• Let’s try to figure out which toys are harmful for a child. Useful and harmful children's toys


    The market for children's goods has been captured by real monsters. On the shelves you can increasingly find scary dolls, mutant hares and other monsters. They become children's favorite toys. Fairy tales, unfortunately, are written in jargon. Kind princesses, cute bear cubs, cats, and dogs attract children less and less. Let's look at the most harmful ones and, in fact, what their harm is. In stores, of course, you can also find useful toys for both child's body, and for the development of the child, but their cost is usually high.

    Lego toys

    So, let's start our review of harmful toys with the world-famous Lego constructor. It has long been recognized as a world-class toy. According to psychologists, designers of cars, helicopters, and houses are not only exciting entertainment, they have a positive effect on promoting the development of motor skills. Are Lego toys really that harmful? The fact is that there are sets with very small parts. They are contraindicated for children under three years of age to avoid swallowing small objects. In addition, if the child plays hunched over in a dark corner, problems cannot be avoided. Therefore, take care in advance of setting up a comfortable and well-lit place to play, where adults will not disturb the child.

    Set for children "Doctor"

    The set includes a bag of organs and a man with holes in his body. The essence of the game is that you need to correctly insert the liver, stomach, heart. And then carefully remove them with tweezers. It would seem that such a toy can help in the study of anatomy, but teachers and psychologists are confident that studying the internal structure of both the human body and animals must begin at a certain age, when the child’s psyche is ready to assimilate such information and only under the supervision of a teacher. This game is contraindicated for children, as it leads to mental disorders in children.

    Baby dolls and baby dolls

    Talking baby dolls and baby dolls that have appeared on the shelves are expensive and harmful toys for children. These seemingly harmless dolls react to human movement and cry, demanding to eat, drink, and sleep. A kind of Tamagotchi in the form of a person, the harm of which has been repeatedly discussed.

    The idea is clear: we educate expectant mother. However, imagine that this doll will cry with any movement, your daughter will have to jump up to her day and night to rock her to sleep. Here it’s not far from neurosis.

    Leaders of sells

    What currently occupies the shelves of children's stores? During a freelance examination of the assortment of one of the most ordinary stores for its usefulness, the correspondent of the newspaper “Dengi” and Doctor of Psychology Vera Abramenkova did not see the usual construction sets, alphabets, cubes or mosaics on the shelves. But most of the store was occupied by Winx fairies, various vampire slayers, warriors and “vampire fighters”, the sight of which is at least disgusting. Remember the Teletubbies!

    It has been proven that the creators of this cartoon were under the influence of drugs in order to achieve a certain “ out-of-the-box thinking" Managers believed that these tools were a source of inspiration and encouraged their employees. As a result, characters were created that the Polish authorities recognized as heroes promoting homosexuality. It's safe to say that these are harmful toys. However, it was estimated that in Russia the profit from the sale of products featuring Teletubbies (toys, products with their image, magazines and sweets) amounted to $100 million a year.

    Toys with magnets

    Letters, numbers, and magnetic figures can also be a source of danger for your child. If such a magnet falls out, dire consequences occur. A child who is not under parental supervision at this moment may swallow such a magnet. Manufacturers have a responsibility to think about the consequences of unsafely manufactured toys. Quite often, the magnets in such structures are weakly fixed; you need to choose constructors whose magnets are fused into plastic.

    When considering harmful toys for children, you need to remember about smart plasticine.
    At first glance, an ordinary harmless children's toy that develops fine motor skills, logical thinking And Creative skills, is an excellent anti-stress remedy. But small parts and magnets included in plasticine are dangerous for children without adult supervision.


    Continuing our review of harmful toys, it is impossible not to mention the neocube, which managed to bring a lot of grief to some families. This elegant toy, consisting of 216 small balls, is freely available in many stores. This universal item capable of developing intelligence. But it can also kill and maim.

    The balls of this construction set are made of an alloy of iron, boron and neodymium. This composition has the properties of a super-strong magnet, the balls are attracted to each other with incredible force, the child can model various figures, while developing fine motor skills and creativity.

    Many parents do not realize how harmful toys called neocube are, since they do not take into account. Even at 3-4 years old, the baby often puts anything into his mouth - this is how he learns about the world with the help of his senses. Sometimes the child’s fingers are not able to separate the balls; they have to be separated with their teeth.

    One ball entering the body will not cause any harm and will be released naturally. But if a child swallows several of them, moving along the digestive tract, these balls, separately from each other, end up in different parts of the body. A magnet always remains a magnet; when connected, these balls can lead to rupture of intestinal tissue.
    As a result, if you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, not only serious consequences are possible, but also the death of the victim.

    Useless and harmful toys for children

    Available for sale unusual toy- talking duckling. When playing, you need to choke the duckling so that it speaks. Needless to say, this also causes cruelty! Comments are unnecessary - the process of suffocation alone causes horror in a normal adult.

    Robot Spider is a battery-powered mechanical toy that even parents are terrified of. This is a huge spider with blinking eyes. After playing with such a toy, it is difficult for kids to fall asleep at night.

    More and more surgical kits for children are appearing on store shelves. At first glance, this is an ordinary medical kit, but no one thinks about the consequences. A child will quickly get bored of training on regular plasticine. Soft toys, even pets, are used. As a result, the child’s psyche is disturbed.

    Children love toys that follow orders: dolls and dinosaurs, robots that respond to voices and carry out commands. Psychologists consider such toys harmful, because the toy plays on its own, and the child should only command it.

    Made in China

    Today, those toys that are made from environmentally friendly materials are expensive, so many children have to play with foreign ones, in particular Chinese ones.

    So, Chinese toys are harmful, why are they dangerous for children? The faces of these dolls and animals usually do not carry any emotions; their expressions are stupid and meaningless, sometimes even aggressive. They are made of low-quality rubber, which has a pungent odor. These toys are painted with poisonous paints.

    Parents often follow the lead of their child, who tearfully asks to buy another monster, because many of the kids in the class have the same one. However, they forget how harmful such a toy can be, both from a health and psychological point of view.

    Unusual reviews

    Video reviews of a wide variety of children's toys are quite common on the Internet. What does Comrade Safronov tell us? One of his reviews is called “Harmful Toys: Phones and Slime.” Having examined the slime, we see: this toy is clearly made of low-quality material, as it has a strong smell of gasoline. Considering that small children put everything in their mouths, the conclusion suggests itself: this is contraindicated for children. With children's toy phones, the situation is a little simpler; such a phone does no harm, but a melody that cannot be turned off independently can pretty much ruin the mood. In general, Comrade Safronov does reviews of harmful toys skillfully; he takes into account many criteria that parents should use when choosing the next toy for their baby.

    How to choose a quality toy for your child

    When choosing a toy, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    • Appearance. A good toy should not have sharp edges. For children under 3 years old, you should not buy toys that contain small parts that can be accidentally swallowed. Avoid too bright colors As a rule, brightly decorated toys are toxic and may contain lead and cadmium.
    • Material. Do not buy toys made of polyvinyl chloride, as it can cause kidney, heart, immune system. PVC toys are marked with a triangle with the number 3 inside and arrows. When scratched, a white stripe will remain on such a toy.
    • The packaging must not be damaged under any circumstances. Buy soft toy for a small child it is necessary only in individual packaging. The toy must indicate the manufacturer's contact information, the date of manufacture and the shelf life during which the toy will be harmless to the child.

    IN modern world There are harmful and useful toys. The choice largely depends on the parents. They are the ones who choose which toy is suitable for the child. Manufacturers are required to ensure that the toy meets international standards, is useful and educational, and not dangerous to the lives of our children.

    A fluffy bear, a Masha doll and plush dogs from our childhood? Or fashionable weird green monsters and dolls with blue faces? Or maybe, in general, only interactive developmental ones - to teach new things?

    Useful or not?

    Often parents choose toys for their child from a rational point of view. This is not always justified, because in addition to developmental ones, a child should also have simply “favorites.”

    When the baby gets a little older, he begins to ask for toys that friends have, even if they are not so interesting for him. It is a normal desire to belong to a certain group of peers. It makes sense to meet the child halfway in this matter so that he does not feel inferior and disadvantaged, even if you are an opponent of superheroes or robots.

    Monster toys

    You've probably noticed in stores a huge assortment of toys depicting various monsters. Some are downright scary, others are comical, but you certainly can’t call them cute. Why do children play them?

    For a child, a game is a way of learning behavior in a real situation, as if it were a rehearsal, but in a safe setting. By playing with such creatures, children learn to overcome their fears. After all, kids are often afraid of monsters under the bed, scary dreams. And monster toys can help with this problem.

    Pistols and swords

    Games and toys that help a child show his aggression have always been and will be popular. In such a game it is appropriate to shout and attack, where the child feels confident because he is playing a certain role. In addition, he learns to interact with other children in situations of conflict.

    The main thing is to explain: we attack only in the game, and on those who agree to play. Aiming a gun, even a toy one, at your mother or sister, or swinging a sword at your grandmother is unacceptable.

    Barbie and company

    Rows of these leggy beauties in bikinis, wedding dresses and fashionable outfits, simply hypnotize girls. Psychologists often lament that such dolls distort a child’s ideas about beauty. female body. They develop excessive attention to their own appearance, and inattention to spiritual qualities. But who said that one interferes with the other? Choosing outfits, learning to be beautiful and fashionable is not bad at all. And for internal development, other games with other characters are suitable. And Barbie, if desired, can also teach kindness and care. After all, there are sets where she is a doctor, a teacher, a mother.

    Criterias of choice

    In order not to worry about the usefulness or harmfulness of toys, follow a few rules:

    1. There should not be too many toys; they clutter the apartment, and the child quickly loses interest. Put some in a box and take them out a month later, they will be perceived as new.
    2. Toys should be varied. Ten talking dolls and not a single designer the best option. It’s good when toys can be used in different play combinations: a train can carry dolls and cubes, dolls can live in a house made of cubes, be treated in a toy hospital and drive a car.
    3. Observe how and what your child plays. This will allow you to notice features of its development that may require correction. Excessive aggression in games, when a child hits and breaks toys, punishes them, or kills them, may indicate that the atmosphere in which the child is growing up is not the most favorable.

    The same scenario in games should also raise red flags. As a rule, children act out situations that are difficult for themselves.

    Last article updated: March 29, 2018

    Unfortunately, gaming accessories are not always reliable and safe. On the shelves there is often an abundance of baby dolls, rattles or rubber animals made from poisonous materials. Why are harmful toys dangerous?

    Child psychologist

    A baby who loves to chew rattles and rubber duckies may receive a dose of toxic substances: lead, mercury, phosphorus compounds, formaldehyde.

    In addition, the “fur” of teddy bears and rabbits acts as a kind of dust collector, increasing the risk allergic reactions. And parts of magnetic construction sets can harm the digestive tract if swallowed.

    This is why parents need to know which toys are most dangerous for children. different ages and how to choose harmless dolls and cars for your child.

    The most harmful toys for children

    It would seem, what harm can harmless dolls, rubber animals or construction sets cause to a child? However, there are toys, interaction with which can negatively affect physical and psychological health. We will talk about them further.

    In themselves, toys like “Neocube” are useful for the development of children's thinking. However, they have one very big disadvantage - a child can swallow small parts that contain a magnet.

    And, if when swallowing an ordinary small object the digestive tract does not suffer (the parts of the designer come out naturally), then in the case of magnetic elements the situation is completely different.

    The magnets immediately begin to attract each other, turning into peculiar conglomerates of impressive size. They can no longer leave the body on their own, and they also injure the intestinal walls, which is very dangerous.

    To avoid negative consequences, should be adhered to several rules:

    1. Do not buy magnetic construction sets for children under 3 years of age.
    2. A safe toy has magnetic elements inside a plastic casing, which eliminates the possibility of being swallowed by a child.
    3. The parts of the toy should be large. In this case, the child simply will not be able to swallow the part of the construction set that interests him.

    Despite the usefulness of such entertainment, it is better to postpone acquaintance with magnetic construction sets until the moment when the child grows up and stops putting objects into his mouth for research.

    Remember how often relatives and friends literally overwhelm little toddlers with stuffed hares, bears and elephants. And it’s good if such toys are made of high quality materials. However, this is not always the case.

    Quite often, when making soft toys, substances are used that can cause (or provoke) asthmatic or allergic reactions in a child.

    Instead of plush, synthetic fibers are used, which are also dyed with toxic dyes. And this is already fraught with poisoning of the baby, who is actively playing with such a “poisonous” bear.

    Another risk is the presence of fire retardants (substances that protect against fire). Such chemical compounds, having accumulated in the body, can lead to problems in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, immunity.

    Also, don't forget that furry friends accumulate dust and dust mites, which can also worsen the condition in children with allergies.

    If a child really likes a soft toy, it is necessary to take care of it. For example, wash thoroughly with water and detergent, rinse and dry.

    Bows, “firearms”, sabers are becoming more and more realistic every year.

    Some manufacturers have improved their toys so much that an ordinary children's pistol almost turns into a traumatic weapon.

    Naturally, with careless handling (and in the case of active boyish games this is almost inevitable) it increases probability of injury:

    • getting hit by bullets or arrows in the eyes;
    • cuts from sabers and swords;
    • deafening from loud sounds.

    Parents need to constantly remind their children to be careful when handling model guns. And it is better to abstain altogether from pistols with bullets in order to avoid damage to the visual organs of your child or his comrades.

    Although chemical or physics test kits typically do not include life-threatening reagents, it is important to understand that for young children up to school age Such experiments are strictly prohibited.

    And schoolchildren, having a lively mind and a penchant for adventure, are quite capable of replacing chemical ingredients with some more “effective” substance or making adjustments to the instructions.

    That is why, if the purchase cannot be avoided, the mini-laboratory and the experimenter himself should be kept under strict control.

    All physical and chemical experiments must take place in the presence of parents.

    Musical instruments (drums, pipes, etc.) are very useful for the full development of the baby, especially for improving phonemic hearing.

    However, this rule works if such toys are made of high-quality materials and have the right sound.

    On the market you can find instruments for children whose sound threshold exceeds a precisely calibrated limit of 85 dB.

    Exceeding this norm can negatively affect the development of hearing, and in especially severe cases, if there is a predisposition, it can even cause deafness.

    When choosing pipes, whistles and other musical toys, it is imperative to pay attention to the sounds produced. They should not be very loud, clean, without extraneous noise or unpleasant wheezing.

    To avoid hearing problems and fatigue of the nervous system, experts do not recommend that children play with musical instruments for more than 60 minutes a day.

    Progress does not stand still, so toys with a propeller are appearing on the market more and more often.

    Children of primary school age buy flying fairies and minions. Teenagers are crazy about all kinds of quadcopters and other aircraft.

    Despite the fact that manufacturers assure parents that such devices are safe, it should be understood that this is a technique that can always fail. So lacerations, scratches or bruises are possible.

    It is best to leave the development of such flying structures until adolescence. Younger children should only play with propeller toys in the presence of an adult and under their close supervision. This is an important condition!

    Various rubber ducks are a must-have for bathing small children. However, few parents think about the fact that such products can pose a danger to their child.

    Firstly, the baby can simply bite off a piece of the toy and suffocate if it gets into the throat. Secondly, such rubber characters (especially if they are made in China) can be hazardous to health.

    A low-quality rubber toy is different:

    • strong chemical “aroma”;
    • poisonous colors;
    • unstable dye that remains on the hands.

    Low-quality rubber products may contain substances that are unsafe for children, such as arsenic, lead and mercury compounds.

    In addition, toys made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is a material with properties similar to rubber and plastic, are also available for sale.

    In some European countries, the use of PVC in the production of children's toys is prohibited. Russian experts have not yet introduced such restrictions, since polyvinyl chloride itself does not pose a danger.

    However, in its production, unscrupulous manufacturers may use toxic compounds such as phenol, aldehydes or phthalates. It is enough to wash a toy made of low-quality PVC with hot water, and these substances will begin to be released from the product.

    In addition, small children who love to taste everything are quite capable of licking a bright toy or nibbling a small piece from it. This means that toxic substances can enter the body and lead to poisoning.

    To minimize the likelihood of purchasing a low-quality rubber or PVC toy, be sure to ask sellers to present a certificate of conformity for the product. Its presence guarantees the high quality of the materials used in production.

    In children's bedrooms you can often find various luminous figures, stickers on the ceiling or for closets.

    In most cases, manufacturers use safe reflective paints or luminescent coatings when making these toys.

    Again, Chinese companies are alarming because they replace these substances with cheaper phosphorus compounds. Of course, toys also delight the baby with a pleasant glow, but this chemical element is quite dangerous for the child.

    The cardiovascular and metabolic systems, digestive tract, and liver function are at risk. That is why it is necessary to require certificates from sellers and to buy such toys only in reliable and trusted stores.

    Boys (and some girls) love to race. That is why parents, wanting to please their beloved child, are increasingly thinking about purchasing a children's motorcycle.

    However, such a vehicle is a fairly powerful toy that not every child can handle. Many children, despite warnings, may accelerate at high speeds, ride on the road or ride a motorcycle without a helmet. And this threatens serious injuries.

    You should also remember that when choosing a vehicle, you need to take into account the age and psychological characteristics of the child. Children's motorcycles are divided into 3 main categories:

    • gurneys. Designed for children from 2 years old, the child sets this motorcycle in motion by simply pushing off the floor with his feet;
    • electric. These models operate on batteries and are intended for children aged 3 years and older;
    • gasoline. These are teenage vehicles; they are purchased for children over 12 years of age.

    Before placing your child on a children's motorcycle, be sure to repeat all safety rules. Well, it’s best if the entertainment takes place under the supervision of an adult.

    Low-quality pyrotechnic products are a direct threat to the health and even life of a child.

    People especially often talk about accidents with pyrotechnics during the New Year holidays, but this does not stop some careless parents from buying such toys.

    Although children themselves can buy firecrackers and firecrackers, despite the prohibitions on selling pyrotechnic products to minors.

    It should be understood that it is not only poor-quality pyrotechnics that pose a danger to a child. An inexperienced user can accidentally damage a firework or firecracker, as a result of which the “projectile” can explode right in the hands, damaging the eyes, fingers or skin.

    So, dangerous toys for children lie in wait literally everywhere, so it is important to know the basic rules for choosing play accessories in order to eliminate the risk of purchasing a harmful product. Help you avoid bad purchases some useful tips from specialists.

    1. The product and its certificate must bear the CE mark. This marking indicates that the product fully complies with European safety standards.
    2. It is better to buy one expensive doll than five toys of dubious quality. In addition, it is better to purchase goods for your child not in the market, but in specialized stores. You may end up having to pay more.
    3. It is important to make sure that there is a certificate and other accompanying documents that confirm the quality of the goods.
    4. Pay attention to whether the toy is appropriate for the child’s age. This rule is especially important if the baby is under 3 years old, since the presence of small parts is very dangerous at an early age.
    5. Toys with a strong “aroma” and poisonous colors should immediately be put aside. This sure sign a low-quality product that is potentially dangerous for a child.
    6. Make sure the toys are intact, especially if they have fillings. It is necessary to check all solderings, and in the case of plush toys, the seams, since a child may well chew or tear the threads.
    7. Younger children three years They constantly put toys in their mouths, so before purchasing, make sure that the products themselves or their parts are larger than a child’s fist.
    8. Do not buy products made from fragile plastic. If thrown on the floor, such a toy will crack, after which its fragments may well end up in the child’s mouth.
    9. Avoid buying loud musical instruments or squeakers, since, as already noted, such products can harm children's hearing.

    Absolutely all toys, especially those purchased for children early age, must not have protruding, sharp or glued parts. Otherwise, the child runs the risk of being injured by hangnails or swallowing loose elements.

    You should not think that following the recommendations described above is the final “point” when buying a toy.

    Before giving the doll or teddy bear to your baby, you must complete several important steps:

    • Be sure to inspect the toy, remove labels and other attached tags. Small children really like such pieces of paper, so the baby can inadvertently chew them and swallow them;
    • A product made of plastic, rubber or wood must be washed in hot water and soap. An exception is toys made of PVC, which do not tolerate high temperatures;
    • you can also clean the surface of the toy from possible bacteria and other harmful microorganisms using alcohol or a safe disinfectant;
    • toys made of textiles, fur or plush need to be washed. This can be done manually or in a machine on a delicate setting. Then the clean product should be dried in the open air.

    After water procedures Has the purchased product started to look unpresentable? Most likely, the material from which the toy is made is of low quality. Therefore, you should not regret the damage; it is best to throw away the product.

    Before giving a toy to a child, you should carefully study the instructions, especially the warnings section. There you will find all the information on the operation and care of the purchased product. Perhaps the doll should not be bathed, and the construction set should not be stored next to the battery.

    How to get rid of dangerous toys?

    Harmful, low-quality toys enter the home in different ways. Even if a mother does not purchase a low-quality doll or a stuffed bunny, a grandmother or family acquaintances can always give them as a gift. Naturally, not out of malice, but out of ignorance.

    Of course, there is no point in offending the donor. It is also not recommended to focus children's attention on an unwanted product (after all, it may turn out to be quite nice to look at).

    Parents' actions should be calm and delicate. Close relatives need to be told about the rules of choice safe toys and goods for children. If the donor is an unfamiliar person, you can simply thank him and not return to this issue.

    What to do with the toy? It all depends on the child’s reaction:

    • if the gift does not arouse much interest, you can first put it away and then throw it away altogether;
    • If the child is interested in a shiny and noisy game object, then you need to wait until the baby switches his attention to something else. Of course, you first need to make sure that the toy does not have any falling off elements.

    Once interest wanes, an unwanted toy can be “accidentally” lost. The baby will probably grieve for the loss, so in return it is necessary to purchase something truly useful and valuable for the little user.

    Thus, today the choice of toys for children of any age is simply amazing. It is not surprising that not all mothers and fathers are familiar with the functionality and features of gaming accessories. Moreover, children do not understand the quality of toys.

    What are the most dangerous toys? This category includes products that are made from low-quality materials and do not correspond to the child’s age and psychological characteristics.

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    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

    “Nowadays the first grade at school is like an institute!”... And the point here is not only the workload that first-graders experience. All schools now need, just like colleges, to pass entrance exams (more precisely, to pass testing). For many parents, it becomes a real discovery that their child is not only unable to cope with the basic tasks of entrance tests, but also thinks differently than these tasks suggest. Child psychologists see the root of the problem, in particular, in the choice of toys. Kommersant-Dengi correspondent Natalia Tyutyunenko, together with psychologist Vera Abramenkova, learned to recognize dolls and cars that are useful and harmful for a child’s development.

    White, fluffy, terrible.

    My friend’s child, an adequate and “advanced” boy, did not pass the test at school. It is clear that today you cannot get into a good educational institution without certain investments. But it turned out to be quite disappointing: the child could not assemble the teapot figurine, which had been cut into pieces.

    I realized that it was a teapot. But I couldn’t collect it. The school psychologist explained that he, like many other children today, thinks too straightforwardly and lacks imagination. If he has mastered the algorithm of actions, then he copes with the task, but a step to the right, a step to the left from this algorithm is a disaster. The parents were perplexed: after all, according to the general opinion, they supplied him with educational toys beyond measure. Another friend just child psychologist

    Undoubtedly, there are a lot of good toys today, but some of them make the hair stand on end even for a person far from psychology and pedagogy.

    School for the novice maniac.

    A set of alien toys was presented at an international exhibition in New York.

    The advertising brochure says: “New toys allow kids who love thrills to use toy scissors to rip open the belly of a messenger of extraterrestrial civilizations and, one by one, pull out his insides: spleen, stomach, liver, etc.”

    We will leave the stylistics to the conscience of the manufacturer, but, forgive the tautology, the internal content cannot but arouse the close interest of a psychiatrist. Just some kind of manual for young Chikatilo.

    Educators believe that it is necessary to study the anatomy of living beings at school, under the guidance of a teacher, and only at a certain age, when the child’s psyche is ready to perceive such information.

    The next example involves an insanely expensive baby doll. This doll reacts to the movement of a living creature and begins to cry, demanding to be “fed”, “watered”, “rocked to sleep”. A sort of humanoid Tamagotchi, the dangers of which have already been discussed more than once.

    Of course, the idea is clear: we are raising an expectant mother. But the parents who bought this doll for their five-year-old daughter were forced to take it away from the nursery after a while: as soon as their daughter moved in her sleep, the doll began to “cry”, and the half-asleep child was eager to “rock the baby.” The result is neurosis. Both for the child and for the parents.

    What do they sell in toy stores today? A correspondent of “Deneg”, who has long since passed childhood, and Vera Abramenkova, Doctor of Psychology, Deputy Chairman of the FES under the Ministry of Education, went to one of the usual stores for children to conduct a quick examination of its assortment for usefulness, uselessness or potential harm. We didn’t see construction sets, nor mosaics, cubes, alphabets, etc. But at least a third of the room was occupied by “vampire slayers,” all sorts of warriors, “ghost fighters,” after looking closely at them, the correspondent retreated to the rack with teddy bears. You need to take care of your nervous system; God forbid, you dream about it at night.

    Unnatural selection. Every parent is confident that he knows what his child needs., their own preferences, but not considerations of didactic usefulness.

    Why bother with trifles if we have the required amount, and the child has been buzzing all ears, and Petya, Katya, Sasha from his group have had this for a long time? Buy it urgently! One of the most significant motives for buying a toy is “the child wants it.” Or - “I promised him that if he finishes the quarter with straight A’s (he won’t fight anymore, etc.).” An appropriate one is purchased, to put it mildly, amazing toy. And then we will wonder why, with so many

    different toys We don't assemble teapots! Another option is “I’ll buy it, just shut up!” or “I didn’t have such a toy as a child, at least let my child have one.” Or maybe it’s your luck that you didn’t have this? When I was little, all mine kindergarten envied the owner brought from abroad and leaked into


    the then much-maligned Barbie doll. And now, after many years of Barbie abundance, we have problems with teenage girls raised on the proportions of this doll. Girls grow up and realize that they do not live up to the parameters of their ideal. By the way, the British, having come to their senses, are now bringing the image of the British analogue of Barbie - the Cindy doll - closer to the appearance of a moderately well-fed fifteen-year-old teenage girl.

    When listing the criteria for choosing toys, we did not take into account pedagogically savvy parents, of whom, fortunately, there are also many.

    According to child psychologists, mothers and fathers today are divided into two categories: very educated, having studied tons of specialized literature, and catastrophically illiterate. There is no middle ground.

    Typology. problematic situation, transferred from internal to external and solved in the game.

    What is good for an American is death for a Russian?

    Today, about 250 enterprises are engaged in the production of toys in Russia, sometimes not even of the “toy” profile (up to the St. Petersburg Precision Machine Tool Plant). But foreign manufacturers are leading the educational toy market. Design kits for assembling “spider-people” are in demand among children. And in order to survive, educational toy stores also work with these products.

    Vera Abramenkova: Someone calculated that the Teletubbies generated $2 billion in profit per year from the sale of products with their images (toys, magazines, sweets, etc.). In Russia, the volume of such sales is about $100 million per year. Everyone knows that the television series was shown first. After watching the series, the child asks (or demands) to buy him a toy character, a towel, ice cream with his images... The next children's series is filmed with this money. But no one here wants to think about why the same Pokemon are banned in a number of European countries?

    Today greatest number The right “developmental games” can be found in the chains of specialized stores “Little Genius”, “Smart Child”, “Smart Games”. According to employees of these stores, Russian manufacturers are most powerful in the manufacture of wooden and, to a lesser extent, plastic products. At the same time, Russian products prevail in the age category from two to five years (60 - 70% of toys). In the categories up to two and after five years, the share of domestic toys is best case scenario 30%.

    Natalia Timoshina, administrator of one of the stores of the Little Genius retail chain: Among the foreign developments there are some incredibly interesting ones, but, as a rule, there is no advertising for them on TV. Consequently, they are not on the shelves of regular toy stores. And if there are, then they lie in the farthest corner, since they are not asked. Since they are not asked for, they are not supplied. The circle is closed. In addition, if a parent decides to buy a Russian mosaic or pyramid, he will have to look for it. At the same time, domestic toys, without compromising quality, provide an opportunity to save money. For example, a foreign mosaic costs 300-1000 rubles, and a Russian one costs 150-400 rubles. At the same time, ours provides new opportunities for creativity - different colors and a playing field.

    Russian designers are a separate issue. According to Natalya Timoshina, today there are quite a lot of them, the developments are sometimes more aesthetically pleasing and more useful than those of foreign analogues, but almost no one knows about them. The case of the game “Master Ball”, invented in Russia, is illustrative. A foreign manufacturer liked the idea of ​​a half-constructor-half-mosaic and bought it. (Moreover, the packaging contains the relevant details of this foreign manufacturer, but the insert still lists Russians as inventors and manufacturers. Here’s the incident.)

    The attitude towards educational toys in our country is ambiguous. Some “Western” psychologists believe that, in principle, a child should be allowed everything. If the toy is really “wrong”, then he will reject it intuitively.

    According to this logic, most mothers who control the choice of their child are easily labeled as neurasthenic. The other approach is more conservative. It is argued that children should be protected from the negative effects of certain products. Otherwise, you may develop something completely different from what you would like. And adherents of Waldorf pedagogy, which is fashionable in Russia today (advocating maximum accompaniment to the child’s nature), say that toys made from natural materials

    : wood, wool, straw, etc.

    They give the greatest scope for imagination, are not harmful to health and bring you closer to nature. But you shouldn’t completely deprive your child of modern popular games.

    Practicing psychologists urge us to adhere to the golden mean: toys should be different. The child is in society, communicates with children who have purchased dolls, cars, etc.

    If you limit yourself to homemade products, the child will feel uncomfortable. In addition, it’s not so bad if he has one or two negative heroes in his arsenal on whom he can throw out the negativity. But it’s also not a good idea to get too carried away with such toys.

    Think for yourself, decide for yourself.

    The main thing when choosing a toy is to simply think about what it is and what qualities it can form. And adhere to certain criteria. In the case of the white fluffy frog, two were violated: medical and psychological. Of course, it’s difficult to keep all the requirements in your head, but you need to take into account at least the most important ones.

    A child is not able to perceive a toy unemotionally, and the requirement of psychology is that these emotions be positive. There are already enough provocations of aggressiveness around.

    And the aesthetic requirement is that the toy corresponds to ideas about beauty. A toy for a child is a certain ideal, an image that is embedded in the subconscious. It would be nice if these images were appropriate.

    Any toy without parental participation in the game loses a significant share of its appeal. It is very important that you show and teach.

    Otherwise, it’s the same dusty corner in the children’s room. And one more thing: there shouldn’t be too many toys. Even if the nursery is littered with stacked elephants, railroads, and dolls, the child will convince you that there is nothing to play with. And he wants a new railway (doll, elephant, construction set).

    Svetlana Nemtsova, school psychologist: some of the boring, old toys can and should be hidden from the child from time to time so that he forgets about them.

    And when you take them out again, he will perceive them as new, the toys will “work” again.

    And besides, a large number of objects in front of the eyes prevents the child from concentrating - he grabs one thing or another, making it difficult to play.

    By the way, in the store we inspected there were only a few worthwhile toys. A drum, embroidery kits, a couple of board games, several soft toys and one doll.

    Educational games.

    (the most popular toys according to the employees of the Little Genius store)

    1. Nikitin’s cubes - “Fold the pattern”, “Cubes for everyone”, “Unicube”.

    Contribute to the development of spatial thinking, creative and mental abilities of the child, a tendency to analysis and synthesis. Using cubes fastened together, the child is asked to build given shapes in space.

    geometric shapes (RUB 191-206). 2. Zaitsev's cubes - a guide for teaching a child to read from an early age (1134 rubles). 3. Lacing games made of wood and foam rubber. Develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, attention, spatial thinking.

    5. Magnetic construction set “Supermac” (Italy), 1600-5000 rubles. depending on the number of elements.

    6. “Takeshi” construction set - soft plastic tubes different lengths and colors and special fastenings (RUB 315).

    7. Mosaic (Russia), 85-320 rub.

    8. Mosaic Quercetti (Italy), 195-820 rub.

    9. Puzzle game “Master Ball” (Russia) - a three-dimensional mosaic consisting of large and small curved triangles and special connections (333 rubles).

    10. Constructor “Electronic Expert” (Russia), 2040 rub.

    Points 5-10 - toys for development fine motor skills, imagination, perseverance, spatial thinking.

    The most common objects that surround a child from early childhood are a variety of toys.

    Wooden and plastic, dolls and robots, children's cars and construction sets, shiny and modest colors - you can't list all the types and functional features.

    But are you sure that they are completely safe for children? After all, some gaming accessories do not correspond to age standards, while others are simply harmful. Our reviews will help you figure out what the most dangerous toys for children are and what their danger is.

    Phthalates are special chemical compounds used in industrial production to soften and add elasticity to plastic products.

    At the same time, doctors consider these substances to be among the most harmful to the health of children, since phthalates, accumulating in the body, can:

    These substances are most often found in PVC products, which are widespread on our market.

    Their harmful qualities are due to their easy release from toys and rapid spread into the environment. Moreover, the amount of toxic compounds depends on the degree of deterioration of the product.

    Phthalates penetrate into children's bodies through the skin and during breathing, and since children under one year old often taste everything, these harmful compounds will definitely get into the child's saliva.

    And although such substances are prohibited in European countries, in our country they are still added to PVC products.

    To understand how harmful various plastic products are to our bodies and children’s bodies, a special examination should be carried out.

    However, this is not always possible under normal conditions, and considering that most toy devices were brought to us from China, you need to be especially careful.

    How to keep children safe?

    If you want to accurately “recognize” harmful toys, experts recommend taking into account the following factors:

    1. Product labeling. Refuse to purchase if on the product itself or in the accompanying papers there are three arrows (in the form of a triangle), inside of which the number 3 is placed. The letters PVC and Vinil indicate the PVC material. But some Chinese manufacturers do not label children's products at all.
    2. Typically safe plastic is hard and cool. Some children's products made of PVC can also be hard and hard (for example, a toy furniture set), but most often they are quite soft, resembling human skin when touched.

    Children's toys can also contain this heavy metal, especially in paint. Some unscrupulous manufacturers of children's products exceed all permitted standards many times over.

    A large amount of lead in the body often provokes the occurrence of:

    • anemia;
    • brain diseases;
    • kidney damage;
    • digestive disorders;
    • disorders of attention and coordination of movements;
    • destruction of bone tissue.

    To understand how harmful products are for a child, you need to determine the concentration of lead in the paint and the activity of its “release.”

    It is also important to know exactly how the baby will interact with the toy - touch it with his hands, put it in his mouth, chew it.

    Is it possible to protect a child?

    It is impossible to tell by eye whether there is lead in paint; this can only be judged after specialized tests. Therefore, you can save children from contact with this dangerous substance if you purchase certified products in children's stores.

    Playing accessories made from low-quality plastic (including PVC) are also harmful to children. Unsafe metal can end up in children's products if the premises in which they are manufactured are “contaminated” with toxic mercury vapor.

    Mercury enters a child's body through touching a toy and inhaling harmful fumes.

    Such unwanted interaction is fraught with the following negative consequences:

    • damage to the nervous system;
    • renal failure;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • pathologies of the respiratory system.

    Signs of mercury poisoning may not appear immediately, but only several weeks after it enters the body.

    Mercury vapor is especially harmful for children under one year old. This is due to the peculiarities of metabolism in early childhood - mercury in children is poorly removed from the blood and organs.

    How to warn?

    The advice is quite simple - you should not buy toys on the run, in stalls and kiosks. You still won’t be able to determine it by eye, and in dubious places you are unlikely to find accompanying documents and certificates. Therefore, saving on children's goods is excluded.

    This chemical compound is used in many production processes, including to shape rubber and PVC products. Phenol, when penetrating a child’s body, can have a detrimental effect on the following organs and systems:

    • respiratory organs (phenol is especially dangerous for children suffering from asthma);
    • digestive organs;
    • immune system (allergic reactions occur);
    • nervous system (headaches, insomnia).

    Rospotrebnadzor employees often seize rubber dolls from China, which are kept in large quantities harmful phenolic compounds. Therefore, such a threat is not a fiction, but a very real fact.

    How to keep your child safe?

    The presence of phenol in children's toys can be assumed based on the following criteria:

    • rich chemical “aroma”, noticeable even through the original packaging;
    • poor quality of the product - unevenness, nicks, sticky surface, drips and peeling coating.

    Formaldehyde is a gaseous compound that is actively used in the manufacturing process of plastics, PVC, dyes and textiles. These harmful materials are then used by irresponsible manufacturers to make children's products.

    The way this toxic substance enters a child’s body is simple – the baby licks a pacifier, teether or rattle. Formaldehyde vapors are harmful to the child’s body because they contribute to the development of:

    • acute toxicosis, manifested by vomiting, cough, weakness, stomach pain and allergic reactions;
    • leukemia;
    • cancerous formations in the nasopharyngeal cavity.

    Doctors especially often observe allergic reactions of varying severity in children. less than a year old problems that arise when a child interacts with teethers from China.

    How to keep kids safe?

    Products containing formaldehyde compounds usually have a strong, unpleasant synthetic “aroma.” But it’s still better to play it safe and carefully study all the information contained on the toy’s label.

    European quality standards are indicated by the letters CE; if the product has passed Russian testing, then the “PCT” icon will be located next to it.

    As the name suggests, fire retardants provide fire resistance to products. The opinion of scientists about their safety is not always clear.

    It is believed that when accumulated in the body, these substances can affect the child’s endocrine, immune and nervous systems, causing severe pathologies.

    Fire retardants are also used in the manufacture of children's products. However, these substances are easily washed out with water, so experts recommend following certain safety rules.

    How to help a child?

    Before handing over a funny fluffy bear or bunny to your little owner, be sure to wash the toy with a special baby powder, rinse thoroughly and dry thoroughly. If the product is PVC, simply wash it with soapy water.

    For children up to one year and older parents often purchase various luminous applications that can be glued to the ceiling to imitate, for example, a starry sky.

    Other mothers believe that the phosphorus compounds contained in such toys can negatively affect the child’s health.

    It should be understood that modern manufacturers have long abandoned phosphorus paints, preferring to use luminescent coatings or safe reflectors.

    However, some Chinese manufacturers continue to “poison” children with this substance. For example, not so long ago they were seizing chinese toys, in which high concentrations of phosphorus were found.

    How to keep your child safe?

    The advice is pretty standard – stop at toys when shopping. famous companies. Moreover, you should purchase a set of luminous stickers only in well-trusted stores.

    In addition, do not forget to ask for quality certificates and other accompanying documents.

    Reviews, including the most dangerous and harmful children's products, are published constantly, updated with new toys from year to year. However, a kind of “standard” of unwanted gaming accessories still exists. We offer 10 of the most harmful toys for children under one year and older.

    1. Magnetic constructors. Reviews in the English medical literature demonstrate serious concern among foreign doctors about the popularity of such toys due to the increasing number of cases of children swallowing small magnets.

    Doctors' concerns are related to physical properties such material. If others foreign objects quietly leave the body during defecation, the magnetic elements connect and enlarge, creating a kind of “plug”.

    It cannot be done without surgical intervention. In addition, magnetic parts can cause intestinal perforation!

    Experts do not recommend purchasing a set of magnetic parts for children under three years of age (especially under one year).

    2. Poisonous pacifiers. Pacifiers and pacifiers (or rather, the materials used) included in our Top 10 harmful products can lead to the development of acute allergic reactions. To “neutralize” this device, doctors recommend boiling it for an hour.

    Well, it’s best to purchase nipples from well-known manufacturers: Avent, Nuk, Chicco, Bebe Confort and other manufacturers. Avoid pacifiers with strings or ribbons that can wrap around a child’s neck.

    The mouthpiece of the product must be quite wide so as not to get into the child’s oral cavity. In addition, it is necessary to check the main part of the pacifier, which is placed in the child’s mouth, for holes and scratches.

    3. Soft toys. On the shelves of children's goods supermarkets, every parent will find a wide variety of soft toys from various manufacturers, including Chinese ones. They buy them because of the fairly low price, bright colors and softness of the material.

    But in early childhood, such products are not recommended at all due to numerous harmful factors. Inexpensive stuffed toys are usually made from poor quality materials, which can lead to anaphylaxis. Also, children under one year old can suffocate if a large fluffy bear falls on them.

    Another fact is that long lint, when swallowed, can create a lint plug that interferes with normal breathing and digestion. In addition, a plush toy is a “storage” of dust, mites and various pathogens.

    4. Toy weapons. The “harmfulness” of children’s weapons is growing from year to year, since manufacturers of modern toys are simply obsessed with realism. As a result, some guns and pistols with bullets, crossbows and bows turn into some kind of traumatic weapon.

    A child is capable of harming both himself and his playmates (injury to the eye, ear). Also unsafe are “machines” that produce loud sounds that can lead to impaired hearing function. In addition, darts with sharp tips and “cold” weapons - sabers and swords - are dangerous.

    This game complex made it into our Top 10 for its ambiguity and potential danger. The set for a “young scientist” seems to be an educational toy, but failure to comply with basic safety standards can result in burns, fires, and even electric shocks.

    Such a set (for chemists) may include various reagents - alkalis, acids, phosphates and other harmful compounds that can lead to poisoning. It is curious that the first set for physicists and chemists was produced back in the 50s and included radioactive Uranium-238 (of course, at that time they did not yet know about its properties).

    Now such “punctures” are excluded, but for early and preschool childhood such a gift set is excluded. If, nevertheless, your “natural scientist” requires this toy, read reviews and comments from parents before purchasing and allow him to play with it only in your presence.

    6. Excessively loud musical toys. Every child should have a set of children's musical instruments from early childhood to adolescence. But it should be understood that all such toys must meet the highest requirements, which also apply to sound volume.

    The maximum sound volume level is 85 dB; if these values ​​are exceeded, deafness may develop.

    Also, the “voice” of musical instruments must be clear and clear, without noise or wheezing. However, even with the right pipe or flute, you cannot play for too long; constant sounding can lead to overwork. Also, avoid musical toys made from PVC.

    7. Flying toys. Not only Carlson now has propellers, but also a variety of gaming accessories - helicopters, dolls, minions, ghosts and quadcopters. Some manufacturers even attach a propeller to children's alarm clocks.

    Of course, a child will be delighted with a fairy tale or cartoon character, however, the use of such toys is not suitable for early childhood. Such gaming accessories can only be purchased by teenagers, since small children cannot yet handle flying toys.

    In addition, a child of the fifth year of life is able to place his hands or face under the spinning propeller blades. Our Top 10 does not recommend such toys for small children.

    8. Toys with electronic filling. High-quality products themselves do not pose any particular danger to children. However, we should not forget that the use of toys containing batteries, other accumulators, speakers and other electronic elements is prohibited according to standards for up to three to five years.

    But modern manufacturers offer a huge range of different mobile phones, children's phones, tweeters, robots and even baby dolls with batteries, designed for children under one year old.

    9. Pyrotechnic products. Despite numerous prohibitions, including legislative ones, many parents at least do not object to their children using pyrotechnics, such as fireworks, especially on holidays.

    Some children purchase these toys on their own.

    The danger of pyrotechnic products for children is that fireworks can flare up and catch fire, explode right in their hands (damaging their hands, skin, face and eyes) or seriously frighten small child. Even a game with banal firecrackers can end in fright.

    10. Small toys and objects with small parts. Reviews of print and online forums make it clear that these toys are among the most harmful and dangerous for children under one year old and a little older.

    Small construction sets, mosaics, beads, small adhesive parts of soft toys, and a homemade educational set of buttons and beads can pose a danger to a small child. The baby will simply swallow these parts and push them into the nasal or ear canals.

    In addition, the 10 worst could include low-quality frame tents and labyrinths that are unsafe for early childhood, cheap chinese dolls PVC Barbies (by the way, some psychologists generally consider them harmful to the sexual development of girls), excessively bright rubber and plastic toys.

    Of course, gaming accessories are intended for children, but they are purchased by adults, so it is the parents who are responsible for the safety of a new doll or car. We offer several simple recommendations that will help you “filter” dangerous toys from useful or at least neutral ones.

    1. The first recommendation is to look for the CE mark on the toy or in the accompanying document. This sign indicates that the product complies with European safety standards. Also, the packaging must have inscriptions indicating the manufacturer or importer. Toys without a “biography” must be ruthlessly put aside.
    2. You can’t save on your baby’s health! Our desire to buy cheaper will not be appreciated by a child who, after contact with a low-quality doll or rubber duck, may become covered with an allergic rash. Usually, products of well-known brands are sold in children's stores, of course, and they cost significantly more than goods at the bazaar or retail outlets.
    3. However, high cost is, alas, not always an indicator of quality and safety. Therefore, before purchasing a toy, read reviews and opinions of moms on forums, and look at the certificate and instructions for use directly in the store. All documents must be in Russian!
    4. Be sure to read all warnings. They may, for example, say that it is prohibited to use the toy near a flame or water. Or it is recommended to play only in the presence of an adult. You may not have realized that marbles, one of the best and most loved toys of all ages, should not be given to children under 8 years of age due to the risk of getting into the throat and choking.
    5. Be sure to select gaming accessories taking into account age standards. Of course, toys for teenagers are not suitable for toddlers. The packaging or labels of quality products must contain a sign warning of the potential danger for children under three years of age.
    6. Soft bear cubs and hares must be suitable for “water procedures”. In addition, in such toys it is important to attach small parts - eyes, buttons, buttons, since a child is quite capable of chewing off and swallowing them.
    7. Avoid toys made from plastic that is not durable enough. Children under three years old love to try everything, so they need to purchase especially “tenacious” plastic toys that cannot break when hit or chewed.
    8. Rattles, teethers and other play devices for babies should not contain sharp, glued or protruding elements. A child can swallow and choke on these small parts.
    9. You should definitely touch your future purchase. Find out what the rattle is filled with. On soft toys, inspect the quality of the seams, otherwise the textile will tear and the “filling” will end up in the child’s mouth. Weakness teddy bears- seam between legs.
    10. A toddler can easily place his own fist in his mouth, so experts recommend not purchasing balls, dolls and other small toys smaller than the size of a child’s fist (usually 5 centimeters).
    11. Avoid soft plastic and rubber products that have a strong chemical odor. This is a sure sign of not the best the best materials and high concentrations of various harmful compounds.
    12. Avoid purchasing musical or other squeaking toys that make excessively loud noises. Such devices may affect the infant's hearing function.

    In addition, there are tips for parents regarding the care of already purchased gaming accessories. Before solemnly handing over to your beloved little one new toy, be sure to carry out the following manipulations:

    1. All labels and other adhesive markings must be removed as your baby may chew them off and swallow them.
    2. A plastic or wooden toy must be thoroughly washed after purchase with hot water and detergent. Another option is to treat the surface of the object with an alcohol-containing liquid.
    3. Before introducing a child to a new plush or fabric friend, you need to wash the soft toy in washing machine(on a special mode for delicate washing), and then dry thoroughly in the open air.
    4. If after washing or rinsing the toy has lost its characteristics and has lost its “decent” appearance(for example, faded), most likely this product is of poor quality. Such products should be thrown away without unnecessary regret.

    Our time is characterized by the presence of a huge number of a wide variety of toys for any age. Not every parent is easily able to understand the functions and features of some gaming devices, let alone children.

    Therefore, first of all, focus not on the cost of the gift, but on the quality of the materials. Agree that it is preferable to buy one expensive but good toy rather than several dubious cheap crafts.

    After reading our reviews carefully and following the above recommendations, you will purchase the most useful plastic or soft play accessories for your baby that will delight him for a long time.

    Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

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