• Sagging cheeks: why the defect appears and how to eliminate it. How to tighten sagging cheeks, remove jowls and restore the elastic oval of the face


    In order to remove excessive roundness of the face, reduce cheeks and highlight cheekbones, different techniques. These are gymnastics, surgical intervention and make-up techniques. Each of them is effective in its own way. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the techniques and techniques of the main options.

    Causes of chubby cheeks

    If we exclude genetic predisposition, then the main reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks is an imbalance of fluid in the body. The body simply does not have time to remove all the processed moisture. In addition, there are various external factors, which directly cause the appearance of a round face.

    • Allergic manifestations. Not all histamine reactions go away with rash and itching. Very often, allergies manifest themselves as swelling of the cheeks and neck area.
    • Acclimatization. If your cheeks become plump after moving to another country or a long trip, then the reason lies in climate change. This process is strictly individual for everyone. Some suffer from migraines, some have a rise in body temperature, and some become “rounded” in certain parts of the body.
    • Hormonal imbalance. Many teenagers (especially males) develop large, fleshy cheeks against the background of an ascetic physique. This is one of the manifestations of growing up. As soon as the hormonal system is regulated, the cheeks will disappear on their own. This item also includes hormonal imbalances associated with pregnancy and lactation.
    • Weight gain. This is the most obvious reason plumpness of the cheeks and face in general. Adipose tissue tends to accumulate almost everywhere, and it does not bypass the face and upper torso.
    • Age-related changes. Flabbiness in the cheeks, loss of turgor, hanging folds in the nasolabial area - these are all unpleasant accompaniments of aging. Many women have wrinkles not only in the eye area and corners of the mouth, but also under the cheeks.

    Depending on the cause of large cheeks, methods for getting rid of the problem vary.


    If the cheeks have become rounder as a result of weight gain, then the only rational option for reducing them is diet. To make your face thin and make your cheeks smaller, you can choose any gentle diet (Dukan, BEACH, metabolic). But, first of all, you need to protect yourself from fast carbohydrates. What foods are recommended to be excluded from the diet:

    • Flour in any form.
    • Chocolate, marmalade, caramel and other dangerous carbohydrates. They are not eliminated from the body, but are deposited in less-used areas. In particular, on the chin, cheeks, lower abdomen.
    • Carbonated sweet water.
    • Potato.
    • Fried, smoked and highly salted foods.
    • Ideally, you need to stop consuming sugar and salt.

    Most often, girls with an abdominal body type are susceptible to swelling of the cheeks. To lose weight for “apples”, it is important to maintain balanced diet nutrition. Sample menu for the day:

    • Breakfast: green tea with honey, toast with cheese, whole grain porridge.
    • Second breakfast: juice, a couple of eggs, any fruit.
    • Lunch: Broth, salad fresh vegetables With olive oil, croutons, green tea or compote, boiled white meat.
    • Afternoon snack: Smoothie based natural yogurt
    • Dinner: Vegetable puree soup, coleslaw salad, steamed cutlets, tea with honey.

    This is an approximate diet and may vary depending on dietary preferences. It is important to adhere to the optimal daily calorie intake. Required amount calories can be calculated using women's calculators.


    The easiest way to remove sagging hamster cheeks is to make masks with a tightening effect. They will provide the necessary skin turgor, refresh the appearance, and improve lymph exchange.

    What masks can be used to remove cheeks?

    • Blue clay. Clay products promote active tightening. To prepare a lifting product, you need to mix clay and water in equal proportions and apply to the face and neck. Leave for up to 20 minutes until the liquid mass hardens on the skin. Repeat 2 times a week.
    • Oatmeal and kefir. This product will help make large cheeks appear much smaller and brighten your skin. To prepare, soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in natural yogurt and leave the mixture for 20 minutes. When the mass swells, apply it in a thick layer to the skin. Keep for 30 minutes and repeat every other day.
    • Honey and clay. Saggy cheeks that are covered with wrinkles can be quickly restored by a clay-honey mixture. This is an excellent product for home lifting and skin whitening. The clay should be diluted 1:1 with water and ½ part of honey should be added to the resulting mixture. Keep for 20 minutes. If you make a mask every day, you can remove red cheeks forever.
    • Yeast and egg. Another simple one quick way How to tighten your cheeks at home - dissolve a spoonful of live yeast in the same amount of milk. Main secret– apply the liquid in several layers. That is, apply it to your cheeks once, wait until the moisture dries, and apply it a second time. A total of five steps are required. You can repeat it every day.
    • Suppositories for hemorrhoids. This is the only method described that will really help remove bulldog cheeks from your face overnight. You need to buy “Relief” candles at the pharmacy and lightly heat them in a water bath. You will get a white creamy mass. It should be applied to the cheeks, chin and under the eyes. It is best to do the procedure before bed. In the morning you will immediately notice how fresh your skin is and how wrinkles are smoothed out. The only drawback of the method is that it cannot be used often. This emergency help, if you need to reduce cheeks in a short time.
    • If you don’t want to shrink your cheeks with injections, and plastic surgery is simply scary, then as an alternative, we can recommend masks with hyaluronic acid. Cosmetics containing this substance ensure blood flow to the treated areas and promote subcutaneous fat burning.

    Exercises to help remove double chin and cheeks

    To remove belly fat, girls torture themselves in the gym, attend various yoga courses and regularly get massages with wraps. The same applies if you need to remove a double chin or correct the shape of your cheeks. Exercises for the face are called face building. They help to straighten the oval within a week and provide a long-term effect.

    To remove fat from the cheeks, it is important to activate absolutely all the muscles of the face. IN otherwise, the effect will not be as obvious as we would like. And face-building trainers have one secret on how to smooth out sagging in as soon as possible. This is to make faces as much as possible. It is believed that grimacing is one of the reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles. But this is not an entirely true statement. If you regularly train your muscles, the skin simply will not be able to sag - it will have nowhere to do it.

    How to quickly tighten the facial muscles in the cheeks, forehead and chin at home:

    • Before each gymnastics, the face is warmed up with a massage. Use gentle patting movements to cover all areas: from forehead to chin. Then rub the skin in a circular motion and finish the “warm-up” with pinching. Please note that there should be no bruises after the manipulations.
    • Facebuilding of the cheeks, paradoxically, begins with the eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows up, lower them, move your eyebrows one by one. Repeat each movement 5 times.
    • Raise your cheeks as if you are about to grin. Make sure that no other muscles are worked in this exercise - only the cheek muscles. Do not do it for 3 minutes.
    • Do the same with your lips. Gather them into a “bow” and move them in a circular path. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.
    • Now make faces. Try to engage maximum amount facial muscles. At first, it will be most difficult to control your eyebrows. They should move symmetrically with the cheeks. Repeat for 4 minutes.

    Adjustment of shape and size

    It is believed that correcting the shape of the face can only be done surgically, but it is possible to eliminate sagging cheeks without surgery. How to remove chubby cheeks and reduce the shape of your face:

    • Sit up straight, place your hands on your collarbones. Smile as wide as possible and try to fix this position of your lips. Slowly open your mouth and move your jaw down as if you were going to say, “Ah.” Repeat 12 times for 2 approaches.
    • Sit back to the starting position. Pull your head as high as possible and smack your lips (this is the movement girls do when they put on lipstick). The louder the sound, the better the muscles work. Repeat 12 times for 2 approaches.
    • It is impossible to correct the shape of the face and oval without working on the area under the eyes. This is where girls most often fail. Place your index fingers on your upper eyelids and press the skin against the bone. Open your eyes as much as possible and try to move your eyelids down. Repeat 10 times.
    • After the previous exercise, do not remove your fingers, but move them slightly away from the bridge of your nose. This will help relax the muscles in your frontal lobe.

    Strengthening the muscles of the face and neck

    A girl with thick cheeks needs to pay maximum attention to the muscle groups of her neck. They are responsible for the correct distribution of load and fat tissue. To strengthen these areas, the following exercises are used:

    • Open your mouth and take in as much air as possible (encourage diaphragmatic breathing). Afterwards, stick your tongue out as far as possible and exhale loudly. Repeat 10 times.
    • In the same way, draw air under upper lip, a flexible roller should form there. Then press your lips together, as if smacking your lips, and loudly push it out. This will tighten the muscles of the neck, nasolabial and cheek areas. Repeat 10 times.
    • To tighten up sunken cheeks, you need to puff them up all the time and play with your cheekbones. Only then will the hanging areas become less noticeable. The simplest exercise: take air into your mouth and rotate it in a circular path. Repeat for 3 minutes.

    Massage plays an important role in therapy. To achieve a more noticeable result, you need to stretch the muscles of your neck and lower face after each exercise. To do this, carefully tilt your head from side to side, rotate it at the maximum possible amplitude, raise your eyes up and lower them to the floor.

    Swelling in the cheeks, their sagging, and the absence of clearly defined cheekbones are very often a consequence of underdeveloped chin muscles. As one of the signs of this problem, sagging cheeks are accompanied by fat deposits under the chin.

    They can be removed in the following ways:

    • Open your mouth and press your tongue against your lower teeth. As you exhale, move your jaw forward as much as possible, and as you inhale, return it to its original position. Repeat 12 times.
    • To make round cheeks a little less noticeable and your chin more defined and vibrant, combine the Smacking exercise with jaw thrusting. With your mouth open, move your jaw down as far as possible, then lift it and smack your lips. The most important thing is to perform the exercise very slowly and measuredly. Perform 12 times.
    • Maximum stretching is used to remove sagging areas in the lower part of the face. You need to relax your muscles as much as possible, and then tense and tighten them all. The easiest way to do the exercise is to use an analogy with morning stretching. Repeat 15 times.

    Getting rid of chubby cheeks

    At home, you can make cheeks only with the help of face building. Without fillers, punctures with a hyaluronic cocktail or other non-invasive techniques.

    To do this, you just need to do a set of exercises every day:

    • Stretch your face in a smile and take a breath into your mouth. Roll the “bubble” from one cheek to the other for 3 minutes. After this, move it in your mouth in a circular path, slightly holding it in the area of ​​your cheeks and lips.
    • Hanging cheeks can be corrected well with inflation. The main thing is to inflate the muscles to their maximum condition, so that they are like steel. First you need to hold in this position for at least 30 seconds, your goal is to achieve a 3-minute tension delay.
    • The “tube” exercise will help remove swelling. Extend your lips into a “tube” and make a drawn-out sound: “Uh.” The main thing is not to let go of the muscles, they should be stretched, like the strings of a guitar.

    Combine these cheek exercises with the gymnastics described above, then the result will not keep you waiting. The first effect will be noticeable after the 5th session.

    Making beautiful cheekbones

    It's hard to imagine Beautiful face with clearly defined lines without pronounced cheek bones. Of course, you can draw them using makeup, for example, concealer, corrector and bronzers. But few girls are familiar with contouring. If you don’t want to create the effect of modest cheeks with blush, then you can create beautiful cheekbones with gymnastics:

    • In order for the cheeks to become sunken and the cheekbones to become pronounced, you need to train them by squeezing. Close your jaws and try to move the distant muscles. The sensations should be similar to those that occur when chewing meat. Repeat for 3 minutes. In the future, gradually increase the time to a 5-minute interval.
    • The “Smile” exercise will help emphasize dimples and reduce fat tissue. Close your lips and gently, slowly smile. Try to act exclusively with the zygomatic muscles, without touching the forehead and eyebrows. Repeat 15 times.
    • Extra centimeters are removed from the cheeks when the cheekbones are pulled out. This is a great opportunity to highlight the “Mongolian” features on your face. Sit up straight and stretch your neck forward. As you inhale, open your mouth as wide as possible and hold it in this position for 1 minute. Slowly bring your lips together and repeat the exercise 12 times.

    For greater effectiveness, face building should be complemented by mesotherapy or active massage with natural oils. The minimum course recommended by facial gymnastics coaches is 15 procedures. Afterwards you need to take a month's break and then, if necessary, resume sessions.

    Where do they come from and what are jowls? Salon and home methods for eliminating jowls.

    As we age, we all do not become younger or more beautiful. Wrinkles appear on the face and neck, the skin begins to sag, and facial folds appear. In principle, this problem is irreversible. However, you can delay aging a little and restore some of your youth and freshness to your face. To do this, you need, first of all, to try to get rid of the so-called “jowls” on your face.

    Why do those unfortunate jowls appear? How to get rid of them in a salon or at home? This article, dedicated to unwanted jowls, will try to answer all these questions.

    What are jowls, why do they appear in men and women?

    • The concept of “jowls” came to us from dog handlers. In dogs, this word was used to describe a drooping lower lip.
    • Today, “jowls” refer to sagging skin on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin.
    • The main reason for the formation of jowls is age-related changes in women and men. During the aging process, the human body begins to synthesize worse collagen and elastane, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. Their deficiency is precisely what leads to fading and sagging of the skin on the face.
    • Age-related changes also provoke weakening of the facial muscles, which cease to cope with their main function - supporting the skin and subcutaneous fat on the cheeks.
    • Also, hormonal and age-related changes affect the sculpture of the face - over time, all the cheekbones and sharp corners of the face seem to be rounded, which leads to the skin sliding along the rounded reliefs and its sagging
    • During the aging process, the concentration of melanin pigment in the body decreases, which can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Sun exposure further stimulates skin aging

    However, age is not the only reason for the appearance of jowls. The second enemy is smooth and tightened skin face is obese. In women and men of normal weight, jowls appear much later than in overweight people. Even in their youth, young girls and boys suffering from obesity may develop jowls. Such guys, as a rule, look older than their peers and have a lot of complexes because of this.

    In addition to the above reasons for the occurrence of jowls, factors influencing their occurrence also include:

    • individual features of facial structure
    • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs)
    • experiences and stress
    • incorrect facial expressions
    • climatic conditions (frost, wind, sun)
    • poor nutrition
    • influence of medications
    • endocrine diseases
    • sudden weight loss
    • underdeveloped chin
    • hormonal changes during pregnancy

    How to quickly remove jowls at home: methods?

    How to get rid of jowls at home?

    In order to get rid of jowls, you don’t have to go to beauty salons and pay crazy amounts of money for their services. Prevention and control of this kind of sagging can be done at home.

    For those young people whose jowls are caused by excess weight, there is only one recommendation - you need to get rid of extra pounds. Moreover, it is better to replace the use of diets and other radical methods of weight loss, which can lead to too rapid weight loss, with proper nutrition and exercise. This is explained by the fact that with rapid weight loss, the skin will begin to sag and jowls will become even more noticeable. Therefore, you need to lose weight gradually.

    The remaining categories of men and women who want to get rid of jowls must first start leading healthy image life - give up bad habits, start eating right, exercising physical exercise, regularly properly care for your facial skin.

    At home, you can use several methods to combat jowls:

    • Cosmetic procedures
    • Massage
    • Skin tightening exercises

    Cosmetic treatments for jowls include daily cleansing, toning and nourishing manipulations for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté: masks, creams, serums, tonics, etc. This kind of product can be purchased at pharmacies, cosmetic stores, or you can make it yourself.
    Industrial masks for getting rid of jowls, as a rule, are made on the basis of natural marine plants and inhabitants of the depths (algae, kelp, fucus and plankton), as well as using other active substances - panthenol, lecithin, allantoin.

    With my own hands You can make the following masks at home:

    1. Lemon based mask. Take the zest of one lemon and grate it on a fine grater. Add a few drops of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey to the lemon peel.
    2. Mask based chicken egg. Beat one egg with one tablespoon of high-fat cottage cheese. Add one teaspoon of olive oil to the resulting mixture.
    3. Mask based egg white. Beat two egg whites thoroughly
    4. Milk based mask. Heat a tablespoon of low-fat milk. Add three tablespoons of low-fat sour cream to warm milk
    5. Mask based on tar soap. Take 1/8 of a bar of soap and grate it. Add to soap Not a large number of sour cream and beat it into foam. Apply the resulting mask to the face, neck and décolleté. When the first layer of the mask has dried, apply the second layer. When the second layer is completely dry, wash off the mask with warm water. Moisturize the skin with cream

    It is advisable to use all of the described home masks twice a week before bed. Within a month, the jowls should be significantly reduced and the skin tightened.

    First, let's understand what fillers are. In cosmetology, fillers are substances injected under the skin.

    Most often used in beauty salons today is hyaluronic acid, which has already proven itself and is loved by ladies.

    As for jowls, to combat them it is customary to use the following injection procedures based on fillers:

    1. Intralipotherapy
    2. Volumetric facelift
    3. Vector facelift or bioreinforcement

    It is worth noting that almost all injection procedures will have an effect on mildly pronounced jowls. Advanced cases can only be corrected surgically.

    How to remove jowls with injections?

    Now let's take a closer look at each of them injection procedures to combat jowls.


    This type of injection therapy is based on the introduction of a special drug, Aqualix, into the area of ​​sagging cheeks. This filler stimulates subcutaneous fat to burn on its own in the shortest possible time. The procedure is considered effective, quite safe and painless. The fact is that Aqualix, when activated, affects only adipose tissue, and other types of tissue and
    leaves the muscles intact. In addition, the substance itself is excreted from the body along with other breakdown products after a certain period of time.

    Volumetric facelift

    This technique consists of introducing special volumizing gels into problem areas of the skin. Such gels can add the necessary volume where it is lacking, thereby increasing skin tension and eliminating jowls.

    Bio-reinforcement or vector facelift involves the introduction of special fillers under the skin of the face, allowing you to create something like a fairly strong web. This kind of web will create a strengthening frame over the entire surface of critical areas of the skin. In this way, sagging areas of skin (jowls) will tighten and no longer sag. This procedure is very popular among women. However, it has a couple of disadvantages - high cost and short duration (from six months to a year).

    • In the case of jowls, Botox injections will be ineffective. The fact is that the main task of Botox is to smooth out wrinkles, not tighten the skin
    • Even if the use of Botox has a tightening effect, it is minimal - it is not enough to eliminate jowls

    How to remove jowls with threads?

    Modern plastic surgery offers its clients several ways to combat jowls using threads. Let's look at each of them.

    This procedure involves creating a tightening frame under the skin from special gold threads. Such threads are made of high-quality gold, which is not perceived by the human body as foreign body. Some time after the introduction of the threads, they become overgrown with human organic matter and are not rejected by it. Duration of the effect of reinforcement with gold threads
    is about fifteen years.

    Jowl lift with Aptos threads

    Thread lifting Aptos

    Lifting with Aptos threads is, in principle, somewhat similar to the procedure for reinforcing the face with gold threads. The only difference is that Aptos threads are made of polypropylene, not gold. That is why the effect of this procedure lasts only three years.

    Facelift with Silhoutte Lift threads

    This procedure is practically no different from the previous manipulation. However, there is one exception - 4-5 years after the operation, the Silhoutte Lift threads can be tightened. Thus, the effect will be much longer than with Aptos threads.

    During threadplasty, the surgeon makes 1 cm incisions behind the ears. A thread is passed through these cuts and pulled along the jowl. The needle is pulled outward in several places on the face.

    The rehabilitation period after threadplasty takes up to three weeks. The final effect will be noticeable a couple of months after the operation.

    How to remove jowls with massage?

    1. We take soft terry towel and roll it up into a rope. Dip the towel into a water solution of salt. Using patting movements, we pass a towel tourniquet along the lower part of the jaw and neck. We perform the massage for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream
    2. Using the back of your fingers, pat the lower part of the jaw, moving from the chin towards the ears.
    3. Dip your fingertips in Massage Oil and begin to actively slide them along the edge of the face in the direction from the chin to the ears
    4. We move our fingertips from the chin towards the ears. At the same time we are trying to tighten the skin
    5. Fold the towel in half and soak it in cold or warm water (it’s best to alternate - first a warm towel and then a cold one). Place your face in the loop made from the towel - the ends of the towel should be raised up. We begin to alternately pull one or the other end of the towel, thereby massaging the skin of the chin
    6. We simulate the shaving process. With one hand (index and thumb) fix the facial skin on the chin. With the other hand (index finger) we begin to “shave” the skin of the face in the direction from the chin to the ears

    How to remove jowls with exercises?

    Special exercises for combating jowls are considered no less effective than massage:

    1. We draw air into our mouth, while inflating our cheeks to the maximum. We count to five and release air through our lips, giving them the shape of a tube. Repeat the exercise at least fifteen times a day
    2. Massage your cheeks from the inside with your tongue. We make circular movements in the mouth, first in one direction, then in the other direction, five times
    3. We take a mouthful of air, while puffing out our cheeks to the maximum. We begin to roll the air ball over our cheeks in all directions. Perform the exercise for at least half a minute
    4. We blow air out of our mouth as if we were blowing out candles. Repeat the exercise from fifty to fifty-five times
    5. We try to reach the tip of our nose with the tip of our tongue. With this exercise, you can perform various body movements with your tongue, moving it from side to side. Repeat the exercise five times
    6. Now we try to reach the chin with the tip of our tongue
    7. We try to open our mouth, while using our hands from below we press on the jaw, not allowing it to fall down
    8. We throw our head back until we feel the tension in the neck muscles. We begin to alternately turn our heads in one direction or the other.
    9. We take a mouthful of air, while greatly inflating our cheeks. Cover your mouth with your palm and begin to gradually blow air into it
    10. We stretch our mouth into a smile as much as possible and begin to pronounce vowels
    11. We fold our mouth into a tube and blow the vowels “U” and “Yu” into it alternately.
    12. Alternately overlap the upper lip with the lower and vice versa. We perform the exercise at least twenty times
    13. We try to smile, while pressing on both cheeks with two fingers
    14. We try to blow balloons more often

    How to remove sagging cheeks after 50 years?

    In addition to all the above methods for eliminating jowls, modern cosmetology and plastic surgery offers a whole range of manipulations to get rid of sagging cheeks:

    1. Circular or local facelift
    2. The introduction of a chin implant is a procedure for correcting and enlarging the chin, allowing you to smooth out the skin and tighten the jowls
    3. Removal of Bisha's lumps is an operation carried out back in at a young age, aimed at partial excision of fatty lumps on the cheeks. This creates an oval face, prominent cheekbones and prevents the appearance of jowls.
    4. Thermolifting is a non-surgical manipulation based on stimulating skin regeneration using thermal effects on it.
    5. Lymphatic drainage massage is a salon manual or hardware manipulation based on massage
    6. Facial myostimulation is a procedure performed using electrical impulses sent into the skin

    How to remove sagging cheeks and chin?

    • Another technique to get rid of jowls is liposuction.
    • Liposuction is a procedure for pumping out fat from “emergency” areas of facial skin
    • Briley liposuction is performed in the same way as liposuction of other parts of the body - an incision is made behind the ear, through which all unnecessary fat is sucked out using a vacuum.
    • Such manipulation will be relevant only if the cause of jowls is an excess amount of fatty tissue on the cheeks

    How to remove jowls on your face: Video

    Dogs have always had bulldog cheeks. These are lips hanging in tails from the lower jaw of the animal. Nowadays, cosmetology means a completely different meaning to this term. Today you can often meet people whose accumulated subcutaneous fat cannot stick to their face and falls in folds, like the lips of a dog.

    Such a defect greatly spoils the facial features, while the lower part becomes heavy and wrinkles form, which visually adds several extra years. Owners of such jowls are constantly fighting against them, so they are looking for new, safer and faster ways.

    Modern cosmetology today is able to solve this problem. There are many salons where they can fix this defect for you. There are also many techniques that can help you get rid of bulldog cheeks even at home.

    Despite the huge selection, experts recommend first understanding where unwanted fat folds come from.

    There are only two reasons that can be quickly and easily determined.

    Causes of bulldog cheeks


    How older man, the less collagen and elastin fibers its cells contain. As a result, after 35 years, the membranes of the cells weaken and can no longer retain subcutaneous accumulations. Therefore, heavy subcutaneous tissue is no longer able to be evenly distributed over the cheeks, but simply begins to fall down. Thus, bulldog cheeks appear.


    Nowadays, you can often find young people whose falling folds of fat are clearly visible. Despite their youth, they have quite a lot of weight. At the same time, excess fat is deposited not only in the abdomen and hips, but also on the face. Women especially suffer from this defect.


    If a girl has extra pounds, then a large amount of fatty tissue is not able to stay in the upper part of the cheeks, and it begins to fall down, where it forms unpleasant jowls.

    It is worth noting that all of these problems are solvable, regardless of whether bulldog cheeks appear as a result of age or obesity. In any case, you should not give up, but you should try to get rid of excess fat that spoils your face.

    If jowls appeared as a result excess weight, the best way out will take advantage of diet and some kind of sport.

    If you have the opportunity, it is better to get rid of bulldog cheeks in a salon with the help of specialists. The advantage of the salon is that an extensive examination of your body will be carried out there and a specific comprehensive treatment program will be selected for each patient. In addition, after the first procedure you will notice significant improvements. Everyone can contact specialists, regardless of age and the reasons for the appearance of fatty sagging.


    If the appearance of unpleasant folds is associated with age, cosmetologists today are able to enhance the growth of collagen in cells and, thus, stop the aging process.

    Ways to deal with bulldog cheeks

    Lymphatic drainage massage

    Lymphatic drainage massage in the facial area is performed manually. The specialist makes all movements exactly in the direction of the lymphatic flow. Such manipulations are pleasant and very relaxing. At the same time, you do not feel any pain. There have been cases where women even fall asleep during a massage. As a result of this therapeutic effect, lymph flow accelerates, and toxins begin to be removed from the cells. In addition, the supply of oxygen and various nutrients through the skin increases. At the same time, there is an outflow of intercellular fluid and excess fat.


    As a result lymphatic drainage massage fatty sagging disappears after just a few procedures.


    During this treatment procedure, heat affects the skin. At the same time, blood circulation is significantly accelerated, which restores proper metabolism. Heat rays are directed to problem areas where old cells begin to die and fall off. In this case, the aging process stops and tissue renewal occurs. Skin cells are also strengthened, and subcutaneous fat is dissolved.


    The thermolifting procedure can rid you of jowls after several sessions.

    In this case, special preparations are injected under the skin in the area of ​​the face where fat is collected. Bulldog cheeks gradually disappear without damaging the skin and facial muscles. This method of getting rid of jowls exists in almost all salons. However, it is not particularly popular, as many are afraid of injections.


    This procedure is also carried out using injections. In this case, a biostimulator is introduced, which enters the deeper layers skin and there it spreads out like a kind of cobweb. It is aimed at strengthening the skin framework, getting rid of problem areas, and can also tidy up the facial contour. The biothreads dissolve within 30 days, but the cosmetic effect will be noticeable for a long time.

    When visiting a salon, you can choose a method for eliminating bulldog cheeks not only using surgery, but also various gentle procedures. However, you need to know that salon treatments for rejuvenation will significantly devastate your budget.

    There is another disadvantage of visiting a salon: they may cause side effects and various kinds of complications. As a result, eliminating sagging fat on the face will not bring you joy, as it may leave scars, bruises, small hematomas and much more.

    If you are a wealthy person, then you are ready to spend a tidy sum for the sake of beauty - this is not a problem. But the second drawback of such procedures makes any person think. In this case, you need to take the search for a salon very responsibly. It is better to contact an experienced specialist who has performed similar procedures more than once. If you do not have the opportunity to remove jowls in a clinic or salon, you can deal with them at home.

    Having a great desire to tidy up your face and return it to its former beauty, you can begin to solve this problem at home. Today, many special gymnastic exercises have been developed to eliminate fatty sagging on the face, and various cosmetic masks are also used.

    You need to be patient, perhaps for more than one month, to achieve desired result. But this has its advantages: the financial costs will not be large and you will not face any complications after the procedures.


    Fighting bulldog cheeks at home will take much more time than in a salon.

    Methods for getting rid of jowls at home

    Gymnastics. There are special exercises to combat fat folds on the face, which must be performed up to 14 times during the day. The technology for performing such gymnastics can be found on the Internet.

    Massage. At home, self-massage is the most effective way getting rid of bulldog cheeks. You can also find a large amount of material on this topic on the Internet.

    Cosmetic masks. You can independently from simple products prepare masks that will help correct the shape of your face. You can also purchase ready-made ointments in a specialized store.

    Facial care: how to get rid of sagging cheeks

    The symbol of a woman’s youth is not her face or neck, but her cheeks, the elasticity and freshness of which is her best passport to life. Experts say: as long as the cheeks remain round and rosy like a child’s, their owner will always remain young in the eyes of others. But if they begin to slide off the face, or even turn into so-called jowls, those around you will immediately add an extra heel or two to your face. This process can be prevented or, if it occurs, stopped using simple and effective means.

    5 main reasons why cheeks sag

    1. Age. Muscle withering is an inevitable process, its results appear on the face by the age of 40.
    2. Heredity. It may be one of the factors in the loss of skin elasticity ahead of time.
    3. Overweight. The severity of excess weight affects the entire condition of the skin, which begins to sag under its influence. On the face, the cheeks “move out” first.
    4. Ultraviolet. The scorching rays of the sun are the main enemy of the skin. The skin tissue suffers from prolonged exposure to them, which leads to a loss of their elasticity.
    5. Nicotine. Reduced blood flow to the face is another factor in sagging cheeks. If smoking is accompanied by vitamin deficiency, the aging process accelerates.

    Homemade masks will tighten your cheeks and correct the shape of your face

    There is a whole range of special procedures that help improve the shape of the face and at the same time solve the problem of sagging cheeks.

    Cosmetic procedures to tighten the cheeks:

    • bioreinforcement or vector facelift;
    • lifting massage;
    • biorevitalization in the form of subcutaneous injections;
    • aqualix.

    However, all these tricky manipulations can be partly replaced with homemade homemade masks. Moreover, they not only allow you to solve the main problem, which are sagging cheeks, but also help to tone the skin of the face and correct its oval.

    Egg mask

    Beat the egg white until foamy. Add honey if the skin is dry, or steamed oatmeal flakes if it is oily. Apply the resulting mass to your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off first with warm and then cool water.

    The mask tightens the cheeks and corrects the oval.

    Honey and sour cream mask

    Take sour cream and honey in equal proportions. Mix and apply to cheeks. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    The mask tightens the cheeks and nourishes the skin.

    Scrub mask

    2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over rolled oatmeal flakes. Let it brew, then add 1 tsp. natural yogurt, honey and chopped almonds. Apply the resulting mass to your cheeks and massage them in circular movements. Rinse off.

    This scrub gets rid of bulldog cheeks and tones the skin.

    Diet for saggy cheeks: give up salt and sugar

    Special face masks coupled with creams that have a lifting effect will not be effective if the diet is not adjusted in time. Salt and sugar should be eliminated first. They stop fluid in the body, thereby causing swelling. The same applies to fatty and sweet foods, which, in addition to swelling, threaten to add extra calories. And alcohol can completely ruin the condition of the skin.

    Foods to avoid for healthy cheeks:

    • hot spices, salt, sugar;
    • rich broths, fatty meats, lard;
    • carbonated drinks;
    • strong tea, coffee;
    • alcohol.

    More than half of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. Fiber will help cleanse the intestines, the condition of which is reflected in the complexion.

    Those who suffer from chubby cheeks should also include fasting days in this diet.

    Start your morning with a light cheek massage

    Another way to tighten your cheeks is massage. It is enough to massage this area of ​​the face every day for just 10 minutes to remove puffiness and sagging. Cosmetologists advise starting your day with morning treatment on the area of ​​the lower cheeks and chin.

    How to do a herbal massage with a cheek towel:

    • moisten a face towel in a pre-prepared herbal decoction;
    • squeeze the towel like an accordion and bring it to the lower part of your face;
    • straighten the towel so that it hits your chin;
    • In the same way, strike the lower parts of the cheeks with a towel.

    Instead of herbal decoction You can use saline solution.

    Another great remedy for sagging cheeks is honey massage. To perform it, you need to apply liquid honey to your fingers and, placing them on your cheeks, begin to rub into the skin. When the honey is absorbed, you can perform pinching movements, they will help increase blood flow to this area. After completing the procedure, the honey should be washed off and a moisturizer should be applied to the face.

    Since important muscles are concentrated in the cheek area - the buccal, chewing, zygomatic major and minor muscles and the laughter muscle - massage of this area should be performed in a certain sequence: stroking (flat, circular, with skin displacement), kneading, effleurage, vibration.

    Cheek exercises instead of a circular facelift

    Any plastic surgeon knows: if you massage your cheeks daily special exercises, this will help tighten the skin of the cheeks and prevent the appearance of a double chin. In other words, a surgical facelift will not be needed if you do gymnastics for the cheeks, which includes face fitness.

    Exercises for saggy cheeks

    1. Raise your head and turn to the left so that you feel the muscle tension. Then turn right and stay for 2-4 minutes. Repeat five to six times.
    2. Make energetic turns of your neck left and right. Five to ten times.
    3. Take air into your cheeks, hold it for 10 seconds and release it sharply. Repeat, but roll the air with your cheeks: up and down, right and left, in a circle.
    4. Take air into your cheeks and release it intermittently through pursed lips.
    5. Place your palms on your face so that they cover your lips and your fingers are on your cheeks.
    6. Resisting with your fingers, try to smile and then relax.

    These simple exercises will help prevent sagging cheeks and at the same time improve the condition of your lips. Their outline will become clearer, and they themselves will acquire the swelling of a child. What’s especially nice is that you don’t need a specific place or time to do them. You can do this without looking up from the monitor. The main thing is to remember that you don’t need much to prolong your youth.

    Inevitable physiological feature The human body has become slowly aging. The wear and tear of the body manifests itself in each part of the body in its own way; this is evidenced on the face by sagging cheeks, otherwise known as “bulldog jowls.” Sagging is difficult to miss, especially when the phenomenon occurs in women.

    The appearance of the face immediately deteriorates, the woman looks older than her age, and when walking quickly, if you look carefully, you can often see how sagging cheeks are shaking. The spectacle is ugly, and the question naturally arises of how to remove sagging cheeks and return the face to its former oval and beautiful shape.

    The main causes of sagging cheeks, or “bulldog jowls”

    Plunging into the problem, each person first wants to know why exactly this phenomenon happened to him, because many at that age do not even think about the fact that their cheeks can sag. Ptosis soft fabric cheeks is provoked by aging, at this stage age-related changes There is a lack of collagen. The next reason for this is a hereditary factor, when the parents also had a “floating outline” on their face and body. Dramatic weight loss.

    Cosmetic procedures

    You cannot eliminate “bulldog jowls” on your own, here ordinary cosmetics will not help, it is impossible to paint over or disguise a sagging body. They come to the rescue modern technologies allowing you to change the contour of the face and perform a facelift.

    Contour plastic surgery

    Facial contouring has become a widespread technology. The technology of the procedure is unique, made possible by introducing special gel-like preparations into the problem area of ​​one’s own fats obtained through liposuction. Before insertion and immediately after collection, a natural implant undergoes special treatment and cleaning. Injection under the skin can be done in stages. The face remains beautiful, the shape of the cheeks is correct from two to four years. After the procedure, the skin becomes tighter and the face becomes younger. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes.


    You can tighten the skin from the inside without surgery using a bioreinforcement procedure. The bottom line is that a special substance is injected into problem areas with injections, which allows you to even out the skin and smooth it out. Performing injections in a certain area allows you to strengthen, tighten, and return the correct oval to the face.

    The main substance of bioreinforcement was hyaluronic acid, which after a certain time simply dissolves and is spontaneously excreted. The only drawback of the method is that after the end of the action, after its removal from the body, sometimes an enhanced aging process begins. Therefore, under the age of 40, such procedures are considered contraindicated.

    The drug is administered in three sessions, at first light blisters remain, after which they dissolve and are evenly distributed over the cheeks. This procedure can make you look younger by five, or even eight years.


    Closer to forty years, it is possible to perform a lipofilling procedure. The procedure is considered safe. Represents plastic surgery during which specialists perform manipulations with a person’s own fat. For example, if there is too much fat in the abdominal area, it is pumped out and moved to the sagging area of ​​the cheeks, injected into the desired area.

    Sagging is eliminated, the oval of the face becomes correct. Among the complications that occur very rarely are the subsequent occurrence of facial asymmetry, which can only appear if medical error– uneven injection of fat into symmetrical areas.


    An aesthetic procedure that allows you to rejuvenate your face by tightening sagging contours. The essence of the procedure is the use of infrared or radio frequency radiation that affects different layers of the skin. The procedure is contraindicated, as is side effects practically none. It is performed painlessly. It is extremely popular. It is highly efficient. Repeat the procedure several times, treating small areas lasts about 20 minutes.

    Thermolifting can be: RF lifting, Bipolar, Tripolar, Laser, Infrared rays and Monopolar. The type of procedure differs in the strength of the effect on the skin, the method of execution, and the effectiveness. Some procedures, in addition to rejuvenation, perform the function of cleansing, removing harmful substances and toxins from the skin.

    Cosmetological methods

    Correction of ptosis at a professional level is recommended from 35 to 40 years old. Cheeks are corrected based on hyaluronic acid, fillers. Liquid implants are administered through injections and fill sagging areas from the inside. Maintaining the form lasts about a year. The skin tightens, the volume of the cheeks increases. Instead of hyaluronic acid, silicone and polylactic acid are often introduced, in which case the shape can be preserved for up to three years.

    Microcurrent therapy

    The rejuvenation procedure of microcurrent therapy is based on the use of electricity. Pulse currents of low voltage (up to 14 volts) gently affect the skin of sagging cheeks, delving into all layers, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, affecting thin vascular elements. The procedure is highly effective, ideally emphasizes the lost contour of the face, and rejuvenates.

    Lifting with threads

    Special threads made from absorbable and non-absorbable materials are placed inside soft tissue. Skin stretches naturally, elasticity increases. The structure of the threads and the material itself promotes additional production of collagen and elastin. Effectiveness lasts from one to five years.

    How to remove sagging cheeks on your face at home

    Not supporters cosmetic procedures can remove not too sagging cheeks on their own, at home. Of course, if the phenomenon is neglected, then only plastic surgery can cope with it. However, this technique helps many people.


    Today, a lot of exercises have been developed aimed at tightening and toning the muscles of the face and neck. It is quite possible to choose a certain complex for yourself and perform it daily, spending 10 minutes.


    Every day, the sagging part of the face should be massaged, performing circular movements, patting, stroking. Massage can be performed in parallel with applying masks, as if rubbing in nutrients.

    Face masks

    Particularly effective are various face masks prepared from eggs, cow's milk, honey, sour cream and other “homemade” ingredients. For example, on sagging areas of the cheeks and chin area, you can apply the following ointment: beat chicken protein with a mixer until white, add a tablespoon of liquid honey and oatmeal, and stir. After 10 minutes, the egg-honey mask is removed with warm water, the face is washed and applied nutritious cream. It is recommended to use this mask for bulldog jowls up to three times a week.

    Prevention of sagging cheeks

    To prevent sagging cheeks, you need to:

    • stick to proper nutrition;
    • monitor your weight;
    • lead a healthy lifestyle;
    • take proper care of your facial skin.

    At the slightest suspicion of sagging skin in the cheek area, seek help from specialists.

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