• Beautiful proverbs and quotes about family and family values. Traditions. Customs. Quotes, aphorisms, statements about traditions, customs Short quotes about family with meaning


    In front of you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about tradition. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the colloquial genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, and much more...

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    Archaeologists are unearthing history that was buried by politicians.
    Gabriel Laub.

    God cannot change the past, but historians can. And it must be precisely because they sometimes provide this service that God tolerates their existence.
    Samuel Butler.

    Let us be lenient towards great deeds: they are so rarely intentional.
    Andre Berthe.

    The future of archeology lies in ruins.
    Erich von Däniken.

    During the Civil War, history is reduced to zero, and geography is reduced to a back alley.
    Don Aminado.

    Everything is in the hands of the Lord, and only History has escaped His control.
    Zbigniew Ezyna.

    All historical laws have their own statute of limitations.
    Maria Ebner-Eschenbach.

    World history is a world court.
    Friedrich Schlegel.

    World history is the history of victories of people over people.
    Stefan Żeromski.

    World history is the sum of everything that could have been avoided.
    Bertrand Russell.

    Even the gods cannot change the past.

    Even the clock of history has its watchmakers.
    Boguslav Wojnar.

    If God were a liberal, instead of the Ten Commandments we would have ten sentences.
    Malcolm Bradbury.

    Iliad, Plato, Battle of Marathon, Moses, Venus of Medicea, Strasbourg Cathedral, French Revolution, Hegel, steamships, etc. - all these are individual successful thoughts in God’s creative dream. But the hour will come, and God will wake up, rub his sleepy eyes, smile - and our world will melt away without a trace, and perhaps it never existed at all.
    Heinrich Heine.

    True conservatism is the struggle of eternity with time, the resistance of incorruptibility to decay.
    Nikolay Berdyaev.

    The historian is a prophet turned back.
    Friedrich Schlegel.

    The historian is often a journalist turned backwards.
    Karl Kraus.

    History is like meat pate: it’s better not to look closely at how it’s prepared.
    Aldous Huxley.

    History is the science of the future.
    Konstantin Kushner.

    History is the product of the secretions of the glands of a million historians.
    John Steinbeck.

    History is too serious a matter to be trusted to historians.
    Ian McLeod.

    History is the science of what no longer exists and will not exist.
    Paul Valery.

    History is a union between the dead, the living and the unborn.
    Edmund Burke.

    History is forced to repeat itself because no one listens to it.
    Lawrence Peter.

    History begins when nothing can be verified.
    Vyacheslav Verkhovsky.

    History does not repeat itself - historians simply repeat each other.
    Clement F. Rogers.

    History does not repeat itself; and if it is repeated, then this is sociology.

    History repeats itself.
    Paraphrased Thucydides.

    History repeats itself twice - first as a tragedy, then as a farce.
    Paraphrased Karl Marx.

    History repeats itself because there are not enough historians with imagination.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

    History almost always ascribes to individuals, as well as to governments, more combinations than they actually had.
    Germaine de Stael.

    History teaches using forbidden pedagogical techniques.
    Wieslaw Brudzinski.

    History, in fact, does not exist, only biographies exist.
    Ralph Emerson.

    How can a subject know the opinion of the government before history begins?
    Kozma Prutkov.

    Conservatism is the veneration of a dead revolution.
    Clinton Rossiter.

    Conservatism is burning bridges in front of yourself.

    Conservatism is a complex phenomenon. Other conservatives call themselves communists only out of conservatism.
    Gabriel Laub.

    A conservative is a statesman in love with existing disorders, in contrast to a liberal, who seeks to replace them with disorders of a different kind.
    Ambrose Bierce.

    A conservative is a liberal who has grandchildren.
    Leo Rockwell.

    A conservative is a person who looks forward to the past and regrets the future.
    Leonard Louis Levinson.

    Those who do not remember their past are doomed to relive it again.
    George Santayana.

    He who controls the past controls the future; He who controls the present controls the past.
    George Orwell.

    The liberal dreams of changes that do not threaten his position.
    Stokely Carmichael.

    A liberal can understand everything, except people who do not understand him.

    Liberals feel they don't deserve everything they have. Conservatives feel they deserve everything they have stolen.
    Mort Sal.

    People and nations are forced to draw conclusions from the past; meanwhile, only what will happen, what needs to be done now, will explain to us what, in fact, happened and what it mattered.
    Karol Izhikowski.

    The dead rule the living.
    Auguste Comte.

    We liberals and progressives know that the poor are our equals in every way except that they are not our equals.
    Lionel Trilling.

    It is necessary to find meaning in nonsense: this is the unpleasant duty of a historian; every philosopher can find meaning in an intelligent matter.
    Vasily Klyuchevsky.

    There is no task more worthy of a true liberal than to await further clarification with confidence.
    Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    There is nothing more pointless than judging or treating corpses: they are only ordered to be buried.
    Vasily Klyuchevsky.

    Nothing changes as quickly as the past.
    Dmitry Pashkov.

    Nothing can be done for the first time - this is the belief of a true conservative.
    Frank Vanderlip.

    The first thing a historian needs is a tough ass.
    Ludvik Bazylev, historian.

    It's time to finally return the metro stations to the names they had before the revolution.
    Savely Tsypin.

    After clearing history of lies, the truth does not necessarily remain, sometimes nothing at all.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

    The past is the birthplace of the human soul. Sometimes we are overcome by longing for feelings that we once experienced. Even longing for past sorrow.
    Heinrich Heine.

    The past is a foreign country, everything is different there.
    Leslie Hartley.

    The past is the future, which we missed along the way.
    Wieslaw Malicki.

    The past cannot be returned. At least restore faith in the future!
    Boris Krutier.

    Sooner or later a moment comes when only the past is ahead and the future is behind.
    Leszek Kumor.

    The Russian government, as a reverse providence, arranges for the better not the future, but the past.
    Alexander Herzen.

    The liveliest movement is often found in the blind alleys of history.
    Arnold Toynbee.

    The historian's talent is to create a true whole from parts that are only half true.
    Ernest Renan.

    Those who create history often falsify it at the same time.
    Wieslaw Brudzinski.

    What sons have forgotten, grandchildren try to remember.
    Eilis Rossi.

    Traditionalists are pessimists about the future and optimists about the past.
    Lewis Mumford.

    Tradition cannot be inherited - it must be conquered.
    Thomas Stearns Eliot.

    Tradition is just nostalgia walking around in public in full dress uniform.
    Andrew Marr.

    Each era has its own flaws, which are added to the flaws of earlier eras; this is what we call humanity's heritage.
    Heinrich Heine.

    Dear parents!

    By Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated 01.01.2012 No. 761 “On the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012 – 2017”, the unconditional priority of family and family values ​​was declared, the development of state family policy. Children must become active participants in the implementation of these most important tasks aimed at reviving and comprehensively strengthening social institution family, family values ​​and traditions as the basis Russian society and states.

    The Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia, Pavel Astakhov, proposed holding “Lessons on family and family values” in all schools in Russia on September 1, 2012. This proposal was supported by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D.V. Livanov.

    What could be more valuable than family?

    What could be more valuable than family?

    The father's house greets me with warmth,

    They are always waiting for you here with love,

    And they send you off on your way with kindness!

    Father and mother and children together

    Sitting at the festive table

    And together they are not at all bored,

    And it’s interesting for five of us.

    The baby is like a pet to the elders,

    Parents are wiser in everything

    Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

    And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

    Love it! And appreciate happiness!

    It is born in a family

    What could be more valuable than her?

    On this fabulous land

    Thoughts and statements famous people about: family and marriage, mothers and motherhood, fathers and paternity,
    about family education.

    About family and marriage

    • Every family is part of the state. Aristotle
    • The laws of education are the first laws that a person encounters in his life. And since these laws prepare us to become citizens, each family should be governed after the model of the great family, which embraces all the individual families. C. Montesquieu
    • There are only two types of marriage - for love and for convenience. If you marry for love, you will definitely have many happy days and most likely not less days difficult; if, by calculation, you will not have happy days at all. F. Chesterfield
    • Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. B. Franklin
    • Love is not a goal, but a means to create family hearth. O.Balzac
    • Family starts with children. A.I. Herzen
    • The dominance of a man in marriage is a simple consequence of his economic dominance and naturally disappears with the latter. F. Engels
    • Family love is the most widespread between people and the most lasting, therefore, in the family of influence on people's lives, the most important and most beneficial of all the good feelings of a person. N.G. Chernyshevsky
    • If the purpose of marriage is a family, then someone who wants to have many wives and husbands may get a lot of pleasure, but in no case will have a family. L.N. Tolstoy
    • A good marriage rests on talent and friendship. F. Nietzsche
    • Family is one of nature's masterpieces. D. Santayana
    • The best solution to the problem of love is a marriage based on attraction, love and companionship. A. Maurois
    • Nothing cements a marriage like working together. Business cooperation is added to the love union. A. Maurois
    • There is nothing more wonderful in the world than a marriage in which the spouses have everything in common: a bed, thoughts, victories and defeats. A. Maurois
    • The meaning of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults. Pieter de Vries
    • The best family diplomacy is the diplomacy of complete mutual trust and boundless sincerity. I. Shamyakin

    About family education

    • Parents do not fulfill their duty enough if they teach their children to eat, drink, walk, talk, and adorn themselves with clothes, for all this serves only for the body, which is not a person, but serves as a hut for a person. Y.A. Komensky
    • If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would only produce geniuses. I.Goethe
    • Parents least of all forgive their children those vices that they themselves instilled in them. I. Schiller
    • Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. A.S. Pushkin
    • Family life for a child is the same as social life for us. His soul is nourished by the impressions received in the family. Here the child learns to love one thing and hate another, here he gets used to work or idleness, receives his first... aesthetic tastes, here all his interests, affections and authorities are initially concentrated. A.N. Ostrogorsky
    • Parents raise, and children are raised by the family life that develops intentionally or unintentionally. A family can live harmoniously and be friendly towards strangers, but it can also quarrel, get angry, show callousness and hostility not only towards strangers, but also towards their loved ones. A family can live by spiritual interests, love reading, music, paintings, or become completely absorbed in squabbles, economic bustle, and worries about pennies. There can be both order and confusion in a family. Life, one way or another, of a family is strong because its impressions are constant, ordinary, that it acts unnoticed, strengthens or poisons the human spirit, just as the air we breathe strengthens or poisons our physical body. A.N. Ostrogorsky
    • Parents are most reluctant to forgive their children the flaws that they themselves instilled in them. M. Ebner-Eschenbach
    • The whole secret family education This is to give the child the opportunity to develop himself, to do everything on his own; adults should not run around and do nothing for their personal convenience and pleasure, but always treat the child from the first day of his birth as a person, with full recognition of his personality. P.F.Lesgaft
    • The best way to make children good is to make them happy. O. Wilde
    • The main danger from which children must be protected is their parents. B.Shaw
    • If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children. B.Shaw
    • For the purpose of mental and moral development parents try to pass on to their children what they themselves consider good, which constitutes the so-called folk wisdom, developed by the people over many centuries of their cultural and historical life. A.E. Bogdanovich
    • Spoiled and pampered children, whose every whim is satisfied by their parents, grow up to be degenerate, weak-willed egoists. F.E.Dzerzhinsky
    • We must instill in children love for people, and not for themselves. And for this, the parents themselves need to love people. F.E.Dzerzhinsky
    • Parents do not understand how much harm they cause to their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them. F.E.Dzerzhinsky
    • Where a father or mother leaves the family, the family as a collective is destroyed and raising a child becomes more difficult. A.S. Makarenko
    • By raising children, current parents are raising the future history of the current country, and therefore the history of the world. A.S. Makarenko
    • Each family represents a special, individual phenomenon, and educational work in one family should not at all be an exact copy of the same work in another. A.S. Makarenko
    • Our children are our old age. Proper education- this is our happy old age, bad Education- this is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country. A.S. Makarenko
    • The true essence of educational work... lies not at all in your conversations with the child, not in direct influence on the child, but in the organization of your family, your personal and public life and in organizing the child’s life. A.S. Makarenko
    • A child gives birth to parents. Dace
    • Main meaning and purpose family life- parenting. Main school raising children is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother . V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • You can establish yourself in society by raising good children. Good citizens, good workers, good son, good daughter, good parents. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • Often we, educators, forget that knowledge of the world begins for young children with knowledge of man. Good and evil are revealed to the child in the tone in which the father addresses the mother, in what feelings his views and movements express. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • The most valuable moral trait of good parents, which is passed on to children without special effort, is the spiritual kindness of a mother and father, the ability to do good to people. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • Beautiful children grow up in those families where the mother and father truly love each other and at the same time love and respect people. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • By raising your child, you are raising yourself, asserting your human dignity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • If people say bad things about your children, it means they are saying bad things about you. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • Children are our judgment on the world, our mirror, in which our conscience, intelligence, honesty, neatness are all visible. Children can shut us down, but we can never shut them down. V.P.Astafiev

    About father and paternity

    • One born of an evil father cannot be good. Euripides
    • He is the father who educates, not the one who gives birth. Menander
    • A father is pitiful if his children's love for him depends only on the fact that they need his help. M. Montel
    • The father who knows his own child is wise. W. Shakespeare
    • One father means more than a hundred teachers. D. Herbert
    • Anyone who wants his son to respect him and his instructions must treat his son with respect. D.Locke
    • By producing and feeding children, the father fulfills only the third part of his task. He must give the human race people, society - public figures, the state - citizens... He who cannot fulfill the duties of a father does not have the right to be one. J-J. Rousseau
    • Perhaps there has never been a father who did not consider his child to be something completely original; and it seems to me that learned fathers are more susceptible to this lovely error than any other category of fathers. G. Lichtenberg
    • You, Father's house, are the basis of all true natural education of man. Father's house, you are a school of morals and the state! I. Pestalozzi
    • All fathers want their sons to accomplish what they themselves failed to achieve. I.Goethe
    • Immediately after God comes the father. W. Mozart
    • Father and mother, whatever they may be, want to make their children the same as themselves, or at least what they themselves would like to be. L.N. Tolstoy
    • Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is difficult. V. Bush
    • In order to truly love your wife and children, and in order for this love to bring lasting happiness to the former, and true benefit to the latter, you must be a highly developed person, or at least you must constantly live in a healthy and strengthening atmosphere of honest work. D.I.Pisarev
    • It is much easier to become a father than to remain one. V.O.Klyuchevsky
    • The role of a man - a father - is determined by his responsibility. A father who knows how to be responsible, who knows how to owe, - a real man; his will becomes a force capable of disciplining the thoughts, feelings, desires, and impulses of children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • The masculinity of a Man, Husband, Father lies in the ability to protect and protect children and wife. A man's moral duty and moral responsibility require him to be the main breadwinner of his children and mother. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • Only where the father educates himself is child self-education born. Without a shining example father, all talk about self-education of children remains an empty phrase. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • Any worker - from a watchman to a minister - can be replaced by an equally or even more capable worker. Replace a good father with the same one good father impossible. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    About mother and motherhood

    • Initial education is most important, and this initial education undoubtedly belongs to women. J. -J. Rousseau
    • The best mother is the one who can replace the father for her children when he is gone. I.Goethe
    • At first, maternal education is most important, for morality must be instilled in the child as a feeling. G. Hegel
    • A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found. O.Balzac
    • When spiritual motherhood coincides with physical motherhood, the result is a miraculous and unexplained rather than inexplicable phenomenon that constitutes the essence of motherhood. O.Balzac
    • Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness; Children sleep well in these arms. V. Hugo
    • There is nothing brighter and more selfless than a mother’s love; every attachment, every love, every passion is either weak or self-interested in comparison with it! V.G. Belinsky
    • Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of little children. W. Thackeray
    • A mother who does not have time to take care of her child and give him the most ordinary maternal affection in the first years of life - a mother who rarely manages to see her child cannot be his mother, she inevitably treats him indifferently, without love, without any caring, as if you were treating a completely stranger’s child. And children who grew up in such conditions later find themselves completely lost for the family, they will never feel at home in the family that they later acquire, because they are too accustomed to living alone. F. Engels
    • It is an amazing fact that most brilliant people had wonderful mothers, that they acquired much more from their mothers than from their fathers. G.Bockle
    • The participation of a mother in raising a son or daughter is not only important, but even necessary: ​​the future character of the child in many respects depends on the influence of the mother; in her hands is the opportunity to give his awakening thoughts one direction or another. The responsibility of a mother is great, her duties are sacred. D.I.Pisarev
    • A loving mother, trying to ensure the happiness of her children, often ties them hand and foot with the narrowness of her views, the short-sightedness of her calculations and the unsolicited tenderness of her worries. D.I.Pisarev
    • A woman - a mother - will save the world. F. Nietzsche
    • Let us praise the woman - the Mother, whose love knows no barriers, whose breasts fed the whole world! Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from the Mother's milk - is what saturates us with love for life! M. Gorky
    • No one can misunderstand a child more than his mother. N. Douglas
    • Having become a mother, a woman already really excludes the possibility of treating herself only as a female, only in crude sexual interests. She finds here her highest human dignity, which raises her - even given her spiritual limitations - to an unattainable height. This is the meaning of the word “mother”. Take away the children, leave the adults to their own devices, and we will float out into the vastness of the grossest tyranny and debauchery, in which, as if at the stake, our physical and spiritual health will burn. M.M.Rubinshtein
    • A real mother, educating, giving an example, arousing love, admiration, and a desire to imitate, will only be that mother who herself lives a real, full human civil life. A mother who limits her responsibilities to simply serving her children is already a slave to her children, and not a mother raising them. A.S. Makarenko
    • A mother who limits her responsibilities to simply serving her children is already a slave to her children, and not a mother raising them. A.S. Makarenko
    • Mother and father, dad and mom are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy. G.A.Medynsky
    • There is a most beautiful creature to whom we are always indebted - this is our mother. N.A. Ostrovsky
    • For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. With the same success one could say that having a piano and being a pianist are one and the same thing. S.Harris
    • The mother not only gives birth, but also gives birth. If she had only given birth, she would not have been the creator of the human race. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • The mother creates your unique human personality - that is the meaning, art and skill of what we call birth. V.A. Sukhomlinsky
    • From the mother's wisdom comes spiritual strength that morally disciplines the father, affirming in him a sense of noble human responsibility for the family. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    Attitude of parents to children and children to parents

    • Save the tears of your children so that they can shed them at your grave. Pythagoras
    • Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. Cicero
    • Children need to be treated gently because punishment hardens them. C. Montesquieu
    • Parents love their children with an anxious and indulgent love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, which makes them honest. And so it is real love father. D. Diderot
    • In general, children love their parents less than the parents of children, because they move towards independence and grow stronger, therefore leaving their parents behind them... G. Hegel
    • Of all generally immoral relationships, treating children as slaves is the most immoral. G. Hegel
    • Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling. V.G. Belinsky
    • Reasonable love should be the basis of mutual relations between parents and children. Love presupposes mutual trust, and a father must be as much a father as a friend to his son. V.G. Belinsky
    • The first condition is reasonable parental love- to have the full trust of children, and children are happy when the parental breast and arms are open to them, which are always ready to accept them, both right and wrong, and into which they can always throw themselves without fear and doubt. V.G. Belinsky
    • The right of birth - the sacred right to the sacred name of the father and mother - no one argues against this; but this is not where it all ends: here man is not yet higher than an animal; there is the highest right - parental love. V.G. Belinsky
    • Unselfish love can appear only when the beloved child is seen, first of all, as a person born not for someone else’s amusement, but for himself, for his own happiness, for the fullest possible expression of an idea. human life, the person who owns the future. V.Ya.Stoyunin
    • Usually, fathers and mothers imagine that they love their children selflessly, but in reality this rarely happens. If you dress up your children like dolls with the aim of admiring them or causing delight from strangers, if you give them pleasures inappropriate for their age, introduce them to the circle of merry adults, if you are looking for an opportunity where your children can distinguish themselves before others, or enjoy the praise lavished on them in their presence, then your love is not disinterested: you do not notice that your vanity is at work here, which brings up ambitious, superficial people, incapable of any movement without counting on personal gain. V.Ya.Stoyunin
    • Children love everyone, especially those who love and caress them. L.N. Tolstoy
    • The whole secret of family education is to give the child the opportunity to develop himself, to do everything on his own; adults should not run around and do nothing for their personal convenience and pleasure, but should always treat the child, from the first day of his birth, as a person, with full recognition of his personality and the inviolability of this personality. P.F.Lesgaft
    • Children make it necessary to be stricter with ourselves, with mutual relationships, with our relationships with children, with family, with friends... When we educate others, we educate ourselves, first of all, because the presence of children often serves as a curb against promiscuity, intemperance, and requires thoughtfulness and labor to give life more order, to satisfy various demands and needs, material and spiritual. A.N. Ostrogorsky
    • Observing the relationship of parents to children, there are many various shades, which they can take, highlight the two extremes between which they are located. Such extremes are: either placing children at the very center of family life, or, conversely, at its extreme periphery. In the first case, children come to the fore in everything: they are given the best rooms, time is taken into account with their needs; Then, in their upbringing, the principle of their independence is placed above all else, and to please them, with great compliance and even consideration, adults do everything possible so that children do not feel constrained on their individual development. Very often, perhaps in most cases, such children grow up to be self-indulgent, selfish, unbalanced and unstable natures. Psychiatrists often note traces of such pampering upbringing among their patients. A.N. Ostrogorsky
    • Children start by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And they almost never forgive them. O. Wilde
    • Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creative and can give the child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the lover’s life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the beloved being into an idol. Love, which is addressed only to one person and which exhausts in him all the joy of life, turning everything else only into heaviness and torment - such love carries poison for both. F.E.Dzerzhinsky
    • Parents who work for their children and root for them, even despite all their mistakes, give their children a living and real lesson of altruism, as if introducing into their creation the duty to show human feelings to their future children, and through them to all other people . M.M.Rubinshtein
    • If, growing up, a child has not learned to love his parents, brothers and sisters, his school, his work, if the principles of deep selfishness have been brought up in his character, it is very difficult to expect that he is able to deeply love the woman he has chosen. A.S. Makarenko

    Raising children in a family

    • Children always willingly do something... This is very useful, and therefore not only should not interfere with this, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do. Y.A. Komensky
    • It is better to keep children strict and afraid than to reveal to them the depth of your love and thereby open the door to self-will and disobedience. Y.A. Komensky
    • Do you know which one is the best? the right way To make your child unhappy is to teach him not to be refused anything. J. -J. Rousseau
    • Giving children rewards all the time is not good. Through this they become selfish, and from here a corrupt mindset develops. I. Kant
    • If physical punishment are repeated often, then they produce a stubborn person, and if parents begin to punish their children for their stubbornness, then they will make them even more stubborn. I. Kant
    • Punishments should always be carried out with caution, so that children see that the ultimate purpose of punishment is only their correction. I. Kant
    • Nothing acts in the young souls of children more powerfully than the universal power of example, and yet all other examples of no one else are absorbed into them more deeply and firmly than the example of their parents. N.I.Novikov
    • Parents who spoil their children doom them to unhappiness. P. Baust
    • Corporal punishment and by hand own father becomes unbearable; it destroys moral feeling. N.I.Pirogov
    • How grossly mistaken are many, even the best fathers, who consider it necessary to separate themselves from their children with severity, severity, and inaccessible importance! They think by this to arouse respect in their children and in fact arouse it, but the respect is cold, fearful, trembling, and thereby turn them away from themselves and involuntarily accustom them to secrecy and deceit. V.G. Belinsky
    • A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity. N.G. Chernyshevsky
    • I think that... it is not only difficult, but impossible to raise children well if you yourself are bad. And that raising children is only self-improvement, which nothing helps as much as children. L.N. Tolstoy
    • Education seems to be a complex and difficult matter only as long as we want, without educating ourselves, to educate our children or anyone else. If we understand that we can educate others only through ourselves... then the question of education is abolished and one question remains: how should we live ourselves? I don't know of a single act of raising children that doesn't include raising yourself! L.N. Tolstoy
    • When upbringing, it is necessary that the child always be in conditions under which he can develop freely: he must, if possible, overcome the obstacles he encounters himself, be accustomed to constant, but not monotonous work with a specific goal, understand the truth and, in addition to the word directly addressed to him , not be subject to any rewards or punishments. P.F.Lesgaft
    • Understanding the significance of a child’s type, you have to constantly think about your own actions and strictly discipline yourself, since what you don’t want to see in a child, you shouldn’t do yourself. P.F.Lesgaft
    • Parents often confuse the concepts of “upbringing” and “education” and think that they gave their child an upbringing when they forced him to study so many subjects. Hence the frequent disappointment of parents in their children in subsequent years. A.G. Rubinstein
    • A child is mainly influenced by deeds, not words. P.F.Lesgaft
    • Educating does not mean telling children Nice words, to instruct and edify them, and above all to live like a human being. Whoever wants to fulfill his duty regarding his children, to leave behind them a good memory that would serve as a testament to posterity on how to live, must begin education with himself. A.N. Ostrogorsky
    • Parental demands on oneself, parental respect for one’s family, parental control over one’s every step - these are the first and most main method education! A.S. Makarenko
    • Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. A.S. Makarenko
    • Even in the best, happiest cases, even in the hands of talented and attentive parents, raising an only child is an extremely difficult task. A.S. Makarenko
    • In a good family, there is never any punishment, and this is the most correct way of family education. A.S. Makarenko
    • Whatever method of family education you choose, you need to find moderation, and therefore you need to cultivate a sense of moderation in yourself. A.S. Makarenko

    Secrets of a happy family

    Family is the most important thing in our life. Many people want to have happy family, but not everyone knows what actions will help improve relationships within the family. The tips below will help you strengthen your family, bring more warmth into it and make it happier.

    1. Have dinner together.

    Joint dinners are a great opportunity to feel support and understanding and discuss pressing problems. Even if an extremely unpleasant situation is discussed over dinner, family members remain confident that together they can overcome difficult times. In addition, daily communication with the family is a huge help for children mastering the language. Of course, they need to read books, but they also need to talk to them - and what better time to do this than during dinner!

    2. Show your love.

    Everyone loves to hear that they are loved. And even if love seems obvious to you, don’t be lazy to talk about it more often. Back up your words with actions. It is not at all necessary to often buy expensive gifts for each other. You can just sometimes leave a romantic note on the mirror, a flower on the driver's seat, or send a card via email. You can buy a cute toy or favorite treat for children. This way the child will gain confidence that he is loved. And they love him not for certain actions, but simply for the fact that he exists. Gentle touches and a fleeting smile will also add warmth to your family nest.

    3. Create traditions for your family.

    You can set aside one day a week on which you and your whole family can relax in the entertainment center. This could be a trip to the cinema, water park or zoo. Or perhaps it will be a shopping trip to buy groceries for the week. Choose something that all family members like. Family traditions make your family unique and give household members a sense of stability, reliability and confidence in the future.

    4. Invite guests.

    Research shows that children who frequently interact with adults other than their parents feel more confident and happier. When receiving guests you will feel like a team.

    5. Divide household responsibilities.

    When household chores are fairly distributed among all family members, there is no room for dissatisfaction and irritation. Each family member is responsible for fulfilling his responsibilities. You can complete household chores at the same time. A common cause unites, evokes team spirit and mutual respect.

    6. Start pet.

    Pets and birds are faithful helpers to improve your mood. They will surround your household with affection and love. In addition, caring for our little brothers will help to instill in children a sense of importance and responsibility. Before getting a pet, discuss your pet care responsibilities and the likely consequences of not meeting them.

    7. Respect other family members as individuals.

    A family is several individuals living under one roof. Each has its own disadvantages and advantages. Don't try to change the character of others. Accept all family members for who they are. Support each other, listen, compromise. It is necessary that all family members feel comfortable.

    8. Be punctual.

    It is very important for each family member to feel important. Don't be late for your child kindergarten, pick him up from the guests on time. According to the psychologist, punctual parents give children self-confidence. Such children know that their parents will never let them down and that they can be relied upon.

    9. Tell your family story.

    It is very important to tell children about your childhood and how other family members were little. This allows the youngest members to better understand the elders. Many children think that their parents never had a childhood with their childhood problems. They believe that their parents were born somewhere around the age of 30. Share with your husband memories of your childhood and information about previous generations of your family. Such knowledge will help children better know their roots, understand who they are and where they come from.

    10. Take care of each other.

    Buy other family members' favorite cookies, or a random item you see to add to your children's or spouse's collection. This could be a much-needed book or a cute little refrigerator magnet from a business trip. This will show that your loved ones are dear to you and you think about them even when they are not around.

    Welcome to best quotes about family and family values, which are not on other sites. These wise, short aphorisms and proverbs are in tune with my feelings and experiences about my family.

    You, of course, did not ask them to become your relatives and this is not even the subject of a trade deal. But of the billions of people on our planet, they are the ones who know you best. They are the ones who cherish you and who you should love in return, no matter if it is biological or adoptive family.

    Quotes about family and family values

    Family values ​​are easy to forget at times, but family is the most important thing in the world. It includes your marriage partner, your mother, father, brothers or sisters, grandparents and other relatives. These are the ones for whom we feel unconditional love.

    Of course, these deep relationships can bring a lot of baggage and pain, given their complexity and importance in our lives. It is therefore not surprising that throughout history people from all walks of life have pondered the complexities and conundrums of family relationships.

    And we will get acquainted with their thoughts about the complex nature of family ties.

    • There is no such thing as “trial families.” Family is family and is not defined by marriage licenses, divorce papers, or adoption papers. Family is created in hearts and the only time when it becomes “zero” is when the created connections in the heart are reduced. But even if you hate these connections, these people will still be your family, because everything you hate will always be with you. (C. JoyBell C)
    • Family quarrels are bitter things. They do not occur according to any rules and are not like pains or wounds. They are more like non-healing skin tears due to the fact that there is not enough material to heal them. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
    • Family is the most important thing in life. One of these days I will be in a hospital with four walls around me. And the only people who will be with me are my relatives. (Robert Bird)
    • Family is the only stable cornerstone I know. Just like the only truly functioning institution that I know of is the family. (Lee Iacocca)
    • Dignity can only flourish in an atmosphere where individual differences are valued, mistakes are allowed, communication is open, and rules are flexible. This is the atmosphere that is found in a well-mannered family. (Virginia Satir)
    • Cousins ​​are usually the first friends we have since childhood. That's why no one will ever understand your crazy family better than yours. cousins, even if you haven't talked much to each other lately. (Unknown)
    • Love your family. Spend time together, be kind and serve each other. Leave no room for regrets. Because tomorrow is not promised to us, and today is short. (Unknown)
    • In every dispute between parent and child, both cannot be right; they, as a rule, can be wrong. It is this situation that gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm. (Isaac Rosenfeld)
    • No matter what you have done for yourself or for humanity, if you cannot look back on the love and attention shown to your family, then you have not really done anything. (Elbert Hubbard) (Many found it interesting, I advise you to read it).

    Short quotes about family with meaning

    • When everything goes to hell, the people who stand next to you without flinching are your family. (Jim Butcher)
    • At the end of the day, a loving family must find a reason for universal forgiveness. (Mark W. Olsen)
    • One day you will do everything you hate for me. This is what it means to be a family. (Jonathan Safran Foer)
    • The family circle should be our safe haven. But very often it is where we find our deepest heartache. (Iyanla Vanzant)
    • This is what family members who love you do. They hug you and love you when you're not so attractive. (Deb Caletti)
    • I think family is where the funniest and least respectable things in the world happen. (Hugo Betty)

    • The family must work as a team, supporting each other's individual goals and aspirations. (Buzz Aldrin)
    • You leave home to look for your fortune, and when you acquire it, you go home and share it with your family. (Anita Baker)
    • God created the family to provide man with maximum love, support and morality. This is the best example imaginable. (Jerry Falwell)
    • Family is not just an important thing, it is everything. (Michael J. Fox)
    • Culture is passed on through the family and when this institution ceases to function properly, the result is a deterioration of the culture. (Mario Vargas Llosa)

    Beautiful quotes about family

    • A family can only develop with loving woman as its center. (Karl Wilhelm Friedrich)
    • Family life cannot be preserved by the spirit of justice. Rather, it is sustained by a spirit of love that goes beyond justice. (Reinhold Niebuhr) (I recommend reading).
    • You were born into your family, and your family was born into you. No returns and no exchanges. (Elizabeth Berg)
    • When raising a boy, you want to raise him to be a man. When you raise a woman, you raise a whole family. (Robert M. Maciver)
    • Try to love your family members as much as possible. Because when you are in trouble, they will stay by your side without expecting anything in return. (Unknown)
    • No family is perfect... we argue, we fight. We sometimes stop talking to each other. But, in the end, our household is a family in which there will always be love. (Unknown)
    • A loving family is a dear octopus from whose tentacles we never escape and do not even desire it in our own hearts. (Dodie Smith)
    • Families are the compass that guides us. They are a source of inspiration to reach greater heights and our comfort when we sometimes falter. (Brad Henry)
    • Many men can earn a fortune, but only a few can build a family. (JS Bryan)

    • Being a family means being part of something very wonderful. This means that you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. (Lisa Wedn)
    • When you grow up, you'll realize that you pretty much only had eighteen years to spend full time with your family and that's it. (Mindy Kalin)
    • Every dynasty has a story that is passed on to its children and grandchildren. History grows over the years, mutates, some parts are sharpened, others are forgotten, and often, so there are disputes about what really happened. But even with these different sides the same story there is still agreement that it is family history. And in the absence of other narratives, it becomes the flagpole on which family life rests. (AM HOMES)

    Proverbs about family for children and adults

    1. The one who is responsible for the family knows the responsibility. (Chinese proverb)
    2. A family living in harmony will prosper in everything. (China)
    3. It is easy to rule a kingdom, but difficult to rule your family. (China)
    4. A man cannot become rich if he does not take care of his family. (Navajo Proverb)
    5. Even the maid has a family. (South African)
    6. No one except the mule denies his family. (Arabic)
    7. Have dinner with a stranger, but keep your love for your own family. (Ethiopian)
    8. In a good family, the husband is deaf and the wife is blind. (French)
    9. Look for good, not evil, in the behavior of family members. (Jewish)
    10. The dog shows affection even to a poor family. (Chinese)
    11. You may eat and drink with your family, but do not count or measure. (German)
    12. When returning from a trip, don’t forget to bring something for your family, even if it’s just a stone. (Lebanese proverb)
    13. Manage your family as you cook delicate fish - very carefully. (Chinese)
    14. There's always one thing in every family's pot black spot. (Chinese)

    Aphorisms about family

    • Going somewhere will be much easier when you know that your family will be happy to go with you.
    • If my family is unhappy, then I am doing something wrong.
    • Relatives give us amazing courage in the struggle for life.
    • Where is a person truly best of all if not in the bosom of his kind.
    • My family is my religion.
    • If you hate your family, you hate God. This is a gift from him for the family.
    • No matter how poor a person is, if he has relatives, he is rich.
    • The families are like fiction - mostly sweet and with a few nuts.
    • Dynasty is a treasure chest that is worth more than a mountain of gold.
    • Family is like branches on a tree, where we all develop in different directions, but our roots remain the same.
    • A happy family is like the morning sky.

    • In a family life where the husband is happy with his wife and the wife with her husband, happiness will undoubtedly continue.
    • Deep conversations and sharing of thoughts in family life shows that we do not take others for granted.
    • Family is a refuge in a heartless world.
    • Better loving family with one parent than the “regular” one, where the parents hate each other and the father is a demagogue.

    Aphorisms about family and family values ​​with deep meaning

    • The strength of a clan, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other.
    • Family life is a school of responsibilities based on love.
    • The best legacy that humanity can leave to the world is the preservation of family ties.
    • Disorder in society is the result of disorder in family life.
    • Family values ​​are a bit like family vacations. Even though it rained all day at the beach, it's often the rosy memories we remember.

    • Family life is not computer program, which works by itself. It requires constant monitoring from all household members.
    • The goal of everyone in the family is to be empathetic.
    • Strong families do not arise on their own - it is the hard work of all household members.
    • In family life, without a good mutual exchange of thoughts between spouses, life turns into simple cohabitation. (Many interesting thoughts can be found in, which we advise you to read).
    • A stencil, a template, a one-size-fits-all haircut in a family is the worst manifestation of indifference, negligence and injustice towards household members.
    • Morally and spiritually cultured people grow up in families where there is deep respect for the book.
    • Family monotony quickly tires.
    • It happens that people go far to look for what they have at home.
    • Sometimes the cold silence of household members is louder than a scream.
    • Most often, family disputes only entrench the opinions of the disputing parties.


    There are people whom you consider number 1 in your life, even if there is an endless distance between you. These are the ones you know you can always count on. Without asking why or interrupting you, they readily come to your aid or listen to you talk about your troubles on the phone. Without unnecessary comments, they listen to you in silence.

    However, there will always be times that they will also need a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes we react instinctively without questioning or judging because we are guided by natural feelings. We do for them voluntarily what they would do for us. But sometimes there are no suitable words to express your feelings to them.

    Therefore, at these moments, just remember these quotes about family and family values, aphorisms and proverbs, choosing from them those that can most clearly convey your feelings to the people close to you.

    Tradition is just nostalgia walking around in public in full dress uniform.
    Andrew Marr

    Not tradition, but reason is the final source of all authority.
    Hans Georg Gadamer

    The traditions of all dead generations loom like a nightmare over the minds of the living.
    Karl Marx

    Tradition is oblivion of origins.
    Edmund Husserl

    Tradition cannot be inherited - it must be conquered.
    Thomas Stearns Eliot

    Tradition is not the preservation of ashes, but the fanning of a fire.
    Jean Jaurès

    Tradition is that part of our past that we help move into the future.
    Victor Krotov

    Custom is the only force capable of uniting people, while everything that is subject to reason separates them.
    Anatole France

    Custom is often evil.
    Pierre Augustin Caron Beaumarchais

    Tradition is a set of solutions to problems that no one remembers.
    Paterson's principle

    Tradition is the pillar nobility of plagiarism.
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec

    Traditionalists are pessimists about the future and optimists about the past.
    Lewis Mumford

    Tradition is what you turn to when you don't have the time or money to do the right thing.
    Kurt Alder

    Every tradition lives through interpretation.
    Paul Ricoeur

    Custom reconciles with reality.
    Edmund Burke

    Tradition is progress in the past; in the future, progress will become a tradition.
    Eluarl Herriot

    The dead rule the living.
    Auguste Comte

    Custom condemns us to many stupidities; the greatest of them is to become his slave.
    Napoleon I Bonaparte

    Each era has its own flaws, which are added to the flaws of earlier eras; this is what we call humanity's heritage.
    Heinrich Heine

    Traditions eventually become habits, and habits become traditions.
    Konstantin Kushner

    Custom is legitimate for the simple reason that it is generally accepted - this is the meaning of its mysterious power.
    Blaise Pascal

    The entire cultural world in all its forms comes from tradition.
    Edmund Husserl

    People love traditions... Because loving traditions is also a tradition.
    author unknown

    The power of tradition and the power of creativity in their combination is the life-giving source of any culture.
    Peter Savitsky

    Oh, the underestimation of atavism in favor of tradition!
    Stanislav Jerzy Lec

    Any truly human development is based, in essence, on the ever-increasing displacement of tradition.
    Max Scheler

    What sons have forgotten, grandchildren try to remember.
    Eilis Rossi

    Some people are so protective of their traditions that they prefer not to use them.
    Alisher Faiz

    It's time to finally return the metro stations to the names they had before the revolution.
    Savely Tsypin

    The immutability and fidelity of traditions that some schools are proud of very often turn out to be only an appearance.
    Etienne Henri Gilson

    IN family circle we are growing with you.

    All your roots are in the family circle,

    And you come into life from family.

    In the family circle we create life,

    The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

    House - This is not only the building in which a person was born and raised, it is also a family - parents, children, a living thread coming from grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The main thing in the family was and will always be - unique relationships, kindness, responsibility for the weak.

    Family is built to last. Happiness, which is called personal, depends on our spiritual generosity. They say correctly: a flame is lit by a flame, love by love, joy by joy.

    What's happened family traditions?

    These are the usual family norms, behavior patterns, customs and views that are passed down from generation to generation.

    Family traditions – this is inspiration and play, joy, this is creativity and art.

    "Tradition" translated from Latin as “transmission”, “continuity”. Each clan and family has its own treasury of traditions, which, like “forged dowry chests”, are passed on from generation to generation.

    It is very important to follow family traditions,honor them, preserve them, pass them on from generation togeneration, the main thing is that they are needed tostrengthen your family so that you have a home.


    • Family visits to exhibitions, museums, theaters.
    • Family pedigree.
    • Joint creativity of parents and children.
    • Home games.
    • Family holiday in nature. Hiking.
    • Collecting.
    • Carrying out family holidays.
    • Involving the child in household work.
    • Reading together as a family.
    • Hospitality is also good tradition(treating guests with prepared confectionery products).
    • Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.
    • It's good to be away, but it's better to be at home.
    • The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.
    • The owner of the house is the owner.
    • Every mother loves her child.
    • Happiness is better than wealth.
    • Happiness without a mind is a leaky bag; Where you find it, there you will destroy it.
    • Happiness will come and find it on the stove.
    • In crowded but not mad.
    • One for all and all for one.
    • Houses and walls help.
    • The family is all together - and the soul is in place.

    Statements of famous people

    The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends.

    F. Adler

    Happy is he who is happy at home.

    L.N. Tolstoy

    Family life may never be a complete holiday. Know how to share not only joys, but also grief, misfortune, misfortune.

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    There are many traditions, each family has its own. You know some family traditions, but what else is included in the traditions?

    • Love, mutual respect, friendship
    • Taking care of each other
    • Joint holiday
    • Hospitality
    • Joint holidays
    • Joint hobbies
    • Hard work.
    • Fulfilling family responsibilities.
    • Memory of your ancestors.
    • Respect for elders

    And if you don't have family traditions,

    then you can come up with them yourself,

    thereby making the life of your family

    bright, rich and memorable.

    Family is happiness, love and luck,
    Family means trips to the country in the summer.
    Family is a holiday, family dates,
    Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
    The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
    Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
    Family is work, caring for each other,
    Family means a lot of housework.
    Family is important!

    Family is difficult!
    But it is impossible to live happily alone!
    Always be together, take care of love,
    Drive away grievances and quarrels,
    I want my friends to say about us:
    How nice your family is!

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