• Gift etiquette. What and to whom should be given. What they don't give


    On the eve of the coming New Year, I decided to write such an article. The holidays are approaching and now is the time to pay tribute. old tradition and prepare gifts for relatives and friends. Some consider the process of giving to be a tired convention, a relic of ancient rituals, and therefore begin it without much enthusiasm. And someone doesn’t think about it at all why give gifts, but simply does it solely out of respect for tradition. Meanwhile, a gift has a very important social function, which I will talk about in this article.

    Also, when we figure out why gifts are needed at all, let's talk about what should the gift be?.

    Why do they give gifts?

    In the very act of giving, the most important thing is not the gift itself as a material thing, but the feelings and motives that stand behind it. This could be care, participation, attention, love, friendship, a desire to improve relationships, apologies, etc. A gift is only a material embodiment of these positive emotions; it can serve as a pleasant reminder of them to another person. With a gift we show, among other things, attention. And this means not only that you remembered some person on some holiday and decided to congratulate him.

    This expresses your participation, ability to listen and feel the other person. A good gift, chosen to suit the tastes and desires of the object of donation, indicates that you have taken into account all the little “wants” of the other person (I don’t mean direct hints like “oh, what a fur coat I want like that,” but some harmless wishes, said without any intention) that you listened to him, took part in what he said, and did not ignore his words, thinking only about yourself and your own.

    A gift is a symbol of empathy. People love to be shown attention and listened to, which is why they love good gifts tailored to them. This is the meaning of giving, you make it clear to the other person that you are with him, remember him and do not stand somewhere on the sidelines, indifferently looking at his life, caring only about your own. The act of giving is strengthening social relations: love, friendship and family ties.

    And the New Year is a great reason to at least temporarily stop thinking about yourself and think about others. Take a break from obsessing over own desires and put yourself in the shoes of your loved ones. Think about what gift would suit them. But what should the gift be??

    What should the gift be?

    The highest grace in this matter will be to guess the hidden, unexpressed desires of another person and anticipate them with an excellent gift! For example, your friend loves music passionately, but has never thought about playing a musical instrument, it just never occurred to him, and then suddenly you give him a brand new piano, guitar or flute. This can make a person very happy, since such a gift marks new stage in the interests of the individual, precedes a new hobby, which, perhaps, will remain with her for the rest of her life, and is not just another little thing.

    A good gift will be something that matches the tastes and desires of the person to whom you are giving it. Otherwise, he will not express all the attention and participation that he can demonstrate. This gift is best suited for a loved one or a friend. It never hurts to make inquiries about this person’s wishes by talking with his loved ones, maybe you can come up with some kind of joint gift that he will be delighted with.

    If you can’t find anything to suit your tastes, then just some original thing will do. A proven formula for an excellent gift is “what he (she) wants (or would want if he knew about such a thing), but would never buy it for himself.” That is, such a thing should have the character of some excess. For example, abstract Vasya, of course, would not refuse a wider monitor for his computer, but for now he is satisfied with the one he has - a small one. In order to save money, he does not want to spend money on something that he already has, which is simply of better quality. But if they gave it to him, it would come in very handy and he would be very happy about it.

    It can be all sorts of not entirely practical, but pleasant things or even services: a coupon for a massage, a parachute jump or a plane flight (just make sure that the one you give it to can withstand such an extreme), a flight in a wind tunnel, some kind of something decorative, a beautiful thing, a cool accessory for a computer, tablet or phone...

    If you really can’t surprise someone with a gift, then give them at least something. For many, it’s really not that important what you give them, the main thing for them is just congratulations: especially for your elderly relatives and grandparents. Original gift This is of course good, but not important in every case.

    And remember, a gift not only demonstrates your participation and attention, but also your concern for the mental well-being and health of another person. Therefore, even if your friend or relative is a heavy drinker, there is no need to give him another bottle that he will happily finish during the holidays. I believe that a gift, no matter how pleasant it may be, should not be harmful to health and you, as its giver, should not encourage unhealthy addictions of your loved ones.

    So give gifts to show your love to your loved ones and bring at least a little creativity, ingenuity and diligence into the process. And I congratulate you on the upcoming holidays. Wait for new New Year's articles!

    There are several gifts that, according to folk wisdom, cannot be given. All of them carry negative energy, which is activated when giving.

    If you want to choose a gift for a loved one, then first we recommend that you learn about dangerous gifts from the point of view of esotericism and folk wisdom. What kind of gifts are these, and what danger do they pose?

    What not to give

    Knives, scissors and all sharp objects. Gifts with an edge doom all the inhabitants of the house to failure. As you know, he focuses on sharp objects a large number of negative energy.

    Watch. Why can't you give a watch? There are many versions of the origin of this folk sign. In China, for example, they believe that a gift in the form of a watch will count down the time until a person’s death. If you give a watch to a loved one, then this promises a quick quarrel.

    Books. This gift should not be given to a married couple. It is believed that a book given as a gift can provoke betrayal.

    Dishes. According to superstitions, empty dishes should not be given as a gift - this can attract lack of money. But if you put something in it, for example, a coin, then such a gift, on the contrary, will turn out to be happy.

    Wallet. You should not give a wallet and accept it as a gift. You may lose your money luck. If you put money in your wallet, then, on the contrary, it will attract wealth.

    Handkerchief. With this gift, a person will receive unnecessary worries and sorrows. This gift seems to hint: “Cry into me!”

    Pearl. According to superstitions and ancient legends, pearls symbolize the tears of inconsolable widows and orphans. Such a gift attracts illness, tears and loss.

    Medical devices and items related to diseases. Such things will constantly remind a person of his illnesses, which will provoke a deterioration in his health.

    Money. It is believed that cash gift may have a negative impact on the life of the one who gives it. A person, along with such a gift, can lose his well-being.

    Mirror. This item has always been considered mystical, so you should not accept it or give it as a gift, since someone else’s mirror in the house can cause strange phenomena.

    When choosing a gift, remember that it must be from a pure heart. Only then will he be welcome. And don't forget that negative action a dangerous gift can be avoided if the giver is given a coin in return. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    01.11.2014 08:07

    There are many folk signs, which are associated with important events our life. We'll talk about signs...

    Good gift- not necessarily an expensive gift. Moreover, even an expensive gift can be inappropriate and bring grief instead of joy and pleasure, if the one who presented it did not take into account the traditions, superstitions or customs of the country where he was lucky enough to meet New Year.

    In order not to go to the astral plane

    For example, among the Celtic peoples (Irish, Scots) mirrors are considered a symbol of the transition from the real world to the other world. And since the doors between worlds open slightly on New Year and Christmas, it’s better not to joke with fate. So, by giving an Irishman a mirror, you may simply scare him. He will see in such a gift a bad sign, and in the giver - a messenger with bad news or a person who wishes him harm, a kind of troll and leprechaun. Also, you cannot give lilies on New Year's Day: in Ireland, these flowers are considered suitable only for religious holidays, and New Year is not one of them.

    In many European countries, it is not customary to give pearls to women. This stone is called “widow’s tears,” and such negative symbolism on the eve of the New Year, a holiday with which everyone pins hopes for the best, is definitely useless.

    There are traditions in European holiday etiquette that are not so mystical. In France, for example, it is believed that only close women can give men ties, because this is an obvious symbol of “clutter.” A work colleague might be alarmed by such a hint. The same applies to perfume as a gift for a lady: the French give perfume only to their wives and lovers.

    Germans only avoid expensive ones New Year's gifts. It is believed that an expensive gift obliges the giver to respond in kind, but not everyone has such an opportunity. But on Christmas Eve, German residents happily give each other candles and fir wreaths.

    Mexicans do not give men shampoos or other hair care products for New Year's. Such a gift will be regarded as a hint of problems and a wish to improve your hair in the New Year, which Mexicans may perceive as an insult. But flowers are considered a wonderful gift. But when choosing a bouquet, you need to remember that in Mexico it is not customary to give marigolds or any red flowers.

    In Spain, there are other subtleties of floristry: it is necessary to avoid the number thirteen when choosing a bouquet of flowers. In addition, the Spaniards do not like extremes; they do not like gifts that are too simple or too extravagant. It's better to stick to the golden mean.

    No alcohol law

    A resident of the United Arab Emirates will most likely be pleased with a gift in the form of perfume and a pearl necklace. But only if it comes from a husband or father. Strangers have no right to make such gifts Arab women. If you are celebrating the New Year with Arab friends, it is better not to give them leather clothes, because it is extremely difficult to verify the origin of a leather item. Uncertainty about which animal was sacrificed to make an item can seriously spoil the holiday. However, the same applies to other Muslim countries - for example, Jordan or Tunisia. In addition, it is absolutely not customary to give alcohol there, and the New Year is no exception in this regard.

    Also, in all Arab countries it is not customary to give each other any objects with the image of a person. It is better to choose a gift with a floral design or with a picture of nature - you can’t go wrong.

    In Norway, compliments are not welcome on New Year's Day, as on other holidays. Norwegians do not know the famous song call of Bulat Okudzhava and regard praise not as “pleasant moments of love”, but as inappropriate flattery, and this does not make them happy, but makes them sad. The Scandinavian neighbors of the Norwegians, the Finns, can give for the New Year something that in Russia is considered a bad sign - knives. But Finns give them only if they want to propose to a girl on New Year’s Day. In front of his chosen one, the man solemnly sheathes the knife. If the girl agrees, then she must take out a knife. After this, a wedding date can be set in the New Year.

    Everything except white

    In Japan, the most New Year's color for Russians - white - falls into the category of taboo. What to do if in Russia white is the color of snow, purity, association with New Year holidays, among the Japanese it is considered a symbol of mourning. And on New Year’s Day, alas, it does not acquire any other meaning. Also, the Japanese do not give each other any objects in the amount of “4” or “10” for the New Year: in Japanese, the transcription of the word “four” is close to the sound of the word “death”, and “ten” is very similar to the word “pain”. Naturally, no one needs such symbolism on New Year’s Day. However, the Japanese also try to avoid these numbers on other holidays. Unlike Europeans, the Japanese and Chinese give a friend an even number of flowers. The Japanese carefully pack other gifts in boxes. By the way, in Japan it is not customary to unwrap a gift in the presence of the giver: what if it disappoints so much that the person cannot hide it? For a Japanese, this hypothetical situation is akin to a disaster: showing disappointment with a gift is like being naked in a public place. That is why cultured Japanese do not risk doing such experiments.

    Choosing a gift is a responsible matter. It may turn out that the person who receives the gift is superstitious. Therefore, instead of joy, the gift will bring grief and resentment. To avoid this, you need to know what you cannot give as a gift for a particular holiday. It is better not to buy gifts such as a watch, a mirror, piercing or cutting objects in any case. You should take especially seriously the choice of a gift for a person of a different nationality and religion.

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      What should you not give to your other half?

      Some things that are given as a gift to a beloved boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband are “notorious.” It is believed that these are the items that lead to quarrels and even separation of couples in love, so they should not be given as a gift.


      Negative meaning

      Gifted watches can bring closer the moment of separation of lovers


      A gift will provoke a person to utter rude and harsh words, which he will greatly regret. This will cause a major scandal with your loved one


      A person will have secrets and mysteries, which will cause dissatisfaction with the other half and undermine trust

      Sharp objects

      The present will lead to a “sharpening” of the relationship and further separation


      Alcohol that was given as a gift should be drunk immediately. IN otherwise it will cause health problems and deterioration in relationships

      Gloves, mittens

      This gift will cause disagreements and omissions that will lead to separation

      Roses with thorns

      The gift will bring taunts and quarrels into the lives of lovers

      Sad pictures

      Paintings depicting sad people, destruction, sad events, have negative energy. They can ruin the relationship between lovers

      If you give a man socks, he will leave for another woman

      The gift will encourage your loved one to cheat

      If your loved one doesn't like the gift, don't be upset or hold a grudge. You should take the gift and promise to give something else. There is another way out of the situation. You can offer to buy the gift for a nominal fee. The purchased item will not have a negative message and will not cause harm to the owner if in fact it is exchanged for money.

      In addition to the above gifts, you should always give a coin if you give knives, forks, scissors, a mirror, icons, an animal, indoor flower.

      Unwanted housewarming gifts

      If a person is invited to a housewarming party, then it is important to know about those things that cannot be given to the owners of a new home:

      • Knives, forks. Such gifts will bring quarrels, scandals, resentments and mutual claims into the house.
      • Watch. This gift is prohibited. Housewarming is no exception, as the clock is a symbol of separation and parting. This type of gift should be avoided.
      • Mirror. This is a mystical object that serves as a connection between two worlds.
      • Bed linen, pillows, blankets. These gifts are quite popular, but these are personal items that should be purchased by the owners of the house themselves.
      • Money. Such a gift will cause lack of money and financial losses.

      What is not customary to give for a birthday?

      If a person is invited to a birthday party, it is important to remember that there are many signs associated with this holiday. After all, the birthday person may turn out to be a superstitious person, and the wrong gift will greatly upset or even anger him.

      One of the most common signs concerns the number of flowers in a bouquet. It should only be odd, since among the Slavs an even number is a symbol of mourning. Although in modern world not all countries adhere to this tradition. In the Caucasus, they always give an even number of flowers so that a person always has a pair. And for funerals they give an odd number so that a person does not take his soul mate with him.

      Unwanted birthday gifts are presented in the table.

      Present Negative meaning
      Piercing and cutting objects They will “sharpen” the birthday boy’s relationship with his other half. The spouses will begin to quarrel over various trifles. At work, conflicts will arise with management and colleagues. Gifts such as knives, daggers, sabers, axes, forks, scissors, razors are prohibited
      Watch This is one of the most dangerous gifts, as they shorten a person’s life. Gifts in the form of towels and slippers have the same meaning.
      Pillows and blankets Can cause the birthday person to feel worse and have health problems
      Yellow flowers They attract separation, parting and deception
      Handkerchiefs This gift will bring tears. For the same reason, it is not customary to give shampoo and conditioner
      Soap It will cause quarrels, tears and troubles. The person will find himself in a “slippery” situation
      Mirror It reflects a person's life. This present can turn over beautiful life vice versa
      Pearl Such a gift will cause tears and grief.
      Pectoral cross There is a sign according to which a cross cannot be given as a birthday present. There is only one reason for this - Baptism. However, the church encourages a gift in the form of a cross. The main thing is that it be consecrated in the temple
      Empty bag, wallet It is believed that you cannot give an empty bag as a gift. You need to put a small symbolic gift in it: a keychain or even greeting card. An empty wallet will cause financial difficulties
      Gloves This gift will cause quarrels between lovers
      Dear pen Such a gift shows respect for the birthday person. But there is a belief that if you give a person a pen, he will not be able to accept independent decisions, they will be led
      Portrait The gift will quarrel between the birthday person and the person giving the gift. A person may not like his image on canvas, which emphasizes flaws in appearance
      Doll Usually such a souvenir is given to a child. The meaning of a gifted doll for an adult can be twofold. Since ancient times, a homemade doll has been a talisman for humans. But if the birthday person is not sure of the sincerity of the wishes of the person giving the gift, then it is better to immediately refuse it
      Casket A person will reveal his secrets, which will cause quarrels with people around him.
      Animal If an animal is given as a gift for a birthday, the birthday person must give a symbolic payment for it.
      Kitchenware Will lead to quarrels in the family of the birthday boy.

      What should you not give as a wedding gift?

      There are many signs and superstitions associated with wedding gifts for newlyweds. In order to avoid getting into trouble, you should know about the most common ones. The following gifts and souvenirs are prohibited.


      Negative meaning

      Knives, forks, sharp objects

      Some guests of the celebration may be guided by the everyday needs of the newlyweds and give them forks and knives. This will lead to discord between future spouses and quarrels over trifles

      Place settings, sets of pots, glasses, salad bowls, bowls that are given on the wedding day should not be empty, as this can lead to poverty for the newlyweds. You can fill the dishes with candies, coins, money, postcards

      This gift is also prohibited on the occasion of a wedding celebration. It is believed that this can cause the divorce of spouses or even the death of one of them

      Suitcases, bags, wallets

      Some of the guests can buy a suitcase for the young people, which will be useful for them in honeymoon. Such a gift is acceptable only if it contains a symbolic amount

      Things for newborns

      There is a superstition that says you should not buy baby clothes before the baby is born.

      Large home appliances

      If young people live in their parents' house, then similar technique may become unnecessary. It will only take up space and cause irritation to the residents of the house. This also applies to interior items and furniture. It is better to give the certificate to a household appliance store

      Cheap souvenirs

      You should not buy useless things that will only cause negative emotions in the newlyweds. If it is not possible to buy a worthy gift, then it is better to give the money in an envelope


      Even if a person has prepared a set of personalized scarves for the newlyweds, they should not be given, as this gift symbolizes tears and sadness


      It is believed that such a gift will negatively affect the health of one of the members new family

      Even the mirrors self made in a beautiful frame cannot be given as a wedding gift. This gift will cause selfishness in the family, conflicts and disputes will arise between the newlyweds

      Hairpins, combs, combs

      Gifts will cause the wife to be closed, which will lead to conflicts between the young spouses. For the same reason, it is not customary to give cufflinks and a tie.

      Empty vase

      This gift is considered a symbol of childlessness. If a person has a great desire to give a gift, then it should be filled with water and a bouquet of fresh flowers should be placed.

      Fan, air conditioner

      The gift will cause a cooling of relations between spouses

      Fragile things

      Such gifts can lead to a breakdown in relationships and divorce of spouses.

      Roses with thorns

      Before presenting roses, all thorns must be cut off. Otherwise, flowers will cause quarrels and conflicts in the family.

      There is a belief that romance and passion between lovers will melt away just like the wax of gifted candles

      This gift symbolizes tears and parting

      Even if the guest knows well the literary preferences of one of the spouses, you should not give books at the wedding, as this may cause one of the newlyweds to cheat

      Gifts with a price tag

      If the guest wants to emphasize the high cost of the gift, you should not leave a price tag or receipt. It will look stupid and ugly. The exception is equipment where a receipt is required in case of warranty repairs

      Unnecessary things

      This will look undignified and may upset the young people. You should choose a gift that the guest himself would be pleased to receive. Having handed over useless thing, a person gets rid of negativity in his home and “passes it on” to the newlyweds

      Negative signs about flowers in pots

      Quite often, instead of a bouquet, the hero of the occasion or simply as a sign of attention to the beloved woman is given flowers in a pot. There are plants that are energy vampires. They take from their owner vital energy, your health worsens, and problems with sleep appear. Many of them bring failure in their personal lives.

      You should not give potted plants to someone who is sick. On the other hand, there is a belief that if a flower withers or dries, it will take bad energy and illness with it.

      If the donated flowers in a pot do not take root in a person’s home, then the owner of the gift will face unforeseen obstacles in business.

      Another belief says that if you present a person with a pot of damp earth, then illnesses and problems in different areas of life await him. To neutralize negative impact, you need to buy plants in a special soil mixture.

      The one who gives a flower in a pot of soil throws off all his problems, adversities and accumulated negative energy. If a person is afraid of the negative influence of a plant or doubts the sincerity of the bright feelings of the one who presented the gift, simple rituals can be performed:

      1. Pay off. A few coins or small paper bills will be enough for this.

      2. Clear the plant of negativity. You should read the “Our Father” over the flower, and then sprinkle it with holy water.

      3. You can give away a present. It must be taken into account that this method is quite cruel and dishonest, because all the negative energy will transfer to an unsuspecting person.

      What cannot be given for the New Year according to the eastern horoscope?

      When choosing gifts for the New Year, it is important to take into account what the coming year will be like according to eastern horoscope.

      Each animal has its own preferences, which you should pay attention to when choosing a gift.

      Year to eastern calendar

      What can't be given?

      Bags, shoes, leather belts. Impractical and dull gifts, useless souvenirs. The snake does not like to rush, so it is not advisable to give a watch this year


      Trivial things, trinkets, gifts that have already been given for several years in a row, bath accessories, household electrical appliances, Stuffed Toys. Bad option There will be figurines, candlesticks, photo frames. You should not give a lot of souvenirs with the image of a monkey, money, beads, chains, pearls, perfumes. Dishes, clothes, shoes, books are undesirable

      Items made of goatskin and sheepskin. Items related to fire (candles, candlesticks, fireplaces, fireworks, lighters). Acoustic systems, musical instruments. Things from synthetic materials, various trinkets

      Jewelry in the form of necklaces, chains, beads. Perfume is undesirable for women, and shaving kits, knives, tools, and scissors are undesirable for men. Children should not buy cat toys. Not the best for teenagers the best gift various modern gadgets will become

      Not the most good option For the present there will be a personal photo. It is not customary to give such things either in a frame or in an album, or even just like that. Home textiles should not be presented in cold colors. The color of blankets, towels and other gifts should be bright. Sharp, piercing objects, bladed weapons

      In the coming Year of the Pig, there is no need to give banal and unnecessary things that will lie on the shelf and gather dust. The hostess of the year will appreciate practical gifts

      The tiger is a noble sign. It represents greatness, strength and feeling self-esteem. Therefore, this year you should not give impractical and useless items. You should not give soft toys, photo frames, figurines, candlesticks, refrigerator magnets, or unpaired items as gifts.

      This year you should not give those items that the hostess of the year does not like. This applies to cats and things with their image. In addition, rats are afraid of animals such as dogs and foxes. A live rat is an unfortunate gift

      Gifts that are associated with fire should not be given. Even lighters were blacklisted. You cannot give watches or alarm clocks. Sharp, piercing and cutting objects are prohibited.

      This year you cannot buy anyone or yourself any product made from genuine leather. This also applies to purses, wallets, and briefcases made of cow leather.

      A freedom-loving horse will not like objects that limit its freedom: belts, locks, leashes, pet collars. You should not buy gifts that have a closed shape. These can be bracelets, rings, chains

      Since the Rabbit is a family animal, useless items should not be given as gifts. You should buy things that the whole family will use.

      Traditions in other countries

      When choosing a gift, be sure to take into account the person’s religion. When planning to congratulate a Muslim, you need to find out about those things that can offend and offend him. In Islam, there are certain rules and norms that must be followed. The following gifts are prohibited:

      • Alcohol. Muslims are not allowed to drink, produce or give alcoholic beverages as gifts.
      • Products with erotic content. After giving such a gift, the person will be forever removed from the social circle.
      • Products made of silk, gold, silver. This applies to both men and women.
      • Figurines depicting various deities, sculptures.
      • A dog, regardless of its breed.

      If you want to treat a Muslim, it is important to consider that the dishes should not contain pork or meat of predatory animals.

      Giving gifts in the land of the rising sun is a delicate matter. There are many nuances that are important to remember when presenting a gift to the Japanese:

      • You should never give something for nothing. This will shock a Japanese person, as the person will think about how to say thank you and will feel embarrassed.
      • The gift must be wrapped in a beautiful wrapping paper and placed in a colorful package. Any packaging color except white.
      • When giving gifts, the Japanese will never open it immediately and examine it. They do this later after the holiday alone. This is a sign of delicacy. After all, the person might have been wrong with the gift, or the present might have been too modest. In Japan, it is not customary to show your disappointment.
      • You need to give a gift with both hands. As a last resort, with the right hand, but not with the left hand.
      • They don't give expensive gifts on New Year's Day, as they consider it an insignificant holiday. Instead, it is customary to exchange postcards, which should arrive exactly on January 1st. If a congratulation is received already on January 2, then this is a sign of disrespect.
      • One of the biggest horrors for Japanese people is receiving a greeting card from someone they forgot to congratulate.
      • Children are never given toys or sweets for the New Year. A common gift for children is an envelope with money.
      • If a person is invited to a big celebration, then on this occasion they often give paired objects, sometimes edible ones. A good gift for a manager is two black densuke watermelons or yubari melons.
      • Elderly and sick people are not given plants in a pot, as they evoke associations with the earth, a cemetery, and stagnation.
      • Flowers in Japan white symbolize mourning, so it is not the best choice for a gift.
      • You cannot give items in quantities of 4 or 9 pieces. These numbers are consonant with the words “death” and “pain”. In Japan, this tradition is so strong that hospitals often simply do not have the fourth and ninth floors.

    It is necessary to list and describe those things that are not recommended to be chosen as a gift under any circumstances.

    Bad omens about gifts


    Since ancient times, it has been believed that this item has some kind of magical power. There is a statement that, once in the hands of an experienced sorcerer, the mirror helps to perform various magical rituals. For example, if you give a “spoken” mirror to a young successful person, then through it you can take away all her youth, luck and beauty.

    You can often come across statements that a mirror serves as a kind of portal to other worlds. But accepting a gift in the form of an antique mirror is considered especially dangerous. After all, it is capable of storing the information and energy of all the people who have ever looked at its reflection.

    Over a long period of time, the mirror surface could absorb the energy of many deaths, grief and unfortunate human destinies. In addition, there is a popular belief that mirror surfaces can also store the restless souls of long-dead people, those who passed away voluntarily.


    It is believed that gifted watches bring all sorts of misfortunes. If they are presented as wedding gift, they will begin to count down the time spent in harmony and love for the newlyweds. This will inevitably lead to quarrels and, as a result, to divorce. And if, for example, you give Wall Clock the head of the organization, then long time He will not be able to occupy this post.

    Chinese porcelain dolls

    The thing is that such dolls are made based on the prototype of living people. In other words, the doll’s face reflects the features of a real person, repeats his facial expressions, gaze, and smile. That is, energy a certain person can live in a doll. And it is unknown how this will affect the health and life in general of those people to whom they were given.

    Piercing objects

    It is not recommended to give gifts in the form of forks, knives, and daggers. These items will be brought into the house with you. negative energy. It is believed that such gifts bring only quarrels, discord and troubles into the life of the person to whom they are presented.

    Bird figures

    Just like knives, bird figurines can bring misfortune and sorrow to the house. This is due to the belief that the bird is a symbol of distress noise. It is not for nothing that a bird accidentally flying into a window is believed to bring grief.

    Slippers, mittens and gloves

    You should especially not give these gifts to older people. After all, such gifts can remind them of their approaching old age.

    And donated gloves or mittens are a harbinger that the giver intends to end the relationship with the recipient of the gift. It was not for nothing that in the old days, when challenging someone to a duel, they threw down the gauntlet.

    As for the gift of slippers, some believe that this is a very bad omen, promising a quick death to the person to whom they were presented.

    Empty bags, wallets and backpacks

    In order to avoid financial problems for people who are going to give these things as a gift, you need to put a paper inside them. banknote. The larger it is, the better.

    Items associated with illness

    You cannot give items that, one way or another, remind you of diseases. For example, an inhaler, a heating pad, a tonometer, a spinal corset.


    It is better not to give live animals unless you are sure that a person has long dreamed of a specific animal of a specific breed. If you do happen to give such a gift, you must take a ransom for the animal - a symbolic amount of money. Otherwise, the animal may run away from its owner or get sick.

    Underwear, handkerchiefs and socks

    Items underwear and it is not recommended to give socks as a gift to your husbands. It is believed that this can provoke the faithful to cheat, as well as long roads. There is an opinion that gifts of socks are a harbinger that the husband will leave home and will want to return to it more.

    Donated handkerchiefs bring tears into the house. It’s not for nothing that those scarves that are used during the funeral ceremony are left at the cemetery without taking them into the house.


    Pearls themselves, or jewelry in which they are present, will bring other people's tears to its owner. After all, it is a symbol of the tears of the mermaid into which the young drowned woman turned.

    Carnations, red and black bouquet, even number of flowers

    It is believed that giving carnations is a bad sign. This will bring troubles and all sorts of misfortunes to the person to whom they were given.

    It is also considered a bad sign to compose and give a bouquet that contains only red and black flowers. This bouquet symbolizes death.

    And, of course, one of the most “dangerous” gifts, symbolizing death, is a bouquet presented to a living person, consisting of an even number of flowers.

    Is it possible to re-gift gifts?

    I would like to remind you that it is also not recommended to re-gift gifts. It is believed that the energy of the first recipient of the gift remains in him forever. Who knows what this energy is like, maybe negative? In any case, it is alien and will not bring anything good to the subsequent owners of this gift.

    Finally, it should be noted that if it happens that you still have to give any of the above gifts, you should definitely demand a ransom for it in the form of a symbolic sum of money. Then all the negative energy from this gift will go away.

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