• What toys do children under one year old need by months of development? Choosing educational and necessary toys for children under one year old


    With the birth of a child, great happiness comes to the house, which also brings with it worries, anxieties, and worries. Young parents have so many questions! How to care for a baby, what should he buy first, what toys does a child need before one year old, how to choose them and when to start buying them? And this is just a small part of all the doubts that new mothers and fathers have. In this article we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about what toys a newborn and an older child need.

    From this article you will learn:

    Some modern parents Immediately after the birth of a child, they run to the children's store and buy everything there. As a result, the basket with toys ends up with teddy bears, dishes, rattles, cars and dolls. Others believe that the baby is not yet aware of anything happening around him and will not become interested in toys any time soon. Who is right? As always, friendship won: there is no need for excesses, but at the same time, completely deprive the child of necessary light industry products.

    For children in the first months of life, toys are one of the main sources of information about the world around them. With their help, the child learns to see different colors and concentrate his attention. During the game, the baby’s consciousness and fine motor skills of the fingers develop. All of the above also affects the development of his speech, so toys are simply vital for the baby. But this does not mean that there should be so many of them that everything in the nursery will be occupied by them.

    Toys by month for the little ones

    1 month

    Your child is still very young, but is already beginning to show interest in everything around him. Of course, at this age toys are bought more as a reserve than for playing with him. But nevertheless, you can do something for its development now. All the most pleasant moments of the baby’s life are currently associated with the mother and... with the diaper. Roll it up several times and hang it on the sides of the crib so that the child can look at it.

    You can attach several contrasting pictures above the changing table. So, during hygiene procedures and dressing, the baby will learn to hold his gaze on an object.

    2 month

    Finally, you can start unpacking the gifts you gave your child. loving relatives. Now is the time to use your mobile. It will actually become your baby's first toy. The musical carousel is usually attached above the baby's crib. Rattles that attach to the stroller can also be useful in the second month of a baby’s life. It is also good to have several small cubes with a black and white image. All these items will help the baby learn to concentrate and follow a moving object.

    3 month

    At this age, the child learns to grab the objects he likes with his hands. This also requires suitable toys: rattles, rubber or plastic rings and other products that can be held in the hand. You need different rattles: with a handle in the form of a stick, in the form of a ring or arc, or a triangle. Be sure to make sure that your child’s arsenal includes toys with different surfaces to the touch: “pimply”, ribbed, corrugated, etc.

    Fabric toys are also an excellent option for babies of three months. Soft animal figurines, geometric figures, rustling or ringing flowers can be attached to the arcs of a developmental mat, which you also need to start using.

    4 month

    At this age, the child learns or already knows how to roll over onto his tummy from his back and back. To make it interesting for him to be on his stomach, you need to attract his attention with something bright. Multi-colored balls, tumblers, rattles and various sounding toys will be very useful. During this period, you need to begin to develop the baby’s ability to sense the variety of their surfaces while touching objects.

    To do this you need to stock up on toys from different materials, for example, from satin, fur, etc. It would be good to buy bright bracelets for the arms or special socks with bells, which are put on the arms so that the baby tries to reach with one hand with the other.

    5 month

    We change the socks from the previous point onto the legs - let the baby try to reach the legs with his hands. This month you will need wooden, plastic or even rag cubes. They will help the baby strengthen his grasping skills, and small balls will influence fine motor skills hands It’s good if the child has a block with wooden cubes. The baby will be able to learn (with the help of his parents) to transfer an object from hand to hand. A teething ring is another one of the toys that a baby up to one year needs.

    6 month

    At this age, you can already invite your child to play musical instruments by purchasing a pipe or a bell. A musical toy will promote hearing development and encourage the baby to try to crawl towards the source of the sound. Usually at this age the child already begins to sit up independently, which means that bathing in the bathtub will now be more of a playful activity than a hygienic one.

    excellent remedy make the water procedure exciting. You can also buy small books with pictures of animals or various objects. They can be rag, vinyl, cardboard or made of wood. Toys with mirror foil will help the baby begin to recognize himself in the reflection and he will look at the little one in the mirror with curiosity.

    For children from six months to one year

    From what toys a newborn will need, we move on to more “adult” ones. age group. Babies over six months old will be interested in the following toys:

    • pyramids in the form of rings or cups of different sizes . A baby of 8-9 months can already be taught to put together a simple pyramid from several components;

    • sensory toys , even self-sewn bags filled with cereals and peas will do. The baby crumples these bags with his fingers and develops motor skills;
    • Finger paint - This great idea for children's leisure. It is better to offer your child a large sheet of paper (you can even cut a piece from a roll of unnecessary wallpaper) and give him jars of paint. You just need to make sure that he doesn’t put his dirty hands in his mouth;

    • insert toys. This is a set of small objects of different shapes that need to be placed in the corresponding holes in a frame or container;
    • toys on wheels . It’s interesting to carry them in front of you when you once again crawl from mom to dad. These can be small cars, caterpillar tracks, trains, etc.;

    • gaming panels: telephones with buttons that, when pressed, will play music or animals will make sounds, a children's piano, etc.;

    • cubes will also be needed, because the baby can already be taught to build towers from them, placing one object on top of another.

    • dolls Even if a boy was born in your family, you will still need a doll for his development, even the simplest one. With its help, you can teach your baby to distinguish between different parts of the body and face: ears, nose, hands, etc.

    Educational toys: what are they?

    Educational toys for children under one year old should be functional, especially for children closer to 12 months. A child will be interested in a toy as long as he can do something with it, for example, twist its parts, pull levers, throw it, squeak with it, press buttons, etc.

    Any such toy falls under the concept of developmental. It helps the child gain fundamental skills such as thinking logically, paying attention, and having good motor coordination.

    After six months physical activity the child increases many times. He not only crawls, but is already trying to stand on his feet, take his first steps, holding onto support. He can already grab toys not only with his whole palm, but also with his fingers.

    His actions become purposeful, and not random, as before. And it is the parents who must teach the little one how to handle toys: how to spin a drum, roll a ball, press keys or squeak with a rubber elephant.

    There should be several toy objects around the child at once; he will definitely find how to use them! Flexible construction sets and large mosaics are just a small part of what can be offered to a child as educational toys.

    When a baby takes his first steps, he simply must have a rolling toy at hand. This could be an animal, a drum, or another figure on a stick that you can roll in front of you. It’s good if it rings, squeaks, rattles or makes other sounds. With it, the child will quickly master independent walking, because he will feel support.

    Quality of toys for children under one year old

    Having decided what toys newborns will need, we proceed to selecting each individual item. It is better, of course, to purchase all items at a specialized retail outlet and pay attention to the age limit indicated on the packaging or label. The inscription was made not for show, but to protect the baby from the possible danger of swallowing or in some other way harming himself with small parts.

    The material of toys should be non-toxic and not have a characteristic chemical smell, because the child puts everything in his mouth. Fragile plastic or too fluffy fabric are also not for small children. The toy should not contain anything breakable. Small-diameter holes in which a child’s fingers can get stuck are also not welcome. That is, toys should be as useful as possible and absolutely safe!

    And most importantly, pay more attention to your baby, then any toy will become educational and beneficial!

    Merchandisers and salespeople in children's stores do not waste time, and once you enter the sales area in search of diapers or nappies for your baby, you cannot avoid the rows of toys. And on the shelves everything is so bright, beautiful, shiny, squeaking and moving!

    Add here the enticing inscriptions on the packages “0+”, “Develops from birth”, “For the little ones”, “Baby’s first toy” and now you are already at the checkout with a whole bunch of toys that you did not plan to buy. Let's figure out which toys are really necessary for a newborn and which will contribute to the baby's development during the first year of life.

    Toys for a child up to one year: 0-3 months

    From birth to 3 months, the most important thing for a child is the best remedy entertainment and development are native human face- Mom's or dad's. Any household item such as a soft brush with which you brush your baby’s hair, a terry mitten with which you wash him, packaging paper napkins and so on. carries enormous developmental potential for a child in the first three months of life and serves as the basis. Keep this in mind when making a list of essentials before heading to the store.

    It is very possible that you will make the first toys for your baby yourself, and only the bare minimum will remain to be purchased, or you will do without purchased toys at all during this period.

    However, I will give a list that includes necessary toys for a child from birth to 3 months, which can entertain him and serve as props for your joint educational games. Here you will find brief recommendations on choosing these toys.

    • Mobile for hanging above the crib. Please note when purchasing Special attention to the music that the mobile makes - it should not be too loud, harsh, sad, and you should like it - who knows how many times a day you will have to listen to it :) Also make sure that the fastening is secure and that there are no small parts that can break off and fall on the baby. It’s good if the elements of the mobile represent real and not fictional characters - for example, flowers, butterflies, fish, etc. and have natural colors. Ideally, the elements of the mobile should be removable so that you can easily replace them with other interesting items to maintain the effect of novelty.
    • Arc with hanging toys for mounting in a crib/stroller/ car seat. The above recommendations are valid for this toy, but the ability to change toys becomes especially relevant. Daily walks and games make it necessary to regularly clean toys and replace them periodically - in otherwise, the arc will quickly get boring for the baby.
    • Pendants and garlands with rattles, squeaks, rustles on a stroller - your baby will be happy to look at them, and later fiddle with them and pull them into his mouth, so give preference to toys in pure natural colors, made of washable, durable materials. To maintain the child’s interest, it will be enough to purchase 2-3 garlands and pendants with different sounds and contents (for example, in one there is a squeaker and a safety mirror, in another there is a rattle and a rustle, in the third there is a bell and rodents).
    • Balls. To play with your baby from birth onwards, you will need balls of different sizes. Buy a lightweight inflatable “beach” ball with a diameter of 20-25 cm, small hedgehog balls for massaging the baby’s arms and legs, soft textile and knitted balls with different fillings - ringing, rustling, squeaking. You can find a comprehensive list by following the link.
    • Developmental mat. To be honest, I haven't found any rugs on sale that met my high expectations, but maybe you'll have better luck. If not, sew the rug yourself or order it from some needlewoman. The price of such a product will be comparable to the price of a factory-made rug, and the quality and development potential will be significantly higher.
    • Rattles. Choose 3-4 different designs (in the shape of a dumbbell, a donut, a ball with a handle, bells on a stick, etc.), colors, sounds, preferably from different materials. Even if some rattles are still difficult for small fingers to grasp, the baby will try to grab the toy and, thereby, his eye-hand coordination. Make sure that the rattles do not make too loud or sharp sounds that could frighten the child, and do not have sharp edges or protruding corners.
    • Tumbler. You can use this wonderful toy now, and later, when the tumbler doll can become a heroine role-playing games. You can purchase a pair of dolls - a large one, up to 30 cm tall, and a smaller one, convenient for manipulation.

    Toys for children up to one year: 3-6 months

    At this age, your “toy arsenal” can be significantly expanded. The most important criteria that you should continue to follow when choosing are safety for the child and the developmental potential of the toy. What will interest and entertain? Firstly, everything that you have already bought previously, provided that you regularly replace the toys on the arcs, mat and pendants. After 2-3 days of “separation”, the baby rejoices and explores the forgotten toy as if it were new. And here is the list of new acquisitions:

    • Matryoshka. Buy an ordinary classic wooden nesting doll, painted with not too dark colors and immediately remove the small figures away, leaving 3-4 of the largest ones.
    • Bath toys. At this age, it is advisable to use small rubber toys for bathing that are easy to grip with hands. Buy products from trusted manufacturers, pay special attention to the color and smell of the toy. A too strong “aroma” and fantastic colors are a reason to refuse the purchase. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of bath toys, wash them with baby detergents, dry them thoroughly after each bath and replace them with new ones at the first sign of mold. You will find ideas for using these toys in the article ““.
    • Cubes. For the first acquaintance, give preference to light plastic cubes with slightly rounded edges and crumb cubes.
    • Rodents. Although these are not exactly toys, nevertheless, choose items that are easy to grasp with a child’s hand, and allow for cooling in the refrigerator and, of course, sanitary treatment.
    • Animal figurines. Purchase or make animal figurines that you will use to display nursery rhymes, illustrate fairy tales, etc. Toys should be realistic, not too large (the optimal size is up to 12-15 cm in height) and evoke positive emotions in the baby. To begin with, a bear, a dog, a cat, a bunny and a squirrel or fox will come in handy.

    Toys for children up to one year: 6-9 months

    Many toys from the previous period are still interesting to the baby, only the ways of playing with them change and become more complicated. For example, a rattle behind which earlier child followed with his eyes, tried to catch and transferred from one hand to another, now you can learn to ring louder and quieter, or even to the music or to the beat of a nursery rhyme performed by a restless mother. Other necessary toys for growing babies aged 6 to 9 months:

    • Cubes. It's time for wooden cubes. But be careful of sharp corners and peeling paint. The best choice- cubes made of unpainted wood. Make sure that the surface of the cubes is smooth, without nicks or scratches, and still do not leave your baby unattended alone with this toy.
    • Constructor. You can buy your little one’s first construction set with large parts and a simple connection mechanism. Do not try to construct complex figures; turrets will suffice, which the baby will only break for now.
    • Insert cups. A mega-toy for all times, which I have already mentioned more than once both in articles and in my webinars. Be sure to buy it or make something similar from cups of yoghurts, curds, etc. At the age of 6 to 9 months, the baby will take great pleasure in pulling out and trying to stack the cups one on the other, and a little later he will begin to build towers out of them with you.
    • Sorter.“Box” - a house, a car, a boat, a mushroom, etc. with slots of different shapes and a set of small figures that the baby must learn to insert into the corresponding holes. Try to choose an option with large enough parts to prevent swallowing. Make sure the holes are large enough for your child to easily push the appropriate pieces through, and ensure that the child can independently remove the pieces from the box to repeat the game.
    • Interactive toys with buttons, keys, levers. Of course, this is not the most necessary toy, provided that you pay a lot of attention to the development of your baby’s fine motor skills - and water, regularly finger gymnastics etc. But kids love these toys, so there will be no harm from 2-3 toys with buttons. Just don’t try to buy a toy, as I call them “100 in 1”, which teach animal voices, the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, and how to say “Hello” in 5 languages, etc. Let it be better if there are 1-2 functions, but appropriate to the child’s age, then the toy will be really interesting and useful for him. By the way, a toy with an impeccable reputation falls into the same category - spinning top.
    • Baby doll and accessories for it. I recommend that both boys and girls buy a very ordinary baby doll - with movable arms and legs, without hair, and made of washable material. For the specified age, you can limit yourself to a set of clothes and a crib (which can be successfully replaced by an appropriately decorated shoe box), in which the baby will learn to put his “lala”.
    • Bibabo dolls. Glove puppets literally captivate little ones and require very little of your acting skills. There are both individual characters and entire sets of fairy tale heroes on sale - choose according to your taste and budget. I would like to add that sewing or knitting such a doll is not difficult.

    At the same age, it is appropriate to offer the baby the first real books- not books-toys-rattles-squeakers, but books for reading. You will find recommendations for choosing books in the article ““

    Toys for children up to one year: 9-12 months

    A child’s games with blocks, construction sets, pyramids, and nesting dolls are becoming more varied and interesting, and we offer him new educational toys that will allow the child to develop new skills and abilities.

    Have you recently become a mother of a baby?

    • Pyramid. For the first suitable option with large rings that differ significantly in size and a base that expands downwards - it is simply impossible to assemble such a pyramid incorrectly, and it will be easier for you to explain the principle of operation to your baby. In the future, it will be possible to purchase 1-2 more pyramids of a different size and from other materials.
    • Mosaic. We purchase the baby’s first tabletop or, better yet, floor mosaic with large elements. We teach how to lay out a path, a caterpillar, a flower and other simple elements.
    • Rolling toys. Relevant for crawling and walking children. Buy a couple of copies on a stick to roll in front of you, and on a string to drag behind you. A good purchase would be a rolling machine, which the baby can push in front of him by the handle or sit on it and ride, pushing off with his feet - we still (from 9 months to 2.5 years) use this machine with pleasure.
    • A set of dishes and toy products. It's time to diversify your games with the baby doll (by the way, you can buy 1-2 more dolls for him for company) - a set of dishes will come in handy (I recommend at least partially using real dishes - for example, plastic cups, bowls, containers with lids, a cutting board, wooden and silicone spatulas, strainer, etc.) and products for playing “cook”. When purchasing, pay attention to the correspondence of toy products to real ones in color, shape, and size ratio. You can make your own play products, for example, sew them from felt, felted wool, or crocheted them. In you will find a selection of games with toy products.

    Here is the list of toys for a child under one year old. I don’t presume to claim that it is comprehensive for everyone or that all its points are mandatory, but personally it seems that way to me. I note that I did not mention here about, and, since there are separate publications on this topic in the corresponding sections. Also, the list does not mention many toys that you can make with your own hands - there is also information about this.

    I invite experienced and expectant mothers to discuss my list in the comments. What items would you add to your child's list? Which ones do you consider unnecessary and why?

    Read other articles about child development by month:

    Buying as many beautiful and bright things as possible for a newborn is a big temptation for young parents.

    In the first month of life, a newborn will need very few toys, since the baby will spend most of the day sleeping. The child will begin to show interest in toys a little later. Which set of toys should you buy for a newborn?

    What are the requirements for quality toys?

    First toys for a newborn

    The lack of need for a large number of toys in a child aged 1-2 months is also explained by the fact that newborns have very poorly developed vision. Due to the immature vision apparatus, it is still difficult for a child to focus his gaze on specific objects, especially those located further (and closer) than arm's length.

    Almost everything that surrounds children in the first weeks of life appears to them as blurry spots. The child does not yet perceive moving objects at all.

    The baby will also not be able to pick up a rattle or cube anytime soon, so the baby will only get acquainted with his first toys with the participation of adults. And this acquaintance will last no longer than 10-15 minutes a day.

    Toys for newborns at 1-2 months: rattles and mobiles

    The very first and most necessary toys for children 1-2 months old - these are rattles. They can be traditional, with jingling balls or bells, or electronic, with simple programmed melodies. The first rattles for children were produced very small, their diameter was only 6-8 cm.

    You can also buy a rattle made in the form of beads for your baby.

    Whole garlands of multi-colored balls are attached to a stroller or crib. Rattle pendants are usually attached to a plastic arch.

    A little later, the bracket with the pendants can be moved from the crib to the playpen.

    Parents' choice also falls on such garlands due to their versatility. You can remove some of the segments from the pendants so that in the future the baby can use them as regular rattles.

    Relatively the new kind toys for the little ones - mobiles for the crib. They can be started with a key or run on batteries.

    A newborn cannot yet appreciate the variety of colors and shapes of the garland segments, but he will be soothed by the quiet melodies that the mobile emits on the crib. Some models of such rattles can reproduce the sounds of nature. Babies really like this: such sounds can be compared to. Musical carousels have a good effect on the baby's nervous system, and also allow him to develop his ability to focus his vision: after hearing a sound, the baby begins to look for its source with his eyes.

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    Mom can sew a garland for the crib and stroller herself. As a filler for fabric or knitted rattles, mothers use beads, buttons, and sometimes even peas and rice - they give a more interesting dull sound. When the baby gets a little older and can touch the carousel with his hands, fabric rattles will help diversify his tactile sensations.

    Both musical carousels and rattle garlands are suspended at a distance of 30 cm above the crib.

    It is important to remember that newborns also need variety. Even if your baby falls asleep perfectly with a musical carousel and smiles every time he sees it, the baby needs to be given a rest from such a rattle. You need to not just change the melody, but replace the musical carousel with a calmer toy without melodies.

    How to choose a mobile for a crib for a newborn?

    If parents decide to purchase a mobile for their newborn, they will need to pay attention to the following factors:

    • The color of the pendants should be calm. A newborn does not need bright toys;
    • The melody that the mobile emits should be calm and quiet. The ability to adjust the sound is a big plus;
    • It’s good if the elements of the garland are made of different materials with different textures - this is useful for the motor skills of the baby’s fingers;
    • If the mobile assembly includes a night light, its light should be soft and well diffused.

    When choosing a musical carousel, examine it from all sides, including from below - this is the position in which the child will watch it.

    All figures and pendants on the mobile must be different from each other.

    If these are fairy-tale characters, then they should all be different. This will help diversify the baby's visual impressions. The cost of mobiles for newborns is quite high, and they will only be used in the first months of the baby’s life.

    Nothing bad will happen if you hang regular garlands over your baby’s crib. Soft music can also be played on a separate device.

    Toys for children 3-4 months

    At this age, children already begin to touch toys with their hands and even try to taste them. Now rattles in the baby’s arsenal will no longer occupy a dominant position: “biters”, “squeezers”, “grabbers” will be added to them.

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    Babies at 2-3 months really like to play with tumblers. Kids love to listen to the sounds the doll makes when rocking.

    A good developing toy for a baby up to 4 months is a ringing rattle bracelet. These rattles are made of fabric or very soft silicone. You can put bracelets on both arms and legs.

    Rattle bracelets will help your baby understand that sound is made when moving.

    Sometimes children get scared by such rattles: if you notice that your baby reacts to the bracelet with crying, try showing the toy to your child in a few weeks.

    Grasping movements usually develop in infants by the 4th month of life. A good option for this age is rattles with a handle that the baby will try to hold on his own. Make sure that there are no small parts on the rattle that the baby could tear off: there is a high chance that the baby will want to swallow them.

    At 4-5 months, the child can be asked to play with “squeakers” (soft rubber toys that make a sound when pressed).

    Toddlers approaching half a year of age love to move objects from place to place, so they will certainly enjoy blocks or pieces from construction sets. Of course, they must be large enough.

    We have prepared some tips on choosing and caring for toys for little ones:

    1 Avoid buying rattles made of hard plastic. This material is very fragile and brittle; with any careless movement, a small piece can break off, which is very dangerous for a newborn.

    2 Any toys need to be washed periodically. If it is a carousel or a garland, they need to be wiped with a dust cloth.

    Toys that fall into the baby's hands should be doused with hot water every day.

    3 Don't try to buy the most expensive toy for your child. The baby will not be able to appreciate your expenses, and will not respond with joy to the gift if you just put it next to the baby. Main actor in a game with infant- his mother. You can creatively present even the simplest rattle, and your newborn will certainly be interested in it.

    Communicate affectionately with the baby, smile at him, and then both you and the baby will enjoy the game.

    All babies, as soon as they are born, begin to actively study the world. The first helpers in this difficult task are, of course, parents. Infants carefully monitor facial expressions, movements, and over time they begin to recognize voices. But any child needs additional sources of positive emotions - toys. They develop many important useful skills in children:

    • logic;
    • motor skills;
    • creative thinking;
    • physical skills (dexterity, etc.);
    • attentiveness;
    • imagination.

    Of course, the baby’s development depends on his age and the specific toy. The little ones are interested in touching and chewing, listening to different sounds and following movement (for example, a mobile phone). Children from six months to one year are no longer interested in playing with rattles, they like to build towers from cubes, leaf through books, press buttons, engage with learning centers, telephones, etc. Each toy has its own useful functions, and the task of parents is to choose the most suitable one for their baby.

    While playing, the child learns to solve simple problems, find a way out of various situations, think figuratively, etc. All these skills are difficult to develop without special tools. If previously parents had access to only a limited number of toys, now stores offer hundreds of the most different options. Some of them do not help, but hinder the baby by having too many functions, high volume, etc. We have compiled a rating of the most useful and interesting educational toys for children under 1 year old in different price categories: up to 5000, 3000 and 1000 rubles.

    Child and toys - Doctor Komarovsky School

    The best educational toys for children under 1 year: budget up to 5,000 rubles.

    3 Busyboard

    Better motor development
    Rating (2018): 4.7

    The fashionable development board among young parents was invented 100 years ago, but modern look I purchased it quite recently. Nowadays, a business board is a wooden panel to which all sorts of objects are attached: hooks, locks, sockets, laces, doors, abacus, etc. All of them are smaller copies of ordinary everyday items. Experts believe that the most effective development the baby occurs at the moment when he studies the surrounding objects. Such a board provides an excellent opportunity to spend time usefully. Manufacturers make a busy board in the form volumetric figures(houses, cubes) and flat (rectangular panel, bear, etc.). This toy helps greatly develop motor skills due to the presence of small parts that need to be closed, fastened, tied, etc. During classes with a busy board, the baby learns to distinguish materials, objects, and colors. Suitable for children from 6 months of age.


    • effectively develops hand motor skills;
    • teaches the perception of textures, colors, shapes;
    • bright appearance;
    • strongly attracts children's attention;
    • It's fun to play with your parents.


    • high-quality boards are expensive;
    • To prevent the baby from getting hurt, he needs constant adult supervision.

    2 Interactive toy

    Best training, kids really like it
    Rating (2018): 4.8

    An interactive toy is a unique modern invention that can be the most different forms, sizes and types. The main difference is the ability to move independently. Popular manufacturers produce them in the form of robots, animals, etc. Usually they can walk or move their arms, heads, and sometimes even dance. Equipped with built-in educational musical functions: listing the alphabet, numbers, playing various sounds, fairy tales and melodies. Most often, learning takes place in the form of funny songs, which children under one year really like. There are special buttons on the body, when pressed, music is played, the lighting effect is turned on, movement begins, etc. All interactive toys are very bright interesting view, which the child likes at first sight.


    • develops well;
    • moves (walks, dances, etc.);
    • becomes a favorite toy of many children;
    • tells the alphabet;
    • plays melodies, sounds;
    • high quality of materials and workmanship;
    • presence of different keys.


    • high price.

    1 Development center

    The most multifunctional
    Rating (2018): 4.9

    Among expensive educational toys for children under one year old, the most popular is the play center. It is usually made in the form of a table with legs, which has a large number of built-in capabilities. Often the structure can be adjusted in height or transformed, and sometimes even moved with wheels. The variety of such centers is very large and they all develop important skills in children well. It is worth noting that such toys begin to be used only after the child learns to sit. There are different keys on the table panel, each of which performs its own function (jumping out different objects, playing melodies, lighting effect, etc.). There are other opportunities in the center: various musical instruments (drums, pianos), pyramids, houses with figurines and much more. While playing, the child develops logic, motor skills, imagination, perception of colors and sounds.


    • better functionality;
    • high quality;
    • reliability of design;
    • various embodiments;
    • develops motor skills, logic, imagination, etc.;
    • keeps the child busy for a long time;
    • a lot of useful toys one.


    • high price;
    • used from at least 6 months.

    The best educational toys for children under 1 year: budget up to 3,000 rubles.

    3 Training phone

    Most useful features
    Rating (2018): 4.7

    IN modern families Children often see phones in the hands of their parents. Naturally, these objects attract their attention. Instead of giving your child a real smartphone, it is much more useful to offer him his own children's phone. It has the shape of a stationary tube, is made of high quality plastic and is equipped with a number of useful functions. Standard number keys produce different sounds and melodies when pressed. This toy plays many different songs and fairy tales. She teaches the baby the knowledge of numbers, letters, the ability to distinguish sounds and colors. Light effects attract attention and develop the child's vision. A baby phone is relevant from 3 months to 1 year, and in some cases even longer. Among the functions there is a voice recorder that allows the baby to hear his voice from the outside.


    • bright appearance;
    • useful built-in melodies and tales;
    • promotes memorization of numbers, letters and colors;
    • perfectly develops motor skills, vision, hearing;
    • Dictaphone;
    • many interesting buttons;
    • durable materials.


    • loud noise.

    2 Mat

    The best physical development baby
    Rating (2018): 4.8

    An educational mat is a universal device that helps not only to develop a child up to one year old, but also to keep him occupied for a while. On a small rug ( standard size meter by meter), bright drawings are applied and a special structure with toys on top is attached. Up to 3 months, the baby lies and watches them or tries to touch them, then bright images from below stimulate him to roll over; at an older age, he already learns to crawl on the rug and looks at it with pleasure. Toys of different shapes and materials teach the baby to distinguish textures, colors, and sounds. They can even be chewed, which children under one year really like. But from the moment the child begins to sit, the rug most often ceases to be of interest to him.


    • stimulates grasping, crawling and rolling over;
    • allows you to feel different textures and materials;
    • bright patterns on the rug;
    • attracts the child's attention;
    • safety fabric;
    • easy to fold.


    • short period of use.

    1 Mobile in the crib

    Great toy for newborns
    Rating (2018): 4.9

    Sometimes a baby gets very bored when he is away from his mother. It's about being in your crib. When rattles don't help, a unique device comes to the rescue - a mobile. It is installed to the side or base of the crib at a certain height and is a special rotating mechanism with bright toys. The variety of models is amazing: there are the simplest devices that are manually wound and equipped with several plastic pendants; more modern mobiles have a built-in electronic mechanism and incredibly beautiful bright toys that make sounds when rotated. An integral part of the mobile is music. Dear models have a whole control panel with a set of different melodies (sounds of nature, lullabies, fairy tales), some of them are equipped with a remote control. The mobile develops attention, color perception, hearing, and vision.


    • distracts the baby even if there are no parents nearby;
    • develops color perception, vision, hearing;
    • plays pleasant melodies;
    • convenient additions for some models;
    • bright color;
    • big choice.


    • usually interesting until 6-7 months of age;
    • If assembled incorrectly or of poor quality, toys may fall on the child.

    The best inexpensive educational toys for children under 1 year old: budget up to 1000 rubles.

    4 Tumbler

    Tumbler is a legendary educational toy that was invented about 200 years ago. It is a round-shaped doll, which, due to a special sinker inside, always strives to return to its original position, i.e. it cannot be dropped. For Soviet-era children, it was the first and often the most favorite toy. The doll itself can have absolutely different appearance, sometimes it is painted in the style of different animals or characters. Playing with a tumbler helps develop a child's color perception, coordination, sense organs, and imagination. Important advantages of the tumbler are its safe shape, materials, and absence of small parts. Bright appearance attracts the interest of children from birth to 1 year.


    • safety;
    • no small parts;
    • durable material;
    • beautiful bright appearance;
    • unique design;
    • many colors to choose from;
    • good price;
    • excellent reviews;
    • development of useful skills.


    • not detected.

    3 Pyramid

    Most effective development from 6 months of age
    Rating (2018): 4.7

    A child's first serious skill is the ability to assemble a pyramid. It is usually achieved by the age of 10-12 months. Until this time, kids happily touch, throw, and rearrange colorful mugs. Despite its simple design and appearance, the pyramid can give a huge impetus to the development of several important skills at once: logic, motor skills, and intelligence in general. She also teaches the child to perceive different colors, shapes, sizes, and over time, to distinguish between them. Playing with the pyramid usually begins at the age of 6 months, when the baby tries or already knows how to sit. The advantage of this toy is its wide variety. Modern manufacturers make pyramids from wood, plastic, fabric, make them different in height, number of rings and add musical or light elements.


    • perfectly develops intelligence and logic;
    • teaches to recognize colors, shapes, sizes;
    • causes great interest from 6 months to 1 year and older;
    • a wide range of;
    • optimal price;
    • safe to use;
    • easy to clean.


    • not detected.

    2 Soft cubes

    The safest toy
    Rating (2018): 4.8

    As the baby grows, he needs more interesting educational toys. Cubes are a great option for children from 3 months to 1 year (sometimes even longer). First, they will be useful for developing hand motor skills, then for building different towers and stimulating the imagination. Modern cubes are made from soft padding, covered with fabric. The most important advantage of the toy is safety. Kids can throw and fall on it without the danger of getting hurt (unlike wooden or plastic analogues). Usually they have useful pictures (numbers, letters, animals, etc.) on them, which attract the child's attention due to their brightness. During production, special materials are used that do not affect negative impact on children's health. Special paint does not fade and does not release toxins. Another advantage of the cubes is that they are very pleasant to the touch. They are sold in almost all stores and are very inexpensive.


    • absolute safety;
    • versatility;
    • low cost;
    • pleasant to the touch;
    • availability;
    • the child likes it for a long time;
    • develops motor skills and creative thinking;
    • machine washable.


    • not detected.

    1 Rattle

    The best toy for newborns
    Rating (2018): 4.9

    A rattle is a child’s very first educational toy. It is interesting to him because it makes new unusual sounds, it is made in bright colors and it is convenient to hold in small hands. Some children get so used to their first toy that they cannot even fall asleep without it. She should always be nearby in the crib. Traditionally, a rattle is a small plastic object with a special filling that provides a special sound when moving. But modern manufacturers offer many other options: soft cloth instead of plastic, a variety of sounds, shapes of any animals or objects, etc. The rattle plays an important role in the development of the baby’s first important skills (hearing, vision). Fabric inserts are convenient because they are safe to chew on, which children really enjoy doing.


    • great price;
    • the little ones like it;
    • can be used from birth;
    • huge selection;
    • development of sense organs;
    • some models are suitable for sterilization;
    • bright colors and interesting shapes;
    • can calm the baby;
    • easy care.


    • not detected.

    How to choose an educational toy for children under 1 year old

    Playing for a child is a very important process. It not only gives him positive emotions, but also develops him comprehensively. Choosing the right toy can sometimes be very difficult. The wide variety of different options can confuse you. In order for your child to like the purchase and at the same time find it useful, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Please note the age restrictions. The packaging must indicate “children up to one year old” or “0+”;
    • Toys with small parts are not suitable for children under one year of age, because... they may accidentally swallow them or get injured;
    • Study the material carefully - it must be absolutely safe (hypoallergenic, non-toxic);
    • Toys for children under 1 year of age should develop physical skills (learn to crawl, etc.) or stimulate imagination, memory, logic, and motor skills.
    • Check for quality certificates - they provide a guarantee of safety;
    • The design must be durable - if the body of the toy breaks, the baby may cut himself;
    • A big plus will be the opportunity easy care(washing with water, etc.);
    • If the toy is musical, check the volume and the ability to adjust it in the store. If the sounds are too sharp and loud, then you should not make such a purchase;
    • Give preference only to trusted manufacturers.

    An occupational therapist and mother of two children, the youngest of whom has almost crossed the 1-year mark, compiled a list of the most useful toys, having carefully studied the entire modern range. Christy also shares tips on how to choose educational toys for children under one year old.

    How to choose educational toys for children under one year old

    When choosing educational toys for children under one year old, Christina recommends being guided by the following criteria:

    The toy must perform at least two functions. Toys for children are quite expensive, so we need to get the best value for the investment, right?

    The lifespan of toys must be at least threeXmonths. Children's tastes and interests change quickly, so we need a toy that can stay relevant for a long time.

    The list of toys for children under one year old should contain all the ways a child develops in the first year of his life. As a bonus, the list will also include toys that will remain relevant even after your first birthday. Not a bad saving, right?

    It should be noted that children often prefer something found at home rather than a specially created toy from a store. Plastic bottle filled with rice or a set of plastic utensils is sure to attract a child more than a rattle tested by experts at a children's toy factory. Unfortunately, homemade “things” cannot always replace a toy from a store, so here is, in fact, a list that will be useful right up to your child’s first birthday (if not longer).

    And remember, no matter how cool modern toys are, you are your child's best teacher. Your communication is much more valuable than all the toys in the world. So, time spent with the perfect toy will still not replace the minutes spent with mom or dad. Chat and play together with new toys, strengthening your bond.

    1. Children's educational mat

    What skills does it develop: play, lying on stomach, rolling, extending arms to the center or lying on back or sitting, reaching and grasping skills, hand-eye coordination, sense of volume

    Age: 0–12 months

    An educational mat for children can be used literally from the first days. Some of them are very expensive, but you need the most ordinary one, on which you can hang a lot of toys and rattles.

    After all, babies can only distinguish very contrasting objects (especially black and white), at a distance of about half a meter, so a children's educational rug should be bright, colorful and contrasting.

    Be sure to hang toys on plastic hangers so your child can learn to reach and grasp. Place toys in different places: those that are in the middle in relation to the child’s body will help you learn to keep your hands in the center (which is very important); if the toy hangs from the side, this will help you learn to roll onto your side, and then onto your tummy.

    Do not remove the mat once your child has learned to roll over, sit, or crawl. The child himself can find uses for these hanging toys that you never thought of.

    2. Plastic chains

    What skills does it develop: reaching and grasping skills, hand-eye coordination, tooth testing, tactile learning of an object

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    A set of plastic rings that are connected in a chain is one of the most versatile toys for children under one year old, and it costs a penny.

    You can hang them on a bar on a play mat, or attach them to car seats and strollers to provide constant entertainment and prevent your child from throwing them around as they grow older.

    Although these rings are not as soft as the toys that babies chew on when they are teething, children love to put them in their mouths and explore the rough surface of the rings.

    These toys are simply a must-have, both for children and for those who look after them.

    3. Mirror

    What skills does it develop: play, prone, head control, development of emotional and social skills, self-awareness

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    In some sets, along with the developmental mat, there are also unbreakable mirrors. You don’t have to buy a special baby mirror for your baby to enjoy his reflection. You can hang a small hand mirror on plastic chains and attach it to the development mat. See how it all comes together? You can also sit your child in front of a mirror or a mirrored surface on a closet door so he can play with himself in the reflection. Mirrors can also be used as a motivator, distraction, and entertainment while baby is learning to sit up. In any case, the mirror should be safe for the child, and it is better if it does not break.

    4. Rattle Oball

    What skills does it develop: grasping, playing with outstretched arms, hand-to-hand passing, hand-eye coordination, tooth test, identifying those present, object permanence skill, give-take interaction, attention, eye contact, indicating the direction of the ball, crawling

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    I like it so much: both a rattle and a ball in one. There are many, many different ones and, oddly enough, children of any age like them.

    Wicker design allows little ones to hold the ball with ease (thanks to grasp reflex in the first months of life), but you can also hang it on a developmental mat so that the child himself can kick it, causing the rattle inside to crack.

    The fact that the ball is almost symmetrical and does not have another, smaller ball inside (like a nesting doll) makes it possible to roll it back and forth as soon as the child grows up and learns to play while sitting.

    By the way, did you know that pushing a ball back and forth from an adult to a child teaches children the idea of ​​two-way communication?

    Very often, the word “ball” becomes the baby’s first word.

    You can also hide the ball in a blanket and rattle the rattle - this will help the child learn that things exist even if they are not visible (this is called “object permanence”).

    The ball is made of soft material, so it does not harm emerging teeth or existing teeth. This ball can be bent in any way, is easy to wash and is almost impossible to break. But its best advantage is the price. It is very cheap and its validity extends beyond one year.

    5. Sophie the Giraffe

    What skills does it develop: grasping, hand-mouth coordination, tooth test, sound source identification, object permanence, hand-to-hand transfer

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    Sophie is at the peak of her popularity right now. The little rubber giraffe figurine is perfect for teething, and after Sophie lived in our home for a couple of months, I realized its benefits.

    It is sold as a toy for the development of all senses. Indeed, it is a rubber toy that is easy to hold, squeaks when you squeeze it, and is fun to chew.

    But what sets her apart from other toys that are used during the teething period are her long legs, which are especially pleasant to slurp when the outer molars are cutting.

    There are few gum toys on the market as versatile as Sophie the Giraffe. You can be heard immediately when you drive your stroller into the supermarket, and such a delicious slurping sound is heard, so you have no choice but to endlessly apologize and explain that the child is teething.

    Due to the fact that the toy squeaks, it can also be hidden under a blanket and squeaked, or you can encourage a nearly crawling baby with a squeak. It's a little pricey, but don't worry, the toy is worth it, especially during teething.

    6. Set of rubber bath toys

    What skills are developed: visual control of objects, grasping, playing with outstretched arms, passing from hand to hand, bringing objects together, exploring an object in the mouth, strengthening the hands.

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    Many sites for child development It is recommended to purchase or make finger toys to entertain your baby and help him develop audio-visual skills.

    Personally, I have no idea where to buy such finger toys. But a set of bath toys immediately gives you a mountain of characters and voices. They will be useful to you not only for fooling around in front of a baby who doesn’t really see this outstanding performance, but also for keeping the child occupied during bath procedures while he sits and tries to grab toys that are either sinking or surfacing.

    And as soon as the child catches at least one, he immediately drags it into his mouth. And rightly so! The toys are great for teething, especially Mr. Octopus with his long tentacles (he needs to be introduced to Sophie). And, of course, bath toys will be useful for a long time after the child turns one year old, because children love to squeeze and squeeze water out of toys, which develops very important muscles in their palms.

    7. Set of mini rattle balls

    What skills are developed: pulling, grabbing, playing outstretched arms in the center, connecting objects, determining the source of sound, recognizing sound, object constancy, visual control, attention, indicating the direction of movement of the ball, crawling.

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    The choice is huge - you’ll definitely find what you need. In my opinion, the best ones are those that make different sounds (rattle, ring, squeak) because children can learn to distinguish between them.

    They are small enough that a child can hold them in one hand when he is already sitting, but too large to pose a risk of choking on them while the child is not yet able to sit.

    They can be used to speed up the learning process of rolling and crawling, and are also fun to play with under different cups and plates once baby is old enough to sit up and use both hands to play.

    8. Pyramid rattle

    What skills are developed: games, lying on the stomach, grasping, pulling, releasing an object from the hands, coordinating hands and eyes, determining volume, playing with outstretched arms in the center, passing from hand to hand, connecting objects, identifying the source of sound, visual inspection of an object, sitting, standing , walking, squatting, crawling

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    Yes, there are even more rattle balls, and yes, babies don’t need to buy these. Here the balls are even smaller than in the previous paragraph, so it is easier for children to hold them. But they all sound the same, so I prefer point 7.

    The principle of use is the same as for other rattle balls, but as soon as the child can sit and play with both hands, be on the alert.

    Kids can throw a ball and watch it roll all day long once they figure out it can do that. The turret can be made either small or tall by placing it on a table or sofa. This will create additional difficulty for children who are learning to stand, squat, walk, and kneel when they pick up a fallen ball from the floor.

    9. Cardboard children's book

    What skills are developed: tummy play, sitting, pulling, grasping, scanning, page turning, attention, pointing.

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    It is impossible to overestimate all the advantages of introducing a child to a book. The sooner you start reading books, the better.

    Lie down next to your baby and start flipping through a bright book full of pictures at a distance of about 30cm from your baby. Even while the child plays only while lying on his stomach, as well as before daytime and main sleep.

    Read books in a chant manner, with simple phrases repeated. Once your baby can sit, allow him to develop fine motor skills by turning pages and opening cardboard flaps.

    The main thing is to enjoy the process, because you will have to do this often and for a long time. You don’t have to buy the most fashionable children’s books, which will still look like garbage by the end of the year. Take something from your own library and from friends whose children are already grown.

    10. Suction cup toys for the table

    What skills are developed: volume perception, attraction, hand-eye coordination, cause and effect, playing with arms outstretched to the center

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    Let's face it, kids love to put everything in their mouths. Sometimes it seems like the only way to get them to use their hands instead of their mouth is to glue toys to the table. But thanks to toy manufacturers, you are saved.

    I personally love these suction cup table toys that spin, rattle, and play a tune every time you spin it. Such a toy can be attached to a developmental mat so that babies can look at it while lying on their back and can understand the cause-and-effect relationship if, after hitting it, a melody begins to play.

    It can also be attached to a stroller or a child's seat in the car. Well, or attach them anywhere, especially to a highchair, so that children understand that they can play not only by putting everything in their mouth.

    Advice: Wet the suction cup so it holds tighter and doesn't fly across the room if your child smacks it furiously. I say this from my own experience.

    11. Soft, wrinkled cubes

    What skills are developed: playing with arms outstretched to the center, playing while lying on the stomach, sitting, pulling, grasping, passing from hand to hand, releasing, coordination of hand movements and vision, cause-effect, object constancy, examining an object in the mouth, identifying the source of sound, identifying volume

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    You will be surprised at how early age A child can be captivated by such a toy. The colors and squeezing sounds attract children (similar to a bag of chips), and the soft texture makes it easy for even a baby to hold.

    Some cubes have bells to attract even more attention. Play with them while your baby is lying on his tummy, on his side, or sitting. When they grow up, they will begin to bite, chew and slobber on the balls as if nothing had happened.

    Put them in a tower and let your child break it until one day he learns to put one cube on top of another.

    12. Pyramid

    What skills are developed: playing with arms extended to the center, playing while lying on the stomach, sitting, pulling, grasping, passing from hand to hand, connection, coordination of hand movements and vision, cause-effect, determining the volume and size of an object

    Age: 0–12 months or more

    This is a classic. Although you may be skeptical about the ability of this toy to entertain your child, like I was at first. But the baby can independently hold one of the rings in his hand (grasping, remember?), and the red last ring of the pyramid is always covered with a rattle ring.

    The round shape shows the child. That you can hold the ring in the middle with both hands and they are great for chewing. Remember, repetition is the mother of learning. Once they learn to sit and play with both hands, they will understand how to remove the rings one by one each time you put them back in place.

    They will persistently practice their new hobby, putting the rings on the base, and then dismantling the pyramid, and so on again and again. Make gross motor development more challenging by placing a toy on top of the pyramid. I assure you, this pyramid is a treasure trove of fun. Just wait and see for yourself.

    13. Gaming table with folding legs

    What skills are developed: lying on your stomach game, pulling, playing with outstretched arms, cause and effect, sitting, standing, squatting, pushing to stand, turning pages

    Age: 4–12 months or more

    This is a relatively new product in the world of children's toys, but it is important to choose one with folding legs. They can be detached and used as a play board to allow baby to play while lying on their tummy, or they can be left with two legs to encourage the development of sitting, crawling and kneeling skills.

    Once your child is ready to try standing up, adding two more legs to the table will extend the life of the toy. This item not only develops gross motor skills, but also small movements hands (pulling, pushing, rolling). Also teaches key words: open/close, up/down, basic colors, and ABC or 123.

    14. Children's bench with bells and whistles

    What skills are developed: games in any position, games with arms extended to the center, pulling, cause-effect, sitting, kneeling, learning sounds

    Age: 4–12 months or more

    Yes, I know, this thing is funny. Why does a child need this?

    As a child learns to sit up, they will be able to focus their gaze on something in front of them to improve their balance. This bench can be used in different ways: when the child does not yet know how to sit - lying on his stomach or side. But this toy not only brings pleasure to the viewer, it is full of twists, turns, levers and buttons that attract children so much.

    The words used to play with the bench are also an important stage in the development of speech skills: up/down, turn/roll. But the highlight of the program is the hammer! Toddlers under one year old are unlikely to use it, but later it will be a great teacher in using utensils (pen or spoon) and strengthening their wrists to become great writers!

    15. Toy walker

    What skills are developed: sitting, pulling, cause and effect, kneeling, squatting, standing

    Age: 5–12 months or more

    What I love most about this toy is its capabilities for children learning to walk. It needs to be placed on a flat surface so that it does not roll down, and it will be a great companion for a child who is already sitting or trying to kneel.

    We like to give children these types of toys with vertical surfaces so that they learn to bend their wrist (stretch it), which is important for writing skills. Imagine this is your child's first easel. and when he gets tired of playing while sitting, he can try to get on all fours or just stand up while working on the buttons on the panel.

    But when the child begins to walk on his own, it’s time to stop using this toy - it can teach him not to monitor his balance and not control his body. And yes, hold your child when he walks around with this thing because it rolls pretty fast.

    Well, that's basically it! Fascinating, isn't it? The only omission is that there are no toys that develop grasping skills with the thumb and forefinger, but I think that self-feeding will teach this. All these toys can be found not only in fashionable children's stores, but also at sales, fairs, and discount stores. Why pay dearly for something you can get cheaper, especially since your child won’t be limited to just one toy.

    Remember that each child has his own special interests, and therefore children may react differently to various toys. Surely, you or your friends have your own favorites that are not included in the list.

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