• What cosmetics are suitable for dry skin? Xerosis (dry skin): methods of treatment and diagnosis of symptoms


    Dry facial skin can become a serious problem for its owner. A constant feeling of tightness, itching, and peeling cause some discomfort. The causes of such troubles may be heredity or, more often, improper skin care. In our article we will try to understand what a cream for dry skin should be like. There are quite a few available in the pharmacy today. big choice cosmetics. What should be included and what should be of concern - we will consider below. We will also look at some pharmaceutical products that, according to customer reviews, are most effective in preventing dry skin.

    Features of creams for dry skin

    Dry skin is most susceptible early aging and the appearance of wrinkles. It needs deep hydration and nutrition. Let's dwell on the components that should be part of a good cream.

    What should be in a cream for dry skin?

    It is worth paying attention to the following components.

    Glycerin in creams

    The cream must contain glycerin, which is able to moisturize the deep layers of the skin and retain moisture.

    Acids for dry skin

    A complex of acids - glycolic, salicylic and hyaluronic - dries out some imperfections on the skin and at the same time nourishes it from the inside.

    Ceramides in moisturizers

    The presence of ceramides softens dry skin, relieves inflammation, and reduces flaking.

    UV filters in the cream

    The cream must have UV filters. Dry skin should be exposed to sunlight as little as possible; UV filters can reduce Negative influence sun.

    Natural oils for dry skin care

    It is worth paying attention to the presence natural oils in the composition. Especially useful almond oil, coconut and Shea butter.

    Vitamins in moisturizers

    In a good moisturizing cream, the presence of vitamins A.C and E is highly desirable. They are able to strengthen facial contours and enrich the skin with beneficial microelements.

    Natural plant extracts for dry skin

    The cream will be more effective if it contains extracts of figs, olives, chamomile, calendula or cucumber. Thanks to them, the skin tone is evened out, it becomes fresher and more radiant.

    What should not be in a cream for dry skin?

    The presence of the following components can aggravate the skin condition, which is why it is very important to carefully study the composition.

    Alcohol or zinc are not for dry skin

    Alcohol and zinc have a very detrimental effect on dry skin, as they can dry it out greatly. You should refrain from purchasing such a cream.

    Mineral oil is not good for dry face

    Contrary to beneficial properties mineral oils, their effect on dry skin is far from positive. Oils clog pores, causing the skin to stop “breathing”, and, as a result, problems with blackheads and subcutaneous pimples are added to dryness.

    Plant extracts are not beneficial for dry skin

    Extracts of lavender, mint, and tea tree are more suitable for those with oily or combination skin types. They dehydrate dry skin. In addition, allergic rashes are possible.

    Selection and use of creams for dry skin

    To choose the right cream, you should follow a number of rules.

    The cream is a “second person”, so you should be very careful when purchasing it.

    1. It is better to entrust the purchase of cream to a trusted pharmacy where there are Required documents on drugs sold;
    2. Cream in a tube is preferable;
    3. Cream for dry skin is purchased according to age;
    4. In summer, you should give preference to moisturizing creams;
    5. You should pay attention to the composition and expiration date;
    6. The fewer perfume components there are, the healthier the cream is.

    How to properly apply cream to dry skin?

    1. The effect of the product will be more effective if applied to the skin after using a facial scrub;
    2. It is not recommended to use the cream while in a sauna or bathhouse;
    3. Applying cream is an important process; you should not actively rub it into the skin to avoid stretching it. Simply apply the product with your fingertips, lightly patting and avoiding the skin around the eyes.
    4. The cream should be used regularly - morning and evening.

    Top 5 pharmacy products for dry skin care

    There are a huge number of skin care products available in the market. We have highlighted three creams that cope well with dry skin thanks to the right composition.

    Cream "Boro Plus" for restoring dry skin

    The price of this product is more than acceptable and does not exceed 100 rubles. The cream moisturizes well and removes flaking. Can be applied directly to problem areas of the skin.

    Cream for dry skin: In the pharmacy you can buy Boro-Plus, Dardia, Locobase-Ripea, Losterin, Tocopherol-Acetate creams

    Dardia cream for dry skin care

    Perhaps, in terms of price category, this product is not the cheapest. The composition of the cream is worth the money, since the glycerin in the composition, together with lactate, actively nourishes the skin and retains a feeling of moisture for a long time. The consistency of the cream is non-greasy, it is easy to apply and quickly absorbed without leaving a sticky feeling.

    Locobase Ripea cream for moisturizing dry skin

    Copes well with very dry and dehydrated skin. The lipids in the composition replenish the damaged layer of inner cells, thereby creating an invisible film. The effect lasts for a long time. It copes well with dry skin in winter, when a constant temperature difference (from a warm room to a cold room and vice versa) negatively affects our skin.

    Losterine cream to restore dry skin

    Naftalan oil in the composition promotes cell regeneration, fights inflammation and itching. The cream also exfoliates dead skin cells and promotes skin renewal.

    Tocopherol acetate against dry skin

    It would not be entirely correct to call this product a cream, but rather it is liquid form vitamin E. This is an excellent remedy in the fight against dry skin. It helps well in cell regeneration, fights fine wrinkles, perfectly moisturizes the skin and is quickly absorbed. Minimum aromatic preservatives and maximum benefits.

    Dry facial skin is not a death sentence. The main thing is proper and regular care for it. Buy an expensive cream or use a cheaper one pharmaceutical product- the choice is up to each of us. Any skin type requires attention and care, and the right products can help with this.

    There are times in every woman's life when her facial skin requires special care. This does not only apply to those over 30, 40 or 50. Problems can arise at a young age. An effective remedy for combating dry skin is a rich face cream.

    What are the benefits of rich face cream?

    The most important advantage of a rich face cream for dry skin is its ability to replenish the lack of fat and moisture, as a result of which the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, and exfoliating particles are softened and removed.

    At the same time, the applied cream serves as an obstacle to the loss of moisture and fat from the skin. The nutrients included in the fatty cream enrich the epidermis, which stops inflammatory processes, relieves itching, and stimulates cell regeneration.

    An effective remedy for combating dry skin is a rich face cream for dry skin.

    Symptoms such as skin tightness, redness, rash, and peeling disappear. Using a rich face cream in unfavorable weather conditions protects the skin from chapping, frostbite, and penetration of pathogens into the upper layer of the dermis skin diseases.

    Some fatty cosmetics contain substances that can not only retain existing moisture, but also absorb it from the environment and accumulate in the skin.

    Indications for use

    Fat cream for the face it is recommended primarily for women over fifty. At this age, the skin loses its elasticity and its protective fat layer is weakened. This type of cream is of great importance for removing dead cells from skin.

    The nutrients included in the fatty cream enrich the epidermis, which stops inflammatory processes, relieves itching, and stimulates cell regeneration.

    Experts advise using fatty cream:

    • at the first signs of inflammation;
    • as a restorative after sunburn;
    • for protection from wind and low temperatures;
    • for various types of irritation to chemicals contained in hygiene products, swimming pools (chlorine), deodorants, sea water.

    The consequence of a long illness accompanied by high temperature body, there is severe inflammation of the skin, which a rich cream will help to cope with.

    How to choose a rich nourishing or moisturizing cream

    The choice of fatty face cream should be approached strictly individually, depending on the expected effect and symptoms that need to be eliminated.

    Flaky skin requires the presence of keratolics in a rich cream, capable of destroying the connection between the cells of dying areas of the skin, softening them and helping to cleanse the face of the scales that appear on it.

    Keratolics include salicylic, lactic, citric, boric and some other acids, urea, barium sulfide and other chemical compounds. The percentage of their content in the cream should be minimal, in otherwise Using the cream leads to serious consequences, including skin atrophy.

    Any cream, especially a fatty one, must contain antipruritic and anti-inflammatory components. It is better if these are natural extracts of plants such as nettle, juniper, lemon balm, speedwell, pine needles, burdock, and Birch tar and willow bark.

    Vitamins are vital to strengthen and restore weakened epithelial cells A, B, E, C, K, PP, as well as d-panthenol. Their content in the cream is definitely necessary.

    An indispensable condition when choosing a fatty cream is the presence in it of moisturizing substances contained in fats of plant and animal origin, such as:

    • olive oil,
    • linseed oil,
    • sunflower oil,
    • almond oil,
    • sea ​​buckthorn oil,
    • hyaluronic acid,
    • badger fat,
    • bear fat,
    • sheep fat,
    • lanolin.

    Oily face cream, according to cosmetologists, must certainly contain hydrants- substances that prevent the loss of moisture from the skin. Urea, collagen, lactic, hyaluronic and pyrrolidonecarboxylic acids are hygroscopic hydrants.

    Penetrating deep into the skin, they retain water molecules there. In addition to creating a moisturizing effect, hygroscopic hydrants have protective properties, which allows these substances to be classified as film-forming hydrants.

    These also include glycerin, which consists of fatty acids and alcohols. It is used as a base in the production of many cosmetics. In addition to the ability to form a protective film on the surface of the skin, glycerin stabilizes the processes of metabolism and regeneration in dermal cells, making the skin soft and velvety.

    Useful additives to the fatty cream are also snail mucus extract, aloe vera, royal jelly.

    The main condition for preparing the face for applying a rich cream, as in general care taking care of the body means maintaining personal hygiene. You must wash your hands thoroughly. All equipment and tools must be kept clean and dry.

    Before applying a rich cream, you should carry out a cleaning procedure. To cleanse oily and combination skin products that normalize fat levels are suitable. For dry and sensitive skin – gentle cream or milk.

    If preference in cleansing the face is given to regular washing, the water must be warm, and the soap content must correspond to the skin type.

    Professional cosmetologists insist on the need for breaks in the process of facial skin care, so experts recommend starting the next stage no earlier than half an hour after cleansing.

    The rich cream is applied to cleansed and “rested” skin with soft, gentle movements, without rubbing or excessive effort, in a thin, even layer, avoiding contact with the area around the eyes.

    A half-hour break is observed regardless of the purpose of applying a rich cream - be it moisturizing and nourishing the skin, protection from frost and windy weather, sea ​​salt or chlorinated pool water, or simply as a makeup base.

    Before the next process, the remaining cream must be removed from the face by blotting with a dry cloth. Dry compact powder is recognized as the best cosmetic product over oily cream.

    Oily cream for different skin types

    It is well known that facial skin is divided into four types: dry, normal, oily and combination. In the absence of pronounced skin problems, oily face cream is strictly not recommended to be used daily.

    For dry skin

    Even with very dry skin, oily cream can be used no more than 1-2 times a week. This regimen helps stimulate the production of your own fat, prevent clogging of pores, and prevents the slowdown of metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis.

    For normal skin

    When caring for normal facial skin, the use of any specialized cosmetics should generally be kept to a minimum in order to avoid disturbing the favorable balance.

    Useful additives in a rich face cream for dry skin are also snail mucus extract, aloe vera, and royal jelly.

    One-time application of rich cream to normal skin It is advisable only to prevent unfavorable contact with negative natural or symptomatic phenomena.

    For oily skin

    It would be naive to believe that oily skin does not need moisturizing, fat and vitamin supplementation. The constant removal of the natural protective layer of the dermis by degreasing cosmetics entails the need to increase the intensity of the production of own fat by the sebaceous glands.

    For combination skin

    Combination skin is no exception and also has unique needs for oily cream. Combination skin care should consist of two stages: First, a cream is applied to the entire face oily skin, and then the rich cream is applied only to the cheeks.

    For the especially lazy, there is, of course, a special cream for combination skin; it is less hassle, but also has less effect.

    How to apply a rich face cream at night

    Applying a rich cream to the face at night, like using any other cream, should be preceded by cleansing the skin. After a half-hour break, the areas around the eyes are treated with a moisturizer, then the rest of the face. Apply a rich face cream using light patting movements with your fingertips.

    Before going to bed, any unabsorbed cream residues should be blotted with a dry paper napkin.

    Which fatty cream to choose for facial massage

    In facial skin care, the benefits of massage are invaluable, especially if you choose the right cream. Fat cream is suitable for dry massage aging skin . It is very useful to contain avocado or olive oil, keratins, hyaluron, extract in a fatty massage cream seaweed and grape seed marc.

    A suitable option for facial massage is Chamos - a revitalizing massage cream. It contains olive oil, a complex of substances that brilliantly copes with the task of restoring dehydrated epithelial cells.

    The best means

    Examples of the best creams available.


    Belongs to the series of the richest creams. There is a day and night anti-aging moisturizer. Both types contain grape seed oil, which softens the skin, vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, and the night version contains added panthenol, which promotes the regeneration of epithelial cells.

    Nivea anti-wrinkle day and night cream Q10 PLUS increases the content of coenzyme in the skin of the face, slows down the aging process, as well as an antioxidant - creatine.


    This cream has been on the cosmetics market for more than half a century. Recently, many new products have been developed. Phytocomplex Omega 3, part of the new Re-Nutriv Replenishing Comfort Creme, is based on a combination of kukui oil, blueberry and camelina seeds with the addition of antioxidants such as ginseng, wolfberry and mulberry.

    This set of ingredients helps enhance the anti-inflammatory, regenerating, rejuvenating effect.

    The Floralixir™ Dew complex includes, in addition to the usual components, an extract of a mountain flower - Himalayan gentian (very resistant to ultraviolet radiation and frosts down to minus 15 degrees), as well as Brazilian immortelle, which successfully resists drought.

    This new product promotes the revival of damaged and weakened dermal cells and stimulates their activity.

    Aquasource Nutrition

    A rich nourishing cream that eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin for 48 hours. Copes very well with protective functions in conditions of low temperatures and strong winds.

    The apricot, rice, passionflower and corn oils included in its composition effectively soften and provide additional enrichment of the skin with nutrients.

    La Roche – Rosay Hydreane Riche

    Moisturizing cream has a soothing effect on various types of irritations. The softening properties are provided by the shea butter included in it. The content of thermal waters in its composition enhances its moisturizing properties. The advantages of this line are provided by 100% hypoallergenicity and the absence of parabens in the cream.

    Nutrilogie 2

    Relieves the feeling of skin cracking after the first use. The cream also contains thermal water and oils of plant origin - apricot, macadamia nut, jojoba, coriander, the presence of which helps restore the protective functions of dry skin.

    Haute Nutrition Multi-Perfection Rich Cream

    Oily face cream from the Capture Totale Riche series is a cosmetic product that helps prevent fading of the facial skin.

    The innovative formula obtained by the developers of Capture Totale Riche based on the Alpha-Longoza complex made it possible to achieve a noticeable effect of smoothing wrinkles and eliminating age-related age spots, giving the skin elasticity.

    Fibrogène by Darphin

    Oligopeptides, jojoba oil, segesbekia orientalis extract, vitamin F contained in this cream make it effective means in maintaining fat balance, eliminating the causes of aging, restoring the protective functions of the skin.

    Which face cream is the richest?

    Judging by the reviews of social network users, Nivea is the leader in terms of fat content. This was confirmed by an examination conducted by Roskontrol specialists. Nivea is one of the most effective, safe, and quality-compliant fatty face creams.

    Duration of action, minimal content of preservatives, absence heavy metals and microbes comply with the directions on the packaging.

    In pursuit of famous brands women have undeservedly forgotten cosmetical tools, distributed through the pharmacy chain. Very fatty creams produced by Russian cosmetologists include fatty cream for the face, body and hands Vitamin F-99.

    Created on the basis of specially prepared water and glycerin, containing soybean and sea buckthorn oils, beeswax, dihimuls, magnesium sulfate, liposentol F, the cream does an excellent job of restoring skin suffering from various types of damage (chappedness, peeling, burns, frostbite, wrinkles, rashes, irritation).

    Dove nourishing cream is considered very oily. Although it contains some unwanted chemicals, Dove works great on combination skin. While carefully caring for and restoring excessively dry areas, it does not harm the oily part of the epidermis.

    How to make a rich face cream with your own hands at home

    There are many advantages to a homemade rich face cream. One of the most important is that the user himself will select the components he needs, and will be confident in the quality, freshness of the ingredients, and their presence in the cosmetic product.

    Fat should become the basis for making cream. Less dry skin needs vegetable fats. Butter will also work. For very dry, damaged skin, as well as to create a protective cream, use heavier badger fat or margarine, or even better, beeswax.

    Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect will be given medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, nettle, birch buds. To achieve a thicker consistency, it is better to dry the plant material very well and grind it into flour in a coffee grinder.

    For a more liquid cream, you will need a decoction of plants (1 tablespoon of the mixture, poured 1 tablespoon of boiling water for 1 hour).

    Oil preparations of the main vitamins necessary for skin health - A, E or B - will enrich the cream with nutrients. Essential oils of lavender and sandalwood will be useful.

    As an additional source of vitamins, you need to add gruel from apples, strawberries, persimmons, and cucumber pulp. Milk, sour cream, and cream will help increase fat content. Honey and aloe juice will add regenerating and tonic properties to the cream.

    The sequence of mixing all components is important. The fat base must be placed on steam bath, and while it is heating up, all other components must be thoroughly mixed.

    While stirring the dissolved fat, the resulting mixture is slowly added to it.

    To prevent the fat from solidifying, it must be left in a water bath until a homogeneous mass is obtained during mixing. A mixer will help achieve perfect homogeneity.

    Recipe for a very rich homemade face cream Place 45 ml of unrefined olive oil, 20 ml of beeswax, 15 ml of shea butter in a water bath to heat. In a mixture consisting of the same amount (15 ml each) rose water

    and aloe vera, pour in 2 capsules of liquid tocopherol, 3 drops each of lavender and chamomile essential oils, add 10 g of lecithin.

    Combine the resulting liquid with the heated fats, beat and cool. An important condition for using any oily face cream is preliminary testing for tolerance of essential oils (grind 1 drop essential oil

    How to store fatty homemade cream

    This cream is stored in the refrigerator under a tight lid. Usage period 5-7 days, To extend the period by 2-3 days, dairy products should be excluded from the recipe.

    When there is a need to use a rich face cream, the main criteria for choosing the right remedy should be its safety, the naturalness of the components it contains, and the absence of harmful substances.

    Which cream is suitable for dry skin:

    What are the best creams for oily skin:

    Nourishing cream for dry skin is a means that provides complete care behind the dry epidermis. Unlike other types, for dehydrated and tight skin it is necessary to use a nourishing cream. It will fill the cells with moisture and beneficial elements, and also soften the epidermis, preventing flaking and tightness.

    Without sufficient nutrition and hydration, the face looks dry and flabby, with wrinkles and flaky scales. To help him, it is necessary to provide correct and sufficient care, which consists of using a nourishing face cream.

    Important! Each nutrient not only nourishes the epidermis, but also moisturizes it. It helps attract moisture and retain it in cells. However, not every moisturizer contains fixed oils, which nourish the cover. Therefore, it is very important to use two types of products so that the skin receives a sufficient supply of the elements it needs.

    Effect of nourishing cream

    A nourishing product for dry skin must have special qualities. For example, nourishing cosmetics for oily or combined type has a lightweight composition and non-greasy consistency. At the same time, cosmetics for dried epithelium should be saturated with fatty acids and oils.

    Nourishing cream for dry epidermis should have the following actions:

    1. Saturate cells with moisture;
    2. Prevent moisture evaporation;
    3. Soften the surface layer of the epithelium;
    4. Eliminate peeling and tightness;
    5. Restore natural lipid protection;
    6. Protect the epidermis from environmental influences;
    7. Supply vitamins, microelements and useful material into cells;
    8. Soothe, relieve irritation and redness.

    Depending on her goals, each girl should choose her own product that will help solve the problems that arise on her face. This is easy to do if you study the functions of the selected tool and its effect.

    Some functions can be found in the descriptions provided by the manufacturer, while other properties are discovered only after a detailed study of the composition. Therefore, it is important to know and distinguish not only the manufacturer’s promises, but also the constituent substances included in the formulation of a cosmetic product.

    Advice! If you have dry skin, choose a nourishing face cream that is suitable only for your epidermis type. You can also read about this on the packaging.

    Nourishing composition for dry skin

    Those who have no problem understanding the incomprehensible Latin names in cosmetics can easily determine which product is of high quality and suitable for dry epidermis, and which is better left on the store shelf.

    We will also help you learn to determine the components that should be included in the composition for a dry face. This will allow you to determine the most the best remedy for care.

    • Feeding vegetable oils- one of the main components of this type of cosmetics. Without them it is impossible to create the most useful cosmetic product. The following oils are useful for dried epidermis: apricot, evening primrose, jojoba, almond, hazelnut. Do not forget about the special oil that can adapt to any type of epidermis. We are talking about olive oil, which perfectly moisturizes and nourishes cells, and is also indispensable for dry skin.
    • Essential oils are contained in cosmetics in minimal quantities. Sometimes a few drops of an ethereal solution are used to create one product, but this gives amazing results. It is best to choose a composition that contains orange, rosewood, patchouli, jasmine, sandalwood, and chamomile oil. They are most suitable for weakened epithelium.
    • Plant extracts perfectly soften the epidermis, fill it with nutrients and eliminate irritation. Extracts of lilac, chamomile, aloe, seaweed, and ginseng are recommended for you.
    • Collagen and elastin are components that are essential for aging skin. At a young age, it is prohibited to use products containing them. After 30 years, their use becomes necessary to maintain the beauty and elasticity of the face.
    • Vitamins A, E, F should also be contained in this composition. They help the epidermis fight age-related changes, and also warn negative impact negative factors environment.

    Important! The dry and sensitive type of epidermis is prone to irritation and reacts differently to different components. Therefore, it is very important to test cosmetics for individual tolerance by applying a small portion to the bend of the elbow.

    Good creams

    Nivea Aqua Effect Nourishing Day Cream

    • Designed for dry and sensitive epithelium;
    • Intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
    • Contains almond oil and moisturizing complex;
    • Suitable as a daytime protectant;
    • Contains UV filters.

    Price: 200 rub.

    Night cream Pure line “Intense nourishing”

    • Contains wheat germ oil;
    • Designed for night care of dry epidermis;
    • Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
    • Does not leave a greasy residue;
    • Quickly absorbed.

    Price: 40 rub.

    • Contains many salts, minerals and trace elements;
    • Nourishes and moisturizes the epithelium;
    • Cleanses the surface of the epithelium, tones and restores cells;
    • Helps maintain the alkaline balance of the skin;
    • The composition also includes aloe, royal jelly and biologically active substances.

    Price: 1,000 rub.


    Nourishing cream for dry skin is used to maintain youth and restore the health of dehydrated skin. It nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, saturates it with valuable elements and beneficial substances.

    Beauty experts often refer to Various types skin. Her care regimen depends on correct definition type.
    Dry skin looks very thin and matte, it is beautiful in youth, but due to the weak ability to retain moisture in the epidermis, signs of age appear on it more quickly.

    It often peels off and reacts to numerous external factors: weather conditions, improper care, content of certain ingredients in cosmetics.
    Often dry skin is also sensitive. Regular care and tender care are what is required for dehydrated facial skin.

    Low water content in the epidermis leads to dryness. You can saturate your skin with moisture by choosing suitable cosmetic products to rehydrate and protect against dehydration.

    The best moisturizing ingredients in creams for dry skin

    Dimethicone, petroleum jelly, paraffin, lanolin are components of cosmetics that prevent moisture from being drawn out of cells.

    Glycerin, sorbitol, sodium hyaluronate, urea, propylene glycol, alpha hydroxy acids bind to water molecules and hold them in the skin.

    As a result, the surface becomes smooth.
    Petrolatum and mineral oil soften.

    Beware of allergens!

    Cosmetic fragrances and aromatic compositions in creams for dry skin cause allergic reactions.
    If you have sensitive skin, avoid ingredients in facial care products such as:

    • isoeugenol;
    • eugenol;
    • cinnamaldehyde;
    • cinnamon alcohol;
    • hydroxycitronellal;
    • geraniol;
    • oakmoss absolute/

    Some antioxidants, like vitamin E, sometimes cause allergic contact dermatitis in people with sensitive skin.

    When and how to use moisturizer

    Video: how to remove nasolabial folds

    Creams suitable for dry skin

    Creams of this domestic brand are positioned as environmentally friendly. They are free of parabens and sls. For example, creams for different types facial skin contains herbal extracts: aralia, rhodiola rosea, liposomal complex and vitamins. Hyaluronic acid and plant ceramides retain water in cells and prolong their youth.

    Intensively regenerating cream with lipids is designed to provide comfort and nutrition to dry skin during the cold season. It contains royal jelly, which increases the skin's production of its own lipids. Soothes and moisturizes skin for 24 hours.


    The moisturizer has a thick, rich consistency and a pleasant aroma. It applies well and does not leave the feeling of a greasy film on the face. Doesn't clog pores. Pros: deep hydration, comfortable feeling after use.
    Minuses: the price sometimes causes irritation, so it makes sense to take samples.

    A face cream that intensely hydrates and fights wrinkles. The light texture of the serum with a delicate floral aroma is quickly applied and absorbed into the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. The product can be used at night, enhancing its effect with moisturizer.


    The silicone consistency of the serum has a light aroma. Easy to apply and contains antioxidants. It is convenient to apply this serum under moisturizer.
    Pros: Suitable for sensitive skin, non-comedogenic, has anti-aging effect.
    Minuses: price.

    The rich texture makes the skin even more hydrated. Suitable for sensitive skin. Eliminates dryness, first wrinkles, loss of elasticity. Evens out skin tone and gives it radiance.


    A luxurious hydrating product with a rejuvenating effect. It softens dry skin very well and leaves it elastic.
    Pros: not tested on animals.
    Minuses: contains dyes, inconvenient packaging, not the best combination of price and quality.

    It is around the eyes that the most delicate and thin skin is located, which requires constant and careful care. There is probably no person who has not encountered the problem of “bags” under the eyes. Check out

    Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel-Cream for Extra Dry Skin

    Light cream-gel for very dry skin. Fragrance-free, instantly moisturizes. Contains hyaluronic acid. The customers are very satisfied and also recommend.

    Those with dry skin do not have to suffer from greasy shine, but signs of aging appear on their faces faster, and irritation or peeling often occurs. To avoid such symptoms, the dermis must be properly cared for. The cream for dry and sensitive skin is designed taking into account all the features of this type, but the extensive range makes it difficult to choose suitable remedy.

    What is a cream for dry skin?

    Special moisturizers containing fatty components are creams that are used for dry facial skin. They not only nourish, but also protect the epidermis, which is especially useful for sensitive, irritated skin. Fat creams help get rid of constant flaking and itching, but also have the property of hydration - they retain water in the cells.

    How it works

    Creams for dry skin are very thick, dense in consistency; after application, they bind water molecules and form a film that protects the epidermis and retains moisture. They penetrate deeply into the dermis, providing softening of the skin, eliminating itching, burning, replenishing the lack of fat, removing the feeling of tightness and starting cell regeneration processes. This effect is provided by the following components in the composition of the products:

    • keratolytics – cause active exfoliation of keratinized scales of the epidermis;
    • hydrants (glycerin, propylene glycol, sorbitol, urea) – form a protective film, absorb water vapor from the air;
    • hydrophiles (vaseline, paraffin, lanolin, dimethicone) - draw moisture from cells;
    • antibacterial, anti-inflammatory substances;
    • regenerating components – activate cellular renewal;
    • vitamins;
    • panthenol, petrolatum, mineral oil - soften.

    A number of components in cosmetics for dry skin can cause allergic reactions, which is especially true for hypersensitivity, which is often found in this type. Avoid such names in the composition:

    • eugenol and/or isoeugenol;
    • vitamin E – can cause allergic contact dermatitis;
    • cinnamyl alcohol and/or aldehyde;
    • geraniol;
    • hydroxycitronellal;
    • oak moss absolute.

    Cream for dry skin in the pharmacy

    Unlike Europe, in Russia a cream for dry skin in a pharmacy is not equated to medicine. However, it is aimed at caring for sensitive skin prone to redness, itching and allergies, and does not contain potentially harmful elements. These cosmetics are being tested laboratory methods not only on tolerability, but also on effectiveness. The best products of this type:

    • SkinCeuticalsRenewOvernight. Moisturizes, exfoliates, rejuvenates, restores healthy color face, gives a soft glow. It has nice smell orange Thanks to its good texture, it is easy to apply and is economical to use. It contains aloe vera gel, comfrey extracts, chamomile, but also contains parabens.
    • La Roche-posayHydraphase intense riche. Contains hyaluronic acid. Has a refreshing, non-greasy texture. Eliminates redness, inflammation, feeling of tightness - acts immediately after application. Well moisturizes, non-sticky, does not cause irritation. Can be used as a base for Foundation.
    • Uriage Aqua Precis Moisturizing Comfort Cream for Dry Skin. This product is very soft, has a delicate texture, restores water balance, makes the skin smooth, quickly absorbed. Contains shea butter to add elasticity to the epidermis. Disadvantages: Doesn't moisturize well.

    Review of popular brands

    The range of cosmetics suitable for dry skin care is very extensive. Check out the features popular brands On the market:

    • Vichy. French company that produces medicinal cosmetics. The cost of products from this brand is high, but they moisturize perfectly.
    • NaturaSiberica. This Russian manufacturer issues organic cosmetics, therefore guarantees the naturalness of the composition. The product helps against dryness and perfectly protects the skin from frost.
    • Clean line. Budget mass-market cosmetics that can be purchased in almost any store. I am pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness - the quality exceeds the price.
    • Nivea. The products of this brand also belong to the mass market, but they cost a class higher than the Clean Line, which is reflected in the price. The formula of Nivea moisturizer allows it to be used on sensitive epidermis without fear of causing an allergic reaction.

    Products for very dry skin

    Some suffer from a slight feeling of tightness, while others complain of constant flaking. Rating of the most effective products for those with very dry skin:

    Name Characteristics Notes Flaws

    Available in two versions: for day and night care.

    Provides rapid hydration and restoration of the skin.

    Gently cares, suitable for sensitive dermis.

    Can be used as a base for makeup.

    For eyelids it is better to use another product of this brand. -
    Lanolin cream.

    Produced by Nevskaya Cosmetics.

    Budgetary, but effective remedy.

    Oily cream for dry skin of the face, also suitable for the body.

    It is better to use it at night - do not apply it in the morning, even in a thin layer, as it is poorly absorbed and leaves behind an oily film. Strong smell, clogs pores, mixed reviews.

    Produced for facial skin exposed to frosty winds and suffering from excessive dryness.

    Restores natural moisture balance and combines with decorative cosmetics.

    It has a very thick consistency (looks more like an ointment for dry skin), but spreads easily over the surface and melts quickly upon application. -


    The first thing dry skin needs is urgent help in the form of hydration. For such creams, fat content, texture and how well it is absorbed are important. It is recommended to use the following day care products:



    • Intensive moisturizing cream.
    • Contains jojoba oil, vitamin E (be careful, this antioxidant may cause allergies).
    • Versatile, suitable for face, hands and body.
    • Lightweight, quickly absorbed.

    Avene Hydration Hydrance Optimale Riche.

    • Manufactured by the leading French brand Avene.
    • Contains glycerin, thermal water, shea butter.
    • It has a pleasant aroma and does not leave behind a greasy film.
    • It is recommended to apply twice a day.

    Vichy Aqualia Thermal

    • Removes the feeling of tightness, flaking, relieves minor inflammation.
    • Absorbs for about 10 minutes, then you can apply makeup.
    • Not suitable for combination skin (there are many negative reviews from those with a mixed type), in this case, apply the product locally only to the areas of peeling.

    "Free Style Sensitive" Freistil Sensitiv (Feuchtigkeitscreme) I+M

    • Organic moisturizing, for hypersensitive dermis.
    • Hypoallergenic, odorless, contains no esters.
    • Active ingredients: aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, jojoba, almond, sea buckthorn oils, primrose extract.
    • This composition regulates the secretion of sebum, protects the epidermis, retains moisture in the cells, and intensively moisturizes.


    The main property of nourishing creams is to give dry skin those missing vitamins and nutrients that are responsible for retaining moisture in the layers of the dermis and regulating sebum secretion. The following products do a good job of this and are best applied at night:






    Contains lipids and royal jelly.

    • nourishes, moisturizes, restores the dermis;
    • does not leave a greasy film, not sticky;
    • can be used once a day;
    • calms;
    • does not clog pores.

    May cause irritation, so women with sensitive skin are advised to purchase a sample of this product first.

    Pure Line Intensely Nourishing

    Contains wheat germ oil and aloe vera.

    • inexpensive;
    • easy;
    • suitable for combination type;
    • does not clog pores;
    • allows cells to breathe;
    • can be used as a base for makeup;
    • moisturizes throughout the day;
    • smoothes out small wrinkles.

    Does not protect from the sun, contains vitamin E (allergen).

    Natura Siberica for night care

    Dense, buttery, but light; the color of baked milk.

    Contains Amalia Manchurian extract, procollagen, glycerin, organic extracts (meadowsweet, Siberian flax, calendula).

    • stimulates cell renewal thanks to the liposome complex in the composition;
    • improves blood circulation, elasticity;
    • tones.

    Can only be used at night.

    The best cream for dry skin

    It is impossible to objectively determine which cream is the best for dry skin. It depends on the condition of the epidermis and its individual characteristics. Ideally, the best product for caring for dry skin should nourish, moisturize and protect the epidermis, not cause discomfort, be easy to apply, absorb quickly, not clog pores, not leave a greasy film, but also not evaporate immediately. It is difficult to combine all these properties in one product, so it is recommended to use two types: daytime, which will also act as a base for makeup, and nighttime.

    Selection rules

    Illiterate selection of dry skin care products can lead to serious problems, including the premature appearance of wrinkles. Find out the reasons why your dermis is not retaining or releasing enough moisture before purchasing a new cream. This could be hormonal problems, the influence external factors or genetic predisposition. Of these, only the last is incurable. External and acquired factors, causing dryness skin:

    • nervous disease, digestive systems;
    • avitaminosis;
    • using soap and chlorinated water for washing;
    • incorrect selection of care products;
    • frequent exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium;
    • lack of drinking;
    • frequent peeling.

    Address the above reasons before choosing a product. Review your diet and facial care routine. Then start making your selection. Consider the following points:

    • The composition should not contain alcohol - it will aggravate the problem of dryness.
    • Do not buy products that contain hormones or potential allergens that can cause atopic dermatitis (see the list in the sections above).
    • Check the expiration date and sealed packaging.
    • Make sure that the product is stored correctly (protected from direct sunlight, etc.)
    • Of the two products - oil-based or glycerin-based - choose the first.
    • The cream's composition and mode of action should be consistent with the rest of the skincare cosmetics you use (even if it is produced by another manufacturer).
    • Give preference to products with exfoliating properties.
    • For day cream Look for moisturizing components in the composition, and for night use, pay attention to the fat content.
    • If you have sensitive skin, choose natural ingredients and organic cosmetics that do not contain plant fragrances or allergens.
    • Good cream has several active components at once.
    • Price is not an indicator, but reviews and brand reputation are of significant importance.
    • Pay attention to the age category for which the selected cosmetics are produced.
    • Buy products that are unscented or have a subtle scent.

    Products for dry skin are nutritious, but some substances in their composition should be limited. So, the percentage of these elements should not exceed 1%:

    • zinc;
    • mineral oils – in large quantities clog pores;
    • extracts of lavender, algae, mint, tea tree;
    • chemical compounds.


    A review of the products shows that budget creams are not necessarily bad. Clean Line, for example, is cheap, but moisturizes and nourishes well. More expensive products, however, have their advantages in the form of high-quality packaging and useful ingredients. Specific prices for the most popular creams recommended for dry skin types in the Moscow region are shown in the table below.


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