• Templates for cutting paper for windows. New Year's decorations for windows - printable templates. Downloading sock templates for New Year's gifts


    New Year is a holiday that is loved by both adults and children, especially children. They like everything - the process of preparing for the holiday, the process of waiting for a gift, and the goodies on the table. Preparations for the New Year begin long before the holiday begins. Ideas for gifts, home decoration, outfits, and a festive table are being explored.

    What is the first thing Santa Claus sees when he comes to visit you? Of course, your windows. Therefore, one cannot help but pay attention to their decorations.

    Beautifully decorated windows will not only decorate your home from the inside, but also make it beautiful from the outside.

    There are several ways to decorate - using stencils and templates, toys, garlands. Which stencil or template is most suitable for you - decide for yourself, and we will tell you below how this can be brought to life.

    The simplest and in an accessible way decorating windows means using stencils. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself. The latter is preferable. Why? Yes, because when drawing a picture, cutting it out and gluing it, you put your energy, love and kindness into the process.

    Don’t discount the fact that making window decorations and decorating itself is a creative process, and if you do it together with your loved ones and children, then you will not only decorate the house, but also spend many pleasant moments together.

    What stencils can be used to decorate windows? Here you can give free rein to your family fantasy. These could be Christmas trees, snowflakes (you will find stencils for snowflakes just below), Father Frost and Snow Maiden, Mistress of the Year Dog..... there is no limit to your imagination in this matter.

    On the Internet you can find many stencil templates for decorating windows, but sometimes the question is how to transfer them to paper. This can be done in two ways.

    First way. Make a drawing of yourself on the monitor screen big size, attach a transparent piece of paper to the screen and redraw the stencil.

    Second way. Save the picture and print it on your printer. Only the drawing can be printed in small size.

    How can you increase it? This can be done using Microsoft Word. Create a document on your desktop, copy the picture you like there and, pointing the cursor at the corner of the picture, simply stretch it to the desired size.

    And long-awaited stencils for decorating windows.

    Snowflakes on paper windows for the New Year. Print stencils:

    Light airy snowflakes give a wonderful mood when they whirl and fall to the ground and cover it with a white snow carpet, but also when they decorate our home, especially the windows. They can be different - smooth, openwork, made of paper or cut out of cardboard. You can even cut out a snowflake from a newspaper, and it will have an original, slightly creative look. The simplest and most accessible material for making snowflakes is, of course, paper.

    They can be made using several methods.

    Just like they were taught to do in kindergarten.

    — Fold a square piece of paper diagonally several times and cut out the patterns that came to our minds.

    — Draw or print a snowflake template.

    — Buy ​​a ready-made stencil or template in a store.

    How to glue a snowflake to a window? It couldn’t be easier to do this - just make a saturated soap solution, coat one side of the snowflake with it and stick it to the window. It can even do this Small child. Watch a video on how to glue a snowflake to a window.

    There is another way to use a stencil to draw a design on the window glass.

    Attach a snowflake (or some other design or composition) to the glass and apply the coloring agent using a sponge.

    The coloring agent in our case can be ordinary toothpaste.

    Below are interesting snowflake patterns that can decorate your windows.

    But how beautiful the windows will be.

    Window decorations in the year of the dog (stencils in the shape of dogs and animals).

    The mistress of this year, as mentioned above, will be the Yellow Earth Dog. And, although she begins to rule only in February, we can already begin to achieve her favor. And a great way to do this would be to decorate the windows of your home as a family.

    You can give free rein to your children's imagination and let them decorate their windows with dogs and other animal images, or use ready-made templates and stencils.

    Charming, sweet and serious representatives of the dog fraternity will become a worthy decoration of your windows, and other animals will be their friends.

    And now templates of adorable dogs and other animals that are eager to decorate your windows.

    New Year's balls for cutting out of paper for windows (clippings).

    In addition to snowflakes, various balls can also be called a favorite attribute for decorating a Christmas tree and home. If we decorate the Christmas tree with shiny glass balls, then to decorate the windows you can use paper stencils and ball templates. Windows decorated with carved paper balls, look very festive and elegant.

    In order to cut out a ball and stick it on the window you need:

    • Print or redraw the version you like.
    • Using a sharp knife or small nail scissors, carefully cut out the inner parts.
    • Glue the ball to the window in any way (it’s best to use a concentrated soap solution - then it’s very easy to remove the stencil from the window).

    After you glue the ball to the window, you can use toothpaste, a sponge or a toothbrush and make a stencil design.

    And now we invite you to choose your own version of a template or stencil of balls for cutting out and decorating windows.

    How else can you decorate your windows for the New Year 2019? Original ideas

    Most likely, ideas on how to decorate a window in an original and unusual way New Year your family members have a great many. But there are times when nothing original comes to mind. In order for our imagination and fantasies to start working in full force, we need a little push.

    The design options proposed below may be such an impetus. You can take them as a basis and, adding your creative thoughts to them, turn your windows into a work of art.

    Or you can give free rein to your children's imagination. They will never have problems with original decoration! But there will be a lot of joy from the process of inventing, decorating and being proud of yourself!

    An unusual decoration for the windows would be a ballerina snowflake.

    Making such a snowflake is not very difficult. Cut out a ballerina figurine from thick beautiful paper and dress it in a snowflake. Moreover, snowflakes can be different in color, complexity, texture. Hang such a snowflake in the window opening and when you open the window for ventilation, it will spin beautifully under the flow of incoming air.

    How to make such a snowflake is shown in the video.

    Nobody canceled New Year's glowing garlands. By decorating a window with them, you can create a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

    No less impressive is a window decorated with pom-poms made of wool (and not only wool). These cheerful pompoms are very easy to make, and they look just great, adding to the joyful mood.

    In addition, by decorating windows, you can arrange entire thematic compositions. Such compositions are shown in the collage. And, who knows, maybe their mesmerizing beauty will inspire you to create your own wonderful composition.

    New Year has always been family holiday. And 2019 suggests an even greater emphasis on family, comfort and kindness. Because the Dog is a symbol of devotion, kindness and love. She loves warmth and comfort. Therefore, the Mistress will really like your joint family work for home decoration. These chores will not be a burden; they will be joyful and happy for the whole family.

    Strictly speaking, vytynanki to New Year's decorations They relate about the same as apples to all fruits :). Vytynanka (from - “vytinati” - “vitinati” - “vytsіnats” - “to cut”) is an ancient Slavic type of decorative and applied art. This openwork cutting from paper, birch bark, fabric, leather and even wood using scissors, a knife or a cutter. Each nation has its own motifs, but mainly these are plot and ornamental compositions. In Belarus - vycinanka (read: vycinanka), in Ukraine - vitinanka (read: vytynanka), in Poland - wycinanka (vycinanka), in Russia - tenderloin. But cutting is inherent not only in Slavic culture; in the homeland of paper in China, this art is called “jianzhi”, in Europe - silhouette cutting. We'll talk to you about New Year's cutting, because it is precisely such seemingly simple and completely inexpensive decorations that are beautifully created Christmas mood! You can also involve children in this and create “snow” patterns on your window yourself.

    What do we need?

    • Scissors and a breadboard knife, or at least nail scissors for cutting out small, delicate details.
    • White or colored paper
    • Protected surface if you cut with a knife (kitchen board, glass, special mat)

    Use a ruler when cutting straight lines. It is better to cut out the contours, as well as the largest parts, with nail scissors with a pointed tip, so that it is convenient to pierce a hole at the beginning of each cut.

    To glue the finished masterpieces to the window, you need to carefully moisten them with a soapy solution (soaped sponge). In order to remove a picture from the glass, it will be enough to pull it a little, and the remaining soap can be easily washed off with a damp cloth.

    Where can I get the layouts?

    You can draw the template yourself or find it on the Internet by searching for “New Year’s vytynanki.” To attract children, you can download simpler templates; many children’s templates are perfect for this. New Year coloring pages. At the end of this article there is also a selection of piercings

    We decorate the windows.

    Windows are probably the most popular object for decorating with New Year's decorations. To make the composition complete and beautiful, think about it in advance and select templates accordingly. As a rule, winter landscapes are located below: snowdrifts, houses, snowmen, children, etc. The upper part of the window can be decorated with snowflakes, stars, Christmas balls And spruce branches. The complete composition looks very beautiful and is downright mesmerizing.

    To turn the process of decorating windows into joint creativity, children can be given templates with simpler contours: a simple Christmas tree, snowdrifts, snow can be cut out even by the least experienced big child. And mom can take care of the details that require small painstaking work

    Vytynanka in the interior

    You can decorate not only windows with vytynankas, but also furniture, make hanging mobiles, and decorate paintings.

    On a walk we find a beautiful branch, with the help of a special one. With a spray you can “snow” it and decorate it, for example, with mittens:

    You can use the protrusions to make hanging mobiles, decorations for furniture, or even into a picture and a frame on the wall.

    You can also make a whole fairy-tale town out of them, but for this you will need fairly thick cardboard. You can find instructions for creating such a town on the website http://womanadvice.ru/

    Below you can download the archived piercing templates. The pictures show some from available templates. To download full samples (more than 100 of them in total), click on the picture:

    Greetings to all subscribers and guests of the blog site

    Let's continue New Year's theme on decorating your home for the upcoming holiday. At the moment I am at work. I work on a 15 day shift basis. That is, 15 at work, 15 at home. This means that I will only get home on December 1st. And my son and I will begin to design and decorate the apartment for the New Year.

    Last year we bought new tree. Most of the toys and garlands for her were also purchased at the store. But I did some of it together with my son. At that time he was 2.5 years old and therefore most of the work was done with his wife, and he only watched the whole process with interest. It’s interesting when it’s made from a set of different pieces of paper, all sorts of ribbons and multi-colored buttons.

    And the whole interest of Arthur (son’s name) lay in the fact that he hung the finished toys on the Christmas tree himself (at least where he could reach). And if he couldn’t, then he showed the place where they needed to be placed. You can probably imagine what came of it, at his age.))) Of course, after he fell asleep, we re-arranged everything.

    This was the extent of our joint creativity last year. We decorated the Christmas tree for several days, including making homemade toys, and in the end we got this beauty.

    Since we now have a lot of Christmas decorations, I decided to start carving with my son this year. By the way, he copes with this task perfectly, at 3.5. I always liked patterns on windows, but somehow we never decorated them. This year we will fill this gap.

    That is, you don’t have to spend hours on the Internet looking for something suitable. You just need to write to me what you liked and I will send it to you. Or you can download the picture you like to your computer and then print it. To do this, right-click on the picture and select "save image as..."

    Afterwards, select a folder to save and click save. It's quite simple.

    Well, now, let's start looking and choosing templates, according to which we will make art with an interesting name - vytynanki.

    To make it easier for you to cut, I suggest you watch a video that gives tips to make this task easier.

    Window stencils for cutting out in A4 format

    Let me make a reservation right away that all the pictures are of different sizes. But when printed, they will automatically adjust to the format in which you are printing (A3 or A4). If you need a small image, then an editor like Microsoft Word can easily cope with this task.

    You just need to insert the picture you like into the editor field and, by dragging the mouse pointer on the corner of the picture, adjust it to the size you need.

    Do not forget to place some unnecessary board under the paper so as not to spoil the table at which you will be doing your work.

    That's all! And now let's begin...

    Father Frost

    Our selection will open with the main symbol of each year. I offer you a choice of 10 different options with his participation.

    Snow Maiden

    An equally important hero is the Snow Maiden. Where would Santa Claus be without her?

    Kids will most like the Snow Maiden in this version - in the form of Masha)


    I really liked the option below too. And I think we can cope with this snowman.

    Look at the cool work. I wonder how much time and labor was spent on such magnificence?

    We glue the cut out stencils to the window. For this you will need:

    • tassel

    The brush needs to be soaked in water. Then rub the soap thoroughly and apply it to the template, as if with glue. Place it in the desired place on the eye, straighten it and blot it with a towel. We do the same with the rest of the figures.

    And then we admire the result.

    New Year's decorations for windows - printable templates

    Below are a variety of compositions. With their help, you can create a real miracle on the windows no worse than Frost does.

    With this house you can create a picture like this on the window

    There is a house with Christmas trees. All that remains is to add snowflakes that will imitate stove smoke. Cool idea, in my opinion.

    Here is another example that I really liked and proves that fantasy has no boundaries.

    And here is a video story that motivates, even very motivates...

    Stencils of piglets on windows for the New Year 2019

    Since we are celebrating the Year of the Pig, let's not forget about it. Let's make her image on our windows.

    All children's favorite Peppa Pig will decorate the windows in the children's room.

    And Nyusha from Smeshariki can keep her company.

    Pig stencil templates for window decoration

    Here, without further ado, it is clear what the next cuttings will be.

    Protruding New Year's balls, bells and Christmas trees

    What is a holiday without toys, balls and Christmas trees? Below you will also see design examples that I found on the Internet.

    Christmas balls

    Christmas trees

    For greater effect, you can make a whole city on the windowsill from the same cuttings, which will further emphasize the window decorations and make the mood even better. See how it's done...


    Schemes for cutting snowflakes onto windows

    And of course, snowflakes. Please note that in every composition on the windows there are always snowflakes. They are the ones who create the atmosphere of winter and holiday. After all, the New Year is associated with snow, and snowflakes are snow.

    And now the options are a little more complicated. Although the fold lines are indicated here. So you can simply cut out a snowflake along the contour, bend it in the right places and cut it out.

    Stencils for cutting out letters and numbers for window decoration

    Finally, the numbers in various options and cherished phrases “Happy New Year”

    Choose, cut and decorate! Wish you luck! If you are interested, then in the future I can post photographs of our creativity (show what we did).

    Well, now I say goodbye to you and wish you creative success. With coming! Bye.

    On the eve of the winter holidays, you always want to decorate in a special way. house. Paper window decorations for the New Year and stencils 2018 reflect the latest trends in interior decoration – refusal Christmas trees in favor of interior decorations.

    Decorating the window for the New Year.

    That's all today more people support the idea of ​​​​refusing to cut down living forest beauties. In fashion - paper decor for windows and homemade decorations in every room.

    Created with your own hands using ordinary paper and scissors original jewelry The windows attract admiring glances from both passers-by and house guests.

    Skillfully made window stickers add a special winter flavor, even if there is slush outside the windows. Patterned windows create a special Christmas and New Year atmosphere. If you don’t have the skill to make simple snowflakes and traditional snowflakes, use ready-made stencils or templates

    This is a real flight of your imagination, there are no strict rules, the main thing is that the result pleases you and brings you joy.

    Vytynanka refer to traditional crafts Slavs living in Poland, Ukraine and Romania. They have become widespread since the affordable paper- in the 19th century. Initially, openwork paper images were symmetrical, predominantly with floral patterns.

    There are many ideas for decorating windows.

    Further folk art developed, genre scenes from folk life and fantasy patterns were added. Later they came up with polyhedrons and three-dimensional shapes used as Christmas and new Year decoration . In Europe, the most widespread are 6-sided and 8-sided snowflakes , which are the easiest to fold and cut.

    Snowflake stencils for New Year's decoration window.

    To make simple jewelry that even a child can handle, you will need:

    • Small scissors with sharp ends;
    • White office paper A4;
    • Templates.

    You don't have to limit yourself to just snowflakes. You can write “2018” in patterned numbers on the window or build a whole landscape with fir trees, houses and lanterns, complemented by lighting from garlands. This decor is based on vytynanok It’s nice to look at it not only in the apartment, but also from the street.

    The decor will give you the most pleasant feeling and increase your mood during the holidays.

    There are many simple but amazing ideas for decorating glass and window sills that can give you a magical mood.

    For template paper window decorations You can use not only A4 sheets, but anything that can be folded and cut with scissors. Suitable for work:

    • Thin cardboard or whatman paper;
    • Chocolate foil;
    • Remains of light wallpaper;
    • Dense toilet paper;
    • Colored notebook covers;
    • Beautiful paper from packaging flowers and gifts;
    • Thin tissue and crumpled paper.

    Beautifully decorated windows will not go unnoticed by guests and relatives who come to your holiday.

    If you lack imagination, use ready-made examples vytynanok and stencils 2018, developed by designers and decorators.

    What theme to choose for paper window decorations?

    Paper window decor for the New Year is not limited to just the simplest snowflakes.

    1. One of latest trends- whole Christmas and New Year's stories. For example, tree tops winter forest with flying reindeer and Santa Claus's sleigh.
    2. Winter is a string of holidays, including Christmas, New Year and Old New Year, St. Nicholas Day and Epiphany. One will do common topic or a winter picture, for example, reindeer or Moon with stars.

      New this year is a story stencil for windows.

    3. Among fashion trendspaper template on the window with the symbol of the year, previously it was a Rooster, now it is a Dog. Funny faces can be cut out using ready-made ones templates.
    4. The inscription “2018” can be done digitally or the numbers can be laid out with openwork snowflakes. Another option is to spray diluted toothpaste under the stencil (an explanation will follow).

      Examples of beautiful vytynanka for the New Year theme 2018.

    5. Today any design is made from small snowflakes. If there are no traditional curtains on the window in the kitchen or on the balcony, they can be replaced by paper decor in the form of extended curtains with tiebacks. General glass design can be complemented by any winter picture, the same symbol of the year or a house with smoke.
    6. A popular winter symbol is deer, which can be made in any form, even decorated with snowflakes. No less interesting is the “family plot”, where there is a mother with a fawn and a father with picturesque branched antlers.

      A little patience - and fairy-tale animals, snowmen and Santa Clauses will settle on your windows!

    7. The traditional New Year and Christmas symbol is the Christmas tree. Vytynanka can be done traditional way, symmetrical pattern. Fashionable stencils 2018 – winter fluffy beauty in the form of a cone of snowflakes, stars, balls, gifts, bows and other attributes that are usually used to decorate a Christmas tree home . Also suitable for window scenes vytynanka in the form of Christmas tree branches with balls and tinsel.

      Each window will become a real picture that you can look at for hours.

    8. For Christmas, the theme of Angels is also widely applicable - with trumpets in long clothes with wings. Neutral plot - cones, candles, stars (4,5,6,8,12-sided) and bells.
    9. The New Year's list of symbols would be incomplete without Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman with a scarf. But you can take Bunny, Squirrel, Chanterelle and other characters from “Rukavichka”.

      If you have some imagination, cut out the heroes of “Ice Age” and your favorite children’s cartoons with a winter theme, the main thing is that they are recognizable and bring joy.

    How to stick paper decor on windows?

    Anyone who has tried to glue snowflakes on glass knows that it is not so easy - heavy stencils slide off before drying.

    Paper snowflakes glued to the window.

    If window decorations sculpt with glue, its remnants are then difficult to remove from the window, the remnants create a very untidy appearance. Thin paper sticks well when wet. But stencils that are too thin break when trying to move them. Office paper not so thin, it hardly tears and molds well.

    You can stick a cut out figure or an entire composition onto glass using laundry soap or a paste made from flour and water.

    If you rub a cut out snowflake on one side with a bar of wet soap and immediately apply it to the glass, lightly pressing it with a dry soft towel, it will come out neatly.

    This decor will last until spring, after which openwork patterns Easy to remove and wash the glass.

    If you want to add window decorations fragments from other materials, it is carefully applied with glue on top of paper secured with soap. But it is better to do this after a day, when the paper with the soap solution is completely dry.A more reliable option is to cook a liquid paste from flour or dilute wallpaper glue.

    What decor with paper can be used on windows?

    White paper patterns on window glass in themselves are beautiful, especially against the backdrop of the city at night. But in some cases, winter scenes can be supplemented with decorations from additional materials.

    For a beginner designer it is better to take simple ideas for decoration.


    1. Finely sliced ​​foil Depicts sparkling snow, “lights”, Christmas tree decorations on the decor
    2. Colored paper crumbs from old magazines Suitable for creating colored blocks or delineating individual blocks
    3. Remains of Christmas tree tinsel and “rain” For mini-stories on the topic Christmas tree decorations, "lights" and
    4. Styrofoam crumbs Applicable in all “snowy” scenes
    5. Torn toilet paper Well depicts falling snow in plot pictures, fills in the gaps
    6. Fragments of cellophane and thin plastic To add volume to flat story pictures on window decorations
    7. Small pieces of cotton wool “Snowy” option, looks good on paper drawings with branches and balls
    8. Shredded yarn For the "clothes" of the characters
    9. Colored paper For Christmas tree decorations, characters' eyes.

    All the elements listed in the table can be used for three-dimensional, colored and iridescent pictures on glass. We remind you that they are first applied to a paper base, it is advisable that it dries well.

    Fine cuts can be collected and applied with a dry brush onto a base coated with glue or sprayed on, blowing from the palm.

    Window garlands made of voluminous snowflakes and stencils

    If the idea is with paper on glasses Houses don't like it very much, use hanging ones Garlands and winter decor in the form of thread curtains.

    If for some reason the idea of ​​sticking protrusions on windows is not suitable, you can decorate the window openings with all kinds of garlands.

    Suitable as a basis:

    • Thick thread No. 10 or No. 20 (not sewing thread No. 40, it breaks);
    • Thick line;
    • Nylon thread;
    • Durable synthetic yarn in white or blue.

    On the selected base, you can string small paper stencils and small pieces of cotton wool to fix them so that they do not slip. Threads with pictures, hung instead of curtains (or in the center), will rotate with streams of warm air from the heating radiators.

    Such window decorations create a special “fairy-tale” atmosphere.

    This option is not suitable for those those who have cats - they really like the light “moving” ones Garlands near the window. Soon all that will be left of such decor is shreds. If animals and children do not show any desire to break the “magic strings”, you can use this winter decor for windows . The elements are simply pierced in 2-3 places with a needle and strong thread, after each image they pick up a little cotton wool or tie a knot (you can get confused).

    First you need to roll out a large number of cotton balls, and then string them onto the fishing line, leaving a small gap and a knot between each one.

    Suitable for winter decor stencils 2018:

    • Dogs;
    • Deer;
    • Snowmen;
    • Asterisks;
    • Snowflakes;
    • Bows;
    • Cones;
    • Christmas trees;
    • Bells;
    • Openwork hexagons.

    You can make paper window decorations with your own hands and involve the whole family in this exciting process.

    Alternatively, the same elements can be used to decorate a Christmas tree and a hanging garland. The same pattern is suitable for different rooms - glued to glass window decorations or feast decor. Today, many people use a Christmas wreath or ikebana with Christmas tree branches - economically and environmentally friendly.

    Lights in fir branches look very romantic and festive.

    For those who have mastered volumetric snowflakes or spherical polyhedra, interior designers recommend placing them in the form of a hanging window decor . Such snowflakes are heavy, so they are placed one at a time on a thread or fishing line, arranged in a row or in a chaotic pattern near the window.

    Stencil designs made from toothpaste spraying

    Paper window decorations for the New Year can be replaced with stencils , which are temporarily applied to coat the white base. Everyone can Houses find leftover toothpaste or a box of old tooth powder. Their advantage over gouache and watercolor paint– they do not roll off on glass.

    With a thick paste on this base you can even draw “frost patterns” and falling snow.

    To make stencils decorations on glass, thick paper is used only at the beginning; it is removed after spraying. You will need several multifaceted paper snowflakes with large-mesh patterns. They are lightly moistened one by one and applied to the glass.To apply white “pollen”, dilute white toothpaste(you can add a little blue or blue gouache).

    An old or unnecessary toothbrush is dipped into this paste and the bristles are sprinkled along the edges of the snowflake and in the slot of the pattern in the middle.

    In making snowflakes and vytynankas All family members can participate in any winter theme, schoolchildren especially like it. Involve everyone in an exciting application - one or two evenings, and paper window decorations for the New Year will be ready. Use your own imagination and ours stencils , developed by professionals.

    They will be fashionable not only in 2018, but also in the future.

    VIDEO: Options for New Year's window decor.

    The most popular and practical solution– make window decorations for the New Year with your own hands. First of all, the idea comes to mind to cut out snowflakes and stencils of a suitable theme from paper.

    What is relevant for the 2018 meeting? Of course, the dog who next year will be the hostess. In addition, any motives that are somehow related to the New Year, winter, or Santa Claus are suitable. More recently, such decorations were called simply or stickers, but today they are called the colorful word “vytynanki”.

    To be fair, it should be noted that vytynanki are used not only for the New Year, their help is sought during celebrations:

    • Halloween;
    • Valentine's Day;
    • March 8;
    • birthday.

    The approach of the New Year is evidenced by large decorated windows of restaurants and cafes, stained glass windows of beauty salons and ordinary offices. Well, of course, every owner wants.

    Decorating windows for the New Year with vytynankas is today a separate direction in handmade technology. A large number of forums, master classes and videos are devoted to this topic.

    How masterpieces are created for windows

    How to make vytynanka for the New Year? Window decoration is creative process, in which all family members can take part. As a rule, ordinary A4 paper is used to make stencils. But people with a creative approach choose other materials:

    1. Tracing paper.
    2. Foil.
    3. Metallized paper.

    Snowmen and snowflakes on the windows are already quite boring, so it’s better to come up with a whole composition on a winter theme, where the main characters will be Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree, handsome deer, bells, forest animals and gifts.

    For creating New Year's stencils For windows, you can use pictures on the Internet that need to be printed. The master will need a standard set of tools, which includes:

    • sharp manicure scissors (it is better to stock up on two options - with smooth and rounded ends);
    • stationery knife;
    • simple pencil;
    • ruler and patterns;
    • eraser;
    • glass board for modeling plasticine or other hard surface that will protect the table from cuts and scratches.

    All large parts are cut using a stationery knife, and small elements are cut out with scissors.

    Advice! You can draw pictures yourself, because not every Internet user has a printer. As a last resort, you can enlarge the image and, by attaching the sheet to the screen, simply copy the drawing.

    Ways to use stencils

    Stencils for can be used in different ways.

    1. Glue the cut out figure or the whole composition onto the glass using laundry soap or paste made from flour and water.
    2. A negative image can be obtained by applying a stencil moistened with water to the surface of the glass and applying a thick soap solution around it with a sponge or brush. After removing the stencil, you can correct the design with a regular toothpick.
    3. First, the main composition is painted on glass in gouache. When completely dry, the picture is completed with paper protrusions.
    4. From a new dish sponge and a toothpick you need to make a brush. Lightly dilute toothpaste with water, which in this situation acts as paint. When the pattern on the glass dries, it will resemble real snow.
    5. To fix the stencil on the glass, some decorators use thin transparent tape. When creating a large composition, you need to follow some rules. For example, all three-dimensional details (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, houses, snow-covered meadows) are glued below. A flying reindeer team will find a place in the middle of the ensemble, closer to the left or right side.

      Here you also need to take into account the direction of movement of the deer. The noses of noble animals should not rest against the frames of the window structure. The remaining elements of the picture (stars, snowflakes, garlands, angels, fir branches with balls) would be quite appropriate at the very top.

      Advice! It is better for a novice designer to take simple stencils. When a person gains experience, it will be much easier for him to cope with highly complex protrusions. By using materials of different textures and textures (postcards, jewelry), you can create a real work of art.

      Winter landscape with toothpaste on the window

      Decorating windows with protrusions for the New Year is a process that can captivate people different ages. Creation on windows snow patterns using a toothbrush and paste - the procedure is quite simple, but the effect is amazing!

      To implement the idea you will need the following materials:

    • ready-made vytynanka;
    • toothpaste (white or blue);
    • Toothbrush;
    • pure water.

    To begin with, it is recommended to choose simple stencils (snowflake, candle, angel, Christmas tree). All internal elements with sharp corners are cut with a stationery knife. The protrusion moistened in plain water or soap solution is applied to the glass, and excess water is blotted with a sponge or soft cloth.

    Squeeze a small strip of toothpaste onto a saucer and add a little water. You can use a toothpick to stir the mixture until smooth. Dip the toothbrush in the resulting substance, bring it to the pasted stencil and quickly run your finger over the bristles - you get small splashes that need to fill the entire free space of the window.

    When the white mass dries, the stencils are removed by prying them off with the tip of a knife. As a result of this activity, an amazingly beautiful snow-covered landscape appears on the wall.

    Creative ideas for the holiday

    What else can you think of to decorate windows for the New Year? Stencils are not the only solution; there are other, no less entertaining and attractive decorations.

    This method is the simplest and is suitable for very busy people who are not creative. You can decorate windows using ready-made stencils, which are sold in a wide variety in hypermarkets and stores specializing in decorations on New Year's Eve.

    These stickers are very easy to stick to glass and other smooth surfaces. The finished composition can be used to decorate the entire window, or you can decorate only a small part, for example, the corners. When the holiday is over and the emotions associated with it subside, the stencils are quickly removed, and not even a trace remains on the glass.

    Similar stickers with the image New Year's characters and decorations can be made independently.

    To work you need to prepare the following:

    1. Drawing.
    2. Transparent file.
    3. Polymer universal adhesive.

    The sheet with the drawing must be placed in a file and glue should be applied along the contours of the image. It will take about 10 hours for the glue to dry completely. After this time, the finished polymer sketch can be removed from the file. There will be no difficulty here; you just need to pry the hardened substance by one edge and pull lightly. The result was a drawing with a convex relief. To fix it on the wall, you just need to wet the smooth side of the sticker with water.

    Garlands made of paper, cotton wool and light bulbs

    If for some reason the idea of ​​sticking protrusions on windows is not suitable, you can decorate the window openings with all kinds of garlands - both purchased and. The main thing is that the pendant is beautifully fixed and in harmony with the rest of the jewelry.

    To make a cheap but cute garland you will need fishing line or nylon thread, white cotton wool. First you need to roll out a large number of cotton balls, and then string them onto the fishing line, leaving a small gap and a knot between each one.

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