• Starching linen recipe. How to starch fabric: tips and rules that every housewife should know


    Home textiles and some items of clothing sometimes have to be treated with starch to give them rigidity and a clear shape. In modern times this is done much less frequently than, for example, at the end of the last century. Starched items are much less susceptible to contamination and have a completely different appearance than simply washed items. About how to starch bed linen, tulle, clothes, using washing machine or without it, more details in the text of this article.

    Starched items look elegant, fresh and festive

    Starched clothes and linen have some distinctive characteristics:

    • textiles become noticeably denser, its fibers are strengthened;
    • linen items have a pleasant crunch and smell good;
    • the material practically does not wrinkle, maintaining the required shape;
    • Even if the clothes were yellowed, they are bleached;
    • Dirt is less absorbed into clothing.

    Starch gives products a neater appearance and protects them from rapid contamination.

    But it is not always worth starching bedding - starched fabric does not “breathe”, as its pores become clogged. This can create discomfort for the skin, promote the occurrence of fungus, mold, and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. It is for this reason that bed starch is very, very soft.

    It is also undesirable to starch underwear and summer clothes, with the exception of some of their parts. Starch can change the shade of dark fabrics, but it does not “stick” to synthetic fabrics. Textile elements embroidered with floss threads can generally stick together and be hopelessly damaged by starch. Calico, cotton, satin, linen, chintz, cambric tolerate this process well.

    How bedding was starched in the last century

    In the last twentieth century, bed linen, table linen, and clothing were processed mainly independently, at home, with various types of starch:

    There are different types of starch:

    It makes no difference which starch is used, the only difference is in the concentration. In the last century, every woman had to be able to starch clothes - there were no special products for sale for various textile materials, and not everyone had a washing machine.

    How to starch bed linen and tulle at home

    Starched bed linen wrinkles less and washes better

    Bedding, as well as most types of tulle and curtains, are starched gently, after washing and squeezing thoroughly.

    Tulle takes on a more attractive appearance after the starching process

    Then prepare this solution:

    Before hanging to dry, do not twist the bedding - let it sag a little, after which you can lightly wring it out. Before drying, it is important to shake the fabric, straighten it well, and it is better to iron the starched fabric while still slightly damp.

    To starch an already dry fabric, the liquid described above is put into a spray bottle and the clean textile is treated. This process significantly saves time and effort.

    You can lightly starch the material by ironing it through gauze soaked in a weak starch solution

    How to starch shirts at home

    Starched items look quite festive, but do not allow air to pass through well, so they are not suitable for constant wear.

    A high-quality starched shirt emphasizes the status of the owner, giving him elegance. The method described below is suitable for both women's and men's shirts:

    • prepare a medium-hard solution of starch or a purchased synthetic product;
    • the composition is thoroughly mixed in a basin so that there are no lumps; it is filtered through several layers of gauze;
    • the shirt is placed in the mixture for about fifteen minutes;
    • then the product is lightly wrung out;
    • To prevent the shirt from becoming deformed, it is dried on hangers - preference is given to wide ones;
    • It is not recommended to dry it completely; iron the item slightly damp, since yellow spots often appear on overdried ironing.

    Particular attention must be paid to the collar and cuffs - these parts are starched separately, using the harshest solution, and ironed, giving them a strong stand.

    If you only need to starch the collar or cuffs of a shirt, it is better to use a spray bottle or brush

    How to starch things from different types of fabric

    Knitted fabric is also treated gently, but it should be dried exclusively on a horizontal surface, otherwise the product will stretch and lose its shape. For knitted products, giving them rigidity, it is recommended to treat them with a gelatin mixture:

    • pour a large spoonful of gelatin into half a glass of water and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved;
    • then add another glass of water;
    • the product is impregnated with the resulting solution.

    Ready-made gelatin solution - express starching

    This composition is also used for lace napkins, textile flowers and other similar decor. Starch is not suitable for processing dark or colored fabrics, as it leaves whitish spots. The following adhesive composition is recommended for such fabrics:

    • depending on the purpose of the textile material, soft or hard processing is performed;
    • for soft processing, PVA glue is diluted with warm water in a ratio of one to one, for the hard version - in a concentration of two to one;
    • The fabric is placed in the solution, after complete soaking, it is removed and wrung out.

    You can starch clothes with PVA glue; to do this, you need to dilute it with water.

    This method is not suitable for underwear or excessively large items. There is also sugar syrup treatment:

    • six to seven tablespoons of sugar are boiled in a liter of water;
    • textiles are placed in a hot solution, soaked, and squeezed out;
    • there is one drawback - the “sweet” fabric will attract insects.

    You can also starch things with ordinary white sugar.

    To starch the most delicate silk fabric, a solution of gelatin, silicate glue - in in this case dilute one spoon per five liters, soak the product, squeeze out a little. After processing, silk acquires elasticity and a beautiful shine.

    When you need to starch thin and delicate fabric, use a weak solution

    Tulle is used for sewing elegant dresses, ballet tutus. It will require a medium-hard starch solution - two teaspoons per liter of water. The product is thoroughly soaked, removed, and straightened.

    To make the petticoat stiff, you need two tablespoons of starch per liter of water.

    Multi-layer gauze products are processed in the most harsh ways - at least two large spoons of starch and a small spoon of sodium boric salt are added to one liter of water, the product is immersed there, and when it is sufficiently saturated, squeezed out.

    You can starch knitted napkins and a school white apron with numerous laces using a medium-hard solution.

    Openwork products made from fine yarn are kept in starch liquid for 5-10 minutes

    The product is pre-washed by machine or by hand, placed in a starch mixture for twenty minutes, removed, no need to wring out the apron. As an option, a freshly washed apron is simply sprayed with a solution from a spray bottle or blotted with a wet starchy cloth.

    The embroidery canvas is starched to simplify the process of embroidering on it. To do this, the textiles are placed in a hard starch solution for about fifteen minutes and wrung out well. The already embroidered fabric is pre-washed and impregnated with a medium-hard composition for no more than fifteen minutes.

    For starching expensive fabrics with bright rich color and complex texture, it is better to use a ready-made product

    How to starch bedding and clothes in a washing machine

    To starch things in the washing machine, you need to add a small amount of adhesive liquid to the conditioner compartment and start the usual washing cycle

    Ready-made starch compositions are sold in stores household chemicals– some are applied to the fabric before ironing, others during washing. Starching bedding and linen in the washing machine is as easy as shelling pears:

    • to begin with, prepare a “soft” starch solution according to the above-described scheme;
    • the composition is poured into the engine compartment for the air conditioner;
    • The washing machine toggle switch is set to rinse mode;
    • after the process is completed, the laundry is taken out, shaken, and dried;
    • The machine is wiped from the inside and ventilated.

    When starching in a washing machine, special synthetic liquids are often used, for example, based on polyvinyl acetate, which cope with the task no worse. Additionally, you should not use any conditioners.

    A starch agent that is added directly during washing

    For starching clothes, table linen from various types tissue, a solution of the desired composition and concentration is prepared, poured into the machine as described above.

    How to iron and dry starched items

    Dry the fabric until it becomes slightly damp, then begin ironing

    All fabrics are ironed while still wet, on both sides, but in slightly different ways:

    • silk - through smooth fabric;
    • tulle - ironed while wet, straightening the folds;
    • embroidered products - only on the reverse side;
    • lace - through smooth fabric or gauze;
    • gauze - iron damp, straighten folds immediately;
    • A white school apron is ironed with a warm iron.

    If you first add a little salt to the starch solution, the fabrics will not stick to the iron and will acquire a unique shine.

    They should also be dried differently:

    • a silk blouse and dress are carefully hung on hangers;
    • tulle, gauze are dried in a straightened form;
    • a lace school apron is dried by laying it out on a horizontal surface;
    • embroidery canvas is also dried horizontally;
    • thin embroidered napkins or dry the lace on a towel, pinning the edges with invisible pins and straightening them.

    Any starched items should not be dried in the cold or in direct sunlight.

    Spray for applying starch before ironing


    Using starch, you can give products a stable shape and whiten them

    Starching at home using various types starch, special compounds, washing machine is very relevant in some situations. "Rigid" white collars and cuffs give appearance rigor, solidity. When processing any tissues that directly touch open areas of the body or interact with them for a long time, it is advisable to use the weakest solutions or abandon them altogether.

    Video: How to starch laundry

    I recently looked at old family photographs and remembered my grandmother’s feasts with amazing table settings, which were always decorated with starched napkins. And I wanted to revive the tradition - after all, I myself am already a grandmother. Even though she’s new. But I didn’t know how to starch things at home - I didn’t ask my grandmother at the time.

    It turned out that this was not a difficult matter at all. You can use time-tested recipes and modern means. I tried both. I’m sharing my experience, and at the same time I’ll tell you what to do if funds are currently unavailable.

    Why starch things at all?

    Many modern housewives have no idea - why is this necessary? You almost never see lace napkins and pillow covers like before – it’s not fashionable. The collars of the shirts hold their shape perfectly without any additional tricks.

    So, it turns out that if you starch fabric, you can give it several useful properties:

    • Form stability. Examples when this property is needed are those same serving napkins or a chef’s hat.

    • Whitening. White items that have turned yellow over time are restored to their original freshness.
    • Stain resistance. The thin film formed on the surface of the fabric becomes an obstacle to contamination. It does not allow them to be absorbed deeply into the fabric structure. Therefore, things are washed much easier and do not wear out longer.
    • Collapse resistance. Starched linen wrinkles less.

    Agree, there is a reason to study the technology and start applying it in practice. Of course, there is no need to starch everything, and sometimes it is even harmful or useless.

    For example, the same starch film that protects against dirt also prevents air from penetrating through the fabric. Therefore, it should not be processed underwear, as well as the clothes you wear in the heat.

    On dark things, starch will leave a whitish coating. A synthetic fabric at home it will not starch at all.

    Technology from our grandmothers

    For everything to work out, you need to know how to dilute starch, what proportions are important, and how to apply the finished solution to the product.

    Preparation of the solution

    Let me start with the fact that the type of starch is not important, you can use any starch - potato, rice, corn. Much more important is its quantity per certain volume of water. Here you can adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. 1 teaspoon per liter of water taken when you need to starch thin and delicate fabric, provided that it should not “stand up like a stake.” This can be cambric, chiffon, tulle and products made from them. For example:

    1. 2 teaspoons for the same amount of water used for starching table napkins, men's shirts, bed linen.

    1. 2 tablespoons per liter of water will make collars and cuffs, petticoats stiff lush dresses, knitted and lace decorative items that should keep their shape.

    Of course, in each case the purpose of starching must be taken into account. For example, if you make artificial flowers from the same tulle, then a weak solution will not help give them the required form. In this case, you will need two tablespoons of starch, not one teaspoon.

    Now let's talk in detail about how to prepare the working solution. Instructions with pictures:

    Image Description
    Step 1

    Take some cool water and stir the required amount of starch in it.

    Step 2

    We measure out the amount of water that is necessary to maintain the proportions. Pour it into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

    For example, if you soaked starch in 200 ml of water, then pour not a liter of water into the pan, but 800 ml.

    Step 3

    Stir the mixture in the glass again so that the powder does not settle to the bottom. And pour it into boiling water in a thin stream. At the same time, stir the contents of the pan continuously so that no lumps form.

    Step 4

    If there are no lumps, no big deal. The solution can be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth.

    Step 5

    Pour the solution into the container in which we will starch. And wait for it to cool down a little.

    As you can see, it couldn't be simpler. If you know how to cook jelly, then this procedure will not cause you any difficulties.

    3 ways to use starch solution

    To starch something with your own hands, you need to rinse it first. Or make sure it is clean, free of dust and stains. And then you can go in different ways:

    1. Soaking in solution. This is the most affordable way for large items such as clothing and bedding. They are dipped into a basin with the prepared starch solution for several minutes, and then squeezed out, carefully straightened and dried under natural conditions. Of course, one liter of product cannot be used here; more of it must be prepared immediately in accordance with the proportions.

    1. Spraying while ironing. This method is used only for weak solutions. When cooled, they are poured into a spray bottle and used during ironing. This is exactly what I did when I was thinking about how to starch tulle. Without letting it dry completely, I ironed it using starch instead of water.

    1. Surface application. Suitable for small items and decorative items. They are laid out on a flat surface, straightened, and the solution is applied with a soft brush or swab made of soft fabric. And wait for it to dry completely. Or iron it when the item is still slightly damp.

    But these are not all the secrets of how to starch fabric correctly. Starched items should be dried away from heating appliances. And start ironing when they are not yet completely dry. In this case, it is advisable to do this through gauze so that carbon deposits do not form on the sole of the iron.

    Modern means

    Few people would want to waste time on unnecessary movements if they have an automatic washing machine. It's a waste of time and energy. After washing the clothes, you need to soak them in the solution again, and then wring them out by hand.

    So I was lazy. So I bought this bottle:

    The product is simply added to the machine in the air conditioner compartment. That's all! Now I always use it when washing bed linen. There were several similar products in the store, all used the same way.

    There is also starch in this version:

    The sprayer is used when ironing things. Everything is as usual, we just use this product instead of water, and set the iron to the minimum temperature for the fabric. Convenient for blouses and shirts.

    The price is affordable: depending on the volume and manufacturer, from 100 to 300 rubles.

    3 ways to starch without starch

    If there is neither starch nor special products in the house, but you need to give things shape right here and now, you can use:

    1. Sugar. 200 g of granulated sugar should be dissolved in 100 ml of water and heated without bringing to a boil. It is important that the sugar dissolves completely before the syrup boils, otherwise it will turn yellow and stain things. Next, you need to cool the syrup and soak the product in it or apply it with a brush.

    1. Gelatin. 2-4 tablespoons of gelatin, depending on the required degree of hardness, are poured with cold water (1 liter). It is allowed to swell, then heated until completely dissolved and a homogeneous consistency is obtained. You can also strain it. In general, everything is as usual when using gelatin in cooking.

    1. PVA construction adhesive. It is whiter than stationery and does not turn yellow after drying. It is simply diluted with water, determining the ratio of components experimentally. I usually took 1:1.

    I heard that you can also soak things in skim milk. But I haven’t tried it myself. But I often used sugar, glue and gelatin when I was doing needlework and crocheting napkins and decorations.

    I think, this way you can “starch” only things that will not come into contact with the skin. Therefore, I would not use these methods for collars and shirts. But for a white apron on September 1, so that the wings “stand”, why not?


    I hope, having described all the ways I know to starch linen and all sorts of decorative crafts, helped some of you. I myself did not dare to take on this matter until I realized that it was not at all difficult, and the result was very much worth some time.

    The video in this article will help you completely get rid of doubts. Well, for those who try to put the described methods into practice and then share their impressions in the comments, I will be very grateful.

    Today, not every woman knows how to starch fabric and why to do it. But just a couple of decades ago, a hand-knitted napkin processed in a similar way served as the pride of every housewife. Nowadays, the fashion for knitted items is returning, and more and more often girls are looking on the Internet for how to starch clothes or super fashionable colored boots crocheted at home.

    How to starch different types of fabrics

    Each type of product has its own starching method. Let's take a closer look at them.

    How to starch napkins?

    A crocheted napkin, after treatment with a starch solution, has perfect shape, it brings a touch of perfection to the interior of the room and can hide any furniture defect.

    Our grandmothers knew many ways to starch a napkin. In order for the item to have the most beautiful appearance after starching, the work should be carried out taking into account the thickness of the threads from which it was created. The higher this indicator, the longer you need to keep such a napkin - a snowflake - in the solution (maximum 15 minutes).

    To starch fabric you need to know how to brew starch:

    1. Place a spoonful of this powder in a container and add 150 grams of cold water.
    2. Dilute until smooth.
    3. Place 700 grams of water on the fire and bring to a boil.
    4. Add starch solution and cook, stirring to avoid lumps.
    5. You will get a cloudy mixture, similar to a paste, you need to dip a napkin - a snowflake - into it for 10 - 15 minutes.
    6. Then it should be taken out, leveled and placed on a flat surface until completely dry.

    The video shows how to starch correctly, crocheted napkin.

    The dry product will become dense and take on a clear shape. But it is necessary not only to know how to starch knitted napkin- a snowflake, but also how to give it the perfect look. And to do this you just need to iron it with an iron.

    How to starch a bandage?

    Not many people know why to soak dressing material in a solution. You can’t find starched bandages for sale, they do it in the hospital medical worker. The material treated with this solution allows for more accurate and reliable dressing. Therefore, every person needs to know how to starch a bandage or gauze.

    This procedure is not complicated, you will need:

    • bandage;
    • half a liter of water;
    • a tablespoon of potato flour;
    • iron;
    • capacity.

    To starch gauze or bandage at home, the solution is brewed as usual. The powder must be diluted in small quantity cold water until smooth and pour in a small stream into boiling water (there should be no lumps). After the composition begins to resemble jelly, turn off the heat and leave the mixture until it cools (you can use this method if you don’t know how to starch tulle).

    The bandage should be dipped in the warm mixture for a few minutes, squeezed out and ironed. It's simple, the starched bandages are ready!

    How to starch things?

    There are several answers to the question of how and why to starch things. Starching fabric is not difficult. The processing process itself consists of rinsing clean (both colored and white) items in water with pre-certified starch. After the material is well saturated with this composition, a kind of film will remain on it, which, after drying, will make the product “crispy”. Such things do not wrinkle and dirt does not stick to them much.

    There are several methods for starching fabric at home. They are used depending on the type of material and method of its use.

    1. Soft. This method is best used when thin clothing needs to be treated. It is suitable for those who are looking for how to starch linen or a blouse. The solution, in this case, is prepared using a teaspoon of starch per liter of water.
    2. Semi-rigid. Suitable for processing tablecloths, napkins, shirts, ribbons rhythmic gymnastics. In this case, the mixture is prepared from a tablespoon of starch and a liter of water. The same method can be used to starch medical gowns and chef’s work clothes.
    3. Hard. This is the optimal solution for girls who do not know how to starch a petticoat, detachable collar, lace. To hard starch, the composition is made from two tablespoons of potato flour and a liter of water. This method is also suitable if you are looking for how to starch a knitted product.

    A few secrets of proper starching

    It is important to know not only how to properly starch clothes, but also how to dry and care for such materials. For example, thin lace that does not need to be washed can not be soaked in a starch solution, but simply laid out on a flat surface and blotted well with a sponge soaked in the mixture, put gauze on it and iron it. The same method is suitable for those who are looking for how to starch a skirt or children's tulle dress. But such a product can only be ironed with steam.

    If items have colored embroidered elements, after starching, it is recommended to iron them from the wrong side, using a not very hot iron.

    When you need to starch a crown or colored crocheted boots, use the hard method. But before you get your boots wet, you need to clean them well. To hard starch boots or a crown, they are immersed in the solution for 15 minutes, taken out, lightly squeezed and set to dry (crown on a jar). While the boots are wet, you should shape them. In addition to potato flour, in order to starch knitted boots, you can use gelatin or a special spray.

    It is especially worth paying attention to how to starch a shirt at home. Such processing can only be carried out on products made from natural materials. Such fabrics (unlike synthetic ones) have a special weave of fibers; the starch solution, filling the structure of the material, makes it denser, more wear-resistant, and less susceptible to contamination.

    When deciding how to starch a shirt, you should take into account that the main part is processed semi-rigidly, and the collar is processed hard. To do this, after rinsing the clothes in the solution, you should increase the concentration of starch and treat the cuffs and collars.

    A girl who does not know how to starch a hat with a large brim should use the hard processing method. It's not scary if she cuddles up a little. It can be straightened out later. It is recommended to dry such a crocheted headdress on a regular can, but a flat, even item should be used under the brim. Using the same method you can solve the problem of how to starch a doctor's or chef's cap.

    After the items have been starched, they are dried on a flat, clean surface. Some housewives come up with little tricks: to ensure that the napkins remain even after drying, they stretch them onto an embroidery hoop.

    You can also starch things in the washing machine. To do this, prepare a regular starch solution and pour it into the compartment of the washing machine intended for the air conditioner. After completing the procedure, the items are dried as usual, and the container in the washing machine is wiped with a damp and then a dry cloth.

    In order to starch any item, you can use corn and rice starch. But our grandmothers mainly used potato. It not only makes things dense, but also gives them whiteness.

    How to properly starch things with PVA glue

    It is very convenient to starch tulle, lace, guipure and other items of clothing using PVA glue. For a rigid solution, the glue must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:1, and the fabric must be soaked in the product so that all the fibers are saturated. To prevent the fabric from sticking together during drying, the product is shaped while wet, after which the product is ironed.

    How to starch a hat with PVA glue

    To shape a hat with a brim using PVA, you need to dilute the required amount of glue in water and soak the product for a few minutes. Then, if the brim is located at a right angle to the crown, put the hat on a blank or jar of the desired shape, and place it on a flat surface. Since the glue solution is quite liquid, it should not stick to the blank. But just in case, give it the desired shape while wet and steam with an iron. There is no need to starch a hat with a wide brim using the hard method; dilute the glue with water in a ratio of 1:2.

    How to starch a napkin with PVA glue

    To starch interior items with PVA glue, it is enough to prepare a medium-hard paste. Dilute the glue in a ratio of 1:2 and soak the product for 15 minutes. Then, after lightly squeezing and drying the napkin, spread it on the paper with pins. Iron the napkin through a clean cloth. Even dark-colored napkins can be starched with this solution, but if you are confused possible appearance If the color fades, treat the product with a special starch for dark items.

    How to starch a knitted item

    In order to knitted item, there was no need to constantly straighten it, you could starch the product a little. Dip the garment into a mild or medium-hard starch solution and allow the fibers to become completely saturated with the solution. Then, lightly squeezing the product, lay it out on a flat surface and dry it, straightening out all the folds. Now knitted product will desired shape and neat appearance. You can also starch knitted items by spraying them with a solution of the required hardness from a spray bottle.

    How to starch clothes with sugar

    All wardrobe items, as well as linen, napkins and tulle, can be starched with specially purchased products in stores, potato starch and sugar. To prepare a soft solution with sugar, you need to brew the syrup in three tablespoons of sugar and one glass of water, dip the item in it and wait 7-10 minutes. You need to dry the products on a flat surface, carefully straightening out all the folds.

    In this article you will find all the answers to questions about how to starch knitted and embroidered items, how to starch a dress at home, and even how to starch gauze.

    Ways to starch dresses and napkins. Review of starching products.

    Many housewives have long lost the habit of hard covers and bed linen. Starched cuffs and collars are no longer in fashion. Since there are no old school uniforms with aprons, there is no need to starch them either. But sometimes you need to add extra rigidity to things, in which case use starch.

    There are many means to stiffen fabrics. Moreover, you can use potato, corn and wheat starch. But now products in solutions and sprays have appeared on sale that help save time. There is no need to soak and brew the starch.

    Overview of starching products:

    • Luxus superform. The product is sold in a bottle with a spray. You just need to shake the bottle and apply the product to dry and clean laundry. Iron. The substance helps to give the linen rigidity and helps maintain its shape for a long time. The linen does not wrinkle.
    • Chirton starch. The product is sold in a spray bottle. It is necessary to apply not dry linen and iron it. After this treatment, things will not stand up, but the process of ironing shirts and linen is greatly simplified.
    • Ocean starch. This is a product sold in a bottle. It is a solution that is introduced into the washing machine during the rinsing process. Inserted into the mouthwash area.
    • Selena starch. This is also a liquid that is introduced into the washing machine into the conditioner compartment. After this, the laundry is easier to iron.

    There are several ways:

    • Soft starching. Ideal for tulle, light blouses and bed linen. Gives a little stiffness. You need to dilute a teaspoon of potato flour in 220 ml of cold water. Boil 800 ml of water on the stove and add the prepared solution in a thin stream with constant stirring. Let cool and immerse things for 1-2 minutes. Wring them out and dry them.
    • Hard starching. This option is used if you need to starch a gauze collar or petticoat. This option allows you to make things tougher. You need to dissolve 2 tablespoons of potato flour in 200 ml of cold water and pour the solution into 800 ml of boiling water while stirring constantly. The fabric is dipped into a viscous solution and wrung out.


    • Dissolve a spoonful of potato flour in 210 ml cold water
    • Boil 210 ml of water and pour in the prepared solution
    • Pour the resulting paste into the washing machine dispenser and turn on the rinse mode.
    • Dry your items as usual

    The easiest way is to use a spray; it is applied while ironing. But if you want to starch the old-fashioned way, follow the instructions.


    • Dissolve a spoonful of starch in 200 ml of cold water
    • Pour the solution into 200 ml of boiling water and stir
    • Immerse the dress in the slippery mixture and let it soak completely.
    • Squeeze a little to remove excess moisture
    • Hang on a hanger and dry at room temperature, straightening out all the wrinkles

    How to starch crocheted items?

    Basically, a concentrated starch solution is used, that is, the hard version. The products hold their shape well and are ironed perfectly.

    VIDEO: Starching napkins

    Often a bandage is needed for laboratory work. In this case, you will have to try a little.


    • Dilute a spoonful of starch in 250 ml of water
    • Pour the solution into a glass of boiling water and keep on fire with constant stirring
    • Cool the resulting jelly and immerse the bandage in it.
    • Wring out the bandage and hang it to dry
    • Iron the dried bandage and roll it into a roll.

    For these purposes, hard starching is used, that is, a concentrated solution. How to perform hard starching is described above.

    The tutu skirt is made of tulle, which holds its shape perfectly. This fabric itself is quite elastic. But sometimes it needs to be starched to make it more rigid. In this case, use hard starch. The process is described above.

    The veil and dress are made from synthetic material. At the same time, even when sewing a dress, it is starched and ironed. During careful washing in cool water, this layer is not washed off, and the dress keeps its shape. But if the dress has been rented several times, then it might be worth starching it. To do this, you should use aerosol products. They are applied directly to the fabric before ironing. The following products can be considered the most effective: Luxus superform and Chirton starch.

    These products are made of cotton fabric. In these cases, starching is used to improve the shape of the product and ensure that wrinkles and bruises do not form. For this purpose, mild starching is sufficient. That is, clothes or linen are rinsed in a weak starch solution. The soft starching method is described in more detail above.

    To starch such fabric you will need gentle starching. Half a teaspoon per liter of water is enough for organza (bows) and a teaspoon for starch. satin ribbons. You can find out more about preparing the solution above.

    It is worth noting that after using starch, stains or white streaks may remain on dark or colored items. In this case, it is better to use gelatin instead of starch.


    • Soak a sachet of gelatin in cold water (100 ml) for 5 minutes to soften it, drain the water and bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil
    • Add softened gelatin and cook, stirring, until completely dissolved. Cool the solution until warm before use.
    • There will be no traces left, gelatin covers the fibers with a transparent film

    Starch should not be used for dark, black and colored items. For this purpose, use gelatin. Instructions for using gelatin are above.

    For starching, you can use not only starch and gelatin, but also sugar. For this purpose, you need to prepare sugar syrup.


    • Dissolve 8 tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water and bring the solution to a boil
    • Cool the syrup slightly until it becomes warm
    • Soak the wipes in the solution for 15 minutes
    • Dry items at room temperature
    • Pat as usual

    How to starch a dress for pomp using selenium solution?

    Exist special means for starching clothes. One of them is Selena. It is necessary to dissolve the amount of product indicated on the bottle in a liter of water and immerse clothing in the solution. It is necessary for the dress to lie in the solution for 15 minutes. After this, the clothes are wrung out and dried at room temperature. All folds must first be smoothed out.

    This is partial starching, which is used to make the hem heavier. At the same time, the skirt becomes quite heavy, it smoothes out perfectly. This starching is suitable for sun-flared or “beauty” cut dresses and skirts. Hard starching is used, which is described above. In this case, you do not need to dip the entire product into the solution, but only the lower part. You need to wring it out and hang the dress on a hanger.

    As you can see, with the help of starch you can give things a neat and tidy beautiful view. This will make your clothes neat.

    VIDEO: Starching dresses

    Starching is used to restore shape knitwear, updating it and protecting it from excessive soiling. In the process of applying the starch mixture to the fabric, a thin airtight layer is formed, which provides the above functions. At the same time, there are several rules on how to starch a dress so that the outfit does not turn out too stiff or acquire a white coating.

    Why are garments starched?

    A starched dress retains freshness and volume longer. For example, in ballet, all tutus are necessarily treated with the mixture before the performance so that they keep their shape and do not “fall” during various steps and ples.

    At home, the use of starch is very wide. Before after washing Men's shirts, namely, collars and cuffs, were necessarily processed. Children's dresses also went through this procedure to give them pomp and wear. Even snow-white bed linen was dipped into the solution to maintain freshness.

    Modern housewives and fashionistas starch things to solve the following problems:

    • get a clearer and more voluminous shape;
    • prolong the feeling of freshness and lightness;
    • ensure that the fabric wrinkles less and does not require constant ironing;
    • stiffen collars and cuffs.

    A starched knitted skirt stretches less, and the pattern on it looks much more impressive.

    How to prepare laundry

    To properly starch a dress, you must follow all the steps. IN preparatory procedures include:

    • normal washing;
    • check for stains.

    Tip: if you need to remove a stain from clothing, use hydrogen peroxide by mixing 2 tbsp. and 200 ml of water.

    Types of processing

    1. Soft application is used for delicate and thin fabric, where it is not necessary to obtain high rigidity, for example, for summer and knitted items.
    2. The middle version is prepared for bed linen and clothing made of cotton and linen.
    3. Hard finishing is used for cuffs, lace, frills and headpieces, as well as for the durability of petticoats and tutus.

    How to starch an elegant children's dress

    Stages of work:

    • wash;
    • preparing the starch mixture;
    • applying and drying the dress;
    • ironing.

    How to prepare the solution

    Baby dress required special attention, because it should not prick after the procedure, so at home, choose one of the following options:

    1. For soft version: dilute 0.5 - 1 tsp. starch in 1 liter of water and stir until smooth.
    2. For medium, 1 tbsp is enough. per 1 liter of liquid. Stir until lumps disappear.
    3. Strong concentrate: 2 tbsp. l. powder per 1 liter of water, and also add 1 tsp. boric salt (borax), which will give a special shine to the fabric.

    The process of preparing “starch water” itself consists of several stages:

    1. Pour it out required amount starch into a suitable container and pour 150-200 ml of cold water. Be sure to stir the mixture thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved.
    2. Boil the remaining portion of water. Add the prepared solution there, stirring constantly. When the liquid becomes homogeneous, the fire must be extinguished.
    3. Wait for the mixture to cool to room temperature and check the consistency. To do this, dip your hand in a clear solution, after which a slippery mark should remain on the skin.
    4. Pour all the contents into a washing basin and lower the item there for 1-2 minutes. You can rinse the fabric with your hands so that it is better saturated.
    5. Remove the clothing, wring it out, and shake it off. Then, leave to dry, first checking that there are no creases or folds in the fabric.

    When everything is dry, you can iron and wear the updated outfit.

    Ready-made products

    Analogs can be found in household chemical stores. Such means reduce the time spent on preparing the mixture yourself. They are divided into two types:

    1. Spray or aerosol is used to starch collars, laces and other parts of clothing where increased rigidity is needed. Before use, you must read the instructions from the manufacturer. The average price per bottle is 100 rubles.
    2. Powder or liquid is suitable for tablecloths, petticoats or children's dresses. This product is used as an additional product for automatic washing. The average price per package is 250 rubles.

    There is only one drawback to purchased starch compositions - you cannot control the level of hardness of the product obtained. When manually diluting classic starch, you can experiment, choosing the optimal ratio of water and powder for a specific outfit.

    Step-by-step instruction

    When deciding how to starch a dress at home, choose the simplest and most proven option:

    1. Prepare the desired consistency from powder and water. It must be warm.
    2. Place the baby's dress completely in the prepared liquid.
    3. Take it out and make sure that the starch “water” gets onto all areas of the suit. If there are untouched places, you need to repeat the procedure.
    4. Wring out and hang to dry on a hanger separate from the rest of the laundry.

    After this, you can iron the outfit. As a result, you will get the same beauty as in many photos on the Internet.

    How to properly process, dry and iron a petticoat

    Often, it is necessary to starch the petticoat baby dress. And how to do this so that it retains its shape for a long time is the main question.

    Tip: When working with multi-layered fabric, use a spray bottle to cover all layers.

    You can dip the petticoat into the prepared warm mixture and rinse the fabric well in water with your hands, apply the solution with a sponge or spray. It should be dried on a hanger, separately from other things.

    After drying, the petticoat should be ironed. To do this, be sure to turn off the steam function on the iron and use wet gauze as a layer between household appliance and fabric. You need to iron each layer in turn.


    Watch a video on how to starch a dress or other item using home remedies to understand the sequence of steps:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFnahb7xGng Video can’t be loaded: USEFUL TIPS. STARCHING. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFnahb7xGng)

    How to starch your wedding dress yourself

    To process Wedding Dress at home, do the following:

    1. Before starching, carefully wash the outfit and check that there are no stains or dirt.
    2. Properly dilute the mixture of medium concentration (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Dip the wedding dress into the warm liquid.
    3. If the skirt is full, it is better to spray all layers. Then, wring out and hang to dry on a hanger.
    4. Once dry, iron the dress.
    • There is no need to speed up the drying process of the product. Hang on a hanger with straight arms and allow to dry naturally.
    • If you didn’t manage to starch the product the first time, wash it again and repeat the procedure with a solution of a higher concentration.
    • During ironing, be sure to turn off the steam function. It is better to additionally use a damp cloth or gauze layer.

    TOP 7 products for starching

    To starch things as quickly and easily as possible, pay attention to the following means:

    1. It is cheaper and easier to process products with regular starch.
    2. Aerosols from the Luxus Professional series with different scents. Even dry laundry can be treated with this product to give it shape. Average price 250 rub. for 500 ml.
    3. Citico – added when washing any items in washing machine. Can also be used for hand wash. Cost about 400 rub. for 1 l.
    4. Sano Iron Starch – starch, 0.7 l volume. Used instead of steam when ironing, it gives things freshness and durability. But less effective than regular starch.
    5. Yplon Expert is an aerosol, sold in a can. Average price 130 rub. Suitable for petticoats and multi-layered products.
    6. Reinex is the most accessible remedy in the form of an ironing spray. The cost is only 90 rubles. for one jar.
    7. You can use Domal for washing. It features economical solution consumption and good results.

    There are many other ironing, washing and spraying products in the household chemical departments, so choose suitable option it won't be difficult.

    What things don't starch?

    Starch “water” is not used for some categories of clothing:

    • synthetic fabrics;
    • underwear: after treatment, it stops allowing air to pass through;
    • black and dark materials: white streaks will appear on them.

    Such in simple ways With the help of starch powder, it is easy to return clothes to their original lush appearance.

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