• Should I stop breastfeeding if my mother has an intestinal infection? What diseases are transmitted through breast milk?


    Alas, but sometimes valuable breast milk maybe... get sick. This happens when pathogenic bacteria enter mother's milk from outside. However, the benefits are questioned, although in most cases doctors recommend continuing to breastfeed.

    Immunoglobulins in mother's milk have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby's immunity, create resistance to infections and ensure the normal course of metabolic processes. On the one hand, mother’s milk helps populate the baby’s gastrointestinal tract with beneficial microorganisms, and on the other hand, it prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, children who are breastfed are less likely to suffer not only from intestinal infections, but also from acute respiratory infections.

    Breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on psychological state and mother’s health, prevents mastitis and reduces the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

    Let's remember that we are talking about normal milk. healthy woman. But in cases where microbes are found in mother's milk, the doctor has to decide whether it is possible to continue breastfeeding.

    Among the bacteria that may appear in breast milk, there are also harmless ones (enterococci, epidermal staphylococcus in small quantities), and pathogens that should not be in breast milk ( Staphylococcus aureus, hemolyzing Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Candida fungi and some others).

    Harmful bacteria can enter breast milk through microcracks that form on the surface mammary gland when feeding. Microcracks are not visible to the naked eye and do not cause pain in a nursing woman, but bacteria can penetrate through them into the mammary gland.

    The reason for the presence of staphylococcus in milk may be an infection picked up in the maternity hospital. It might not appear for some time, until for some reason (someone got sick in the family, the mother ate something, the child was given a new product) the balance was upset. In addition, a woman could be a carrier of the infection before giving birth, especially if she had digestive problems.

    In most cases, despite the “dirty” milk, the doctor advises to continue breastfeeding if there are no signs: sometimes the benefits of breastfeeding are greater than the harm from bad bacteria. At the same time, the mother is prescribed a course of treatment, and the child is given prophylaxis. As a rule, when treating a nursing woman, antibiotics are avoided, giving preference to general restoratives, bacteriophages and herbal antiseptics (such as chlorophyllipt and rotokan).

    Before treatment, you should check whether chlorophyllipt and other medications cause allergies in the baby, and at the end, to maintain normal intestinal flora, the mother is prescribed the drugs “Bifidumbacterin” or “Primadofilus”. And only if all these remedies do not have an effect, the doctor prescribes antibiotics approved for.

    To check microbiological sterility, nursing women submit it for bacteriological culture. Before expressing, wash your hands and areola area thoroughly with soap and water, and then dry with a clean towel. The first portion of milk - approximately 5-10 ml - is expressed past a sterile tube. For inoculation, the next 5-10 ml are taken from each mammary gland into a separate tube. The result of the analysis is known after a week: this is how long it takes for the bacteria to grow in a special environment, otherwise an error is possible.

    Ekaterina Solovyova
    Consultants - Yuri Kopanev, Andrey Sokolov
    doctors of the Medicine-2000 Association


    I breastfed my first child, and he ended up contracting Staphylococcus aureus from me, and for several years he developed problems with digestion and allergies. When breastfeeding my second child, I tested the milk for sterility, the same Staphylococcus aureus was detected, I tried to treat myself and the child at the same time, and continued to feed, as a result the child had green stools and screamed after feeding... I gave up this feeding, switched to artificial nutrition, we are now being treated separately, the child is not restless after feeding, the stool is yellow, mushy, and I am being treated to the fullest, because... This infection is very difficult to treat. Result: two children and both with decent dysbacteriosis.

    08/13/2008 10:21:25, Olga

    Staphylococcus aureus is not dangerous for healthy child, which is already 1.5 months old. And you don’t have to drink anything, unless, of course, there are any acute illnesses.

    03.09.2003 00:14:51, Kolobok

    It's a shame I didn't get it
    such a knowledgeable doctor
    my first child had klebsiella, and he suffered and tormented us until I stopped breastfeeding him. It was probably in my milk. I don’t know if I still have it now, but the second one doesn’t seem to be suffering.

    In the US, milk testing is only done in cases of donation.

    "The reason for the presence of staphylococcus in milk may be an infection caught in the maternity hospital. It could not appear for some time, until for some reason (someone got sick in the family, the mother ate something, the child was given a new product) the balance was not disturbed. In addition, the woman could be a carrier of the infection before giving birth, especially if she had digestive problems. "The meaning of this phrase is generally unclear.

    If a woman has bacterial infection, it will be in the blood. In such cases, interrupting feeding is either not necessary at all or until the therapeutic dose of antibiotics in the plasma is established.

    Comment on the article "What is wrong with mother's milk?"

    When a child is born into a family, it is a great happiness for parents. But at the same time, many questions and concerns arise related to raising a child. At first, the baby and mother seem to be one whole. They spend a lot of time together. But what if the mother needs to leave home for some time on business? Many mothers ask when they can go to work so that it is painless for the child? Medical psychologist at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center...

    Mastitis: how to maintain breastfeeding? Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. Emptying the breast does not cause relief, as happens with lactostasis. Usually mastitis is a continuation of lactostasis treated incorrectly. Sometimes the cause of mastitis is infection through cracks in the nipples. The chest begins to ache, the body temperature rises, the skin opposite the lump turns red - the symptoms of mastitis are very similar to lactostasis. But at the same time they are much more pronounced...


    I had lactostasis on my left breast. My chest was burning like it was on fire. But I quickly took measures to eliminate milk stagnation and did not develop into mastitis.

    #ASK_ADVICE Question from a group member: “Is it possible to breastfeed if your mother is sick?” In our group, every mother can receive information on breastfeeding and baby care. “We have an argument with my sister, we cannot come to a consensus. The situation is as follows: what to do if the mother is sick and the child is on breastfeeding? My opinion is that a mother should definitely continue to breastfeed her child, even during illness, breastfeeding will help to avoid...


    Consult your pediatrician and be sure to visit a therapist. Take care of yourself, your baby needs you healthy!

    You need to focus on what treatment the nursing mother is taking. The virus itself is not dangerous, because antibodies are immediately transferred to breast milk. But some medications may cause breastfeeding to be stopped.

    How to maintain lactation if there is no way to feed the baby? There are times when mother and baby are not together in the first days after birth, or the mother cannot feed. This may be due to the serious condition of the baby: prematurity, pathological birth or other situations requiring medical attention. If a child, due to a condition disorder, cannot suckle at the breast, then it is best to feed him expressed mother's milk. Sometimes a mother cannot be fed because of the medications she is taking...


    Yes, I still pump, at first the baby just didn’t suck the breast, but now I’m just used to it. We feed “directly” only in the morning, but dad can also take an active part in feeding, and from time to time I can at least unwind a little and go out somewhere. In this regard, a breast pump is simply a lifesaver, because pumping with your hands is just a dead end for me, even though I’ve already watched a bunch of videos about this.

    I have never been apart from my baby. I was very lucky.

    Inside, the breast appears to be like a head of cauliflower, where the inflorescences are the mammary glands, and the stems are the milk ducts that converge at the nipple. If you don't empty your breasts, the milk keeps coming and coming. Thus, milk stagnation occurs. Outwardly, this may look like swelling and hardening of the breast. It is imperative to attach a hungry child to it or express it. Let's learn how to pump. The basic movement should be like this. Take it right hand, thumb and index finger...

    When should you stop breastfeeding? Many pediatricians both in Russia and abroad believe that a child should be fed until he himself refuses breast milk, which usually happens by the end of the third year of life. WHO recommends breastfeeding until the age of two and continuing further if mother and baby desire. Statistics often cited in support of this position are that children who are breastfed more than average tend to have more good health And...

    A little background: I fought for my lactation from the very beginning. The milk came only on the third day and I did not manage to feed the baby the first time. Naturally, I expressed the rest of the milk with a breast pump (I had an electric one) and gave it to a milk collection point for conscientious objectors (our maternity hospital had such a help service). When my husband took us home, there was no one to give the expressed milk to, so I decided to freeze it. “It will be useful in the future,” I thought, and I was right, because the second stage...

    Breastfeeding is an evolutionary choice, the only complete nutrition for babies. The World Health Organization recommends continuing it for at least six months, however, according to the Government of the Russian Federation, only 41% of children in Russia receive breast milk, while according to WHO in Europe this figure ranges from 23 to 98%. Among the reasons why children do not receive mother's milk is a temporary transfer to a bottle. Regular nipples are addictive in babies - the mechanism for obtaining milk from...

    Even though it’s a month tomorrow, I’ll have a mini-report today, since tomorrow my husband and my eldest are at Christmas parties, and I won’t have time for the Internet. Last days Sophia is tormented by her tummy. And together with her, he torments mom and dad. The weight gain since arriving home is 875 g, and if since birth, then 750 g. We feed on mother's milk (breast + expressed milk). We don’t like to swim or go for walks (after 40 minutes we start asking to go indoors)

    My son is 1 year and 1 month old. I continue to breastfeed. I understand that I will soon need to stop breastfeeding, but how can I do this without stress? The child, if I don’t feed him for a long time, does not come to me and is capricious. What to do?


    for us, strangely enough, mustard turned out to be stress-free - one cry and complete peace of mind, including complete night sleep from 1 night as an additional bonus :)

    First of all, wait until autumn. It's better not to do it in hot weather.
    in the meantime, change the feeding regimen...that is, reduce the breasts evenly per day to 3-4 times....then to two (at equal intervals)
    just in time for autumn, the regime will gradually fade to 1-2 times... but not full-fledged feeding, but... sucking for pleasure..
    Well, it would be nice to go to bed without breastfeeding...
    Well, when there is only one feeding per day left... your milk will gradually fade away... and there will be no problems with the breasts... and the baby will get used to it and will not create whims...

    The milk component of the diet of a child under three years of age has vital importance for its full growth and development. Mother's milk is the best nutrition for a baby from birth. However, in cases where breastfeeding is not possible or the mother does not have enough milk, other dairy products must be included in her diet. And the health of our children in the future directly depends on which dairy products parents choose. As a study by VTsIOM showed, most mothers believe...

    When is baby weaning contraindicated? In addition to the lactation stage, there are several cases when weaning a child from the breast is extremely undesirable and, moreover, can harm his health and development. Once you decide to stop breastfeeding, be sure to pay attention to the factors described below: Do not wean your baby from the breast in early spring, when the thaw sets in, since at this time, as a rule, epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza begin. A baby deprived of mother's milk is much stronger...

    What is wrong with mother's milk? Tablets in milk. Medicines for breastfeeding. Whether a nursing mother can use these ointments depends on how large the surface to be lubricated is, how often it needs to be lubricated and what the preparation is.

    From my own experience, I absolutely understood that the occurrence of colic and bloating in a breastfed baby depends on the organization of the mother’s diet. During these three months from birth, our daughter did not even know what colic was. ttt And the first child often suffered from colic, because everything was not properly organized from the beginning.


    Milk is produced not from the contents of the mother's stomach, but from the blood. Therefore, no cabbage, legumes, or other generally accepted belly fat-formers can really affect the baby’s belly. And here whole milk- a strong allergen and its excess consumption can affect the baby’s stomach - mother’s milk will contain a lot of foreign protein, which is difficult to digest.
    Colic can simply be the immaturity of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, or psychological - the baby is trying to attract the mother's attention to himself (and not lie alone in bed), for example.

    Oh, I don't know, girls. I ate strictly according to the diet, no provoking foods, everything was as written. And still up to three and a half months - colic. Not as scary, of course, as they say, but still. It seems to me that you can’t do without colic - the gastrointestinal tract must somehow adjust...

    Cookie is my Siamese cat. She is a famous person because she is charismatic. Charisma rushes out of her both in photos and in videos, but in life it completely knocks her off her feet. Therefore, I decided that I should pay more attention to her. And then at first I wrote everything about Litter C, now it’s Litter D’s turn. What about sweet little Cookie? Cookie is no ordinary Siamese cat. Her mother is Balinese Ghislaine of Chrysanthe (Gigi), and her father is the magnificent Zodiac Capri Happy Jungle*RU. So even though she...


    Sometimes Cookie's long tail becomes our scourge: she regularly knocks objects off the table with it. And I have to wave the mop once again. Today the children did not remove the sugar bowl from the table, and she broke it. But the kitchen floor is now clean, and I’m thinking about purchasing a metal sugar bowl with a lid...

    Cookie has a new entertainment: he teaches kittens to jump on the table. She herself jumps back and forth and mutters something to them - probably encouraging them. And the kittens realize that they can’t serve food in front of me, and they immediately run away. One was running around, and Cookie was trying to distract me. It's hilarious, not these Siamese cats :-)

    Switch from mother's breast to regular food? In ancient times, a child was breastfed until 2 - 3 years old. Today this trend is returning. Before you start weaning your baby off breast milk, you should make sure that he is ready for this. Average statistical readings say that a baby’s need for sucking decreases from 9 months to 3.5 years. This process is individual. But if you have already decided to wean the child, then you need to do everything gradually. First you should replace one daily feeding...

    No person is immune from getting the flu. Colds transmitted very easily: through the air, through dirty hands and household utensils. The incubation period and its absorption in the human body lasts from several hours to three days. After this, you can feel all the “delights” of the disease: high fever, pain in the eyes, tactile irritation, migraine and general weakness.

    The incubation period may take several hours

    Throughout the entire gestation period, a woman’s likelihood of contracting a viral infection increases significantly. The risk increases due to a decrease in the body's immune defense. The disease is especially dangerous in the first trimester, because it is then that the basic systems of the unborn child are laid. If a pregnant woman gets the flu before giving birth, this also complicates the situation. To give birth naturally, a woman is tender with the strength that her body mercilessly spends on fighting infection. In particularly severe cases, emergency delivery may be required.

    Flu before childbirth complicates the situation

    The problem does not go away after the baby is born.. While in the maternity ward, a woman may be isolated in a box. At the same time, the baby is brought to her only for feeding. For these 10-30 minutes, the patient is forced to remain wearing a protective mask. Doctors can do things differently. If the illness is mild or during the recovery period, the child is given to the mother, as is usually the case. This is where many women ask themselves: is the flu transmitted through breast milk?? Mothers doubt what will be better for the baby - formula or natural feeding.

    Is the flu transmitted through milk through feeding?

    To keep your newborn baby as safe as possible, you need to have an idea about the benefits of breastfeeding and the viral infection itself. Flu is infection which is transmitted by airborne droplets. A fragile child's body, which does not currently have its own immunity, will most likely become infected. How to prevent this?

    If you ask your doctor whether the flu is transmitted through breast milk, you may not get a definitive answer. The flu, settling in a woman’s body, forces the immune system to work. Lymphocytes and leukocytes create a barrier to the multiplying virus and secrete antibodies. In its processed form, the flu passes to the child through breast milk, creating the so-called light vaccine effect. Together with it, the mother transfers to the baby the protective substances produced by her body directly for this infection.

    Is it possible to breastfeed a child?

    The question of the need to stop lactation when the mother is infected has been raised for many years. Experts cannot come to a common decision. In this case, opinions are divided into two camps. Most qualified specialists and doctors believe that it is imperative to continue breastfeeding. And only some doctors insist on the need to stop it. So is it possible to breastfeed a child with the flu?

    Breastfeeding during flu is necessary

    It is not only possible, but also necessary to continue lactation. There are several reasons promoting the preservation of natural feeding.

    1. Together with breast milk, the baby is supplied with the necessary antibodies, which are formed by the mother’s body in relation to this particular virus.
    2. To get out of child's body pathogen, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Breast milk is the best option.
    3. Breastfeeding calms the baby and creates a feeling of protection. This is important for influenza infection.
    4. A sudden refusal of lactation can provoke mastitis, which will only worsen the condition of the sick woman.

    If you doubt the correctness of your decision, be sure to consult with your pediatrician. Tell your pediatrician about your concerns and get the right advice.

    How to protect your baby from the effects of medications?

    Modern pharmacology offers many drugs for the treatment of viral diseases and influenza. But not all of them are suitable for breastfeeding women. Many drugs are prohibited during lactation. How to be?

    You definitely need treatment. Even the simplest and safest manipulations, such as gargling, drinking plenty of fluids, and rinsing the nose, will help shorten the period of illness by several days.

    You cannot approach this issue on your own and seek help from pharmacists. Visit a doctor or call him at home.

    Use only approved medications prescribed by your doctor. Antiviral agents that can be used in conjunction with lactation include: Grippferon, Oscillococcinum, Engistol.

    Breast milk should not be boiled

    To prevent the effects of drugs on your child, adhere to the following rules:

    • Take the tablets immediately after your next feeding. During the period of abstinence, the active substances will be eliminated from your body.
    • Never boil breast milk. This sterilizes the baby's nutritional fluid, eliminating its beneficial properties.
    • Give preference to drugs for topical use: nasal drops, lozenges, rinsing solutions and aerosols.
    • To reduce the temperature, show confidence in children's formulations. It is strictly forbidden to take aspirin.
    • Do not use illegal drugs.

    A child should never take aspirin!

    In what cases should lactation be stopped?

    Is it possible to feed a child with the flu if the mother’s health is very bad? There are cases in which you should stop breastfeeding:

    • at a temperature of more than 40 degrees;
    • if a complication occurs;
    • when the body is dehydrated;
    • if the disease does not subside within a week.

    Be sure to consult your doctor. Some forms of influenza require inpatient treatment. In such a situation, feeding a child is quite dangerous, since lactation creates additional stress on the female body.


    When asked whether it is possible to feed a child with the flu, mothers will only get the correct answer from doctors. The doctor will weigh the pros and cons, examine you, prescribe the right treatment and give recommendations. You should not curtail lactation if there is no reason to do so. Continue to feed your baby while giving him the protection he needs. To minimize the risk of infection, ventilate the room often, wash your hands and wear a protective mask.

    Questions from site visitors were answered by an infectious disease doctor at Clinical Hospital No. 15, Podolsk District, Kyiv and the State Scientific Institution “Scientific and Practical Center for Preventive and Clinical Medicine” of the State Administration of Affairs, assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Institute of Ecology and Medicine, Ph.D. Lidia Mikhailovna Vovk.

    What infections in mothers can be transmitted through milk and be dangerous for the baby? Which ones are dangerous and which ones are not? What infections definitely won’t affect a baby while breastfeeding?

    If we talk about infections in a mother who is breastfeeding - and this is one of the brightest, clearest and most pleasant periods in a woman’s life - we cannot say that there are infections that definitely will not affect the child. However, it is necessary to consider how sick the mother is, what phase, what the consequences are, the likelihood of contracting a particular infection, etc. If a mother gets sick with a respiratory infection or such as measles, rubella, there is certainly a high probability that the child will also get sick. U small child Such diseases can be severe. If a mother becomes ill with acute viral hepatitis, which she contracted during pregnancy, there is a possibility that the child will also be infected, and the course of the disease can be unpredictable, ranging from mild to moderate to severe. If this is an exacerbation of the mother's chronic diseases during lactation, there is also a possibility of infection of the child.

    With measles and rubella, it’s not even about breast milk, but about respiratory contact. Although women of childbearing age have already had many such infections, and they have antibodies that they passed on to their child during pregnancy, the risk of such infections is low.

    In addition, a fairly common disease among young mothers is mastitis, which often causes milk infection. However, the question of what is the likelihood of these infections occurring, their transmission to the child and the development of the disease in him is extremely problematic and must be resolved in each specific case.

    Through milk, a child can become infected with HIV from his mother, so young HIV-infected mothers are not recommended to breastfeed their children.

    Thus, in each specific case, it is necessary to consider the risks, probabilities and necessary measures that should be taken to prevent the child from becoming infected.

    From what infections is immunity transmitted from mother to child through breast milk?

    From the mother, antibodies are passed on to the child to all infections that the mother suffered in her life, but this happens during pregnancy, i.e. the child is born with all the immunological memory of the mother, accumulated by her in her life. However, these antibodies do not last long; they disappear within the first 4-6-8 months. Breast milk carries, let’s say, light, additional antibodies. It is impossible to say that sufficient antibodies are transmitted that can protect the child from possible infections. It is traditionally believed that breast milk is an elixir, the water of life, which contains all the necessary substances for the growth of the baby, including antibodies, which primarily provide local immunity, i.e. mucosal immunity. But the most important thing is what the child received from his mother during pregnancy.

    Are there any infections that a child can pass on to his mother? If so, which ones and how to protect yourself from them?

    Quite a funny question, because more often we talk about infections that are transmitted from mother to child. There are, of course, such casuistic cases when a child gets sick, but the mother does not get sick. Everything is traditional here. Infections that the child picked up in the maternity hospital can pass from the child to the mother, for example, if he suddenly gets viral hepatitis there or gets HIV infection - not from the mother, but in some other way, then the mother can also catch this infection. As for common respiratory infections - probably yes too, this applies to influenza and other childhood droplet infections. But more often the opposite happens: from mother to child, because The mother is a more open system, communicating with the outside world, than the child.

    Are viral hepatitis transmitted through milk? And if my mother had hepatitis as a child, can she breastfeed?

    I would like to remind you that viral hepatitis - today there are quite a lot of them: A, B, C, D, E, G, TTV, and they say that this list will continue - have different mechanisms of infection. In our region, the most common hepatitis is the fecal-oral transmission mechanism, i.e. hepatitis of dirty hands is hepatitis A. If a woman has had it at any age before pregnancy, then the virus leaves the human body forever, does not leave unpleasant consequences in the form of liver pathologies, and cannot be transmitted to the child and cause him to become ill, i.e. a child can only become infected from the external environment. If it so happens that the mother gets sick with hepatitis A during breastfeeding, then the child can also become infected. But the main problem is parenteral hepatitis - i.e. those that are transmitted through blood (during medical or non-medical parenteral interventions), sexually. Such hepatitis, regardless of when the mother had it, can remain in the body and cause chronic diseases, the mother can be a carrier of the infection and transmit it through breast milk. This also has its limitations. For example, with hepatitis B, it is not recommended to feed the baby; with hepatitis C, on the contrary, it is recommended to feed until the baby has teeth, i.e. until the moment when trauma to the skin of the mother's nipples begins. A more dangerous situation from the point of view of infection through breast milk is when the mother has an acute phase of hepatitis.

    Are intestinal infections dangerous for a baby in a nursing mother? Should I stop feeding at this time?

    At intestinal infection in addition to intestinal manifestations, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, the mother may have intoxication, which can be expressed by fever (increased temperature) and other intoxication manifestations. During a fever, the properties of breast milk may change. Sometimes there are intestinal infections that penetrate the blood, and then there is a theoretical possibility that it can get into the milk. Thus, it is impossible to answer in one word whether it is necessary to stop breastfeeding if the mother has hepatitis. It all depends on the situation, the intended diagnosis, the course of the disease, its duration, and the severity of intoxication. If there is an intestinal infection, the mother must carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and remember that all intestinal infections are transmitted by the fecal-oral route, through dirty hands, therefore the rules of personal hygiene come first to prevent the child from getting sick.

    Can a child develop a serious illness due to the presence of staphylococcus in breast milk? I heard that if a mother has staphylococcus, then her milk also has antibodies to it and therefore breastfeeding is not contraindicated, it seems like the child is fighting it. This is true?

    I want to emphasize that I am an infectious disease specialist, and I am talking about adult women and do not consider it correct to give any recommendations for the treatment of the child himself. From the perspective of the question that was asked, I would like to remind you that you have probably heard that most staphylococci, including epidermal as one of its varieties, and aureus, are inhabitants of normal skin human, mucous membranes and belong to the so-called opportunistic pathogens. Staphylococcus aureus can also be called conditionally pathogenic; it does not always cause any clinical changes. Range clinical changes Staphylococcus aureus is extremely wide: from the absence of any diseases that it could cause in the human body, to severe septic, purulent lesions of individual organs, systems, systemic lesions, and so on.

    I am breastfeeding, I had my milk cultured and they cultured staphylococcus. The doctor insists on expressing milk, processing and feeding after that. What to do?

    Isolation of staphylococcus from milk during bacterial culture is not an indication for deciding whether to stop breastfeeding.

    The simplest situation when this is premature is if staphylococcus was sown not from breast milk itself, but from the mother’s skin. To say that this is harmful for the child is extremely wrong.

    Secondly, you need to take into account the child’s condition: if he feels fine, if he has no digestive problems, then there is no point in stopping breastfeeding.

    Thirdly, the woman’s condition must be taken into account. If the culture was done against the background of mastitis, then it is natural that there was staphylococcus and it is probably pathogenic enough to cause some kind of disorder in the child.

    Fourthly, I will also cite data that I recently found regarding the correlation between the presence of staphylococcus in mother’s milk and the development of various intestinal disorders in the child. Russian and foreign scientists do not find such a connection. A child may have staphylococcus, but no changes in the intestines are observed. It happens that there is no staphylococcus, but changes, i.e. dysbacteriosis, yes. There can be no definite advice here; you need to consider each specific situation. I would like mothers not to be scared by the words “staphylococcus”, “staphylococcus aureus” and not to take any radical actions without first consulting a qualified doctor who could correctly assess the situation.

    Herpetic infection - I have a rash on my lips. Can I feed my baby?

    Most likely, this is recurrent herpes, i.e. This is not the first time that has arisen. But even if this is the first time herpes has arisen, I see no obstacles for the mother to breastfeed. An exception may be situations if this is accompanied by fever, severe intoxication - then it may make sense to stop breastfeeding for a while, continuing to express milk, in order to return to feeding after a while. But if it is recurrent herpes, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, less contact caresses with the child, and you can continue to feed the child.

    Are chronic tonsillitis and breastfeeding compatible?

    In principle, it is recommended that mothers, even during pregnancy, sanitize the so-called chronic foci of infection, which includes chronic tonsillitis, which must be treated - preferably - even before the onset of the planned pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs suddenly, then during pregnancy you also need to monitor this and, at least, bring this chronic tonsillitis into an inactive phase, into remission. If we talk about exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis during feeding, then, again, we return to an individual approach. If chronic tonsillitis simply exists, this is not an obstacle to breastfeeding, but if it is in the acute stage, accompanied by fever, I have already talked about this. If there are any purulent deposits on the tonsils - again: limit direct respiratory contact with the child as much as possible. But I think there is no reason to stop feeding.

    How to protect a child from a cold (flu) if a nursing mother is sick?

    A mother who has the flu or a cold is a separate topic for explaining the nuances. If mom gets sick with the flu or a cold, the most important point must be taken into account: the presence of intoxication. If there is intoxication, it is better to refrain from breastfeeding for several days. It is necessary to observe the so-called cough etiquette, respiratory etiquette, if at all possible with such fairly close contact. There is a very serious nuance: for the majority of the population and even doctors, flu and colds seem to be identical concepts. Actually this is not true. Influenza is a fairly severe infectious disease, accompanied by high intoxication, fever, and catarrhal syndrome. A cold has a completely different course. Many other viruses can also cause respiratory diseases that are less dangerous to the health of both mother and child. They are accompanied by less severe intoxication and less severe respiratory syndrome, which is why we are again inclined to individualize the approach in each specific situation. However general rule this: if there is a fever, you need to stop breastfeeding for a while and protect the child from contact with yourself as much as possible, observe respiratory ethics and then look at the situation.

    Many mothers drip breast milk into their baby's nose for a cold. Is it possible to do this? Will milk really fight nasal infections?

    This is an old grandfather's or grandmother's method that is still used today. I can say that it does no harm, there is nothing wrong with it. As for efficiency, this is a debatable issue. Breast milk contains quite a few banal substances that increase the immunity of the mucous membrane, and in some situations this can be useful, but in no case should it be considered a panacea. There is nothing wrong with this; a baby who is breastfed sometimes gets milk into his nose, regardless of the mother’s wishes, and nothing bad happens.

    Tell me, how to properly treat the flu if the mother is breastfeeding?

    Proper treatment for the flu means consulting the doctor who is next to you. Because it is not correct to give such remote advice.

    It must be remembered that flu and colds are different diseases. The approach is simple: the mother must be treated by reducing the temperature and intoxication, and symptomatically - respiratory syndrome. It is advisable to protect the mother from using any medications.

    It is very important to evaluate the risks and benefits of using drugs, possible side effects, and also what will happen to the mother, how she will feel if the drugs are not used.

    For respiratory manifestations, it is also best to limit the use of medications as much as possible. But it all depends on the severity of the mother’s condition, on the course of the disease, and in some cases there may be a question about stopping breastfeeding and using serious medications to save life, improve the condition and health of the mother.

    What is the most safe means reduction high temperature those who feed?

    To reduce the temperature, the first place is physical methods: rubbing with vinegar, just cold water, wraps. A simple method such as a cleansing enema is quite effective. If these methods do not help, then it is advisable to use medications.

    It is difficult to answer the question of which drugs can be used. Widely known antipyretics are labeled “with caution” or “not advisable.” But again, we're talking about the potential risk of not taking them and the potential risk that some side effects might bring.

    What antibiotics are allowed while breastfeeding?

    It is difficult to say that there are generally safe medications. Today, all drugs are considered potential hepatotoxic, toxic, and we can only talk about the degree of their toxicity. Absolutely all manufacturers indicate in their instructions recommendations regarding the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation.

    The American Bureau of Food and Drug Control (FDA) has developed its safety scale for the use of drugs in pregnant women and lactation. This scale has five gradations: A, B, C, D and X. X is something that causes a clearly bad effect on the child, and all the rest - either no serious safety studies have been conducted, or the issue of risk is being considered when using these or other antibiotics.

    Almost all antibacterial and antiviral substances belong to category B or C. During lactation, lactation can be used and maintained using drugs from the penicillin group, cyclosporine group and some macrolides. Antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor and the potential risks, benefits and optimal choice of drug should be assessed.

    REMANTADINE, RIBOVIRIN, ARBIDOL, Oxylococcinum and influenza. Can these drugs be used by breastfeeding women?

    Ribovirin, remantadine, arbidol and all the others have contraindications for lactation.

    With regard to drugs of the interferon group, which are used both intramuscularly, subcutaneously and nasally, this contraindication does not really apply to administration through the nose, but as for parenteral administration (intramuscular, subcutaneous), according to the FDA classification, interferons belong to category C and not recommended for lactation.

    Regarding homeopathic medicines, I adhere to the point of view that during pregnancy and lactation it is advisable to take fewer drugs, especially if you can do without them altogether. And in situations where they are really needed, it is better to use more serious, officially approved drugs that have a more effective effect.

    Is it possible to breastfeed after a rabies vaccination? I was bitten by a dog (not my own), I need to decide whether to get vaccinated, and I was advised not to breastfeed. Maybe just not get any vaccinations?

    The decision to vaccinate against rabies should be made by the doctor who is observing the patient. The issue is extremely important and many factors need to be taken into account. Which dog bit, one’s own or someone else’s, whether the bite was provoked or unprovoked, is it possible to observe the dog and examine it if, for example, it died or something else. Apparently, the situation has developed in such a way that the patient is indicated for vaccination.

    This vaccination, the so-called emergency prevention of rabies, is carried out with two drugs: immunoglobulin and live vaccine. If there is a risk of developing a disease for a pregnant woman, then the choice is in favor of the woman and the question of how beneficial it is for the woman is primarily decided. During lactation, if there are indications, then it is necessary to get vaccinated, but I think that it is really better to refuse breastfeeding for many factors.

    The question of whether or not to vaccinate cannot be decided on the principle of “whether I want it or not”; if there is reason to believe that a woman could have contracted rabies, then she must be vaccinated. This disease is absolutely fatal in its development, with an unambiguous outcome, so the option “let’s not do it, I don’t want to” is inappropriate.

    I accidentally discovered that I have worms, but I am breastfeeding. Most likely, these are pinworms. I'm afraid of infecting the child. Can I take any medications?

    Yes, a child can become infected. The disease enterobiasis, which is caused by pinworms, is quite contagious, because female pinworms lay eggs in the anal folds, ready for subsequent invasion, and these eggs, falling on a woman’s hands, can reach the child and cause enterobiasis. Despite such high contagiousness, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene prevents the development of the disease in the child and reinfection in the mother. If a woman is infected with enterobiasis, the disease lasts for a month, if there is no reinfection during this period, i.e. If she does not infect herself again, the pinworms will die and so-called self-healing will occur. Unfortunately, in life it turns out that these rules are not followed; people get sick for quite a long time due to the fact that they violate the rules of personal hygiene. Therefore, if a woman follows the rules of personal hygiene, she will treat underwear, bed linen for yourself and your child for a week and a half, then self-healing will simply occur within a month.

    It is not recommended to take anthelmintic medications and continue breastfeeding. All anthelmintic drugs are either prohibited or recommended to be taken with extreme caution during lactation.

    I am a nursing mother, my child is 2 months old, and my tummy hurts from time to time. Could there be something wrong with my milk? How to suspect that there is an infection in milk?

    It could be anything, from an imperfection of the child’s digestive, enzyme system, which may not completely digest milk, not enough enzymes, or dysbacteriosis, and ending with some, perhaps, banal infection, the same coccal flora, staphylococcus in mother. Usually, if staphylococcal flora causes a child to become ill, this is accompanied not only by abdominal pain, but also by other manifestations, for example, fever. On the other hand, staphylococcus itself, which can be in mother’s milk, causes dysbiosis in the child, and it can cause abdominal pain. This case is subject to further examination, including mother’s milk, also culture of the child’s feces, examination for dysbacteriosis. It may be necessary to clarify whether the child has enzyme system disorders.

    Can rashes on the skin in the chest area be a reason to stop feeding and consult a doctor? And what could it be?

    It could be anything, you should definitely see a doctor, it could be an allergy or an infectious disease, and mastitis can also manifest itself as certain rashes, although in parallel with them there is usually pain and fever. Of course, the woman should be examined by a doctor and decide what it could be and how dangerous it is for the child.

    What sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through milk to a baby?

    A group of diseases that are sexually transmitted, starting with syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, plasmosis, viral hepatitis, HIV infection... - some of them, due to the fact that they can circulate in the mother’s blood, they can be transmitted to the child through the breast milk. In terms of the likelihood of infection, the first place here is HIV infection and viral hepatitis, but usually many of these issues are resolved during pregnancy, diseases are identified and women are recommended to behave in a certain way to prevent infection of the child. At the same time, life shows that sometimes even when feeding, some manage to become infected with these diseases. Some of them, which in their development have a phase of spreading into the bloodstream, can be dangerous, including for the child. Therefore, you must, first of all, take care of yourself, follow the rules of behavior and remember the responsibility for little man whom you brought into this world.

    ARVI - what kind of diagnosis is hidden in this four-letter abbreviation, what symptoms should alert you? What to do if ARVI is diagnosed while breastfeeding - how to treat it, should you breastfeed? Such simple questions arise for a mother who is worried about her health and the health of her breastfed child when she is caught by a cold.

    What is ARVI?

    Calling ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) with a cold, you will never miss. To date, it has been proven that most inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viruses.

    It is only later, against the background of weakened immunity in the nursing mother, that a bacterial infection enters the second front, delaying treatment and threatening all sorts of complications.

    After suffering a viral respiratory disease, stable and lifelong immunity is formed. It would seem that everything is fine, the person has recovered from the disease and is no longer afraid of the infection. But why does he step on the same rake again and again, and become contagiously ill again? The fact is that a lifetime may not be enough to get sick from all known respiratory viruses.

    Today, there are at least 5 types of ARVI viruses - influenza, parainfluenza, reovirus (its most famous representative, which does not need advertising, is rotavirus), rhinovirus, adenovirus. In fact, there are many more of them; there are more than 1000 types of rhinoviruses alone.

    If the struggle is successful and the person emerges victorious, then after this time you can safely retire and rest, calmly looking the enemy in the face. But it was not there. Viruses, as genetically developed creatures, constantly mutate and adapt to the intricacies of our immune defense, learning to bypass all obstacles with enviable dexterity, like hypnotist magicians.

    Moreover, they have such vitality that they can safely maintain all their functions for 2 years at sub-zero temperatures. Who knows what awaits us in the rapidly melting ice of Antarctica? Viruses can be poisoned with acids, formaldehyde, and ether without the slightest expected poisoning effect.

    Breastfeeding when elevated temperature baby

    So, no matter how you look at it, the person was, is, and will continue to be sick with ARVI. At least for the foreseeable future. But despite such resourcefulness of viruses, there is salvation from them. If a nursing mother comes to her senses in time and begins treatment for ARVI, which helps the body fight this scourge of all times and peoples, then the damage caused can be minimized.

    ARVI symptoms

    The signs that indicate that harmful viruses have entered the body of a nursing mother are no different from those of ordinary people who are not breastfeeding. In general, the predominant symptoms of ARVI depend on the location of the virus. Rhinoviruses cause damage to the mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx, adenoviruses cause damage to the respiratory system together with the organs of vision (conjunctivitis), and lymph nodes.

    Influenza affects the upper respiratory tract and is characterized by a short-term increase in temperature to high levels - 39–40°C and an acute course. Pain in the eyeballs often occurs. Then signs of damage to the respiratory tract appear - sore and sore throat, redness, cough, runny nose.

    Severe forms of influenza require hospitalization. In moderate and mild forms, temperature and manifestations of intoxication ( headache, body aches, weakness) last 2–4 days, and from the start of treatment to complete recovery it usually takes 5–10 days.

    Parainfluenza has symptoms similar to influenza, but with less severe intoxication and a longer course. The temperature, unlike the flu, rarely rises above 38°C. Rotavirus is an “intestinal flu” that affects the respiratory tract and intestines, its manifestations are similar to the flu, with the addition of diarrhea (more than 10 times a day), flatulence, and severe vomiting.

    All ARVIs are characterized by a sudden onset - a sharp rise in temperature, a feeling of malaise, weakness, chills, soreness in the muscles and bones, enlarged lymph nodes, and headache.

    Symptoms that require a nursing mother to immediately consult a doctor:

    • prolonged fever lasting more than 3–5 days and lack of response to antipyretics, temperature more than 40°C;
    • severe headache, in which it is impossible to tilt the head to bring the chin to the chest;
    • confusion, fainting;
    • the appearance of skin rashes, stars, hemorrhages;
    • discharge from the respiratory system mixed with blood, brown or green in color; cough with sputum (especially dangerous if the sputum is pink);
    • chest pain not associated with breathing, swelling.

    The first signs of hemorrhoids after childbirth and how to treat it for a nursing mother

    Is it possible to breastfeed if the mother has ARVI?

    Newborns under six months of age rarely suffer from acute respiratory viral infections due to the antibodies received in the womb and passed through breast milk. Respiratory viruses are very contagious, and if a nursing mother gets sick, then stopping breastfeeding will not only not protect the baby from infection, but will also deprive him of the necessary natural protection.

    Therefore, those mothers who continue breastfeeding during ARVI are surprised to discover that the child not only does not become infected, but does not even get sick.

    This is due to the fact that during an illness, the body of a nursing mother triggers immune defense against foreign invasion. Special proteins are synthesized - immunoglobulins, designed to destroy and plunge the attacking virus into a shameful flight. These same globulins enter breast milk, and when receiving them, the baby often does not even have time to feel all the “delights” of his mother’s illness.

    Treatment of ARVI

    There are no special medications, other than various immunomodulators, for the treatment of ARVI. Moreover, they are not recommended during breastfeeding. Such remedies should be used in extreme cases and only after being prescribed by a doctor.

    The use of immunomodulators for acute respiratory viral infections negatively affects the development of one’s own immunity to the infectious agents that cause the disease. Often, for a viral cold, symptomatic therapy is indicated to help the body cope with the disease more easily and quickly.

    When the first symptoms appear, we lie down in a crisp, fresh bed, take the child, a favorite book, a sufficient amount of liquid - water, fruit drink, rosehip decoction, calm music, a good good movie - everything that can evoke pleasant emotions and saturate the body with life-giving moisture. You need to drink a lot in order to remove the poisonous products of viral activity - toxins - from the body.

    A positive emotional attitude in any treatment is very important, and ARVI is no exception.

    It has long been noted that positively minded people get sick less often, less often, and recover faster.

    It is also possible to take fruits rich in vitamin C here. Of course, those that have already been tested for tolerance by the child. When you get sick, the need for this vitamin increases significantly.

    By controlling the nature of discharge after childbirth, a woman can identify the onset of the disease in the early stages

    We imagine that we don’t need anything and don’t need anything. The affairs and worries of this world are the lot of the healthy. When treating to get rid of unbearable pain and high fever, we take a tablet of ibuprofen (Nurofen) or paracetamol (Panadol). It is not advisable to endure it stoically until the last moment - this has a negative impact on the entire process of breastfeeding, and as a result, on the child.

    These antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are allowed during breastfeeding. To relieve inflammation and sore throat, you can use gargles, plant-based sprays, regular saline solutions, and inhalations.

    In case of severe nasal congestion, it is permissible to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops in the dosage and duration of administration prescribed in the instructions, and saline solutions for rinsing the nasal cavity.

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