• Consultation on the topic: Consultation for parents: “Development of fine motor skills in preschool children.” Consultation for parents “games for the development of fine motor skills”


    Consultation for parents


    MBDOU d/s No. 42

    Reshitko Yulia


    Development fine motor skills hands in young children

    We often hear the expression "fine motor skills" . What are fine motor skills? Physiologists use this expression to mean the movement of the small muscles of the hands. It is important to remember coordination "hand-eye" , because development small movements hands occurs under visual control. Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills in a child’s hands?

    And the role of developing fine motor skills of the hands is very important. After all, by stimulating its development, we work on the mobility of the organs of articulation, prepare the hand for writing, develop speech, attention, thinking, vision, and even influence the formation of arbitrariness in children. IN preschool institutions Quite a lot of attention is paid to the development of hand motor skills.

    And we are in a group in the free activities of children great attention We focus on developing fine motor skills. We have many different educational aids, you can see them all in the corner didactic games, children can take them at any time and study - these are various types of inserts, pyramids, mosaics, cubes, puzzles, etc., there are always pencils, drawing sheets, and various coloring books freely available.

    But today we would like to talk about non-standard aids and games and their use in our work in the development of fine motor skills.

    Fine motor skills are developed by:

    • Various finger games where you need to perform certain movements in a certain sequence
    • Games with small objects that are difficult to handle (only under adult supervision)
    • Games where you need to take something or pull it out, squeeze it - unclench it, pour it out - pour it in, pour it in - pour it out, push it into holes, twist it - unscrew it, etc.
    • Drawing with a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush, finger, palm, etc.; — Fastening and unfastening zippers, buttons, etc.
    • Dressing and undressing toys
    • Modeling from plasticine and dough.

    Almost every parent knows about the need to develop fine motor skills. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how this development can be achieved. And even fewer realize how this work can be diversified. Currently, there are many different benefits that are designed to help parents. You can hire them. You can also organize work from "helpers" materials that surround us.

    We have many different educational aids, you can see them all in our corner of didactic games, children can take them at any time and study - these are various types of inserts, pyramids, mosaics, cubes, puzzles, etc., are freely available always pencils, drawing sheets, various coloring books.

    But today I would like to talk about manuals and games and their use in our work in the development of fine motor skills.

    • The first activity that promotes motor development is lacing. Manipulations with laces can be carried out both with ordinary items of clothing and with toys.
    • Here it would not be amiss to mention fastening buttons (the size of buttons should be chosen based on the child’s skills). It is important to note that parents who want their child to develop fine motor skills should not help the child dress, button up, or lace shoes. And even more so to do it for him. Of course, when a child gets ready on his own, it takes much more time. But, on the other hand, it will serve a good cause.
    • “Clothespins” - we develop fine motor skills of the hands, eye, speech; learn primary colors
    • "Touch keyboard" - develop hand motor skills, speech, learn colors, shapes
    • "Who hid in the testicle?" — develop hand motor skills, speech, cognitive abilities
    • “Funny balls” - massage your palms and fingers; develop fine motor skills of the hands
    • “Pour the grain” - develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye
    • "Drawing on semolina" - we develop fine motor skills of the hands, speech, Creative skills, neatness

    The development of fine motor skills of the hands is very well promoted by children's artistic activities. We try to use many different creative techniques in our work - finger painting, cotton swabs, brushes, three- and hexagonal, as well as thick and thin pencils, we use special boards for drawing and printing. Wax crayons are good for drawing, and when they break into small pieces, this is also good for the fingers and do not rush to throw them away, the child has to take them with a pinch, and in this case the correct finger grip of a pencil or pen is formed.

    Kids love to work with various stencils, additional albums, trace their palms, and paint.

    In the last century, the now famous Maria Montessori noticed a connection between the development of fine hand movements and the speech of children. She concluded that if speech was not normal, fine motor skills were probably to blame. Later, biologists found that in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movements are located very close. And, if we develop fine motor skills, we thereby activate the neighboring areas of the brain responsible for speech. That is why psychologists and children's teachers so persistently advise parents of children to often play games that develop fine motor skills.

    Aslanova Svetlana Vladimirovna
    Consultation for parents “Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers”

    Why do you need to develop precision of finger movements (fine motor skills?

    Scientists have proven that the development of hands is closely related to the development of a child’s speech and thinking.

    The level of development of fine motor skills and hand coordination is one of the indicators intellectual development and, therefore, readiness for schooling.

    Typically, a child who has high level development of fine motor skills, can reason logically, his attention, memory, and coherent speech are quite well developed.

    Check if your child knows how to tie shoelaces?

    Does he know the names of his fingers?

    Explore games and exercises that help develop fine finger movements

    1. A variety of finger games. For example, an adult recites a poem, and a child alternately bends the fingers on his right hand, then on his left.

    Five fingers on your hand

    Call by name sumey.

    First finger – lateral –

    It's called BIG.

    Your third finger -

    Right in the middle

    Therefore AVERAGE

    A name has been given to him.

    Second finger -

    The diligent pointer, -

    No wonder they call him


    Finger four

    The name is UNNAMED.

    He's clumsy

    And stubborn.

    Just like in a family

    Little brother is a favorite.

    He's fifth in a row

    It's called LITTLE FINGER.

    2. Working with plasticine, scissors, paper; drawing with colored pencils.

    3 You can play with different colored clothespins. To do this, cut out the simplest shapes from cardboard (a circle for the sun and a flower, a semicircle for a hedgehog, a triangle for a Christmas tree, etc.) Ask your child to come up with something.

    4. Playing with matches is fun:

    You can lay out patterns according to the sample;

    By memory;

    Come up with it yourself using a certain number of matches.

    5. Laying out patterns, letters from buttons, cereals. One of the options for the game: laying out with different fingers (thumb and index, thumb and middle, thumb and ring).

    6. From the age of five, a child can work with threads and a needle under adult supervision.

    7. Lotto games, mosaics, puzzles.

    One of effective techniques– self-massage of hands. Here are some exercises.

    1. “Warming the hands” - the exercise is performed on the outside of the palm.

    Very cold in winter

    Hands are freezing - oh, oh, oh!

    We need to warm our hands,

    Grind harder.

    2. “Cooking” - imitate rolling koloboks, 4 times to the left and to the right.

    We'll make cheesecakes

    We will knead the dough vigorously.

    Let's roll some Kolobochkov,

    Let's help mom.

    3. “Sharpener” - clenching one hand into a fist, insert one finger of the other hand into it one by one and scroll each finger left and right 2 times.

    We sharpened the pencil

    We twirled the pencil.

    We untwisted the sharpener,

    Got a sharp tip.

    4. “Saw” - with the edge of the palm of one hand we “saw” along the palm and forearm of the other hand.

    We saw, we sawed the log -

    It's very thick.

    We have to try hard

    And be patient.

    5. “Putting on bracelets” - with one hand we pretend to be “putting on a bracelet”, using circular movements from the hand to the elbow we move the “bracelet”, scrolling it left and right.

    We put on bracelets

    We twist, we twist, we promote,

    Left-right, left-right,

    On the other hand first.

    6. “Make fire” - vigorously rub your palms together to make it hot.

    We are like the ancient Indians

    Getting a spark:

    Let's twist the stick hard -

    And we'll get fire for ourselves.

    7. “Brothers” - with both hands at the same time we rub the remaining fingers on the thumbs in turn (from the index to the little finger)

    Come on, brothers, who is stronger?

    Which one of you is healthier?

    All of you, brothers, are great,

    Simply wonderful daredevils!

    8. “Sharpening knives” - active rubbing of spread fingers, hand movements up and down

    The knife must be sharp.

    We will sharpen it

    To peel our carrots

    And potatoes for cooking.

    9. “Spring” - spiral rubbing with the palm (fist, edge) of one hand on the forearm of the other.

    We will draw a spring

    Long and strong.

    We'll stretch it first

    And then we'll pull it back.

    10. “Geese” - pinching the hand along the forearm from the hand to the elbow.

    The geese were nibbling grass,

    They shouted loudly and cheerfully:

    “Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

    Very tasty herb!”

    11. “Little men” - with the index and middle fingers we perform point movements along the forearm (little men – “march”, “jump”, “run”).

    Men on two legs

    Marching along the path.

    Games like this contribute to the development of:

    Imagination, thinking, ability to analyze;

    Tactile (skin) sensitivity;

    Basic dexterity in handling small objects;


    Subject activity;

    Patience and perseverance;

    Spatial orientation.

    Publications on the topic:

    Consultation for parents “Development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age” Consultation for parents “Development of fine motor skills in young children” preschool age(age 4-5 years)" An important factor in formation.

    Consultation for parents on the topic: “Development of fine motor skills through unconventional techniques drawing." Relevance. At all stages.

    Consultation for parents “Development of fine motor skills” Consultation for parents on the development of fine motor skills. Activities to develop fine motor skills can be included in such household chores.

    “Development of children’s speech through fine motor skills” Goal: increasing the level of competence of educators and parents in matters of speech development.

    Consultation for parents “Development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands” Developing fine motor skills IMPORTANT: For shading or coloring, you must have albums and coloring books; Simple and colored pencils are a must.

    Consultation for parents “Development of fine motor skills in children” The main types of development of fine motor skills of the hands Finger gymnastics (" Finger games" is a dramatization of some rhyming stories.

    "Fine motor skills"

    Consultation for parents

    The importance of fine motor skills is very great. It is directly related to the full development of speech, since the brain centers responsible for motor skills and speech are located nearby. That is why, in case of speech impairment, child psychologists recommend working with the child specifically on the development of motor skills of children’s fingers. In addition, it will help develop attention and observation skills. Motor skills exercises train memory, imagination, coordination and reveal creativity.

    The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school education. Typically, a child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills can reason logically, has sufficiently developed memory and attention, and coherent speech. A consequence of poor development of fine motor skills of the hand is the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development.

    However, even if the child’s speech is normal, this does not mean that the child is good at using his hands. Unfortunately, most parents learn about problems with coordination of movements and fine motor skills only before school. This results in an increased burden on the child: in addition to learning new information, he also has to learn to hold a pencil in his unruly fingers. What to do if not enough is found good development fine motor skills? Firstly, you need to be patient and gradually, step by step, correct this deficiency. And, secondly, engage in hand development not from time to time, but systematically, every day.

    The entire set of exercises for the development of fine motor skills can be divided into three parts:

    1. Finger gymnastics;

    2. Exercises for fingers and hands using various items;

    3. Practicing graphic skills.

    Finger gymnastics.

    You can and should start working on developing fine motor skills from the very beginning. early age. Already infant You can massage your fingers while reciting rhymes and nursery rhymes.

    This finger is grandpa

    This finger is grandma

    This finger is daddy

    This finger is mommy

    This finger is me

    That's my whole family.

    Exercises for fingers and hands using various objects

    Preparing the hand for writing begins long before the child enters school. In preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills. It is very important to develop the skills necessary to master writing, as well as create conditions for the child to gain practical experience.

    Lacing games

    Games with lacing also develop the eye, attention, strengthen the fingers and the entire hand (fine motor skills), develop spatial orientation, which contributes to the assimilation of the concepts “above”, “below”, “right”, “left”; and this in turn affects the formation of the brain and the development of speech. And also, which is not unimportant, lacing games indirectly prepare the hand for writing and develop perseverance.

    The influence of manual (manual) influences on the development of the human brain was known back in the 2nd century BC. e. In ancient China it was said that games involving hands lead to harmonious attitude body and mind. Daily hand massage is very useful: soft massaging movements and kneading of each finger, palm, outer side of the hand, and forearm. A very useful and enjoyable activity that perfectly activates the speech centers of the brain. In addition, such a massage has a positive effect on immunity, overall development and contact between mother and child. It is especially important to pay a lot of attention to massage if the child has obvious delays in speech development. It gives excellent results.

    Currently attracting more and more attention non-traditional forms and means of working with children. Sujok therapy is one of them (“Su” in Korean means hand, “jok” means foot). Only those points that are located on the hands and feet are used for treatment. Sujok therapy can be aimed at influencing areas of the cerebral cortex in order to prevent and correct speech disorders. Su-jok is also used to strengthen the small muscles of the arm. This procedure significantly improves fine motor skills of the hands. Su-Jok massagers are used in the form of massage balls, complete with metal massage rings. The ball can be used to stimulate areas on the palms, and massage rings are placed on the fingers.

    With the help of “hedgehog” balls with rings, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby promoting the development of speech.

    Manual massage of hands and fingers.

    Very useful and effective finger massage and nail plates brushes These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-correspondence systems. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a lasting feeling of warmth is achieved. This has a healing effect on the entire body. It is especially important to influence thumb, responsible for the human head.

    Practicing graphic skills.

    The following exercises will help you develop your graphic skills:

    Drawing lines, curly paths

    Hatching with different directions of hand movement

    Hatching is one of the most important exercises. Hatching rules:

    Hatch only in the specified direction.

    Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

    Keep the lines parallel.

    Do not bring strokes closer together, maintain distance


    Simple and effective method preparing hands for writing - coloring books. By coloring favorite pictures, the child learns to hold a pencil in his hand and uses pressure. This activity trains the small muscles of the hand, making its movements strong and coordinated. It is recommended to use colored pencils rather than felt-tip pens.

    Set a goal for yourself - to devote half an hour a day to “fine motor skills with your child” classes. Accompany the lessons with fairy tales invented along the way. Verbal reinforcement of exciting actions will double the effect. Then see what happens to your baby in three months. You will be amazed at the progress it will make.

    Thus, purposeful, systematic and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children in interaction with parents contributes to the formation intellectual abilities, and most importantly, helps preserve the child’s physical and mental health. And all this directly prepares the preschooler for successful schooling!

    Consultation for parents

    "Development of fine motor skills at home."

    Dear parents. Without a doubt, each of you knows about the importance and necessity of developing fine motor skills.

    Fine motor skills affect many important processes in a child's development: speech abilities, attention, thinking, spatial coordination, observation, memory (visual and motor), concentration and imagination. The brain centers responsible for these abilities are directly connected to the fingers and their nerve endings. That's why it's so important to work with your fingers.

    But unfortunately, not all parents find the time and desire to seriously engage in this fun and useful process.

    In our modern times, there are a huge number of educational games and aids on store shelves. But if you show a little imagination, you can make do with scrap materials.

    What can we offer a child to develop manual skills?

    • knead plasticine with your fingers, sculpt various figures from dough, plasticine;
    • string large buttons, balls, beads onto a thread;
    • fasten buttons, hooks, zippers, clasps, tighten lids;
    • spin small tops with your fingers, wind mechanical toys with keys;
    • games with constructor, mosaic;
    • games with sand, water;
    • knead foam sponges with your hands and tear paper;
    • draw, paint various materials: pen, pencils, chalk, crayons, watercolor, gouache, finger paints etc. ;
    • collect toys;
    • collect specks from the floor;
    • pour water from mug to mug;
    • cleanse boiled eggs from the shell;
    • remove the skin from vegetables cooked in their jackets;
    • peel tangerine;
    • mix, for example, salad;
    • under the supervision of an adult, sort through millet, rice, buckwheat, beans, peas, pasta - this will also have a massage effect;
    • stick and peel off stickers and refrigerator magnets;
    • play in the sandbox - touch, pour sand, make Easter cakes;
    • unscrew and screw caps and caps from plastic bottles;
    • make chains of 5-10 paper clips of different colors;
    • cut out any shapes from paper with your right and left hands;
    • remove the beads from the glass with a spoon;
    • fold small items(for example, buttons, beads) into a narrow cylinder;
    • thread a needle;
    • sew buttons and stitch material with various types of seams;
    • drip from a pipette into the narrow neck of the bottle;
    • putting on and taking off the ring (finger massage);
    • stick push pins into a wooden block;
    • look for the edge of the tape, peel it off and stick it on;
    • turn the pages of a book;
    • compress and unclench the expander;
    • roll rubber, plastic, wooden, foam balls with spikes (“hedgehogs”).

    You can also keep your child busy interesting activity, such as "Showing" a poem. Let the child show with his hands and fingers everything that is said in the poem. It’s more fun this way, which means the words and meaning will be remembered better. Such a small performance will help your child better navigate space and use his hands.

    "Shadow Theater" It is one of the types of work that can be used to develop fine motor skills. In addition to the fact that shadow theater allows you to develop precise, coordinated movements of the fingers and hands, it arouses and maintains the child’s interest in performing exercises to develop motor skills, allows him to concentrate for a longer time, be diligent and active, etc.

    They play an important role in the development of fine motor skills. physical exercise. This is a variety of climbing (at a sports complex, on a ladder, etc.). Such exercises strengthen the palms and fingers and develop muscles. A child who is allowed to climb and hang will better master exercises that directly target fine motor skills.

    As you can see, dear parents, developing fine motor skills is very simple!When developing hand motor skills, you need to remember that the child has two hands; try to duplicate all the exercises: perform them with both the right and left hands. Developing right hand, we stimulate the development of the left hemisphere of the brain. Conversely, by developing the left hand, we stimulate the development of the left hemisphere.

    Based on experiments and research large quantity children, the following pattern was revealed: if the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within normal limits, but if the development of finger movements lags behind, then speech development is also delayed, although general motor skills may be normal and even above normal.

    There are a lot of interesting games for developing fine motor skills!

    Use your parenting imagination.

    Good luck!

    Compiled by: teacher Marchuk N.A.

    Rogonova Yulia Vladimirovna

    MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 134"

    Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.


    Topic: “Development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements in preschool children»

    Tasks: to introduce parents to the concept of “fine motor skills of the hand”, the importance of its development for the child, to offer games and methods for developing fine motor skills of the child’s hand at home.

    The development of fine motor skills of the hand is the most important task in raising children of primary preschool age. Training the movements of the fingers and the entire hand is one of the factors that stimulates the development of the child.

    Researchers studying development of children's fine motor skills in preschool age, they noted that children doing hand exercises helped them master correct speech. The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers.”

    Currently, the full development of children from preschool age is becoming an urgent problem. Developed fine motor skills play an important role in the success of a child’s intellectual and psychophysical development.

    Fine motor skills are a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in conjunction with the visual system in making small and precise movements of the hands and fingers and toes.

    Scientists have proven that from an anatomical point of view, about a third of the total area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. Therefore, the development of a child’s speech is inextricably linked with the development of fine motor skills.

    Fine motor skills of the hands develop interest and cognitive abilities of the child; it is considered an interesting and useful activity for identifying the future abilities of the child’s inner world. Activities and games promote the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination, stimulate visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, coherent speech and vocabulary.

    You need to start working on developing fine motor skills from a very early age. Already an infant can massage his fingers, thereby influencing the active points associated with the cerebral cortex. In early and early preschool age, you need to perform simple exercises, accompanied by a poetic text, and do not forget about developing basic self-care skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying shoelaces, etc.

    To interest a child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not back down if tasks seem difficult, and do not forget to praise the child. We bring to your attention games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills, which you can do both in kindergarten, and at home.

    Finger gymnastics.

    Finger gymnastics solves many problems in the development of a child:

    Promotes mastery of fine motor skills;

    Helps develop speech;

    Increases brain performance;

    Develops mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination;

    Develops tactile sensitivity;

    Relieves anxiety.

    Finger games are very emotional and exciting. This is a dramatization of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using hands.

    Children enjoy taking part in nursery rhyme games. The most famous version of this game is “Soroka-Soroka”, but there are also more difficult ones to pronounce and show. Let’s try to play these games with you (game training is carried out together with parents).

    "My family"

    This finger is mommy

    This finger is daddy

    This finger is grandma

    This finger is grandpa

    This finger is me.

    That's my whole family!

    (alternately massage the fingers, on the last line we clench and unclench our fists)

    The development of the hand and fingers is promoted not only finger gymnastics, but also various actions with objects. I offer you a number of games with such items.

    Games with buttons

    Choose buttons of different sizes and colors. Try posting a drawing; at home you can ask your child to make the same one. After the child learns to complete the task, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. You can use a button mosaic to make a flower, a tumbler, a snowman, a butterfly, balls, beads, etc.

    Buttons can also be strung on a thread to make beads.

    Games with bulk materials

    1. Pour peas or beans into a container. The child puts his hands in there and imitates kneading dough, saying:

    "Knead, knead the dough,

    There is room in the oven.

    They will be out of the oven

    Buns and rolls.

    2. Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, he transfers the peas, one at a time, to another mug. First with one hand, then with both hands at the same time, alternately with the thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. You can choose any quatrains, for example:

    “The legs began to walk: top, top, top,

    Straight along the path: stomp-tomp-tomp.

    Come on, more fun: stomp, stomp, stomp,

    This is how we do it: top-top-top.”

    3. Pour peas onto a saucer. We take a pea with our thumb and forefinger and hold it with the rest of our fingers (as when picking berries), then we take the next pea, then another and another - so we pick up a whole handful. You can do this with one or two hands.

    4. Drawing by grain. Sprinkle fine grains onto a bright tray in a thin, even layer. Run your child's finger over the rump. You will get a bright contrasting line. Let your child draw a few chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves, letters, etc.).

    5. Place peas and beans in the “dry pool”. The child puts his hand into it and tries by touch to identify and get only peas or only beans.

    Games with bottle caps

    Two caps from plastic bottles Place it on the table with the threads facing up. These are “skis”. Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. We move on “skis”, taking one step for each stressed syllable:

    “We are skiing, we are rushing down the mountain,

    We love the fun of cold winter."

    You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

    If you drill the plugs in the middle, you can also use them for stringing beads.

    "Magic lids"

    Target: develop fine motor skills, attention, imagination, consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

    Material: cards with objects drawn from circles, colored caps from plastic bottles

    Progress of the game: offer to lay out the item from the lids according to the diagram on the card.

    Games with clothespins

    1. Using a clothespin, we alternately “bite” the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

    “The silly kitten bites hard,

    He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change hands.)

    But I'm playing with you, baby,

    And if you bite, I’ll tell you: “Shoo!”

    2. Imagine with your child that clothespins are small fish, and a circle or square made of cardboard is a feeder. Well, the baby needs to help the fish dine, that is, attach them around the perimeter of the figure. It is very interesting for children to “attach needles” to a hedgehog cut out of cardboard, etc.

    3. And, of course, hanging handkerchiefs after washing and securing them with clothespins. This is a simple task, even for a child who has played with clothespins more than once, it may not be so simple.

    You can accompany the work by reciting the rhyme:

    “I’ll pin the clothespins deftly

    I’m on my mother’s rope.”

    “Decorate the picture with paper clips”

    Target: develop fine motor skills and attention.

    Material: figures of animals and objects made of cardboard, colored paper clips.

    Progress of the game: children are invited to complete the picture with paper clips, for example: for a hedgehog - thorns, for the sun - rays, etc.

    Games with beads and pasta

    Various stringing exercises are excellent for developing the hand. You can string anything that can be strung: buttons, beads, horns and pasta, dryers, etc.

    Beads can be sorted by size, color, shape.

    "Collect a garland"

    Target: develop the ability to fasten buttons, fine motor skills, attention, spatial orientation.

    Material: strips of fabric with buttons at one end and a hole for them at the other.

    Progress of the game: children connect the strips into a garland by fastening buttons on them.

    "Flower Meadow"

    Target: develop fine motor skills, attention, and consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

    Material: drape pole, hair elastic, crab hair clips.

    Progress of the game: Invite the children to plant crab flowers on rubber stems in the clearing.

    "Games with Counting Sticks"

    Target: develop fine motor skills, attention, imagination.

    Material: counting sticks, cards with images of objects.

    Progress of the game:

    1. Laying out geometric shapes.

    2. Making patterns.

    3. Laying out items.

    Games - lacing

    You can use both factory-made and hand-made ones. (Various lacings are presented at the exhibition). Such games develop spatial orientation, attention, form lacing skills, develop creative abilities, and contribute to the development of eye accuracy and sequence of actions.


    Applications are available from a very early age. If the child is still small and you are afraid to give him scissors, let him tear pictures from a magazine or newspaper with his hands - whatever happens; and you will paste the torn pieces onto a blank piece of paper, giving them some shape. It can make a meaningful collage. From the age of 3 (sometimes earlier) you can learn to cut with scissors, the main thing is that they are safe, with rounded ends. To begin with, it is more convenient to cut geometric shapes and figures from the same color magazines, and with an adhesive pencil, fix them on the sheet. The game of cutting out patterns from several times folded pieces of paper has an undeniable advantage. No matter how clumsily a child cuts, the result will still be a pattern that vaguely resembles a snowflake or a star.

    Working with plasticine

    You can start modeling from plasticine as early as 2 years old, the main thing is to select accessible tasks and do not forget to wash your hands. We make sausages, rings, balls; We cut the plasticine sausage with a plastic knife into many small pieces, and then mold the pieces again. From each small piece we make a cake or a coin. You can press a real coin on our cake to get an imprint.

    Pieces of plasticine

    Our Zina rides,

    Balls, sausages,

    And fairy tales come to life

    The fingers are trying

    They mold and develop.

    If plasticine scares you for some reason, make one for your baby salty dough. The game will be fun regardless of the outcome. Here is the recipe: flour - salt - water - sunflower oil. Flour and salt are taken in the same quantity, and one third less water (for example, a glass of flour, a glass of salt, 2/3 glass of water, a tablespoon of butter). Stir and knead. If it doesn't stick well, add water. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time in a plastic bag. To make the sculpted figures hard, bake them in the oven, the longer the better. The hardened figures can be painted with paints. Whenever you prepare real dough, let your baby mold a piece as well.

    Such games promote the development of fine motor skills, sensory processes, relax the child, and relieve emotional stress.


    Drawing is one of the most favorite activities of all children. The more often a child holds a brush, pencil or felt-tip pen in his hands, the easier it will be for him to write the first letters and words at school. Offer children a variety of tasks: using coloring books, finger painting on the bathroom wall using regular paints, finishing drawings, shading, and tracing games. You can trace anything that comes to hand: the bottom of a glass, an inverted saucer, your own palm, a spoon, etc. Cookie or muffin tins are especially suitable for this purpose. There are many factory games - strokes.

    If your child is extremely reluctant to paint with a brush, encourage him to paint with his fingers. You can draw with one, two, or all fingers at once: each finger is dipped in paint of a certain color, and then placed on paper in turn. This is how you get fireworks or beads or something else. Nowadays, special finger paints are offered in stores.

    It is very unusual to paint with porous sponges, small rubber balls with a rough surface. Children enjoy using the so-called “signets”.

    We really hope that we were able to convince you of the importance of hand development for a preschool child and that through joint efforts we will help our children train their hands, promote the development of higher mental functions, and the development of spatial orientation.

    In order to interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not back down if the tasks seem difficult, and do not forget to praise the baby.

    Memo for parents

    To develop fine motor skills, preschool children should be offered:

    • Exercises with a massage ball (from su-jok therapy), walnuts, pencils, pens, felt-tip pens.
    • “Dance” with your fingers and clap your hands softly and loudly, at different tempos.
    • Use with children different kinds mosaics, construction sets (iron, wood, plastic), games with small parts, counting sticks.
    • Organize games with plasticine and dough.
    • Try the finger painting technique. You can add salt or sand to the paints for a massage effect.
    • Use colored balls of thread for rewinding, ropes of various thicknesses and lengths for tying and untying.
    • Include variety in games natural material(sticks, twigs, cones, shells, cobs, etc.).
    • Engage with your children in stringing beads, learn to unbutton and fasten buttons, snaps, hooks, zippers.
    • Let the children shell peas and shell peanuts.
    • Run small tops with your fingers.
    • Fold the nesting doll and play with different inserts.
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