• What procedures need to be done before biorevitalization. Biorevitalization: how many procedures should be done? Injection biorevitalization: how many procedures are needed per course


    There is nothing more natural than every woman’s desire to look younger than her biological age. Modern cosmetology offers her many ways to chase the slipping time. One of them is biorevitalization - an innovative rejuvenation technique natural means. It is used no earlier than 35 years of age, since until this age the skin retains high compensatory production capabilities. required quantity own hyaluronic acid (HA). By the age of 35, reserves are depleted, and the time for biorevitalization comes.

    The introduction of hyaluronic acid, the most important natural component of the dermis, under the skin not only gives stunning visual results, but also changes the very structure of the skin, making it a worthy replacement for plastic surgery. It is necessary to evaluate the effect of biorevitalization in parts. In the first hours we observe quick result procedures: wrinkle smoothing. A couple of weeks after biorevitalization, when the cells begin to produce their own hyaluronic acid, a delayed effect occurs - complete restoration of the skin.

    To obtain the “soft filler” effect, it is sufficient to use preparations with a hyaluronic acid concentration of more than 1.5%. The amount of necessary hyaluronic “top-ups” is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s age and the condition of his skin. Typically, these are three to five procedures.

    Rejuvenation mechanism

    Baby's skin is velvety and soft by nature. These qualities are provided by hyaluronic acid, which controls the water balance of the dermis. This is a hydrocolloid that can not only moisturize, but create conditions for the normal functioning of all components of the skin after biorevitalization: maintain a protective water-lipid film on the surface of the epidermis, activate fibroblasts, the synthesis of collagen and elastin, guarantee the regenerative abilities of the cell, and maintain its energy balance.

    With age, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, background radiation, natural disasters, stress, and poor nutrition, the dermis loses moisture. Hyaluronic acid, attracting water to itself, compensates for losses, but over time, internal reserves become depleted. To keep the skin young, HA is administered externally. It does not biodegrade immediately, but lingers in the body for quite some time. long time. While such a “crossed” HA is present under the skin in the laboratory, it:

      Moisturizes the dermis (about 500 water molecules are fixed on 1 HA molecule).

      Restores intercellular communication between the epidermis and subepidermal layers.

      Activates fibroblasts, protein synthesis, collagen, elastin, increases skin elasticity and its ability to regenerate.

      Stimulates angiogenesis, potentiates the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects of substances entering the skin from the outside.

      Helps remove free radicals, rejuvenating the skin.

    The visual effect of aging replacement therapy is that:

      Superficial skin folds disappear after biorevitalization, while deep ones are smoothed out.

      The skin regains lost firmness and elasticity and becomes velvety.

      As a result of normalization of blood recirculation, the shade of the dermis becomes a soft flesh color and pigmentation disappears.

      The listing effect appears, the contours of the face are drawn.

    Types of biorevitalization: how many procedures need to be done

    Cosmetologists know two ways to introduce HA under the skin:

      Injection, when hyaluronic acid is injected into the dermis pointwise, at the end of a needle, therefore it has a small area of ​​influence and requires multiple repetitions. In this case, the structure of the acid remains as identical as possible to the dermis’ own HA. Immediately after the procedure, marks from needles and papules are visible, which resolve on their own, but require compliance with the rules of the rehabilitation period. The procedure is carried out once a month, which saves money compared to other similar methods. Five or three procedures are enough for a course.

      Hardware-based, when hyaluronic acid penetrates the skin from a special gel under the influence of infrared rays. It partially changes its structure, becomes pigmented and dehydrated, which helps open chromosomes - skin transport channels, and create a HA depot. The impact area is extensive. The procedure is painless and has virtually no side effects, the result is visible immediately, it turns out to be more long-term (up to six months) and effective. The course consists of six to ten procedures at intervals of one to three sessions per week.

    There is another gradation of types of procedure:

      For the purpose of prevention, when the manipulation is aimed at eliminating the water imbalance of the dermis hyaluronic acid. As a rule, such a course consists of two sessions, with an interval of 3-4 weeks. As a result: the process of skin aging slows down. Similar prophylaxis is used for the skin of the face, lips, and hands.

      For treatment, hyaluronic acid is used, which can restore already withered skin. The meaning of the procedure is the introduction of anta hydrate into the deep layers of the dermis. The doctor decides how many sessions are needed for such a restoration. Typically, the course consists of three to five sessions at intervals of a month.

    Due to the fact that mesotherapy, based on the introduction of vitamins and microelements under the skin, is also called “beauty injections,” it is necessary to distinguish between these procedures, their purpose, and results. Mesotherapy is possible after 25 years, while this age is taboo for biorevitalization.


    Biorevitalization is most often prescribed in cosmetology if:

      The patient's skin is dry and requires a “sip of water.”

      Reduced skin turgor.

      Pigment spots appear.

      It is necessary to correct scar changes and post-operative skin defects.

      It is necessary to restore the skin after excessive ultraviolet irradiation (natural, artificial).

      We need to eliminate the consequences laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, other hardware procedures.


    Not a single cosmetic procedure is complete without restrictions. Biorevitalization is not carried out if:

      In the area of ​​the planned intervention there is inflammation, herpetic eruptions, dermatoses, and keloid.

      The patient suffers from chronic somatic diseases or autoimmune diseases.

      There is an allergic predisposition of the body or individual intolerance to GC drugs.

      Going breast-feeding or the patient is pregnant.

      The patient is prescribed anticoagulant drugs (they reduce blood clotting).

      Heat of unknown origin, ARVI, ARI.

      Tumor processes (benign, malignant).

    Carrying out the procedure

    Injections of HA carry out its dosed and targeted delivery to the skin. The injection site is first disinfected. If the patient has an increased pain threshold, the skin is treated with an anesthetic. But usually the procedure does not cause pain.

    Inside the dermis, water molecules attach to HA and are assimilated by cells. Moisture stimulates tissue restoration. The essence of the procedure is to launch the synthesis of your own HA, which leads to the activation of collagen and elastin, optimization water balance, restores skin elasticity. To consolidate the effect, the procedure is repeated.

    Hardware biorevitalization involves intensive exposure to the problem area simultaneously with several radiation sources. In this case, the maximum effect is achieved in a minimum time. The procedure does not require any preliminary preparation, is safe, combines treatment of the skin with infrared rays and the promotion of a gel with HA into the dermis. The restoration sequence is identical to the injection technique.

    Biorevitalization gels

    Hyaluronic acid is considered the best biorevitalizant. But today, drugs are popular in which it is the base, and vitamins, minerals, amino acids, peptide chains and even growth factors are added to it. The composition of the drugs determines their capabilities and safety, the choice is made by the doctor

    The IAL System is considered the “gold standard” of gels in this group due to the almost complete identity of its hyaluronic acid and HA, synthesized by the human body. This guarantees the procedure is hypoallergenic and effective. Usually two drugs are used at once: with stable and unstable HA. The combination of gels allows, in addition to restoring skin turgor and facial contours, to reduce the production of sebum (sebum)

    The latest generation Austrian gel Princess Rich is the drug of choice for gel contouring. It contains HA obtained innovative technology“SMART”, with the addition of glycerin, which potentiates its properties. This will prolong the result for up to six months.

    Gel from Switzerland Teosyal Redensity contains amino acids that stimulate collagen production, trace elements, antioxidants and vitamin B6, which promotes regeneration. It has a mild effect and is very effective.

    Russian gel Repleri is a biodegradant of stabilized HA, which has excellent plasticity, safety, and long-lasting results.

    Viscoderm is a group of monopreparations. Contains hyaluronic acid in increasing concentrations. The minimum concentration (0.8%) is used exclusively for smoothing " crow's feet" and other fine wrinkles of dry skin. Hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 1.8% - in the very first stages of aging (35-40 years) or when preparing the skin for surgical plastic surgery and hardware procedures. 2% hyaluronic acid is used to deeply moisturize thick skin over forty years old. (RestylaneVital also works).

    Italian-made Skin R is a newcomer to the service market, but has managed to establish itself with the best side. Contains 2% hyaluronic acid, amino acids that stimulate protein synthesis, a carbonate buffer that normalizes pH and prolongs the effect of the gel. Shows high antioxidant protection and is used as a lifting agent.

    Chinese cosmetic companies offer Hafiller Aqua gels with unstable HA of increasing concentration (from 14 to 30 mg/l), restoring microcirculation and moisture balance in problem areas. Used until old age.

    The Americans created Mezovarton and Mesoxanthin - the latest generation gels with HA and active additives (up to 50 ingredients). The meaning of the effect is based on the stimulating effect of stem cells. It is so gentle and safe that in the USA it is recommended from the age of 20. However, our experts recommend it only after 40.

    Possible complications

    If we talk about complications, then there are two sides of the same coin: side effects dependent and independent of the doctor and the patient.

    The first group includes:

      Unprofessionalism of the doctor.

      Lack of proper examination.

      Ignoring advice from related specialists.

      Irresponsibility of patients (hiding data about their health).

    The second group includes unforeseen circumstances: there are no contraindications, the gel was chosen correctly, and side effects were the result of an individual reaction to its components. Most often this is how he reacts sensitive skin, therefore biorevitalization is not always the procedure of choice for her. If complications arise, they are so serious that they deserve special attention. There are light, medium and severe degree reactions to the procedure, immediate and delayed complications.

    The first group includes the following side effects and complications:

      Vascular embolism (tissue necrosis). Eliminated by timely administration of hyaluronidase, which breaks down hyaluronic acid.

      Artificial “vitiligo”, depigmentation.


    The second group includes:

      Loss of sensation.

      Subcutaneous seals.

    • Inflammation.

      Local autoimmune reaction.

    To avoid unpleasant situations, you should first make sure of the qualifications of the doctor to whom you entrust your face. Modern cosmetology is personalized. Almost every salon offers similar procedures, but it is not so easy to find a responsible professional doctor. Therefore, “your own” cosmetologist is not an empty phrase, but an urgent need.

    For or against?

    There is no doubt that biorevitalization:

      Gives maximum improvement in minimal time appearance.

      It has affordable prices and a wide age range.

      Uses almost natural leather ingredients.

    On the other side:

      In rare cases, a decrease in endogenous (independent) production of natural HA by the skin leads to the need for a constant supply of gel to the dermis.

      It is necessary to take into account the invasiveness of the procedure, as well as the dependence of the result on the qualifications of the cosmetologist.

    You can learn more about biorevitalization and receive individual recommendations regarding the duration of the course of anti-aging procedures at a consultation with a cosmetologist at the Galaktika Medical Center (Moscow).

    Winter is a wonderful time of year! But our skin doesn’t like these frosts so much. Dryness, flaking, loss of elasticity - the weather tests our strength. The biorevitalization procedure will help us correct the situation and prevent all “troubles.”

    The essence of biorevitalization

    What is biorevitalization? This is the latest procedure for rejuvenating and adding elasticity to the skin using hyaluronic acid. If your face has fine wrinkles, uneven or unhealthy skin color (most often as a result of tanning or natural aging), it will show you an amazing result. Most often, biorevitalization is performed on the face, neck, décolleté, and also on the hands.

    Popular articles:

    From the age of 25, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, which is why more and more girls of this age and above resort to a course of biorevitalization. Indications for the use of this procedure: dehydrated skin, loss of elasticity, enlarged pores and vascular mesh, as well as the presence of scars, stretch marks and facial wrinkles.

    However, each procedure has its own contraindications: the biorevitalization procedure is usually not worth it, and it is not even advisable to carry it out in early age, while the cosmetologist has the right to offer injections to the patient starting from the age of 18. Since the acid preparation is practically harmless, it can still cause an inflammatory effect.

    Not recommended perform surgery during pregnancy or breastfeeding if you have acute infectious and viral diseases and inflammatory diseases, herpes infection, decreased blood clotting, and a tendency to scar formation.

    How many biorevitalization procedures are required?

    The first effect after the first biorevitalization or skin rejuvenation procedure can be noticeable either after 3-5 days or after 1 - 2 weeks, depending on your skin type and condition. In both cases, it will literally glow! Your facial skin will become fresher and younger.

    It is worth considering the fact that wrinkles will evaporate before your eyes, but the drugs do not maintain the state of facial relief and skin health. Special skin care at home is simply necessary.

    Rules for facial care at home:

    1. Wash your face thermal water, if possible, use decorative cosmetics;
    2. It is advisable to make yourself collagen masks based on chitosan, they have an excellent tonic effect;
    3. Before going outside in the sun, you should use sunscreen in order to ultra-violet rays did not destroy hyaluronic acid molecules.

    How often do the procedures need to be repeated?

    According to cosmetologists, for a visible result you need to undergo 3-4 biorevitalization sessions. However, it all depends on the characteristics and type of skin, as well as the presence of contraindications. If you like the result, it is recommended to repeat the course of biorevitalization at intervals of 4-5 months, depending on how the drug works.

    For medicinal purposes

    The biorevitalization treatment procedure is aimed strictly at combating skin aging. It is suitable for women with dry and loose skin who want to get rid of dehydration and wrinkles. The introduction of the drug helps nourish cells deep in the skin tissues. Women over 30 years of age resort to this procedure.

    Typically, a therapeutic therapy session is carried out 3 times, once every 3 to 4 weeks.

    For preventive purposes

    Unlike therapeutic therapy, preventive procedures are aimed at combating dryness and premature aging skin. As is correct, this occurs as a result of an imbalance of hyaluronic acid in the skin. The course of the biorevitalization procedure for the face is 3 - 4 weeks. The purpose of this course is to delay the aging process by actively hydrating and saturating the skin with nutrients.

    Girls aged 22 to 30 usually come to preventive biorevitalization.

    Answers to popular questions

    Now we will analyze the main questions about biorevitalization and summarize whether such a procedure is necessary and for what type of skin the benefits will be maximum.

    So, what is biorevitalization?

    Biorevitalization is the process of introducing hyaluronic acid under the skin using a syringe, filling the skin with nutrients and rejuvenating it.

    At what age can this procedure be done?

    If at the age of 25-28 you have dry skin, then you can safely undergo biorevitalization.

    How and how many sessions do you need to undergo for a good result?

    On average, you can do one procedure every four weeks. One course consists of four procedures, that is, it will take 4 full months.

    How long does the effect of the course last?

    Usually the effect lasts from six months to 8 months, but to maintain good results, it is worth repeating the procedure once every 3-4 months.

    What determines the pain of the procedure?

    Pain during the procedure depends strictly on the individual sensitivity of the skin, as well as on the choice of anesthesia and its duration. During menstruation, the pain of the procedure is more pronounced.

    To remain satisfied with the result of the biorevitalization procedure, aimed at giving freshness and youth to your skin, it is important not to make mistakes in rehabilitation period, trying to improve your appearance as quickly as possible. Approach your goal systematically, consolidating the results of the procedure with the advice of your cosmetologist, and listening to the advice of knowledgeable people.

    There is probably no woman in the world who dreams of looking younger. For the young, blooming, well-groomed appearance, what tricks do beauties go to? Modern cosmetic procedures, such as biorevitalization, are fully ready to support the fair sex and fulfill their wildest and most daring dreams of prolonging youth. How often to do biorevitalization? How many procedures will help you keep yourself in good shape and always be at your best?

    What is good about facial biorevitalization?

    The procedure gives noticeable results and will be visible to everyone around you. You will understand everything yourself by the admiring and envious glances. And you won’t even want to leave the mirror; you will admire your own reflection and will be pleasantly surprised and amazed, because:

    • The skin will become more elastic;
    • Muscle tension will disappear;
    • Wrinkles will be smoothed out;
    • There will be fewer acne;
    • The pores will be cleansed;
    • The scars will become invisible.

    In addition, biorevitalization is good because:

    • Launches natural rejuvenation processes in the body;
    • Normalizes metabolic processes;
    • Evens out the relief and contours of parts of the face and other parts of the body;
    • Forces the body to work in youth mode;
    • It produces its own proteins: elastin and collagen.

    It is advisable to do the procedure both in summer and winter, since it is during these seasons that the skin is at risk.

    Factors that damage skin in summer

    Everyone enjoys the summer sun like a child, but the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation on skin no one canceled. Spending time on the beach, walking around the city, going on hikes, we take on heavy doses of ultraviolet radiation. The skin will not thank us for this. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as photoaging.

    It is advisable to do the procedure both in summer and winter.

    Skin in winter

    Low temperatures in winter convert water from skin cells into ice crystals. By the way, they can damage these same cells. In addition, under the influence of home heating, frosty air and winds, the skin becomes incredibly dehydrated, shrinks, dries out and flakes.

    Fortunately, scientists have found a way to neutralize the harmful effects of sunlight and low temperatures. This is biorevitalization. Dried by the sun, heating or frosty air and cold winds, the skin, thanks to injections of hyaluronic acid and auxiliary substances included in the cocktail, begins to be saturated with life-giving moisture and produce damaged proteins. The best drugs for biorevitalization.

    At what age can biorevitalization be done?

    Already from the age of twenty, the body has experienced a decrease in the natural production of hyaluronic acid. At the same time, until the age of thirty, the body makes do with its own resources. It is optimal to start biorevitalization procedures at the age of thirty.

    It is at this age that the skin begins to react to adverse external influences that lead to its aging:

    • Psychological factors, in the form of stress;
    • Solarium;
    • Poor nutrition;
    • Strict diets;
    • Diseases of internal and other organs, etc.

    Moreover, the number of procedures is directly proportional to biological age. So, if at thirty years old you can get by with a couple of procedures per course, then at forty-five years old their number increases to five to eight.

    Is it necessary to do the procedure in courses?

    The procedure must be performed in courses for those with obvious age-related changes. If the skin is young enough, in the biological sense, and not in the passport sense, then you can limit yourself to one session - maintenance.

    To make it clear, let’s consider the mechanism of action of biorevitalization. Mature skin has a pronounced deficiency of hyaluronic acid. After one session of cocktail injections, where hyaluronic acid is the main active ingredient, the skin becomes moisturized, but its concentration is still insufficient.

    At the same time, after a certain period of time, the level of hyaluronic acid concentration begins to decrease. It is obvious that for mature skin one session is not enough. Cocktail injections are also needed to maintain optimal levels of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, an experienced doctor selects an individual treatment regimen and the required number of procedures per course.

    Do young people need to undergo the procedure as a preventive measure and how often?

    Oddly enough, biorevitalization, due to its physiology, has no age restrictions. In principle, for the purpose of prevention, it can be done at any age, even young, but not often.

    The skin of young people is not in ideal condition and is also exposed to adverse external influences. Once or twice a year to maintain the skin in good condition in the form of single sessions is quite enough, unless there are any special problems.

    Frequency of courses for therapeutic purposes (for mature people)

    The frequency of courses and the choice of a specific drug is determined individually by the cosmetologist. This takes into account the objective condition of the skin, the patient’s age, adherence to bad habits, working conditions, etc. Typically, five to eight treatments are needed.

    How long does the effect last?

    The duration of the effect depends on further skin care, lifestyle, stressful situations, time zone changes, and supporting procedures. With adequate care, absence bad habits, normal sleep and motor mode, a visible effect can be predicted from six months to a year. Maintenance procedures can prolong these data for up to one and a half years.

    To ensure that the procedure is not in vain and the effect lasts as long as possible, follow these simple rules on the first day after the procedure:

    • Avoid saunas or baths;
    • Don't exfoliate;
    • Avoid forceful exercise;
    • Don't wear cosmetics.

    Is there a dependence on biorevitalization?

    If there is dependence, it is only psychological. You directly depend on your desire to be in good shape, to be beautiful, to be young. But there is no and cannot be any drug dependence, because hyaluronic acid is part of our physiology. There is no dependence on the drug administered to increase your own level of hyaluronic acid. Also, biorevitalization drugs do not block the production of your own hyaluronic acid.

    In general, biorevitalization as a technology is in its infancy. This is a fairly new direction, and therefore nothing is known about the long-term consequences. Of course, the effectiveness of the procedure is beyond doubt. The results are sometimes simply stunning. But responsibility for health lies not only with the doctor or scientists who gave birth to this direction, but also with you. So, don’t forget that youth is good, but health is better.

    You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

    The modern beauty industry is always in search of the elixir of youth; some technologies are being replaced by more advanced ones, and new methods of preserving beauty are being invented.
    One of these methods of non-surgical intervention is biorevitalization, with which you can get results, as they say, “quickly and now.”

    Biorevitalization was originally proposed by Italian scientists and means natural revitalization based on the method of deep skin hydration, which is achieved through dermal injections of concentrated hyaluronic acid.

    Biorevitalization, in principle, can be done often, and on any part of the body, but the most popular is mainly for the facial part of the body. Also most in demand are the neck and décolleté areas, in more mature age hands are added.
    The visible effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

    At what age to start

    Given the fast pace of life, unfavorable environmental conditions, stress, chronic fatigue, solar activity, etc., our skin rapidly begins to age, and it begins to require “recharge.”

    Approximately, the first signs of aging begin to appear already at the age of 25, especially if the skin is problematic, has a tendency to pigmentation, is caused by excessive dryness, rosacea.
    From this age, as a rule, you can start doing biorevitalization.

    However, as such, there are no age restrictions; it all depends on the condition of the skin, individuality and many other factors.

    How often should facial biorevitalization be done?

    It all depends on whether it is indicated for medicinal purposes or exclusively for cosmetic purposes, what drug will be used, what type of biorevitalization, how many courses. But in any case, each specific visit is certainly discussed, and the feasibility of the procedure is determined by a specialist.

    ☑ However, after 30 years, it is recommended to carry out the procedure regularly in order to maintain the skin in well-groomed condition and have the desired appearance effect, and in order to get a significant result, one procedure is not enough, a whole course is carried out.

    ☑ Up to 40 years of age, one course per year is usually enough; how many “beauty injections” you need to take in one course is determined by your doctor. But on average, up to 40 years of age, 2-4 sessions are done, the pause between sessions is approximately 2 weeks, maximum 4 weeks. It all depends on the condition of the dermis of a particular person. The whole procedure lasts no more than an hour.

    ☑ After 40 years, a course of biorevitalization is carried out twice a year; in most cases, a cosmetologist prescribes drugs with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid and consolidates them with additional, single sessions to enhance the rejuvenating effect.
    The course is supposed to consist of 3-6 sessions with a break between them of 1-3 weeks, also everything is purely individual.

    ☑ After 50 years. When the age has crossed the fifty-year mark, the biorevitalization carried out has its own characteristics, since the aging process progresses significantly.
    By this time there is already a sufficient amount concomitant diseases, women enter menopause, hormonal background broken. Biorevitalization procedures at this age are less effective and are carried out in combination with other rejuvenation drugs.
    Accordingly, more procedures are required, they have to be done more often, as a rule, these are 10-15 sessions, the rest between sessions is 10 days, sometimes 15 days.

    The above procedure is true if the procedures were carried out properly, sanitary hygiene standards were observed, carried out by a qualified specialist, and certified drugs were used.

    The order of the session is postponed, the course may even be canceled altogether if side effects or serious complications arise.

    The number of procedures performed is also influenced by the drug itself; each drug has its own time interval for exposure to the skin, as well as whether the patient followed the restrictions and prohibitions after the procedures, and whether the regimen intended for this was followed.

    It should be noted that biorevitalization has contraindications: oncology, infectious and mental diseases, papillomas, scars and moles located together, the proposed injection, allergies, if the administered drug is not individually tolerated, pregnancy and lactation, diabetes mellitus.

    Is it possible to do biorevitalization during menstruation?

    During menstrual cycle The procedure is not recommended. Why?
    The pain threshold during this period is increased + poor health and general discomfort. The body works in an altered mode, so the absorption of injected substances deteriorates. Blood clotting is reduced, and accordingly, hematomas often occur at injection sites.
    If possible, it is better to wait a few days and visit a beauty salon after the end of your period.

    Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

    In all preparations used in the procedures, the first place is hyaluronic acid, stabilized and unstabilized, of different concentrations, which may include other components, vitamins, minerals, peptides that enhance its effect and digestibility.

    Hyaluronic acid itself is produced in the human body, but by the age of 20 its process slows down, and the skin loses moisture, metabolic processes no longer occur so quickly, swelling, blurriness, folds, circles under the eyes, unhealthy complexion, and dullness appear. Therefore, there is a need to introduce synthetically created hyaluronic acid under the skin in a timely manner.

    The combined use of drugs at the same time is practiced. Manufacturers indicate the validity period of the drug with hyaluronic acid, approximately it ranges from 2 months to a year.
    In reality, it depends on the person’s age, general health, stress, weight loss, smoking, tanning, etc., which significantly reduces the effect of biorevitalization.

    The market offers a wide range of products for biorevitalization, there are drugs that are used year-round, and there are drugs after which exposure to the sun is undesirable and, when planning trips to warm countries, this should be taken into account. Some of the most popular and in demand are given below.

    The best drugs for biorevitalization

    Hyaluronic acid content mg/ml
    IAL System
    1,8% The leader among other drugs, the “gold standard of biorevitalization”, is very versatile, has no side effects, and is effective for up to six months after administration;
    IAL System ACP(Autocrosslinked Polysaccaride)
    2,0% Used after the administration of the IAL-System drug, as a fixative of the effect or in combination, completely safe, reduces sebum secretion, preferably from 30 years of age and older;
    Restylane Vital
    2,0% Designed for very sensitive, thin skin with a cumulative effect, including oily skin, for persons over 40 years old, the lightweight version is also suitable for young;
    Teosyal Meso
    1,5% Biorevitalizant, used as a remedy against age-related changes, and as a preventive measure, recommended for very young skin;
    Skin R ,
    2,0% In addition to hyaluron, it also contains an amino acid complex. It produces an effect at the plastic level, reduces age-related ptosis, maintains the natural acidity of the skin as much as possible and corresponds to a pH level of 7.4. Suitable for persons 25 - 30 years old and up to 40 years old.
    NCTF 135
    0,025-10% Includes a whole complex: vitamins (A, C, group B and others), twenty amino acids, two antioxidants, four minerals, five nucleic acids, six coenzymes. The composition not only moisturizes the skin, but also fights baldness. Three types are available: biorevitalizant, intended for up to 30 years, from 30 to 35 years, 35 years and older;
    Meso wharton p199
    1,56% The composition includes human embryo peptides, which cause stem cells to intensively divide, antioxidants, and growth factors. Recommended for the age group 40 - 45 years;
    1,0% Contains amino acids - glycine, lysine, proline, actively tightens, strengthens the effects of other drugs, for persons mainly after 35 years;
    Juvederm Hydrate
    1,35% Contains an antioxidant (mannitol), which prevents acid molecules from breaking down, keeping the skin moisturized for a long time. Recommended for young people, for age groups used as an auxiliary;
    1,4- 2,0% The product includes vitamins and amino acids that localize fat deposits in the “double chin” area, recommended for persons 40 years of age or older;
    0.8%, 1.6% and 2.0% The drug contains B vitamins, a large range of amino acids, a number of mineral elements, and actively fights photoaging, fat porous skin, applies to all ages.

    The presented range of biorevival agents will allow you to choose the most suitable one for almost any age category.

    The cumulative effect of the procedure is observed for up to 3-6 months, then the effect gradually decreases and the procedure has to be repeated.

    It is hardly possible to answer the question of how often biorevitalization is done. A number of factors influence the number of procedures required, including the patient’s skin characteristics and her age. It is believed that initially you need to undergo 3-5 sessions to achieve a visible result. And then it will be enough to perform the procedure once every 6 months. It is also worth understanding what contraindications there are for the procedure.

    What kind of facial procedure is biorevitalization, how often can it be done and how long does it last?

    Any woman wants to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible. One of best practices skin rejuvenation are injections of hyaluronic acid -. Such sessions are very popular among women, as well as.

    How many injections do you need to do to get satisfactory results? Everything is too individual. Some women notice a positive effect after the first session. And some people have to visit a cosmetologist several times. You can get by, but the effect will not be so noticeable.

    Hyaluronic acid is very important for the body. It is responsible for the production of collagen, thanks to which small wrinkles are smoothed out and deep ones become less noticeable.

    Facial rejuvenation with biorevitalization must be done in the office of a cosmetologist. The sessions are safe for health, but you should still trust a professional to avoid possible negative complications.

    The procedure is carried out in several stages:

    1. Facial skin cleansing. The cosmetologist uses special products for this.
    2. Anesthesia of the skin areas where correction will be performed. For this purpose use ice, frozen herbal infusions, painkillers creams. Antiseptic treatment is required.
    3. Introduction using a special apparatus. Before this, the specialist determines the injection sites for the drug: cheeks, forehead, folds in the nose and lips.
    4. Treatment of skin with antiseptic preparations. To prevent harmful bacteria from entering the body, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents are also used.

    Biorevitalization should be done only after examining the patient, since there are a number of contraindications to this procedure.

    In the video - biorevitalization of the face:

    Who can undergo the procedure and who cannot receive hyaluronic acid injections

    Biorevitalization is also indicated for the appearance of facial wrinkles. If a woman chronic fatigue, then everything is reflected on the face, so it would be useful to make several injections. And how much exactly will be determined by the cosmetologist. And you can find out about biorevitalization around the eyes.

    Hyaluronic acid injections can also be performed when age spots, acne, with deterioration of complexion due to smoking. These procedures can correct Negative consequences

    chemical peeling to help the skin after burns.

    Biorevitalization is not indicated for those ladies whose faces are in good condition, as well as those who look young and well-groomed.

    At what age can you undergo a rejuvenation course?

    Age-related changes begin after 25 years. The most common method of combating facial skin aging is biorevitalization. It is recommended for those women who already have visible signs of aging. Indicators such as dry skin, roughness, and lack of moisture allow us to conclude that it is time to think about injections. You can find out which is better: mesotherapy or biorevitalization.

    In the video, who can undergo biorevitalization:

    • The following conditions are contraindications to the procedures:
    • allergy or excessive sensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug;
    • problems with the immune system;
    • mental disorders; row chronic diseases
    • (it’s better to check with your doctor);
    • taking blood thinning medications;
    • exacerbation of acne;

    pregnancy and breastfeeding period. And you can find out about papules after biorevitalization by.

    Before performing procedures, you should familiarize yourself with their possible consequences. The cosmetologist should talk about this in detail and determine whether the patient has any contraindications to beauty injections.

    How many procedures are needed to make the effect last long - number of sessions

    How many sessions are needed and how often biorevitalization can be done is determined by the doctor, focusing on the patient’s wishes. Many factors are taken into account. For example, an important indicator is the age of the woman who came to the appointment. The drug chosen for injection is no less important. And what effect you ultimately want to get also plays a role in determining the number of sessions required. If the skin is in good condition with small expression wrinkles, it will be enough to carry out preventive biorevitalization once a week for 3 weeks. If the doctor sees that the patient needs a therapeutic course, he may prescribe 3-5 sessions, with breaks of up to 3 weeks between them. Usually the course lasts for 6 months. If the procedures were carried out using a device, it lasts even longer.

    How often should owners undergo biorevitalization? aging skin? The initial course for such patients is prescribed longer. And the cosmetologist approaches the choice of the drug especially carefully, and it is recommended to repeat the procedure once every 3-4 months. You can find out about contraindications and consequences for photorejuvenation.

    Maximum effect can only be obtained after completing the full course. It is important to saturate your skin with hyaluronic acid to make it work like it did when you were young. After this, rejuvenation of the integument occurs, as most of the cells are renewed.

    If a woman is going on vacation to the sea, then it is advisable to undergo 2 sessions of youth injections before leaving and the same number upon returning home. This is necessary, since the sun's rays affect the skin quite negatively.

    There are some rules to follow after the session is completed. So, you should not visit the bathhouse or sauna for 2 weeks after the injections. Solariums should also be avoided. resort to others cosmetic procedures, for example, to peeling. There is no need to attend physiotherapy sessions and contact plastic surgeons, and do not use . Compliance with these recommendations will help avoid negative consequences.

    A woman will be able to notice the result after the first session. The skin gains moisture, becomes denser, more elastic and youthful. And after a couple more procedures, wrinkles are no longer noticeable.

    Currently, many anti-aging cosmetic techniques are offered, but biorevitalization is one of the safest and most painless. And in terms of its effect, it is one of the best. But whether a woman needs the procedure or can do without it is up to the lady herself to decide. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with hair biorevitalization.

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