Good afternoon
I decided not to create new topic, since there is such a thing. I hope someone wise can read it.

I am just such a husband. I have bouts of uncontrollable rage. Today, just like this happened, I had a quarrel with my wife. I’m afraid of losing her and the child, so I’m writing to you here. Also tomorrow I will go to get tested for hormones and check the thyroid gland (my mother has such a problem, although her thyroid gland disappeared after giving birth, but it may be hereditary).

The city in which I live is very small and I’m not sure that there will be competent psychologists here. I’ll describe everything in detail, maybe it will help, and at the same time I’ll talk it out.

I. I am 28 years old. I was born in a small town, then we moved to Moscow when I was 12 years old, after the death of my father. Because My father is a Muscovite, so my grandmother and my brother were waiting for me and my mother at MSC, he is 13 years older than me. I made friends in Moscow, I consider this city my home and I love it very much. I finished school and then went to college. I didn’t like the institute, transferred to another one, then quit and joined the army. I was not accepted into the army due to health reasons. I returned back to the institute for the correspondence course and went to work. I worked in different areas, but HR was the closest. I worked as a personnel manager in a recruitment agency and for a direct employer. The year before last I found a good company for myself: good management, excellent team. It was a lot of work, but everything was manageable.
Partially, I consider myself not a very lucky guy, because... The realization that I needed to earn money came only when I was 25. Before that time, I was more involved in searching for myself. I can drink beer with friends, I don’t drink strong drinks. I smoked for 13 years, but now I quit. I like to play computer games and train my dog. I try to do everything 100%. Motto: do it right - it will be fine.

My wife. My wife (we are not officially married, but I consider her that way) is 9 years older than me. She is a candidate of science and has a 16-year-old daughter from a previous marriage. Beautiful woman. Lives in a small town. I divorced my husband last year due to the latter’s reluctance to change anything in his life. More specifically: I constantly played on the computer. He didn’t play games, didn’t take care of his daughter, didn’t pay attention to his wife, had no plans for the future, didn’t even help around the house at all. They lived in apartment 1, which had not been renovated for many years. The wife did what she could herself: painted the corridor, etc. Interior door was put by her sister's husband, while ex-husband my wife, sat next to me and played on the computer. I’m writing all this not to show how bad he is, but so that you understand that my wife is tired of such a life.
Of course, against this background I looked better and I managed to convince her to get a divorce.

Our relationship. We have been together for more than 6 years. We met at MSC. A romance ensued. I’m at MSC, she’s at home (the other end of the country). She is married, and I fell in love with her. And I decided to achieve it. Telephone conversations, letters, etc. Meetings 2-4 times a year. in different cities of the country. Romance. During this time, we broke up many times, then got back together. I must say that this is food. the woman I had a relationship with ( adolescence doesn't count). We fought a lot, there was a period of time where we fought every Saturday. In relationships, I am an honest person, which is why I suffer. I have no secrets from her at all. I smoked cigarettes, walked with others (it should be noted that this was after major quarrels) - my wife knows all this. I think that if you mess up, it’s better to admit it right away, because it will come up anyway. And given my memory, I might spill the beans myself. So it's better to tell everything. Just later, in the lyrics. In quarrels, all this comes up to me, and even after several years. Which irritates me terribly.

A year ago. A year ago, after her divorce from her husband, I decided to move in with her. I packed my things and left MSC for a provincial town. Quit promising job, which I liked (the boss even cried), family and friends. We lived in her one-room apartment with our 16-year-old daughter. I must say that my daughter accepted me. Not with hostility. You can live. My wife got me a job with her. The plan was this: new opportunities opened up at her job and she was given a promotion and an increase in salary. We would work together on one project, for which we would be paid well and we would go to MSC.
There were quarrels, but we had major quarrels 2 times in just six months. And that’s because of my stepdaughter. Because Since she, like her dad, doesn’t do anything around the house, it really infuriated me to wash the dishes after her. I think that a teenager is able to wash his own plate and at least wipe the floor.
Made renovations in the apartment. Just didn’t touch the ceiling, it was intact. normal. The floors, walls, and doors have been completely redone.
In the spring, my wife had a delay and we decided to leave the child, because... Still, age and there may not be a second chance. It should be noted that because of this decision, she was unable to go to America for six months under the Fulbright program, which she won. And on which I spent a year. Sometimes it slips into her mind that if she went, she would find an American there and would stay, even if she didn’t find one, she would still stay, find a way. I’m sure that if I wanted to, I really would stay.
At the end of spring, I accidentally find out that my old job has opened new position with other money. And they want to take me on it. Then we came up with another plan: I’m leaving back for MSC, she’s selling the apartment and coming to me.
I left. But literally on the trail. the day I learned that the traitor did not need to leave. And she won't go anywhere. 2 months of long persuasion and listening to what a goat I am (sorry) and we finally managed to get the ball rolling. At the end of the summer, she sold her apartment, took out a loan and bought a two-room apartment. Also, at the end of the summer, she was given a promotion again and her salary was increased. It became obvious that she would not go anywhere.
It became clear that she would not go anywhere and it was decided. We decided to change the plan again. I take maternity leave from my job and come back. It works, we are waiting for money from the old project - we pay it for the apartment, then we sell it and leave for MSC. Just during this time the child will get stronger.
I’m leaving my job again (because it’s not clear whether they’ll take me back), family, friends, growth prospects, and I’m coming to this Small town.

Present tense Now I'm already 2.5. I've been babysitting for months. I cook (which I haven’t done at all before), by the way, I’ve learned quite well. I clean every day (my stepdaughter doesn’t help with this at all, only with a very big kick, from my wife, of course). I'm going shopping. I'm taking care of the child. In short, I do everything a woman should do. My wife, on the contrary, plows like a horse for 12 hours without days off, which is exactly what I should be doing.

What pisses me off This situation really irritates me. It infuriates me to clean up after my stepdaughter (nothing has changed since that year), I get tired of the child (I love her, of course, and I can’t live without her, but God knows how hard it is with small children, when she can’t say anything and just yells ), every single day, carry her in your arms from one corner of the apartment to another. It annoys me that I don't work at all. I can’t stand this town, where you don’t even have a choice of which cinema to go to, especially since there’s only one. I can’t talk to anyone, because I don’t know anyone, but because big difference I can’t even talk to my friends in time. I can’t discuss this with my wife either, because she gets very tired at work and thinks that I’m crazy and don’t do a damn thing around the house: We need to do some renovations in our new apartment. I did it in my stepdaughter’s room, leaving the kitchen and our room. That I could start renovating the kitchen.

Bouts of rage Yesterday my wife came home from work, and I went for a walk with the dog, I consider this my outlet, because... I can get out of the apartment and work out with the pet (by the way, the dog is not mine, but my stepdaughter’s, who does not look after her. The dog has grown up bad and wayward, so I’m trying to reason with him). After I came home, she told me that she couldn’t sleep because... the child did not fall asleep. And I go and take care of the dog. And all this in a dissatisfied tone. And it infuriates me when they talk to me in such a tone, no, I would say: “dear, next time don’t walk the dog for so long or come out later, I want to sleep after work.” Naturally, I was angry that she couldn’t sit with the child for an hour. That's all. stopped talking to me. Okay, I caught my breath and decided to make peace. In the evening I went for a walk with my dog ​​and bought some chocolate. Today I tried to talk in a normal tone all day, asking several times not to sulk. “Licked” the whole apartment, cooked food, did laundry, worked with the baby and the dog. My wife was not at work this afternoon (it must be said that she works from 8 am to 5 pm, and then a few more hours before bed). And when the ice had already broken, she told me that she did not want to go to MSC. This made me terribly angry and I launched the stool standing next to me into flight. To my shame, in front of a child.
This happens to me, I can run mobile phone at the wall, just yell in front of the baby, this happened 2 or 3 weeks ago. When this happens, I can’t control myself, I just want to destroy something. Of course, I understand where things can and cannot be thrown, but that’s just it. which I understand in a fit of anger.
I understand that the circumstances have developed this way, they must be endured, and when we find ourselves in MSC everything will be different... although maybe not... I don’t know.
Write to me how to deal with these attacks of anger?

Sorry for such a long story. Thanks for reading.