• How to check if a person likes you. How to know if a person really loves you


    What should a girl who is experiencing warm feelings to a man, but does not feel reciprocity? How to determine that a guy from a crowd of women has chosen you? Are there visible signs what a man likes a woman and how to learn to distinguish between them. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

    A man subconsciously wants to be as close as possible to the object of his adoration

    According to scientists from the field of psychology, language human body says much more than words about people’s attitude to the world around them. According to experts, the body language of men is significantly different from women. When communicating with the opposite sex, women use more than fifty different gestures to display their emotions and feelings. Men are more constrained in this regard, and their “vocabulary” consists of only ten gestures.

    It is thanks to these gestures that you can determine the degree of your attractiveness in the eyes of a man.

    How to understand that a man likes you? First of all, you should pay attention to eye contact. When looking at a woman to whom a man is subconsciously attracted, eye contact is established for quite a long time (about five seconds). Raised eyebrows and wide open eyes can indicate interest. Another manifestation of the presence of feelings can be an invasion of personal space and an attempt to take a closer distance during a conversation. Special attention should be given to the hands and fingers of the interlocutor. Most people during a conversation place their hands towards the interlocutor, which indicates interest in communication. Body language is almost impossible to control, which allows you to “read” a man like an open book. Trying to get my life in order appearance

    , straightening your tie, brushing away specks of dust and smoothing your hair is one of the manifestations of interest. If we draw an analogy with the animal world, then this behavior of a man can be compared with a peacock that demonstrates its beauty in front of a female.

    Pay more attention to how the man sits, gestures and moves. When a representative of the stronger sex is overcome by warm and bright feelings, he subconsciously tries to evoke certain emotions in his companion. Trying to leave good impression manifests itself in the form of participation and interest in your conversation.

    People do not always communicate with words; sometimes they prefer to show their affection through gestures, glances and facial expressions.

    As stated earlier, special meaning In this situation, eye contact is emphasized. A guy in love practically does not take his eyes off his chosen one, trying to “catch” each awkward look. To determine the level of interest, you should respond to an attempt to make eye contact, and after a few seconds, look away. After this, return your gaze back and carefully analyze the interlocutor’s reaction. Guys in love often look at the lips of their interlocutor during a conversation. It is thanks to this “sign” that you can determine your interest in a woman. If a man avoids eye contact, then this indicates that he is not interested in you.

    According to experts, even shy guys try to establish eye contact with the objects of their adoration. A quick look, sliding across the face is one of the manifestations of interest and sympathy.

    Behavior model

    In order to determine the degree of male attention to your person, you should find time for a detailed analysis of the behavior of the men around you.

    A clear sign of interest on the part of the male sex is an attempt at touching. At the same time, it is very important to correctly evaluate the gestures “expressed by a man.” If during a conversation a man tries to touch your hand or take it into his hand, then this is a clear sign of overwhelming feelings. If you are sitting next to each other, an attempt to press your body together can also be regarded as a demonstration of caring. Finding out that a man likes you is quite simple. It is enough just to touch his hand or face during a conversation and carefully study his reaction. An attempt to withdraw and move your hand indicates that doesn't have any feelings for you. A guy in love can respond to a touch or try to hide the emotions overwhelming him, but he will never try to take the hand of his beloved woman away. Shy and self-conscious guys may respond to touch with a slight wince. In order to correctly assess such a reaction, further behavior should be observed more closely. young man.

    Guys with high self-esteem often hug the girls around them. That is why when analyzing behavior you should pay attention to various nuances. Such nuances include excitement. Deep breathing, inability to sit still, inappropriate laughter and excessive sweating- clear signs of the excitement that men show when in love. These changes in behavior, combined with an attempt to make a good impression, are an attempt to establish closer relationships.

    One of the manifestations of falling in love is the mirror reflection of your body movements. Take a close look at the guy. Trying to copy your actions is sure sign fascination with you. Responsive actions on your part will be perceived by his subconscious as a kind of signal to begin more decisive actions. It is the copying of gestures that is the main signal from the subconscious about the presence of warm feelings. You can determine the degree of your attractiveness to a man by being in big company. A man in love will subconsciously take a seat either next to you or opposite you in order to have direct eye contact.

    If a man is very timid, then this prevents him from starting a relationship with a girl he really likes

    More obvious signs of sympathy

    Many girls often ask the following questions:

    1. Are there any signs that he likes me?
    2. How do you know if a guy likes you?
    3. How to determine the difference between friendship and falling in love?

    In order to answer all these questions, you should analyze in detail the gestures, body movements and manner of speaking of a man. Most men in love experience a feeling of awkwardness when talking to a girl and do a poor job of hiding slight nervousness. Most often, guys try to talk about themselves in order to interest their interlocutor. Particular attention should be paid to the interlocutor’s manner of speech and reaction to your words.

    There is a special technique that allows you to find out about a man’s feelings. During a conversation, approach the guy and tell him something in a half-whisper. The impact force can be increased by lung help touching the interlocutor's back. Reciprocal approach, an attempt to catch the eye and reciprocal touches are a clear sign of interest. Lack of reaction and a step back is a kind of demonstration of indifference and friendly relations. A guy who doesn't have feelings will react negatively to an attempt to invade his personal space.

    Men in love often show interest in women's hobbies. They begin to become interested in musical genres, films and TV series that interest the woman they love. He invites you to concerts and invites you to attend various events together dedicated to a topic that interests you. Shared hobbies allow you to find common ground for the further development of relationships. Enthusiastic guys try to learn as much as possible about the girl’s interests in order to be able to communicate on various topics.

    Meeting a man's friends also plays a fairly significant role. Most guys will not miss the opportunity to make a couple of jokes regarding the affection of a young man. Often it is a man’s friends who try to find out whether the feelings are mutual. Observing the guy’s behavior in the company, as well as his immediate environment, will allow you to obtain all the necessary information for further actions. However, extreme caution should be exercised here. There are times when a young man’s friends talk about him being in love, although everyone accompanying symptoms his behavior clearly demonstrates the opposite. For fun, young people may deliberately pit you against each other in order to make fun of the situation.

    You can determine that a man likes you if you pay attention to his gestures and phrases

    Various signals that appear during close communication

    Many young people express their feelings through humor and teasing. This kind of attention is more typical for young guys. It is very important to correctly assess such human behavior. Evil jokes directed at you must be nipped in the bud, no matter what their motives.

    The correct interpretation of compliments is also of no small importance. When a man notices the slightest changes in a woman's appearance, this is a direct demonstration of his feelings. Most guys pay little attention to the appearance of the girls around them, and try not to express their comments or admiration. If you hear that a young man likes your hairstyle or your outfit, then this is a clear demonstration of interest in your person. However, if you have known a young man for a long time, then such compliments are not an indicator of falling in love. It is also important to remember that not every guy manages to pick up Right words

    in order to express your own feelings. This should be treated with understanding and wait for more decisive action. Thanks to social networks, it is much easier to find out about a young man’s love. There are a lot of different hobbies on the Internet, but the fact that a man pays attention to you indicates that he is interested in you. It is possible that in this way the young man may be trying to kill boredom, but frequent messages in in social networks

    They clearly say the opposite. In this situation, you should pay attention to the style of writing messages. Emoticons and brackets at the end of a sentence do not always mean that a person is happy to communicate. Quite often, such signs are placed out of habit. It is very important to correctly evaluate the words of your interlocutor. A veiled form of recognition in own feelings

    may just be context that you didn't understand correctly. That is why it is very important to analyze the motivation for writing a message.

    To understand that a man likes you, you should watch him very carefully

    What is required from a woman Are you wondering how to tell if a man likes you? First, count the number of your “random” meetings this month. Frequent dates in rather unexpected places may indicate that the man deliberately creates everything the necessary conditions

    for such meetings. It is very important to show to the signs of attention that the man shows. When giving compliments, smiling and saying hello, a man expects politeness and goodwill in return. If you have reciprocal sympathy, then you should not waste time and should try to invite the man to spend time together on your own. If you do not have reciprocal feelings, then you should tell the man about this as gently as possible. Try not to hurt his feelings and tell him that you appreciate the attention he receives.


    When analyzing male behavior, it is very important to correctly interpret the signs of attention shown. Soberly evaluate the actions and signs of attention on the part of representatives of the stronger sex. Many girls mistakenly perceive attention to themselves as a sign of falling in love.

    Also, women should be extra careful when communicating with taciturn guys. If you regard an invitation to meet from such a person as a hint romantic date, you should find out the purpose of this invitation in advance. Otherwise, it will be created awkward situation, when one of you will think about romance, and the second will pursue other goals.

    Young people are much less secretive than us girls. That is why it is not so difficult to understand whether he likes you. Men reveal their hidden desires through their behavior. So, let's figure out how to understand who likes me. How to use nonverbal communication find out the whole truth?

    Signs of Interest

    There are several signs by which you can determine that a guy is not indifferent to you.

    • This is a look. If a guy looks at you mysteriously all the time, doesn’t take his eyes off you when he’s with friends, and when you notice this, he looks away, then you can be sure that he has a crush on you. This is the first sign that he is in love with you.
    • The second thing you should pay attention to is the change in his behavior in your presence. It can manifest itself in completely different ways:
      • laughs a lot;
      • talks about himself non-stop, embellishing reality;
      • very worried that it gives him away (he breathes quickly, his voice trembles, etc.);
      • When you appear in a company, he tries to be the center of attention, starts joking a lot and tells ridiculous stories.
    • Thus, the guy begins to behave unusually and it becomes very noticeable. Such changes bring a smile to the people around him, since most of them guess the reason for such drastic changes.
    • The third thing that gives a young man away is his smile. When communicating with you, he constantly smiles. Usually the smile is sincere and open, all over the face. If he simply smiles with his lips, it means that he is showing only a little attention to you.
    • When communicating with a guy, try to pay attention to his pupils, because if he feels sympathy for you, then when you appear they will dilate.
    • The next sign of falling in love is mirroring, when a guy tries to copy your gestures, facial expressions, and behavior without realizing it.

    Fortune telling for a guy

    Also, many schoolgirls very often use various fortune telling to understand who is in love with them. For them, love seems like some kind of game and therefore they use such a technique as fortune telling. One type of fortune telling is traditional fortune telling with chamomile. However, we don't need a plant for this. You can make a chamomile from an ordinary sheet of paper or cardboard. With your friends, cut out a certain number of petals and fix them on the stem. On the inside of each petal, write the name of the boy you like and start guessing.

    Many girls and young women wondered ahead of time who liked me. However, there is no need to rush into this, because love is an adult feeling and much more serious; it is impossible to know it with the help of children's fortune-telling. Therefore, such fortune telling is a game and with its help it is impossible to understand whether a person likes you.

    It is impossible to say with one hundred percent accuracy that a person really loves you. However, there are many ways to determine a person's true attitude. To do this, you should pay attention to his behavior, words and actions, especially when you are together. And despite the fact that each person’s idea of ​​true love is different, it can be distinguished from simple love, interest or fleeting infatuation. If you want to know the true feelings of your loved one, follow these guidelines.


    How does he behave?

      Can a person be himself around you? To love means to be open to your other half. If a person changes when he is alone with you, it means he loves you. For example, if in public he is serious and polite, but in private he fools around with you and does stupid things, then he is completely open and loves you.

      • If a person shares his deepest emotions and experiences with you, while feeling comfortable, he loves you.
      • If a person feels comfortable without pretending to be perfect, relaxes and doesn't care about food stuck in his teeth, then he doesn't mind you seeing this side of his personality.
    1. Is the person happy to see you after a hard day? If a person is having a bad day but perks up when he sees you, that's a sign of love. If a person loves you, the sight of you or the sound of your voice will already make him feel a little better.

      • The next time he's not in the mood, see how he reacts to your presence.
    2. Does your loved one look at you with loving eyes? Have you ever noticed a hazy look on yourself full of adoration? You'll know what it's all about as soon as you see it. Sometimes you may notice this look in the morning, or even accidentally during lunch.

      • You may also notice that the person is staring at you with the same facial expression.
    3. Does a person like to play the fool next to you? Love makes a person stupider, more inspired and makes you laugh without reason. If a person behaves this way in your presence, he is most likely in love.

      • If you said something not very funny, and the person simply explodes with laughter, he is consumed by love for you.
      • If the person is nervous or fidgeting, they are likely excited by your presence.
    4. Is a person sad when you are sad? If you are experiencing incredible emotional suffering or simply feeling broken because of your illness, this condition must be transferred to the person who loves you. He will absorb negative emotions to make you feel better.

      • Although a person does not have to feel the same feelings as you, he will definitely be influenced by your mood.

      What he says?

      1. Does the person talk about your future together as a matter of course? If a person truly loves you, the thought of a future together will be natural for him, he should not feel uncertainty or insecurity. If it's okay for him to talk about what you will do in the future, what your relationship will look like living together in a year, two, ten years, it means he really loves you.

        • Real love implies the desire to live forever next to your loved one. If a person does not see his future without you, he definitely loves you.
        • If you're discussing what your kids will look like, where you'll retire, or where you'll go on your honeymoon, you're in true love.
      2. Does your loved one give you meaningful compliments? Exists a big difference between “I like your hair” and “You make me feel better no matter what.” It is important that the person tells you that he values ​​you as a person and respects some of your character traits.

        • You don't have to be complimented all the time. It is quality that matters, not quantity.
      3. When a person tells you “I love you,” does he really mean it? There is a huge difference between “Liu cha!” I love you too". If a person really loves you, he says it, looking into your eyes, his voice sounds sincere and he does not demand anything in return.

        • You don't need a reason to confess your love. He shouldn't do it as a favor or because it sounds appropriate at the time.
      4. Is the person really open to you? loving person will not be afraid to talk about his thoughts, feelings, fears and the like. He will talk about his childhood, his regrets, difficult periods, dreams, and he will feel comfortable sharing this with you.

        • If a person says, “I've never told anyone this before...”, then most likely he really loves and trusts you.
      5. Does your loved one tell you that he misses you when you are apart? If you are far from each other, but continue to correspond, call each other, making it clear that you miss each other, then you cannot imagine life without each other. If you left for 3 weeks and did not receive any news, most likely this is not love.

        • Your loved one should not constantly call you to say that he misses you.
      6. Does your loved one see your shortcomings? He shouldn't idealize you. A truly loving person will be able to point out to you a mistake, an incorrect statement or unworthy behavior. However, he shouldn't criticize you all the time. It should be healthy, constructive criticism, meaning that the person knows you inside and out and accepts you with all your strengths and weaknesses.

        • You should be wary if a person never criticizes you and never argues with you. Make sure the person loves you and not the ideal version of you.
      7. Does your loved one respect your opinion? If he's interested in you on a variety of issues, from appreciating a pair of new shoes to the political situation in the world, then he really loves you. A loving person can ask for your advice or point of view on any matter, even if he already has his own formed opinion.

        • He doesn't have to ask your opinion about everything - only about the things that are most important to him.

      What is he doing?

      1. Does your loved one listen to everything you say? If a person truly loves you, not only will he be open with you, but he will also listen to what you tell him, even if he has heard about it before. This doesn't mean he has to act like your dog. He will simply be there to listen to your thoughts and express a response point of view, without interrupting or being distracted.

        • To love means not only to speak, but also to be able to listen.
      2. Does your loved one come to your aid at any moment, even at inopportune and inconvenient times? Of course, he's always there for a couple of drinks at the bar or to share Tasty dinner, but will he take you to the airport if necessary? Or will he walk your dog when you're sick? A loving person will share both joyful and sad moments with you.

        • If a person is near you when you are happy, good mood and with a light heart, but disappears when you are sad or depressed, he does not love you.
        • Love is being close to a person, no matter what. A loving person will accept you with all your strengths and weaknesses, and will also share happy and difficult times with you.
      3. Does your loved one do nice things for you? A loving person will gas up your car when you're busy, buy you groceries, or make chicken soup when you're sick. He doesn't have to constantly fuss over you and overprotect you, but if he loves you, he will want to give you a reason to smile or make your life a little easier.

        • True love is the ability not only to take, but also to give in return.
        • If a person truly loves you, he will do these things without asking your permission. This should go without saying. If you ask him for help every time, most likely they don’t like you.
      4. Does a person always want to be close to you? To love means to always strive to be close, even when it seems impossible. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to cling to each other, but loving people take advantage of every opportunity to be together.

      5. Does your loved one give you enough freedom? A loving person will always give you time to be alone with yourself and mind your own business. If a person does not let you go even a step, this is already a blind obsession. As a couple, everyone needs time to do their own thing and be themselves.

        • The desire to be close all the time rather speaks not of love, but of the fact that a person is not confident in himself.
      6. Does the person really understand you? True love is true understanding. If a person knows how to recognize your mood, knows what you like and what you don’t, and how to please you, then he loves you.

        • It's okay if you remain partly a mystery to a person. You should not expect that he understands you 100%, but you should have a strong belief that the person feels and understands you most of the time.
        • If a person truly loves you, he will support your goals and interests, even if he is far from them.
      • When someone likes you, they act differently in your presence, look at you differently, or smile a lot.
      • Consider other people's feelings. When someone likes you, whatever you do will mean a lot to that person. Be careful.
      • If a person doesn't talk to you, it doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Maybe he's just shy.
      • Don't confuse flirting with showing friendship, otherwise you will be hurt later.
      • Giving a person freedom is necessary, but if you are not at all interested in where, what and with whom he does, you risk losing him.
      • If your girlfriend or boyfriend seems clingy and overprotective of you, it may be because they care about you.


      • A person may try to sacrifice his love if you are no longer interested in him or are already in a relationship or marriage with someone else. However, he won't do this if you constantly feed his hopes.

    Dilated pupils indicate increased interest. If a person sees you and his pupils involuntarily dilate, then this means that he really, really likes you. Of course, sometimes it is not so easy to notice, but if you learn to catch this non-verbal signal, you will be pleasantly surprised at your ability to see sympathy where you have not seen it before. It is also necessary to take into account that it is much easier to see dilated pupils in light-eyed people than in dark-eyed people.

    By the way, Queen Cleopatra used belladonna tincture to artificially dilate her pupils and look more sensual.

    Eye contact

    As a rule, people like to look into the eyes of those they like. Eye contact has always been considered one of the best nonverbal cues, which allowed us to declare that we were friendly and not at all aggressive. If a person looks at you for no more than a second, and then smiles a little and looks away, then you can be sure that the person liked you.

    In this case, by the way, a long and intent gaze is usually interpreted as a sign of aggression. This is if we are talking about looking closely at a stranger. After all, sometimes long glances speak of the frantic strength of feelings: for example, lovers can continuously look at each other for a very long time.

    Head tilt

    A study has been conducted more than once that has shown the following thing: if a person tilts his head to the left or right during a conversation, then the interlocutor seems more attractive. Another person always tilts his head towards someone who is attractive to him.

    Why is bowing your head considered almost a “sacred” gesture? It's very simple: by tilting our head, we open the carotid arteries, which are located on the side of our neck. And the carotid artery is one of the most important channels of the circulatory system. If the carotid artery is severed for even a few minutes, the person dies. That is why the “exposure” of the carotid artery is considered a sign of friendliness. So, rest assured, if the interlocutor tilts his head, then he likes you.

    Raised eyebrows

    If you stand long enough in the arrival hall of an airport or train station and watch those people who, after separation, meet with loved ones, you will see an interesting thing.

    When two people who are in a pleasant mood see each other, they automatically raise their eyebrows for a short time. This gesture lasts only one-sixth of a second, but nevertheless it is a fact. A slight raising of the eyebrows is an excellent indicator that a person likes you.


    And, of course, we can’t help but say about Her Majesty the Smile. Perhaps this is the most international symbol of sympathy. But there is a “but”. How to recognize whether a smile is fake or sincere? Very simple.

    A sincere smile is characterized by raised corners of the lips, upward movement of the cheekbones and the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. If the cheekbones hardly move, and wrinkles do not appear around the eyes, then most likely the smile is forced and false.

    Read even more about how to please people in the book “Turning on Charm Using the Secret Services Method.”

    Is it possible to accurately determine whether a guy likes you or not? Sometimes uncertainty can simply drive you crazy, and at all costs, you want to understand it. And if you want to be 100% sure that a guy is interested in you before “making a move towards him,” this is understandable and quite natural. Why make a fool of yourself if you can avoid it... How to understand that a guy likes you?

    I'll tell you what most guys do and how they show themselves when they like a girl, even if they want to hide it to look "cool". There are always signals that give out.

    There are many subconscious signals that are almost impossible to hide, this is natural behavior when a guy feels something for a girl.

    In addition to the obvious signs, you can also find some less obvious ones on this list. They will reveal his real desires that he is trying to hide, not only from you, but perhaps from himself too!

    So, how to understand that a guy likes you:

    1. He says this

    Are you kidding? Not at all. I see, what could be more obvious than this?! But, the guy who tells you, “I like you. I love you." He's probably not lying.

    Another question is that he puts “like” into it! Does he want you two together or does he just want to get you into bed and then he'll just tell you " I'm sorry, but it's all gone«.

    1. He asks a lot of questions

    He's obviously trying to carry on a conversation with you. He is trying to get to know and understand you. Thus, he continues to ask, and ask... Many questions may not be entirely clear or illogical, but he tries to keep the conversation going and avoid awkward pauses.

    He may simply ask some questions out of politeness, but as soon as you notice that he is asking not only out of necessity, it means that he is interested.

    That is, you shouldn’t think that he’s head over heels in love with you if he asked you: “How are you?” Use common sense.

    If he doesn’t like you, he won’t look for meetings with you or start an idle conversation unless he really needs something (for example, help with something).

    But remember, when he sincerely asks questions, tries to get to know you more, digs deeper and deeper, this is really good sign.

    1. He finds common interests with you

    One of the reasons he asks a lot of questions is because he wants to get some information about you that he can use to hook you. If you say that you like... And he goes on and on, telling how he loves the same music, movies, or something else just like you, he (perhaps subconsciously) is trying to prove that you suit each other and have common interests.

    A guy who likes you, as a rule, will not get into an argument; on the contrary, he will seem pleasant and try to be likeable.

    If there's a lot of "I like that too" in your conversation, it's a good sign that you might be compatible.

    1. He leans over

    When you talk to him, he leans towards you. Even if he hears you perfectly. You might be in a bar or club with music on, so he'll have to lean in to hear you. But still, if he makes an effort to hear you and be closer, this is a great sign. Look at the amount of effort he puts into talking to you. This is the easiest way to determine his attitude. Pay attention to his body movements, gestures, to what his subconscious says.

    A normal guy who isn't trying to "act cool" will usually show a lot of subconscious signs and try to get closer to you.

    He may also act "cool" around you, but just because a guy acts like he's not interested in you doesn't mean he actually feels it (more on that later).

    1. He approached you

    Another obvious thing. Yes, but there are some “buts”. If he "accidentally bumped into" you, he probably likes you... Or your girlfriend! And he's just using you as a strategy to get closer to her. Who knows? Either way, a guy who approaches you in a coffee shop or bookstore, etc. obviously finds you cute.

    When he starts a conversation, you can ask yourself why he didn't approach someone else. If, most likely, he specifically chose you, then this definitely means something.

    1. His behavior changes when you're around

    Watch him when he is with friends or with other people. How does he behave? Does his behavior change when you're around, or is he 100% the same as he was?

    This tends to happen to younger, less experienced guys.

    How to make a guy fall in love with you? Read -

    1. He completely ignores you

    Some guys use the "I don't care" strategy. So they try to be different, that's their way of thinking.

    But he will talk to you alone when no one is around. He probably really likes you, but he doesn't have the courage to approach you when you're surrounded by girlfriends or other guys.

    He needs you to give him a sign (just watch!) that you are open to talking to him.

    Anyway, often when a guy “sort of” ignores you, it’s because he’s either not interested in you or he’s very interested. It's a trick as old as time.

    Think about it, in a normal situation where a guy is not interested in you, he will be normal towards you, and may well make normal small talk (depending on the situation), but he will not (usually) completely ignore you.

    Guys show mixed signals when they try to hide how they feel. Look for various deviations in behavior. Anything unusual is usually a good sign.

    1. His body language gives away = he turns to you

    You can judge his likeability by his body language when he's around. Does he straighten his back or push out his chest in an attempt to appear more masculine? Some guys try to hide their interest; others, on the contrary, show it openly.

    It all depends on the degree to which he is confident in himself. The problem is that most guys don't want to fall on their face and don't want to take risks. Especially in situations that may have social consequences - at work or school, or if he is a family friend, etc.

    1. He treated you

    In some cultures, it is normal for a man to treat a woman. If you're with a group of friends and he buys you something, it doesn't mean anything. But then again, if it's just the two of you and he insists on paying, either he's just a gentleman in general, or he likes you.

    Watch him, does he treat his friends?

    If he does this, he's just a generous guy in general and considers you a friend. But if he only pays for his own things and then treats you, then that's clear difference. But here another question arises, if he is stingy, maybe he is not the guy you would like to be with?

    Again, it really depends on the location, if you're at a bar and he buys you a drink, he might be trying to get you drunk. In this case, you need to be careful.

    1. He asks for your number

    This is another one obvious sign, which indicates sympathy. Sometimes!

    Use logic. If he finds a relatively stupid excuse to get your number, he might want a way to stay in touch with you and ask you out on a date in the future. When he takes your number, and there is a really good reason for this, then perhaps it is the only reason for everything. Nothing more.

    1. He found and added you on social networks

    Just one of the “evidence”, which, of course, may not mean anything. But if he sends you messages, likes photos, then this may already mean something. Look for more clues, dig further.

    1. Tries to kiss you

    There is nothing to explain here, everything is already clear. Even if he was tipsy, it only revealed his subconscious desire. No matter how much alcohol he drank. It's clear that if he wants to kiss you, it means he likes you, anyway. The only question is whether he wants to be with you Serious relationships or just spend one night?!

    1. Hey, my eyes are here!

    He knows where your eyes are. But your breasts are like a magnet, and sometimes it’s hard for him to control himself.

    Just look at his eyes and where they are looking... No matter how hard he tries to look disinterested, his gaze will tell a lot. When you pass in front of him, he will look you up and down.

    When you speak, he looks at your lips, and does this often... He likes what he sees! The easiest way to determine whether a guy likes you is to look into his eyes. What does he look at when you talk?

    1. Lots of eye contact

    Of course, if he's not checking out your body, he might like your face. He will look into your eyes when you speak, and he will hold his gaze a little longer than other people, but not enough to arouse suspicion.

    1. He turns away

    If you catch his eye and he quickly turns away as if he's busy doing something, that's a great sign. Just think, he was a little nervous about you or trying to hide his interest. This usually happens when you still don't know each other very well. In case you know each other, he probably won't look away... in this case, he will hold eye contact, smile, or ask something to keep the conversation going.

    1. He smiles or laughs (a lot)

    Simply smiling does not mean sympathy. But when no one said anything particularly funny, this can serve as a signal.

    1. You have a boyfriend?

    Guys rarely ask this question unless they have sympathy. In any case, there must be a reason for such a question. I mean, if he doesn't have feelings, he doesn't care if you're alone or not. This is an easy way to understand whether you are free or not.

    If he doesn't ask directly, it may be indirect or implicit. This is another clear indicator that he is interested. Again, this is just one of the signs that you need to note to yourself. The question itself, of course, means nothing.

    1. Agrees with everything

    With everything you say. He may not have his own opinion, but perhaps he is doing this to make you feel like “you have so much in common.” It may be too good to be true.

    It's good to have similar views on life, but it's also normal to have different opinions. Disagreeing on difficult issues can be really fun and educational!

    1. Gets nervous when you're around

    When someone is nervous, you can get it. These emotions jump from one person to another... Look for signs of nervousness in him when he is around you. When the conversation stops there is awkwardness, there is tension between the two of you and he seems to be thinking “what should I say next?” If yes, these are all good signs.

    If he is not interested in you, he will not care how he looks from the outside and will not be nervous.

    How do you know if a guy likes you?

    1. He's trying to be alpha

    Shy guys will be nervous around you. But more confident guys may try to show their masculinity... Or show their superiority - (money), knowledge, or something else that distinguishes them.

    Look for something, some strangeness. He will either be shy or an expressive extrovert who tries to show off his best “features” - whatever he thinks you might find attractive.

    1. Protects you

    You began to notice that when people jostled you on the street, trying to pass you in a crowded place, he positioned himself in such a way that they would not touch you; he's trying to protect you to some extent.

    He will take your hand and walk ahead to push the crowd away. This is another sign of affection - he will protect you.

    1. Becomes jealous

    When you talk to other guys and especially laugh. You can see jealousy on his face or read it in his behavior. Just watch. He will try to look funny, but with one eye he will be checking you and how you respond to other guys.

    He could sigh, get angry, or make a capricious face. Try to understand these little clues.

    1. Remembers your name

    Let's say you met him one day, in the company of your mutual friends...

    And, when you met again, he remembered (surprisingly) your name. So at that moment, you were significant to him.

    Another possibility is that he has good memory(plus he's smart). Most guys don't remember names, especially when visiting.

    Seriously, if he remembers your name, that's a good sign.

    1. Remembers your birthday

    Social networks have one useful function: they remind you of friends’ birthdays. Imagine, if there is no information about your birthday on the Internet, how many people would know about it, or, more precisely, remember it? And so he sends you a message with congratulations on VKontakte! If he's not wishing all his friends a happy birthday, he might just be trying to move the conversation along. Answer him and see how he keeps the conversation going.

    1. Trying to impress

    You can think whatever you want, but a guy who bragged about his job, car, money, clothes, achievements, etc. is pathetic (because tough guys they know that they are cool, that they don’t need to show it).

    But he also wants to impress you!

    In any case, there are many in various ways make an impression, and trying to present yourself in a good light can signal that he likes you.

    1. He initiates a dialogue

    Let's say you're at a party with a bunch of people. He randomly starts talking to you, asks a question, or smiles.

    This doesn't mean he likes you; maybe he's just being polite. On the other hand, does he do the same with other women around him? Always pay attention to how he treats other women around, is his attitude different? Yes? Then this guy feels sympathy.

    To the shy guys who are waiting the right moment to show your interest - throw the bait and wait for a reaction. Provide an opportunity, and at this time you can observe and check whether he has feelings.

    1. Makes fun and teases

    Constantly mocks you and finds something to hurt you with? If he jokes with you, trying to make you laugh, or there is sarcasm in his words, this is a signal for you.

    A guy almost never teases a girl he's not interested in. This could be one of the types of flirting (not quite of course good option, well, what can you do). Either way, it's a sign of interest.

    1. Lingers one second longer

    When you run into him on the street, at work, at school, at a party, in a club, on a bus, wherever you are - you start talking to him, and then... There is a moment when he is about to leave and then... there is this one, tiny little second. He stays a little longer, as if he wants to stay or see you off. Then he leaves. Look at this moment.

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