Coat the connecting strips with glue and glue the two parts together.

      The result is a three-dimensional star

    Paper ball decoration

    The garland can be hung in any position - both horizontal and vertical

    To make a garland you will need:

    • colored paper;
    • compass;
    • scissors;
    • glue;
    • needle with thread.

    Work order:

    If you glue a rectangle to each figure from below, you will get baskets with balloons. Then, in the interval between them, you can string clouds cut out of paper onto a garland.

    Volumetric paper snowflakes

    It is advisable to choose cardboard with a density of 65 g/m2. cm. How larger size square, the higher the paper density should be.

    To make jewelry, you need materials and tools:

    • cardboard - 6 squares;
    • scissors;
    • stapler;
    • glue;
    • threads;
    • pencil.

    Paper garlands- simple and inexpensive option holiday decor. Children are always interested in making New Year's decorations, experiencing pleasure from the process itself and rejoicing at its result.

    Every year, preparations for the main winter holiday begin earlier and earlier. The city, shop windows, and all institutions are being transformed. And, of course, you immediately want to take a piece of the holiday home. If it’s too early to put up a Christmas tree, then it’s time to make paper garlands with your own hands. Involve children and other family members, you are guaranteed a fun time, and as a result - interesting New Year's decor. Also unique. So read how to make New Year's garlands from paper, use your imagination and bring it to life.

    • Materials for work;
    • Fringe or tassels;
    • Asterisks;
    • Bunnies and Christmas trees;
    • Flashlights;
    • Garlands of circles;
    • New Year's stretch marks.

    Materials for work

    Most ideas can be realized by collecting scrap materials around the house. Here is a basic list of what you will need:

    • Colored paper of different weights. If you are interested in decoupage, then decoupage sheets are also a great help; you can use wrapping paper;
    • Cardboard;
    • Glue or glue gun;
    • Double-sided tape;
    • Stapler;
    • Scissors;
    • Rope, ribbons, twine;
    • Ruler or tape measure;
    • Simple pencil;
    • A printer.

    Advice! If it is not possible to print the template, you can always display it on the computer screen in the right size and redraw, pressing good old tracing paper to the monitor screen. This trick often works with a regular sheet of printing paper.

    Be sure to prepare good mood and a little patience!

    Garlands with fringe and tassels


    Fringe looks very advantageous, especially if you make several pendants with your own hands from materials of different colors.

    For example, you can take a white and brown disposable tablecloth (or any colored paper medium density). Choose the color scheme at your discretion - red and white, red and green, etc. You can combine three colors. Or take two subtle colors and complement them with shiny paper.

    Fold the sheet of the desired length in half, cut 2/3 of the way. Then unfold, spread glue in the middle, insert twine or ribbon, press, and then fold. The garland is ready!


    Tassels will be an excellent decoration not only for the New Year 2020, but also for any other home holiday.

    The initial stage is the same as in fringe. Fold the selected paper in half, cut the vertical strips 2/3 of the way.

    Advice! Unlike fringe, it is better to make strips for tassels thinner.

    We unfold our cut sheet. Now we have fringe at the top and bottom. Roll the sheet into a tube and roll it into a rope so that you get a loop on top and a tassel on the bottom. We make several of these tassels and string them on a rope.

    To prevent the tassels from bunching up, it is better to coat the loop with glue and glue them to the rope on which they will then hang. The main thing is to first make the number of tassels, distribute them along the rope, and only then glue them.

    Once you master the principle of fringe, you can easily make many original paper garlands with your own hands.

    Garlands of stars

    Asterisks are an integral part New Year's decor, which means they should be used to decorate the apartment.

    Convex stars

    For this decoration you will need cardboard or thick colored paper. Next you need to cut required amount stars and draw a fold line in the middle of each ray (see template below). The main thing is to just mark the line, but not to damage or cut the star.

    Advice! If you don’t have a special tool, you can use a manicure spatula or an orange stick.

    Then fold along the fold lines, use a hole punch to make 2 holes in one of the beams and pass the rope through. The decoration is ready. It looks advantageous both in a single color and in several colors.

    If you don’t have time to tinker with the bulge, then you can simply use a cutting template and make flat stars, string them on a string and enjoy the result.

    Vertical star pendants

    New Year's decorations will look unusual if you don't just glue the stars, but stitch them on a typewriter. To do this, you prepare a lot of stars from colored cardboard, and then stitch them with a matching thread, it also serves as a connecting link, so we just leave a thread between the stars. Don't forget to leave enough long ends at both sides.

    Garlands can be placed vertically on a window or doorway, but they can also be hung horizontally on a wall.

    Volumetric New Year's garlands

    Decorations made from voluminous paper figures will look airy and snowy.

    To make one three-dimensional star, you need to cut four blanks according to the template. Next, using glue or double-sided tape, stick one star in the center of the other and slightly bend the edges of the inner star. Make two such blanks. Then glue the flat parts of the stars together, first passing a thread for hanging. You can place 3-5 stars on one thread.

    Clouds are made in the same way. And then you place all the threads with the figures on one rope and look for a worthy place in the room.

    Bunnies and Christmas trees

    Since childhood, on New Year's Eve we sing a song about a Christmas tree. And if there is a Christmas tree, then where would we be without bunnies? They can also be used as New Year's decor.


    Use a cutting template and make blanks. Glue cotton wool tails to the bunnies, or you can make real pom-pom tails from threads. Secure with a satin ribbon or rope.

    Even the smallest ones can glue ponytails, even if the ponytail ends up somewhere around the ear.

    Christmas tree garlands

    Perhaps the Christmas tree is the most “promoted” New Year’s symbol, so there are a huge number of options that you can make with your own hands.

    The easiest way is to take three squares of the same size, fold them in half, and then connect the resulting triangles together. If you sew Christmas trees on a machine, you will get a nice pendant.

    The original Christmas tree will come out if you fold the triangle in half and make cuts, as shown in the diagrams.

    Another great option is to cut it out, make a hole in the top and string it on a string. Depending on the color and texture, the Christmas tree pendant will look different.

    If you have a figured hole punch, then making Christmas trees will be easier and faster.

    Instead of Christmas trees, you can attach paper figurines of deer, gingerbread men or mistletoe leaves.


    Paper lanterns look bright and festive.


    A variety of openwork lanterns of different colors will instantly create a joyful mood.

    The secret is to glue two strips of paper at the top and bottom, leaving the middle free, and then cut according to the diagram.

    Almost real

    If electric garlands look dangerous, create a safe one yourself.


    A stapler and a few strips of colored paper are all you need to make another option. New Year's lantern. Place one strip in the middle, and attach the rest to the sides. The drawing will help you.


    It turns out that simple mugs, if there are a lot of them, look like snow and light bulbs of electric garlands at the same time - it’s hard to come up with something more New Year’s, right?

    This article contains just some of the ideas for creating New Year's garlands from paper. As you can see, everything is quite simple, but fun. Just start and you will definitely come up with something of your own.

    Photo: thehousethatlarsbuilt.com

    You can make a variety of New Year's decorations and decor from paper and cardboard - from simple to unusual!

    1. Paper garlands and lanterns

    One of the simplest and most effective options for paper New Year's decorations is garlands and lanterns. This way you can decorate both your home and office.

    All you need is a pack of regular A4 sheets, paper scissors and glue.

    Paper chains are the simplest decor. Cut the sheets crosswise into strips of 2.5–3.5 cm. Glue one strip into a ring. Pass the second strip through this ring and also glue it into a ring. Continue until you get the garland to the desired length.

    Making a flashlight is also easy. For each flashlight you will need one sheet of A4. First, cut a strip along the sheet - the strip will be needed for the handle of the lantern. Fold the remaining sheet in half lengthwise and make cuts as shown in the photo. Unfold the sheet, glue it into a lantern and add a handle.

    You can also make a garland of Christmas angels. To do this, fold each sheet crosswise in four like an accordion. On one side, draw the silhouette of an angel, as shown in the photo. Cut along the contour, unfold and connect with other similar parts of the garland.

    The decor can be hung on the walls, windows and ceilings.

    2. Garland of small Christmas trees

    An idea for those who love minimalism. Among other things, this garland is very easy to make! You will need double-sided cardboard in three shades Green colour, scissors, thick thread and large needle. For each Christmas tree, cut out 2 identical triangles, cut one to the middle from the top, the second from the bottom, and assemble the Christmas tree. When all the blanks for the garland are ready, assemble them onto a thread, piercing the cardboard with a needle.

    Photo and source: aliceandlois.com

    3. Paper candles for the Christmas tree

    Such candles are not only beautiful, but also much safer than ordinary ones: decorating a Christmas tree with them would be a great idea.

    You will need heavy yellowish candle paper, small paper baking cups (if you can't find gold ones, you can paint them), gold glitter/loose glitter, a hot glue gun and clothespin holders. Christmas tree toys(by the way, they can be replaced with clothespins for curtains) and scissors.

    For each candle, cut out a 5x8 cm rectangle. Glue it into a ring, connecting the long sides. For the top of the candle, cut out a circle of the required diameter and glue it on top. Cut out the flame and glue it onto the circle.

    Using a glue gun, apply drops of glue to the flame and on top of the candle to form drops, and while the glue is wet, sprinkle them with glitter.

    Glue paper molds to the bottom and clothespins to their bottom. Ready.

    Photo and source: thehousethatlarsbuilt.com

    4. Christmas tree decorations made of colored paper

    These decorations are easy to make, the main thing is to choose beautiful paper. It's better to take a fairly dense one.

    You will also need something round as a template, scissors, glue, pencil and floss.

    Draw circles on paper using the template and cut them out. For each decoration you will need 4 identical circles. Fold the circles in half and glue them together as shown in the photo. When gluing the last of the four circles, place a loop of thread in the center, making a knot at the bottom.

    Photo and source: aliceandlois.com, minted.com

    5. Garland of colored paper lanterns

    To make such a garland, you will need sheets of colored and black paper, pencil and ruler, knife, glue and long string.

    Draw a template based on the picture above. Using it, you need to cut out blanks for lanterns from colored paper. Don't forget to make holes for the cord. Also, for each lantern you need to cut out a part for the base from black paper (see photo above).

    On each workpiece, draw lines for bending with the blunt side of the knife, as shown in the photo. Fold and glue the lantern. Thread a string through the holes and tie. Add a black base piece on top, gluing it into a ring and gluing it to the lantern. Now all the colorful lanterns can be assembled into a garland. By the way, you can hide small sweets inside.

    Photo and source: thehousethatlarsbuilt.com

    6. Garland of lanterns: simplified version

    You can make a similar garland in simplified version. You will need colored double-sided paper, scissors, cord and colored (in in this case black) tape. Cut out parts in the form of light bulbs from colored paper and glue them with tape to the cord - you're done.

    7. Paper snowflakes on a branch

    Just find some suitable branch while walking, clean it, paint it white and use it as the basis for a New Year's installation from paper snowflakes! The idea is well suited for a nursery, and you can implement it together with your children.

    8. Volume star made of cardboard

    To make such a star, you need a dense thin cardboard, keeps its shape well. If you don’t have gold cardboard, you can take regular one and then paint the star. You will also need scissors, a pencil and a ruler and a knife, glue and thread for the loop.

    First draw a star or use the template above. Transfer the image onto cardboard and cut along the outline.

    Mark five lines, each from the center of the beam across the entire width of the star. The lines must be drawn with the blunt side of the knife along the ruler. And then fold the cardboard so that the folds are alternately inside and outside.

    Glue a loop of thread to one of the rays. To make the star double-sided, it can be painted on both sides.

    Is it possible to make stars like this? big size and decorate the room with them.

    Photo and source: mintedstrawberry.blogspot.com, katescreativespace.com

    9. Garland “collage”

    To make such a garland, you don’t have to buy special paper: you can use unnecessary postcards or magazine covers (it’s better that the paper is quite thick). You will also need a craft knife and/or scissors, glue, a ruler, and strong thread.

    Cut the postcards into shapes - circles, hexagons, triangles and so on. Each figure of the same shape and size needs two pieces. Glue the figures into a garland so that the thread is inside.

    Very little remains until New Year's holidays. And although the Metal White Rat will come into its own only on January 25, we must prepare for the meeting now. Think over the menu that should include. Think about how to decorate a house, apartment,...

    The totem likes everything original, so hand-made or garlands are perfect. The rat loves shine and soft colors. She will especially like gold and silver, white, shades of the pastel spectrum, orange, purple. You shouldn’t use everything in one decoration at once; it’s better to give preference to one.

    I offer you several interesting options, which everyone will surely like and will decorate your home. Many jobs can be done with children or even offered to do something during labor lessons at school.

    How to make New Year's garlands with the symbol of the year with your own hands - Rat (Mouse) templates

    Themed decorations are the simplest and most original way appease the symbol of the year. Cute, almost cartoonish, images will surely delight children. Therefore, such garlands will decorate a children's room and groups in a kindergarten.

    To work we will need:

    • thick paper;
    • scissors;
    • hole puncher;
    • braid.

    Operating procedure:

    Download animal templates. The images are mirrored. This is done so that the garland looks the same from any side. Carefully cut out the shape and glue it together. Use a hole punch to make holes in the animals' ears and thread the ribbon through them.

    The finished decoration can be mounted under the ceiling. You can also make simple flags with images.

    Catch the flag template and single images of animals. Right-click, download, and then simply enlarge to the size you need. You can also draw the blank by hand.

    Another option is to fix it in a spiral on the Christmas tree. You can place the same or different images on one garland.

    And try to create another decoration in Japanese technology origami. This work can be entrusted to children 9-10 years old. They will surely love how a simple piece of paper turns into a very cute mouse.

    To work we will need:

    • paper (regular or special for origami) 15x15 cm;
    • rope;
    • wide ribbon.

    Operating procedure:

    Fold the sheet diagonally twice. Make sure that the corners meet clearly, the fold lines are clear and even. Position the workpiece so that the square becomes a diamond. Bring the bottom vertex on the left and right to the center line. Repeat the same steps from the top.

    Expand. Fold along the folds, creating a triangle fold in the center. These are future ears. You should get an elongated rhombus. Immediately determine where the mouse’s muzzle will be (in this master class it’s on the bottom) and where the tail will be. Take each triangle-ear by the top point and lead it to the base. Iron all folds carefully.

    The diagram looks like this.

    Lead the lower part of the workpiece with its apex to the triangle, which is formed by the bends next to the “ears”. The vertices should touch. Iron the fold, bend it back. Turn the workpiece over. Fold the halves towards the middle on both sides. Turn inside out. The result is a muzzle.

    Grasp the top point of the remaining part of the workpiece. Lower it down, folding it in half. Mark the fold. Carefully unfold and fold the middle inward. Then bend the tip so that it fits slightly inside the first fold. Hide any excess by simply folding it under. This will create the tail and back.

    Return to the ears. Fold the top so that it lines up with the back. Take pencils, felt-tip pens and draw a mustache and eyes for the mouse. Attach the finished symbols of the year to a rope with some distance from each other. I use it for this decorative clothespins or bright paper clips.

    I suggest tying bows from a wide ribbon between the mice. Its color should match the tone of the central design elements.

    Garland of flags made of paper and paper clips for the New Year 2020

    It is not difficult to imagine that such multi-colored chains can become the basis of beautiful garlands. You can hang them in this form on a small Christmas tree, they will look bright. But you can also make children’s favorite flags. And come up with your own version of decoration.

    What you need to prepare to create a craft:

    • a box of multi-colored paper clips;
    • colored paper (you can use leftovers from previous creative works, since you will still need to cut the paper into thin strips);
    • glue;
    • a snowflake-shaped hole punch for decoration (or stickers, printouts of snowflake designs, pens to draw them on, etc.);
    • scissors.

    How to do

    To create the frame, take colored paper clips, coated with enamel or painted in another way. For the flags themselves you will need colored paper. Cut thin strips from it. The width should not exceed the length of the paperclip. Draw a bird on one side so that you can later cut out the corner of the flag.

    Thread one side of the strip through a paperclip and pull through. Fold the strip in half crosswise. Glue the ends together. Cut out the bottom part with a birdie shape to create a flag.

    Prepare many strips of the same size for decoration.

    Insert a different color of paper into the hole of each brightly colored paperclip and turn it into flags in the same way. Use glue and scissors.

    Using a shaped hole punch, make a snowfall using not only white, but also colored paper. This way you can mix 3 colors in each link.

    Glue snowflakes on both sides of each flag (or use another decoration method, such as adding snowmen, penguins, bullfinches, or other winter objects).

    All that remains is to fasten the paper clips using the standard method to form a long chain of flags. The result is a wonderful New Year's garland that will become an unusual holiday decoration.

    Homemade garland from candy wrappers

    You can collect a huge number of candy wrappers of different colors, patterns, textures, you shouldn’t throw away this wealth, because you can make New Year’s crafts from it. It is enough to come up with some fragments that can be endlessly alternated and assembled onto a thread, and you will get an interesting decoration.

    To work you will need:

    • mix of candy wrappers and foil;
    • thread and needle;
    • stapler if necessary;
    • scissors if necessary.

    Prepare different wrappers. It is advisable to use different shades, and the sizes can either be the same, or cut them with scissors. All completed parts will be attached to a strong thread.

    Step by step work

    Roll the silver foil into balls of approximately the same size. They, like beads, will be strung on a thread.

    To make fan-shaped pieces to create alternating links, fold each candy wrapper like an accordion. Then bend the resulting strips in the center. Use your fingers to press down on this area to secure the bend.

    Take a long thread and thread the needle, tie a knot at the end of the thread. Thread the first foil ball through, then thread the folded part of the fan through.

    Thus, alternate the details. Thread the balls and then the wide pieces. You can use a stapler to fasten the side parts, and the garland becomes one whole.

    Collect a snake from large quantity segments. If you use the original wrappers of different colors, then the whole structure will turn out to be colorful.

    I suggested a great way to utilize the wealth that children collect after each candy they eat. And after the holiday, you will have even more such raw materials, so you can come up with other options for decorating the Christmas tree.

    Craft Stars in the form of a garland for the New Year for kindergarten

    You can create this beauty with your own hands using glitter foamiran (preferably with an adhesive base). Be sure to involve children in such creativity, because it is for them, by and large, that the room and the Christmas tree are decorated before the fabulous night. Glitter foamiran with an adhesive base is an inexpensive material for children's creativity, which is sold in sets. You can buy yourself such sparkling wealth, then make many stars of different sizes to fill the garland of the desired length. Let's consider a master class on how to make it.

    What was used:

    • glitter foamiran (thick, sticky with reverse side);
    • 2 star templates printed on a printer;
    • scissors;
    • strong thread (knitting yarn, but can be replaced with nylon or other thread, thin tape).

    How to do

    Choose 2 sheets of different colors or use the entire mix included in the set for a colorful effect. Print on paper and cut out the stars, you can use parts of two sizes or more. For convenience, stick the templates onto cardboard. Trace the outline of the stars on the back side of the selected sheets of shiny material.

    Cut out all the stars along the outline. Make 2 servings if you only choose 2 sheets to work with.

    For one star on the garland you will need 2 blanks, since they will be glued together with their back parts. Take a strong thread. Remove the protective paper. Place the thread on the sticky layer in the center.

    Cover the top with a second similar star, trying to clearly align the corners to create a symmetrical figure.

    Assemble a long garland randomly, alternating parts by color and size. This adhesive-based material adheres well.

    A beautiful interior or Christmas tree decoration is ready. It sparkles and sparkles, looks very beautiful, and is easy to do if you work collectively.

    An easy master class on making a garland from colored paper

    The name speaks for itself. The work will take very little time, but the result will please you. Such decorations are suitable for home, kindergarten or even schools. The idea can be implemented in school labor lessons.

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ULDV816GiEvfgvrC4hNsg

    To work we will need:

    • double-sided colored paper;
    • scissors;
    • ruler;
    • pencil.

    Operating procedure:

    Fold the paper in half lengthwise. Then again from the blind side. Iron the folds carefully. Place the workpiece with the fold down. Draw a strip 1 cm wide on top. Place marks on the fold line in increments of 1.5 cm. Draw lines. Slice the “noodles” to a horizontal line.

    Turn it over. Make cuts between the cuts, also not reaching the edge 1 cm. Carefully unfold the sheet and stretch it. There should be a “network”.

    Make a few more blanks in other colors. Glue them together, bringing them to the desired length. The garland can be hung on the window, secured to the tulle with pins.

    DIY garland of paper snowflakes for New Year's Eve

    I really like the paper analogues of winter precipitation. But I also love garlands. In this master class I propose to combine them. You will get one original decoration.

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWqcfwUxk9a7qGqt7892FFA

    To work we will need:

    • white paper;
    • scissors;
    • pencil.

    Operating procedure:

    Divide a sheet of paper in half lengthwise. Then cross each half by two more stitches. Fold the resulting rectangle along its width. Each wing is brought to a fold. Fold in half again.

    Starting from the fold line, draw the outline of the future snowflake. Carefully cut and then unfold.

    Repeat steps 1-3 with the remaining paper. Fasten all parts of the garland together with tape. Add elements until you reach the length you need.

    Snowflakes don't have to be white, they can be colored.

    How to make a garland of pine cones and bows to decorate a room

    Look how beautiful it is! Natural material can be painted with golden paint and bows, beads or Christmas balls. A version of such a craft is presented in this master class, and you can easily reproduce a similar copy with your children to decorate a room or even an entire classroom. The more cones you collect in the park or forest in the fall, the longer the garland you will get.

    What you need to prepare for work:

    • twine or thin brocade ribbon for the base;
    • cones;
    • golden acrylic paint with a brush or other paint to cover the surface of the pine cones;
    • beautiful satin ribbon with lurex;
    • glue;
    • half beads;
    • Christmas balls.

    How to do

    Take everything to work necessary materials. You can keep the bows and balloons in the same color scheme; you don’t have to use balloons if you have enough cones to fill the decoration. Cover the surface of natural material with golden acrylic paint. If you use a brush, this coating will be uneven. Full coloring can be achieved using spray paint.

    Prepare the base of the garland, such as twine or thin brocade ribbon. Attach the cones at some distance from each other using a glue gun.

    For additional decoration, prepare bows from satin ribbon, and decorate the middles of the bows with beautiful half-beads.

    Glue each resulting bow to the top of the pine cone to hide the places where it is attached to the twine. This way, you will already have a beautiful garland modeled, but you can also decorate it additionally.

    Between natural materials stick small balls. There you have it, something wonderful is ready. Christmas decoration, which can be hung on the Christmas tree or on the wall. It is unusual, looks elegant, festive and lifts your spirits.

    Step-by-step production of the New Year's garland “Snowmen” for windows

    On New Year's Eve, glass surfaces are often painted in my family. But how difficult it is to wash them later. And I found an alternative. Making such a decoration is not as difficult as it might seem.

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfUNn0nNcM35FBKL11tB1Iw

    To work we will need:

    • A4 paper;
    • stationery knife;
    • pencil;
    • scissors.

    Operating procedure:

    Divide the paper into long side. Take one half. Fold it in half. Then fold each wing again, towards the fold line. Draw a snowman. Carefully cut along the outline. Open it up.

    Repeat step 1-3. Then we color our characters, draw the nose, eyes, buttons and hat. We connect all the parts with tape. Or you can do all this using the applique technique - it will be even more beautiful.

    Making a garland from plasticine for a wall or Christmas tree with the children

    Candy decoration is popular at all times. Who among us has not made long chains of sweets and hung them on the Christmas tree or on the walls? How nice it is to gradually remove the candies from the branches and enjoy such delicious and favorite treats. This lesson also shows how to make a simple candy garland, but these will not be real sweets, but lollipops made from ball plasticine. Such a craft can be considered as a practical joke, because friends will probably want to eat delicious candies, but it turns out that they are not real at all.

    What you need to prepare to make a New Year's craft:

    • ball plasticine;
    • stapler;
    • file or thick plastic bag;
    • golden ribbon or serpentine;
    • thread (optional).

    How to make a decoration

    Prepare plasticine for work. Candies reminiscent of candies will be made from it. You can tie “treats” to the thread or simply staple them together. First, prepare these small pieces.

    Turn each into a small slice triangular shape. Connect them together, alternating colors. These slices should be approximately the same size.

    To make each lollipop round, fasten together about 4 pieces of two colors around the circumference. You will get two-color caramels. Then continue working the next day, when the plasticine has dried well.

    Cut the prepared file or thick plastic bag into squares. Wrap a piece of candy in each one. Also have a golden ribbon ready to tie the ends.

    Twist the candy wrappers, the candies will be clearly visible through the transparent plastic, they will be in no way inferior to the real thing. Tie bows at the ends with gold ribbon.

    Using a stapler, assemble a garland or tie each candy onto a thread. The result was a beautiful New Year's decoration - bright and believable.

    Ideas for making garlands with your own hands from all sorts of things

    Shortly before the New Year, all housewives begin to sort through all the boxes, boxes, bags in search of what is high time to throw away. But I ask you not to rush. I offer several master classes in which I will tell you how you can easily turn unnecessary objects into a real masterpiece. I'll start with the original, very fragrant garland . Such eco-friendly jewelry is in trend today. And the Metal Rat likes them too.

    It’s completely in vain to remove the glowing garland after the winter holidays. There are a lot interesting ways decorating your home interior with it.

    1. Place a garland around the edge of the mirror of some interesting shape.

    2. Wrap paper lanterns and garland around a branch and hang above your bed.

    3. Create a cascading light by decorating the garland with large bulbs.

    4. Create an original tree from a garland.

    Draw an outline on the wall, drive carnations around the perimeter and wrap a glowing garland around them. As easy as pie!

    5. Attach photos to the glowing garland using clothespins.

    6. Create your own canvas with a pattern of glowing lights.

    7. Thread the garland into flower baskets or place it directly there.

    8. Fill wine bottles with lights to effectively illuminate them from the inside.

    9. Create an angel wreath using paper napkins.

    Using wire cutters, form a round snowflake holder and wrap it with an electric garland with small bulbs. Then glue decorative snowflakes onto the holder.

    10. Or use napkins to make a wedding wreath.

    Just make small holes in the napkins and thread lights through them.

    11. Cover disposable cardboard cups with unusual paper; this will help create interesting light shades using an LED garland.

    12. Crochet a glowing rug using rope and garland.

    13. Decorate your Christmas garland with tulle bows.

    14. To create a festive mood, decorate the garland with old ornaments.

    15. Create colorful balls of twine and decorate them with glowing garland.

    16. Make flaming snowflakes using store-bought bouquet holders.

    17. Intertwine a rope with a garland for a nautical-themed room decor.

    18. Create a network of glowing garland in your bedroom.

    19. Hang air clouds with a dangling glowing garland.

    The photo shows a two-dimensional version of the cloud.

    20. You can also use egg cartons to create a floral effect.

    21. Write a letter-by-letter message on pendant lights.

    Make letters by punching holes in the paper.

    22. Create a romantic headboard.

    Knock down a simple wooden frame and add crossbars. Drill small holes and insert rosettes into the bottom of each niche. Paint the frame and screw it to the wall. Fill each niche with garland and connect it to the outlets. Cut transparent panels from polycarbonate sheets and attach them to the frame using fasteners.

    23. Use glitter wrapping paper to create giant glowing candies.

    Required materials and tools:
    • disposable Plastic container with lid;
    • electric garland;
    • scissors;
    • wire or pipe cleaners;
    • wire cutters;
    • multi-colored wrapping paper;
    • scotch.

    Preparation method:

    1. Cut a piece of wrapping paper measuring 45x45 cm from the roll.
    2. Wrap the garland wrapping paper. Don't forget to leave both ends of the garland outside in order to connect it to the network and connect the element with other candies.
    3. Place the wrapped garland in a plastic container and seal it. Wrap the container in wrapping paper and secure with tape.
    4. Using pipe cleaners or wire, shape the container with the garland into a candy shape.
    5. Decorate the entire garland in this way, leaving free space (20-40 cm) between the links.
    6. Connect the finished bunch of candies to the network.

    24. Insert lanterns into tiny preserving jars.

    Take special lids with a hole for the garland. Close each jar with a lid and insert a garland light bulb into it.

    25. Insert an LED string light into an old toy.

    You will need:
    • old toy (from cotton fabric);
    • PVA glue;
    • brush;
    • scissors;
    • threads;
    • light garland.
    Preparation method:

    26. Write a light message.

    27. Arrange the glowing garland in a wave-like pattern.

    28. Cut out black cat shapes to make this cute garland.

    29. Wrap the garland around a wire wreath.

    Probably one of the most simple options creating homemade wreaths.

    30. Light up the canopy over the bed with garland.

    31. Cut the paper into strips to create the same fringed lanterns.

    32. Use foil from a muffin tin as a garland decoration.

    This great idea for any party.

    33. Create sparkly decorations with mirrors and lighting.

    • brushed aluminum rod;
    • hooks for hanging;
    • a garland with mirror pendants;
    • electric garland.


    1. Attach the rod to the wall using two hooks.
    2. Hang a mirror garland on the barbell. To enhance visual effect You can trim some of the threads with pendants so that the finished curtain is of different lengths.
    3. Stretch a string of lights behind the pendants and connect it to an outlet.

    34. Use twigs to create a rustic chandelier.

    This idea can easily be implemented with a luminous garland.

    • dry branches;
    • hemp twine;
    • stain (optional to darken the color of the wood);
    • wood color paint;
    • lamp sockets with a removable cardboard cover for painting;
    • plastic ties;
    • glue gun;
    • electrical cable black and white;
    • black electrical wire with plug;
    • Branch squeezes "nuts".

    35. Make a garland of geometric lanterns.

    You can make your own lanterns from black wire or natural straw.

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