• Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear for children and adolescents. Basic requirements for children's clothing and shoes

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    Hygienic requirements for shoes

    Shoes are subject to the same hygienic requirements as clothing. It protects the body from the effects of adverse environmental factors and protects the foot from mechanical damage. Hygienic requirements for shoes are formed from the requirements for design and size, determined by the structural features of the foot during the period of growth, and to the materials from which shoes are made. Rational footwear, i.e., corresponding to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child’s foot, ensures it normal development, protects against deformations and diseases, from the development of flat feet, abrasions, calluses, etc. Shoes for children must exactly match the length and width of the foot, and not be too narrow or loose.

    An important function of shoes is to provide a favorable microclimate around the foot. The temperature and humidity conditions in shoes, as a rule, depend on the material from which the shoes are made, including the insole, which has direct contact with the skin of the foot. For normal functioning of the foot, the insole must have plasticity, heat and moisture protection properties, hygroscopicity and ventilation ability; it is made only from genuine leather.

    As sole materials, materials with good heat-shielding properties are recommended: porous rubber “Malysh” - for the bottom of insulated and sports shoes; porous rubber “Depora” - for the bottom of shoes for spring and winter use; polyurethane - for the bottom of insulated shoes and soles in combination with genuine leather in shoes of the autumn-spring range.

    The best material for the manufacture of children's shoes, including winter ones, is Genuine Leather. For summer shoes, various textile materials are also recommended as the top: matting, semi-double-thread, walking, denim, etc. For the top of insulated shoes, cloth, drape, woolen and half-woolen materials, felt, felt, etc. are suitable. synthetic materials- flower polish, subject to the use of natural insulation and lining. In cold winters with stable snow cover, felted shoes are widely used, which have high heat-protective properties, but limit the mobility of the foot. When children return indoors from outside, felted shoes, like other insulated ones, should be removed.

    In damp weather, especially in autumn and spring, you can wear rubber shoes, which best protect your feet from getting wet. It is necessary to ensure that children wear these shoes for a minimum amount of time and be sure to wear rubber boots with a thick woolen sock. Rubber boots must be removed indoors.

    It is unacceptable to use sports shoes (sneakers, half-sneakers, sneakers, sports rubber slippers, etc.) for constant wear, especially indoors. These are special-purpose shoes and therefore cannot be recommended as replacement or indoor shoes.

    In the design of "children's shoes, excluding shoes for children early age(booties), heels of different heights should be provided: for preschoolers, as well as in indoor (replacement) shoes - 5-10 mm; for younger schoolchildren - no more than 20 mm; for the older group of schoolchildren - 20-30 mm; for girls' casual shoes - up to 40 mm. Everyday wearing of shoes on high heels(above 40 mm) by teenage girls is harmful and unacceptable: the area of ​​support of the foot decreases, the center of gravity of the body shifts forward, a large lumbar curve is formed, the position of the pelvis changes, and its shape changes. When walking in high heels, there is not enough stability, the foot rolls forward, the toes become compressed, and the load on the forefoot increases, which leads to a flattening of the arch of the foot and deformation of the toes.

    Requirements for stockings and socks depend on the season. As a layer in direct contact with the skin, they must be made of materials with sufficient hygroscopicity, air and vapor permeability. The best materials for stockings and socks from a hygienic point of view are cotton and knitted fabrics. For girls, it is recommended to wear tights in cool weather. Stockings and socks made of nylon and other synthetic materials should not be widely recommended for everyday wear by children of all age groups.

    Sanitary rules and regulations “Hygienic safety requirements for children's clothing and footwear”

    These sanitary rules and regulations establish hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear for children under the age of 18, aimed at providing the child population with clothing and footwear that is safe for health.

    Basic terms and their definitions

    Children are individuals from birth to the age of 18.

    Clothing, shoes - products or a set of products worn by a person that carry utilitarian and aesthetic functions.

    Chemical fibers – artificial and synthetic:

    Products in contact with skin – products that come into contact with the child’s skin on a large surface of the body (underwear, blouses, shirts, dresses, trousers, hosiery, etc.).

    Products not in contact with the skin – products that have minimal contact with the child’s skin (coats, raincoats, etc.).

    Permissible amounts of migration (hereinafter referred to as AMC), maximum permissible concentrations (hereinafter referred to as MAC) are hygienic standards that determine the maximum levels of release of chemicals and elements from products into model environments that do not have an adverse effect on the human body.

    Local irritant properties of products - the ability of extracts from products under conditions of single or repeated exposure to have an irritating effect on skin or mucous .

    Skin-resorptive properties of products - the ability of extracts from products, with single or repeated exposure, to penetrate intact skin and cause intoxication of the body.

    Products for occasional use (short-term wear) products used on special occasions, not intended for daily long-term wear: elegant clothes (dresses, suits, tights, etc.) and shoes, carnival costumes, etc.

    Baby Clothing products or a set of products intended for children under 28 days of age.

    Clothes for children under 1 year - products or a set of products of the following size groups: chest girth 44-48 cm, height - 62-80 cm.

    Clothes for students of general education institutions - products or a set of products made in business style and recommended by the Ministry of Education as everyday special clothing for students in general education institutions.

    hygienic classification

    children's clothing and shoes

    Hygienic requirements for children's clothing and shoes include the age of the products:

    Clothes: for newborns, for children under 3 years of age ( nursery group), for children from 3 to 7 years old (preschool group), from 7 to 15 years old (school group), from 15 to 18 years old (teenage group).

    Shoes: booties (for children under 1 year); nursery, small children, preschool, for schoolchildren girls, girls' room, for schoolchildren boys, boys' room.

    The hygienic safety of children's clothing is determined by its purpose, the composition of the product's raw materials, the age of the child, and the area of ​​contact with the child's skin (layer of clothing). Children's clothing is divided into classes according to the degree of health risk:

    clothing that comes into contact with the baby's skin:

    1 class -

    clothing for newborns, diapers, bed linen, linen for toddlers;

    2nd grade -

    underwear for preschool children, school age, sportswear;

    3rd grade -

    hosiery for nursery, preschool, school groups;

    4th grade -

    underwear and hosiery for teenagers; swimwear;

    5th grade -

    sewing products for dresses, blouses and shirts;

    6th grade -

    knitted outerwear (jackets, sweaters, jumpers, dresses, skirts, trousers, leggings and leggings, etc.) and sports products;

    7th grade -

    hats, scarves, gloves;

    clothing that does not come into contact with the baby's skin:

    8th grade -

    costume assortment sewing products (suits, jackets, trousers, sundresses, skirts, vests); envelopes and blankets for children

    9th grade -

    coat products (coats, raincoats, jackets, overalls).

    The hygienic safety of children's shoes is determined by their purpose, the age of the child and the materials used (shoes made of natural leather, artificial and synthetic leather, textiles, rubber textiles, combined and felted).

    Hygienic safety requirements

    Children's clothing, shoes and materials for their manufacture, including finishing and auxiliary materials (hereinafter referred to as materials), must be safe for the health of the child.

    The hygienic safety of children's clothing and footwear is assessed by a set of hygienic indicators (organoleptic indicators - odor intensity, physical-chemical and physical-hygienic indicators - air permeability, hygroscopicity, electrostatic field strength. Research on the hygienic safety indicators of children's clothing and footwear is carried out by laboratories of state sanitary inspection institutions and others accredited in accordance with the established procedure.

    Children's clothing (materials) should not cause disturbances in thermoregulatory functions and associated changes in the thermal state of the body, which is ensured by indicators of breathability and hygroscopicity.

    The investment of various types of chemical fibers in children's clothing materials must ensure the fulfillment of physical and hygienic indicators (air permeability, hygroscopicity, level of electrostatic field strength) established by these sanitary rules.

    For all classes of children's clothing, the use of natural fibers, viscose or their combinations is not limited.

    When using a combination of different types of fibers in the material - natural, artificial (acetate), synthetic, the content (mass fraction) of each type of chemical fiber must be within the value specified for it in accordance with hygienic requirements.

    In products for preschool and school-age children, linen assortment (grade 2), hosiery (grade 3) the investment polyurethane fibers (elastane, spandex, etc.) should be no more3% .

    In products for children adolescence linen assortment (grade 4), in the upper knitwear (grade 6) attachments are allowedpolyurethane fibers no more than 5%, in hosiery (grade 4) for teenage children - no more12% .

    100% synthetic fibers are allowed in lining materials for coat products (class 9).

    For products intended for occasional use, up to 100% synthetic fibers are allowed (elegant clothing, fancy dress costumes, etc.).

    Children's clothing, shoes and materials used for their manufacture should not have a local irritant or skin-resorptive effect on the body.

    Materials used to make clothes for newborns should not have an irritating effect (cause irritation of the mucous membrane).

    Separate hygienic requirements for children's clothing.

    Products for newborns must be made from natural materials.

    For children under 3 years oldlinen products must be made from natural materials.

    Textile materials and linen products intended for children under 1 year of age should not be treated with sizing agents containing chlorine ions, nitrogen-containing compounds and phenol-formaldehyde resins. The use of finishing agents and impregnations in linen assortment materials must be agreed upon with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

    On labels finished products linen group, hosiery intended for children under 1 year old, the inscription should be provided: “Pre-washing is required.”

    Hygienic requirements for outerwear: s Personal clothing must perform heat-protective functions.

    Hygienic requirements for everyday special clothing for students of general education institutions (hereinafter referred to as school uniform):

    School uniform and textile materials for its manufacture must meet optimal hygienic standards in terms of hygroscopicity and breathability.

    Acceptable attachmentssynthetic fibers and threads in textile materials of school uniforms of all age groups should not exceed 30-35% in products of the blouse and shirt range and 55% in the suit and dress range. The lining must be made of natural and (or) artificial fibers (viscose).

    The school uniform should have a comfortable cut that eliminates compression of the body surface and provides freedom of movement, ensuring thermal comfort of the body, taking into account the season of the year.

    Separate hygienic requirements for shoes:

    The insole and lining of shoes for nursery and small children groups should be made of natural materials(lining leather, natural fabrics and knitwear, etc.); It is allowed to use lining fabrics and knitwear with a chemical fiber content of no more than 20%.

    In shoes for toddlers, it is allowed to use a summer and autumn-spring assortment of artificial and synthetic materials for the uppers of shoes, provided that an internal lining made of genuine leather is used.

    Shoes of all types must correspond to the size of the foot length.

    The toe part of shoes for nurseries and small children should be wider than the beam and correspond to the level of the metatarsophalangeal joint.

    Children's shoes should have a low heel. Heel height of shoes for nursery, small children and preschool groups for everyday wear it should be 5-10 mm, for school wear – up to 20-25 mm, for girls’ wear a medium heel up to 40-45 mm high is allowed.

    In children's shoes, the heel portion should wrap around the heel and be stable. In summer shoes, an open heel is allowed, provided it is fixed, ensures stability of the foot when walking and conveniently fastens the shoe on the foot.

    For safety reasons, it is advisable to use signaling and (or) reflective elements in the form of trim, emblems, etc. in children's outerwear and shoes to increase visibility and determine the location of the child.

    Organization of production and sales

    children's clothing and shoes

    Hygienic examination of imported and produced children's clothing and footwear for compliance with hygienic safety requirements is carried out during state hygienic registration in the prescribed manner.

    Workers involved in the production of children's clothing and footwear must undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations to the extent provided for by the resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus “On the procedure for conducting mandatory medical examinations of workers” dated August 8, 2000 No. 33.

    Workers must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with applicable industry standards.

    Sellers of children's clothing and shoes must have health data to the extent provided for by the current orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus

    Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage of children's clothing and shoes must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation.



    Human health largely depends on the influence of environmental factors. Therefore, compliance with hygiene standards and rules in Everyday life defines conservation and promotion of individual health. The medical approach to the issues of strengthening individual health was ambiguous in different periods of the development of society. Initially, medicine associated the importance of preserving individual health with the rationalization of nutrition, hardening, and the organization of work and life. As the major cities, industrial production, compulsory universal education of children, public catering required hygienic standards and recommendations for the organization of water supply and sewage disposal in large cities, planning and development of new settlements, prevention of infectious and occupational diseases, and issues of strengthening individual health faded into the background.

    Today, almost all objects around us are made from new, economical synthetic and polymer materials, chemical synthesis products - building materials, furniture, household items, clothing and shoes. However, despite their practicality, many of our “conveniences” pollute the air with toxic substances, accumulate static electricity and, as a result, can cause adverse changes in the body, inflammatory and allergic diseases. Household items and the home itself can accumulate dust and microorganisms, which leads to the spread of pathogens of airborne infections, tuberculosis, and viral diseases.

    Therefore, at present, the most important task of medicine is not only the maintenance and dissemination of the well-known dogmas of personal hygiene, but also the development on a scientific basis hygiene requirements to the maintenance of the home, new household appliances, household items, clothing, shoes, cosmetics and personal hygiene products.

    Skin hygiene

    Leather protects the human body from adverse meteorological, mechanical and physical environmental factors. Intact skin is impenetrable to almost all microorganisms, participates in the processes of heat exchange between the body and the environment, and performs a signaling function.

    To means of cleansing, nourishing and regulating skin metabolism include water, soap, as well as various cosmetic and synthetic detergents (creams, lotions).

    Washing with water removes dirt, sweat, oil and dead dead cells from the skin. As a result of washing, the skin vessels expand, metabolism increases, the stratum corneum swells and softens, and the release and absorption of various substances is facilitated. It is better to use neutral or superfat toilet soap, with a small addition of dye and perfume.

    Creams are made on the basis of fats, they make the skin soft and elastic, and facilitate the penetration of certain medicinal substances into the skin. Lotions consist of alcohol, aromatic substances and distilled water, and contain oxidizing or disinfecting additives. Lotions dry, degrease, cool, tone the skin and tighten pores, depending on the chemical composition and percentage of alcohol.

    To keep your body clean, you need to take a shower 2 times a day and once a week you need to wash in a warm bath with soap. Keep the skin of your hands and feet clean, especially the subungual spaces, where up to 95% of all microbes accumulate. Therefore, the free edge of the nail must be systematically cut so that it only protrudes slightly above the soft part of the finger.

    Hair take part in human heat exchange and perform barrier functions. On the head, hair forms a covering that poorly conducts convection and radiant heat and protects the brain from sudden temperature fluctuations. It is best to wash your hair in well-heated water, as it easily removes impurities, dilates the blood vessels of the scalp, increases blood flow, which promotes better hair preservation and growth. Oily hair takes longer to wash (you soap your hair twice) than dry hair. Besides, greasy hair you need to wash them more often, and dry ones - less often, since frequent washing degreases them, dries them out, deprives them of shine and causes splitting of the ends of the hair.

    Like any immobile organ, hair is subject to atrophy. Therefore, it is important to use a comb that suits your hair (preferably a wooden one). Especially Thick hair should be combed with a comb with rare, smooth and even teeth. Combing your hair with a brush has a great positive effect. Combing with a brush frees hair from dust, ventilates it, increases the flow of blood to the hair roots due to the application of light injections to the skin, promotes removal dead hair and gives hair a soft silky shine.

    Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear

    Cloth serves to regulate heat transfer from the body, is protection from adverse meteorological conditions, external pollution, and mechanical damage.

    Due to various physiological characteristics body, the nature of the work performed and environmental conditions, household, children's, professional, sports, military and hospital clothing are distinguished.

    Household clothing is made taking into account seasonal and climatic characteristics (winter, summer, clothing for mid-latitudes, north, south). Children's clothing, which, being lightweight, loose-fitting and made from soft fabrics, provides high thermal protection in the cold season and does not lead to overheating in the summer. Professional clothing, designed taking into account working conditions, protects a person from exposure to occupational hazards. Sportswear designed for activities various types sportswear made of elastic fabrics with good hygroscopicity and breathability. Military clothing has a special cut from a specific range of fabrics. Hospital clothing, consisting mainly of underwear, pajamas and a robe, should be light, easily cleaned from dirt, and easily disinfected; it is usually made from cotton fabrics.

    Clothing, regardless of purpose and type, must be appropriate for the work performed, not impede blood circulation and breathing, and be easy to clean from dirt and dust. In rationally selected clothing, the microclimate of the underwear space is characterized by a temperature of 30.5 to 34.6 ° C, air humidity of 20-40% and carbon dioxide content of about 1.5-2.3%. In contaminated clothing, on the surface of the skin, especially when moistened and the temperature rises, intense decomposition of sweat and organic substances occurs with a significant increase in the carbon dioxide content in the air of the under-clothes space.

    Depending on the purpose of clothing, fabrics must have the following properties: breathability, hygroscopicity, thermal conductivity and gas absorption.

    Good summer clothes are important breathability and, conversely, clothing for working in the wind at low air temperatures should have minimal breathability.

    An important indicator of fabrics is their relationship to water. Hygroscopicity means the ability of tissues to absorb water in the form of water vapor from the air. The hygroscopicity of fabrics varies. If the hygroscopicity of linen is taken as one, then the hygroscopicity of chintz will be 0.97, cloth - 1.59, silk - 1.37, suede - 3.13. Wet clothing made of silk, cotton or linen, even at a fairly high air temperature, causes a feeling of chilliness. Flannel or wool clothing worn over the top significantly softens these sensations.

    Thermal conductivity fabric depends on the size of the pores in the material, and it is not so much the large spaces between the fibers that matter, but the small ones - the so-called capillary pores. The thermal conductivity of worn or repeatedly washed fabric increases, as there are fewer capillary pores and the number of larger spaces increases.

    Plays a certain role gas absorption fabrics. The amount of gas absorption depends on their concentration and tissue moisture. Wool absorbs more gases than cotton fabric and releases them more slowly. Sometimes the amount of gases adsorbed by tissues is so large that when they are released back they can cause poisoning. The ability of fabrics to absorb gases or vapors from the air also depends on the structure of the fabric and the nature of its processing.

    As clothes become dirty, they must be washed, since fabric contaminated with dust, secretions and fumes may contain pathogenic microorganisms - the causative agents of tuberculosis, typhoid and other diseases. Linen and woolen clothes are especially heavily contaminated, the large thickness of which, looseness and relatively infrequent washing contribute to the accumulation of microorganisms.

    Requirements for shoes are to protect the feet from mechanical influences, shocks and uneven soil, from cold and getting wet. Shoes should be soft, light, comfortable to wear, and suitable for weather and working conditions. Narrow and tight shoes lead to foot deformation: first, thickening and abrasion of the skin appear, then the soft parts and bones of the foot are deformed, it also promotes ingrown nails, impairs blood circulation, increases sweating of the feet, and leads to the development of flat feet.

    The best material for making shoes is genuine leather, which is quite breathable, resistant to getting wet, and retains heat well.

    Currently widely used artificial materials. Artificial leather must be porous, vapor-, air- and water-permeable, absorb and release moisture, have low thermal conductivity to prevent overheating of the body in hot weather and cooling in cold weather; do not change dimensions when moisture content changes, do not warp when moistened and subsequently dried; do not change properties under the influence of sweat, high humidity and air temperature. They must be resistant to aging, mold and not release chemicals in quantities that pose a potential health hazard. Currently, when creating shoes, artificial suede, textile, and synthetic fur are also used as insulation. These materials are wear-resistant, lightweight, and beautiful.

    Oral hygiene

    Systematic and properly organized oral care is an integral part of prevention in preventing diseases of the teeth, periodontal tissues and oral mucosa, but also in reducing diseases of the entire body.

    To oral and dental care products include pastes, powders and related tools: brushes, toothpicks, dental floss.

    Toothbrush performs the main function in dental care. It consists of a handle and a head (working part), on which tufts of bristles arranged in rows are attached. There are several types of brushes depending on the size and shape of the heads, length, thickness, density and quality of the bristles. The most efficient toothbrush should have a head 25 - 30 mm long and 10 - 12 mm wide. Rows of bristles should be spaced sparsely, at a distance of 2 - 2.5 mm, no more than three in a row.

    IN last years electric toothbrushes appeared. An electric toothbrush operates with a motor that produces 3000 - 4000 rpm, during which time it makes many times more vibration and cleaning movements than when brushing your teeth manually. This promotes more complete cleaning of teeth during hygienic procedures; vibration massage of the gum mucosa is performed, which improves blood circulation and enhances metabolic processes.

    The toothbrush must be kept absolutely clean, as it can serve as a source of infection. A toothbrush is an item for personal use. A new brush must be washed thoroughly before use. In between brushing your teeth, the brush can be in a glass or cup, which should also be individual. You can store the brush in a glass upside down, head down, inside a special case, inserted into a glass test tube, soaped, sprinkled with salt. You can store a toothbrush in special cases only temporarily, for example, when traveling. Storing a brush in a case for too long deprives it of light and air and promotes the proliferation of microbes that have a harmful effect on the body.

    The choice of toothbrush depends on the person’s age, as well as the condition of the teeth and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Children need to use a small brush so that they can manipulate it freely in the mouth, consistently cleaning the teeth from all sides. The bristles of a children's toothbrush should not be hard, because the enamel of children's teeth is less durable than that of adults, and the mucous membrane of the gums is delicate and easily vulnerable. For teenagers and adults, toothbrushes may be slightly larger, but their heads should not be more than 30 mm.

    For diseases of the dental tissues (increased abrasion) and the oral mucosa (periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis), you should use a soft toothbrush, having coordinated all hygienic procedures with the attending dentist.

    In order to clean your teeth well, you need to make approximately 300-400 paired movements with a toothbrush. These movements should go along the axis of the tooth in the form of “scraping” or “sweeping”. The latter are more effective, as they promote better teeth cleaning and gum massage. Usually, in the area of ​​one of the groups of teeth being cleaned, at least 6-8 paired movements with a brush are made. It is especially necessary to clean the lingual surfaces of the lower teeth, since it is on them that plaque most often accumulates and is deposited, subsequently transforming into tartar. The chewing surfaces of the teeth are cleaned in two directions: along and with sweeping movements across.

    The toothbrush should penetrate into the interdental spaces, between the cusps of the teeth, that is, into the most characteristic places where food debris accumulates and is retained. The entire procedure, including vigorous rinsing, should take at least 2.5-3.5 minutes. If these conditions are met, you can achieve good (70-75%) cleaning of teeth from plaque.

    It should be remembered that regular and competent oral care is, although important, but only part of a whole complex of preventive measures, which includes a healthy lifestyle, consisting of rational and proper nutrition, exception bad habits(drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, etc.), harmonious physical development of the body (physical education and sports, walks in the fresh air, proper alternation of work and rest).

    The determining role of hygienic requirements for clothing and their adequate properties is due to the fact that it covers about 80% of the surface of the human body, performing important functions of his life (hygiene - from the Greek hygieinos - healthy).

    In this regard, it is necessary to highlight four main hygienic functions that must be provided in the clothing used by a person:

    1) protection from mechanical, chemical and biological influences;

    2) protection from unfavorable climatic elements;

    3) keeping the human body clean;

    4) ensuring the normal functioning of the body.

    The first function is decisive for the special one,

    and sportswear. This does not exclude the need to provide this function in other classes of clothing.

    In accordance with Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (Article 230) provides for the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, including special clothing. This takes into account work with harmful, dangerous working conditions (exposure to toxic fumes, radiation, acids, alkalis, metal splashes, etc.), as well as work associated with pollution or carried out in unfavorable temperature conditions. At the same time, the procedure and standards for free issuance of personal protective equipment to employees are determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus.

    The second function requires protecting humans from various natural influences: low and high temperatures, precipitation, dust, wind, solar radiation, etc. This function is due to differences in the climatic conditions of individual areas and the need to take them into account when creating clothing.

    Currently, the following division of the CIS territory into climatic zones is accepted:

    Zone I - a territory with a climate that requires high-quality fur clothing and insulated shoes;

    Zone II - a territory with a climate that requires ordinary, but always heat-protective natural materials, fur clothing and insulated shoes;

    Zone III - a territory with a climate that requires mainly warm clothing and a variety of footwear;

    IV zone - a territory with a climate requiring more clothes and shoes for protection from dampness and precipitation;

    Zone V is a territory with a climate that requires increased attention to clothing and footwear to protect the human body from overheating.

    For most areas, a special place among the variety of requirements is given to protection against low temperatures.

    An analysis of the work carried out by various researchers allowed prof. R.F. Afanasyeva formulate requirements for clothing for protection from the cold. The most important of them are:

    1) protecting a person from excessive heat transfer;

    2) compliance with the thermal insulation properties of clothing physical activity human and climatic conditions in which its operation is expected;

    3) the inner layers of clothing should absorb sweat well and easily release moisture. Clothing should not interfere with the removal of moisture from the underwear space;

    4) clothing should not cause overheating of the human body. A slight cooling is acceptable, which stimulates physical activity, reduces fatigue and promotes hardening of the body.

    Since clothing for protection against the cold varies, the properties are of great importance. individual materials, making up the product design package. In this case, it is extremely important to take into account the expected operating conditions and the heterogeneity of heat flows in individual areas of the human body.

    Relative specific heat fluxes in different parts of the human body, W/m 2

    Physical activity

    Part of the body


    Rest (standing)


    Rest (standing) Walking

    Winter coveralls

    Rest (standing)

    Winter coat

    Rest (standing) Walking

    It is important to take into account that heat flows are not associated with the surface of the human body, but are determined by the peculiarities of their functioning.

    Ratio of the area of ​​body parts to the total surface of the human body, %

    With an increase in wind flow speed and air permeability of a package of clothing materials, the intensity of a person’s cooling increases.

    At wind speeds of up to 2 m/s, the air permeability of the bag is in the range of 0-60 dm 3 / (m 2 s) practically does not affect its thermal insulation properties. At higher wind speeds, the influence of the air permeability index on the thermal resistance of clothing material packages is significant, especially with a wind of 8-10 m/s.

    The third function is most important for products that come into contact with the human body: underwear, hosiery, hats, women's toiletries, etc.

    The fourth function is aimed at the optimal functioning of the body in the person-product-environment system. In general terms, the implementation of this function is manifested in ensuring three indicators of the underclothing (between the human body and clothing) microclimate within optimal limits: temperature - 28-32 ° C; humidity - 35-55%; carbon dioxide content - 0.04-0.06%.

    The above functions from the standpoint of the physiology of the body and hygienic requirements for clothing can be divided into two areas:

    1) protecting the body from adverse environmental factors - the effects of low and high temperatures, changes in solar radiation, wind, precipitation, mechanical influences;

    2) creation necessary conditions for the normal functioning of the body; maintaining a constant body temperature; removal of metabolic products - water vapor, carbon dioxide, salts; preventing the penetration of dust, dirt, and microorganisms from outside.

    Hygienic requirements for clothing are differentiated depending on its purpose and operating conditions. IN general view they boil down to this:

    1) the heat-protective properties of clothing must correspond to human activity and the environmental conditions in which it is used. Therefore, this property of clothing must be regulated;

    2) the breathability of clothing and its individual parts must also correspond to operating conditions and be adjustable;

    3) the inner layers of clothing should be hygroscopic and easy to dry, clothing should not interfere with the removal of moisture released by human skin;

    4) clothes should be soft and light;

    5) the design of clothing should allow a person to perform various movements, be easy to put on and take off, and not restrict movement and blood circulation.

    The modern period is characterized by the widespread use of chemical materials in the manufacture of garments. They have a number of specific properties. Therefore, a number of additional requirements are imposed on clothing made from them:

    ♦ chemical stability of materials and substances;

    ♦ the degree of electrification should not exceed established sanitary standards;

    ♦ clothing made from synthetic materials should not be toxic or cause skin irritation.

    Special meaning in ensuring the safety of clothing have the level and nature of its electrification, i.e. formation of electrostatic charges due to contact friction.

    To characterize static electricity arising on materials, the sign of the appearing charges is important. Thus, most chemical fibers, with the exception of viscose, are negatively electrified.

    Most important factor, on which the ability of materials to accumulate charges depends, is the chemical nature of the fibers. Thus, synthetic fibers, as a rule, have a higher degree of electrification than cellulose-based artificial fibers. Natural fibers of plant origin are much less electrified. But at present, fabrics, knitted fabrics and products made from them cannot be considered non-electrifying, since the presence of chemical fibers and additional chemical treatment in them contribute to the accumulation of minor charges on their surfaces.

    Observations lead to the conclusion that static electricity, along with electromagnetic radiation, ionizing radiation, noise and vibration, can and should be classified as environmental factors that are not indifferent to human health. There is evidence of the potential for negative effects of static electricity. Persons exposed to static electric fields sometimes complain of deterioration general well-being, headache, sleep disturbance, painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart.

    The manifestation of the considered functions ensures the normal state of the human body. It should be borne in mind that the basis of life is metabolism. In the process, the body receives and assimilates nutrients and oxygen, and also consumes energy and releases excess heat and other waste products into the environment.

    It is important to ensure a constant human body temperature (up to 37 °C). The temperature range of the organism's existence is narrow. Heating the body to 42-43 °C and cooling to 24-25 °C can be fatal. Only by maintaining a constant body temperature based on the selection of rational clothing can active human activity and a constant rate of metabolic processes in the body be achieved.

    In the person-product system, the most important properties are those that ensure cleanliness of the skin, underwear, and the product itself. Water, carbon dioxide, salts, and fatty substances are released through the skin. On the skin of an adult there are about 300 thousand sebaceous glands, which secrete sebum (from 100 to 300 g per week), which softens the surface of the skin and protects it from drying out, wetting, and the penetration of microbes. When you sweat, water and salts are removed from the body. On average, all sweat glands (there are several million of them) secrete from 0.5 to 1 liter of sweat per day in a temperate climate, in a hot zone - up to 450 g per hour; during physical work and walking, the amount of sweat can increase to 10 liters per day. From the surface of the skin, from 40 to 90 g of small scales of the superficial stratum corneum are also released per week. Therefore, clothing, especially underwear, must absorb them, thereby ensuring cleansing of the skin from the boundary layer and retaining secretions until the product is cleaned. Naturally, the product itself becomes contaminated.

    Structure of substances contaminating laundry

    Requirements in in this case look twofold and contradictory. On the one hand, it is necessary to clean the skin, which is only possible by absorbing secretions; on the other hand, contamination of the product is undesirable. High contamination dramatically changes a number of properties of clothing made from fabrics, especially knitwear. Thus, underwear contaminated with liquid and dense skin secretions are 20% less breathable, their weight increases on average by 10%, thickness by 25%, ash content by 4 times, and thermal conductivity also increases. All this worsens a person’s comfortable condition, complicates gas exchange with the external environment, promotes the development of microorganisms, and worsens appearance, leads to an increase in labor and economic costs for operating the product (washing, cleaning).

    The skin also participates in gas exchange. In a calm state, skin respiration (oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide release) accounts for about 1% of the total gas exchange. During the day, about 4.5 liters of carbon dioxide are released through the surface of the skin and 1.9 liters of oxygen enters. Increased air temperature and severe physical labor increase the intensity of gas exchange through the skin several times, bringing it to 10% of pulmonary gas exchange. The work of physiologists has shown that when there is more than 0.07% carbon dioxide in the under-clothes space, gas exchange through the skin, and, consequently, a person’s well-being deteriorates. Carbon dioxide concentrations greater than 0.1% cause fainting. If the partial pressure of nitrogen under clothing is higher than in the environment, then it is absorbed into the blood, which is unsafe for the body. Therefore, it is necessary to provide ventilation of the underwear space in clothing.

    It should be especially noted that the functioning of a child’s body has significant differences. Taking them into account is one of the important tasks of ensuring hygienic requirements for clothing.

    The body of children is in a state of constant growth and development, bone tissue is flexible and elastic, muscles are poorly developed. Muscle mass in relation to body weight is 27.2% in an 8-year-old child, and 44.2% in an 18-year-old boy.

    The muscles of children are richer in water, but poorer in proteins, fats, and inorganic substances, as a result of which they become tired in a child faster than in adults.

    Children, compared to adults, have thinner, delicate skin. They have a less perfect thermoregulation apparatus: heat transfer is increased due to changes (with age) in the relationship between the surface of the body and its mass. In an adult, per 1 kg of mass there is 221 cm 2 of body surface, in children 15 years old - 378 cm 2, in children 10 years old - 423 cm 2, in a child 6 years old - 456 cm 2, in a newborn - 707 cm 2. The rapid cooling of children also occurs due to the thin epithelium and a significant amount of blood flowing in the thickness of the skin (as a result of a more developed network of capillaries). Therefore, the skin of children, to a much lesser extent than that of an adult, protects the body from fluctuations in external temperature.

    Blood circulation in children also occurs faster. So, in an adult, 1/3, and in children, 1/2 or even 2/3 of the total blood flows through the thickness of the skin. As a result, the blood flow time in children accelerates: in an adult it is 22 s, in a 14-year-old teenager - 18 s, in a 3-year-old child - 15 s.

    The skin also plays a huge role in the body’s heat exchange with the environment. It is known that in a person at rest, even at a relatively low air temperature (10-18 ° C), about 1/5 of the heat he produces is given off by evaporation of water vapor released through the skin. Children spend most of their time on the move, and the level of heat production increases by 2-4 times, so the amount of evaporated moisture is very significant. At high air temperatures, active sweating begins and almost all excess heat is removed from the body by evaporation of fluid from the surface of the body.

    In children younger age All physiological systems systems that maintain a constant temperature of the internal environment and maintain thermal balance are insufficiently developed. Change in adverse meteorological factors to children's body affects the body more sharply than on the body of an adult.


    Hygienic requirements for children's clothing.

    Purpose of clothing

    Clothing helps maintain a constant temperature of a person’s body, protects him from the adverse effects of the sun, thermal and other damage. In cold weather it protects against excessive heat loss, in hot weather it does not interfere with heat transfer.

    Greater or lesser heat-retaining properties of clothing depend on its cut, tailoring, number of layers, and quality of fabric.

    The clothing itself does not heat, but between it and the body, as well as in the pores of the fabric, there is air, which is a conductor of heat.

    Wool, fur, batting, knitwear, flannel, foam rubber, and flannel have high heat-protective ability and good breathability; they are used to make clothes for the cold season.

    For summer clothing, hygroscopic fabrics are used, which absorb moisture well and quickly and gradually evaporate moisture, because they help cool the body; this is cambric, calico, chintz, satin.

    Clothing made from water-repellent, rubberized or leather fabrics is comfortable in cool, damp weather. You should not wear it on warm, dry days, because... it delays the evaporation of moisture and contributes to overheating of the body.

    Thus, clothing should be appropriate to the time of year and weather, age, gender, height and body proportions of the child. It should not restrict movement, interfere with free breathing, blood circulation, digestion, irritate or injure the skin. Tight belts, bodices that squeeze chest, tight collars and necklines.

    Preschooler clothes and shoes

    Kids clothes , including bedding, are sewn from white cotton fabrics that do not fade when washed and boiled. Underwear should be on the armholes, the straps do not fit well on the child’s shoulders. Cut casual wear simple, without unnecessary decorations that make washing and ironing difficult, without narrow cuffs that interfere with hand washing. It is advisable to have a pocket for a handkerchief in outerwear.

    Walking clothesshould protect children from cold and atmospheric moisture, prevent the entry of cold air through fasteners, collars, and sleeves. Therefore, it is better to purchase clothes from at least two layers: the bottom - heat-protective (highly porous, elastic material) and the top - windproof. Completely airtight fabrics are not recommended for children's clothing.

    In cool, windy weather, as well as in winter in the absence of severe frosts, children are recommended to wear woolen ones. knitted hats, well covering the forehead and ears, in very coldyfur hats or hats with earflaps.

    Any shoes designed for children, must have reliable and convenient fasteners that do not impede movement. Open-toed shoes compress the back of the foot, causing rapid muscle fatigue and impairing blood circulation.

    It is important that children's shoes are light, comfortable, have an elastic sole, a durable heel that prevents the foot from sliding backwards, a wide toe box and a heel 5-10 mm high. A heel is necessary: ​​it slightly raises the arch of the foot, increasing its springiness, protects the heel from bruises, and increases the wear resistance of the shoe.

    Tight, roughly sewn shoes can lead to changes in the shape of the child’s feet and legs, sweating and swelling of the feet, bending of the toes, ingrown nails, the formation of heel spurs, and calluses. By squeezing blood vessels, tight shoes accelerate their cooling during the cold season. Shoes that are too loose make it difficult to move and cause abrasions on your feet.

    The width of children's shoes in the toe area should be 40% of its length, which corresponds to the anatomical structure of the child's foot (does not cause curvature) thumb). The toe is raised upward by 15 mm, between the tips of the toes and the front of the shoe there is a space of 0.5 - 1 cm. Shoes in which you can move freely are considered comfortable thumb. The average annual increase in foot length in preschool children is 10-11 mm, so once every 2-3 months check whether the child’s shoes have become too tight. When choosing shoes, you need to take into account not only the size, but also the fullness of the feet, which in children preschool age varies greatly.

    In the warm season, along with leather, it is recommended to wear shoes made of various textile materials, used entirely or in combination with leather.

    In winter, in cold weather, felt boots are used, but the time spent in them should not be long, because... the symmetrical shape of the toe can have a negative impact on the formation of a child's foot. You can’t wear felt boots indoors, as this promotes sweating of the feet, flat feet, relaxes the ligaments, and interferes with the child’s hardening.

    Sports shoes are intended only for musical and physical education activities, sports games, and hiking. They are worn with woolen socks or insoles that absorb moisture well.

    Soiled clothesit is necessary to clean, wash, boil and iron in a timely manner (for example, after 10 days of wear, the weight of clothing increases by 11%, its hygroscopic and thermal properties decrease, the fabric becomes saturated with sweat, grease and the number of microbes in it increases).

    Linen and room clothes should be changed every time they become dirty and after every bathing of the child. Socks, tights, knee socks - at least every 2-3 days. Linen is changed for children over 2 years old every 5-7 days. Bedding is aired and dried once a month; and blankets are washed 1-2 times a year.

    From the first days of the child's stay in kindergarten We instill in him the skills to take care of his clothes. Before going to bed, the baby should carefully fold his clothes on a high chair and hang them on special hangers at home. Waking up, before getting dressed, he throws the blanket over the back of the bed to air the sheets and duvet cover, then gets dressed and makes his bed.

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