• Hygienic requirements for children's clothing. Hygienic requirements for clothing




    Among the activities aimed at strengthening the health and improving the physical development of the child, it is important compliance with hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear.

    Clothing serves to protect a person from the adverse effects of the external environment, protects the surface of the skin from mechanical damage and contamination. With the help of clothing, an artificial under-clothing microclimate is created around the body, significantly different from the climate of the external environment. Due to this, clothing significantly reduces heat loss from the body, helps maintain a constant body temperature, facilitates the thermoregulatory function of the skin, and ensures gas exchange processes through skin.

    Shoes are designed to protect feet from adverse environmental conditions: cold, pollution, various damages. The main requirement for it is full compliance with the size and shape of the foot. Shoes for a child should be soft, light, have elastic soles and low heels.

    The main requirement for children's clothing is its rationality. It should, first of all, provide the child with a feeling of comfort and a favorable microclimate. Aesthetic requirements for children's clothing, although high, remain in second place. When choosing clothes for children, parents should pay attention not only to their appearance. The first place should be given to thermal properties, ease of fit, and lightness. Clothing should not restrict the child's movements, disrupt the physiological functions of the skin and remove metabolic products from its surface. The fabrics from which children's clothing is made must be breathable, hygroscopic (capable of easily absorbing water and water vapor), and not lose these positive qualities and attractive appearance after repeated washing and ironing.

    Any shoes should be spacious enough in the toe area, otherwise the foot will become deformed. Its heel tightly holds the heel so that it does not move backwards and outwards and does not slide towards the toe. If the shoes are chosen correctly, this allows the child to move his toes freely. Children's legs grow quickly. The shoes from which they grew, squeezing the foot, disrupts blood circulation in it, which negatively affects normal functioning and development. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether boots or shoes are squeezing the child’s foot. Big shoes bought for growth is just as harmful as a tight one. In addition, it often causes abrasions.

    Currently, there is a trend towards students using school clothes. The interaction between the child’s skin and the fabrics of school clothes is determined by the hygienic properties of the fabric: thickness, weight, air and vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, moisture capacity, hydro- and lipophilicity, hydrophobicity, as well as thermal conductivity. Hence, The hygienic properties of school uniforms are very important for the thermal comfort and well-being of the child. The requirements for the composition of the fabric from which it is made are more stringent, because the child wears these school clothes for a significant part of the day (a schoolchild spends 5-6 hours in a school uniform, taking into account the extended day up to 8-9 hours). It is necessary to pay attention to the cut of clothing, because improperly sewn clothing can cause harm.

    Parents sometimes look only at the price of clothes, and not at the composition of the fabric, and buy something that their children should not wear. Ordinary baby suit can be sewn from fabric consisting of 67% chemical fibers. You can wear such a costume for a holiday, but under no circumstances should you wear it to school.

    It is important for parents to know that a modern school uniform must meet all hygienic requirements, but at the same time be stylish, varied, and fashionable. An ergonomically perfect (statically and dynamically comfortable for a child) school uniform allows you to shape the posture of a child’s figure and is designed to provide dynamic comfort.

    Recently, sports shoes have become widespread. Some of its types (sneakers, sneakers) are used not only for sports, but also for everyday wear on the street and at home. This is wrong and harmful. Each type sports shoes must correspond to its purpose and be used not permanently, but temporarily, strictly for its intended purpose. All types of children's shoes must be well secured. Cotton tights, knee socks, and socks for children are highly hygroscopic. Such products made from synthetic fibers are completely incapable of absorbing moisture, as a result of which the feet sweat in them, overheat in the summer, and, on the contrary, become colder in the winter.

    When choosing clothes (school uniforms) and shoes:

    1. Carefully study the clothing labeling (label with manufacturer's data, fabric composition and recommendations for cleaning and washing the product).

    2. Pay attention to the symbols indicating how to care for the product. For example, if it indicates dry cleaning, it is better to refuse such clothes for a child; chemicals can be harmful to the health of your schoolchild, who will spend almost the whole day in this suit.

    3. The fabric from which the uniform is sewn must consist of at least half wool, cotton or viscose, that is natural materials. We recommend uniforms made of cotton and linen for autumn and spring, and wool and cashmere for winter.

    4. The color of children's clothing (school uniform) should be calm and muted. Bright colors increase fatigue in children and can provoke hidden irritation.

    5. It is better to avoid color combinations like black and white, such a sharp contrast greatly tires your eyesight and can even cause a headache.

    6. It is better to choose several items of school clothing for your child at once, so that they can be easily changed during the week.

    7. Determine the required shoe size for the child by measuring the length of the child’s sole with a centimeter. Properly fitted shoes are considered to be shoes when the distance from the end thumb to the inner surface of boots or shoes should be 0.5 - 1 cm.

    8. When choosing shoes for a child, you need to try them on on both feet. In this case, the child should not sit, but stand, then the load from the entire body weight will fall on the foot.

    9. When choosing shoes for winter, you should give preference to shoes made of felt or cloth; you can use insulated shoes or boots.

    10. It is advisable to wear felt boots only in very cold weather and under no circumstances stay in them indoors, since their shape does not meet many of the requirements for children's shoes. The same applies to rubber boots. They can only be used in rainy weather or for walking on wet grass. You need to put a cloth insole inside the rubber boots and put them on over a wool sock that absorbs moisture well.

    11. As summer shoes for children, it is advisable to purchase shoes, sandals, sandals made from leather or textile materials. To prevent the child's feet from overheating, the top of summer shoes should be openwork, this will ensure air circulation and protect the foot from overheating.

    12. When purchasing children's clothing (school uniforms) and shoes, you must pay attention to the availability of documents confirming quality and safety. Currently, for children's clothing and shoes, both domestic and imported, this document is a certificate of conformity; for clothes of the first layer ( underwear) – certificate of state registration.


    basic requirements for selling children's clothing,

    protection of consumer rights to the quality and safety of children's clothing

    Activities for the retail sale of children's clothing are regulated by Law Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 000-1 “On the protection of consumer rights (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights), Rules for the sale of certain types of goods approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 55 (hereinafter referred to as the Sales Rules) .

    The general safety requirements for children's clothing are established by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union CU 017/2011 “On the safety of light industry products”, approved by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union and which came into force on July 1, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulations).

    Due to the mandatory requirements of the above regulations, when selling children's clothing, the seller (legal entity, individual entrepreneur) is obliged to bring to the attention of the consumer the company name (name) of his organization, its location (legal address) and its operating hours by placing the specified information on the sign. The seller - an individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide the consumer with information about state registration indicating the name of the body that registered it (Article 9 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, paragraph 10 of the Sales Rules).

    The seller is also obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about the goods sold and their manufacturers, which must contain:

    Name of product,

    Name of country of origin,

    Information about the main consumer properties of the product,

    Price in rubles,

    Date of manufacture

    Rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of children's clothing (symbols for product care, the interpretation of which must be provided to the consumer in a clear and accessible form),

    Address (location), brand name of the manufacturer (seller), importer, authorized organization,

    Information on mandatory confirmation of compliance of goods with established safety requirements (for children's clothing - this is a certificate of conformity, which the seller is obliged to provide at the consumer's request) (Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, Article 9 of the Technical Regulations, paragraphs 11, 12 of the Sales Rules).

    In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Technical Regulations, the labeling of children's clothing made from textile materials must contain additional information about the model of the product, the type and mass fraction (percentage) of natural and chemical raw materials in the material of the top and lining of the product. The deviation of the actual raw material content should not exceed +/- 5%.

    The above information is brought to the attention of the consumer on the product, consumer packaging, product labels, leaflets attached to each unit of product.

    In addition, children's clothing products must have labels indicating the name, article number, price, size and height (for clothing and underwear), type of fur and color (for clothing, hats, fur collars) (clause 41 of the Sales Rules) .

    All necessary information is brought to the attention of the consumer in Russian (Article 8 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, paragraph 15 of the Sales Rules).

    When selling children's clothing, outerwear knitwear, hats, and fur goods, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with conditions for trying on the goods - the sales area must be equipped with a fitting booth (clause 43 of the Sales Rules).

    When selling children's clothing, the seller is obliged to give the buyer a sales receipt, which indicates the name of the product and the seller, the date of sale, article number, grade and price of the product, as well as the signature of the person directly carrying out the sale, if the sales receipt for the product does not contain the name of the product, article, grade (if available) (clause 46 of the Sales Rules).

    The retail location must have a book of reviews and suggestions, which is provided to the buyer upon his request (clause 8 of the Sales Rules).

    In accordance with Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer has the right to exchange goods (children’s clothing) of proper quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of its purchase, for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product did not suit the shape, style, color, size or configuration.

    It is worth noting that goods subject to exchange based on the above norm are not included in the List of non-food products of proper quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for similar goods of other sizes, shapes, dimensions, styles, colors or configurations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 55 (hereinafter referred to as the List). Thus, according to the List, they cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration. of proper quality:

    Textile goods (cotton, linen, silk, wool and synthetic fabrics, goods made from non-woven materials such as fabrics - ribbons, braid, lace and others) (item 4 of the List),

    Sewing and knitwear(sewing and knitted linen products, hosiery products) (item 5 of the List).

    An exchange of goods of proper quality is carried out if the specified goods have not been used and their presentation, consumer properties, seals, and factory labels have been preserved.

    If defects are found in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, the consumer, in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, has the right to demand:

    Replacement with a product of the same brand, model, article;

    Replacement with a product of a different brand, model, article with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;

    Reducing the purchase price;

    Free elimination of deficiencies or reimbursement of costs for their correction;

    Refund of the amount of money paid for the goods.

    Paragraph 5 of Article 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights establishes a general procedure for considering consumer claims related to the purchase of goods of inadequate quality. This procedure includes the seller’s obligation to accept goods of inadequate quality from the consumer and, if necessary, to check the quality of the goods. The consumer has the right to participate in checking the quality of the product.

    If a dispute arises about the reasons for the occurrence of defects in the goods, the seller (manufacturer) is obliged to conduct an examination of the guaranteed goods at his own expense. The examination of goods is carried out within the time limits established by Article 22 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights to satisfy the consumer’s requirement. The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its results, to challenge the conclusion of such examination in judicial procedure.

    In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the consumer has the right to ensure that the product, under normal conditions of storage and use, is safe for the life, health of the consumer, the environment, and also does not cause harm to the consumer’s property.

    By virtue of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, “damage caused to the life, health or property of the consumer due to failure to ensure the safety of the product is subject to compensation in full in accordance with Article 14 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights.”

    The damage caused is subject to in this case compensation by the seller (manufacturer) to any victim, regardless of whether he was in a contractual relationship with the seller (manufacturer) or not (based on articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), articles 7, 12, 14 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights) .

    If the seller does not satisfy the consumer's requirements (stated due to inadequate quality of the goods and/or failure to ensure the safety of the goods) on a voluntary basis, their resolution is possible exclusively in court, since by virtue of Article 11 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the protection of violated or disputed civil rights and the resolution of property disputes is carried out by the court . Based on the above, the consumer has the right, on the basis of Article 17 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, to apply to the court with a statement of claim for the protection of consumer rights at the place:

    Location of the organization;

    Residence or stay of the plaintiff;

    Conclusion or execution of a contract.

    Consumers and other plaintiffs in claims related to violation of consumer rights are exempt from paying state duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

    If the prospect of a judicial resolution of the dispute arises, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is ready to assist consumers in judicial protection of the violated right by providing an opinion on the case in order to protect consumer rights in the manner established by Article 47 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, Article 40 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights .

    The conclusion on the case in order to protect consumer rights is the opinion of the authorized body on the nature of the legal relations under consideration, on the legality and validity of the claims made by the plaintiff, on the norms of legal acts applied to controversial legal relations, on other issues (of a legal nature) arising during the consideration of the case or raised court.

    In order to attract the Office to participate in the case in the specified procedural form, it is necessary to file a corresponding petition in court, or contact the Office with an independent application, attaching to it a statement of claim, the defendant’s objections to statement of claim(if available), as well as documents substantiating the demand.

    In addition, according to the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. 17 “On the consideration by courts of civil cases in disputes regarding the protection of consumer rights,” when the court satisfies the consumer’s claims in connection with the violation of his rights established by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, which were not satisfied voluntarily by the seller, the court collects from the defendant in favor of the consumer a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.

    The purpose of clothing is to protect the human body from heat loss and thereby help maintain a constant temperature in the air surrounding it.

    Clothing largely protects human skin from all kinds of mechanical damage (impacts, animal and insect bites), from the introduction of pathogens, and serves as protection from dust and dirt.

    What requirements, hygienic and pedagogical, should children's clothing meet?

    First of all, the child’s clothing must correspond to the weather or microclimate of the room where the child is located. It must be made from certain fabrics.

    The hygienic advantages of fabrics are determined by their thermal conductivity, breathability, wettability, moisture capacity (hygroscopicity), ability to absorb gases (absorption capacity), elasticity and irritating effect on the skin.

    Their contamination, flammability, weight and strength are also of considerable importance.

    Thermal conductivity and breathability depend mainly on the air content in the tissues, and its amount is determined by how porous the fabric is and how large the total pore volume is.

    The larger the volume of pores in the fabric, the lower its thermal conductivity, the higher its thermal insulating property, since the air filling the pores is the worst conductor of heat.

    The thermal conductivity of fabrics increases sharply when it is saturated with moisture. Moisture displaces air from the pores of fabrics, thereby increasing its thermal conductivity.

    The heat absorption and heat emission of fabrics depend on their external finish and color. The rougher the surface of the fabrics, the higher their heat absorption capacity. How lighter color, those less fabric absorbs heat.

    If possible, summer clothes should be made of light, mostly white fabrics, and winter clothes should be made of dark ones.

    Of no small importance is the breathability of the fabric, its hygroscopicity, i.e. the ability to absorb and evaporate moisture from the surface. The higher the hygroscopicity of the fabric, the easier it is for sweat vapor to be removed from under clothing.

    Thus, the best fabrics for children's clothing are those that have the lowest thermal conductivity, absorb moisture well, and do not interfere with skin evaporation.

    It should also be taken into account that after repeated washing, the qualities of the fabric change significantly: thickness, porosity, hygroscopicity, thermal conductivity and other physical and hygienic indicators.

    Observations have shown that after repeated washing of a flannelette blanket, the coefficient of thermal conductivity increases sharply (by 65%), i.e., it becomes unsuitable as a heat-insulating layer in the clothes of small children.

    The size and cut of children's clothing must correspond to the age and height characteristics of the child. It should be loose-fitting, comfortable in design, not restrict movement, and not impede breathing and blood circulation.

    You should not sew children's clothes from expensive fabrics. At the same time, it must satisfy certain aesthetic requirements.

    The attractiveness of children's clothing largely depends on the color of the fabric. Bright colors - smooth or with a small pattern - delight the eyes of children and adults. Clothes made from dark fabrics do not suit children and make it difficult to control their cleanliness.

    It is necessary to differentiate the clothes of boys and girls not only by cut, but also by the colors of the fabrics.

    A set of children's clothing should also include festive ones. It is highly advisable for all children to have at least two changes of aprons. A motley dress goes well with a smooth apron; a smooth dress, on the contrary, goes well with a motley or striped one. A mandatory element of the apron should be pockets for handkerchiefs.

    These are the general hygienic and pedagogical requirements for children's clothing.

    Baby clothes. Hygienic requirements
    Dressing a child beautifully so that he looks attractive is a natural desire of parents. However, in pursuit of the beauty of clothing, one should not lose sight of hygienic requirements for children's clothing, as well as convenience and expediency.

    What do we mean when we talk about hygienic requirements for clothing? It protects the child from various environmental influences: from scorching sun rays and strong winds, from cold and rain. Correctly selected clothes.

    hygienic requirements for children's clothing, and in order for these requirements to be met, parents must patiently, showing restraint, constantly instill in their children the desire to always be neatly dressed and clean. At the same time, it is necessary to teach your child to take care of his clothes. To do this, you need to allocate space on the hanger for outerwear and a place in the closet for storing linen, so that he can take and put everything back in its place.

    When choosing clothes, you need to pay attention to the texture and quality of the fabric. The ability of a fabric to retain heat depends on the air layer located in its pores - fluffy, loose fabric retains body heat especially well. For example, wool is about twice as porous as linen, which means it is warmer.

    For warm weather, cotton fabrics are indispensable. They wash and iron well, and always look beautiful and elegant thanks to the fastness of the dyes. Cotton fabric retains heat and at the same time does not overheat the child’s body, absorbs moisture released by the skin well, and therefore helps the skin breathe.

    Children's clothing is usually made from fabric that is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs and evaporates moisture well. Synthetic or starched fabrics are not recommended as they are not breathable; accumulated air under clothing, without sufficient ventilation, causes overheating of the body, increased sweating, which remains on the child’s skin and can cause irritation. Chintz, satin, volta are the most hygienic fabrics for summer clothing, and flannel and cotton wool are the most hygienic fabrics for winter clothing. Products made from them are suitable for both girls and boys.

    You can sew festive clothes from woolen fabric; they have a more elegant look. To make such clothes pleasant for the child and not irritate the skin, it is advisable to place the yoke on chintz or make a cover. It should be borne in mind that woolen fabrics are impractical for everyday wear: when washed, they lose their appearance and quickly fade.

    Woolen knitwear is good for children because it is hygroscopic, soft, and lightweight. They make children comfortable, warm, and do not restrict their movements.

    You should not neglect the choice of fabric colors, color combinations, or dress style. It is impossible not to take into account the modernity of clothing fashion.

    New fabrics, new colors, new color combinations appear, which require a new embodiment in the suit. However, when creating children's clothing, you should not repeat the styles of adults: the proportions of a child's figure are different, and what looks beautiful on an adult does not look good on a child.

    For children's clothing, plain or finely patterned fabrics are better suited; they give finished product attractive look.
    Clothes should be in harmony with appearance child; The style and color are selected according to age and external characteristics. The choice of color is also influenced by the time of year. In summer there are bright, rich colors, in winter - warm, muted colors.

    Sometimes very Nice dress by its color and style it decorates some children, and gives the face to others undesirable shade. The choice of color depends on the shade of the skin, face, eyes, hair.

    When choosing colors, you also have to take into account the external characteristics of the child. For example, for a plump girl, a fabric with a small pattern and a style with straight lines and an elongated waist are good. But for a skinny girl more the dress will suit on the yoke, lush.

    Cleanliness and convenience are the main ones hygienic requirements for clothing. You need to teach your child to take care of the appearance of his costume. But it is difficult to instill neatness skills in him if he cannot take care of himself: fasten, tie, pin, lace. Therefore, the clothes should be such that the child can easily handle them himself: fasteners in the front, buttons easily fit into the loops, and lacing and ties are not needed, as they make it difficult to put things in order in the suit.


    Among the activities aimed at promoting health and improving physical development child, it is important to comply with hygienic requirements for his clothes and shoes.

    Requirements for summer children's clothing.

    IN summer period Most of the activities of children in preschool educational institutions take place on the street. It is necessary to ensure that clothes for summer walks and outdoor activities fresh air corresponded to weather conditions and was comfortable for the child. Fabric for children's clothing should not electrify and pill (form pellets). Preferable for summer wear natural fabrics(cambric, chintz, linen, silk). Clothes must fit the child in size. Tight or tight-fitting clothing contributes to the appearance of heat rash, and its seams and edging rub the child's skin when moving.

    The following will help ensure good ventilation of the baby's skin: open collar (neckline), wide armhole, short sleeve (or sleeveless clothing).

    At noon, when the sun's activity reaches its maximum, you should not put too much clothing on your child. open clothes(topics, sundresses, T-shirts), because in it the body is more exposed to solar radiation. When preparing a child for kindergarten, parents should remember that the air temperature may change during the day. As a rule, in the morning it is lower than at noon. Therefore, it is necessary to select clothes so that the child can take off part of it if necessary. Overheating and excessive sweating can trigger colds. The child's head should be protected from the sun. Preference should be given to clothing made from natural fabrics. Synthetic materials can lead to diaper rash and dandruff. The headdress must fit snugly to the head and have a brim or visor. When the child is in the shade, it is better to remove the headdress.

    Requirements for children's clothing:

    Air temperature18-20*С


    Cotton underwear, a dress made of half-woolen or thick cotton fabric, tights, shoes on your feet.

    The permissible number of layers of clothing in the torso area is 2-3 layers

    Air temperature 21-22 *C


    Cotton linen, dress (shirt) made of thin cotton fabric with short sleeves, knee socks, light shoes or sandals.

    The permissible number of layers of clothing in the torso area is 2 layers.

    Temperature 23 *C and above


    Thin cotton linen or without it, light dress, summer sleeveless shirt, socks, sandals on feet.

    The permissible number of layers of clothing in the torso area is 1-2 layers

    How to choose the right children's shoes.

    Foot - an important part human skeleton. It serves as the “foundation” of the body and takes on the load of the entire body during movement. Young children's feet are flexible and soft, and while the bones are not yet strong, they are very sensitive to any pressure and stress. If the shoes are small or do not fit the foot well, the foot will tend to adapt to the shape of the shoe and may not form correctly, causing the child to develop flat feet.

    When trying on shoes, you should pay attention to the fact that before thumb There was a space of 1 cm left. To do this, the child trying on shoes should stand and not sit. Only if the foot bears the entire weight of the body can the actual length and width of the foot be determined.

    Children's shoes should not be too big, as they will not support and fix the child's foot enough. Trying to stay in the shoe, the baby’s foot will be under constant tension, which can lead to improper formation of the foot. Boots should not be too loose at the heel and instep; the shoes should fit tightly around the foot.

    The purchased shoes should not have folds, scars, bumps, etc. The soles should not scratch or stain the floor. Eliminates the presence of odors and the release of chemical ingredients into the shoe space and the environment in any living conditions and seasons of the year.

    It is not recommended to wear shoes behind other children. Even if its size and fullness are the same, the shoes wear out individually. The nature of wear reflects the structural features of the previous owner's feet, and using such a pair of shoes can lead to muscle disorders and deformation.

    The child’s feet sweat a lot, so it is important that the shoes allow the feet to “breathe”, thereby avoiding discomfort. unpleasant odors and fungal skin diseases. It is best to choose shoes made from natural materials ( genuine leather, textiles), or shoes with perforations, using special membrane materials.

    Thus, it is advisable to choose shoes for a preschooler taking into account the following recommendations:

    *shoes should not be narrowed at the toe, as this leads to deformation of the big toe;

    *excessively loose shoes also have a negative effect - abrasions and calluses may appear;

    *the sole must be flexible;

    *heel height no more than 1 cm;

    *shoes must have a fixed heel (allows you to firmly hold the heel bone and prevents it from deflecting outward);

    *ensure strong fixation in the toe part (an open toe in removable shoes does not contribute to a stable position of the foot and creates a risk of injury to the toes);

    *ensure strong fixation of the ankle joint of the foot;

    *in removable shoes, the use of insoles with a bulge in the understory space is not allowed;

    *as replacement shoes in kindergarten Sandals with a partially closed toe and a fixed heel are recommended.

    Prepared nurse V.N. Morozova

    Children's clothing should be comfortable, appropriate in size and fit for the child's age, not tight or too big for his height. It should be durable and easy to clean from dirt.

    The first layer of clothing in direct contact with the body is underwear (day and night shirts, panties, T-shirts, socks, stockings, bra, slip).

    It must meet the following requirements: have sufficient air and vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, hydraulicity, evaporation.

    Underwear should be changed as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. Change stockings and socks every 2 - 3 days. The most hygienic tights are made of wool or cotton fabric. In childhood or adolescence, instead of bras, it is better to wear regular bras with darts. The straps of the bra should be wide, no narrower than 2cm.

    The second layer of clothing (dresses, blouses, skirts, suits, etc.) is put on underwear.

    School uniforms are made from woolen school fabric (for girls) and from woolen cloth with the addition of 10% synthetic fiber (for boys).

    Sportswear depends on the type of sport and where the classes take place: in gyms or outdoor areas. To perform gymnastic exercises, a training suit consisting of long trousers and a T-shirt with short sleeves is comfortable. Special gymnastic shoes with elastic bands or laces, with a soft leather upper and the same soft soles, most suitable for gymnastics. The best clothing for athletics exercises is a T-shirt, shorts and a lightweight leather shoes With soft socks on cords, and for running or jumping - shoes with spikes.

    Boys should wear briefs and training pants over swimming trunks, which are absolutely necessary during physical education. The presence of swimming trunks makes it easier to perform physical exercise, children do not feel constrained in them. For girls, I recommend wearing panties made of thick knitwear that fits the legs. A mandatory accessory for sportswear for middle-aged and older girls is a bra with a clasp attached to a wide elastic band.

    The third layer of clothing is for the street. Winter clothes must be porous so that there is a lot of air in it. The thermal conductivity of such clothing is low. A winter coat is made from thick wool fabric on wadding or wool batting, with a fur collar. Clothing made from fabrics with water-repellent impregnation on foam rubber. Coats and jackets are made from it. These clothes are light, warm, comfortable.

    The best headdress for schoolchildren in winter time A fur hat with earflaps or a hat made of woolen fabric lined with cotton wool is used throughout the year. They should only be worn when very coldy. In cool weather, knitted woolen hats (like a helmet) are recommended. In spring and autumn, caps, berets, knitted hats, and girls - berets, knitted or felt hats.

    Summer headdress Panama, caps with visor, hats. They are made from light, fluffy, light-colored fabric - straw, light canvas or pique.

    Shoes should be light, comfortable, not restrict movement, and match the shape and size of the foot.

    Shoes for everyday wear on the street or at school should be simple, comfortable, with wide low heels (1 - 2 cm). In the winter season, boots or boots with a warm wool or felt lining. In damp, rainy weather, rubber boots or shoes with soles made of waterproof materials, rubber, rubber, nylon, etc.

    In the summer months, the most hygienic are light, open shoes with a wide cut - sandals, sandals or shoes with leather soles with an upper made of textiles and other materials with a porous structure.

    Test questions for the seminar topic 10:

    1. What hygiene requirements apply to the school site?

    2. What hygiene requirements apply to the school building?

    3. What hygiene requirements apply to classrooms?

    4. What hygiene requirements apply to a physical education lesson?

    5. What hygiene requirements apply to school workshops and laboratories?

    6. What hygienic requirements apply to the organization of the educational process for schoolchildren?

    7. What should a schoolchild’s diet be like?

    8. What is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in baby food?

    9. What basic vitamins does a schoolchild’s body need? What is this connected with?

    10. What are the main sources of what are milk and dairy products?

    11. What does an approximate daily set of products for a schoolchild include?


    1. Beletskaya V.I. and others. School hygiene: Textbook. manual for students of biology. specialist. ped. Inst. / IN AND. Beletskaya, Z.P. Gromova, T.I. Egorova. - M.: Education, 1983. - 160 p.

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    3. Dubrovsky V.I. Hygiene of physical education and sports: Proc. for students avg. and higher textbook establishments - M.: Humanit. ed. VLADOS center, 2003. - 512 p.

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    More on the topic Requirements for clothing and footwear for schoolchildren:

    1. Personal hygiene of schoolchildren. Skin and hair care. Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear, their care
    2. Instructions for disinfection and disinsection of clothing, bedding, shoes and other objects in steam-air-formalin, steam and combined disinfection chambers and disinsection of these objects in air disinsection chambers
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