• What to do when out of the sun. Recipe for sunburn. Sunburn without fever


    Almost everyone loves summer and enjoys the friendly sun. Everyone is so looking forward to their vacation, and when they finally find themselves on the sea or river coast, they make themselves as comfortable as possible and completely forget about time. But instead nice tan the skin becomes red and you begin to feel discomfort. Alas, it is true - you got a sunburn.

    But what to do if your back is burned? First of all, you need to take a shower. Preferably cold. At the same time, refuse various cosmetics, that is, there is no need to use any soap or gels. The thing is that shower cosmetics dry out the skin, and your back skin has already lost large quantity moisture.

    After a shower, you need to try to rehabilitate the skin, for which you can use: traditional methods, and medicines.

    Traditional methods of dealing with sunburn

    The most popular remedy is cucumber, the pulp of which should be applied to the burned area. This product will give you a gentle feeling of coolness, which will relieve you of painful sensations in burnt areas. Potatoes have the same property if they are grated.

    You can use starch. To do this, it should be diluted with water to obtain a homogeneous paste, which must be applied to the burnt back.

    Many people rub their skin with kefir. It's really good way moisturize and soothe the inflamed surface.

    The mixture has a cooling effect olive oil with essential oil of chamomile, lavender, cypress, geranium or rose (5 drops per 5 ml).

    Oatmeal will help soothe the skin by pouring it into gauze or cotton cloth and then soaking it under cold water. This compress can be applied to damaged areas of the skin at intervals of 2-4 hours.

    Another wonderful tool in the fight against burnt skin is aloe. It's easy to use: just squeeze aloe juice onto the burned surface.

    If your back is burned in the sun, you can use a traditional Greek remedy for treating burns - vinegar with rose petals. Vinegar can cool, while rose will relieve irritation. You can take a bath with white wine bite.

    A good option is a bath with baking soda added. After it, it is recommended not to absorb moisture with a towel, but to let the body dry on its own.

    You can take a bath with chamomile infusion. It perfectly soothes the skin and has a good antiseptic effect.

    Drug treatment for sunburn

    The following compress will help relieve irritation and itching: mix aluminum acetate with Bursol (the second option is with Doboro powder) and dilute with water.

    Menthol cream also soothes the skin. You can also use a cream with aloe extract. Soothing gels also help sensitive skin and sprays containing vitamin C, creams or hydrocortisone are another excellent remedy in the fight against sunburn on the back.

    • And of course, don’t forget about panthenol. This is one of the best means from burns.
    • Homeopathy is also applicable in the fight against sunburn: for example, Ercal in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water.
    • Cantharis - this drug is intended for severe burns for oral administration.
    • “Rescuer” balm is also able to cool and relieve irritation from the skin.

    What to do if your back is burned? Maybe you should see a doctor? Yes, if you have after sunbathing my health deteriorated sharply. If you notice severe dizziness or if there is nausea and even vomiting, you should seek medical help from a specialist.

    If blisters appear on your back, which are also very painful, this is a sign of a severe burn, which also cannot be dealt with without consulting a specialist.

    You need to be very careful with the sun!

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    Most residents of the middle zone are looking forward to summer and greet every warm day as a holiday. During the rest of the year, when the sun does not favor warmth in their native lands, many are even willing to pay a hefty sum for the opportunity to go to warm countries, bask in the warm breeze and get a dose of “sunny” vitamin D. Our compatriots, yearning for summer and the sea, are ready to besiege beach from morning to evening.

    But, it should be noted, such enthusiasm is not safe. A sunburn can negate all the pleasure of a nice summer day, cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, and in a particularly unfavorable case, even put you in bed for several days.

    How to avoid such a situation and save your precious vacation?

    To begin with, you should remember that sunburn, just like in a solarium, is not a fatal accident, but a normal reaction of the skin to too intense and prolonged exposure ultraviolet rays sun. Therefore, you should not rely on “maybe”, spending whole hours in the sun: sunlight is not always as useful as we would like.

    In order to properly sunbathe without harming your body, it is worth knowing a little theory.

    Three shades of ultraviolet

    Ultraviolet light is divided into three spectra: A (with a wavelength of 400-320 nm), B (320-275 nm) and C (275-180 nm).

    Spectrum C. This is the harshest and, accordingly, dangerous for the skin. Its effects can be experienced if you climb high into the mountains. Therefore, climbers climbing the cold peak of Elbrus must wear sun masks and balaclavas that cover their ears not so much from the frost as from the sun.

    Spectrum B. Already softer. Most of it is absorbed by the ozone layer, and on the clearest summer afternoon it makes up about 3% of all ultraviolet exposure. However, it is he who is to blame for the occurrence of sunburn, so it is recommended to sunbathe in the morning and evening, when the sun's rays enter the ozone layer at an angle and almost only one ultraviolet type A penetrates through it.

    Spectrum A. These rays are the most harmless, moreover, useful. Modern medicine uses them to treat severe forms of tuberculosis and skin diseases.

    Why is ultraviolet needed?

    It has been scientifically proven and generally known that exposure to ultraviolet rays initiates the process of synthesis of ergocalciferol (vitamin D), which is necessary for the absorption of calcium and, thus, has a positive effect on bone strength. Moreover, ultraviolet radiation affects the body's production of melatonin and serotonin, hormones that regulate the daily biological rhythm.

    German scientists found that when exposed to UV rays in the blood, the concentration of serotonin, the “hormone of vigor”, which affects emotional condition. Its deficiency contributes to depression and mood swings.

    But the concentration of melatonin, which has an inhibitory effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, decreased by 28%. The described double effect scientifically confirms the magical effect of sunny weather, which invigorates and lifts the mood of probably any person.

    What is erythema?

    With strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation on human skin, an inflammatory reaction can occur - sunburn, or, in medical parlance, erythema. Erythema was first described in 1889 by Russian ophthalmologist Professor A.N. Maklanov.

    There are two types of erythema: caloric and ultraviolet.

    Caloric erythema occurs from exposure to sunlight on the skin - and a rush of blood to it. Therefore, it disappears immediately after cessation of irradiation. But after 2-8 hours, redness appears again, this time accompanied by unpleasant sensations and burning - this is ultraviolet erythema.

    Reddened skin feels hot to the touch, painful and slightly swollen. This phenomenon can last from 10 hours to several days.

    If the irradiation is too intense or the skin is especially sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, blisters may appear on it: this swelling fluid peels off the outer layer of the skin.

    A few days after the sunburn goes away, the skin darkens and flakes, resulting in the removal of some of the cells containing melanin from the body, and the tan fades.

    Signs and symptoms of sunburn

    The following are the symptoms of sunburn.

    Slight burning

    In case of slight sunburn, it is noted

    • redness of the skin and a feeling of warmth

    Severe burn

    Unfortunately, sometimes these symptoms are not limited to. If you get severely sunburned, you can experience the following problems:

    • skin redness and blisters
    • pain and tingling
    • headache
    • nausea
    • chills
    • dizziness
    • nausea and diarrhea


    You should also pay attention to the presence of symptoms heatstroke: This phenomenon is already serious enough to require medical attention.

    • Strong headache
    • Feeling weak and dizzy
    • Rapid heart rate or rapid breathing
    • Extreme thirst, lack of urine output, sunken eyes
    • Pale, clammy, cold skin
    • Nausea, fever, chills, rash
    • Painful sensitivity to light
    • Large blisters (more than 1.5 cm)

    How to treat a face that is burned? (8 recipes)

    For anyone who is really badly sunburned and is experiencing severe pain, it is advisable to seek medical help. A milder burn will go away on its own, but a few proven remedies can help relieve symptoms and speed up skin recovery.

    The most accessible remedy– a cool (but not icy) compress on the affected areas of the skin. The compress will help reduce inflammation and provide significant relief from pain. If you repeat the procedure several times, the burning sensation will soon subside.

    Another good remedy, which will help soothe burnt skin - panthenol. Usually creams or sprays with this component can be bought at your nearest pharmacy.

    One of the most effective home remedies for someone who is sunburned is aloe juice. Remove the skin from one side of the leaf and squeeze the juice onto the skin.

    Green tea will ease the effects of sunburn. The catechins and tannic acids it contains help soften discomfort. You should brew the tea in cool water and use it as a cold compress.

    Sour cream or natural yogurt will provide quick relief. Just before smearing yourself with yogurt, you need to make sure there are no flavoring additives or dyes in it.

    Oatmeal can also be used to treat sunburn. It helps soothe the skin and promote healing. Dry oatmeal should be wrapped in a cloth, moistened with cool water and used as a compress.

    Two more anti-burn remedies from the kitchen are ordinary potatoes or cucumbers. You can make a paste from them using a blender, or simply cut into slices and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin.

    Turmeric has antiseptic as well as medicinal properties, which help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with sunburn blisters. You can mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with a little water to make a paste and apply it to the burn, leaving it on for 10 minutes.

    We offer a few more tips that will help you deal with the problem faster:

    1. Drink more water and juices, do not ignore thirst.
    2. Do not wash with hot or cold water: both can irritate the skin. Someone who has been badly burned may even be advised to replace showers with baths so that the pressure of the jets does not disturb the damaged skin.
    3. Do not rub the affected areas with a washcloth or towel.
    4. Do not try to peel off the skin from burst blisters. Avoid rubbing and injuring the affected area. IN otherwise inflammation may increase.
    5. Pay attention to the soap. Some soaps and shower gels can irritate your skin.
    6. Wear loose, non-irritating clothing, cotton clothing if possible.
    7. When the redness has subsided a little, you can safely use a fragrance-free moisturizer. Apply the cream liberally over the next few days to prevent peeling and irritation.

    How to avoid sunburn? (4 important rules)

    The benefits of sun exposure clearly outweigh the risks, and smart practices can help minimize them. To safely enjoy clear weather, the following safety measures are recommended:

    Protect your face and eyes by wearing a wide-brimmed hat or cap. Facial skin is thinner and more sensitive than other areas of the body, so it is prone to sunburn and, consequently, the appearance of premature wrinkles.

    Use sunscreen. A person who plans to spend a lot of time in the sun would benefit from protecting his face, shoulders and arms. sunscreen. This is especially true for those who have flown to vacation in hot countries: the skin of these people is not accustomed to the local sun and needs protection and adaptation.

    Limit exposure time. Those with fair skin should be especially careful: in the midday heat you can get burned in just a few minutes. But the more tanned the skin becomes, the longer you can tan. The time spent on the beach should be increased carefully and gradually, giving preference to the morning and evening hours, when the rays fall at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

    Eat right. Surprisingly, proper diet even affects the quality of the tan, and, thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of antioxidants, can reduce the risk of getting a burn. This is another reason to indulge in delicious natural remedies, which summer itself generously gifts us with: pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, legumes, prunes and plums, nuts and dried fruits, cherries, raisins and grapes, citrus fruits, radishes, cabbage, carrots, radishes, beets, eggplants, green tea.

    Lately there has been only talk about . All of them are not unfounded - the sun is indeed more and more aggressive, and many studies have proven that when there is a lot of it, it is more bad than good for our skin.

    How does our skin react to the sun?

    With the arrival of late spring and especially summer, we can all notice some change in the color of our skin. Even if you do not tan intentionally and actively, you still cannot avoid slight “browning” of exposed areas of the body. Under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation, tanning occurs, melanin is produced in the body and small quantities this is very useful.

    Ultraviolet rays (contained in solar radiation, as well as those emitted by a solarium) are electromagnetic waves, the effect of which on human skin triggers a kind of protective reaction. the pigment melanin begins to be produced in the skin, its concentration will subsequently provide more or less dark shade skin.

    Normal tanning is when melanin in the skin is produced gradually, and this requires only moderate exposure to ultraviolet radiation to the skin. If you sunbathe in the shade and not during peak hours, if you treat your skin beforehand, and the duration of such an event will be several hours, and not a full day of daylight (as is often the case with desperate holidaymakers), this will be a safe moderate tan. Otherwise, the body will experience stress - not only will the skin be injured, but also the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems will be affected.

    Symptoms of sunburn

    At first glance, it may seem that getting a sunburn is not easy. But on the other hand, during the hours of solar activity (in summer this is from 10 am to 16 pm), not everyone is able to stay indoors. And if you're going on vacation, you'll take a bottle of sunscreen and a bucket hat with you, but will you be safe? Very often, in the most unexpected way, protruding parts of our body burn (feet, nose, or the entire face - it is difficult to hide it under clothes). Being at the dacha, for example, you can completely forget about using protective cosmetics, but the sun never sleeps. And towards evening you notice a slight pinking and tingling of the skin - you need to act now. If you burnt on the beach, then the symptoms will most likely be even more pronounced.

    So, to know, one must first imagine the symptoms of this condition. manifests itself:

    • redness and inflammation of the skin - most often this is the face, shoulders, torso, but also any other areas of the body that are in open contact with the sun's rays;
    • the skin hurts, stings and burns - with a severe sunburn, the victim cannot bear to touch the damaged skin;
    • gradually the pain turns into itching or is combined with it;
    • blisters appear and a thin film peels off the skin - this can happen either a few days later or within a few hours after sunbathing; the blisters may contain liquid; sunburn is rare, but may not be manifested by peeling of the skin;
    • general weakness and headache;
    • in severe cases, nausea and vomiting, chills, but this largely indicates not so much a sunburn as a.

    Discomfort over time can be caused by recent sunburn, even with minor repeated sun exposure.

    Several stages of sunburn deserve special attention:

    • initial - after 2-6 hours from the onset of the burn, the skin turns red and irritation develops; if you leave the sunny area at this stage and take measures to neutralize the condition, the peak of the injury will occur at 12-24 hours, but will subsequently disappear without a trace;
    • medium - if you ignore the primary symptoms and stay in the sun, you risk developing blisters, the body becomes dehydrated, and the skin becomes inflamed and even infected;
    • severe - blisters on the skin are large and mostly filled with liquid, they burst easily; a thorough approach to treatment will be required (preferably with the participation of a specialist), but the skin can still return to its original state; much more dangerous at this stage are chills, fever, nausea and vomiting, indicating sunstroke; in any case, at this stage it is especially important for a person to leave open and sun-exposed areas.

    What to do if you get sunburned

    If you or your close person If you have suffered initial or intermediate stage burns, then help can be provided at home. Treatment of severe sunburn, especially in combination with sunstroke, is best left to a professional physician. Severe sunburn is a reason for hospitalization. Under the constant supervision of doctors, the patient will recover. It is advisable to prescribe oral steroid therapy for a period of several days. At the stage of blistering, steroids are abandoned because the risk of infection of the body increases.

    So what is the strategy if the burn is not too serious? ?

    • As soon as you realize that you have been burned, leave the sunny area, go into the shade, or better yet, go indoors.
    • The next step is to cool the affected areas of the skin. A cold compress is suitable if these are small areas of skin, or a bath at room temperature (not cold!) if the whole body is burned. The duration of such cooling should be 15-20 minutes.
    • Repeat the compress and/or bath several times a day. This will at least ease the discomfort of sunburn.
    • To neutralize the discomfort from a burn, take an aspirin or ibuprofen tablet - these are antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs, best prevention increased body temperature and infection of the affected skin.
    • Cooling compresses should be replaced by a skin-restoring lotion. Natural remedies usually contain aloe extract, and from pharmaceutical ones you can give preference to those containing panthenol. At this stage, our task is to promote regenerative processes in the epidermis.

    When it's clear what to do if you get sunburned, one more question remains - what cannot be done. There is also a list of recommendations here:

    • under no circumstances should you be exposed to the open sun again;
    • under no circumstances should you exfoliate upper layer skin procedures, apply scrubs, peel;
    • Anesthetic lotions are not recommended for use; they may cause irritation or allergic reaction on the skin;
    • Salts, oils and bath fragrances are not recommended for use, as they can also cause irritation;
    • It is also not wise to rub the skin with a washcloth and shave the affected areas of the skin - do not risk injuring the already damaged skin;
    • do not use hard towels to dry your body, do not make sudden wiping movements, but only blot the skin.

    Home remedies for sunburn

    What to do if you get sunburned? The simplest thing that home medicine offers is cooling baths and compresses. But, as they say, not by water alone. Cool, moisturize, soothe and relieve pain syndrome After a sunburn, the following components will help:

    • baking soda - a glass of soda per bath of water or 4 tbsp. soda in a bowl of water for compresses;
    • oatmeal - wrap ½ cup of oatmeal in gauze or just a sock and place it in a bath or bowl of water; Under no circumstances should the flakes be used as an exfoliant;
    • apple cider vinegar - 2 cups apple cider vinegar for a bath of water or a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and water for compresses; perfectly restores the acid-base balance of the skin;
    • aloe vera - you can use a store-bought gel with a plant extract, or you can simply break off a few aloe leaves, wrap them in a damp cloth and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight; in the morning, cut the leaves lengthwise and squeeze out the resulting gel; it cools, soothes the skin and regenerates its damaged layer;
    • fermented milk product - kefir or sour cream, natural yogurt for burns have been known to us since childhood; use fresh, pre-chilled products, apply an even thin layer to the skin, rinse with gentle movements after 15-20 minutes;
    • milk - as an alternative fermented milk products, the main thing is the milk protein content, that’s what helps; An excellent remedy consists of equal amounts of milk and cold water, used for regular compresses;
    • essential oils - lavender, chamomile or eucalyptus, they are added to a soothing bath (10 drops per bath of water), or even better, prepare a spray from one glass of cold water and 3-5 drops of oil, spray the affected areas of the skin with the spray.

    Pharmaceuticals for sunburn

    Although folk remedies for treating sunburn have proven their effectiveness for centuries, today you can purchase medications that are specially designed to meet the needs of a sunburned body. Among their pronounced actions are analgesic, moisturizing, softening, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. You can take an antipyretic tablet internally.

    • ointments containing hydrocortisone - this is a hormone involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism; ointments based on it will relieve swelling, inflammation, itching, the victim will quickly get rid of painful and uncomfortable sensations;
    • ointments containing lidocaine are a cooling and analgesic substance; An excellent remedy to soothe skin irritation and restore damaged water balance, directly ease the burn;
    • ointments and sprays containing panthenol are perhaps the most popular and most effective remedy from sunburn; it is a water-soluble vitamin, a component of coenzyme A; ensures cell regeneration, and this will gradually relieve pain, redness, and prevent inflammation/infection; processed in as soon as possible After a burn, the skin will not peel off or peel off afterwards.

    Today the topic is about the benefits of the sun's rays and possible negative consequences very relevant. Studies have shown that the sun now has a more aggressive effect on the human body. Prolonged exposure to the sun does more harm than good. Therefore, it is important to know what to do if you are severely sunburned. If treatment is not provided on time or if it is neglected in case of serious lesions, it can greatly aggravate the situation. Those with fair skin suffer most often, and what to do if your skin is sunburned depends on the symptoms of the burn and the degree of damage.

    Signs of sunburn

    If your skin is sunburned, it will appear within half an hour. A maximum consequences will show themselves in 8-10 hours. Main features:

    1. Redness, which may be focal or diffuse.
    2. Hot burn.
    3. Painful sensations when touching damaged areas.
    4. Local swelling.
    5. Blisters on affected skin.
    6. Headache, nausea if severely sunburned.
    7. Rapid pulse.

    Degrees of sunburn

    There are 4 degrees of sunburn:

    1. Slight redness of the skin.
    2. Redness of the skin with blisters.
    3. Damage to 60% of the skin, disruption of the structure of the dermis.
    4. Complete dehydration, which impairs the functioning of the kidneys and heart and can lead to death.

    You should definitely consult a doctor if you have facial burns, if the skin of pregnant women is sunburnt and blisters appear filled with liquid and blood.

    What to do if you get sunburned

    Burns on the lungs or medium degree you can treat yourself. For severe burns with sunstroke the right decision there will be a visit to the doctor. Sometimes hospital treatment may be necessary. Under control medical workers it is necessary to restore water and electrolyte balance.

    What to do if your skin burns in the sun with a not very serious burn:

    1. If you already feel sunburned, you must immediately isolate yourself from the sun. It is better to go to a dark room.
    2. The burned area should be cooled. This can be done using compresses or taking a bath with water at room temperature. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes.
    3. Ibuprofen or aspirin tablets will improve your well-being. They have an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect and prevent skin infections.
    4. After compresses to cool the skin, apply a lotion that contains aloe extract or pharmaceutical products with panthenol. This will help restore the skin.

    What not to do if you are sunburned

    When you know what to do if you are badly sunburned, an equally important question arises - what not to do. The following actions are contraindicated:

    • walk in direct sunlight until complete recovery;
    • use scrubs, peelings, perform exfoliating procedures;
    • apply alcohol-containing products to the skin;
    • puncture blisters;
    • apply ice cubes to the damaged areas - this promotes the death of the epithelium and delays the recovery process;
    • apply products containing petroleum jelly to burns - this clogs the pores and the skin cannot fully breathe;
    • It is not advisable to use antiseptic lotions; allergies and skin irritation may occur:
    • use any aromatic products, types of bath salts, as this can cause allergies and severe irritation;
    • use a hard washcloth and epilate the affected area, as there is a high risk of infection and further injury to the skin;
    • It is unwise to use hard towels.

    Treating sunburn at home

    There are proven folk methods that solve the problem of what to do if you are sunburned at home:

    1. Easily accessible dairy products help well: kefir, yogurt, sour cream. Their application to the damaged area of ​​the skin cools, relieves burning and redness.
    2. A compress of apple cider vinegar diluted in equal quantities with water will help restore the acid-base balance of the skin.
    3. Aloe juice is effective. It needs to be mixed with water 1:1 and wipe the damaged areas.
    4. If you're sunburned, you can use a glass baking soda dilute in a bath of water. Or use as compresses - approximately 4 tablespoons of baking soda per bowl of water.
    5. A bath with the addition of essential oils lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus.

    Pharmacy remedies for sunburn

    It is not always possible to take baths or use home remedies. Then the question arises, what to do if you get burned in the sun, what medications effective? In this case, the following drugs have proven themselves to be excellent:

    1. Products based on panthenol and hydrocarisone ointment 1%. They relieve inflammation, swelling, and heal damaged areas of the skin.
    2. When burn wounds become infected, doctors prescribe Dermazin.
    3. Soothe irritated areas and restore the water balance of ointment with lidocaine.

    No one is immune from sunburn; it is very easy to get them. As a result, not very pleasant consequences arise. What to do if you get sunburned, everyone decides for themselves. There are many effective ways for varying degrees of damage.

    Sunburn is a common phenomenon, especially in the hot summer, when many people like to sunbathe on the beach. However, you should be extremely careful, especially for the first time, when the skin is still tender after wintering.

    Just lie a little under the baking sun, and you will immediately develop a sunburn - the skin on your face, back and other parts of the body begins to burn and acquire a characteristic reddish tint. After all, a sunburn is literally a skin burn caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The result of such damage is inflammation of the skin.

    If you have received a severe sunburn, the first signs will begin to appear within a few hours, and after a day a complete clinical picture- itching, swelling, redness, soreness, dehydration and other “joys” of a sunburn.

    In this case, you must immediately provide first aid to relieve the effects of sunburn. As a rule, treatment is carried out at home using pharmaceutical ointments, creams, sprays, as well as time-tested folk remedies.

    Symptoms of sunburn

    Sunburns, like thermal burns, are divided into three stages: solar erythematous dermatitis, blistering stage and necrotic stage.

    The severity of the burn is affected by skin type, amount of time spent in sunlight, and health status. For example, people with fair skin It is much easier to get a severe sunburn and it will take longer to heal.

    Most often, skin damage as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays is manifested by redness and soreness of the skin, and blisters may also appear, grouped into blisters, with serous contents.

    1. With a mild burn, the skin becomes inflamed, red, and even a light touch causes pain. After a few days, the skin begins to peel off and the sunburn goes away without leaving visible marks.
    2. Severe sunburns are complicated by severe burning of the skin, blistering, severe dehydration, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, and possible infection.

    In addition to the above symptoms, the following are also observed:

    • chills;
    • temperature;
    • nausea and/or vomiting;
    • symptoms resembling vomiting;
    • blistering;
    • skin loss observed 4-7 days after the burn.

    Other problems that may occur along with a sunburn include:

    • heat or sunstroke, or other problems associated with general overheating;
    • allergic reactions to exposure to the sun or sunscreens;
    • eye disorders, such as burning pain, decreased, partial or complete loss of vision.

    Your skin type determines your susceptibility to tanning and sunburn. People with fair or freckled skin, blond or red hair, and blue eyes, turn out to be especially sensitive.

    What to do if you have a sunburn?

    Every person should know what to do if a sunburn occurs. This will ease your symptoms and get better sooner.

    1. First of all, after you have received a sunburn, you need to go into a room where ultraviolet rays do not penetrate.
    2. Next, it is important to understand how severe burn received and whether blisters appeared. If they are present, it means that the degree of skin damage is significant, which requires urgent medical attention.
    3. You can temporarily relieve pain with a cold shower or compress.
    4. Apply a cream with a soothing effect to the damaged area; chilled aloe juice is also suitable. It is important to remember that applying oils, both creamy and vegetable, to burned skin is strictly prohibited.

    First aid

    When the burn is not too severe, you can treat yourself. Be sure to consult a doctor if you have received a severe burn and have the following symptoms:

    • strong pain;
    • large blisters;
    • headache, nausea and vomiting;
    • confusion, weakness.

    Providing first medical care is aimed at reducing temperature, providing epidermal cells with moisture, removing redness, and reducing pain.

    How to treat? To do this, you can use compresses and lotions made from chilled black or green tea, chilled decoctions medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects (for example, chamomile, calendula, lavender). Remember to drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

    Cooled skin must be moisturized, otherwise immediately after cooling it will dry out and become even more inflamed. After-sun ointments or anti-sunburn aerosols will do the job well. Folk remedies are also suitable - kefir, sour cream, milk, egg white, you can apply these products to yourself at home.

    For withdrawal pain you can take - Imet, etc. or take a cool bath or shower. Suitable for relieving itching and burning. Further actions refer to therapeutic measures and are aimed at preventing infection of damaged skin and speeding up its restoration.

    How to treat sunburn at home

    If the skin is damaged by the sun, you need to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation for several days, that is, let the skin calm down and rest without appearing in the sun.

    Treatment at home involves the use of folk remedies, they will help relieve sunburn of the skin.

    1. One of the oldest methods, simple and accessible: you need lubricate the burned areas with sour milk, kefir, natural yoghurt(no fruit additives or sugar). Sometimes sour cream is included in this list, however, due to its fat content, it creates a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms on injured skin.
    2. For sun-damaged skin areas you need add a piece of raw peeled potato, hold for several minutes, periodically renewing the applied slices.
    3. In case of mild thermal external burns, apply thick white separated from the yolk and apply it to the treated skin surface. The resulting film should not be removed; it should fall off on its own.
    4. Need to cut a fresh aloe vera leaf down the middle to extract the juice. Apply aloe vera juice to sunburn blisters, allow it to dry and absorb into the skin. If fresh aloe vera leaf is not available, you can use aloe vera gel, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
    5. Necessary pour a tablespoon of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. And when it cools down, make a compress from the infusion, applying a piece of moistened gauze to the burned areas.
    6. White cabbage leaves washed and doused with boiling water for greater softness. They are then cooled and applied to the burns, secured with a bandage and worn throughout the day. This simple method helps reduce pain and swelling.

    Try these folk recipes, they will help reduce symptoms and relieve sunburn in a short time.

    How to apply sunburn at home

    Above we have listed how you can lubricate a sunburn at home using traditional medicine. What else helps well in this case?

    This part will present effective pharmaceutical products - ointments, aerosols and burn creams. Before lubricating a sunburn, it is very important to make sure that the skin is intact and under no circumstances open the blisters.

    1. in aerosol form (spray) – relieves inflammation well skin, covering it with a specific protective film.
    2. , 0, 05 or 1% depending on the age of the victim and the degree of damage to the epidermis.
    3. For erosive lesions after burst blisters, Dermazin or.
    4. or - these remedies help not only relieve pain, but also relieve swelling, which is sometimes very pronounced.
    5. in the form of an ointment or cream, an antimicrobial, analgesic and regenerating drug.
    6. Cooling gels containing menthol and anesthetics.

    These medications will help relieve the symptoms, and after a few days the sunburn will no longer bother you.

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