• Where to find the treasure. Where can a girl find a good and serious, as well as smart guy for a serious relationship?


    The most obvious option. Modern life dictates that the easiest way to find a girl is on a dating site or in an application for them. However, not everything is so simple: people who meet there rarely create strong alliances.

    However, you shouldn’t discount the Internet as an option. Think about what you're interested in and go to relevant forums and various websites to discuss certain hobbies, be it paragliding or knitting (what if you're that weird guy who likes to knit?). This will at least increase the likelihood of meeting your soul mate and you will already have something to talk about on .

    The principle of “thematic” search extends to reality. If you are the lucky person who has time to pursue your hobbies and go to meetings of equally enthusiastic people, take a good look around there. Suddenly a lonely young lady is sitting next to you, but she is interested in the same thing as you!

    Old school option: if you like good books and Turgenev's young ladies, go to the readings. They take place in libraries and bookstores, and the percentage of women present there is much higher than men. Then discuss the book - why not a reason for a date?

    Actually, it is also possible and necessary to get acquainted with people in a bookstore without reading. It will be easier to understand what kind of person is in front of you by the books that he (in our case, she) is considering.

    In the gyms

    There is a whole army of girls who go to the gym just to meet each other. Seriously. They can be recognized by the presence of makeup and a neat hairstyle instead of a banal ponytail.

    You can also get acquainted while jogging (although a puffing interlocutor is not very sexy), cycling, swimming - there are a lot of options.

    By the way, winter is the time for dating at the skating rink. Girls are very inclined to this, because skating makes them feel touching and beautiful.

    At a game of Mafia or something else

    You can sign up for such games and come at a pre-agreed time to a cozy cafe, not knowing anyone, and leave with your voice broken from laughter and screams, a whole group of new friends... and a girl! Suitable for both those who have no experience in this game and seasoned “Cattani commissioners”.

    At training master classes and courses

    This is a whole unplowed field for searches. Cooking classes? Great. Call and ask who visits them more often: couples or singles. And if they are singles, then aren’t they divided into pairs and what is the contingent?

    Dance master class? Wonderful. Doubles? Yes, they will tear you off arms and legs: there are always not enough partners. Yoga workshops? You will also become calmer.

    Attention, life hack: if you register for master classes, open lessons and the games are played on social networks, you can study the lists of participants and their pages. This way you will come prepared and know who is married, who is heartbroken, and who is ready for a new relationship!

    The advantage is that at a live performance of your favorite band, under the influence of the moment and emotions, acquaintances simply happen with a bang.

    The downside is loud music. Yes, we remember that you came for her sake. If you can’t handle the guitar riffs to ask the name of a beautiful stranger, then, at worst, show your sympathy for the young lady by dancing. Although no, you might suddenly scare me. :)

    It is possible to find the girl of your dreams at classical music concerts, but it is difficult. Firstly, the contingent there is specific, mostly highly spiritual. Secondly, you need to be silent there. As an option: for the entire three hours of the concert you turn your head, studying your surroundings, and at the end you run to get acquainted.

    In shops

    Oh, you are a cunning person if you chose “female territory” for dating, like a cosmetics or kitchenware store. Approach a pretty young lady and ask for advice, making an unhappy face: “It’s very difficult for a lonely man like me to make a choice, can you smell me? What do you think of this perfume? Let’s also choose some pots together, you do it so well.”

    Every girl hides the need to help, save, feel sorry, and so on. It would be stupid not to play on this, and in such an innocent and sweet way.


    In fact, it is not so important where exactly to look for a girl. The life hacker gave you tips that don’t stop there. If you look at young ladies in the subway or in a cafe and one of them smiles at you or holds a meaningful gaze, do not be timid, be a man and step towards your destiny. What if it's her?

    Love, mutual understanding, a strong family- this is what most people dream about. But how to find your soulmate? It can be difficult. Often people just sit and wait for love to find them. Take the initiative into your own hands - and happiness will not keep you waiting!

    Draw a detailed portrait of your significant other: tip 1

    Be honest with yourself and at the same time realistic. Think about what is really important to you in a person, which shortcomings you can come to terms with and which ones you cannot. In our early youth, we succumb to the charm of media heroes, girls fall in love with movie and show business stars, boys dream of supermodels. This is a normal stage of sensory personality development. But if you've already passed puberty, dreaming that Johnny Depp or the Prince of Wales will be drawn outside your door one morning is not constructive.

    Decide on the age, level of education and income of the person you want to find, think about what his goals are in life, how he should behave, what he can dream about. Do not consider that these are too rude and materialistic indicators that have nothing to do with love. Statistics show that alliances between people of the same circle are always much stronger and more successful than misalliances. Stories in the spirit of “the young lady and the bully” rarely happen in practice, but even if they do happen, as a rule, they do not lead to long-term harmonious relationships.

    37% of women and 35% of men have posted a profile on dating sites at least once in their lives.

    For someone to love you, you have to love yourself. Imagine the man or woman of your dreams - are you really a worthy companion for such a person?

    Of course, spiritual qualities are very important, but the form of this content is no less important. Whatever one may say, it is appearance that we pay attention to first of all. So take care of yourself. If you have been wanting to get in shape for a long time, sign up for a gym without delay. Leave in your wardrobe only those things that you like yourself in. Go to a hair salon or spa. Try to look like you have a dream date every day. All these measures will not only help you look better, they will give you confidence in your irresistibility, and this is what makes a person attractive.

    Go out in public more often and expand your social circle: tip 3

    How to find your love, where is it waiting for you? Anywhere, but not at home on the couch in front of the TV. To meet new people, you need to go to new places. Go to exhibitions, lectures and seminars on any subject that interests you, sign up for sports section or look for a nice skating rink, go on a trip, even if there is no company. The more you interact with people you don't know well, the better your communication skills become. This is extremely useful, especially if you are not a naturally sociable person and sometimes get lost when talking with strangers.

    According to statistics recent years, approximately 30% of relationships that ended in marriage began as a romance in the virtual space - future spouses found each other on dating sites, social networks, and Internet forums.

    Even if you are very tired of loneliness and are determined to start a serious relationship, maintain a certain sobriety of mind. Fans or admirers will certainly appear after following the first three tips, but how to determine whether they are worth your attention? Is it love or not love?

    The question is complex, especially since there is no single standard, there is no instrument capable of measuring the “truth” of love. This feeling is often confused with physical attraction, which can literally overwhelm and knock you down. But such hormonal storms do not last long - only a few months. And if you and the object of your passion have nothing to talk about, if his personality does not interest you and you as a person are also uninteresting to him, such a relationship is doomed.

    Often, the choice is influenced not by one’s own hormones, but by the opinions of others. Your parents are delighted, your friends also like your chosen one, everyone begins to hint to you that you have finally met a couple, but this person does not evoke any special feelings in you - this is a very common situation. Do not allow public opinion influence your choice. It’s easier to endure the reproaches of others that you missed such a promising option than to connect your life with someone you don’t love, just so as not to disappoint your relatives and friends.

    If you don't know where to find love, then a dating site is the most obvious answer to this question. Of course, there are also people on such sites looking for frivolous adventures, but the majority come to these resources with the goal of finding their soulmate.

    British sociologist Geoffrey Gavin conducted a study in which he invited a group of randomly selected young men and women aged 19 to 26 to post their profiles on dating sites. It soon became clear that more than 70% of the subjects began relationships with their virtual acquaintances.

    How to choose a dating site where you can meet your love

    There are a lot of dating sites, but not all of them have a good reputation. Among the large resources, Edarling.ru and Loveplanet.ru are well known; the website Linkyou.ru provides good chances of finding your love, where you can find a person of a certain profession or religion. Those sites where the main functionality is available only to paid users can also be considered reliable - this immediately scares away frivolous people.

    How to create a profile correctly

    A user's profile on a dating site contains basic information about him and his photographs. Take your profile creation seriously and be honest. Provide only information that is true. What's the point of writing in the "Hobbies" section about your love for literature if you only read business letters and labels on products in the supermarket? The profile should reflect your personality, this is the only way it can interest the right people. Don't be afraid to seem weird or too original.

    You should choose your photo especially carefully. Do not overuse filters and graphic editors - remember that this can result in awkwardness and disappointment in a personal meeting. A clear photo that clearly shows your smiling face is the most the best option. If your goal is a serious relationship, don't post too much candid photos. Experts on dating sites unanimously claim that the greatest interest is generated not by selfies or staged photographs, but by pictures in which a person is busy with some activity.

    Natural selection: how to know you've found the right person

    Most sites offer you likely candidates based on your profile data, as well as taking into account the wishes you have indicated. Therefore, when filling out your profile, be extremely precise, indicating age, geographic and other limits, otherwise you will literally be inundated with letters from people who are clearly not suitable for you.

    However, you shouldn’t expect that you will find The One or The One in the first couple of days. Get ready to do the screening. It is quite obvious that people who from the very first lines offer you sex or send you candid photographs are not suitable for you - there are many men on dating sites looking for a girlfriend for the night and girls of a certain profession. But if you want to find love, these people are unlikely to interest you. Also beware of those who are clearly trying to extract as much personal information from you as possible, but do not say anything specific about themselves - this could be a sign of a scammer.

    If communication goes smoothly and you are clearly interested in each other, you can make an offline date. Experts strongly recommend holding the first meeting not at home, but in public place- if something doesn’t go according to plan, you can always leave with your dignity intact.

    How to start a conversation and interest your interlocutor

    Avoid template, faceless phrases and stock compliments. Your task is to stand out from the endless “Hello! How are you? And you’re cute.” Look at the profile of the person you are interested in - there are many tips on how to start a conversation. If he likes old movies, ask him to recommend something worthwhile from the “retro” category. If a person is posing with a dog or cat in a photo, ask what breed it is. There are many options for successfully starting a conversation, but there is a main rule - be sincerely interested in the person! Only in this case will you not look affected and fake and will be able to truly interest your interlocutor.

    When communicating online, remember the basic rules of politeness. Perhaps the one you are interested in will remain indifferent to your charms. This is not a reason to be offended, much less insult a person. Remember that almost all dating sites have the opportunity to report a rude person.

    We don't promise that by applying our tips you will find love, but you will increase your chances of finding love. The main thing is to believe in love, not to give up at the first unsuccessful attempt, and to act. Remember: water does not flow under a lying stone. The clearest illustration of this law is the tragic story of Oblomov, who exchanged love for a sofa.

    When a girl needs love, she begins to wonder where to find a guy for Serious relationships. What is it about? About a partner with whom a girl will be comfortable and interested in being in a relationship for a long time. However, it is not so easy to find a soul mate, despite the large number of representatives of the opposite sex. Often beautiful and smart girls fail to find a partner for a long time.

    Find the right guy It is very difficult for a serious relationship today. And the reason for this is that the online magazine site highlights the criteria of girls, which are often inflated or contradictory. A guy has to be perfect for a girl to pay attention to him. And even this doesn't always work. Often, in search of an ideal, a girl comes across a “goat” with whom she falls in love and then suffers for a long time.

    1. That every guy will have flaws. When imagining your “prince,” think about what shortcomings you are willing to face and put up with in him.
    2. That every guy is an ordinary person. This means that he will not be a “prince” and, most likely, he does not even have an “iron” horse.
    3. That a guy has his own ideas about the ideal girl. If you meet your ideal girl, will you live up to his image of the ideal girl? In order not to miss your chance, you need to meet the wishes of your future boyfriend yourself.
    4. That a guy won't bring a fairy tale into your life. You will have to work on the relationship, and not just demand and receive the benefits that the guy will have. If you don't do anything for a guy, then you'll have to forget about a serious relationship.

    Where can I find a guy?

    Psychologists simply answer the question: where to find a guy? Representatives of the opposite sex are all around, all you have to do is get to know them. But why do such problems arise for girls who are already surrounded by guys, but are not dating anyone?

    • Girls have high or unrealistic expectations that no guy can meet.
    • The girls imagine some kind of meeting that will change everything in their minds. But in reality such meetings do not happen.
    • The girls rely on fate, saying that it should send them princes. But in fact, girls only miss the chance to meet ordinary guys and build relationships with them.

    A guy can be found everywhere: at school, at college, at work, in transport, even in a park, a nightclub or on vacation. The question will be different: a guy is easy to find, but will he be ready for a serious relationship?

    The future “prince” can be found anywhere. All that remains is to find someone who is serious about building relationships, and not just about fun and sex. And a lot here depends on the behavior of the girl herself.

    1. You may stumble upon a guy who, in principle, is not in the mood to build a serious relationship. Then you just need to break up with him. Accept the fact that there are eternal bachelors, womanizers, married people and other categories who simply do not intend to build a serious relationship.
    2. You can meet a guy in a nightclub, but behave in such a way that he will be ready to see you many more times. A girl should behave culturally, sublimely, beautifully, so that a guy would want to communicate with her, conquer and love her.

    And also all girls who are looking for boyfriends need to be ready to flirt. How else can you show that you like a guy and want to do more than just communicate with him? Flirting does not oblige you to get married or sleep with a guy. However, it helps you establish more than just friendly relationships with the opposite sex.

    Where to find a guy for a serious relationship?

    There is no place where you can’t meet a guy for a serious relationship. It’s just that the guy may not like you, or you may not like him - and there are men everywhere who may turn out to be potential relationship partners. The question is different: girls think that there are places where, in principle, it is impossible to find a serious partner. You should get rid of such stereotypes. As mentioned above, a guy can go to some place without the intention of finding a girl for a serious relationship. However, getting to know you, your highly spiritual behavior and external attractiveness will charm the guy so much that he will say goodbye to his bachelor life.

    The guy can be found everywhere. Start with the places you already visit:

    1. Work or study.
    2. The shops.
    3. Transport.
    4. Among friends.
    5. On the street.

    Smile at those guys who pay attention to you, get to know them, even if you don’t intend to date them yet. If you are not satisfied with the contingent that already surrounds you, then you need to expand the circle of your stay. Start with new people who can introduce you to their friends. Start going to new stores, places you have never been before. Change your mode of transport to show up in a new place. Start vacationing at other resorts or getting involved in new activities. In other words, go down a road less traveled before to increase the visibility of your search.

    To find your boyfriend, you first need to figure out what he needs to be like in order for you to like him. There are many men around you. But you don't like all of them. Some you don't pay attention to at all. The reason for this is your criteria by which you select guys for yourself. You must understand by what criteria you choose a partner in order to understand where you can find him or where he lives.

    Also, don’t forget that guys for a serious relationship can be found anywhere, but the girl is yours appearance and his manners may not suit his partner for such a relationship. A short skirt, smoking and vulgar behavior do not make a man think that you want a serious relationship with him. He would rather just have fun with you or pass by altogether.

    To attract a serious man, you need to pay attention to your manners and inner world. Become an interesting conversationalist, be good-natured and highly spiritual. A man will only at first pay attention to your beauty, and then he will give you a role - a mistress, a beloved woman, or no one at all - depending on how your communication with him will go.

    Where to find a guy if you don't go anywhere?

    There is a category of girls who are not financially secure enough to visit various places and create dating situations. They are offered online dating sites, where you can also find a guy if you don’t go anywhere. The erroneous opinion of those girls who think that there are no normal guys there. We can only say that guys looking for a serious relationship also sit on dating sites, they just may not have a bright appearance, large capital and a vibrant life to interest them.

    If you yourself are far from ideal girl with a boring life, then perhaps you need to lower the bar of your aspirations in order to attract a guy like yourself into your life.

    You don’t need much to date online:

    1. Register on the site.
    2. Post your most best photo to the avatar.
    3. Give some information about yourself so that men understand what kind of woman you are.
    4. And then start communicating.

    It is recommended to initially respond to messages from almost everyone who wrote to you. And then the list of interlocutors will be significantly reduced, both on your initiative and at the request of the guys themselves, who in fact simply do not intend to have anything serious.

    How to finally find your boyfriend?

    How to find your man? The question is becoming increasingly relevant in modern society. In fact, it is very easy to find a man, it is much more difficult to get along with him. And this is precisely the problem that makes women return again and again to the question of how to find their man.

    The first thing that prevents a woman from being happy in her personal life is her own unconscious beliefs. For example, a woman at the level of consciousness may want to have love relationship, but at the subconscious level I don’t want this, because I am convinced that “a family is just household chores”, “to be married means to be unnecessary”, etc. In modern society, more and more stories are appearing about how young married couples disintegrate, which in turn shows unmarried women how hard and unpleasant family life. All this is deposited in the subconscious, forcing young girls and women not to rush into serious relationships, which they themselves dream of at the mental level.

    The second thing that prevents you from creating a happy love relationship is the inability to live without a man. This is due to the fact that from childhood, many girls are taught the idea that “a woman should serve a man,” and service usually means the following: “where the husband goes, his wife goes” without any thought. In other words, a woman must live for a man, dissolve in him, if she wants family happiness. And when she does just that, she is faced with misunderstanding from the men themselves, who want women to be happy even in those moments when they are not around.

    A woman should have her own life, her own interests and views on the world. Men appreciate this! This is precisely what contradicts the upbringing that says that a woman should dissolve in a man. Because of this, there is a discrepancy between the imagined and the real, which is why the woman herself suffers, who believes that she is doing everything right, but for some reason cannot find her female happiness.

    How to find your man? First, you need to get rid of your own fears and negative prejudices about relationships, family, men and children in order to want this not only with your head, but also with your heart. Secondly, you should learn to live happily without men. The world does not revolve only around men; there are many other interesting things in it that deserve your attention. Learn to live without men and be happy at the same time, so that the appearance of a loved one in your life becomes an additional happiness, and not the main one.

    And, of course, how you behave with your gentlemen is also important. Remember that shouting, quarrels, reproaches and discontent do not make a man love you. It just pushes you away rather than making you want to be with you. Learn to be happy, give happiness to your loved one, understand, hear his desires and opinion, even if it contradicts yours. Let yourself live. And let your man live the way he wants. Learn to live together, and not to be a commander who gives orders and demands obedience.

    a few pages on the stock, you can see the qualitative difference.

    As a rule, there are a lot of “hackneyed” staged photos where people shake hands and smile radiantly at the camera. I think that such photographs will no longer surprise anyone, and they are not very attractive. By sifting through such photographs, you can see, sometimes also staged, but more natural shots, where everything is in an environment familiar to us. They are in no way inferior in quality, but they are much nicer to look at.

    I will share my favorite resources where I look for pictures.

    Unsplash: great selection there! A lot of pictures of nature, interiors and so on; all the photos are very graphic. But if you are looking for portraits, there are few of them here, mostly complex angles and views from the back. On Unsplash you will find atmosphere.

    Another one is stocksnap.io. Some pictures are duplicated from the previous resource, but there are also differences. Stocksnap and Unsplash, I think, complement each other perfectly.

    My favorite thing to do is search on Flickr. That's where I look for material most often. I found the coolest pictures there. But on Flickr, searching is much more difficult and sometimes feels like a competition and a puzzle. To understand, you need to start digging into it.

    Firstly, not all photos can be taken and used for free. You need to carefully monitor the licensing conditions. The owners of the images decide for themselves whether to give other people access to use the images and limit the freedom of this use. To see if you can download a photo for commercial use or your blog, look at the black icons at the bottom right of the photo. By following their link, you can read which type of Creative commons license is available to you.

    On Flickr, the search is more difficult and can sometimes take a long time, since there you can find both amateur photos from parties and high-quality images from professional photographers. When searching, they are all mixed together, so you will need to be careful to isolate high-quality images.

    There is a more flexible search system here, and you can sort photos not only by size, color, and so on, but also set the search for photos only with a certain type of license. For example, Commercial use allowed.

    When a good find comes along, I always go to the author's profile, as often their collection may contain even more suitable images of the same level of quality. And sometimes it can be an entire album that suits your request. Chances of finding good photo increase.

    You can also save the photos you like in Favorites so you don’t forget to indicate the author’s name later and not lose the photo. Sometimes I manage several projects at once. I often find cool photos that are not suitable for my current project, but I save them so that later I can always return to them and use them in another. Or, then to study in more detail the author’s other works. You can also sometimes select photographs for parallel projects.

    If a photo is marked with a license for free use for commercial purposes, this does not mean that all photos in the album have the same resolution. Therefore, you need to check the tag of each picture you like. And then, you can write to the author and warn him that you would like to use his photo under a license indicating his authorship.

    In order not to be distracted and not to lose sight of the page with the main search, open the pictures and profiles you need in a new window, and study, save and download from it. I do this because when searching for a long time, loading images and clicking links becomes harder and takes longer. Therefore, I always have a page open with all the images on request and separate pages with the photo I need. Here you can find out everything about the photo, save, download, close the tab and continue searching.

    And a few more favorite resources for searching for material.

    It is very difficult for someone who would like a serious relationship, because by their nature men strive for free relationships. They don't need obligations and other problems. They want intimacy and friendship without any complications.

    What does a man look like when he is ready for a serious relationship or marriage?

    Most likely, the one who wants to find his one and only has already had his fill, so the first sign is age. Beginning from 25 years old Men are increasingly thinking about getting married. Closer to 30 years is the golden time for a first marriage. Then there are those who have been divorced. They don’t want to go back to remarriage, but there are also those who sincerely believe that they have learned a lesson from a failed marriage, so they are ready for a new one.

    A man who is ready for marriage or life together With a woman, neat, gallant and very diplomatic. He asks a lot of questions and is interested in you. He won't be in a hurry to get you into bed.

    Such men they know their worth so they won't run after you. If they doubt your sanity for even a second, they will immediately stop communicating.

    Psychologists say that the place where you meet is not as important as the fact of meeting you. A man who is ready for marriage or a long-term relationship can meet anywhere. It is important for him to see something positive in you. He knows exactly what kind of girl or woman he needs, so he won’t look for her where he definitely can’t find her.

    Where not to look for the man of your dreams

    Smart men those who are truly worthy of your choice will not seek you out in nightclubs. The reason is quite obvious - there are practically no potential wives and life partners there. There, almost always and almost everyone is looking for sponsors, not a married couple. Moreover, average age The number of girls regularly visiting nightclubs is rapidly falling. Men understand this, so they don’t search for the one and only one in such places.

    At work It’s also better not to look for a soul mate. The exception is the case when you do not have mutual acquaintances and you work, for example, in different rooms. People are envious by nature, so they will interfere with your happiness in every possible way - girls will start gossip, and other men will continue to communicate and flirt with you. This cannot be changed.

    University. In such places there is a huge concentration of young and inexperienced people who are only interested in new intimate relationships. Although there are exceptions here: some relationships that began as students grew into strong and happy marriage. Therefore, during such acquaintances, try to more accurately determine the intentions of the young man.

    Holiday romances. This is the most dangerous place to meet your love. You are susceptible to emotions, everything is fine with you, but this does not mean that everything will be fine in the normal rhythm of life. Not worth it holiday romances considered serious. This typical mistake single ladies.

    Concerts, city days. People come to such events “charged”, so making acquaintances will not bring you much benefit. Of course, if you don’t want to find a man who would become your husband, then you can safely go on a search to where people make contact because Have a good mood and noisy environment.

    Through friends you are also unlikely to find your love. Remember that the fewer mutual acquaintances you have, the better. It is very difficult to find someone who can remain impartial and honest with you in this world. If another man introduces you, then there may not be so many problems, but if it is a woman, then she and the man will most likely know each other well, and therefore, it will be possible to draw some conclusions. They were either together, or there was something more than friendship between them. A triangle will immediately form between you, which will ruin the relationship in the bud in the future. That is why it is better to rely only on yourself.

    If you live in a very small town or a populated area where everyone knows each other, then finding a husband will be even more difficult. That is why it is better to direct your gaze to places where you do not know anyone.

    The best places to meet those who are “ripe” for marriage

    It's best to get acquainted where a person does not expect it. Be outside more often, be careful in supermarkets and clothing stores. You can specifically visit “men’s” stores: car parts, building materials, and so on. In supermarkets, be more careful - pay attention to men to understand who likes you. You don’t have to approach yourself - you can smile a little noticeably. Be cunning, but be yourself, don't pretend. Of course, in everyday life everyone is always in a hurry, but this can work to your advantage, because there will be an incentive to meet. Similar places:

    • metro, buses;
    • traffic jams;
    • parks;
    • queues.

    In such places, you are in a hurry, you don’t have time, so you can immediately move on to romantic hints and flirting. That’s why such acquaintances are remembered well, because they happen like a bolt from the blue. Some mysterious aura appears between you.

    Internet. Many people underestimate the importance of the Internet. Social media- an ideal platform for dating. Men who are looking for a wife, and not a one-time girlfriend, really like online dating because they know clearly what they want. For example, you can meet people on dating sites. There are those sitting there who no longer believe that finding love is even possible. It clearly states what a person wants. Create a page like this and accept offers from men. You will also need to take initiative on the Internet - you may not always be noticed by everyone at once. Show signs of attention and don’t forget to format the page correctly to maintain intrigue and at the same time give as much information as possible about yourself.

    Specialty stores. These could be sports stores, bookstores. Such places are inhabited by both womanizers and monogamous people, but it is not difficult to understand what type your target is. Those who are looking for the lady of their dreams and life partner will behave calmly and carefully, and will not rush things. Lovelaces quickly steer the conversation towards flirting.

    Fitness club. There is a great chance of running into a womanizer in a fitness club, but those who do not waste time on trifles, but want to find themselves a wife, also go there. In any case, a sporty man inspires more confidence than the owner of many bad habits. It is highly likely that a man over 30 who goes to the gym is already married or looking for a wife, but will not waste his time on fleeting affairs.

    Thematic places. If you have any interests in life, then you can visit themed parties and places, events. This is very a good place, where there is a great chance of meeting a soul mate.

    If you're afraid, what the a short time If you don’t get to know the person properly, then use it. These are questions that help you quickly find out the character of the person you like. They do not provoke or strain the interlocutor, therefore they are safe and effective. Meet men and don't be afraid to show interest. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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