• Types of body scrubs and DIY recipes for making them. Choosing the best body scrub recipe at home


    Girls, today I will tell you how to make . The trick of this scrub is that it is not only quick and cheap to make, but also really works. I noticed results within a week of use!

    The Internet is simply bursting with all sorts of recipes for body scrubs, especially those against cellulite, but this particular anti-cellulite scrub is just the BOMB!

    The skin becomes very smooth after it, it begins to tighten after the third use, I was dumbfounded myself! I use it every time I go to the shower after sports, massage problem areas (I won’t go into details - which ones, everyone has their own;)) for about 5 minutes and wash it off. Then I use body oil, also anti-cellulite. Either from Alverde, about which I already wrote, or also homemade. I will also post the recipe for this oil on my blog soon.

    What is a DIY body scrub made from?

    What do you need for an anti-cellulite scrub?

    To do this you will need:

    1. coffee- ideally freshly ground, but you can also use the ground one sold in packages. But NOT TERRIFIED! There is no need to suffer, collecting coffee grounds in a bag every time after drinking coffee! Believe me, it’s of no use, because most of the caffeine has already gone into coffee, and that’s exactly what we need to make our skin elastic and toned! Therefore - only fresh, undrinkable coffee
    2. salt- the best is sea food, finely ground. No need to take a large one and injure your thighs. Beauty in this case does not require sacrifice!
    3. Coconut oil , naturally cold pressed
    4. grape seed oil. But if you don’t have it, in principle, you can replace it with any other oil, be it olive or sunflower (it’s better, of course, that they be cold-pressed)
    5. essential oils lemon, orange and lavender. Lemon and orange have a very tonic effect on the skin, especially orange is suitable for skin with cellulite. And lavender oil will balance hormonal background, which, by the way, plays an important role in the occurrence of cellulite
    6. polysorbate 80(Polysorbat 80) or Tween 80 is an emulsifier made from olive oil. In principle, this is not the most important ingredient in our anti-cellulite scrub for the body, but it is this that makes the entire scrubbing procedure much more enjoyable. The fact is that emulsifiers mix something that generally does not mix: in our case, it will be oils and water. If you make a scrub without an emulsifier, it will also scrub well, but after you wash it off, a greasy film will still remain, and you’ll leave the bath clean. And with polysorbate, the anti-cellulite scrub is washed off without problems, and the skin after it is soft and velvety

    How to make your own body scrub

    Everything is simple, like everything ingenious;)))

    STEP 1:

    Mix 4 tbsp in a bowl. coffee and sea ​​salt. This calculation is for a medium sized jar. If you need more scrub, stir more. There is only one law: there should be equal amounts of coffee and salt.

    STEP 2:

    Add cold pressed coconut oil to this dry mixture. If the oil is too hard, I recommend melting it in a water bath. The day I did the scrub, it was very warm, that’s why my oil had such a creamy consistency;))

    STEP 3:

    Then a tablespoon of grape seed oil goes here. Mix everything thoroughly. Make sure the consistency is like in the picture. So that the mass is sufficiently moist, but not liquid, so that it spreads well. The consistency of thick sour cream should be. If the mixture is too dry, add grape seed oil; if it is too thin, add coffee or salt.

    STEP 4:

    First add essential oils to the scrub - 10 drops of orange oil and 5 drops of lemon and lavender. Mix well with a plastic or glass spoon (or whatever else you use for mixing))). We remember that ethers do not tolerate metal and iron! At the end, add polysorbate - 1 teaspoon for this amount. Mix again.

    Voila! We have just prepared an unusually effective anti-cellulite scrub, and this is with our own hands!

    Please try making this coffee scrub, use it for a week and be sure to post here! I'm sure you'll be delighted with the effect!

    The abundance of cosmetics on store shelves can make even a sophisticated shopper confused. Why then do women continue to experiment with homemade cosmetics? The answer is simple: I want to know what exactly we are putting on our skin, because not all manufacturers are honest with customers. If you are planning to start comprehensive skin care, then you will need a recipe because the path to beauty begins with cleansing.

    Body scrub: benefits and pleasure

    Is it possible to properly cleanse the skin by regular washing? Any detergent, from soap to expensive shower gel, works on the principle of forming an easily washed off emulsion, which is formed from sebum, dirt and detergent composition. The recognizable soapy feeling is an emulsion. However, there are not only impurities on the skin, there are dead scales, peeling, and beneficial substances from masks and wraps cannot be fully absorbed and bring benefits. To remove these particles, you will need a body scrub. At home, recipes for preparing any cosmetic products, not just scrubs, include only natural ingredients.

    After using the scrub, the skin becomes amazing: soft and elastic. She readily accepts beneficial substances from creams and lotions, and ingrown hairs after shaving or epilation are also prevented. In this case, scrubbing is recommended to be carried out no more than twice a week. All you have to do is choose a body scrub recipe; at home you can prepare the product from healthy ingredients, without preservatives or chemical flavors.

    Contraindications and misconceptions

    Before using the scrub, you should understand simple rules applications.

    • Do not use the scrub immediately after depilation, the skin is already irritated enough, it is better to wait a couple of days.
    • Damaged skin is a clear contraindication. Burns (even light sunburn), scratches, abrasions, fungal infections and inflammatory processes should first be cured, and only then scrubbing should be done.
    • It is better not to touch moles and other new growths with a scrub; they are easier to injure than regular skin.
    • Skin sensitivity and spider veins- this is not a categorical contraindication; you can use a gentle product with small particles. Choose a homemade body scrub recipe that doesn't contain a coarse crystalline abrasive like sea salt.
    • Despite the categorical prohibition of some specialists, pregnant women can use the scrub. It is only recommended to avoid essential oils during pregnancy the immune system Restructures itself and can mistake even a familiar remedy for an allergen.

    Neutral soothing body scrub

    For those who are looking for a gentle composition with non-aggressive ingredients, an oatmeal body scrub recipe at home is perfect. Oats have healing properties, are suitable for all skin types, leave a thin layer of light powder, giving the skin a delicate silkiness.

    Pass a handful of quality rolled oats (about eight tablespoons) through a coffee grinder. It is considered the most delicate and gentle abrasive of all possible. Add two tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of milk or cream if your skin is dry, and a spoonful of olive oil to the flour. All ingredients need to be mixed to a uniform creamy texture; if it is too thick, you can add more milk. This scrub is applied to wet clean skin, distributed with gentle massaging movements. Rinse off the composition, just do not use too hot water, then pat your body dry with a terry towel.

    Thalassotherapy at home

    Beneficial features seaweed successfully used in such popular practice as thalassotherapy. Algae are rich in active substances that have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole. Here best recipe body scrub at home: any available abrasive and a small amount of hot water.

    Stores and pharmacies sell dried seaweed: kelp, spirulina, fucus. A small amount of dried seaweed should be ground in a coffee grinder or crushed using a pestle and mortar. Pour hot water so that the algae swells and softens slightly, increasing the volume, add an abrasive: rice or oatmeal, sea salt. Stir, and when it cools slightly, you can use it for its intended purpose. After scrubbing, leave the product on the skin for a few minutes so that the beneficial substances penetrate the skin, rinse with warm water.

    Warming scrub for cellulite

    Used comprehensively, you can achieve noticeable results in a relatively short time. A warming ginger body scrub recipe at home is prepared from both fresh and dried roots. This is an active remedy, so it is advisable to first conduct an allergy test. Apply a couple of drops of ginger juice to the thin skin at the crook of your elbow. If after 30-60 minutes this area does not turn red, then you can prepare a scrub.

    Grate fresh ginger root on a fine grater or take ginger powder, add a couple of tablespoons of rice or oatmeal flour, a spoonful of olive oil, stir, add warm water to bring the mixture to the desired consistency. Apply the product to clean, damp skin, massage and leave for five minutes to warm up. After this, repeat massaging movements and rinse with cool water. Ginger scrub is best used on the thighs, then you can wash it off with a shower. If you are using a scrub on your buttocks, abdomen and sides, it is better to remove the composition first wet wipe, and then wash it off. This way you will prevent burning particles from getting on your genitals.

    Toning scrub

    It is used in scrubs as an abrasive, but it partially dissolves, which allows the skin to absorb beneficial substances. Salt improves blood circulation, the skin is better supplied with oxygen, so metabolic processes are boosted. A universal recipe for a body scrub at home with sea salt is based precisely on the fact that this is the main abrasive element.

    Take three tablespoons of sea salt, preferably medium or finely ground, add beaten yolk chicken egg, a teaspoon of honey, dilute the mixture with milk to a creamy consistency. You need to use this scrub right away, before the water turns your abrasive into a saline solution. However, you should be careful - salt crystals are not as soft and round as other abrasives; you need to massage the skin very delicately with this scrub, without unnecessary pressure, so as not to injure the treated areas.

    Moisturizing and nourishing the skin following the example of Cleopatra

    The legendary Egyptian queen took milk baths to preserve her youth and beauty. Nowadays, Cleopatra's recipe is not economically viable, but it is not necessary to pour out tens of liters of a valuable product to achieve a healing effect. Milk in masks, wraps and body scrubs has both a moisturizing and nourishing effect. We present to you milk recipe body scrub at home, on this basis you can prepare a variety of compositions.

    Take three tablespoons of abrasive, a useful filler, but you need to dilute these ingredients with milk. A wonderful set is oatmeal, honey, egg yolk and milk. Thanks to this scrub, the skin receives a shock dose of beneficial substances while being gently cleansed.

    Skin rejuvenation

    IN for cosmetic purposes almonds are used in two forms: almond oil and ground almond kernels as an abrasive for scrubbing. Oil is a powerful antioxidant, rejuvenates the skin, smoothes out unevenness, and saturates it with nutrients and microelements. Simplest almond recipe body scrub at home - add a dozen drops of almond oil to any homemade composition.

    To prepare almond abrasive for scrub, you need to dry the almond kernels in the oven, remove the brown skin from them, and grind the peeled kernels in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar. It’s important not to overdo it, otherwise you won’t end up with a scrub, but a delicious preparation for marzipan. Add heavy natural cream to the resulting almond crumbs to make a paste, and the scrub is ready.

    Chocolate detox

    How to find the most sophisticated and luxurious body scrub recipe at home? A chocolate cocktail is both skin cleansing, aromatherapy and a real elixir of happiness. You can use either real chocolate or cocoa powder. When buying chocolate, read the composition; the content of cocoa beans should be at least 50%, and preferably as few flavors and confectionery additives as possible.

    Melt the chocolate in a water bath, and add three tablespoons of natural ground coffee as an abrasive. It is important to cool the composition well so as not to burn the skin. If it is too thick, dilute the mixture with milk.

    Cocoa powder for scrub should be brewed with a small amount of boiling milk, this will release valuable oils that soften the skin. You should get a slurry, to which add table grounds or regular ground coffee. The resulting scrub is washed off with moderately hot water.

    Comprehensive skin care using a scrub

    A good homemade body scrub recipe will help you quickly and effectively prepare for wrapping, applying lotion or cream. If the scrub is used twice a week, the skin becomes dense, elastic, and blood circulation improves - this is the healing effect of micromassage.

    The scrub does not have to be used for the entire body. Prepare a composition with sea salt for the feet, this allows you to quickly and accurately remove dead skin particles from the heels. It is better to use an oatmeal scrub for the delicate skin of the neck and chest, and a ginger scrub for the hips and abdomen.

    Body scrubs are used to exfoliate dead skin cells. In the areas of the body that we massage with scrubbing particles, metabolic processes are accelerated due to a rush of blood. As a result, our skin becomes tightened, smooth, soft and very pleasant to the touch.

    Skin peeling is a must before undergoing a series of cosmetic procedures such as: wraps, depilation, application instant tan etc.

    Almost every cosmetic brand can find various scrubbing compositions in its line of products. You can make a scrub at home. There are a huge number of recipes for homemade scrubs. The compositions can be varied to suit your mood and the ingredients available in your arsenal. The main rule: the composition must contain an abrasive scrubbing component (ground nuts, fruit seeds, coffee, sea salt, sugar, cereals, etc.) and a moisturizing base (various oils, honey, cream, shower gel).

    General rules for using body scrub at home.

    You can add vitamin E to the scrub (sold in ampoules at the pharmacy). The scrub is applied only to clean, wet skin. The scrub should be applied strictly according to the lymph flow (from bottom to top, from the extremities to the center, towards the heart). This is done with light circular massage movements. Don’t be too zealous, the scrubbing particles will do everything themselves.

    At the end of the procedure, you can leave the mixture on the body as a body mask. Upon completion of the scrubbing massage, the remaining composition must be washed off with water. After you leave the shower, be sure to apply a moisturizing lotion or cream to your body. Do not neglect this rule, even if the base of the scrub included oil. Leftover scrub can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

    Coconut Body Scrub Recipe


    • natural yogurt - 100 ml;
    • coconut flakes - 100 g;
    • brown sugar - 1 tbsp.

    Preparation and use:

    Mix all the ingredients. Apply the resulting mixture to damp skin, portionwise along the lymph flow. homemade scrub. Leave the product on the skin as a mask for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    Homemade body scrub made from rice and coffee


    • any rice - a quarter cup;
    • ground natural coffe- a quarter glass;
    • kefir - 0.5 cups (for dry skin, you can take heavy cream in the same proportion)

    Preparation and use:

    Finely grind the rice in a coffee grinder. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Leave the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. When the scrub has infused, apply it to the wet skin with lungs massage movements from bottom to top. Leave on the body for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

    Sugar body scrub recipe.


    • granulated sugar - 2 cups;
    • shower gel - 0.5 cups;
    • moisturizing oil (baby, coconut, olive, cosmetic, etc.) - a quarter cup.

    Preparation and use:

    Mix sugar, shower gel and oil to a paste-like consistency. If the composition turns out to be too liquid, add more sugar. The paste should feel like wet beach sand. After showering, apply the scrub to your body using gentle movements along the lymph flow. The composition should be washed off with warm water without soap. Don't forget about moisturizing lotion after the procedure.

    Almond body scrub


    • unshelled almonds - a handful;
    • almond oil.

    Preparation and use:

    Dedicated to all almond lovers! Grind almonds in a coffee grinder. Add butter to nuts. The more oil you add, the more delicate the scrub you will get. This scrub is suitable for frequent use. The remaining mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

    Oatmeal scrub recipe for dry body skin


    • oatmeal (preferably rolled oats);
    • cream;
    • honey (allergy sufferers should avoid this ingredient).

    Preparation and use:

    Oatmeal scrub Great for those with aging, thin and/or dry skin.

    Grind the rolled oats. Mix oatmeal with cream and honey. Immediately, before the oatmeal swells with cream, massage the scrub onto the skin. It is better to wash off such a scrub without detergents, just with warm water. Oatmeal scrub is great for use in a bath or sauna. The remains of this scrub cannot be stored.

    Coffee scrub for weight loss

    Oh yeah! The most beloved scrub by millions of girls on the planet is a scrub made from ground coffee. Procedure with coffee scrub promotes weight loss, has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, and also tones the skin. After the procedure, the skin becomes silky, smooth, toned and smells very pleasant. Don't forget that coffee is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs.

    There are a huge variety of recipes for making a scrub with ground coffee. You can use both the grounds of drunk coffee and unbrewed ground beans. As a base for coffee you can add: honey, cream, olive oil, or your favorite shower gel. You can add a couple of drops of orange essential oil to the anti-cellulite scrub. It is better to mix the oils into the following composition: orange, lemon, sandalwood, geranium.

    Coffee scrub is suitable as a preparatory measure before body wraps. The scrub is applied according to the usual scheme described above.

    Homemade sea salt scrub

    Grind sea salt in a coffee grinder or mortar. Add shower gel and any essential oil. Mix everything and apply to the skin. This recipe is suitable for normal or oily skin. You should not use a salt scrub if you have wounds or irritations on your skin.

    Latin American Body Scrub Recipe


    • cane sugar - 50 g;
    • coconut oil - 3 tsp;
    • ripe avocado;
    • some chopped almonds;
    • heavy cream - 20 g;
    • lemon essential oil - 5 drops;
    • vanilla aromatic oil - 3 drops;
    • rose essential oil - 1 drop.

    Preparation and use:

    Mix all ingredients in a container to a paste. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin. Light movements on massage lines apply the paste. Leave Latin American fragrant scrub on the skin for 5 minutes. Wash off without soap with warm water. This seductive tropical scent will stay with you for a long time.

    Homemade corn body scrub

    In this recipe, according to your needs, you can choose corn grits or corn flour as an abrasive ingredient (you can grind the grits into flour yourself in a coffee grinder). Cereal exfoliates the skin more harshly and is great for feet and elbows. Flour scrubs the skin more delicately and gently.

    Apply shower gel to damp skin. Apply cereal portions over the soaped body. With light movements we exfoliate dead skin cells. Rinse with water and pat skin dry with a towel. Be sure to apply nutritious cream for body.

    An invigorating fruit body scrub


    • banana - 2 pcs.;
    • natural yogurt (can be replaced with sour cream) - 1 glass;
    • chopped orange zest (dry slightly in advance).

    Preparation and use:

    Mix all the ingredients. Apply to the body in a circular motion from bottom to top. Rinse with water. Be careful with this recipe if you have a history of allergies. You can test in advance allergic reaction on the inside of the elbow.

    What's your favorite scrub? Write in the comments!

    On a note: Such homemade scrubs can be packaged in cute jars, tied with a ribbon and gifted to family and friends.

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    Benefits of body scrub. Types of scrubs. How to make your own scrub. Recipes for popular sugar body scrubs

    Proper care of the skin of the face and body will preserve youth and beauty. To get yourself in order, you don’t have to turn to professionals for help; you can prepare skin cleansers at home. One of the effective cosmetics is sugar scrub for body.

    What is a scrub? This is a cosmetic product that removes all impurities from the skin (its top layer) through mechanical action. That is, if you just take a shower and use by usual means– soap or shower gel, then in this way you can only remove impurities from the surface of the skin, but to remove the stratum corneum, cleanse the skin of sebaceous secretions and sweat, you need to use special scrubbing products. In stores you can choose any drug you like, taking into account the price and aroma of the product. But a stunning effect is not always expected. Moreover, each tube contains many additional components that can negatively affect the health of the skin. These are flavorings, dyes and preservatives. It’s quite possible to make a good body cleanser yourself.

    What types of scrubs are there?

    Any cosmetic product, whether store-bought or homemade, consists of tiny particles or abrasives. These can be: salt or sugar crystals, crushed grape, almond or apricot seeds, as well as synthetic fiber, silicone granules and even fine sand. All these abrasive particles will help cleanse the skin of impurities better than regular soap or shower gel.

    Scrubs are different: oil or water. In the first case, the main components are oil and abrasive (sugar, salt, crushed coffee beans, grape, apricot or olive seeds). Oils are used as a base: synthetic or natural. The consistency of the scrub may vary, depending on the percentage of oils and abrasive particles. This scrub is more suitable not only for deep cleansing the skin, but also for moisturizing. Used in professional massage rooms and spa salons.

    Oil-free scrubs are light and contain a little essential oil or a mixture of oils. Abrasive particles, natural and artificial: silicone, synthetics, cellulose. Fits light scrub for cleansing dry and sensitive skin.

    Why is a scrub needed and how to use it correctly

    Cleansing the skin with products containing abrasive particles is not done every day, it is not necessary. The scrub should be used 2 or 3 times a week, depending on your lifestyle and skin type.

    With one cosmetic product you can achieve the following results:

    1. Deep cleansing of the upper layer of the epidermis. Our cells work without interruption: sweat and fat glands secrete a secretion (this is fat and sweat), which mixes with dust and remains on the surface. This happens regardless of whether the person is driving active image life or not. Even in a state of rest, cells continue their work. Soap alone is not enough to care for the skin of the body; it can only remove upper layer impurities, and the dense fatty film will remain “lying” and prevent the pores from breathing. Various scrubs are intended for deep cleansing of the skin.
    2. In addition to nutrition, the scrub will help moisturize the skin and saturate it. useful substances. If you use a product based on oil plus vitamins, then in this way you can not only thoroughly cleanse the skin, but also moisturize it and nourish it with useful components.
    3. High-quality cleansing of the skin from dead particles is especially important for teenagers, because the cells actively produce sebum and sweat. If the skin is not cleansed, certain areas of the body become rough and dark.
    4. Using a scrub, you can give a light body massage and improve blood circulation. In this way, the restoration processes of metabolism in the body are activated, and fat deposits do not accumulate. A scrub can be a real salvation for girls who struggle with cellulite and stretch marks.
    5. A scrub is a unique product that simultaneously cleanses the skin, nourishes, moisturizes and also tones. The ideal option is a sugar scrub; it is suitable for any skin type and copes well with the tasks.

    About the benefits of sugar scrub

    Depending on the ingredients in the cleanser, the condition of the skin can be improved.

    What are the benefits of a scrub made with sugar:

    • gentle cleansing of dry and sensitive skin;
    • treatment for hyperkeratosis of oily skin;
    • Sugar is a good abrasive and excellent remedy for skin massage;
    • Sugar scrub gives a slight lightening effect. If you treat areas of darkened and rough skin (knees/elbows) every day with an oil-based scrub with sugar, you can gradually improve the condition of these areas;
    • getting rid of rashes, fat deposits;
    • does not cause allergies;
    • does not irritate even sensitive skin;
    • fights problems such as peeling, corns, cracked heels;
    • stored in the refrigerator.

    How to make a sugar scrub

    Do it yourself cosmetic product easily and at home, just before you start purchasing the necessary components, you need to correctly select the main components of the scrub, taking into account your skin type.

    Yes, for combined type Natural abrasive particles are suitable for normal and normal skin: these are grape or apricot seeds crushed in a coffee grinder. For oily skin, you can use walnut shells and the same apricot or grape seeds, only coarsely ground. If the skin is dry and sensitive, then you cannot do without adding oils, and the abrasive particles should be small.

    Dry skin can be scrubbed once a week, normal and oily/combination skin – 2 to 3 times. You cannot do without assistants in performing the skin cleansing procedure, so we recommend that you immediately purchase a special washcloth, mitten or body brush with an extended handle. In the absence of auxiliary devices, you can use a “waffle” towel.

    There are a lot of sugar scrub recipes; first, we advise you not to rush and try everything at once. Decide on your skin type and select the optimal set of ingredients that will solve your specific problems. The basis of a sugar scrub is sugar plus additional components: vegetable oils, essential oils, coffee, vitamins, clay, honey, etc.

    Sugar scrub at home:

    • you will need sugar - 1 cup;
    • shower gel (neutral) – 50 ml;
    • any vegetable oil – 100 ml.

    All components need to be mixed in a jar; if you see that the scrub is runny, you can add a little more sugar. If desired, add a spoonful of crushed coffee beans, orange essential oil, vitamins A and E. You can use this scrub 1 or 2 times a week while taking a shower.

    Another sugar body scrub recipe:

    • sugar – 4 tbsp;
    • clay – 6 tbsp;
    • honey – 1 tbsp;
    • essential grapefruit oil – 3 parts.

    All components are mixed and the scrub is immediately ready for use: apply the product to slightly moisturized skin. Problem areas: buttocks, thighs are massaged for 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to rinse off the scrub with hot water. This product is simply ideal for combating cellulite.

    This scrub with sugar and coffee will also help in the fight against cellulite and fat deposits:

    • sugar - half a glass;
    • coffee – 4 tbsp;
    • water – 70 ml;
    • olive oil – 2 tsp.

    Preparation of skin cleanser:

    1. Ground coffee needs to be brewed in water.
    2. Add sugar and vegetable oil to the resulting cooled mixture.

    The scrub, aka peeling, is ready. If there is little left, you can store this product in the refrigerator, but no more than 4 days. It’s ideal if you prepare this scrub and go to the bathhouse with your friends.

    Popular sweet scrub recipes

    You can make a sugar scrub with your own hands in just a few minutes, the result will please you, especially since the reviews about the use of a sugar scrub are pleasantly surprising: the skin becomes soft, velvety, fat deposits disappear, cellulite disappears.

    Chocolate with sugar

    To prepare such a delicious body scrub, you need to select only 2 ingredients from your reserves: this is 5 tbsp. sugar and 10 tbsp. cocoa powder. You need to combine these components in a convenient container (you can use a deep bowl) and immediately apply to the body. First you need to thoroughly massage the moisturized skin, allow 5-7 minutes for this stage, then rinse off the remaining scrub with water. The next time you need to repeat the steps after 7 days. Result: cleansed skin, if done regularly, you can get rid of cellulite.

    Honey with clay and sugar

    The constant component is sugar, you need to select 4 tbsp, add 1 large spoon of liquid honey and 6 tbsp directly to the sugar. with a heap of clay (black, cosmetic), you can add your favorite essential oil for aroma - 3 drops. All products must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass, and then immediately applied to moisturized skin. Special attention You need to pay attention to problem areas: the tummy, thighs and buttocks. Here you need to thoroughly massage the skin with a terry mitten. Rinse off the scrub only with warm water without cleansers. After using this product, you need to apply a cream with an anti-cellulite effect to problem areas.

    Sugar and potatoes

    Agree, very unexpected, but effective. You need to mix 4 tablespoons of sugar with the yolk and add fresh potatoes grated on a fine grater. Apply the resulting mass to the skin, massage, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap.

    Oatmeal and cane sugar

    If you make a scrub, it is only from brown sugar; it is more effective and healthier for our skin. You will need half a cup of crushed oatmeal flakes and 1/4 cup of brown sugar, add any essential oil (5 drops) and 2 tbsp to your homemade scrub. liquid honey. Excellent skin cleansing effect, smoothness and hydration are ensured.

    Cranberries with sugar

    To prepare this scrub recipe, you will need a blender. In it you need to grind a mixture of regular white and brown sugar (1/4 cup), frozen or fresh cranberries (half a cup), 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 1 tsp. favorite essential oil. This sugar scrub is also suitable for delicate facial skin.

    Nut and sugar

    Mix chopped almonds in the amount of 3 tbsp, almond oil - 4 tbsp, salt - 1 tsp, sugar - 2 tbsp, crushed oatmeal - 4 tbsp. If skin is dry, add 2 tbsp. liquid honey. The body must be scrubbed for at least 5 minutes, then rinsed with water.

    Homemade sugar body scrub with tomato

    To prepare a scrub according to this recipe, you need to buy homemade tomatoes grown without chemicals, then you can expect cleansing and renewed skin.

    You will need:

    • chopped tomato;
    • sugar (can be white) – 3 tbsp;
    • homemade yogurt or sour cream - 2 tbsp.

    Grate a fresh tomato, add sugar, mix and leave for 1-2 minutes. Then add yogurt or sour cream (can be replaced vegetable oil). Apply the scrub to clean skin, leave for 10 minutes, massage with a hard washcloth and wash off the residue with warm water.

    Sugar and salt scrub

    Sugar and salt can be found in every housewife, so these simple products can be used to prepare an excellent skin cleanser.

    Sugar and salt scrub:

    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
    • crushed oatmeal - 3 tbsp;
    • sea ​​salt (not coarse) – 2 tbsp;
    • sugar – 2 tbsp;
    • cranberries – 3 tbsp.

    The components are mixed and applied to steamed skin. We carefully perform a light massage and go over problem areas more thoroughly. This scrub should be washed off with hot water.

    Another effective recipe scrub that will help in the fight against cellulite:

    • natural ground coffee – 3 tbsp;
    • salt – 3 tbsp;
    • sugar – 3 tbsp;
    • olive oil - half a teaspoon.

    The resulting mixture should be slowly and thoroughly rubbed into the skin, paying more attention to problem areas.

    Moisturizing and cleansing is achieved with the help of this scrub: 3 tbsp. crushed coffee beans are mixed with salt and sugar (also 3 tablespoons each), a few drops of shower gel are added, preferably odorless.

    In the fight against stretch marks (even old ones), this mixture will help: salt and sugar in equal proportions (half a cup each). You need to take fine sea salt, brown sugar. If not, then white will do. The mixture is filled with any vegetable oil in an amount of 125 ml. You need to use the scrub 1-2 times a week, the course of treatment is 3-5 months. It is best to store the remainder in the refrigerator, in a container with a tightly closed lid.

    A sugar-salt scrub with the addition of a mixture of olive and flax seed oils plus a couple of drops of orange essential oil will help in the fight against subcutaneous fat deposits. Use: 2 times a week, course – 3 months.

    Honey and sugar

    Prepare the following ingredients:

    • cane sugar – 1 glass;
    • olive oil – 1 cup;
    • essential oils of rose, lavender and sage – 1-2 drops each;
    • liquid honey - half a glass.

    The sequence of mixing the products is as follows: first you need to mix honey with oil, add sugar, mix again and finally add a mixture of essential oils or 1-2 drops from each bottle. The scrub is mixed again and applied to cleansed skin. The remainder should be stored in the refrigerator and heated in a water bath before use.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated, it’s good deep cleansing, nutrition and hydration. There are no age restrictions; scrubs can be used at any age, starting from 16 years old.

    Sugar scrub 3in1

    This recipe is more interesting; to make such a scrub at home, you need to prepare well, namely, purchase it in advance soap base. It is sold in specialized soap-making stores, and this component can also be ordered in an online store.

    What you need to prepare in advance:

    • soap base (ideally made in England) – 80 g;
    • vegetable oil of grape seeds, jojoba or wheat germ - 2 tbsp;
    • sugar (any, white or cane) – 200 g;
    • vitamin E – 5 drops;
    • food coloring (optional) – a few drops;
    • fragrance or essential oil – 2-3 drops.

    You will also need: a rolling pin, cookie cutters, plastic bag.

    This recipe is slightly adapted, because if you make a sugar scrub according to the standard recipe (this is 1 part soap base, 1 oil and 3 sugar), the scrub turns out loose and greasy.

    How to make a scrub yourself:

    1. Cut a piece of soap base with a knife.
    2. You can melt it in a water bath or in a microwave oven, only then it is important not to miss the moment so that the base does not run away.
    3. Quickly add dye to the hot soap base (if we want to do this). If something bothers you, you can add 2 drops of olive oil, it gives a beautiful yellowish tint. If you brew madder, you can get a scrub shade ranging from delicate pink to rich red. An oil solution of Chlorophyllipt (sold in pharmacies) gives a beautiful greenish tint.
    4. When the base has cooled slightly, add sugar in small portions and mix. It is better not to add sugar to a hot base, because it will dissolve and you will need a fresh portion. Mix the mixture quickly; it will be thick.
    5. Place the entire mass on a pre-prepared plastic bag (lay it out on the table in 2 layers). The mass turns out crumbly and loose. You need to wrap it in a bag and knead it with your hands. This is necessary so that the grains of sugar combine with the soap base. You will see for yourself how it will become soft and flexible.
    6. Now you can take a rolling pin and roll out the mass like dough.
    7. After rolling, remove the top layer of polyethylene and use cookie cutters to press the shapes.
    8. Leave the figures on the table for 3-5 hours.

    It turns out to be soap, scrub and an excellent moisturizer at the same time. For 1 application you will need 1 sugar bar.

    How to make a scrub at home. Video

    Dead skin particles must be removed, as they interfere with the growth and development of new cells. This is done using a scrub (peeling). If you don’t have time or money for a cosmetologist, you can carry out exfoliating procedures in your own bath, or even better, make a homemade body scrub with your own hands.

    Homemade scrub soap has the same effect; moreover, it does not dry out the skin. Here are easy and quick recipes.

    What's the benefit? Homemade masks, creams, peelings, scrub soaps do not need beautiful packaging

    because they are not stored for a long time. Dairy products, berries, ready-made oatmeal, and chocolate are often added to such products. Without preservatives, these ingredients have a shelf life of just a few hours. What is the benefit of “perishable” natural cosmetics? It contains many vitamins, microelements and nutrients, and berries, fruits and dairy products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream) contain, which have a powerful whitening, exfoliating and smoothing effect. And what is important, these products are completely free of dyes, preservatives, fragrances and other chemicals harmful to the skin. Only what you put in them yourself. And finally, most of the recipes are very simple, do not take much time, are prepared at home and can easily replace expensive professional products.

    Before trying homemade products, you need to test for a possible allergic reaction.

    Apply the scrub to a small area of ​​skin, and if there is no itching, irritation or redness within an hour, feel free to use it as directed.

    The most effective recipes

    How to make a body scrub with your own hands? In fact, nothing is simpler: all the ingredients used for home remedies are publicly available, and the remedies themselves are prepared quite quickly. On the Internet, ladies' magazines, books dedicated to the preservation and increase female beauty, there are many recipes with which you can prepare a variety of masks, scrubs, creams and scrub soaps with your own hands from the simplest ingredients.

    From rice flour. This recipe came from China; its main action is aimed at gently cleansing and preserving youthful skin. 2–3 tbsp. spoons of rice flour (can be prepared in a blender from long grain rice), 1 tsp. honey Mix everything thoroughly and use as intended.

    Made from sugar and strawberries. Softens the skin, has an exfoliating and whitening effect. An almost professional procedure available to any woman at home. The result is comparable to hardware peeling. Grind a small amount of strawberries into a paste, add 2 tsp. almond, hazelnut or olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. brown cane sugar.

    From coffee and honey. 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee or coffee grounds, if you want the product to be more gentle, mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey Apply to damp, steamed skin. The scrub is not suitable for the face and chest.

    From olive pits. Gives the skin radiance, carefully and effectively removes the stratum corneum. Grind the olive pits in a coffee grinder (ideally you should get about 2 tbsp), add 1 tsp to them. honey

    From coffee and kefir. It has anti-cellulite, tightening, cleansing and toning effects, giving the skin a light bronze tint. It can also be used on the face, but the coffee should be ground very finely so as not to injure the delicate skin.

    Recipe: Take ground coffee, sugar and kefir in equal parts and mix, add a little vegetable oil (olive, linseed). Sometimes sugar is replaced with sea salt.

    Coffee - chocolate. Melt two squares of dark chocolate in the microwave, add 3 tsp. heavy cream and 0.5 cups of coffee grounds.

    Another effective “chocolate” recipe. You will need 1 bar of dark chocolate, 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, grape seed oil, 2 tbsp. l. honey Keep the chocolate in the refrigerator and grate it on a fine grater to make shavings. Mix these shavings with the rest of the ingredients and apply to steamed skin, so the scrub will work better. Leave for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. This scrub can also be used on the face as a mask, which you need to keep for about 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and use a moisturizing lotion.

    From coconut flakes. Coconut flakes are an excellent natural abrasive that can be used at home; it cleanses the skin and increases blood circulation. Suitable for body, arms and legs.

    You will need 1 tbsp. l any cosmetic clay and white coconut flakes, 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil. Mix everything and let it brew for 30 minutes.

    From cane sugar. Very carefully cleanses the skin, moisturizes and nourishes. Almost universal, suitable for both face and body. Take crushed oatmeal, sour cream and cane sugar in equal parts (3 tbsp each), add 1.5 tsp. lemon juice and vegetable oil.

    From sea salt for face and body. This scrub is suitable for any skin type, with the exception of very sensitive ones. Mix sea salt with vegetable oil and apply to steamed skin, leave for a while, then massage lightly, rinse with warm water.

    From cream. 1 tbsp. l. Mix cream with the same amount of sea salt. Apply to the body without rubbing and wait 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Suitable for normal skin, has a tightening and rejuvenating effect.

    For oily skin: mix brewed oatmeal with honey and sour cream, apply to damp skin, massage lightly and rinse.

    A few more recipes on video:

    To gently cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum, you can prepare a scrub soap with your own hands. This product acts more gently than a scrub, making the skin of the face and body smooth and even, more responsive to subsequent care. Moreover, it can be easily made at home. It is best if it contains ground coffee, oatmeal, herbal infusions, grape seeds (ground in a coffee grinder), essential oils and vitamins. For those with oily skin, the product can be used every other day, and for dry skin, once a week.

    How to cook? We bring to your attention several simple recipes.

    With ground coffee. This recipe is one of the simplest and at the same time effective. Perfectly cleanses the skin of dead particles, softens, soothes, tightens and restores elasticity.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    • Find suitable form, silicone is best.
    • Grate the soap base (available in specialty stores) and place it in the mold, filling it just above the edges. Prepare coffee grounds; you can get by with ground coffee, but then the soap cannot be used on your face due to the coarseness of unbrewed, hard coffee particles.
    • The soap base must be melted, but not boiled, then add coffee grounds. Make further additions in accordance with your preferences, for example: cocoa butter softens and moisturizes the skin, vitamin solutions nourish and heal, orange essential oils tone, etc. The main thing is that the additives combine their properties.
    • Lubricate the mold with alcohol and pour the prepared mixture, level the surface and spray with alcohol. Alcohol is needed to ensure that no bubbles remain on the surface. To make the soap elegant, you can decorate it with coffee beans, sprigs of herbs, and flower buds.
    • Decorations are placed on the surface before the product hardens. The product is removed from the mold when it has completely hardened.

    Another recipe for an excellent soap with an exfoliating effect (master class on preparation).

    Absolutely anyone can make scrub soap with their own hands. This product does not contain chemical impurities, which is why it does not dry out the skin, and you can add useful components, essential oils with your favorite aroma, will transform its use from a hygiene procedure into a pleasure.

    If you are preparing a scrub or mask from natural ingredients, remember that you cannot store them at room temperature for more than 1 hour, or in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 hours. The formulation of such products does not contain preservatives, so pathogenic bacteria can easily settle in them. This does not apply to exfoliating soap.

    Even the most beneficial ingredients for the skin can cause allergies with individual intolerance. Therefore, a test should always be carried out before use.

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